new zealand red cross
Issue 5/2012 In this issue: penny’s visit down south waikato volunteers win awards new zealand red cross ready to shakeout
dunedin red cross choir marks 70 years Otago area manager Karen Clements. So much so, that Otago’s nomination for New Zealand Red Cross volunteer of the year award was the choir.
¡ The Dunedin Red Cross Choir performing.
It has been 70 years since the Dunedin Red Cross Choir gave its first performance. Established in 1942, it is one of only three Red Cross Choirs in the world. The choir is made up of a group of dedicated people who do more than entertain; they are described as the backbone of the Dunedin branch by
The volunteers in this choir dedicate hundreds of hours each year to delight rest home residents and attendees at functions. Each year they put on a concert and raise funds for New Zealand Red Cross programmes. They are a group of modest hard working volunteers Otago area manager Karen Clements says. “We know they don’t like a fuss, but after 70 years we in Otago think they deserve one. They are just fantastic.” This group truly exemplifies all that Red Cross at the grassroots represents.
TRINITY TARGETS NUCLEAR WEAPONS Warren Maxwell of Trinity Roots is backing New Zealand Red Cross’ awareness campaign to make nuclear weapons the target. In an interview in July, Warren was quick to tell us why he is passionate about supporting the banning of nuclear weapons.
¡ Warren Maxwell talks about nuclear weapons.
“It is important to remind ourselves that nuclear weapons are still being stockpiled, they are still out there, a danger, a threat.” He also spoke of the bigger picture, “it’s not about us essentially. It is about our kids, our grandkids and our great grandkids”.
The campaign was officially launched 30 August at parliament hosted by National MP for Hunuia Dr Paul Hutchinson. The campaign is centred around a website asking people to vote whether they think nuclear weapons should be banned. The social explosion will ignite when our social reach exceeds 150,000; the estimated combined force of the 20,000 nuclear weapons held globally.
Message from Penny One of the very pleasant aspects of my job as President of Red Cross is meeting up with members from all parts of the country. As in all the 188 countries of the world where there is a Red Cross or Red Crescent Society, New Zealand Red Cross is owned and governed by the members. It is the members who provide the leadership and set the direction of the organisation. We must never forget the important and valuable role that members play in Red Cross. They, along with all the volunteers are our life blood, and the passion and commitment of present and past members never ceases to amaze me. In November the National Council (Annual General Meeting) will be held in Auckland. At this important meeting this year there will be elections for a new President, the National Youth Representative, and the six elected positions on the National Board. These people will be in place for the next few years and like all members, they will exemplify the fourth Principle and provide their time and expertise voluntarily “not prompted in any manner by desire for gain”. It is the duty of us all to give thought to who we elect and to then provide our support to those who are successful.
Penny Mason
National President