new zealand red cross
issue 2/2012 In this issue: Youth on the move red cross and the square affair your annual appeal photos
EARLY ACTION FOR DISASTERS – A MUST New Zealand Red Cross chief executive says, “it is an honour to host such a dignitary here in New Zealand. Mr Geleta is garnering insight and a deeper understanding of the Pacific and the unique challenges that Pacific national societies face.”
¡ The Secretary General of International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent societies Bekele Geleta gives an address on early action for disasters.
In 2011 we witnessed the Christchurch earthquakes, the worst floods in living memory in Australia, and the natural disasters in Japan. These events have ensured that disaster preparedness is in the forefront of many people’s minds. The Secretary General of International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, Bekele Geleta visited Wellington to reiterate how important early warnings and disaster preparedness is. With 34 per cent of the world’s natural disasters occurring in the Asia Pacific region in 2011 Geleta’s talk is more than relevant.
Geleta called for funding to be given to disaster preparedness, stating that, “one dollar spent on disaster preparedness can save four dollars spent responding to a crisis afterwards”. This logic makes disaster preparedness a cost-effective way for governments to protect not only their people, but the infrastructure that national, regional and global economies depend on. Mr Geleta has worked with vulnerable populations for over 20 years giving him extensive experience in policy advice, management and administration in humanitarian organisations. However, it is his firsthand knowledge—having been a political prisoner and refugee himself— that helps him truly understand the people served by the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.
red cross trained first aider saves life Less than a month after attending a Red Cross first aid course Jodie Alexander used her newly learnt skills to save a life. On 10 April Jodie and her sister stumbled upon a car accident and immediately attended to the driver who had suffered a cardiac arrest. With her first aid knowledge fresh in her mind Jodie and her sister lifted the man from the car and begun chest compressions. Though bystanders had said they had called an ambulance, after
17 minutes of chest compressions it was evident they had not. A call was made and paramedics arrived within minutes. Jodie is extremely grateful for the first aid training she received. “I was really amazed at the amount of people standing around the car that did not go and assess the situation nor did they act. I am going to be the strongest advocate for first aid training as you never know when you will need to use it and I would like to create awareness.”
Message from Penny Once again 8 May, World Red Cross Day has been and gone. May 8 is the birthday of Henry Dunant, the great Founder of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. What a legacy he left to the world and to each and everyone of us. It was having witnessed the shocking aftermath of the famous Battle of Solferino, that he formed the idea of persuading all nations of the world to form relief societies to provide care for wartime wounded. Since that time the Movement, as we call it has continued to grow so that now we have 187 countries in the world with National Societies. One of my predecessors, John Wilson, shared a birthday with Henry, and that was great cause for celebration each year in the Wellington area where John lived. It always seemed fitting because John was a great humanitarian with enormous vision and energy. I was delighted to see that many branches and area councils marked the day in some special way. Some held area forums, some international humanitarian law seminars, and some followed the theme of youth in some way. Overseas events included the launching of the “Parliamentary Friends of Red Cross” by Australian Red Cross. For me it is a wonderful feeling to be part of this big family, all celebrating the same person’s birthday.
Penny Mason
National President