July/August 2013 | Issue 9
¡ Red Cross volunteer Kevin Alderton helps passenger Daphne Irvine out of a Cross Town Shuttle.
CROSS TOWN SHUTTLES CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY The earthquakes have made it more difficult for Daphne Irvine to get around Christchurch. The active Linwood resident uses public transport when possible, but with reduced bus services this is not always an option.
Cross community transport, which focuses on medical appointments. As well as providing extra capacity in this area, the Cross Town Shuttle programme aims to relieve social isolation and encourage people to participate in recreational activities and community events.
With no bus stopping near her local hearing clinic, Mrs Irvine is grateful that she can now catch a Cross Town Shuttle to her appointments and enjoy the company of other passengers.
Other passengers have caught the shuttle to attend ‘Senior Chef Cooking Classes’ at Princess Margaret Hospital, including one elderly gentleman whose wife recently died. She always cooked for them, so he is now learning to prepare meals for himself, so that he does not have to rely on his sons. At the end of a class the participants socialise and eat their newly prepared meal together.
“It’s a wonderful service. I have a new hearing aid which needs to be fitted and checked regularly for the first few weeks, so it’s very helpful to be able to catch the shuttle,” she says. “It’s bright and cheery and drops me right at the door.” There are three Cross Town Shuttles on the road in Christchurch. They are part of the recovery community transport programme and are designed to expand on existing Red
Six-year-old Willow Connor and her mother Andrea Gorton have six weeks of rides booked so that Willow, who has cerebral palsy, can have casts put on her legs before the busy swimming season. Despite missing out on a school concert one afternoon
Welcome to the July/August edition of the New Zealand Red Cross recovery newsletter. We are pleased to introduce our new Cross Town Shuttles and to share more inspiring stories from recipients of the Christchurch Schoolchildren’s Grant and Winter Warmer Packs. These and the many messages of thanks we have received reinforce that practical assistance is only one aspect of recovery projects. Just as important is the emotional impact of knowing that someone cares. We will soon farewell our Recovery Programme Manager Jane Edgar. We are grateful for the leadership and commitment she has shown to recovery staff, volunteers and the community since she joined the team last November. We wish Jane all the best for the new challenges ahead.
IN THIS ISSUE Cross Town Shuttles connecting the community Outdoor experiences popular with grant recipients Winter Warmer Packs bring warmth and smiles
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