new zealand red cross
new zealand sees red
Message from Penny
The annual SEE RED appeal was a great success. Teams from across the country were out in force last week putting in a tremendous effort reaching our target of $450,000 before the end of March.
As we neared the anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake that cruelly devastated so many lives and livelihoods, we all found ourselves reflecting on the year that had passed. So much had happened and the destruction to that beautiful city and its people had changed the lives of them all for ever. New Zealand Red Cross had also changed a lot during that time.
On 16 March a sea of red collectors lined local pathways drumming up support and collecting donations for Red Cross. Wellington volunteers were first to collect on the streets on 7 March. Central Auckland was lit up for the appeal with the Sky Tower, Aotea Square, The Cloud and Auckland Museum turning red for Red Cross. National Fundraising Manager Alice Montague put the challenge out to businesses across New Zealand to wear red and not let the colour of hope fade.
For the last 18 months we have been called upon to make extraordinary efforts to provide relief. We have managed well and it was with great pride that I received on behalf of our organisation, the special award presented by the Christchurch City Council to organisations who provided first response. As I accepted the award I thought of the many staff, members and volunteers who did so much to help those in need. Without the efforts of those people, many of whom will be reading this Link, Red Cross could never have provided the help for
¡ Auckland service centre staff SEE RED.
2012 is shaping up to be another very busy year. We seem to be doing more and more as time goes on, but that is because we are seen to be reliable, and of course our Fundamental Principles mean we are held in high regard. Our help in Christchurch continues as does our work throughout the country. That is what we are all about – there to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It means we are always busy but it is what makes Red Cross special and a wonderful organisation to be involved with. I hope you all enjoy working for it as much as I do.
Penny Mason
National President
christchurch earthquake awards New Zealand Red Cross received an award for providing “invaluable support in rescue and recovery” and for “assisting our city in its darkest hour” during the Christchurch one year anniversary commemorations.
¡ New Zealand Red Cross national office staff SEE RED.
which we were rewarded. Let me take this opportunity to thank you all.
Red Cross also received a St John Priory Award, one of only eight organisations to be honoured. The Canterbury earthquakes and continuing aftershocks have led to the largest relief and recovery programme in New Zealand Red Cross history. New Zealand Red Cross have been involved in the recovery process from day one although now the focus has
changed to the long-term recovery of the region. The 2011 Earthquake Appeal raised a record amount – $115million. However, Red Cross efforts go further than just raising money. Volunteers and staff have been doing everything they can to support those in need from coordinating response activities and visiting homes, to distributing torch radios and general community outreach. It is these efforts as a whole that have seen New Zealand Red Cross recognised by these two official Christchurch Earthquake awards.