Backpacks and books
A corny adventure
Reader callout: First day of school photos
Sever’s celebrates 15th year
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AMERICAN Council can’t agree on preliminary tax levy New state law complicates matters, mayor says BY LORI CARLSON
A split Prior Lake City Council has failed to approve a preliminary property tax levy, leaving it up to the Scott County auditor to use 2011’s final proposed tax levy as the preliminary
2012 city levy. An hour-long discussion at its Sept. 6 meeting didn’t bring the council any closer to agreeing on a proposed levy amount. Last year’s proposed levy of $10.1 million was “artificial,” according to Mayor Mike Myser, because of the complex set of rules under the state’s previous Market Value Homestead Credit process. Under the new state law, homestead credit is revamped into a market-value exclusion for local governments. In the past, cities
a nd cou nties never got t he fu l l reimbursement anticipated from the state, leaving them with some uncertainty as they proposed their budgets. Prior Lake has not seen a total of about $700,000 worth of state reimbursements since 2008, Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson estimated. The new law aims to hold local governments more accountable for spending and give homeowners more direct tax relief. But Myser believes the new market-value exclusion is “phenomenally
Impact As proposed, the 2012 budget would increase the city portion of the tax bill by $26 on the averagevalued home. complex.” Even though the city proposed a $10.1 million levy last year, the city collected a total of $ 9.85 million.
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“Our levy last year really was $9.85 million. We aren’t playing the accounting games that were required by the Market Value Homestead Credit.” Mike Myser Mayor
Inmates enlisted to train service dogs BY AMY LYON
Dancers and instructors from Prior Lake’s Premiere Dance Academy gathered at Buffalo Wild Wings in Savage on Wednesday night to watch the finale of “America’s Got Talent” and cheer on Team iLuminate, a dance group that included siblings Dario and Gisele Mejia. They are instructors at Premiere, and many of their students wore glow necklaces and bracelets and waved homemade signs in support. The team made it to the final four, but jazz crooner Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. took the top spot.
n area assistancedog training program recently enlisted 25 new volunteers from the Federal Correctional Institute in Sandstone, Minn. to raise and train their puppies. The “Prison Road Puppies” program is named after the road that leads to the prison, a low-security facility for male offenders, about 100 miles northeast of the Twin Cities. Pawsitive Perspectives Assistance Dogs (PawPADS) joined with the Sandstone prison in June after the nonprofit organization received a call “out of the blue,” said Linda Ball, PawPADS’s executive director. “They asked, ‘Would you be interested and capable of doing a prison program?’” she recalled. Training assistance dogs for placement with persons with disabilities is now part of the restorative justice program at Sandstone. Ball’s husband, Randy Patrick, is a retired law enforcement officer and PawPAD’s director of operations. In a discussion with the Sandstone unit supervisor, Patrick learned that many of the inmates’ conversations have switched gears since the 10 puppies arrived. “Here are these big, tough guys talking about puppy training rather than criminal acts,” said Patrick.
Linda Ball, executive director of the PawPADS assistance-dog training program, enjoys time outside with Liberty, a 13-weekold black lab and the newest puppy in training.
Get involved Volunteers are needed to assist with raising puppies in their homes and training dogs in the Savage facility. Donations of dog food and dog waste bags are the immediate need, followed by financial contributions and in-kind gifts.
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Carver County trial underway for Prior Lake sex offender The sexual assault trial for Travis Allan Olsen, a registered Level 3 sex offender from Prior Lake, began this week in Carver County Court. Olsen, 37, is accused of assaulting a 12-year-old girl in Chaska several times between September 2007 and September 2008. The girl, now 15,
told authorities in March that Olsen had sex with her on more than 20 occasions that year. He’s been charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Jury selection began on Wednesday, and on Thursday the trial was underway. Assistant Carver County Attorney
Michael Wentzell said he expects closing arguments to be heard on Monday. In December 2008, Olsen moved into the 16000 block of Cambridge Circle in Prior Lake. He had been sent to prison in 1998 on two separate counts of criminal sexual conduct that occurred in Scott County – a
statutory rape charge for his relationship with a 14-year-old girl, between 1996 and 1997; and a charge of forced sexual contact with a 16-yearold girl in 1997. After serving two-thirds of his sentence, Olsen was put on supervised released in 2003 to serve the final third
of his sentence. He spent five years as a Level 2 sex offender, but then his supervised release was revoked in October
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Travis Allan Olsen
CROFUT WINERY EVENTS FOR SEPT. 24 & 25 September 24 & 25 Cousin Alan Crofut visits with his incredibly delicious treats & 100% Belgian Chocolate creations. All you can eat Chocolate Buffet $14. Assorted Chocolate Plate is $9. Make your reservations at
Voted one of th e
TOP 5 CHOCOLATIERS in New En gland by Yankee Magazin e.
Live Music by Thirsty Camel Band
Saturday, Sept 24 Have you ever seen a Vineman 30 feet tall? German Food Catered Buffet, Music, Campfires, S’mores and WINE (German Buffet will be available for purchase, but the S’Mores are on us!)
Located 7 miles south of Mystic Lake At dusk, we will light VINEMAN in a on Highway 13 | 952.492.3227 ceremony to celebrate the harvest Sat. 11am-6pm Sun. 12-5pm (think Burning Man with wine)