6 minute read
Facebook (Finally) Removes Text
What HubSpot will do for your Real Estate Business
Track your Leads
HubSpot software is designed to collect and organise your lead contact information, helping you track their online behaviour and buyer intention in real time. This makes it easy for your marketing team to customise marketing campaigns to address the specific needs of your leads. For example: if a lead visits your website and browses through your property listings (which indicates they are looking to make a purchase), you are able to tailor your email campaigns and marketing message to suit their specific needs.
Automated Sales Platform
clients to fill out a lead form or call your business at a specific Team Cohesion: Through HubSpot you are able to assign tasks their progress. Not only does HubSpot offer a marketing platform, it also has a sales platform that allows you track all your clients and leads. This makes it easier for your sales team to track, organise and manage your sales data by syncing your lead data in a single place and logging sales activities effortlessly.
HubSpot also has a feature that allows your team to view the sales pipeline of every customer or lead and you can create your deal dashboard to suit your real estate sales strategy. marketing success and HubSpot makes the process
Manage Campaigns for your Property Listings
HubSpot gives you the opportunity to create and manage the campaigns for your property listings. This will improve your ability to attract, engage, delight and nurture leads. Take a look at some of the below HubSpot tools that allow you to manage Personalised and Automated Email: Customised email templates, audience segmentation to ensure you send your leads content that is relevant to them, email and newsletter scheduling, automated responses to repetitive inquiries.
Click to Call: You are able to add call-to-actions to your property listings. HubSpot offers Call-to-actions that allows number however, this takes effort and a few more clicks than a client wants. HubSpot offers click-to-call as an option which allows leads to call you immediately. All they have to do is click on the CTA and your number will automatically be dialed for them.
Meeting Scheduling: HubSpot helps with time management which is especially important for your sales team. All team members are able to access their calendars through the platform which ensures they do not double book themselves or forget a meeting.
and leads to your team members and you are also able to track
These are just a few of the tools that HubSpot offers, all of which benefit Real Estate businesses and help lead to business growth.
In Summary
Inbound marketing has become vital for real estate your property listings through the platform:
that much easier. By using HubSpot for your real estate marketing you will be able to convert leads, create team cohesion, and nurture your prospects and current clients.
Facebook (Finally) Removes Text Space Rules on Ad Images
By: Toni Becker
If you have ever tried to create an advert for your Facebook page, you have surely felt the frustration that comes with the rules regarding the amount of text allowed on your advert images. This limit (also known as the 20% rule) has caused tons of grey hair for advertisers as they struggle to get their point across successfully in the ad image space.
What is the 20% Rule?
If 20% of an ad image’s area is text, it will not be approved to run on Facebook, Instagram or the Audience Network. The purpose of this rule is to reduce unnecessary noise in Facebook News Feeds because Facebook believes that adding a lot of text to an image had the potential to make the Facebook experience more cluttered and overwhelming.
But as we all know, the social media space continues to grow and evolve and what was once deemed “clutter” can now be seen as an opportunity - and marketers no longer have to worry about grey hairs associated with advert text anymore!
The Times are Changing
We have some good news for 2021! The Facebook rule makers have discreetly done us all a favour and removed the rule that limited text space on an advert image to only 20%.
Social media expert Matt Navarra first broke the news with the world when he tweeted «BIG news for Facebook advertisers. Facebook is killing its “<20% text in image› rule for ads.”
Facebook itself has stated that it will no longer penalise adverts with higher amounts of image text in auctions and delivery.
However, Facebook also said that advertisers are still encouraged to reduce the amount of text on their images.
“We have found that images with less than 20 per cent text generally perform better.”
In Summary
It is important that marketers take text into consideration when it comes to their Facebook ads. No one wants to see cluttered text based images on their newsfeed, so try to limit your image text - but not so much that your audience doesn’t know what you are actually advertising.
Take Facebooks advice and try limit your text, but you don’t have to dumb your content down just to soothe the Facebook rule makers any longer.
What HubSpot will do for your Real Estate Business
Track your Leads
HubSpot software is designed to collect and organise your lead contact information, helping you track their online behaviour and buyer intention in real time. This makes it easy for your marketing team to customise marketing campaigns to address the specific needs of your leads. For example: if a lead visits your website and browses through your property listings (which indicates they are looking to make a purchase), you are able to tailor your email campaigns and marketing message to suit their specific needs.
Automated Sales Platform
Not only does HubSpot offer a marketing platform, it also has a sales platform that allows you track all your clients and leads. This makes it easier for your sales team to track, organise and manage your sales data by syncing your lead data in a single place and logging sales activities effortlessly.
HubSpot also has a feature that allows your team to view the sales pipeline of every customer or lead and you can create your deal dashboard to suit your real estate sales strategy.
Manage Campaigns for your Property Listings
HubSpot gives you the opportunity to create and manage the campaigns for your property listings. This will improve your ability to attract, engage, delight and nurture leads. Take a look at some of the below HubSpot tools that allow you to manage your property listings through the platform: Personalised and Automated Email: Customised email templates, audience segmentation to ensure you send your leads content that is relevant to them, email and newsletter scheduling, automated responses to repetitive inquiries.
Click to Call: You are able to add call-to-actions to your property listings. HubSpot offers Call-to-actions that allows clients to fill out a lead form or call your business at a specific number however, this takes effort and a few more clicks than a client wants. HubSpot offers click-to-call as an option which allows leads to call you immediately. All they have to do is click on the CTA and your number will automatically be dialed for them.
Meeting Scheduling: HubSpot helps with time management which is especially important for your sales team. All team members are able to access their calendars through the platform which ensures they do not double book themselves or forget a meeting.
Team Cohesion: Through HubSpot you are able to assign tasks and leads to your team members and you are also able to track their progress.
These are just a few of the tools that HubSpot offers, all of which benefit Real Estate businesses and help lead to business growth.
In Summary
Inbound marketing has become vital for real estate marketing success and HubSpot makes the process that much easier. By using HubSpot for your real estate marketing you will be able to convert leads, create team cohesion, and nurture your prospects and current clients.