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Saturday, December 3, 2011
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Borderland’s way to buy, sell, trade and save!
Welcomerldto the Wo
Anna Margarete Kostiuk Born Nov. 27, 2011 9lbs. 4oz. 21.5” long Proud Parents Tyler & Andrea Kostiuk Grandparents: Kami & Willi Kostiuk and Renee & Bill Lieder Paternal Great Grandparents: Joe Cayou and Margarete Kostiuk
Maternal Great Grandparents: Helen Connelly & the late Duane Connelly and Mary & Charles Cebuhar
Be An Angel Help A
Child Experience A
Wonderful Christmas Join Us For
A Family Christmas Experience Sponsored by Tuesday Musicale and Backus Community Center
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 7:00 p.m. in Backus Auditorium
There are some Borderland Children, who like any other children, are dreaming of a special Christmas ~ a toy, supplies or nice clothing under the tree. But because of crisis, burden or illness, this is very difficult for their families to fulfill. You can make it a wonderful Christmas for our community's less fortunate and show them that some dreams really can come true.
"The Angel Tree” Nov 17th Through Dec. 14th 1. Visit K-Mart or Menards and select a name tag (or tags) from our Angel Tree of community children. 2. In the book of Angels, fill in your name, telephone number next to the number from the tag (or tags) you have chosen. 3. Select your gift(s) at any business of your choosing*. 4. Highlight or check off the item(s) you have purchased. Attach the numbered tag(s) to your wrapped gift(s) and return them by December 15th to the Salvation Army Center, 1301 Third Ave. W, located across from Dairy Queen on Highway 53. If you have multiple packages for one tag please be sure to bag or tie them together. Affix your tag(s) securely, as this is the only way to match children to their gifts.
Thank You for Your Generosity. It is Truly Appreciated. * Monetary donations are gratefully accepted, payable to The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 592, Int’l Falls, MN 56649
Tickets Available at City Drug, Backus Office and at the Door Adults $10.00 Students $5.00 Family $25.00 Under 5 Free Proceeds benefit Tuesday Musicale Student Scholarships to Summer Music Camp and Backus Community Center
eu sday Musical
Office Hours Monday - Thursday 10am-12pm & 1-4pm If you are unable to drop off gifts during office hours please call 283-3394 to make other arrangements.
Sponsored by:
Salvation Army
Page 2
THE JOURNAL SHOPPER, International Falls, Minn.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Public Notice November 7 2011 5:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the City Council of International Falls, Minnesota, was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 7th day of November 2011 at the hour of 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT:
Councilors Jaksa and Rognerud, Mayor Mason Councilors Eklund and McBride
Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve minutes of the regular city council meeting of October 17, 2011. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve transfer of Lodging Tax in the amount of $532.27 to Fund 101. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve payment of the claims from various funds of the city including checks 43975-44121 in the amount of $411,128.04. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Checks 96660-96676 were issued under blanket authorization in the amount of $74,938.97. Terry Randolph, VFW Post 2948 Commander, and Kathy Sikkila, Koochiching County Veteran Service Officer, addressed the council. They described the mission and goals of America’s VetDogs program and asked for support. Mayor Mason forwarded the request to the Finance and Legislation Committee. Fire Chief Jensen reported that property demolitions for the season are nearing completion and he would have a final report on the fight of blight for the next council meeting. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve the consent agenda as follows: • Approve/allow necessary expenses for Shawn Kelly, Water Technician to attend the Northwest Operator’s School on November 29 – December 1, 2011 in Bemidji, MN • Approve/allow necessary expense for Kelly Meyers, Building Official to attend the Arrowhead Chapter of the International Code Council (ICC) Wednesday, November 16, 2011 in Hermantown, as this is a budgeted item • Year 2012 license renewals: Friends Garbage Service, sanitation Jim’s Disposal Service, sanitation KNV Restaurants, Inc., dba Subway, restaurant Sandy’s Place LLC, restaurant Up North Builders, Inc., snowplow Yellow House Creations, snowplow Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Tony Oveson reported on preparations for the 2012 Arrowhead Ultra 135. He noted that the registration opened for the event on October 15 and the field was full within four days. He stated that registrants are from 24 states and District of Columbia, 9 countries, and 3 Canadian provinces. He noted that organizers could register many more entrants but are limiting the field for safety. He noted that this event and other events can be used to bring money into the local economy and provided examples where other communities have successfully accomplished this. Susan Baratano reported that the Airport Commission is operating under a November 21, 2011 deadline for responding to the proposals for Essential Air Service. She stated that the Airport Commission has recommended contracting with the Office of Management Analysis & Development Division of Minnesota Management & Budget to interview airport stakeholders and obtain community input to articulate needs for air service and summarize the results in a report which would inform the Airport Commission’s response to the proposals received. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve contract with Minnesota Management & Budget. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. City Administrator Otterness noted that KEDA Director Paul Nevanen is recommending amendment of the JobZ Business Subsidy Agreement to allow GreenTech Manufacturing, Inc. to qualify for the benefits of that program that Northland Distributing & Manufacturing, Inc. had previously utilized. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve amendment. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Police Chief Musich stated that loss of a part-time officers due to other employment required hiring two part-time officers to provide fill-in coverage. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve hiring Riley Burnell and Curtis Turban as part-time patrol officers. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Fire Chief Jensen stated his satisfaction with the ambulance billing services provided by Expert T Billing and noted the need to renew the contract for services. Mayor Mason referred the matter to the Finance and Legislation Committee for recommendation. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to adopt Resolution #50-11 approving temporary on-sale liquor license application of Koochiching Aging Options for December 2, 2011 at Backus Community Center. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve cigarette and off-sale licenses for Border Oil Co., Inc. dba The Jug Liquors. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve cigarette and gasoline pumps license for Inter City Oil Co. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve cigarette and off-sale licenses for I.D.L., Inc., dba International Discount Liquor. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve cigarette and gasoline pumps licenses for Koerter’s Inc., dba Koerter’s Amoco & Car Wash. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve amusement games, club, gambling, and restaurant licenses for Loyal Order of Moose #1259. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve cigarette, gasoline pumps, and restaurant licenses for Paulson’s Super Valu, Inc., dba International Falls Super Valu. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve second-hand goods dealer license for THR & Associates. Motion by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Rognerud to approve restaurant and wine on-sale licenses for TRM 2, Inc., dba Chocolate Moose Restaurant. Motion seconded by Councilor Jaksa and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilor Jaksa to approve amusement games, club, gambling, restaurant, and Sunday licenses for VFW, Peter Graham Post #2948. Motion seconded by Councilor Rognerud and carried unanimously. _______________________________ Shawn Mason, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Rodney Otterness, City Administrator The Journal December 3, 2011
Public Notice MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION – ISD #361 INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MINNESOTA Monday, October 17, 2011 – 5:00 p.m. Falls High School Cafeteria
1.0 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Michelle Hebner at 5:00 p.m. 2.0 ROLL CALL: Members present were Mark Lassila, Will Kostiuk, Stuart Nordquist, Darrell Wagner, Dena Wenberg, and Michelle Hebner. Also present was Superintendent Jeff Peura. Media Present: The Journal 3.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.0 APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by D. Wenberg, seconded by W. Kostiuk to approve the agenda as presented amended with the addition of Personnel Consent Agenda Items 8.2. 6 – 8.2.9. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. 5.0 OPEN FORUM 5.1 Student School Board Member: Aleena Wilson was introduced as the student school board member for the 2011-12 school year. 5.2 September student of the month certificates were presented to Rachel Adams and Tyler House. 5.3 October student of the month certificates were presented to Aleena Wilson and Jesse Skogstad 5.4 Kevin Grover of Education Minnesota highlighted two staff members, Jill Katrin and Chris Hemstad for their efforts in taking their classrooms on field trips. 5.5 Josh Koenig, Physical Education Instructor addressed the board with his concern over the amount of physical education instruction students receive and the importance of physical education to develop life-long habits and the relationship to improved test scores. 6.0 APPROVAL OF PAST MEETING MINUTES Moved by W. Kostiuk, seconded by S. Nordquist to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 2011. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. 7.0 AUTHORIZATION OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Moved by M. Lassila, seconded by D. Wagner to approve the bills due and payable amounting to $372,574.81 including check numbers 150452 through 150632. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. 8.0 CONSENT AGENDA 8.1 Programs 8.1.1 Approve donations for the month of September in the amount of $3,046.12 9/12/11 Misc. Donors; Hall of Fame $300.00 9/12/11 The Sport Shop; School Calendars $250.00 9/12/11 Dominos; School Calendars $250.00 9/12/11 Target; FHS $896.12 9/21/11 Purple Pride; FHS Girls Hockey $500.00 9/21/11 Purple Pride; FHS Track $400.00 9/21/11 Purple Pride; FHS Choir $370.00 9/26/11 Birthday Club; Project Read in honor $ 80.00 Of Gail Rasmussen
8.1.2 Approve the Assurance of Compliance with State and Federal Law Prohibiting Discrimination 8.1.3 Approve a concession agreement between ISD 361 and Recreation Hockey Association. 8.1.4 Approve the Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement. 8.1.5 Ratify the 2011-12 Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 510. 8.1.6 Approve the application for participation in the MSHSL Foundation Grant for 2011-12.
Moved by S. Nordquist, seconded by W. Kostiuk to accept the program consent agenda items as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
8.2 Personnel 8.2.1 Approve the hire of Lori Simmons as an Educational Support Professional effective 10-4-11 for up to five hours per day and in accord with the Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 4798. Hiring is contingent upon proof of an AA degree or passage of the Paraprofessional Assessment Test. 8.2.2 Approve the hire of Hailey Silvers as an Educational Support Professional effective 10-4-11 for up to 6.25 hours per day and in accord with the Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 4798. 8.2.3 Approve the hire of Angela Dahle as an Educational Support Professional effective 9-27-11 for up to 5.5 hours per day and in accord with the Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 4798.
8.2.4 Designate Jeff Peura, Superintendent, as LEA representative to review and file the 2011-12 District Improvement Plan with MDE and to serve as LEA representative in all matters relating to the administration of said District Improvement Plan. 8.2.5 Approve the hire of Tom West as a Math Remediation instructor for up to 2 hours weekly for the remainder of the 2011-12 school year. 8.2.6 Rescind Personnel Item 8.2.10 from the regular meeting of August 15, 2011 which read ”Approve the hire of Marva Fairchild as a .50 FTE Family and Consumer Science teacher for the 2011-12 school year and in accord with the Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 331.” 8.2.7 Rescind Personnel Item 10.2.15 from the regular meeting of September 19, 2011 which read “Approve the Waiver of Tenure Agreement between ISD 361 and Marva Fairchild”. 8.2.8 Approve a “Retired Teacher Teaching Contract” with Marva Fairchild for the period of August 30, 2011 through January 20, 2012. 8.2.9 Approve the hire of Sue Palm as a School Nurse pursuant to the Master Agreement between ISD 361 and Local 331.
Moved by S. Nordquist, seconded by D. Wenberg to accept the personnel consent agenda items as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. 9.0 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 9.1.1 Jerry Hilfer – Falls Elementary Principal • Enrollments: currently 663 • AYP test results: Falls Elementary has made AYP for two consecutive years in all grade levels and groups. This is attributable to the hard work of staff, systematic changes and the RTI program. He distributed a list of the monthly activities that were conducted to aid in this effort. • The district did not meet AYP in math in the American Indian and special education groups and Falls High School did not meet AYP in math for the Free/Reduced population and math or reading in the special education group. A meeting will be held with the Northeast Service Coop to develop an improvement plan. • Chairperson M. Hebner congratulated the staff on their success and acknowledged all the hard work put into making this happen. 9.1.2 Jeff Peura • Falls High School enrollment is currently 574. • Exploration of grade configuration: Due to classrooms in the West End elementary being torn apart for the indoor air quality project next summer it would be an appropriate time to discuss potential reconfiguration of grade levels and explore moving grades 5-6th over into said area and grades 1-2 over to Falls Elementary. This would also facilitate use of teachers with 5-8, middle level licenses. • Federal lobbying report: He accompanied a group of educators to Washington to meet with legislators on education initiatives. They were able to meet with Minnesota Representatives and Senators or their designee. They emphasized four main points needed; a reduction in special education paperwork, proper funding for special education services, charter schools held to the same level of accountability as public schools and allow states to use alternative assessments to determine student achievement. • Pool update & request to hire architectural services: Two starting blocks have been purchased which match what our students need to participate in other districts. These are currently mounted in the diving pool but will be moved to the lap pool upon completion of the renovation. He would like to invite several architects to review the pool and give an estimate of what the renovation will cost so that work can begin after the end of the boys swimming season. A recommendation and estimates will be brought back before the board at a later date. • Community Conversation update; looking for opportunities for funding of a community study on ways the district and RRCC can work together to meet the needs of the community. Blandin has pledged $15,000 for an RFP for a firm to conduct this community study. .
10.0 DIRECTOR/COMMITTEE REPORTS: M. Hebner reported the Recreation Committee will be meeting on the following Wednesday.
11.0 CLOSED NEGOTIATIONS STRATEGY SESSION FOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH LOCALS 4798 AND 331 AND ON PENDING LITIGATION. Moved by S. Nordquist, seconded by D. Wagner to enter into a closed negotiations strategy session at 5:44 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
12.0 REOPEN AND SUBSEQUENT ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Wagner, seconded by D. Wenberg to reopen and adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. __________________________ Attest: S. Nordquist, Clerk
The Journal December 3, 2011
Give the Gift of HEALTH This Holiday Season This year, instead of buying gifts that may not get used, buy them a Stride Fitness Gift Card. They’re the perfect gift solution for anyone on your list who loves to live healthy and for everyone who keeps talking about their New Year’s resolution to GET HEALTHY!
Gift Cards available for monthly, annual & family memberships. Monthly payment plans are available.
Backus Community Center
Decker's Family Care
Dining Room - Kitchen Facilities Conference Room Available for RENT & CATERING to the General Public USE FOR Special Occasions • Birthdays Anniversaries • Graduations • Receptions Family Dinners • Reunions • Meetings Seminars • Conventions Call the Backus Office at 285-7225 for rental information and rates Conference Room Up to 50 persons WIFI Available
10 Shorewood Dr. Int’l Falls, MN Ph: 218-285-2901
Ranier Roost
Sunday, December 11th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 3443 Pine Street, Ranier Come One...Come All! Join us for holiday cheer, music, coffee, hot apple cider and traditional goodies. Special Christmas Music by local talent throughout the day.
Decker's Family Care 3443 Pine St., Ranier 286-5635
Pelland Welding
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Great For Post Holiday Party Clean Up
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With Nancy
Wednesday, Dec. 7th 5 - 8 p.m.
1/2 PRICE SALE! Buy one regular priced item, get second item of equal or lesser value at half price.
Includes all Ladies’ & Men’s Apparel, even Silver Jeans!
Wine & Cheese Party! A fun way to shop for everyone on your list! Free Gift Wrap compliments of Nancy and her Elves! Mason's e ds Ar Gift Car ing ck o t S n Fu ! ff Stu ers
339 3rd St. Int’l Falls, MN 283-9750
3122 Hwy. 332 • Int'l Falls, MN • (218) 285-7071 Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
You Are Warmly Invited to
Holiday Business After Hours
Thunderbird Lodge Gift Certificate.
Thursday, Dec. 8 AmericInn
Social Hour: 5:30 p.m. Buffet: 6:00 p.m. Holiday Gift Raffle • Cash Bar • Complimentary Hors d’oeuvres Music of the Season by Myron Hawrylak
Use at any time, for anything, same as cash - no expiration! GOOD FOR: • Lodging • Dining • Lounge • Gas for boat or snowmobile • The Newest "THUNDERWEAR" from our gift shop.
This gala event is made possible by:
Boise Inc. Greentech Manufacturing Inc. Lenard's Restaurant at AmericInn Bremer Bank Frontier Communications Wells Fargo Waschke Family GM Center
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Don’t wait until January to make your New Year’s Resolution.
Lose up to 10 pounds before New Year’s Eve!
Have folks out of town you need to buy for? No need to stand in line at the post office to get those packages off in time. We can send gift certificates to your loved ones.
It's the Gift that's always the perfect fit for anyone, any age!
Stop in or call Stride Fitness for more information. 285-2901
Thunderbird Lodge
10 Shorewood Dr. Int’l Falls, MN Ph: 218-285-2901
10 miles east of Int'l Falls on Hwy. 11 218-286-3151
BID NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Koochiching County Board will receive sealed bids from Qualified Newspapers as defined in M.S. 331A to purchase space for 2012 publication of the following (separate bids will be received for each): 1. Publication of legal notices and board proceedings in full or summary form. board minutes to be published within three weeks after Board approval. 2. Publication of 2011 financial statement. 3. Two publications of delinquent tax list for 2011. Bids should be quoted on a per square inch basis. All bids will be opened and tabulated on December 16, 2011 - 9:00 a.m. in the County boardroom. Bid will be awarded on January 3, 2012 - the first regular session of the County Board per MN Statute. Successful bidder is expected (to distribute by delivery or mail to area residences) (to distribute by making available to the general public) a minimum of 5,000 copies throughout the county. County Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informalities contained in any bid received. Required bid forms can be obtained in the County Administration Office and must be submitted to the County Auditor by 9:00 a.m. on December 16, 2011.
The Outdoorsman’s Headquarters is hosting a
TWO DAY ICE FISHING EXPO with local fishing guide & newest Otter & MarCum ProStaff member Chris Granrud
Come check out the BEST ice fishing & electronics on the market!
Watch for details in Wednesday’s (12/7) Journal
By Order of the Koochiching County Board:
Teresa Jaksa, Director
14th Annual Ranier Muni’s Tom & Jerry
Christmas Party Serving Tom & Jerrys Friday, Dec., 16th
Bring Your Own Mug Tom & Jerry's
Bring your Favorite Mug & Your Favorite Friends
Potluck after 5:00 (Bring a dish to share)
Ugly Sweater Contest
Winner Gets A Free Standard Room & 2 Tickets To The Andrew Dice Clay Show At Fortune Bay on 2/17/12
King of the Road 8:00-Close
Your Ice Fishing Headquarters!
Dig out your ugliest sweater & be a Winner!
Muni Sweatshirts
Make a great gift!
Entertainment & Karaoke
Page 4
THE JOURNAL SHOPPER, International Falls, Minn.
STOP Searching!
Public Notice ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333
1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Nancy’s Rainy Lake Bookkeeping Services 2. Principal Place of Business: 401 14th Street, International Falls, MN 56649 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Nancy JoAnn Rognerud 401 14th Street, International Falls, MN 56649 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.
Date: October 14, 2011
T-shirts also on hand!
Get the Perfect Gift at The Chamber Now!
Holiday Photos
10% OFF
WEEKLY WINNERS Men’s high single ..................Duane Carlson 278 Women’s high single ............ Dena Wenberg 228 Men’s high series .................... Ralph Ruelle 683 Women’s high series ..................Lori Pelland 515 Men’s high team..............................Sjobloms 995 Women’s high team ..............................VFW 842 Men’s high team series ................Sjobloms 2749 Women’s high team series ................VFW 2376 High mixed team game ......Son Of A Gutter 718 High mixed team series ....Son Of A Gutter 2040
SEASON LEADERS Men’s high single ........................John Sandberg, ....................................................Steve Joslyn 289 Women’s high single ..........Julie Mannausau 232 Men’s high series ..................John Sandberg 749 Women’s high series ..........Sandy Anderson 572 Men’s high team..................Miller Insurance 1063 Women’s high team ............Cheryl’s Six Pac 863 Men’s high team series................Hammers 2916 Women’s high team series ..Edward Jones 2418 High mixed team game ............Guys & Dolls 724 High mixed team series..........Guys & Dolls 2407
BCEC 25-10 22-13 22-13 20-15 19-16 17-18 16-19 16-19 16-19 14-21
Northland Sales & Service 13-22 Pile Drivers 8-27 Men’s High single game Steve Joslyn 277 Men’s High single series Ralph Ruelle 683 Men’s High team game Sjobloms 995 Men’s High team series Sjobloms 2749
Mixed League 17-11 15-13 15-13 15-13 14-14 14-14 13-15 13-15 12-16 12-16 10-18
4 Bye 0-28 Mixed High single game Duane Carlson 278 Dena Wenberg 228 Mixed High single series Duane Carlson 591 Lori Pelland 515 Mixed High team game Son Of A Gutter 718 Mixed High team series Son Of A Gutter 2040
Border League Lu’s Spare Change Mannco Bernath Ent. Barry’s Ball Busters TNT Graphics Cheryl’s Six Pac Jct. King of the Road Polkinghorne’s
40-30 39-31 38-32 35-35 34-36 34-36 33-37 33-37 32-38
Grandma’s Pantry 32-38 Women’s High single game Sandy Anderson 194 Women’s High single series Sandy Anderson 548 Women’s High team game Spare Change 808 Women’s High team series Bernath Ent. 2271
no stats available
ROLL CALL: Members present were M. Lassila, D. Wagner, M. Hebner, S. Nordquist, D. Wenberg and W. Kostiuk. Also present was Superintendent J. Peura.
Women’s High single series Sandy Schneider 470 Women’s High team game VFW 842 Women’s High team series VFW 2376
Elks League Budweiser King of the Road Karaoke Randy’s Discount Auto Ronning’s Herman Roofing Ewald’s Garage Giovanni’s Pizza Rube’s Rubes Roche’s Towing Thunderbird Lodge Michelob
13-5 13-5 12-6 11-7 10-8 10-8 9-9 8-10 8-10 7-11 6-12
Abreeze Concrete 1-17 Men’s High single game Rod Hannen 245 Men’s High single series Steve Joslyn 662 Fred Sinninghe 662 Men’s High team game Herman Roofing 753 Men’s High team series Herman Roofing 2088
no stats available
INDUS School Lunch Menu ~ December 2010 ~ Monday
Served with all Meals: 1% White Milk Chocolate Skim Fat Free Skim Lactose Free Milk (is available upon request) Morning snack provided to Elementary Students
5 Tony’s Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Mandarin Oranges, Peas, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Milk
Chili Cheese Dog, French Fries, Fresh Fruit, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Milk
4. AGENDA APPROVAL Moved by D. Wenberg, seconded by D. Wagner to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
______________________________ Attest: S. Nordquist, Clerk
The Journal December 3, 2011
Thursday 1
Ham & Cheese Melt, Potato Wedges, Fresh Fruit, Animal Crackers, Milk
Chicken Alfredo, Egg Noodles, Pears, Green Beans, Yogurt, Buttered Bread, Milk
Subs: Turkey, Ham Turkey, Mashed Pizza Rounds, or Roast Beef, Potatoes, Gravy, Mandarin Oranges, Lettuce, Cheese, Corn, Cranberries, Green Beans, Dressing, Dinner Pickles, Potato Peanut Butter Roll, Milk Sandwich, Milk Chips, Fresh Fruit, Milk
NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
Meatloaf, Italian Dunkers, Mashed Potatoes, Cheese Steak, Bun, Pineapple, Corn, Applesauce, Peas, Buttered Bread, Milk Milk
Hamburger Gravy, Tomato Soup, Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Grilled Cheese Potato Wedges, Mandarin Oranges, Sandwich, Pears, Peaches, Corn, Green Beans, Baby Carrots with Buttered Bread, Dip, Milk Buttered Bread, Milk Milk
NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
Subs: Turkey, Ham Chicken Gravy, or Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Lettuce, Cheese, Corn, Applesauce, Pickles, Potato Buttered Bread, Chips, Fresh Fruit, Milk Milk
NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
SALAD BAR K-6: Tues & Thurs. HS: Daily
Pork Chop Pattie, Hamburger Bun, Potato Rounds, Fresh Fruit, Rice Krispie Bar, Milk
NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
16 Turkey Wraps, Lettuce, Cheese, Tomato, Fresh Fruit, M&M Cookie, Milk
23 NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
30 NO SCHOOL Christmas Break
This month’s school lunch menu was brought to you by:
Indus School
8560 Hwy 11, Birchdale, MN
218-285-3479 indus.isd363.k12.mn.us
ISD #363
Public Notice
Public Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 18, 2002 MORTGAGOR: Conrad J. Morriseau and Judy L. Morriseau, Husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded March 22, 2002, Koochiching County Recorder, Document No. 236907. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc..
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 11, 2005 MORTGAGOR: Sheila D. Johnson, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 12, 2005, Koochiching County Recorder, Document No. A000252584. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc..
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100073982206115841 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bremer Bank, National Association RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 306 West 14TH Street, International Falls, MN 56649 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 9201506130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 13 and 14, Block 6, Plat of Hadler’s Addition to International Falls COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Koochiching ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $30,450.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $20,197.96 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 22, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, International Falls, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within twelve (12) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on December 24, 2012, unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032.
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100073982206348384 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bremer Bank, National Association RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 212 12TH Street East, International Falls, MN 56649 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 9202001081 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, The Palmer Plat in International Falls. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Koochiching ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $49,250.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $42,962.32 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: January 12, 2012 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, International Falls, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owneroccupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on _July 12, 2012, unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032.
Frostbite Falls Edward Jones 52-18 VFW 49-21 Borderland Insurance 33-37 Women’s High single game Sandy Schneider 169
6. REOPEN AND SUBSEQUENT ADJOURNMENT. Moved by W. Kostiuk, seconded by D. Wagner to reopen and adjourn the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
218-373-(BOWL) • 12 Shorewood Drive Week of Nov. 25 - Dec. 1 , 2011
Lucky Strikers Bahd Bowlers Littlefork Crew Son Of A Gutter Her-Ba-Strike Bowling With Buddie Loozers & Boozers The Gutter Gang X-Rayted Bruce Jr’s Karaoke Guys & Dolls
1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Michelle Hebner at 5:00 p.m.
Moved by S. Nordquist, seconded by M. Lassila to enter into closed session at 5:02 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. A conference call with School Attorney John Colosimo was held to discuss pending litigation.
Jackpot Bowling Tuesday Nights 7-11pm
TNT Graphics Carlson’s Plus 1 In-Security Hammers Lenard’s Miller Insurance Sjoblom’s Can-Am Friend’s Boilermakers
will be taking
Call for your personal tour of this new Assisted Living and Memory Care facility.
Call Call Sherry Sherry Haney Haney with with Questions Questions 875-3402 875-3402
Cedulie’s Photography
Santa Visits 11:00-3:00 PICTURES 10:00-4:00
218-666-0200 • 1 block west of Cook hospital
All proceeds will go toward Tom’s medical expenses and travel.
Public Notice
Saturday, December 10th at the Int’l Mall
:llblm^] Ebobg` Zg] F^fhkr <Zk^
Trustar Federal Credit Union 601 Fourth Street International Falls, MN 56649
301 Second Ave. ifallschamber.com freezeyergizzardrun.com
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A Division of Spectrum Health Companies
All Donations can be made thru
(Other Sizes Available)
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Medical Fundraiser
Size S-XL $46
/s/ Nancy J. Rognerud Nancy J. Rognerud The Journal November 30 & December 3, 2011
Tom Kacik Sr.
Icebox Hoodies Are What They Want!
The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Dated: October 19, 2011.
CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee
Dated: November 9, 2011.
CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee
USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10-6524
USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10-6283
The Journal October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26 & December 3, 2011
The Journal November 19, 26, December 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2011
r e The Journal Shopp
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Page 5
Borderland’s way to buy, sell, trade and save!
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are cordially invited to attend the RLMC Employee
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Shannon's Inc. Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
1919 Main Ave. • Int’l Falls, MN • 283-9372 www.shannonsinc.us
Saturday, December 10, 2011 Lenards - AmericInn Social Hour 5:00 P.M. - Dinner 6:00 P.M. Awards, Program and Dance to Follow
Breakfast Specials Mon.-Sat. $6.29 • Sunday $7.29
Pick up tickets before noon on Monday, December 5th Linda Zahn—Hospital • Lisa Mortenson—Clinic
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12 Days Of Christmas Enjoy these Holiday Savings December 1st - 12th Thursday December
On behalf of all who attended the 10 Annual Union Christmas Party, we would like to extend our Heartfelt Thanks to local businesses for your generosity! Thanks to all who helped and everyone who attended. Also, a Big Thank You to all the local Unions for your monetary donations! Our party was a great success and your efforts helped us raise donations for The Wounded Warrior Project. th
We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year! Sincerely, Members of the Joint Union Council
Blaze Orange & Camo
30% off* Monday December
Friday December
Dec. 2
Carhartt Carhartt Jackets & Bibs
Jackets & Lined Bibsoff 20%
20% off*
Tuesday December
Saturday December
Dec. 3
Winter & Work Boots Footwear 20% off 20% off* Wednesday December
Lake Columbia Gifts & Rainy Map Tees & Jackets, Bibs & Souvenirs Sweatshirts Snowpants 20% off* 20% off* 25% off* Friday December
Jeans BOGO 1/2 off*
Saturday December
Secret Savings Day
1-4pm only
Sunday December
Winter Mitts, Hats, Scarves, etc.
20% off*
Sunday December
Dec. Long4 Orange,
Underwear Camo Jackets & Bibs BOGO 30%off* off 1/2 Thursday December
Socks BOGO 1/2 off* Monday December
Fleece & Sportswear
20% off*
*2nd pair of equal or lesser value. Some Exclusions may apply. Sale on Regular Priced Merchandise ONLY. Sale only valid for one day, as listed above. Sorry, NO early or late sales will be given.
Int’l Falls Monday-Saturday 8-7 • Sunday 9-4 • 283-8877
Page 6
THE JOURNAL SHOPPER, International Falls, Minn.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Place your ad today!
905 Automobiles
Call (218) 285-7411
2000 HONDA Civic, 1.6 liter engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 165K miles, 35+ highway mpg, $5,200. 218-280-9629.
Thrifty Ads
Help Wanted
Houses for Rent
FOR SALE: Older Sears snowblower, runs good, just tuned up at Sears, $200. 218278-4773.
1610 5th Ave. East 1 bed home, large lot, storage shed, w/d, heat under $400 year . Hausmann Rentals 285-7621.
Home Furnishings NEW-KING ADJUSTABLE bed frame $60 and King comforter set with sheets, shams, window treatments and throw pillow, chocolate brown and sage green, $120 o.b.o. 218-283-9391.
FOR SALE: Ping-pong table, $75. Heated dog bed, $15. Retractable leash, $5. 218875-3126.
TWIN MATTRESS, box spring, frame and FOR SALE: Pre-Lite Christmas tree 7’, headboard, $100. Also twin mattress, $25. very nice, $25. 218-240-6017. 218-283-8884.
FOR SALE: Pretty fur coat, like a Borgana, black, $25. 218-283-2836.
Sporting Goods MINNESOTA CONCEALED Carry Permit Class. 9am. Sunday December 4th, 2011. Backus . For more information/registration go to The Outdoorsman or Call 218-2421698.
Residential Rentals
FOR SALE: One walker, like new, used only a couple of times, $20. 218-324-1349.
FOR SALE: Savage model “ll” 7mm-08 with 3x9 Simmons scope, in very good condition, $350. 218-283-5765. FOR SALE: Swiss telescope, works good, hardly used, $40. 218-324-1349.
FOR SALE: Toro Power Lite snow blower THOMPSON CONTENDER Encore 209, 20”, easy to start, runs good, $150 o.b.o. 50 caliber, comes with all accessories 218-240-6017. including scope. 218-244-0740. FOR SALE: Two car seats for infants, take your pick, $15 each. Also two security bed 370 rails for childrens beds, $5 each, good Wanted to buy shape. 218-324-1349. LOOKING FOR a glider rocker in very FREE: (4) all season tires 235-75-16 off Fgood condition. 218-283-5729. 150, have legal tread, good for spares. REVERE WARE DOUBLE Boiler, or if you 218-324-0778. just have the inside part your not using, I’ll FREE: 14” Sony color computer monitor, take that. 283-2767. 18” MAG color computer monitor, both WANTED TO Buy: Firewood, cut, split and work fine, an other miscellaneous computdry. Delivered to Shorewood Drive. Call er items. 218-324-0508. 218-283-9216. FREE: COUNTED cross stitch material. WANTED: 1980-1986 Ford F-250 or F-350 218-324-0508. 4x4 for parts. 218-283-2183.
Rainy River Community College is seeking proposals for a qualified individual/business to provide food service on our campus. •Service to begin Jan. 9th, 2012 •Monday-Friday (Class days only) •$100/month Kitchen lease, August - May •Guaranteed Revenue with housing/mealplan contract. If you are interested, please submit a proposal of interest by Dec. 7, 2011 to: Rainy River Community College Attn. Emily Ahrens Int’l Falls, MN 56649 erahrens@rrcc.mnscu.edu
WANTED: A reliable car or van preferably Free Pets with scooter lift, for up to $1,000. 218-3241044. FREE: ADULT female rabbit and nice outdoor cage, likes to be picked up and does380 n’t scratch. 218-278-4507.
Miscellaneous 6 PERSON hot tub, stairs, easy lift top, electrical wiring, asking, $5,500. 285-7758 or 324-1206.
399 Thrifty Ads FOR SALE: (2) Junger oil heaters, (1) large and (1) small, $50 each. 218-2834400.
RAINY LAKE Oil is accepting applications for a part-time cashier position. Flexible hours to include some Saturdays. Job requirements include: cash handling, great customer service skills, stocking, cleaning, food prep, some lifting. Previous experiHIMALAYAN MALE Cat, declawed and ence is preferred. Please fill out an applineutered, will only give away to a very cation at 3120 Highway 332 S. (truck route) good home! Also male black rabbit with Int’l Falls. inside cage, litter trained, good home. (218) 240-5969, 286-5886, 371-3711. RIDGEVIEW ASSISTED Living. Care giver needed for 10pm.-6am. shift. 420 Duties include: Assisting residents, cooking and cleaning. Apply in person Feed, Seed & Hay Monday-Friday 9am.-3pm. BANKING HAY $2.50. Oat Straw, $3.50 Horse hay inside, $2.75 bale. Lrg Rd $25. Bill 285-7142 or Margaret 283-4450
FOR SALE: 2 end tables, $10 each. Tappan microwave, 10” x 19”, $20. T.V. 9 x OAT STRAW and Hay. Square and rounds, 12” one year old, $20. 218-286-5490. all stored inside. (218) 780-2934 or 2833898. FOR SALE: 2 twin mattress, $15 each. 218-875-3126.
FOR SALE: 3 piece bedroom set, headFarm Equipment board, tall dresser and mirrored dresser, $150. Air conditioner, 20 x 19, $25. Ironing ALLIS CHALMERS C tractor, with sickle mower, $1,400. (218) 283-6158 or 244board, $10. 218-286-5490. 7031. FOR SALE: 36” wall shelf, $20. Keyboard Kimball organ 36 x 22, $100. 218-2865490. EMPLOYMENT/
FOR SALE: 8” Strike Master Ice Auger and tow behind fish house, $225. (218) 2836158 or 244-7031.
FOR SALE: Fish Trap Scout (1 man) flipover, zippered door, sliding seat with attached tackle bag, cover, reinforced bottom, hyfax, lightweight, excellent condition, $100. 218-324-0778.
FOR SALE: King size mattress and box spring, $100 o.b.o. 218-283-8884. FOR SALE: LazyBoy rocker, $50. Fringed 9 x 10 rug, $50. Couch with pull out bed, $50. Oak table and chairs, $250. 218-2865490. FOR SALE: Lift chair assembly that mounts to recliners, great for assisting you up from chair, excellent condition, $325. 218-324-1349. FOR SALE: Like new military issue Goretex woodland camo cold weather parkas w/o liners, large, regular, and large long, $135 new, $75 each. 218-324-0778. FOR SALE: New .50 caliber in line muzzle loader still in box. Thompson Center ThunderHawk Shadow, $200. New 2000# ATV winch, $60. 218-286-5651. Leave message. FOR SALE: Older console style T.V. with VCR, $50. 218-324-1349.
Employment Wanted CARPENTER-HANDYMAN 8 years experience, reasonable rates free estimates. 218-324-1451
620 Business Services
Always here to serve you!
FOR SALE: Black powder rifle. Help Wanted Connecticut Arms Co. 54 caliber, nice, FEMALE GROUP home, call for details. $100. 218-240-6017. 218-283-9773. Leave message. FOR SALE: Brand new turkey fryer, still in LOOKING FOR Janitorial Cleaners for box, $50. (218) 283-6158 or 244-7031. overnight and morning shifts, experience FOR SALE: Business desk in good condi- preferred with scrubbers and buffers. 660tion, $150. Wooden medicine cabinet with 342-2335. mirror, $20. 218-285-7174.
FOR SALE: JVC 27” Color T.V. very good condition, $50. 218-283-8054.
has openings for part-time
RN and part-time
Home Health Aide
• Auto • Boats • Home • Health • Business • Package Discounts • Medicare Supplements
Borderland Insurance Agents, Inc. 3rd Street & 3rd Avenue, I. Falls
Phone: 283-3398
Apply at: www.good-sam.com
Snow Removal
EOE, Drug-Free Workplace
LARGE 3bedroom trailer, w/d, nice neigh- CRESCENT DR. 2 bed apt, deck, utilities borhood. $400/Mo. Plus utilities. No pets pd. except electric, $12. ac, hud, laundry, garage avail. Hausmann Rental 5-7621. 218-235-1924.
660 GO TO SERVICES snowplowing, salt and sanding free estimates & insured 218-340-0475 SNOW REMOVAL residential or commercial 218-244-4152 SNOW REMOVAL small driveways and roofs 218-283-9100
West Falls Estates Apartment Building. For two, 1 bedroom units and one, 1 bedroom handicap unit For Qualifications Call Patricia at (218) 283-4967 Rent is based on 30% of adjusted gross income.
NOW ACCEPTING applications for two lake homes, (1) 2 bedroom and (1) 3+ bedroom. 324-1352.
Building & Remodeling MICHAEL SPEARS CONSTRUCTION LLC. siding, roofing, windows & doors kit/bath, decks, concrete sidewalks attic/wall blown in insulation ice dam & snow removal. Insured Lic #20637018, Phone 218-283-0726.
Aluminum Gutters DK FRANK Seamless Rain Gutters. Dennis Frank. Custom colors. Call for estimate. (218) 244-2325 or 283-9810. SEAMLESS GUTTERS. We make to your specs at our location or yours. Falls Lumber Company Inc. 218-283-2531.
Building & Remodeling FOSS CONSTRUCTION new construction, remodeling homes garages, decks, siding, roofs Insured. License #3833. 285-7905 RAINY LAKE BUILDERS. Home renovations. Bathrooms, kitchens, windows, doors, flooring, misc. 218-286-3096.
RANIER. APPLICATIONS are now being accepted for off-season rentals Sept. 1May 31. WoodsPort Cottages/fully furnished, lease/deposit/last month required. Mary Ann Kasich 218-286-4034 or mawk@frontiernet.net
710 Commercial Rentals
1000 SQUARE Feet of Office/Retail space on Main Street at NE corner of 3rd St. and 4th Avenue, plus basement (presently occupied by Picture Perfect Framing). Available January 1st, 2012. Call (218) ROOM FOR rent, furnished, includes utili- 283-9481 or 244-7016. ties, $200 deposit and $200/Mo. 218-324730 1897.
Wanted to Rent
TAKING APPLICATIONS for 2 bedroom homes, references required, available LOOKING TO rent a 2 bedroom house with immediately. Call (218) 324-1352 or 417- a garage in town. Must accept pets and be 0668 for more information. hud approved. Please call (218) 251-6093 or 251-5064. WICKSTROM RENTALS 2 bed, 1/2 duplex, $475/Mo. plus electric (218) 285-RENT or 244-6040
706 Apartments For Rent 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, all utilities included, except electric, $350/$400. (218) 324-1419 or 324-2031.
SMALL 3 bedroom, initial 6 month lease, no pets, $575/Mo. plus utilities. (218) 2405106.
PORT-OF-RANIER RENTALS call for availability 218-286-4034 or email mawk@frontiernet.net
810 Residential Real Estate
2006 4WD TRAIL BLAZER xm, auto, 6 cylinder tow pkg, 101K miles, air recent tires, battery remote locks,power seats $10,500 218-286-5835
910 Trucks & Trailers 1948 FORD pickup, $1,600. (218) 2836158 or 244-7031.
1997 CHEVY 1/2 ton Silverado 4WD. New water pump, recently replaced fuel pump, rear shocks, tight dual exhaust, head gaskets replaced 7000 miles ago, Mastercraft 285/16” tires 80% thread, 191,000 miles, sharp light blue exterior, $5,000. (218) 2834048 or 324-2925.
3+ BEDROOM home, 2 bath, full basement, large decks, 30x50 garage, 10 acres. 285-7758, 324-1206.
1-2 BEDROOM apartments available now. Most pets allowed, hud approved. 218- 407 9TH St. 2 bed smoke and fire dam324-2703. aged home, handyman special, $10,000. 2 BEDROOM apartment, w/d, garbage, no Dave Hausmann Realty 285-7621. pets, deposit, lease, $425/Mo. plus electric. ISLAND VIEW REALTY, INC. 285-7060. 218-283-9979. 2 bedroom apartments, all utilities paid except electric, washer and dryer available,$400-$500/Mo. 218-235-1924.
Hampton Court Apartments Apartment Available 1 & 2 Bedroom Included in the rent: *Heat *Water, Sewer, Trash *Off Street Parking *On-site Managers
2000 FORD F-150 SHORT BOX STEP SIDE new tires, fully loaded 147,000 miles $5,000 218-286-5030
WHAT’S YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? 218-283-9816 www.c21ifalls.com
2006 CHEVY SILVERADO Z71 1500 4wd, extended cab, fully loaded remote start, brand new tires 119,000 miles $15,900 o.b.o. (218) 283-8896 or 324-0386
HRA Vouchers Accepted Call 285-7069 for Appointment H/C Accessible Units On-Site Hampton Court is an Equal Opportunity Provider
Woodland Park Apartments We are now taking applications for 1-Bedroom Apartments. Rent is based on 30% of income. All utilities are included. Building has security system for controlled access. This is a great place to enjoy. Retirement living at its finest on beautiful Rainy River.
For information call 283-4114 or stop by the office Monday - Friday.
Selling Lakehomes... Like No One Else! Get Full MLS and Excellent Internet Exposure for your Lake or Recreational Property
www.Lakehomes.com 1(888) 346-LAKE
ONE BEDROOM apartment in Littlefork. Everything is new! Utilities included. Available immediately. Lyle 218-244-1432. RECENTLY REMODELED 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Large lot, nice size deck. 1201 2nd RANIER: 1 bedroom apartment, $560/Mo. Avenue East. Call 218-235-8077 for an utilities included, deposit, lease, no pets. appointment. 218-286-3096.
2006 DODGE DAKOTA 4WD QUAD CAB ac, cruise, cd heated seats, 60K miles, bedliner V8 Magnum with tow package REDUCED $13,750 218-278-4392
920 Campers & RV’s 2005 36’ Cedar Creek 5th Wheel trailer. Three slide outs, non-smoking, stored inside, like new condition, $24,000. 218283-4113.
925 Auto Accessories (2) YOKOHAMA 205/55 R16 40% good. (2) Bridgestone 205/55 R16 tires on Mitsubishi Eclipse, rims 70% good condition, $275 or $225 without rims.. 218-2784773.
ROB ROSS Apartments, 2 bedroom, nonLake/River Property (4) 235/75R-15 tires. Goodyear SNOW REMOVAL. Roofs, sidewalks and smoking, non-subsidized. Call Stan at 218driveways. Free Estimates! Available any- 324-0242. RAINY LAKE: 3 bedroom, 1 bath, cabin on wrangler/territory, almost new, $375, great time!!!. Call 218-343-0775. Jackfish Island. Boathouse/sauna, com- on SUV or 4x4 pickup. 218-278-4773. TWO BEDROOM apartment, nice area, pletely finished, $229,900. 218-324-2111. heat and water included, plus washer and 940 dryer, $415/Mo. 218-324-0841. 835 XL 1-2 bed upper,$360 lower $425 + util. hud o.k. no pets, quiet, lease, dep, ref respectable. 285-3343 or 283-5592.
ONLY $25.00 per month for a 3-line ad in this Business & Service Directory Call The Journal for details 285-7411
2006 CHEVY HHR L.T. black 4 door wagon 72, 584 miles with many extras $9,775 1010 3rd Avenue Hiway 53
NEW TOWN home in Littlefork, two bed- NEWER LARGE one bedroom home, 2007 CHEVY Monte Carlo SS V8 Coupe, room, available immedialtey. 218-244- open floor plan, nice yard, $650/Mo. Plus 48,000 miles, black interior and exterior, leather heated seats, $19,000 o.b.o. 218utilities, lease. 218-286-3096. 1432. Ask for Lyle. 283-4202. NEWLY REMODELED 3 bed, 2 bath, mh in private park, w/d avail, lg shed, ac, eef, hud. Hausmann Rentals 285-7621. 99 FORD Escort, 2x2, 2 door, $400 in new tires, needs work, 160K, $400. 218-244IMMEDIATE ONE BEDROOM Lake home on Gold 7617. OPENINGS Shores, new dock. (218) 348-1173 or 5252348 available in our Senior
Rent starts at $450/mo and is based on income
(may include some office work)
Deanna Kittelson Director of Human Resources 1402 Highway 71 Internationa Falls, MN 56649 (218) 283-8313 ext. 116 dkittels@good-sam.com
1 BDR apts, w/d, off street parking. $275- 3 BEDROOM home. Country setting near $350/mo., resp, all util. pd., except electric. Littlefork, 2 stall garage. 218-244-1432 ask for Lyle. No pets. 218-235-1924.
Painting DON’S CUSTOM PAINTING exterior, interior, pressure & window washing. 25+ years experience. Insured. Donovan Johnson 218-283-8542.
Commercial Property
1998 SKI-DOO Formula Z 670. 218-283CARWASH, SELF-SERVICE. Coin-op, 4400. two-bay, many recent upgrades, plus attached 1250’ garage for auto service or 707 ?. PRICE REDUCED, possible Contract 1999 POLARIS Scrambler 400 4x4. Houses for Rent For Deed. 218-283-2543. Electric start, reverse, very nice, with extras, $1,500 o.b.o. 218-283-2183. 1310 1ST Ave E. Clean, 2 bed hm, w/d, INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, Hwy 53, 2400’. garage, storage shed, heats easy, Overhead door, office, floor drain, $450/Mo. Hausman Rentals 285-7621. short/long term. 218-244-7578 Phil. SNOWMOBILE AND Ice Auger. 92 Polaris SKS snowmobile S10 suspension, 500 cc liquid cooled, ice fishing box, 99 Polaris Trail Touring, 500 cc fan cooled studs, electric start, reverse and ice fishing box. Strike Master 8 inch auger. 218-286-5508.
945 Motorcycles
Rubber Stamps SAM’S CONSTRUCTION Pole buildings, garages, door service, backhoe, hunting cabins. License # 2274. 218-278-4294.
Carpet & Upholstery Clean BOYERS SCRUB-A-RUG professional steam cleaning, carpet & stairs, sofas & chairs. Free estimates. Kim 285-2050
RUBBER & SELF-INKING STAMPS North Star Publishing Many sizes, many colors. Stop in or call to order. 218-285-7411
Tool & Equipment Rental
Heavy Sewing TOP THAT! By Loni... Now doing UPHOLSTERY!!! heavy sewing, canvas, leather 286-5533
WHITES RENTAL SERVICE for all your rental needs 2612 Crescent Drive 218-283-3225
FOR SALE BY OWNER Cottage on Lake overlooking Recreation Hall and Pool on La Costa Lane in Fort Myers, Florida. Near the Fort Myers Beach, VA Med Center and the Twins Spring Training Park. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Kitchen, LR, DR, Sunroom, 2 Carports. MOVE IN READY. All housekeeping items and beautiful new furniture including 2 new bedroom sets with new spring & mattresses, lamps & linens, dishes, silverware & cookware, white Italian leather couch & loveseat and more. Queen size sofa bed in sunroom, Laundry room with washer and dryer. Also new outdoor furniture & golf car included. All you need are your clothes. In Buccaneer Estates Gated Community. Amenities & activities galore. Must see to appreciate. Selling complete for $25,000 OBO. Call (218)285-7732 to see pictures or arrange for an appointment.
2001 KAWASAKI KX100 Good Condition low hours, stored for several years pro circuit pipe, twin air filter renthal bars $1,000 FIRM 218-875-2073 jahelgeson@frontiernet.net
r e p p o Sh
The Journal
Borderlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way to buy, sell, trade and save!
slumberland FURNITURE
In Loving Memory of My Father
Dennis Kaushagen
Happy 6 Birthday Matthew!
who passed away four years ago on December 3rd â&#x20AC;&#x153;In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a day dear father, I do not think of you.â&#x20AC;?
(On Dec. 4thth)
I miss your smiling face. Love, Your daughter, Ethel
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Page 7
Bring your Wish List & Camera to the International Mall Visit With
Sat. Dec. 10th 11am - 3pm
Sat. Dec. 17th 11am - 3pm
Brought to you by
Love, Your Family!
We buy scrap gold, silver, coins & old jewelry.
Could you tell them Santa isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t coming?
Dealer in: US Gold Eagles â&#x20AC;˘ Canadian Maple Leaves â&#x20AC;˘ Krugerrands
218-283-4701 â&#x20AC;˘ 324 3rd Street â&#x20AC;˘ Intâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l Falls
Superior Carbide Cutting Tools
Router Bits â&#x20AC;˘ Sawzall Blades Skilsaw Blades
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 300 7th St. Sat. 8-12 Intâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l Falls 283-2595 â&#x20AC;˘ www.northernlumberyard.com
Help homeless and in-need area pets have a Merry Christmas this year. THE WORLDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GREENEST CARPET CLEANER
218-283-2481 â&#x153;&#x201D; SAFE FOR CHILDREN & PETS â&#x153;&#x201D; Pet Odor & Stain Removal Experts â&#x153;&#x201D; Fast One-Hour Dry Time
Public Notice
Donations can be dropped off beneath the Christmas tree at THE JOURNAL, Monday-Friday ~ 8-5 Items will be delivered to the Falls Food Shelf for pets of families in need.
Donations accepted until Dec. 31st Help BHS give pets in need a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Borderland Humane Society 324-2313 Accepting gifts of pet food and supplies. The animals in the photos are currently up for adoption.
MINUTE SUMMARY REGULAR MEETING OF THE KOOCHICHING COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Held on Tuesday, November 15, 2011; 10:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee MEMBERS ABSENT: None The County Board approved the November 15th meeting agenda; approved the minutes from the November 1, 2011 Regular County Board meeting; approved the employment separation of Home Health Aide Mary Fults; set the County Board 2012 Salary at $13,714 and the Daily Per Diem Rate at $125; set the salary for the elected County Sheriff, County Attorney, County Recorder and County Auditor/Treasurer for 2012; approved payment of the Highway claims in the amount of $54,652.14; authorized the Board Chairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature to the October Vendor Payment Listing verifying its review; authorized the Administration Office to request bids for the Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2012 publications as required under MN Statute. 2011/11-25 Motion by McBride, seconded by Adee to establish a CAP Agency Service Review Committee to look at best service options for the low income population of Koochiching County. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-26 Motion by Ecklund, seconded by McBride to seek quotes for replacement of Car Pool Vehicle #8 (Assessor Vehicle) as planned in the 2011 Car Pool Budget. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-27 Motion by McBride, seconded by Ecklund to accept the low quote of $26,202 (plus tax and license) from Waschke Family GM Center for a new Complex 4x4 Short Box Pickup and plow as planned in the 2012 Car Pool Budget with the current Complex pickup to be transferred at no cost to the Transfer Station and the Transfer Station pickup used as trade in for the new vehicle or sold at auction as recommended by the Car Pool Committee. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-28 Motion by Ecklund, seconded by Adee to approve the Tax Forfeited land sale request of 20 acres described as the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 6, Township 63N, Range 25W to Great River Energy for the purpose of power line substation development with all purchase and associated costs to be borne by Great River Energy and to support special legislation which is necessary to make this private sale of tax forfeited. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-29 Motion by Hanson, seconded by Ecklund to approve the Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purchase of approximately 20 acres of tax forfeited land to develop a rock quarry operation under Koochiching County Highway Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Conditional Use Permit #1101 with land described as the East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 15, Township 159N, Range 26W. Further, the County Highway Funds will pay the Trust Fund for the public purpose of quarry development and authorized County acquisition and development per M.S. 160.11. Further, to approve reclassification of this parcel as nonconservation land and find the land suitable for sale under M.S. 282.01. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-30 Motion by McBride, seconded by Ecklund to approve the Certification of Performance and Final Contract Value as recommended by the County Engineer for the following Road Project Work: SAP 36-618-09 (CSAH 18) with Davidson Construction for grading and aggregate base with the final contract value of $1,112,649.05; SAP 36-631-17 (CSAH 31) with Knife River Materials for bituminous surface with the final contract value of $751,713.99; SAP 36-633-02 (CSAH 33) with Bowman Asphalt Products for grading, aggregate base and bituminous surface with the final contract value of $426,769.25; SAP 36-600-13 (Frontier Landing) with Bowman Asphalt Products for grading, aggregate base and bituminous surface with the final contract value of $118,956.53; SAP 36-600-14 (Vidas Landing) with Bowman Asphalt Products for grading, aggregate base and bituminous surface with the final contract value of $99,610.00; SAP 36-645-08 (CSAH 45) with Wagner Construction for grading, aggregate base and bituminous surface, curb and gutter with the final contract value of $1,241,824.74. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried. 2011/11-31 Motion by Hanson, seconded by Ecklund that in accordance with the County Road Vacation Policy and upon holding of a public hearing, to approve the vacation of that part of former State Road Highway No. 24 (former temporary location of Trunk Highway 11 labeled as release No. 5) as shown on New S.P. 3604 (Old S.P. 11=11-29) right of way map. Voting yes: Pavleck, McBride, Hanson, Ecklund, Adee. Motion carried.
AUTHENTIC CARHARTT. Real Deals, Too. Receive a FREE Carhartt gift with ANY Carhartt purchase over $30.
000 The Kootasca Executive Director provided the County Board a report on the Kootasca programs status in the County. The meeting adjourned at 11:57 a.m. A full copy of the minutes is available on the County website at www.co.koochiching.mn.us and for public inspection at the County Administration Office during regular business hours.
The Journal December 3, 2011
218-283-8877 Mon.-Sat. 8-7 â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday 9-4 Intâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l Falls, MN
Page 8
THE JOURNAL SHOPPER, International Falls, Minn.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Redi Serve
Francesco Rinaldi
Pasta Sauce 24 oz. jar
9-10 oz. 1020
John Morrel
Spaghetti or Vermicelli 2 lb.
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Hot Cocoa Mix 10 count box
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Oatmeal 42 oz. canister
Original Coffee 33.9 oz. can
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Flour 5 lb. bag
Dressings 8 oz. bottle
Open 7 Days a Week 5 am - Midnight Prices in Effect Noon, Sunday Dec. 4 - Saturday Dec. 10 Use our In-store ATM
Fresh Cut
Stuffed Pork Loin Chops ............................................
Vegetable Oil
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts ............3 lb. Always Tender Pork Loin Fillets ..........24 oz. Tyson
Breaded Chicken, Chicken Wings or Chicken w/Sauce ..22-32 oz. W.H.M. Stewarts Smokehouse
Beef & Wild Rice or Beef Garlic Summer Sausage ....................................
Canola Oil 48 oz. bottle
Minute Maid
$ 48
$ 48
Shredded Cheese
Sugar 4 lb. bag
............8 oz. pkg.
Cream Cheese ..................8 oz. block
Original Crust Pizza 12.14-14.34 oz.
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Pizza Rolls
......90 count, 44.5 oz. pkg.
(corn, cut green beans, peas, mixed vegetables, broccoli cuts)
Baking Chips ............................8-12 oz. bag Betty Crocker - Supermoist
Cake Mixes ..............................15.25 oz. box Betty Crocker - Supreme
Brownie Mix ....................16.5-19.5 oz. box Baking Classics
Walnut Halves & Pieces ......16 oz. bag Bakers
Coconut ..........................................14 oz. bag Wilderness
Cherry Pie Filling ......................21 oz. can More Fruit Apple Pie Filling ..21 oz. can Keebler
Townhouse Crackers ....9.5-16 oz. Keebler
Toasteds, Wheatables & All Bran Crackers ..........8-10 oz.
2/$ 88
4 2/$ 88 4
Light Red, Dark Red & Chili Beans ....................................15 oz. can Flavorite
Tomato Sauce ..............................15 oz. can Flavorite
Vegetables............................14.25-15.25 can
58¢ 58¢ 58¢ 58¢
(whole kernel corn, cream corn, peas, cut green beans, french style green beans)
Cream of Chicken Soup ..........10.5 oz. Flavorite
Cream of Mushroom Soup....10.5 oz. Flavorite
Chicken Broth ..........................14.5 oz. can Beef Broth ..................................14.5 oz. can Frito Lay
Lay’s........................................10-10.5 oz. Frito Lay
Graham Pie Crust ..............................6 oz. Flavorite
....................................................5 lb. bag
Eagle Brand
Sweetened Condensed Milk ..14 oz. Flavorite
Evaporated Milk
......................12 oz. can
Whole, Stewed & Diced Tomatoes ......................14.5 oz. can
..........................................10.5 oz.
Frito Lay
Cheetos ..................................9-9.75 oz. Old Dutch
Holiday Pretzels ................24-30 oz. Old Dutch
Dutch Gourmet Chips ..........8 oz. Barrel O Fun
Caramel or Kettle Corn
....18 oz.
11 5¢ 88
$ 98
Cookie Mix ............................17.5 oz. pouch 1080
2 1 $ 28 1
Orange Juice ..................64 oz. carton
Betty Crocker
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Vegetables ..........................16 oz. pkg.
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
48 oz. bottle
2 $ 99 4 $ 99 6 $ 99 6 $ 99 3
$ 17
Amick Farms
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
We reserve the right to limit quantities!
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Hills Bros.
Hwy. 11-71 W, Int’l Falls, MN • 283-8440
2 3/$ 2 58¢ 2/$ 7 2/$ 6 2/$ 6 $ 79 2 2/$ 5 2/$ 6
Pumpkin ..........................................15 oz. can Flavorite
White Corn Syrup................32 oz. bottle Crisco
Vegetable Oil ..........................48 oz. bottle Crisco
Canola Oil ..................................48 oz. bottle Francesco Rinaldi
Pasta Sauce ..................................24 oz. jar Creamette
Spaghetti & Vermicelli
................2 lb.
Dressings ....................................8 oz. bottle Lindsay
Pitted Ripe Olives ....................6 oz. can Lindsay
Stuffed Green Olives
........5.75 oz. jar
Angel Soft
Bathroom Tissue ..................12 dbl. rolls Angel Soft
Bathroom Tissue ..........................24 rolls Sparkle
Paper Towels
............................8 roll pkg.
Wax Paper ....................................75 ft. roll Taystee
Large White Bread
..............24 oz.
Sara Lee
Honey Wheat Bread ............20 oz.
ESPRESSO ★ Chicken Salad Croissant w/side LANE ★ Peppermint White Chocolate Lattes
$ 88
1 5 2/$ 4 2/$ 5 $ 99 4 $ 19 2 2/$ 5 2/$ 3 $ 78 1 $ 88 1¢ 88¢ 98 $ 98 2 $ 88 2 $ 98 2 $ 18 1 $ 68 1 $ 08 1 $ 28 1 $ 48 1 $ 88 6 $ 88 6 $ 88 6¢ 88 $ 99 1 $ 29 2 4/$
Serving Breakfast 7 Days A Week Until 9ish
Limit 6 at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
USDA Choice Black Angus
DELI MEATS • Pepperoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.05 lb. • Black Forest Ham . . . . . . . . . .$5.15 lb. CHEESES • Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.15 lb. • Yellow American . . . . . . . . . . .$5.25 lb. DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS Monday-Friday 10am-2pm
USDA Choice Black Angus
Sirloin Tip Steak or Roast Tyson
Family Pack Split Chicken Breasts Fresh Cut
Assorted Pork Loin Chops
4 3 3 1 5 2
Quick’N Eat
$ 50
Fully Cooked Pork Sausage Patties 26.6 oz.
Limit 6 at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Farm Fresh
Pillow Pack Pepperoni ....................8 oz.
2 $ 79 2 2/$ 5 2/$ 4 $ 99 6
$ 79
Oscar Mayer
Lean Turkey Bacon ..........................12 oz. Land-O-Frost
Deli Thin Sliced Lunchmeats ................9 oz. Schweigert
Hickory House Braunschweiger ....12 oz. Cloverdale
Tangy Summer Sausage ......................28 oz. Amport
Pitted or Chopped Dates 8 oz. box
$ 79
General Mills
Corn Chex 14 oz. Rice Chex 12.8 oz. Wheat Chex 14 oz. Multi Bran Chex 14 oz. Cinnamon Chex 13.5 oz. Honey Nut Chex 13.8 oz. Chocolate Chex 14.25 oz.
2/$ Coke &
Coke Products ..........................12 pk.
Coke &
Coke Products
........................2 liters
Water ..........................................24 pack
13 3/$ 5 $ 99 3
..............................42 oz. canister
Toaster Pastries Pancake Mix Syrup
........................................24 oz. bottle
2 ea. 3/ 99¢ $ 69 3 ea. $ 99 2 ea. $ 39 2 ea. 2/ 99¢ $ 99 1 ea. 99¢ea.
KIWI FRUIT .................................................... Washington Premium
BRAEBURN APPLES ......................5 lb. bag California Sweet Seedless
NAVEL ORANGES..........................4 lb. bag Texas Rio
RED GRAPEFRUIT ..........................5 lb. bag Fresh Super Select
CUCUMBERS OR GREEN BELL PEPPERS .............................. Fresh Bolthouse Peeled ............................2 lb. bag
Golden ........................2 lb. bag
Ice Cream
............................................56 oz. scround
Sara Lee
Fruit Pies ............................................27.3-37 oz. pkg. New York
Cheese Garlic Toast ..................13.5-14 oz. pkg. Banquet
Boneless Chicken ............................12-15 oz. box
299 $ 49 4 2/$ 5 $ 25 2 $
Homestyle Classics
........................6-11 oz. pkg.
Classics ............................................8.37-12.75 oz. pkg. Mr. Dee’s
Land O Lakes
Sour Cream ................................................16 oz. tub Land O Lakes
Half & Half ............................................................pint Flavorite
String Cheese
........................................12 oz. pkg.
American Singles ................................16 oz. pkg. Crystal Farms
Old Orchard
Orange Juice ............................................12 oz. can Grape Juice ................................................12 oz. can
4 5 2/$ 4 2/$ 5 4/$
$ 99
Jumbo Ripe
............................32 oz. box
Aunt Jemima
GOLD FRESH PINEAPPLE ........................
....................11 oz. box
Aunt Jemima
Del Monte
Hashbrown Patties ........................31.5 oz. pkg. Mon.-Sat. 5am-8pm • Sun. 6am-7pm
1 2/$ Grape Jelly 32 oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Flavorite $ 49 Peanut Butter 28 oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Old Orchard $ 25 100% Juice 64 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hormel 3/$ Chili No Beans 15 oz. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Flavorite $ 88 Breast of Chicken 10 oz. can . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Flavorite $ 99 Vanilla Extract 2 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cinnamon Flavorite 2/$ $ 99 Graham Crackers 14.4 oz. box . . . . . . . . . . 3 Party Peanuts 32 oz. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Flavorite Homelife $ 19 Mushroom Gravy Mix .75 oz. pkt. Parchment Paper 30 ft. roll . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chicken Gravy Mix 1 oz. pkt. Glade Brown Gravy Mix .88 oz. pkt. 2/$ Air Fresheners ¢ Turkey Gravy Mix .75 oz. pkt. . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 oz. aerosol can, 6 oz. adjustable solid . . . . .99 Flavorite 3/$ Solo 2/$ Hot Cocoa Mix 10 count box . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Heavy Duty Plates 10.25” 22 count pkg. . . 5 Baking Classic $ 89 Solo 2/$ Almond Bark 24 oz. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Plastic Party Cups 18 oz. 30 count pkg. . . . 5 Flavorite 2/$ Ziploc Ketchup 36 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Freezer Bags qt. 20 ct., gl. 15 ct. 2/$ Famous Dave’s Storage Bags qt. 25 ct., gl. 20 ct. . . . . . . . . . 5 $ 49 BBQ Sauce 38 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Homelife $ 19 Geisha Napkins 360 count pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ¢ Mandarin Oranges 15 oz. can . . . . . . . . . .99 Homelife $ 89 Flavorite Dish Detergent 24 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ¢ Cranberry Sauce 14 oz. can . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Frito Lay Family Size $ 29 Tostitos 14.5-18 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frito Lay Family Size $ 99 Lay’s 13.5 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frito Lay Family Size $ 49 Salsa 23-24 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Dutch $ 88 Puffcorn 6-9 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dutch Crunch 2/$ Chips 8-8.5 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Healthy Choice $ 49 7 Grain Bread 24 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flavorite Honey Graham Crackers 14.4 oz. box
or Gingerbread Lattes Buy 1 Get 1 1/2 OFF
F R E S H B A K E RY French Bread .............................. 1 lb. loaf $169 Hamburger Buns ....................8 count $179 Bran Muffins ..........................1/2 dozen $249 8x8 Brownie with fudge icing ...... $399ea.
6 $ 47 3 $ 07 1 $ 67 1
$ 87
T-Bone Steaks
M-Sat 5am-7pm Sun 7am-7pm • 283-8440 ext. 6
Limit 6 at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Meat Cut Fresh ~ 7 Days A Week
$ 75
$ 00
12 oz.
$ 00
Sliced Canadian Bacon 6 oz.
Skinless Franks
Limit 6 at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru December 10, 2011.
$ 50
Breaded Chicken Nuggets or Patties
3 4/$ 10 4/$ 10 $ 99 2 2/$
Butter ........................................................1 lb. quarters Nestle
Cookie Dough ........................................16-16.5 oz. Flavorite
Crescent Rolls ..........................................8 oz. tube Flavorite
Cinnamon Rolls 1st National
................................12.4 oz. tube
Bagels ......................................................14.25 oz. pkg.
168 98¢ $ 99 2 $ 89 2 2/$ 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 3 2/$ 3 2/$ 3 $