May 2012
her self-employed builder husband has lost many hours of work looking after her. On top of that there were motel costs for family so she didn’t have to live alone for 5 months while her house was modified, and student loan fees for a daughter who has since pulled out of study after suffering posttraumatic stress and depression. “I feel that my family has a life sentence with me and deserve some support. If I had died the kids would have been entitled to educational grants but because I survived they get nothing.”
MORE HELP FOR THE SERIOUSLY INJURED As the anniversary of the February 22nd earthquake approached earlier this year, Christchurch nurse Bev Edwards sat down and wrote to Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker. She wanted to highlight what she called “the forgotten victims” of the earthquake, and the problems people like her were facing. Bev became a paraplegic when the Tasty Tucker Café roof fell on her as she was having lunch on February 22, 2011. She was in a coma for days, then had to have several operations for a torn diaphragm, damaged spleen, collapsed lung, 10 fractured ribs and to put a plate in her crushed spine. It cost her family thousands of dollars to travel back and forth to Wellington as her life hung in the balance, and
Now the New Zealand Red Cross Earthquake Commission is offering extra help for the 23 people most seriously injured in the earthquake, who include amputees and paraplegics. They’ve already received a one off $7500 grant, but the Commission is recognising that these people will live for the rest of their lives with their own personal earthquake damage. It has therefore opened up all previous Red Cross grants to this group of people, with the acknowledgement many of them were in hospital or busy with their recovery when the grants were originally offered. Bev has already received her funds, and says the extra money couldn’t have come at a better time. “I’m going to use it to get carpet in the house - that will really help with winter coming. “I’ll also have our dining area made more secure because I can’t chase my grandchildren to make sure they don’t fall down the stairs. And I’ll probably help my daughter pay off a bit of her student loan. “Thank you so much, it will really help.”
Welcome to the very first New Zealand Red Cross Recovery newsletter. We are looking forward to keeping you informed every month about the important work we are doing in Canterbury. We have recovery programmes planned for the next three to five years, and because recovery is a two-way process, we want to hear from people in the community about what your needs are. We welcome your feedback, and if you know people who would like to subscribe, please pass this newsletter on or let us know.
IN THIS ISSUE More help for the seriously injured Guest Column – Hon Gerry Brownlee Red cross rolls out torch radios New grant to help people with disabilities
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