Issue 5 2013
82nd National Council
wiss Ambassador Marion Weichelt Krupski gave all attendees a warm welcome to the 82nd National Council held in Wellington on 2 and 3 November.
The National Council was again attended by a large number of Red Cross representatives from all across New Zealand, as well as staff and international guests. International visitors included Australian Red Cross President Michael Legge and Vice-President Ross Pinney, and the ICRC representative in the Pacific, Judith Greenwood. A wide range of topics was discussed with presentations about next year’s Annual
Appeal, the new ‘RedNet’ information resource for members, emergency preparedness and our disaster response teams as well as an overview of Christchurch recovery activities. A highlight of the meeting came during Shupayi Mpunga’s speech about youth leadership and engagement. While her speech was mostly focused around the recent Christchurch Youth Forum, she took the opportunity to get attendees up on their feet by teaching them the Cupid Shuffle dance – a song that has been adapted by the Red Cross youth and is fun and catchy. Visit the story on the homepage of RedNet to see the Board, staff and other Red Cross members giving the dance a go. Another presentation which stood out was the insight into the Refugee Services
programme. National Refugee Services Manager Molly Kennedy began with an overview about the programme, explaining how the different branches within Red Cross may look to connect with it. Adding to Molly’s message were social worker Lucy Anderson and volunteer supervisor Sonja De Lange. A former refugee, Mohammad Ali Amiri was a great addition and, combined with Lucy and Sonja’s perspective, gave a very informative overview of all the different aspects of the programme. President Jenny McMahon said it was fabulous to see many of the membership during the weekend. “Your enthusiasm, passion and dedication are really appreciated and are a hallmark of New Zealand Red Cross’ success,” she says.