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Rewind to 0s groovy ‘60s

Trails back to state

History exhibit hibit steps back to 1968

Blaze boys earn their B fourth straight bid

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Candidates politely make their stands BY AMY LYON

Less than a dozen residents came to city hall Wednesday night for the Savage City Council Candidate Forum during which candidates politely answered questions posed by residents and a moderator related to budget cuts, future growth and the importance of city services. Candidates for City Council include incumbents Christine Kelly and Al McColl and newcomer Joe Julius. Mayor Janet Williams will run unopposed. Jean Fideler represented t he League of Women Voters of Minnesota (LWVMN) and asked 12 questions of the candidates – most thought up by Fideler and the LWVMN, and a few asked by residents.


The candidates for Savage City Council were all smiles Wednesday evening after the candidate forum at city hall. Pictured left to right: Incumbents Al McColl, Christine Kelly and Janet Williams, and newcomer Joe Julius.

Joe Julius: “The one thing that has come across more than anything to me is the desire of our citizens to be heard by their city officials. If I’m elected, I will make it my No. 1 priority to communicate and listen to our citizens.”

Christine Kelly: “Four years ago, when I ran for City Council I promised that we would maintain fiscal responsibility. I also made a commitment to do what we can to bring new business into the community. I’m very excited about what we have coming. It shows the vitality of this community.”

City’s ownership of liquor stores under scrutiny

The candidates were asked what city services they considered “vital” and were challenged to prioritize those services. The candidates all agreed that the top three include

Al McColl: “I have eight years experience as a council member and if you’re in agreement with what I’ve done in the last eight years, I’d appreciate your vote. I’m willing to listen to what you have to say, I’m going to tell you up front if I disagree with you. I’m not going to pull any punches.”

The city of Savage’s two municipal liquor stores are turning a profit, according to city staff, but City Council candidate Joe Julius thinks the stores should be sold. Julius is running for one of two open council member seats on the Savage City Council, and he serves on the city’s Economic Development Commission and has volunteered in various capacities with the city, including assisting City Administrator Barry Stock with research and analysis. This summer, Julius reviewed the profits and operational costs for the city’s two liquor stores, Dan Patch Liquor and Marketplace Liquor, when it became apparent to him that the liquor operation fund was dropping substantially. “What I found out is that the city liquor sales and profits have decreased dramatically in the last three years, but operating costs have continued

Forum to page 3 ®

Janet Williams: “Those who know me know I’m fiscally responsible. I’m a big-picture person who won’t micromanage, but will respect the city staff’s recommendations. I want to continue to make Savage a place that is welcoming, safe and offers residents the opportunity to be proud to live here.”


City defends the stores while council candidate questions the need for city involvement BY AMY LYON

public safety (police and fi re), public works (road work, snow plowing, water and sewer) and park services. Kelly added home inspections as “one of those things the community doesn’t necessarily equate to city services until they need them.” And Williams added “quality-oflife items like libraries and trails.” The candidates were later asked whether they believe the police and fi re departments have the resources to do their jobs effectively. Julius didn’t have any qualms about the size of the police and fi re departments, but Kelly made note that the fi re department is a paid oncall department. “We have the benefit of having a lot of city staff who are fi refighters, a lot of public works people running to battle that fire,” Kelly said. “We’re not always going to have that luxury.” McColl also brought up the on-call aspect of the fi re department. “How long can small businesses let their employees go to fight a fi re in the city

MORE ONLINE SHOULD THE CITY OF SAVAGE CONTINUE TO OPERATE ITS TWO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES? WEIGH IN AT to go up,” said Julius. “The conclusion that I came to is the fact that the city shouldn’t be in business. They can’t react to what’s happening when they’re pitted against national and regional buying chains … it’s only a matter of time before they’re driven out by force.” But current council members and city staff defend the city-owned liquor stores, saying they’re profitable. In 2010, the liquor operation ended the year with a positive net income of just over $155,000, and that was after making the $181,000 principal and interest payment on the liquor debt.

Sixth-graders from M.W. Savage Elementary School spent their post-lunch time cleaning up the school’s garden and sorting stalks of corn to be used for sculptures. Maya Olsen of Savage gathers a bunch of corn stalks that she and her peers later bound with ribbon and used to decorate the school. PHOTO BY MERYN FLUKER

Liquor to page 2 ®



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