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j S teen G E T F I T! E D I S IN exclusive! YOUR TREVOR JACKSON DREAM M O O R ic h C n ia m e h o B n r e Mod DOMO STY LE

cover feature see p. 24







ENTERTAINMENT 6 Anna Caltabiano Mastering the Power of the Pen 12 Jackson Guthy Kick’n it with the New “Bad Boy” 16 Young Stars on the Rise: ChrystalChyna 20 Up Close and Personal with Aimee Carrero 34 Ro Shon Real Talk SJT SPOTLIGHT 18 Meet Jacob Latimore The Next Superstar in the Making FITNESS/HEALTH 26 Get Fit! 22 Be Teen-acious with Your Fitness Eat Clean and Give Your Body the Gift of the Lift SJT All-Star 28 Katelyn Darrow-Eystad Spreads the Spirit of Service to Others INTERIOR DESIGN 30 Inside Your Dream Room Modern Bohemian Chic

Front Cover Photo-Image Credit: Adrian J. Current Page Image-Yasmin C.









Contributing Writers Malinda Pernell, Nora Zazueta, Domonique Shields, Shannon Roark Photographers Yasmin C. Deanne S.

The views expressed by various contributors are not necessarily the views of the corporation or its owners; nor is the corporation or its owners liable for any typographical errors or omission contained herein. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without Written permission from publisher.


Copyright 2013 Cruz Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved




Image Credit: Deanne S. Clothing: Catou Wear Hair: India Gary




Anna Caltabiano Image Credit: Tommy Wu of Tommyphoto

Mastering the Power of

Anna Caltabiano is a teen role model and published author who is creating a buzz within the literary industry. Released in May 2012, her debut novel, All That is Red, tells a compelling story of survival and brings to the forefront important issues and challenging struggles confronting middle- and high-school students. The book specifically focuses on an important, yet sensitive, issue of self-harm and its effect of “cutting� among teens. Yet, for this published writer, the book offers insight into the human emotions of isolation, loneliness and perseverance. With a growing fan base, she is creating a literary platform to connect teens and parents and to encourage dialogue. In an exclusive SJ Teen interview, Anna shares her journey as an author and her mission to create awareness and communications about the struggles of the human spirit.

the Pen

How would you describe the premise of the book? Anna: My book is about a girl in a dream-like world where the only colors that exist are red and white. The red represents feeling and human emotion in the world, while the white is the complete lack of all feelings. Catapulted into the crossfire between the Red and White empires, she must choose between messy emotions and simple, straight-forward oblivion: Red and White. The Red Army is fighting passionately in support of preserving a person’s right to feel, at any costs. The White Army, led by a mysterious dictator known only as The Pure One, is bent on destroying the Reds, believing their emotional vulnerability and sentimentality to be a weakness and a threat to civil stability. The Pure One has decided to promote a policy of unfeeling and catatonic detachment throughout humanity. As she witnesses the conflict firsthand, the girl is forced to consider her position, only to find herself confronted by her own desperate ambivalence and fear about welcoming the pain and uncertainty of feeling emotions. Her tentative friendship with a young boy leads the girl into the heart of the Red resistance movement, where she learns about the power of fellow feeling for the first time. As the battle intensifies, she must keep her identity a secret in order to decide for herself if what she really wants is all that is White, or in fact, all that is Red.




Image Credit: Tommy Wu of Tommyphoto

To write a good book, I think all you really need is a story and a need to tell that story.

Besides writing, what other activities do you enjoy? Anna: Like every other teenager, I like hanging out with friends. I also like playing the guitar, playing tennis, and drawing. Did you ever have any obstacles or

C A challenges you had to overcome while writing your novel? How did you

manage to overcome them? Anna: Since I had never written a novel and was not, until I was done, really thinking about publishing it, I had no preconceived notions of how long it would take or what the process should look like. Therefore, I felt almost no pressure. As I First, you wrote your story at your hit periods where the writing was slower, I just assumed that it was normal, and dining room table on an iPad. That’s thus soldiered on. Only after I was done, amazing! Besides that, what was the did I decide that I would like to publish it so that others could read the book. I had creative process like while writing your to weather many rejections before finding novel, “All That is Red?” a way to get it published. Again, I just asAnna: I had lots of fun writing “All That You are a teenager in high school, and sumed that this was normal, so it did not is Red.” I started by outlining the story in really bother me. In the end, I have enminiature stick-figure pictures on scraps those teenage years can be tough. What joyed the process of writing and seeing of paper. I wrote ideas I had on bright advice would you give to teens that may a book published so much that when the pink heart-shaped post-its that I stuck to be going through certain obstacles in book was finally published, I felt mixed my desk. Every time I thought of another feelings. On the one hand, it feels great their lives? idea, my desk got just a little more pink. to hear people give me comments on how It got to a point where I could barely see Anna: When you’re a teenager, I think much they liked the book. However, more the surface of my desk because I had so it’s easy to feel like you’re alone in fac- than anything else, it makes me want to many post-its! When actually writing ing the inevitable tough spots and pain- go back to my writing, which is the part drafts of the book, I put on songs that I ful periods. But, everyone somehow gets of the process I love the most. Any difthought fit the scenes I was working on, through the teenage years and ultimately ficulties I face are always overshadowed and of course, started singing to myself survives. Things may seem hard now, but by the sheer joy of telling a story, thereby as I wrote. we’ll successfully come out the other end creating a whole new world peopled with as fully formed adults. interesting characters interacting in exciting, sometimes tragic, but usually uplifting ways. Is writing something you are passionate What do you feel is a key about? Why? ingredient any writer must have Anna: Writing is something that I love when writing a good book? doing and hope to keep doing for the rest of my life. It’s a way for me to explore Anna: To write a good book, I think all my thoughts and ideas. I find writing to you really need is a story and a need to be cathartic. I feel like I can work through tell that story. Once you have those two anything by writing about it. And, if I can things, everything else seems to fall into help even one person by reminding them place. If you have a strong desire to tell a that they’re not alone in whatever they story, you tell it well. face, I feel like I’m making a difference.


GETDFIT! omo Style

Photographed by Yasmin C. Grooming: Devan Conoscenti location: Crossfit Zionsville Clothing: Athletic Annex Running Center

“As a high school football player, I am forced to stay fit. However, during the off-season, I have a choice between couch potato or continuing to stay active. It is important to understand that whether you are an athlete or not, there are GREAT physical activities and exercises you can incorporate into your everyday lifestyle. I am going to share with you some of my favorite exercises that I do to keep myself active During the on or off season!�



(Repeat this process in about 10-12 reps)

Push Up, Pull Up

1 Grab a set of dumbbells that you feel comfortable with

lifting. Lay the dumbbells out on the floor parallel to one another. Get in push up position with your hands on the weights.

2 Lift up off of the weights. 3 Bring one dumbbell up to your chest then back down. 4 Repeat with the other dumbbell. 5 Bring your chest back down to the ground then back up.


e h c n u r c e l c y c i B

Laying on your back, and your hands on your head-take your right elbow and bring it diagonally to the left knee.

Then, the left elbow diagonally to the right knee. (Repeat rapidly for 45 seconds.)



GUTHY Kick’n it with the New “

Bad Boy”

Singer and songwriter Jackson Guthy is on a mission to use his gift for music to make a positive difference in the world.

In 2012, Jackson toured with Big Time Rush and One Direction, and he later signed with Universal Republic Records. His debut single, One of These Days, is often viewed as an insight of his diverse style, music ranging from an invigorating upbeat swagger to a fresh spin on pop to an old school vibe. A hands-on artist, he is actively involved with songwriting and playing instruments on his songs. Jackson is well on his way to making a significant impact with his music.



Image Credit: Rob Hoffman

A native of Southern California, this talented artist possesses an adept ability to write and sing his own music at an early age. With his local live performances, Jackson began to capture attention within the music industry and beyond including talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. He made his first television performance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show which introduced him to a national audience.




Image Credit: Rob Hoffman

SJ Teen: What inspired you to begin singing, songwriting and performing? Jackson: I started playing piano when I was four years old. Ever since then, I’ve always loved singing and writing music. SJ Teen: What do you want people to take away from your music? Jackson: That anything is possible. You should always follow your dreams and never let anyone bring you down. SJ Teen: You have a song called “Bad Boy.” What was the creative process behind that song? Jackson: I wrote it with my producer, Alex Marshall, and we wrote the whole thing on the spot. SJ Teen: Do you think it is more of challenge for you to not be compared to other young male artists out there? What separates you from them? Jackson: I think that my age will get me compared to a lot of people, but it takes listening to my music to differentiate between us. I’m a singer and songwriter, and my music is a completely different genre than others who have lit the way for artists my age. SJ Teen: What artists influence you and your music? Jackson: Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars. SJ Teen: How would you describe your musical sound? Jackson: Really chill songs with very big beats that people will want to sing along to. SJ Teen: How has music inspired you? Jackson: It inspires me to want to make a difference. I want to make music that people can grab onto and bring them up when they are down. SJ Teen: What other goals do you wish to accomplish in the future? Jackson: Hopefully, build my career to the point where I can go on a tour of that caliber where I am the headliner. SJ Teen: You had the opportunity to tour with Big Time Rush and One Direction. What was it like touring with them? Jackson: Definitely crazy. It was really nice meeting all of the different fans and seeing all the different places along the way. SJ Teen: What can we expect from you in the future? Jackson: I’m going on tour this summer with Big Time Rush and Victoria Justice. This tour will definitely pack some surprises.




w o n K 2 a t n e y G Ch & l a t s y r h C


ise R e h t n o rs Young Sta

Identical twin sisters, Chrystal and Chyna Johnson, simply known as ChrystalChyna, is gaining a growing audience base with their soulful passion and powerful artistic delivery. Yet, for the Los Angeles-based duo, their love and passion for music comes naturally. Virtually born into the music industry, the dynamic twin teenagers are no strangers to the hectic pace and demands of the entertainment industry. Their mother and manager, Benita Hill Johnson, is a former personal assistant to musical icon Natalie Cole, who is also their godmother. Their distinctive style embraces contemporary hits with relative ease while infusing their bold, yet unique, spin to old school classics. Confident and poised, ChrystalChyna enthusiastically captivates listeners with their melodic harmonies and impressive vocal ability. While they are preparing to record original songs in the studio, the young ladies are making the rounds with live performances. They recently performed at the “Nu Skool Sings Old School,” aseries of live showcases featuring upcoming young singers who pay tribute to classic old school music. The talented pair also performs at various youth conferences, charities and community events. Born to sing, ChrystalChyna are, indeed, young stars on the rise. In an exclusive interview with SJ Teen, they talk about their promising singing career. SJ Teen: Describe the ChrystalChyna sound? ChrystalChyna: The ChrystalChyna sound is a mix of R&B and Pop music. We were definitely inspired by the sounds of our musical influences such as Beyoncé, Brandy, Usher, Rihanna, Jodeci and a number of other artists.

SJ Teen: What inspired you both to want to go into the entertainment industry? ChrystalChyna: What inspired us to go into the entertainment industry is the fact that we are allowed to do what we love and showcase it to the world.

SJ Teen: Your godmothers are two musical icons, Chaka Khan and Natalie Cole. Have they given you any advice about the business? If so, what has been the best thing you have learned from them? ChrystalChyna: Yes, they have given us advice. However, their best advice is to work, work, and work hard on our craft and to remember that we are singers first. SJ Teen: How would you describe your style? ChrystalChyna: Our style is bold, distinctive, chic, funky and sophisticated.

SJ Teen: Do you have any other talents? ChrystalChyna: Thankfully, we do have other talents. We love to cook and blog about fashion.

Image Credit: Eric Scot of Open Air Studio

SJ Teen: What do you think is missing from young artists today as far as music? ChrystalChyna: As far as some young artists, many of them don’t carry substance in their lyrics. Meaning, the lyrics don’t tell a story. Having substance in your lyrics will give you the ability to connect with your audience. SJ Teen: Do you think it is important to be a role model for teens? Why? ChrystalChyna: Yes, it’s extremely important to be role models for teens. Teens see negativity on television and the internet regularly. They need role models who can show them that it’s okay to be a good person and to go after whatever it is they want to succeed in.

SJ Teen: What is the best thing about being twins? ChrystalChyna: The best thing about being twins is definitely not being able to trick people! However, we feed off each other, and we’re each other’s backup. SJ Teen: What has been the most exciting part so far for you in building your singing career? ChrystalChyna: The most exciting part so far in our music career is the fact that our music is being noticed beyond family, but now by strangers from everywhere. SJ Teen: What is something you want people to know about the ChrystalChyna brand? ChrystalChyna: The ChrystalChyna brand is about sharing our talent with integrity. SJ Teen: What is next for ChrystalChyna? Any upcoming projects? ChrystalChyna: Yes, we’re actually in the studio recording original songs!


At the age of sixteen, recording artist and actor Jacob Latimore possesses the total package of natural talent, good looks, a charismatic personality, and industry wisdom. As one of the emerging superstars of the next generation of dynamic entertainers, Jacob is earning accolades for his powerful presence and influence on the screen and in the studio. But, for this Milwaukee native, it is in his blood and soul. His father and uncles toured as the inspirational quartet, The Latimore Brothers, and he was surrounded by music at an early age. Embracing his love for music, strong work ethics and dedication, Jacob released his first single, Best Friend, at the age of nine. Shortly after relocating to Atlanta, Jacob released his viral single, Superstar, which landed on the Billboard R & B and Hip Hop charts. In 2010, Jacob signed with now RCA Records and released his first label single, Like ‘Em All, featuring Diggy Simmons. Jacob ultimately ventured into acting in which he appeared in numerous commercials and voiceovers. In 2011, he landed his first lead role in the film, Vanishing on 7th Street. Currently, Jacob continues to expand his artistic horizons as he showcases his musical and acting talents with professionalism and enthusiasm.



B O JAC RE SJT O M I LAT Spotlight

The Next Superstar in the Making Jacob Latimore chats with SJ Teen about his incredible journey, thus far, within the entertainment industry.

Who is Jacob Latimore? What makes you unique? Jacob: Jacob Latimore is motivated and inspired by positive people and great entertainment. Also, I am a RCA recording artist and actor. What makes me unique? I guess I am a neat freak. I iron my pillow cases! What is it like starting out in the music industry at such a young age? Jacob: I started recording when I was nine years old with my first single, Best Friend. My first EP was released in 2006. My parents and production company, Crown World Entertainment, grinded and sacrificed for years. Eventually, I landed my deal with Jive, now RCA, in 2010. Getting a record deal was exciting being that I was 13 years old at the time. I signed a deal with the same record label of my favorite entertainers that I really do admire on stage. But, I’m beginning to understand that it is definitely 90 percent business and 10 percent entertainment. Nevertheless, I’m still excited I get to do what I love. God’s favor is awesome!

Image Credit: Left; Robin V.

Do you have any memorable perfor mances that come to mind? Jacob: All my moments on stage are memorable!

Anyone in particular you would love to collaborate with in the future? Jacob: I want to collaborate with everyone really. Michael Jackson (MJ), of course, would be number one on the list, May He Rest in Peace. Also, my label mate Justin Timberlake. What made you want to start an acting career? Jacob: I was always acting. I was acting before I got my record deal. I was booked for many voiceovers and commercials. My first episode was One Tree Hill, and my first co-lead in a film was Vanishing on 7th Street with Hayden Christensen and Thandie Newton. The film is on Netflix and DVD now.

Who was the person who most influenced you? How? Jacob: My family members are the ones who influence me. They keep me motivated and grounded. What is your favorite daily wear attire? Jacob: My favorite daily wear would be basketball short and a tank top. What is next for you?

Do you have any upcoming projects? Jacob: What’s next for Jacob Latimore? Well, my first leading film role, Black Nativity, will be in theatres November 27, 2013. The talented cast includes Angela Basset, Forest Whitaker, Jennifer Hudson, and Tyrese among others. I have a new single, “Keys to My Heart,” featurHow do you juggle your career and ing my label mate, Kid Ink. It’s a super personal time? dope record, produced by Danja. You can Jacob: It’s not hard to juggle both. When also catch my cameo in the movie, Ride I want my down time, I take it. Along, starring comedian and actor Kevin Hart. It will be so funny, and it will be in theaters January 17, 2014. You can also Where do you see yourself in ten years? see me in the film, The Maze Runner, set Jacob: In ten years, I’ll be 26 years old, to be released February 14, 2014. I’m acand I see myself being an established tually shooting that now in Baton Rouge singer and actor. Nominated/Winner of and should be wrapping early July. I plan a Grammy and an Oscar. Also, I hope to to do a fall tour after my single drops, so have invested in building my own chain fans can be on the look for that. of hotel properties.


Actress Aimee Carrero who currently plays Angie in the Cartoon Network action series, Level Up. Born in the Dominican Republic, she grew in Miami, Florida where she nurtured her interest in acting. After her move to Los Angeles, Aimee began her professional acting career with guest appearances on various television programs including The Mentalist, Hannah Montana, Lincoln Heights, Men of a Certain Age, The Middle, and Greek. In 2009, she appeared in her first theatrical movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. In 2011, Aimee starred as Angie Prietto in her first major television movie, Level Up, and she subsequently reprised her film role in the series of the same title. She recently appeared in her second television film movie, Blue Lagoon: The Awakening, in 2012.



Up Close l a n o s r and Pewith o r e r r a C e e m i A SJ Teen: How did you get started acting? Aimee: Well, it just started as a hobby. I joined the drama club in school and performed in the school theater. Then, I started performing in the community theater in Miami, which is my home town. Then, I took a break for awhile when I went to college to study international relations. Suddenly, I realized acting was something I wanted to do and to, at least, try and pursue. I moved out to Los Angeles and got really, really lucky!

Image Credit: Courtesy Cartoon Network

SJ Teen: Are you still taking college classes or have you graduated? Aimee: I graduated from high school when I was 17, and I graduated college when I was 20. I just took a lot of credits I didn’t do the usual four-year pace. I did summers at one point so I was taking 21 credits in a semester because I wanted to finish and move out to Los Angeles. So, that’s what I did. SJ Teen: That’s great. Your character, Angie, on Cartoon Network “Level Up” is very smart. Are you anything like your character on the show? Aimee: I wish I was like my character, Angie. I think there are definitely some

similarities. Angie is very ambitious, and I think she’s a pretty crafty little person, considering the life that she leads. She spends most of her time tracking down characters from a video game. So, I would say I’m pretty cool when I was in high school. I think she’s a lot braver than I ever was, or will be, in a lot of ways. Also, I really like the fact that she sees that even though she doesn’t have it all figured out because she’s a teenager in high school. There is a certain stillness about Angie that I wish I had. SJ Teen: You’re on a show with basically all guys. What is that like? Aimee: Well, I work with some really great people so it honestly doesn’t even come up. It feels like I’m a part of a family, and the guys are just great. Most of all, I think with any job, you want to go to work feeling you’ve done a good job, everyone is having a good time, and working in an environment that’s creative and professional. I’m lucky enough to feel that’s the environment I’m walking into so it really hasn’t been a “thing.” It’s been great actually. SJ Teen: Who is someone you would like to work with in the future? Aimee: I would love to do a Wes Ander-

son movie. I think he is just an amazing director, and I love his vision. He recently directed “Moonrise Kingdom” as well as two of my favorite movies, “The Royal Tenenbaums” and “The Life Aquatic.” He does this dead pan comedy that I am really a fan of, and it seems really difficult to do. He also seems to create a completely different world than the one we’re used to living in. With everything from the acting style to the visual look of the movie to the music and dialogue, I just think it would be really fun to work with him. I would love that. SJ Teen: What do you think viewers will get out of “Level Up?” Aimee: What the writers and creators are doing is really try to appeal to the older crowd. There are tons of things in their jokes that pay homage to certain things like Leroy Jenkins in the pilot. I didn’t know what it was, but my parents laughed so hard when they heard it. It’s all about little things like that in which they try to put things in to entertain people who are watching it with their kids. Also, I don’t feel our writers sit down thinking “we’re writing a kids show” so we can make this funny for kids. I think they are thinking how can we make this funny and entertaining in general.





s u o i c a n e e T

By Nora Zazueta *

with Your Fitness

Eat Clean and Give Your Body the Gift of the Lift

Tenacious, or as I like to call it Teen-acious, means not readily letting go of, giving up, not dispelling or becoming discouraged; persisting in existence or in a course of action. So, let’s talk about Teen-acious, yes, I made that up! It applies to the topic at hand, and it shows the attitude you need to make amazing changes in your life. So, how does being teen-acious help when it comes to fitness and nutrition? It’s not enough to just think about becoming healthy and fit. You have to put good habits into practice for overall great health. So, what happens? Why do so many young people become discouraged and frustrated when it comes to fitness and nutrition? There is so much information out there that it becomes confusing and makes you feel like you’ve failed before you’ve even started! About nutrition, it must be said that without good nutrition you will not meet your health goals. You cannot exercise your way to your perfect body. You have to eat well, and then add fitness. If you had to choose between the two, al-

ways choose nutrition first. You will see better and faster results along with a general feeling of well-being. Also, not eating doesn’t get you there any faster. If you want to look healthy, you need to have healthy eating habits. It’s NOT how much you eat, but it’s WHAT you eat that’s important. You may have heard of the term “clean eating,” but what does that really mean? It means that you stay away from foods that are processed, and eat more meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. With that said, you want to stay away from “foods” that have a long list of ingredients. Look at your favorite snack. Most likely, you’ll find a long list of ingredients that you can’t even pronounce! That would be an example of an unhealthy choice. So, the key is to eat natural foods like fruits and vegetables. It doesn’t mean that you can never have that snack you love ever again. Your daily snack would just become a once a week treat versus seeing it pop up daily in your diet.

Now, you know the basics on clean eating. Let’s talk about your fitness. Here are two major myths that will stop you from your goals:

Image Credit: Left and clipart;

Myth #1: To be fit and lose weight, you need to do tons of cardio. Not true! Sure, cardio has its place in a workout, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you do. If you want to get your heart rate up, that’s great. However, strength training is just as important, even more so. So, get on that treadmill for a quick run, and then go hit the weights. Myth #2: For young ladies, lifting weights will make you look bulky or it will make you look like a man. Oh, brother! What year is this? That school of thought is so outdated, but you would be surprised how many women still believe that to be true. Lifting weights is an absolutely essential part of a fitness routine. Being healthy goes hand in hand with being strong. You don’t have to be able to lift a house, but you should be able to lift yourself into a push-up. As women, we benefit so much from weight training. It’s great for increasing our bone density, strength, helps fight depression and the best part about it…YOU LOSE BODY FAT!! Yes, you heard it right! As you increase your lean muscle, you also increase your resting metabolism which means you continue to burn calories all day long. If you’re still worried about looking like a man, let me lay your fears to rest. You won’t ever look like a man because simply you are not one. That may sound funny, but it’s true. We don’t have the hormones to get “bulky” like a man. It takes a long time to build muscle as it is so trust me it’s not happening.

If you don’t go to a gym or can’t afford to get a membership, don’t worry. There are plenty of bodyweight exercises you can do right in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need to workout for hours either. It’s as easy as timing yourself for ten minutes and doing ten reps of pushups and 20 situps. Count how many rounds you get for the ten minutes and write it down. This should be intense so at the end of the ten minutes you should feel pretty exhausted. The key is working to your maximum potential or threshold each time. Pair up high intensity strength exercises for a few minutes, three or four times a week, work your nutrition and you’ll see the most amazing results. You can achieve self-confidence, great health, strength, and a body that you love to look at and feel proud of not because you want to look like someone in a magazine, but because you’ve worked hard for a body that looks great on YOU! Now, what are you waiting for? Be tough, be persistent, and persevere when it comes to your fitness. In other words, be Teen-acious!



TREVOR JACKSON On the Move with

Whether it is acting or music, Trevor strives to be the best in all of his endeavors. He truly believes you should, and can, dream big!

Since his move to Hollywood, Trevor appeared in several national commercials including Microsoft, NBA, Target, Sony PSP, T-Mobile, American Family Insurance, and Gatorade. He also has been featured in several public service announcements for Unified Theater; the Enough Project; and most recently, My Hope for Children. On the small screen, Trevor channeled his acting ability in various guest roles on several television programs including the CBS hit drama, Cold Case, and the NBC drama series, Harry’s



Law. In addition, Trevor appeared in a recurring role on the Syfy original series, Eureka, as Kevin Blake. Most recently, he appeared in an episode of the popular CBS series, Criminal Minds. Besides television, Trevor captured audience attention with dynamic performances in numerous films. He starred as Albert in the 2010 movie Albert! Or, My Life in the Ocean. Trevor starred as Quincy Smith in the 2012 feature film, A Beautiful Soul, with an all-star cast including famed gospel singer Deitrick Haddon. He also starred as Kris McDuffy in the Disney Channel original movie, Let It Shine, which was released in 2012. On the musical front, Trevor is gaining recognition for his artistic skills. When he is not acting, Trevor is busy with his music projects with performances at many West Coast venues and charity events. He has opened for various artists including Jason Mraz; Michael McDonald; Boz Scaggs; Raphael Saadiq; Ziggy Marley; Siedah Garrett; and, the Brian Kennedy Project. Trevor recently released his new song, Like We Grown, which is available on iTunes, and he is busy finalizing his debut album, working with many Grammy Award-winning producers!

Image Credit: Adrian J.

Trevor Jackson is an emerging powerhouse who is rapidly earning accolades for his diverse talents. A native of Indianapolis, Indiana, Trevor had an early start in performing. By the age of three, he was becoming a stage veteran with performances throughout the Midwest. Eventually, Trevor would showcase his talent on the legendary Showtime at The Apollo television program. He ultimately landed the coveted role of Young Simba in the Broadway National Tour of Disney’s The Lion King, in which Trevor enjoyed a three-year run.


Your new single, “Like We Grown,” just came out a few months ago, and I know you are working on an album. What can we expect to hear? Trevor: You can except to hear some really nice ballads and R & B songs, but also some uptempo club songs. I haven’t had my heart broken yet, so there’s not any “heartbroken songs.” It’s really just a feel-good, upbeat album. Have you decided what you’re going to name the album? Trevor: Not yet. I’m trying to figure that out as everyone keeps asking me that. We’re not exactly sure yet. What inspires you when you’re creating your music? Trevor: Michael Jackson will always be like my number one inspirational teacher. He was really good at entertaining, embodying his music and his contributions to the world. So, every time I write or sing a song, I really want to strive for that and just continue to do the best I can. You’ve met a lot of people. Who is someone you were really excited to meet? Trevor: R. Kelly! He is such an incredible artist, and I was the most star struck I’ve ever been. When I got to shake his hand, I was like “I can’t believe I’m shaking this man’s hand.” I couldn’t even talk! He was asking me questions, and my voice was cracking (laughs). He was really cool. We know you sing and act. You were in the film, “Let it Shine.” What was it like doing

The thing about my acting career is I played the pretty boy and the mean guy. But, that’s not who I am. 26


that film with the entire cast? Trevor: It was amazing and fun. It was really great working with talented people. I learned a lot with everybody on the set, and it was a great project to be a part of. The movie was to uplift and to inspire others about who you were and who you are, so “let it shine,” quote on quote. So, it was really great to be a part of that. I love acting. The thing about my acting career is I played the pretty boy and the mean guy. But, that’s not who I am. It’s fun to act because I enjoy acting.


What is your dream role?

Trevor: My favorite type of acting is mostly the serious type of stuff, but I welcome any opportunity I can get. However, if I could choose not to do a musical role, I would like to do something that I can really just go deep into and do something totally different. My dream role is to be in a drama with Denzel Washington. I’ll be a part of anything Denzel Washington is in, and I also really like Leonardo DiCaprio. I’m interested in any type of dramatic roles. I can do plenty of flips and stuff, so any type of action I’ll do that too. Are there any television shows

you can see yourself on in the future? Trevor: I would love to be on “King of Thrones.” For some reason, I feel like I could play a medieval character and get a little British accent going. There’s a lot of good television shows. I love “CSI” and “The Following.” I love all types of drama or action shows.

Do you think it’s hard for people to take young actors who have been on Nickel

Image Credit: Adrian J.

odeon or Disney serious as performers

or actors? Trevor: Well, I think it’s all about career choice so it depends on what you choose to do and what steps you make. I feel there’s really no right or wrong way to do it. Whatever you were blessed to do that grabs your heart’s attention, you should go after it.

Who or what keeps you

focused? Trevor: I thank God, first and foremost. I mean that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing, period. It’s what keeps me going, and I’m just thankful for Him putting me in the position I’m in and to do what I need to do. Besides that, I’m thankful for my mother because she put her entire career on hold for me and has really become my day-to-day everything when it comes to music and acting. She’s my manager and sometimes my stylist. She definitely keeps me focused. In fact, my whole family does, my dad, all of them, they just keep me grounded. While working on the album, doing in

terviews and everything that goes with

it, do you ever miss your family or feel

like everything is happening too fast? Trevor: Oh, yes everything is definitely happening fast. My mother and I are in LA, and my dad, brother and the rest of the family are back in Indianapolis. I’m constantly missing them. At the end of the day, the sacrifice mentally, financially and physically, will pay off, and we can all move someplace out here in LA. But, it is moving fast so I’m glad.

Do you see yourself touring soon?

Who would you like to tour with?

Trevor: Hopefully, I’ll be touring soon. I would like to tour with Drake (so if you see this interview, definitely hit me up!), Nicki Minaj and Trey Songz. I mean I love everybody who take music seriously and want to change the world with it. What do you plan on doing for the

rest of the summer? Trevor: I’ll probably be really busy performing, finishing the album and just working as hard as I can.


Katelyn Darrow-Eystad is beyond the average teenager. The Pitman, New Jersey high school student is striving to bring support and comfort in the lives of others. Besides the typical teen activities including school work and hanging out with friends, she can be found running her non-profit organization, The Angels of God Clothing Closet (www., where she provides clothing and other necessities to those individuals in need. As a result of her personal experiences, Katelyn founded the charity to be of service to her community. The organization operates a storefront where families in need shop for clothing, food, and toiletries, at no cost. Aside from her nonprofit, Katelyn is a field reporter and occasional co-host on Express Yourself!, a teen radio show on the Voice America Kids Network. She is passionate about blogging and has her own blog called “The Gift of Giving,� where she discusses how youth can change the world through volunteering, charity, and service projects. She embraces her legacy to encourage others to make a positive difference in their community.



SJT All-Star

Katlyn Darrow-Eyestad Spreads the Spirit of Service to Others

SJ Teen: Why did you start your non-profit organization? Katelyn: I founded the nonprofit organization, “Angels of God Clothing Closet,” when I was just 12 years old. Growing up, I knew what it was like to be in need. My mother, sisters, and I escaped and overcame domestic violence before experiencing a destructive house fire. Times were tough, and the difficult time provided me a perspective. I was able to reflect on my past and use those experiences to help others. The idea was innocent and simple to me. I wanted to make the world a better place, starting in my community. SJ Teen: Why do you feel it is important for individuals to make a difference in the community? Katelyn: Volunteers can shape communities and create change. They are vital resources to charities and nonprofits. I could never manage my organization without the help of volunteers. Charities like the Angels Clothing Closet wouldn’t be able to fulfill its mission without the service of selfless individuals who donate their time. SJ Teen: How much has your organization grown since 2009? Katelyn: Since its opening in 2009, my charity has grown to distribute more than just clothes. In addition to the clothing closet, the volunteers and I run a food pantry and toiletry distribution in the same building. The center is set-up like a store, but the only difference is that clients don’t pay a penny for their items! Homeless shelter residents, low-income families, house fire victims, or anyone who cannot afford basic necessities, receive a written referral from social services. From there, these individuals have access to our services which include food, toiletries, and clothing, at no cost.

Image Credit: Unique Image Photography

SJ Teen: What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a charity organization in their community? Katelyn: Make sure you’re passionate and educated about your cause. Remember that starting a movement is hard work. It’s going to take determination, compassion, and rock-hard nerves. No matter where your volunteering takes you, stay passionate and spread the word about your mission. SJ Teen: What techniques do you utilize to balance your time between your civic duties and being a normal high school student? Katelyn: I have the most supportive family and friends, which is a big help! Time management skills also play a large part in balancing my schedule. Although I dedicate a lot of time to my 501c3 organization, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

SJ Teen: Do you think that participating in a philanthropic organization should be a high school graduation requirement for all students nationwide? Katelyn: I believe that volunteer service hours should be mandatory for high school students across the country. Community service has changed my life tremendously and has exposed me to issues affecting my community. Volunteering helped me gain a sense of appreciation for the “little things” in life that are often taken for granted. In addition, I’ve developed leadership skills through service and cultivated a passion to help others. Volunteering has shown me that I have the ability to change the world. SJ Teen: Where do you see yourself in ten years? What are some of your future goals? Katelyn: I’m only a sophomore in high school right now, but I have big dreams! In the future, I hope to see my organization expand and help people on a larger scale. I also co-host a radio show, and I write for several different websites, so maybe journalism is in my future...only time will tell! SJ Teen: How do you stay motivated when you hit a “roadblock” in terms of your organization’s progress? Katelyn: It’s very easy to stay motivated with my job. I am working with incredible, strong people every day. From children in foster care to teenagers living in a group home, they inspire me to work harder. The other day, a little boy came into the clothing closet with his mother to pick-out clothes. I handed him a new pair of socks, and he gave the biggest smile in return. “Wow, no holes! They even have tags!” he said. The little boy was thrilled because his old pair of socks was covered in holes. We often take simple things, like a pair of socks, for granted. People like him keep volunteers and I motivated every single day. Whenever the organization’s progress hits a roadblock, we remember people like him and keep moving forward. SJ Teen: What fashion accessory can you not go without? Katelyn: Currently, I am loving hairbows! They’re so cute and girly! I have a bow in almost every color. Also, hairbows make a great DIY craft. All you need is fabric, a hot glue gun, and a hairclip. SJ Teen: What do you do for fun? Katelyn: I really enjoy writing, and I try to blog almost every day. I also like to travel! Whenever I have the opportunity to travel, I immerse myself in different cultures. Recently, I’ve started vlogging (video blogging), which has been a ton of fun!


M O O R M A E R c i D h C R n YOU hemia o B n r e Mod




or Desi ark *Interi o R n o n n By Sha

Image Credit: Yasmin C.


It is always exciting to design a room for a teenager because of working with such fun color pallets. A newly designed suite was a “surprise birthday gift” decided upon by the parents of a young girl. The layout of the space includes two rooms joined by a study desk area similar to that of two rooms shared by a Jack and Jill bath. This lucky girl can use one room as a media and game room, and the other as a bedroom. Like most projects, there are often last minute changes due to circumstances beyond our control. We titled this room “Modern Bohemian Chic” and just ran with it.




in, using pieces that could follow her through the next stage of her life, the transition from high school to college. First, the color pallet! (Keep in mind this was a surprise project, but there were hints the daughter wanted to paint her room turquoise). A contemporary gray compliments the modern theme with the beautiful

turquoise. Upon selecting the paint color, it was time for a wall paper that was going to be the right combination of feminine and graphic. Original birch wallpaper was selected after instantly falling in love with it. It made the rooms feel as if you were sleeping in the middle of the forest.

Image Credit: Yasmin C.

There are two rooms which mirror each other. It was important to incorporate something really graphic and fun into each room. It takes thoughtful selection to source furniture that works well in a teenager’s space, but also be suitable for a young adult. The key was to design a space cool enough that the daughter and all her friends would want to hang out

A specific budget, was set and it was very important to make sure every choice was going to work aesthetically and affordably. Finding pieces such as the right canopy bed, nightstands, lamps, sofa and limited edition art was the next step. The silver metallic sofa was another home run with its incredible tufting detail and its sleek design. It was an excellent decision to incorporate a fun bedding set that was easily washable and not too plain, in case, the typical messy teen had a spill on it. Trina Turk bedding was selected and ordered immediately. Imaging the room being like a mixed-matched outfit, a fun play on mixing prints. With teen rooms, come a little more freedom of expression and less of a concern about the seriousness of the design. So, aside from the two mirrored rooms joined by the study desk area, there were also two bathrooms incorporated into the design. It was shower curtains for each! The bathrooms are turquoise and bring that color out into the main rooms in our birch graphic walls. All the other walls were to be gray. For the media room, Inexpensive wall units were used along with a fun chess piece that brought out our secondary color statement, yellow. Instead of the birch wallpaper, a painter stenciled the birch grove onto the wall. By switching to the stencil, there was a saving of about one thousand dollars. The existing valance and wood blinds worked well with this design. The last addition was floor lamps, side tables, and two poufs that were purchased online.




Image Credit: Courtesy of ROSHONFEGAN.COM

Singer, actor and dancer Ro Shon Fegan is focused in using his creative talents to inspire and encourage others. Thus far, his accomplishments are many. As an actor, Ro Shon starred as Ty Blue on the Disney Channel original series, Shake It Up! He also appeared in the Disney Channel original movie, Camp Rock, as Sander Loyer as well as performed several songs on the movie’s soundtrack and DVD bonus track, “Camp Rock.” He later reprised his role in the sequel, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. Ro Shon also appeared on the 14th season of Dancing with the Stars where he was one of the top six finalists.

lks Ro Shon ta mitments m o c s i h t u abo t and as an artis r with entertaine SJ Teen.

Ro Shon REAL


On the music front, Ro Shon formed the independent label, 3inaRo Entertainment, where he serves as CEO. As a singer, songwriter and producer, he recently released his first self-produced EP, I Am Ro-Shon, which features a blend of Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Funk and Electronic Dance sounds. Recently, Ro Shon opened Grand Vault Studios, a full-service music and dance studio in Los Angeles. He was recognized for his dedication to his profession and to his community with the 2012 Rising Star Award from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles.

How does it feel to be a young entrepreneur at your age? Ro Shon: It is a lot to take in. It feels good; but, at the same time, it is a lot to juggle because you want to do regular stuff as well. So, if you are constantly thinking about the next creative scheme to stay relevant in the game and keep it going, you lose a sense of just “chillness.” You don’t really hang out as much or anything because you constantly thinking about that. So, it is a lot; but, at the same time, the payoff is much better than just hanging around. I will have years of hang out time when I am older and in a big old house on a beach.

How do you manage everything? What is your life process? Ro Shon: My life process is all over the place really. I try to do so many things that I don’t think that one day has enough time for me. I try to make sure I split it up into pieces where I can really learn, have fun, and experience as much as I can with every moment. So, I try to make music every day. That is usually my thing. I get into my studio, and I start putting down thoughts as inspiration comes in many different ways. You never know what you are going to get the same day. Music is always an everyday thing; but, with acting, it’s really spontaneous. If I am not on set, I am usually at home working on music. If I am not at home working on music, maybe I am on set. But, acting is something you do in moments. I mean, you could act all day, but that would be kind of awkward.


What is the perfect character you would want to play? Ro Shon: I think being a superhero is always awesome. I would want to be like Iron Man. He is funny, but awesome, at the same time. Where is your favorite place to shop? Ro Shon: I like the guitar center. That seems like where all my money goes. I like Zhara because they have that European thing going on. Best advice someone has given to you? Ro Shon: Be yourself, be you, and be proud of who you are. I went to the studio and met T-Pain, and he is super cool and real. When I was with him, he basically said “love what you do and do what you love.” Where do you see yourself in five years? Ro Shon: Somewhere in Cuba with a mansion! I hope to have nice hit records under my belt. I want to have a production company up and running. Hopefully, we have artists that are doing great things, too. I want to work with some great people. What motivates you to be successful? Ro Shon: Wanting to be a game changer. Evolution is important throughout all aspects of life, entertainment, everything. Certain people do certain things to help that evolution, and I want to be one of those people just because I care about it. I think it is important to keep things moving. If something stays the same too long, it becomes “work” and boring. Music is something that is always about evolution. It’s always been; and, if music doesn’t change in the right direction, it can do something catastrophic. It can potentially become “whack.” Like, electronic music is awesome, but there are still fundamentals and elements of what real music is as an entertainer and artist. I know soul and R&B is soul and R&B; but, 20 years from now, if we don’t keep that around in some ways somehow that generation might not know what that means. And, they might not know what a base guitar is. It might be this new “toy.” It is important for people who do evolve to help others in the right way to make sure it grows and hangs on to the very important pieces of what makes music which is music. So, I want to change the game and keep my legacy alive and my father’s legacy of what we have worked so hard for and to make sure the entertainment business stays respected and that it doesn’t turn into “boo-boo.” You don’t want that. It’s not cool.




Image Credit: Courtesy of ROSHONFEGAN.COM

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