Fleet Europe °119

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119 11/2020


Nexus communication - Fleet Europe #119 - Periodic magazine - NOVEMBER 2020 - Deposit Office X

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17 & 18 NOVEMBRE 2020 International trends

Connected Technologies

E-mobility & Charging Solutions

Employee Benefits

Smart Mobility Solutions

Remarketing Forum






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WE MEET AGAIN FINALLY! Together, let’s maintain the will, the courage and the optimism to keep talking, to keep meeting (even if only virtually) and… to keep doing business with each other!

This is a virtual conference, but we want as IRL – that’s short for ‘In Real Life’ – as possible. As if we were really there, shaking hands, kissing and embracing, laughing and talking, exchanging views.

But let’s not pretend that nothing has happened either. Let’s not lie to each other.

Now more than ever, the Nexus team is excited and committed to provide you with the best possible environment over the two conference days.

We’re no virologists or epidemiologists, no doctors or nurses. But we do know that the situation all around the world is serious. We all have someone in our family or among our friends and acquaintances who, unfortunately, has been affected by this damn virus. And our deepest sympathies go out to all who have lost a loved one.

And HOPIN, the tool that we have selected for this, gives you all the opportunities you need. You can even meet face to face – check page 58 of this magazine or visit our website. As you no doubt realise, this magazine is very special, because it serves as the conference programme. That programme is as comprehensive and instructive as it is live. We firmly believe it will allow you to enter into 2021 invigorated by strong views and new ideas.

We’re no politicians either. Although many people across all countries complain about the measures taken by our respective governments, we have no other solution but to follow them. Even if these include restrictions that severely affect our various economies, and almost all companies across all sectors of industry. We have no other recourse but to spend hours working from home. We’ve all become adept at using all manner of video-conferencing systems and platforms imaginable.

The relevance and resonance of the topics, the content, the speakers and the panels – this is where we’ve aimed especially high this year. And we’re confident that you will not be disappointed. Last but certainly not least: a huge thanks to all our partners, who in these very trying circumstances continue to place their trust in us. More than ever, we say: THANK YOU! More than ever, we must prove worthy of this renewed confidence. Also, a big thank you to all who join us at this Summit. We meet again. And we’re already looking forward to the 14th summit. See you next year, at Estoril!

There are essential reasons for seeing each other, for meeting, discussing and exchanging views during this virtual Summit. Together, we must reflect, reinvent, find new ways, new business models. We must stand together as one industry and learn from each other.

Thierry Degives and Caroline Thonnon, CEOs – on behalf of the entire Nexus team.


Nobody knows what the world of tomorrow will look like. Will it really be different? What will change? How will it change? Who will change?


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THANK YOU Thank you to our sponsors.


Smart Analytics for a Better Connected World






YOUR GUIDE TO THE FLEET EUROPE SUMMIT 2020 We meet again! Virtually at the 2020 Fleet Europe Summit on 17 & 18 November, and in print today. This magazine is your prelude to the Summit. It will function as the programme for the participants and it brings insights and testimonials on the key topics of both the Fleet Europe Summit and the Remarketing Forum.

I’m looking forward to meeting you at this first virtual Fleet Europe Summit! These are of course particular and challenging times, but to have the privilege to be witnessing from close by the transformation from fleet to sustainable mobility management is exciting as well. So, be engaged and have a great Fleet Europe Summit 2020!

Fleet Europe Summit 2020 – 5 Key Topics

Steven Schoefs Editor-in-Chief

The programme of the Summit is built around 5 overarching topics: •

Understanding the New Normal in Fleet & Mobility

E-mobility and charging solutions

Smart Mobility solutions

Connected Technology

Employee Benefits in the New Normal

Read how our editorial experts, the Fleet Europe Summit sponsors and international fleet and mobility managers analyse the importance of these topics for future fleet and mobility management efficiency.




Fleet Europe Summit 2020 Programme at a glance Two days filled with inspirational keynotes from industry executives and interactive deepdive sessions to stimulate your fleet and mobility strategy.

EDITORS: Benjamin Uyttebroeck, Dieter Quartier, Yves Helven, Frank Jacobs


CONTRIBUTORS: Daniel Bland, Shane Curran, Jonathan Manning, Anne Özdelen, Alison Pittaway, Mark Sutcliffe, Johan Verbois

Fleet Europe Village

SALES: David Baudeweyns, Elke Leën, Daniel Savigny, Aline Verpoorten

The Fleet Europe Summit is not only about learning, it’s also about connecting and networking, even in this digital set-up. In the Fleet Europe Village you can visit more than 30 booths of the event sponsors and make the right connections for new business opportunities.

EVENT: Vincent Degives, Virginie Emonts MARKETING: Sven Van Rossum, Benoit Delisse PUBLISHERS: Caroline Thonnon, Thierry Degives PICTURES: ©Shutterstock


LAYOUT: Cible - www.cible.be

Fleet Europe Awards 2020

TO CONTACT OUR TEAM: FirstletterfirstnameLastname@nexuscommunication.be

No Fleet Europe Summit without the celebration of the best achievements in Fleet & Mobility. Meet the finalists of this year’s Fleet Europe Awards. And may the best one win!



Fleet Europe Remarketing Forum 2020 For the 5th time we zoom in on the trends and developments in vehicle remarketing at the Fleet Europe Remarketing Forum. Discover why remarketing matters.


Virtual Summit, but a real and live user-experience The Fleet Europe Summit 2020 goes 100% virtual but with the user-experience of a real conference thanks to a dedicated online event platform.


FLEET EUROPE www.fleeteurope.com • Fleet Europe Magazine • @Fleet_Europe FleetEurope Fleet Europe is published by Nexus Communication SA Parc Artisanal 11-13, B-4671 Barchon (Belgium) - T +32 4 387 87 71 Fax +32 4 387 90 63 – contact@nexuscommunication.be



Smart Analytics for a Better Connected World


New Normal


The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented crisis for much of the world, including the global fleet and mobility industry. If addressed right, it is also an opportunity to overhaul strategies and prepare for the New Normal. The current health crisis has showed us the vulnerability of our way of life, including a large part of the economy. The transport and mobility sectors have been particularly hard hit. What’s more, this will not be the last time we have to face an unknown threat. Therefore, we need new tools and a new way of thinking to build resilience and be prepared for unexpected events in the future. That’s what we have have started calling the New Normal, a name that suggests there’s an Old Normal we don’t want to go back to. It remains to be seen to what extent the new working, travel and consumption habits that have been imposed on many of us during periods of lockdown, will establish a basis for a permanent evolution for our behaviour. Nevertheless, some trends are already clear.

Be prepared “Be prepared,” is the official Scout motto. “Prepared for what?” someone reportedly asked Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell at one point. “Why, for any old thing,” he replied.


Fleet and mobility managers need to live by this motto. You cannot stick to established strategies or policies when things go haywire. Instead, you need to take stock of the situation and be ready to quickly turn things upside down.

Policy makers shape mobility At the height of the pandemic, governments restricted mobility by imposing travel bans or curfews and by banning gatherings of people. As new legislation

The New Normal is about being flexible, for instance about working from home. has been introduced to deal with this crisis, governments will likely continue to exert their influence over mobility. They are also doing that by supporting low-emission vehicles, as the German and French governments have done. Other countries, like those led by a former reality-TV star, have relaxed emission standards. Both measures were taken to stimulate the economy and will have a direct influence on the makeup of corporate fleets. National and local governments are also reshaping cities by building more cycling lanes or EV charging infrastructure. In many cities, mobility service providers also need a licence to operate, again putting the authorities in the driver’s seat.


Return to public and shared Public transport networks, ridehailing operators and micromobility providers reported drastic drops in ridership during the first months of the pandemic as fewer people needed to leave their house and those that did often took their car. Those numbers may still not have fully recovered, but they are rising again. Most likely, people will prefer the convenience to the theoretical health risk. Urban mobility in particular will be determined by local circumstances. A city that is an infection hot spot will need to enforce stricter measures whereas other cities will go about their business unhindered. Congestion, the quality of public transport, but also aspects like geography and cyclability will also

Autonomous vehicles aren’t ready for large scale roll-out yet.

The mobility budget, introduced in Belgium as an alternative to the traditional company car, includes an option allowing employees to use a portion of their monthly mobility allowance to pay part of their rent or their mortgage. This can help offset higher living costs in urban areas, where offices are often located. Indirectly, it helps alleviate traffic congestion. impact the face of mobility. As a result, mobility players need to develop a local approach to urban mobility.

Mobility pays for your home When the first lockdowns were decreed in the spring, companies the world over quickly introduced working from home for everyone who wasn’t required to be physically present at the office. Surveys in several countries have shown that a majority of people want to continue working from home in the post-COVID era and corporates are likely to embrace this wish as the experience has mostly been a positive one. As a result, fleet cars will cover lower mileages and fewer cars may be needed. This can also be an

Industry consolidation The COVID-19 crisis has exposed many of the vulnerabilities of mobility providers, in particular car-rental companies and micromobility operators. Economies of scale through a series of mergers and acquisitions can help to create a more sustainable business. Crucially, this can also remedy the issue of fragmentation, often cited as the main stumbling block for more widespread acceptance of such services. New solutions and services that prepare us for the New Normal exist but it is up to people to embrace and actually use them. A forward-looking fleet or mobility manager can give them the tools to do so.


THE NEW NORMAL ISN’T AUTONOMOUS … YET When people avoid public transport to avoid exposing themselves to a virus, and when private cars aren’t an option because of congestion and the cost of parking, you have the perfect business case for self-driving shared cars. However, the pandemic hit us a couple of years too early since AV (autonomous vehicle) technology isn’t ready yet for a large-scale rollout. Still, Google’s self-driving project Waymo started a driverless ridehailing service in the Phoenix area, which, if successful, could expand into more cities. Meanwhile, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced his company will be ready for the first fully self-driving car later this year, backed by the experience of the close to a million Teslas with Autopilot on the road. You may want to take that timeline with a pinch of salt but the technology is definitely on its way.


opportunity to switch from a car-centric policy to a mobility-centric, giving employees more flexibility to pick the right mobility option for each trip.



The world has changed dramatically since the last Fleet Europe Summit. But change can be an opportunity to overhaul processes, to do better. The partners of the 2020 Fleet Europe Summit explain what they can do to bring your fleet and mobility strategy into the post-COVID world.


New Normal


What will be the impact of the pandemic on international fleet and mobility management in the New Normal?

effect, but it could be a starting point to a general discussion about sustainability. Just in time, Alphabet has relaunched the AlphaElectric product with a very high focus on consulting our customers in depth on how to do the right thing at the right time when electrifying a fleet.

We are happy to see a strong recovery of our existing leasing business after the first pandemic shock. Working from home has resulted in changed customer needs regarding mobility behaviour, choice of means of transport and self-servicing. With AlphaRent, we offer flexible short and long-term solutions to react to changing customer requirements.

What can fleet customers expect from Alphabet International in 2021? In 2021 we focus on flexibility, automation and sustainability. With AlphaRent and subscription models we react to different needs. With the launch of new functionalities of our re-launched AlphaGuide app, we give more control to the driver and with our sustainability consulting within AlphaElectric we contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions on the planet.

Why can the New Normal be a new starting point or reality for the introduction of fleet electrification? I think this is not only a short-term


New Normal


What will the New Normal mean for the efficiency of fleet and mobility management?

What do you expect for your company and the industry at large in 2021?

The efficiency of a fleet will continue to be pushed from fleet right-sizing to identification of new ways to complete the tasks. However, with the environment shifting on a daily basis, it is too early to be sure of the true impact. Therefore fleets should focus on transparency and agility within their fleet to allow for this.

We are expecting to be supporting more customers in 2021 because they need flexibility and cost control and our business model delivers this. The industry will undoubtedly see changes and this will continue for some time to come, but those businesses and fleets that use this time to re-evaluate their status quo will come out of it stronger.


How does ARI support the need for more cost-efficient flexibility in the New Normal? We have solutions in place at every stage of a vehicle’s life to support fleets in today’s New Normal. From cash liquidity in FlexBack to funding solutions in FlexLease, ARI can support. Coupled with in-life services, including pay-asyou-go maintenance that delivers the control and efficiency fleets need and require in the ever-changing landscape.




New Normal


What will the New Normal mean for the fleet and mobility ecosystem?

mobility in the most efficient way, fleet management companies like Athlon can take over and unburden the fleet manager.

Flexibility and sustainability are more important than ever. Because of uncertainties, companies and people are less inclined to enter into long-term commitments, so short-term rental and subscription models are gaining market share. Sustainability has also gained importance, and more and more fleet managers are thinking about electrification.

How can Athlon support change management in fleet and mobility? We use our more than 100 years’ experience to support and guide our customers with the best solutions. By analysing the current situation and mapping their needs, we help our clients create the best car and mobility policy and the processes around it. Sustainability and flexibility are key ingredients.

How will the role of the fleet manager change going into the New Normal? It will become more complex as there is a demand for more flexible fleets, including solutions like short-term rental and subscription models, and greener mobility with electric cars. To ease this complexity and manage corporate


New Normal


What will the New Normal mean for corporate fleet sales in Europe?

The sales network has implemented a process of approaching new channels, such as e-commerce, which integrates with the physical structures.

The fleet world has always been used to anticipating customer needs, quickly adapting to a constantly evolving business while remaining faithful to its main pillars: products, services and the organisation of the distribution network. Providing constant support, ensuring total safety and using new tools has been our answer to this crucial moment.

How does FCA help fleet customers on the journey towards fleet electrification and mobility? One of FCA’s main strengths is the richness of its range, capable of truly satisfying the needs of every fleet and every business customer: from management to travelling personnel to freight transport. We are building an innovative mobility ecosystem dedicated to smart mobility, providing exclusive services to interested companies.

How does FCA support efficient international fleet management in the New Normal?


FCA has reacted quickly to change, with the dynamism typical of the fleet world. The virtual relationship has flanked the traditional one, allowing for continuity and vitality in networking.




New Normal


What will the New Normal mean for the fleet and mobility management?

sustainability goals and the requirements of their internal customers, ranging from car enthusiast to advocates of the sharing economy.

The New Normal is marked by a divergence of mobility needs in response to fragmenting working concepts. Mobility management has to find ways to accommodate internal stakeholders’ evolving requirements while balancing costs and perceived value. It is key to be flexible in order to respond to changing requirements in a highly dynamic environment.

How can Fleet Logistics support change management in fleet and mobility? We bring peace of mind, whatever set-up our clients choose, from strategy development to day-to-day operations. Our dedicated Global Mobility Solutions team supports our clients during the transformation process with advice and hands-on change management expertise with a toolbox of established fleet management services and new mobility offerings.

How will the role of the fleet manager change going into the New Normal? Fleet managers will become mobility managers as the boundaries between cars and other modes of transport blur. Mobility managers will have to be very open-minded and resourceful to reconcile corporate strategy,


New Normal

CEO FCA BANK & CHAIRMAN OF LEASYS What will the New Normal mean for the European leasing market?

What do you expect for your company and the industry at large in 2021?

New Normal means offering flexible and affordable solutions. As a 360-degree mobility operator, Leasys is a company that can provide tailormade solutions, from short/medium to long-term rental, car sharing, subscriptions, and online sales of pre-owned cars, covering in fact the continuum of mobility from one hour to a lifetime for private individuals and businesses.

We expect a major thrust towards sustainable mobility, of which Leasys will be the standard-bearer, contributing to the development of infrastructure with solutions and products designed to foster the transition to hybrid and electric mobility, also thanks to the European network of Leasys Mobility Stores.


How do you see the role of the international fleet manager evolve going into the New Normal? The fleet manager will have an increasingly central role in managing mobility, ensuring that it is safe, sustainable and capable of meeting driver requirements. To optimise vehicle management, Leasys has developed digital platforms to remotely manage its fleet and systems to quote autonomously vehicles in car policy.









C Z E C H R E P U B L I C • H U N G A R Y • P O L A N D • R O M A N I A • S L O VA K I A


New Normal


What will the New Normal mean for fleet and mobility management?

Fleet managers need a wider field of impartial advice to ensure the correct decisions are taken in their businesses.

The world has become more digital; telecommuting might become a core element of new mobility and cities could turn into spaces for walking and cycling. We all have to adapt to these changes. Companies will have to consider when which mobility offer makes sense for their employees and TraXall is working with our customers to build this New Normal.

How can TraXall International support change management in fleet and mobility? TraXall’s independence means we support you with what you need to consider – what is best for you, not us. Our teams are experts who work with your people, nationally and internationally, to help you make the right decisions, at the right time for each country. Our sourcing models and platforms drive a continuous cost-efficiency guarantee for you.

How will the role of the fleet manager change going into the New Normal?


Mobility has become more complex, in line with the challenges. Strong cost and process control, with increased flexibility and a new view of anti-viral safety, is critical in a world where valid data is crucial for the fleet manager.




How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

Charging will be the most popular trend. It will be driven by further changes in local regulations and taxation. In many countries lower emission models decrease the BIK taxation for employees which is why they would like to see these models in the car policy.

There will not be a significant change in the fleet manager role, however fleet managers will have an option to use the new flexible products proposed by leasing companies which will impact fleet management. From the fleet manager perspective it will be an opportunity to provide more options for employees which will better meet their needs.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? •

PHEV, BEV project in next countries

Developing the internal Fleet Inventory Tool

Together with Total Rewards Team – mobility pack as an option for employees

Driver profiling

Company: AbbVie Global Fleet size: 16,000 Responsible for nr of vehicles: 5,000


From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? In






STRATEGIC SUPPLY MANAGER – VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Company: Hilti Corporation Function: Finance / Global Indirect Procurement Global Fleet size: 14,000+


Responsible for nr of vehicles: 14,000+

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

Companies worldwide are looking at ways to reduce their CO2 footprint and governments are incentivising alternative technologies through taxation and developing further green electricity production.

Limited impact on our essential drivers as we work hard to go back to normal. A mileage reduction can be expected for benefit drivers as working from home increases. Now more than ever our global recommendations are important to steer and advise our markets but with leeway so they can adapt to local situations. One size definitely does not fit all.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? Hilti has set an ambitious goal to be carbon neutral by 2023. Our vehicle fleet is a key lever to achieve it, therefore my top priority will be to continue to support our various markets transition to alternative technologies. Routing optimisation (to reduce CO2), inhouse vs outsourcing of administrative tasks are other areas we will look at.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? Electrification and charging. We are on the verge of disruption with plenty of new models coming to the market with improved range and competitive TCO.





The Green deal sets out the blueprint in favour of more sustainable fleets and making the transition to electric. EV sales across Europe are accelerating driven by policy and a more favourable return on investment. There are segments primed for the transition, data and telematics is the catalyst in making this happen. New Green Deal The drive for greater sustainability in transport and vehicle electrification has been on the table for individuals and businesses alike for some years. For commercial fleets, which represent a large portion of new vehicle sales, the ROI just wasn’t good enough. However, the landscape is changing. Policymakers across Europe, driven by the Green New Deal are now looking to support this push with a wave of initiatives in favour of EVs.

France setting the bar

Segments primed for electrification Fleets are already making the switch to EV. This is because the more you drive an EV, the more you can save on operation – it’s all about finding that sweet spot. These segments include last-mile and logistics, utilities, field service and the public sector. And so, fleet vehicles that operate around 320km a day could offer a more attractive total cost

GEOTAB VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE Join Geotab on 10 November for a virtual roundtable event (in French) with top officials from the transportation, sustainability and automotive sectors to share insights as to why we’re at this critical point and why’s it’s now time, more than ever to deliver a more sustainable fleet operation.

of ownership than an internal combustion engine vehicle.

Gain the edge with Geotab Telematics is a crucial ingredient for successful EV adoption. Geotab’s Electric Vehicle Suitability Assessment leverages current fleet data to understand which vehicles can transition to electric. To do this, it is important to partner with a telematics provider that can support your EV. Geotab supports a growing number of EV makes and models, therefore, have confidence in supporting your entire fleet with us.

https://cloud.info.geotab.com/ EV-FR

Reference: https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en Reference: https://wallbox.com/en_catalog/france-ev-incentives 3 Reference: https://cleantechnica.com/2020/09/02/france-hits-10-5-ev-market-share-in-august-up-4x-year-on-year/ 1



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EV adoption is now accelerating at a rate of knots across Europe, no more so than France. The French government is investing heavily, offering subsidies that are making EV’s more affordable than ever with a €12,0002 incentive to purchase an EV, introduced in June this year. This generous incentive programme appears to have paid dividends. According to the French Automobile Manufacturers3 Committee , EV market share reached 10.5% in August, 4 times YoY growth. At this rate, EVs will become a large proportion of fleets in no time.


E-mobility and charging solutions


With Europe’s ambitious CO2 reduction targets, BEVs reaching cost parity with ICE-powered vehicles and charging obstacles gradually clearing, there is no reason to believe that 100% electrification by 2030 isn’t feasible. We do not need bigger batteries to reach this goal, but rather charging convenience. Objections against battery-electric cars have been plentiful. They are too expensive. The model offer is too limited. The don’t have enough range. EVs take too long to charge. There are hardly any public charging points. Charging is expensive. Installing charging infrastructure at the office costs too much. The grid isn’t ready. Our power is too grey to make EVs really green.


And yet, as the effects of the CAFE standards and the Paris agreement finally start to materialise, so do the solutions to tackle the hurdles above. Prices of BEVs are coming down as the model offer expands and volumes go up. Studies show that cost parity can be achieved by 2023. Until then, BEVs are already cheaper to own and run than ICE vehicles thanks to subvention schemes. And let’s face it, only if they are not more costly to use than ICE

vehicles will BEVs work in an industry that is cost-oriented.

“We do not need 100kWh batteries. Sure, they increase driver confidence and comfort. But they are decadent.” The answer is charging Over the next few years, hundreds of battery-powered vehicles will fill the catalogues of your favourite fleet suppliers. But will they offer enough motoring freedom on a single charge? The answer is yes in 99% of the cases. Battery size is one element, a clever trip management and convenient charging another. We do not need 100kWh batteries. Sure, they increase driver

confidence and comfort. But they are decadent. They add hundreds of kilos to the vehicle’s weight – making it less efficient and increasing tyre wear – while requiring more raw materials to build and time to charge. Not battery size, but charging infrastructure and charging habits are the solution towards full electrification. You don’t need 600km of range if you can charge your EV overnight at home. That is why companies should first and foremost facilitate home charging. Of course, not everyone has a garage or a driveway with a power outlet. In that case the employee could use a charging point at the office – or perhaps the semi-public charger that is made available to them by a customer they are visiting. In all other cases, they should have easy access to the public charging network.

Not battery size, but charging infrastructure and charging habits are the solution towards full electrification.


“Hyundai already has a heavy-duty fuel-cell truck ready. Others will surely follow.”

Speed and convenience As to the OEMs, rather than engaging in an arms race for the most kWh, they should be putting their budget in charging convenience and networks, too. The latter with the support of the EU, who should regulate charging across the continent to ensure full access and interoperability as well as fair pricing and transparency. And while we are at it: why not consider a market in which charging prices vary depending on the occupancy of the grid to spread the load? Should Europe perhaps make the member states tax grey and black electricity so that providers using green power can offer cheaper charging? Of course, it takes more than just denser charging networks. Employees want speed, too, especially when they are travelling long distance. Today, most DC fast chargers offer 50 to 150 kW. A 50kWh EV still needs an hour to reach 80% state of charge in the worst case and twenty minutes in the

best case – if its battery is capable of absorbing electrons at that rate. Some might say: forget about BEVs for now, let’s go for PHEVs for he next couple of years to do away with range anxiety and charging troubles. It is also the manifesto of many car makers. Still, PHEVs are just a stopgap measure if you allow drivers to burn fuel for convenience’ sake. The only sensible plug-in hybrid is the one that is used electrically for at least 80%. As such, they fit a certain number of employees’ profile, but arguably less than BEVs. To overcome range issues the coming years, the range-extended electric vehicle probably offers the best compromise. Strangely enough, there isn’t a single REX-EV on the market anymore – the BMW i3 is strictly electric and the Opel Ampera and Chevrolet Volt have left the scene. Still, the concept will revive. Mark my words.


Some are absolutely convinced: hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles will become mainstream. “They take just minutes to refuel, offer the same range as a regular car and emit nothing but water,” the advocates say. Still, there are serious question marks to be placed. First, hydrogen is incredibly inefficient as a power source compared to electricity. It takes a lot of energy to create, transport and store. Yes, you can make hydrogen with superfluous energy from wind mills and solar parks, but there is never enough surplus to create green hydrogen for millions of vehicles across Europe. A hydrogen filling station is horrifyingly expensive, too. No wonder that there are just a few hundred of them. Finally, the ever evolving battery technology will enable BEVs to travel as far as ICE and fuel cell vehicles – if not further – and to charge in a matter of minutes, obliterating hydrogen’s USPs. Is hydrogen stillborn, then? No. But it will be limited to applications that involve long distance travelling and heavy weight transport. Batteries compromise a heavy truck’s payload, hydrogen less so. Hyundai already has a heavyduty fuel-cell truck ready. Others will surely follow – perhaps Iveco, which has invested in the controversial start-up Nikola.





E-mobility and charging solutions


How do you see the powertrain evolution in the fleet marketplace evolve?

are beginning to show on used car markets. This will continue into 2021. Download our latest outlook via

https://autovistagroup.com/coronavirus-gateway and track RV trends via

Incentive schemes have triggered a run on EVs. Fleet managers are challenged by implications on TCO and car policies. Leasing companies are concerned about diesel and PHEV remarketing risks. BEVs exhibit higher lifecycle depreciation, but the gradual growth of infrastructure and market share are favourable for BEV remarketing.

our free-of-charge COVID-19 tracker

https://www.autovistaintelligence. com/residual-value-intelligence/ covid-19.

What is needed to secure the right EV charging infrastructure in Europe? Government incentives should focus more on the build-up of private and public charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles, in particular BEVs, need to become highly attractive used cars. We need more transparency on costs and a reduction of costs for charging when using public infrastructure.

How do you expect the residual values of EVs to evolve in 2021 and why? Across most markets, RVs have been stable or rising as short supply meets pent-up demand. There is a surge of demand for ‘budget cars’, as commuters seek a safe mode of transport. Negative COVID-19 effects


E-mobility and charging solutions

DIRECTOR FLEET & REMARKETING EUROPE Why is now the right time for corporate customers to adopt fleet electrification in Europe?

More services will emerge with the integration of new digitised shared mobility solutions, flexible and diversified.

First, companies want to reduce their CO2 footprint and EVs are the most effective way to do that. Second, the TCO for these cars is now on par or even better than ICE cars in countries with the right incentives. Third, current availability of new products with impressive range make the switch easier without any reduction of a driver’s mobility.

How does Hyundai support corporate e-mobility and charging in the New Normal? Hyundai provides 360° solutions for EV customers: the state of the art Ionity programme gives access to fast charging at a reasonable price while Charge myHyundai optimises e-mobility: drivers can easily find and charge at all public charging stations, fleet managers can optimise charging solutions, invoicing and costs of mobility.


How does Hyundai see fleet management in Europe evolve in the New Normal? COVID will accelerate the reduction of commuting, with more home office. However, people feel safer in their own cars than on public transport. More EVs with less yearly mileage will be needed, and even less company cars in cities.




E-mobility and charging solutions


Why is now the right time for corporate customers to adopt fleet electrification in Europe? There are 3 key reasons why our customers opt for our PHEVs or BEVs. • Lower TCO through low-cost charging, lower SMR costs and incentives for electrified cars.

Educate target drivers, Finance, CR & HR teams and finally the Board.

Identify the right partners to work with. Critically this relates to the charging network provider, leasing provider and identifying the right OEM – JLR product for your fleet!

How does JLR support corporate e-mobility and charging in the New Normal? JLR is at the forefront of electrification with the world’s first premium EV, the Jaguar I-PACE. This model delivered a revolution at the 500 JLR retailers across Europe in their capability to engage new customers with the right knowledge, charging options and specialised maintenance required to support such a break-through, award-winning product.

• Corporate goals for ethical and environmental responsibility. • Employee satisfaction – amazing driving cars including the Jaguar I-PACE, the World and European Car of the Year 2019!

What are the three essential steps for successful fleet electrification implementation? •

Analyse the BEV/PHEV market and potential barriers to adoption.


E-mobility and charging solutions


Why is now the right time for corporate customers to adopt fleet electrification in Europe?

How does Kia facilitate fleet electrification and charging in the New Normal?

We all must play our role in ensuring that our children and grandchildren do not pay the price for our shortcomings and this is at the heart of our electrification story. The timing is also right because in many countries the numbers, the TCO parity with ICE powertrains, really does stack-up…

At Kia, we have a comprehensive line-up of electrified powertrain products, from self-charging hybrids, to plug-in hybrids and full-electric options. The race is on to also provide relevant services for the electric vehicle customers of tomorrow. To support the transition to EVs, KIA has partnered with the IONITY charging network.

How does Kia see the evolution of TCO parity between ICE and EV?


In many markets, the TCO parity between EV and ICE powertrains is there today, especially in the case of KIA electrified products. The cost parity equation is perhaps not yet to the same level in all markets, however progress is consistently made on the topic. In the short-to-medium term, there is still a big job to do as an industry to support charging.




E-mobility and charging solutions


Why is now the right time for fleet electrification? As road transport accounts for around 20% of global CO2 emissions, we are determined to play our part. Most major automakers already offer a range of EV models and around 300 new BatteryElectric Vehicles will be launched by 2025. Mid-size electric vehicles (EVs) are now cost competitive with petrol and diesel cars, as stated in our annual Car Cost Index.

Fit for Purpose: Do the models fit the purpose they need to serve?

Affordability: Do the models have a similar TCO as the current models?

How does LeasePlan support and facilitate the e-mobility and charging infrastructure? We are a founding partner of the EV100 initiative. Recently we partnered in the ‘ChargeUpNow’ global initiative where we call on local and national policymakers to implement five policy recommendations to ensure a universal, affordable and sustainable charging infrastructure. And we offer a “full package” EV solution to our customers.

What are the essential steps for successful e-mobility implementation? There are four important factors: •

Country maturity: does a country have sufficient incentives and is charging infrastructure mature?

Model availability: are there equivalent BEV alternatives?


E-mobility and charging solutions

HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE SALES How does Mercedes-Benz see the future market popularity of EV and ICE vehicles with corporate clients in Europe?

up to 100km. In addition, we are offering an extensive high-power charging network with Ionity, HUBJECT and Chargepoint.

From July to September 2020, we had the first quarter so far with more than 10,000 PHEVs and BEVs delivered monthly by Mercedes-Benz Cars. The high demand for the electrified models has been sustained, especially in Europe. Rising orders received in particular for plug-in hybrids with the three-pointed star are great customer feedback on our growing portfolio.

How does Mercedes-Benz see the role of connectivity for an enhanced fleet and mobility management in the New Normal? Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, digitisation accelerated on many levels. Especially now connectivity is an essential enabler to digitise and automate fleet management. The telematics services of connect business make integrated and remote fleet management possible, covering both passenger cars and vans including BEVs and PHEVs.


How does Mercedes-Benz support efficient fleet electrification and charging? We are offering a broad product portfolio of mild-hybrids (48V), plug-in hybrids and fully electric vehicles to fit all driver profiles. The GLE 350 de, for example, offers an electric range of




E-mobility and charging solutions


Why is now the right time for fleet electrification?

services. Provide a fun driving experience – Polestar 2 is a driver’s car that makes electric driving fun.

It is very clear that more sustainable mobility is key to reduce our impact on the environment. Electric vehicles offer an inherent environmental benefit as they produce zero tailpipe emissions and, if charged with green energy, produce a smaller overall carbon footprint than other cars over their lifetime.

How does Polestar support and facilitate the e-mobility and charging infrastructure? Polestar chose to encourage the development and availability of public charging infrastructure rather than set up its own dedicated network. This allows Polestar drivers to access the ever-expanding public network, where we will also form partnerships that improve accessibility, reduce the hassle involved and provide reduced pricing where possible.

What are the three essential steps for successful e-mobility implementation? Provide a car that offers a hassle-free opportunity for drivers – Polestar 2 refines all aspects of usership and operation. Integrate the car into drivers’ digital lives – Polestar 2 brings Android into the car and integrates Google apps and


E-mobility and charging solutions


How does PSA see the future market popularity of EV versus ICE vehicles in Europe?

forerunner to onboard company car drivers.

How does PSA support corporate fleet and mobility management coming out of the pandemic into the New Normal?

Groupe PSA is confident in a transition from ICE to EV mobility. Today, 31% of the PSA range is already available either in PHEV or BEV engines. We are definitely accelerating the electrification of our cars to 100% of the full PSA range and 30% of our sales in Europe by 2025.

We have a clear mission: offer safe, clean and affordable mobility to our customers. This is more than ever what our clients are telling us they are looking for. Groupe PSA is providing more than electrified vehicles, such as solutions to build the client’s fleet with e-mobility advisors and cost optimisation solutions via Free2Move, its tech company.

What are the three essential steps for successful fleet electrification implementation?


Firstly, verify that company car drivers’ journeys are electro-compatible, provide tailor-made charging solutions at work or at the drivers’ home. Secondly, populate best practices and recommendations for BEV and PHEV drivers to optimise TCO for the company. And finally, the company’s top management should be a




E-mobility and charging solutions


Why is now the right time for corporate customers to adopt fleet electrification in Europe?

How does Toyota support corporate e-mobility and charging in the New Normal?

With a wide range of electrified alternatives to choose from, it is now possible for most corporate fleets to realise lower total cost of ownership while at the same time reducing CO2, improving air quality and delivering a great user experience.

Toyota is developing a range of connected and physical solutions to provide a seamless user experience and support fleet managers on the electrification journey. In addition, our core hybrid powertrains are entirely self-contained and require no external charging. More flexible mobility strategies will require vehicles that can work for everyone.

How does Toyota see the evolution of the EV uptake with corporate customers in Europe? Trailblazing corporates are already setting ambitious targets to reach zero emissions as early as 2025. For the majority, a targeted approach - matching user profiles to appropriate technology - will be more effective in achieving a reduction in overall carbon footprint, while at the same time managing cost and maintaining driver satisfaction.


E-mobility and charging solutions

HEAD OF GROUP FLEET SALES INTERNATIONAL How does Volkswagen Group see the future market popularity of EV and ICE vehicles with corporate clients in Europe and why?

stations across Europe is part of our joint IONITY project: 400 stations every 120km.

How does Volkswagen Group support efficient corporate fleet and mobility management coming out of the pandemic into the New Normal?

The Volkswagen Group is committed to being frontrunner in sustainable mobility, investing almost 44 billion euros for e-mobility, autonomous driving, new mobility services. ICE vehicles will still have their place during the transformation phase in the next few years but the rise in alternative and sustainable powertrains will continue.

The VW Group has implemented and invested a lot in a digitalisation plan during this period. This has helped the Group to stay close to its customers, even during social distancing. Customer loyalty, a sense of togetherness and a close and trusting working relationship is key during the COVID period. Digital procedures are in place to enable a “normal� stable working environment.


How does Volkswagen Group support efficient fleet electrification and charging for fleet customers in Europe? To support the 2025 vision and supply customers with their demands, the VW Group is looking to increase the number of new BEV models on market: 75 vehicles by 2025, across three core markets (Europe, China & USA). Increasing the number of charging



18 NOVEMBER 2020

Join the REMARKETING FORUM at the Fleet Europe Summit The Remarketing Forum brings together experts and insiders from this rapidly changing industry. Our speakers will give an outlook on challenges around supply and demand in online remarketing, touch on powertrains, including issues regarding remarketing battery-electric vehicles and much more.

Registrations are open summit.fleeteurope.com 21


Don’t miss the opportunity to interact with experts from the remarketing community!



GLOBAL MOBILITY MANAGER How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

The New Normal created a momentum to travel less and therefore the need for Smart Mobility will increase significantly in 2021.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021?

With the New Normal we will travel less and when we travel we need more flexibility. This will have an impact on the fleet size and increased demand for alternative mobility solutions which include ridehailing, carsharing, public transport and micro-mobility like (e-)bikes and (e-)scooters.

On my to do list for 2021: •

Review company car eligibility

Continue to electrify our fleet

Implement new mobility solutions

Company: Philips Role: Global Global Fleet size: 12,000 Responsible for nr of vehicles: 12,000

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? I expect to see a lot happening with these trends in 2021 and I expect the most from Smart Mobility.


EMEA TRAVEL–FLEET–MARCOM CATEGORY MANAGER Company: Schneider Electric Function: GSC – Indirect Procurement Global Fleet size: 15,800


Responsible for nr of vehicles: 10,500

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

an impacting on pollution and improving life of everyone living on this planet.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021?

Fleet & mobility management is more and more global for mature services as the industry is ready. On the other hand, innovation is more local: pilots can be tested and implemented in a limited scope to identify improvements before moving to a large scale. The “global customer” has to role to support innovation and facilitate deployment everywhere.

My to do list includes:

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? Electrification and charging are the concrete challenges we have for a better future. We have the responsibility to “save the planet”, reducing what has


Collaboration with the HR and CSR department to design the Global Green Fleet Policy (GGFP);

Acceleration plan to introduce EVs in the whole scope I manage, in alignment with GGFP;

Detect market innovation, set-up the pilots with some countries and define the roll-out deployment action plan.




PROTECTS DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS Using nano technology, OCTO PurePlace is a plug-and-play car device that eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi and volatile organic compounds in the air and on surfaces. As such, it is a must-have non-invasive solution for corporate fleets, rental fleets, carsharing and taxi operators to ensure an environment that is as safe and clean as possible. These days, travelling in a car that is used by several people causes concern amongst both drivers and passengers. Airborne organisms can spread throughout the vehicle’s interior and land on surfaces frequently touched by occupants. Wearing a mask and frequent hand sanitisation reduces the risk of contamination. Still, there is a solution that offers a far greater level of protection and safety: OCTO PurePlace. OCTO PurePlace is an air purifier that can be easily installed in the vehicle, powered by a 12-volt outlet or a USB port. It uses nano technology originally developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), that eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi as well as odours and volatile organic compounds. It is a non-invasive solution based on photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) that is safe for people and all materials commonly found in car interiors.

If the car is clean and good to go, it can be used confidently and safely. If the sanitisation is not complete, the vehicle may be temporarily suspended from public use as a precautionary measure to ensure maximum safety. In any case, it provides a rapid and complete sanitisation cycle, reducing downtime to an absolute minimum. In this way, OCTO PurePlace assures absolute maximum fleet operability, transparency, confidence and safety for corporate fleets, rental fleets, carsharing and taxi operators as well as their employees and customers.

Would you like to know more about OCTO PurePlace and how it offers a safe and monitored solution for your fleet please visit our website here. www.octotelematics.com

It allows for the easy and effective sanitisation of vehicles during a trip with intermittent self-activation and the end of each journey with a full sanitisation cycle.

Driver and passenger notification


OCTO PurePlace is the first telematics purifier. It communicates through Bluetooth with the on-board telematics device (OCTO SmartDiag), that is equally easy to install. Thanks to an app, before entering the vehicle, both the driver and passenger can be notified about the state of sanitisation.



Smart Mobility


Why are we not all rushing to adopt smart mobility? Because innovations prefixed as ‘smart’ usually replace something more convenient. So why should we anyway? Because like it or not, smart is the future. Need to go anywhere? Simple. Take the car: it’s easy, comfortable and convenient. That’s how we rolled in the 20th century. However, that classic ‘one person, one car’ formula is no longer how we want to do things today.

Received wisdom Instead we – ‘we’ meaning both society as a whole and corporations in particular – have learned to question the received wisdom of mass car ownership as the answer to all mobility needs. All the other answers we come up with, including carsharing, ridehailing, public transport, cycling and walking, e-scooters and other forms of micro-mobility, and soon perhaps autonomous vehicles, to be used separately or multimodally, we’re calling ‘smart mobility’. Cheerleaders for a smart mobility future project optimistic visions in which everyone has instant access to on-demand travel services that are personalised, seamless and flexible – not to mention accident- and emissions-free. In the philosophy of ‘smart mobility’, less car is always better. And no-mobility solutions like teleworking and video-calling are the smartest solutions of all.


Two problems There are two problems with this. One: earmarking ‘smart mobility’ as the deliverer of transport nirvana is setting it up for failure. The future is never perfect. ‘Smart mobility’ will certainly create unintended negatives of its own. And two: de-emphasising the car completely negates a truth that many hold to be self-evident: that driving

MaaS won’t be successful until it is as seamless and enjoyable as driving a car. a car is a joy in itself. By surgically removing that joy from the business of getting from A to B, ‘smart’ is threatening to become the opposite of ‘sexy’.

Many upsides

But hold on, this is not a plea for a return to unbridled car-centrism. We tried that, and it doesn’t work, for a variety of now oft-repeated reasons: we drive too many cars, and as a result pollute and congest our cities, to the point that they’re unhealthy and unliveable. Plus, cars with fossil-fuel engines emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. That too is unsustainable. And wouldn’t it be great if we could spend a lot of the time we’re now

No, it’s merely the search for an answer as to why we – as a society, and more specifically in the corporate sector – are so slow on the uptake when it comes to smart mobility. Because as a principle, it has many upsides. For the greater good, it has the potential to reduce congestion and pollution. And for corporate gain, fleet and mobility managers can apply the principle to generate significant efficiency gains, both in terms of cost and productivity.


stuck behind the wheel being creative or productive instead?

True, managing the many variables of multimodal transport and Mobility-asa-Service is a very complex business, but it’s being made easier by constant advances in connectivity, artificial intelligence and other areas of computing. What’s missing is this: ‘smart’ isn’t sexy enough. And it won’t be, until we stop looking at it through the lens of

Seamless and enjoyable Some key players already know this. As the CEO of one major MaaS provider says: “We won’t be successful until using our services has become as seamless and enjoyable as driving a car. Because that’s what we’re trying to replace.” One way to convince users of the benefits of smart mobility is to not propose it as an alternative, but as an addition to traditional corporate mobility. One pharmaceutical multinational recently offered its employees a mobility budget, providing access to public transport and various other mobility modes, on top of their company car option. The results were positive, for all relevant metrics: CO2 emissions went down, employee well-being went up and cost did not increase. Still, not all pockets are as comfortably deep as those of pharma multinationals. For most fleets, smarter mobility almost automatically and immediately implies cheaper mobility.

Driver’s seat

SMART MEANS FLEXIBLE Any innovative field is subject to swift course corrections, and smart mobility is no different. The pandemic has demonstrated just how fluid the trends can be. Concerns about infection have caused public transport and shared mobility options to fall out of favour. As a consequence, the demand for cars is resurgent. That doesn’t mean the end of smart mobility. The change of the mobility paradigm is like a glacier: it will find its way to the ocean, irrespective of the obstacles. Being smart means being flexible. Fleet managers should act accordingly and future-proof their mobility policies for sudden changes in demand – while keeping in mind the longer, glacier-like trends. Sharing may be out of fashion in 2020, but the pandemic will end and the arguments for shared mobility will regain their validity.

This is where smart policies can create smarter mobility. Because at that pharma company, access to pool cars, public transport and other alternatives eventually reduced the demand for company cars. Generating genuine cost reductions, on the slightly longer term – but with happier employees.

the providers, who only see the value they’re adding. We need to see the issue from the side of the users, for whom smart mobility is a more subtle balancing act, between giving up one form of mobility and getting the benefits of another one.


Smart mobility should include the recognition that driving a car is a pleasure in itself.

And that’s how you bring sexy back. Let’s stop focusing on technological innovation as the sole engine of smart mobility. Put drivers in the driver’s seat on the road to the mobility of the future. And among the increasing mobility modes, keep the option of driving for pleasure open and available. Because only if and when demand drives change, will change be sustainable and systemic.




Smart Mobility


new requirements. This includes analysing employee profiles and incorporating relevant company policies (HR, CSR, Purchasing…) to map out an ideal mobility policy.

Mobility is rapidly evolving thanks to growing alternatives, new providers and technology, the sharing economy and digital lifestyles. With denser cities and growing environmental concern, there is a clear need to encourage smart mobility by building user-centric mobility ecosystems to deliver efficient and responsible transportation services.

How does ALD facilitate corporate smart mobility? Smart mobility is about having the right solutions when you need them. We’ve combined our consultancy services, our MaaS app ALD Move, our partnership and industry expertise and commitment to sustainability to ensure that our clients benefit from efficient, flexible and sustainable solutions which support their company’s objectives and strategy.

What are the key steps to transform from vehicle fleet management to smart mobility management? We accompany our clients through a consultative approach, gathering together internal stakeholders, to review and reassess the company’s current mobility policy and address


Smart Mobility

CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER Why will Smart Mobility emerge in the New Normal?

key functions engaged and committed. Finally, understand the current mobility patterns of your employees and map the existing infrastructure around your premises in order to design the best mobility mix for your employees.


Employees will continue to come to the office even if less frequently and they will continue to set up meetings at varying locations. This implies continued mobility needs, which Arval aims to fulfil and not only with cars. Public transportation and shared mobility are less popular today, but this is only temporary. All in all, the New Normal implies a continued use of cars, combined with multiple and sustainable mobility means, and more flexibility in their use.

How does the new Arval Beyond strategy facilitate a corporate smart and sustainable mobility? Arval Beyond provides corporate clients with a set of tools and new services dedicated to their employees’ needs and adapted to the local context. It is articulated around comprehensive offers in mobility, new energies, and connectivity. These offers are addressed to all employees, not only those employees eligible to company cars: because sustainable mobility is today everybody’s concern!

What are the 3 key steps to transform from vehicle fleet management to smart mobility management? Firstly, have a clear vision of what you want to be as a company and define measurable KPIs taking into consideration cost, CO2 and employee satisfaction. Secondly, have all your company’s




Smart Mobility


Why will Smart and Shared Mobility emerge in the New Normal? The health crisis dramatically affected the economy but also generated awareness for CSR issues. Shared mobility turns out to be an ideal solution for both enhancing the employees’ trips while minimising the carbon footprint of the organisation. We can capitalise on the available and sustainable resources for tomorrow’s generation.

What can we expect from Mobility Tech Green in 2021 with interest for international mobility managers? By 2021 we should accelerate our international deployment, notably in the UK. We are working on the company scalability, by automating more and more processes. We could offer a consistent level or carsharing services to our clients in France, the UK, Spain, Italy, or anywhere! We also work on the intercompany carsharing offer to meet the growing needs.

What are the 3 key steps to introduce corporate car-sharing? •

Analyse existing mobility to adapt the carsharing offer to the actual employee needs.

Implementation of the carsharing service and customised support to guarantee the success in the company.

incentive programme: reward employees for their use of the service with improved benefits (mobility credits, challenges, points, gamification).


Smart Mobility


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Nem et eritatur?



How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

most organisations however the current trends in the market are somehow correlated. Smart mobility and connected technologies are important tools that will support fleet managers in driving their fleet electrification efforts, hence a significant growth should be expected.

The digitalisation of fleet management is now a necessity and the harmonisation of internal processes should speed up as fleet teams need to work in a consistent approach. But fleet managers will face some other, tough challenges, from residual value uncertainty and contract extensions to simple daily activities that now have to be executed remotely.

Company: Abbott Function: Global Procurement Global Fleet size: 14,500

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? The optimisation of internal processes, the digitalisation of fleet management and the regional harmonisation of policies. In addition, we are putting great efforts towards the electrification of our fleet and there are many ongoing initiatives to support it.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? Electrification is the focus area for


Company: Citi Function: Business & Travel Shared Services Global Fleet size: 2,770


Responsible for: 1,396

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

industry to an extent that has not been seen in the last 50+ years. These are turbulent times for all players in the industry while new entrants are emerging. I find it very exciting.

The pandemic reduced demand for shared vehicles (pool cars) as customer visits/business trips declined. Simultaneously, pool cars were used to transport critical employees to offices, when public transportation was not available or advisable. Agility, innovation and swift reactions to unforeseen challenges are essential skills for fleet managers.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? Although 2021 is just around the corner, I’m still very much focusing on the projects intended to be closed in 2020. If I have to name one project for 2021 it would be the global, green-fleet strategy – at Citi it is called Sustainable Operations – that we are working on and plan to roll out during the course of the next year.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? It is quite difficult to highlight one trend. I would rather add a fourth one, autonomous driving. I think all of these trends are shaping the vehicle and mobility


Make your fleet a winner with this pioneer. The Sprinter has been synonymous with an entire class of vehicles for a quarter of a century, defining its segment with more than 1,700 versions and upwards of 600 additional options. Whether transporting passengers, parcels or groceries, the Sprinter adapts to your personal fleet requirements. To mark its 25th anniversary, we have also introduced the first Sprinter with an electric motor – the eSprinter. Contact our Mercedes-Benz Vans International Key Account Management Team to request a tailored offer. Visit us at http://fleetsales-vans.mercedes-benz.com Go online or scan the QR code using your smartphone.


2 0 2 0

FLEET EUROPE SUMMIT 2020 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Yes, we meet again! This year, the Fleet Europe Summit on 17 and 18 November is focusing on 5 key topics: • Fleet & Mobility in the New Normal • E-mobility and Charging Solutions • Smart Mobility Solutions

• Connected Technologies • Employee Benefits in the New Normal

We will elaborate on these five key topics in various ways in our different virtual areas. Of course, we will also reserve time for Q&A, and to ensure networking, 1-to-1 discussions and opportunities to meet our sponsors. Here is an overview of the programme for those two exciting days.

17 November 8:30: Opening of the platform 09:30-10:00: Check-in, Welcome & Networking

11:30-12:00: Concurrent Breakout sessions Select the topic and session you prefer. Three breakout sessions to learn from and foster your future fleet and mobility programme.

12:00-13:00: Meet the sponsors Take the opportunity to virtually visit the Fleet Europe Summit Village and discover our sponsors’ newest services and solutions.

10:00-11:00: Keynote Sessions Industry executives share their vision to inspire. Among the topics discussed in these first keynotes: connectivity, electric mobility, telematics, green fleet and much more.

11:00-11:30: Networking Break One on one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial and easy virtual way.

11:00-11:30: Fleet Show


Get ready for the newest models in your vehicle fleet. During this Fleet Show we will present the Virtual Fleet Launches of two new models ready for your fleet.

13:00-13:30: Networking Lunch Break Get your one-to-one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial and easy virtual way. Take also this opportunity to visit our sponsors’ booths.

13:30-14:30: Keynote Sessions Among the topics for these afternoon keynotes: insight into company car and employee benefits, the link between safety and connectivity, and a fresh look on leasing.

14:30-15:00: Concurrent Breakout Sessions Select the topic and session you prefer. Three breakout sessions to learn from.

15:00-15:15: Networking Break Get your one-to-one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial and easy virtual way. Take also this opportunity to visit our sponsors’ booths.


15:15-15:55: Executive Leasing Panels: Fleet & Mobility in the New Normal The leasing industry’s top executives share their vision on the future of our fleet and mobility ecosystem.

16:00: Meet the sponsors and Networking Get your one-to-one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial, easy and virtual way. Take also this opportunity to visit the booths of the event sponsors.

18 November 09:30-10:00: Check-in, Welcome & Networking

16:30: End of day 1

13:00-13:30: Networking Lunch Break Get your one-to-one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial and easy virtual way. Take also this opportunity to visit our sponsors’ booths.

10:00-11:00: Keynote Sessions Get inspired, improve your business! Among the topics discussed in the first keynotes of the second day: sustainability, flexibility, connectivity and much more.

13:30-14:30: Keynote Sessions Among the topics discussed in our final keynotes: e-charging challenges and opportunities, the roadmap for a smarter mobility, the added value of telematics and much more.

11:00-11:30: Networking Break

14:30-15:00: Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Get your one-to-one meeting with the conference participants in a congenial and easy virtual way. Take also this opportunity to visit our sponsors’ booths.

Select the topic and session you prefer and that will support your strategy. Three breakout sessions to learn from.

11:00-11:30: Fleet Show 15:00-15:30: Meet the Fleet Europe Awards 2020 Finalists Discover the finalists of this year’s Fleet Europe Awards competition for international fleet and mobility managers.

11:30-12:00: Concurrent Breakout Sessions

15:30-16:00: Fleet Europe Awards 2020 Ceremony

Select the topic and session you prefer. Three breakout sessions to learn from and foster your future fleet and mobility programme.

12:00-13:00: Meet the sponsors Take the opportunity to virtually visit the Fleet Europe Summit Village and discover our sponsors’ newest services and solutions.

Discover and celebrate the winners of this year’s Fleet Europe Awards.

16:00: Meet the sponsors and Networking It is the last opportunity to visit the sponsors’ booths and to benefit from one-to-one meetings with the conference participants in a congenial, easy and virtual way.

For the full programme, visit summit.fleeteurope.com


16:30: End of day 2


Get ready for the newest models in your vehicle fleet. During this Fleet Show we will present the Virtual Fleet Launches of two new models ready for your fleet.



PROCUREMENT – GLOBAL FLEET AND MOBILITY LEAD How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager??

from the topic of connected technologies. Connectivity and digitalisation is/ will be an essential element of the New Normal. No matter if we talk about charging, electric vehicles or any other hardware in the transportation area they will be connected to each other.

Due to the pandemic we see that travel/transportation use cases are changing, requiring flexible solutions from mobility providers. As fleet and mobility managers we need to actively transfer the message on the new needs to the mobility providers and move away from the traditional fleets (provided by OEMs and leasing companies only).

What’s on your To Do list for 2021?

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies?

We are aiming at completing the fleet centralisation and consolidation process in all markets.

We want to provide access to zero emission vehicles in the first potential markets.

Continue testing of zero emission transportation vehicles and implement them locally.

Preparing for the MaaS transformation on a case by case basis.

Company: INGKA Procurement Function: Group Procurement Global Fleet size: 12,000* *Direct and indirect

I think electrification, charging and smart mobility cannot be disconnected



Company: Nokia Function: Nokia Procurement Global Fleet size: 10,000+


Responsible for nr of vehicles: 10,000+

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

are decreasing. EV naturally relates to Smart Mobility and Connected Technologies, supporting their evolution. If the commuting habits will continue to evolve, people may be driving less in total, but replacing public transportation with a car more often, which will provide a great opportunity to test EVs.

Coming from Travel & Fleet Procurement, the impact on Travel is obvious, Fleet seems less impacted and is already better recovered. When talking Smart Mobility there might be a permanent impact on behaviour and the services needed. Employee commuting will change, public transportation will suffer, car usage may increase, safety will be more important.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? 2021 will be the year of settling to the New Normal. Figuring out the right mobility solutions to meet the changing requirements of employees will deserve a special focus. Together with a few other companies, we recently launched a Smart Mobility Challenge to find the best mobility providers. We’ll continue the discussions with the most promising offering next year.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? I would go for Electrification. Manufacturers are introducing new EVs almost every month, their ranges are increasing while prices





TAKES AWAY UNCERTAINTIES ABOUT ELECTRIFICATION Electrifying fleets is a hot topic and offers an exciting approach to combine sustainability and cost-efficiency. Government incentives, advanced car technologies with longer ranges and better charging infrastructure makes eMobility even more attractive. We spoke to Markus Deusing, Chief Commercial Officer at Alphabet International about how companies can successfully integrate electric vehicles into their fleet.

What role does eMobility play today? eMobility plays a key role in our customers’ goals to reach sustainability targets and enhance company reputation. Last year, we put 21,000 EVs and PHEVs on the road, which translates to nearly 5% of the market share of all EV/PHEV registrations in Europe – making us market leader. Back in 2013, we were pioneers when we developed the first holistic eMobility solution in Europe for corporate fleets – AlphaElectric. It has always been more than just leasing because it looks at the big picture and provides a comprehensive solution, tailor-made for each customer. Now, seven years later, the refreshed AlphaElectric is even more advanced and makes it easier to electrify the fleet.

Many of your competitors have now added green solutions to their portfolio. What makes AlphaElectric different?


When customers decide for AlphaElectric, they are not only getting a product or a service but a comprehensive partner who looks behind the scenes. Our consulting approach assures our customers are ready for the transition –at their own pace. It’s more important than ever to advise them on how to position themselves correctly when it comes to eMobility, because not every customer can already electrify his fleet up to a 100%. That’s why we developed “the eMobility-route” with three stages: Consulting, Implementation and Daily Operations. First, we focus on consulting to create a tailor-made electrification strategy. We

take into account the optimal share of electrifiable vehicles with our electrification potential analysis (EPA), the variations of total cost of ownership (TCO) and the adjustments to the car policy. We work out important details for the tailor-made analysis in customer workshops in order to get the best result. Second, we concentrate on designing an appropriate charging plan, looking at publicly available infrastructure, workplace and home charging solutions. With integrated smart charge cards, fleet managers also have full transparency. In the third stage of our “e-route”, we enable our customers to offer everyday Mobility Services like rent-on-demand, e.g. combustion cars to cover longer journeys and EV driver support.

boomed over the last five years, growing this segment by 42% compared to the previous year. We are strengthening our collaborations with partners who deliver the right energy and mobility services. With AlphaElectric, we take away most burdens or uncertainties that customers have and make sure we turn more and more companies and drivers into EV enthusiasts. As the number of new models in different car segments goes up, the uptake will also continue to rise.

How is your eMobility solution accepted so far and how do you see further developments? The feedback has been very positive so far: companies are proactively seeking business relations with us and referrals are increasing. The numbers prove us right: Alphabet’s EV portfolio has 33 2

More info www.alphabet.com/alphaelectric


Connected Technologies


The richness of data about driver and vehicle performance will give fleet managers valuable new tools to improve the efficiency and enhance the productivity of their operations. At the same time connectivity supports fleet safety and sustainability.


Vehicle connectivity is set to bring an immediacy to vehicle fleet management that will transform the way companies run their vehicles. From an operational perspective, fleet managers will be able to make decisions in real time, despatching the most appropriate driver and vehicle to customers, plotting the quickest routes, identifying mechanical faults before they develop into vehicle breakdowns, and responding to crashes instantly.

Benefiting from intelligence For forward-thinking fleet managers, however, the real value of connectivity lies in the way it supports proactive management. In terms of safety, fleets can track the performance of their drivers, issuing instantaneous alerts if they detect dangerous behaviour such as harsh acceleration, braking, swerving, and arranging for subsequent driver training.

From a strategic perspective, connectivity will give decision makers the data to calculate the most cost effective vehicles, to ‘right size’ the number of vehicles they operate without compromising business performance, and to negotiate insurance premiums based on genuine levels of risk. Vehicle data will inform where companies locate their offices, warehouses and depots, underpin corporate social responsibilities to the environment, and direct where businesses first invest in electric vehicles and their associated recharging infrastructure.

A similarly proactive approach is applying artificial intelligence (AI) to temperature and vibration readings transmitted from multiple sensors throughout a vehicle. Smart AI analysis then identifies mechanical parts showing the early signs of failure, allowing fleet managers to arrange for parts to be replaced before they fail and avoiding the lost productivity and high cost of unexpected breakdowns. The same information is delivering benefits throughout the supply chain, allowing garages to source replacement parts before the vehicle enters the workshop, minimising downtime.

Astute fleets may even succeed in generating profit and revenue from the data generated by their vehicles in areas such as vehicle and component reliability, detailed road mapping in preparation for autonomous vehicles and live traffic conditions. On-board cameras will be able to scan for vacant parking bays, while sensors can monitor local air quality and report weather conditions.

This is vitally important for 24/7 industries such as delivery and logistics, which has seen a boom in demand during the coronavirus lockdown as the retail trade has moved online. The higher number of deliveries per vehicle, more frequent stops and greater mileages mean vehicles are more likely to develop faults, yet drivers are less likely to have time to report them. Vehicles that can automatically


monitor the condition of their parts and signal an alert at the early signs of failure could avoid businesses coming to a standstill.

Maximising fleet utilisation Connectivity arguably holds the key to even greater daily productivity gains in terms of journey planning by tracking the routes driven by employees and identifying alternative roads and journey times that could save hours of time currently wasted in congestion. The same process is also facilitating the transition to electric vehicles by identifying fleet vehicles whose current travel profile is achievable on a single battery charge. Switching to battery power without this information runs enormous risks of EVs not being fit for purpose, and also denies companies the baseline measures to record CO2 savings. While these benefits arise from historic fleet data, there are immediate productivity gains available

Today the real value of connectivity lies in the way it supports proactive fleet management.

The same approach provides the foundation for ride hailing, pairing taxi with client. It is also allowing drivers both to find the closest free-floating e-scooter, e-bike or shared car and unlock it with their smartphone as the mobility as a service revolution gathers pace. But the richness of all of this data is not without complications. Fleet managers need to select the information, alerts and reports that carry real meaning for their businesses, without drowning in a tsunami of data. Moreover, this data has to be consolidated and analysed by a single fleet management software system,

despite arriving in multiple formats from multiple sources. As manufacturers increasingly build connected technology into new vehicles, aftermarket telematics systems look destined to become unnecessary, but not the sophisticated IT infrastructure that can ‘translate’ all the different data feeds into coherent management information.

potential not simply for driving the vehicles, but also for delivering a mobile office, retail environment or entertainment centre to ‘captive audience’ passengers. Will drivers, fleets, leasing companies or vehicle manufacturers own this data? Is a shared data solution feasible, whereby mechanical data belongs to the OEM; and traffic and parking data to the vehicle operator?

And then there’s the thorny and unresolved question of the ownership of data generated by connected vehicles. There is real value in reports of live traffic data, vacant parking bays, and weather conditions that might enable, for example, an insurer to warn its policyholders of icy conditions. There are competitive advantages, too, in OEMs knowing which parts might be failing that could damage their reputations for reliability.

And in a world where GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act are still in their infancy, how will connectivity develop alongside tighter data protection rules?

The unanswered question In a future of autonomous vehicles, connectivity has huge commercial


There’s no doubt that the future will be connected, but how and by whom remain open ended questions. FLEET EUROPE #119

through the real-time tracking of vehicles and their cargo inventories. This promises a step-change improvement in efficiency and customer service by enabling businesses to despatch a vehicle with the right parts or a technician with the right skills to a client, rather than simply sending the closest vehicle.



Connected Technologies


Why is now the right time for a connected vehicle fleet?

processes is a key enabler to improve safety of the vehicle and its occupants.

Opportunities to have a visual check of a vehicle or to meet a driver are increasingly rare. Nevertheless, a fleet regularly checked and in good condition is the best way to prevent downtimes and to keep the costs under control. Connectivity allows for preventive maintenance, enhanced driver and vehicle safety and increased uptime of the fleet.

How does AGC support and facilitate efficient fleet management through connectivity? AGC Automotive is rethinking the current role of glass in various mobility contexts. AGC develops new cuttingedge solutions to bring more value to a broader range of customers (OEMs, MSPs, end-user). JACK, its aftermarket glass breakage detection solution, is one example allowing to increase efficiency, safety and cost control.

What is your view on the correlation between connectivity and safety in fleet management? Increasing technology onboarded in new vehicles and the prevalence of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems requires a more proactive and professional follow-up of the vehicles. Connectivity, allowing remote, preventive, proactive and automated


Connected Technologies



Why is it high time for a fleet manager to get his vehicle fleet connected?

station. Also, no need to walk away from the vehicle to make a payment.

Connected vehicles provide access to new on-board services like fuelling, parking, charging or maintenance forecast. This allows for a better and real-time cost follow-up of each car of a fleet. Fleets increase their brand awareness when providing new services under their brand inside every connected vehicle.

How does Car-Pay Diem facilitate cost-efficient and sustainable fleet management through connectivity?

How does connectivity in general and your technology in particular fit into the increased awareness around safety in the New Normal?

• Reduce fraud: Alert generation in case fuel volume is different than pump volume provided by CarPay-Diem.

• Better logistics: CarPayDiem digitises fuel cards and allows their instant distribution to any driver or vehicle anywhere.

• Lower administration: Lost PIN code, stolen cards are managed centrally and automatically.

When embedded in a connected vehicle, CarPay-Diem allows the driver to activate the pump from his dashboard which drastically reduces the sanitary exposure for him and for the station operator. E.g.: no need to touch the payment terminal or to go inside the




Connected Technologies

VICE PRESIDENT, SOUTH & WEST EUROPE Why is it high time for a fleet manager to get his vehicle fleet connected?

How does Geotab facilitate efficient e-mobility in the New Normal with enhanced connectivity?

Telematics is a critical tool for fleet managers, now more than ever. In times of economic uncertainty, fleets need connected vehicle data to help make informed decisions. Connecting your fleet can also help businesses work smarter, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Through connectivity, Geotab helps fleets with their entire electrification journey. The Geotab EV Suitability Assessment (EVSA) provides datadriven recommendations. With the largest set of EV models supported, Geotab helps you monitor and manage driving and charging behaviour, providing the right visibility to utilise your vehicles effectively.

What are the key steps to implement a connected fleet? The first step is to set a goal: What is the main problem you need to solve? Common fleet goals include improving fuel economy and sustainability indicators, reducing collisions or response time. Next, select a partner for this journey that can provide expandable technology and data for the new mobility era, with support for EV and carsharing.


Connected Technologies


Why is now right time for a connected vehicle fleet?

How does Lytx support and facilitate efficient fleet management through connectivity?

With enhanced connectivity, fleets can harness the power of video to see what happened in the past, manage their operations more efficiently in the present and improve driver behaviour in the future.

This is where it’s important not just to talk about connectivity in terms of systems and data, but people too. In the last few months, we’ve worked closely with our clients to enable measures such as online coaching and personalised one-to-one video sessions between drivers and managers where meeting in person may not always be possible.

What are the key levers for benefiting from a connected fleet?


Using video data to gain a holistic view allows fleet managers to get a better understanding of behavioural trends across the entire fleet that can be acted upon. At Lytx, our database is meaningful because it consists of more than 120 billion miles of driving data from more than one million commercial drivers worldwide.




Connected Technologies

MARKETING DIRECTOR FLEET MANAGEMENT & MASTERNAUT MICHELIN SERVICES & SOLUTIONS BUSINESS LINE (SES) Why is it high time for a fleet manager to get his vehicle fleet connected? To keep a business sustainable, it is more fundamental than ever to keep the costs of running a fleet under control, to ensure that drivers, vehicles and cargo are safe, and to run a productive and efficient fleet by making the most of their assets. A good connected fleet management solution can help fleet managers achieve that.

Identifying the right solution for the customer

Setting up the fleet management platform and other tools

Helping the customer interpret the insights they are receiving

How does Michelin/Masternaut facilitate efficient fleet and mobility management through connectivity? At Michelin, as well as at Masternaut, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. When it comes to fleet management, our offers are designed based on our deep understanding of the challenges our customers face. Our purpose is to help them turn their mobility insights into a competitive advantage to allow them to grow in a sustainable way.

What are the key steps to implement a connected fleet? The first and most important step when implementing a connected fleet is to clearly identify what the key customer needs and obstacles are, as understanding these is fundamental to the rest of the steps:


Connected Technologies


Smart Analytics for a Better Connected World

Why is it high time for a fleet manager to get his vehicle fleet connected?

How does Octo facilitate efficient fleet and mobility management through connectivity?

Connectivity is critical as it opens new revenue streams with value-added services, reduces cost with more effective maintenance, improves the vehicle residual value analysis and enables a channel of engagement to provide safe driving tips, relevant promotions, and support. All these factors combined eventually result in a lower TCO and better TCM.

At OCTO, we had ample opportunity to facilitate and provide mobility solutions with our range of services like Crash and Claims, Fleet Management Services, Driver Scoring, Driver Application, Trucks and also products to provide a better environment and safety for our clients with PurePlace for car, for Building, Around Me and Keyless. Interested?


What are the key steps to implement a connected fleet? Start with your obstacles, opportunities and identify 1-3 KPIs that can have a positive impact. A modular and scalable platform is critical to facilitate your first step into a connected fleet to gradually shift to a full set of services. OCTO is able to provide this range of services bringing added value, security and savings to your company.




Connected Technologies


Why is it high time for a fleet manager to get his vehicle fleet electric and connected?

discussions with the employees, the drivers. Some processes will need to be changed and you need their support for that.

Implementing EVs in your fleet now can build a competitive advantage when EVs will become a crucial part of all fleets. However, adapting to new processes and planning can be a challenge. Telematics helps companies to electrify and manage EVs efficiently with data insights like charging information, driving range and route optimisation.

How does Webfleet Solutions support efficient fleet and mobility management via connectivity? Connectivity benefits the fleet and mobility industry in many ways, from reducing CO2 emissions and lower costs to driver behaviour and longer vehicle lives. Webfleet Solutions is enabling businesses to make better decisions by connecting the various data points of their vehicles and drivers and delivering clear, actionable insights.

What are the 3 key steps to successfully implement a connected fleet? Telematics will help you address your fleet and operational obstacles – identifying your needs and gaining an understanding of the return on investment is the first step. Then, leverage provider expertise. Finally, engage in

Smart Mobility



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HOW TO START WITH AN INTERNATIONAL FLEET & MOBILITY STRATEGY? Dam quatibus et, aut fugia aliquides verro blabores Managers elleFor Fleet & Mobility going international nitione vero que re, offic for the first time or fortem those who would like to quia quam, quiatet freshen uptem theirdem established strategy. volore eumquiandem ium reribusandio temporerion nonsed quae.

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- 10AM TO 1PM

AFTERNOON Nem et SESSION eritatur?

03/12/2020 – 2PM TO 5PM

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03 DEC.

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GLOBAL CAR FLEET & MOBILITY STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

together as they are all part of the next generation mobility programme. Electrification will make more and more sense as people might drive less kilometres and the development of charging points across Europe will support electrification. Smart Mobility and connected technologies are also part of the future.

I think the New Normal is not yet defined. What is sure is that companies have realised working from home is possible, which will probably change the vision of mobility in the future. I can foresee a decrease in terms of contractual mileages based on these new ways of working. I also foresee that companies will more and more look at their mobility including the “non-mobility aspect”.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? I will be working on developing the mobility programme within Accenture and spread it in as many countries as possible and I will also work to significantly reduce the carbon emissions of our fleet by incorporating more and more EVs, by changing local car policies and adjusting others to include more mobility means.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies?

Company: Accenture Function: Global Procurement lead on Car fleet and Mobility Global Fleet size: 15,500 Responsible for nr of vehicles: all

I think the three trends can all work



Company: Ericsson Role: Sourcing Global Fleet size: app. 9,000 vehicles


Responsible for nr of vehicles: app. 4,000 vehicles

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

I expect the most from connected technologies as communication technologies and networks will become faster, more and more integrated into a wide range of different products (e.g. connected vehicles) and in our society. I also expect these connected technologies will form the basis for all trends and new innovations in the (nearby) future.

The New Normal will have a large impact on international fleet and mobility management as it will open up possibilities to explore and potentially revise current strategies and/or vehicle contract terms, next to exploring other new innovations and mobility solutions that are emerging in the market. The role of an international fleet manager is to be the trusted external and internal partner that will bring market expertise and developments in order to implement the most optimal mobility solution for their organisation.

What’s the main element on your To Do list for 2021? Main element for 2021 is to accelerate our ambitions for our carbon footprint and our Occupational Health & Safety priorities for our fleet programmes.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies? 40



KIA SET TO BECOME YOUR NUMBER 1 EV BRAND Kia was one of the first carmakers to make electric driving accessible to many company car drivers. By 2025, the brand’s BEV portfolio will consist of 11 pure-electric models across all vehicle segments. Add to that various partnerships with EV charging companies and there is no doubt that Kia is ready to make its mark on the European fleet industry. Kia Motors is also exploring the creation of subscription services to offer a diversified buying option for customers, as well as EV battery leasing and rental programs, and other ‘secondlife’ battery-related businesses.

Charging infrastructure Kia sees the expansion of electric charging infrastructures as a pre-condition for the popularization of EVs and continues to explore activities worldwide to improve charging accessibility for drivers. In Europe, the carmaker is establishing more than 2,400 EV chargers partnering with its dealer networks. Kia plans to continue to increase its charging infrastructure in line with the growing market for EVs.

Company transformation

To reach this target, Kia will be expanding its BEV line-up to 11 models over the next five years. The first of these BEVs, code-named CV, will be revealed in 2021 as the brand’s first dedicated BEV, destined for many regions globally. The new model will offer the same competitive product quality and eye-catching design as Kia’s other vehicles, with high-performance driving and recharging characteristics.

Kia is innovating its vehicle planning, development and production to actively reflect diverse customer needs from the product planning stage. Kia is planning to respond to market demands by offering diversified product types, with a range of models suitable for urban centres, long-range journeys, and performance driving.

In order to realise its ambitions plans, Kia Motors is undergoing a company-wide transformation. The 2021 CV model will encapsulate the brand’s attitude towards innovation and change, presenting a new design direction that signifies Kia’s transition to an EV-focused business strategy. Kia’s new design philosophy embraces progress, diversity and a rich composition of contrasting elements.


Furthermore, Kia is striving to secure a comprehensive charging infrastructure for customers through strategic alliances, starting with a strategic investment in IONITY, a European company specializing in high-speed EV charging, in September last year.

Want to find out more about Kia’s strategy and unique fleet propositions? Please visit www.kia.com


Building on the success of the e-Niro and e-Soul, which have been convincing thousands of company car drivers across Europe, Kia is establishing a leadership position in the EV market by responding to fast-growing consumer demand for EVs. Worldwide, the brand has already sold over 100,000 battery-electric vehicles. By 2025, pure electric cars are expected to represent 20% of Kia’s global sales.


Employees benefits


Before the pandemic, employee wellness or wellbeing was not high up on fleet managers’ agendas. Wellness was considered a relatively intangible concept that, at best, was translated into discounts on gym subscriptions or the “healthy option” in the company restaurant. Wellness, however, is the core component of a benefit strategy: it’s why we give cars to employees. If the employee community considers the company car as a contributing factor for their wellbeing, it needs to be integrated into the benefit strategy.

What is wellness or wellbeing? Let’s get one thing out of the way: wellness has nothing to do with sitting in a spa, waiting for a smoothie and a massage. Wellness is the science that deals with business continuity from an employee perspective; it is broken down into different parameters (mental, environmental, financial, spiritual, vocational, emotional, social and physical) and translated into strategies.

last few months, business leaders were concerned about revenues and operational efficiencies, but moving forward, the next big business risk is the (unhappy) employee. HR consultant Mercer confirms that mostly millennials and generation Y consider looking for a new job.

The post-COVID employee Much like the fleet and mobility industry, the total rewards/benefits world is also dynamic. A major topic for HR specialists is the integration of different generations into one unified employee community. Each of these generations has a different benefit

Benefits experts have come to the conclusion that offering the same benefits to different generations is not the right approach. This has led to the concept of “flexible benefits”, a system whereby an employee can pick and choose from a list exactly those benefits that suit their lifestyle and expectations. COVID has only accelerated the uptake of flexible benefits, as they are considered to be one of the tools to improve employee wellness and, ultimately, business continuity.

About the company car

In normal times, benefits experts don’t need to focus on each element individually. They will most often integrate elements of wellbeing into more generic programmes – for example, the “healthy option” in the restaurant to enhance physical wellness or collaboration spaces in the office to enhance social interaction.


wish list, operates differently and is looking for a job and an employer that suits their individual lifestyle.

For decades, the company car was one of the best performing employee benefits. In highly competitive sectors, such as consulting or pharma, offering a 3-Series rather than a Passat was simply necessary to recruit and retain the right staff. Only very few employees would try and negotiate their pension fund or health insurance during the recruitment process, but many are willing to make a point of the type of company car. Employers have asked for, and received, favourable tax treatments for company cars exactly for this reason.

Corona times have changed this. Most wellness elements are now on red: employees feel socially isolated, have doubts about their financial future, are less engaged, become disconnected from their companies… and this has the potential to disrupt business. Over the


For decades, the company car was one of the best performing employee benefits

The importance of options Replacing the company car with mobility solutions is, at least today, an illusion. The mobility supply chain is not ready and the employee would perceive mobility as a downgrade from the company car. A good alternative however, and achievable today, is to give employees more options: use public transport for commuting and avoid traffic jams and parking

issues, use ridehailing for a trip to the city centre, use an electric bike for a trip nearby, but also have access to a car for longer distances or trips to locations that are not accessible with public transport. The key concept of this approach is to extend the number of options, as opposed to removing options. In addition, building flexibility into car and mobility policies offers another advantage: it allows for dynamic fleet and mobility management, that might be 90% focused on cars today, but potentially much less in the future. Flexible office space and working from home are additional options that can be integrated into a mobility policy. Combining workplace and


transportation makes sense and will again add options compared to a rigid setup of a dedicated company car and fixed office space.

Benefits & flexible fleets Smart policies that combine company car with flexible mobility and workspace solutions are typically the sort of solutions that benefit professionals are looking for. They contribute to the overall objective of adapting employee benefit strategies to the needs of a post-corona employee and demonstrate again the value of the fleet and mobility manager in the ecosystem of their company.


The parameters of wellbeing have changed now, not only because of COVID, but also because of multi-generational employee communities. One size no longer fits all and it is time to revamp the company car benefit and answer the question: how can fleet and mobility managers cater for employees in need of flexibility?



Employees benefits

MANAGING DIRECTOR CONNECTOR & CMAAS Why is it crucial for corporates to pay increased attention to Employee Benefits in the New Normal?

an excellent example of how a fleet programme can contribute to a flexible benefit strategy.

How does CMaaS support the conversion of a fleet procurement programme into an intelligent mobility programme with a focus on Employee Benefits?

The post-COVID employee is not the same person as the pre-COVID employee. It’s a person with more need for most wellness aspects (health, social interaction, intellectual stimulation…). The old rigid benefit packages (salary, pension, healthcare) no longer correspond to the requirements at hand and need updating.

CMaaS provides a platform that combines dedicated cars, shared assets and mobility solutions; it can even include flexible office space. Operating all these solutions on one technology platform gives fleet & mobility managers and Total Rewards professionals the flexibility they need to imagine, implement and control intelligent mobility programmes.

How to secure the right balance between Employee Benefits and fleet and mobility efficiency? The fleet (& mobility) managers have a unique opportunity to add even more relevance to their function and support the Total Rewards colleagues. Keywords of the New Normal are “options” and “flexibility”. Mobility is


Employees benefits


Why is it crucial for corporates to pay increased attention to Employee Benefits in the New Normal?

need to create the needed solutions to support this requirement. There is a strong demand not only for demand management, but a super app that houses all available options.


Now we have the added effect of the economic impact of COVID and the need for greater flexibility, combined with virtual home working baked into 20th century culture and behaviour, the need for flexible benefits will inevitably turbo charge. Employees will seek out other benefits such as pension, private healthcare, gym membership etc. which can be offered with a flexible mobility budget.

How does Sixt support the conversion of a fleet procurement programme into an intelligent mobility programme with a focus on Employee Benefits? Sixt ONE provides all forms of mobility out of ONE app to support corporate and consumers with mobility versus car ownership. This comprises of Rent, Share, Ride and Subscribe. Sixt + goes even further as it offer a low cost, highly flexible alternative to car ownership and company cars with an all-inclusive car subscription service.

How to secure the right flexibility between Employee Benefits and fleet and mobility management efficiency? If you combine the array of mobility solutions with the needed back office management for payroll/BIK and accounting, the market will need to adapt and the supply chain will




GLOBAL CATEGORY MANAGER - FLEET How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

growing significantly. All players need to innovate and differentiate to be successful in this new market, from manufacturers to leasing companies. Some fleets will move to electric fast but will also need to observe new aspects like the sustainable supply of the electricity.

The car-centric approach is evolving to an environment with a set of different solutions. We are now improving our knowledge about the technical aspects and the TCO of these solutions. Products and services are evolving, also do user preferences. We need to adapt and match preferences and services as well as inform our partners about our needs.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021? We will explore options for reimbursement and chargers installation, continue segmenting drivers according to profiles and preferences, observe the impact on safety, adapt policies, increase the interaction with manufacturers, investigate options to guarantee the sustainable energy supply, explore new mobility options and their management.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies?

Company: ROCHE Function: Global Procurement Global Fleet size: 14,140 Responsible for nr of vehicles: 14,140

The demand for electrification, charging solutions and sustainability is


Role: Head of Global Car Fleet Global Fleet size: ~27,000 Responsible for nr of vehicles: ~27,000

How do you see international fleet and mobility management evolve in the New Normal with what impact for your role as international fleet manager?

the usage of different vehicles (cars, bikes, trains or trucks), safety, costs and sustainability.

What’s on your To Do list for 2021?

Flexibility is the New Normal. Already before COVID-19, our employees at SAP have decided if they work from home, in the office or in the garden according to their daily needs. Sharing concepts, public transportations or bicycles are not only complementing, but also replacing the traditional car. Fleet managers are going to be mobility leaders.

Be open minded, listen to stakeholders, use technology for automation and standardisation and continue to focus on sustainability.

From which of the following trends do you expect the most and why: Electrification and Charging, Smart Mobility, Connected Technologies


Company: SAP SE

From my point of view electrification and smart mobility already exist, but with the connection of technologies in different areas we can further optimise


2 0 2 0


THE FLEET EUROPE VILLAGE COMES TO YOUR SCREEN! You won’t miss the famous Fleet Europe Village. Meet your peers virtually from wherever you are the 17th and 18th November in the Fleet Europe Village.


Smart Analytics for a Better Connected World




In 2020 even more than in other years, fleet and mobility managers deserve to get recognition for their efforts to harmonise processes, improve safety and adopt new technologies. This year’s Fleet Europe Awards will do precisely that, for the first time on an online platform.


The European Green Fleet Manager of the Year is the person or team that can show an improvement related to the vehicle fleet emission strategy with a focus on vehicle and powertrain selection, fuel efficiency optimisation and innovation in ecofriendliness.

With this award, Fleet Europe rewards the team or person that has shown the best deployment of a programme that combines the strengths of procurement efficiency and supplier management with the optimisation of vehicle emissions and safety and attention for new and alternative mobility solutions.

This is the award for the person or team that has implemented a strategy for the complete employee community, offering them alternative and innovative mobility modes alongside the company car, resulting in a programme that leads to more efficient mobility in terms of cost, time and carbon footprint.

This award goed to the person or team that can show a substantial contribution to the company’s vehicle fleet strategy in terms of policy harmonisation, process efficiencies, partner and supplier selection and cost optimisation.

The European Fleet Safety Manager of the Year goes to the person or team with the most outstanding project in the field of vehicle fleet and driver safety, with a focus on innovation and efficiency.


This award goes to the person or team within a multinational company that leads his company’s fleet and mobility programme on at least two continents and looks at the degree of internationalisation, procurement efficiency, process harmonisation, policies around Safety, Green and Mobility, employee satisfaction etc.


THE FINALISTS EMEA Fleet Manager, Citibank Financial services 2,771 vehicles worldwide, 1,046 in Europe Identified one single premium OEM globally, standardised fuel management, set CO2 reduction targets. European Fleet & Mobility Manager of the Year, European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year, European Green Fleet Manager of the Year, European Smart Mobility Manager of the Year, European Safety Manager of the Year

Paola Felcaro EMEA Procurement Category Manager, Schneider Electric

Pim De Weerd

Jean-Philippe Caraes Strategic Supply Manager – Vehicle Management, Hilti Corporation Manufacturing 14,034 vehicles worldwide, 8,000 in Europe Created a Vehicle Management Playbook that comprises best practices and implemented a global CO2 strategy. Global Fleet Manager of the Year, European Green Fleet Manager of the Year

Sakkos Kostas Global Category Manager, Abbott Laboratories

Electrical equipment

Health care & pharmaceutical

15,800 vehicles worldwide, 9,950 in Europe

14,678 vehicles worldwide, 6,256 in Europe

Deployed global RGQ with room for regional/local specificities. Aims to be carbon-neutral by 2025 with a full EV fleet by 2030.

Harmonised in-country and regional fleet policies to drive consistency.

European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year

Wojciech Regucki EMEA Fleet Manager, AbbVie Pharmaceutical 15,000 vehicles worldwide, 4,800 in Europe Defined car procedures in all countries, implemented a mobility allowance in MEA region. European Fleet & Mobility Manager of the Year, European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year

Global Mobility Manager, Philips Healthcare 12,000 vehicles worldwide, 4,500 in Europe Aligned stakeholders to roll out the future mobility programme with the three pillars Flexibility, Sustainability and Cost. Global Fleet Manager of the Year, European Fleet & Mobility Manager of the Year, European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year, European Smart Mobility Manager of the Year

Steffen Krautwasser Head of Global Car Fleet, SAP Software 26,800 vehicles worldwide, 23,500 in Europe Global goal to have one third of the fleet electrified by 2025. European Green Fleet Manager of the Year

Global Fleet Manager of the Year, European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year

Carlo Rietveld


Global Category Manager Mobility Services, Ericsson Telecommunications 9,368 vehicles worldwide, 4,622 in Europe Consolidated leasing suppliers and introduced an equitable business model that enables a more collaborative relationship with leasing companies. European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year


November at 3.30pm, the Fleet Europe Awards ceremony closes the Fleet Europe Summit. No surprises there, but the venue may surprise you: a computer screen near you. Register for the Fleet Europe Summit and join the party!


Peter Boros



INNOVATION! @FrankJacobs

In mobility today, innovation is everything and everyone is innovating. But how do you spot the solutions that are right for you? The answer to that question: the Smart Mobility Challenge. Let’s accelerate innovation together! The Smart Mobility Challenge is the first of its kind. It’s an initiative of the Smart Mobility Institute, in collaboration with its core members Accenture, AstraZeneca, Danone, Microsoft, Nokia and Philips.

Identify and reward The main aim of the Smart Mobility Challenge is to identify and reward innovative products and services that offer Mobility as a Service (MaaS). This will accelerate the development of MaaS solutions that meet specific corporate needs. In doing so, the Smart Mobility Challenge helps both the innovators and their future clients – and adds a dash of excitement to the race towards the future of mobility!

Wide variety Following the call for submissions for the Smart Mobility Challenge in September, the jury of experts was pleased to receive a wide variety of proposals, from which it selected a list of finalists (see box). Each has had the opportunity to pitch their products to the jury, and a winner will be announced at the Fleet Europe Awards, which will conclude the Fleet Europe Summit on 18 November.


The winner will be featured prominently on the Fleet Europe platform, and will be able to use the Award as a confirmation of the value of their mobility solution. But in fact, all finalists can use their selection as a mark of distinction in the very crowded field that is mobility innovation today.

MEET THE 7 FINALISTS ALD Automotive with ALD Move: a mobility ecosystem accessible through a MaaS app, giving clear insights into TCO. Arval with Arval 360 Mobility Platform: a full range of sustainable mobility options, including leased or shared cars, bikes, micromobility etc. Athlon with Athlon Flex: flexible mobility budget solution that builds on the foundation of ChangeMyCar (flexible car and e-bike leasing). Connector with CMaaS: a car fleet and mobility platform to manage dedicated cars, shared assets and mobility solutions. Mobility Concept with Mobility Concept: MaaS solution that tailors mobility options to individual employees and helps to achieve corporate goals. Sixt Mobility Consulting with The Mobility HUB: a one-stop-shop that offers leased vehicles plus a mobility budget, private lease and bike leasing solutions. Ways2Go with Ways2Go Mobility Wallet: multi-modal mobility wallet to replace ICE company cars or supplement EV company cars.




Remarketing was already experiencing disruption. The pandemic accelerated the process. So, who will be successful in the New Normal of the remarketing industry? Those players who continuously upgrade their customers’ journeys – and have the agility to implement changes quickly. Used-vehicle remarketing has always been about creating trust, both in the B2B and B2C channels. And that’s only natural. Only when the buyer can trust both the seller and the used vehicle do you have the basis for a transaction.

Convenience and transparency For a few years already, B2B transactions have gone digital and moved online. This move created two additional requirements for a successful deal. One: the process needs to be transparent; and two: it needs to create convenience for the participants. Those two elements are also essential ingredients for online transactions in the B2C channel. So, how do you generate transparency? The main point is to create simple visualisations that are easy to understand, often supported by videos explaining each step of the process: vehicle origin, quality assessment, preparation of the vehicle. Reaching the required level of convenience is hard, especially when it comes to the requirements of the B2C buyer. So you must aim for the top here. In other words: every aspect of the online customer journey needs to be designed so the customer experiences it as intuitive, easy – even enjoyable. And that is exactly where most players drop the ball.


Back to the drawing board Yes, usually some of the elements mentioned above will be included in the customer journey; but if you don’t entertain the customer along every step of the journey, they will switch off and drop out. The entire customer journey

needs to have a logical flow that automatically gets you to the next step. Many players need to go back to the drawing board, rethink their customer journey and create the tools that their customers are looking for. Which tools? The list is long – let me mention a few. Customers expect •

an online chat function,

detailed and flexible search and compare functions,

24/7 support,

instant trade-in price offers,

360° visualisations,

(home) delivery options, and

various financing possibilities.

We’ve run projects that have proven that this can be done even in larger (and therefore more complex) decision-making environments.

Agile newcomers

In the UK, all eyes are on Cazoo. This UK-based used-car startup recently raised another €263 million in funding, bringing the total to €494 million. Cazoo’s backers include some of the world’s most respected investors. The company is rated as a pioneer in online car purchases in the UK. UK customers have rapidly embraced the transparency and convenience of buying a used car entirely online. Consequently, Cazoo has already generated around €110 million in revenue since its launch, less than a year ago. Cazoo owns and fully reconditions all the cars it offers for sale exclusively on its website. The thousands of cars it has in stock at any time are all stored centrally in the Midlands and available for home delivery anywhere in the UK, or for collection from one of the Cazoo Customer Centres in as little as 72 hours.

Remarketing is changing faster than ever before. Startups and other newcomers to the market are very agile and know how to attract investors and budgets. One of the first players to take the remarketing process up to a new level was Carvana in the US. They offer a smooth online used-car shopping experience that lets customers pick up their vehicles from massive vending machines. They’ve recently installed their 26th vending machine, in Michigan. Carvana offers an inventory of more than 15,000 used vehicles. A publicly traded company, a recent jump in share price puts Carvana’s market value above $30 (€25.5) billion.


Every aspect on the online customer journey needs to be designed so the customer experiences it as intuitive, easy – even enjoyable.



HOW MANHEIM EXPRESS IS REVOLUTIONISING USED-CAR TRADING Manheim Express is more than just another digital auction platform for used cars. It doesn’t just improve: it revolutionises. Buying and selling has never been faster, safer or more efficient – including across Europe’s national borders in the future. How is it doing that?

of the platform and to further expand the functionality of our digital business model,” explains Sebastian Fuchs, Managing Director of Manheim Express Europe and creative director.

Transparency and security Some examples: • A sales employee can set up a vehicle for sale via just a few steps on the app. •

A seller can increase the number of potential buyers thanks to a secure link and brokerage solution.

And a buyer can offer their customers a wide selection, thanks to transparency on vehicle conditions and details – and security on price estimates and logistics solutions.

Unique combination On top of that, the platform offers a host of personal services in a combination that is available nowhere else. •

Using VIN Scan, the seller can make the DAT vehicle specific data available to the buyer.

Via a Valuation Service, the dealers get a quick overview of current prices and market data.




compares different vehicles of the same type on the platform. •

The seller can even record the engine sound via the app, so buyers can hear as well as see the vehicle.

Experience and resources Sellers specify a minimum price and a desired price, set the auction’s closing date (and can include a buy-it-now option). After the auction, they can rely on an in-house transport solution to get the vehicle where it needs to go. Thanks to cooperation with EuroCoc, that includes anywhere in the EU. Manheim Express is not the debt-financed front end of a fledgling start-up, but the product of Cox Automotive, a global player with the experience and resources to match its ambitions.

Continuous improvements ensure that Manheim Express will continue to attract players in the Europe-wide B2B used-vehicle trade – revolutionising the business in the process. All off it combined with the attractive pricing model supports the mission of Manheim Express to democratize technology and enable the dealernetwork to benefit from technology that in isolation would be hard to afford.

Continuous improvements Now with new functions and features, Manheim Express has successfully completed the beta test phase of the digital auction platform for the B2B used car trade and is now fully functional. “The past few months have provided us with valuable experience in order to perfect the user-friendliness


More info



As you might expect, Manheim Express (www.manheim-express.de) brings together a wealth of digital functions to make life easier for professional dealers.

In October Manheim Express launched a new feature that also distinguishes the platform from other providers: free dealers with a good rating at Proven Expert will now have the opportunity to sell their vehicles on Manheim Express. This way, they turn from buyers to sellers, expanding the range of vehicles. The portal is one of the best-known online platforms for qualified customer feedback and evaluation aggregation in Germany.


The remarketing process needs to be convenient, particularly for the B2C buyer.

Traditional players


This dynamic startup mentality exhibited by some of the new players is very challenging for more traditional remarketing players, as for instance the car manufacturers. These manufacturers are large multinationals carrying the historical legacy of a very complex distribution ecosystem, consisting of regional HQs, local subsidiaries or private importers, and a wide network of retailers. Used as they are to the multi-year processes of new car development, they don’t have processes in place for quick decision-making. And to top it off, most manufacturers have a lovehate relationship with used cars. Their focus on used-car customers goes on and off, so getting the funding needed for a modern remarketing process is… a challenge, to say the least. Too often, used-car managers looking to build a better future constantly bump into a wall of scepticism. That scepticism finds fertile breeding ground in negative news stories about failed initiatives. One recent example

is the decision by CarNext.com to pull out of the UK market and refocus on a more traditional B2B approach. Nevertheless, CarNext.com keeps doing well in the other 20 markets in which they operate, and this despite the pandemic. And while one player leaves the market, another enters. Arval UK has stepped onto the scene, offering some of its ex-lease stock directly to consumers for outright purchase, financing or leasing – all on a new used-car platform and website called AutoSelect. Some car manufacturers have moved into the used-car arena, mindful to take care but also prepared to take big steps. The key to their remarketing activities is to make it fit with a higher purpose – ideally a company-wide strategy – and to work relentlessly and step by step towards achieving the best possible used-car customer journey.

Used-battery performance That journey never ends, by the way. The next phase will be to incorporate the remarketing of a wide variety of


powertrains – notably battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). Research shows customers have very different expectations when it comes to buying a used BEV. The key element is being able to present a simple, clear and independent forecast about the future of the used battery’s performance. As things stand now, customers are completely unserved and unsatisfied about this particular element of used-vehicle transparency. Remarketing training and coaching practices have not yet been adapted to accommodate the various types of customers, at their various stages in the customer journey. That remains one of the major challenges for the remarketing industry in the near future. Challenging – but also exciting. Remarketing is many things, but never dull!



How do you see the vehicle remarketing evolve in the New Normal, impacted by COVID-19?

reduce waste in the industry which will, in turn, lead to higher auction prices.

What do you expect for your company and the remarketing industry in 2021?

We believe that the new car industry will be highly affected by the situation. Consumers and companies will be insecure about their economic situation and therefore be more cautious about investments. On the other hand, we see that the need for private transportation will increase and this will benefit the used-car markets.

2021 will be a strong year in the industry. The market needs to be even more efficient and it needs tools and market data to make that happen. At the same time the used car volume from the leasing segment will be high, bringing volume to the auctions.

In what way will digitisation and AI lead to more efficiency in the auction process of used-car vehicles on an international level? Digitisation leads to data and providing the opportunity for data-driven decisions, thereby creating a more efficient market. By ensuring that dealers purchase the vehicles which sell quickly, we will create more efficiency and



How have your members withstood the challenges of COVID-19 and how do they see the future?

What can the remarketing industry expect from CARA as from 2021? CARA will continue to keep an eye on the market and to analyse everything that is taking place. If another wave is coming, CARA will support and inform its members.

After the first shock, in the lockdown and shutdown phase, it was clear that online sales and online auctions were the only way to keep the market going.

What is the vehicle remarketing trend/topic to watch out for in 2021 and why?


There will still be a strong emphasis on digital and online sales activities, as cars will be on offer for less time in the future and the whole European marketplace will be seen as one.




Cars2Click seems to be going from strength to strength from its launch. How do you envision your international expansion for the near future?

slow months. From May we increased car sales and revenue again. Our digital solutions “Retail driven B2B car trading” has proven to be the right way to work.

What do you expect for your company and the industry at large in 2021?

Cars2click developed very fast. We are now focusing on expansion in the EU and will be present in most EU countries and even a few outside in 2021. We expect to grow our services via our sister companies like logistics through Cars2transport and our data company Cars2view – both already represent a significant part of our business.

We all need to rethink what we do and how we do it. We believe the old model in which you offer cars on online auctions is not enough. It is not effective for the sellers or the buyers. In 2020 we launched GEOpricing and GEOmatch, both real game changers. Maria, our AI robot, is new to this industry and will push others to rethink how they work

How has COVID-19 impacted your core business with what result? A very difficult situation for many. Cars2click started in February 2019 so you would expect such a young company to suffer or even close its business, but in fact we only had two


MANAGING DIRECTOR MANHEIM AND RMS AUTOMOTIVE CONTINENTAL EUROPE, COX AUTOMOTIVE EUROPE How do you see the vehicle remarketing evolve in the New Normal, impacted by COVID-19?

automated driving down the number of days to sell the vehicle.

What do you expect for your company and the remarketing industry in 2021?

We will continue to see the accelerated adoption of digital marketplaces, with buyers increasingly comfortable finding and buying stock entirely online. Improved imagery and provenance information will influence channel choices. Fewer vehicle movements will continue to drive efficiency gains and reduce days to sell.

Whether or not Covid-19 restrictions ease, we expect a continued migration towards digital channels and the development of services that give buyers even greater confidence and vendors opportunities to differentiate. Secondly, greater data insights will drive innovations and improvements. And finally, demand for retail ready vehicles means refurbishment services will be vital.


In what way will digitisation lead to more efficiency of vehicle remarketing? Buyers gain from reduced travel and they are being able to attend multiple sales simultaneously. For buyers and vendors, increased data transparency will create faster and more accurate decisions. Vehicles will enter remarketing channels further upstream, while sales channel decisions will become




Stampyt seems to many of us a new name on the European Remarketing arena. Why sponsoring the Forum?

(damage detection via smartphone) and Stampyt INDUS (Industrialised Sales Process).

What do you expect for your company and the remarketing industry in 2021?

Stampyt has been offering a software suite for remarketing in the automotive distribution sector for more than 5 years. Our objective is to open up to other sectors such as car fleet management from 2021 and to sponsor the Remarketing Forum to allow us to respond to user requests and market developments;

We want the automotive remarketing industry to go through a 100% digital revolution. The problems linked to the health crisis that we have experienced and are still going through have shown us how necessary the shift to digital is, and that there is still a long way to go to reach this maturity.

What are the objectives for Europe and what makes Stampyt standout? The goal of Stampyt’s team is to offer our solutions throughout Europe from 2021, with our full product portfolio, including Stampyt PROTECT (electronic document management through Blockchain), Stampyt INSPECT

FOCUS ON CARA ACADEMY It’s been an extraordinary year. How has it affected remarketing? A quick Q&A with Wolfgang Reinhold, chairman of the European Association for Car Remarketing (CARA).

“A bit of both. On the one hand, the pandemic has clearly motivated a lot of people to go buy a good-quality used car. On the other hand, we did lose three months of trading at the beginning of the year due to the lockdown.”

Some experts predict a drop in prices for used petrol and diesel cars. Do you agree? “No. For a variety of reasons – less production and extended contracts, among others – there will continue to be a shortage of used vehicles on the market. That means the price for used cars will remain high.”

CARA focuses its energy on ‘deliverables’. Which topics will you zoom in on in 2021? “Our Fair Wear & Tear guidelines are

up and running but may need refreshing in 2021 or 2022. We’re still working on cross-border logistics – basically because Germany and a few other European countries still haven’t adopted e-CMR. But we’re working on that, with the European institutions. We’ve expanded our attention on mileage fraud to cover Big Data. And most of all, we’ll be focusing on the CARA Academy – open to everyone who wants to learn about all relevant aspects of remarketing practice.”

CARA also is a partner of the Fleet Europe Remarketing Forum, on 17 November. Why should people attend? Running together with the Fleet Europe Summit, the Remarketing Forum is the best and only way for remarketing professionals to connect with their industry across Europe, learn


Wolfgang Reinhold, CARA Chairman

from a variety of valuable sessions and meet with interesting new fellow remarketeers. If you’re serious about remarketing, this is the event for you!


Has the pandemic been good or bad for the used-car trade?

2 0 2 0

Make the best out of Fleet europe summit! This year, the Fleet Europe Summit will be virtual. You will experience everything the summit can offer but…online. The whole thing will happen on our digital platform. We understand it might be the first time you go on that platform. So, here is everything you need to know to have the best experience at the summit.

WELCOME! Everything starts in the reception area. Consider this the lobby at a physical event. From there, you can select where to go next: listen and watch content, network, visit the virtual village, chat with other participants. If you get lost in the event, you can always come back to the reception area.

MEET YOUR PEERS chat You want to react to something? You have a question for the whole audience ? Go on the chat and type your message. TIP: If you chat in a particular section, such as a stage or a booth, it is only visible in that section.

People In the people section, you can find participants and talk with them. Simply look for the person you want to talk to and you can either chat with him/her via text messages or organise a 1-to-1 video call.


Networking What makes a physical event great is the people we meet randomly. We tried to recreate that in this networking tool. Join this section and click on “ready”. The system will put you in a one-to-one conversation with another available participant. A fun and easy way to meet new and old acquaintances. TIP: click on connect during your call and you will exchange contact details.


LEARN FROM THE EXPERT Main stage This is similar to a physical event. Join the main stage to watch interesting presentations. Have a question? Ask it in the chat section dedicated to the main stage.

Sessions Those are the breakout rooms. A physical event, they would be smaller and enable more interaction. It is the same here. You can join a session and start listening to the speakers. You can chat and even ask to participate. Just click on the button “share audio and video”.

MEET SUPPLIERS You want to create business opportunities? You are interested in discovering new trends and new products? You want to talk with service providers (known or unknown)? Go to Village, select the sponsor and enter their booth. You can interact with them via the chat and even join the discussion by sharing your audio and video.

MAIN GUIDELINES • Use Google Chrome or Firefox. • Make sure your audio and video (webcam) are working correctly. • Visit all parts of the tools to take full advantage of the learning, networking and sharing experience.




More questions about the platform? Read the FAQs on the Fleet Europe Summit website:

All New XXXXXXXX: • Front grille with half mirror type DRL. 10.25” digital cluster. • Highway Driving Assist • Web-based voice command


€ 33.971

All New XXXXXXXX: • Front grille with half mirror type DRL. 10.25” digital cluster. • Highway Driving Assist • Web-based voice command


€ 33.971

Introducing the evolution of great. The all-new TUCSON Hybrid and KONA Electric. On to better.

Not just an evolution, but rather a revolution: the all-new Tucson Hybrid comes with a progressive look and brings dynamic performance without compromising its SUV capabilities. The Kona Electric’s exceptional 484 km* electrified range gives you endless style for both daily commutes and long-distance destinations. Either way, both are guaranteed to reach better. Discover more at Hyundai.com/eu #NextAwaits

* Range according to WLTP cycle. Driving range may vary slightly depending on road conditions, your driving style and the temperature. It is also is dependent on the type of tyres equipped. Fuel consumption in l/100km for the Tucson Hybrid: Combined x.x–x.xl/100km, CO2 Emissions xx–xx g/km. Fuel consumption in l/100km for the Santa Fe Plug-In Hybrid: Combined x.x–x.xl/100km, CO2 Emissions xx–xx g/km. The Hyundai 5-Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty applies only to Hyundai vehicles that have been originally sold by an authorized Hyundai dealer to an end-customer, as set out in the terms and conditions of the warranty booklet. 8 years or 200.000 km warranty on vehicle battery unit. Local terms and conditions apply. Contact your official Hyundai dealer for further information. The exterior colour of the vehicle depicted in the images may not be available for purchase. Please consult your dealer to obtain information on the available products.

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