Devotion, sweat and singlet, the GYM RAT is on an infinite bulk and cut loop. To seem mysterious they lurk in the shadows or anywhere with decent downward lighting.
In love with the journey and the shoulder pain. The JOURNEYMAN is either head down, headphones in or full korero with every second person, there’s no in-between.
Similar to the app, the GRINDER relentlessly swipes their limbs across cardio equipment to realise their true wellbeing and true puffedness.
REC’D 45

The REC’D 45 is a zone training addict that only cares about their next dopamine blast by way of a devastating 45 min cardio attack. Remember to book and also not die.
Glute drive to survive is the motto. Like the website, the GOOGLE DRIVE is concerned with storage... of muscle on leg, ending most workouts walking like Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em.
Mind the camera. The ICON is the latest patch in gym goer software. The progress is televised but undeniable and they’re just keen for you to be a part of it.

Less social peacocking and more just actual posing with a mirror and not a shirt. The POSER spends hours crafting the physique and hours advertising it with 7-8 stances.
As practical as they are flexible, the RE-ELASTIC can spend 3 hours working through their hamstrings just to be able to tie their shoes without a knee bend.
Big ass bag, chalk and knee sleeves. The UNIREC LIFTING CLUB are powerlifting disciples that work the platform and sacrifice lower back health for barbell glory.
This is either EMMA or Tristan or maybe Declan (sorry if we’re forgetting anyone). Basically any olympic lifting cool kid that spends all their time on the platform.
The PSYCHO totally cracks up at the sight of a staircase, unimpressed by it not moving. ‘STEP your game up’, they chuckle to themselves as they teleport to the top.

Early to set-up with an ungodly amount of free weights, the P.U.M.P. are a ferocious breed of group exercise maniacs blasting their bodies class by class.
A ball and 4 hours is all the AFFLETE needs to impose their pickup will on any given game of basketball or futsal. They shine the brightest under Friday night lights.
Whether the victim is a boxing bag or a squash ball, the BIG HITTER is all about blunt force trauma. They can delete a full day of stress with just an hour of abuse.
With the right crystal singing bowl playlist, there’s not many poses the YOGI can’t finesse their limbs into. Bypassing Kit Kats, they take their breaks using yoga instead.
The ZUMBOLOGIST has full Zumba routines absorbed as muscle memory, dancing through a complete catalogue of dance party remixes forgotten to time.

Editor-in-Chief + Design
Jak Rāta editor@nexusmag.co.nz
Deputy Editors
Tehana De Klerk tehana@nexusmag.co.nz
Seamus Lohrey seamus@nexusmag.co.nz
Te Ao Māori
Kae’sharn Hose kaesharn@nexusmag.co.nz
Tatiana Warren tatiana@nexusmag.co.nz
Staff Writers
Joel Collins
Leilani Summer
Yashanshi Kala
Filly Arias Marin filly@nexusmag.co.nz
Media Team

Kat Whitaker kat@nexusmag.co.nz
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Cover + Centrefold
Jasmin Gorman
Haast Hunter
You know how when you’re watching a movie from your childhood and it’s almost like the thrill is gone? You’re not nearly as impressed as you used to be and somehow the main character isn’t what they cracked up to be? I fear that may be the harshest of realities we have to face as we become older. We realise that things weren’t all they cracked up to be and we’ve lost touch.
That’s why I want to talk about activism. Like so many of you, I’m a child of the new age on the internet. Those 2014 tumblr aesthetic blogs came and went–being replaced by VSCO bots and now we have tiktok.. Something? Listen, I’m not entirely sure but somewhere between then and now the world has become aware of how their decisions can have lasting effects. What used to be simple words on the internet became reasons for a young girl to make a youtube with her story written on cards before taking her own life. Cause and effect.
But when does activism become slacktivism? I’m guilty of neither, I’m genuinely just a massive dumbass with a complex. I’m working on it, honest. But
that also comes with the ability to not care as deeply. When it comes to injustice or topics that require hands and voice–I’m there with flags. But oftentimes I don’t rear my ugly head unless it’s desperately needed. I wish that some people could do the same. Choose your battles wisely and don’t overthink everything. Look, I solved the problem.
Oh also I met Rena Owen last week. I say met, but I got star struck in an elevator and then mumbled a few “I love you’s” on a stairwell. Some say cowardly, others say respectful. Full circle, because I know when it’s time to speak. We were at an important opening of The Pā and she was infusing her wairua and mana into the building, who am I to take away from that?

Stay safe this week and remember this important quote:
Here’s to love, here’s to honour. If you can’t cu…
Catch yous next time, Jak
Me and Lara

Seamus: My first question is, like me, there are going to be many first-time voters in this election. So, how would you describe Green in one sentence for those still making up their minds?
Chlöe: A party that cares about people and the planet.
Seamus: The average age of members of the House is approximately 47, but I think it’s pretty important for people voting at a young age that they see somebody they can identify with. I believe that you’re still the youngest MP, and so my question is: would you like to see more younger MPs coming through in the House?
Chlöe: Yeah I would. That is part of the reason why I’m really proud of the lineup of awesome candidates we’ve got coming through. Tamatha Paul is worthy of a big shout out for the mahi that she’s been doing over the past few years as a Wellington City Councillor. I have been working with Tam for the past six years to get her to become a Green MP. She’s 26 now and running for us down there, and my money’s on her; she’s going to win because she’s got the grit to and has done the work in terms of community building, but also showing people what’s possible. So yeah, we will see more young people coming through. We’ve got many other awesome candidates of the young Greens, such as Rohan O’Neill Stevens (Deputy Mayor of Nelson). The Greens are leading the charge on this stuff. I think it’s kind of cooked that I came into parliament in 2017 at 23 as the youngest in 43 years, and now 6 years later at 29, I’m still the youngest. That to me speaks volumes about the so-called House of Representatives.
Seamus: So, do you think Green is leading the way in the idea of youth?
Chlöe: Well, definitely in terms of supporting our young candidates. I think one of the really interesting things about being, quote unquote, a young person in politics, is that so frequently I’m asked how we can

get more young people involved in politics? And my first thought is that we’ve got some really cooked cultural norms where, on one hand, we tell young people that they’re apathetic and that they need to get their act together and get involved. And then on the other hand, when they do get involved and stick their neck out, they’re patronised and told they know nothing. And that’s a real issue that we as a country have to deal with. That’s definitely something we have been showcasing the importance of. I think that these young candidates have not only their youth, but also the perspective alongside that to offer.
Seamus: It’s interesting that you talk about young leaders, because there’s a question that I like to ask a lot of people with quite significant leadership roles and it’s really simple: what is a leader to you? What are the characteristics?
Chlöe: As someone who has been pitched as a leader and brought up onto stage to talk about leadership, I’ve always found it really hard to conceptualise myself as that. I think I am privileged to golf a position of prominence and a platform to try and achieve things. But, if you look around our country, at our cities and towns and the people who are leading the way in terms of influencing and inspiring the next generation, that’s our teachers. And you look at the people who are literally cleaning up our streets, you look at all the people behind the scenes who make my job work. Leadership takes many of those manifestations, and I think that part of my struggle with the way we conceptualise leadership in 2023 is that it’s so individualised and it completely obscures how change actually happens. If you look throughout history, whether it is the Civil Rights Movement, or protests for gay rights- those were not from one individual who was leading and therefore achieving something. No, it was thousands, if not tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people contributing to that change. And that, to me, is really interrelated to the idea of inspiration. We tend to conceptualise inspiration as a reason to put somebody on a pedestal and go “that person’s
gonna suss it all out”. But I prefer to think of inspiration as a mirror, as seeing something that you admire about yourself in someone else, and therefore it’s an invitation to participate, contribute, collaborate, and achieve things together. I think that everybody is capable of leadership if they’re provided with the kind of resources and the platform to run with the ball.
Seamus: Yeah, interesting. I really like that idea about servant leadership as well.
Chlöe: Yeah, realising that everybody is interconnected and everybody has the capacity to lead in their own ways. I think that really interfaces with so many of the issues that we deal with at crisis point these days around mental health etc. I think a lot of that boils down to how, young people in particular, everybody who’s caught up in the late capitalist machine is kind of incentivized to have their blinkers on and not realise that we’re all in this together and that we all actually have to work on it together. If you take the weight of the world on your shoulders as an individual you’re just never going to win against that machine. We have to do it together; resilience is a community trait, it’s not like an individual commodity that you can buy off of the shelf. And that's how you prevent burnout, by realising that you have to get other people involved in the game.

Seamus: So, I was doing some reading and Helen White, when you were competing for your electorate, famously said that you “didn’t have a chance”.
Chlöe: It wasn’t just her; you should look at the comments. There were other people talking too, even Jacinda Ardern.
Obviously I had a term as a List MP at that point, so I’d spent about three years in the place and was pretty familiar with it. I think it’s really messed up that any politician or any political party can assume support or can assume things are going to go their way or
go the ways of one of the two major parties- one of the two larger historical parties. I hope that it was just a bit of a wake up call for all of those who take support for granted and a reminder to the constituency that they are the ones who are in charge and they’re the ones who are powerful, not to watch the polls but to realise that they are the polls.
Seamus: I think that’s something that I’ve noticed that separates you guys from a lot of the other parties- that reliance on the people, making them realise their power rather than the politicians.
Chlöe: Yeah, and I think people hate politics for a reason, and it’s because of the way mainstream politicians have behaved over the past few decades results in this really negative feedback loop. You feel uninspired, so you disengage. And when you disengage, you end up with less representation. And when you have less representation, you get less action on the things that you care about when you have less action, you’re more likely to disengage. Less representation, less action, and so on and so forth. The only fuse breaker to that is all of us in our communities realising our collective power to break that negative feedback loop apart, and not to leave politics for the politicians because we get the politics we think we deserve. So yeah, realising that politics isn’t just like this thing that happens with people waffling in suits in Parliament, but it’s every single day. It’s about power, it’s about decisions, and it’s about the kind of stuff that reverberates in our everyday lives. So yeah, I think it’s also really important for people to realise that politics doesn’t just happen every three years with a general election, but it happens every single day. And there’s opportunity to galvanise, mobilise, organise, and to run campaigns and to change it.
Seamus: I’m going to change the subject again. So, the new Green Party Manifesto just got released- why should students my age read it?
Chlöe: Well, because it’s a really concise version of party policy and you don’t have to read through pages and pages on our website. I’d say that one of the most important things for people of any age, but particularly for young people, in looking at different political parties is to actually read beyond the rhetoric that ends up in mainstream media. So the kind of policy handbook our manifesto is, is a shortcut to all of that stuff and it’s got some really key tangible things in there that we do in all of those policy areas.
Seamus: Well now, I’ve got some non-political questions. Firstly, how do you de-stress?
Chlöe: I try to spend time with my sister’s kids. Being an auntie is really important to me, so yeah.
Seamus: Easy as that. What was the last good movie you watched?
Chlöe: Probably ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’.
The recorder then cut at this point. So like, sad but it's kind of like inevtiable?
Dear, you bloody annoying young people who oppose fast fashion,
Get a grip.
I want you to imagine you're me for once. You're downing whisky and smoking cigars on your patio perched on top of a hill, looking over your acres of green land. You're advised a new trend has come to life - baggy jeans. Weird, you think to yourself, I could've sworn I wore those when I was a teen. It pains you to pull away from your piping hot cigar as you have to think about what to do. Work towards a protected planet, fair treatment of workers, and no animal testing, or make heaps of fucking money? That's what I thought, money.
If the Soviet Union is a prime example of Communism, then Fast Fashion is for capitalism. Fast fashion is a way of getting those cool new fashion trends straight from the catwalk and out onto the wracks for a budget price. It saves
money for the consumer, saves money for the big corporations, and everyone's a winner. Thankfully, all that matters is those dollar bills I practically wipe my ass with at this point; otherwise, we'd unnecessarily lose money making our clothes ethically. Ew. Ahhhhhhhhh, hear that? No, no, the cries of exploited workers, the sound of sales. You're starting to catch on, aren't you?
What I want you to realise is I'm not the bad guy. Fast fashion is a no-brainer. Look, the planet is basically screwed, and you want your weird neon hoodie; there's not much more that can be done. Simple supply and demand people. That means, if anything, you're the bad guy. Maybe I should be protesting you? Annoying prick. Those bloody Greenies harping on about the top 0.7% clearly don't understand the intense yearning for a new Glassons skirt. Besides, why do we even want to take a stand against the top 0.7% when you run back to our stores when we release a new drop of those funny cat socks
you like? Hypocrisy. You can't help but hate the system you love. You're only being given what you want.

Now, you may be asking that apart from a sick new hoodie that has a meaningful quote printed on it, what else is great? Jobs. A wide array of workers are hired to support your love for cheap stuff! Without us, where else would annoying young adults go to persistently ask how you're getting on? We care. We really do. Just don't ask about the employees that make the clothes. They're overseas, so it's not our problem. Out of sight, out of mind, am I right? It's not a problem if they want to work for me? Who am I to turn them down for employment? I bet you'd love me too, wouldn't you? You commie bastard.
I'm not an accountant, but our economy always needs more money, and we must give it what it wants. We don't make the rules; it does. So, submit to it all you can; we cannot change it. After all the nerds dressed in their lab coats have
finances and die rich. What I'm saying is I don't shed a tear thinking about fast fashion's yearly contribution to this country's 180,000 tonnes of waste if it means that I can pull a Scrooge McDuck and dive into a pile of my money. You can too. Just realign your priorities and stop trying to boycott us. I promise you can definitely be mega-rich like me, and this is not a narrative my rich mates and I portray so you don't hate us as much. Keep grinding bro or whatever the kids say.
Anyway, what I'm trying to tell you is that fast fashion is great. It makes me money and keeps you looking like you might have money for a fraction of the price of decent clothes. Stop whining about its impacts on our globe and start smiling about its impact on my wallet.
What’s your perfect first date?

A. Home cooked dinner date and watching a documentary on polyester fibre microplastics.

B. Visiting open homes together and looking at houses that you’ll never be able to buy in this economy.
C. Pottery painting and wine sipping.
D. Doing drops together with a chill lofi beats playlist.
E. Discussing my childhood trauma over a drink. Wait, have you seen my vape?
How would your closest friends and family describe you?

A. Bad and boujee.
B. Workaholic and low key alcoholic.
C. Dumb genius.
D. It’s a love-hate relationship with that bitch.
E. Definitely needs therapy or some form of professional help.
Who would you want to go on a date with the most?
A. Central Cee
B. Chloe Swarbrick

C. Ice Spice

D. Doja Cat
E. Drake
Where is your dream holiday destina- tion?
A. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Edibles and psychedelic truffles. Need I say more?
B. New York City, United States. We’re visit- ing the UN Head Office.
C. The Bahamas, for a baecation.
D. Tokyo, Japan. You secretly like anime.
E. Back to your hometown.
How do you deal with failure?
A. Retail therapy, online and IRL.
B. I just look at how much of a failure you are and I just instantly feel better about myself.
C. A long walk in nature to ground myself.
D. I’ve never failed in my life so I wouldn’t know.
E. Spiral into a state of anxiety, question my self worth and go down a rabbit hole for a few days.
How would you prefer to spend your Saturday morning?
A. Thrifting the local op shops for books and sipping my iced oat latte made by a barista who hates their life but won’t do anything about it.
B. Entering data into excel spreadsheets for fun.

C. Healing cycles of intergenerational trauma and practising healthy coping mechanisms with the boys.
D. Shoplifting spree, but only from multi-million dollar corporations.
E. Watching TikTok tarot card readings and doom scrolling.
C.Redwine.D.Water,justbecauseIdon’tdrink enough.E.BlueVandaciggie.
Mostly A: Exposing SHEIN and TEMU

You're the kind of person who has way too many houseplants, all at varying degrees of health. You're very conservative with electricity and always turn the light off when leaving a room. You're just superior like that. On the days the oceans take over the land and soil erosion has won, with the ozone layer hole gaping, you'll be the first one to say I told you so. Keep recycling and composting, queen. No one will ever have better outfits than you. The fashion gods will bless you on your next trip to the op shop. Also, how tacky do you have to be to go on a SHEIN promotion trip?
Mostly C: #LandBack

We get it, you listen to good music shush. Just kidding, but also like no one asked. When you enter a room, everyone notices, and that's your superpower. But get your full licence already; it's been like, how many years since you started driving? Enough is enough. The world is your oyster, and you're bursting with creativity and world-changing perspectives. But don't rush yourself or feel like you're getting left behind. When will you realise Vienna waits for you?
MostlyB:FixingAotearoa’staxbracketsandcostof living
Howareyoursociologypapersgoing?You'reawareofthe politicalandeconomicstateoftheworld,andit'skeeping youupatnight.Socialinjusticeisnotcool;everywhereyou go,everythingissofuckingexpensive.Everyoneknows thatmyminimumwagejobdoesnotpaythebills.Iwill neverbeabletobuyahousewithoutrichparentsand that'sjustthereality.Let'seitherfixitnoworconvertto communism.Yourchoice.Also,youneedtodumpyoursituationship.They'renotgoodforyou.Pleasealsocutback oncones;we'reworriedaboutyou.

Mostly D: Stealing the cure for terminal illness from big pharmaceutical companies
You are outspoken and never shy away from giving your unwarranted and unasked for opinion. You care about everything but nothing at all simultaneously. You also have such a soft and sensitive nature that not many people know about. Just letting you know you've been that bitch. Your personality is top tier, and no one is funnier than you. We need more people like you in the world. If everyone was like you, the world would be a much better place.

MostlyE:ProvingSigmudFreud wasrightaboutyou YoudeservedbetterandIhope you’reokayIloveyousomuch<3
Disclaimer: Names and identifying information have been changed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the homies involved.
My best friend, Morgan, once assaulted a female police officer while he was drunk in town. Please do not try and fight the police. Even if they put hands on you first. You will get put in the cells for the night and slapped with a court date so you can tell it to the judge.
Morgan is not a dangerous criminal or threat to society. He might be a threat to societal norms because he's gay, but that's as threatening as it gets. Morgan is not a dangerous person, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I hate to say this, but he’s a 5ft twink. Imagine someone who chases butterflies in their spare time and loves when new Korean skincare drops at Farmers. That’s Morgan in a nutshell. But you can’t just grab him, no one would get away with manhandling him. Not even a female police officer.
Neither of the participants in this altercation had a choice. All actions by both parties were inevitably going to end in what resulted in the assault. It was a cannon event. The police officer was doing her job (kind of but not fucking really). Morgan was drunk and he’s really not okay with being physically grabbed in any context.
If I’m being brutally honest with you, none of this would have conspired in the first place if the police were actually doing their job. By doing their job, I mean protecting people from dangerous criminals and keeping people safe. Instead, the two on-duty

officers were hassling drunk kids being completely harmless. Is public urination illegal? Completely. But there are worse and more harmful things happening in town. For example: sexual assault and aggrevated drunk men wanting to step out anyone with an eye problem.
People walk around with a bag of enough horse tranquilliser to kill all the king's horses and all the king's men. I’m sure with a bit of pressure they would be more than happy to spill the beans to avoid a drug possession charge. My point being, there were definitely bigger fish to fry. Alternatively, the police officer used her discretionary power to apprehend some harmless drunk kid pissing in a dark alleyway. I’m sorry but, the fuck you mean?
I wasn’t personally there, but I’ve had a second hand account of what went down. Our friend Breanna’s little brother was pissing his last couple of drinks across a wall in town. The police officers decided he was a threat to society and he was arrested.
Morgan saw this go down and felt inquisitorial. Almost confused, if you will. In his drunken haze, he did not understand what Breanna’s little brother had done to deserve this arrest. Because in his eyes, nothing that warranted an arrest had happened. He asked “What’s going on? Hold on a second I know him, he's okay!” Morgan was told to step aside. Morgan doesn’t like being told what to do. The female police officer physically grabbed him, and then he swung.
I feel like I’m not explaining this well. Actually, fuck this. Let’s make a comic.

It allows me to still stalk all exes tha5 have blocked me. We all know people only follow people they are in a situationship with, shitstings.
How the heck did they secure 4 rings? I can't even secure 1!
They seem to love every country apart from NZ. We should probably enjoy it while it lasts.
I'm usually only trying to find one thing when I Google that...

thosebecause getminimum50%offwitha spendbrokeof$30ismakingme andround
That dude never blinks. Suss af.
because why the heck is that random $4.99 coming out of my bank every month, and what is it for?!
I swear I'm always getting hacked, there's noooo way I spend that much every Friday between 11pm and 3am.
I just love milky bars too much guys.

I used to hate on the fuckers but now that I've driven one I won't be content until I get one.

Nexus: Haast Hunter, how the bloody hell are ya?
Absolutely frothing over the release of sunshine! We are just a bunch of H Town goons writing tunes with the intention of spreading our sonic vibration throughout the country and beyo nd – So far so good! We are loving the reception so far!
Nexus: I wanna pitch an idea to you. Imagine you were stuck in an elevator with some random cunt and you had to pitch your band to them, how would you do it before you reach their floor? Elevator pitch. I just explained an elevator pitch.
Want to listen to a mainstream band with catchy pop like hooks that lacks any creative diversity from what you are already hearing on the radio? – yea… that’s not us.
Nexus: From the ‘depths of the tron’ what brings you three together?
A combination of two things really - A deep passion for music and circumstance. Everything came together at the right time for our current lineup. We all want the same thing. To create music we all love and are proud of.
Nexus: Congratulations on the recent release what do you think the best part about music is for you all?

The freedom within music is the most empowering element. We can truly be whoever we want and express ourselves however we want within the band without judgement.
Nexus: Do you think that you draw inspiration from Hamilton? Is that even a thing?
I think we draw inspiration from our day to day interactions and experiences. We all grew up in Hamilton and have a very individual intimate relationship with the streets and landmarks of Hamilton. So I would say yes, no doubt we draw inspiration from Hamilton!
Nexus: Who are you currently listening to that we should also be listening to?
2/3 of the band currently have the new Queens of the stone age record on repeat!
Nexus: If you could add one instrument to the band, what instrument is that?
A Synth player would be epic! We are currently experimenting with synthesisers to see what other layers and dimensions we can add to our sound.
“Fast fashion this, fast fashion that” is all anyone wants to talk about the second you bring up that you bought your cute new fit from a place they don’t approve of. They preach about shopping sustainably and supporting businesses that are ethical. Blah, blah, blah. People like that are generally too pretentious to make any real sense. So, here is a REAL guide on how you can shop sustainably.
Do you not know how to take care of clothes properly? Well, learn dumbass! You can’t send back what you already have, so make it last as long as possible - forever if you want to go the extra mile.
Just because your house has more than one wardrobe does not mean you have to shop to accommodate all of them. Collectively as a group, buy clothes to share! You’ll even be saving money, how great is that?
Whether it’s from siblings or getting stuff from a second-hand store, get yourself some previously owned shit. If they bought it from a less nice place, technically, you’re not supporting unethical behaviour because your money isn’t going to those businesses. Success!

Make your OWN clothes if you want to truly be sustainable. That way, you’re putting in the work, and you can make and wear whatever you want. And, it’ll be totally unique!

I don’t know how you’re going to get rich - that really isn’t my problem. But, if you can afford to buy some high shit, you’re obviously going to get good quality shit. Luxury brands can be sustainable; if they’re not, oops.

Okay, this one might actually be cool if you know how to dress well. If your parents or grandparents have any clothes from their youth, STEAL THAT SHIT. You will look so good, everyone will be so jealous, and you will be saving the planet (?).

Have you ever scrolled through TikTok and found some sick as shirt and realised a single person made it? And then you go on their Etsy link, and it costs like 40 bucks (plus about 90 for shipping lol)?? Well, there you go! Sustainable.
I’ve run out of ideas, but you get the point, right? There are many ways (good and… not good) that you can start shopping and owning clothes that are sustainable and made without breaking any ethical codes. While it may instead break the bank or destroy any sense of respect anybody holds for you, at least you’ll be making a sustainable difference in the world. And then you can become the person who tells everyone off for wearing fast fashion, because who doesn’t love someone telling them how they should be living their life despite being a broke uni student with a mountain of debt lurking in the shadows? Be a better you. Be sustainable.

Who's funding this dream of a movie

For the last six months, I've been waiting for the release of Barbie. I don't think I have ever been so excited about anything. July 20th is going to be the best night of my life.

Even if your wedding is on that day, I say cancel it; nothing comes before this.
I hope the feeling is mutual and you also feel this way. Otherwise, I sound like a lunatic. Note that this is all coming from someone who was not even allowed to have Barbies as a kid (I appreciate the effort, Mum, but beauty standards still got to me, lol). Don't say you haven't seen or heard anything about Barbie either- I've never seen a marketing campaign and budget like it. It's the kind of fun Guerilla level marketing that convinced me to study a degree in the area, but we hardly see any of it in real life anymore. Name something more iconic than branding the pool floor of Sydney Icebergs. You can't.
Seriously though, who is funding this dream of a movie? I've never seen such a tastefully star-studded cast. I also can't believe how well the PR team have pulled off having a stereotypicallooking 'Barbie' lead in 2023. I'm not complaining - I can't name someone more perfect than Margot for the role. And the soundtrack? Already iconic! Ice Spice, Nicki Minaj, Dua Lipa, Billie Elish, and more. Female dominated, too; I love that for Barbs! The number of brands also releasing Barbie Mercy is out of this world. Don't worry; I haven't caved in yet and bought the Barbie X Impala Roller Skates.
I'm writing a before-Barbie review because, with the hype it has built up

(becoming my central fixation in life), I have to see if it lives up to it. From the shorts, it's looking great; however, you know I will be in their front row on July 20th ready to chew your ear off about the movie as soon as it's over. FYI, I'm going alone in case my enthusiasm puts off any date.
I'm almost hurt that I was not invited to the Barbie Premier. The FOMO was unreal; the guest list was nailed every night. Every outfit worn to all eight premieres has been out of this world. They have even employed some of the most tasteful stylists I have seen. The only negative remarks I've seen about this movie, which trended on Twitter this week and I'm sure you saw too, is the group of absolute virgin white males that decided to say that Margot Robbie was too 'mid' for the role. I think this boiled everyone with more than half a brain's blood because how could anyone call someone who complies with every beauty standard ever written by a man mid? If Margot Robbie is getting heat for not being Barbie enough to be Barbie, imagine how it was for Halle Bailey playing the little mermaid. I mean, we all saw the hate she got but fuck, but in both instances, the never-ending criticism just makes you realise how some people just suck, lol, and people will find a reason to hate no matter what, don't take it personally. Even if you look like Barbie more than anyone else, it's still insufficient for some fragile egos.
It's been perfect for me so far, so it's getting a 10. See you in a few weeks to let you know if that changes once I have seen the movie!
Everything was Green
Forest Claudette
Jak RātaI'm not entirely sure what I was expecting when Apple music recommended this to me but the album art alone had my attention. Let me tell you, it didn't dissapoint. But it also did.
It's fresh, and I think Claudette has a unique sound with a lack of reference points for their tone. But the tracks are very 90's r&b and I can't help but be intrigued at what comes next.

It's lacking a final point and the set feels up in the air most of the time, so I'm waiting for it to ground. Perhaps that's his intent but it wasn't what I wanted. Overall, a solid listen but could've used more time to cook.

Glowstick Girly
She is giving glow stick goth realness. The fit is SLAYING due to the stark and confronting contrast of the grudge punk rock emo aesthetic and the fluorescent accessories Everything from head to toe screams expression of authentic self while also dressing to the theme. This outfit is giving the best of both worlds. Not everyone can pull this look off but she ATE that. The beauty of the neon fluorescent light owes its existence to the punk emo darkness. Go forth and slay queen.

Trend Alert: Glow Sticks

Game show host
Sign language teacher
United States President
Olympic skateboarder
Tooth Fairy
Computer engineer
Lawrence Fuchs

1. What is the name of the farm in the book "Animal Farm"?
2. The "Wandering" species of what bird has the longest wingspan in nature?
3. Sandra Bullock won the 2009 Best Actress Oscar for her role in which movie?
4. In the beer world, what does the abbreviation F.G. stand for?
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