New Zealand Red cross Link October 2013

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Issue 4 2013

Greetings from Tony


t has now been three weeks since the warm welcome I received at national office with a traditional Mihi Whakatau. In this short time I have already met many of you, the people who make Red Cross tick. Everyone has shared so much with me, and I thank those of you who have sent welcome emails and letters. It is now only fair I share a bit about me with you.

My background in the not-for-profit sector began in the 1980s as a psychiatric social worker in Auckland and then in the national office of the NZ AIDS Foundation working on health promotion campaigns. I moved back to my hometown of Christchurch in 1989 with my partner Bernadette and worked freelance for charities as a writer and fundraiser – discovering the pleasure and intriguing

challenges of working with teams of people to get things done. My first CEO role was with the Comcare Trust, which provides a range of housing and community support services for people with psychiatric disabilities. My next CEO role was with the Christchurch Arts Centre Trust, during which time I completed a Masters in Management and a thesis on customer services in social service organisations. By then Bernadette and I had two kids: Maggie-Rose who is now 17, and Sally who is 12 (pictured above). In 2008 we left our home in Diamond Harbour (opposite Lyttelton) to come to Wellington where I became CEO of NZ Victim Support. Since then Wellington has become my favourite city – a dramatic, energetic, friendly and beautiful place with bush and beach close at hand. Outside of work, family and friends are the heart of my world. I’m an amateur

musician and have played guitar and bass in jazz and rock bands. Music is a big part of our family life: Wellington ukuleles, jam sessions, sing-alongs around the piano. I even have to confess to owning a banjo. One theme of all of that (at least with the power of hindsight) is community and connection: the relationships that help us find meaning, and make a rich, full life possible are so important. As someone much wiser than me said, “a community is a place where no one who has the need to mourn or celebrate should have to do so alone”. I’m continuing to enjoy learning about the ways Red Cross brings those powerful ideas to life. I am excited to get out of the office and meet our members and volunteers. It’s important to me that everyone feels part of one organisation and knows that their views will be an important part of my orientation to Red Cross and the great work we are doing.

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