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Social Media App of the Moment: Clubhouse

The Basics of Clubhouse

In 2021, audiences care about what they consume and want to be assured that a business’s values align with theirs. This is what can make digital PR so appealing since it provides a trusted representation of your brand from a third party. It is not the direct messages shared by a business, but rather a trusted source who advocates for it. In a world where success is built upon credibility, having this social proof is paramount.


When building relations with key personnel, businesses increase their coverage, and with that, they can improve their rankings online. Rather than merely sharing press releases, for instance, a PR agency can provide you with a topical article that mentions your business or performs a study with surveys related to your business. These are the new kind of advertorial content that is then picked up and repurposed on various platforms.

With this new way of gaining brand visibility, your business will increase its leads through the volume of mentions and links created externally. This results in credibility not only with your audiences but with search engines too. Agencies who provide digital PR have the advantage of a team of content creators to create that can produce valuable and relevant content and the media lists and access to platforms that they have developed over the years.

It taps Into the Desire for Exclusivity… and the Accompanying FOMO

This is the most obvious point of the lot, so we’ll tackle it first. Marketers know all too well that the concept of exclusivity works. The fear of missing out is a real force and driver among audiences. Social media networks are flooded and open to all. Clubhouse’s model has people on waiting lists, eager to join in on the conversations. It builds anticipation and gives the app an air of exclusivity before it’s ever experienced.

The FOMO is also triggered by the chat rooms’ ephemeral nature, which cannot be recorded - only listened to live. That being said, the app is in the process of opening up to the waiting lists of others who are keen to join, as the potential for these conversations to do good if held only by the elite will be limited. Based on its exclusivity, only a limited number of people are using the platform, including celebrities like Drake, Oprah, Jared Leto, Ashton Kutcher, and Kevin Hart.

It’s all About the Voice

If we think of all of the other predominant social media apps, we can see that audio forms only part of the experience. Generally, audio is left to voice notes on messaging apps, calls, podcasting, and as something to accompany videos, though in many cases, these are watched without any sound at all. There›s been a clear gap in the market for a voice-based platform. There is a reason podcasting took off a few years ago and has been sailing smoothly ever since. With Clubhouse, people can do more than just tuning in to listen - they have the opportunity to be put up on stage and actively engage as well. Merely listening to voices takes away from visual distractions and provides you with a more intimate experience.

In a world filled with fake news, increased isolation, and ongoing polarisation, the need to communicate with others and to have open conversations with others is more necessary than ever.

Clubhouse is set to become a new way to connect with others. It provides a unique platform for networking since you can virtually get yourself in the same room as people you would otherwise not have had the opportunity to. Whether it›s for work or pleasure, you can connect with strangers who are interested in similar topics. Alternatively, these rooms can be spaces for you to converse with friends and family.

Long Story Short

There are hundreds of app submissions made each day. Few can tap into the needs of society and cause waves of social media revitalization. Clubhouse is doing just that in 2021, and it reaches far beyond its current state of exclusivity. It appeals to a dire need for a new way to communicate healthily.

Want In?

Sign up for the waiting Clubhouse list to reserve your username. Those who have been invited can sign in and are allocated one invite to send another. After some time, they’ll be granted three more invites to give out - and that’s it! Time to see who your real friends are; otherwise, hang tight - we’re sure this app will be taking off in 2021.

What is Prospect Lead Scoring?

By: Toni Becker

We all know that lead generation is the lifeblood of any business however, you need to make sure that you are generating leads of the highest quality because you don›t want your team wasting precious time and resources chasing dead-ends. Rather, your team should be spending their time nurturing and engaging with promising, high quality leads and this is where lead scoring comes into play.

Lead scoring is a methodology that is used to rank prospective clients against a scale that reflects the perceived value of each prospect to the business or organisation. This kind of scoring is made up of a variety of factors and can include: job position (is the prospect a decision maker in their business?), social media followers (is the prospect a thought-leader?) or company size. These are just three examples of what kind of data is used to establish a leads value to your business. In this article we delve deeper into the methodology of prospect lead scoring and how it will benefit your business.

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