Savage Pacer

Page 1

Cancer blessings

Winners named in art show

Scott County Relay for Life is next weekend

Local artists show their stuff

Page 3

Page 13





Tap running dry?

Liquor fund income (Before transfers into general fund)

Liquor operation is no longer city’s cash cow BY NANCY HUDDLESTON

The city’s municipal liquor operation is still making money, but the tap has run dry on using the fund to help pay for extras. “The liquor fund has done great things for the city over the years,” said Matthew Mayer of Kern, DeWenter, Viere Ltd. when the 2010 audit was presented last month to the Savage City Council. “There have been a lot of transfers over the years to subsidize the general fund, pay library bonds and pay for a portion of ELC,” he continued, “The city has called upon the liquor store fund to help pay for projects for many years.” But things are di f ferent now,

Mayer concluded, before advising the City Council to discontinue the practice of making transfers out of the liquor fund.

COMPETITION There’s more competition from stores in surrounding cities, especially in Burnsville where regulations were relaxed last year regarding how close liquor stores can be to one another. The city of Savage owns two liquor stores: Marketplace Liquor near the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 13 and Dan Patch Liquor on Lynn Avenue in downtown. Liquor Operations Director Pete Matthies said several more liquor stores have opened or been expanded in the past two years, which has cut


$1.68 million in spending cuts are in 2011-12 budget

into revenues for the city’s liquor operations. Those include Sam’s Club in Shakopee and Costco, Haskells, Cub Foods and Liquorville in Burnsville and MGM Liquor in Prior Lake. “That has thinned out sales in the south metro area,” Matthies said. “While our liquor operation is still making money, we’re not making as much as before. “We’re still successful,” Matthies continued, “We’re just not as successful as we’ve been in the past. We still make money. We still cover our expenses. And we still have loyal customers.”

BY THE NUMBERS The 2010 audit shows the city’s liquor fund sales decreased for the

second year in a row. In 2010, income before transfers was $155,317 compared with $276,647 in 2009, $457,562 in 2008, $574,874 in 2007 and $475,626 in 2006. Sales have also decreased to $5.09 million in 2010, compared to $ 5.47 million in 2009, $6.22 million in 2008, $6.12 million in 2007 and $5.84 million in 2006. While sales declined, the city’s gross-profit percentage increased from 24.25 percent in 2009 to 24.59 percent in 2010, according to the audit. “Historically, the city’s grossprofit percentage has closely mirrored the state averages for off-sale operations,” the audit concluded, “In 2009 the city’s gross-profit percentage was almost 1 percent lower than the state average of 25.10 percent. During











Source: 2010 city audit

2009, the city ranked 10th in the state in sales volume.”

NOW WHAT? City Administrator Barry Stock said given that information, it was not fi scally responsible for the city to continue transferring money out of the liquor fund at the same rate as it has in the past. For instance, Stock and Matthies point to a $550,000 transfer in 2008 to help fund a portion of the McColl

Liquor to page 16 ®

CELEBRATING GOOD TIMES AT DAN PATCH DAYS The weather cooperated and crowds were out all weekend for Dan Patch Days. From the beer and wine tasting on Thursday night to the parade on Sunday afternoon and everything in between, a good time was had by all.


Approving the preliminary budget is an annual duty for the Prior Lake-Savage Area School Board, but this year is a little different. While the process is the same, this year’s budget ref lects district changes and the state’s current financial uncertainty. On Monday (June 27), the School Board approved the preliminary 2011-12 budget just in time for the new fiscal year, which began July 1. General fund revenues are estimated at $62.05 million – $1.16 million less than the $63.21 million in the 2010-11 general fund. The absence of dollars from the one-time Federal Jobs Bill and the federal special education stimulus package are largely responsible for the 1.84 percent decrease. Meanwhile, expenditures are forecast to fall 2.69 percent in 201112, to $61.02 million. The bulk of that $1.68 million decrease comes from staffing reductions, some made to move the district’s secondary schools to a six-period school day – a change that will take effect beginning with the 2011-12 school year – and others in response to declining elementary-level enrollment. Salaries and benefits continue to represent the largest portion of the district’s general fund expenditures, with 60 percent going to salaries and another 23 percent for benefits. “We really are an educational service organization and people are what make up the majority of our expenses,” said Director of Business Affairs Julie Cink.

Julie Cink

Sue Ann Gruver

Typically the district’s budget process includes approval of a draft in June, with the board voting on a final version the following December. This year is no different in that regard, but wrangling between Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and the Republican-controlled Legislature over the state’s budget means that school districts are in the dark about what their funding will look like once the budget issues are resolved. “Since there wasn’t an education bill, there’s no appropriation (for school funding),” said Cink. District 719 receives 77 percent of its general fund revenue from the state, but Cink built the budget on the assumption that only 53.9 percent of that funding will come through. That’s because a popular move for state education funding in recent years has been to shift aid to districts, with the state withholding a portion of those dollars to help balance its budget, pledging the rest of the dollars to districts the following year. W hen t he economy is doi ng well, as was the case in the early to mid-2000s, the state typically funds

Budget to page 16 ®


Benjamin Blue of The Dweebs belts one out while singing a duet with his sister Claire on Saturday night.



Alexis McColl, 2½, enjoyed the strawberry topping that was available for pancakes during the Savage Fire Department’s pancake breakfast and open house on Sunday morning. Firefighters not only served up pancakes, but also gave tours of the new fire station on the city hall campus.

The Hernandez sisters, Alyssa (left) and Angelina, were greeted by “Tigger,” one of several cartoon characters making an appearance at Sunday’s parade.




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Page 2 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

Park Board OK’s concept to put dome at Community Park



After six months of review, Community Park was selected Monday night (June 27) by the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission as the place to put a sports dome. The vote came after a lot of scrutiny regarding a proposal from the Burnsville Athletic Club (BAC), Prior Lake Athletics for Youth (P.L.A.Y) and the Prior Lake Soccer Club to build a 108,000-square-foot seasonal facility in Savage. The youth sports organizations first approached the city last fall with the idea. Since January, a community meeting took place, a feasibility study and financial analysis was completed, a traffic study was done and a site selection task force met three times to suggest the best possible locations. Although the Park Board OK’d the concept of placing the dome in Community Park, there is still some work to do before the dome becomes a reality.


For the past month or so a mallard duck has been nesting under a rose bush in the front yard of Steve and Jeanne Armstrong on South Park Drive. They report that although they live along a busy road, Mrs. Mallard didn’t seem to mind. On June 26 the ducklings started hatching late in the afternoon as neighbors were congregated for the weekend wrap up. By the next morning, the little family of eight or nine ducklings had waddled off for the pond across the street.

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COST Cost to build the dome has been at the top of the list of concerns as the dome discussion has progressed. Three options were pro vided that included a seasonal dome ranging in price from $5.07 million to $6.32 million. Economic Development Authority (EDA) bonds would be sold to pay for construction of the dome and operating revenue from the facility would be used to pay those off. Although city staff recommended the lowest-priced option, Park Board commissioners said they wanted it built right the fi rst time, to include bathrooms and storage space to store the dome in the off season. City Administrator Barry Stock said an additional 5,0 0 0 - squa re -foot bui ldi ng next to the dome would add $ 50,000 to the cost, bringing the total projected cost to $5.60 million. The building would have electricity, water and permanent bathrooms. There would also be enough storage space to store the def lated dome during the summer months and that area could be con-

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Many teeth whitening systems are available, including whitening toothpastes, over-the-counter strips and trays, and whitening systems obtained from your dentist. Below are some important considerations to determine if tooth whitening is right for you. 1. Are you a candidate for tooth whitening? Start with an examination with your family dentist. Your dentist will advise if you are a good candidate for bleaching or whitening based on the type and extent of staining, as well as the condition of your teeth and gums. 2. Determine your goal: Is it a cleaner, brighter smile, or noticeably whiter teeth? Whitening toothpastes and professional cleanings use polishing agents to remove surface stains like those left by coffee and tobacco that make teeth appear dark or yellow. To whiten the teeth, bleaching is required. Over-the counter bleaching systems will lighten teeth 1-3 shades, whereas professional whitening systems can whiten teeth 3-8 shades. 3. Consider your restorations: Toothcolored fillings, crowns and veneers can’t be bleached or whitened. Bleaching restored teeth can cause these natural-looking restorations to stand out and give an uneven, artificial appearance. If you have restorations, especially in the front teeth, consult your dentist before whitening. 4. What’s your timeframe? Both overthe-counter and professional home bleaching systems provide noticeable results in a few days, and achieve maximum whitening in 2-4 weeks. In a hurry? Professional, in office whitening provides the fastest improvement, with dramatic results after just 30-60 minute treatment. 5. Keep it real: Clean, white teeth give a healthy, youthful appearance to your smile, but be careful not to go too white! Individuals who expect their teeth to be a new, “blinding white” may be disappointed with their results, and may find that their teeth have a translucent or artificial appearance. A healthy goal that gives a natural appearance to a person’s teeth is a shade slightly whiter than the whites of your eyes. For additional information or to submit questions for future articles, please contact Dr. Trudy Bonvino at Cosmopolitan Orthodontics (952) 469-3333; or visit

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LAND At the top of the list is the land to build the dome. The city of Savage has an agreement with Karl Bohn, who owns the farmland to the north of Community Park, to obtain 16 acres as part of a development agreement. But the city’s option with Bohn to get the land will occur in phases, with the first five acres becoming available next year. A master plan for Community Park that was completed this spring shows the dome could be built on those five acres, with the rest of the land preserved for a regulation-sized baseball field, parking and maybe some smaller park amenities. Park Board Commissioner Ron Schwartz said he wasn’t comfortable losing the other amenities originally slated for the expansion area if the dome is built. “The option from Close Architects did include non-sports facilities; now we’re saying if we put the dome there that may be eliminating playground and picnic facilities for 250 people?” he asked. “Until I know what will be there, I can’t vote for this because I don’t know if we’ll be true to making this a true com-



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munity park.” While they understood his concerns, several other commissioners noted they were approving a concept and a specific plan would come back to them before the dome is built, which is projected to be the fall of 2012. “I think this fits in with the planning for this site,” said Park Board Chairman Matt Johnson, “There is a lot of underutilized land at Community Park and as this park continues to develop, that (the dome) will fit in.” Johnson said he agrees that a “well-tuned site plan” for Community Park is needed, but felt confident that other park amenities could be accommodated during the process of expanding the park. Park Board member Lezlee Hustad has been an avid supporter of a dome and said she was satisfied with the information gathered for the concept. “I am beyond fine with this; in fact there’s a real need for this type of facility in our community,” she said.

verted and used as a concession area while the dome is operational. Stock said the f inancia l analysis shows the dome will generate enough money to pay for itself; and by the time the 25-year-bonds sold to fi nance the construction are paid off, the city will have an extra $ 6 million. T her e w i l l on ly b e t wo years when the dome does not pay for itself, Stock explained, and those are when the turf is replaced in the 12th year of operation and when the dome is replaced in the 15th year. To bridge the gap in those lean years the city will set aside extra operating revenue from the dome in the debt service fund.

TO CITY COUNCIL Stock staid he will present the concept plan and other information to the Savage City Council at its July 11 work session. Originally the plan called for the City Council to vote on it next week, at its July 5 meeting. But Stock pointed out the City Council members have not looked at the information as a whole since they appointed a site selection committee for the dome. When they discussed the Community Park master plan and if it could accommodate a dome in early May, the City Council was split on the idea of putting the dome there. Some council members had questions about overcrowding the park, how the dome would look over time and the impact of the expansion to the nearby neighborhood. Others felt it was a good location because of all of the other park amenities already in place. “There’s a lot of information to present to them and it would be nice to give them time to digest it,” he said. What’s more, Stock pointed out, there is no rush. C on st r uc tion wou ld not begin until next fall. Between now and then, bids and contracts for architects and construction managers need to be decided upon, the overall master plan for Community Park needs to be fi nalized and bonds need to be sold.

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 3

Cancer blessings Sue Heaton finds life in breast cancer diagnosis BY KRISTIN HOLTZ

If you go…

Sue Heaton laughs as she talks about her family’s basement in Prior Lake. In one corner sits a heap of dorm essentials — her daughter is home from college. The couch is piled high in blue and gold party favors — she’s a big-time Laker supporter. Another nook and cranny is full of pink pompoms, masks and boas, remnants of her famous Uplifters parties. “Pink was never my color, just so you know,” she said. But pink has become the rallying cry for a woman twice diagnosed with breast cancer and now living with the disease on a daily basis. Heaton, 50, of Prior Lake is this year’s Scott County Relay for Life honorary chairwoman. She’ll be sharing her cancer story at the July 8 event at Vaughan Field in Shakopee. “I Have Been Blessed” is perhaps a strange title for a woman who’s lived with breast cancer 15 years, until you meet Heaton. She’s a woman that exudes positivity. “You can have surgeries, you can have a chemo plan, you can have a supportive family, (but) it’s kind of up to you to make that decision that you’re going to do battle and beat the

What: Scott County Relay for Life. When: 6 p.m. Friday, July 8 through 6:30 a.m. Saturday, July 9. Where: Vaughan Field, Shakopee Junior High School, 200 10th Ave. E. Schedule: 5-9 p.m. DJ, children’s entertainment, hot air balloon rides, meet your Legislators, silent auction, campsite sales; 6-10 p.m. Cancer Prevention Study-3 Enrollment; 6:30 p.m. Opening ceremony, followed by cancer patient and survivor lap; 7:30 p.m. Survivor reception; 9:45 p.m. Lighting of luminarias; 10 p.m. Luminaria ceremony with memorial slide show; 6:30 a.m. Closing ceremony cancer,” Heaton said. “She never gives up,” said friend and fellow breast cancer survivor Gwen Flaata. “She just continues on and doesn’t give in to what’s going on in her body.” First diagnosed with stage-four breast cancer in December 1997 — nine months after she found a lump in her breast — Heaton underwent an aggressive treatment plan: a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and 35 days of radiation. She opted not to take the lone medication available to patients with her type of breast cancer, risking the chance of return. Five years later, it did come back, spreading into her bones. She restarted treatment, which she continues to this day. But Heaton is less likely to focus on those dates — though

she remembers them all — than reflect on the blessings found in her 15-year battle. Like the fact that cancer research has progressed so that she now has a growing stock of new medications available to her. Her cancer is less a terminal illness and more a manageable, chronic disease, she said. “I had one option in ’97 and now it’s 2011 and you have lots of options.” Another blessing, Heaton said, is that she’s been spared the painful side effects many experience during treatment. Until this year, she never experienced illness or physical deterioration or missed days from her former job as a pharmaceutical recruiter. The biggest blessing, though, is her 11-year-old son, Parker. He was born between her two


13-101 works stops due to shutdown Construction on the Highway 13/County Road 101 intersection improvement project has been stopped due to the state shutdown. All hotlines calls will not be returned or e-mails answered until state services have been restored and the project has been restarted. If state resumes operations in by next week, the work scheduled to take place includes I Barriers will be set along the south side of the westbound lanes of Highway 13/101 between Zinran and Rhode Island avenues. There will be intermittent lane closures while barrier is being set. I The left turn lane from westbound Highway 101 to Zinran Avenue will close permanently on approximately Tuesday, July 5. The right-in and right-out movements at


Sue Heaton was 36 when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997. cancer bouts after she thought the chemo had sent her into early menopause. “Miracles do happen,” she said. Heaton, who has spent the last few years as a stay-athome mom, is well-known in the Prior Lake community for her volunteer work. She organizes the Laker Idol variety show during Lakefront Days, coordinates Prior Lake Optimist Club’s annual high school Oratorical Contest and organizes Parents’ Night Out at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church in Prior Lake. She’s also used these last few years to form a support group, The Uplifters, a smallministry group for breast cancer survivors that gathers every January for a big bash to celebrate living.

Heaton said while the women share a tragic diagnosis, they rarely talk about cancer. Flaata, a six-year cancer survivor from Savage, appreciates the unity of the group. “We always leave very uplifted and fulfilled knowing where we are in our lives and knowing where we came from with breast cancer,” she said. Heaton has participated with the Scott County Relay for Life about six years. Her favorite part is the luminaria ceremony when people walk the lighted track. Events like Relay for Life and Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure, which Heaton has participated in for 15 years, promote living by celebrating life, she said. She loves seeing people so connected, working

toward a common goal. “You actually feel that you’re part of a larger family than you can ever have in your house and that makes it so worth it,” she said. This year, local residents have an even better way to give back and be a part of something by enrolling in the Cancer Prevention Study-3. The American Cancer Society is seeking to enroll 500,000 people nationwide to give blood and then document their health habits periodically over the next 20 to 30 years to help researchers better understand cancer. The Scott County Relay for Life is one of only four such Minnesota events selected as enrollment sites this year. Residents can enroll from 6 to 10 p.m. at the July 8 event.

CITY COUNCIL AGENDA this intersection will not be affected. I The left turn lane from westbound Highway 13 to Louisiana Avenue will close permanently on approximately Tuesday, July 5. The right-in and right-out movements at this intersection will not be affected. I Westbound traffic will temporarily switch to the new bus shoulder along westbound Highway 13/101. While traffic is being switched, westbound Highway 13/101 will be reduced to a single lane from Zinran to Louisiana avenues. The signals at the intersection of Highway 13/101 will be switched to flash mode while work is being completed in the intersection. I Sheet piling work will begin in the median of Highway 13/101 in preparation for bridge and retaining wall construction. Eastbound Highway 13/101 traffic may be reduced to a single lane each night between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Mon-

days through Fridays. I The westbound lanes may be reduced to one lane continuously for seven days while muck excavation work takes place between the intersection of Highway 13/101 and Louisiana Avenue.

Pet adoption set for July 16 Carver-Scott Humane Society volunteers will have a pet adoption from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 16, at Petco, off old Highway 212 and Singletree Lane in Eden Prairie. A l l c at s a nd dog s h ave been micro-ID implanted, vet checked, dewormed, had shots updated, checked for friendly temperaments and age-appropriately spayed/neutered. Adoption fees are $165-plus for cats and $195-plus for dogs. For more information, call (952) 368-3553 or

The Savage City Council will meet Tuesday, July 5 (normal meeting day changed due to July 4 holiday) at 7 p.m. in council chambers at city hall, 6000 McColl Drive. The tentative agenda is as follows: Call to order/roll call/Pledge of Allegiance Presentations, proclamations, awards, suggestions, petitions, complaints and unscheduled matters — from council members and citizens A. Presentation by Gary VanEyll with the Metropolitan Council. Note: Comments limited to five minutes per person. Longer presentations must be scheduled through the city clerk. Additions, deletions and modifications to the agenda Minutes A. Approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of June 20, 2011 Public hearings Consent agenda Note: Routine items of business are collectively presented for ap-

proval through a single motion. The council, staff, or members of the audience may request that an item be pulled from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action. A. Personnel 1. Approve Resignation of Jonathan Cassman, Police Community Service Officer, effective July 12, 2011 2. Approve Resignation of Mary Lacey, Police Administrative Secretary, effective July 7, 2011 B. Public Works 1. Approve renewal of the 2011 mining permits for Karl Bohn, Prior Lake Aggregate (original mine) and Prior Lake Aggregate (expansion mine). C. Planning 1. Adopt a resolution approving site plan/building design review to allow modifications to the Culver’s restaurant located at 4725 Highway 13 D. Police/Fire E. Parks F. Finance G. Communications H. General

Job Opportunities

1. Authorize the issuance of a peddler’s permit to Pink Cow Ice Cream, with the condition that no sales shall be permitted within Savage Community Park, effective July 6, 2011 through Oct. 31, 2011 2. Adopt a resolution to authorize the purchase of tax-forfeited property legally described as Outlot A, Hampton Center, for use in managing storm water run-off General Business A. Consider final plat approval for Trace Water Second Addition 1. Adopt a resolution approving final plat for Trace Water Second Addition Approve audited claims City council reports Written communication, general information and follow-up Closed session Adjournment Items may need to be added and/ or removed from the tentative agenda after it is published in the newspaper. For an update on the agenda, call the city clerk’s office at (952) 8822660.

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Page 4 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

opinion Contributions welcome to, (952) 345-6376


Connections developed help create who we become June is an awesome month. The chilly soggy weather notwithstanding, there is something new and fresh about June. With the non-stop rainfall, our rain barrel is full to the brim. One quiet June morning, I opened the spigot and let the cold water flood through my fingers. And just like that, I watched the years slip by. Our young son graduated from high school this month. As is tradition, we hosted a graduation party to mark his rite of passage. Cling though I might, this beautiful boy of ours, is moving forward. Coming of age I suppose. Somehow, the weather Gods smiled on us: it was a beautiful afternoon. I ride the wave of anxiety on a good day, but invite a few hundred of our closest friends for dinner; I was red-lining the stress meter. But … my boy - he made us proud. With a grownup will of his own, he greeted and chatted most everyone. My daughter, (biased I know) whom I believe to be the most beautiful child on the planet, weaved in and out of the night, sharing her stunning energy and joy with those who would drink it in. Aunts,



uncles, cousins, neighbors and friends, Grandparents, brothers and sisters: there is something so phenomenal about relationships. The best of life is all right there. My girlfriends showed up in force. One in particular pulled out all the stops. Normally, when you think “help,” you consider a pan of brownies. Allow me to introduce Jackie. On her own initiative, Jackie took control. What a relief, what a gift, what a friend. Friendships are spectacular that way. They show their significance when you least expect it (but need it most). In a world of chaos, my friends carry me.


Time for hypocrites to shut up and put up For years we have listened to the shrill voices on the far right screaming to us that government is inefficient and evil, demanding that the size and scope of government be severely restricted. Well, they are fi nally getting the thing that they always claimed they wanted. The impending “shutdown” is nothing more than paring government to the bone - presumably a libertarian/Tea Party utopia. Yet those same voices now scream at the governor to sign a bill which, by their own description, continues “bloated” government. They now decry the closing of state parks, the loss of medical services, the loss of child care and transportation services, and the discontinuance of funding for infrastructure projects. Clearly, for these people it’s easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk. The new skeleton government is one that the conservative right has long advocated and one that, in the end,

Our neighbors came too! We don’t often gather, despite our best intentions. They came, and they congregated at one table. An eclectic group brought together by property rights. The forced conversation seemingly turned over to an easier way. My elderly, broken hipped, irritable mother, whom I love more than life, throughout the evening kept wishing my boy, “Happy Birthday.” (It was not his birthday.) She danced (!) with my brother and my friends, defying her age and the limits of her condition. The adults, mostly the moms I s’pose, meandered around the photo poster boards, each birthday so vividly displayed. Motherhood is not for the fragile. Together these moms shared my wonderment at the dramatic portrayal of age and growth on exhibit through photos. The melancholy? That is mine alone. Everyone moves on, it’s the cycle of life, I know, I know, I know. But my beautiful, kind, gentle hearted, little yellow haired boy? Please. Where did the time go? Curiously enough (from a girl who can’t hold a tune), I come from a musical family. Together, with a splattering of friends, they wired up the backyard with speakers,

microphones and Christmas lights, and we sang and danced into the dark wee hours of a stunning summer night. A wonderful night for a moon dance. Our young graduate, with his bright, shiny, happy friends, on the cusp of their new beginnings, were surrounded by a profusion of middle-aged adults and hippies. The perfect blend. We let our unruly bat-rastard dogs loose to unleash their unbridled madness halfway through the night. (Any friend of ours is a friend of our dogs- scoundrels as they may be!) We pulled the plug on the band at midnight and continued the night with Adele’s new CD (go get it!). Soft and warm in the background, we changed into our comfy clothes and relaxed into the beautiful, clear, starry Minnesota night. Beneath the twinkle of the Christmas lights, the new college campus banner blew in the breeze. This big wheel keeps on turning. I’m sad. I’m proud. I’m relieved. I’m lonely. This chilly, damp June has been hard on us all. Cold rain poured during the graduation ceremony and seemed oddly apropos. Watching the water run through my fingers that

cool June morning, I reflected on his happy childhood, full and bright to the brim; a toddler towhead. Elementary school, junior then senior high, graduation and now college. Our beautiful little boy, who loved Smurfs, baseball, video games and summer, is moving on and out, casually with a jagged chunk of my heart in his back pocket. All of those days and events and years leading up to this point. It’s about the growth and recognizing the relationships along the way. The connections that develop during our day-to-day lives that help to create the people we become. A life transforming event, disguised as a casual summer party on the patio. Look closely. The heart and soul of our lives can be found among the blooming gardens, with Van Morrison and Adele, and a bond like a thread that weave us all together. Painful as it may be, it appears the universe is unfolding as it should. (Mary S. Schulz is one of 10 people in the Savage community who write for Community Voices. This column features a different writer each week and is one of several opinion and commentary pieces appearing regularly in this newspaper.)


they created. It’s time for the nogovernment hypocrites to shut up and put up.

Allen Webb Savage


Do you have farm equipment for display? I am working on my Eagle Scout project this summer. The work involves creating a historical display near Loftus Park in Savage. The site will have a sign describing how the land was used and information about the family that farmed the area. I am looking for a piece of antique farm equipment from the early to mid 1900s, such as a plow or other medium-sized implement to be a part of the display. I have some limited funds for purchasing the equipment, if necessary. If you have anything that you feel might be appropriate, or any questions, please contact me at rzoeller@ or call (952) 233-7336.

Ryan Zoeller Savage

We want YOUR views! Send us a letter to the editor! The word limit is 500 words, letter writers are limited to writing every 30 days and the deadline is noon on Wednesdays. Letters can be sent via e-mail to, faxed to (952) 447-6671 or mailed to P.O. Box 376, Savage, MN 55378. All letters submitted for publication must include the person’s name, address and daytime and evening telephone numbers so that the newspaper staff can verify the letter writer’s identity. Only the letter writer’s name and city of residence will be printed in the paper. The Savage Pacer will not print unsigned letters, nor any letters without all of the above mentioned information. All letter writers should expect to get a call verifying the authenticity of their letter. Call Nancy Huddleston, editor, at (952) 345-6376 for further information.

Let Americans do what they do best: Create, innovate and lead the way Vicky and I live in the Second District so I may be a little biased, but from the peaks of Barn Bluff overlooking the Mississippi River valley in historic Red Wing to the woodlands and wetlands of Carver County, this area is home to some of Minnesota’s most scenic views. Unfortunately, the view from the main streets in our communities leaves something to be desired. While it is far from exclusive to the Second District or even the state of Minnesota, the sight of an empty storefront or vacant manufacturing plant is an eyesore visually and metaphorically. As unpleasant as the weeds defiantly sprouting through cracks and crevices of a parking lot that once held the vehicles of ambitious workers, it also serves as a painful reminder that unemployment remains above 9 percent nationwide. Last month marked the 28th consecutive month of unemployment at or above 8 percent – the level the President said unemployment would never reach if his stimulus became law. The so-called stimulus was based on the belief that in order to create jobs, you have to spend billions, if not trillions, of taxpayer dollars. When Americans needed a jobs plan, the President instead offered a spending plan. Now, in the wake of the stimulus that became law in February 2009, nearly 14 million unemployed Americans are looking for work. Additionally, more than 2 million Americans who desperately want to work threw their hands in the air last month and gave up their job searches. Too many Americans have seen their spirits broken, their hopes dashed and their dreams killed. It didn’t have to be this way. Unlike many in Washington, Americans know that small businesses, families, and entrepreneurs – not Congress – are the key to job creation.



Accordingly, I was joined by House Republican colleagues recently in rolling out a broad agenda for America’s job creators that will help create jobs and get our economy back on track. Our “Plan for America’s Job Creators” is based on the belief that free markets, free enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship are the foundation for economic growth and job creation in America. It addresses the economic challenges facing our nation, fosters innovation and investment, and helps job creators without raising taxes on working families and small business owners. Rather than spending money we don’t have for costly, shortterm economic gimmicks or passing new job-killing tax increases when we face the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, our plan restores confidence and certainty to the economy and creates jobs by: I Empowering small business owners by reducing crushing regulatory burdens and red tape; I Simplifying the tax code, lowering rates in a deficit neutral manner, and ensuring job creators will not face new, debilitating tax hikes; I Promoting lower energy prices through increased domestic production; I Increasing competitiveness for America by passing pending trade agreements;

I Encouraging entrepreneurship and growth by streamlining our broken patent system; and I Bringing real certainty to job creators by ending Washington’s runaway spending and debt and putting on the path to balance the budget. Throughout this summer, I look forward to hearing what constituents around the Second District think about the issues that matter most to them and how we can help workers and job creators. In the coming weeks, I will host roundtable meetings with small business owners and job creators, participate in public forums with civic and community leaders and tour the plants and firms of Minnesota’s leading manufacturers. Next month, I plan to lead an energy tour showing the rich diversity of energy sources right here in Minnesota that can help create jobs and increase America’s energy independence. Later this summer, I look forward to hosting a jobs fair that will provide direct assistance to men and women seeking employment to support themselves and their families. I hope you will join me in believing it can be morning again in Minnesota and throughout our great country. I look forward to an economic recovery in which more Minnesota men and women will go to work than ever before. To see that sunrise, we must roll up our sleeves and remain committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and enable Americans to do what they do best: create, innovate and lead. Together, we can work to reclaim a prosperous future for all Americans and now is the time to make it happen. (U.S. Rep. John Kline serves the Second Congressional District, which includes Savage. Guest commentaries are one of several opinion and commentary pieces appearing regularly in this newspaper.)

Call us with your news tips and story ideas

Newspaper rates: Single copy, $1; oneyear subscriptions, $29 voluntary in Savage, $33 in Scott and Carver counties, $45 elsewhere (USPS 012-081) in Minnesota, $50 outside Minnesota, and $4 per month for partial subscription. Subscriptions are non-refundable.



About us: The Savage Pacer, first published on Aug. 6, 1994, is produced by Southwest Newspapers, a division of Red Wing Publishing Company. We are an active member of the Minnesota Newspaper Association and the official newspaper for the City of Savage. Published weekly on Saturdays; periodicals postage paid at Prior Lake, MN and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notice to Savage Pacer, P.O. Box 8, Shakopee, MN 55379. Location: The Savage Pacer is located southwest of the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 13, at 14093 Commerce Ave. Its mailing address is Savage Pacer, P.O. Box 376, Savage, MN 55378. For general information call (952) 440-1234; send faxes to (952) 447-6671.

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The direct-dial phone number to the editor is (952) 345-6376 and our business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.,

Our mailing address is P.O. Box 376, Savage, MN 55378.

Publisher: Laurie Hartmann (952) 345-6878; Editor: Nancy Huddleston (952) 345-6376; Sports Editor: Tom Schardin (952) 345-6379; Staff Writer: Alex Hall (952) 345-6381; Advertising Sales: Pat Vickerman (952) 345-6373; Advertising Sales: Lance Barker (952) 345-6371; Advertising Sales: Dan Boike (952) 345-6372; Circulation: Ruby Winings (952) 345-6682; Imarketplace (Classified) Advertising: (952) 345-3003; self-serve at Deadlines News: noon Wednesday Advertising: 4 p.m. Tuesday Imarketplace (Classifieds): 3 p.m. Thursday for paid ads; noon Thursday for Thrift ads Legal notices: Noon Tuesday

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Savage Pacer |


July 2, 2011 | Page 5

Old photographs tell stories of a town that has been known by three names - Hamilton, Glendale and Savage - and show what life was like in days gone by for the people who’ve lived here. If you have an old photograph that you’d like to share with the readers of the Savage Pacer, call the newspaper office at 440-1234 and ask to speak with the editor.

LIVESREMEMBERED Charlotte J. Jessee Charlotte Jessee entered into the kingdom of heaven on Dec. 24, 2010. A memorial service for Charlotte is planned for Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at Friendship Church, 17741 Fairlawn Ave., Prior Lake.

Patricia Ann Eckelman


Sitting in our comfort throne One morning last week I was pouring my first cup of coffee when I heard a noise coming from my son’s room upstairs. “Why is he getting up so early?” I asked the dog, and then I remembered he was going in at seven that day for work. I heard him coming down the stairs, so I grabbed a spoon and started for the table. Shoot! I forgot to grab the creamer. I hurried over to the refrigerator, but he had already entered the kitchen. “Hi, hon,” I said, trying to step around him as he opened the cereal cupboard. He grabbed a box and started moving toward the table. How had he gotten his bowl so quickly? I hurried as fast as I dared with a full cup of coffee, yet tried to appear nonchalant. “Beautiful morning, isn’t it?” I said, but his long legs had already carried him over to the table. This was my last chance. “Omigosh! Is that a fox under the bird feeders?!” He turned to look over his shoulder and I rushed past him and slid into the middle chair that faced the window. “Oh, guess not,” I said, taking a sip of my coffee and trying to look innocent, but inside I was doing cartwheels. Hooray! I had won the race to the chair! Ah, yes, as you might have guessed, I have a favorite chair. And I always sit in it for breakfast. Always. Most days I don’t even think about it since, being the only early riser in the household, it’s rarely even an issue who sits where. But, like the other day, when one of the kids is awake early for school or work, I have to make sure I’m in “my chair” before a sleepy cherub stumbles over and takes my spot without even being aware of their transgression. Perhaps you think my



behavior is strange, but I can tell you I’m not the only one in the family with a favorite chair. I know my husband has one, although technically his is more of a “spot.” It’s on the end of the sectional, closest to the television, with a place to set his chips and salsa and Diet Coke. The kids will often plop down in this prized area if their father is gone, but the unspoken code is that – if Dad is home – then nobody ever sits in his spot. My own father also has a favorite chair. It’s the recliner on the left, leathery and soft, with the telephone to his right and room for a big jar of peanuts to his left. If we stop by the house, the kids and I will peek in the window to see if Grandpa’s hair is poking up from the back of his recliner. If it is, then we know Grandma and Grandpa are home, and all is well. Of course, it’s not just humans that have their own favorite chair. Our older dog, Hunter, slept in the brown recliner for years until - just recently - arthritis has forced him to the floor. And the puppy claimed a spot on the back of the old couch – we called it her “perch” - when she was just four months old. When we can’t see her digging holes in the front

PET OF THE WEEK I’m a playful, mostly white female who was born in May 2009. I’m OK being picked up, and I’ll let you put me in your lap, staying for a while. I enjoy petting and being scratched all over. With those I know, I’m friendly and affectionate, but I’m shy of strangers. I haven’t met dogs or kids, but most cats are fi ne with me. In the morning I’ll talk to you, Tara ankle rub and follow you around the house. Please come for me. The above abandoned pet is being housed by the Carver-Scott Humane Society and is available for adoption. Pets have been checked by a vet, wormed, given updated shots, have a micro ID, checked for friendly dispositions and spayed or neutered if they are adults. The donation fees for a cat start at $165+ and start at $195+ for a dog. If you can give it a home, call the humane society at (952) 368-3553.


Music in Park concerts continue Six more Wednesday night “Music in the Park” performances will be held this summer on the patio of the McColl Pond Environmental Learning Center (ELC) in Savage Community Park, 13550 Dakota Ave. The family-friendly shows are from 7-8 p.m. They include the Blue Drifters on July 13, Michael Monroe on July 20 and the Banjo Boys on July 27. August performances will feature the Splatter Sisters on Aug. 3, Charlie McGuire on Aug. 10 and Lehto & Wright on Aug. 17. Limited seating is available on the patio. Lawn chairs and blankets also are welcome.

yard, we start looking for her by asking other family members, “Is Ellie on her perch?” What does it mean, then, that we all have our favorite chairs? Perhaps it is simply that we are all creatures of habit. Or is it that we like what we like? It is the same. It is familiar. It makes us feel like we are in charge of our day when we sit in our special seat. Whatever the reason, this morning I decided to shake things up. Do something different. I moved my coffee cup to a totally different spot at the table – the chair at the end, farthest away from the stove. I poured my cereal, trying to be open-minded and not think about how weird it felt to be in this different seat. I looked out the window from my new vantage point

and realized I could see two additional bird feeders. And from here I could really appreciate how tall the sugar maple had become over by the brush pile. Why, I could even see some of the petunias on the back deck giving off a rosy glow in the morning sunlight. Hmm, maybe this was a better spot. Maybe a little change would do me good. WRONG. Sorry, folks, but I am sticking with the fond and familiar. It’s what I know. It’s what I like. And, if you happen to be in my kitchen at six in the morning, I am not too proud to race you to my favorite chair. (Karen Wheeler is a veterinarian who lives in Burnsville. Her column is one of several opinion and commentary pieces appearing regularly in this newspaper.)

Love’s greatest gift — Remembrance The Gentle Doctor Veterinary Clinic

Go to

savagepacer. com Read.

New stuff every day. Jenny Aldridge, DVM Javery Benson, DVM Julie Steller, DVM


4134 Co. Rd. 42 Savage, MN 55378


Once. You’re done! Comment. Blog.


Call For An Appointment


We have compiled all of the names of the ladies in this 1953 picture of a group of ladies from the Warren Butler VFW auxiliary as they rounded the corner on a downtown Savage street during the Dan Patch Days parade. Information was gathered from the Heritage Room at the Savage Library and from local residents Mary McQuiston and Janet Williams. The complete list of the ladies pictured here includes (from left to right): Doris Bergman, Pearl Cook, Maristella Korba, Iona Knopf, Carol Dwyer, Hazel Badke, Lorraine Kenneally and Emma Coakley.

Patricia Eckelman, formerly of Prior Lake, passed away surrounded by her loving family Monday, June 27, 2011 in Albuquerque, NM. She is survived by her loving husband of 54 years, Robert; eight children, Rob, Lorri, Mark, Steve, Paul, Eric, Kurt, and Carl; along with their spouses and many grandchildren; brother, Jackie; sisters, Marie and Eileen. Patricia was born to John and Gertrude (Benoit) Healey in Chicopee, MA. After marrying Robert, they settled in Springfield, MA, where their children were born. She was very proud of being an R.N. throughout her working career. Patricia was an avid reader, loved to travel and dabbled in the fine arts of poetry, guitar playing and watercolor painting. She had a classic Irish sense of humor. Patricia will be loved and missed by all those whose lives she touched. A celebration of Patricia’s life was held Friday, July 1, at French-Wyoming Chapel in Albuquerque. On Saturday, July 2, at 5 p.m. M.S.T., wherever you are, please join us in raising a glass in a toast to honor our wife and mother. Please visit our online guestbook for Patricia at French-Wyoming Chapel, 7121 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87109 (505) 823-9400



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The Estate is Complete and Untouched!


Page 6 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer


Transitions, challenges are easier with right attitude I encounter many people in my life and its work. Most, I’m happy to say, feed my spirit in one way or another. They help me learn and grow, their stories make me fuller and happier as a human and more aware of our interactive part in God‘s continuing creation. But there are some whom we all encounter, those who can suck the spirit out of a person who is with them, and leave the experience of being with them making one wonder how it is that they keep going, their attitudes so negative, their outlooks so bleak. The Rev. Charles Swindoll is a little conservative for my tastes theologically, given his Evangelical Free background. But I have to give the man credit where credit is due, inasmuch as my wife recently brought home a quote from a sermon



of his, and I simply cannot think of anything more appropriate to graduations, marriages, retirements or any recognition of the transitional phases of one’s life, and I wanted to share it with you ‌ “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is

more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company ‌ a church ‌ a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day. We cannot change our past ‌ we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ‌ I am convinced that my life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you ‌ we are in charge of our attitudes.� - Rev. Charles Swindoll

There are so many people who cannot seem to internalize the simple truth in the message above. We live our lives in a place that certainly has many problems, to be sure. But most of the people of the world still look upon our existence with envy and marvel at the opportunities that are available to us. From the availability of public education for all children, male and female, to the possibility that lies in average people participating in the political process (however frustrating that might be at times), to the very freedoms that we enjoy daily, some courtesy of those whom we celebrate this July Fourth weekend, including being able to practice freely in our religious communities. And for that matter, that we are

also free from practicing religion, if we so choose. I don’t recommend this, but I know good people who choose to live this way. So much of our celebration of these positives in our lives lies in our attitudes about the many blessings that we have known, and in our ability to get over life’s disappointments and variability. Too often I encounter those who have allowed life to defeat their spirits, to frustrate their growth, to keep them from exploring their world and reaping the spiritual benefits that come to those who do. So much of their emptiness could be filled, if they first chose to adjust their attitudes for the better. As I said, we may not agree on many things theological, but about the way we life might be lived I

NEWSMAKERS Local students graduate SCSU St. Cloud State University conducted spring 2011 commencement ceremonies for 1,659 students. Students from Savage included: Lisa Beckel, Bachelor of Science, elementary/K- 8 education; Molly Mason, Master of Science, criminal justice studies; Nicholas Oslund, Bachelor of Science, management; Amy Stroh, cum laude, Bachelor of Science, social work; and Kayla Zart, Bachelor of Science, marketing. Students from Burnsville included: Edward Hampe, Bachelor of Science, marketing; A ndrew Huddleston, cum laude, Bachelor of Science, information systems; Alexander Kruse, Bachelor of Science, electrical engineeri ng ; A n n a M a r ie L a r son , cum laude, Bachelor of Arts, sociology-interdepartmental; Bilal Mohammed, Bachelor of Arts, communication studies; Joshua O’Brien, Bachelor of Elective Studies, biology; Joshua O’Brien, Bachelor of Elective Studies, environmental studies; Kayla Perleberg, Bachelor of Science, marketing; Timothy Taylor, Bachelor of Arts, humanities; Roslyn Udairam, Bachelor of Science, management; Christina Vrooman, Bachelor of

agree completely with Rev. Swindoll. And I encourage you, as we encounter these summer months that follow the Fourth, share this quotation with someone and talk about it with them. It will give both of you a lift to consider how it is that all of our spirits at times could use a pick-me-up, and to face your life, and to live it fully and positively. The transitions, and the challenges of life are not nearly so scary, if we face them with the right attitudes. (Rev. Richard Nichols is pastor at New Spirit United Church of Christ in Savage and can be reached at www. He is one of several area pastors who write columns for “Spiritual Reflections,� a column that is one of several opinion and commentary pieces appearing regularly in this newspaper.)

ENGAGEMENT Science, elementary/K-8 education; Kevin Wells, Bachelor of Science, mass communications; and Rebecca Young, magna cum laude, Bachelor of Arts, psychology. Students from Prior Lake included: Ly nsay Berens, cum laude, Bachelor of Science, elementary/K-8 education; Alexis Gorshe, Master of Science, college counseling and student development; Jenna Holm, magna cum laude, Bachelor of Arts, geography; Brandon Kargus, Bachelor of Science, communication studies interdepartmental; Jesse McLean, Bachelor of Arts, criminal justice studies; Jacquelyn Morgan, Bachelor of Arts, English; and Ryan Petermeier, Bachelor of Science, marketing.

SCSU announces spring dean’s list Local student are among 1,514 of their peers who have been named to the 2011 spring semester dea n’s list at St. Cloud State University. To be eligible for the honor, students must have a grade point average of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale Students from Savage include : L isa Beckel, Rya n Hepp, Kelsey Joh nson, Adam Perisic, Kelsey Steinbach and Brittany Wills.

Students from Burnsville include: Will Anderson, Cassandra Hanson, Joel Peterson, Shannon Risius, Christina Vrooman and Rebecca Young. Students from Prior Lake include: Lynsay Berens, Elizabeth Boegeman, Meghan Brautigam, Jenna Holm, Joha n na Joh nson, Jesse McL ea n and S teph a n ie Soderling.

Local students graduate from KU Kansas University has announced that several local students are among the 4,800 who graduated this spring. The KU Class of 2011 includes Elina Dorfman, of Savage, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology and James Decker III, of Prior Lake, who earned a Bachelor of Science in environmental studies.

Caleb Halberg earns law degree Caleb Halberg of Savage recently graduated cum laude from DePaul University College of Law. His area of specialization was business law and will be taking the Illinois bar exam in July. He is the son of Roger and Adele Halberg of Savage.


Farnen selected for SCSU honor

Stephanie Goetz of Sauk Rapids, Minn. and A ndy Huddleston of Burnsville announce their engagement. T he bride -to -be is t he daughter of Greg Goetz and Carmen Goetz of Sauk Rapids, Minn. She is a 2008 graduate of Sauk Rapids High School and a 2011 graduate of The Model College of Cosmetology in St. Cloud. The prospective groom is the son of Mike and Nancy Huddleston of Burnsville. He is a 2007 graduate of BurnsStephanie Goetz and ville High School and a 2011 Andrew Huddleston graduate of St. Cloud State University. He works at United Health Group. A July 9 wedding is planned at The Grands at Mulligan’s in Sartell, Minn. The Savage Pacer welcomes announcements about engagements and there is no charge to run this information. Items can be sent through e-mail to; by fax to (952) 447-6671; via U.S. mail at P.O. Box 376, Savage, MN 55378; dropped off at the newspaper offi ce at 14093 Commerce Ave. N.E., Prior Lake; or a form can be filled out on-line at www. For more information, call (952) 345-6370.

Samuel J. Farnen, son of Laurie and Joe Farnen of Savage, has been accepted to St. Cloud State University on an admissions scholarship. He graduated from Prior Lake High School. SCSU selects scholarship recipients who demonstrate strong involvement in their communities and have outstanding academic records.

Students graduate from Concordia Several local students recently graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. Students from Savage included Christina Kirchner who earned a bachelor’s degree and majored in English-print journalism and Brienne Roullier who earned a bachelor’s degree and majored in psychology. Students from Burnsville included Jeffrey Marquart who earned a bachelor’s degree and majored in music education and Steven Marquart who earned a bachelor’s degree and majored in music instrumental, And Joshua Jans of Prior Lake earned a bachelor’s degree and majored in business marketing.


Donate baked goods, help pets The Carver-Scott Humane Society will have its annual baked-goods sale to raise money to help abandoned pets during River City Days in Chaska, July 23 and 24. Bring homemade or store-bought baked goods to the Humane Society’s tent from 4:30 to 8 p.m. July 23 and from 8:30 to 11 a.m. July 24. River City Days takes place at Gazebo Park, at Highway 41 and Fourth Street in Chaska. For more information, call (952) 368-3553, line 4 or visit

Savage Worship Directory Place your newspaperr worship ad on our online worship directory www savagepacer com For more informatio information call 952-447-6669

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A Common Christian Misconception— God Loves the USA so We Can’t Lose Psalm 33: 12-22

Worship Schedule Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. ~ Worship Service Sundays at 8:00 a.m. ~ Church for Young Families 9:00 a.m. ~ Adult Bible Class 10:00 a.m. ~ Worship Service



One block West of Cty. Rd. 21 on Cty. Rd. 42

EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 12540 Glenhurst Avenue, Savage 952-890-5856 Worship Services 8:30 8:00 & 10:45 11:00amam 10:00 children&&adults) adults) Sunday School 9:30amam(for(forchildren Evening Service 6:00pm


Wednesday Prayer & Youth Groups 6:45pm Nursery provided for all services except 8:00am Worship Service

+Z\ 6 3ULRU /DNH 01 3K

Pastor Dan Miller Pastor Paul Perdue Jon Pratt


Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS Rev. Donald Taylor 14085 Pike Lake Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952) 445-1779 Sunday Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 10:20 AM County Rd. 42 & Pike Lake Trail

Glendale United Methodist Church 13550 Glendale Rd. Savage – 894-5394

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You Can Reach People Throughout The Southwest Area! We have a Worship Directory in each of these publications: Eden Prairie News Shakopee Valley News Chanhassen Villager Jordan Independent Prior Lake America Chaska Herald Savage Pacer

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors� Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Rev. David Taylor

Southwest 127751



Call 952-447-6669 SAVAGE


Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 7

Police looking for info about items thrown at cars on CR 42 was thrown at his vehicle while he was driving west on CR 42 causing $500 worth of damage. Then, on June 25 at 11:40 p.m., a woman driving east on CR 42 near Quentin Avenue called police to report a similar incident. A golf-ball sized rock was thrown through the front

window of her vehicle causing $200 worth of damage. Neither motorist was injured in either incident. Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to call the Savage Police Department at (952) 882-2600. Nancy Huddleston

Saturday, August 6, 2011 Cleary Lake Regional Park, Prior Lake, MN

POLICE REPORT Police are investigating a fraud that The Savage Police Department isoccurred June 23 at a business in Savsued 41 citations and responded to MORE ONLINE age by a former employee. The matter 241 incidents between June 20 and 27. LISTEN TO THE is under investigation; therefore, police Some of those included: POLICE SCANNER would not release any more informaBURGLARY tion. An attempted burglary reported June An attempted Craigslist scam was 21 in the 4900 block of West 146th reported June 23 by a resident of the Street is under investigation. A resident of the 13400 block of Huntington Avenue 14600 block of Beverly Lane. A $2,650 check was received reported a burglary June 21 that actually occurred in May. after an inquiry was made on Craigslist about an employment He told police he didn’t report the crime at the time it hap- opportunity. When the resident checked with the bank listed pened because he didn’t think there was anything they could on the check, it was discovered that the check was a fraud do. Reportedly a PlayStation 3, four video games, cash and and the bank was already in the process of investigating the matter. There was no loss; rather the resident was simply an iPod, with a total value of about $750, were taken. making a police report for recording purposes. CRASHES NARCOTICS Ducks crossing the road were listed as the cause of a A 17-year-old Burnsville boy was cited for possession of crash June 22 near the intersection of county roads 42 and 27. According to the police report, one driver braked sud- a small amount of marijuana and tobacco use and a 17-yeardenly to avoid hitting ducks in the road. A 46-year-old man old boy from Savage was cited for possession of a small from Prior Lake, who was behind that vehicle, swerved into amount of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia the left lane to avoid the rear-end collision and in the process June 21 after police received a report of juveniles smoking hit a car in the lane next to him being driven by a 30-year-old in the 9000 block of West 126th Street. On June 22, a 16-year-old girl from Savage was cited for woman from Prior Lake. No citations were issued. No one was injured in a two-car crash that occurred possession of a small amount of marijuana and possession June 23 on the Highway 13 and County Road 101. An of drug paraphernalia in the 5000 block of West 135th 18-year-old driver from Rochester was slowing to stop for Street. After a car was stopped on Hanrehan Lake Boulevard a traffic light when a 43-year-old driver from Prior Lake rear June 26 for speeding, officers issued several citations. A ended her. A motorist was involved in a crash with a deer June 23 17-year-old Prior Lake boy was cited for possession of drug on McColl Drive. The 16-year-old girl from Chanhassen was paraphernalia, an 18-year-old boy from Savage was cited traveling west on McColl Drive when a deer ran in front of for possession of a small amount of marijuana and possesher. She hit the brakes, causing them to lock, and skidded sion of drug paraphernalia and an 18-year-old boy from onto the center median and then back across McColl Drive, Prior Lake was cited for possession of a small amount of ending up on the right shoulder after she struck a fence marijuana. THEFT post. Tools valued at $65 were reported stolen June 21 from On June 26, a two-car crash was reported on Highway 13 at Louisiana Avenue. No one was injured and the drivers a vehicle parked in the driveway of a home in the 14400 included a 67-year-old woman from Savage and a 19-year- block of Alabama Avenue. A resident of the 5600 block of West 125th Street reold woman from Eagan. ported a variety of items were stolen June 21 from his work DISTURBING THE PEACE Police were called just after midnight on June 26 to van. The list of items, valued at $2,697, included a cordless McHugh’s, 5715 Egan Drive, about an intoxicated man caus- drill, batteries, circuit breakers and copper wire. On June 21, a man from Elko reported the theft of a ceing a disturbance. He had fled the area by the time police ment mixer valued at $2,500 that was parked in the 12600 arrived, but was later located and taken to Detox. block of Creek View Avenue. DWI A resident of the 12700 block of Ottawa Avenue interA 46-year-old man from Florida was arrested June 22 for second-degree DWI-test refusal and speeding after he was rupted a theft June 23 by car prowlers. They had taken a pill stopped by police on Vernon Avenue for speeding on his bottle from the car and dropped it nearby when the resident interrupted them. motorcycle. On June 23, a radar detector valued at $40 was reported On June 25, a 45-year-old woman from Savage was arrested for fourth-degree DWI, speeding, failure to yield the stolen from a car parked overnight in the 12600 block of right of way and improper lane use after she was stopped Ottawa Avenue. A GPS valued at $300 was reported stolen June 23 from by police for poor driving conduct on Lynn Avenue near 129th Street. According to police, her Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) a car parked overnight in the 4900 block of West 125th Street. was .08. Items valued at $1,800 were reported stolen June 23 FRAUD On June 20, a resident of the 9200 block of West 124th from a car parked in the 4900 block of West 147th Street. Circle reported that someone fraudulently filed a tax return The list of items stolen included an iPod ($300) and a CD in his name using his Social Security number. There are no case with 25 games (each valued at $60). SOLICITORS suspects and the incident has been reported to the IRS. Two 19-year-old women from California and Indiana were The bank notified a resident of the 5400 block of West 131st Street on June 22 that someone attempted to open given citations for soliciting without a permit after a complaint a line of credit using his Visa card. The attempt was unsuc- was received June 21 from a resident in the 14000 block of Kings Court. cessful as there was no fraudulent use of the credit card.

Register by June 30, 2011 (Using Code LDT2011* and Save $10) $70 after June 30, 2011 (or without code or until event fills)

SWIM Cleary Lake Beach 1/4 mile swim.

BIKE 13.5 mile loop on county roads.

RUN 3.3 mile run in Cleary Lake Regional Park. No city roads. For more information visit Event limited to 300 amateur and 60 elite participants. Register online at Sponsored by Dakotah! Sport and Fitness and the City of Prior Lake.

*At checkout on, the user will just need to put in that code where it reads “coupon code” and then click “redeem”. Offer good through June 22-30. 214077

Police are looking for information about two property damage incidents that occurred last weekend. The first one was reported June 24 at 9:35 p.m. from a motorist driving on County Road 42 near Natchez Avenue. He called police to say an unknown object

Owned and Operated by The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

FIRE CALLS June 22 Firefighters were called to the 5900 block of West 137th St. at 4:26 p.m. for a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm that was sounding. It was determined to be a false alarm and the battery needed to be changed. At 5:39 p.m., a resident of the 13000 block of Vernon Avenue called to report there was smoke in the basement com-

bined with the smell of something electrical burning. When firefighters arrived, there was no longer any smoke in the basement, but they could detect the smell of something electrical burning, so they checked the home. It was discovered that a motor of a small refrigerator in the basement had malfunctioned, causing the smoke and smell. A commercial fire alarm was reported

at 8:30 p.m. in the 8100 block of Egan Drive. It was determined to be an alarm from the phone system because the phones were not working. June 23 At 9:30 p.m. a CO alarm was reported from a homeowner in the 4200 block of West 141st Street. No CO was found, so it was determined to be a false alarm.


RAIN OR SHINE, NOON - 10:30p.m.

DISTRICT COURT sample, random tests, follow recommendations of evaluation, $535 in fines. Dwayne Edward Roach, 48, Prior Lake, fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance, a felony. Adjudication stayed: Three years’ probation, 40 hours of community service, follow recommendations of evaluation, $225 in fines. Bradley David Tongen, 29, Lakeville, driving while intoxicated (DWI), a gross-misdemeanor. Two years’ probation, three days in jail, 27 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, $910 in fines. Jared Michael Gaiser, 31, Savage, third-degree assault, a felony. Five years’ probation, three days in jail, 120 days under electronic homemonitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, anger-management counseling, provide DNA sample, $7,508.84 restitution, $85 in fines. Rodney Gerald Kerkow, 49, Prior Lake, violation of driver’s restrictions, and DWI, both gross-misdemeanors. Two years’ probation, two days in jail, 40 hours of community service, follow recommendations of evaluation, $310 in fines. Jason Robert Kurtz, 30, Prior Lake, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Adjudication stayed: Five years’ probation, 80 hours of community service, follow recommendations of evaluation, $600 in fines. Gennadiy Mikhaylovich Okhman, 23, Prior Lake, false name to police officer, a gross-misdemeanor. Two years’ probation, one day in jail, 80 hours of community service, $375 in fines.

Jill Elizabeth Webster, 46, Burnsville, DWI, a gross-misdemeanor. Two years’ probation, one day in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, 232 hours of community service, $410 in fines. Kyle Joseph Bily, 26, Lakeville, DWI, a gross-misdemeanor. Two years’ probation, three days in jail, 27 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, $910 in fines. Brandon Charles Bruzek, 26, Prior Lake, two counts of fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a gross-misdemeanor. Five years’ probation, 30 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, provide DNA sample, random tests, $585 in fines. Jeremy Paul Link, 30, Jordan, DWI, a gross-misdemeanor. Two years’ probation, two days in jail, 28 days under electronic home-monitoring, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, restitution, $325 in fines. Ryan Russell Liskow, 31, Leavenworth, Kan., first-degree burglary, a felony. Provide DNA sample, serve 54 months in prison. Gina May Olson, 30, Princeton, Minn., issuance of dishonored check, a felony. Serve 22 months in prison, provide DNA sample, restitution, $75 in fines. Baker T. Albert, 22, Chaska, theft, a misdemeanor. Pay restitution, $160 in fines. Check forgery, a grossmisdemeanor. Two years’ probation, restitution, $375 in fines. Justin Ryan McCoy, 27, Bloomington, theft, a grossmisdemeanor. Two years’ probation, 10 days in jail, restitution, $535 in fines.

Souvenir buttons $5 valid for admission on sale at: Edelweiss Bakery Ɠ Flowers Naturally ŀ Home Accents Integra Telecom ŀ Knotty Oar Marina ŀ Mary’s On Main Ɠ Prior Lake City Hall ŀ Prior Lake State Bank ŀ The Cove The Wilds (Pub) ŀ Viking Liquor Ɠ Village Market Ɠ Buffalo Wild Wings, Savage ŀ McKrakens Music Bar & Grille, Burnsville (Check website for additional button vendors)

Owned and Operated by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community


The following are Scott County District Court felony and gross-misdemeanor dispositions. Defendants either pleaded guilty or were found guilty by the court unless otherwise indicated. Tyler James Dawson, 20, Farmington, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Adjudication stayed: Three years’ probation, 60 hours of community service, random tests, $400 in fines. Jeremy Allen Giles, 29, Minneapolis, theft, a felony. Five years’ probation, 120 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, provide DNA sample, $160 in fines. Jacob John Harris, 28, White Bear Lake, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony. Five years’ probation, 180 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, provide DNA sample, random tests, $185 in fines. Alfred Joseph Hartlein, 25, Prior Lake, DWI, a gross-misdemeanor. Three years’ probation, 15 days in jail, follow recommendations of evaluation, abstain from alcohol, random tests, $385 in fines. Katie Renee Ladue, 20, Lakeville, fifth-degree possession of controlled substance, a felony, Adjudication stayed: three years’ probation, 60 hours of community service, random tests, $400 in fines. Melissa Rose Lind, 29, St. Louis Park, receiving stolen property, a grossmisdemeanor. Five years’ probation, 180 days in jail, provide DNA sample, restitution, $85 in fines. Riley Patrick Radermacher, 22, Prior Lake, fifth-degree sale of controlled substance, a felony. Four years’ probation, 30 days in jail, provide DNA

Lakefront Park, 5000 Kop Parkway, Prior Lake, MN More information at The Lakefront Jazz and Blues Festival is produced by the Prior Lake Rotary Jazz Fund Committee on behalf of the Prior Lake Rotary Club Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Prior Lake Rotary Club • Post Office Box 271 • Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372

Page 8 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer


Top left – Amy Gunderson flips a giant tractor tire in the second annual Life Time Fitness Strongman/Strongwoman competition. Top right – Jug band member Mike Johnson (right) plays his mandolin for the audience. Right – Mia Howard from D. Fong’s (right) hands over a heaping serving of sesame chicken and fried rice. Below left – Strongman competitor Ben Bittner heaves a keg over a goalpost. Bittner went on to take first place in the competition.


Right –Cool evening temperatures didn’t impact the turnout at the beer and wine tasting Thursday night. Beer and wine vendors set up tables on the perimeter of the tent allowing tasters to move easily from table to table. Bottom left –Ryan Neppl and his son Nate bend over to pet a goat in the petting zoo. Bottom right –Contestants in the annual water fights struggle to keep the barrel from crossing their finish line.

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 9


Top left – Volunteer Firefighter Jim Burg manned one of two pancake grills during the Savage Fire Department’s pancake breakfast and open house at the new Dakota Avenue Fire Station. Residents not only enjoyed a hot breakfast, they also were able to tour the new station and talk with firefighters. Left – Audience members gather in front of the main stage with their lawn chairs and coolers as The Dweebs take the stage. Top right – Comedian juggler Alan Johnson dazzled the crowd with his wacky (and impressive) tricks.

Top left – Anna Mischke tries the face-first approach during the Perkins pie eating contest. Top right – Balance was the name of the game for members of the Twin Cities Unicycle Club, one of nearly 100 parade entries that meandered through downtown Savage on Sunday. Right – The antics of the Shriners’ Cobra Corp dune buggy racers delighted the crowd as they performed maneuvers involving great precision at the parade. STAFF PHOTOS BY ALEX HALL, LAURIE HARTMANN AND NANCY HUDDLESTON


Page 10 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

publicnotices CITY OF SAVAGE SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Savage to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined at the City of Savage, 6000 McColl Drive. Questions about this report should be directed to Shelly Kolling, Finance Director, 882-2645. The following summaries are from the general purpose financial statements of the City for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. The right hand column shows the percentage change in dollars between the two years.

Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations (Governmental and Expendable Trust Funds)

Total 2010 Revenues Taxes Tax Increments Special Assessments Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Other

Total 2009

Percent Increase (Decrease)

$15,463,184 140,606 2,106,741 910,398 626,826 1,333,110 560,188

$15,274,856 128,612 2,124,181 572,914 617,579 1,677,677 695,762

1.23% 9.33% (-0.82%) 58.91% 1.50% (-20.54%) (-19.49%)

$21,141,053 $785.59

$21,091,581 $785.48

0.23% 0.01%

$2,156,341 202,496 5,545,292 2,140,871 1,280,481 0 7,327,124 9,601,618

$2,172,553 216,616 5,353,501 2,159,917 1,278,987 0 5,510,127 9,489,946

(-0.75%) (-6.52%) 3.58% (-0.88%) 0.12% 0.00% 32.98% 1.18%

Total Expendiures Per Capita

$28,254,223 $1,049.91

$26,181,647 $975.04

7.92% 7.68%

Excess of Revenues over Expenditures




$0 14,058,790 37,778 0 710,567

$0 3,408,420 38,282 0 800,332

0.00% 312.47% (-1.32%) 0.00% (-11.22%)

Fund Equity, Beginning of Year




Fund Equity, End of Year




Total Revenues Per Capita Expenditures General Government Community Development Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Other Capital Outlay Debt Service

Other Financing Sources (uses) Refunding bond payments to escrow agent Bond and Capital Lease Proceeds (net) Sale of assets Borrowing Net Transfers In (Out)










Percent of Property Taxes Collected




City Revenues per capita (governmental funds)




City Expenditures per capita (governmental funds)




Ratio of Bonded Debt to Tax Capacity



Gross Tax Capacity


The complete financial report is available at or in the Finance Department, City of Savage, which includes the detail of this published report. (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, July 2, 2011; No. 2837) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 02, 2004 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $260,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): John M. Mason and Julie Mason, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: July 13, 2004 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A 664087 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Dated: March 09, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100137510000142168 Lender or Broker: Lakeland Mortgage Corporation Residential Mortgage Servicer: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 14524 Hunters Ln, Savage, MN 55378-2284 Tax Parcel ID Number: 263180060 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Block 1, Eagle’s Landing Second Addition, CIC No. 1082, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $237,327.75 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 12, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 12, 2012, or the next business day if January 12, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday

or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: May 28, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Wilford & Geske, P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 019733F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, May 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2791) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 12, 2003 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $176,800.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Yuriy I. Malashenko and Olga I. Malashenko, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: August 28, 2003 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A621548 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Central Mortgage Company Dated: February 04, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10003811001355740-1 Lender or Broker: Bancsource Mortgage, Inc. Residential Mortgage Servicer: Central Mortgage Company

Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 740 Marion Ln, Jordan, MN 55352-8605 Tax Parcel ID Number: 22044013-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 3, River Ridge, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $160,463.43 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 12, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 12, 2012, or the next business day if January 12, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: May 28, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Central Mortgage Company

Wilford & Geske, P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 019270F03 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, May 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2792) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: February 01, 2007 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $248,800.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Michael Foss and Molly Foss, Husband and Wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: February 07, 2007 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 764143 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countywide Home Loans Servicing, LP Dated: April 28, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10001570007701109-2 Lender or Broker: America’s Wholesale Lender Residential Mortgage Servicer: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 27846 Teale Ave, New Prague, MN 56071-8870 Tax Parcel ID Number: 03931011-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter, all being part of Section 31, Township 113, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of Section 31 thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 47 minutes 18 seconds East along the South line of said Southeast Quarter 55.66 feet; thence North 00 degrees 59 minutes 28 seconds West 538.56 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 24 seconds West 660.00 feet; thence North 03 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds East 400.44 feet; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 24 seconds East 632.01 feet; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 28 seconds East 400.05 feet to the point of beginning. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $305,086.11 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 12, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 12, 2012, or the next business day if January 12, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: May 28, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countywide Home Loans Servicing, LP Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 004107F02 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, May 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2795) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 17, 2005 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $146,200.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Peter J. Holm,

a single person MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: September 01, 2005 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A 711562 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Dated: May 04, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100024200009515608 Lender or Broker: American Home Mortgage Residential Mortgage Servicer: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 1641 Delany Ln, Shakopee, MN 55379-4521 Tax Parcel ID Number: 273071430 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit 143, CIC No. 1076, Dublin Square, according to the recorded plat thereof AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $147,394.05 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 19, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 19, 2012, or the next business day if January 19, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 04, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 020648F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 2011; No. 2797) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 22, 1999 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $111,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Ricky Scacutto and Terri Scacutto, Husband and Wife MORTGAGEE: First Franklin Financial Corporation DATE AND PLACE OF REGISTERING: Registered: July 12, 1999 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T105271 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: NationsCredit Financial Services Corporation Dated: June 22, 1999 Registered: October 29, 2002 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T135384 And assigned to: The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the holders of the EquiCredit Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2001-2 Dated: March 10, 2005 Registered: August 09, 2005 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T169505 And assigned to: NationsCredit Financial Services Corporation Dated: March 12, 2007 Registered: June 12, 2007 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T184585 And assigned to: The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the holders of the EQCC Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2001-2 Dated: November 05, 2007 Registered: November 14, 2007 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T187445 And assigned to: NationsCredit Financial Services Corporation Dated: September 26, 2008 Registered: November 05, 2008 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T192897 Transaction Agent: Not Applicable Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: Not Applicable Lender or Broker: First Frank-

lin Financial Corporation Residential Mortgage Servicer: Select - BOA Investor Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER: 17306 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 14001 Kipling Ave S, Savage, MN 55378-2608 Tax Parcel ID Number: 261170010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 1, Block 1, Creek Ridge, according to the plat on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Scott County, Minnesota AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $125,287.07 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that this is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 19, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 19, 2012, or the next business day if January 19, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 04, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: NationsCredit Financial Services Corporation Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 005922F02 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 2011; No. 2800) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: May 31, 2005 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $172,500.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Olga Cuellar and Juan Carlos Cuellar, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: June 14, 2005 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A 701618 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWMBS, INC. CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005-HYB6 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-HYB6 Dated: April 20, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100014440002077204 Lender or Broker: NetBank Residential Mortgage Servicer: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 430 3rd Ave E, Shakopee, MN 55379-1518 Tax Parcel ID Number: 270013810 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 7, Block 52, City of Shakopee, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $193,753.19 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St.,

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publicnotices Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2012, or the next business day if January 26, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 11, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWMBS, INC. CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005-HYB6 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-HYB6 Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 004175F03 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 2011; No. 2805) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 23, 2004 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $540,200.00 MORTGAGOR(S): John D. Sorenson and Kim E. Sorenson, Husband and Wife MORTGAGEE: Cherokee State Bank DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: June 24, 2004 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 661868 LOAN MODIFICATION: Dated: January 07, 2005 Recorded: March 15, 2005 Document Number: 691572 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Advisors Mortgage, L.L.C. Dated: January 14, 2005 Recorded: March 15, 2005 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 691571 And assigned to: Mortgage Electronic Registration Sytstems, Inc. Dated: January 07, 2005 Recorded: March 15, 2005 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 691573 Corrective Assignment of Mortgage: Mortgage Electronic Registration Sytstems, Inc. Dated: May 31, 2011 And assigned to: New York Community Bank Dated: May 04, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100199600000084828 Lender or Broker: Cherokee State Bank Residential Mortgage Servicer: New York Community Bank Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 21250 Ridgewood Trl, Lakeville, MN 55044-8079 Tax Parcel ID Number: 04089028-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF P RO P E RT Y: L o t 1 0 , B l o ck 4 , Monterey Heights, Scott County, Minnesota AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $605,199.71 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2012, or the next business day if January 26, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE

THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 11, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: New York Community Bank Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 020595F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 2011; No. 2806) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 16, 2007 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $179,700.00 MORTGAGOR(S): David R. Lofgren, a single man MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF REGISTERING: Registered: November 27, 2007 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T 187587 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Provident Funding Associates, L.P. Dated: June 20, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10001793517110010-6 Lender or Broker: Provident Funding Associates, L.P. Residential Mortgage Servicer: Provident Funding Associates Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER: 45208 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 1634 Liberty Cir # 2108, Shakopee, MN 553794594 Tax Parcel ID Number: 27340147-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit No. 2108, CIC No. 1098, Providence Pointe Condominiums, Scott County, Minnesota AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $177,915.82 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that this is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2012, or the next business day if January 26, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 11, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Provident Funding Associates, L.P. Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 020821F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 2011; No. 2812)

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 01, 2006 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $226,400.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Jake Van Putten and Jennifer Van Putten, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: September 01, 2006 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A 750013 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Trustee, RALI, 2006-QS14, 10/30/2006, 40419 Dated: June 02, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10001793516070066-8 Lender or Broker: Provident Funding Associates, L.P. Residential Mortgage Servicer: Provident Funding Associates Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 1144 Dorothy Ln, New Market, MN 55054-5418 Tax Parcel ID Number: 23009040-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 6, Kelly Glen, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $222,200.47 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2012, or the next business day if January 26, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 11, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Trustee, RALI, 2006QS14, 10/30/2006, 40419 Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 020837F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 2011; No. 2813) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 18, 2005 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $324,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): John Horner and Mindy Horner, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: December 15, 2005 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 723883 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Dated: April 26, 2011 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100025440002838115 Lender or Broker: Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB Residential Mortgage Servicer: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 9148 Windsor Ave, Savage, MN 55378-2168 Tax Parcel ID Number: 26246029-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 5, Hamilton Hills 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof

continued from previous page AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $311,891.98 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 02, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on February 02, 2012, or the next business day if February 02, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 18, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Aurora Loan Services, LLC Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 020436F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011; No. 2814) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 30, 2007 MORTGAGOR(S): Phalang Teso, A Single Person, and Phonechanh Manikhong, A Single Person MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed for record April 13, 2007, as Document No. T 183437, Certificate of Title No. 44497 in the office of the Registrar of Titles in Scott County, Minnesota ASSIGNMENT(S) OF MORTGAGE: Assignment dated June 6, 2007 to Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, filed for record June 19, 2007, as Document No. T 184744, Certificate of Title No. 44497 in the office of the Registrar of Titles in Scott County, Minnesota, Said mortgage is Registered Land. T R A N S AC T I O N AG E N T : None T R A N S AC T I O N AG E N T ’ S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: None LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13662 Monterey Ave S Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL ID NUMBER: 26-127-013-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 13, Block 1, Canterbury Square 4th Addition, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $236,800.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: $236,893.64 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 11, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.. PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Sheriff ’s Office, ATTN: CIVIL PROCESS DIVISION, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, MN 553791322 to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal

representatives or assigns unless reduced to five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on February 11, 2012. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: June 18, 2011. MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee Marinus W. Van Putten, Jr., Reg. No. 11232X BEST & FLANAGAN LLP 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-7121 Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011; No. 2819) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 03, 2005 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $342,500.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Anne Walcott Sween and Harlan G. Sween, wife and husband MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF REGISTERING: Registered: August 22, 2005 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T169834 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: The Bank of New York Mellon fka the Bank of New York as Trustee for the Certificateholders CWALT Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2005-46CB Mortgage Pass-through Certificates, Series 2005-46CB Dated: October 05, 2009 Registered: April 26, 2010 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T202297 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 100015700055748640 Lender or Broker: America’s Wholesale Lender Residential Mortgage Servicer: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER: 33824 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 6560 Harborview Cir NE, Prior Lake, MN 55372-1445 Tax Parcel ID Number: 252030050 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 1, The Harbor 3rd Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $400,850.83 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that this is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 02, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on February 02, 2012, or the next business day if February 02, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICUL-

TURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 18, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK,AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-46CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 200546CB Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 009270F03 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011; No. 2820) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 01, 2006 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $187,810.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Michael Murphy, a married man MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF REGISTERING: Registered: December 20, 2006 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T 181381 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countywide Home Loans Servicing, LP Dated: April 28, 2011 Registered: May 26, 2011 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T 209377 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10013370001851896-2 Lender or Broker: Countrywide Bank, N.A. Residential Mortgage Servicer: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER: 44281.0 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 4891 Woodland Ave, Shakopee, MN 55379-5805 Tax Parcel ID Number: 27371279-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 7, Dean Lakes First Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $215,250.43 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that this is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 02, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on February 02, 2012, or the next business day if February 02, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 18, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countywide Home Loans Servicing, LP Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 018139F02 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011; No. 2821) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 08, 2007 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E :

Public Notices continued on next page

Page 12 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer


Rod Thompson selected to lead district into next decade BY KRISTIN HOLTZ

The Shakopee School Board voted unanimously Wednesday (June 29) to enter into contract negotiations with Rod Thompson, superintendent of St. Anthony/New Brighton Public Schools. “I think he is the person that will lead our district in the next six, 10 years,” said Board Member Tony Bonsante. T he b o a r d i nt er v iewe d

Thompson Wednesday, the last of three candidates vying for the job to replace retiring superintendent Jon McBroom. Thompson, 46, has been superintendent in St. Anthony five years. Board Member John Canny said Thompson brings a perspective of having worked in numerous school districts. Thompson began his career in Elmore, Minn., before moving onto Moorhead, St. Cloud and Detroit Lakes. He was high school principal

in the Greenway School District in Coleraine, Minn., for two years before being asked to step into the superintendent position when the district went into statutory operating debt (SOD). He helped bring the district back into the black through more than $1.2 million in cuts. After two years, he took the position in St. Anthony. Thompson said he’s the type of leader who sees projects through from concept to completion. His main focuses are

publicnotices $316,200.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Maurice L. King and Tanya R. King, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: June 19, 2007 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 775723 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing L.P. Dated: May 07, 2011 Recorded: May 11, 2011 Scott County Recorder Document Number: 880118 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortgage Identification Number: 10001793517050272-4 Lender or Broker: Provident Funding Association, L.P. Residential Mortgage Servicer: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 2973 Tiflawn Ct, Shakopee, MN 55379-5431 Tax Parcel ID Number: 27343300-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 13, Block 14, Greenfield, Scott County, Minnesota AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $316,562.83 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 02, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on February 02, 2012, or the next business day if February 02, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 18, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing L.P. Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 021042F01 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011; No. 2822) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: October 26, 2006 O R I G I N A L P R I N C I PA L A M O U N T O F M O RT G AG E : $194,250.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Wolfgang T. Knaus and Staci L. Knaus, Husband and Wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded: November 14, 2006 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A756607 DATE AND PLACE OF REGISTERING: Registered: November 14, 2006 Scott County Registrar of Titles

Document Number: T180602 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: And assigned to: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust, Series 2007-1 Dated: May 11, 2011 Recorded: May 25, 2011 Scott County Recorder Document Number: A 881022 Registered: May 25, 2011 Scott County Registrar of Titles Document Number: T 209359 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent Mortg a g e I d e n t i f i c at i o n N u m b e r: 10005264700907125 Lender or Broker: Fieldstone Mortgage Company Residential Mortgage Servicer: Litton Loan Servicing, LP Mortgage Originator: Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER: 44193 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott Property Address: 13824 Yosemite Ave S, Savage, MN 55378-1918 Tax Parcel ID Number: 26155038-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Parcel A (Abstract): Lot 12, Block 4, Hampton Pond First Addition, Except the South 5.00 feet thereof, Scott County, Minnesota AND Parcel B (Torrens): The South 5.00 feet of Lot 12, Block 4, Hampton Pond First Addition, Scott County, Minnesota AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: $203,092.29 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that a portion of this property is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 09, 2011 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff ’s Office, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller St., Shakopee, Minnesota to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on February 09, 2012, or the next business day if February 09, 2012 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Mortgagor(s) released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. DATED: June 25, 2011 ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust, Series 2007-1 Wilford, Geske & Cook P.A. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Lawrence A. Wilford James A. Geske 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125-4393 (651) 209-3300 File Number: 017283F02 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2011; No. 2831) STATE OF MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number: Date Filed: May 27, 2011 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required as a consumer protection, in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. 1. State the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Cyclone Custom

Design 2. State the address of the principal place of business. A complete street address or rural route and rural route box number is required; the address cannot be a P.O. Box: 4130 South River Run, Savage, MN 55378 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Gary Schultze, 4130 South River Run, Savage, MN 55378, Lila Schultze, 4130 South River Run, Savage, MN 55378 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Signature: Gary Schultze President Gary Schultze - Contact Person 952-201-3380 Date: 05-16-2011 (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2828) IN PROCEEDINGS SUBSEQUENT TO INITIAL REGISTRATION OF LAND COURT FILE NO. 70-CV-1023221 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Petition of: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., In Relation to Certificate of Title No. 45209 issued for land in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota and legally described as: The West One hundred (100) feet of the East Six hundred and seventy six and twenty-eight onehundredths (676.28) feet of Tract D., REGISTERED LAND SURVEY No. 46, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Scott County, Minnesota. FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO: Wellspring1, LLC, Elizabeth Soll, Ed Allen, Kim Allen and GreenPoint Mortgage Funding, Inc. Upon receiving and filing the Report of the Examiner of Titles in the above entitled matter: IT IS ORDERED, that you, and all persons interested, appear before this Court on the 14th day of July, 2011, at 9:00 a.m., Scott County Courthouse, Shakopee, Minnesota, and then, or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why this Court should not enter an Order as follows: The Registrar of Titles, upon the filing with her of a certified copy of this Order, shall cancel Certificate of Title No. 45209 and enter a new certificate of title for the land therein described in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., free from all memorials now appearing on the present Certificate of Title, the last of which is Document T205003, and free from the memorial of this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That this Order be served: (a) at least 14 days before the hearing upon the above-named parties residing in this State in the manner provided by law for the service of Summons in a civil action; (b) at least 14 days before the hearing upon each of the above-named non-residents by sending a copy of this Order to the non-resident’s post office address, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; (c) Except as provided in Paragraph (d) below, upon any party who cannot be found by 3 weeks published notice and by sending a copy of the notice at least 14 days prior to the hearing by first class mail to such party at his last known address and by sending another copy of the notice at least 14 days prior to the hearing by first class mail to his address as stated on the Certificate of Title if an address is so stated, which service shall be deemed complete 21 days after the first publication; and (d) upon a dissolved, withdrawn, or revoked business entity governed by Minn. Stat. Chp. 302A, 303, 317A, 322A, 322B, or 323 in the manner provided by Minn. Stat. § 5.25. Approved: Examiner of Titles Bryce D. Huemoeller By: Bryce D. Huemoeller Examiner Dated: May 25, 2011 BY THE COURT: Michael A. Fahey Judge of District Court Robert Q. Williams Orin J. Kipp Wilford & Geske

student achievement and best instruction practices. “We set high, high bars and we accept no excuses,” Thompson said during Wednesday’s community forum. “Every single kid will be successful and we’ll do whatever if takes to make sure every kid is successful.” Thompson was recently a finalist for the Farmington School District superintendent position but withdrew his name. Thompson called Shakopee

“a capstone district” where he hopes to make roots with his family. His wife, Lori, is a math teacher and girls basketball coach at Spring Lake Park High School. They have two children in high school, one in college and are in process of adopting an infant.

THE CANDIDATES T he boa rd was quick to praise all three candidates, including Chris Lindholm, assistant superintendent with

Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Public Schools, and Keith Rittel, deputy superintendent in the Clover Park School District in Lakewood, Wash.

CONTRACT Two board members and district personnel will begin contract negotiations with Thompson. The board expects it will have to increase its superintendent salary to be more competitive with metro districts.

continued from previous page 8425 Seasons Parkway, Suite 105 Woodbury, MN 55125 (651) 209-3300 (Phone) (651) 209-3339 (Fax) File No. 34320 Attendance is not required at said time except to object to the entry of the above-described Order. (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 18, 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2825) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID City of Savage, Minnesota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Savage, Scott County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Clerk, Savage City Hall, 6000 McColl Drive, Savage, Minnesota 55378 until 10:00 a.m. on the 18th day of July 2011 and will be publicly opened at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Savage. The responsibility of the bidders will be considered along with the bids by the City Council at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as scheduled on July 18, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Said proposals to be for furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction, complete in place, in accordance with plans and specifications for the following: City Project No. 11-01 2011 Street Improvements Major Items Contract Items Qty Unit Replace Gate Valve Bolts (SS316) 17 EA Sod (Type Salt Resistant) 4,100 SY Crosswalk Marking – Epoxy 401 SF Bituminous Wear Course 6,330 TN Concrete Curb and Gutter 11,180 LF Mill Bituminous Surface (Full Width) 28,715 SY Salvage Aggr. and Bit. Material 4,780 SY Plans and specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be seen at the office of the City Clerk, Savage, Minnesota and at the office of the City Engineer, 6000 McColl Drive, Savage, Minnesota 55378. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by a bidder’s bond naming the City of Savage as obligee, certified check payable to the City Clerk of the City of Savage or a cash deposit equal to at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, which shall be returned or forfeited as set forth in the Information for Bidders. The Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Complete digital project bidding documents are available at or www. You may download the digital plan documents for $20.00 by inputting Quest project #1647882 on the website’s Project Search page. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or infor@questcdn. com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available at the City of Savage for a nonrefundable price of $35.00 per set. Note: The City of Savage has adopted a standard document to be used for utility and street construction within the City. Each contractor bidding on this project is required to purchase a copy of this standard document entitled, “Standard Specifications and Detail Plates”, City of Savage, Minnesota May 2008. This standard document includes the contract documents, technical specifications and details, which are the basis for each project and referenced as such in the Special Provisions. A copy can be obtained from the Savage Engineering Department for the sum of fifty dollars ($50) per copy. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the contract in the best interests of the City. By order of the Savage City Council, this 20th day of June, 2011. /s/ John M. Powell John M. Powell, Public Works Director & City Engineer (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, June 25 and July 2, 2011; No. 2832) NOTICE T O W H O M I T M AY C O N CERN: Notice is hereby given that the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (District) will meet at Chaska Community Center, Rainbow Room, 1661 Park Ridge Drive, Chaska, MN on Wednesday, July 13th, 2011, at approximately 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, to hear public comments on the September 2010 60-day review draft of the District’s Third Generation Watershed Management Plan. The September 2010 60-day review draft of the District’s Third Generation Watershed Management Plan is available on the District web-

site at Agency review comments on the September 2010 60-day review draft of the District’s Third Generation Watershed Management Plan and District responses are also available on the District website at www. Persons who desire to be heard with reference to the Distrit’s September 2010 60-day review draft of the Third Generation Watershed Management Plan will be heard at this meeting. Written comments may be submitted to Terry Schwalbe, Administrator, 112 East 5 th Street, Chaska, MN 55318 or emailed to Dated: June 15, 2011 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS s/Len Kremer Secretary Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, July 2, 2011; No. 2833) City of Savage Notice of Hearing Variance Request 4607 West 131st Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Savage, Scott County, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Savage City Hall, 6000 McColl Drive, Savage, Minnesota, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, July 21, 2011 to consider the request of Keith G. Cooper, 4607 West 131st Street, Savage, Minnesota, for a 14foot variance from the 20-foot rear yard setback as required by Section 152.137(A)(3). The variance request is to accommodate a 10’ x 10’ deck that would be built 6-feet from the property line if approved. The legal description of the subject property is: Lot 2, Block 2, Southridge, City of Savage, County of Scott, Minnesota. All interested persons are hereby notified to be present at said time and place, and they will be heard. For questions or additional information, contact Terri Dill, Senior Planner at 952-882-2698 or e-mail at /s/ Terri Dill Terri Dill, Senior Planner (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, July 2, 2011; No. 2834) Metropolitan Council Notice of Public Hearings on Potential Transit Fare and Service Adjustments The Metropolitan Council will hold a series of public hearings on potential fare and service adjustments to address a possible budget shortfall. Service changes could affect Metro Transit and Metropolitan Council Regional Routes, Metro Mobility and Transit Link dial-a-ride services. Fare adjustments would apply to all regional public transit services, including suburban transit providers, Metro Mobility and Transit Link services. The absence of a final state budget, in combination with potential increases in fuel costs and Motor Vehicle Sales Tax (MVST) receipts below forecast, could result in an overall budget shortfall for transit operations in the 2012-13 biennium. It may be necessary to adjust transit fares and/or service to address this shortfall. Public hearings are an opportunity for the public to provide input on the proposed fare and service adjustments. The public hearings will be held from Aug. 8 to 18 at the following times and locations: Monday, Aug. 8 – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Bloomington Civic Plaza, Council Chambers 1800 W. Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington Served by Routes 535, 539 Tuesday, Aug. 9 – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hopkins Center for the Arts, Community Room 111 Main Street, Hopkins Served by Route 12, 615, 664 Wednesday, Aug. 10 – 12 noon to 1 p.m. Minneapolis Central Library, Doty Board Room 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis Served by many transit routes Thursday, Aug. 11, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Maplewood Library, Large Meeting Room 3025 Southlawn Drive, Maplewood Served by Routes 64, 80, 219, 223 Monday, Aug. 15 – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Brookdale Library, Large Meeting Room 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Brooklyn Center Served by Route 722 Tuesday, Aug. 16 – 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Metro Transit Offices – Chambers 560 - 6th Avenue North, Minneapolis Served by routes 5, 19, 22 & 55 (Hiawatha LRT) Thursday, Aug. 18 – 12 noon to 1 p.m. Metropolitan Council Offices – Chambers 390 North Robert Street, St. Paul Served by many transit routes Should a budget agreement of-

fer an improved budget outlook, the Council may need additional time to revise proposals to reflect the new budget. The Council chair has the authority to reschedule these public hearings, or to plan additional public meetings, to accommodate this need. Refer to the Council website at for additional information and the most up-to-date meeting schedule. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearings and offer comments. Those attending may register in advance to speak by calling the Data Center at 651-6021140. Upon request, the Metropolitan Council will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with either special language needs or who need other special accommodations. Two weeks advance notice, indicating the specific accommodation needed, is appreciated. Please include the date, place and time of the hearing you will attend. The Council will also receive comments on the proposed fare and service adjustments through at least 5 p.m. on Aug. 29 as follows: Written comments: Metropolitan Council Data Center 390 N. Robert St., St. Paul, 55101 Fax comments to: Data Center at 651-602-1464 Send TTY comments to: Data Center at 651-291-0904 Email: Record comments on Council’s Public Comment Line at 651-6021500 The Draft Proposal for Fare and Service Adjustments will be available no later than July 29, 2011. The draft proposal will be available online at www.metrocouncil. org or can be requested by calling 651- 602-1140. Should the hearing dates be postponed, the Draft Proposal for Fare and Service Adjustments will be available at least 10 days before the date of the first hearing and the public comment period will continue until 10 days after the final public hearing. Refer to www. for the most upto-date schedule. (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, July 2, 2011; No. 2835) METROPOLITAN COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY PLAN FOR THE SECTION 8 PROGRAM The Metropolitan Council’s Community Development Committee will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed 2012 Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan. The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to public housing agency policies, programs, operations and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals. It is submitted with specific attachments and within specific timeframes and according to the format required by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Section 8 Administrative plan is an attachment to the PHA Plan. The public hearing will be held: 4:30 p.m., Monday, August 15, 2011, CDC Meeting Metropolitan Council, Council Chambers 390 Robert St., St. Paul, MN 55101 The Housing Agency Plan is available for public review at the HRA administrative offices located at 390 Robert St., in St. Paul, and on the Metropolitan Council’s website at All interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearing and offer comments. People may register in advance to speak by calling Sue Putz at 651-602-1584 or TTY at 651-2910904. Upon request, the Council will provide a reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities. In addition to speaking at the hearing, comments may be made in the following ways: Send comments to: Sue Putz, Metro HRA, 390 Robert St., St. Paul, MN 55101 Fax comments to: Sue Putz at 651-602-1313 Send comments electronically to: Record comments on the Council’s Public Comment Line: 651602-1500 TTY: 651-291-0904 Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m., Monday, August 15, 2011. (Published in the Savage Pacer on Saturday, July 2, 2011; No. 2836)

The Public Notice deadline for the Savage Pacer is at noon Tuesday, for the following Saturday's issue. faxes not accepted

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 13


Discover Minnesota music, art, theater & family fun at


Local winners named in juried art show

PASTEL & DRAWING CATEGORY First, “Deep Friends” by Franklin Haws, Shakopee


he Savage Arts Council announces the winners of the fifth annual Savage Juried Art competition and

show, which runs through July 14. Eighty-two pieces of art from Minnesota artists are being showcased in this year’s show. Dale Redpath of Minneapolis was this year’s judge. Viewing locations for the show are the Savage Library, Associated Bank, Sterling State Bank, Savage City Hall and Savage Art Studios and Gallery. People’s choice award is given at the show’s close-ballot boxes will be at each location. Please visit the show and vote for your favorite work. Learn more at

Best In Show “Filled to Overflowing” by Rick Kochenash of Chaska.

Oil First, “Snow On Seagull River” by Neil Sherman of Grand Marais; Second, “The Color Of Money” by Richard Valentine of Prior Lake; Honorable Mention, “1” by Emma Kindall of Cottage Grove and “Native Memoirs” by Chichi Miller of Excelsior.

Pastel & Drawing First, “Deep Friends” by Franklin Haws of Shakopee; Second, “Breeze” by Alisa Sales of Savage; Honorable Mention, “A Peaceful Moment” by Patricia Duncan of Bloomington and “The Street” by Amanda Sales of Savage.






“Breeze” by Alisa Sales, Savage

“The Color Of Money” by Richard Valentine, Prior Lake

First, “Frosty Morning” by Mary Pearson of Prior Lake; Second, “Cana Island Lighthouse by Moonlight” by Darrell Tangen of Savage; Honorable Mention, “Evening Surfers” by Guntis Kupers of Prior Lake and “Anoka Farmers” by Guntis Kupers of Prior Lake.

3-Dimensional First, “The Tastiest Lutefisk” by Gale Mord of Savage; Second, “Cherish” by Kordula Coleman of Minneapolis; Honorable Mention, “Grenadine Delight Bowl,” by Rose-Marie James of New Prague and “Untitled 2” by Chris Sales of Savage.

Water Media First, “The Minnesota at The Mississippi River 1” (of 5) by Ronald Buelow of St. Paul; Second, “The Minnesota at The Mississippi River 3” (of 5) by Ronald Buelow of St. Paul: Honorable Mention “Fall Colors” by John Keely of Apple Valley and “Identity” by Natalie Smoliak of Savage.


“Filled to Overflowing” by Rick Kochenash, Chaska


“Grenadine Delight Bowl,” by Rose-Marie James, New Prague

Page 14 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

let'sGo!Calendar WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS! Listings are printed free but not guaranteed, although we do our best to include them. Submit your events through our website, where you can find many more local and regional fun things to do. You can also send an e-mail to editor@savagepacer. com. Deadline is one week prior to publication. For information call (952) 345-6376.


JULY 2 LIVING HISTORY SATURDAYS Experience the excitement and challenges of life along the Minnesota River in the 1800s. Enjoy “living history” and meet the residents of Eagle Creek and the frontier. Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturdays through Aug. 27 Cost: Cost is $5 for ages 18-64; $3 for ages 2-17 and seniors and children; and under 2 years old are admitted free Location: The Landing – Minnesota River Heritage Park, 2187 Highway 101, Shakopee Info: living-history-saturdays.aspx

RAPTORS IN THE YARD See live birds of prey, learn their survival strategies and find out why they live in captivity. Cameras welcome. Adults must accompany children. For all ages. Time: 10-11 a.m. Saturday, July 2 Cost: Free Location: Richardson Nature Center, 8737 E. Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington Info: (763) 559-9000 or


JULY 3 FARMERS’ MARKET More than 35 vendors sell their freshly-grown goods. Products being sold throughout the summer include fruits and vegetables, as well as flowers, cheeses, chocolates, jellies, honey and soaps. Time: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, July 3 Cost: Free; items for sale by vendors Location: Town Square parking lot, located north of 123rd Street (near the historic Savage Depot)

CELEBRATE FOURTH Celebrate America’s birthday with the settlers of Eagle Creek with two events. Time: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, July 3 or 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday, July 4 Location: The Landing – Minnesota River Heritage Park, 2187 E. Highway 101, Shakopee Cost: $5 for ages: 18-64 and $3 for ages: 2-17 and seniors. Children under 2 admitted free Info: (763) 694-7784

LIVING HISTORY SUNDAY Experience the excitement and challenges of life along the Minnesota River in the 1800s. Meet the residents of Eagle Creek and the frontier. Help them with their daily chores, attend school and participate in the 1800s era craft demonstrations. Play games and enjoy a ride on a trolley pulled by Percheron draft horses. Many buildings open for touring. Gift shop open. Food available for purchase most Saturdays. Time: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, July 3 Cost: Ages 18-64 $5; ages 2-17 and seniors $3; children younger than 2 free Location: The Landing - Minnesota River Heritage Park, 2187 E. Hwy. 101, Shakopee Info: (763) 559-9000 or


JULY 4 GREAT SCOTT BIKE RIDE The Frank Wicker Great Scott 50 Classic Bike Ride departs from Memorial Park in a mass start.

Riders will enjoy a morning of cycling through the county roads and rolling hills of Scott County as they pedal their way to Jordan, New Prague, and back to Memorial Park. There will be three rest stops along the route, and mechanical and “sag” support will be provided by Michael’s Cycles. Time: 8 a.m. Monday, July 4 Cost: $15 (registered by July 1); $20 (same-day registration) Location: Start and end at Memorial Park, Prior Lake Info: (952) 440-8104, or register online at


JULY 5 SAVAGE SOCIAL CLUB The Savage Social Club meets for coffee and conversation. Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Tuesday, July 5 Cost: Free Location: McColl Pond Environmental Learning Center, 13500 Dakota Ave., Savage Info: Savage Communications Manager Amy Barnett at (952) 8822655

CELEBRITY STORY TIME Celebrity Story Time features different members of the community reading sharing their favorite stories. Janet Williams, mayor of Savage, will be the featured reader. Time: 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 5 Cost: Free Location: Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave. Info: (953) 707-1770 FILE PHOTO


JULY 6 WEDNESDAY IN PARK The Teddy Bear Band and Panda will perform at Wednesday in the Park Civic Center Concerts. People who bring canned or nonperishable food items to donate to the Community Action Council’s food shelf program will receive a free can of Pepsi, Mountain Dew or bottled water. Time: 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 6 Location: Civic Center Park, 100 Civic Center Pkwy. (In the event of rain, concerts will be moved indoors to nearby Nicollet Junior High School, 400 E. 134th St., Burnsville. Cost: Free Info: (952) 707-4110


JULY 7 CREATIVE DAY Come to create, play and make something to take home with you. Time: 1:30 p.m., Thursday, July 7 Cost: Free Location: Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave. Info: (953) 707-1770

PRIOR LAKE ROLL-IN The Prior Lake Roll-In has switched to Thursday nights this year. The public is invited to bring collector vehicles that are 20 years old or older. Time: 6-9 p.m. Thursday, June 30 Cost: Free Location: South Lake Village, 16731 S. Hwy. 13, Prior Lake Info: Lee Woodruff, (952) 440-2088

‘39 CLUES’ PARTY Enjoy activities and challenges to celebrate the August publication of the second part of the popular “39 Clues” series for older elementary readers. Time: 4 p.m. Thursday, July 7 Cost: Free

There’s plenty to do for the Fourth of July in many south-of-the-river communities.



lenty of local events are on tap for the Fourth of July. Here’s a sampling:


The parade starts at 1 p.m. Monday, July 4 outside Captain Jack’s, 3950 Green Heights Trail, S.E., on upper Prior Lake. Judges on the Charles Prior II pontoon will make their picks for prizes. After judging, the Charles Prior II and the Scott County Sheriff’s Department will lead the boats on a parade past the Knotty Oar Marina and Watzl’s Beach at Lakefront Park. Prizes must be picked up after the parade at the marina. The grand prize is a cruise on the Charles Prior II, donated by the marina. Boaters can download registration forms at Forms also are available at the marina, 15862 Eagle Creek Ave., S.E., Prior Lake. All registrants must bring the forms to the marina to receive a parade number.

FIREWORKS Fourth of July sky watchers have several options for fi reworks. They include: I Canterbury Park in Shakopee will host a fi reworks spectacular and championship wiener dog race on Sunday, July 3. The event includes an evening of horse racing and music by Mick Sterling and the Irresistibles. The fi reworks, choreo-

Location: Prior Lake Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake Info: (952) 447-3375 or www.scott.



Cost: Free Info: No registration is required. No lifeguards will be on duty. For more information, visit priorlakerecreation. com or call (952) 447-9820




The city of Prior Lake will have free family beach days this summer for all ages. Activities include face painting, crazy hair coloring, DJ with live music, games and crafts. There will be a hot dog lunch and concessions available for purchase at great prices and parking is free. Time: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, July 8 at Sandpoint Beach

For 10 years, Dr. Jan Adams of Shakopee was married to one of the state’s best known football stars, Karl Kassulke. She shares stories of her turbulent marriage with Kassulke, who was paralyzed after a motorcycle accident in 1973, in her new book, “Football Wife: Coming of Age with the NFL as Mrs. Karl Kassulke.”




graphed to music, will start at 10 p.m. I The Prior Lake Association’s annual fi reworks show at 10 p.m. Monday, July 4 at Lakefront Park. The fireworks will be launched from Watzl’s Beach. The beach area will be closed starting at noon that day for setup. The Prior Lake Association, a nonprofit organization, relies on donations for the annual fi reworks show. Donate at I The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community’s annual fi reworks display also will begin at 10 p.m. Monday, July 4 at the pow wow grounds, 3212 Dakotah Parkway, Prior Lake. The fi reworks will go on rain or shine, unless there is severe weather. Before the fi reworks, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel will sponsor a free, public outdoor concert from 8 to 10 p.m. featuring Grammy Award-winning country music band Diamond Rio. The concert is at the new amphitheater next to The Meadows at Mystic Lake driving range.

Time: 10:30 a.m. - noon, Saturday, July 9 Cost: Free Location: Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave. Info: (953) 707-1770

Upcoming LAKEFRONT JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL The Prior Lake Rotary Club hosts the Lakefront Jazz and Blues Festival presented by Mystic Lake Casino at Lakefront Park. This second annual event will feature legendary Chicago blues guitarist Buddy Guy. Time: 1-10:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16 Cost: $5 (plus 50-cent booking fee) in advance; $10 day of (free for

kids under 18) Location: Lakefront Park, 5000 Kop Parkway, Prior Lake Info:

MUSIC CHARITY FUNDRAISER “High & Mighty/School of Rock – Free Dose of Music Charity.” This is a fund raiser that involves great music and foods. There will be games and fun to raise money for the Dose of Music Charity. Time: 7 p.m. Friday, July 22 Location: Neisen’s Sports Bar 7 Grill, 4851 W. 123rd St., in downtown Savage. Cost: Fundraiser. There is no cover charge to attend a donations are being taken. Info: Read Movie Reviews

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 15


and third Wednesdays of the month. For more information, contact Janet (952) 890-1669.

Savage Library closed July 3, 4 The Savage Library, 13093 Alabama Ave., will be closed Sunday, July 3 and Monday, July 4 to observe Independence Day. All other Scott County libraries will be closed those days, too, so use the book drop (always open) to return materials. The library will be open regular hours on Tuesday, July 5.

Youths have choice at library’s book clubs The Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave., has a wide variety of book clubs for young readers that are meeting during the summer months. I Third- through Fifth-Grade Guys Book Club: Mondays, July 11 and July 25 at 3 p.m. I Pie Club Teen (sixth grade and up) Book Club: Wednesdays, July 13 and July 27 at 2 p.m. I First- and Second-Grade Boys and Girls Book Club: Thursdays, July 14 at 11 a.m. I Third- through Fifth-Grade Girls Book Club: Tuesdays, July 12 and July 26 at 2 p.m. For more information, contact the library at (952) 7071770.

Beyond Yellow Ribbon meets July 5 Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River will meet from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, July 5 in the lower level of the Prior Lake VFW Club, 16306 Main Ave., in downtown Prior Lake. Members of the public are welcome. For more information call (952) 440-5011 or go to the website:

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) support group meets at 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, July 6 at the Valley Green Workforce Center, 752 Canterbury Road, in Shakopee. NAMI in Scott County is a support and outreach group for those affected directly or indirectly by mental illness (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, etc.) The group meets on the fi rst


Join Savage Network Plus Savage Network Plus, a business referral group, meets every Thursday from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Davanni’s Restaurant (County Road 42 and Highway 13). For more information, call Gayle (612) 839-1496.

Winners Circle Chapter meets

Grief Support Group offered A Grief Support Group meets from 7-8 p.m. the fi rst Wednesday of every month at St. Francis Regional Medical Center, 1455 St. Francis Ave., Shakopee. For more information about this free group, call (952) 4032002.

FoCHE meets monthly The Fellowship of Christian Home Educators (FoCHE) co-op meets from 1-3 p.m. each Friday at Friendship Church, 12800 Marystown Road, Shakopee. Classrooms, gymnasium, nursery and auditorium space have been reserved. For more information, contact Ann Boyd at (952) 226-5050.

Emotions Anonymous meets A 12-step program called Emotions Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Thursdays at St. Anne’s parish center, 411 N. Forth St., Le Sueur in the south end of St. Anne’s parking lot. For more information, call Kathleen at (507) 665-2644.

Networking meetings of the Winners Circle Chapter of Business Network International are Thursdays from 7:30-9 a.m. at the Shakopee Community Center, 1255 Fuller St., Shakopee. Call Chuck Berg at (952) 403-0880 for more information.

The South of the River Community Band (SRCB) is looking for members. The band is a multi-generational group of musicians who play big band, classical, ragtime, marches and many more types of music. The group plays at nursing homes, in the parks and at area shopping centers. SRCB practices each Sunday from 4:30-6 p.m. at Black

ONLINE There’s a new two-for-one feature at www.savagepacer. com. When events are submitted to be published online, an e-mail with all the information is automatically sent directly to the editor’s e-mail inbox. Sign up as a registered user today to find out how to submit your event for both the online and print edition calendars.

Excellence in Dentistry


Kemnitz Orthodontics


There will be a free Mobile Health Clinic from 2-5 p.m., Friday, July 8 at the Russian Evangelical Baptist Church, 1205 Tenth Ave., Shakopee. The clinic offers a variety of services to Scott County residents who are underinsured or uninsured; looking for health information and information on community resources; and who are on medical assistance, a prepaid Medical Assistance Plan (PMAP) or Minnesota Care and do not have a regular medical clinic. For more information on the mobile health clinics, contact Scott County Public Health at (952) 496-8555 or on the Scott County website:

SRCB seeks new members

NAMI support group to meet

Depression? Addictions? Compulsive Disorders?

Come to Mobile Health Clinic July 8

Hawk Middle School, 1540 Deerwood Drive, Eagan. If you have at least two years of past playing experience, get that instrument out of the closet and call Cathy Augustin at (651) 686-8630 or Gary or Mary Jo Kneissel at (952) 894-7774.

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Page 16 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer


continued from page 1

Pond Environmental Learning Center (ELC) as the biggest recent impact on the fund. As well, annual transfers of $200,000 to pay off the library bonds and another $175,000 to the general fund were starting to have a negative impact on the fund balance.

Mdewakanton Wozupi, the SMSCs organic garden, will hold a Farmer’s Market every Thursday at Mazopiya from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mazopiya, a natural food market, is located at 2571 Credit Union Drive, Prior Lake. Public Welcome

More information at


continued from page 1

schools at a ratio of 90-10. But for the 2010-11 school year, District 719 received 70 percent of its state aid, with the remaining 30 percent promised to be returned the following year. The state is currently facing a $5 billion budget shortfall, and continuing to shift education aid payments to 70-30 would lower that shortfall to $3.6 billon for the 2012-13 fiscal year, which is the second year of the current two-year budget cycle. So Cink built the district’s 2011-12 budget on the assumption that state legislators will continue singing the same song, in spite of the fact that the 70-30 education funding ratio has been present in each budget bill Dayton has vetoed.



One change present in District 719’s preliminary 2011-12 budget falls under the heading “total debt service.” In the past, the district has retained medical coverage as part of the South Central Service Cooperative (SCSC), a North Mankatobased branch of the Minnesota Service Cooperatives. However, the 2011-12 fi scal year will be the fi rst in which District 719 self-insures, breaking away from SCSC, a move the School Board approved in time for the program to be set up for the 2011-12 fiscal year. An estimated $7.9 million in premiums will go into a district account set up specifically for

put on hold again. Stock said during the next few months as the city undertakes its 2012 budget planning, staff will look at the liquor fund to see if it can continue to support the transfer to pay for the library bonds in the future, which will not be paid off until February 2018. The bottom line in regard to the liquor fund is the city “needs to have a plan to see

if we can increase revenues or decrease our operating expenses,” Stock said. To that end, the city is undertaking an in-house study of its liquor operations. “Economic conditions have changed, there’s not as much growth and we’ve lost some of our market share,” Stock pointed out. “So we need to do an overall operational analysis looking at everything.”

sel f-insurance, and claims will be paid out of that same account. Cink began searching for an alternative to the co-op earlier this fiscal year, when she was told the district would receive a 2 percent increase in premiums despite its own stable claims. Because the district was part of SCSC, all other member districts’ claims are taken into account when premiums are adjusted. The co-op offered a compromise of stable premiums for the 2011-12 year and a 5 percent increase, valued at about $350,000, in 2012-13. Cink wasn’t satisfied. “I was trying to look for ways to avoid additional costs,” she said. Self-insurance means that District 719 is no longer beholden to factors out of its control, such as the performance of other districts. PreferredOne will be the district’s administrator, and there will be no immediate difference in coverage or cost for people insured through the district. Cink called the move “cost avoidance,” because if district health insurance claims are steady this year, premiums will not rise and the district will be able to retain the $350,000 it would’ve had to spend had it stayed in SCSC.

Administrators do not yet know which schools or grades will see additional instructors because the specific needs have not yet been determined. Superintendent Sue Ann Gruver noted that elementary schools in particular are not staffed until August. “We’re waiting for all the butts in the seats,” she said. Overall district enrollment is projected to decrease by about 46 students from 2010-11, which Cink called slight. “I am happy to say that we are doing very well for our enrollment this year,” she said. “Our kindergarten classes are declining but not as much as we thought they would be. That’s good news for the district.” The district currently has a “bubble” of large secondary classes, which is contrasted with significant decreases in kindergarten and elementary students. Those declines are expected to continue and reach sixth, seventh and eighth grade as early as the 2012-13 fiscal year. “With the economy stalled, that had a big impact on our declining enrollment,” Cink said. The district received $1.08 million from the Education Jobs Fund in October 2010. The funds must be allocated by September 2012 and are mandated to be used to fund salaries, benefits and services in early childhood, elementary and secondary education. The dollars must be used at the school level and cannot go toward supplies or training.

History is repeating itself with District 719’s decision for how to allocate the remaining Federal Jobs Bill dollars. The district used the same amount, $ 350,0 0 0, from the same fund to keep class sizes low for 2010-11. The district then used $475,000 from the fund to provide early-retirement incentives, valued at $25,000 individually, to 19 instructors. That payout, offered to all teachers 55 years of age or older who have at least 10 years of service to District 719, is projected to reap at least $202,578 in savings for 2011-12, because the retiring teachers allow room for the district to employ younger and typically lower-paid teachers. A $300,000 increase in severance payments is reflected in the 2010-11 final budget as a result of the early retirement incentives. Some instructors chose to take leaves of absence prior to retirement, and their severance payments will be reflected in a later budget.

FEDERAL JOBS BILL The 2 011-12 preliminary budget allocates the remaining $350,000 of District 719’s Federal Jobs Bill dollars. The money will be used to lower class sizes for the upcoming school year.

FINAL BUDGET The preliminary 2 011-12 budget is exactly that – preliminary, said Board Chairman Eric Pratt. “We still have to get our books audited,” said Pratt. “It is subject to change.” Final district budget approval is a long way off – Dec. 12 – so the hope is the governor and the Legislature will have long since approved a budget. “Any adjustments as a result of the education bill would be brought back to the board,” Cink said.

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Farmer’s Market

So while the $ 200,000 for library bonds was transferred out of the liquor fund in 2010, the $175,000 to the general fund was not. The liquor fund has also been taken out of consideration to help fund other capital projects, such as a proposed sports dome. This year, the $200,000 transfer toward the library bonds is still planned and the $175,000 into the general fund has been

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 17

scoreboard Breaking news at Contribute sports news to or call (952) 345-6379


Trails going north

Wittchow rises fast Florida drafts Burnsville defenseman in 6th round

Blaze’s Ahmed will ski up at St. Scholastica


Eddie Wittchow went from relative obscurity to being selected in the NHL draft. In about six months time. The Burnsville defenseman was picked in the sixth round (154th selection overall) by the Florida Panthers June 25 at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul. Some mock drafts had Wittchow going as a high as the third round. But just getting drafted was an honor for Wittchow. Even he admits he was not a household name in NHL circles when his senior year with the Blaze began last November. “It’s crazy. Looking back at the start of the season I didn’t think it would come to this, just not being a well known name especially in the NHL world,” said Wittchow. “Things picked up towards Christmas and I started to play a lot more physical and had a consistent season. “Things just picked up and I became one of the luckiest Minnesotans to be even thought about for the draft and got lucky enough to be drafted.” Listed at 6-foot-3 and 189-pounds, Wittchow started capturing NHL scout’s attention, as well as Division I college programs, for his ability to score like a forward as well as “displaying a shot, speed, smarts and snarl.” In his senior year with Burnsville, Wittchow helped the Blaze win the fi rst-ever South Suburban Conference championship. The team came up a goal short of winning the Section 2AAA crown, losing 3-2 to Edina in the title game. Wittchow had 11 goals and 15 assists his fi nal year. As a junior, he had two goals and six assists. Wittchow hasn’t selected a Division I college yet. Media reports have Wisconsin (his parents’ alma matter), Ohio State, North Dakota, Colorado College, Bemidji State and Minnesota vying for his services. However, Wittchow said he will play next winter in the United States Hockey League (USHL). He was the fourth overall pick in the USHL Draft by the Waterloo Black Hawks May 16. The USHL is often the route for many players coming out of high school because it gives them a chance to play a lot of games – 60-plus usually – as well as mature a little more before heading off to college. Last fall, Wittchow didn’t make the cut for The Upper Midwest High School Elite Hockey League. The league attracts many of the top seniors in the state, as well as a lot of college and pro scouts. It can be the fi rst start in a players’ journey to the next level. So Wittchow had to garner attention more the old fashioned way – with his play on the ice during his fi nal Blaze season. The last Burnsville High School player to get drafted in the NHL was Nick Oslund (a 2006 graduate). He was a seventh-round pick of the Detroit Red Wings in 2006. This fall, Oslund will be in his senior year of Division I hockey at St. Cloud State University.



Burnsville defenseman Eddie Wittchow was selected in the sixth round (154th selection overall) by the Florida Panthers in the NHL Draft June 25 at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul.

“It’s crazy. Looking back at the start of the season I didn’t think it would come to this, just not being a well known name especially in the NHL world. Things just picked up and I became one of the luckiest Minnesotans to be even thought about for the draft and got lucky enough to be drafted.” Eddie Wittchow Burnsville Blaze

Sharmila Ahmed had a banner senior season for the Burnsville Nordic ski team. And next year she’ll take her talents up Sharmila t o nor t h e r n Ahmed Minnesota to ski for the College of St. Scholastica. The Saints’ ski program has been around five seasons and has never had an individual NCAA qualifier. But wit h A h med, fel low incoming freshman Elizabeth Peterson of Forest Lake and three returning skiers from last year’s team, Saints coach Chad Salmela feels his program is on the rise. “With this recruiting class, the women’s ski team is looking about how I envisioned it someday when I took the job five years ago,” said Salmela. Ahmed won the Nordic state pursuit title last February at Giants Ridge in Biwabik, while Peterson was fourth. A hmed became only the third Burnsville Nordic skier to ever win a state individual title. Kathy Klugness won the girls crown in 1980, while Todd Boonstra won the boys race for Burnsville that same year. Ahmed skied in four state meets in her career, missing her junior season due to a knee injury. She finished third at state as a sophomore, helping the Blaze win the team title. She was eighth as a ninth-grader, helping her team take second. Her fi rst state meet was as an eighth-grader when she fi nished 87th, while the Blaze ended up seventh in the team standings. Ahmed has also skied internationally. This past winter she was selected for Team USA to ski in Sweden in the J1 Scandinavian Cup Competition.



Final lap thrill

Rewarding first victory

Holding off some late race charges

They say the fi rst one is the hardest to get and when you do it’s the most exhilarating. For Figure 8s driver Steve Cheever his f i rst featu re win of the season June 26 at Raceway Park in Shakopee was especially gratifying for another reason. He and his family are very close to the Mohlin family who had just suffered the loss of local racing legend Dick Mohlin. After both families and many others participated in Mohlin’s Celebration of Life service the day before, most made it to the race track for another special recognition event put on by the track and drivers. Then, Cheever topped everything off by winning the second Figure 8 race of the night. Mark Bronstad won the first Figure 8 feature, his third win of the year, which ties him with Ricky Martin for season wins. Other feature winners June 26 included: John Zumberge in

Driver claims Figure 8s feature BY MICK ANDERSON Correspondent

BY JIM BURNS Correspondent

New Germany’s Matt Goede overtook New Market’s Jason Schneider following a seventhlap restart and then withstood a late charge from Lonsdale’s Adam Royle to win the Super Late Model feature June 25 at Elko Speedway. The Super Late Models saw Dundas’ Donny Reuvers and Lakeville’s Billy Mohn split two action-packed semi features to set the 20-car starting grid for the 40-lap headliner. Other feature winners included: Doug Brown of Prior Lake in Big 8s, Brent Kane of Lonsdale in Thunder Cars, Shon Jacobsen of East Bethel in Legends, Darren Walterman of Webster in Power Stocks and Aaron Hopkins of Burnsville in Mini Stocks.


Travis Stanley of Prior Lake finished second in the Big 8s feature June 25 at Elko Speedway after winning the feature the week before. The action at Elko Speedway is continuing today (Saturday July 2). For more information, call (952) 461-7223 or visit www. Meanwhile, with the green flag flew in Super Late Models, the front-row tandem of Mohn and Schneider battled for the point with Schneider grabbing the lead on lap two before the caution flew on lap four. On the restart, Schneider again grabbed control of the lead as Goede and Royle dropped

Mohn to fourth before the caution flew again on lap six. On the second restart, Goede made a bold run under Schneider to take the lead with Reuvers sliding under Royle and Schneider to grab second with Royle jumping back into the top three on lap 11 bypassing Schneider. As Goede used some lapped traffic to extend his advantage, Royle tracked down Reuvers for second on lap 23 and began pursuing the leader.

Over the final 17 markers Royle made a diligent effort, but came up a car length short as Goede powered to the win with Royle, Reuvers, Schneider and Bryan Roach earning top fives. In the Big 8’s, Brown and Belle Plaine’s Darren Wolke battled for early command of the 25-lap main with Brown clearing Wolke on lap three to take the point.

Elko to page 19 ®

Bombers, Brent Kane in Hobby Stocks, Jason Heitz in Mini Stocks, Andrew Benhardus in Short Trackers and Adam Royle in Super Late Models. Racing resumes Sunday Night, July 4 with the Thunder V-8s in action, along with a Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest. Hobby Stocks have the night off. Racing starts at 6 p.m. For more information, go to or call (952) 445-2257. Meanwhile, Zumberge has had a close-but-no-cigar kind of year in Bombers. But his refreshing, no-big-deal-we-arehere-to-have-fun attitude has served him well. His patience, persistence and pluck paid off when he bested a 14-car field and four-time feature winner Justin Kotchevar in the 20-lap main. In Mini Stocks, when the green flag waved to start the 20-lap feature, pole-sitter Kyle Larkin did what he did the previous week.

Raceway to page 19 ®

Page 18 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

scoreboard YOUTH PHOTOS


Second place

Soccer champs

The Prior Lake 11AA Gold baseball team recently took first place in the Apple Valley Tournament and second place in the Elk River Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Evan Laleman and Cameron Bunkers. Second row: Kevin Hafermann, Grant Goeschel, Ryan Schipper, Parker Hafermann and Zach Johnson. Third row: Mike Bunkers, Matthew Schmidt, Zach Wick, Jacob Schiffner, Tyler Rodewald, Ben Anderson, Sam Bangasser, Paul O’Connor and Steve Schmidt.

The Prior Lake U11 C3 boys soccer team recently took first place in the Eagan Wave tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Lukas Metcalfe, Nathan Green, Matthew Bruton, Matt Towey, Brody Emerson and Luke Beaty. Second row: Coach Rick Brannen, Dalton Brannen, Nick Weatherford, Taylor Galloway, Alberto Hernandez, Ryan Bruton, Brandon Grund and assistant coach Wayne Metcalfe. Not pictured are Derek Riley, Parker Jorenby and assistant coach Pat Beaty.

Cheetahs in action

The Prior Lake Cheetahs U9 Maroon girls soccer team recently competed in the St. Croix Cup. The team members are, front row, from left: Josie Machalak, Abby Williams, Ainsley Barker, Sophie Edwards and Cayln Schanzenbach. Second row: Coach Jim Barker, Mary Nelson, Sydney Wocelka, Bella Tighe, Ella Schnackenberg, Sarah Kurtenbach, Sydney Kuhl and cooach Ryan Williams. Not pictured is Elizabeth Schmidt.

Tourney winners State qualiďŹ ers The Prior Lake 11AAA baseball team recently took second place at the Elk River Tournament, earning an invitation to two state tournaments, Gopher State and MYAS. The team members are, front row, from left: Patrick Bernick, Ryan McDonald, Matthew McKiernan and Morgan Blade. Second row: Jack Kuckhahn, Jake Beer, Derek Kay, Ryan Miller, Mitchell Goodwin, Jack Kennedy, Jack Olson and Jared Tucker. Third row:Coaches Bruce Goodwin, Mike McKiernan, Dave Beer and Greg Kay.

Baseball champs The Burnsville Black 12AAA baseball team recently took first place in the Apple Valley and Eagan tournaments and was second in the Rochester Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Andrew Hanson, Tyler Smith, Jackson Martens, Roman Ahcan, Matt Baisch and Max Hanson. Second row: Henry Ristvedt, Ryan Brunner, William Bean, Josh Kenney, Sam Carlson and Jake Shepley. Third row: Coaches Corey Baisch, Scott Brunner and Keith Hanson.

The Prior Lake Gold 13AA baseball team recently won the Mankato Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Ben Gabbard, Matt Cady, Josh Schrope, Jack Bernick, Scott Friedrich and Conner Spang. Second row: Dawson Rademacher, coach Kevin Krueger, William Williams, Devin Mays, coach Lee Bernick, Joe Peller, Brady Sloan, coach Scott Gabbard and Andy Krueger.

First place

Soccer winners The Prior Lake 13/14U boys soccer team recently won the in-door title for the third session at Soccer Blast. The team members are, front row, from left: Tyler Hanson, Jimmy Zimmer, Austin Gaffney and Austin Clifford. Second row: Thomas Murr, Satia Prak, Matt Batemen, Matt Bemis, Nick Mckague, Michael Gustin and coach Matt Wagner.

Third place The Prior Lake Athletics for Youth 12U girls softball team recently took third in the Lakeville Classic, which qualified the team for the North American Fastpitch Association Tournament in July. The team members are, front, from left: Madyson DeJoy and Kelly Shorba. Second row: Abby Haust, Danielle Martins, Reilly Potter, Alexandra Pinkowski, Amanda Strodtman and Kayla Strodtman. Third row: Torrey Schaff, Katie Stewart, Laura Anderson, Madalyn Bonner and Morgan Pogalz. Coaches are: Tim Pinkowski, Jason Shorba and Tony Martins.

The Prior Lake Athletics for Youth (P.L.A.Y.) 13A traveling baseball team recently took first place in the Inver Grove Heights Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Ricky Schmitz, Jake Marlier, Mitch McDonald, Jake Binkowski, Trevor Carter and Isaiah Morrell. Second row: Coach Jeff Keller, Jason Wright, Max Emmerich, Ryan Wetherell, Josh Rodriguez, Noah Schlottman and Zach Keller. Third row: Coaches Rob Schlottman, Dick Emmerich and Rick Schmitz.

Soccer winners Second place

Tourney winners

The Prior Lake 10U AAA baseball team recently took second place in the Hardees Classic Tournament in Mason City, Iowa. The team members are, front row, from left: Cole Buelow, Jackson Larscheid, Carter Taney, Mason Wolf and Cole Greene. Second row: Mason Morrow, Tyler Kelley, Jalen Wight, AJ Lattery and Jaydon Olson.

The Burnsville 12AAA traveling baseball team recently won the Eagan Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Andrew Hanson, Henry Ristvedt, Tyler Smith, Matt Baisch and Max Hanson. Second row: Jake Shepley, Ryan Brunner, William Bean, Sam Carlson, Jackson Martens and Josh Kenney. Third row: Coaches: Corey Baisch, Scott Brunner and Keith Hanson. Not pictured is Roman Ahcan.

First and second

Basketball winners

The Prior Lake 12A baseball team recently took second place in the Cottage Grove tournament and was first in the New Ulm Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Cooper Youngs, Jordon Goode, Jack Sams, Sam Skare, Derrick Dolan and Max Vathing. Second Row: Richie Lambright, Seth Nelson, Carter Niklason, Jake Hadley, Griffin Luick and Jack Schoeller. Third row: Coaches Rich Lambright, Brad Nelson, Randy Skare and Rob Dolan.

The Prior Lake sixth-grade spring boys basketball team recently took first place in the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services Lakeville North Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Blake Menden, Michael Feragotti, Ben Teilborg and Jacob Tschida. Second row: Assistant coach Mike Feragotti, Noah Torvik, Zach Kulstad, Jacob Fredrickson, Jack Colvin, Brian Sitzmann and Michael Pieper. Third row: Assistant coach Scott Tschida and coach Scott Kulstad.

The Prior Lake Maroon U10 girls soccer team recently won the Shakopee Tournament and Bloomington United Mega Cup. The team members are, front row, from left: Ellie Schumacher, McKenna Hofschild, Grace Birdsley and Megan Munger. Second row: Megan King, Maddy Fennessy, Elli Peller, Reagan Dahl and Alexis Jacobson. Coaches are: Greg Dahl and Michelle King. Not pictured is Isabella Bates.

Softball winners

The Prior Lake 10U Gold softball team recently took first place in its bracket at the Prior Lake Spring Splash Tournament and second at the Lady Bash Tournament. The team members are, front row, from left: Grace Kashmark, and Peyton Johnson. Second row: Kate Broderick, Taylor Kohlbeck, Emily Haefner, Lauryn Rogers and Erin Schneewind. Third row: Jordan Zupan, Martha Schmitz, Ali Peot, Hailey Morton and Melissa McWilliams. Fourth row: Coaches Tim McWilliams, Bruce Zupan and Ryan Peot.

Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 19

scoreboard SPORTS BRIEFS

Laker, Blaze skaters part of Junior Festival


Minnesota’s ruffed grouse spring drumming counts were higher than last year across most of the bird’s range.

More game bird Grouse count near high of 10-year cycle Minnesota’s ruffed grouse spring drumming counts were higher than last year across most of the bird’s range, according to a report released by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). “The grouse population is probably still near the high end of the 10 -year cycle because drumming counts this spring were between the values observed during 2009 and 2010,� said Mike Larson, DNR research scientist and grouse biologist. “Drum counts from the last three years haven’t followed the same smooth pattern as during the previous two peaks in the cycle, but relatively small changes in the index may be due to factors other than the density of grouse.� Those factors could include weather, habitat conditions, observer ability and grouse behavior. Ruffed grouse populations, which tend to rise and fall on a 10-year cycle, are surveyed by counting the number of male ruffed grouse heard drumming on established routes throughout the state’s forested regions. This year observers recorded 1.7 drums per stop statewide. The averages during 2009 and 2010 were 2.0 and 1.5 drums per stop, respectively. Counts vary from about 0.8 drums per stop during years of low grouse abundance to about 1.9 during years of high abundance. Changes in drumming counts compared to those during 2010 were not statistically significant. The averages, however, increased 18 percent in the northeast survey region, the core and bulk of grouse range in Minnesota, to 1.9 drums per stop. They also increased 16 percent to 2.1 drums per stop in the northwest and 32 percent to 0.4 drums per stop in the southeast. Grouse counts decreased 17 percent to 0.8 drums per stop in the central hardwoods region. Minnesota frequent ly is the nation’s top ruffed grouse producer. On average, 115,000 hunters harvest 545,000 ruffed grouse in Minnesota each year, making it the state’s most popular game bird. During the peak years of 1971 and 1989, hunters harvested more than 1 million ruffed grouse. Michigan and Wisconsin, which frequently field more hunters than Minnesota, round out the top three states in ruffed grouse harvest. One reason for the Minnesota’s status as a top grouse producer is an abundance of aspen and other ruffed grouse habitat, much of it located on county, state and national forests, where public hunting is allowed. An estimated 11.5 million of the state’s 16.3 million acres of forest are grouse habitat.

Jennifer Maloney and Allison Waters of Burnsville and Paige Walstad, Claire Clark and Michelle Jeurissen of Prior Lake donned skates in the spring in the Minnesota Girls Hockey Coaches Association Junior Festival. All five skaters, who will be seniors this fall at their respective high schools, were part of the eight teams in the festival held June 14-17 at Dakota Ice Arena. Overall, there were 14 players from the South Suburban Conference (SSC). Others included: Dani Buehrer, Tori Bailey and Taylor Gustafson from Lakeville South, Courtney Kukowski, Delaney McKay and Taylor Feinhage of Eastview, Lauren Riley and Taylor Sampson of Rosemount and Dani Dexter of Lakeville North. Players who will be seniors in the fall were eligible to try for one of 128 spots available. Last winter, the Blaze endured its fi rst-ever losing season in the program’s history with a 12-14 mark. Maloney was second on the team in points with 34 (16 goals, 18 assists). Waters fi nished with four goals and four assists. Meanwhile, the three Prior Lake players will have bigger roles next winter for the Lakers as the team will try to improve on its 9-18 overall mark last year (6-12 in the SSC). Prior Lake won its second playoff game since becoming a Class AA school eight years ago, beating rival Shakopee 6-0 in the Section 2AAA quarterfi nals. Jeurissen was second on the Lakers in points last season with 22 (10 goals and 12 assists). Walstad had two goals, while Clark was one of the Lakers’ top defensemen, fi nishing with one goal and four assists.

Outlaws still unbeaten in Section 4B The Savage Outlaws improved to 3-0 in Section 4B standings games with an 8-4 win at Inver Grove Heights June 25. The team improved to 14-2 overall. Savage had a Section 4B standings game against the Prior Lake Jays June 23 postponed. The Outlaws played host to Rosemount in a Section 4B standings game Thursday (results not available at press time). Savage is non-league action Tuesday, July 5 at the Prior Lake Mudcats at 7:30 p.m. The Outlaws return home the following day to take on Eagan in a Cannon Valley League game at Alimagnet Fields at 7:30 p.m. Savage’s makeup game with the Jays is set for July 13 at home at 7:30 p.m.

PL Trap Shooting Club earns two thirds The Minnesota State High School Clay Target League recently awarded third-place medals to both the Prior Lake 1 and 2 junior varsity teams for their performance in the state championships June 11. The teams held a shoot-off at their end of the season party at the Post 435 Gun Club in Webster June 20 and the No. 2 team was the winner. Members of the teams are: Nick Conrad, Hayden Miland, Alex Staloch, Justin Steir, Jon Aura, Ricky Ancel, Garret Michael and David Parks.

Take your car search for a spin.

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Registration set for BAC ag football The Burnsville Athletic Club has online registration available for its flag football season for students entering grades one through four this fall. The season begins in September and ends in October. The cost is $75. Go to to register.

Prior Lake Soccer Camps are scheduled The Prior Lake High School boys and girls soccer programs will conduct Laker Soccer Camp July 26-28. Camp information and cost, along with registration forms, are available online at Register before July 1 for a discounted price.


continued from page 17

As Brown began to stretch his advantage, Travis Stanley of Prior Lake, still riding high over his victory one week earlier ducked under Wolke for third on lap 12. With no cautions to slow the action, Brown motored to the convincing win, with Stanley taking second. In Thunder cars, Farmington’s Dillon Sellner charged to the early lead. As Sellner continued to set the pace, Reuvers and Kane crept up to third and fourth, respectively, on lap seven. The battles for position would continue to delight the vocal crowd as Kane motored up to second to begin his pursuit of the leader. Once in second, Kane only needed two laps to take the point from Sellner with Reuvers following suit on lap 20. But in the end, Kane earned the win. In Legends, Webster’s Tim


continued from page 17

He jumped to an early lead only to have a caution come out which closed the gap between him and his pursuers. On the double-fi le re-start, Heitz, the 13th-place starter, and ninth-place starter Jack Purcell blasted by Larkin and into the lead with 2010 track champ Doug Schmitz not far behind. For a while it looked like Purcell was on his way to a feature win, but Heitz caught and passed him on the white flag lap for his fourth win of the year. In Hobby Stocks, Kane had to get around pole-sitter and 2008 champ Jeremy Wolff, who had won the previous week’s feature.

Brockhouse and Lakeville’s Matt Ostdiek battle high and low for the early advantage. Jacobsen eventually caught Brockhouse and the tandem ran side-by-side for four laps as Kyle Hansen slid under Bryan Syer-Keske to join in the battle. The tide began to turn just past the midpoint of the 20lapper as Jacobsen and Hansen moved by Brockhouse for second and third before Hansen powered under Jacobsen for second on lap 17. But the caution flag came out after turn three. On the restart, Brockhouse jumped to the point, but Jacobsen returned the favor to get the win. In Power Stocks, Walterman followed up a dominant performance in the heat race with an encore in the 20-lap feature as he rolled to the early lead for a wire-to-wire win. In Mini Stocks, Hopkins charged to the lead, taking advantage of the caution-free action to earn the victory.

Kane once again demonstrating his mastery of both grooves, turned the tables by steadily pulling away from the field until a caution flag waved on lap 21. That put Wolff once again alongside for the double fi le re-start. Kane got a great start edging out Wol f f for the lead and stayed there for the win, which was his second of the year. Wolff fi nished second. In Super Late Models, Royle had another good night winning his heat race and his third, 30-lap feature of the season. Mark Lamoreaux was strong, taking second place and holding off Chad Walen, Donny Reuvers and Iowa’s Thor Anderson. In Short Trackers, Benhardus won 15 -lapper just ahead of crowd favorite Erica Waibel.







Page 20 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

EAGLE RIDGE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS Principal Don Leake announces that the following Eagle Ridge Junior High School students were named to the “A” honor roll for earning a grade point average of 3.6 to 4.0, or “B” honor roll earning a grade point average of 2.6 to 3.3 for the fourth quarter of the 2010-11 school year:

A HONOR ROLL Seventh grade Maedin Abegaz, Laura Adamson, Ryan Alexander, Courtney Anderson, Jordan Anderson, John Baradaran, Gretchen Bellefeuille, Emily Berg, Kyle Berndt, Jackson Bevolo, Brody Bien, Tyler Birkholz, Madyson Bodick, Courtney Borgman, Erik Bringgold, William Brolin, Alyssa Burkard, Lauren Campbell, Erika Cao, Ella Cavanor, Jasmin Chou, Sidney Christopherson, Charli Donchetz, Jakob Eitreim, Bryce Evans, Kyle Ferderer, Gabriel Fink, Melanie Fox, Neeraja Gollamudi, Isaiah Gray, Ian Harris, Katie Hartmann, Adam Hensley, Lucas Heyne, Paul Hoanglong, Wesley Hortenbach, Benjamin Hubbard, Kayla Johnson, Cory Kallstrom, John Katzmarek, Adam King, Colton Kirschbaum, Jonna Kolmer, Kallie Lyon, Emma Marko, Julia Maxwell, Keeley Meier, Anna Michaels, Reed Muiller, Michael Mosser, Madeline Mulcahy, Olivia Nelson, Andrew Niederluecke, Jake Niederluecke, Carly Olson, Damon Olson,

Brooke Pfiffner, Amy Prairie, Kristin Robinson, Zoe Robinson, Jessica Robles, Ellie Rother, Matthew Sash, Samuel Schneider, Sydney Schulberg, Megan Solberg, Lindsey Stagg, Rachel Swanson, Cole Utter, Caitessa Venables, Cody Vongkham, Gavin Wagner, Johanna Weber and Ralston Yiu. Eighth grade Claire Boatman, Selvi Bunce, Samantha Corcoran, Adam Decurtins, Caleb Erickson, Isabel Fox, Jon Garbe, Sara Gutierrez, Nicholas Hall, Marissa Harrison, Linda Lien, Leonel Loza, Nicole Lynch, Alyssa Meilahn, Courtney Miller, Naimo Mohamud, Grace Peterson, AnhThu Pham, Talia Rian, Erin Russell, Madison Schertler, Madeline Thomas, Colton Van Dorpe, Lauren Warmka and Riley Wedan. Ninth grade Sumaya Aden, Jenessa Anderson, Krista Bain, Kristen Becker, Alyssa Blahnik, Elizabeth Boeder, Paul Boelter, Anna Brunner, Marisa Brunner, Emily Bunnell, Brian Campana, Kate Carithers, Katie Carlson, Britt Cavanor, Cassandra Cecchettini, Hailey Cummings, Nicolle Domek, Elizabeth Drusch, Lindsey Etzkorn, Victoria Felton, Daniel Gillis, Samantha Gray, Anna Haberlack, Kaycie Hagen, Amanda Hartmann, Laura Hermansen, Vy Hoang, Grant Hopkins, Tarissa Jackson, Rachael Jarvis, Martina

Jensen, Maxwell Johnson, Mackenzie Kaplan, Hannah Keirstead, Christopher Larsson, Madeline Leipold, Johanna Marko, Alyssa Muelken, Logan Nelson, Peter Nordgren, Jack Obrien, Jacob Odom, Natasha Planes, Johan Preus, Erik Robinson, Gabrielle Roth, Sarah Ruckes, Motohide Sato, Sangeetha Shreedaran, Jennifer Simon, Cora Spear, Sara Supplee, Kalley Swift, Taylor Swingle Andrea Torres, Amber Wetzel, Alicia Wolk and Broderick Yoerg.

B HONOR ROLL Seventh grade Emily Bauleke, Matthew Becker, Damaris Benitez, Brock Bertram, Kaley Brault, Alba Calderon, Amanda Dack, Alexander Dahl, Aaron Dao, Kathleen Doyle, Kyra Doyle, Dylan Droege, Quinn Engstrom, Julia Fox, Brenden Gallmeier, Lucia Gama, Matthew Gray, Rhianna Hajduch, August Hannasch, Julianne Herzog, Noelle Hinrichs, Nicholas Hopperstad, Alecia Hynes, Rickie Jackson, Adam Jarnagin, Eder Jimenez, Ajullu Jobi, Donovan Johnson, Bryce Jorgensen, Kyle Kaske, Paola Kebanou-Ndion, Ryan Killmer, Tristan Krentz, Jacob Lee, Joseph Leipold, Samuel Leonard, Andy Luhachak, Gina Maddaloni, Alee Magnuson, Benjamin Mason, Mckayla Mcfarlane, Benjamin Moe, Shanna Mohabir, Binh, Guyen, Michael Nguyen, Ngoc

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Donchetz, Brandon Dorshak, Dillon Duong, John Fesenmaier, Callie Fox, Tyler Fuchs, Lexis Garcia, Taylor Gardner, Megan Garritty, Erin Gerr, Blake Gillund, Brett Gillund, David Gilray, Ryan Gleason, John Goering, Jack Hageman, Eric Hanson, Kayla Hurlbert, Kirstin Jamison, Rachel Kegley Madeline Kempf, Dura Keonangphane, Amandy Khon, Haley Kilian, Teemu Kivihalme, Olivia Koski, Luke Krogstad, Rachel Lair, Kristin Larson, Meghan Larson, Erica Lindsay, Irina Litvinovich, Aaron Long, Reed Luczak, Ryan Luczak, Alexander Mason, Masuzgo Mhango, Yahya Mohamud, Jaden Moler, Maryan Musse, Joseph Nguyen, Andrew Nhan, Bryar Nisbet, Brian Novak, Kevin Novak, Aaron Oppenheimer, David OrtizEstrada, Michael Otoole, Thomas Peerboom, Brianna Pint, Sarah Potter, William Reger, Zachary Remarcik, Leah Rempfert, Madalyn Roberts, Spencer Roberts, Darya Runova, Payton Schulze, Alisha Seay, Jack Seedorf, Alyssa Sinclair, Joey Sivilay, Joshua Smith, Putheary Sokhon, Sakthi Srikanthan, Elizabeth Sutton, Scott Svare, Rachel Telthoester, Logan Vermeer, Zane Wagner, Alison Ward, Garrett Weiss, Autumn Wetzel, Erika Woodruff, Lauren Woods and Alyson Zastrow.

Independence Day Celebration



Huynh, Shelby Inskeep, Tianna JenksFulton, Samuel Johnson, Kasey Kelly, Andrew Kilinski, Samuel Klein, Jack Knutson, Theodore Ko, Austin Kraft, Cynthia Leiva, Danica Ly, Whitney Mackenzie, Mackenzie Madigan, Megan Mazanec, Matthew Mcdavid, Adam Mehr, Felicia Miner, Joseph Morical, Tess Mueske, Zachary Nagel, Christine Nguyen, Jonathan Nguyen, Benjamin Nhan, Jade Norton, Meg Obrien, Steven Otto, Phillip Phan, Sounaly Phommavongsa, Elia Piza, Rachel Pred, Brennan Pruszinske, Stefan Remund, Hannah Robinson, Francisco Romero, Ilhan Sahal, Andrew Schoen, Robert Scholl, Logan Schorn, Samantha Schulze, Blake Scollard, Shatyra Sellars, Vivien Tapia, Blake Thomas, Camden Traetow, Tram Tran, Elizabeth Vornwald, Matthew Weiss, Dakota Wickham, Danial Yousufzai, Jamal Yousufzai and Amy Zellman. Ninth grade Ali Ahmed, Jenna Allen, Courtney Anderson, Julia Anderson, Lindsy Becker, Brooke Bernhagen, Hannah Birkholz, Joseph Boothroyd, Eleanor Borgstrom, Jake Bringgold, Bailey Childs, Lindsey Coleman, Rhiannon Davis, Deanna Delaney, Madelyn Denhartog, Georgi

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Nguyen, Jacob Norling, Mabsud Obisye, Derek Olson, Norin Orchhneang, Stephanie Osei, Matthew Otto, Benjamin Pendill, Conner Pendill, Brandon Perez, Joseph Phung, Ryan Pyle, Amber Robinson, Ja’quan Robinson, Khaleyah Rogers, Nikolas Samz, Preahloc Sarendy, Alaina Sauer, Samuel Scalzo, Michael Schiller, Katherine Shealy, Jared Sheridan, Alexandra Smith, Brett Smith, Rebeccah Smith, Sawyer Stoos, Jennifer Sy, Oksana Tarshikova, Tracy Tran, Samantha Truesdell, Alexis Vangrinsven, Angela Vaughn, Meagan Voss, Connor Warren, Tori Weeks, Emilia Widen, Kayla Williams and Mikenzie Woog Eighth grade Miriam Acevedo, Jack Ahcan, Abdulhamid Ahmed, Jack Andersen, Kylie Anderson, Abel Asmerom, Daniil Baranov, Anna Baron, Riley Bergsten, Samantha Biltz, Brandon Blackwell, Geneva Brandt, Maria Brink, Travis Burg, Hayley Burt, Monica Burt, Connor Bye, Kenny Cabrera, Emma Churchill, Collin Crocker, Ben Davidson, Haley Diggan, Tahi Dixon, Kyle Domek, Brendan Dunstan, Jessica Edwards, Drew Ehlers, Cora Eisenbeis, Annmarie Engebretson, Megan Engle, Natalie Fideler, Gavin Footh, Michael Gillen, Thomas Grittner, Andrea Guzman, Thomas Haberlack, Paige Hagen, Andra Hiebert, William Hinks, Elliott Hopen, Jordan Horner, Brandy Hughes, Minh


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vs. Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks June 30: Minnesota Boxing Hall of Fame Night presented by 5 Eyewitness News (7:05 p.m.) July 1: Independence Day Celebration as we thank Minnesotans in the Military. Plus, extended post-game FIREWORKS presented by Snapple & Cub Foods (7:05 p.m.)

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Call 952-345-6682 or: E-mail: or: mail this form to the Savage Pacer Attn: Ruby, P.O. Box 8, Shakopee, MN 55379 Name _____________________ Phone _____________

The Relay For Life committee would like to invite cancer survivors to Scott County’s Relay For Life which will be held on July 8-9 at Vaughan Field in Shakopee. Please join fellow survivors as they celebrate a world with more birthdays and participate in the Survivor’s Lap which is part of our opening ceremony at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is recommended. You can also register at the event prior to opening ceremony. Please contact Tom or Sue Buckingham at 952-447-6177 or for more information and/or to pre-register for the Survivor’s Lap.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Lakefront Jazz & Blues Festival Saturday, July 16, Lakefront Park The Prior Lake Rotary Club will again host the Lakefront Jazz & Blues Festival in Lakefront Park on Saturday, July 16. This family-friendly event is expected to draw many guests. The featured headliner is Grammy award-winner Buddy Guy. Also scheduled to perform are the Lamont Cranston Blues Band, Prior Lake native and recent contestant on “The Voice,” Tim Mahoney, 12-year-old guitar prodigy Quinn Sullivan, Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real, Steve Oliver, Jessy J and the Prior Lake High School Jazz Band.

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Many volunteers are needed to make the festival a great success. Details on volunteer opportunities can be found at, along with information about advance ticket sale purchases at a reduced price. Children age 18 and under, along with adults age 65 and over will get in free. Advance tickets can be purchased for $5.50 online; gate fees July 16 will be $10.

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Savage Pacer |

July 2, 2011 | Page 21

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Highland Home Services Inc. Remodeling ...Repair ... Design

Decks, porches, additions, remodeling. Great ideas/ prices. Fred Hartgerink, 952-4473733

30 years experience fax 952-447-1211 lic#20628802

Residential, Commercial, Homeowner Associations, and Property Managers

We specialize in all of your Repair Needs! Member of the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce



CABINETRY ATL Woodworking Inc. Kitchens, Ent. centers, Lockers, bars, garage storage. Commercial and residential. 952881-6026 KB Custom Cabinets Kitchens, Entertainment Centers, Bars, Built-ins Vanities, Counter Tops. 952-445-7790


• Block Foundations • New Additions, Repairs • Driveways • Patios • Steps • Garages • Pool Decks • Tear-out, Remove, Replace/New • Decorative • Colored, Stamped, Exposed Aggregate Free Estimates


Free estimates/Insured Decorative stamped concrete, Driveways, Concrete Firepits, Tear-out & replacement, Steps, Floating garage slabs, Swimming pool decks, Poured Wall Foundations & Flat work

*Lower Level Finishing *Decks & Exteriors

NO JOB TOO SMALL *** Mention this ad for a 10% discount. Call today for a free consultation (952) 607-6726 MN Lic. 20483289, Fully Insured

Decorative Concrete Additions - Patios Garage Floors Steps - Sidewalks Aprons - Driveways Stamped, Colored Exposed Aggregate


Floor Installation Sanding & Refinishing Carpet, Tile & Vinyl Installation Exceptional Quality Great Service

952-440-WOOD (9663)

Monyok Masonry 16 years in business Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Floors, Steps, Block Foundations, Brick Repairs, Footings Call Joe: 952-492-3671

HARDWOOD FLOORS •Floor refinishing & sanding •Real wood floors •Dustless refinishing •Water damage specialists •Board patching •Custom staining •Best quality •Best pricing •Most experience in your area •Family owned, 28 years •Free Estimates

952-469-5713 952-426-2790

Free Estimates


Brick Work

Our email: Classifieds@

Stone Work New Remodel Chimney Repairs


Licensed, Insured & Bonded

~ PARAMOUNT REMODELING, INC. ~ Where Your Dreams Are Paramount



Equal Housing Opportunity


Over 19 Years Experience Licensed and Insured

Big Enough To Help~Small Enough To Care

*Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling *Distinctive Hardwood Flooring

Creekside Apts.

2BR, 2BA, new carpet, new paint, W/D, deck, walk in closet, gas heat, C/A. Big rooms. 2 car garage. Backs up to baseball diamond of elementary school. Dogs ok with approval and deposit. Electric gas and water included. House is 10yrs old. $1250. 952-261-9495

New furnished 2 BR. Deck, lakeview. Utilities paid. $1,000/ mth+ deposit. 952-447-5875

Low income rent to qualifying persons. Age 62 or older. 30% of income Smoke-free units available


Basements • Room Additions Complete Home Remodeling Decks/Porches

Lic # 20292641

1 BR apartment. $557 No pets. Available 7/1. 612-309-1566 1 BR apartment. $559+ utilities. No pets. Available 6/1. 612-309-1566.

Nice Duplex, 3BD, 2BA, W/D, A/C, deck. $1050. 952-955-1889

2 BR, heat/ water/ garbage incl. $675/ month. 612-701-7557

1 BR APARTMENT Section 8 project



Chaska Rentals

Chaska 2BR 4-plex Newly remodeled, great neighborhood $790. includes heat, many extras. Garage. July-Aug. 612-823-3909

2+BR House, single car garage, all appliances included, new dishwasher, stove, refrig., microwave. Remodeled kitchen/dining. $1200/mo. Avail now 952-492-2990, days, 952-496-9060, after 4pm



cell 612-418-2277

1 BR apartment. Heat, water, W/D, garbage included. Private entrance. Single person. $540. Non-smoking, no pets. 952-215-4711



Steve Jenness

2BR Duplex-attached garage, W/D. $775. Includes most utilities. 952-448-5667

Shakopee Rentals

3 BR cabin, Bone Lake, WI, 3 day minimum, 651-439-8599


Lic#20219985 Ins

Shop/ warehouse space Jordan, 3,450 s.f. $5.00/ s.f. 952-492-6960

Efficiency apartment, affordable payment options, $125/wk or $425/mth, utilities paid. Available immediately. No contract. Furnishings available. Quiet convenient location. Dan, 952292-0366 Large 2 BR corner unit, heat included, $675. 612-386-5559

Prior Lake Rentals

2/ 3 BR townhomes, garage included, $795 & $950. 952-448-6549

BED: A New QUEEN Pillowtop Set $145; KING Size $245; FULL $135, Can deliver 952-895-7333

Mike 952-442-1308

LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Drive-In's & Docks Available Immediately Intersections of 41/ 169. 952-484-9675

Jordan Rentals

Vacation Rental

Warm, nurturing, inhome setting. Licensed daycare openings FT, newborn6 years. Fenced in yard, activities. Bev 952-334-9209



Chaska Rentals

2 BR apartment from $795 1 BR from $695 Heat & water paid 1 cat OK. Garage/Storage inc. 952-361-6864


Over 17 yrs in decks & porches. For deck do-it-yourselfers: framing & footings.


Belle Plaine Rental

Blue Skies Window Cleaning, LLC • Free Estimates • 14 years experience • The Residential expert! • Insured

Luke 952-467-2447

Free Estimates Licensed Insured

Lebens Masonry


Free estimates, Insured. Stamped concrete, Driveways, Colored concrete, Firepits, Patios, Steps, Garages, Additions, Tearouts, Exposed Aggregate, Block walls, Poured walls, Floating Slabs, Aprons. 952-445-6604 MNLic#4327

Classified Advertsing works...... Call: 952-345-3003

Drapes, Blinds, Fabrics, Upholstery, Bedspreads. Lakes Interiors. 38 yrs. 952-447-4655.

ELECTRICAL #Priority Electric Inc. Licensed- Bonded- Insured. No job too small. 952-403-9200 A Licensed Master Electrician at your service Scheffler Electric, Inc. 952-758-3561

Heating, plumbing, remodel and repair, and replacement, new construction. 952-492-2440

C 95 la 234 A ssif 5- ds ie d 30 03


Page 22 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

Full-Time REAL ESTATE Houses

Carpenters/ Framing. Apprentice & lead position. FT year-round, SW Metro. Mark: 612-6854966

Foreclosures! Real estate STEALS from $20k. Re/Max

Real Estate Bargains Lender-owned home, built in 1957, $64,900 New home, 3 car garage, $154,900. 24 acres of farmland, $109,900. 2-1/2 acre lots, $39,900-$69,900. 5 acre Hobby Farm, great bldgs. $219,900 Randy Kubes Realtor 612-599-7440

Guest Service Representative/Shuttle Driver Includes Friday & Saturday Nights, F/T, P/T Apply in Person; Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Highway 5 @ Century Boulevard Chanhassen



Carpentry Contractors Corp. seeking full-time positions for:


Carpenters in our Windows division Basic Window installation, run power tools, work outdoors in all weather conditions, climb/ work from ladders up to 35' feet, and lift 75 lbs. Must be able to pass a BGC, drug screen and physical. Valid D/L and independent transportation required to employment.

New and used car and truck sales. We need self starters, looking for long term employment and huge earning potential. We are one of the few growing Ford dealerships in Minnesota. Experience preferred but will train the right individual. Wolf Motors Jordan, MN 952-492-2340



Salary depends on experience: $16-22 hr GREAT BENEFITS & OVERTIME!





Office/Clinic Assistant Join our team of healthcare professionals in Prior Lake. We are looking for an enthusiastic, positive, organized individual with an eye for detail and a willingness to learn; someone who finds great satisfaction in helping others and is willing to go out of their way to be of service. Creativity, organizational and TEAM LEADERSHIP skills are a must! Computer, typing and phone skills are also essential. Salary based on knowledge, skills and experience. Send your resume to

Shipping/Receiving Team Leader Plastic fabricating company needs a self-motivated individual to lead busy shipping/receiving area. Prior experience and knowledge of FedEx, UPS, and common carrier shipping procedures required. Position includes lifting, palletizing, forklift and basic computer skills. Good benefits; compensation DOQ. Mail resume to Megan at 1200 Lakeview Drive, Chaska, MN 55318 or email to:

2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR No experience Necessary will train Starting wage $13.25 an hour DOE No dui's, must have class d license at least 3 years And be 21 years of age Positive Connections 460 N Hickory Street Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-0899

Please call our jobsline: 952-380-3720 or jobs@carpentry

Carpentry Contractors Corp. seeking full time positions:


Entry Level Carpenters in our Field Frame Division

Farmland for Sale & Wanted. Randy Kubes, Realtor... 612-599-7440

Basic rough framing carpentry duties and power tool use. Requires the ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions, climb ladders and/or scaffolding frequently and climb/work up to 35 feet. Must be able to lift 75lbs, pass physical, BGC, and drug screen. Valid D/L and independent transportation required for employment. Please call our Jobs Line: 952-380-3720 or

EMPLOYMENT Full-Time Allure is expanding. Now hiring stylists, massage therapists, nails techs. 952-496-3331

Express Employment is having a Job Fair From 10:00 am-2:00 pm Wednesday, July 6th

ASSOCIATE TRAINEE Real Estate Career Excellent Potential Fast Growth

We are looking for the following skills: CNC Machinist Assembly Line Warehouse Manufacturing Finish Line

Coldwell Banker Burnet Eden Prairie Irene: 952-949-4759 Rolland: 952-949-4724 EOE


Saving time, money & water Free Cardinal Irrigation Inc. ates Estim rsha a Call M 952-292-2522 Licensed • Bonded • Insured





LAWNCARE/LANDSCAPING Mowing, Ponds, Pavers, Mulch, Rock, Tree & Bush work. Locally Owned & Operated. Free Estimates Call MPS Lawn Inc. 952-873-3333


Bruce Mackenthun Does It All! WindowDoor- Deck specialist! Professional services. 952-270-9166. Lic #20452534 Ins.

“Bill's Painting” Exterior/ Interior/ Decks. 29 yrs/ guaranteed work. 10% scheduling discount. 952-448-6633/ 952-220-1090


Landscape Services 952 445-0663 X

You Call - We Haul

Completely Enclosed Truck Very Reasonable Rates



952-492-6289 952-292-2050

#1 Schieber Outdoor Services LawncareLandscaping. Commercial Residential. Senior Discount. Joe: 952-2924445

‘Bee” Smart, Shop Classifieds

AA Tree Removal/ trimming/ firewood/ brush hauling, stump grinding. Steve, 952-445-5239

New Prague


612-275-2574. AJ's Tree & Lawn Service LLC. Trimming & removal. Licensed, insured. 952-445-1812 Paul Bunyan Tree Service. Tree Removal and Trimming. www.paulbunyantree

We Haul Moving


Handyman Ser vices Bob Wagner (952) 686-4833 for available services and rates. Fully Insured LOW HOURLY RATES, TELL ME WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD AND WE WILL MAKE A DEAL!


Quality Remodeling and Home Repairs



Environmental Lawn Care & Landscape Inc. 612-916-5296 Specialized Services Inc. • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Brush Chipping • Overgrown Areas Mowed • Excavating • Sand & Gravel • Crushed Limestone


•Complete landscape service, design, irrigation •Boulder Walls/Outdoor Patios Residential/ •Sod/Final Grade •Tree Service Commercial •Erosion Control with drainage correction Free Estimates deliver •Aeration/Overseeding/Weed Control/Fert. We black dirt


C r e a t e s D i s t i n c t i v e O u td o o r L i v i n g X Complete

Landscape & Irrigation Services & Block Walls X Drainage Correction X Complete Fertilization & Weed Control Packages X Aeration & Over Seeding X Dethatch & Spring Clean-Up X Boulder


Rock Engraving at Hermans Retaining Walls, Concrete & Paver Drives, Patio & Walks, Boulder walls, & much more!

952-292-2261 Premiere One Landscapes

References, Lic & Ins Mn Lic. 20632058 Kevin Hayes


NEED HANDYMAN? Little Job Expert! For all the odd jobs needing Attention!!! Painting: • Interior & Exterior Finish Carpentry: • Basements • Bathrooms • Ceramic Tile • Sheet Rock & Taping Dennis 952-334-1755 952-445-9034


6 Miles S. of Shakopee on 169 Pulverized Dirt $12.50/ yd. Colored Mulch $26.50/ yd. Cypress, Cedar, Hardwood

Flagstone, Steppers Decorative Rock Edging/ Poly/ Fabric Retaining Walls, Pavers

Call for Hours Wever i l e 952-492-2783 D

952-474-6258 Major credit cards accepted

MJ Painting Interior/ Exterior painting & staining. 952-445-2904 Marvin Jeurissen


See this & other employment ads in this week’s Classifieds


Best Drywall LLC Serving SW Metro 18 yrs. Small crew/no subs/ painting. New Const/ Basements/ Repair. BBB Reg/Ins/Free Est. All work guaranteed Mic 612-685-0476

No wall too small

PLUMBING/SEPTIC Father/ son plumbing company. Licensed, bonded, insured. Working for you! R&D Plumbing952-237-0115

Specializing in wall & ceiling painting and texturing. Wallpaper removal. Staining. Enameling & more! Free estimates 612-701-6805, Troy


952-492-3842 952-412-4718(cell) Storm damage repairs Defective shingle claims Family owned & operated Thousands of satisfied customers Professional and Courteous


Offering best extended manufacturers warranty! Tear-offs, Re-roofs, Siding & Gutters, New Construction Insurance Specialist Over 18 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Rodney Oldenburg Cell # 612-210-5267 952-443-9957 Lic. ID-20156835

Let us know how we can earn your business. (952)873-6078 Roofing Windows OSiding ORemodeling O

Locally Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured #20631439

BERNIE SCHREMPP CONSTRUCTION: Additions, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing. Lic.# 20636470. 612-382-4003

651-480-3400 Family owned since 1979

Free wind & hail damage inspections... We can handle all of your insurance claims. Roofing, Siding, Windows & all home improvement needs. We do it all!

Regal Enterprises, Inc. Roofing, siding, windows, gutters. Insurance work. Since 1980. 952-201-4817


Steve Ries, 612-481-8529

Grade A Gutters, competitive prices, free estimates. Since 1991. 952448-9943

Buckets of Color

Interior/Exterior V Storm/Water Damage VTextured Ceilings/Walls VInsurance Repairs VCustom Faux Finishes/Murals VFully Insured/References VFriendly, Honest Service FREE ESTIMATES 952-8 873-4 4679 612-3 366-2 2739 Paul

Why Wait Roofing LLC

O to place or view ads

S.R. PAINTING: 18 yrs. exp. Insured. Commercial/Residential. Interior/Exterior. Wood finishing, Enameling, Custom Texturing, Water Damage, Wallpaper Removal. Deck Refinishing. Quality conscious perfectionist! Estimates/Consultation

952-496-0921 Lic. 4960

Plumbing, heating, remodel and repair, new construction. 952-4922440



Roofing/ Additions New Construction Siding/ Windows Locally owned 20 + Years Jim's Cell: 612-859-4618 Mike's Cell: 612-859-4620


Lic# 20632183

Rainbow Painting

ROOFING Monnens Custom Builders


A Minnesota Greenstar Qualified contractor


Greg Anderson Painting 4 generations experience. Painting, staining, enameling. Taping repairs. 952-445-6816

Schedule your Summer painting now!

Insured, References, Licensed #20374699


Breimhorst Painting. Interior/ Exterior. Insured. Albie: 952-261-2234


Free Estimates Ins/ Bonded

Any Task... Just Ask

Credit Cards Accepted

R.D. & Associates


Handy Home Repair Service, Inc.

XRetaining XBoulder Walls XPaver Patios XMulch/ Rock/ Sod XBobcat Work

Visit our website:

Ken's HANDYMAN SERVICE Repairs, Installations & Home Improvements. Call Ken: 952-445-1836

Ext/Int Paint/ Stain ~Carpentry/ Repair~

Design, Build, Maintain

Water Problems resolved XSprinkler Systems XRock/Mulch/Edger XTrees & Shrubs XBrick Pavers XRetainingWalls Over 30 yrs of quality workmanship

Complete tile service, drywall painting, water damage, plumbing service. 952-607-7413


Complete Landscaping


M-F, day shift. Experience with horses required. MN Horse & Hunt. Kathy 612-481-5773

7876 Century Blvd, Chanhassen MN 55317 952-915-2000


Country Trail Tree Moving & Landscaping Service/Tree Sales Boulder Walls

Stable chores

1st, 2nd, 3rd shifts available

Beautician- Busy Salon. Commission or Rental. FT/PT. 952-445-3300, 952-215-9904, Debi




•Roofing •Siding •Windows


952-882-8888 Call today for your Free Inspection! Family Owned & Operated

Lic# 20609967

Discounted fabrics... drapes, bedspreads, residential/ commercial. 38 years' experience. 952-447-4655

Savage Pacer |


A New Career

July 2, 2011 | Page 23

Campers Travel Trailers

Campers Travel Trailers

Campers Travel Trailers




$$ Paid for Junkers/ Repairables FREE TOW. Immediate pickup. Serving Carver/ Scott counties. 952-220-TOWS, 24/7


Carver County office: Are you fun and outgoing? Take the real estate style test and find out if a real estate career is right for you.

1987 31' Pathfinder Motorhome. $5,000/ BO. 952-496-2243

Wyn Ray 952-556-1750 1981 Sea Nymph 16' fish/ ski boat, 1989 Evinrude 60hp tracker, Spartan trailer, trolling motor, livewells, locators, anchormates, pedestal seats. $3500. 952-445-5473

Part-Time Community Outreach Program Coordinator: 20 hrs/week with Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women. Must be experienced in and comfortable with public speaking. Must have excellent written communication skills, be self directed and have reliable transportation. Hours will involve some evening and weekends. Survivors of domestic abuse strongly encouraged to apply. EOE. To apply, send letter and resume by July 12th to Executive Director, SVABW, PO Box 166, Belle Plaine, MN 56011

1991 Fleetwood Southwind Motorhome, Class A, 33ft. Only 38k miles! Smooth runner, fully loaded, sleeps 6, hydraulic leveler, $10,500, 612-669-4172

1991 Sun Toon 24' pontoon with 40 horse Mercury motor. Good condition. Canvas cover included. $6900. or best offer 952-447-2883

Cook, PT, experienced, nights & weekends. No phone calls, please. Apply within: Turtles Bar & Grill, 132 1st Ave. E., Shakopee.

1992 Fleetwood. 107K, 454 gas motor, hydraulic leveler system. fully equipped! Well maintained! $10,900. John, 952-474-9713

1996 Itasca Suncruiser Motorhome. Class A, 39'. Excellent condition, shedded at all times/ winterized. Loaded! 29,300 actual miles. $35,000/BO. 507-6656019

1998 Holiday Rambler Vacationer 36' motorhome, great condition, sleeps 6, 60,000 miles, $31,900 or best offer. Call Gary at 952492-1129.

2004 41' SportsCoach Elite. Fully equipped. 23,000K. Well-maintained. 3 slides. $100,000. 952-797-6264

2001 Camper, 5th wheel 2 slideouts, golfcart, shed $14,500. Excellent condition. Parked on beautiful wooded lot in Zumbrota, MN 612-7208683/ 612-599-0184

2005 Aerolite by Dutchman, 23'. AC, microwave, stove, refrigerator, freezer. Sleeps 8, like new. Very clean. $8,700. 952-445-4468

Dutchman Camper 2002- 28ft. Excellent condition. Sleeps 6-8 w/queen bed. A/C, heat, appliances, plumbing works perfect. $7800. Must see. 952-474-6230

2000 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster, wife's bike, never rode, must go. 1300 miles, Lots, lots of extras, mint! $7000. 952-890-0905

2003 Harley Softtail Deuce Anniversary model. 5500 miles. $13,000. 952-447-4280

2005 black Yamaha R6, 6,000 miles. Yoshimurd customized exhaust. With OEM cover & tank bra. $5,500. 952-3610142

2001, 17ft. Starcraft, 90HP, Mercury. Excellent condition. $9,000 952-890-2630

2005 Kawasaki 1600 Vulcan Classic with Vance & Hines pipes. New tires. 10,895 miles. Mint condition. $5900 Call (952) 934-7358

$$ Wanted $$ JUNK CARS Viking Auto Salvage 651-460-6166

Sporting Goods

$$$ CASH FOR $$$ Cars and Trucks 952-239-2598

CASH$$ We buy guns SPORTS STOP Shakopee 952-445-5282

1996 Chrysler convertible. 114K, clean. $3,500. 952-447-3444

Sweep Up All Those Great Deals!! Found every week in the Classifieds

952-345-3003 Place an ad! 25 words for $25/ online mapping Call 952-345-3003

Newspaper Route Delivery-Star Tribune Shakopee, Chaska, Waconia area motor routes. Immediate openings weekend (Sat/Sun), Waconia/ Mayer. Bi-weekly paychecks. Minimum requirements 18 years old & dependable transportation. For information, apply online: EOE

GARAGE SALES AUCTIONS 2006 Crestliner Lsi Angler 2285. Lots of extras. 60 HP Mercury 4 stroke and dual axle trailer. $22,800 763360-6251

Newspaper Route: Star Tribune has avail. Weekend Routes in Bloomington area. Must be 18 yrs. & have own vehicle.

(952) 451-8188 Stable chores; M-F, day shift. Experience with horses required. MN Horse & Hunt. Kathy, 612-481-5773 Wanted: elderly individual, must have retail experience. Call, 952-4455282, Terry

94 Starcraft, 17ft. Aluminum. Walleye, Bass ½ Console 75hp. Mariner & 8hp. Kicker. $6500. 612-554-6725 or

Estate Sale: 7/7-8-9, 9am-6pm. 9554 GREY WIDGEON PL, Eden Prairie. (2 blks off Flying Cloud Dr & Pioneer Tr.) 4 poster bed w/mattress & dresser, antique DR set, 5 leaves (seats 12), furniture, antiques & 100's of collectibles. Andrea Birds, Boyd's Bears & brass bookends. Everything priced to sell!

Chanhassen Sales

Eden Prairie Sales

MOVING SALE! Thur July 7th 7am to 5pm. Hunt & Fish Gear, Children's/Mens/Women clothing, Sofa, fire pit, Misc Household items. 8723 N Bay Dr, Chanhassen

Fri. & Sat. July 1st & 2nd 9am-5pm. 10584 Boss Circle - in Bell Oaks off Riverview Rd. Estate sale. Bedroom set, Antiques & Collectibles. Lawn & garden tools,etc.

SALE: Thursday 6/30 9-4pm, Friday 7/1 96pm, Saturday 7/2 8noon. Craftsman tool bench, new mattresses, misc. 221 Ash St. 1 Day Moving Sale! Sat., 7/9, 8am. 9545 LAKEVIEW LANE. Everything must go!

Jordan Sales Large single family Garage Sale: books, toys, furniture, more! Thurs. 6/30, Fri. 7/1, 12noon-5pm. Sat. 7/2, 8am-5pm. 817 Hickory Pl.

Savage Sales

Moving Sale. ThursSat., 7/7-7/9, 9-5. Furniture, tools, clothing, HH, collectibles, much more. 8621 Kingfisher Ct. Great prices. Cash only. Hydro Stream Vegas. 20'. 200 HP+++. Complete restoration. 5 passenger. A real head turner! $8,900 or all trades welcome. 952215-5421

Point your way to Classifieds. 952-345-3003

Classifieds 952-345-3003

Savage Sales MultiFamily Sale, 2 locations. Cross St. OtSt. tawa & 145th Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 6-8. 8-5pm. Baby, kids, HH, collectibles, furniture. 4895 W 145th St.

Shakopee Sales

Chaska Sales

Sales Positions INSIDE SALES- calling business owners nationwide from our Jordan office. Nice office, great pay! Call Vern Schwartz, 612-810-8097

Estate Sales

Chanhassen Sales

Friday, Sat. 7/8-7/9. 8am-5pm. Everything from neon bar lights to jewelry. Something for everyone. 4466 W. 131st St. Proceeds benefit local family affected by breast cancer.

Fri. 7/8, 12noon-8pm. Sat. 7/9, 7am-12noon. Tools, furniture, electronics, toys, 0-5T boys, HH, upscale decor, dehumidifier, light fixtures, hardware, more! 1464 YORKSHIRE LN Neighborhood Garage Sale; Thursday 7/7, -Friday 7/8, 8am-7pm. Saturday 7/9, 8am-1pm. Many misc items. 2085, 2093 Austin Circle.

Victoria Sales Estate Sale: Fri-Sat. 7/8-9, 8am-4pm, HH, furniture, tools, knickknacks. Priced to sell! 8142 Quamoclit (1 blk north of old ballpark)

Thrift Stores

Thrift Stores

STUFF! For Sale 128 Meridian St. N., Belle Plaine. 952-873-6617 Mon-Thurs-Fri., 2-8pm. Sat-Sun 12-6pm.

We buy storage lockers at public auctions and the contents are priced to sell! Two NEW TRUCKLOADS OF STUFF! Come on in!! If it's worth money, why sell it in a garage near the garbage can? ...Save Time, Money & your Sanity... ...We make selling fun...


POTTERS, 590 Marschall Rd. SHAKOPEE, 952-233-7323 HOURS: Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 12-5 Sun 12-4 powered by

Print/online package can be renewed until auto sells, all for best deal price of $39

To place your ad, go to or call 952-345-3003 Cars

1964 AMC Rambler Classic 550, 6 cyl, 4 door sedan. 51K. Same family since new. Excellent. Price reduce to $3,500. 952-470-0062


1976 Classic Cadillac Convertible. Low mileage. 8 cyl. 440 engine. Complete facts available by calling. 559-435-3751




1988 Chev Monte Carlo SS T-Top, 305 HO Engine, original, fast, 69K, stored, like new. $9,900 or b/o. 952-445-6533, Gale

2000 Jaguar XJR. Well maintained. $9700 Silver and black interior, 83,000 miles. Call 612655-6680

1977 Chev truck C-10, 350 engine w/12,500 miles, T-350 auto trans. New tires, exhaust, paint and more. REDUCED! $6,000. 952403-7858.

Trucks 1986 BMW 528e, sunroof, 5 speed, 4 door, 2.7L, good tires, good body. Reduced to $1,250. 952-426-5657 1972 rare triple black 'Cuda, with high compression 340 HP. 727 slapstick tranny. Posirearend, PS, bucket seats, Recession reduced!! $42,500. 612804-4074

1998 Dodge Stratus, 6 cyl, AT. 156K. $1,500. 952-445-6173


2002 GMC Sonoma Extended Cab SLS, 4.3L V6, 4WD, Spray-on bed liner, One Owner!, 85,150 miles, $ 7,650, below KBB, 952-3036399.



2004 Dodge Ram 1500. quad cab. 4.7 V-8, 4WD, WC, PW, PL, Pseats, bedliner, towing package, new tires. 113K. $11,200/BO. 952686-3090

2004 XL F150, regular cab. 4WD, AC, bedliner, towing package. 4.6 V8, roll-up tonneau cover. 104K. $7,500/BO. 952686-3090

From Putters to Pontiacs, from Plows to Power Macs

Classified has it

1988, Cadillac Eldorado 78,000 miles. All original, with maintenance records. $6500. b/o 952233-2148

Variety 1964 Chevy C20, 350 engine, 350 auto tranny, every bolt, nut, part replaced, or sandblasted and painted. 8K. REDUCED- $12,500. 952913-7808

Quit Idling. Put your car search in drive!

1993 Ford Ranger, extended cab, topper, 102,000 miles. V6 AT. Great mileage, cold air, runs good. $2500. or b/o. 952-447-8169

2004 Chevy Silverado Z71 Ext. Cab. 77,XXX perfect cond. Loaded, leather, Bose, 6Disc, Topper and many xtras. $15,700 B/O 612-2030804


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Page 24 | July 2, 2011 | Savage Pacer

Lupient Chevrolet of Bloomington is your Commercial Vehicle Dealer

The Savage Pacer is on the web.

Please contact John Zadurski at (952) 886-9430 Email:


Stock #H11245

Visit our website for more Inventory AUTO SALES & SERVICE


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Car Rentals • Day • Week • Month


Now you can post an unlimited number of ads to Thriftmart, our free-ads marketplace. Go to to place your ad, or call 952-345-3003. (A telephone surcharge applies if you call.) And now businesses can use Thriftmart, too! 10 HP, vintage Johnson outboard. Refurbished. Runs great! $250 952941-1313 10'', sub box. Good shape. $20. 651-8083292 10,000BTU slide window air conditioner. 115 vac $125. call 952-4963440 12', telescopic, fishing pole. Ideal for shore fishing. $8. 952-2401025 16", factory Dodge rims. Set of 4. $200 o/bo 612865-6244 22k, gold trim, fireking dish set. white vintage $20. 952-492-7803 50, cal bp, rifle Smith 1857. Never fired. $350. 952-440-4609 6, 40" tall candy canes. $5. 952-200-5068 75 gallon, aquarium. Canopy cabinet, oak lights, filters. $350. 952-847-3287 8 wk old kitten. Orange & white. $5. 952-4426429 Admiral, portable air conditioner. 9000 btu, with remote. $150. 952381-5393 Adorable 8-week old kitten. $5. 952-758-1877 Adorable kitten! Free! Litter box trained. On solid food. 952-4432649 Agate, wire 4ftx12ft $50. 952-496-1778 Armoire wardrobe solid oak, beautiful $500.b/o 952-440-4380 Avent, breast pump. Rarely used, many accessories. $175. o/bo 952-426-8174 Avent, breast pump. Rarely used, many accessories. $175 o/bo 952-426-8174 Bed, double, clean, good condition, w/frame and bedding. $125. 612-710-9242 Bike, Boys, 16" Huffy Arrow, with hand brakes. $30. 612-5810122 Bikes, boys Trek Jet 20; ylw/blk, wht/blk; $75 ea 952-828-9938 Cat, 2 years. Indoor only. Free 952-649-7460

Blue/ white plaid cushions, light oak glider rocker. $25 952-2614745 Boys, dirtbike. Yellow, hp3, $45. 952-9945497 Brass floor lamp. Candelabra, 4 light, exc. $45. 952-401-3786 Brown, lazy boy, chair. New, $100. 612-7202870 Browning, Cobra compound bow. 45# with arrows. $60. 952-3888456 Bunk bed, metal, lower full futon, twin top $300. 612-245-4182 Bunkbed, full size bottom, twin size top. $150. 952-452-4130 Burley D'lite with stroller attachment. Excellent condition. Asking $250. 952-240-5422 Carrier, furnace 66,000 input, upflow. Inducedcombustion, natural gas. $100. 952-4963440 China hutch, $400. 612385-4860 China, Fanlina, english flowers. 78 pieces. $450. or b/o 612-2458798 Compact, upright, freezer. 1.6 cuft. $75. 952934-6968 Couch and loveseat. Highland house, like new. $500. 612-3600837 Craftsman, 10" band saw. Excellent condition. $125. Jim 651783-2694 Craftsman, 10" table saw. Excellent condition. $125. Jim 651783-2694 Crib, bedding & bumper. Matching "baby cowboy" quilt. $60. 952-447-8495 Crib, blonde with like new mattress $150. 952-447-8495 Cultivator, small. Tecumseh $100. 952496-1778 Deep cherry maple cabinets. New. $500. call 763-221-0861 Desk, mission style w/hutch, natural wood color. $75. 612-2454182

Dining set, glass top, pedestal, 6, chairs w/slipcovers. $450. 612-710-9242 Display case, oak/glass. 42X24x20. $50. 612390-2944 Dodge, factory bed liner, for 8 foot bed. $50 612865-6244 Dog collars, leashes, harnesses, jackets. All new. $2.each. 952-2401025 DR Table, Oak 66x42, 2 leaves, 6 chairs $450. 612-991-3282 Dresser with mirror. Great condition, rare. $500. 612-210-2219 Elegant, long, black, MOB dress, with jacket sz/10 $150. 612-8771946 Elliptical, Vision Fitness X6000, health club quality, $300 b/o. 952-9947693 Entertainment Center, Oak, 32x30 TV opening, glass door, shelves,$50, 952-440-6221 Excellent, floor air conditioner with wheels. Everstar. $100. 952-4489313 Fisher turntable, Model MT6410, needs belt, $25. 952-200-5068 Flatscreen, TV stand. 58 in wide from Costco $50. 612-799-1613 Garden trailer, 5x3 for $75. 952-949-1095 Garden trailer, 5x3 for $200. 952-949-1095 Garden trailer. 6x4 ft $250. 952-949-1095 Glass table, smoke, 4 chairs, light mauve $40. 952-200-5068 Green and red plaid rocking chair. Great condition. $20 952-8368540 Grill, black, Brinkmann, gas. Needs new grills, burners. Free. 952492-6732 HP, Photosmart, 3-1 printer, C4380 lightly works great. $65. 651808-3292 HyperLite, Wakeboard w/new bindings. Sapphire blue. Excellent. $175. 952-873-6148 Kitten, 6 weeks old. $5. 952-492-3401

Ice cream maker, electric. White mountain, 6qts/30min. Exc. $50. 952-401-3786 Interstate, womens leather, riding coat. Large, like new. $150. 612-719-9041 Ipod, Nano Video 5th Gen, 8GB, purple. $70. 952-496-1310 Kenmore dryer. 1&1/2 years old. $250 Stacey 612-306-5096 Kenmore, 4.4 cuft top freezer, refrigerator. Good condition. $50. 952-934-6968 Kenmore, washing machine. 1&1/2 years old. $250. Stacey 612-3065096 Kitten, cute and cuddly, $10. 952-447-8123 Kitten, Manx, Himalayan mix, bl/eyes, white, carrier. $75. 952-496-0955 Lawnmower, 18hp. New blades, belts, battery. New 2005. $400. 952649-7936 Little Tikes, country kitchen. Excellent condition. $100. 952-4457472 Little Tikes, large climber and slide playcube. $50. 612-5810122 Mahogany dining table. 4, upholstered chairs. Perfect condition. $230. 612-869-1458 Maytag, washer and electric dryer. $100. 952-452-4130 Men's, landrider, autoshift, bicycle. 5x used $250. 612-720-2870 Mens, Red Wing work boots. 10.5-11sz great shape $80. 651-8083292 Metal, file cabinet. 4 drawer, light brown. $20 952-937-1681 Miniature Pincher, female. $150. 952-4600284 New, Clopay, 8'x7' steel insulated garage doors. $150 ea. 952-607-8137 New, T-mobile Blackberry, 8530. $200. 651808-3292 Nintendo DSI, black, includes charger and 4 games. $120. 952-6499505

Oak Entertainment Center. Good condition, 55Wx45Hx18D, TV opening 28Wx24H-$90. 952-445-7134 Old, oak, curio, display cabinet. Great condition. $175. 952-4706033 Ornamental grasses Blue Festus, 18" diam. Plants (3). $10. 952201-9989 Outdoor bench. Metal wood, with back. $15 952-937-1681 Patio furniture, redwood. 6 pc set, good condition. $75. 952-445-7227 Patio furniture. Homecrest, 5piece, white, steel umbrella base. $300. 952-445-2955 Phillips, tube, TV. 20PT6441/37 21". $25 952934-6808 Piano, baby grand. Needs tuning service. $300. Can deliver 952445-4177 Piano, old upright, free, you pick up. 952-4473576 Pickup topper, Glasstite & bedliner for short box. $300. 952-856-2286 Picnic table, galvanized pipe frame, 2" material, $75. b/o. 952-448-5057 PlayStation 2 ,w/3 controllers, guitar, 25 games. $125. b/o 952496-1310 Pool table, 7 ft, barely used. $225. 952-4960360, evenings

Reading, 8ft. sidemount toolboxes. Security locks, black, nice. $175. 952-649-7936 Red, electric pocket rocket. 5 yrs old. $25 952-200-5068 Rem 11-87, 12ga, 2-3/4 3". $499. b/o 612-9915519 Remington, electric razors. Vintage 1960, 1940 working $10. ea 952-492-7803 Riding, lawn mower. 12hp, Ariens. $150. o/bo. 952-443-2327 Rolltop Desk with 14 drawers and marble insert $175. 612-9913282 Running boards, 2007 Ford F-150. Crew, nerf bars. $100. 952-9375976 Saxophone, Alto with case, instruction books, learning CDs. $100. 952-492-2602 Schwinn, Airdyne, exercise bike. $100. Call 952-445-5752 Snowmobile, 95 Polaris XCR 600, studs, cover, $500. 952-368-3071

Sony, tube TV. KV24F5100 24" Analog $25. 952-934-6808

Puppy ShihTzu, female, $300, 952-440-3116 Queen Size Electric Blanket, Dual Controls, Good Condition $12.00 952-447-4961 Radio Flyer, soft rock, and bounce, pony w/harness. $25 612578-4168

Television, Sony, Trinitron 27". Good working condition. Pickup. $25. 952-270-1163 Tires & rims 255/70/17 ½/tread fits newer Ford/F150. $250. 952250-495

Power wheels, Escalade or Harley. Work great. $100 each. 952-4474232 Printer/scanner, Canon Pixma MX850. Flatbed broken, feeder scans. $20. 952-994-7693

Trombone, Yamaha, in good condition. Includes hard case. $100. 952492-2602 Whirlpool, washer and dryer. $150. each. Great condition. 952-445-1417 White, Lloyd/Flanders, in/out, white wicker furniture. 8pcs,sell separately, $500. 952-4706033 Wicker nightstand, and side chair, whitewashed. Excellent condition. $100. 612-877-1946

Windsurfer “Fanatic Fun Race” 340, all accessories, $150, 952-4456674 Women's, motorcycle leathers, jacket, chaps. $100ea 952-440-4380 Womens, med, black, leather chaps. Excellent condition. $50. 952-4031603 Wooden, gun cabinet. Lockable doors. $75 612-991-5519 Yamaha, PW50. Lots of fun. Great condition. $450. 952-994-8469

Clean Up On All Those Great Deals! Found every week in the Classified Section of this publication.


Sofa, love seat, chair. Flexsteel set. good condition $300 651-7175538 Sofa/ sectional, creamcolored, good condition, $100, 952-210-1736

SS-Gas Range apartment size. New 19.25 wide, solidstate $475. 952-496-3440 Stainless Steel 6 Qt Mixing Bowl, Regal, New $6.00 952-4474961 Table saw, Rigid, TS2424. Barely used. $300. b/o. Ann 952-9061278 Table, med. oak extend to 90". Great condition. $200. 952-937-2647

Power Tech workout bench. Like new. $300. or b/o. 612-245-8798

Treadmill, proformance crosswalk, spacesaver, $150. 952-994-5497

ThriftMart Discovery Windsurfer "Fanatic Fun Race" 340, all accessories, $150, 952-445-6674

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