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Backpacks and books

A corny adventure

Reader callout: First day of school photos

Sever’s celebrates 15th year

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AMERICAN Council can’t agree on preliminary tax levy New state law complicates matters, mayor says BY LORI CARLSON

A split Prior Lake City Council has failed to approve a preliminary property tax levy, leaving it up to the Scott County auditor to use 2011’s final proposed tax levy as the preliminary

2012 city levy. An hour-long discussion at its Sept. 6 meeting didn’t bring the council any closer to agreeing on a proposed levy amount. Last year’s proposed levy of $10.1 million was “artificial,” according to Mayor Mike Myser, because of the complex set of rules under the state’s previous Market Value Homestead Credit process. Under the new state law, homestead credit is revamped into a market-value exclusion for local governments. In the past, cities

a nd cou nties never got t he fu l l reimbursement anticipated from the state, leaving them with some uncertainty as they proposed their budgets. Prior Lake has not seen a total of about $700,000 worth of state reimbursements since 2008, Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson estimated. The new law aims to hold local governments more accountable for spending and give homeowners more direct tax relief. But Myser believes the new market-value exclusion is “phenomenally

Impact As proposed, the 2012 budget would increase the city portion of the tax bill by $26 on the averagevalued home. complex.” Even though the city proposed a $10.1 million levy last year, the city collected a total of $ 9.85 million.

Levy to page 7 ®

“Our levy last year really was $9.85 million. We aren’t playing the accounting games that were required by the Market Value Homestead Credit.” Mike Myser Mayor



Inmates enlisted to train service dogs BY AMY LYON



Dancers and instructors from Prior Lake’s Premiere Dance Academy gathered at Buffalo Wild Wings in Savage on Wednesday night to watch the finale of “America’s Got Talent” and cheer on Team iLuminate, a dance group that included siblings Dario and Gisele Mejia. They are instructors at Premiere, and many of their students wore glow necklaces and bracelets and waved homemade signs in support. The team made it to the final four, but jazz crooner Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. took the top spot.

n area assistancedog training program recently enlisted 25 new volunteers from the Federal Correctional Institute in Sandstone, Minn. to raise and train their puppies. The “Prison Road Puppies” program is named after the road that leads to the prison, a low-security facility for male offenders, about 100 miles northeast of the Twin Cities. Pawsitive Perspectives Assistance Dogs (PawPADS) joined with the Sandstone prison in June after the nonprofit organization received a call “out of the blue,” said Linda Ball, PawPADS’s executive director. “They asked, ‘Would you be interested and capable of doing a prison program?’” she recalled. Training assistance dogs for placement with persons with disabilities is now part of the restorative justice program at Sandstone. Ball’s husband, Randy Patrick, is a retired law enforcement officer and PawPAD’s director of operations. In a discussion with the Sandstone unit supervisor, Patrick learned that many of the inmates’ conversations have switched gears since the 10 puppies arrived. “Here are these big, tough guys talking about puppy training rather than criminal acts,” said Patrick.


Linda Ball, executive director of the PawPADS assistance-dog training program, enjoys time outside with Liberty, a 13-weekold black lab and the newest puppy in training.

Get involved Volunteers are needed to assist with raising puppies in their homes and training dogs in the Savage facility. Donations of dog food and dog waste bags are the immediate need, followed by financial contributions and in-kind gifts.

Puppies to page 5 ®

Carver County trial underway for Prior Lake sex offender The sexual assault trial for Travis Allan Olsen, a registered Level 3 sex offender from Prior Lake, began this week in Carver County Court. Olsen, 37, is accused of assaulting a 12-year-old girl in Chaska several times between September 2007 and September 2008. The girl, now 15,

told authorities in March that Olsen had sex with her on more than 20 occasions that year. He’s been charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Jury selection began on Wednesday, and on Thursday the trial was underway. Assistant Carver County Attorney

Michael Wentzell said he expects closing arguments to be heard on Monday. In December 2008, Olsen moved into the 16000 block of Cambridge Circle in Prior Lake. He had been sent to prison in 1998 on two separate counts of criminal sexual conduct that occurred in Scott County – a

statutory rape charge for his relationship with a 14-year-old girl, between 1996 and 1997; and a charge of forced sexual contact with a 16-yearold girl in 1997. After serving two-thirds of his sentence, Olsen was put on supervised released in 2003 to serve the final third


of his sentence. He spent five years as a Level 2 sex offender, but then his supervised release was revoked in October

Olsen to page 15 ®

Travis Allan Olsen


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Page 2 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American

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Share your thoughts with Prior Lake American readers; send your essay, no longer than 200 words, to Editor Lori Carlson,, before noon on Wednesday, Sept. 28. Include your name, city of residence, and a daytime phone number. We’ll run some submissions online at and some in the Oct. 8 American print edition. E-MAIL:


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City officials to talk about land-use issues A land-use training session will take place from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Lonsdale Public Library, 10 0 6 Birch St., Lonsdale. All members of the Prior Lake City Council, Economic Development Authority and Planning Commission have been invited to attend.

The agenda includes: Welcome and introductions Legal issues Comprehensive plans Subdivisions Permitted and accessory uses Conditional-use permits Interim-use permits Practical advice Zoning techniques

Mixed-use developments Design guidelines Environmental review Sustainability issues Legal issues (continued) Variances Nonconforming uses Rezoning Case studies and question/ answer session Adjourn

Showers likely into mid-week Last week was bone dry, which is very u nusua l for this time of yea r. T here were hardly any clouds the whole week. A s for t emperatures, Jonathan they started Cohen wel l above average with four days in a row reaching the 80s, but then the period ended with two cold fronts that dropped the temperature well below average. For the week, temperatures were 5 degrees above average. Every day except Sept. 8 and Sept. 13 saw temperatures at least 10 degrees

removed from average for that date. The morning of Sept. 15 saw some scattered frost in the area, but the low temperature was only 36 degrees, 2 degrees from the record set only four years ago. The outlook is for temperatures to rebound to about average by the weekend when there is, finally, a good chance of showers and even thunder-

Date Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14

Precip. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

showers. Temperatures should return to above average with highs in the 70s, though the average high drops from about 70 degrees to the mid-60s by next week. There is a continuing chance of showers into the middle of next week. By Jonathan Cohen, Prior Lake observer for the Scott County Soil and Water Conservation District

High 78 82 80 80 83 65 56

Low 56 62 61 61 60 56 43

Dew pt. midnight 57 56 58 57 46 41 30

4” soil temp 71 73 74 73 71 66 60


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Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 3

MCA Results

Cosmo Ortho is the way to be!

Percentage of students that met or exceeded standards Math MCA-III Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 11

2011 Prior Lake-Savage/State 85.4/70.2 83.1/67.2 67.8/53.6 68.4/50.3 70.5/51.7 70.9/53.3 59.7/48.6

2010* Prior Lake-Savage/State 85.3/82.8 86/77 78.9/68.6 76.7/68.9 76.5/64.4 76.4/58.5 51.7/43.2

2009* Prior Lake-Savage/State 87.7/82.1 83.3/74.9 72.6/65.4 65.3/63.8 77.6/62.6 70.1/59.7 51.2/41.6

*Note: The exam given to third-through-eighth-graders in the Prior Lake-Savage Area School District during these years was the MCA-II, not the MCA-III.

Reading MCA-II Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

2011 Prior Lake-Savage/State 88/78.5 85.6/75.1 85.9/80.3 81.2/75.1 79.8/69.6 76.5/68.1 80.1/75.3

2010 Prior Lake-Savage/State 84.2/76.3 81.3/72.5 82.9/76.4 78.3/71.7 68.5/66.1 76.4/68.1 81.1/75.3

2009 Prior Lake-Savage/State 85.2/78.3 84.4/74.5 80.8/72.2 78.8/72.6 71/64.8 75.5/66.8 80.8/74.2

– Olivia B.


Source: Minnesota Department of Education

Mixed local MCA results mirror state trends BY MERYN FLUKER

The more things change, the more they stay the same when it comes to the testing prowess of students in the Prior LakeSavage Area School District. For the fourth year in a row, district students bested their statewide peers on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in both reading and math. “Our students continue to outperform [the] state on both reading and math assessments,” said Superintendent Sue Ann Gruver. “I continue to support the excellent efforts of our staff across the district in both content areas. They are working diligently to prepare students to be successful on this test, but more importantly our teachers are preparing students to be proficient in reading/language arts and math.” The trend continued despite an increase of rigor in the math exam. Last year, elementaryand middle-school students took the MCA-II math test. This year, students took the online MCA-III math exam, which was based on higher standards than ones in the past. The increase in difficulty came with a decrease in proficiency rates for students across the state, including ones in District 719 classrooms. “As we were preparing for that transition from the MCAIIs to the new standards that were being tested on the MCAIIIs, we anticipated that we would see some areas of decline,” said Jeff Holmberg, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment. Only two grade levels in the district saw gains this year in math scores – third graders increased their proficiency rate by .1 percent while high-school juniors, whose test standards and content remained consistent from last year, saw 8-percent growth. The transition to a different test appeared to hit fi fthgraders the hardest, with an 11.1 percent drop in proficiency – from 78.9 percent to 67.8 percent – when compared to last year. That was the only doubledigit decrease exhibited by any group in District 719. Despite t he pronou nced drops, the gaps between district students in math and their state counterparts widened “considerably,” this year according to Holmberg, with double-digit divides between District 719 students and state averages at every grade level. Third-graders made the sharpest turn, jumping from a 2.5-percent lead over the state average in 2010 to a 15.2 percent gap in 2011, an increase of 12.7 percent. “When you look at our grade levels for state average, compared to how we did as a district, we see a sizable difference between how our students did and how students in the rest of the state did,” Holmberg said. “This tells us that, even though we anticipated that our scores may drop a little bit, compared to how other districts and other students were doing, the work that we did to prepare students and to give students the educational experiences that they need, paid off in the amount that our students did not drop as much…More of our students are proficient [compared to state averages] as a result of our proactive steps to address the changes with the new math content and the new

math standards.” Holmberg and his colleagues have plans in place to address the declines in math proficiency, which come as the district is working on implementation of new math curriculum at the elementary and secondary levels. “What we need to look at for 2011, is because it was a different test, a more rigorous test, this is a benchline year for the MCA-III. As we move forward, we will be using this really as another starting point,” Holmberg said. “At the district level, we will be bringing the scores to this committee to overview how students are doing and how, within as we plan for our new curriculum resources, to address the areas that impact student achievement in mathematics.” Holmberg also said that district principals will take the school-level data and work with teachers to pinpoint challenges and struggles, even down to an individual-student level. “We’re optimistic that we’re going to start seeing gains and positive growth in mathematics as well as a result of our curriculum changes and recommendations moving forward from those committees,” he said.

READING District 719’s results once again mirrored the statewide picture when it came to the MCA-II reading exams, which – unlike this year’s math exam – did not undergo an increase in standards. The state saw a 1.6-percent uptick in reading proficiency, and elementary and middle-school students in the Prior Lake-Savage area at all tested levels made gains. Local high school sophomores were the only grade level to exhibit a drop, with proficiency declining 1 percent to 80.1 percent from 81.1 percent in 2010. “Reading shows steady increases [by] level and cohort,” said Superintendent Gruver. “I believe that these scores can be attributed to a new reading/ language arts approach over the past two years.” With 79.8 percent meeting or exceeding standards, district seventh-graders made the largest gain in proficiency of any tested group with an 11.3-percent increase over the per for mance of last year’s seventh-graders.

WAIVE GOODBYE? The release of the MCA test results is a summer staple, but the three-week state government shutdown is responsible for pushing back the data drop, but that didn’t put a stop sign in front of District 719 administrators. “Our AYP plan is a two-year plan,” he said. “We were moving forward with the data we did have.” Typically, at this time of year, the MCA data leads to a discussion of the aforementioned single three-letter abbreviation: AYP. Also known as adequate yearly progress, AYP is the measure that determines not only whether enough students at a district school are meeting or exceeding proficiency, but whether or not the district and schools are making steady gains consistent with federal standards. The benchmark, set under the No Child Left Behind Act, is raised each year with a goal of 100 percent proficiency in math and reading by 2014. However, AYP data was not released for District 719 schools – or any other Minnesota district. That’s because the Minnesota Department of Education



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Trudy Bonvino, DDS, MS


Yes, the Road is OPEN to Minnesota Harvest has applied for a waiver which will release state districts from complying with NCLB, in favor of a different system of accountability. “The waiver submitted by the state of Minnesota will provide more flexibility at the state and local level,” said Gruver. “However, regardless of waiver outcome, PLSAS will continue to implement all accountability measures to their fullest fidelity under new measures or NCLB.” The move could have serious impact locally. Five Hawks Elementary School – alongside WestWood, Redtail Ridge and Grainwood elementary schools – is one of four District 719 buildings that receives federal Title I funds. As a result, under NCLB, those schools must make AYP in all student subgroups – divisions based on race, economic status, special education and other classifications – in order to stay off the “needs improvement” list. Should a Title I school remain on that list for two consecutive years, which Five Hawks did in 2009 and 2010, it is then forced to face consequences. For Five Hawks last year, that meant allowing families school choice. Families living within the boundaries for Five Hawks were given the option to send their students to Grainwood Elementary School instead. Only one family took advantage of the opportunity. Because the AYP data is not available, it is not yet known whether Five Hawks showed gains in the necessary subgroups. Holmberg said that Principal Tim Bell did send a letter to parents in the summer about the school’s AYP status and has received inquiries from parents about the situation. “ It ’s c er t ai n ly not ver y many, in the grand scope of that school,” Holmberg replied when asked how many parents had inquired about Five Hawks’ AYP and MCA performance. “Certainly not a number that I’m concerned with and not a number that Tim’s concerned with, to my knowledge.” But, should the U.S. Department of Education grant Minnesota’s waiver, Five Hawks would no longer be on any list or subject to any NCLB-related consequences. The same is true of District 719, which – under NCLB – needs another year of making AYP in order to get off the “needs improvement” list. However, Holmberg said the district has moved forward with its plans to improve performance regardless of the bubble on which state standards currently sit. “This data that we have from the MCAs, we’ll incorporate that into our planning and start to look at those individual students results and enhance and move forward with the plan we have in place,” he said. “From what I see here, these results wouldn’t necessarily indicate to me that the plan has to be fully revamped.” Whether MDE’s waiver is given a red or green light, Holmberg said District 719 will still need some sort of plan. He did, however, echo Superintendent Gruver’s support for MDE’s alternative accountability system.

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Gains in reading parallel drops in math

Page 4 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American

opinion Contributions welcome to, (952) 345-6378


Confusion and clarification Clarification of my Aug. 28 letter was requested in the Sept. 3 issue regarding possible ulterior motives in a quote borrowed from Plato’s “Republic,” Book 8 regarding the rich that “… their fondness for money makes them unwilling to pay taxes.” Plato and other philosophers in Book 8 and other works seek the highest good that thought can imagine, including justice and the just state, while condemning greed, according to critics. With great disappointment I concluded that problems which concerned Plato, other philosophers and the inquiring party were similar or identical to longstanding and current U.S. problems, sometimes allowing for the more than 2,000-year time differential: 1. Financial crisis: A method to achieve a fi nancial crisis was traced to 33 A.D. by Henry Adams, past president, American Historical Association, in his “Degradation of the Democratic Dogma,” page 95, (1958). 2. Corporate welfare: Unable to verify any resulting net job creation. Cost overwhelming and surpasses welfare to human beings. “Time,” Nov. 9-30, 1998 by Pulitzer Prize winners Barlett and Steele. 3. Indebtedness: Forty-six percent of U.S. mortgages are underwater. 4. Unemployment for August 2011; annual inflation as of July 2011: Note: Shadowstats calculations are based upon a proprietary correction calculated from government documents at the request of business clients. Unemployment: U.S. government, 9.1 percent; U-3, 16.2 percent; U-6, Shadowstats 22.8 percent. July’s annual inflation: U.S. government, 3.6 percent; CPI-U, 4.1 percent; CPI-W, Shadowstats 11.2 percent. 5. Wealth concentration- 400 Americans now have more cash, stock and property than 155 million Americans combined according to the Cato Institute and others, a state secret for seven years between 2001 and early 2009, according to Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston. 6. Poverty: U.S. official measure (2009) 14.3 percent. 7. Interest rates including payday loans and credit cards: Illegal interest rates have become legal since 1978. Essentially unlimited interest rates are legal in South Dakota and Delaware. First Premier Bank (SD) offered an annual credit card interest rate of 79.9 percent and stated that the response was phenomenal. 8. U.S. population: 308 million; U.S. prison population: 2.3 million 9. China’s population: 1.3 billion;

China’s prison population: 1.6 million Additional issues raised and comments requested: 1. Social Security revenues were used to fi ght unnecessary and condemned wars (see the horrifying June 27, 1986 decision of the World Court in Nicaragua vs. U.S. condemning the U.S. war effort in Nicaragua). 2. Taxes on the wealthy and corporations: Scholar C.H. Patterson commenting on Book 8 of “Republic” states Sophocles’ view that in a society composed of rich and poor a large number of citizens will simply spend money and consume goods and perform no useful service for the community; and many of the poor will become either beggars or criminals. See 5, 6, 8 and 9 above and 4 below. 3. Tax avoidance: An unfavorable view of “legal” and excessive tax avoidance appeared in the Sept. 1, 2011 Star Tribune. 4. Trusts: Living trusts, etc. provide overpowering temptation for basically honest people who receive bad advice to break the law. 5. California’s problems: Fortune senior writers quoted convicted Enron (energy) CEO Jeffrey Skilling as stating that the difference between California and the Titanic was that “At least the lights were on when the Titanic went down.”

Arthur E. Yeske Prior Lake

Perspective in numbers I am astounded at the president’s proposal of the new Jobs Act bill. After spending over $1 trillion in the fi rst stimulus, the president is now proposing almost another half a trillion in new spending? To do what? If the trillion-dollar stimulus didn’t do the magic, how will throwing away another half a trillion change anything? Comparing the president’s stimulus speech with his Jobs Act speech does not render anything new. It’s more of the same: Spend, spend, spend, and let the unborn generations bear the burden. This insanity must stop. I pray there are enough courageous people in Congress to stop this monstrous bill from passing. For many of us, it is difficult to fathom $1 trillion, so please allow me to put it in simpler terms. Simple math shows that spending $1 million per day would take almost 2,740 years to add up to $1 trillion. Our national debt is over $14 trillion. How will we ever repay it? A co-worker sent me this short and simple analogy of the budget issue. I believe it is worth sharing: U.S. tax revenue: $2.17 trillion Fed budget: $3.82 trillion

New debt: $ 1.65 trillion National debt: $14.271 trillion Recent budget cut: $38.5 billion Let’s remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget: Annual family income: $21,700 Money the family spent: $38,200 New debt on the credit card: $16,500 Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710 Total budget cuts: $385 Numbers do not lie. America is in a very precarious position. Our politicians need to start acting responsibly if we are to survive. Only by returning to fiscal responsibility, perhaps one day, America will once again be a great nation. Let’s pray it will be so.

Alexandra Matyja Prior Lake


Who will do the right thing? T he tow n f at her s mu st h ave thought the people were some real dummies. Did they think they could push through this ridiculous and ver y cost ly project, dest royi ng families’ homes and raising taxes without repercussions? Isn’t it the truth; these officials convince us to elect them with all their promises, and they fold under the pressures from outside sources, paybacks and money. T her e i s to o much s o - c a l le d

scratching each other’s back that goes on right here in this town. Too much greed and not enough concern for doing the right thing for the decent people that just want to keep their homes. Is there such a thing as an honest, trustworthy spokesman for the people that just wants to stand up and do the right thing for the people of Prior Lake?

Theresa Wixon Prior Lake

Progress is irresistible The truth is that the County Road 21 bypass will happen eventually. You may not be around to enjoy it, but be assured it will happen. The normal growth in population and traffic demands it. Interstate 35W between the south metro and downtown met with the same ostrichlike reasoning, but imagine what life would be like without it. Even if you won’t be around to enjoy it, your grandkids will. It always amazes me the fi ghts that people choose to fight. Some of you have written major treatises, resplendent with wonderful words and logical arguments, but it is all for naught, for this will happen. Progress is an irresistible force, kind of like a glacier’s slow but overwhelming movement.

Gerald Anderson Prior Lake


Quick actions saved lives On Aug. 10, a fi re destroyed our garage and the attached guest apartment where our son lived. I was at home alone when I heard a “pop” outside. When I went to investigate, I saw flames coming from the garage. I immediately ran back into the house and attempted to call 911 from my land-line phone only to discover it was not working due to the fire. I reached for my cell phone and while speaking with the 911 operator, I noticed two men beach their boat and run up the hill. Within seconds, they were in the house, screaming, “Is anyone here? Is anyone here?” They made sure both our dog and I got out of the house. They burned their hands moving two of our vehicles, and they stayed with us until the fire was out. We have all read about heroes and applauded and admired their acts of selflessness and courage, but when you actually look into the faces of two strangers who risked their lives to help you to safety, you then realize what a true hero is. To our heroes, Greg Thompson and Greg Lanzo, thank you, thank you, thank you, not only for making sure everyone was out and safe, but for giving me a new appreciation for my fellow man and the inspiration to be a better and more courageous person myself.

Jodie Benson Prior Lake

Of new roads and Walmarts passed by


The other day, I caught myself doing something that the younger me would be embarrassed about. I actually went out of my way on a busy day to go to my not-so-favorite Walmart to buy hummingbird nectar for my new hummingbird feeder. “What’s the big deal?” you ask. “All the hip kids are into hummingbirds these days.” “Duh,” I respond. Anybody who knows anything about ornithology knows that hummingbirds are tearing up the 30-something demographic right now. The big deal isn’t what I was buying, but rather the fact that I used the nectar as an excuse to test out the new County Road 21 shortly after it opened last week. I drove straight past a Target store, a fine retailer of all things ornithology, then kept driving by County Road 18 just so I could see what new concrete looks like on my way to buying sugar water for the cutest little birds you’ll ever see. The day it opened, I received 10 texts, e-mails, Facebook thingys, etc., letting me know that the road was finally open. To summarize, a

All letters to the editor submitted for publication in the Prior Lake A merican wi l l be verified before they are printed. In addition to the letter writer’s name, the letter should contain an address and daytime and evening telephone numbers so the newspaper staff can verify the letter writer’s identity. The Prior Lake American will not print any unverified letters, nor any letters without all the above mentioned information. Letters that are potentially libelous will not be printed or will be edited. However, letters will not be refused because staff disag rees with their content. Letters may be edited as space requires. Not all thank you letters will be printed. Writers should keep their comments under 500 words. Letters to the editor may be sent to: Prior Lake American, P.O. Box 538, Prior Lake, MN 55372 or to Call Lori Carlson, editor, at (952) 345-6378 for further information. The deadline for letters to the editor is noon Wednesdays.



road opened in Shakopee, and the whole town of Prior Lake was atwitter. And just like I hate hearing what happened on “Dancing with the Stars” before seeing it myself, I had to make a point to check out this new road firsthand. Apparently we need more to look forward to in Prior Lake. For two years, I have been awaiting the opening of the new section of County Road 21. At first it was because I had been spreading rumors that Trader Joe’s was coming to town when the road was complete, so I was kind of hoping


Newspaper rates: Single copy, $1; oneyear subscriptions, $29 voluntary in Prior Lake, $33 in Scott and Carver counties, $45 elsewhere in Minnesota, $50 outside (USPS 004-696) Minnesota, and $4 per month for partial subscription. Subscriptions are non-refundable.


About us: The Prior Lake American, founded in 1960, is published by Southwest Newspapers, a division of Red Wing Publishing Company. We are an active member of the Minnesota Newspaper Association and the official newspaper for the City of Prior Lake and School District 719. Published weekly on Saturdays; periodicals postage paid at Prior Lake, MN. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notice to Prior Lake American, P.O. Box 8, Shakopee, MN 55379. Location: The Prior Lake American is located at 14093 Commerce Ave. in Prior Lake. Its mailing address is Prior Lake American, P.O. Box 538, Prior Lake, MN 55372. For general information call (952) 447-6669; send faxes to (952) 447-6671.

the project would get put on hold so I wouldn’t have to answer the calls from the duped. I still maintain that Trader Joe’s is considering it. Now, for the past year, I’ve just been excited for the road to open so the blood would stop shooting out of my ears every time I drove on County Road 18 and I tried to figure out which lane I was supposed to be in and how it was all going to come together in the end. So there I was, finally turning north on County Road 21 two long weeks after the glamorous ribboncutting ceremony. “Ooh, look at that nice big sidewalk.” “Aah, look at that view. So serene!” “Ooh, a nice new stoplight, too. Much better than the kind that hangs on strings like at 42 and 13.” “Aah, crap! There goes Walmart, and I’m on my way to Bloomington with no U-turn in sight.” Evidently I was so excited for this road on a subconscious level that my brain wanted me to see it from both directions that day. So I took a quick tour of Bloomington, very pretty this time of year by the way, and

headed back for Walmart. It was 5 p.m. by the time I was back on County Road 18, and it was interesting to see that nothing had changed from before the new road opened. There was a long backup at the light to stay on County Road 18, and just a few cars were zipping straight onto County Road 21. I did some investigating and found that the morning commute hasn’t improved all that much, either. So why would someone go through all the trouble to open this new highway that makes life easier for few? And just who is behind this American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? Well, I e-mailed Trader Joe’s to find out, and they had “no comment.” That’s not actually what they said. In fact, they haven’t technically responded to the weird guy from the small town who got overly excited about a new road, but if they did, I’ll bet that’s what they’d say. Mark Gores is a realtor living in Prior Lake with his wife, Emily, and their young daughter. He can be reached at

Guest columns and letters to the editor: Letters to the editor and guest commentaries stating positions on issues facing the local community are especially welcome but are reviewed by the editor prior to publication. The newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and clarity. We will not print letters of a libelous nature. Letters should be 500 or fewer words in length. Exceptions are at the editor’s discretion. Deadline for letters is noon Wednesday before the Saturday publication date. Letters must contain the address and daytime phone number of the author, as well as a signature (except on e-mails). We prefer letters that are e-mailed to Editorials that appear on this page represent the institutional voice of the newspaper. Any questions or comments should be directed to the editor. Deadlines News: noon Wednesday Advertising: 4 p.m. Tuesday Imarketplace (Classifieds): 3 p.m. Thursday for paid ads; noon Thursday for Thrift ads Legal notices: Noon Tuesday

Publisher: Laurie Hartmann (952) 345-6878; Editor: Lori Carlson (952) 345-6378; Staff Writer: Meryn Fluker (952) 345-6375; Sports Editor: Tom Schardin (952) 345-6379; Advertising Sales: Lance Barker (952) 345-6371; Advertising Sales: Pat Vickerman (952) 345-6373; Advertising Sales: Daniel Boike (952) 345-6372; Circulation: Ruby Winings (952) 345-6682; Imarketplace (Classified) Advertising: (952) 345-3003; self-serve at Composition: Traci Zellmann Ad Design: Renee Fette For breaking news and news updates, go to or follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Find sports scores online at Leave news tips at (952) 345-6378. © 2011 Southwest Newspapers (

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 5

Where good food, fun & friends come together... Coldest Beer in Town!! Try Our Beer Sampler Six 4oz. Tap Beers for $5.50

A GRAND MORNING Four-year-old Britney Pinkowski reads her nametag to her grandpa, John Rendall, on Wednesday during the Grandparents’ Day celebration at Little Saints Early Childhood Center in Prior Lake. Britney, of Prior Lake, and her peers in Tamara Lammers’ class sang and presented their grandparents with gifts during the event. Rendall is from Minnetonka. PHOTO BY MERYN FLUKER


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The movie poster for “My Run.” A portion of the DVD’s proceeds will go toward charitable organizations.

“My Run,” the documentary film about Prior Lake resident Terry Hitchcock, will be released on DVD on Tuesday, Sept. 20. T he i n spi rationa l stor y tracks Hitchcock’s 1996 feat of running 75 marathons in 75 consecutive days, from St. Paul to Atlanta, Ga., to raise awareness of single parents’ struggles. Independent fi lm producer Tim VandeSteeg’s 83-minute documentary chronicles Hitchcock’s 2,000-mile trek and his

struggle to pick up the pieces after his wife’s death from cancer. The movie is narrated by Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thornton. The fi lm is available to preorder at www.myrunmovie. com. In keeping with the theme of the fi lm “to be somebody’s hero,” the producers will donate $1 per DVD to the Livestrong organization and a portion of the proceeds to Soles 4 Souls, which helps to put shoes on peoples’ feet around

the world. “It’s our goal to have our f i l m m a ke a p o sit ive d i ffe r e n c e wo rl dw i d e ,” s a i d VandeSteeg. The film’s creators have partnered with, as well has several promotional partners, including the Spartan Race, U.S. Road Sports (13.1 Marathon Series), Road Ru n ners Club of A merica, Running Network, RunTex a nd t he M a ni fest Fou nd ation. Lori Carlson

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Focus areas

continued from page 1

PawPADS is only in its second year of service and has six areas of focus:

“A nd the puppies are so far ahead of training,” Ball added. “The staff members are thrilled. It makes their jobs easier.” Ball said past studies have shown that assistance dogs trained through prison programs are typically able to be placed with persons with disabilities up to six months earlier than those raised in a traditional training situation. “ T he i n mates obviously have the time to spend with the dogs and train them constantly,” she said. Equa l ly impor tant, Ba l l said, the inmates participating in the program at Sandstone have the drive and desire to pay something back to their communities and society.

Camp PawPADS, offering mainstream youth an opportunity to learn to train assistance dogs; Community Involvement, offering puppy-raiser homes, community socialization activities and volunteer corps;

Project YES! working with at-risk youth to train assistance dogs and grow from the experience; Paw Corps, working with veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder as they train dogs for placement with physicallywounded veterans; and The Prison Road Puppies program.

Linda Ball works with a young Labrador retriever. Puppies in the training program are taught up to 90 commands such as opening doors, turning lights on and off, retrieving dropped or necessary items, paying at a counter, pulling wheelchairs and providing balance. hand signals later.” Over the 18-24 months the puppies will stay at Sandstone, they will be taught up to 90 commands to perform tasks including opening doors, turning lights on and off, retrieving dropped or necessary items, paying at a counter, pulling wheelchairs and providing balance. On weekends, staff members and volunteers take the puppies to their homes and out in public for exposure to family living, children, shopping and restaurant situations. “These puppies are doing so well that I’m planning on keeping them there through adulthood,” said Ball, noting that maturity usually comes at about age 2. “These guys will be placed earlier than normal.”

PLACEMENT Not all puppies are suited for the job of assistance dog, though, and in those instances Ball initiates a “career change.” This could mean a new focus in police work or serving as an emotional support dog for a veteran. “And sometimes being a great family pet is the perfect career,” said Ball. Additionally, each dog and

client undergoes personality testing to determine the best placement. Ball anticipates that three to four service dogs will be ready for placement later this fall. The next group of dogs should be ready six months after that. Nationally, there is a threeto five-year wait list for a service dog, but PawPADS is ready for more clients. They have an application online, as well as placement criteria for applicants. While there are more organizations training service dogs throughout the country, Ball said there are also more areas in which assistance dogs are being used. For example, PawPADS engages with children in autism-spectrum and specialeducation programs. PawPADS’ goal is to conduct two training camps per year and place 10 dogs each year. The fee charged to clients for an assistance dog is $3,500. Ball said they help individuals raise the funds if there is a financial barrier. The cost to raise and train each assistance dog is approximately $20,000 to $25,000. PawPADS receives donations from

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“a couple of larger donors,” said Ball, as well as donations from individuals and receipt of foundation grants.

DONATIONS NEEDED Ball and Patrick jumped at the opportunity to partner with the prison in Sandstone – not for fi nancial gain, but because it felt like the right opportunity at the right time. “This is a community service project,” said Ball. “We’re not being paid.” PawPADS will receive no tax dollars or other government funding for the assistance-dog project at Sandstone. As a nonprofit organization, PawPADS relies entirely on individual donations, corporate and foundation contributions, fundraisers, in-kind gifts and grants. In fact, the cost to feed the 10 puppies staying at Sandstone has increased PawPADS’ dog food bill by about $ 50 0 per month. “A nd we use about 1,000 biodegradable poop bags a month and that is just as important,” said Patrick. “Finding a company to sponsor or cover those is critical to maintaining a healthy environment for the dogs and the inmates.”

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SIT Program, offering social interaction therapy for a variety of populations including children and senior citizens and hospital patients;

CURRICULUM Ball travels to the prison once a week and usually talks on the phone to a staff member daily about puppy topics: behavior, illnesses and, most recently, what to do when one of the Labrador puppies ate a sock. Inmates who expressed interest in training a puppy fi lled out a questionnaire and attended an interview conducted by prison staff. Twenty-five inmates were chosen to be trainers. There are currently 10 puppies living at the facility, and each puppy has a primary and a secondary trainer. There are also five alternate trainers in the event that an inmate has a court hearing or other obligation. In choosing the puppies that would be trained by the inmates, Ball embarked on a personal study. Five of the puppies are from animal shelters and five were donated by breeders. Her goal was to learn whether one group excelled over the other at Sandstone. The puppies include purebred labs, golden retrievers, a German shepherdlab mix, a labradoodle and a lab-Great Dane mix. Because Sandstone previously had a service dog training program, the facility had the infrastructure in place for the puppies. All that was needed, Ball said, was curriculum training. Inmates were taught the psychology of dogs, why harsh training methods don’t work, g rooming procedu res, and general health and safety. No hand signals are used in the initial training. “We are training up to the level of a quadriplegic,” said Ball. “We can always bring in

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Page 6 | September 17, 2011

LIVESREMEMBERED | Prior Lake American

Janice Gail Affield

Vivian F. Kraemer

George Thomas Watson, Sr.

Roy and Ethel (Dent) Binion announced the birth of their daughter, Janice Gail into the world, Nov.19, 1945. Janice grew up in southern Georgia on a farm. They later moved to Florida, before returning to Georgia in her early teenage years. Janice was the eighth of 11 children, which meant assisting her mother with raising her younger siblings. After finishing high school, Janice moved to Florida and met a young Navy sailor named, Gordon Affield, while he was stationed in service. Their love grew and on May 25, 1963 in Kingsville, GA, Janice and Gordy exchanged wedding vows. After Gordy was discharged from the service, they welcomed a son, named Gordon Jr. Moving closer to his family in the Red River Valley of Minnesota, Janice and Gordy welcomed a beautiful daughter named, Tracy. Trying to find a place to establish their roots as a family, they found themselves moving to Savage, to the southwest corner of Minnesota and finally to Prior Lake in 1976. As a couple, Janice and Gordy loved to kick up their heels on the dance floor, sit back listening to music and travel all over the United States. As a mother, Janice devoted all of her time raising her children and making sure they excelled in school. She would attend her sons sporting events and was a dedicated Den Mother for her daughters Girl Scout Troop. As a family, they have enjoyed for over 35 years, the annual Fourth of July vacation at a resort in Alexandria. The first trip consisted of the four of them and to more recent years around 100 people. A true example of how much family and friends meant in her life. After her children were grown, Janice worked 15 years at Continental Machines in Savage as a computer operator. She also was a computer consultant for them as well for many years. Continuing to expand her horizons, Janice then worked for the Prior Lake Lions Club as a bookkeeper. She was currently employed at the Rainbow Foods in Savage as a book keeper and pharmacist tech. A charter member of the Prior Lake Lioness Club, Janice has been involved in many aspects of the organization over the past 40 years. In her spare time, she bowled in three different leagues, enjoyed playing many rounds of golf, buying a few pull tabs and even played softball in the children’s early years. Janice and Gordy would also play 500 with couples in Prior Lake and traveled the United States attending Lions conventions. The biggest passion in life was her husband, children and especially her adoring three grandsons, Nathan, Alex and Sam. She relished being a Grandma. Over the years, Janice taught them such valuable lessons in life. She loved playing cards, board games and teaching them math while playing cribbage. They also enjoyed special times visiting the zoos, science museums, parks and movie theatres. She was so proud of her grandsons and would do anything for them. A trustworthy, generous and loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister, Janice passed away peacefully the early morning hours of Friday, Sept. 9, 2011 at her home surrounded by her loving family. Janice will always be loved and deeply missed by husband, Gordy of Prior Lake; son, Gordon Jr. (Kim) Affield of Casselberry, FL; daughter, Tracy Affield of Prior Lake; grandchildren Nathan Affield, Alex Affield and Sam Menk; brothers, Paul (Teresa) Binion of Georgia, Herman Jr. (Glenda) Binion of Georgia; sisters, Erlene Deist of Pennsylvania and Linda Powell of Georgia; many nieces, nephews and friends. Janice is preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Ethel and many brothers and sisters. The visitation was Tuesday, Sept.13 from 4-7 p.m. at Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, Prior Lake and also one hour prior to the service at church. The Celebration of Life Service was held Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 11 a.m. at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, Prior Lake. Pastor Mark Holman officiated. Janice will be laid to rest at the Credit River Cemetery in Prior Lake. Memorials are preferred to the Lions Eye Bank and Hearing Center. The Affield family is served with honor, care and compassion by Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, Prior Lake Chapel

Vivian Frances (Cottrell) Kraemer was born Sept. 4, 1916 in Cresbard, SD to William and Meta (Delzer) Cottrell. She attended Northern Teacher’s College in Aberdeen, SD for one year and transferred to Winona State Teacher’s College graduating in 1938. Vivian taught in a one room school near Dodge Center, MN for eight years. While in the Dodge Center area she met and became engaged to Richard Kraemer. They were married on March 19, 1946 in O’Neill, NE, where they were farmers. They returned to Minnesota living in Dodge Center and then making their home in Shakopee in 1961. Vivian was widowed in 1968. Vivian held various jobs including the St. Paul House Restaurant, Valley Cues and Friendship Manor where she worked until she was in her 70’s. She enjoyed a long retirement spending time with her grandchildren, gardening, canning, making pies, watching Lawrence Welk on TV and doing crossword puzzles. The most important thing in her life was her faith in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In 2007, Vivian moved to Talheim Apartments in Chaska where she was currently residing. Vivian passed away at St. Gertrude’s in Shakopee on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011 at the age of 95 due to complications following hip surgery. Vivian was preceded in death by husband, Richard Kraemer; parents; brother, Verle Cottrell; son-in-law, Robert Theis; brother-in-law, Walter Bosanco. She is survived by sister, June Bosanco’ sister-in-law, Mary Cottrell. Vivian is also survived by son, Sherwood Kraemer; daughters, Lyla (Eric) Brown, Marjorie Theis, Darlene (Michael) Strack, Donna (Charlie) Vig; grandchildren, Rose Kraemer, Amy Theis, Byron Theis, Emily Strack, Abby Strack, Scott (Kristin) Vig, Andrew (Anna) Vig, Austin (fiancé Payton Kelley) Vig, Kevin Vig, and Brooklyn Vig; great-grandchildren, Claire Vig, Paige Vig and Wesley Vig; nieces and nephews. Services were held Monday, Sept. 12 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Chaska. The pallbearers were her 10 grandchildren. The Kraemer family was served by Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, Shakopee Chapel

George Watson, Sr., 77, of Jordan, passed away Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011 at his home. He was born to parents, Thomas D. G. and Dorothy (Smith) Watson on July 12, 1934 in Paterson, NJ. He married Marilyn Jean Wallin Feb. 24, 1989 in Orange, TX. George served our country with pride on the U.S.S. Gearing with the United States Navy. George will be loved and forever missed by his wife, Marilyn Watson; children, Candi (Jerry) Dickson of West Lake, LA, Debra (George) Duncan of West Lake, LA, Collene (Jay) Christensen of Jordan, Kevin (Lisa) Jensen of Welch, Wendy (Darrell) Sonnier of Jordan, Dean Jensen of Jordan, April Jensen of New Prague, Jim Jensen of Maple Grove; 23 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren; sister, Mildred Smolen of Bayport, NJ. He was preceded in death by his parents; son, George Watson, Jr.; daughters, Donna Deville, Grace Fontenot; granddaughter, Keri Leigh Deville; brothers, Edward and Alexander Watson; sister, Doris Goodyear. Visitation was held Thursday, Sept.15 from 12 noon until 2 p.m. at Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home in Jordan, with the Celebration of Life Service following at 2 p.m. Urnbearer were Darrell Sonnier. George’s final resting place will be Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis. The Watson family was served with honor, care and compassion by Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, Jordan

Verner A. Severson Verner “Bing” Severson, 90, of Shakopee, died Sunday, Sept.11, 2011 at St. Gertrude’s Health Center, Shakopee. Nels and Jenny (Pehrson) Severson proudly announced the birth of their son, Verner, on Sept. 21, 1920, in Trimont, MN. His life changed when he met Lorraine “Larry” in St. Peter, MN while on leave during World War II. They married on Nov. 10, 1943 and eventually settled in Shakopee in 1954. They welcomed into their family 13 children. Bing taught Industrial Arts and driver’s education and retired after 32 years of teaching. He enjoyed his retirement golfing, antiquing with Larry, and solving the world’s problems twice a day with his coffee club buddies. We have many great memories of camping, fishing, his love of football and his beautiful singing voice. He never said, “No” to ice cream or a snickers bar. He was a member of the James Campbell 1685 Knights of Columbus of Shakopee, Shakopee Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4046 and Shakopee American Legion Post 2. He will be fondly remembered as a kind, quiet, brave and faithful servant of the Lord. He is survived by children, Dr. Michael, MD (Linda), Susan Torgrimson, Terry, Tom (Kathy), Mark, John (Marcia), Mary (Jim) Larson, Laurie, Barb, Jenifer (Tim) Brandt, Rick (Barb), Janel (Scott) Knutson and Scott (Eva); 33 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, “Larry”; infant son; two brothers; five sisters. Visitation was Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 4-8 p.m. and Thursday, Sept. 15 from 9-10 a.m. at the McNearney Funeral Home. Knights of Columbus Rosary was Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was Thursday, 10:30 a.m. at St. Mark’s Catholic Church, Shakopee. The Rev. Thomas Boedy, SJ officiated. Pallbearers were David Severson, Jesse Severson, Nik Severson, Kirk Larson, Nate Twedt, Alex Breuer, Tracey Brandt, Ben Severson, Andrew Knutson. Interment at Catholic Cemetery. The Shakopee Veterans Memorial Unit provided military honors. Funeral arrangements through McNearney Funeral Home in Shakopee, 952-445-2755.

Stanley Mathias Kraus

Stanley Kraus, 81, of Mesa, AZ and formerly of Prior Lake, died peacefully in his sleep Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. Stanley was born Aug. 25, 1930 in Rosholt, SD, the son of William and Elizabeth (Braun) Kraus. One of six and the fourth oldest, Stanley worked hard on the family farm right outside of Rosholt. He was united in marriage to Audrey Jean Clarey Oct. 23, 1951. They were blessed with nine children, Jacinta, Kevin, Lynette, Terrance, Michelle, Michael, Kristine, Patrick and Kim. Stanley worked as a farmer for 14 years and as a carpenDorothy Vaske, 91, of Elko/New ter. He loved to work with his hands and could fix just about Market, formerly of Bancroft, IA, passed anything. He enjoyed playing pool, golf, cribbage, and all away Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2011, at the kinds of card games. Stanley was a great father, grandfahome of her granddaughter, Denise ther and great-grandfather. Wagner, with whom she has lived the past He is preceded in death by his mother and father; daugh12 years. ters, Jacinta and Michelle; grandson, Travis; sisters, Florine Visitation will be Saturday, Sept. 17, at and Valeria; brother, Vern. He is survived by seven children; 9 a.m. at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in 26 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. Elko New Market. Mass of Christian Celebration of Life service will be held Saturday, Sept. 17 Burial will immediately follow the visitation at the church. from 4-6 p.m. at Friendship Baptist Church, 17741 Fairlawn Burial will also take place on Saturday, Sept.17, at St. Ave., Prior Lake. John’s Cemetery in Bancroft where Dorothy will be laid to rest beside her husband, Leander Vaske. Graveside services will be held at 2:30. Dorothy was born Feb. 28, 1920 to Patrick and Margaret Hynes in Pomeroy, IA. She was the fifth of eight children. Robert Edberg, 46 years young, of She grew up in Pomeroy and Mallard, IA. During her senior Shakopee, died Friday, Sept. 9, 2011 in year of high school, she moved with her family to Bancroft. She graduated May 2, 1938, from St. John’s Catholic High Burnsville. He was born in New Prague Oct. 27, School in Bancroft. On Oct. 20, 1941, Dorothy married 1964 to Jerry and Charlotte Edberg. Bob Leander John Vaske at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Bancroft. They were proud parents of five chil- and Wendy Meyer were married June 21, dren, Pat (Mary) Vaske of Chaska; Joann Vaske of Ankeny, 1986 in Mound, MN. Bob was the love of Wendy’s life. He IA; Jane (Ted) Hansen of Prior Lake; Mary Inglett of Lakeville; and Sue (Dave) Wollner of Baltimore, MD. loved motorcycles, snowmobiling, camping, playing cards, Dorothy is survived by her children, their spouses, eight friends, family and traveling – especially Alaska and cruisgrandchildren, Paula (Rich) Colestock, Denise Wagner, es. Bob could fix anything. As an airline mechanic with Cheryl Vaske, Brita Hansen (Eric Hazen), Bligh (Dan) Delta Airlines for nearly 26 years, he loved working on airKwiatkowski, Ryan (Lisa) Vaske, Tim Inglett, and Erik planes. Besides his wife, Wendy, he survived by children, Zack, Hansen; six great grandchildren, Jason Colestock; Katie, Ashley and Amanda; parents; sister, Michelle (Jerry) Matthew, and Sarah Vaske; Payton Wagner, and Brennan Dehnel; brother, Brian (Dawn) Edberg; three nephews. Kwiatkowski. Dorothy is also survived by one sister, Mary Visitation was Tuesday, Sept. 13 from 3-7 p.m. at Hutchinson of Hayfield, MN. Dorothy was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Memorial Park, Shakopee and at the church one hour prior Leander, on Dec. 31, 1988; parents; four brothers; two sis- to the service. Funeral service was held Wednesday, Sept. 14, 11 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, Shakopee. ters. Dorothy will be remembered for her deep faith and The Rev. Bev Modlin officiated. Pallbearers included Mark prayer; her love of and selfless devotion to her family; her Chicoine, Mike Carlson, Marty Underwood, Jeff Studtmann, wisdom, wit, and sense of humor; a life-time of work (on the Jim Stai, and Chris Rynda. Interment at St. Wenceslaus farm and at the Bancroft Senior Center); her untiring serv- Cemetery, New Prague. Funeral arrangements through McNearney Funeral Home in ice to her community; her amazing strength and resilience; Shakopee, 952-445-2755. being a role model for her family for a ‘can-do’ attitude; her terrific cooking/baking; wonderful traditions that she created and handed down to the family, and her competitive spirit in all kinds of games, including bridge, pinochle, cribbage, Scrabble, and Yahtzee. She enjoyed spending time with family; theater, especially musicals; travel, and doing word Nancy Claeys, 59, of Carver, died at search puzzles. In her younger days, she loved to dance. her home Monday, Sept.12, 2011. She was an inspiration to all who met her and will be deeply Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will missed. be held Saturday, Sept. 17 11 a.m. at St. White Funeral Home, Lakeville handled the arrange- Hubert's Catholic Community, 8201 Main ments. 952-469-2723 St., Chanhassen. Visitation starts at 9:30 at church. Father Thomas Joseph is the celebrant. Inurnment will be at Fort Snelling National Cemetery on a later date. Nancy was born March 18, 1952 in Glencoe, MN to Royal Boom, 87, of Shakopee, died Sunday, Raymond and Florence (Caron) La Plante. She was one of Sept.11, 2011 at his home. six children. On Aug. 14, 1972, Nancy married Julian He was born in Beresford, SD, Sept. 18, 1923 to Claeys. They have one daughter, Jessica. Laurence and Ilith (Campbell) Boom. Royal and Margaret Nancy was a member of St Nicholas Catholic Church in (Sohler) were married Dec. 31, 1950 in Sioux City, IA. Carver and also Pax Christi Catholic Community in Eden He was manager of the American Legion Posts in Prairie. She worked as a records management supervisor Shakopee and Wayzata. Roy served in the United States at the Carver County Government Center until she retired Army in World War II and was a member of American in April. She loved gardening, going to the cabin and watchLegion Post 118 in Wayzata and V.F.W. Post 4046 in ing the sun rise. Most of all she enjoyed spending time with Shakopee. her family. He is survived by son, Todd (Carol); daughter, Carol; Preceding her in death were her parents, Raymond and grandchildren, Chet (Kate), Luke (Danielle) and Clint Florence La Plante. Survivors include her husband, Julian; (Jennifer); four great-grandsons; sister, Shirley Saloka. He daughter, Jessica Claeys and fiancé Jason Holzemer; was preceded in death by wife, Margaret. brothers and sisters, David La Plante and wife Kathy of Memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. Minnetonka, Barbara Howland and husband Mick of 17, at the First Presbyterian Church in Shakopee with visi- Hudson, WI, Monica Rosen and husband Dan of Apple tation one hour prior to the service. The Rev. Bev Modlin Valley, Mike La Plante and wife Cheryl of Cloquet, Beth will officiate. Interment at Valley Cemetery, Shakopee. Ericksen and husband Doony of Farmington, and her preShakopee Veterans Memorial Unit will provide military rites. cious dog Sophia. Funeral arrangements through McNearney Funeral Home in Funeral arrangements were with the Bertas Funeral Shakopee, 952-445-2755. Home of Chaska, 952-448-2137.

Dorothy Margaret Vaske

Robert Lee Edberg

Nancy Irene Claeys

Royal Boom

For current information on visitation and funeral arrangements, visit our website: This information is updated daily

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Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 7

Sale projected to save at least $720,000 BY MERYN FLUKER

The Prior Lake-Savage Area School District is set to see an additional $720,000 due to sale of two of its building refunding bonds. The District 719 School Board approved a resolution allowing for sale of the bonds during Monday’s regular meeting. “Interest rates right now are at a very, very low point, so it would advantageous for districts,” said Gary Olsen of Ehlers and Associates, the financial advisory company working with the district, about the sale. Olsen estimated savings as high as $926,000 for District 719 due to the nearhistoric drops in interest rates. The actual

LEVY continued from page 1

“We never do collect at 100 percent – it’s always at about 98 or 99 percent each year,” Myser said. “Our levy last year really was $ 9.85 million. We aren’t playing the accounting games that were required by the Market Value Homestead Credit.” Myser added: “St. Paul [legislators] put in these artificial levy levels in the fi rst place. If we really wanted a zero levy for what we levied and charged our residents last year, our levy should be $9.8 million. Otherwise, it’s really a 2½-percent increase. That’s what the law change did to us.” Jerilyn Erickson confi rmed that previously, cities had to establish a higher levy because they knew they wouldn’t get that amount from the state. The Market Value Homestead Credit in 2011 for Prior Lake was $259,000. This year, that credit is the same, but in future years, the credit will go away. Myser and Councilman Richard Keeney warned that if they set the levy at last year’s rate, “we are accepting a levy increase. In effect we’re not increasing the levy, but we are collecting more money because of this.” C ou nci lwom a n Va ne s s a Soukup and Councilman Warren Erickson hold a different opinion. They cautioned that the proposed levy is the maximum the city can levy – state law allows cities to lower, but not raise, the levy between the time it’s proposed and the time the fi nal levy is adopted. This year’s credit “is a one-

savings are still unknown because interest rates are fluctuating and the bids on the bonds aren’t set to come in until Monday, Oct. 3. “We’re not extending the term of any of those bonds,” Olsen continued. “We’re just processing them at lower interest rates in order to save taxpayer dollars.” The savings for the fi rst bond, which was issued in 1996 and refunded once before in 2005, will be seen beginning with the 2012 levy certification. The savings for the other bond, because it is not callable until 2014, will not begin until the 2013 levy certification. The sale will still occur but the money will sit in an escrow account for a year before the district can touch it. The district made a similar move last year, and the sale netted $2.9 million in savings for the district through 2022, which is the life of the bonds. Another X factor in the savings is that

time adjustment, but it’s not a credit that is artificially reducing our tax levy,” Soukup said. “This is a one-time deal for this budget, and people won’t be seeing this anymore. This program is gone, so we don’t have the reliance on the state, either.” Councilman Ken Hedberg was absent from the Sept. 6 meeting due to his job. Hedberg has typically sided with Soukup and Warren Erickson on city budget and tax levy issues. Scott County Auditor Cindy Geis said the council’s failure to adopt a preliminary levy means her office will have to set the proposed levy at last year’s final adopted levy of $10.1 million. “I will need to increase your market value levy. By statute, you cannot levy less than what your debt is, unless you have money in that reserve fund to cover that particular bond,” Geis told the council. Geis said the county would reduce the city’s general fund levy by the same amount it increases the market value levy. “The overall levy will remain consistent with last year,” G eis said, adding that she would need a general statement from the council that the city has enough funds in reserve to manage its debt.

NEW POSITIONS The city’s proposed 2 012 budget of $25.7 million – about 1.65 percent higher than in 2011 – includes a personnel increase totaling $241,000, or a nearly 2-percent increase over 2011. A police supervisor position and an accountant in the fi nance department are proposed. Council members agreed

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the school district is still waiting on the details of its levy certification, which has been held up by the Minnesota Department of Education, due to the three-week government shutdown earlier this year. The School Board typically certifies the district’s preliminary levy – which illustrates the school district portion of local taxes – in mid-to-late September. This year, the board has not yet done so. Director of Business Affairs Julie Cink is hopeful that the preliminary levy information will be in place in time for a vote at the board’s next regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 26 – but she said board members are aware that they may have to hold a special meeting for the vote. “It’s not a huge impact but it’s defi nitely worth doing,” said Cink of the sale. “Anytime we can save some money in interest, we should do it. We’re doing it to save taxpayer dollars.”

those positions are needed, but Myser and Keeney cautioned against increasing staffing too quickly in a still-wavering economy. “I would propose either holding of f on these additional positions or delaying them,” Keeney said. “I’m really concerned about a 3.6 -percent increase in spending.” As proposed, the 2012 budget would increase the city portion of the tax bill by $ 26 on the average-valued home. Keeney also recommended removing a proposed 4-percent increase in budgeting for mayor and council members. “I think we should take the 4 percent off the City Council budget as a symbolic gesture,” he said. Myser said he’s “still nervous” about the economy. “I support the need for some additional staff, but adding back 3.2 [full-time equivalent positions] – I still don’t support that at this stage,” Myser said. Soukup and Warren Erickson maintained that if residents expect a strong and healthy police department, the police supervisor position is needed. They also supported an accountant position to ease what they say are increasing responsibilities in the finance department.

SURPLUS Myser surprised his colleagues on the council – and many residents – in February, when he pointed out the city’s nearly $1 million surplus from 2010 and proposed returning some of the money to residents. In budget workshops this

What’s next Nov. 7: Council workshop on final budget and tax levy

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School district to refinance bonds

Dec. 5: Truth-in-taxation hearing at City Hall at 7 p.m. Dec. 19: Adoption of final budget and tax levy for 2012

su mmer, cou nci l members continued to debate the use of that surplus. Warren Erickson now says he agrees the city should give some of the money back to residents, but he disagrees with Myser on the method. He pressed for gradual tax relief for homeowners, while Myser would prefer to give residents a larger, one-time rebate. “While I would be open to giving some of that money back gradually over a period of a few years, I don’t think that’s as good, because then people will get conditioned to it,” Myser argued. “I say give it to them in one fell swoop so they won’t get used to it and they know it’s not something that’s going to happen over a period of time.” Soukup warned that the state’s ongoing deficit is going to continue to affect local governments. “There are a lot of programs for mutual aid that are going away. The state is going to keep cutting back,” Soukup said. “Yes, we are in a surplus situation … but we need to do our due diligence, because we don’t want to end up in a deficit in a few years. We are in a great position right now, and we need to be aware of what’s going on.”

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Page 8 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American

“First day of school” photos


Students in the Wilds North neighborhood in Prior Lake are ready for school to start.


t’s definitely that time of year again, isn’t it? Children and even adults have returned to school, which is a sign of fall as much as our azureblue sky and leaves changing from green to orange or red. All the hubbub of getting ready for another school year can make us forget the importance of documenting another milestone in our youngsters’ development. Fortunately for us, some of our southwest-area readers did not forget. They have submitted favorite back-to-school photos. We thank them, and to you we say, “Enjoy!”

Jordyn, Haley and Lindsay Sammis (from left) start school again in Prior Lake.

Above – Lauren Short, Claire Krivitz and Mikenna Plaisted (from left) wait for the bus to come.

Brandon and Claire Krivitz leave home for their first day of school.

At left – Janell MacGillivray of Prior Lake had a busy first day of school. Her children, Haddie, 3, Hunter, 5, and Hailey, 11, started preschool, kindergarten at Five Hawks Elementary and middle school at Hidden Oaks, respectively.

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 9


After a yearlong drought, adult basic education will return to the Prior Lake-Savage area. At Monday’s regular meeting, the Prior Lake-Savage Area School Board approved an agreement allowing District 719 Com mu nity Education Services to begin hosting local adult basic education courses. “We would have the local oversight and we would have the funds to set up classes in our own community,” said Leanne Weyrauch, director of Community Education. “The agreement allows us to be able do what we think is best and that would meet the need.” Community Education will alter its current partnership with the Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative (CSEC) to of fer the classes, which will begin Monday, Oct. 3 at Bridges Area Learning Center and include English Language Learners (ELL) and General Equivalency Diploma (GED) programming. School districts receive allocated amounts of state aid, based on a formula, in order to provide adult basic education. District 719 – as one of eight member districts in the CSEC consortium – gave its funds to CSEC, which organized and staffed adult basic education courses. District 719 was the third largest CSEC member district in terms of aid. CSEC staff is responsible for determining the location of adult basic education classes based

in part on demand. “It didn’t have the connection with the district,” Weyrauch said. “It was sor t of like you were outsourcing it someone.” One side effect of this arrangement meant that learners in Prior Lake and Savage may, as was the case last year, be forced to travel to Shakopee, Belle Plaine or New Prague, etc., because programming is not available in their immediate community. GED classes in Prior Lake and Savage were phased out around 10 years ago, Weyrauch estimated, and low enrollment at a Glendale Elementary School section of ELL classes in 2009-10 resulted in no local adult basic education programming in the area in 2010-11. Under the new agreement, District 719 will bill CSEC for two-thirds of the district’s allocated state aid to provide programming locally. CSEC will retain the remaining one-third in exchange for instructor training, GED testing and other administrative work. CSEC will continue to be the “fiscal agent,” Weyrauch noted. “We’re self-supported,” she said. “There is no cost to the general fund whatsoever.” On Monday the School Board approved a job description for two adult basic education instructors and Weyrauch has already begun interviewing applicants. She will present the top two candidates at the board’s Monday, Sept. 26 meeting for approval. The agreement is a yearlong pilot and will be evaluated for renewal once the year is complete.

Get more out of your relationship with Magazine. Each month we’ll partner with a local business to present readers with shopping/fashion, food, fun and education. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to win door prizes and receive other special deals and discounts. Space is limited so be sure to register early!

CSEC’s adult basic education classes include workforce education, family literacy and transition to employment – courses that are not available in Prior Lake-Savage. Because District 719 is still a partner with CSEC, local learners will still be able to take advantage of those CSEC classes, Weyrauch said. “Those services are already available and staffed much bigger somewhere else,” she added. Though she would like to look to locally providing programs like family literacy, if there is a need, Weyrauch said there isn’t a strong local call for programming beyond ELL and GED, the initial offerings under the new system. Though District 719’s contributions to CSEC were so large under the old model, Weyrauch said the new agreement will have a minimal impact “to other districts in terms of being able to sustain their programming.” Adult basic education classes are free for students and they do not need to live within District 719 boundaries in order to take classes here. Weyrauch anticipates that local enrollment will grow, which will result in more funding in subsequent years, because courses are now offered in the area. She also listed other benefits to the arrangement. “The opportunity for us to do it locally is that we have more engagement with the school district and the community,” Wey rauch said. “You have more ownership because you’re managing it in-house in your own district.”

Help to plan PLHS senior lock-in Parents of Prior Lake High School seniors can help to plan the 2012 senior lock-in, which will be


held following graduation on Friday, June 8. The lock-in committee’s fi rst meeting is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20 in Room 125 at the high school, 7575 150th St., Savage.

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The Family of Ruth Anne Lipka wishes to thank the Prior Lake Police Department and Scott County Attorney’s Office for their hard work since November 2008. We also wish to thank the jurors for their time and the community for their support. Your diligence, faith and hope gave us the courage and strength we needed over the past 3 years.

Re-do a room for $100 or less


nly on TV would a redecorating budget of a couple thousand dollars be considered “shoestring.” In the real world, most of us have a lot less than that to spend on redoing a room. Fortunately, it’s possible to completely change the look of any room in the house for as little as $100. All you need to do is focus on the design elements that will deliver the most impact for the least cost. Here’s a room-by-room guide for redos that cost $100—or even less.

Every room A fresh coat of paint is an essential foundation for virtually any room makeover. One gallon will cover most rooms, meaning you can get a good start on your redesign for around $25—even less if you luck out and find a deal. Decluttering is also another way to give a room a fresh look. Whether it’s your living room, kitchen or a child’s room, removing excess items like papers and toys can make

the room feel open and orderly.

Dining room Your table and chairs are the centerpieces of your dining room. While a new set might not be in the budget, you can easily dress up your old one. Replacing old fabric on dining chair seat cushions can give the set a whole new look. Depending on the fabric color and style you choose, you can create looks that range from modern to traditional. Top off the table with a decorative runner in a complimentary pattern and you’ve redone your dining room for less than $100.

Living room Accessories are the way to achieve a big impact for not much money in the living room. Replace old throw pillows with new, brightly patterned ones. Switch out wall decor with new pieces. Cover up worn wooden floors or shabby carpeting with an elegant area rug. It’s possible to change several accessories and still bring your costs in under the $100 mark.

Kids’ rooms If your youngster is ready for a new look in his room, rip down that teddy bear border, let him pick a paint color and consider dressing up one wall of the room with a mural. You can find plenty of kids’ murals for less than $100 online at websites like Whether he likes a solar system theme or she wants a princess canopy, a wall mural can make redoing a children’s room fast and easy.

Bathroom Get rid of that old, moldy shower curtain. To create a designer look for not much dough, hang a simple, functional vinyl curtain on existing shower rod, then place a pressure rod just outside it. Add attractive, floor-length curtains from the local discount store; they’ll cost a lot less than comparable versions made for bathroom use. Toss out worn, ratty old towels with a matching set of new ones in an appealing pattern or color. Finish up by adding

a decorative frame around the existing vanity mirror.

Kitchen Spending a bundle on a kitchen rehab is easy to do, but it’s just as easy to make small changes that have a big impact. Rather than sinking a lot of money into changing countertops or cabinets, consider simple upgrades like new cabinet

hardware, a new kitchen faucet and a new light fixture. You can also use a wall mural in the kitchen to dress it up. Whether you’re looking for a rustic theme that would fit with Italian murals or a nature landscape that turns a blank wall into a view on another world, you can fi nd a wall mural to fit virtually every decorating theme for as little as $60.

You don’t need the budget of a TV home improvement show to make high-impact, appealing changes to your home. You just need $100 and some ingenuity. Source: ARA Content


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Page 10 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American






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Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 11

scoreboard Breaking news at Contribute sports news to or call (952) 345-6379




Show of force

Fall Sports State Polls FOOTBALL CLASS AAAAA 1. Eden Prairie 2. Wayzata 3. Cretin-Derham Hall 4. Lakeville South 5. Blaine 6. Minnetonka 7. Rosemount 8. Lakeville North 9. Brainerd 10. Mounds View 10. Hopkins


Lakers impose their will in easy 43-7 rout

1. Lakeville North 2. Bloomington Jefferson 3. Wayzata 4. Shakopee 5. Blaine 6. Lakeville South 7. Centennial 8. Andover 9. Eagan 10. Eden Prairie


What does a football team aspiring to be among the elite do to an inferior opponent? It dominates. That’s exactly what Prior Lake did in its South Suburban Conference opener at Bloomington Jefferson Sept. 9. Senior Jack Kaiser ran for 160 yards and scored three touchdowns i n t he L a kers’ 43-7 rout. Kaiser also had 81 yards r e c eiv i n g , i n c l u d i n g h au l ing in a 40-yard touchdown pass from sophomore quarterback Nick Rooney for the Lakers’ fi rst score. A fter Jefferson tied the game with a touchdown, the Lakers (1-1 overall) proceeded to PHOTO BY TOM SCHARDIN score the next 36 Prior Lake senior points, leading Jake Deavers rumbles 22-7 at the break through the line for and 2 9 -7 going a first down in the into the fourth Lakers’ 43-7 win at quarter. Bloomington Jefferson P rior Lake Sept. 9. has beaten the Jag ua rs by a combined margin of 122-19 in their three meetings since 2007. Lakers coach Matt Gegenheimer said his team made significant improvements from its season-opening loss – 47-20 to No. 2 Wayzata Sept. 1. “We defi nitely cleaned some things up offensively and defensively,” said Gegenheimer. “We got on Jefferson right away and we stayed on them. That’s the kind of mentality we are trying to create.” Prior Lake was back on the field Friday (results not available at press time) in a huge conference game at home versus No. 7-ranked Rosemount, the defending Section 3AAAAA champions. The Irish went into the game 2-0, beating its fi rst two opponents (Bloomington Kennedy and Burnsville) by a 66-13 margin. Meanwhile, against Jefferson, Kaiser had a 66-yard touchdown run in the second quarter and scored from 10 yards out in the third. He even had two touchdowns called back by penalties in the second half, one from 82 yards out and the other from 39.

Lakers to page 12 ®

BOYS SOCCER CLASS AA 1. Stillwater 2. Edina 3. Minneapolis South 4. Bloomington Jefferson 5. Eastview 8. Minneapolis Southwest 7. Eagan 8. Eden Prairie 8. North St. Paul 9. Lakeville North


Prior Lake junior Logan Bunbury makes a play on the ball in the Lakers’ 1-0 South Suburban Conference win at Burnsville Sept. 8.

Kickers stay positive Goal for Lakers coach is for team to reach potential BY TOM SCHARDIN

The Prior Lake boys soccer team is not about to get down on itself after a pair of tough losses. “I think we’re continuing to take steps in the right direction, but definitely have some specific things that we need to improve on if we’re going to reach our potential,” said Lakers coach Mike Shebuski. The Lakers (4-3 overall) outshot No. 10-ranked Lakeville 15-4 Sept. 13 in a South Suburban Conference home game, but was on the wrong end of the score, falling 2-1. It was the Lakers’ fi rst conference loss (2-1). Prior Lake went into the game on the heels of a 1-0 home loss to Wayzata Sept. 10 in a non-conference game and 1-0 road win in a league game at Burnsville Sept. 8. “We struggled a bit with the effort level against Wayzata, which made for a pretty sluggish and slow


game,” said Shebuski. “It seemed we just couldn’t get going and we lacked the cohesion needed to compete at a high level.” “So we tweaked a few things during practice (Sept. 12) with the goal of creating better connections and a better understanding of roles on the field,” added Shebuski. “The boys came out and played good soccer (against Lakeville North). “No doubt in my mind that it’s the best soccer we’ve played, but unfortunately there’s no column for that in the scorebook.” Moving forward, Shebuski said the most important thing his team can do is to continue to do the little things right.

Six of the Lakers’ games this season have been decided by one goal. “It’s not about stats or time of possession, but about doing the little things well and fi nding the competitive side that says we’re not content on just playing good soccer,” said Shebuski. “In my opinion, successful teams have the basics handled, and when they spot a sign of fatigue or weakness, they come even harder and try to break your spirit,” added Shebuski. “I think we’re getting the soccer part down, and it was great to see how well they were able to play (against Lakeville North), but the mental game has given us some trouble.” Prior Lake led 1-0 at the break on a goal from senior Jack Peterson with the assist going to sophomore Jhony Blanco. Lakeville North tied the game in the second half and scored the

Soccer to page 12 ®



Netters rise to challenge

Going strong PL girls win; boys are fifth

PL stops both Lakeville teams BY TOM SCHARDIN

The Prior Lake girls tennis team stayed red hot in the cold. I n t he wi ndy, 5 0 - deg ree temperatures, the Lakers remained perfect with a 5-2 South Suburban Conference win at Lakeville South Sept. 14. The Lakers (9-0 overall, 5-0 in the conference) went into the match on the heels of a thrilling 4-3 home win over Lakeville North Sept. 8. “The girls did a good job staying focused and came away with another good conference win,” Lakers coach Kris Rosborough said about beating Lakeville South. Lakeville South beat Prior Lake 5-2 last year, so the Lakers were able to return the favor. Meanwhile, Lakeville North blanked the Lakers 7-0 last year en route to the conference title,

so the Lakers were able avenge that defeat as well. “Once again, this shows how far the girls have come in just a year,” said Rosborough. “This was a match where we had to fight really hard. Lakeville North played very tough at every spot.” Prior Lake lost five matches last year in a 12-win season. So far, it’s avenged losses to t h ree of t hose tea ms, a lso earning a 6-1 win over Eagan, the defending Section 3A A champion. Rosemount beat the Lakers twice last year, including in the section semifinals. Prior Lake will play host to the Irish in a conference match Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 3:30 p.m. The Lakers were back on the court Thursday at home versus Apple Valley in conference play and had big match the next day at Visitation, a section foe


also had to come back after losing the first set and both really battled hard,” added Rosborough. “One doubles really played very well throughout their entire match.” P r i o r L a k e ’s w i n n i n g doubles teams were junior Savanna Petersen and eighthgrader Grayce Petersen at No. 1 (6-1, 6-4), seniors Caitlyn Gengler and Alex Fasking at No. 2 (2-6, 6-2, 6-3) and eighthgrader Sydney Soeffker and sophomore Nikki Henderson

The Prior Lake girls country team made it two for two Sept. 8. The No. 4-ranked Lakers dominated the 25-team field at the Redbird Invitational at Montgomery Golf Course, beating second-place Blake 43 points. Prior Lake scored 66 points and had six runners in the top 25. Shakopee was a distant third with 110 points, followed by Waseca (145) and Mahtomedi (202). It was the fi rst 4,000-meter race for the girls this fall and Lakers coach Dan Saad said he wasn’t concerned with times. “The Montgomery course has never been the girls’ favorite,” said Saad. “We’ll take the win. We probably could have

Tennis to page 12 ®

Run to page 12 ®


Prior Lake seventh-grader Savanna Crowell won in three sets at No. 2 singles to help the Lakers win 4-3 over Lakeville North Sept. 8. (results not available at press time). Against Lakeville North, the match came down to No. 2 singles. And seventh-grader Savanna Crowell delivered for the Lakers. She won in three sets (7-6, 2-6, 6-3). “Savanna knew her match was the deciding match and she was playing a senior with a lot more experience,” said Rosborough. “But she still stayed very composed and fought for every point. “Our two and three doubles

1. Wayzata 2. Edina 3. Mathomedi 4. Centennial 5. Lakeville North 6. Eastview 7. Eagan 8. Eden Prairie 9. Woodbury 10. Minnetonka

BOYS CROSS COUNTRY CLASS AA 1. Stillwater 2. Wayzata 3. Rosemount 4. Edina 5. Moorhead 6. Andover 7. Eden Prairie 8. White Bear Lake 9. Eastview 9. Burnsville 11. Owatonna 12. Sartell-St. Stephen

GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY CLASS AA 1. Monticello 2. Lakeville South 3. Eden Prairie 4. Prior Lake 5. Eagan 6. Wayzata 7. East Ridge 8. Forest Lake 9. Andover 10. Moorhead 11. Sartell-St. Stephen 12. Edina

GIRLS SWIMMING CLASS AA 1. Edina 2. Minnetonka 3. Wayzata 4. Stillwater 5. Eden Prairie 6. Maple Grove 7. Prior Lake 8. Rosemount 9. Rochester John Marshall 10. Mounds View

Scoreboard.MN You can also follow Prior Lake High School sports online at www.scoreboard. mn. Catch all of the breaking news, browse photo galleries and keep up with your favorite Laker teams, plus more via the Web.

Facebook & Twitter Did you know Prior Lake High School sports are also available on two popular social networking sites, Facebook and Twitter.

Contact us To contact Prior Lake American sports editor Tom Schardin send an email to sports@swpub. com or call (952) 345-6379.

Page 12 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American




Laker Athletic Booster Club meetings

Football Date Sept. 1 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 19

The Laker Athletic Booster Club will have its monthly meeting on the third Monday of every month (except July and December) in the lecture hall next to the auditorium at Prior Lake High School, 7575 W. 150th St., Savage, starting at 7 p.m.

Opponent Result/Time vs. Wayzata L, 47-20 at Bloomington Jefferson W, 43-7 vs. Rosemount 7 p.m. at Burnsville 7 p.m. at Bloomington Kennedy 7 p.m. vs. Eagan 7 p.m. at Lakeville South 7 p.m. vs. Lakeville North 7 p.m.

Year-end meeting scheduled for PLABA The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association (PLABA) will have its year-end meeting Wednesday, Sept. 2 at New Market Bank starting at 7 p.m. The baseball public is welcome to attend the meeting.

Volleyball Date Aug. 25 April 27 Sept. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Oct. 7-8 Oct. 11 Oct. 14-15 Oct. 18

Opponent Result/Time vs. Owatonna W, 3-0 vs. Chaska W, 3-0 at Chanhassen L, 3-1 at Faribault L, 3-2 vs. Edina L, 3-2 vs. Lakeville North L, 3-0 at Apple Valley 7 p.m. Farmington Invite 9 a.m. vs. Rosemount 7 p.m. at Bloomington Jefferson 7 p.m. at Lakeville South 7 p.m. vs. Bloomington Kennedy 7 p.m. at Eastview 7 p.m. Lakeville North Invite TBD vs. Eagan 7 p.m. Eastview Invite TBD at Burnsville 7 p.m.

PL softball program sets two fundraisers The Prior Lake softball has two fundraisers, including a pig roast and corn feed at Spring Lake Town Hall today (Saturday, Sept. 17 from 5 to 10 p.m. There is a silent auction with $4,000 worth of merchandise. The team is also raffling off student parking spots for $1 per raffle ticket. The students cut their raffle ticket in the drawing and win one of six parking spots in the front row of the student parking lot for the entire quarter.

PL girls soccer team’s pancake breakfast The Prior Lake girls soccer program will have a fundraising pancake breakfast Sunday, Sept. 25 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Prior Lake VFW, 16306, Main Ave. Se. The admission cost is $6.

Boys Soccer Date Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 27 Oct. 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 6

Opponent Result/Time vs. Chaska W, 1-0 at Edina L, 4-1 at East Ridge W, 2-1 vs. Eagan W, 2-1 at Burnsville W, 1-0 vs. Wayzata L, 1-0 vs. Lakeville North L, 2-1 at Apple Valley 5 p.m. vs. Hopkins 7 p.m. vs. Rosemount 7 p.m. at Jefferson 7 p.m. vs. Rochester Mayo 1 p.m. at Lakeville South 5 p.m. vs. White Bear Lake 1 p.m. vs. Kennedy 7 p.m. at Eastview 5 p.m.

Girls Soccer Date Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 4 Oct. 6

Opponent Result/Time vs. Byron W, 3-0 vs. Farmington W, 2-1 at Eden Prairie L, 1-0 vs. Eagan L, 1-0 at Burnsville L, 3-1 at Chanhassen W, 1-0 vs. Lakeville North L, 4-0 at Apple Valley 7 p.m. vs. Hopkins 5 p.m. vs. Rosemount 5 p.m. at Jefferson 4:45 p.m. vs. Northfield 7 p.m. at Lakeville South 7 p.m. vs. Holy Family 6 p.m. vs. Kennedy 5 p.m. at Eastview 7 p.m.

Girls Tennis Date Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 26 Sept. 27

Opponent at Henry Sibley at Burnsville vs. Owatonna at Chanhassen vs. Eagan at Eastview vs. Holy Angels vs. Lakeville North at Lakeville South at Apple Valley at Visitation vs. Rosemount at Jefferson vs. South St. Paul vs. Eden Prairie vs. Kennedy

Result W, 7-0 W, 7-0 W, 6-1 W, 4-3 W, 6-1 W, 5-2 W, 6-1 W, 4-3 W, 5-2 3:30 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

Cross Country Date Sept. 2 Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Sept. 24 Sept. 29 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Oct. 26 Nov. 5

Opponent Result/Time Rosemount Invite Girls, 1st Boys, 9th Redbird Invite Girls, 1st Boys 5th Lakeville Invite 3:30 p.m. Milaca Mega Meet 10 a.m. Prior Lake Invite 3:30 p.m. Victoria Lion’s Invite 3 p.m. Lion’s Invite 10 a.m. SSC Championships 4 p.m. Dundee Invite 3:30 p.m. Section 3AA Meet 4 p.m. Class AA state meet 11 a.m.

Girls Swimming Date Sept. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 17-19

Opponent Result/Time at Apple Valley W, 99-76 vs. Lakeville North W, 99-86 Minnetonka Invite 5th vs. Kennedy W, 94-30 Prior Lake Invite noon at Rosemount 6 p.m. at Burnsville 6 p.m. at Jefferson 6 p.m. vs. Eastview 6 p.m. Section True Team 1 p.m. at Lakeville South 6 p.m. True Team State 7 p.m. vs. Eagan 6 p.m. Section 2AA prelims 6 p.m. Section 2AA finals 6 p.m. Class AA state meet 6 p.m.

TENNIS continued from page 11

at No. 3 (6-7, 6-4, 6-3). At No. 3 and No. 4 singles, ninth-grader Dani Keller and sophomore Sarah Henderson both lost for the fi rst time this season (6-2, 6-3 and 6-4, 6-4), respectively. Rosborough said both played tough opponents, as did eighthgrader Chloe Hall, who fell at No. 1 singles (6-1, 6-1). Against Lakeville South, the Lakers swept all three doubles matches. Wi nni ng were t he No. 1 tea m of Sava n na Petersen and Grayce Petersen (6-0, 6-2), the No. 2 team of Gengler and Fasking (6-0, 6-1) and the No. 3 team of Nikki Henderson and Soeffker (6-1, 6-1). “All three doubles teams really played well and played really aggressive,” said Rosborough. In singles, the Lakers’ two wins were from Keller at No. 3 (6-1, 6-2) and Sarah Henderson at No. 4 (6-1, 6-3). Crowell fell in three sets at No. 2 singles (1-6, 6-0, 6-2), while Hall fell at No. 1 (6-0, 6-0). “Chloe and Savanna lost to two very good seniors, but we were able to win the rest pretty easily,” said Rosborough.

Walen wins points title at Raceway Park PHOTO BY TOM SCHARDIN

Prior Lake senior Gabbi Norman tries to make a play on the ball in the Lakers’ 3-1 loss at Burnsville Sept. 8 in a South Suburban Conference game.

Offensive woes PL scores just seven goals in first seven games BY TOM SCHARDIN

The Prior Lake girls soccer team was shutout for the third time season, facing yet another ranked opponent Sept. 13. The Lakers took on No. 5-ranked Lakeville North in a South Suburban Conference home game and fell 4-0 to the Panthers. It was the fourth time in the last five games the Lakers played a team at its peak ranking. The unbeaten Panthers have climbed to from No. 10 to the fi fth spot in the state poll in their 8-0 start. T he Lakers a lso played Burnsville, Eagan and Eden Prairie at their highest rankings, losing those three games by a combined margin of 5-1. Burnsville, now out of the Class AA poll, beat Prior Lake 3-1 when it was ranked No. 5 back on Sept. 8. The Lakers lost to both Eden Prairie (Aug. 30) and Eagan (Sept. 6) by 1-0 margins when both teams were ranked No. 1. The Eagles have since fallen to No. 8, while the Wildcats are at No. 7. In between those games was a 1-0 Lakers’ win at Chanhassen Sept. 10.

SOCCER continued from page 11

game-winner with about five minutes to play. “We had a number of chances to put the game away,” said Shebuski. “Unfortunately we didn’t and, even worse, we allowed them back in. The credit goes to the Lakeville team and their coach for continuing to battle and finishing their chances. It felt like they stole that one from us, which for the competitor in me is hard to stomach.” Junior Andy Reickoff made the start in goal for Prior Lake and had four saves.

LAKERS continued from page 11

Gegenheimer said Kaiser has worked hard in the offseason gaining strength. He’s always been fleet of feet, but is running with more power so far this fall. “He’s defi nitely a good athlete,” said Gegenheimer. “He’s worked hard to get stronger.” Senior fu l lback Ja ke Deavers had a 2-yard scoring run in the second quarter for the Lakers, while senior Matt Dysthe and junior Jack Johnson had scoring runs of 26 and 32 yards, respectively, in the fourth quarter. Prior Lake rolled up 325 yards on the ground. Johnson finished with 81 yards on eight carries, while Dysthe and Deavers had 47 and 46 yards, respectively. Rooney fi nished 4 of 6 for 101 yards. Kaiser caught three balls, while junior Nick Hart had one catch for 25 yards. Defensively, the Lakers


The bottom line for the Lakers is the team needs more offense. It has just seven goals in its 3-4 start (0-3 in the conference) and three of those came against Class A Byron in the season opener Aug. 26. The Lakers are a young team, relying on underclassmen and fi rst-year players to provide scoring, including ninth-grade forward Kaija Orness and sophomore forward Taylor Kelly. Kelly had the Lakers’ lone goal in the win over Chanhassen with ninth-grader Lindsey Harris getting the assist. Sophomore Lauren Thormodsgard earned her second shutout of the season. Against Burnsville, the Lakers fell behind 2-0 eight minutes into the game. But Prior Lake scored about 30 seconds after the Blaze’s second goal. Junior Hannah Ward tallied on a long shot from about 25 yards out.

Against Burnsville, Blanco scored the game’s lone goal after a scoreless first half with the assist going to senior Connor Anderson. Reickoff started in goal for the Lakers and earned his second shutout of the season. Prior Lake had another stiff test Thursday (results not available at press time) when it played at Apple Valley in a conference game. After winning the last two Class AA state titles with a combined 47-0 record, the Eagles went into the game with a 4-2-1 mark. Prior Lake is playing host to Hopkins today (Saturday, Sept. 17) and is back in conferheld Jefferson to 138 yards total offense. Deavers had a fumble recovery and fi nished with six tackles and a sack. Senior Mason Lytle had 11 tackles, while sophomore linebacker Blake Weber had 1 1/2 sacks and six tackles. Jefferson also had no answer for 30 0 -pound senior defensive lineman Karmichael Dunbar, who stuffed the middle all game long, fi nishing with eight tackles. Junior linebacker Parker Anderson added eight tackles, while junior end Elijah Patrick had seven and sophomore end Zane Larson both had six. G e g e n h ei me r s a id t h e emergence of Anderson and Weber has allowed him to play Deavers a little more at fullback, while Patrick has emerged on the defensive line with Dunbar. “They’ve all stepped up,” said Gegenheimer. “We needed some (underclassmen) to step up and fi ll those roles and they have. “Karmichael has really

But Burnsville made it a two-goal lead again with about seven minutes left in the first half. Prior Lake hit the crossbar early in the second half, but that was about the best of their second-half chances. Burnsville’s two goalies needed to make just four saves combined. Prior Lake has only four seniors – Alex Angelo, Gabbi Norman, Darian Haider and Mol ly Si mpki ns (who has yet to play due to injury) – so there’s a lot of youth to look forward to in the future. But can the Lakers make some noise the rest of the way in the conference and into the Section 3AA tourney? Again, they will need to fi nd offense to compete in a tough section field that includes Burnsville, Eden Prairie, No. 2 Edina and Bloomington Jefferson. Prior Lake was back on the field Thursday (results not available at press time) at Apple Valley. The Lakers are playing host to Hopkins in a non-league game today (Saturday, Sept. 17). Prior Lake will be at home versus Rosemount Tuesday, Sept 20 at 5 p.m. and play at Bloomington Jefferson Thursday at 4:45 p.m.

“It felt like they stole that one from us, which for the competitor in me is hard to stomach.” Mike Shebuski Lakers coach ence action Tuesday, Sept. 22 at No. 4 Bloomington Jefferson at 7 p.m. T he Lakers play host to Rochester Mayo in a non-conference game Saturday, Sept. 24 at 1 p.m.


Prior Lake senior Karmichael Dunbar makes a tackle at the line of scrimmage in the Lakers’ 43-7 win Sept. 9. come into his own,” added Gegenheimer. “He’s lost some weight. His feet are quicker and he’s matured.” Following the Rosemount game, the Lakers will play at Burnsville Friday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. in the second-ever “Battle of Savage.” Last year, Prior Lake won a thriller, 34-33.

Chad Walen of Prior Lake and Adam Royle of Lonsdale have battled all summer long in the Super Late Models division at Raceway Park. Going into the track championships Sept. 11, Walen held a 10-point lead over Royle in the season points race. In the 30-lap main event, the drivers collided at the midpoint of the race between corners three and four, bringing out the yellow flag and sending both drivers to the back of the pack. That allowed Jacob Goede to win his fi rst feature of the year. Royle ended up fi fth and Walen was sixth, their two worstfi nishes of the year, respectively. However, Walen did enough to win the points title by six points over Royle, who won it last year. Meanwhile, other feature winners included: Justin Kotchevar in Bombers, Jeremy Wolff in Hobby Stocks, Andrew Benhardus in Short Trackers, Tony Hallberg in Mini Stocks, Mike Dickey in the first Figure 8’s race and Ricky Martin in the second one. Sunday racing is concluded at Raceway Park for the year. But there are some Friday and Saturday night events remaining. For more, go to or call (952) 445-2257.

PL driver wins Big 8’s at Elko Speedway Doug Brown of Prior Lake held off a late charge to win the Big 8’s feature race Sept. 10 at Elko Speedway. Brown worked out his way up to third place after 10 laps in the 25-lap main event. He took the lead on lap 13 and held off Dylan Moore down the stretch to get the win. Travis Stanley of Prior Lake ended up third. Other feature winners included: Adam Royle of Lonsdale in Super Lake Models, Brent Kane of Lonsdale in Thunder Cars, Devon Schmidt of Belle Plaine in Power Stocks, Curtis Wise on Flat Track Motorcycles, Sam Henry in Spectator Drags, Joe Culber in Outlaw Drags and Mark Saronen in the Burnout Contest. Racing action continues today (Saturday, Sept. 17) at Elko Speedway. For more, go to or call (952) 461-7223.

Don’t shoot the radio-collared bears Hunters participating in Minnesota’s bear season are reminded to avoid shooting radio-collared research bears, which are marked with large colorful ear tags or colorful streamers. Hunters are likely to find collared bears in and near Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area; the Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge; the Chippewa National Forest; Camp Ripley; the Cloquet Forestry Station; Voyageurs National Park; and northern St. Louis County between Ely and Tower near the Eagles Nest chain of lakes. Photos of some collared research bears are available on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Website – Any hunters who do shoot collared bears should call the DNR Wildlife Research office in Grand Rapids at (218) 327-4146 or (218) 327-4133.

RUN continued from page 11

done a little better, but overall it was a good race for us.” The Lakers competed in the Lakeville Applejack Invitational Friday (results not available at press time). There were some strong teams in the field – No. 2 Lakeville South, No. 5 Eagan, No. 9 Andover and No. 12 Edina, along with Rosemount and Shakopee. Saad the course at Aronson Park is a much better indicator for times. “It’s a more accurate course,” said Saad. “It’s flatter and it’s a little cooler. We’ll know where we are at after this race.” Senior Taylor Scholl led the Lakers on the at the Redbird invite, taking fifth overall with a time of 15 minutes, 37.2 seconds. Senior Samantha Anderson was right behind in sixth place (15:40.4), followed by senior Madison Lesmeister in 14th (16:01.03), senior Kirsten Anderson in 18th (16:16.6) and sophomore Mackenzie Schell in 23rd (16:29.8). Junior Madeline Schulze ended up 25th (16:34.5) for the Lakers, while senior Lauren Bruha was 43rd (17:11.7). Prior Lake went into the meet on the heels of winning the two-mile Irish Invitational in Rosemount Sept. 2. “Kirsten ran a really smart race and did well,” said Saad. “I think Mackenzie would have liked to be up a littler higher. She will say that she needs to become a little more mentally stronger, so she’s working on that. Overall, all the girls are working very hard.”

The Lakers will compete in the Milaca Mega Meet Saturday, Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. Host Milaca is the No. 1-ranked team in the state.

LAKER BOYS Meanwhile, the Prior Lake boys cross country team held its own in the 30-team Redbird invite. The Lakers ended up fi fth in the team standings with 160 points. Mahtomedi ran away with the crown with 54 points, followed by Blake (90), Mound Westonka (94) and Waseca (129). New Prague ended up sixth (237), followed by St. James (271). For the second straight invite, junior Jimmy White led the Lakers. He fi nished 17th on the 5,000-meter course with a time of 17:36.9. “Jimmy is learning the deal,” said Saad. “As he gets more experience and figures out how to even things out, his times will come down. “He can tur n it on any time,” added Saad. “He’s kind of gutsy that way.” Senior Jackson Homstad was the Lakers’ next-best fi nisher in 25th place (18:06.5), followed by senior Paul Evans in 29th (18:10.5) and senior Mason Gracia in 29th (18:20.9). Prior Lake’s fifth runner was sophomore Cole Nielsen in 55th place (18:42.2). Rou ndi ng out t he L a kers’ lineup was ninth-grader Shawn Doherty in 59th (18:45.6) and ninth-grader Ben Garrison in 73rd (19:14.7). Prior Lake fi nished ninth in its fi rst race of the season Sept. 2, the two-mile Irish Invitational in Rosemount.

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 13


Early season test

Take your car search for a spin.

Lakers fifth in tough invite field BY TOM SCHARDIN

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Prior Lake senior Taylor Kitzke swims the breaststroke leg in the 200-yard medley relay at the Minnetonka Invitational Sept. 10.


seventh (26.41). Hartell, Banasikowski, Cunningham and eighth-grader Lauren Harris made up the 200 freestyle relay team that took fourth (1:44.20). P rior Lake’s 2 0 0 med ley relay team of Hartell, Banasikowski, Yaeger and Harris was fi fth (1:56.08), as was the 400 freestyle team of Yaeger, Cunningham and sophomores Taylor Dessler and Kendra Lair (3:46.67). Other top-12 individual fi nishes for the Lakers went to Lair in the 2 0 0 individual medley (11th, 2:22.52) and the 100 butterf ly (11th, 1: 05.37), Harris in the 200 individual medley (12th, 2:22.55) and the 100 butterfly (9th, 1:04.61), Banasikowski in the 100 freestyle (10th, 57.43), Dessler in the 100 backstroke (9th, 1:05.52), junior Sarah Heskin in the 100 backstroke (10th, 1:05.88) and senior Melanie O’Neil in the 100 breaststroke (10th, 1:14.66). Senior Sydney Notermann ended up 13th in diving with 274.95 points. Against Kennedy, Lair won two individual events, the 50 freestyle (25.99) and the 100 freestyle (56.26).

Lair was also part of the winning 200 freestyle relay team with Banasikowski, Dessler and Hartell (1:45.67), and the 400 freestyle relay with Harris, Cunningham and Yaeger (3:59.19). The 200 medley relay team of Banasikowski, Cunningham, Hartell and eighth-grader Maggie Anderson was also a winner (2:03.11). Other individual winners were: Harris in the 200 freestyle (2:04.03), Banasikowski in the 200 individual medley (2:23.03), O’Neil in the 100 butterfly (1:06.29), Cunningham in the 500 freestyle (5:25.34), Yaeger in the 100 backstroke (1:03.61) and Dessler in the 100 breaststroke (1:13.44). Notermann was second in diving with 169.85 points. Other individual runner-up fi nishes went to: ninth-grader Grace Halpenny in the 200 individual medley (2:29.20), Hartell in the 50 freestyle (26.17), Cunningham in the 100 butterfly (1:07.78), Yaeger in the 100 freestyle (56.44), Harris in the 100 backstroke (1:03.64) and Banasikowski in the 100 breaststroke (1:13.84). The Prior Lake Invitational is set for today (Saturday, Sept. 17). Teams in the field are: Andover, Mankato West, Marshall, Simley and St. Peter. The Lakers are back in conference dual action Thursday, Sept. 22 at No. 8 Rosemount at 6 p.m.


The Prior Lake girls swimming team mixed up the lineup Sept. 13 in its South Suburban Conference dual with Bloomington Kennedy. And it didn’t matter who was swimming what event, the No. 7-ranked Lakers rolled to an easy 94-30 home win. Prior Lake improved to 3-0 in the conference. The Lakers went into the dual on the heels of a fi fth-place finish at the Minnetonka Invitational Sept. 10. In a strong eight-team field, t he L a kers won one event and finished fifth with 255.5 points. Third-ranked Wayzata won the title (598), followed by No. 2 Minnetonka (459.5), No. 5 Eden Prairie (437) and No. 6 Maple Grove (319). Cretin-Derham Hall was sixth (137), followed by Hopkins (73) and Grand Rapids (48). Prior Lake is expecting to repeat as Section 2A A and conference champions. But can the Lakers lower their teams to compete with the state’s elite programs? Last year, the Lakers were 11th in the state team standings, while Eden Prairie was second, Wayzata was fourth, Cretin-Derham Hall was fi fth, Maple Grove was eighth and Minnetonka was 10th. Edina won the title. In 2009 at state, Minnetonka fi nished third, while Wayzata took fourth, Eden Prairie was fi fth, Maple Grove was seventh and the Lakers were 15th. So the Lakers are not too far behind the elite programs. Mea nwhi le, ju nior A lex Yaeger, who has been an elite swimmer since eighth grade, won the 10 0 -yard butter f ly for the Lakers’ one win at the invite. Her time was 59.17 seconds. She was also fi fth in the 200 freestyle (1:59.71). Sophomore Elizabeth Cunningham had a strong showing in the 500 freestyle taking second (5:19.15). She was also sixth in the 200 freestyle (1:59.71). The Lakers had two in the top seven in the 50 freestyle – sophomore Monic a B a nasikowski in sixth (26.11) and junior Elizabeth Hartell in

Coming to

FALL COMMUNITY FEST on Monday night at Prior Lake High School? Stop by the booth shared by the Prior Lake American & Savage Pacer to purchase discounted general admission tickets to our upcoming


Spikes off the mark Lakers battle top-ranked team in state BY TOM SCHARDIN

The Prior Lake volleyball team gave the No. 1-ranked team in the state a really good fight Sept. 13. The Lakers played three tight games in their South Suburban Conference opener with Lakeville North, the defending Class 3A state champs. But in the end, Prior Lake just didn’t make enough plays down the stretch in each game to pull off the upset, losing at home 25-21, 25-23, 25-21. Prior Lake dropped to 2-4 overall with its fourth straight loss, including losing in five games at home to Edina Sept. 8 in a non-conference match (25-20, 17-25, 12-25, 25-20, 15-8). The Lakers were back on the court Thursday (results not available at press time) at Apple Valley in a conference match. Prior Lake is playing in the Farmington Invitational today (Saturday, Sept. 17. The field includes No. 6-ranked Lakeville South and LeSueur-Henderson, ranked No. 2 in Class 2A, along with Jordan and Rosemount. Prior Lake returns home Tuesday, Sept. 20 to face Rosemont and will play at No. 2 Bloomington Jefferson Thurs-

day, Sept. 22. Both conference matches start at 7 p.m. Against Lakeville North, the Lakers actually led each game 16-15. However, Prior Lake never had more than a one-point lead in any of three games. In the second game, Prior Lake led 22-21 late and was tied 23-23. But Lakeville North was able to get the fi nal two points. Prior Lake led 20-19 in game three, but Lakeville North scored six of the last eight points. The Lakers overcame an 8-3 hole in the fi rst game to fight back to lead at one point 18-17. “We were right with them each game and just came up a little short each time,” said Lakers coach Mike Dean. “They’re a very good team and when it was close. They made some nice plays to fi nish us off in the end of each set. “We have had some tough matches the past few weeks and the team has responded well to some tough losses,” added Dean. “Against Lakeville North, we kept fighting for the win and that’s something that we haven’t seen since the first week.” Unofficial stats for the Lakers against Lakeville North: senior Jayme Lubansky (6 kills, 3 blocks), senior Alex McGraw (14 assists, 7 digs), senior Tori Beckel (8 assists), senior Melissa VanBenthuysen (5 kills), ninthgrader Brittany Luethmers (10 digs) and sophomore Lexy Williams (4 kills, 3 blocks). Against Edina, the way Prior Lake dominated in games two and three, a victory looked inevitable. But in game four,

Fall Community Fest attendees may purchase up to 4 general admission tickets and receive a $2 discount per ticket. Reduced ticket price only available between 6 - 8:30 p.m. Sept. 19, 2011.

SHOW DATE: SATURDAY, NOV. 5 Prior Lake High School Holiday Vendor Show precedes Taste of Home Cooking School

TICKETS GO ON SALE TO THE PUBLIC Saturday, Sept. 24 9 to 11 a.m., Prior Lake High School PHOTO BY TOM SCHARDIN

Prior Lake’s Melissa VanBenthuysen had 19 kills in the Lakers’ five-game home loss to Edina Sept. 8. Edina broke an 8-8 tie by scoring 12 of the game’s next 18 points, eventually building a 22-17 margin. In the decisive game, the Lakers were simply out of sync. Edina rolled out to an 8-3 lead and never looked back. Stats for the Lakers: VanBenthuysen (19 kills, 14 digs), Lubansky (10 kills, 5 block assists), Luethmers (16 digs), McGraw (13 setting assists, 8 digs), Beckel (10 assists, 7 digs), junior Emily Veldman (7 kills, 3 block assists), Williams (6 kills, 2 block solos), junior Libby McGraw (7 digs, 3 service aces) and sophomore Lauren Miller (3 block solos).

General admission: $17

VIP: $55

(VIP available only on Sept. 24 and includes hardcover Taste of Home cookbook, boxed lunch, meet-and-greet with the show’s culinary specialist - limit 4 VIP tickets/person)

A limited number of tickets will be sold for the event. Last year’s show was a sell-out weeks in advance of the date! All attendees will receive a great gift bag and be eligible for many door prize drawings.* Purchase of ticket required for entrance into vendor show/cooking school. Strollers not permitted at show. * No purchase necessary to participate in drawings. Send name, address, telephone number to: TOH Drawings, PO Box 8, Shakopee, MN 55379

Sponsored by:


Presenting sponsor: St. Francis Regional Medical Center, Shakopee

For more information on Taste of Home Cooking School, call (952) 445-3333

Page 14 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American



Thanks to all of our runners, walkers and rollers, as well as our sponsors and exhibitors, who turned out for the first Boots & Boas Dash/5K Run/Walk Sept. 10 at Purgatory Creek Park in Eden Prairie. Thanks to you we were able to donate $500 to Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women and $500 to Cornerstone; two organizations working to end domestic violence through education and advocacy. Magazine and Eden Prairie News thank our special presenting partner, St. Francis Regional Medical Center, for making this new event possible and sharing in the goal of creating healthy, active communities. Thanks to all of the businesses, organizations and individuals that contributed to the success of Boots & Boas: Presenting Sponsor: St. Francis Regional Medical Center Major Sponsor: LasikPlus Nutritional Food Sponsors: Complete Nutrition & Pure Market Express Water Station Sponsors: Anytime Fitness Eden Prairie & Chaska Exhibitor: Floro Chiropractic Donations of gifts, food and water: TC Running, Bruegger’s of Eden Prairie & Kowalski’s of Eden Prairie Trail Helpers: Eden Prairie High School Dance Team Logo Design: Veronica Chapp

Major Sponsor

Nutritional Food Sponsors

Water Station Sponsor

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 15

DISTRICT COURT The following are Scott County District Court felony and gross misdemeanor dispositions. Defendants either pleaded guilty or were found guilty by the court unless otherwise indicated. Cheyenne Durana Jones, 19, Minneapolis, motor vehicle theft, a felony. Five years probation, 45 days in jail, provide DNA sample, $235 in fines. Driving while impaired (DWI), a misdemeanor. One year probation, 45 days in jail (concurrent), follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests. Angela Nina-Marie Peet, 23, St. Louis Park, forgery with intent to defraud, a felony. Five years probation, 20 hours of community service, provide DNA sample, $160 in fines. Benjamin Lee Smrt, 24, Shakopee, check forgery, a felony. Five years probation, 10 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, restitution, $300 in fines. Joseph Ole Tranby Sr., 73, Bloomington, violation of driver’s license restrictions, a gross misdemeanor. One year probation, $385 in fines. Andrea Marie Hansen, 31, St. Peter, check forgery, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 26 days in jail, restitution, $85 in fines. Using driver’s license of another person, a misdemeanor. One year probation, 26 days in jail (concurrent). Steven Albert Aguilar, 53, St. Paul, terroristic threats, a felony. Five years probation, 58 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, provide DNA sample, $85 in fines. Kim Richard Kraus, 43, Prior Lake, driving while impaired (DWI), a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 30 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, $510 in fines. Lynette Renee Thomas, 51, Hopkins, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Adjudication stayed: Five years probation, 80 hours of community service, abstain from alcohol, random tests, $300 in fines. Nathan Reed Nordmeyer, 20, Jordan, false name to police officer, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 90 days in jail (concurrent to previous sentence), $185 in fines. Ricardo Alvear Jr., 24, Carver, DWI, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 60 days in jail, 60 days under electronic home-monitoring (concurrent to previous sentence), abstain from alcohol, random tests, $285 in fines. Daniel Caesar Newell, 38, Madelia, DWI, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, two days in jail, 28 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, $610 in fines. Angelica Renae Brasher, 22, Mankato, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Three years probation, 80 hours of community service, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, $375 in fines. Donald Henry Revord, 40, Belle Plaine, domestic abuse, a felony. Five years probation, 30 days in jail, comply with orders for protection, undergo counseling, follow recom-

OLSEN continued from page 1

served for offenders considered most likely to reoffend – and moved to Prior Lake upon his release. As a result, the city was required to hold a community notification meeting alerting the public of his residing in the city. Olsen also has a history of chemical abuse involving al-

cohol, marijuana and cocaine. He also was convicted of two assault charges as a juvenile. In addition, he was convicted of misdemeanor fifth-degree domestic assault in Blue Earth County in 2010 and placed on probation for two years in that county. Alex Hall

We are pleased to introduce you to Dr. Tara Barth – the newest member of our team! Dr. Barth specializes in primary care optometric services, including eye health exams, contact lens fittings, pre- and post-surgery care and urgent-care services. Dr. Barth will be seeing patients in our New Prague and Gaylord locations beginning November 2011.





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2008 for engaging in unsupervised activities with a 13-yearold girl at a park in Shakopee. Olsen was sent back to prison to serve the rest of his sentence, then registered as Level 3 – re-

mendations of evaluation, $385 in fines. Norman Alexander Drake Zink, 20, Eagan, terroristic threats, a felony. Three years probation, follow recommendations of evaluation, anger-management counseling, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, restitution, $160 in fines. Fourth-degree assault of fire/emergency personnel, a felony. Two years probation (concurrent). Lloyd Joseph Michael Skluzacek, 29, Montgomery, obstruction of the legal process, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 30 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, $385 in fines. Jill Marie Hazel, 32, St. Paul, ineligible voter knowingly votes, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 60 hours of community service, $85 in fines. Anthony Allen Lancette, 42, Savage, third-degree assault, a felony. Five years probation, five days in jail, 40 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, domestic abuse treatment, no contact with victim(s), provide DNA sample, restitution, $85 in fines. Brooks Joseph Burmeister, 21, Belle Plaine, use of artificial light to hunt, a gross misdemeanor. Adjudication stayed: One year probation, $375 in fines. Ronald David Green, 51, Plymouth, driving after cancellation, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, five days of community service, $185 in fines. Andrew James Holmquist, 28, Norwood Young America, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Ten years probation, 180 days in jail, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, $160 in fines. Lance Vernon Picha, 24, Shakopee, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Five years probation, 20 days under electronic home-monitoring, provide DNA sample, $85 in fines. Martha Corrales-Garcia, 43, Elk River, wrongfully obtaining public assistance, a felony. Serve year and a day in prison, provide DNA sample. Daniel Hunter Stutz, 39, Prior Lake, driving after cancellation (inimical to public safety), a gross misdemeanor. Adjudication stayed: One year probation, $600 in fines. Jordan Daniel Hougo, 19, Belle Plaine, second-degree burglary, a felony. Ten years probation, 90 days in jail, undergo counseling, provide DNA sample, $160 in fines. Anthony Machado, 24, New Prague, fourth-degree assault of police officer, a gross misdemeanor. Two years probation, 90 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, $260 in fines. Third-degree burglary, a felony. Five years probation, 90 days in jail (concurrent), provide DNA sample, no contact with victim(s), restitution, $185 in fines. First-degree criminal damage to property, a felony. Five years probation, 90 days in jail (concurrent), restitution, $185 in fines. Jacob Stephen Granger, 33, Brooklyn Park, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Three years probation, two days in jail, 30 days under electronic homemonitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, provide DNA sample, $235 in fines.

Page 16 | September 17, 2011


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SOUTHWEST HOMES What: 1st Time Homebuyer Webinar When: Every Thursday 12:00 to 1:00 Where: Call 612-750-0035 or e-mail This is anonymous webinar to answer any questions you have about qualifying for, and buying your first home. Questions? Call Chris Grimes (612-750-0035) or Andrew Paul (763-443-7903)



The Prior Lake Fire Department responded to the following fire and medical calls Sept. 8-Sept. 14: Sept. 8 Firefighters responded to a smoke alarm in 19700 block of Cedar Lane in Credit River Township. It was a false alarm. Firefighters were canceled en route. Sept. 9 Firefighters responded to a grass fire in the median of 185th Street at 185th Street and Judicial Road, which was caused by a vehicle backfiring. The fire was extinguished. Sept. 10 Firefighters responded to: An oven fire in the 9300 block of East 195th Street in Credit River Township. It was out on arrival. Firefighters determined it was caused by a stovetop malfunction. There was no damage. A motor vehicle accident in the 20100 block of Xeon Avenue caused by a car colliding with a garbage truck. There were minor injuries. A smoke alarm in the 1500 block of Delmont Avenue. It was a false alarm. Sept. 11 Firefighters responded to a call at County Road 83 north of County Road 42; for motor vehicle and pedestrian accident. Firefighters assisted Allina with the patient. Sept. 12 Firefighters responded to: Motor vehicle accident on Highway 13 at Green Oaks Trail. Firefighters were canceled en route. A motor vehicle accident at Texas Avenue and 170th Street. There was only property damage and no injuries.

The Prior Lake Police Department responded to the following incidents Sept. 7-Sept. 13. This is not a comprehensive list of all incidents to which the department responded. DWI Sept. 10: A 45-year-old Maplewood woman was arrested and jailed for fourth-degree DWI after being pulled over on Highway 13. Blood tests showing her blood alcohol content (BAC) are pending. Sept. 11: A 34-year-old Minneapolis man was arrested and jailed for third-degree DWI after being pulled over on Highway 13. Sept. 12: A 20-year-old Lakeville woman was arrested and jailed for second-degree DWI after being pulled over in the 17100 block of Maple Lane. Narcotics Sept. 7: Police received a report from security staff at Mystic Lake Casino, 2400 Mystic Lake Boulevard, that two men were smoking something out of a pipe. Two 18-year-old men from Shakopee were cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. Sept. 10: After receiving a narcotics complaint at Mystic Lake Casino, police cited a 20-year-old man from White Bear Lake for possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle and a 20-year-old man from St. Paul for underage alcohol consumption. Sept. 11: A 20-year-old Eagan man was cited for possession of a small amount of marijuana in a motor vehicle and possession of drug paraphernalia after police received a narcotics com-

plaint from security staff at Mystic Lake Casino. Noise Complaint Sept. 11: A 32-year-old Prior Lake man was cited for public nuisance after police received a noise complaint stemming from the man’s home in the 4900 block of Rutledge Street. Property Damage Sept. 13: Police received a report of someone driving onto a soccer field at Ryan Thomas Memorial Park, 4600 Busse Parkway, damaging soccer nets and a metal bench. Total damage is estimated at $1,095. Suspicion Sept. 8: Police received a report of a suspicious vehicle on Knollridge Drive. Police investigated and learned the man was a private investigator conducting surveillance. Theft Sept. 7: A man reported that he believed someone pick-pocketed his wallet while he was at Little Six Casino, 2354 Sioux Trail. The man lost $520 in cash, credit cards and his identification. Sept. 7: The Shell Gas Station at 4805 Dakota St. reported a gas driveoff in the amount of $63. Sept. 9; Police received a report of a hammer drill and copper wire being stolen from a work van parked in the 17000 block of Fish Point Road. The van’s window had been broken out. The total loss is estimated at $3,250. Sept. 10: A 70-year-old man told police he dropped an envelope filled with case while he was leaving Mystic

Lake Casino. The person who picked it up, a 57-year-old Prior Lake woman, was located in the casino, and she said she already gambled the money. Arrangements were made between the two for the money to be paid back. No charges. Sept. 10: Police received a report of a RipStik skating board, valued at $80, having been stolen from the front step of a residence in the 14100 block of Aspen Avenue. Sept. 10: A Prior Lake woman reported the theft of a $250 white morocco truck bike from her home in the 5000 block of 160th Street. Sept. 11: A woman reported that her $2,000 utility trailer was stolen while it was parked in a parking lot campground at Mystic Lake Casino. Sept. 12: A woman reported that her orange cavapoo dog had gotten loose and left her home in the 4600 block of Dakota Street. Later, a witness saw a couple pick up a dog with the same description at the corner of Highway 13 and County Road 42 and put it in their car. The dog is said to have no identifying tags, and the witness could not provide a description of the vehicle. Sept. 13: A man reported the theft of car wheels and tires while his vehicle was parked in the 5600 block of Luther Road. Warrant Sept. 7: A 31-year-old Roseville woman was arrested on a Ramsey County warrant for misdemeanor theft after a traffic stop on Mystic Lake Boulevard. The woman was also cited for driving after revocation.


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Sun-filled “Wilds South” 5 BR, 4 Bath home on private half acre! Ever y amenit y and more…! Move-in condition! Three car side load garage! $382,900. Call for private showing.


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Chad & Sara Huebener

THIS COULD BE YOUR NEW HOME! Fabulous 4BR/3BA walkout rambler on 3+ acres w/beautiful pond setting. Lots of room for a busy family. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac. 23691 Highview Lane, Lakeville. $479,900.

Prior Lake/Savage Office 14198 Commerce Avenue N.E.

DIR: Cty 27 S to 236th St, L to Highview, R.

9233 Creek Way, Savage Beautiful rambler, one level living, finished LL, oversized 3 car garage, dead-end road, private backyard with pond! $379,900. DIR: Co Rd 18, E on Preserve Trail, N on Independence, L on Creek Way.


This custom home has it all plus 2½ acres of gardens. The home has an open floor plan with two fireplaces, and a sunroom. Need a home with an out building, this property has room for a 2000 fsf building. $409,000.

3098 GROUSE CIRCLE $399,900




172’ Prior LAKESHORE with gentle slope to the lake. 4BR, office, kitchen with heated slate floors, stainless appliances, granite counters. Finished walkout LL and 3 car gar.

Over 3900 finished square feet in this walkout rambler on private culde-sac lot in the Wilds golf community. 5 bedrooms, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces and a heated 3 car garage.

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15721 ISLAND VIEW $585,000

Beautiful 4 bedroom, 4 bath 2 story on over 100 feet of level, sandy lakefront on Prior Lake. Exceptional kitchen, open and spacious living areas, impeccably maintained. 3211 Butternut Circle.

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5154 Hope St.

Over one AC of land overlooking Cates Lake.

Looking for a project? This house has a wonderful location! Needs work and TLC. 3BR. 2BA.

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DONNA GRAHAM 612-850-9297

Almost ¾ acre lot on Prior Lake. 4 bedroom, 4 bath two story. Granite kitchen, new carpeting and paint. Beautiful lake views! You will love the boat house down near the lake with its roof top 30x30 deck.



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This home is a delightful family home in a great cul de sac. It boasts of a new roof, siding, and a maintenance free patio which overlooks the beautifully landscaped backyard. Take a walk under the rose trellis, it’ll take your breath away. This home was built for living.


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OVER 300- FEET LAKESHORE 3 plus acres, very private north woods feel. 2 homes, mancave/boathouse. Perfect family retreat! Easy drive. Very clean and well maintained. $524,900. MLS#4072463. 6445 Farwell Ave., Faribault.


130 acre parcel, central Scott Co. 124.8 acres tillable, the rent went up. $850,000. MLS #3991541.

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PERFECT YARD 4BR, 3BA, 3 car garage. Shows like a model home. Recent granite and stainless appliances. Includes Buyers Warranty. Great value – shows like new! $269,900. MLS#4064762. 14422 Dove Court NE, Prior Lake.

BARB KUESTER 952-956-4047



NEW LIST - $339,900! Gorgeous yet comfortable 5BR, 4BA with all the upgrades and built-ins! Center island kitchen w/pantry! Everyday is a great Home Theater! Screened Porch! day to BUY and sell Beautifully maintained - affordreal estate! Profit from abilty in The Wilds! my experience!

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GARDEN COTTAGE Quaint 3BR w/ new tile floors, maint-free vinyl siding & wndws, drs & roof! 2 skylights, garden window in walkout LL, atrium doors, deck w/ stairs, 2 paver patios, privacy fence. Vaulted ceilings, Lg closets, woodstove. Gardens w/ native plants. 24 Hour Recorded Message 1-800605-6994 Ext. 239

Know of someone who needs to live across the river? Here’s a superb choice in a very convenient neighborhood. Located close to Southdale & all the area has to offer! Very nicely updated with new windows, beautiful hardwood floors and staged to perfection! 3BR, double gar.

18706 FAIRLAWN AVE $334,900 A little piece of heaven on 6 acres! 4BR home with lovely finishes. Peace & quiet... all blacktop roads & conveniently located just south of Prior Lake.

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 17

americanslice Contributions welcome to, (952) 345-6378


Student adviser defies boundaries

Help available for veterans

Sticha represents students on District 719 School Board

The Veterans Administration has created and staffed two sites with medically trained personnel to help with soldiers who are having trouble adjusting back into society after coming home from active duty. The staff assists veterans and all active duty military and their family members 24 hours a day through a hotline number, 1-800-273-8255, and website, Veterans also can contact their local VFWs. September is Military Suicide Awareness Month.

Learn about Cub Scouting A n i n for mationa l meeti ng about Cub Scouts is planned for 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, at Cleary Lake Regional Park. Kindergartners through fourthgraders can enjoy activities while parents get more information about Scouting. Dinner will be provided. For more information, e-mail Todd Beck at mobilearmory@ or Peggy Allan at

Sign up for Girl Scouts Girl Scout registration night is planned for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22 at Jeffers Pond Elementary School, 14800 Jeffers Pass, Prior Lake. Girls of all ages are welcome to come join Girl Scouts. For more information, e-mail

Free Internet classes offered A free two-hour, hands-on introduction to the Internet class will be from 8 to 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month at the Prior Lake Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. Dates are Oct. 12, Nov. 9 and Dec. 14. The class, taught by volunteers with the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, will cover how to type Web addresses, how to navigate from one Web page to the next, how to conduct searches using common search engines, and how to be a savvy Internet user. To register, call the library at (952-447-3375). A volunteer computer aide is also available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the Prior Lake Library. No registration is required for this one-on-one assistance.

Adopt a cat from Rainbow Rescue Rainbow Animal Rescue of Prior Lake will have a cat and kitten adoption day from noon to 3 p.m. every Saturday at Pet Supplies Plus, at the corner of County Road 42 and Highway 5 in Burnsville. A wide selection of cats and kittens will be available. All pets have been vet-checked, are feline leukemia/F IV negative, have required vaccinations and are spayed or neutered (kittens come with a certificate for free spay/ neuter), services that are included in the adoption fee. For more information, call (952) 440-3824 or visit www.petfi nder. com (enter zip code 55372).

Get free cervical cancer screening St. Francis Cancer Center will conduct free cer vica l cancer screenings for uninsured and underinsured people at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20. With regular screening tests and follow-up, cervical cancer is the easiest female cancer to prevent. It is also highly curable when found and treated early. Register for the free screening by calling (952) 428-2000.

Deadline The deadline for community happenings items for this section is noon Wednesdays. For more information, e-mail



hris Sticha doesn’t comfortably fit into any categories. He’s a self-described jock who loves the arts. He doesn’t describe himself as shy, yet he admits joining student council improved his social skills. He’s a natural leader and a Guinness World Record holder – for longest Wiffle Ball game (the contest also doubled as a breast cancer fundraiser) – but hates to take the spotlight. In fact, the new president of Prior Lake High School’s student council went above and beyond the call of duty just to make sure his colleagues’ contributions were recognized following his recent newspaper interview. “I am excited to be working with such a strong and dedicated executive board,” the 17-year-old explained. “I just don’t want to keep them out of the ‘hype.’ They’re such a big component in everything we do.” As the oldest of three siblings, leadership is quite literally a birthright for Sticha. “I like it a lot, because of all the control and all the advice I get to give my younger siblings,” he said, laughing. “But mostly the control.” Sticha, a lifelong Prior Lake resident, is a senior at PLHS. While that last year of secondary school is typically associated with the decline in motivation known as the senior slide, or senioritis, Sticha is showing no symptoms. Also, judging from his demanding course load and slate of activities, it doesn’t look like Sticha’s schedule will allow anything but absolute commitment. He’s shouldering three Advanced Placement classes – literature and composition, calculus and government – as well as the school’s new college-level Senior to Sophomore physics class, administered through St. Cloud State University. Sticha is also taking Spanish IV. “Me gusta escuela y pasar un tiempo


Prior Lake High School senior Chris Sticha serves as a student adviser to the Prior Lake-Savage Area School Board. The position is just one of his duties as president of the school’s student council. con mis amigos,” which translates to “I like school and to spend time with my friends,” was his reply when prompted to speak the language. The remaining period on the senior’s schedule is an open period, but rather than go home or take a load off, he’s choosing to sit in on a graphic design class that he’s already taken. “You get to express yourself unlike anybody else,” Sticha said. Sticha also enjoys photography and “did three or four gigs” last summer, including Fong’s annual golf tournament. “It’s a hobby right now,” he said. “I don’t really know if I’m ready to make the risk to do that [as a career].” His character strength even emerged in his sports choices. Sticha

plays football and baseball and drew a connection between the position he plays on the diamond – catcher – and the one he so naturally assumes in life. “I love it,” he said. “It’s the most needed leadership position on the team.” Even though the school year has just started, Sticha and his student council peers already have some ambitious goals. They’re hoping to host a community-wide 5K run to raise money for breast cancer – a cause that resonates with Sticha because both of his grandmothers had the disease – and win yet another consecutive Outstanding Student Council award from the Minnesota Association of Student Councils. This summer, Sticha also began his yearlong term as student

adviser to the Prior Lake-Savage Area School Board, a position traditionally held by the high school’s student council president. Sticha took time from his busy schedule this week to answer some of our questions: How long have you been in student council? This is my fourth year. I was also in it in seventh and eighth-grade at St. Michael’s [Catholic School]. What do you think you’ve gained from being in student council, and what have you enjoyed about it? I’ve made a lot of new friends through it. I’ve learned how to meet new people, the artsy kids and the music kids and the student council kids. I’ve typically always hung out with the jocks. How did you feel when you were elected student council president? I felt satisfied, because that was always such a goal of mine. What is your favorite part of being student council president? The way kids look up to me, even non-student council members. It’s only your second one, but are you liking the board meetings? I don’t think I’ve been around enough to know what’s going on. They’re very organized. What is it like being a world record holder? Do you think about it a lot? Probably more than I should [he laughs]. It’s a great memory that I have, because I was with all of my friends. The school year just started, but do you have any idea what your plans will include after graduation? I’m looking at schools in Minneapolis and Chicago. I really like the urban setting, because I love the arts. What kind of music do you like? Alternative and indie rock. I actually just saw Cloud Cult this summer and Bon Iver last Tuesday. Do you have any personal goals for the school year or things you’re looking forward to? I want to find a college that fits me, so that I know once I graduate I can have opportunities to work toward. What do you want to study in college? Pre-med or biology. I want to be a chiropractor. My dad’s a chiropractor, and I love what he does and how much fun he has at work.


Making a difference around the globe BY LORI CARLSON

Though he hasn’t been to India (yet), Prior Lake’s Brian Numainville has made a difference in the lives of the country’s poorest of the poor. As chairman of the board for Hands of Freedom, a nonprofit that empowers people in India to create a better future for themselves, Numainville has helped those most in need of clean water and economic sustainability. The “untouchables,” as they’re known, are the lowest caste in Indian society, delegated to handling the dead, cleaning sewers and other chores considered beneath the higher castes, Numainville says. “The belief is that if [people in higher castes] drink out of the same well as the untouchables, they would be contaminated,” he explains. As a result, members of the lowest caste often have to walk four to six hours just to get water they can drink. “That’s a real oppression,” Numainville says. “If they’re spending that much time carrying water, they can’t spend time doing other things.” Hands of Freedom helps to drill wells in high-risk areas, partnering with local churches to manage water resources. When the women who typically would carry water long distances have that time freed up, they can learn a trade or a skill, Numainville explains. “Then, they have time to generate income that supports their family,” he says. The group also assists women in pooling money through a self-managed savings group. In Indian society, the untouchables are prohibited from accessing banks, so the Hands of Freedom program sets up ways for them to manage their own savings. When it came to joining Hands of Freedom, Numainville drew inspiration from his sister, now in her 20s, who was adopted from India as an infant.

“I’ve often thought, ‘What would’ve happened if she hadn’t been adopted and had not come over here?’” says Numainville, who hopes to travel to India within the next year. His interest in helping others doesn’t stop with Hands of Freedom. Numainville also is director and secretary of Loaves and Fishes, a Minnesota nonprofit that tackles poverty in the Twin Cities. In addition, he serves as chairman of Nash Finch Co.’s NFC Foundation, which supports area nonprofit groups. “My grandfather was my inspiration in terms of helping other people,” he says. “He was a tireless volunteer for helping people in need. He would always stop to help other people.” Numainville works as senior director of research and public relations for Nash Finch. He and his wife, Maja – who works at Hosanna! Lutheran Church in Lakeville – have two sons (an eighth-grader at Twin Oaks Middle School and a junior at Prior Lake High School). The family moved from Savage to Prior Lake in 2002, seeking to enjoy Prior Lake’s “sense of community,” Numainville says. He grew up in Bloomington, attended the Academy of Holy Angels in Richfield and earned undergraduate and master’s degrees in communications from the University of Minnesota. In his spare time, Numainville enjoys reading and “tinkering” with technology. He says he’s self-taught in computers and social media. Hands of Freedom (at www. will be the charity of choice during the Girlfriends Expo and Getaway Nov. 18-19 at Treasure Island Casino. The group will sell authentic Indian items to help women in the program. The group also is participating with three other Twin Cities area nonprofits at the Pathways of HOPE exhibit, an interactive experience addressing poverty throughout the world. Hands of Freedom’s work will be highlighted at the exhibit


Brian Numainville checks out an upcoming exhibit on worldwide poverty. The Prior Lake resident hopes to travel to India within the next year to see firsthand how Hands of Freedom is helping the poorest of India’s poor. during a presentation from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4, at 6991 Oxford St. in St. Louis Park.

Q AND A WITH BRIAN NUMAINVILLE What three words would people use to describe you? Passionate, energetic and committed. What’s the last good book you read? “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption.” I enjoy reading about history. What’s the best vacation you’ve had? Probably this summer’s trip to

Boston. Our family takes historical vacations. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? India. I haven’t been there yet. I’m probably going to be there in the next 12 months or so, to visit the places we’re doing our work. If you were governor or president, what would be on your agenda? A couple of things: First, finding ways to help those in poverty to get out of it and focus on ways we could empower people to help themselves. Also, making sure we strengthen our educational system. It’s critical for our kids to get the best education possible.

Do you know someone who would make a good Faces in the Crowd candidate? Call the editor at (952) 345-6378 or e-mail

Page 18 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American



Young Life Scott County Young Life is part of a worldwide, nondenominational Christian organization for high school students that of fers fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance. The club meets from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at the Young Life Office, 13845 Highway 13, Savage. For more information, call Ben Dodds at (952) 402-9123 or visit www.scottcountymn.

Co-Dependents Anonymous Co-Dependents Anonymous group support meets at 16150 Arcadia Ave., Prior Lake. Men’s C o - D ep endent s Anonymous meets at 6:30 p.m. every Monday. Co -Dependents Anonymous (for men and women) meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday.

Overeaters Anonymous The group Overeaters Anonymous meets from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Christ Lutheran Church, 1053 Jef ferson St., Shakopee. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins. Everyone is welcome. The group has a step format with a monthly open topic. For more information, call Nancy at (612) 250-0075 or Steve at (612) 845-2672.

Emotions Anonymous A 12-step program called Emotions Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Thursdays at St. Anne’s parish center, 411 N. Fourth St., LeSueur, in the south end of St. Anne’s parking lot. For more information, call Kathleen at (507) 665-2644.

Gamblers Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other.

The g roups meet weekly on Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, 3611 North Berens Road, Prior Lake. For more information, call Charlie at (952) 884-9417 or Michael at (952) 607-8619.

Moms in Touch International Moms in Touch International (MITI) is a prayer group that meets weekly to pray for children and schools. Moms pray one hour each week for their children, their individual schools, administration, PTA/PTC groups, staff, students and every aspect of the school. For information on your child’s individual school, visit and click on “group locator.”

T.O.P.S. T.O.P.S., Take off Pounds Sensibly, meets at 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday in the community room at Prior Lake State Bank, 16677 Duluth Ave. For more information, call June at (952) 454-6579 or Mikki at (952) 457-1306.

PowerNet business Savage PowerNet, a business referral group, meets every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Davanni’s, at County Road 42 and Highway 13 in Savage. For more information, call Kelly at (612) 861-8300.


Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River, an organization that supports military personnel and their families, meets the first Tuesday of every month in the lower level of the Prior Lake VFW, 16306 Main Ave. The group can be reached by calling (952) 440-5011, or emailing btyrsouthoftheriver@

American Legion The Prior Lake American Legion meets the third Monday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Prior Lake VFW, 16306 Main Ave., Prior Lake. For more information, call Bob Roe at (952) 447-5811.

MOMS Club MOMS Club of Prior Lake (Moms Offering Moms Support) will have its monthly member-

ship meeting the third Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. at Harbor Community Church, 5995 Timber Trail, Prior Lake. To join the group or find out more information, contact Mandy Reinert Nash at (952) 226-2410 or Sharlene Czajkowski at (952) 447-1780, e-mail or visit

WyldLife Scott County WyldLife is part of a worldwide, nondenominational Christian organization for middle school students. The club meets every other Friday and offers a high-energy, interactive evening fi lled with games, fun and music. For more information on the schedule and location, call Jennifer Schroeder at (952) 402-9123 or visit the website at www.scottcountymn.wyldlife. org.

Savage Unity AA A handicapped-accessible Alcoholics Anonymous meeting open to men and women takes place Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Bridgewood Church, 6201 W. 135th St., Savage. For more information, call (952) 297-4777.

Winner’s Circle The Winner’s Circle Chapter of Business Network International meets from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Thursdays at 1101 Adams St., Shakopee. F o r m o r e i n fo r m at io n , call Darren Kurilko at (952) 947-0323.

Gamblers Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous, a support group for those struggling with addiction to gambling, meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 5634 Luther Road, Prior Lake.

Alanon Alanon meetings with the “Island of Serenity” group will take place at 7 p.m. Mondays at 16150 Arcadia Ave., Prior Lake. Other meetings take place at Lakers Alanon, 4646 Colorado St. on the following days: Thursdays: AA meets at 6:30 and 8 p.m. Fridays: AA meets at 6:30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays: On the first Saturday of each month, the meeting is open to all recovery groups, with the potluck at 6:30 p.m. and the call-up format meeting at 8 p.m. On the third Saturday of each month, there will be a 6:30 p.m. potluck followed by the 8 p.m. speaker meeting.

publicnotices STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: Contract/foreclosure Court File No. 70-CV-10-20895 BMO Harris Bank N.A., Successorby-merger to M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank, Plaintiff, v. Brian D. Thompson and Michele D. Thompson, husband and wife; Richard Pomije; and XYZ Corporation, ABC Partnership, John Doe and Mary Roe, whose true names and addresses are unknown to Plaintiff, Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN A FORECLOSURE BY ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, at 10:00 a.m. on September 27, 2011 at the Scott County Sheriff ’s Office, in the lobby at the southwest entrance of the Law Enforcement Center at 301 Fuller St. South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 and pursuant to the Order and Judgment of the District Court of Scott County, Minnesota, First Judicial District, entered in the above captioned action on July 14, 2011 (“Judgment Order”), the undersigned Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota will sell the real property described in said Judgment Order, to wit: That part of Government Lot 4, Section 30, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 846.85 feet and lying West of the East 476.61 feet. Together with that part of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 30, described as beginning at the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence East along the South line thereof a distance of 66.01 feet; thence North 0 degrees, 58 minutes, 14 seconds East parallel to the West line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 2012.10 feet; thence North 45 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 549.30 feet to the South line of the North 261 feet of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds East along said line, a distance of 393.90 feet to the West line of the East 1803.26 feet of said

Southeast Quarter; thence North 1 degree, 23 minutes, 16 seconds East along said West line a distance of 261.04 feet to the North line of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees, 47 minutes 20 seconds West along said North line, a distance of 850.26 feet to the Northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 0 degrees, 58 minutes, 14 seconds West along the West line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 2656.61 feet to the point of beginning. Except for that part of the above land now platted and known as Outlots G, H, J and K, Westridge Lake Estates First Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. Tax Parcel No.: R279300044 Street Address: 1127 Vista Ridge Lane, Shakopee, MN 55379 (hereinafter the “Property”) together with all the estates and rights in and to said Property all existing or subsequently erected improvements on the Property and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures that are or become part of the Property, including all replacements or additions, as one parcel (or, if directed by Plaintiff, in separate parcels), for cash, to the highest bidder, all in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 581 and the provisions of law relating to the sale of real estate on execution. As set forth in said Judgment Order, the proceeds of the sale shall be applied first, to pay Plaintiff ’s usual and customary costs and expenses of said sale and second, to pay the amount which shall then be due to Plaintiff on account of the Court’s original judgment against Brian R. Thompson and Michele D. Thompson, jointly and severally, in the amount of $2,466,620.60 plus interest, as described in the Judgment Order, and additional interest accruing on and after July 13, 2011. The overage, if any, shall be paid to the Court to abide by the further order of the Court with respect thereto. Dated this 9th day of August, 2011. Kevin Studnicka Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota By: ___Duane J. Jirik, Deputy Sheriff_____ Deputy BRIGGS AND MORGAN, P.A. Joseph D. Roach (#250843)

Charles B. Rogers (#130588) Daniel M. White (#0387916) 2200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF (Published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, August 13, 20, 27 and September 3, 10, 17, 2011; No. 7559) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS OF FILING NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE ZIMMERMAN COMMUNI-CARE NETWORK, INC., A MINNESOTA CORPORATION You will please take notice that on August 17, 2011, Zimmerman Communi-Care Network, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, filed with the Office of the Secretary of State for the State of Minnesota Notice of Intent to Dissolve as a Minnesota corporation. This Notice is provided pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 302A.011 as notice to creditors of and claimants against Zimmerman Communi-Care Network, Inc. If any creditor of or claimant against Zimmerman Communi-Care Network, Inc., intends to file a claim against the corporation, a written statement of the claim must be received by the corporation at 3907 Trail Point Court, Prior Lake, MN 55372 on or before the filing deadline date, which is the later of ninety (90) days after the first publication of this Notice to Creditors and Claimants, or ninety (90) days after the date on which this Notice to Creditors and Claimants is given to specified creditor or claimant. (Published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, August 27 and September 3, 10, 17, 2011; No. 7569)

The Public Notice deadline for the Prior Lake American is at Noon on Tuesday, for the Saturday edition. Faxes are not accepted.

Sundays: AA meets at 10:30 a.m., the AA Big Book Study meets at 6 : 30 p.m., and A A meets at 8 p.m. All people in recovery are welcome to attend.

a variety of topics. The group is facilitated by Bonnie Scherer, but all members decide on all aspects of the meetings. For more information, call (952) 457-7586.

Domestic violence

River Valley Toastmasters

Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women offers ongoing weeknight and weekday support groups for women who are currently experiencing or have experienced domestic violence. On-site childcare is provided. For location and more information, call (952) 873-4214.

The Minnesota River Valley Toastmasters will meet on the second, third and fourth Mondays of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. The group now meets at the Prior Lake fi re station, 16776 Fish Point Road. All visitors are welcome. For more information, call Shirley at (952) 447-4621 or visit www.

National Alliance for Mental Illness The Scott County chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the fi rst and third Wednesdays of the month at the Valley Green Workforce Center, 752 Canterbury Road, Shakopee. The meetings are open to all who are interested (including those living with the illness). For more information, call Janet Williams at (952) 890-1669 or Kevin Wineman at (952) 496-8513, or visit www.nami. org/namimn.

Marine Corps League The Marine Corps League meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Dan Patch American Legion, 12375 Princeton Ave., Savage. F o r m o r e i n fo r m at io n , call Pete Williams at (612) 730-0999.

Suicide grief support A suicide grief support group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of the month at Queen of Peace Hospital, 301 Second St., New Prague. The meeting location is the Jameen Mape Room. Enter through the emergency room doors; use the southeast elevators to the lower level. For more information, call Sally at (952) 758-4735.

Mothers of Multiples Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples will meet at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Apple Valley Community Center, 14601 Hayes Road, Apple Valley. For more information, email

Support for RSD/CRPS A support group for anyone affected by Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome meets from 10 a.m. to noon the fourth Saturday of each month at the Savage Public Library, 13090 Alabama Ave., Savage. T he g roup encou rages a positive, caring group and has

Widows and widowers Widows’ and Widowers’ Circle of Friends is a social group for those who have lost a spouse. The group meets at 5 p.m. the second Saturday of the month. For more information, call Ethel at (952) 888-1035.

St. Francis support The following support groups meet regularly at St. Francis Regional Medical Center, 1455 St. Francis Ave., Shakopee: Infant Loss Support: Group meets the first Tuesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Call (952) 428-2002 Diabetes Support: Group meets the fi rst Monday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call (952) 428-3324. Diabetes Prevention: Offered monthly. Designed for anyone who has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or those with a family history of diabetes. For more information, call (952) 428-3324. Hea r t Suppor t : Group meets the first Tuesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Call (952) 428-2080. Low Vision Support: Group meets the second Thursday of every month from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call (952) 428-2002. Women’s Connection, support for women with cancer: Meets the fourth Monday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. Call (952) 428-2700. American Cancer Society’s Look Good … Feel Better meets the fourth Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call 1-800-ACS-2345. Joint Care group meets every other Wednesday from 2 to 3 : 30 p.m. Designed for people scheduled for total knee or hip replacement. Call (952) 428-2565. Smoking Cessation: If you are ready to stop smoking, call 888-354-PLAN (7526).

La Leche League La Leche League offers support and encouragement to mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies. Join the group for a meeting

SEND US YOUR … Stories to raise awareness about breast cancer In honor of October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re looking for your stories of how the disease has affected you or your family. Share your triumphs, your tragedies and what you want other survivors to know. Share your thoughts with Prior Lake American readers; send your essay, no longer than 200 words, to Editor Lori Carlson,, before noon on Wednesday, Sept. 28. Include your name, city of residence, and a daytime phone number. We’ll run some submissions online PRIOR LAKE at and some in the Oct. 8 American print edition.

on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., and bring your nursing baby. Pregnant women are encouraged to attend before the birth of their babies. For more information on the meeting or breastfeeding questions, call April at (952) 440-6320, Michele at (952) 447-6182 or Traci at (952) 226-2052.

Sexual assault/abuse Survivors of Sexual Assault/ Abuse is a confidential, 10-week support group for survivors of sexual assault or abuse that meets from 6 to 8 p.m. on varying days in the Sexual Violence Center, 510 Chestnut St., Suite 204, Chaska. For more information, call Kristi at (952) 448-5425.

Support for parents TABLE, a small group at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church created to offer support and information for parents, meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. Parents whose children have special behavioral, learning or emotional challenges are welcome. There is no cost to attend. The church is at 3611 North Berens Road, Prior Lake. For more information, call Mary Wangerin at (952) 447-1884 or visit

MOPS classes Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), a national Christian nondemoninational program, wi l l star t meeting twice a month from September through May at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville. MOPS moms need not be members of the church to join. The group offers participants a way to connect with other moms, form friendships, seek parenting advice and learn more about Christian life. Registration is being accepted and on-site day care is provided for a small fee on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis. Information/registration: (952) 898-9356 or e-mail MOPS@


Donate used phones Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women accepts donations of used cell phones. Phones must be digital, in working order and have a battery and charger. Phones can be dropped off at the Prior Lake Police Department, 4649 Dakota St. Other drop-off sites include the Shakopee Police Department, Suds Seller Hair Salon in Jordan and Cooper’s County Market in Chaska. For more information, call (952) 873-4214.

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(Editor’s note: Listings of organizational meetings and events are free but are not guaranteed in the Prior Lake American. Send information that includes the organization’s name and meeting times/locations and a contact’s name and telephone number. Deadline is Wednesday at noon. E-mail information to, mail to Prior Lake American, P.O. Box 578, Prior Lake, MN 55372, or fax to (952) 447-6671.)

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 19

americanslice COMMUNITY EDUCATION This is a listing of some of the classes offered through Prior Lake-Savage Area Community Education. Adults Happy Healthy Pregnancy from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 at Eagle Creek Wellness Center, 14180 Commerce Ave., Suite 100, Prior Lake. Cost is $21. Homemade Bread from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 at Twin Oaks Middle School, 15860 Fish Point Road, Prior Lake. Cost is $45. Just Once: Guitar for Busy People from 6 : 30 to 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26 at Hidden Oaks Middle School, 15855 Fish Point Road, Prior Lake. Cost is $34. Couponing 101 from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $25. Beauty Bootcamp from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $59. Fiction Writing 101 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 27-Oct. 18 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $49. Splash Moves! from 6:45 to 7: 30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 27-Nov. 17 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $75. Intro to Model Railroading (ages 10 and with adult) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 27-Oct. 11 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $49. Ab Strengtheners for People with Back and Neck Dis-

comfort from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27 at Twin Oaks Middle School. Cost is $31. Just Once: Piano for Busy People from 6 : 30 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29 at Hidden Oaks Middle School. Cost is $34. Youth For a complete listing of a fter-school classes, visit w w w.p r i o rl a k e s av a g e c e . com. Classes star ting soon include: Bicycling and Fishing Adventures with Active Solutions (second through fifth grades), Redtail Ridge Dance Team (second through fifth grades), Tae Kwon Do Karate (ages 5 and up), Junior Golf (kindergarten t h rou g h f i f t h g rade) , Drama Club: Hairum Scarum! An American Girl Comedy (f i rst t h rough fou r t h grades) and more. A rcher y Club (si xt h through eighth grades) from 2:20 to 4 p.m. Mondays, Sept. 26-Nov. 7 at Cleary Lake Park. Cost is $99. Science Explorers-Sensational Slimes (first through fi fth grades) from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28 at the District Services Center, 4540 Tower St., Prior Lake. Cost is $25. Super Hero Training Camp (ages 3-11 with parent) from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 1 at Jeffers Pond Elementary School, 14800 Jeffers Pass. Cost is $30.


Culinary expert Karen Davis leads last year’s Taste of Home show at Prior Lake High School.

Taste of Home tickets go on sale Sept. 24 Tickets go on sale Saturday, Sept. 24, for the Nov. 5 Taste of Home Cooking School show at Prior Lake High School. Tickets will sell out quickly. They will be available from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 at the high school, 7575 W. 150th St., Savage, and at Southwest Newspapers’ headquarters, 327 Marschall Road, Shakopee.

Regular tickets are $17, with a 10-ticket limit per person; VIP seat tickets are $40, with up to four VIP tickets available per person. During the interactive, twohour presentation, which starts at 2 p.m., participants can watch culinary expert Karen Davis demonstrate new recipes with a focus on holiday-related items. Taste of Home has been

hosting cooking schools since the 1950s. The fun starts at 11 a.m. with an opportunity to shop local vendors, receive a valuable goody bag and register to win door prizes. Those who wish to be included in the drawings should send their name, address and phone number to: Taste of Home Drawing, P.O. Box 8, Shakopee, MN, 55379.

Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the event. Attendees are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item for the CAP Agency food shelf. The event is sponsored by Southwest Newspapers and Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Community Education. For more information, call (952) 345-6878.

CAP AGENCY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES The CAP Agency, a private, nonprofit organization providing human services to families and individuals in Scott, Carver and Dakota counties, has the following volunteer opportunities available. For more information about volunteering with the CAP Agency, or information about group volunteering, call Linda Shelton at (952) 402-9856 or visit Volunteers must be at least 16 years old or supervised by an adult.

CHORE Services Help with indoor and outdoor home maintenance for older adults so they can live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Seasonal and ongoing opportunities available. Great for community and youth groups. Call

Food shelf driver

Terry at (952) 402-9835.

Crisis Nursery Shakopee Licensed child care and foster care providers can provide short-term care for children whose families are working through a crisis. Experienced social workers/crisis response workers can help to answer calls from families. Training and supervision is provided. Flexible weekdays, evenings and weekends. Call Jen at (952) 960-9711.

Fare for All Express Assist this popular discount grocery program at St. Mark’s Church in Shakopee. Assist customers in choosing packages and fi lling orders. Call Jody at (952) 402-9831.

Pick up donated food items from local grocery stores in Scott County one or two mornings per week. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds and have a clean driving record. Call Linda at (952) 402-9856.

Senior nutrition Help to provide hot meals to seniors by volunteering as a Meals on Wheels driver or at a congregate dining site. Weekday mornings, flexible commitment. Call Denise at (952) 402-9855.

nutrition and well-balanced meals. Or, attend local events to educate the public about the food support program. Training is provided. Call Terry at (952) 402-9835.

Head Start Share your time and skills with this preschool program. Help with field trips and classroom activities, share a story about your family heritage or teach children about your job or hobby. Flexible mornings and afternoons during the school year. Call Deb at (651) 322-3504.

Thrift shop

Food support outreach Help individuals complete applications for county-run federal program that helps lowincome families get the food they need for sound

Accept, sort and display donations in the store. Monday through Saturday; call for available times. Must be at least 16. Call Linda at (952) 402-9856.

PRIOR LAKE CHURCH DIRECTORY Online Church Directory — place your newspaper worship ad on our online worship directory For more information call 952-447-6669

1026 E 205th St, Jordan (952) 492-2249


+Z\ 6 3ULRU /DNH 01 3K


Join us for Worship Sunday at 8:45 & 10:45 a.m.

Growing in Faith, Living to Serve


Join us for Family Worship Sunday ‌‌‌...........................................9 am Coffee ‘N ‌‌..........................................10 am Adult Study‌.‌‌...............................10:30 am Youth Group (6th grade - 12th grade)...5 - 7 pm Sunday School 10:15 am Sept. thru May

L.O.R.D. Love Others Rejoice Daily Pastor Larry G. Kasten 952.217.1113

Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS Pastor Rance Settle 14085 Pike Lake Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952) 445-1779 Sunday Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 10:20 AM County Rd. 42 & Pike Lake Trail

The People of the United Methodist Church Welcome You Sunday Worship 8:30 and 10:30 a.m Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sept.-May


Worship Service | 9:00 a.m. Bi-Lingual Preschool Coming for 2011-12 School Year � Bi-lingual English and Spanish � Fun environment

16840 Highway 13 S, Prior Lake, MN


Grades PreK-8 952-447-2124

Place Your Ad Here In Our Worship Directory

Casual Family Worship Sundays at 10:30

6201 W 135th Street – Savage, MN 952.226.4800

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

� Christ centered program

Nursery available during 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Mass St. Michael Catholic School

Join us as we navigate life together!

We would love to have you join us Sunday for Worship at 9:30 or 11:00 AM. We have Children’s & Youth programming at 11:00 AM and Nursery provided during both worship services.

7:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m.


Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.

Bible Based, Christ Focused, Spirit Led, Welcoming, Casual, Contemporary


Bible Study Awana Club (Oct. - Apr.)

Home of Prior Lake Christian School (Preschool - 12th grade) visit us at: 16150 Arcadia Ave SE 952-447-2990

16311 Duluth Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-447-2491

One block West of Cty. Rd. 21 on Cty. Rd. 42

Pastor Ron Groschel 952-447-2824 SUNDAY SERVICES

St. Michael Catholic Church

Loving God, Exalting Christ, Revering God’s Word, Building Christ’s Church - together

Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School/ Adult Bible Fellowship 10:40 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m.

HOLY TRINITY UNITED METHODIST (2 blocks W. of Hwy. 13 on Dakota)

Prior Lake Baptist Church

Childcare available during service All-day Preschool & Childcare Year Round Openings Available 33 months & up 5995 Timber Trail SE Prior Lake




for more information! 160130

Page 20 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American


Discover Minnesota music, art, theater & family fun at


Take a relaxing dive into millions of corn kernels with the ever-popular Sever’s Corn Pool.

A corny adventure Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival celebrates 15th year


ive into some seasonal fun and lose yourself in an out-of-this-world maze at Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival in Shakopee, opening Saturday, Sept. 17. For 15 years, the Sever and Sharon Peterson family of Eden Prairie has been bringing families together to explore fall fun. Home of the fi rst corn maze in the Midwest, Sever’s is blasting off with an outer-space theme that includes shooting stars, planets and even a space shuttle. Sever’s has a lot more to offer, including the always popular corn pool where kids and adults can jump into a sea of corn kernels. New this year is a jumping pillow area where guests can bounce the day away and a canary tent. Looking for something a little more extreme? Grab a pumpkin and challenge your friends on the pumpkin slinger. Or try a corn cannon, which will send your kernels flying the length of a football field. Kids will love the barnyard where they can get up-close to live turkeys, chickens, roosters, sheep and goats. Or if they’re looking for something more exotic, meet the animals from Vogel’s Exotic Animals in the petting zoo. The weekend also features live music and entertainment from the Blue Ox Jazz Babies. Don’t miss Magician Matt Dunn. And it wouldn’t be a fall festival without a chance to pick your own pumpkin in the festival’s pumpkin patch. Admission to the festival is not required. Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival runs Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 30 at 1100 Canterbury Road, Shakopee. Also open the Thursday and Friday of MEA, Oct. 20-21. Kristin Holtz

If you go… What: Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival features an outer spacethemed corn maze, a jumping pillow area, canary tent, corn pool, giant slide, straw bale maze, pumpkin slinger, barnyard tours, live music, food, refreshments and more.

Travel to space without leaving a Minnesota corn field at Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival. The maze has been an annual tradition since 1997. Past themes include Vikings’ 50th season, elections, a world map and pirates.

When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Sept. 17-Oct. 30

Did you know?

Where: 1100 Canterbury Road, Shakopee

Sever and Sharon Peterson first heard about mazes in 1971 from an agricultural exchange student who came from England. Hedge mazes are popular in Europe, and the Severs decided to bring the maze across the Atlantic using corn stalks in 1997.

Admission: $13 for ages 4 and older, free for kids 3 and under. Some activities charge extra. More info: (952) 974-5000,

By the numbers


Photos of “Astronaut Sever” hidden in the corn maze.

12 15

Acres of corn maze.


Height of the giant slide (in feet).

Years Sever’s Corn Maze and Fall Festival have been drawing metro crowds.


Hours to design and create the corn maze.


Sever’s Corn Pool.

Bushels of corn used to create

Explore more fall fun Looking for more ways to enjoy the crispness and bounty of the season? Families can get outdoors and enjoy the season with these autumn festivities: Use a wooden press to make your own apple cider at Richardson Nature Center in Bloomington from 3 to 4 p.m. Sept. 25 and Oct. 2. Learn about apple varieties and cider making history in the free Three Rivers Park District event. Richardson Nature Center, Hyland Lake Park Reserve, 10145 Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, threeriverparks. org. Take a day trip to Lake City, Minn., for the Johnny Appleseed Festival Saturday, Oct. 1. The celebration includes an arts and crafts fair, book sale, farmer’s market, games, apple pie and bake sale, basket raffles, chili cook-off, kid inflatable rides, petting zoo, scarecrow hunt and pancake breakfast. Johnny Appleseed Festival, Lake City, Minn., (651) 345-4123,

Families, food and fun are what Emma Krumbee’s Orchard and Farm in Belle Plaine is all about. Don’t miss the 28th annual Great Scarecrow Festival, open through Oct. 30. More than 100 unique scarecrows will be on display, as well as u-pick apples, pumpkins and berries. Kids will also enjoy the petting zoo, pony and camel rides, Emma’s mountain slide, giant hay pile and many games. Admission is $5 plus tax; children 2 and under are free. Emma Krumbee’s Orchard and Farm, Highway 169, Belle Plaine, (952) 873-3006,

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum presents Pumpkin Palooza Saturday, Sept. 24 through Sunday, Oct. 30. Pumpkin Palooza will be an eye-popping display featuring more than 50 pumpkin and squash varieties. A special event, Ghouls and Goblins at the Maze, from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, includes a trick-ortreat trail, music and more. Free gate admission during the event hours but registration is required. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska, (952) 443-1400,

Pick your own apples at Deardorff Orchard and Vineyards near Victoria. The family farm grows 13 varieties of apples on 4,000 trees. Kids events also include wagons, farm animals, kids’ haystack and much more. Buy jams, pumpkins, apples and more. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Free admission. Deardorff Orchards and Vineyards, 8350 Parley Lake Road, Waconia, (952) 442-1885,

Bring your little goblins and ghouls to the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley for some Halloween fun. Celebrate HallZOOween from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 29-30. Dress up as your favorite Zoo animal. The Scarecrow Alley will be on display in the Wells Fargo Family Farm Oct. 1-31. Regular Zoo admission. Minnesota Zoo, 13000 Zoo Blvd., Apple Valley, (952) 431-9200, mnzoo. com.

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 21

let'sGo!Calendar WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS! Listings are printed free but not guaranteed, although we do our best to include them. Submit your events through our website, where you can find many more local and regional fun things to do. You can also send an e-mail to editor@plamerican. com. Deadline is noon on the Tuesday prior to publication. For information call (952) 345-6378.


SEPT. 17 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE Low prices and a wide selection of slightly used fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, DVDs and videos are featured in this sale. Organizers are accepting donations of new books, DVDs, CDs and VHS tapes for the sale. Time: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 Cost: Items for purchase Location: Prior Lake Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. Info: (952) 447-3375

SEVER’S CORN MAZE FESTIVAL Get lost in a 12-acre, outer spacethemed corn maze, bounce in a “jumping pillow” and feed birds at the annual Sever’s Corn Maze Festival. Other activities include a corn pool, a giant slide, a pumpkin slinger, barnyard tours, live music, food and refreshments. Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Sept. 17-Oct. 30 Cost: $13 (ages 4 and up) Location: 1100 Canterbury Road, Shakopee Info: or (952) 974-5000

WEEKEND FAMILY FUN Enjoy nature-based fun for the whole family. The September theme is Cattail Creations. Time: Noon-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Sept. 17-18, 24-25 Cost: Free with gate admission of $9 for adults; free for ages 15 and younger; free to Arboretum members Location: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska Info: or (952) 443-1422

RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL The 41st annual Minnesota Renaissance Festival features 16 stages of live entertainment, live armored jousting, food, drink and artisan booths. Themed weekends are as follows: Sept. 17-18 – Wine, Chocolate and Romance featuring wine and chocolate festival, charity auction, free wine tasting, free vow renewals, chocolate pie eating contest and grape stomp; Sept. 24-25 High Seas Adventure featuring backyard barbecue competition, barbecue vendors, homebrew competition and pirate games; Sept. 30 – Festival Friday featuring visits by school groups and home school students; Oct. 1-2 – Shamrocks and Shenanigans featuring harvest market, Irish vendors, Irish dancers and music, free Guinness beer tasting and kilt competition. Time: Sept. 17-18, 24-25, 30, Oct. 1-2 Cost: Adults $20.95; seniors $18.95; children 5-12 $11.95; age 4 and younger free; dogs $10 with registration; free parking Location: Three miles south of Shakopee on Hwy. 169 Info: (952) 445-7361 or

JUNK BONANZA The Junk Bonanza hosts more than 100 juried junk vendors of antiques and one-of-a-kind and artisan-repurposed pieces. This year’s event will include a farm market with local harvest goods, special displays and giveaways. Time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 Cost: $8 per day; children younger than 12 free Location: Canterbury Park, 1100 Canterbury Rd. S., Shakopee Info:

APPLE-TASTING WEEKENDS Taste-test University of Minnesota research apples and rate for flavor, size and texture. Time: 1-3 p.m. Sept. 17-18, 24-25 and Oct. 1-2, 8-9

Cost: Free with gate admission of $9 for adults; free for ages 15 and younger; free to Arboretum members Location: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska Info: or (952) 443-1422

ALAN JACKSON A staple of country music, Alan Jackson opened Mystic Lake Casino Hotel’s Mystic Showroom on Sept. 15, 2007. Nearly four years later he’ll take the stage of Mystic Lake’s newest concert venue, the Mystic Amphitheater. Time: 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 Cost: $35-$55 Location: Mystic Amphitheater, 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd., Prior Lake Info: or (952) 496-6563


Fall Community Fest, now in its 26th year, has become an autumn staple in the area.




SEPT. 18

Meet a captive merlin and barred owl and learn about these birds of prey. Cameras welcome. For all ages Time: 2-4 p.m. Sundays, Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 13 Cost: Free Location: Lowry Nature Center (Carver Park Reserve), 7025 Victoria Dr., Victoria holiday container design, planting fall Info: (763) 559-9000 or bulbs, how to select wines to serve with harvested garden vegetables and fruits, fall lawn care, seed saving, HONEY HARVEST creating cards and stationery from See what the busy bees have been garden photos and line dancing. up to all summer. Learn about the Time: 6-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22 process of harvesting honey. Help spin Cost: Free; pre-registration requested the frames in the extractor, add honey Location: Scott County Fairgrounds, to the setting tank and watch the 7151 W. 190th St., Jordan Lowry staff pour honey into bottles. Info: (952) 492-5410 or Visitors will get a chance to taste a sweet honey sample. Reservations SCOTT COUNTY required; reference activity CRAZY QUILTERS #411301-02. For ages 5 and older. Time: 1-2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 Bring needles, yarn, fabric and trim for Cost: $5 an evening a needlework. Beginners Location: Lowry Nature Center (Carver through masters welcome. Park Reserve), 7025 Victoria Dr., Victoria Time: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, Sept. 22, Info: (763) 559-6700 or Oct. 27 and Christmas Potluck Dec. 1 Cost: Free Location: Scott County Historical APPLE CIDERING Society, 235 Fuller St., Shakopee Make and taste apple cider the oldInfo: (952) 445-0378, (507) fashioned way. Squeeze apples with 868-4058 or a wooden press. Taste the fresh cider SEASONAL COMFORT FOOD and learn about apple varieties and cidering history. For all ages. Chefs Beth Fisher and Caroline Glawe Time: 3-4 p.m. Sundays, Sept. 18, will demo the following menu: apple Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 cheddar crostini; fennel carrot salad Cost: Free with vanilla balsamic vinaigrette; pork Location: Richardson Nature Center, chop with tomato jam and vegetable 8737 E. Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington paparadella; and sweet corn bread Info: (763) 559-9000 or with fruits and basil whipped cream. The evening will include wine tasting. Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22 Cost: $45 for Arboretum members; $55 for non-members Location: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska Info: LET’S TALK PHOTOGRAPHY aspx or (952) 443-1422 Amateur photographers who are interested in improving skill, sharing their work and receiving feedback are invited to this monthly meeting on the topic of photography led by Darrell Tangen. Those participating are WILDLIFE AND FITNESS HIKE encouraged to bring digital images to share. Celebrate National Public Lands Day Time: 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. by exploring the Refuge in one of its 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 finest seasons. Sense the pulse of Cost: $25 per night resident and migrating wildlife. Come Location: Savage Art Studios & Gallery, prepared for two hours of fast-paced 4735 W. 123rd St., Suite 200, Savage walking with short breaks. Info: Time: 7-9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 Cost: Free Location: Old Cedar Avenue Trailhead, 9500 Old Cedar Ave. S., Bloomington Info: (952) 854-5900 or midwest/minnesotavalley


SEPT. 21


SEPT. 24


SEPT. 22


St., Savage.. For more mor information, call (952) 226-0080.

Harp, or shape-note singing, is an American traditional form of singing hymns, anthems and gospel songs in four parts. Singers sit facing the middle of a square. The music has a distinctive open and modal sound, and the singing is usually exuberant, rhythmic and full of feeling. Everyone is welcome to come to sing or to listen. Enter by the far west gate. Time: 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. (potluck lunch at noon), Sept. 24-25 Cost: Free Location: The Landing, 2187 Highway 101 E., Shakopee Info: (651) 457-7762 or

BUCKTHORN BUST Buckthorn is a woody plant that destroys habitat by invading the forest and killing other plants wildlife use for food and cover. This results in poor quality habitat for many wild animals. The group will celebration National Public Lands Day by using saws and loppers to fight the invasion. Call (952) 858-0715 to register. Time: 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 Cost: Free Location: Bloomington Visitor Center, 3815 American Blvd. E., Bloomington Info: (952) 854-5900 or midwest/minnesotavalley

The Hangar Dance is back – and how! Celebrate the 1920s and raise funds for the Scott County Historical Society. Get dolled up in your 1920s glad rags and get a wiggle on. Event includes music by the Roseville Big Band, silent and live auctions, moonshine cash bar (wine/beer), light supper, costume and Charleston dance contests and more. The fundraising auction includes a pair of AirTran Airways coach certificates for travel in the continental United States (including San Juan and Puerto Rico). Time: 6:30-10:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 Cost: $30 ($25 for Scott County Historical Society members) Location: Flying Cloud Airport – Gate H, 10110 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie Info: (952) 445-0378 or info@


SACRED HARP CONVENTION The Landing will host the Minnesota State Sacred Harp Convention. Sacred

Initial Assessment


The 13th annual Scott County City to Country Tour is hosted by the University of Minnesota Extension in

Acreage Lots Available: 2.5–10 acres. Lakeville Schools. Plenty of room to fit your lifestyle. Others available from $50,000.

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*Mention this ad and receive $100 off the regular price of our cognitive skills test. Offer expires 12/31/11.

Scott County. Each stop along the tour will include demonstrations, hands-on activities and educational displays. This year’s stops include Whispering Oaks Alpacas owned by Dale and Tari Maxfield; Thompson’s Hillcrest Orchard owned by Gene and Barb Thompson; and Friedges Dairy Farm owned by Charles and Jeri Friedges. Time: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 Cost: $10 per vehicle; vehicle passes available at the tour sites Location: See brochure at link below for tour stop locations Info: Call (952) 492-5410, visit or see tour brochure at

Lic. #20032109

Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. Info: (952) 447-3375

SOUTH OF THE RIVER ROUNDUP The River Valley YMCA hosts this second annual event, with a buffet dinner, a silent auction and music by the Tuxedo Band. Time: 5:30-11:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28 Cost: $50 per person Location: The Wilds Golf Club, 3151 Wilds Ridge Court, Prior Lake Info: (952) 230-6665 or renee.



The Prior Lake Farmers Market, in

SCOTT COUNTY ART CRAWL downtown Prior Lake, features locally Get ready for this annual art event in the Prior Lake, Savage and greater Scott County area. Maps and more are available at the art crawl’s website. Time: 5-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1 Location: Artist studios throughout Scott County Info: or e-mail


CUSTOM HOMES AVAILABLE: 4 bedroom, 3 baths, 3 car garage, open two story plan starting at $250k.

(Regularly $199)

service clubs to nonprofit organizations. Prizes, servic

Monday, p.m. Monda ay, Sept. 19 at Prior Lake High School, 7575 150th

FOREST PARK HEIGHTS: Burnsville. Premier wooded neighborhood. .7–2.5 acre lots that back up to Murphy Hanrehan Park. Open to all builders. Priced from $109,900. Only 16 lots remain.


local companies to youth and adult tors, from f

mix. Fall Community Fest is set for 6 to 8:30 the m


only $

his free family event hosts more than 200 exhibi-

networking opportunities are part of food and a


The public is invited to celebrate fall with Master Gardeners as they present information about fall and


Join a book club for seniors the first Tuesday of each month. Date: Tuesday, Oct. 4 (“The Tenderness of Wolves” by Stef Penney) Time: 10 a.m. Cost: Free Location: Club Prior, in the Prior Lake Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. Info: (952) 447-9783

FREE SWING DANCE Minnesota’s hottest jazz violinist and “Prairie Home Companion” veteran, Gary Schulte, leads an ensemble of some of the nation’s top swing musicians. Bill and Shannon Butler are well-known swing dancers and instructors in the metro. Dancers of all ages and levels of experience are invited to enjoy this swing dance event. The program is part of Scott County Library’s “First Thursdays Danceteria,” free monthly dances with live bands and instructors. It’s co-sponsored by the city of Prior Lake and Club Prior, and funded in part with money from Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage (Legacy) Fund. Time: 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6 Cost: Free Location: Club Prior, in the Prior Lake

grown, seasonal farm-fresh food. Many of the products are organic, chemicalfree and naturally grown. The market also offers meats, fish, baked goods, handcrafted beverages, gourmet confections, assorted landscaping stock, fine crafts, music and more. Time: 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays Cost: Items for purchase Location: Main Avenue, downtown Prior Lake Info:

GREAT SCOTT CYCLING CLUB Bicycling enthusiasts are invited to join the Great Scott Cycle Monday and Thursday evenings from May to October. There are four levels for riders. Helmets are required; road bikes are highly recommended. This is a social club for riding and gathering afterward. New members are always welcome. Time: 6 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays Cost: Free Location: Leaving from Michael’s Cycles, 16731 Highway 13, Prior Lake Info: Al at (952) 220-4585 or

TRIBAL FARMERS MARKET The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community will have its own farmers market at Mazopiya, the tribe’s natural food market, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thursday. Produce varies each week according to the season. A limited supply of native prairie plants may also be available for sale, along with wares from community member artisans. Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursdays Cost: Items available for purchase Location: Mazopiya, 2571 Credit Union Drive, Prior Lake

Complete Dental Care for your entire family ZOOM® Whitening ■ White Fillings ■ Total Dental Care ■ New Patients Welcome ■

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Page 22 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American


The Brass Peacock

SAVE $$ and your vehicle!

Changing oil and properly maintaining your car or truck will COST MUCH LESS than replacing it!

Bow to the King

Take aStroll Through Paris SALE DATES


Sept. 17 10am –6pm Sept. 18 Noon-4pm 4740 West 124th St. Savage, MN





Mark you calendars for the upcoming dates: October 20-22 10 am– 6 pm October 23 Noon – 4 pm

Dispose of Unwanted Pesticides A collection of Waste Pesticides is scheduled from 9 am until 11 am Wednesday, Sept. 28, at the MnDot Highway Garage, 705 Syndicate St. in Jordan.

pesticides to this event and dispose of their waste pesticides free of charge. Paints, fuels and other hazardous household wastes should NOT be brought to this collection - only waste pesticides!

Dispose of your waste weed killers/herbicides, insecticides, mice and rat poisons, fungicides and other pesticides. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and your county encourage you to clean your shelves of unwanted pesticides. Homeowners, business owners, and farmers can bring their waste

Please, Pesticides Only!

People with quantities of waste pesticides in excess of 300 lbs must call the MDA first. For information, call the MDA at 651-201-6562.

No Paint, Fuels, Oils or Recyclables.



faces of your

community every week.

Prior Lake is your community and it’s reflected in the Prior Lake American every week. In an average issue, more than 100 individual local faces can be found in the Prior Lake American: Newsmakers, prep and youth sports athletes, government officials,


Who says a lowly street hawker can’t grow up to be king? John Behr has been a performer at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival for 30 years — most of them wooing young women from his royal state. The hawker-turned-princeand-now-king is one of the only Renaissance Festival performers in the nation to secede to the throne, according to Behr, who has played the charming, smoothtalking King Henry since 2005. “How many guys do you know have their face on a coin?” he asked. While Behr, 42, spends his autumn weekends parading around a 16th-century village in doublet and crown, he’s pretty humble about his role. Playing His Majesty is an honor and privilege thanks to the wonderful interactions he has with the audience, especially children. Wherever he turns, the Minnetonka resident has the opportunity to leave a knightly impression on a new clump of festival-goers, as well as himself. He calls it: “Three Feet of Magic.” “You can walk three feet and have just this amazing exchange with a child that has a lasting and profound impact on you,” he said. Much like real royalty, life in the Royal Court is incredibly scheduled, Behr said. The 18-member group opens and closes each day of the festival and presents at special events, such as wedding toasts, the knighting ceremony and Ales and Tales. In between, the nobility parades through the grounds. “The Royal Court is just about everywhere, as is the king, during the course of the day,” Behr said. Besides the morning gate show — where you’re never quite sure what you’ll get — Behr’s favorite part of the day is the children’s knighting ceremony. Behr became involved with the Renaissance Festival at age 12. His family had just moved to the area from Arizona when a friend active in children’s theater asked if he wanted to audition. He landed the role of Lance the Squire, walking around the grounds hawking for Witchwood and Puke & Snot. As a teen, he joined the Royal Court as Prince Philip, a role he played for 20 years before his coronation as King Henry. Behr attributes his success to great mentors, like longtime Renaissance King


As King Henry of the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, John Behr of Minnetonka loves interacting with the guests, especially children. He is in his 31st season performing at the Renaissance Festival. George Hermann, and paying attention to the crowd’s cues. Unlike normal theater where you have script and back story, each interaction is improv. “It really is kind of like life, where it evolves as you evolve as a character and a performer out there,” he said. The skills he’s learned about paying attention to an audience and reacting to its response have carried beyond the festival, too, Behr said. Outside the Ren Fest, Behr is an entrepreneur. His first company, Wireless Ronin Technologies, went public five years ago. Today, he owns Converdia, a Twin Citiesbased mobile marketing and technology firm that develops mobile applications. “I still wear my tights in the office on Mondays through Fridays,” Behr joked. “My employees get a little concerned when I wear the crown.” Though Behr has been at the festival 30 years, he’s not the actor of the family. His brother, Jason, lives in Hollywood and starred on the television show “Roswell.”

Behr calls the Renaissance Festival his annual holiday. “I honestly really do this because I love the interaction and I love all the people and I love the festival,” he said. As a senior member of the court, Behr is also responsible for training the court, which includes Queen Elizabeth, Prince James and Lady Tayrn, the king’s administrative assistant and schedule keeper. His group rehearses every other weekend, May through opening day. He has a couple of rules for the court: pay attention to the audience and treat everyone you meet like he or she is the most interesting person on the planet. “Our guests are coming through our gates because they want to forget all their troubles,” Behr said. “They want to come and experience laughter, all these moments of magic out there.” The Minnesota Renaissance Festival runs weekends through Oct. 2 on the festival grounds just south of Shakopee.

entertainers and your friends and neighbors. The Prior Lake American is a part of you and your community.

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Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 23





Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Oldenburg attended the 50th wedding anniversary of their daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Ken Scheffler. The party was at the Roger Grapper residence in Prior Lake on July 24, with family and friends. The Schefflers live in Port Clinton, Ohio and have three children: Cory, of Nashville, Tenn.; Kelly and wife Carol of Essexville, Mich.; and Mindy and husband Bill of Cleveland, Ohio. They also have seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. They are both retired and enjoy wintering in South Padre Island, Texas. The Oldenburgs will celebrate their own 70th wedding anniversary next August.

Laine Ma rie Hudak and Justin Wallace Ahrens were married on June 18, 2011 at Des Monies Botanical Center, Des Moines, Iowa. A reception took place at the Holiday Inn-Mercy, Des Moines. Parents of the bride are Rick and Peggy Hudak of Prior Lake. Parents of the groom are Joe and Vickie Ahrens of Des Moines. Maid of honor was Sarah Hastings. Best man was Kevin Williams. Officiant was the Rev. Shawn Kinnison. Hudak graduated from Bethany Academy in Bloomington and Gustavus Adolphus College. She is a senior underwriter for Guide One Insurance. A h ren s g radu ate d f rom Wheatland Union High School in Wheatland, Calif. He is at-


Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Oldenburg (bottom) attend the anniversary of their daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Ken Scheffler.

ON CAMPUS Nelson earns environmental degree Christopher Thomas Nelson of Prior Lake recently

graduated from North Dakota State University. Nelson earned a bachelor of science degree in environmental design.

IN THE NEWS Boemer finishes Army Combat Medic School The parents of Private First Class Zachary Boemer announce their son’s graduation from the U.S. Army Combat Medic School in San Antonio, Texas on Aug. 5. Boemer is being assigned to the Tenth Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y. He is a 2010 Prior Lake High School graduate.

Friday, Sept. 16 - 7:30 pm (Gates Open at 6pm)

FRIDAY NIGHT DESTRUCTION Figure 8’s, Flagpole Race, Thunder V8’S, Mini Stocks, Flyers, Garden Tractor Races, Plus Oval School Bus Race! Saturday, September 17 - 3:00 pm

Extreme Enduro Series (4cyl & 8cyl) HUGE PAYOFFS! PAYOFFS! 4 Cyl. 100 Laps & 8 Cyl. 200 Laps COUPON

FAMILY PACK Laine and Justin Ahrens tending Upper Iowa University. He is an operations specialist for Wells Fargo. The couple honeymooned in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and lives in Des Moines.



Two adults, up to 3 juniors (5-12 years of age), a $45 value for $20. Exp. 10-1-11•952-445-2257

Knox-Lindow Caroline Knox and Michael Lindow were married on Aug. 13, 2011 at Gateway Canyons Resort, Gateway, Colo. Parents of the bride are Stephen and Bonnie Knox of Montclair, N.J. Parents of the groom are Carol Lindow of Prior Lake a nd Steve Li ndow of Eden Prairie. “Best woman” was Suzanna Knox, sister of the bride. Best man was Brad Lindow, brother of the groom. The couple honeymooned in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Caroline graduated from Vanderbi lt Medical School in Nashville, Tenn. Michael graduated from Prior Lake

Flying Cloud Airport

Michael and Caroline Lindow High School in 1999 and completed medical school at the University of Minnesota. Both Caroline and Michael are family physicians in Grand Junction, Colo., where they reside.

Zachary Boemer


CHORE Services Help with indoor and outdoor home maintenance for older adults so they can live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Seasonal and ongoing opportunities available. Great for community and youth groups. Call Terry at (952) 402-9835.

Crisis Nursery Shakopee Licensed child care and foster care providers can provide short-term care for children whose families are working through a crisis. Experienced social workers/crisis response workers can help to answer calls from families. Training and supervision is provided. Flexible weekdays, evenings and weekends. Call Jen at (952) 960-9711.

Fare for All Express Assist this popular discount grocery program at St. Mark’s Church in Shakopee. Assist customers in choosing packages and fi lling orders. Call Jody at (952) 402-9831.

Food shelf driver Pick up donated food items from local grocery stores in Scott County one or two mornings per week. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds and have a clean driving record. Call Linda at (952) 402-9856.

Food support outreach Help individuals complete applications for county-run federal program that helps lowincome families get the food they need for sound nutrition and well-balanced meals. Or, attend local events to educate the public about the food support program. Training is provided. Call Terry at (952) 402-9835.

Head Start Share your time and skills with this preschool program. Help with field trips and classroom activities, share a story about your family heritage or teach children about your job or hobby. Flexible mornings and afternoons during the school year. Call Deb at (651) 322-3504.

Senior nutrition Help to provide hot meals to seniors by volunteering as a Meals on Wheels driver or at a congregate dining site. Weekday mornings, flexible commitment. Call Denise at (952) 402-9855.


The CAP Agency, a private, nonprofit organization providing human services to families and individuals in Scott, Carver and Dakota counties, has the following volunteer opportunities available. For more information about volunteering with the CAP Agency, or information about group volunteering, call Linda Shelton at (952) 402-9856 or visit Volunteers must be at least 16 years old or supervised by an adult.

Thrift shop Accept, sort and display donations in the store. Monday through Saturday; call for available times. Must be at least 16. Call Linda at (952) 402-9856.

PET OF THE WEEK Lanikai is a very petite cat. She was a great mom cat and has been spayed and would like to fi nd a quiet home with someone who will love her a lot. She loves to play and receive petting from humans, and she is very friendly. She can be a little scared when someone new approaches her but is fi ne in a few minutes. She will even sleep with you and purr. She is less than 1 year old. All cats and kittens have been given the best care available, live in foster homes and are socialized. They have been vet-checked, feline leukemia/

FIV tested negative, and have required shots. All cats over 6 months of age have been spayed or neutered. All kittens under 6 months receive a certificate for a free spay/neuter included in the adoption fee. All cats and kittens come with a welcome pack including free food, blanket, coupons, treats and discounts at Pet Supplies Plus. These pets are being fostered at Rainbow Animal Rescue in Prior Lake. If you can give a pet a home, call (952) 440-3824, e-mail rainbow.animal.rescue@, or visit Pet Supplies Plus in Burnsville from noon to

at a glance meals - cost $ $$ $$$ Lanikai 3 p.m. every Saturday. Pets also can be viewed online at www. (enter zip code 55372).

Arb hosting fall harvest craft sale The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum will have its auxiliary fall harvest sale, featuring one-of-a-kind, nature-related gifts, on Sept. 24 and 25. The sale is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25 in the Snyder Building

at the Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska. Color ful dried f loral arra ngements, pot pou r ri, wreaths and handmade cards created by auxiliary members will be available. Normal Arboretum gate fees apply. A raffle of a full-sized quilt

hand-stitched by auxiliary quilters will be available. Raffle tickets will be sold in the Oswald Visitor Center for $2 until noon on Sept. 24. The drawing will take place at 2 p.m. Sept. 24 in the Oswald building. For more information, visit

less than $10 $10-$25 $25 or more

Page 24 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American

Place an ad





Go to to place your ad, or call at 952-345-3003 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for help.

Ads are posted promptly to the website. Print deadlines for Thursday editions are 3 p.m. Tuesday for the Chanhassen Villager, Chaska Herald, Eden Prairie News, Jordan Independent, Shakopee Valley News. Deadlines for Saturday editions are 3 p.m. Thursday for the Prior Lake American, Savage Pacer, and Southwest Saturday editions in Chaska, Jordan-Belle Plaine and Shakopee.

Thriftmart ads are free; Thriftmart PLUS ads start at just $15. Ads start as low as $22 for announcements, farm / garden / animals, transportation, services, rentals, real estate and recruitment. Call 952-3453003 for pricing, or place your ad online at

Reach more than 150,000 readers every week. Our offices are located in the communities below.

Looking for work? Find local job ads here. Need a new employee? Get great response with recruitment ads.


Garage Sales

Find your new rental home – whether it’s an apartment, condo, townhouse or single-family home – in our print listings or at imarketplace. mn/homes.

Buy other people’s stuff, or sell yours – it’s as American as it gets! Our comprehensive list and map fuel area garage-sale fever.



Chanhassen Eden Prairie



Jordan Prior Lake



Musical Instruments

Chaska Rentals

Jordan Rentals

Gulbransen 370656 Piano. Good condition $300. or best offer. Beth 952-451-6716 After 5:00PM

1/2 mth FREE w/Lease Boutique Apt. Bldg 2 BR Elevator, Heat paid, Heated parking included. Cats Welcome. Available 11/1. 952-914-0357

Jordan Center Apartments

SERVICES Child Care 25 yrs. Loving, licensed childcare. All ages welcome. Cindy, 952-4451932

Large 2 BR, 2 bath, W/D dishwasher, elevator, security system. $800+ utilities. Available 9/1. 952-492-2800

RENTALS 2/ 3 BR townhomes, garage included, $795 & $950. 952-448-6549

Becky's Daycare: 3 openings, Shakopee. Food program, licensed. 10 years experience. 952-445-2908


Licensed Prior Lake daycare, Sept. openings, ages 2+. Carrie612-770-5011

LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Drive-In's & Docks Available Immediately Intersections of 41/ 169. 952-484-9675


Shop/ warehouse space Jordan, 3,450 s.f. $5.00/ s.f. 952-492-6960


Firewood Fireplace/Fuel

1BR, all utilities included, no pets. $650. Carver townhome. 612-7412255

Dry Red Oak. $130/ row (4'x8'x16”). This isn't a short stack. $390/ full cord. 612-220-6283

Share my house across street from Prior Lake. 3BR $625/mo., utilities included. 952-913-7168

Health Supplies

Chaska Rentals

Diabetic test strips wanted. Most brands. Will pay cash. Local pick up. Call Ted at 612-216-6266

2 BR apartment, in-floor heating. No pets. $775. 612-718-3163

Prior Lake Rentals

Cologne Rentals

1 BR. Large apartment in secured N/S 4-plex. $685. 763-478-8715

1 BR Apartment, HUD/ Section 8, Elderly/ Disabled housing. EHO. 612-702-1472

2 Bedroom Home. Single car garage. Dogs o.k. $1200/month. Available Sept 1st 612-6180644

Eden Prairie Rentals 1+BR, LR, DR, PO, in 6 plex. No pets, smoking. Lease, $725. 952-9371959

Jordan Rentals 1 & 2 BR apartments, (heat, hot/cold water, garbage included) $575$675, no pets. 612-5996245 1BR & 1BR+ $635. to $650. Hardwood floors. No dogs, Immediate. 952-201-1991

2 BR, 2 BA twinhome. Everything new. $1050. Randy, 952-270-9221 3 BR 1 BA apartment. Detached garage. $895. Randy 952-270-9221 On Prior Lake, 2BR, 1BA, walkout apt. Garage, dock space available, $995/mo includes utilities. 952-4127160 Prior Lake- Lg 1 BR, $575/ mo. 2 BR. $735/ mo. Available now. Patio/ balcony, cats OK, please call 952-6532105, 952-594-1791, or 651-470-4017

Savage Rentals 1BR $635, 2BR $735. Pets ok. 952-356-0611 4BD,2BA, House, dated Appliances, Carpet, Deck, 2 Garage, $1500 sec dep. Janice 412-2074

UpNew Car +util, 952-

Shakopee Rentals

1 BR APARTMENT Section 8 project Low income rent to qualifying persons. Age 62 or older. 30% of income Smoke-free units available

Shakopee Rentals Arlington Ridge Apts 2 BR Apts. For Rent Updated unit-Ready for move in! Starting at $805 CALL 952-496-3281 1219 S. Taylor St. #103 Hillview Motel Micro/ Refrig. Weekly $175 & Up. Daily, $35 & Up. 952-445-7111 Sandalwood Studiosfull kitchenettes, nightly/ weekly/ monthly rates available. 952-277-0100

Waconia Rentals

Shakopee Housing 952-403-1086

2BR, private entrance, porch, $700. + utilities, garage available. 612867-4829

2 BR apartment. Nice condition. Available 10/1. 952-445-2739

SW Metro Rentals Other Areas

2 BR apt. in 4-plex, clean, updated, available immediately. $695. 612-518-6737

2BR, apartment, CA. Norwood/YA. $550. 612-750-7436

3 BR in 4-plex, 1-car garage, $850/ month+ utilities. Immediate. No dogs. 952-448-2333 3BR/1BA $800. Apt. Remodel! Safe,cln,brght,quiet,Priv deck,plygrnd 1yr lse NrCub/Marshall 722Garden Ln 612-325-7954


Lots/Acreage 70 tillable acres. Owner/ Agent, 612-756-1899 Farmland for Sale & Wanted. Randy Kubes, Realtor... 612-599-7440

Real Estate Bargains 3286 sq ft commercial bldg, $109,900. New home, 3 car garage, $154,900. 24 acres of farmland, $109,900. 2-1/2 acre lots, $39,900-$69,900. Cabin on Spring Lake, $239,900. Randy Kubes Realtor 612-599-7440

EMPLOYMENT Full-Time "One of the fastest growing companies in Minnesota is looking for energetic individuals for exciting call center. Excellent people skills and basic computer abilities a must. Flexible schedule variable hours. with Please send resume to or walk in's welcome September 19th from 10am to 2pm at 420 Oak Street, Carver, Minnesota 3rd floor."

S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Dollar.... Shop Classified Marketplace!

House for sale: 9875 Spring Rd, EP $324,700 952-240-8940

To learn more about these businesses, go to Call (952) 345-3003 to place an ad




Over 19 Years Experience Licensed and Insured

Basements • Room Additions Complete Home Remodeling Decks/Porches




952-496-2609. Time To Shine. 17 years, licensed, insured. Call Sheila.

DCI Inc.


We are a very diverse company that has expertise in Driveways Patios Foundation repair Chimney restoration Stone fronts Outdoor fireplaces Floor staining, etc....

Decorative Concrete Additions - Patios Garage Floors Steps - Sidewalks Aprons - Driveways Stamped, Colored Exposed Aggregate

Big Enough To Help~Small Enough To Care


Residential, Commercial, Homeowner Associations, and Property Managers

We specialize in all of your Repair Needs! Member of the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce

Highland Home Services Inc.

A Clean House= Big smiles. Experienced, Responsible, References. 952-361-6237 Kathy's cleaning service. Reliable, trustworthy. 952-454-0700


Remodeling ...Repair ... Design

cell 612-418-2277

30 years experience fax 952-447-1211 lic#20628802

~ PARAMOUNT REMODELING, INC. ~ Where Your Dreams Are Paramount *Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling *Distinctive Hardwood Flooring


Over 17 yrs in decks & porches. For deck do-it-yourselfers: framing & footings. www.newimage

Mike 952-442-1308 Lic#20219985 Ins

Builder's Edge Remodeling, Windows, Basements, Additions, Cabinets. Licensed. 952-492-3170 Decks, porches, additions, remodeling. Great ideas/ prices. Fred Hartgerink, 952-4473733

JC's Remodeling Co. Remodeling, basements, kitchen, bathrooms, decks, drywall/painting Gerald Fugate, 18 yrs exp. lic#20636523CR Ins.


KB Custom Cabinets Kitchens, Entertainment Centers, Bars, Built-ins Vanities, Counter Tops. 952-445-7790

Free estimates/Insured Decorative stamped concrete, Driveways, Concrete Firepits, Tear-out & replacement, Steps, Floating garage slabs, Swimming pool decks, Poured Wall Foundations & Flat work

• Block Foundations • New Additions, Repairs • Driveways • Patios • Steps • Garages • Pool Decks • Tear-out, Remove, Replace/New • Decorative • Colored, Stamped, Exposed Aggregate Free Estimates

952-448-7037 Free Estimates

Lowell Russell Concrete From the Unique to the Ordinary... Specializing in drives, patios and imprinted, colored and stained concrete. Interior acid stained floors and counter tops.



Brick Work Stone Work

Blue Skies Window Cleaning, LLC



• Free Estimates • 14 years experience • The Residential expert! • Insured

Luke 952-467-2447

Chimney Repairs Free Estimates Licensed Insured

Lebens Masonry ! 952-239-4110 Bumble Bee Services Housecleaning. Insured

~Since 1971~ Free Estimates


#Priority Electric Inc. Licensed- Bonded- Insured. No job too small. 952-403-9200 A Licensed Master Electrician at your service Scheffler Electric, Inc. 952-758-3561 POWERTECH Electric. Local. Owner operated. Licensed, insured, clean. Rich: 952-292-8683


Monyok Masonry 16 years in business Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Floors, Steps, Block Foundations, Brick Repairs, Footings Call Joe: 952-492-3671


Classifieds 952-345-3003

Carpet & Vinyl Shop-At-Home Save $$


HEATING/AIR COND Heating, plumbing, remodel and repair, and replacement, new construction. 952-492-2440

LANDSCAPING R.D. & Associates Specialized Services Inc. • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Brush Chipping • Overgrown Areas Mowed • Excavating • Sand & Gravel • Crushed Limestone


LANDSCAPING Rock Engraving at Hermans 6 Miles S. of Shakopee on 169 Pulverized Dirt $12.50/ yd. Colored Mulch $26.50/ yd. Cypress, Cedar, Hardwood

Flagstone, Steppers Decorative Rock Edging/ Poly/ Fabric Retaining Walls, Pavers

Call for Hours Wever i l 952-492-2783 De



Drapes, Blinds, Fabrics, Upholstery, Bedspreads. Lakes Interiors. 38 yrs. 952-447-4655.

X Complete

Landscape & Irrigation Services Block Walls, Paver Driveway, Patios X Drainage Correction X Lakeshore Restoration X Complete Irrigation Winterization X Aeration & Over Seeding X Dethatch & Fall Clean-Up X Boulder,


Floor Installation Sanding & Refinishing Carpet, Tile & Vinyl Installation Exceptional Quality Great Service

952-440-WOOD (9663)


Don’t forget to place your ad. 952-345-3003 ~Classified Ads~ Southwest Newspapers


C r e a t e s D i s t i n c t i v e O u td o o r L i v i n g

952-454-7591, Melanie. Home and Office Cleaning. Experienced, reliable, reasonable rates.

Driveways, Parking Lots


! Country Touch Clean. Several years in business. Reliable/Trusting 612-483-1092

Radloff & Weber Blacktopping Inc.


*Lower Level Finishing *Decks & Exteriors

NO JOB TOO SMALL *** Mention this ad for a 10% discount. Call today for a free consultation (952) 607-6726 MN Lic. 20483289, Fully Insured


Feel free to text, call 8/14or Email Andy, 612-221-1849


Steve Jenness

References- Fully insured


•Floor refinishing & sanding •Real wood floors •Dustless refinishing •Water damage specialists •Board patching •Custom staining •Best quality •Best pricing •Most experience in your area •Family owned, 28 years •Free Estimates

952-469-5713 952-426-2790


Landscape Services 952 445-0663



Design, Build, Maintain XWater

Problems resolved XSprinkler Systems XRock/Mulch/Edger XTrees & Shrubs XBrick Pavers XRetainingWalls Over 30 yrs of quality workmanship Visit our website: Credit Cards Accepted

Retaining Walls, Concrete & Paver Drives, Patio & Walks, Boulder walls, & much more!

952-292-2261 Premiere One Landscapes

LANDSCAPING 612-275-2574. AJ's Tree & Lawn Service LLC. Trimming & removal. Licensed, insured.

Prior Lake American |




Chaska & Chanhassen Job Fair


Tue-Wed-Thurs, 9/20-21-22 10am- 2pm 1st , 2nd and 3rd shift available $10/hr and up Assembly Line Warehouse Receiving Hand Packing Customer Service Administrative Apply in person at: Express Employment Professionals 7876 Century Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-915-2000

Put your faith first, Family second with an Opportunity to earn a Great income! 952-270-6190 2nd Shift Shop Help. Applicants should be: Experienced, clean driving record. Towing experience gets more pay. $10+ starting. Taking applications at: 4805 Dakota St. Prior Lake. For more information call; 952-447-5286

ASSOCIATE TRAINEE Real Estate Career Excellent Potential Fast Growth

Allure Salon, adding 10am-3pm, M-F shift for experienced motivated sylist & PT Nail Tech. 952-496-3331, Bonnie

September 17, 2011 | Page 25

Coldwell Banker Burnet Eden Prairie Irene: 952-949-4759 Rolland: 952-949-4724 EOE

Truck Driver/ Mechanic Ditch Witch of Minnesota, Inc. is currently seeking a full-time truck driver/mechanic. Qualified applicants will have 5+ years experience with formal training. Class A license is required. Benefits include: medical, dental, 401k & uniforms. Fax resume to: 952-4450035 or mail to: 12826 Emery Way, Shakopee, MN 55379 or come in to fill out an application.

4 Day Work Week! FSI International, located in Chaska, a global supplier of surface conditioning equipment and technology, currently has Technician opportunities available for candidates with strong electrical and/or mechanical troubleshooting experience.

To view additional opportunities and to apply online, please go to

Maintenance Tech 6 Chart is a leading global supplier of standard and custom-engineered products and systems serving a wide variety of low-temperature and cryogenic applications. The company manufactures a broad line of cryogenic products for the purification, liquefaction, distribution, storage and application of gases such as helium, nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, natural gas and other hydrocarbons for final use in a multitude of industrial, commercial and scientific applications. Chart's New Prague, MN manufacturing campus is a 30-acre site with over 275,000 square feet of heavy manufacturing space. Chart has an immediate opening for a maintenance technician on the day shift. Primary responsibilities include troubleshooting, repair, and rebuilds of complex manufacturing and material handling equipment. Equipment includes but is not limited to vacuum pumps, mass spec machines, rollers, machine tools, presses, cranes, forklifts, and automatic production equipment. Perform periodic inspection of various shop equipment and tools. Installation of new equipment, building custom fixtures, performing necessary hookups, and other maintenance including electrical, plumbing, painting, and carpentry is required. When necessary, alter and modify facilities and equipment to conform to OSHA standards. Assist with the handling, labeling, and inspection of hazardous waste and storage area. Perform duties assigned during spills and emergencies involving hazardous waste and materials. The ideal candidate will possess a two-year technical degree combined with 3+ years of manufacturing experience. Knowledge of the following is a plus: hydraulics, electrical and electronics, automation equipment repair, crane servicing, vacuum technology, and general maintenance. The ability to troubleshoot and fix problems is a must. Candidate must have the ability to successfully complete work assignments with limited supervision. Chart provides a competitive compensation and benefits program. If interested, please send resume or fill out application with attention to Jamie Malecha, HR Administrator:

Full-Time Framing, Siding and Window carpenters wanted with all levels of experience. Positions are full time and benefits eligible. Must have valid D/L, reliable transportation and be able to pass background check, drug screen and physical. Call our job line at 952-380-3720 or send resume to: jobs@carpentry

Prior Lake Schools. FT/ PT, Paid training. Starting $13/ hr. Call 612-232-4297 for Receptionist/CSR growing insurance agency. Full time front desk position, Insurance experience helpful. Send resume Attn: Brad Billings State Farm Insurance 421 1st Ave E Shakopee MN 55379





Casey's is looking for a friendly, energetic individual to be our Assistant ManagerDonut Makers. Cashiers, & Pizza Makers various hours. No Experience necessary. Apply at: Casey's General Store, 300 County Rd. 40 E., Carver, MN 55316. 952-448-6092

Finish carpenters wanted with 2-5 years of experience. Position is full time and benefits eligible. Must have valid D/L, reliable transportation and be able to pass background check, drug screen and physical. Call our job line at 952-380-3720 or send resume to

House Cleaning Supervisor M-F, drive company van, work & supervise cleaning staff. Must be honest, high spirited, friendly & personal and have strong people skills. Must have experience as a residential cleaner of all areas of the home. Contact John T. Reilly, Mint Victoria Housecleaing, 952-401-9119


JORDAN TRANSFORMER, LLC Substation Transformer Repair/Remanufacturing since 1973, now hiring the following position:

Controls Electrician Supervisor Inquiries must have an electrical background in circuitry, switches and relays, wiring control power panels, able to understand schematics, volt and ohm meters, blueprints as well as experience with conduit running; and previous supervisory skills. Jordan Transformer offers a clean and safe work environment with competitive wages, 401K plan and medical package. Inquiries send complete resume with wage expectations to: Jordan Transformer, LLC, Attn: Human Resource Dept 1000 Syndicate Street Jordan, Minnesota 55352 OR


Full-time position with City Finance Department. Requires bachelor's degree in accounting and 3 to 5 years of professional experience in governmental accounting and finance. Hiring Range: $54,158 to $59,574, DOQ. Application Deadline: September 30, 2011. For more information and an application, visit or call (952) 233 9320. TTY/TDD: (952) 233-3837. EOE.

Streets Maintenance Operator City of Eden Prairie The City of Eden Prairie is looking for a FT Streets Maintenance Operator. This position uses power equipment to perform a wide variety of maintenance activities including patching, mowing, snow plowing, concrete repair and street sweeping. Minimum two years of related experience required. Associates or two year technical degree preferred. For the complete job profile and to apply online go to under “Employment Opportunities”. Starts at $20.71 to $24.65/hr. Application Deadline September 23, 2011

Water Resources Engineer The Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District has an immediate opening for a Water Resources Engineer. This is a full-time position with competitive salary and benefits. Position responsible for a variety of engineering, construction management, administrative and field support elements for the daily operations of the Watershed District. Additional duties to include assisting the Administrator and District staff with water sampling, monitoring and maintenance of the Prior Lake Outlet structure and channel, completing records and reports as required, performing community outreach and presentations, permitting issuance and review, others as assigned. Minimum Requirements: Licensed Professional Engineer with a core emphasis in water resources, civil and/or agriculture engineering. A combination of experience and/or additional education in biology, environmental management, natural resources or a related degree to the core areas is a plus. Experience in a local government setting is preferred. Call (952) 447-4166 or contact Mike Kinney at for additional information. Please submit resumes or letters of interest to Position open until filled.

Store Management & Crew Members Opportunities Available Now hiring for a full time Store Manager Position. Stores are located in the Shakopee and Bloomington areas. Please call Michelle at 952.653.2192 for interested inquiries. WE OFFER: Flexible scheduling Opportunity to run your own store Competitive pay Pleasant atmosphere Multi-store opportunities

Retail Business Analyst Buyers Support Group has an opportunity to add a Business Analyst to our growing staff. This Retail Business Analyst position supports the Sales Rep by providing customer service to Target and vendor, performs analysis of the business and provides insights into trends/assortment performance/and actual to forecasted reporting, takes ownership of inventory management, and coordination of needs between Target BAs and Manufacturers. Strong analytical skills, including forecasting, and retail experience is required. Prior rep group and/or Target experience is a plus. Email resumes to:

Loan Processor The Lutheran Home Campus is currently accepting applications for the following positions:

• Full-Time and Part-Time Nursing Assistants • Part-Time LPN/RN • Part-Time Food Service Worker For additional information or to apply online, visit The Lutheran Home Association Web site @ or call (952) 873-2164. An Equal Opportunity Employer

State Bank of Belle Plaine has an immediate opening for an experienced Loan Processor. The qualified applicant should possess a minimum of 3 years banking experience in loan processing in all areas of lending including Consumer, Commercial, Ag and Real Estate. Familiarity with Laser Pro loan documentation software preferred. Must be willing to work Saturday rotation. Other requirements include: 10-key proficiency, familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel, & strong prioritization and problem solving skills. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Please call or stop in to receive an employment application. 201 W Main St PO Box 87 Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Tel. 952-873-2296

Insurance At American Family, we know a positive work experience makes all the difference. Our flexible work schedules, competitive salaries, and a wide variety of benefit options don't just help us attract the best and brightest employees-they help us keep them. Consider joining our family in our Eden Prairie location as an....

TOP JOB Chart, Inc.



a leading global manufacturer of standard and custom engineered products and systems has openings for:

Chart Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of standard and custom engineered products and systems for a wide variety of cryogenic and heat transfer applications. Chart's New Prague MN manufacturing campus is a 27-acre site with over 275,000-sq. ft. of heavy manufacturing space. Presently, Chart has immediate openings for Welders on our night shift.

This entry-level position will screen and process new business, renewals and changes for multiple Personal Lines products. You will answer inquiries from agents and insureds related to Personal Lines processing, and research and resolve basic premium and services issues. The ability to type 30 WPM, demonstrated proficiency in various Microsoft software applications, basic mathematical knowledge and strong communications skills are needed. Apply for this position or learn more about careers at American Family at our website: Please reference Job #00061. EOE

Welders Maintenance Technician If you are interested, please apply in person, call or send your resume and/or application to: Chart Inc. 407 7th Street NW New Prague, MN 56071 See this & other employment ads in this week’s Classifieds

Primary job responsibilities will include performing complex and critical welding operations on various metals using Flux-core, TIG, MIG and Sub-arc Welding. The ideal candidate shall have a high school diploma, vocational welding program certificate or equivalent welding experience and the ability to read and interpret drawings and weld symbols. Chart's fast track to a rewarding career includes a competitive compensation and benefits program. If you are interested in the challenge please apply in person, call or send your resume and/or application to:

Chart Inc. 407 7th Street NW New Prague, MN 56071 EOE

Chart Inc. 407 7th St. NW, New Prague, MN 56071

To learn more about these businesses, go to Call (952) 345-3003 to place an ad

LANDSCAPING #1 Schieber Outdoor Services LawncareLandscaping. Commercial Residential. Senior Discount. Joe: 952-2924445



Handyman Ser vices PROFESSIONAL, PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 28 YEARS OF TRADE EXPERIENCE Bob Wagner (952) 686-4833 for available services and rates. Fully Insured LOW HOURLY RATES, TELL ME WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD AND WE WILL MAKE A DEAL!

952-445-1812 Paul Bunyan Tree Service. Tree Removal and Trimming. www.paulbunyantree

AA Tree Removal/ trimming/ firewood/ brush hauling, stump grinding. Steve, 952-445-5239

Schmidt and Son Lawn Care Aerating Leaf clean-up Mowing for 2012 Contracts

Free estimates



MOVING? You Call - We Haul

Completely Enclosed Truck Very Reasonable Rates

Quality Remodeling and Home Repairs A Minnesota Greenstar Qualified contractor

References, Lic & Ins Mn Lic. 20632058 Kevin Hayes


NEED HANDYMAN? Little Job Expert! For all the odd jobs needing Attention!!! Painting: • Interior & Exterior Finish Carpentry: • Basements • Bathrooms • Ceramic Tile • Sheet Rock & Taping Dennis 952-334-1755 952-445-9034


952-758-2552 We Haul Moving New Prague

Ken's HANDYMAN SERVICE Repairs, Installations & Home Improvements. Call Ken: 952-445-1836

PAINT/WALLPAPER *A and K PAINTING* Schedule your Fall painting now!



Breimhorst Painting. Interior/ Exterior. Insured. Albie: 952-261-2234

Plumbing, heating, remodel and repair, new construction. 952-4922440

Greg Anderson Painting 4 generations experience. Painting, staining, enameling. Taping repairs. 952-445-6816 MJ Painting Interior/ Exterior painting & staining. 952-445-2904 Marvin Jeurissen



ROOFING Regal Enterprises, Inc. Roofing, siding, windows, gutters. Insurance work. Since 1980. 952-201-4817

651-480-3400 Family owned since 1979

Free wind & hail damage inspections... We can handle all of your insurance claims. Roofing, Siding, Windows & all home improvement needs. We do it all!


Why Wait Roofing LLC Offering best extended manufacturers warranty! Tear-offs, Re-roofs, Siding & Gutters, New Construction Insurance Specialist Over 18 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Rodney Oldenburg Cell # 612-210-5267 952-443-9957 Lic. ID-20156835



Drive a real bargain!

Ext/Int Paint/ Stain ~Carpentry/ Repair~ Free Estimates Ins/ Bonded

Let us know how we can earn your business. (952)873-6078

952-474-6258 Major credit cards accepted

S.R. PAINTING: 18 yrs. exp. Insured. Commercial/Residential. Interior/Exterior. Wood finishing, Enameling, Custom Texturing, Water Damage, Wallpaper Removal. Deck Refinishing. Quality conscious perfectionist! Estimates/Consultation

Best Drywall LLC Serving SW Metro 18 yrs. Small crew/no subs/ painting. New Const/ Basements/ Repair. BBB Reg/Ins/Free Est. All work guaranteed Mic 612-685-0476

KREUSER ROOFING, INC. 952-492-3842 952-412-4718(cell) Storm damage repairs Defective shingle claims Family owned & operated Thousands of satisfied customers Professional and Courteous Lic# 20632183

Monnens Custom Builders Roofing/ Additions New Construction Siding/ Windows Locally owned 20 + Years Jim's Cell: 612-859-4618 Mike's Cell: 612-859-4620 952-496-0921 Lic. 4960

952-448-3761 No wall too small

Steve Ries, 612-481-8529

PLUMBING/SEPTIC “Bill's Painting” Exterior/ Interior/ Decks. 29 yrs/ guaranteed work. 10% scheduling discount. 952-448-6633/ 952-220-1090

Father/ son plumbing company. Licensed, bonded, insured. Working for you! R&D Plumbing952-237-0115

Hook a great deal in the Classifieds 952-3 345-3 3003

Roofing Windows OSiding ORemodeling O O

Locally Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured #20631439

UPHOLSTERY Discounted fabrics... drapes, bedspreads, residential/ commercial. 38 years' experience. 952-447-4655

Visa, Discover Mastercard, Amex accepted

Looking for a hot deal on some wheels? Look no further than the classifieds! You’ll find many cars, trucks, vans and SUVs, also motorcycles, boats, trailers, campers & RVs. To place an ad, call 952-345-3003

Page 26 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American




Marketing Research and PR Internship

Assembly, PT: weekends, early AM hrs. (no deliveries) for Star Tribune Newspaper, Chaska Depot, 4355 Peavey Rd. Min. requirements 18 yrs old & own transportation. Apply online: EOE

Personal Care Assistant Wanted Aspirience Home Care is hiring a PT PCA to care for a young adult male with mild retardation. Position requires flexible scheduling, may include weekends and evening shifts. Must be mature, non-smoker, neat, and must be active outdoors. Able to take care of personal hygeine/ perform therapy. Could lead to FT. Call Tom at 952412-5828

Flexible hours, within 8-5pm M-F. 20-30 hrs/wk $12-$14/hr. Term: 6 mths. Must be proficient in Office and research via internet. Send resume and cover letter to

Sales Local forklift wholesaler has an immediate need for an inside salesperson.Telephone sales, in established territories, to forklift dealers in Mexico, Central and South America. Individual must be bilingual, a self starter with good organizational skills and excellent negotiating skills. Previous sales experience preferred. Benefits include: medical, dental and life insurance, long term disability, paid vacation and holidays, sick pay, 401K and commissions. Contact Mike Sibulkin:

Community Service Officer (Permanent PartTime Position 30 hrs per week) - City of Savage For information and application materials visit our website at: APPLY BY: October 3, 2011, 4:30pm EOE House Aide $11.20/hr PT Weekend/Evening hours. Must have experience caring for elderly. Residential group home for 5-6 seniors. Community Assisted Living Shakopee. Call 952440-3955


Continental Lift Truck P.O. Box 26 Jordan, MN 55352 Seeking Admin Assist for a home builder (south metro). Duties include answering telephone calls, word processing, filing, faxing and home closing packets. Software skills are required and strong communication skills. Please send resumes to lori.horkey@ No phone calls please.

THE HAIR MATE Downtown Prior Lake. Wants you if you are experienced beautician/ hair stylist, barber/ stylist & manicurist/ pedicurist. Self-employed status only. Call Gina Tupy 612-616-5550 or Harry Tupy 612-720-6201.

Part-Time Now hiring experienced Medical Assistants at the HCMC Neurology Clinic in Chaska, MN. Please visit to apply.

.7 fte – all shifts 5 p.m – 9 p.m. Please apply online at: www.stgertrudes EEOC

NOW HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR No experience Necessary will train Starting wage $13.25 an hour DOE


PT Sales Admin Plastics fabricator is looking for someone to support a busy sales rep. Candidate will have worked in a manufacturing environment, familiar with mechanical drawings, used to working under pressure, detail oriented and a team player. Customer service background or PM for production a plus. Please send resume to 1200 Lakeview Drive, Chaska, MN 55318 or email to:

StarTribune Newspaper Carrier Needed immediately Shakopee & rural Waconia Weekend routes. For further information see our website at;

Sales Positions INSIDE SALES- calling business owners nationwide from our Jordan office. Nice office, great pay! Call Vern Schwartz, 612-810-8097


Schools bus drivers, will train. PT. Family owned business operating for PL/Savage Schools. Perfect for homemakers & retirees. 952-440-2382 Waitstaff, Cooks, Set Up Crew, Bartenders. Knights Event Center. Contact Cindy, 952-4455555

2000 Polaris Sportsman 500. Green, H.D. Winch Rear basket. Like new Tires Rides-Drives Perfect. Great condition $2,750. 952-215-5421

The Lutheran Home: Belle Plaine is seeking a Licensed Social Worker to work 20 hours per week in our long term care area. Responsibilities include evaluating and assessing psychosocial needs of residents, interviewing residents for admission and participating in discharge planning, care planning and conferences, and providing support to residents, families and friends. Must have a Bachelor's Degree in social work a valid Social Work license in the state of Minnesota. Experience in long term care is preferred. For additional information or to apply online, visit The Lutheran Home Association website at or call (952) 873-2164. Resumes can be submitted to An Equal Opportunity Employer

We are growing - come join our team during this exciting time! We have multiple openings in our hospital in Waconia. Ridgeview Medical Center is an independent, regional health care network serving the west-metro area. Its network includes the Waconia-based acute care hospital, a multitude of primary and specialty care clinics, emergency services and specialty programs.

Mayo Clinic Health System in New Prague is seeking casual Medical Assistants to employ at our Express Medical Clinics in New Prague and Belle Plaine. Evening and weekend hours. Qualified candidates include being a graduate of an accredited school for Medical Assisting, and current CPR.


CICU RN Medical RN Orthopedic/Surgical RN Same Day Surgery RN (on-call) Home Health Aide (on-call) Hospice RN (on-call)

Campers Travel Trailers


2007 27' Colorardo RL 5th Wheel, 2 Slide $29,500 or best offer. 507-934-4834 M-F after 5:30

2007 Harley-Davidson Street Bob. 2,700 miles. $8,000 in upgrades. Excellent condition. Asking $10,000. Call 952-7584289.

1979 Mark Twain 17' Runabout, trailer, 115 HP Mercury. Power tilt, swim step, custom canvas seats/carpet. Registered 2013, $1,999. 612-590-1595

Hydro Stream Vegas. 20'. 200 HP+++. Complete restoration. 5 passenger. A real head turner! $8,900 or all trades welcome. 952215-5421

27' 2007 Palomino Thoroughbred, 1 slide out, triple bunk, queen bed sleeps 7-8. $17,499, Parked in Waseca. Call Mitch 612-325-7365


1981 Sea Nymph 16' fish/ ski boat, 1989 Evinrude 60hp tracker, Spartan trailer, trolling motor, livewells, locators, anchormates, pedestal seats. REDUCED! $3200. 952445-5473

1994 Harley Heritage Softtail, 26300k, all service records avail, extra set of pipes. $7500. Call Mike @ 612-309-6737 1991 Fleetwood Southwind Motorhome, Class A, 33ft. Only 38k miles! Smooth runner, fully loaded, sleeps 6, hydraulic leveler, $10,500, 612-669-4172

1998, Bayliner Capri Fish & Ski boat, 19 ft. 135HP. Inboard, stored inside. Excellent condition $6900. 952-4126417

2001, 17ft. Starcraft, 90HP, Mercury. Excellent condition. $9,000 952-890-2630

1998 Holiday Rambler Vacationer 36' motorhome, great condition, sleeps 6, 60,000 miles, $31,900 or best offer. Call Gary at 952492-1129.

2002 Larson 19' FishNSki, SEI 190, 135 HP Outboard, stored indoors. $11,900.00 or BO, NADA guide suggested $13,945.00, Jon 612-730-8116

2001 Camper, 32', 5th wheel 2 slideouts, golfcart, shed $14,500. Excellent condition. Parked on beautiful wooded lot in Zumbrota, 612-720-8683/ 612-5990184

2006 Crestliner Lsi Angler 2285. Lots of extras. 60 HP Mercury 4 stroke and dual axle trailer. 763-360-6251

2004 41' SportsCoach Elite. Fully equipped. 23,000K. Well-maintained. 3 slides. $100,000. 952-797-6264

2003 Harley Softtail Deuce Anniversary model. 5500 miles. $13,000. 952-447-4280

2004 Harley FXST Softail 24,000 miles. Extras too much to list. Call for details. $8,800. 952836-6773

2005 black Yamaha R6, 6,000 miles. Yoshimurd customized exhaust. With OEM cover & tank bra. $5,500. 952-3610142

To learn about and apply for these exciting employment opportunities at Ridgeview Medical Center and its network of clinics please visit our website at

Qualified candidates should submit a resume to the Employee Experience department. Fax: 952-758-8922 or E-mail: 301 2nd Street NE | New Prague, MN 56071

Sporting Goods

EZ-GO Gas Golf Cart with Rear Seat. White with White Top and Seats. $2195. 952-2390446

Cars 2000 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster, wife's bike, never rode, must go. 1300 miles, Lots, lots of extras, mint! $7000. 952-890-0905

1996 Itasca Suncruiser Motorhome. Class A, 39'. Excellent condition, shedded at all times/ winterized. Loaded! 29,300 actual miles. $35,000/BO. 507-6656019

Honda style 2007 JMST 250cc Scooter. 1329 miles, original owner, 80 mpg, 4 stroke 2 passenger, $2900.00, call Ray 952-402-9110

CASH$$ We buy guns SPORTS STOP Shakopee 952-445-5282

Campers Travel Trailers

Social Worker

We have the following positions available:

Certified Medical Assistants

94 Starcraft, 17ft. Aluminum. Walleye, Bass ½ Console 75hp. Mariner & 8hp. Kicker. $6500. 612-554-6725 or

1992 Vibo 21' Hexagon pontoon. Low hrs. 2 motors. '96 Merc 90HP + 9.9. Marine radio. Trailer. Clean. $9,500. 612720-2262

Registered Nurses Mayo Clinic Health System in New Prague is seeking Casual Registered Nurses for our Med/Surg, ICU, ED, and OB departments. Part-time positions are also available for our Med/Surg and ICU departments. 12 hour shifts, weekend and holiday rotation required. Qualifications include being a graduate of an accredited school of nursing, current Minnesota state Registered Nurses license, and CPR. Experience preferred.

1973 14' Alumacraft boat/ trailer, 15 HP Johnson motor. Needs carb work. Trolling motor/ battery, steering console. $1,125/BO. 952-448-3128


Positive Connections 460 N Hickory Street Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-0899



All-Terrain Vehicles

No dui's, must have class d license at least 3 years And be 21 years of age

Paragon Bank, 115 1st Ave E, in Shakopee is looking for a motivated self-starter to fill a parttime 25-30 hours per week position. Duties would include customer service and bookkeeping operations. Please provide resume to: HR Department, Paragon Bank, PO Box 330, Wells, MN 56097. Application period ends October 7, 2011


2005 Kawasaki 1600 Vulcan Classic with Vance & Hines pipes. New tires. 10,895 miles. Mint condition. $5900 Call (952) 934-7358

$$ Paid for Junkers/ Repairables FREE TOW. Immediate pickup. Serving Carver/ Scott counties. 952-220-TOWS, 24/7 $$ Wanted $$ JUNK CARS Viking Auto Salvage 651-460-6166

1963 Buick Custom Convertible. V6 A/T. Completely rebuilt 3000 miles ago. New white/top, brakes. Excellent condition some minor restoration needed. $5000. 605-2127283

We’re just a phone call away. Whether you’re advertising a service, looking for an employee or selling a car, we can do it all! Advertise locally and reach over 80,000 homes! Classified 952-345-3003

powered by Print/online package can be renewed until auto sells, all for the best deal price of $39. To place your ad, go to or call (952) 345-3003.


1972 rare triple black 'Cuda, with high compression 340 HP. 727 slapstick tranny. Posirearend, PS, bucket seats, Recession reduced!! $42,500. 612804-4074

Classifieds 952-345-3003




1976 Chevy Nova hatchback, 305 AT, new tires & exhaust. Runs/ drives great, fun car to drive! $3,000/BO. 952447-8169

1989 Volvo 240DL. 118K, AT, CD, New tires, battery, tabs, and more. 4 cyl, provides great gas mileage. $2500. 952-440-2469

1999 Chevy Prizm. 179K. Very good condition, runs great. $1,300. 952-445-7193

1976 Classic Cadillac Convertible. Low mileage. 8 cyl. 440 engine. Complete facts available by calling. 559-435-3751

1998 Dodge Stratus, 6 cyl, AT. 156K. $1,500. 952-445-6173

2000 Jaguar XJR. Well maintained. $9700 Silver and black interior, 83,000 miles. Call 612655-6680

Quit Idling. Put your car search in drive!


2006 Dodge Magnum R/T. 5.7L Hemi, AWD, White with tan interior. HID headlights.71,000 miles. $16,000 763221-0668


1964 Chevy C20, 350 engine, 350 auto tranny, every bolt, nut, part replaced, or sandblasted and painted. 8K. REDUCED- $12,500. 952913-7808


2004 Chevy Silverado Z71 Ext. Cab. 77,XXX perfect cond. Loaded, leather, Bose, 6Disc, Topper and many xtras. $15,700 B/O 612-2030804

Classified Advertsing works...... Call: 952-345-3003

powered by

Sport Util Vehicles

2002 Ford Expedition, original owner, 4.6 liter, A/C, 6CD, third row seat, no accidents, runs, looks very good. $5,700. 952-270-8292


2000 Ford Windstar LX 7 Passenger Van, 133,349 Miles. $2,250. 6 Cyl Engine, Automatic Runs and drives great. Craig 952-368-9689

Prior Lake American |

September 17, 2011 | Page 27

Place an ad! 25 words for $25 | online mapping Call (952) 345-3003

GARAGE SALES AUCTIONS Carver Sales 36th CARVER ANTIQUES SHOW 9/24, 10am-5pm 9/25, 11am-4pm Village Hall, Carver Admission: $5.00 Luncheon & Refreshments 2 miles west of Chaska off CR 61, Old 212 See Craigs List

Chanhassen Sales Garage Sale Saturday 9/24 8am-5pm. Couch, weight bench, coffee table, baby gear, trailer, clothes, bookshelf, mini frig, books, HH items. 6519 Grayfox Curve Multi- family Garage Sale! Fri. & Sat. Sept. 16-17 9am-6pm. Lots of furniture, baby clothes, toys, housewares, lawn mower, etc. 720 Bighorn Drive, Chanhassen

Chaska Sales Festival/ Garage Sale/ Flea Market: Sat. 9/24, 9am-3pm. Food, antiques, 20+ vendors, bake sale, much more. Shepherd of the Hill Church. Hwy 41/ Engler. 952-448-3882

Chaska Sales

Eden Prairie Sales

Prior Lake Sales

Savage Sales

Huge Multi Family Sale Thurs. 9/22 Noon-7pm; Fri. 9/23 9am-6pm; Sat. 9/24 8am-? Misc. furniture, RenFest clothing/costumes, Halloween decor & costumes, Christmas decor, Deer Stands & climbing pegs, electronics, jewelry, Pampered Chef items, porcelain dolls, stickers & scrapbooking items, diecut machine & dies, LOTS OF MISC! 2565 Brinkhaus St., Chaska

Multi Family GarageChristmas Sale. Friday 9/16, Saturday 9/17, 94pm. Christmas, furniture, HH and childrens items. 8147-8153 Curtis Lane Sat. September 17th 8 am. Beautiful Iron bed, white girls vanity, Great Home Accessories. Clothing, tools and more. Don't Miss! 16500 Thatcher Road TWO NEIGHBORHOOD SALES! Mitchell Village EAST & WEST. Saturday, 9/17, 9-4pm. Erwin Court & Wilson Rd. (Both off Anderson Lakes Pkwy) Furniture, antiques, kids, huge variety!

Multi-Family Sale, 9/23 8am-6pm, 9/24 8am12pm. Clothes for everyone. Household items, jeans, much misc. 15207 Fish Point Road A Man's Garage Sale. Saturday 9/24, Sunday 9/25 8:30-5:30pm. Tools and electrical supplies. 6911 Faricy Lane “Caseys Addition”

Estate/ Garage SaleThurs-Fri, 9/22-23, 9am5pm. Espresso machine, black TV/ computer armoire, furniture, fall/ x-mas decor, camcorder, Canon camera, CDs, misc. 4328 S. River Run

Multi-Family Garage/Sample Sale!! Thurs-Sat. Sept. 1517th 8am-3pm. Lots of clothes, new and used, perfume, Home Decor, Books. Priced to sell. Everything must go! 2261 Manuela Circle Chaska~close to Target! Thurs. 9/15 (8-5), Friday 9/16 (8-5), Sat 9/17 (81) HUGE Garage sale. 340 Highwood Drive Circle, Chaska, Best Clothing/Name Brands Women, Men, Boy's (infant to 5) (Girl's infant to 7). Washer & dryer in excellent condition. Matching dishes. Power Wheels Riding Jeep, Toys, Shoes, Coats. Cash & carry. Good stuff cheap!

Eden Prairie Sales HUGE Garage Sale: 9/15, 12noon-7pm. 9/16, 9am-7pm, 9/17, 8am3pm. Alot of different HH items. 10358 Lee Dr.

Jordan Sales

Garage Sale Friday 9/16, Saturday 9/17, Sunday 9/18. Noon6pm. Furniture, appliances, HH items. 6896 Faricy Lane Garage Sale Friday 9/16, Saturday 9/17 93pm. Antiques, furniture, no clothes, misc. 15291 Jeffers Pass (Regal Crest Townhomes)

Garage Sale- 9/22-23, 8am-4pm, 9/24, 8am1pm. Large variety of high quality items, HH goods, small furnishings, children's toys/ books/ clothes, sports equipment. 14054 Kings Ct.

Shakopee Sales Multi Family Sale Thursday-Saturday 9/22-9/24, 8-4pm. HH items, toys, much misc. Everything must go! 1077 Ramsey St

Garage Sale Saturday 9/17, 8-4pm. Sunday 9/18, Noon-4pm. Baby girl items, zero-18 mo. Baby items. Boys clothes size 10-12. Family clothing. 408 2nd St. W.

MOVING SALE 5160 E Oak Point Dr. Wednesday 9/21- Friday 9/23 94pm. Saturday, 9/24 9-noon. Traditional style sofa, chairs, desk. Rattan porch furniture, end tables, lamps, Ethan Allen dining room table 8 chairs, breakfront. Dishes, collectibles, Dickens Christmas Village. Custom fall blinds, patio table, umbrella , 6 chairs. Hoses, tools, workbench. No junk.

Prior Lake Sales

Savage Sales

Garage Sale: Sat., 9/17, 9am-5pm. Misc womens clothing, small-XL, various HH items. 4225 JARMANN LANE

Pre- Moving Sale Thursday 9/22, 9/23 9/24, 85pm. Furniture, collectibles, clothes, plants, kitchen ware, videos, CD's, books, dolls, Christmas. Dog coats. 14687 Glendale Ave S

End of the summer sale. Thursday 9/22 Saturday 9/24, 8-5pm. Hot Wheels, StarWars, toys, furniture, lots of misc. 13912 & 13952 Kentucky Ave. Northside of Cty Rd. 42

Huge Estate/ Garage Sale Friday 9/23, Saturday 9/24, 9-5pm. 50 + years collection. Antiques, glassware, HH. Cash only. 431 Theis Dr.

"Massive Garage Sale” Saturday Sept. 17th, 8am to 3pm. Hundreds of books, Beanie Babies, Womens clothes, Fenton Glassware and so much more" 117 Chad Circle

Garage Sale Thursday 9/15, Friday 9/16, 84pm. Saturday 9/17 8noon. Decoys, tools, household, old stuff too! 2614 Hauer Trail

Shakopee Sales

Thrift Stores

Signs with Red Fringe Bi-annual, Multi-family, Vierling & Thistle Sale. (by Cub) Thursday, Friday & Saturday Sept. 22 - 24th, 9am. Antiques, Bikes, Books, Boy's clothes to size 8, Bunn Coffeemaker, Couch, Infant furniture, Office chair, Women's clothes to plus size, wooden rocking chair, and MUCH MORE! Estate sale of Holiday & Cat decorations!

**SALE** *10%-50% off* POTTERS STORES CONSIGNMENTS, ANTIQUES & AUCTIONS. 590 Marschall Rd. Shakopee 952-233-7323 T-F 10-6, Sat 9-3

Back to School Bargains can be found in the Classifieds 952-345-3003

Thrift Stores

STUFF! For Sale

Victoria Sales

128 Meridian St. N., Belle Plaine. 952-873-6617 Mon., Thurs-Fri., 2-8pm. Sat-Sun 12-6pm. DOWNSIZING W/MULTIFAMILY SALE- 9/21 4-7, 9/22 8-7, 9/23 8-4, 9/24 8-12 furniture,garage haven/tools, designer clothes (women&plus,men & XXL,toddler boys/girls), china,glassware, antiques, collectibles, toys, bikes and much more... 8533 Cedar Court, Victoria

Fri. & Sat. Sept 16 & 17, 9am-5pm. 2725 Fieldstone Drive, Victoria GARAGE SALE: girls clothes, toys, Coach bags, kitchen, sports, movies, lots of miscellaneous!

BIG SALE!! Everything reduced. 2 truckloads of new stuff! 2 NEW 2011 Electrolux stainless steel refrigerators, new couches & chairs, Mount Airy oak diningroom table & 6 chairs, stainless steel dishwasher, stainless steel microwave, all kinds of hydraulic jacks and transmission jacks, huge oak wall unit, Crook antique office chair, cartop carrier, all kinds of new glassware, new artwork, printers, color copiers, scanners, all kinds of new lamps.

Check out our Garage Sales online:

Now you can post an unlimited number of ads to Thriftmart, our free-ads marketplace. Go to to place your ad, or call (952) 345-3003. (A telephone surcharge applies if you call.) And now businesses can use Thriftmart, too!

"Eagle Country" signed numbered Maynard Reece print. $35. 612965-1773 1 solar lamp, 13" high, $5. 952-403-1567 10 in 1 Jr. foosball pool table. 2ftX4. $50. 952906-7667 10, Childrens VHS movies. $5. for all. 953403-1567 20"x20"x1" American furnace filters, new. 4 for $8. 952-447-4961 25" Sylvania console TV. Works great. $20. You haul. 952-403-1404 322 Dish reciever & acc. /Dish $50. 952-4484907 4 tinted thermo pane windows, aluminum frames. 4.5x8ft. $100. 952-270-2038 5 yr old orange tabby cat, free, friendly, 612382-5924 52" Sony rear projection TV. Works great! $200. 952-236-7545 55” HDTV projection pioneer elite. $250. 612751-7843 64” HD ready projection TV, Pioneer. Excellent, $250. 612-751-7843 6pc. furniture set. Plaid cushions, wooden frames. $100. b/o. 952440-5017 72"x90" cellular thermal chatham blanket. Rayon, cotton .$5. 952-4474961 Adjustable bed, by Electropedic, queen. $400. 952-226-2642 Ammunition, .380 cal. 500+ rounds. $150. 952-440-5300 Antique tool chest, 2 drawers, assorted tools, $275/all, 952-934-6846 Antique, cut glass serving bowl, $65. 952-3616376 Antique, drop-leaf table 4 chairs, Needs repair refinishing. $100. 612799-2273 Aquamarine ladies ring. 14k yellow gold. hardly worn. $275. 952-3616376 Bar smoke eater, air cleaner. $175. b/o 952873-6732 Bauer, vapor youth hockey skates. Size 3 excellent $30. 952-4450294 Bed rails for toddler, $10. pair. 952-368-4152

Bedroom comforter set & window coverings, aqua/gold tones. $50. 952-440-5720 Bedroom set, five piece, solid maple, twin headboard. $250. 952-9492558 Benelli Cordoba 12 ga shotgun. Excellent condition, $1400. 952-8944513 Benneli Nova 12ga, 3.5in recoil reducer. Good condition, $250. 952-818-9379 Big Buddy, 9000/1800 btu propane heater, $65. 952-855-4822 Bike, 24" boys mountain bike, yellow & black, $10. 952-240-6813 Bike, 24" girls mountain bike, purple and silver. $10. 952-240-6813 Bleacher stadium seats 2. good back support, padded. $40. 952-8366669 Boat ramp, 50'. Track, carriage, 120v winch w/cable. $500. 612723-1484 Bodyguard fitness treadmill. Model Magellan $350. 952-452-3456 Bounce around inflatable 9ft square. Used inside only. $125. 952445-4268 Brown, two/tone love seat, good condition. $300. 952-467-3813 Browning A5, 12ga camo synthetic stock & sling. $450. 612-3902944 Bunkbed Room & Board solid oak. Full twin. $150. 612-860-3572 Car seat, Eddie Bauer, 5-88 lbs, convertible, 19"-58". $20. 612-2698958 Cement mix, $28. 952445-7193 Chest of drawers,dresser w/mirror, headboard, frame, maple. $140. 952-937-2996 Children's Maze Medium sized, beads and cars. $10. 952-443-0186 Children's storage cart on wheels. Cute, functional. $8. 612-7910798 China hutch, solid oak. Excellent condition, $350. 952-440-5266 Christmas tree artificial, 7½ ft. tall. $25. 952-3684152 Dog kennel 6x6x6. Wire $75. 612-860-3572

Clarinet, LeBlanc with case. Great condition. One owner. $170. 612910-9164 Computer center, 2 pc cherry/black. 5'W x 4'9" $200. 952-474-1626 Couch light beige 90", 2 years old. $250. 952403-1708 Couch, brown, excellent shape, $300. 952-4673813 Cross country spikes mint Nike 8.5 $10. 612207-7976 Cross-stitching floss, books, needles, etc. $5/all. 763-742-2894 Desk with center ledge, light cherry veneer. $100. 952-994-1303 Desk, beautiful oak roll top. 60"w x 53"t $350. 612-875-5858 Dining room table, hutch, dark wood. Good condition. $150. 952442-8887 Dishwasher working condition, needs cleaning. $30. 952-944-3933 Dr. Scholl's, full cushion massager. 3 settings, $10. 952-447-4961 Dryer, electric, whiteMaytag. Like new, $175. 952-649-7936 Duck blind, $100. 612518-4454 Duck decoys, Mallards and Bluebills, $85/ 89, Dave, 612-991-5519 DVD player, Phillips, recordable. $60. call 952-913-5434 Electric dryer white. 3 years old. $100. 952445-9508 Entertainment center, oak, 50”Hx36”Wx17”D, includes 27” RCA TV, $50, 952-445-6294x0 Epson CX7800 color printer. $40. 612-8345004 Figurines, Bisque porcelain. 8 boy/girls farming 13" tall. $100. 952-4573811 FisherPrice, portable playard. 3in1, sleep, play. $35. Like new. 952-472-2580 Fitness Quest Inc, Ab Lounge 2, excellent condition, $50. 952-4405266 Fleece, 1/4-zip pullover, tan, medium, barely worn, $15. 952-3689718 Free, 30" SS range hood. Multi lights and speeds. 952-221-2607

Fujifilm FinePix digital camera with 8.2 mega pixels. $60. 952-2000052 Garage heater, The hot one. 5000w 240volts $130. 952-381-5393 George Foreman electric grill. In/out 17.5"cs. Used 2x $50. 952-2405869 German Shepherd pup 11weeks. AKC, vets shots, purebred. $395. 952-681-9100 Guinea pig, $5, 1 year old, w/cage. Jordan, Gary 612-269-8958 Half ton chain hoist. $60. 952-938-4016 Home gym by Weider $130 or b/o. 952-2217924 Home gym, muscle machine, great condition. Must sell $100. 612987-8168 Hunting pants, mens lined canvas nylon 38"waist 28"inseam. $50. 952-484-1312 iPod Nano, 2gb 2nd generation, silver. $25. 952-448-5004 iPod Nano, 8gb 4th generation, green. $50. 952-448-5004 Kenmore Fridge & Gas Range, bisque. $200. 952-445-9232 Keyboard, Yamaha. Huge music database, song/style arrangement. $125. 612-386-0444 Kitten 8 wks old, litter box trained. $25. fee 952-261-7052 Kitten, 11 weeks old, female. Free to good home. 952-492-3401 Kitten, adorable, to good home. $5. 952-4922467 Lawnmower Honda 21 rear bagger w/extras. Beautiful condition. $150. 952-836-5433 Leapfrog Leappad with backpack and 6 books. $30. 952-412-0707 Letter jacket, red and black, new. $115. Call 952-240-0372. Loft bed, Ikea Tromso, white, good condition. $100. 952-250-9857 Male, guinea pig. Everything included. $10. 612-227-5440, to good home. Maplewood table, 4 chairs, like new. $300. 952-906-3560 Mary Kay 3in1 cleanser, $14. 952-891-4694

Mary Kay, day solution $24. 952-891-4694 Mary Kay, satin hands pampering set. $20. 952-564-1161 Medical scooter, Rally, good condition, $500. 952-474-4719 Men's, Buckle jeans. Big Star/BKE 31x34 $45. Like new. 952-4454231 Microwave Sharp carousel 20"wX 17"dX9"h. White. Almost new. $25. 952492-2084 Microwave, Amana (black) w/turntable & manual. 1100w, $20. 952-221-2607 Mini tramboline rebounder carrying case & balance bar. $225. 952-484-1312 Moose pail, darling design. House, cabin $15. 952-443-0186 Mountain bike, Univega. On off road, rock shox. $200. 612-386-0444 New printer cartridge for HP printers, 94 black. $10. 952-440-3075 New, color ink cartridge 26. For Lexmark printers. $5. 952-240-1025 Nikon 4600, digital camera with 256 mega bites $50. 952-200-0052 Nordictrack Sequoia. Stores flat. Good condition. $10. 952-937-1835 Oak hutch excellent condition $125. 952445-9508 Piano w/bench Kimball Good condition, $175. 952-474-4719 Piano, Currier with matching bench, free. 952-368-7279 Piano, Grand, needs service and tuning. $500. can deliver 952445-4177 Picnic table 6', wood on steel frame. $45. 952440-6221. Pioneer 6 CD changer. $10. 612-207-7976 Pony, Free, black Shetland to good home. 612581-8113 Pool table, nice. $250. 952-466-5880 Pool table. 8ft slate, with accessories. $400. 952440-1763 Porter Cable circular saw, in case with blades. $40. 763-4385022 Red tail Boa, cage and all. $125. 952-292-1702

PS2 console, wireless controllers, games, Guitar Hero, memory. $65. 612-965-1773 Puppy for sale. Male, Shihtzu Bichon mix. $150. 8wks 952-8883496 Raar cargo carrier for 2" reciever. $25 or b.o. 952-448-4907 Range GE Profile, radiant range. Almond $200. After 6pm 952381-4789 Refrigerator, GE Profile white. 36"X70"X30" $450. 952-270-3967 Registered, Yorkie puppy, 3 months, female, wormed, shots, $350. 952-448-1882 Remington, 11-87 Super Magnum, shotgun. $450. 952-201-6175 Riding lawnmower, Snapper 8hp, runs, new spark plug. $150. 612209-0599 Roadmaster RD1010 radar detector. New, $40. 952-240-1025 Rollerblades, men size 10. $10. Rarely used. 952-401-9601 Sauder entertainment center, 48"hx50"wx17"d $50. 952-894-3966 Sausage stuffer, 3 lb. Used once, $25. 952440-5300 Saxophone, tenor, student, Armstrong, solid case. $495/ BO. 952941-2060 Seated back row machine. Like new, $250. 952-448-3495 September Outing** Persis Clayton Weirs, framed 36"x28", 253/1200, $150. 952236-7545 Skate sharpening card, 15 punches $60. Reg 12/$60. 952-937-1835 Snapper rear engine rider. 28" 2000, $500. 952201-3129 Snuggie, NE Husker, new, $15. Call 952-2400372 Sofa, loveseat, cream floral, good condition, 2 lamps. $100. 612-7998158 Sofa, mauves & blues/greys on beige, like new. $125. 952361-6096 Spoon collection, 50 states+10 misc. w/display rack. $60. 952-4573811 Suitcase, soft sided. $30. 612-644-8377

Sports cards for sale. $350. for 15,000+ cards, Call: 612-387-1565

Tunturi, rowing machine. $50. call 952-443 0699

Stroller, double. Great condition. $75. Call 952913-5434 Student percussion kit: rolling case with everything needed. $125. 952-361-0159 Sunbeam, hand mixer. Gold, new $8. 952-4474961 Table pad, for 40" round table, with leaf. $8. 763438-5022 Taylor Made Fairway woods stiff shaft, new grips. $70. 952-4846411 Toddler bed-white, metal frame, mattress, bedding. $45. 952-8903470 Traditions unique wrought iron, glass square cocktail tables, $60. 612/298-3147

TV, 40" Sony, rearproj. Works great. $125 612-280-3133, after 2:30.

Trampoline, 13'. Adj. basketball hoop. Free, call after 8pm. 507-2483891. Trumpet, Bach TR300, used with case. Excellent condition. $325. 612-269-0198 TV & stereo stand new $30. 612-644-8377

Twin mattress, box spring, frame, head/board. No stains, $70. 952-440-6221 Washer Dryer, work well. Free to good home. 952-448-3511 Washer, Maytag, white like new. $200. 952649-7936 Washing machine, older Maytag, works. $20. 612-799-8158 Wicker furniture. Couch, coffee table. Excellent condition. $75. 952-2207645 Windows, vinyl, white, single hung, double pane, 30x36. $50. 952492-2142 Wing back chair set, 2. Navy w/beige. Excellent, $80. 952-215-6012 Wonderful, loving lap cat, free. Dar 612-9402094

ThriftMart Discovery Picnic table 6', wood on steel frame. $45. 952-440-6221.

Classified works! Contact us today! 952-345-3003 or

Page 28 | September 17, 2011 | Prior Lake American


Ladibugs to celebrate grand opening Ladibugs Inc., a Twin Cities-based head lice removal service, will celebrate the grand opening of its new office from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, Saturday, Sept. 17. There will be prize drawings, free food, a


live Radio Disney road show, and “fun hair” by Kids Hair. September is National Head Lice Awareness Month. There will be lice education provided. This event is free and open to the public. The grand opening will be at 6325 Cambridge St., St Louis Park. For more information, call (612) 804-8888.

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Auto, 67M, loaded



Chamber surpasses 300-member mark We did it! The Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to report we have over 300 Prior Lake Chamber members. For a full listing of businesses and organizations, check out our website at www.


UPCOMING EVENTS The month of September means going back to school, and it also means a lot of fun fall activities are being planned to get Chamber business names in front of residents and prospective buyers. Fall Community Fest is Monday, Sept. 19 at Prior Lake High School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. This free event is sponsored with the Prior Lake Chamber, Savage Chamber and Prior Lake-Savage Community Education. There is a scavenger hunt as well as great opportunities to meet and greet with businesses and nonprofit organizations, pick up literature and check out what is new in town. Products and food are also available for purchase. We have just under 200 local businesses/organizations that will be there vending. If you are looking for a new product, service or type of business, this is the place to be. As always, shop local, shop often. Our monthly membership meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 21 at noon at the Prior Lake


VFW. This month we are pleased to be informed about different Chamber members’ nonprofit organizations. We will be updated about these nonprofit organizations: Beyond the Yellow RibbonSouth of the River, city of Prior Lake, Prior Lake Area Educational Foundation, Prior Lake Association, Prior Lake Hockey, Prior Lake Optimist Club, Prior Lake Players, Prior LakeSavage Area Schools, Prior Lake VFW, River Valley YMCA, St. Gertrude’s Health and Rehabilitation Center, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, The Chloe T. Foundation and Workforce Centers of Dakota/Scott counties. Also, at this membership meeting, we invite prospective Prior Lake Chamber members to check us out by stopping by and having a free lunch on us. Please RSVP sandi@ prior to the meeting if you are interested in attending.

One of the most popular membership meetings is also coming up in the fall. It is the Progressive Lunch at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club on Wednesday, Oct. 19. This is one of the many benefits of being a Prior Lake Chamber member. This luncheon is an excellent way to meet other Chamber members with assigned seating for the three-course luncheon. This event has openings for up to 80 Prior Lake Chamber members.

NEW MEMBERS We welcome the following new members to the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce: Beauty In the Grain- Jodi Boller, Cari Goodman-Shear Madness, Cookie Lee-Jill Kalal, Fairview Pharmacy Prior Lake, Great Light Photography-Shelly Manisto, Just Dip It!, Kid Talk, KinderCare-Susan Hannesson, Prior Lake Savage Hockey Association, Prior Lake Snowmobile Association, Purple Wall Administrative Services, Realty HousePreferred Home Team-Lauren Peters, RK Boutique-Paul Puri, Ryland Homes, Think GREAT-Erik Therwanger, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans-Jeff Schwingler, Thompson Heating, and Tutor Doctor Inc.-Kathy Bennett. Sandi Fleck is executive director of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (952) 440-1000 or sandi@priorlakechamber. com.


Readers set Guinness record at Valleyfair VELISHEK AUTO SALES 16661 HWY. 13 S., PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 • 952-447-2237 FALL SERVICE SPECIALS

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world record, participants received a souvenir certificate of achievement. Adjudicator Johanna Hessling from Guinness World Records said, “As a huge supporter of reading, I was really happy to be present to verify the successful attempt for the most adults reading to children.” The former Guinness World Record consisted of 347 reading adults.






On Sept. 10 at Valleyfair in Shakopee, 360 people read “Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown” aloud to 367 children, setting a Guinness World Records title for “Most Adults Reading to Children.” Grown-ups and kids of all ages joined Snoopy and the gang in the mass reading of the “Peanuts” classic in honor of National Literacy Month. In addition to the ability to boast holding a

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