There are so many ways to make a difference in your profession You can get involved on a district level, choose to lobby for change, or organize local networking events.
We have a ton of great resources to connect you with others All you have to do is decide to make a difference
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President's Letter Slate of Officers Lobby Day Member Spotlight Award Nominations PT of the Year Award
... pages 2 - 3
Payment Updates ... pages 6-9
... pages 4- 5 ... page 10 ... pages 11-12
... pages 14-15 page 13
Chapter Happenings page 16
Upcoming Events... page 17
We invite you all to join fellow APTA New York Members on Wednesday, April 16 for a chance to make a difference in the profession!
For first time Lobby Day participants, there are many seasoned members who are happy to introduce you to the process. Just ask how we can connect you with a mentor!
As we begin to return to the post-holiday day-to-day activities that the end of January delivers, it is my hope we have all celebrated a joyous time with family and friends and have readied ourselves for another exciting year. This new year holds many changes, challenges, and hopefully victories for APTA New York.
APTA New York spent the end of 2023, focusing on the retirement of Kelly Garceau our Executive Director and welcoming our new Executive Director, Eileen Renaud We sold our property in Albany, New York and established a structure which allows our employees to work from home seamlessly without a disruption of services to members. Our website re-design project is in full swing and changes to content, design and functionality will become increasingly more evident throughout this year The board and the executive committee have made significant decisions on how to move our profession forward, and on the best path to achieve
our vision of transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience, staying true to our mission of building a community that advances the profession of physical therapy to improve the health of society
APTA New York has taken significant steps preparing for this year’s challenges. We hired a public relations firm to aid us in demonstrating the value of Physical Therapy, not only through the use of APTA’s recent report, but also through the development of an Access To Health Campaign with APTA New York hosting community events offering Physical Therapy screening and education to local communities During these events local therapists are able to make connections with local leaders, create a buzz in social media platforms, and increase visibility for the profession as it related to Direct Access in printed and televised news media. APTA New York will continue to partner with local communities to host these events, demonstrating the benefits of Physical Therapy and the role direct access to physical therapy care can play to improve health care across New York.
These events are in preparation for an Albany based Lobby Day event on April 16th, for which registration is currently open.
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We are hoping to create an impact with lawmakers, stressing the positive impact that Direct Access for Physical Therapy will have, not only for the health and well being of New Yorkers, but also for the fiscal health of New York state.
During this Lobby Day, we will demonstrate our vision for Physical Therapists as an entry point into the healthcare system and a key practitioner in the conservative treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. This year we are looking for greater than ever before participation in local lobby day activities, with PT’s and PTA’s meeting with lawmakers in their district offices to discuss Direct Access and the ability of PTA’s to treat workers compensation patients. In addition, there are legislative efforts looking at creating staffing standards for Physical Therapists in skilled nursing facilities, and for
regional health insurances to be required to cover post-partum pelvic floor PT Lawmakers need all of us to tell them why these efforts will positively impact our communities. APTA will be looking for volunteers for these activities through legislative liaisons for each district and will provide guidance on how to best influence future legislation.
"Lawmakers need all of us to tell them why these efforts will positively impact our communities."
We look forward to a busy year, and we need to be one and be many. APTA leadership is looking to provide as many community enhancing activities as possible, with an expansive and active olunteer pool to help us sustain these activities I am looking forward to an exciting year, and I hope we will be celebrating many victories together
APTA New York | January/February | 3
What insights have you gained from your experiences during your first term as President, and how do you plan to integrate these lessons into your vision to effectively address and achieve the Chapter's priorities in the future?
The perspective a leader obtains by taking on a new role can be overwhelming, enlightening and awe inspiring I was not new to leadership when I took on the challenge of becoming president of APTA New York I had previously served on the board, numerous committees, task forces, and as Vice President for two terms However, I felt ill at ease moving into the new role, I was scattered in my thoughts of how to lead myself and APTA New York into a new era.
The major lesson I learned is that APTA New York is a remarkable association, filled with some of the most dedicated, talented, and nicest people I have ever met Although I am the leader, I represent an enormous number of gifted individuals who I represent but also to whom I could turn to for information, advice and insight The addendum to that lesson is that very few people know how great this profession is and how impactful Physical Therapy can be on society.
The advancement of our association and our profession moving forward is the advancement of our priorities as a group of individuals looking to be impactful in a positive way on society We need to tirelessly pursue Direct Access in all forms, eliminate direct supervision requirements for PTA’s, and create a greater network of external stakeholders whose lives we positively impact to help advance our profession It is my though that each of these will help improve what may be the greatest concern for all of our members, improved payment for the exceptional care we provide.
In your first term, what steps have you taken to enhance cooperation among different chapte itt d h d l to build upon those efforts if re-elected for a second term?
Over the past two years, I have worked at developing skills in conflict resolution, a better unders of various frames of organizational leadership, and new methods of decision-making, all of whic opened doors into efficient strategic planning and collaboration among APTA New York commi These attributes will prepare me for the inevitable challenges related to collaboration and efficie organization between committees within APTA New York.
Since becoming Vice President, APTA New York has initiated efforts to streamline work mor efficiently within its committees through structural re-organization and documentation to fac succession planning, goal accomplishment, and recruitment of new committee members. One example is the ambition to combine the membership and marketing and engagement committee to enhance the collective impact on our strategic goal of increased membership in all categories, but specifically within the PTA community.
There is also a recently initiated collaboration between the membership and program committees to entice new members with an opportunity for complementary dues and continuing education for their first year. Furthermore, anticipated engagement and collaboration between research, program, and the student SIG will promote more inclusive conferences from both a research and member engagement perspective. The collaboration between these committees is vital to strategic planning as pooled resources present greater opportunities for the chapter during both student- and chapter-led conferences. The sum total of our collective experience and resources will enable APTA New York to make strides towards paramount practice goals such as unrestricted Direct Access and imaging privileges with NYS .
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What are your primary goals as Speaker of the Delegate Assembly, and how do you plan to maintain foster a productive environment for all Chapter members to voice their opinions constructively?
I am excited to run for the position of Speaker for our Delegate Assembly; it’s a role that I feel may be understated at times but is invaluable. I have attended Delegate Assembly nearly every year since 2014, as well as serving for several years as a delegate to the House of Delegates I believe when these meetings are well run they are collaborative, engaging, energizing, and organized. I’d like to see our Assembly mimic some of the organizational elements from the House; for example, I’d love to investigate the option to have motions visually available on screen during our discussions to keep everyone organized and on topic Additionally, I would like to find strategies to stimulate discussion on the upcoming motions for House of Delegates and try to inspire and encourage members, both new and experienced, to feel welcome and confident to share their thoughts and questions on the floor of our Assembly with fellow members.
How do you plan to engage with the membership to identify potential candidates and encourage their participation in APTA New York leadership roles?
I believe it is imperative to have ongoing conversations with members for succession planning. This includes learning about individuals’ strengths and interests, and their availability and willingness to participate. I believe there are several barriers for potential candidates to run for office, including lack of transparency on time commitment for available roles and uncertainty of mentorship when assuming a new role. Right now, I believe there is only one opportunity to meet with the Nominating Committee in person, and that is before the Delegate Assembly at the Delegate Forum and candidate’s reception.
It might be helpful to create additional opportunities for members to engage with the Nominating Committee to get clarification on time commitments and mentorship when considering a new role. Some new members may feel intimidated to run for office, but I believe we must include our new members for ideas on how to move the profession and APTA New York forward. After all, we are better together!
APTA New York | January/February | 5 January/February2024
Although it may not be evident to physical therapists in busy clinical practices, there is quite a lot going on behind the scenes with regard to payment. Payment has become a top priority for the profession as a whole, and we are seeing some changes in strategy at the national level. For those of us involved at the state level, we hope to implement some of those strategies in New York.
Here is an update on the current payment landscape:
As most know by now, the Medicare Physical Fee Schedule final rule was published in November of 2023, and it included an overall 34% cut in fees for physical therapists through a reduction in the conversion factor Despite heavy lobbying efforts by APTA and other healthcare provider organizations, the new fee schedule was implemented in January of this year Although as of this writing, there has been no fix to the fee schedule, APTA is encouraging members to contact their representative in the senate and congress to support the Strengthening Medicare for Patients Act This is the best option for a more permanent resolution to ongoing cuts and would impose an annual inflationary payment update to the fee schedule
APTA has just developed an outpatient Medicare physician fee schedule calculator for members.
Over one-half of those eligible for Medicare are now enrolled in MA plans. Changes have been introduced to these plans through CMS’s 2024 MA final rule, driven by an intent to help ensure that seniors receive care in a timely manner, that care is not disrupted, and that MA plans provide the same services as traditional Medicare.
These changes include: (1) approval of a prior authorization (PA) request by a provider now must cover the episode of care as long as the care is medically necessary, (2) PA and utilization management must be narrowed to confirming the patient’s diagnosis and determining medical necessity, (3) the payer must provide a reason for any denial of care, and (4) if a patient is switching MA plans while currently receiving care, they must be granted at least 90 days to make the transition so that treatment is not interrupted. Awareness on the part of physical therapists of these policy changes is important so that payers are held accountable and abide by these rules
APTA New York | January/February | 6 January/February2024
The traditional MIPS program will be retired at the end of 2027 and will be replaced by the MIPS Value Pathway (MVP). While existing MVP’s have not directly involved physical therapy practice, a new MVP has been proposed for 2024 which will be relevant to the profession: Rehabilitative Support for Musculoskeletal Care MVP. APTA in addition to the Orthopedic (AOPT) and Private Practice (PPS) sections, have engaged with CMS in the development and structure of the MSK MVP, for example, in recommending quality measures that will be part of the reporting process. In addition, CMS has introduced a low back pain cost measure, which will offer the first opportunity for attribution to the physical therapist in assessing episode costs for the management of back pain. This is an opportunity for physical therapists to participate in meaningful VBP. It will require, however, physical therapists to be active participants in building and improving the structure of the MVP through advocacy efforts.
In 2023, the Private Practice and Orthopedic sections of the APTA formed the Payment Consortium, a collaborative group that includes APTA representatives from Government Affairs and Health Policy & Payment, dedicated to addressing payment at a national level and to assuring access to PT services. In its inaugural years, 3 major areas of focus were: (1) administrative burden, (2) commercial payers and contract negotiation, and (3) Medicaid Members of the PC, in coordination with APTA’s Health Policy & Payment staff, have submitted multiple comment letters to federal regulators in support of strategies to decrease administrative burden on practices and providers on the basis of improving access to care The PC is also monitoring state legislative actions targeting administrative burden and sharing successful strategies There have been some signs of improvement. For example, UHC is eliminating prior authorization for commercial plans for commonly used PT codes, and is also eliminating its policy requiring a physician signature on the plan of care. Cigna will eliminate prior authorization for approximately 600 codes. Additionally, Aetna ended its prior authorizations in 5 states, including New York, in February.
The results of the work of the PC can be found at the State Payment & Resource Advocacy Center (SPARC).
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With regard to commercial payment, the PC is working toward a goal of educating providers on contract negotiation Many providers do not engage in contract negotiation with 3rd party payers This can lead to providers accepting contracts with inadequate fees Experienced PTs have demonstrated that they are capable of improving payment rates and contract other contract terms A webinar on contract negotiation can also be found at the SPARC site
Medicaid poses many challenges for the profession, with restrictions on coding and generally low payment rates The populations served by Medicaid include children, pregnant women, frail elderly, and low-income adults Equity in healthcare requires strong advocacy for Medicaid recipients
APTA has been conducting a state-by-state review of payment rates under Medicaid so that physical therapists can better advocate for fees that allow for improved access to PT services The PC is working with states to provide support for legislative efforts to assist in advocacy
Finally, the PC plans to conduct a survey of PPS and AOPT membership in 2024 regarding the performance of national insurance companies. Items on the survey will include prior authorization process, efficiency in claims processing, claims denials, utilization review policies, and adequacy of payment. The intent is to produce a payer scorecard, which can be shared with the PT community as well as select stakeholder groups, such as employer groups.
It is clear that New York is among the states with the greatest challenges on the payment front. In 2019, under the Worker’s Compensation system, the physical therapy fee schedule increased 100% across the state. This was a very positive outcome for PTs and was a direct result of APTA New York advocacy. Instead of commercial payers following with positive adjustments in payment within the state, however, the COVID epidemic halted any progress in reimbursement Fast forward to 2024 and declining Medicare payments appear to be contributing to negative payment adjustments among commercial payers
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APTA New York is working strategically to address payment. Current efforts include, but are not limited, to:
APTA New York works closely with APTA Health Policy and Payment, Government Affairs, and State Affairs divisions to address payment issues
Strategies developed by the Payment Consortium are being considered for implementation in New York. For example, the chapter is currently considering surveying the membership on regional payers, using the national survey (mentioned above) as a model.
APTA New York has invested in an “Access-to-Health” campaign, which has drawn attention to Medicare payment cuts and the impact of these cuts on access to physical therapist services. Members of the Public Policy Committee are engaging with the Department of Health on the NYS Prevention Agenda and exploring ways in which to become more involved in health policy decisionmaking
APTA New York has had initial discussions on addressing Medicaid payment policies in our state
Finally, there is a growing realization that physical therapists need to explore legal avenues to improve contract negotiations with payers, employer groups, and government agencies.
This is a particularly challenging area for provider organizations. However, APTA New York is dedicated to improving the practice environment for the profession as a whole and will continue to work to support payment reform.
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LOBBY DAY: April 16th!
We invite you all to join fellow APTA New York Members on Tuesday, April 16 for a chance to make a difference in the profession!
Lobby Day gives members the opportunity to gather together in Albany to visit state senators and assembly members in their offices, in order to explain the importance of legislation impacting the physical therapy profession. For first time Lobby Day individuals, there are many seasoned members who are happy to introduce you to the process. Just ask how we can connect you with a mentor!
ADVOCACY WORKS! With your help, the Physical Therapist Assistant licensure bill that we supported during previous Lobby Days was passed by both houses of the legislature and signed into law by the Governor as Chapter 511 of the Laws of 2022
Physical Therapist Assistants will officially become licensed healthcare providers on February 17th of this year!
Continue to check out the APTA New York Lobby Day page for the most up-todate information on what legislature we are working for!
David Love
David Love is a new member of APTA New York and is excited to share his story!
He shares what brought him to the industry and how he hopes to progress as a PTA in the field.
Read more about David's passion for physical therapy and his background below!
"Ibelievethemostrewarding partofthePhysicalTherapy professionisknowingthat everydayIwork,Iwillbe helpingtomakesomeone'slife better."
APTA New York | January/February | 11 January/February2024
Jennifer Collins
Jennifer is a long-time member of APTA New York and has spent much of her time making a difference for the profession.
As a member for 48 years, she has made a huge impact in our profession.
Learn more about Jennifer’s story below!
"My years serving the profession through being involved in APTA NY were some of the best of my professional years "
APTA New York | January/February | 12
Call for Nominations!
To be eligible, Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants must be a member of the APTA New York.
Today more than ever, physical therapist and physical therapist assistants are an integral part of health care for children, adults and athletes. Here's your chance to pay tribute to the therapist who's made a difference in your life or in the life of a loved one. To submit a nomination, please send a letter of support with your name, address and phone number. In your submission include the therapist's name, address and where he/she practices
The 2024 PT of the Year will be honored at Delegate Assembly on June 1, 2024.
Email a letter of support and all information to Erin Stack at the Chapter Office: estack@aptanyorg
APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER APTA New York | January/February| 13
TheresaMarkometwith congressmanGregoryMeeks.He agreesweneedtoaddmoremoney totheMedicarePhysicianFee Scheduleandthatwemuststop Medicarecuts!
APTA New York members provided free health assessments as part of our Access to Health public awareness campaign at Nazareth University.
Our Western District’s Holiday Social! All proceeds went to "Make Lemonaide –Foundation for CP"
APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER APTA New York | January/February| 16 January/February2024
UPCOMING EVENTS May 31 Leadership Development Workshop
The 2024 APTA New York Leadership Workshop will take place on May 31st, 2024, just one day BEFORE the Delegate Assembly (DA). The leadership workshop is designed to help prepare participants to at the DA and learn firsthand how to advocate for change within our profession
The DA is the highest deliberative body of the APTA New York. At th annual event, Chapter officials are elected and both Chapter/Assoc (House of Delegates) motions are discussed and debated.
APTA New York is looking for PT and PTA candidates from each dis to experience the process and learn to provide a voice for our profe
Share your story! APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER APTA New York | January/February| 17 January/February2024
Ask your District Chair for more information. We want to highlight YOU!
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APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER WE APPRECIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP APTANewYork PO Box592 Wynantskill,NY12198 5184594499 Publisher Editor/Designer EditorialBoard ChapterOfficers ChapterDirectors ChapterOfficeStaff JulietBarney TheAPTANewYork Newsletterispublished6 timesperyear. LeahTalbot,PT,MS,MSPT President VicePresident Treasurer Secretary ChiefDelegate SpeakerofDA MichaelTisbePT,DPT MichaelMasaracchioPT,DPT,PhD MichaelHusonPT,DPT CatherineZacher,PT,DPT NannetteHyland GenevieveSmithPT,DPT Brooklyn/StatenIsland Catskill Central Eastern FingerLakes GreaterNewYork HudsonValley LongIsland SouthernTier Western AnnaLenPT,DPT YvonneEgittoPT,DPT AdamRufaPT,DPT AudreyPaslowPT,DPT JenniferFay,PT,MSPT,EdD RosaTorres-PanchameDPT,PT MaryLibutti,PT,DPT,MSPT EricGreenbergPT JoelVanSlyke,PT,DPT,MS JacobMcPhersonPT,DPT,OCS ExecutiveDirector CommunicationsManager ContinuingEducation&EventsCoordinator EileenRenaud JulietBarney ErinStack Copyright 2024 by APTA New York
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