New Zealand Skateboarder Annual #22

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100% SKATE





S H O W N I N G R E E N / B L A C K S UE D E .






14 16 26 34 42 50 66

Introspective Collective Scott Lai Deen Rakich Nico Gottschalk Gallery Gus Curwood

72 Shogun - Adro in 78 The Promised Land ls 82 Cheapskates Nationa 88 Cade Wilson-Russ 90 Nick Snooks 92 Chad Hoskins 94 Joel Skelton 96 Finale 04

Cover: Gus Curwood is the man. He’s got a soft spot for cards and jumping into pools with no water. Bigass Pop Shuv at Ashburton Hospital not far from where he grew up. Photo: Barber Contents: Rhys Campbell’s always got the secret spots. Well, his brother Scott does, and somehow we always manage get in on the action. Rhys goes frontside in this grain silo. Photo : Barber




Hayden McDermott is a man with tons of style. I snapped this ages ago at Lynfield Bowl and have been looking for a place to use it. Back D Revert in well deserved print.


I have a unique opportunity to travel the country each year, meeting and photographing with old mates and new talent in every place I visit. It’s awesome when somebody tells you some guy you’ve never heard of is ripping and that you should check him out. Case in point being the incredible result at this year’s Nationals. I may be the only one, but I’d never heard the names James Huntly or Sean Cupples before, but I’m stoked as hell I have now. I’m also happy that this issue of New Zealand Skateboarder Annual has the most content we have ever put out. More pages, more full page photos and more guys getting coverage. So enjoy it for what it is, your history documented. - Mark Barber

Dom Henry, Switch Flip, Berlin Photo: Jim Walker

Steve Nickolls, FS Feeble Auckland Photo: Darwen

Two guys who should be applauded for doing things their own way are Liam Willins-Matais and Guy Bellerby of Four Letters, an independent skate store in Birkenhead, Auckland. “In the space of five weeks and two broken wrists we have somehow managed to pull together a skate shop. Most people said it couldn’t be done and a few tried to make it not happen but we’ve gone all out to create a rad store that reflects the core skate values and independent attitude we were brought up on”, says Guy. If you’re in the area, drop by their Birkenhead Ave store and support the boys. They’ve promised they’ll bring back the classic old skate couch and VHS player combo… Tsingtao’s and 411VM anyone? Speaking of 411, you’ve been totally missing out if you haven’t checked the semi-regular bro-cam vids from the boys at The Peaks. Nico Gottschalk, Adam

Chey Ataria, always the innovator and collaborator, has been putting on some sick events this year with ABC. It’s great to have some community events happening, and the ABC Game of Skate series seems to be the perfect opportunity for people to get together and have some fun. The GOS skate format (pretty much based on The Berrics version) is far more entertaining than your average skate comp. Short and action packed, with a pretty heavy cash prize for the winner, ABC Game of Skate has been a huge success three times this year. Marchant Olivier took out the first game back in June, at Auckland’s Plaything Gallery. Down in Wellington, Pedro Day battled Max Couling for the win in September and LP Nuku came up from Hamilton to Auckland, claiming the prize in November. Let’s hope it continues to be a regular competition!


Edwin Massold, FS Nose Slide Papamoa Photo: Barber

There are a few bigger video productions out soon who definitely deserve a mention. The Gemmell Brothers have released “New Morning”, a full length Hamilton video, with Scott Lai, Dan Gemmell, Simon Gemmell, Josh Gemmell, and LP Nuku all with full parts. Colin Evans is releasing his vid, “South in Your Mouth”. It’s heavy on the skating with a large crew representing the South Island. Parts include Max Couling, Gregg Timms, Olly and Josh Wilson, Hootie Andrews, Digby Luxton, Beach Thurlow, Nick Bright, Josh Malthus and James Wright to name a few. Dan Yeoward’s also in there, and is also a new dad, congrats Dan! Willy Low is also putting out a new vid in early 2011, titled ‘Thanks’. It’s been a long time in the works but should be sick with parts from Nick Snooks (he’s got a Check Out this issue), Christian Low, Mark Coulston, Sam Reynolds, David Peryman, Chase Collins and heaps of other homies.

Hampson and Rene O’Donnell-Gibson are always out filming with their Canon G9, various cell phones, pinhole cameras and Etcher-Sketchers to bring you “Tha Peaks Weakly”. It’s do it yourself, shaky hand montages usually filmed over a week or so, where the boys and various cameo guests (Rhys Campbell, Justin Keeley and Harry Wilson to name a few) get down in and around Auckland. You gotta hand it to the originators though, The crew have been putting out their Smooch Saturdays vids for a few years now, and are always entertaining. So much so that they’ve even got their own spread toward the back of the mag! The only regular vid that’s sorely missed is Dom Henry’s Gale Force Tactics, but he’s back from his homeland now, so hopefully we’ll see some new footage soon.


Sean Cupples, FS Air, Barry Curtis Park Photo: Browne

opened in October, with the usual cheesy media coverage. All in all the park is amazing, and well worth a trip up or down to skate. The design went to plan, although there was some drama when the park engineers dropped the over-vert concrete cradle, cracking it. However, it was repaired and is now in place all in one piece. Adam Wharekawa has been tasked by the Council with the job of park supervisor/camp mum/media liaison, which probably suits him just fine.

Alex Dyer has been kind enough to give the mag a quick rundown of the neverending saga that is Aotea Square. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster up here in Auckland, with initial rumours and then confirmed fact that yes, the redeveloped Aotea Square would in fact be a public place where skateboarders could go, only to have it yanked away. The Council sited early damage to some ledges as the key factor in their decision to go back on their word, which caused accusations amongst the inner city group of skaters as to who ruined it for everyone, but at the end of the day, it’s more than likely a dream that would never come true. What is a cool though, is that the original square fountain with its famous banks has been relocated to the Cathedral at the top of Parnell Road. With all new smooth banks, clean water and lighting, there is new life in the old spot yet! The close to a million dollar design at Sir Barry Curtis Park in southeast Auckland

Finally, if your looking to head to Gissy for the New Year, then be sure to check out K.P.E.C 2010, on once again at the Gisborne Skatepark on Grey Street on the 28th of December… some of the countries best skaters will be throwing down during the best trick sessions for a share of cash and product up for grabs. For more info, contact Ben Harris at



W W W. A B C C U Z . C O M

We’ve got the giving spirit this issue...ti’s the season after all!.. With a big help from the companies below, you could win some of this fine skate proddy... just go to our website and hit the GIVEAWAYS tab...








FS Nose slide Christchurch Photo: Barber

SCOTT LAI By the Gemmell Brothers

T HE SKU X X I N T ERVI EW You’ve hit some big rails in your time, do you like skating rails? Ha-ha I try. It’s a rad feeling. It feels cool and I’ll keep hunting for more for as long as I can. I get nervous sometimes but find if I have a couple beers I’m more confident.

Scott Lai has evolved from a Rock n Roll street bum to one of New Zealand’s finest optical assistants. This change has also reflected in his skating, he now has a more defined style and definitely looks at home on his board. However he has not lost all of his raw attitude, when some sort of authority decides to confront him Scott will not hesitate in piss taking and arguing his point until the bitter end. He has an amazing ability to force civilians to boiling point, but always manages to weasel his way out unscathed. All in all Scott has been a great friend and skater, and he is definitely a missed part of the Hamilton scene for his pumped tude and trouble making. Scott sure knows how to get it done. Hard and Fast.

What about mannys and tech tricks? I like manuals and flipping my board, I’m no super skull tech dog but I kill it sometimes. The chill fun skates, I try to do some new shit but I just go with the flow and see what works mate. How was filming for your part in New Morning? I wish I had more stunts. Nice work Jono, good shit for filming and ripping mate. Can you magically make my part amazing? I want it to be a good part… but I’ve been slack. I just like going out and skating with the homies, if I can do something well I’ll try and do it. Lately it’s been more shooting than filming. Now I just feel like filming more and getting some power slides, street ollies and hill bombs.

In the last couple of years you’ve lived in Sydney, back to H-town, and now you’re in Auckland. How do they compare? Australia is mean as. Sydney rips for beaches, pubs/beers and skateboarding. It’s so good. Melbourne and Brisbane are really close and flying is pretty skull. Australia has some of the best spots in the world, it’s gnarly, everyone’s killing it. H-town is just same old shit different day nothing new happening, sorry lads. But you are bang in the middle and have good small towns close by and Auckland is not far away, heaps of shit is close. I miss all my homies and the Casino rips. I had to get away and find a new place… Auckland’s good and I’m feeling the vibe.

So who’s part are you backing in the vid? I haven’t really seen the parts yet so I’m psyched to see the final product, I know Dan’s pretty much killed it so his part should be amazing, and I heard Josh filmed a pretty dope slam the other day which should be sick ha-ha. Also Little Penis Nuku should have some skull maneuvers.

Who are you currently representing? Traffick, Cheapskates Khyber, Fortune wheels, Silver trucks, LRG threads, Adio kicks, Sabre goggles.

How does shooting for an interview and filming for a video part compare? I like shooting more but there’s way more pressure. I think you have to have your trick you want to go do and just do it. Sometimes it works out but if I have bad days it sucks, I just don’t concentrate and I’m a slack dude. It’s always good to see the footage evidence as well. Been tough lately to film, shit, it’s been a lot easier to shoot and I think I’m enjoying it a lot more than filming.

How has shooting for this interview been? It’s been cool and bad. Been on some fun missions. Cheers to Mark and Jake for their patience and the fun trips, good times and some long adventures but we smashed it hard and fast. I’m pretty happy now.

How did you find filming and skating in Barcelona? Amazing, I wish we were there for longer. We did well lads, we found a lot of spots, skated a lot and had heaps of fun. We had one chill day, hired bikes and raced around

Where do you want to be in the next few years? Keep skateboarding and travelling around doing something choice. Get myself a dog, own a Harley, house/pool and spa.


s stuck on a w I , s e h c n u w any p “I couldn’t thro a dead fish.” e k li d n u ro a lling the ground ro

BS 180 Auckland Photo: Darwen

like maniacs, that was pretty real getting amongst the traffic and being loose. I rode down the biggest bank, put on the front brakes and ate shit, flipped over the bars and rolled half way down the bank! Shit that was fun, but I was pretty lucky I didn't get wasted. We also got chased by bums at MACBA 4, shit got heavy and we tried leaving so the spics chased us, but we got away nicely. Cheers T-dawg for filming, Josh and Si ripping hard and fast. How was the rest of your holiday around Europe? So good. I went with my girlfriend. Good food and wine. Beautiful sights to see and too much walking. We flew into London for a few days then we went onto Paris, Spain and back up East France, then onto Italy, went all the way down and over to

Greece, and back to London. I meet up with Si and Josh in London and we boosted it to Barcelona. After the trip I flew back to London. We also travelled to Majorca, Spain for some sun, chilling and more pizza. Then cruised back to London, then home sweet home, skuxx NZ! A few years back you were a leather-jacket wearing vegetarian, now you’re a meat-eating optical assistant. What’s happened in the last few years to cause these changes? F@#*… it’s in my wardrobe hidden away in a glass cabinet, ha-ha Greco. I wear just whatever feels good at the time or some shit… I dunno, ha-ha. I was vegetarian for nearly five years, I found it pretty easy. Just in the last six months I felt like eating some meat and I’m loving it.

Double Kinked BS Boardslide Palmerston Nth Photo: Barber

You’ve managed to avoid work for as long as I’ve known you, you’re now holding down a Monday to Friday… how’s it going for you? Haha, living was tough but I managed to get by, I liked it a lot. Who wants to work when you can go skate and have fun? It was good but reality sucks and a fool needs a job. Some full-time work came up so I took it and I’m shredding reception, booking appointments and answering the phone. “Hello, Specsavers Newmarket, Skuxx Lai speaking” (laughs). Sometimes I frame style, it’s tough work, you gotta know your spectacles and I’m fresh meat so I’m still learning. Waking up early is the worst and standing around all day kills the legs. I have a rad boss (Kathy) she’s awesome.

What do you get up to when you’re not skating? Chillax, play golf, watch movies, drink a few beers and practice my Michael Jackson skuxx dance. Who would win in a fight between you and Midnight Youth? And why? Midnight Youth you are really shit and I’d smash them hard and fast like a ninja. Why? Because I think I can take them all on if had my nunchucks. Top five favourite pros, past an present? Past: Jamie Thomas, Reynolds, Greco, Heath Kirchart, Ethan Fowler. Present: Andrew Reynolds, Stefan Janoski, Kenny Anderson, Dylan Rieder, Chad Tim Tim.

FS Nosegrind Auckland Photo: Darwen

Who have been the major influences on your skateboarding over the years? My friends. What got you into it and what keeps you going? Friends, the Toy Machine, Welcome to Hell, Zero Misled Youth and Foundation Nervous Breakdown videos. It’s a great feeling rolling around skating the streets and having cool times. How high can you ollie? Shit, I don’t know? Not high enough. When is your moustache gonna grow properly? When it does it will be amazing, you’ll be pretty jealous.

Have you ever been punched off the dance floor? Yeah I got a punch to the eye, not sure why? I know the last thing I saw was Lepani pashing an Indian girl and I cracked up. Next thing I flew off the stage onto my butt and got rolled by five dudes. Josh Gemmell went down as well. I couldn’t throw any punches, I was stuck on the ground rolling around like a dead fish. I was dragged up off the ground by my neck and marched out the door by huge bouncers. As I was leaving all the lads were at the bar drinking beers, thanks dickheads, ha-ha, and Josh was pulled out of the bar by his little finger. After the mayhem we chilled out, I wanted to Kung Fu Panda the bouncer but he would’ve eaten me for desert. The next morning I woke up in bed with two of the bros next to me looking rough as guts, we went skating and

FS Tailslide Timaru Photo: Barber

I think if you look closely you can see my black eye on my 5-0 footage at the Te Aroha rail (laughs). What’s ya’ plan of attack when dealing with security? I can’t help but be a cheeky bastard when dealing with them. It’s too much fun. If they chill out and take it easy I’ll be kind and leave nicely but if they want to be a super hero I’ll shred the idiot to pieces. I’ve been looking through some of your old photos and stumbled across a real zinger of the infamous POB with a huge piss patch, shed some light on this? Tractor beast passed out on my couch as usual so I got some

water and threw it on his nuts. I grabbed my cam and snapped up a pic. POB and all the crew all thought he pissed himself. It wasn’t until three years later that Dan told him (laughs). He’s pretty good at getting boozed and being a tranny, so he's probably done it for real. POB is priceless. Any other drunken tales? There are a few skuxx stories. In Tauranga we started getting buck in town, then a drunk jock was hassling me for trying to slap his girlfriend’s ghetto booty. He was gonna take me out but luckily Skinner talked him out of it. On the walk home we came across a dude passed out, it turned out to be the guy from the pub. So I took a piss all over him. Halfway through he started getting up. Soon a car full of his mates

t brakes n o fr e th n o t est bank, pu g ig b e th n w ed half way ll o ro d n a “I rode d rs a b ped over the tty lucky I ip re fl p , it s h a s w I te t a u d b an at was fun, th it h S ! k n a b down the ted “ didn’t get was

turned up wanting blood, so we got our sprint on back home. I didn’t get up to the Nationals this year. How’d ya go? I’m gonna keep this short and sweet, I had a collision and split my shin open. I also hit the… f@#*ing what’s it called, the thing going over the two quarters (laughs)? The channel? Yeah, anyway I skated into it smacked my head on that and went down. I pretty much had the worst weekend ever, but everyone said it was the best thing all Nationals. What’s your favourite tattoo and why? The moustache on the inside of my index finger. I was on my mates stag do, we’d been out paint balling and

stopped at the tattoo shop straight after. Adam (the groom) said we were gonna get tattoos of a moustache on our finger and I was like sweet, haha. The tattooist said your not going to be able to get a job with that tattoo, ha-ha. He was right for a few years then huh, ha-ha. Let’s wrap this up champ, any thank you’s, etc? Cheers Mr. Barber and Jake for the photos. Thanks to Jono for the footage. Simon and Josh keep up the radness. Thank you family, Rebecca and friends. Thanks Justin Watene from Traffick, Scott Todd, Mark and Dan at Stem, Tom Kelly and anyone else who’s helped me out. Peace, skuxx life! RIP Jurriaan Hadich Molenaar.

FS 5050 Christchurch Photo:Barber

Deen Rakich Interview By Chris Brooks


Backside noseblunt. PHOTO: DARWEN

I’ll admit I had misconceptions about this chap. I first saw him amongst the myriad of local trailers and teasers inundating Youtube. I thought to myself, “Who’s this little kid I’ve never seen before with good steeze flipping in and out of shit?” I had fears that, like many, in person he would be a fearless, extrovert and hyperactive grom. But I was truly mistaken. Deen is that perfect blend of a good, humble kid with a good attitude and well-tuned talent. He might not say much, but underneath that shy veneer lays a very keen individual, and a damn good skateboarder. Chris Brooks: Where are you from? Deen Rakich: I’m from West Auckland, Massey. Been living out there most of my life. Was born in Auckland. Living with my parents and two brothers. I got one who’s 18, and one who’s 11. I just turned 17 in September. Still in Massey High, got one more year left. My mum and dad where both born in New Zealand, but dad’s family are Croatian. Mum is a Kiwi, so I’m pretty much half Kiwi and half Croatian. Barber: Do your brothers skate? DR: Yeah, Joseph used to, and Lewis is getting into it now, just skating my old decks. CB: When did you start skating? DR: Probably four or five years ago. CB: What made you pick up your board in the first place? DR: Probably my older brother. CB: What’s your fondest memory from when you first started skating? Was it when you landed your first kickflip? DR: Um, that’s a hard one. Probably the first time I landed a heelflip. I could do them before I could kickflip. So probably that. I can’t even do them anymore. MB: Just sweelies. CB: What would you be doing now if you weren’t skating? Playing Counterstrike or some shit? DR: Yeah, probably playing video games. MB: What did you get into before skating? DR: Before skating? I used to play basketball, like played for a school team. I couldn’t dunk though. CB: Are your parents supportive of you skating? Are they worried about you hurting yourself? DR: Yeah, my parents have always been on my side, they’re real supportive. CB: What’s your favourite nickname? You’ve got a few. Rakooch, Whiz Kid, Hyper-Grom…. DR: Rakooch is pretty good. What else is there? Peanut. MB: That’s pretty gay, that’s going in for sure. CB: So what’s it like going from relative anonymity to being in mags and shit? Now you’ve got sponsors and all that. DR: It all happened so fast. Ever since I got on Element it’s been awesome. MB: There are those who are skeptical of Element, being an all-encompassing brand, shoes, boards, clothing etc. What do you reckon? DR: Nah, it’s been awesome. They look after me. CB: You came with us on our Easter Tour. What were some of the highlights from that?

Nollie heelflip. PHOTO: DARWEN

Frontside 5-0. PHOTO: DARWEN

DR: It was pretty cool going away with you older guys, my first time away on a proper trip. MB: Surprisingly little amount of skateboarding done on that trip. CB: Mostly driving and drinking… not together. What were the lowlights? Stuck in the hotbox van? Even Barber in the front seat…. You keen to come along next time? You shredded pretty hard. Pity about that front nose. DR: Yeah, I was pretty bummed. Just go back next time and land it. MB: Any more trips planned? DR: Well, we’re going on an Element team trip to Melbourne, leaving at the end of this month. Going over with team manager Harris Taylor, and teammates Mike Bancroft, Matt Hosey and Ben Evans – and Jake Darwen is also coming to shoot the whole trip! just going over to have a good time with the team and get some footy and photos to bring back to New Zealand. Not sure who were meeting over there but I guess we’ll end up meeting a few Element dudes! CB: Who do you normally go skating with? DR: Sam Dean, Joel Chalesworth and Sean Bone mostly.

Switch flip. PHOTO: DARWEN

CB: Who do you look up to? Who’s your favourite pro at the moment? DR: Probably Cody McIntyre, he rips.

Front tail kickflip out. SEQUENCE: BARBER

MB: What about in New Zealand? DR: Guys like Toby, Farhad and Lister etc. Lister is Sick. Justin Keeley is killing it too. I’m feeling Jack Woodrow, he’s mean. CB: Are you gonna finish school and be a good boy? Are you winning at exams? DR: Yeah, gonna finish school next year. Yeah I’m on top of those. CB: What you gonna do after that? What’s your dream job? DR: Yeah, I’m gonna get a job I suppose. Skating would be the dream job though, but I’ll just see what happens. Ever since I got on Element, I’ve been pushing it more, trying harder. CB: What’s your favourite thing to skate? Rails? Ledges? Stairs? DR: Definitely a ledge. Ledges or rails. CB: No tranny? You should learn to drop in on vert. Tom Snape did it. DR: Nah, I’m alright on mini, but not vert. I’d rather huck than skate a vert ramp. Yeah, ledges for me. The best spot in Auckland for me, is the AUT out ledges on the Shore. It’s my favourite for sure. CB: You filming for a part at the moment? DR: Yeah, a vid with Sam Dean, I’ve got about half of it done. Still don’t even have a name for the movie yet. MB: What about ‘No Thanks’? You’ve been going out pretty hard with Jake shooting pics for this interview. It seems like you’re out every night. What do you prefer, photos or vid? DR: I think I like shooting pics more. I’m always more stoked to see a pic in the mag, it’s a surprise. CB: Would you let a DNL photo run? DR: Nah, never. CB: Even that Nationals poster? DR: Got the footage…. CB: What’s your favourite photo for your interview? DR: Probably the sequence of the front tail kicky. MB: Did anything gnarly go down when you were shooting? DR: We were shooting this gap out to feeble on a rail in Hamilton. Last spot of the day, and I slipped out, my board flipped up and hit me in the forehead. Had to get a couple of stitches. We also got hassled by the cops shooting that nollie heel on the bridge. They took our names and photos, etc. MB: When you don’t get a trick, you don’t seem to throw a tantrum. I’ve seen some terrible tantrums. You just seem to get disappointed. What’s the deal? DR: Yeah, I get disappointed of course. I just don’t wanna show it. I always go back to get my tricks, just makes me more determined. CB: You kinda missed the glory years of skateboarding, it’s pretty played out these days with Street League, Maloof, etc. Where do you think it’s heading, what do you think it holds for you? DR: I’m not really into competitions so much. Like most people I’m more of a street skater. I like filming and shooting photos. Trying to get shit done. I think skating is gonna get bigger. I wanna be part of that. I’m pretty stoked to be with one of the world’s biggest skate companies. I just gotta keep it up…. CB: Okay, one spot for the rest of your life? DR: Can I say AUT out ledges? I haven’t travelled that much, but probably Stoner Park in Santa Monica. I’d love to go there. CB: I remember once when we first went skating you told me about counterfeiting some bus passes, what was the story? DR: Yeah, yeah, probably about two years ago. Bus passes used to be about $25 a week, so I got some coloured cardboard and copied them. Cut the little things out. Got away with if for about a year, but somebody narked on us. MB: Are you a bit of a wheeler/dealer? DR: Nah I was just young. I’ve never really done anything bad. I’m just down to skate…. Deen would like to thank… Ben Hillenaar-Darby, Element NZ for hooking me up, Harris Taylor, Mike B and the rest of the Element crew. Jake Darwen for all the photos, the Rakich family, Chris Brooks and Mark Barber for the interview.

Switch front nose. PHOTO: DARWEN

By Harry Wilson Photos Mark Barber


“An arm like a cannon and the mind of a scientist.” – Justin Keeley.

BS 5-0, Auckland.

BS flip, Auckland.

“Even after losing keys, iPhones and eyebrows, he still keeps a smile on his face and is down to skate, definitely a GGC.” – Adam Hampson.

Nico Gottschalk is an alpha male in his absolute prime – raised by wolves in the Nelson wilderness and chiseled and honed by sharks on the streets of Wellington, which as you can imagine combined to form the somewhat perfect concretepredator. This German born New Zealander has a penchant for the risqué things in life; if there’s a place or thing to do that involves any degree of fun or danger you can find Nico there. Whether he’s knife-hunting goats in Taihape or gambling possessions in a game of dice his spontaneous nature often sees him making impulse decisions that get him into capers fitting of a B-movie plot. With reckless hobbies such as riding skateboards and motorbikes there are plenty of ‘bad-boy’ activities that see Nico pushing his luck.

FS wallride, Auckland.

On a Thursday last year Nico was given a notification that his application to a course had been accepted, beginning on the coming Monday. This left him with the decision to pack up his life and somehow get to Auckland in a couple of days, or remain in Nelson and rule over his leisure kingdom. Eager to get his new 250cc Suzuki motorbike out on the open road he decided to undertake his own version of ‘Priscilla: Queen of the Desert’ (though with less sequins and more testosterone). Nico left on Saturday, blazing a trail up the North Island in two days and was battered when he reached Auckland on the Sunday afternoon. His journey presumably forced him into dealing with truck stop floozies and other road movie clichés; however, Nico has never told anyone the full story of what happened to him out on the road. True to the traveller’s motto “what goes on tour, stays on tour” his lips remain sealed about how his luck truly fared in that roadside diner on the Saturday night.

Peaks’ and serves as his evil lair, which he uses to mastermind skate missions, bottle stops and create web clips under the banner ‘Tha Peaks Weakly’. The apartment is host to good times on the reg’ since the place became a weekend retreat for sweaty bachelors, however one night the building became fed up with the shenanigans and struck back in some far-fetched attempt at revenge. The building locked Nico and some friends in the elevator, stopping the lift about a quarter of the way between floors. After five minutes of manly cries for help (which involved a lot of banging and even more giggling) they managed to pry the doors of the elevator open. The bottom of the lift had stopped at the top of first floor, leaving about a foot of room to escape. People slowly began to edge out of the elevator trying not to think what would happen if the lift suddenly went up or down. Fortunately Nico’s luck was with him that night and he was spared being scissored in a hilarious, cartoon death.

Nico is now settled in Auckland and lives in the only place suitable for a bad boy gentleman – a central city apartment. The apartment is aptly named ‘The

By growing up in Nelson, Nico has been lucky enough to be blessed with a sharp hunting instinct. Whether it was developed through being bullied at school or by

“In a text from Nico to a girl who shall remain nameless… ‘I Just ride motorcycles and skateboards’ ha-ha-ha-ha.” – Rene O’Donnell-Gibson FS 5050, Auckland.

going out with friends to shoot rabbits, it’s a skill that has seen him kill a goat without bullets – though not with psychic powers. The opportunity to go hunting at a farm in Taihape arose last year and Nico set off into the bush with a vegan friend keen to test out his Nelson hunting skills. The pair was not content to use a gun (apparently they’re not vegan-friendly) and left the farm armed only with a knife, two dogs and their wits. Eventually the group found a wild goat and set the dogs on them; though their snapping and snarling quickly turned to yelping as one of the dogs took a horn through the bottom of its jaw, forcing Nico to pounce on the goat’s back and wrestle the beast alone. The battle drew to a head within minutes and Nico – a true southern man – pulled the thing down into a muddy puddle and vanquished his prey with a ‘commando’-style knife stroke. Though Nico was potentially lucky in his struggle with the goat, one night at a bar whilst playing Street Fighter II that killer instinct was tested again. After playing a few friendly games with two dreadlocked and self-proclaimed ‘kings of cool’ that challenged him (who Nico continually whooped) things turned nasty. The

two guys started taunting Nico to get off the machine and after slinging a few half-arsed insults they began shoving him around, which was something Nico didn’t take kindly to. Things erupted in a real-life fight, which spilled out from the arcade machine and onto the dance floor. After their best Ryu impressions the scuffle was broken up promptly and luckily left Nico with little injury. Unfortunately Nico’s luck ran out two hours later; whilst walking home from the bar the two patchouli-sniffing bastards were waiting around the corner and jumped him in an alley. Looking for ‘round two’ the same guy and his friend – unable to appreciate the irony of fighting over a beat-em-up game – used simultaneous ‘shoryukens’. Nico cut his losses and escaped back to The Peaks. For a guy with such temperamental luck Nico has a soft spot for gambling and seems to be drawn to anything involving dice or the opportunity to make something on the side; unfortunately in gambling the house eventually wins and Nico’s winning streak is often bittersweet. Other than the occasional $100 win or loss at Sky City casino, Nico has gambled the clothes off his back in various

We found him around 2pm in Newtown, more than worse for wear. He was missing an eyebrow and looked like he’d been dragged through a hedge backward. Little did we know he’d spent the morning in a Jacuzzi.” – Mark Barber.

games of street dice. One large wager happened in Nelson after a few drinks when he gambled his van against a ‘rapper-large’ stack of money and lost; the owner was smart enough not to pick it up that night and the van remained parked on the side of the street until it was unfortunately stolen during that week. Conversely, there has been some luck amongst Nico’s winnings in those South Island games, the highlight being the souls of Andrew Pope and two others that were lost to Nico in one roll and still belong to him – this is apparently “no joke”. Overall Nico is probably quite lucky, for a Teutonic bad-boy he tends to avoid the worst side of trouble. Even though no one knows if he’ll come back from the casino with his tail between his legs or with a 5 person conga-line trailing behind, Neco’s horoscope indicates that Jupiter moves into his quarter this February, which sets 2011 up to be a lucky year. Let’s hope he keeps those dice loaded. NB: Nico would like to say two things, “I’m sorry” and “Free monkey”.

BS tailslide, Auckland.

Bjorn Johnston Switch Crooks, Sydney Photo: Barber


Mike Bancroft Stale Fish, Auckland Photo: Darwen

Simon Gemmell Backside Flip, Auckland Photo: Barber

Justin Keeley Frontside Wallride, Auckland Photo: BarbER

Colin Evans Ollie, Auckland Photo: Darwen

Joel Charlesworth Nollie Heel, Auckland Photo: Darwen

Bernie Foo Switch Wallride, Sydney Photo: Barber

Farhad Frontside 180 Nosegrind, Auckland Photo: Barber

Adam Kinsman 5050 popover, Petone Photo: Mein

Tim Watson Frontside Nose, Wellington Photo: Mein

Dan Kaspar Switch flip, Forrest Hill, Auckland Photo: DARWEn

Mitchell Howse 5050, Hastings Photo: Browne

Christian Low Kickflip, Auckland Photo: Darwen

Max Couling Backside Nose Blunt, Christchurch Photo: Barber

By Simon Kerr and Max Couling


HE’S NOT PLAYING POKER AT THE CASINO HE’S AT A HOME GAME. AND IF HE’S NOT AT A HOME GAME HE’S PLAYING ONLINE, AND MORE OFTEN THAN NOT COMING OUT BETTER OFF. AND AFTER ALL THIS HE SOMEHOW FINDS THE TIME AND MOTIVATION TO WORK A FULL SHIFT HOLDING IT DOWN AT QUEST, PART OF WHICH COMES DOWN TO THE MAN SIZED FILTER COFFEES HE IS RARELY SEEN WITHOUT. THIS LIFESTYLE OF MINIMAL SLEEP, RUNNING ON CIGARS, HASN’T SLOWED HIM DOWN ANY THOUGH. GUS CURWOOD, STILL SMASHING IT. Barber: You grew up in Ashburton, what’s the vibe there? Seems like a bunch of spots for a small town, some heavy shit into that pool and the racecourse has seen some shit go down.... Gus: Yeah, Ash was alright, it’s what you make of it, like anywhere. Good for hacking round on motorbikes and old cars at this place called the Butts; spots are getting pretty blown out now. We just skated a curb height ledge every day when I lived there. Si: What made you move to the big smoke? Gus: Christchurch was only an hour away so it was always pretty easy to get up here. Just hitchhike down the highway, hitchhiked about 100 times. Si: Any favorites? Gus: Yeah, just stuck in Hornby, nine o’clock at night, in the dark. Si: Who was the first person to hook you up for skating? Gus: Wide Load, Aaron Bolt, looked after me then, and he still looks after me now. Si: You told me once you were an apprentice beekeeper for six months, is there any truth to this? Gus: Yeah, it’s true, I got a certificate, took it. Most of my time was spent just chiseling wax out of the crates, I got stung in the eye and my face swelled up that’s about the best thing that happened… whole face dude, looked f#%*ed up. Si: How would you compare skating in the 90’s to today? Gus: It’s hard to say because when your a kid growing up it’s going to be intense

BS Tailslide. PHOTO: Barber

FS Nosegrind. PHOTO: Mein

for anybody, so I can’t say what it’s like for some kid, what he’s feeling, skating now, probably the same sort of vibe almost. Skateboarding’s not completely mainstream or anything you know. Si: Where did your love for donkeys come from? Gus: Oh, donkey’s a bad poker player. Si: So you started backing the animal after that? Gus: It’s just kinda crack up ‘cause you know no one wants to be a donkey playing poker, I dunno I’ve always had an animated backed. I used to back elephants for a while and umm, yeah, just a couple of people knew I liked elephants. Every Christmas and birthday I’d get multiple elephant gifts, just boxes of elephants man. Switched it up to donkeys, now I’m getting the donkey gifts. I just get stuck on one thing too heavy. So all I was probably saying was donkey for a couple of months, so you know. Si: So you didn't have anything to do with the incident out in Sumner involving

a donkey and an open-minded young man? Gus: Young man was a German student and that shit is insane, dog. Some lady up there has footage on her cell phone. He took it, canned the donkey, 16-year-old German exchange student. Biddy and me used to go up there and feed the donkeys. Si: Working at Quest for so long you must’ve experienced some good thieving go down? Gus: I’ve seen a big skinhead guy who was like really obviously straight up dodgy, a skinhead junkie with snowboard pants coming out the bottom of his camo army pants. I just said to him, “Hey bro’ there’s them shits coming out the bottom of your pants” and him just denying it. It was like f#%* man I can see the pants, and him just saying nah nah, but being huge and me just going nah nah. I could see that he was scared even though he was a big dude you know, so… they bow down, I’ve just got to catch them. I don’t call

FS 5-0. PHOTO: Mein

the cops; just make sure they don’t get away with it. Si: What’s your longest stint at the Casino? Gus: 16 hours. One game of poker. Si: What’s your biggest win and loss? Gus: 20 bucks this morning biking to work, I officially saw it fall out of an Arab chick outside Polytech, it was folded so I thought it was a stack but it was only 20, so I took it. That was nice. And, um, biggest loss… shiiiiiat, ain’t no telling! Si: Anything pending with you at the moment? Gus: Yeah bro’, just arrrr, just skating to be done, go out skating, always filming with Max. Si: Who do you think is the most underrated skater? Gus: Jellyman. Si: Overrated?

Max: Lizard King! Gus: Lizard King? Um, yeah, I dunno. But no one even rates him on his skating you know, everyone just thinks he's a cool dude. Max: People rate him by the covers he gets, every week. Gus: Skateboarding is past that. It’s like, ain’t how good you are, if everyone thinks you’re a dope dude? Same as music. Music doesn’t even have to be good if you’re a character, a gimmick. But f#%* it, Lizard King, what the f#%*else is he gonna do? Skateboarding’s going to give him free money, what’s he gonna do, turn that down? I dunno who’s overrated, everyone puts in their own shit. Terry Kennedy’s new tav show is pretty shit, but he tries pretty hard when he skates so yeah, shit’s real. He just puts in effort. Max: Is his show worse than street league? Gus: Street league’s amazing, I heard there’s going to be a Skinner’s league. Word on the street, Skinner is organizing New Zealand street league. Need it.

Heelflip. PHOTO:Mein

Max: I’m already in it, so are you. Gus: Yip. Max: Are you going to choke for $150 on a crooks instead of $150,000? Gus: $150 and a stack of monsters. Max: Are you going to choke like horts or handle like nugget? Gus: I’ll have a strategy man, I’ll probably be looking at about 3rd or 4th place cash you know, not try anything risky, just grind my way through. Small ball skateboarding, I won’t go for glory, I’ll just make sure that I, you know, take it. Street league’s gonna be funk tight. Apparently it’s similar to surfing comps, that’s what they’ve stolen it from. Say they smashed it for a few waves and then craned, then the other dude just has to ride out the waves to take it. It’s good. Go the street league! Bring it Skinner! Si: If you had to watch the same movie every morning before you left the house what would it be? Gus: Falling Down with Michael Douglas. Max: Would you rather be stuck in a room for 24 hours with sasses or scarecrow? Gus: Sassis. Si: You’re always putting people up at your pad, ever thought of starting a Gusts B&B and taking them down to KB’s for breakfast? Max: Breakfast of cigars and whatever beer is left. Gus: I’ll be honest, it’s passed my mind bro’, for sure. Skateboarders,

backpackers, why not? People staying are never a problem, take it. Si: Where’s good to drink in Christchurch at the moment? Gus: Seems to be my house, to be honest. Si: I’ll drink to that. Barber: How’d you fare in that 7.1 a while back? Those aftershocks put the wind up me and Scott Lai, how come you guys didn't buckle? Gus: 7.1 was pretty tight, surfing the earth bro’. Big Pope was in the lounge and he f#%*ing loved that shit. I could hear him yelling yuss yuss yuss when it was happening.... Barber: What went down that morning? Gus: Yeah, we just drove round looking at all the f#%*ed up shit. Big Pope chose his favourite... then we just played Yahtzee for about ten hours. A bunch of people came over for bit of a quake party. Barber: Are you bummed the Daily Bagel is gone? Gus: Yeah, no more cream cheese smears.... Barber: Are you prepared for a big one? You ain’t got much food in the house, how you gonna survive? Gus: I’ll be all good, Dominos is just a block away, and I’ve lots of Yahtzee score sheets.... Barber: Thanks? Gus: Thanks to Substance Distribution, Quest, Buttsburg, Craig Harris, and anyone who’s filmed or taken photos with me.

5050 pop out in Kobe.PHOTO: JAKE MEIN

Adrian Vercoe

JUST LIKE JOHN BLACKTHORNE IN JAMES CLAVELL’S 1975 NOVEL, SHOGUN, ADRIAN VERCOE IS A FOREIGNER IN A STRANGE LAND. UNLIKE THE PROTAGONIST, HE’S THERE BY CHOICE, AND HE’S LOVING IT. ONLY A FEW MONTHS HOME AFTER A SUCCESSFUL SKATE TOUR OF JAPAN, HE’S RETURNED TO WORK, SHOOT AND LIVE A LIFE FEW ARE ACCUSTOMED TO…. – Mark Barber In August I moved to Japan to participate in the JET program. Jet is an initiative run by the Japanese government to promote internationalization within Japan. The program employs roughly 4500 people from all over the world to work as either an ALT (assistant language teacher) or CIR (information pending). I am an ALT, I teach in 4 primary schools and 2 intermediates, I work 35 hours a week travelling around different schools teaching English. Since I landed at Tokyo airport 3 months ago I’ve had a whirlwind of experiences. I speak no Japanese, so I have hilarious interactions on the daily. One thing we had drilled into us before we left was “everyone’s situation is different” and it really is… apartment size, rent, school duties, travel distances are just a few of the variables. This is just a slice of my experiences so far. PLACEMENT You get placed at random. I’ve been placed up the top of Honshu (main island) in a prefecture (province) called Akita. Akita doesn’t see many foreigners so you automatically become something of a local celebrity… this means lots of staring, girls giggling, boys pointing and random people saying hello and bowing to you for no apparent reason. Akita has one main city and many small rural towns. I am in an area called Daisen-shi, it’s an amalgamated city made up of many small areas. The biggest city houses approximately 40,000 residents. Within Daisenshi is my area, called Nakasen, it has approximately 10,000 people and reminds me a lot of Alexandra in Central Otago. The trade off for living rural is a decent house and the opportunity to own/lease a car. I have a big department store five minutes drive from my house, this has all the general needs: a super market, clothing, photos, 100yen shop ($2 shop but a million times better), books/ magazines and a whole lot more. The nearest skate park is 40 minutes south in Yokote city, it consists of a pyramid, two steep banks, a mellow 5ft quarter pipe, two grind boxes and ground reminiscent of the Mornington Bowl. LANGUAGE BARRIER The first three days were the ‘honeymoon period’, we were put up in this balling 5-star hotel in central Tokyo. With 1000 other jets in the same complex, you never felt deprived of an English conversation, and Tokyo is a very foreigner friendly city. When I got to Akita 3 days later it all hit me like a Dan Pague switch front board slide… no one here speaks English, even my English teachers have a very limited palette. This was the start of ‘old mate’ - culture shock. It’s a funny thing culture shock, you hear so much about it, people throw it round so freely, “Oh yeah this girl broke down crying in the super market from culture shock” or

Adro FS lips a safety barrier in Osaka. PHOTO: JAKE MEIN

the other end of the spectrum “Hellz yeah man, culture shock baby, woohoooo tyyyyyyte!”… We had a big seminar on it in Tokyo, it went through the different stages (there’s 4 stages apparently) this turned me into a hypochondriac, constantly scanning my emotional sector for signs of stage 2 (depression stage) or stage 3 (being content)…as if it’s a linear thing… like a plane taking off or landing. “Stage 3 coming into land, clear the runway depression, contentedness is coming in!” And you can like, look at the arrival and departure board for official confirmation… “Depression departed 5.10pm gate 5”. This said, my approach has been to chill and go with the flow. Every day the language barrier evokes a smile on my face or someone else’s, ordering food has never been so funny.

EXPERIENCES My car is a Daihatsu Opti Beex; its key features are a 600cc engine, 10inch mag wheels, 4 doors, bonnet scoop, 4WD and 5-speed gearbox. I never new you could get so much in a sardine can. Because of the car I’ve been on many expeditions, I’ve been to picturesque lakes, gorges and cities. The car also acts as a catalyst for a number of other experiences like getting lost, asking for gas and directions. I recently managed to perform a fakie rock on a curb, putting a hole in my petrol tank 4 hours from home… the situation turned into a ridiculous saga, involving 30 litres of fuel on the sidewalk, a tow truck, late night phone calls to multiple friends, a sleepless night and a massive repair bill to top it off. But it all gets written off as “experience”, it’s great… the word ‘experience’ turns a negative into a positive instantly! Perfect landing hazard to avoid ‘Depression Air: flight 2010’.

Switch crooks in Kobe.PHOTO: JAKE MEIN

SHOPPING Japan has the coolest, cutest everything. There is a plethora of merchandise to get your leather gloves onto. Home of Tamiya, Kyosho, Nintendo, Sony, Canon, Nikon, etc, etc. There’s bulk toys, electronics, books, clothes, bikes… EVERYTHING! And also epic second hand stores, I spend hours digging for treasure… and there’s a lot of it. CONCLUSION Japan is DOPE. Amongst the ups and downs, this place is truly breathtaking. Having an opportunity to be in the schools is an epic

way to meet locals and begin to understand the culture. I’ve met heaps of new people; I’ve never been more proud to be a Kiwi; I have a better understanding of New Zealand culture now I’m away from it; exploring new foreign terrain is exciting and best of all I’m getting paid good money for once in my life. I would recommend the JET program to anyone wanting to go on a mission. I was sitting on the fence when I got accepted, and looking back I can’t even believed I was having doubts. The only downfall is missing all the homies back in New Zealand, and seeing photos of the new Aotea Square… Chey… I want my job back! Peace.

AOTEA SQUARE – I DON’T REALLY FEEL LIKE I’M ENTITLED TO WRITE ANYTHING ABOUT THIS MONUMENTAL AUCKLAND SPOT. I MEAN, I CAN'T EVEN PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY, BUT HERE I AM, WRITING SOMETHING. So we all know the buzz, the most iconic New Zealand skate spot, some of the best shit ever went down there; Aqua performed Barbie Girl, Mariano skated there with cornrows, Jeff Sanders skated the big set, Buckley got macho with tail drops, Levi wallied everything, Chey and Craig Bycroft went over the channel, Justin, Secombe, Schofield, Brett Chan, Denny from The Shore, the list of people ripping this place is endless. In the centre of town, a place to hang out, get drunk, talk to girls, dodge tramps and skate…. Every city has one, Aotea Square just has a bit more history than most. Then it got taken. Years with no central spot for Auckland skaters. Boo hoo. Then BAM! Auckland City Council came correct and made a world-class plaza complete with sick ledges, metal edged benches and all manner of steps and other bits and pieces to keep every street rat happy. This is on some Love Park, EMB type shit (much like Embarcadero the ground is actually a little bit crap but come on, that only makes it more street. Plus I only ever heard P’swish complain about it, and he complains

about everything), oh and the council were actually being super cool and letting people skate there. They were even gonna put metal edges on the ledges to make them even more skate friendly. Notice the use of the word 'were' as at time of writing the future of this wonderland is up in the air. The first week was so sick, amazing weather, hot girls reading books on the grass, a bar right on the premises and no problems from security. Chey and Justin had spoken to the council and everything was going according to plan, imagine a spot in Auckland that wasn’t shit AND that you were actually allowed to skate there. Bullshit right? Nope, for a whole 8 days or so, Aotea Square was back to its glory days. Everything just felt right. To make things better, the old monument was even rebuilt up in Parnell. Auckland actually having good street spots? Surely it’s about time that someone put a stop to this craziness…. Well yeah, at time of writing, the council have gone back on their word and security roams the place like hungry guard dogs waiting to rip off a Ruff Rat’s leg for putting a 50mm wheel on their precious ground. Cross your fingers, toes and Vic jeans that this is just a temporary measure and by the time this magazine is out that the decision is reversed and perhaps a shitty skatepark at the bottom of town won’t be the default option for kids on a Saturday anymore. Nobjockey –

Coon was gonna ollie the bench, but decided to face Mecca so did it switch instead. Even if they do skate stop it, Farhad can still swollie the bench for Allah-f. PHOTO: MARK BARBER

Nico loves chalk, in fact he’s always gots to have it. Switching things up a bit, I’ve heard girls say he has an amazing bum too, so yeah he loves his backside. Flipping hell, Nico Gottschalk – switch backside flip. PHOTO: MARK BARBER

Josh Kasper was well known for 360 flips and Benihanas. Although he has a similar name, Dan Kaspar doesn’t have ridiculous surfer hair and has no inclination to grab his tail during this sick triple set 3 flip. Czech it out. PHOTO: MARK BARBER


James Huntly Kicky Front Board Photo: Bear

The 2010 Nationals was held for the first time at the Armageddon Pop Culture expo, in Auckland. The event, in the same hall as the 2008 Nationals at Big Boys Toys, was again a hit with the general public. In between posing for photos with Married with Children star David Faustino and dodging aging Pokemon fans, punters could enjoy the action from the bleachers as the best New Zealand has to offer threw down on the Remain ramps set up. Skaters battled it out in a series of 1 minute runs, in qualifying, semis and finals rounds.





Armageddon was a three day event, so proceedings were held over Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Saturday serving as qualifying and warm up. All eyes were on defending ‘09 Champion Reuben Baker in the Men’s Open, who after a hiatus returned from his hometown, Gisborne on fine form. Other previous National Champs who entered were Napier’s Matt Scarrott, and Nick Lister. Lister made it through to the super final round on Monday afternoon along with little known James Huntly and Sean Cupples. Chris Wood and Mike Bancroft who need no introduction made up the final five. It was decided amongst them that they would forgo individual runs and hold a five minute Jam session. Bancroft flared all over the course, Lister was technical, but it was James Huntly who took out the top position after the five minutes was up, followed very closely by Sean Cupples and Chris Wood. The Under 16’s title went to Mitchell Howse, Ben McConnell 2nd and Ben Evans 3rd. Sam Allen took out he U13’s, with Cade Wilson-Russ and Brad Christiansen coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively. Women’s Open went to Stacey Roper with Sarah Watkins 2nd, and Anna Silich 3rd. For the first time this year, a high ollie competition was held on the course on the final day. Despite it being logistically quite difficult, the crowd got into it and were supportive of winner Kayne Prior (Rasta Maori) who walked away with the cash.

Chris Wood FS Indy Photo: Barber

TOP RESULTS Open Men’s 1. James Huntly 2. Sean Cupples 3. Chris Wood 4. Nick Lister 5. Mike Bancroft 6. Matt Scarrott 7. Dan Kaspar 8 (equal). Tom Kelly 8 (equal). James Kingston 10. Umberto Skinner Under 16’s 1. Mitchell Howse 2. Ben McConnell 3. Ben Evans 4. Mitch Jago 5 (equal). Scott Olds 5 (equal). Chase Collins 7. Shaun Boucher 8. George Rowe 9. Tiaan Watene 10. Jack Moon Under 13’s 1. Sam Allen 2. Cade Wilson-Russ 3. Brad Christiansen 4. Joseph Walker 5. Hootie Andrews 6. Tom Champion 7. Yorlin Phillips 8 (equal). Nick Snowball 8. (equal). Jack Bentall 10. Lenard Tejada Women’s 1. Stacey Roper 2. Sarah Watkins 3. Anna Silich

Cade Wilson-Russ Age: 13 Location: Little tow

n between Greymo uth and Hokitika, ca lled Kumara. Who helps you ou t? Yeah, big thanks to Morri at Fallen, Jame Dave North at Nelso s at Analog, n Creek skateboards , and Deane Briggs skateshop (T.R.B’s). at the local Also all the guys in Christchurch I skate especially Gus Curw and film with, ood and Matt Beck . What ABEC’s you runnin’ son? I don’t actually know, eh? be 7’s or 5’s. Not rea I think they might l sure. Favourite over 30 skater in New Zeala nd? I don’t think I kn I know under 30’s. ow any over 30’s, Superstitions when skating? I don’t ha ve any, eh, I just do it. Do you deserve thi s checkout? If no t, who does? I’m tak Ben McConnell is wo ing it... but I reckon rthy of one. Would you rather… a hook from Mike V… or kiss Berra not gay…I’ll take the on the lips? I’m hook. Who is Andrew Do wney? I have no ide a. Toby or Fahard? I’m backing Fahard, bu t they both seem pre tty sick. 32 years before Ba rry Curtis Park the re was Skatopia. Wh what is it now? We ere was it and ll now New Zealand has a sick skatepark place to skate. . It was a fun Name 3 New Zeala nd skaters that are on/or have been on level? I reckon Jame an international s Wright, Chris Wo od, and Joseph Wh aanga. One TV show for the rest of your life? Fa mily Guy... so good . Most repeated wo rd in your vocab? Pro ba words are nearly at bly ‘Yeknow’ or ‘Na the end of every se ’ - those two ntence I say, ha-ha .

Fronstide 180 Photo: Barber

ks Nick Snoo n, Orewa. better know crew at aparaoa, or ng ha W reys and the n: Locatio Nick Humph for filming. to w ks Lo an y ill th W g bi with, and you out? A gh, mies I skate Who helps they are thou te, all the ho ka S nd ou what ABEC no un Undergr D s. in’ son? Red ’s you runn What ABEC Ataria. son. land? Chey it chill in New Zea er at sk 30 st try to keep er have any. Ju ly Favourite ov al re t n’ ing? I do s when skat ere are Superstition itely not. Th n. does? Defin s’ ho nk and have fu w ha t, ‘T no in If ? y of the guys is checkout an , th n’ e pi rv rip se Do you de ere who are r guys out th ke so many othe the lips? Ta orthy. ss Berra on ki or … V would be w e Mik hook from rather… a Would you the hit. ? Andrew who w Downey? re nd A is Who was it and rd? Farhad pia. Where ha to Fa ka S or as ilt. by w To End was bu Park there d Rainbow’s Barry Curtis an re rt di fo l be ith s w 32 year vered in internationa w? It was co been on an no ve it ha is r t /o ha w e on aters that ar on. Zealand sk jorn Johnst B , er st s. Name 3 New Li k ic N , nn Fy e police show y ny one of th level? Tomm A e? lif ur of yo for the rest SS! One TV show vocab? BO word in your ed at pe re t Mos

Age: 18

Switch heelflip Photo: Darwen

Caballerial Seq: Browne

in Chad Hosk

on the or kiss Berra om Mike V… fr ok ho a rather… one. Would you Age: 18 itely the first avy, but defin he h e ot B or i. dc s? lip e Nak ew at Har ? Location: Th ck and the cr ney? No idea thanks to Ja ndrew Dow ig A B is t? ho ou W . u .P N yo Who helps Cheapskates re Both dope. and Jesse at atopia. Whe or Fahard? by To Distribution, k. in th there was Sk I . k s 7’ ar nd P la n? ck tis so Au ’ ur any… so ing park in fore Barry C ’s you runnin Can’t think of Another amaz 32 years be What ABEC d? ? w an al no it an Ze is hat in New been on was it and w er 30 skater e on/or have Favourite ov age of 30. aters that ar Tom Snape. sk , n. d fu on st an ve al hn ha Ze Jo e d th right, Bjorn st go out an Name 3 New many under Guy. l? James W ave none, ju ons, Family ational leve t rn n skating? H bu te he it, in w ok ns to I e? The Simps io ? lif es ur do yo Superstit of ho w for the rest d. kout? If not, New Zealan ers. One TV show rve this chec cab? Hamm ed skaters in at rr Do you dese de un y d in your vo an or m w e ar ed e at er Most repe I’m sure th

Joel Skelton Age: 17 Location: The Ghetto

Meadow. Who helps you out? Luke Brownie has bee n helping out since day a great guy, daylight rep one. He’s resent! Kingpin Napie r. Jessica keeps me san e. What ABEC’s you run nin’ son? Cheapest one s at the shop of course ably 3’s. , probFavourite over 30 ska ter in New Zealand? Franny of course! Superstitions when ska ting? I have mad beef with the number 23. If up something bad is bou it comes nd to happen whilst ska teboarding. Do you deserve this checkout? If not, wh o does? Nah, probab crew of little rippers in ly the whole Napier. Would you rather… a hook from Mike V… or kiss Berra on the hook from Mike V, hea lips? A rd he’s a woofter. Who is Andrew Down ey? No idea, rugby pla yer? Toby or Fahard? Both are sick as. 32 years before Barry Curtis Park there wa s Skatopia. Where wa what is it now? Skated s it and that place once on Ton y Hawk’s Underground wouldn’t have a clue wh 2, at it is now. Name 3 New Zealand skaters that are on/or have been on an intern al level? Tommy Fynn, ationNick Lister, Bjorn Johnst on. One TV show for the rest of your life? Ross Kemp on Gangs. Most repeated word in your vocab? Tu Me ke!

Crooked Grind Photo: Darwen


Issue #22, Summer 2010/2011 Editor Mark Barber Designer Claire Hammon Sub Editor Ste’en Webster Senior Photographer Mark Barber Contributing Photographers Jake Mein Jake Darwen Bearnard “Bear” Bridges Simon Kerr Jim Walker Adrian Vercoe Luke Browne Contributing Writers Chris Brooks Adrian Vercoe Alex Dyer Simon Kerr Josh Gemmell Simon Gemmell Ben Morice Jake Darwen Harry Wilson

You know Marc Johnson’s sentimental little speech about the possibilities of skateboarding at the beginning of his Modus part? At first you’re like, ‘yeah, that’s awesome!’ then after a while you’re like ‘Shut up bro, you’re reading too much into it’. Then somewhere down the path, even a decade later, the penny drops, and you think to yourself, ‘he was pretty much right’. The decision to shoot an interview with Nico Gottschalk was fairly late in the whole scheme of the mag. The whole thing kinda hinged on the spots he wanted to hit. First spot he tells me about, “Oh yeah, there’s this thing on Ponsonby Road by my work I wanna hit.” I can’t imagine what he’s on about, I’ve lived in that area most of my adult life, so I know there isn’t much photo worthy, so I was pretty skeptical. “Yeah, it’s this power box thing, like off a kicker, but you gotta come across the street.” If you’re from Auckland, you’ll immediately know what he was on about. I don’t know any skater that hasn’t seen that green box on the corner of Ponsonby and Richmond roads and thought ‘what if…’ Of course on closer inspection, the angled, across-road, up-curb, over-drain runup, gap to power box is completely ludicrous. You not only have to contend with cars, but foot traffic and the bus stop sign right in the middle of the landing (yep, the shot that opens his interview). It’s been there for decades, and for decades we’ve all walked past silently sizing it up, and writing it off at the same time. Nico only had to see it once, drunk, and think to himself that he could do it. It’s amazing what a fresh pair of eyes can see. So with that thought, you should get out there and travel this summer, get a group together and head off for a day, or a week. See some new shit and make something previously thought impossible, possible. Peace out and good times in 2011!


Geetz needs no such eye, he’s fresh enough. Here he is catching one of his signature tre’s over the newest spot Christchurch has to offer. PHOTO: SIMON KERR


100% SKATE



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