New Zealand Snowboarder Issue 54, May 2011 Preview

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lesson in priorities



FOXPEaK By Matt ‘Mad Dog’ White All Photos by Phil Erickson


We all have our secret spots, lines, or pow stashes, and they’re usually kept that way to deter others from tearing it up when you’re not around. I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine… It’s called Fox Peak. Fox Peak is located in the Two Thumb range and the closest town is Fairlie, about 45 minutes away The route isn’t that well sign posted, so look for the turnoff – it’s just before you reach Fairlie if you’re coming from Christchurch. Snow seasons can vary due to Fox being right in the firing line of the mighty NW winds of Canterbury. Some years they haven’t opened due to lack of snow and this is one of many reasons I haven’t returned for about 10 years. But in good snow years when there’s plenty of base, it can be all on!

Mark Anderson blasts one off the back.


Down the line in Haines, Alaska. PHOTO: OLI GAGNON


Finding Balance Nicolas M端ller Interview




Will Jackways reaping the rewards of a hike to some Olympus goodness. PHOTO: GREG ROEBUCK


OlYMPUS a leSson By Ruari Macfarlane


THE WIND BLEW, THE CLOUDS ROLLED… another day at Snow Park and work was definitely dragging out. The next few days off but no powder and no plan, save a couple of tix for a De La Soul gig. Then a wave caught my eye, and Will and Abby dropped by to say g’day, all smiles… “We’re off to the clubbies somewhere eh, just a chill trip, got Abs and Justin – the token Canuck – on the tows. Oh, this is Roebuck, on holiday from Seattle, perhaps you’ve seen his work, yeah mean, eh! We’re off right now, bummer you gotta work… oh maybe you should roll on up this evening?” “Really…? Me?” Well, two hours later we were in Will’s Subey, hissing towards Lindis Pass on wet roads with the promise of fresh turns tomorrow but possibly no girl to greet me when I returned. At least Sam Lee had been pretty understanding when I burst into his office and babbled something to the effect that I wanted to skive off to ride pow at Mt Olympus. My lovely girlfriend, on the other hand, was unimpressed to say the least; she’d been excited about us going to the gig for ages… keyword us. I only brought up the idea but that was enough to do the damage… ah, may as well go then. Sorry babe, no excuse really! The good times rolled on, taking the sneaky shortcut along the Pukaki canals, sunset bathing the torn sky all hues and dyeing the whole MacKenzie Basin a surreal purple. A text from Greg and Justin straining along in a tiny rental 20 minutes (and growing) behind, “Red sky at night, shredder’s delight.” Yeah boys, that’s the spirit! A wee beer wager on travelling time to our destination kept the going interesting from Fairlie. Will thought we were getting close and during the Geraldine pie stop (mandatory) quizzed the hard case at the counter on how long we had left. “Mount Olympus, now that’s in Greece isn’t it?” Obviously not so close! As we rattled up the Rakaia high country, yours truly told encouraging tales along the lines of “crashed at 80 clicks here, got stuck there”, distracting and slowing Will just enough to narrowly clinch the theoretical beers… not sure I’ve seen them yet? Old friends, a cranking fire and the finest scotch greeted us at the Bottom Hut. A comfy evening ensued, as rain drummed on the tin roof. We woke to sunlight, and Will hammering a monstrous bowl of porridge that impressed even myself. All were stoked, Roebucks maintaining that a coffee, maybe a little something else and he’d be good to go. Typically though, the freshies had the road looking even rougher than usual. Abby wasted no time in charming a ride for herself and Will, right before the trickle of trucks having a crack dried up…. Half an hour later we were still in Bottom Hut Land, wondering where Will may have hidden his car keys. Olympus’s plethora of fresh smothered gnar sparkled cruelly in the climbing sun. Working at Olympus the past season, we’d often had a chuckle at the arrival of Wanaka crew, bright gear screaming ‘notice me’ as they fumbled up the rope tows, or worse yet stuck at bottom hut in 2WD’s… it was bloody ironic to find myself on the other side of the fence. NZSNOWBOARDER 49

BUYER’S 2011

NOW MORE THAN EVER, getting the most out of your spend is important when it comes to buying new shred gear – what with the ever rising costs of living, petrol and pretty much everything, you need to make every dollar count. Consider how much you’re willing to spend, and remember, you don’t have to drop top dollar to get the gear best for you. The other major factor is figuring out and knowing what you want from your quiver. For example, what type of riding are you mostly going to be doing; do you want an all-rounder, a jib stick, stiff boots, soft boots, the list goes on! With so many options it can be difficult knowing where to even start. Below are some key points to help you make the right decision when it comes to picking a new board, boots, bindings, goggles or outerwear. And regardless of what you’re looking for, don’t forget to visit your local retailer to see what’s on offer and talk to staff – they’ll be schooled-up on the latest gears and gadgets, and make sure you’re on the right track.


Mounting System - Check they’re compatible with your board; some brands

length for your height, and board width for your boot size. Riding Style - Identify where you expect to ride the most, for example the park or freeriding, and look at appropriate types of boards. Board Features - Understand what makes a board work and perform in different conditions, check ‘construction keywords’.


Rider Size - Match the board to your weight. Also check recommended board


Try on Lots - Different brands suit different shaped feet; trying all is the only way to find out what’s best for you, including the lacing system. Go Snug - Boots pack out, so start snug – without curling your toes! Wear thin socks, you can always go thicker once they wear in. Comfort is Key - Above all, make sure they’re comfortable – you’re going to be in them all day!


Get the Right Size - Make sure your boots fit snug into them, especially width-ways! Check straps adjust in both directions for length corrections later. 84 NZSNOWBOARDER

have different mounting systems. Customize - Check placement, forward lean, angles, etc. Play around to find the most comfortable settings.

Fit - Try them on with a beanie/helmet to ensure a good comfy fit. Lenses - Get a lens colour that suits – if you only have one pair/lens, make sure it will work in all conditions. Dry them out - Dry properly after use. Don’t leave them in your jacket, bag, or car and expect them not to be fogged up the next day!


Waterproof Ratings - A rating of 5,000 is sufficient for NZ conditions, 10,000 is the standard, and anything over is a bonus. The higher the rating, the more you pay. Fit - You need room to move in your outerwear, allowing freedom when you ride. Think about the way you layer for conditions when considering fit. Features - Outerwear comes stacked with features. More or less, the choice is yours, but they’ll be priced accordingly!


Snowboard Construction Keywords SHAPE – Twins are symmetrical in shape with centred stance, ride equally well in both directions, and are best suited to freestyle and park. Directional boards have different shaped nose and tail, and stance set back from centre, better for freeriding and powder. Length – Two things to check are overall length, and contact length (in contact with snow). Shorter boards will be more manoeuverable, while longer boards will be more stable at speed. Width – Measured at tip, waist, and tail. Basically a large boot requires a wider board; smaller boot, narrower board. You want to achieve good leverage during turns, without dragging toe or heel. Flex – Softer boards are more forgiving, easier to initiate turns, and less likely to catch an edge. A stiffer board can be more difficult to ride, needing more power to drive through turns, but will handle speed and big jumps better. Sidecut – The amount of ‘curve’ a board’s rail has when looking down at it, between tip and tail. The more sidecut a board has, the more it will want to turn or carve while riding. Camber/Rocker – The profile shape of a board when seen side-on. This feature has seen the most development in recent years, with the introduction of various ‘rocker’ boards. See below for the different types listed in our board guide.

2102 Movement Freestyle/Park Rocker 152CM $449

2102 Sienna

2102 Stroke

Women’s Freestyle/Park Rocker 149CM $449

Freestyle/Park Rocker 158CM $449


CAMBER Traditional construction, with centre of the board raised off the ground. Provides continuous edge contact and good edge hold for carving, plus a snappy feel underfoot – good ‘pop’ for ollies and jumps.

FLAT This is neutral, pretty much flat between the bindings and out towards the tip and tail. It’s less catchy but still provides a stable feel underfoot with good ‘pop’ and solid on landings.

2012 Blender

Women’s Freestyle/Park Rocker 145CM $824

2012 Custom Flying V Freestyle/Freeride Hybrid or Camber 158CM $999

2012 Sherlock Freestyle/Freeride Hybrid 157CM $949

ROCKER Think of this as ‘reverse camber’, with front and back raised rather than centre of board. Rocker gives a board a looser feel, making it less likely to catch an edge – a cruisey ride with great float in powder.

HYBRID Combines sections of camber and rocker – generally camber beneath your feet and rocker between, and/or out towards tip and tail. These boards provide the snappy feel underfoot combined with rocker for quick, easy turning and powder float.


Women’s Freestyle/Park Hybrid 149CM $869


Freestyle/Park Rocker 142CM $849


Freestyle/Park Rocker or Camber 157CM $799


Nick Brown, sending it at Stevens Pass, WA, USA. PHOTO: GREG ROEBUCK


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