March/April 2013 | Issue 7
¡ Happy campers searching for sea creatures.
A group of Year 7 and 8 students from Sacred Heart, a decile three school in Addington, is the first to benefit from the $9.3 million Christchurch Schoolchildren’s Grant launched by the New Zealand Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Commission in February. The students enjoyed a three-day camp at Wainui, near Akaroa, in March. The camp was one of a number of Sacred Heart School projects made possible by the grant. It was jointly funded by Sacred Heart School, students’ families and the grant money. Principal Trish Sleeman says the students had “an incredible time” which included kayaking with dolphins and getting up before dawn to watch the Queen Mary II sail into Akaroa Harbour. “It was a joy to see the children at Wainui so happy and appreciative of the amazing outdoor opportunities.” Year 8 student Anne Fernando says
her favourite activity was coasteering, which involved “searching for crabs and other fascinating creatures under the rugged rocks, painting mud artistically on our faces, jumping off large cliffs, swimming in the freezing ocean and some serious splashing”. This is the first ‘overnight’ camp the school has held since the earthquake because, until now, many of the students have been insecure and having problems sleeping. Mrs Sleeman says that the grant will benefit “still anxious” students and lessen the earthquake-related financial burden for families. “While we all feel life is more settled in our city, the smallest tremor brings anxiety to us all,” says Mrs Sleeman. “The grant takes a huge pressure from families who have rising rents and are on the minimum wage and find it difficult to provide for all the extras.” The school will also use the grant to supplement transport to swimming lessons, sports uniforms and memberships, Life Education programmes and an end of year trip to Willowbank Wildlife Reserve. continued page three
Welcome to the March/April edition of the New Zealand Red Cross Recovery newsletter. There is plenty to celebrate in this issue, such as the first use of the Christchurch Schoolchildren’s Grant, another successful visit by disaster psychologist Dr Rob Gordon and a positive outcome for two of our grant recipients. There is also an important warning – to slow down and take care of ourselves. It is common for people to run out of energy in the third and fourth years of recovery so now is the time to focus on what brings us relaxation and enjoyment.
In this issue Sacred Heart first to use Christchurch Schoolchildren’s Grant Disaster psychologist says stop and slow down Grant recipients thank New Zealand Red Cross
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