Fit for the New Year - North 2016

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FIT Health

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Published by Southwest News Media and distributed in the Chanhassen Villager, Chaska Herald, Eden Prairie News, Jordan Independent, Prior Lake American, Savage Pacer, Shakopee Valley News

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TESTIMONIALS “I have spent thousands of dollars over the last 10 years as a member of a health club, but never did I receive a return out of that investment, like I am receiving out of Koko FitClub. I would go, every now and then, and do my workout. I really didn’t know what I was doing, I just did some of the motions and called it good. If I wanted any instruction that was money I was not willing to spend for a personal trainer. Koko provides me motivation that I never had before and it keeps me coming back. Thank you Koko FitClub for helping me become healthier and happier!”

Mike Hidding - Chanhassen, MN “I Love Koko! Since joining in early December, I have seen a 60% strength gain and am down almost a full 2 sizes! I am a full-time, working mom of two very busy boys and I love the fact I can get a full workout in 45 minutes (strength and cardio) and most importantly, at a time that fits my schedule. I can’t imagine where I will be in a few months but, for the first time ever, I am excited to keep going!”

Kristin Nordling - Prior Lake, MN 2

January 2016 | FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR

North Edition



illions of Americans will make the resolution this year to lose weight. But goal setting is the easy part. Stay-

ing on the weight loss track and maintaining that weight loss is where the challenges begin. Here are 10 tips to help you stick with your weight loss resolution this year and beyond. Drink up: Hunger and thirst can often be confused, so stay hydrated. But remember, beverages are not a place to splurge on a ton of calories. Drink water. For a flavor boost, add fresh fruit slices or mint leaves. Snack mindfully: It is all too easy to

derail an otherwise flawless diet by binging at snack time. Be mindful of your snacks, and make sure they offer nutritional value and are designed to keep you satisfied until your next meal. Sleep: Studies show a link between sleep deprivation and excess pounds. While there are many theories as to why this is, at the very least, getting enough sleep will promote clear-headed, healthful choices throughout the day. Jumpstart your weight loss: Studies


to stick with your

WEIGHT LOSS PLAN Exercise doesn’t have to be daunting. Get started with 10-minute sessions, three times a day.

show that early weight loss is a predictor of long-term success. Look for programs that

sessions, three times a day. Movement sets

Embrace setbacks: Sometimes diets get

Seek support: Weight loss and main-

keep you motivated and deliver in the first

your metabolism in motion so make sure it’s

temporarily thrown off course by a missed

tenance is no cakewalk. Turn to weight

month of dieting.

a consistent part of your weight loss efforts.

workout or a second slice of birthday cake.

loss counselors, dietitians and online com-

Eat small: Research suggests that eat-

Eat out, right: Restaurant portions can

Rather than throwing in the towel entirely,

munities for support with your weight loss

ing smaller, balanced meals throughout

be monstrous. Set aside half the meal and

view the setback for what it really is, a tem-

journey. The counselors at Nutrisystem for

the day promotes greater weight loss and

save it for later. Avoid key menu terms like

porary hiccup.

example, are available seven days a week.

maintenance. Schedule meals every two to

“breaded,” “fried,” “crispy,” and “smoth-

Be accountable: Keep a food and ex-

three hours, six times a day.

ered.” At buffets, fill your first plate up

ercise diary to reinforce good habits. Log

With the right attitude and the right

entirely with greens before moving on to

food, drinks, activity, weight and more to

tools, you can make 2016 the year you finally

other options.

stay accountable.

lose the weight for good.

Get moving: Exercise doesn’t have to be daunting! Get started with 10-minute

For more information.



mproving one’s overall well-being is

grains, nuts and seeds — all presented in

those that provide energy and key disease-

palate to enjoy more healthful fare. And it’s

often top-of-mind when New Year’s

their purest forms, free of unnecessary

fighting properties.

worth the effort to know exactly what’s in

resolutions are made. Positive lifestyle

additives such as artificial flavors, colors,

Excellent examples of power-packed

changes are heavily rooted in the

preservatives, sweeteners and hydroge-

foods include bananas, dark leafy greens,

nated fats.

black beans, avocados, strawberries, peas,

Heathy eating can be a breeze with a

Build a recipe for success with an ongo-

quinoa, almonds, chia seeds and rolled

wealth of mealtime ideas that take 30 min-

ing grocery list that incorporates natural

oats. Shopping tip: these foods are typically

utes or less to prepare. A high-performance

foods you’re excited to try, and begin to

located around the perimeter of the market.

blender makes it easy to whip up plant-

Fresh, unprocessed foods are the cor-

make small swaps. If it seems like an ad-

Take a few minutes each week to make

based concoctions like smoothies, soups

nerstone of a healthful diet. Whole foods

venture, you’ll be inspired to avoid high-

meal plans. Preparing and consuming

and whole-food juices — even healthy

include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole

calorie, low-nutrient foods, and stick to

mostly home-cooked meals will train your

sorbets made from nothing but frozen fruit.

kitchen — start there and take simple steps to achieve better health.


North Edition

each dish. Over time, you’ll learn to cook creatively with whole-food ingredients.

FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR | January 2016


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or many people, the biggest hurdle in their quest to eat sensibly isn’t a question of what they should eat, but how much?

If overeating is an issue you face,

consider the following tips: Stay hydrated. Thirst is often confused for hunger. Stay hydrated so that when true hunger strikes, you will know what your body needs. Snack. It may sound counter-intuitive to eat more meals. But staying fueled throughout the day will prevent you from

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feeling ravenous and over-eating later. Rest. Lack of sleep can leave you hungry. Get proper rest each night. Make more room. It sounds simple

energized and satiated after meals. calories = 1 cup):

meals, consider “working up an appetite,”



16 ounces elbow macaroni 2 tablespoons cornstarch

you may have trouble relying on your

1 1/2 cups chicken broth

intuition when it comes to doling out

1 12-ounce can fat-free evaporated milk

may prove useful with that challenge.

3/4 teaspoon salt

“The Perfect Portion Cookbook” offers

4 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese

150 comfort food recipes that have un-

3 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

dergone healthful makeovers. Each is

1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese.

easily divided into 100-calorie portions


whether measured by a cup, piece or slice. Readers can enjoy 100-, 200-, 300-

* Boil the macaroni according to package directions. Drain, but do not rinse.

or 400 calorie servings of their favorite

In a stockpot over medium-high heat,

comfort foods. The book also offers tips

whisk the cornstarch into the chicken

for making meal plans, smart snacking

broth, until dissolved. Bring up to a sim-

2016 is YOUR year! As a coach, I’m here to support and encourage you to live an authentic life that fits you!

and burning calories.

mer, and let cook for two minutes.

My offerings: - Habit Accountability Coaching: Get Action and Results! - Post Divorce Coaching: You 2.0 - Ignite Your Spark Workshops - Life Coaching: Anything under the sun!

“Happy Days,” TV star and director who

Remove sauce from heat, and stir in

has teamed with cookbook author Bob

cream cheese, cheddar cheese and Par-

Warden and nutritionist Mona Dolgov

mesan cheese, until melted and creamy.

The trio is offering this delicious

tion about the book which is available

Visit for your free e-book!

recipe for Creamy Stovetop Mac &

on QVC and elsewhere, visit theperfect-

Cheese (recommended portion size: 300



sizes that will leave you feeling

food your body requires. If you like large

properly sized portions. A new cookbook

612.802.4536 PHONE WEB

can land on the perfect portion

but the more calories you burn, the more

Even if you follow the tips above,


With a few tricks and tips, you

612.802.4536 PHONE WEB

January 2016 | FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR

“Understanding realistic portion

Whisk the evaporated milk and salt

sizes and the calories within them is

into the thickened chicken broth, and

the first step,” says Anson Williams,

bring back up to a simmer.

to create the book. “Without worry or guilt, we can all eat perfect portions of the foods we love and never overeat.”

Add the cooked macaroni into the cheese sauce, and stir to combine before serving. For more recipes, tips and informa-

North Edition



f your 2016 resolution is to spend less and save more, you’re not alone. A quarter of U.S. consumers are making money-saving resolutions, according

to Nielsen surveys. While everyone sets out with the best of intentions, the truth is that only 8 percent of us are successful at achieving our New Year’s goals, according to research published in the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology. With a little preparation you can be the exception to the rule. Prioritize goals: While you may think

that saving money, getting promoted at work and earning a significant pay increase sound like great aspirations, you may be biting off more than you can chew. Instead of making a long list of possible resolutions, determine one or two top priorities so you can fully devote yourself to those goals. Make measurable, attainable resolutions: Once you’ve set your money-saving goals, determine how you’ll measure success. For example, if you are saving for your

HELPFUL HINTS to make your

MONEY RESOLUTIONS STICK Putting away small amounts every week can add up in the long run.

dream vacation, determine how much to set aside for the trip and how much to save

be working fine, they may be using more

Repurpose your stuff: One way to

Heat up your savings: If you rely on

each month to reach that goal. Then, set

energy or water than they should. To save

save is by repurposing what you already

oil to heat your home, contact your energy

short- and long-term milestones to help you

on water bills choose a quality faucet with

own. Use the new year as a time to clean

provider to determine whether you can

stay motivated.

a lower flow rate. For example, the new

out closets, empty storage units and breathe

pre-pay to lock into lower rates. This way,

Save for a rainy day: Putting away a

Kaden high-arc pulldown kitchen faucet

new life into items by refinishing furniture

you won’t have to worry about rising prices

small amount every week for emergencies

from Moen offers a low flow rate with a

or updating existing pieces of clothing. You

when the temperatures go down.

can add up to big savings in the long run.

sleek design that’s easy on the wallet. It’s

can even sell clothes you don’t wear as often

Setting achievable goals and planning

long-lasting, too, which also saves money

through your own shop on websites like

ahead can help you stick with your resolu-

in the long run.

eBay or Poshmark.

tion to save money.

Replace household items: Even though your refrigerator or fixtures may



riting out your New Year’s

afford. What do you earn? What do you

buyers are making down payments that

before you begin house hunting. Pre-

r e s olu t i o n s ? I f yo u’ r e

spend? How much do you have in savings?

are less than 10 percent and a recent

approval will tell you how much home

thinking of buying a home

Answering these questions will help you

study found that 87 percent of U.S. homes

you can afford and can help you move

in 2016, it’s time to add

learn whether you are financially ready

would qualify for down payment help.

faster and with greater confidence in

for homeownership. Make a budget and

Find out if you’re eligible for

Get your financial house in or-

use free online tools and calculators to

any local or state down payment as-

Rely on professionals. The typical

der: Good credit is key to getting a mort-

determine how much you can afford and

sistance programs. Remember, some

homebuyer will look at 10 homes over a

gage at a reasonable interest rate. If it’s

the amount you have for a downpayment.

options may be as low as three percent.

10-week period so finding and working

been more than a year, find out what your

If you’re short, reduce optional expenses

But keep in mind that if you’re not put-

with the right team is critical. Housing

credit score is. You can improve your

and set up a monthly, automatic deposit

ting at least 20 percent down, you’ll pay

counselors, realtors and lenders all play

credit by paying your bills on time, work-

into your savings account.

extra each month for mortgage insur-

an important role in the home buying

ance. Contact several mortgage lenders

process. These professionals have the

to shop around and get the best deal.

expertise to advise you every step of

these five resolutions to your list:

ing with a no-fees housing counselor,

Explore your mortgage options.

and beefing up your credit literacy. Free

Don’t assume you don’t have enough for

online resources can help, such as Fred-

a down payment or won’t qualify for a

Get pre-approved for financing.

die Mac’s CreditSmart online training.

mortgage without 20 percent down. In

It’s highly recommended that you work

fact, about 40 percent of today’s home-

with your lender to get pre-approved

Figure out how much you can

North Edition

competitive markets.

the way. For more tips and resources, visit

FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR | January 2016




hether you work full-time from home, or you simply have a space dedicated to paying bills and keeping

your life in order, a home office should inspire productivity and happiness. After all, you’ll do your best work if you actually want to spend time in your workspace. Here, four business bloggers share their tips for home office success.


INVEST A FEW DOLLARS “The easiest way to start feeling more like a professional and less like an imposter is to invest in your home office,” says Cassie Boorn, guest blogger for Handmade Success, and the woman behind Maker Mentors, a free community designed to help creative entrepreneurs build business. “But there’s no need to spend thousands of dollars to create a great workspace. It can be as simple as a quick trip to Staples and done with a budget as small as twenty-five dollars.”

EVOLVE As your business evolves and grows, be willing to make changes to your workspace. “The way I’ve been running my ‘business’ is from the perspective of a hustling freelancer. I was working a lot but there was no method to the madness. I had no structure,” says Vicky Ayala, brand strategist. She recommends creating a workspace both at home and on-the-go that complements what you want your business to be, paying attention to details. In her case, she equipped herself with supplies that fit the way she works — a binding machine for customer handouts, a tablet and a briefcase that converts into a backpack. “Sometimes it’s the small things that

Beat clutter by keeping your home office space in top form.

help remind us of the bigger picture.” my best when I have an environment free

multipurpose equipment that saves space.

Jacobs sets and tracks goals religiously

of clutter. That means no extra stuff on my

Her short list includes a stackable desk

by keeping a wall planner mounted in her

desk, on my walls or in my office,” says

tray to sort and contain files, and a laser

home office.

Andreea Ayers, the entrepreneur behind

printer/scanner/copier that can do it all.


KEEP GOALS IN FOCUS “Have your plan in plain sight for constant review and reminders. Without it, it’s

Launch Grow Joy, a business that helps

too easy to fall back into old routines and unproductive habits,” says Lisa Jacobs,


entrepreneurs elevate sales.

a marketing consultant to small busi-

“One thing that I have learned about

To beat the clutter, Ayers advises stick-

nesses and the blogger behind Marketing

myself over the years is that I perform at

ing to your essentials and thinking about


January 2016 | FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR

If you are creating a home workspace for the first time or revamping your current office, you can craft your own success by focusing on the details.

North Edition




While Thein’s advice focuses on busi-

elements of a business.

uggling work, family, friends and everything in between is no easy

“I create and design my own cards and

ness tools, the same rationale applies to

feat. But there are many ways to

then print them myself. I create a different

household supplies and personal items.

increase your productivity without

card for each platform I’m selling on — the

Making savvy consumer purchases can

basic design is the same, but the name of the

help you stretch your dollar.

working harder or getting more stressed. Small business owners are true experts

platform is at the top and I use a different

in this art, establishing routines and habits

color pallet to distinguish each one,” says

to be more efficient with time, money and

Michelle Gallagher, the Etsy consultant

resources. Here are some top tips recently

behind My Craft Assistant.

USE LIFE-SAVING APPS These days, there are apps for everything. So before hitting the panic button,

shared by several small business owners

see if there’s an app that can solve your

and bloggers as part of the #MakeMore-

In 2016, establish habits to be more

Happen campaign from Staples, that can

efficient with time, money and

help you become more productive at home


and work.


problem quickly and on a budget. For

One-stop shopping sprees at large

example, designer and blogger Whitney

retailers can help save time and money.

English, founder of the planner Day De-

These stores often offer lower prices on

signer recommends Makr for those who

blogger at Design Aglow. “A smart solution

products, and shopping for many items at

need a logo fast.

is to set up a monthly subscription with a

once online can help qualify you for free

“It might be something you need for a

Be willing to outsource certain tasks,

technical support hotline like Staples, so

shipping. Also, these types of retailers tend

wedding, like a custom crest or a mono-

like technical troubleshooting. If you’re not

you can have instant access to help any

to feature their own store brand products

gram or you might need an actual logo for

an IT specialist, solving such problems can

time you need it.”

for further savings.

your business,” says English. “Enter the


“Obviously, rationing pencils is not go-

be time consuming and headache-inducing.


“Even small technical problems can take

ing to single-handedly bring your business

Makr app. It’s the solution to all of those things, and then some.”

hours of frustration to fix, and most people

Whether you’re dealing with profes-

out of debt, but you’d be surprised at how

Everyone can use more time, energy

don’t think about these issues until they

sional or personal affairs, doing-it-yourself

quickly seemingly minor expenses can ac-

and money. Finding ways to stretch these

have them, especially when it’s too late,”

can often save money and time — from fix-

cumulate,” says Nicole Thein of Uniquely

precious resources can make you happier,

says Cassie Boorn of Maker Mentors and

ing things at home to creating the design


healthier and more productive.

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January 2016 | FIT FOR THE NEW YEAR

North Edition

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