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General Manager: Laurie Hartmann \ Editor in Chief: Mark Olson \ Editor: Gregg Aamot Content: Lydia Christianson, Jacqueline Devine, Alyssa Huglen, Eric Kraushar, Brendan O’Brien, Tom Schardin, Christine Schuster, Mark Wasson Design: Carrie Rood \ Advertising: Samuel Schmitt and Erin Troxel

Published by Southwest News Media. Copyright 2022-2023. Printed in the USA. For additional information or to submit corrections, call 952-445-3333 or visit

Cover Photo by Laurie Hartmann Local residents play together regularly at Spring Lake Regional Park in Prior Lake. The courts are a popular destination for local residents and routinely filled with players from morning to night. Pickleball players, pictured from left: Paul Burck (Prior Lake Pickleball Club treasurer), Brenda Hawkinson, Charlene Burck, Jane Zilka, Cari Norberg and John Girtman. | SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 5 Dr.TomMorgan, DDS,FAGD,FMIII Dr.TomMorganstandsaloneinprovidingpatientswiththehighestquality dentalcareandpatienteducationinthearea.Wetreatyourentire familyinourstateoftheartdentalfacilityandprovideservicesranging fromimplantsandcosmetics,tomuchmoresimpleprocedures,suchas compositefillings. Ourmissionisnotonlytoprovidepatientswithanexcellentdental experience,butalsokeepthemrelaxedandstress-free!Callustodayfor afreecosmeticsmileevaluation,orseehowwecanmakeyouandyour entirefamily’sdentalexperiencelikenoother. Whatyoushouldknow •Comfort&Qualityisour#1goal •CEREC-samedaycrownsand restorations •Galileos3DX-rayallowsfor state-of-the-artdiagnosing •Evening&Fridayhoursto accommodateyourschedule Preventative&Restorative•CosmeticDentistry•ConsciousSedationDentistry•InvisalignTM CreatingBeautifulSmilesfor50Years Comfort&ConvenienceAreYours. 16670FranklinTrailSoutheast,PriorLake•952.447.4611 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME

f you’re looking for something fun and unique to do this summer and bored with the same activities, the Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department is offering new programs for people of all ages.
Spring and summer rec programs are now open for registration with the city’s Parks and Rec Department.
Parks and Rec offering new programs for all ages this summer
NEW CLUB PROGRAMSPRIOR Chakra Workshop: This series of four classes will allow participants to learn about and connect more deeply to the energy system that parallels the spinal column called the chakras. The instructor will share background information to increase understanding and offer experiences to promote balanced function of these subtle body energetic centers. Bring a blanket/yoga mat for your comfort. Time: Thursdays 6-7 p.m. Date: June 23 to July 21 (no class July 7) Place: Club Prior, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave SE #101 Cost: $28 per class
Kelsey Coy, recreation supervisor, said there are five new programs for residents ages 6 and up in 2022: New Youth Programs Reel Cool Fishing School for ages 6-12: Experienced fishing instructors and recreation leaders use fun games and activities to teach fishing basics, such as knot tying, casting, bait selection, fish identification and taking a fish off the line. All equipment provided thanks to a generous donation from the Kim Boyer Family. All campers will go home with a fishing pole. Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Date: Friday, July 15 Place: Sand Point Beach Cost: $25 per person. Registration ends July 5. Mini Mermaid Paddle Camps for ages 9-13: Prior Lake Parks and Rec has teamed up with Minnesota Mermaid Paddle Board Rental to cover some fun on the water. Learn or improve skills at paddle boarding, gain confidence on and off the water or take part in beach activities.
The city of Prior Lake is teaming up with Minnesota Mermaid Paddle Board Rental to bring residents Mini Mermaid Paddle Camps on Prior Lake.

6 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
Time: 1.5 hours each day Date: Multiple sessions available on Tuesdays Place: Meet at Watzl’s Beach in Lakefront Park, 5000 Kop Parkway SE. The beach is a quarter mile walk from the parking lot. Cost: $75 per person. Registration ends one week before the program starts.
InformationMore For more information on youth programs contact Kelsey Coy at, call 952-4479823 or visit,
Singing Bowl Sound Bath Immersion: A sound bath is an immersive, full-body listening experience that promotes relaxation. Using a holistic approach to wellbeing with music and sound, an instructor will use singing bowls, tuning forks, voice and a gong to provide an environment that supports self-inquiry, cultivates deep relaxation and invites restoration for the mind and body. Time: 7:30-8:45 p.m. Date: Thursdays, June 23, July 21, August 18 and September 22 Place: Club Prior, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave SE #101 Cost: $25 per class Memory Café with Dementia Caregiver Support Group: Club Prior is teaming up with NorBella to offer a monthly “Memory Café.” Caregivers can attend with or without their loved one. The meetings start with the caregiver and the person with dementia together for a gathering time; after that, caregivers meet separately. Meanwhile, the person with memory loss will have time to enjoy entertaining mentor activities. The Memory Café is open to anyone in the community. Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Date: June 28, July 26, August 30 Place: Club Prior, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave SE #101 Cost: Free. RSVP to Lesley Young at or call 952-447-9783
Downtown ReconstructionSouth
The city is also planning to construct a five-story mixeduse building on Dakota Street that will feature commercial elements. | SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 7
East perspective of the proposed Prior Lake Luxury Apartments from Dakota Street and Erie Ave.
Another project is planned for the downtown area between County Road 21 and Pleasant Street Southeast, from Highway 13 to Duluth Avenue Southeast. Current project plans include the replacement of utilities and street reconstruction, including enhanced landscape and streetscape elements consistent with the work that has been done to the north of County Road 21. Nick Monserud, assistant city engineer, said Ryan Contracting Co. was finishing pipe installation on Colorado Street, after which the contractor will move over to Pleasant Street to begin installing pipe there.
The city of Prior Lake is planning for the potential reconstruction of the Downtown South area in 2022, which includes parts of Colorado Street, Main Avenue and Pleasant Avenue. This will include replacing watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, roadway base and pavement.
he community of Prior Lake will be looking a little different by the end of this year thanks to new construction projects approved by the city to improve the quality of life in the area.
Construction projects set for completion by fall
InformationMore To view the feasibility report and sign up for project updates, visit PLDowntownProjectSouth.comHelp Line & Email menk.comnicole.krause@bolton-612-357-7270
Completion was expected by theAccordingfall. to city officials, the project is expected to cost $5.7Jasonmillion.Wedel, city manager, said plans also include the replacement of utilities and street reconstruction, including enhanced landscape and streetscape elements like upgraded sidewalks and street lighting consistent with the work that has been done to the north of County Road 21.
The city has selected a developer to begin work on a mixed-use development in the 4600 block of Dakota Street Southeast that will include market-rate multi-unit housing, as well as restaurant and retailThespace.Beard Group — a metro area developer — is proposing the apartment building, which would include 97 market-rate residential rental units, a street front restaurant of about 2,600-squarefeet, a rooftop deck for restaurant customers and a rooftop deck for tenants, as well as 169 parking stalls, 134 of which areTheunderground.development would be on property owned by the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority on Dakota Street, next to city hall. The city council approved a preliminary development plan in May, and the Beard Group anticipates construction will start in spring 2023. According to a previous report, the plan also entails reconstructing a trail that runs through Gateway Park and replacing 39 trees. Park planning would be coordinated with city staff, the Prior Lake Rotary — which has historically maintained the park — and residents of the adjacent Lakefront Plaza building.

A proposed apartment complex in downtown Prior Lake would include 97 rental units and a restaurant.
Local residents and visitors can enjoy boating and many more activities at Cleary Lake Regional Park.
Explore the many trails of Cleary Lake Regional Park

InfoCampground RESERVE A SITE Reserve a site online or call Campsites763-559-6700.can be reserved up to one year in advance of your first night’s stay.
Cleary Lake Regional Park is one of the most popular yearround recreation spots in the south Twin Cities metro, with amenities that include a golf course, campground, picnic area, cross-country ski trails and swimming beach.

DAILY RATE $16 per campsite $50 per RV site Prices for group campsites Avary.$7.50 reservationnon-refundablefeeapplies. TRAILS
Three Rivers Park is also an excellent location for bird watching. There are 288 bird species currently residing in the district’s reserves for bird enthusiasts to observe.
he spring season is officially here, which means warmer weather and outdoorSo,activities.ifyou’re ready to have some fun in the sun, then Cleary Lake Regional Park is where you need to be.
The park offers 5.9 miles of trails with rest stops and a water pump. It connects to over 27,000 acres of other parksand trails across the Twin Cities metro.According to the Three Rivers Park District, the Big Woods Regional Trail connects Cleary Lake Regional Park and Spring Lake Regional Park in Scott County. Approximately 12.4 miles of the trail are open, with another 2.9 miles in the planning stage. When fully complete, the trail also will connect to Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve, the Minnesota Valley State Trail and the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail.
Cleary Lake Regional Park is also hike-friendly. The Trails at Your Pace features short, gentle trails designed to make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to begin a walking program. These trails are especially great for people with arthritis or other health conditions, those just starting a fitness program, parents with small children and employees who want to take a quick lunchtime stroll, according to the Three Rivers ParkTheDistrict.parkalso offers many other fun things to do in the great outdoors such as biking, boating, fishing, geocaching, golfing, swimming and more. Throughout the year, the park has several programs and summer camps for children of all ages. At Cleary Lake Regional Park, you can learn the basics of archery and learn important survival skills in the wild. Other free programs include weekend bird hikes, family amphibian searches, wild flower walks and photo clubClearyopportunities.LakeRegional Park also offers campgrounds for extreme hikers. The park has several campsites ranging in size from small to large, including 20 sites for tents only and two RV sites with full hookups. Official camping season began April 22 and runs through October 23. Camping areas include Red Pine, which houses five campsites, and Basswood, which houses 15 campsites and two RV sites. Each site has a picnic table and fire ring with pit latrines (wheelchair accessible) and nearby water pump with no Campsitesshowers.are walk-in with no electricity. RV sites have full hookups with water, sewer and electric. A shelter is available to all campers staying at the Basswood camping area. Park hours are 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and visitor center hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.
8 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
rom the peaceful, relaxing lake to the rustic and rugged outdoor trails of Lakefront Park, Prior Lake has some seriously gorgeous scenic views. So, the next time you’re out make sure to have your camera or phone ready to snap pictures of the following locations to show off on social media. Here are the top 5 places to take a photo in Prior Lake, according to residents in the community:
2. ANYWHERE AT LAKEFRONT PARK Lakefront Park is a beautiful 126-acre park which sits between Prior Lake’s downtown business district and the shores of Lower Prior Lake. Residents say it is especially beautiful in the fall when the leaves are changing color and falling on the ground, giving off mystical, enchanted forest vibes.
3. CLEARY LAKE Residents love Cleary Lake Regional Park and say the lake is absolutely picturesque at sunset when the warm colors reflect off the water. It makes for a perfect backdrop if you’re out on a romantic date or just enjoying nature. Cleary Lake Regional Park is located at 18106 Texas Ave. | SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 9 WEPROTECT&CREATELIFESTYLES! ServingPriorLakeandsurrounding communitiesforalmost50years!

The iconic Prior Lake mural is located on the Nuvera building facing County Road 21. The local artist behind the mural, titled “Yesterday and Today,” is Greg Preslicka, who has completed nearly 100 murals, including those found in the Prior Lake and Savage libraries as well as in many area schools. If you’re new in town or a longtime resident, a photo in front of the Prior Lake mural is a must.
4. JEFFERS POND Jeffers Pond is a deep pond north of Jeffers Pond Elementary School. The Prior Lake Outlet Channel flows north through the pond. Jeffers Pond features a picture worthy trail, dock, waterfall bridge, bench and boardwalk straight out of a movie. This spot is perfect for any photoshoot, like a wedding, maternity shoot or pregnancy announcement.
Another mural by local artist Greg Preslicka makes the list. The “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” mural depicts the famed World War II flagraising by the U.S. Marines on Mt. Suribachi, dedicated to all who have served the country in uniform. It is located at Carlson Ace Hardware on Main Avenue Southeast. If you have a relative who is a veteran or just want to honor those who have served, the Iwo Jima mural is the perfect place to remember them.


fessional work skills
10 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
Erik Sill, MNCAPS coordinator, said it is absolutely essential that students learn valuable skills that will help them to be successful when they enter the workforce.
MNCAPS students work with real business partners in a professional setting MNCAPS healthcare students finish the pathway prepared for the Certified Nursing Assistant exam. 97% of MNCAPS students were likely to recommend the program to a friend MNCAPS students can earn college credits while working a professional setting More info at schools/plhs/ the INNOVATION ERA’
Erik Sill MNCAPS Coordinator Did You Know?
The program, which began at the high school in 2016, has built impactful relationships with companies and organizations that are willing to offer opportunities for eager students ready to work after Throughgraduation.thenewtrades pathway, students interested in the construction industry have an opportunity to take part in hands-on learning. MNCAPS students will be able to take advantage of Prior Lake High School’s expanded Industrial Technology wing, which offers learning experiences to prepare them for a profession in the trades.The trades pathway is enhanced through guest instruction, in which industry leaders will mentor students and offer on-site experiential learning. The pathway will culminate with a large-scale construction project.Students in the trades pathway will acquire high school credits, as well as college credits earned from Dakota County Technical College, allowing them a seamless transition to the Construction Management program at DCTC after high school.
“Right now we are living in the innovation era. We
n this day and age, students are learning outside the classroom and using their skills in real-world work environments.
PHOTO COURTESY OF MNCAPS Healthcare students from Prior Lake High School and Farmington High School learn physical therapy skills at Training HAUS, which serves professional athletes and athletes of all ages with customized training.

At Prior Lake High School, through the Minnesota Center for Advanced Professional Studies, students will put their construction skills to work as part of the program’s new trades pathway, which will launch next year.MNCAPS is a professionbased immersion program, offering an innovative approach for learning through education, industry and community in profession-based learning experiences.Through participating in the program’s pathways, 11th- and 12th-graders have the opportunity to earn both high school and college credits to prepare them for the workforce.
“Right now we are living in the innovation era. We constantly hear people say we’re preparing our kids for jobs that don’t exist. We need to create PLHS teachesprogramstudents pro-

The MNCAPS program at Prior Lake High School is taught at a business center at 17685 Juniper Path Suite 205 in Lakeville. The program leases office space in Lakeville and shares an office building with five other businesses, according to Sill. “The kids really feel like they’re coming to work versus just going to school for the day,” he said. Sill said all business-related pathways require students to work on eight to 10 projects that are sponsored by companies that often lead to future job offers.

“Students are matched up with someone from the industry, and the whole goal is to teach them how to communicate with someone from a different generational group,” he said. “They also learn to develop a professional relationship and networking.” Sill also said the MNCAPS program is part of a bigger network of programs from schools all over the world. “We’re part of the Caps Network,” he said. “There’s now programs in India, Canada, and obviously the U.S. There are now 80 programs.” | SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 11 NEXT UP IN THE CLASSROOM

PHOTO COURTESY OF MNCAPS Healthcare students from Prior Lake High School and Farmington High School learn physical therapy skills at Training HAUS.

“We work with all different types of clients, from Fortune 500 companies, local nonprofits, local entrepreneurs and even professional sports teams,” Sill said. “We work with a wide variety of companies and organizations and those are experiences that students can put on their resume, which makes them a higher candidate because they now have experience in those fields.”Sill added that one of the benefits of the program is that students get to learn from a professional mentor one-on-one.

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an environment where those professional skills become the priority, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, being able to research topics at a high level and communication,” said Sill. “Those are all skills that are absolutely essential in basically every place of employment. If we’re really going to prepare our students for whatever is next for them, we have to provide an environment for them to get practice at doing some of these things. I think our environment is so important for kids as they sort of transition. We have to give kids the chance to pursue their interest while they’re still in high school,” Sill said.

12 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 | KimAnderson 952-215-7486 TessAndrews 612-961-3974 HeatherBarker 763-567-0917 WendyDorn 612-749-7087 Chico&LisaFord 952-237-9558 YvonnePerkins 612-709-1555 JenPackard 952-715-2067 JodiScholl 612-308-1706 MallorieRife 952-334-7973 Alicia&Rylie Robertson 952-212-5049 MarketLeaderfor22ConsecutiveYears BarbKuester 952-956-4047 SamLeverson 612-877-1395 JessicaLamker 952-380-7091 BeckyLund 612-616-0864 PaulKrueger 612-328-4506

 | SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 13 JaneKaebel 612-417-2010 MerhawitKubrom 651-274-3724 JimGilbertson 612-743-8787 HannahSchweich Hanson 612-414-2466 Chad&Sara Huebener 952-212-3597 JessicaSeidlitz 612-710-8283 Randy&Patrice Simpson 612-384-0977 JohnTeilborg 952-221-1101 ShaneHofmann MortgageLoanOfficer 952-484-2319 LisaLeicht Manager/Coach 651-276-1394 PriorLake/SavageOffice 14198CommerceAve.NE•952-447-4700 ShakopeeOffice 4121DeanLakesBlvd.•952-445-6400 DonnaMankowski 612-964-6808 CarolynMadson 612-201-6223 BevMartini 952-240-4770 LauraMartini 952-228-8559 SemiraMundt 651-307-4009

A sea of people gather at Lakefront Park for the Lakefront Music Fest. The annual festival brings in 35,000 people from around the state and region, according to event organizers.
The crowd cheers at a previous Lakefront Music Fest at Lakefront Park in Prior Lake.

Jirik also said new in 2022 is the Pit Pass allowing concert goers access to the front of the stage. The Prior Lake Rotary will also be recognizing volunteers during the event this year that have helped make Lakefront Music Fest successful over the years.According to a press release from event organizers, the Rotary Club shares ticket sales from the festival with non-profit organizations including Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools’ Laker Athletic Booster Club, Patrons of the Arts and Activities and Parents, Teachers and Children. General admission tickets are $60. A limited number of Pit Passes remain available for Friday night for $100 per night. Saturday night Pit Passes are sold out. VIP tickets for both nights are sold out. Both nights are expected to sell out. For the full lineup of artists and to buy tickets, visit
If You Go Time: Gates open at 5 p.m. both nights Date: July 8 and 9 Place: Lakefront Park, 5000 Kop Parkway SE in Prior Lake Cost: General admission is $60 with limited tickets remaining for Saturday night. Pit Pass is $100 per night. Limited availability for Friday night. Saturday night sold out VIP: Sold out both nights. For more info visit com/www.lakefrontmusicfest.https://
A crowd gathers at a previous Lakefront Music Fest at Lakefront Park in Prior Lake.

14 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
BY JACQUELINE DEVINE L akefront Music Fest, the music festival that’s “A Little Bit Country, a Little Bit Rock ‘n’ Roll,” is back and ready to kick off summer July 8 and 9 at Lakefront Park in PriorTheLake.festival — which is hosted by the Prior Lake Rotary in partnership with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and Mystic Lake Casino Hotel — announced that rockers Sammy Hagar & The Circle and country legend Alabama will be this year’s Additionally,headliners.the event lineups include lead-up acts Collective Soul, Uncle Kracker, Randy Houser and Ned LeDoux.TheCircle features Michael Anthony — the renowned bassist and fellow Rock Hall of Fame inductee — who’s played with Hagar for the past 30 years in bands including Van Halen and Chickenfoot. Joining Hagar and Anthony is Jason Bonham, acclaimed journeyman drummer and son of Led Zeppelin’s iconic drummer. Rounding out the group is Vic Johnson, Hagar’s longtime guitar virtuoso. Alabama, a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame, was a late replacement for country superstar Toby Keith, who pulled out of the festival after announcing he was recovering from cancer treatments.SammyHagar & The Circle will headline Classic Rock Night on Friday, July 8, while Alabama will headline Country Night on Saturday, July 9. Michelle Jirik, Lakefront Music Fest Event Director, said the Prior Lake Rotary is excited to bring yet another highly anticipated concert to the“We’recommunity.looking forward to another great event with our full lineup of artists,” Jirik said. “The ongoing support of the community and our concert goers is amazing and allows us to fund a variety of charitable causes.”
Sammy Hagar, Alabama headline Lakefront Music Fest 2022 in
The Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce this year transitioned Lakefront Days to Prior Lake Chamber Fest to promote local businesses. This year’s Chamber Fest 2021 will be held Friday, Aug. 6, and Saturday, Aug. 7.

PRIOR LAKE CHAMBER FEST 2022 Prior Lake Chamber Fest, formerly known as Lakefront Days, will take place Friday, Aug. 5 and Saturday, Aug. 6. Schedule of events: Friday, Aug. 5 This year, the Wine/Beer Tasting with Vendors will be in a new downtown location. The event will close off Main Street and parking lots that are close to Main Street. Businesses are encouraged to reserve a vendor booth.The Wine/Beer Tasting with Vendors will run from 7-9 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. All booths must be set up by 6 p.m. and taken down after 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 6 10 a.m. Parade (Begins at Lakefront Park, right on Main Avenue, right on Dakota Street and disperses onto Arcadia or Dakota Street). 2-5 p.m. Inflatables/mini golf 2-5 p.m. Vendor Village 2 p.m. Metro Air Corn Hole Tournament 7 to 10 p.m. Live music For more information chamber-fest/
LADIES NIGHT OUT/ OKTOBERFEST 2022 Join the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce for Ladies Night Out, sponsored by Wings Financial Credit Union, in downtown on Main Street on Thursday, Sept. 15, from 5 to 8 p.m.All participants must be 21+ (please bring ID). Check in will be from 4:45-6 p.m. Wristbands will be given out at check-in; this is required for Ladies Night Out specials and wristband drawings. Specials will be sent out the week of the event. Come dressed in Oktoberfest style! Fees/Admission: $15 per person until Aug. 31, 11:59 p.m.; $20 per person thereafter Online registration will stop at noon on Sept. 15 Walk-ins $20 cash/check For more information visit
CHALK FEST 2022 Chalk Fest is Prior Lake’s newest event. This free event encourages attendees to participate in and/or observe the work of amateur and professional artists, as well as mingle with other community members in an outdoor setting. Chalk Fest incorporates professional chalk artists who bring downtown’s Main Avenue to life with their creations. The event also includes an amateur chalk art contest, interactive art displays, live music and food trucks. The two-day event takes place on Main Avenue between County Road 21 and Dakota Street Southeast. It is scheduled to kick off Friday, Sept. 16 and Saturday, Sept. 17. Visit foration/annual-events/fall-eventsgovernment/departments/
The Prior Lake Farmer’s Market is back for another outdoor season on Main Street, complete with returning vendors as well for food trucks, live music, organic coffee, cocktails and more.
The Prior Lake Farmers Market started more than 20 years ago and has always provided patrons with the highest quality selection of locally produced the Prior Lake Farmer’s Market, it is one of the best ways to support local business. When you buy from a local farmer, you are not only impacting that vendor; you are helping the environment, promoting clean eating and voting with your dollar.
| SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 15
Events planned for downtown Prior Lake on Main Street
Every year, downtown Prior Lake offers tons of fun events each season for the whole family to enjoy.Sandi Fleck, president of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce, said there are many events to look forward to on Main Street this year. Here are some events to check out this year:
The Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.Formore information com/www.priorlakefarmersmarket.visit
MEGA PICKLE & PONG Mega Pickle & Pong, an indoor pickleball and ping pong club, opened its doors March 1 and is going strong. The club, located at 2929 Water Tower Place in Chanhassen, includes six indoor pickleball courts and nine ping pongRicktables.Gray, owner of Mega Pickle & Pong, said the surrounding communities have been extremely supportive of
PICKLEBALL AND RIDE Over in Chaska, residents can play pickleball in a unique setting at the top of a SouthWest Transit parking ramp. The courts are located at East Creek Transit Station, on the southwest corner of highways 41 and 212. The courts evolved as part of an agreement between the city and SouthWest Transit. According to previous reports, the idea to create pickleball courts on top of the parking ramp came during the COVID-19 pandemic. A portion of the ramp was not being utilized so SouthWest Transit partnered with the City of Chaska to create much needed pickleball courts in the community.ZacJohnson, recreation supervisor for the city of Chaska, said if the courts become popular, there is a possibility for pickleball programs in the future.
16 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
There’s a sport that’s exploding in the southwest metro. If you haven’t heard about pickleball by now, it won’t be long before a friend recruits you to play a Enthusiastsgame.say the sport is popular for its fun, social and friendly nature. Plus the fact that it’s good exercise doesn’t hurtPickleballeither. is a racket or paddle sport that was created by combining elements of several other racket sports. Two or four players use solid paddles to hit a perforated polymer ball over a net. The ball is much like a wiffleball. A pickleball court is similar to badminton, with a net similar to tennis, and the paddles are similar to those in table tennis. According to the official pickleball website, pickleball was invented in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads — Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usual summertime activities — are credited for creating the game. Pickleball has evolved from original handmade equipment and simple rules into a popular sport throughout the U.S. and Canada. The game is growing internationally as well, with many European and Asian countries addingOvercourts.theyears, the sport spread like wildfire and became popular in community centers, public parks, YMCA facilities, retirement homes and the southern Twin Cities metro where it’s home to several pickleball courts and clubs.
Pickleball Club members play pickleball at Spring Lake Regional Park.
PRIOR LAKE PICKLEBALL CLUB In Prior Lake, residents can enjoy the sport at the eight pickleball court complex located at 15651 Skuya Dr. N.W. in Spring Lake Regional Park. Residents may also join the Prior Lake Pickleball Club. The Prior Lake Pickleball Club offers members with open play, lessons, tournaments and several social activities. The club currently has 250 members and counting, according to club officials.PaulBurck, treasurer of the Prior Lake Pickleball Club, said he started playing the beloved sport about six years ago and has been hooked ever since. “My wife and I began playing inside about six years ago at a health club to which we belong when they began offering it as an activity. We are cold weather health club people and usually have other things we do in warm weather,” said Burck. “I’d heard of pickleball, but really didn’t know much about it. When my health club offered it, my wife and I thought, ‘Why not?,’ and so joined in. We quickly became addicted to this game. It is athletic, less so than tennis, and suits our mature adult bodies while being both challenging and fun.” Burck encourages anyone who is interested in the sport to check out the club. “It’s not just for residents and it’s not a requirement to join the club to play. Most of our members are residents of Prior Lake, but many live in nearby cities or townships and we have a few members who live nearby only in the summer when they are visiting the area for the season,” said Burck. “There are many reasons to become a member of our club. These include social activities on and away from the courts for which only members receive invitations to picnics, parties, etc. Only members have access to a smartphone app that helps keep track of ‘who’s playing when’ so that we can know if it makes sense to head to the courts.” Burck added that club and community information is communicated to club members only on the email list. He said members learn about and often participate in community service projects that the club promotes, such as helping Prior Lake Rotary Club staff up for Music Fest services. Members may also vote on club issues and get involved in the club through service on the board of “Someonedirectors.interested in joining can talk with any member at the courts to learn more about our club. As soon as the weather cooperates better, a lot of people, including club members, will be on the courts morning through evenings,” said Burck. “I have made so many new friends through playing and being involved in club management. We appreciate everyone who comes to play and we look forward to welcoming new members to our growingThereclub.”will be a Prior Lake Pickleball Club Tournament on Sept. 17. For more information on how to join the Prior Lake Pickleball Club and register for the tournaments, visit https://
The lighted courts are available from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., with access to restrooms. Parking is free and available a short distance from the courts. Equipment is stored at the site. The city is handling any necessary scheduling. There are no fees.
“At this time we haven’t planned anything new at the courts. For now, the courts will offer open play,” said Johnson. “Depending on the number of players utilizing the courts and the popularity, we could look to start some programming there in the future. This will be the first summer where the courts will be available through the summer and the fall — weather permitting. We’re hoping for a great turnout at the courts.”
Pickleball popularity soars in southern Twin Cities Metro
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The Mini Met is home to the Jordan Brewers. The park is located near the train tracks that run through downtown Jordan, and if you’re there in the evening, you’ll hear the 6 o’clock train horn as it runs through town. Fans AthleticenterPark in Chaska, many by foot, while others hope for a parking spot. Located at 725 West First Street, it’s the heart of baseball in the Athleticcity.Park

Beckman enjoys the many viewing experiences at Joe Schleper Stadium in Shakopee. including the decks down both foul lines and the deck near the backstop on the first base side that’s shielded by netting. Behind home plate is the large stadium seated grandstand.“They have a giant press box has been home to some great announcing over the years by legendary announcer Dick Jonckowski and Bill Schleper,” Beckman said.
As president of the River Valley League, Ron Beckman has seen many town ball games at a lot of different parks. There are 16 teams in the RVL, including the Chaska Cubs, the Chanhassen Red Birds, the Prior Lake Jays and Mudcats, the Jordan Brewers, Shakopee Indians and Coyotes and the Victoria Vics. And those teams facilities are all top-notch.TheMinnesota Baseball Association has 265 teams from Class A, B and C, so business seems to be booming, while the ballparks are bustling.
Plenty of pristine, historic local ballparks River Valley League is home to some of the best venues
“The RVL is fortunate to have so many beautiful local ballparks that are all worth seeing a game at during the summer,” Beckman said. Jordan has the Mini Met, while Prior Lake is home to Veterans Field at Memorial Park and Shakopee plays at Joe SchleperChaskaStadium.hashistoric Athletic Park, while Chanhassen, winners of the last four Class B state titles, is home to Storm/ Red Bird Stadium and Victoria plays at Poppitz Field. Beckman said all six of these parks are unique in their own way. Here’s his take on each of them: MINI MET “Many ballparks are proud of their unique characteristics, as they should be,” Beckman said. “The Jordan baseball park just seems to have many of them.” Beckman said as you drive into the park along the left field fence, you can see the viewing area that fans enjoy. The field sits below “like a stage.” There’s the wooden grandstand that dates back multiple decades and actual dugouts that players step down into. Beckman loves the church steeple and clock in the distance over the right field fence, the manual scoreboard, the bluff of trees beyond the first base foul line and the train tracks that are parallel to the drive into the park. “The train looks to be riding on top of the left field fence from certain angles,” Beckman said. “This park is worth a visit whether your are a baseball fan or not.”
Beckman said Athletic Park in Chaska consistently draws large crowns and it’s easy to see“Theywhy. put a good product on the field,” Beckman said. “They have a wonderful surface to play on, and the fans hover over the field down both foul lines and in the grandstand to create a lot of energy for players to play in front of.”
Beckman believes the grandstand at Storm/Red Bird Stadium in Chanhassen is one of the more impressive viewing spots“Thearound.grandstand is beautiful and gives an elevated view for fans to see the action,” he said. “They have spacious dugouts. There is almost a minor league feel to the grandstand that matches their extremely talented team.”
“The changes made by the late Mike Poppitz were instrumental in the improved playing field and surrounding environment at the facility,” Beckman said of Poppitz Field in Victoria. “The surface has been immensely improved in the last decade, and the wooden fence and scoreboard are on par with their competitorBeckmanfields.” likes how standing down the lines in right and left field puts you near the“It’saction.agreat way to view a game at Poppitz,” he said.
The finished concrete areas surround Veterans Field in Prior Lake. There’s quality seating down the right field line where spectators can watch the game from lawn chairs. “They typically have one of the more enthusiastic announcers at their games as well,” Beckman said.

Serving up some outdoor fun
“I think indoorsnotworldconnectedownrecreationpeopleopportunitiesweimportantit’sthataresupplyingfortooutdoorfortheirhealth,tobetothearoundusandgetinsulatedallthetime.” the new
BY ALYSSA HUGLEN Parks in Carver and Scott counties are putting together unique activities and camps for children and their families thisEventssummer.range from immersive, historical summer camps at The Landing in Minnesota River Heritage Park to family mud runs at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Micah Ostergard, recreation and volunteer specialist for Carver County Parks, said putting on activities like these highlights recreational opportunities in an outdoor setting.
“I think it’s important that we are supplying opportunities for people to outdoor recreation for their own health, to be connected to the world around us and not get insulated indoors all the time,” he said.
| SUMMER 2022 | NEXT! 19
“I would say I’ve been playing since 2018, so about four years. My friend and I were playing tennis and we just thought for lack of better terms, it was a lot of running for us,” laughed Brettschneider. “It’s really exploded in the last year and a half. It’s a neat sport that’s really taking off and I hope to see more younger kids playing.”
Ostergard Carver County Parks
“When we got into it we didn’t give it too much of a chance but we played for the first time and really enjoyed it. It’s really social and it’s really different than any other sport. Everyone is pretty welcoming regardless of your ability,” he said.
players can reserve a court online ahead of time by using the app CourtReserve. The club also offers open play time, when participants can show up and play with others. Ping pong is open play only. To play ping pong, it costs $5. Open play pickleball costs $8 and it costs $25 to reserve a court by the hour. Mega Pickle & Pong is open 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday and 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. Those interested in learning more can visit
For more information about pickleball in Savage, including tournaments, visit
Pickleball is also offered in the community of Savage at the Savage Community Park, 13550 Dakota Ave. Dan Brettschneider, recreation coordinator for the city of Savage, is an avid pickleball player and said he would like to see more young people join in the future and predicts there will be a pickleball club at the high school in the next five years.
Carver, Scott County parks running unique youth and family activities this summer PICKLEBALL ➤ continued from 16 NEXT PARK TO CHECK OUT Check Out to 20 ➤
“They’vebusiness.really come together and build up a lot of our business and it’s about them getting all their friends together. They’ve been extremely passionate about pickleball,” said Gray. “It’s so fun to see the big smiles on their faces when they come in and we have a large portion of our visitors come in three to five times a week which has been wonderful.” Gray said the idea to build an indoor pickleball and ping pong club started as a passion project that has since evolved into a thriving business. “It was really a passion project. My business partner and I were big table tennis fans and it kind of started as we love to play table tennis so let’s open up a little ping pong club,” said Gray. “My mother-in-law introduced me to pickleball and I immediately thought this is so fun and saw there wasn’t really much in dedicated indoor sports with an outdoor surface that everyone was looking for.” Gray also said that the new business has extended what it currently offers. “We have been extending what we offer as far as different play for different skill levels. We now have three instructors that teach classes all the way from beginner to advanced. We also have multiple tournaments going on over the summer and 100% of those fees go to charities. So, we’re really trying to give back to the community,” said Gray. “In addition to that, we are looking to be the largest pickleball retailer in Minnesota. We have a substantially sized pro shop where you can come in and we carry a demo of every single paddle that we that you can Pickleballtry.”
Brettschneider said that he didn’t fall in love with the sport right away but it later grew on him because of how welcoming the atmosphere was.
MUD RUN One standout event this summer is the Minnewashta Mud Run. The mud run takes place from 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, July 9, at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park, 6900 Hazeltine Boulevard in Chanhassen.Participants run on a 5.4-kilometer course, going around a 1.7-mile loop twice. The course includes obstacles like a “crazy maze,” limbo, waterslide and hay bales to climb. To keep the event fresh and exciting, Ostergard said the course has been rearranged a little bit with enhancements to existing obstacles.Thisis the ninth year of the Minnewashta Mud Run, once known as the Tonka Mud Run. The run was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic and brought back in 2021. While many mud runs tend to be tailored to adults, the Minnewashta Mud Run has made the event accessible to all. Children are welcome to participate in the run, and a quarter-mile mini-mud run takes place right before the full-length run for younger kids.According to Ostergard, this extra feature in the mud run is part of Carver County Park’s work in offering activities engaging for families and people of all ages. “We wanted to be able to have an activity that doesn’t separate the family … something the whole family can participate in,” he said.
20 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 | In recent years, Ostergard said the mud run has seen around 300-350 participants. This year, he is hoping for numbers to reach closer to 500 participants.Onabroader scale, he added that this event is just one of many that can appeal to residents wanting to get outside this summer and take advantage of the local parks and trails. “Our focus is on this outdoor recreation like canoeing, kayaking, paddleboarding, archery, fishing — things that are maybe less often offered by cities or school districts,” Ostergard said. “Carver County Parks is offering so much more than people realize … we’ve got something for everyone.”
The final day, Day on the Farm, allows kids to meet some farm animals, work in the gardens and try out traditional farm chores.Three Rivers Park District historic interpreter Mike Murray said the Build a Camp activities offer a unique, immersive experience for kids to learn about life in the 19th century. “It’s a lot more fun to learn about history or some of the aspects that we teach at our camps than having to read about it in a book,” he said. “It makes history more real, and you get a better connection with people in theBuildpast.” a Camp also heavily focuses on appreciating the history specific to Scott County. Murray said kids attending the BioBlitz day will participate in multiple activities that center around the environment of the Minnesota River and how it impacts the land. The schoolhouse also has historical ties in town, as the building once served as a oneroom school located in downtown Shakopee for St. John’s LutheranBeyondChurch.Builda Camp, The Landing has other programs and activities that can appeal to people of different ages and interests. Murray said this includes learning about oldfashioned chores and taking adult-themed bike rides that teach guests about the making of bricks and beer in the Minnesota Valley. “We have some unique experiences talking about Scott County history … so there’s experiences for all the family — from the young ones all the way up,” he said.
This year’s Minnewashta Mud Run will be the ninth one at the regional park. The mud run has features that can appeal to family members of all ages.

In Scott County, The Landing in Minnesota River Heritage Park is putting on another year of its “Build a Camp” summer camp. The camp takes place on location at The Landing, 2187 County Road 101 in Shakopee. Build a Camp is a three-day camp that is put on in June, July and August. Families can choose for their children to attend one, two or all three days in their respective round of Build a Camp. This year’s camp consists of three themes: “BioBlitz,” “Oneroom Schoolhouse” and “Day on theBioBlitzFarm.”centers around teaching kids all about different plant and animal species living in their community. One-room Schoolhouse gives kids the experience of learning in a traditional schoolhouse and participating in lessons from around 150 years ago. Kids will get to use a slate board and participate in recess games and with toys dating back to the 19th century.

➤ continued from 19
PHOTO BY MARK W. OLSON Cars travel along Highway 13 in Savage. The road is down to one lane in each direction for construction of an interchange. Highway 13|1670LakeDriveWest,Chanhassen
BY MARK WASSON Scott County travelers are facing multiple slowdowns during road improvements this summer. The biggest disruption is between the Highway 101 interchange and Quentin Avenue on Highway 13 in Savage as construction of an interchange at Dakota Avenue takes place, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. At $33 million, the interchange aims to improve safety, reduce congestion and create better access to the city’s bustling shipping ports on the Minnesota River. The highway is one lane in either direction during the first phase of construction. “We always like to maintain the road,” said Kirsten Klein, a spokeswoman for MnDOT. “Some of these projects, especially in Scott County, have some safetyAlsoimprovements.”duringthistime period, motorists should expect road closures and detours between Highway 19 and Highway 282 for a Highway 13 resurfacing project and the construction of left turn lanes and paved shoulders; as well as at Highway 13 and County Road 8 for the construction of a roundabout. Both of these projects will cost over $12 million total.Years of planning goes into many projects to figure out what needs to be done and what funding will be needed, Klein said. Shoulder and possible lane closures will take place August through October on Highway 169 and 166th Street in Sand Creek Township to extend a frontage road from Berkshire Lane to Bluff Drive and to construct an acceleration lane on Highway 169 to Bluff “SafetyDrive.isalways the No. 1 priority when you’re driving on the road at anytime because traffic conditions can change, whether it starts to rain and traffic slows down in front of you or if there’s construction on the road,” Klein said. “We want you to come as well as we want all of our construction people to be able to go home as well. So follow those signs, pay attention, make sure you don’t have other distractions in your car with you while you’re driving through those construction zones,” Klein stated. For up to date road conditions, travelers can check

Construction hits the road ramp up


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Mandinec Group Landscaping, Inc Prior Lake (952) www.mandinecgroup.com226-1813 Mediacom Communications 1670 Lake Dr. W., Chanhassen (855) www.mediacomcable.com633-4226
Shakopee Public Schools 917 Dakota St. S., Shakopee (952)
Canterbury Park 1100 Canterbury Rd., Shakopee (952) www.canterburypark.com445-7223
Insurance Brokers / Jordan 223 First St. E., #100, Jordan (952) www.ibjordan.com492-2300
Chaska Parks & Recreation 1661 Park Ridge Dr., Chaska (952) www.chaskamn.com448-5633

Lunds & Byerlys / Prior Lake 16731 State Hwy. 13, Prior Lake (952) www.lundsandbyerlys.com440-3900
Anchor Iron Company 12358 Boone Ave., Savage (952) www.anchoriron.com445-3030 Haferman Water 12142 12th Ave. S., Burnsville www.hafermanwater.com952-213-2155
D Fongs Chinese Cuisine 4321 Egan Dr., Savage (952) www.dfongs.com894-0800
INSURANCE / FINANCIAL Haugen Insurance & Financial Solutions 14093 Commerce Ave. NE, Prior Lake (952) www.haugensolutions.com440-8200
Lakeview Clinic / Chaska 110105 Pioneer Tr., Chaska (952) www.lakeviewclinic.com556-0120
PERSONAL SERVICES CBeauty Salon 16154 Main Ave. SE, Prior Lake (952) www.cbeautyalon.com440-1010
Premiere Dance Academy 4616 Colorado St. SE, Prior Lake (952) www.premieredanceacademy.com447-5788
WORSHIP Friendship Church 17741 Fairlawn Ave., Prior Lake (952) www.friendshipmn.org447-8282
MEDICAL / DENTAL Michael King Orthodontics 2687 W. 78th St., Chanhassen (952) www.michaelkingortho.com470-2627
22 NEXT! | SUMMER 2022 |
Edina Realty / Shakopee 4121 Dean Lake Blvd., Shakopee (952)
FOOD & DRINK American Legion / Chanhassen 290 Lake Dr. E., Chanhassen (952) www.alpost580-chanhassenmn.org934-6677
REAL ESTATE Edina Realty / Chanhassen 2655 W. 78th St., Chanhassen (952)
Morgan Family Dental 16670 Franklin Trail SE, Prior Lake (952) www.mypriorlakedentist.com447-4611

Edina Realty/Prior Lake - Savage 14198 Commerce Ave. NE, Prior Lake (952)
Friendship Church 12800 Marystown Road, Shakopee (952) www.friendshipmn.org447-8282
Saint Michael Catholic School 16280 Duluth Ave. SE, Prior Lake (952) www.saintmpl.org447-2124
Edina Realty / Chad & Sara Huebener 14198 Commerce Ave. NE, Prior Lake (952)
Parish Of Saints Joachim And Anne 2700 17th Ave. E., Shakopee (952) www.ssjacs.org445-1319
RETAIL Cal’s Market & Garden Center 6403 Egan Dr., Savage (952) www.calsmarket.com447-5215
Saint Michael Catholic Church 16400 Duluth Ave. SE, Prior Lake (952) www.stmichael-pl.org447-2491
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