Issue 2 2013
Christchurch schoolchildren’s grant
new grant to support Christchurch schoolchildren experiencing earthquake-related challenges that impact on their health and well-being has been launched. The $9.3 million allocated for the grant will help primary and secondary school children deal with earthquake-related anxiety, stress or behavioural problems
Parkview Primary principal Les Gray with pupils.
and to assist those whose access to their own sakes and for the future of activities and resources has been limited Christchurch. We’re partnering with by earthquake-related financial hardship. schools to distribute this grant because they are uniquely placed to identify and School principals and teachers in respond to the challenges their students Canterbury say they have noticed an are facing, whether these be well-being or increase in anxiety among children since hardship related,” he says. the earthquakes. The president of the Canterbury “There’s a greater need for access to Secondary Principals Association, Neil specialised counselling support. Solving Wilkinson, says the problems becomes “Schools are delighted with grant offers a large much more difficult due to the emotional this grant – it’s fantastic.” number of students, still affected by the and psychological state of those involved, both parents and impact of the earthquakes, a wide range children,” explains Canterbury Primary of options. Principals Association representative “Schools are delighted with this grant – Graeme Barber. it’s fantastic. It says to the young people Applications for the grant must be made of Christchurch that their needs have by schools and used to provide resources not been forgotten and we just hope and assistance directly to students, not they take advantage of this opportunity,” operational or capital costs. he says. It is envisioned the grant will help The grant aligns with New Zealand children access things like counselling, Red Cross’ messages for Cantabrians school camps, field trips, group activities, last month on the second anniversary, uniforms and life skills programmes. encouraging the people of Christchurch New Zealand Red Cross 2011 Earthquake to make their personal happiness and that Commission chair Sir John Hansen says of their family and friends a priority. Red Cross wants to make a positive MORE INFO AT difference to the lives of these children. “We want to foster resilience, both for