It’s a new day, a deep breath, a sweaty face, a bootcamp, a catch-up, a challenge, a realisation, a conversation, a push and a pull, a moment of peace, a struggle and a win, a feeling, a superpower, a soundtrack and a stage, a weight plate, a new limit, a grind, a flex, a heavy set, a commitment, a culture, a community, a way of life, a second home, a place to discover your playground.

The Blues Awards are a celebration of excellence.
If you or someone you know has achieved at regional, national or international level in sport or the creative and performing arts, submit a Blues Award nomination!

Nomination forms and information available at waikato.ac.nz/events/blues


Nexus Tries
This week, we tried our hand at marketing and PR for politicians
These trends are dead.
We made it hella simple for you
Issue 17
7th August 2023
Nexus is a magazine made by students, for students. As such it’s sometimes controversial views don’t actually represent those of the Nexus Editor, the writers, or the sponsors.
The Nexus office is located down the hall at the WSU, usually with Alexa playing sick cunt beats thanks to Jak
Social Links
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent, not for profit, non-government organization established to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. FSC® vision is where the world’s forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations.
Nexus Hosts a Party
A political party
14 28
Rise and Fall of the House Party
It's more a step by step guide to throwing the best party.

I'm going to let yous in on a secret
Sometimes in life, we have to make the hard decisions to do things we don’t want to do. Sometimes those decisions affect more than just the outcome of your day but also the people around. And sometimes you just have to be a cunt. This isn’t meant to be inspirational, I just wanted to say that make decisions sucks ass and we’re always faced with the difficult reality that we’re not always going to please everyone around us.
But tell me why Victoria University needs to catch these fucking hands? You too Massey, you’re not immune.

To be honest, I sat comfy in Kirikiriroa before having my world rocked with two things. 1) Angus Cloud passed away. I mean, fuck. There’s no happiness left in this world now. And 2) Vic Uni and Massey decided to be shit cunts and fuck their students up the ass. Not without warning but it was still kind of weird right? I’m certain that Massive Mag and Salient will cover this. Well when they’re not fighting complaints about niche topics and mono-centric views of inclusivity. So I won’t do that. We’re also facing a large issue. 11 staff members took voluntary redundancy. 11! The end is coming.

This isn’t insensitivity, but a wake-up call for a lot of what’s happening in the world.
We’ve now seen the decline of education, a business basically fixing their outflow of money with less students wanting to attend their ‘fine’ institution. But that’s all it is right? A business decision? There’s no other motive at play right?
No one is quite sure what any of this means. This editorial included. Though there’s one thing we can all agree on. Students LOVE a fucking protest march. Not even for the important things. I’m sure if you offered a MARCH212-Intro to protest marching – that’s where you’d recover those costs that you’re oh so precious about. I think that there’s a missing link here, something to tell the University what it is students ACTUALLY want. A missing link not unlike, oh I don’t know, a Students’ Union perhaps?
Anyway, this is our take on a political issue. But it’s not political. Not really. Okay kinda. It’s a party fuckface. Have fun bro, shit. Life is not meant to be this serious, and I’m kind of over pretending like it is. Maybe just smoke more weird and chill the fuck out guys.
Side Note - you're all missing out
Your guide (sorta) to the Universities defecit
The University is at a loss for 2022. Another year in deficit means that we’re with 6 other New Zealand Universities in not being able to, at the very least, keep to budget. Because you don’t have time to read a verbal rampage about this, here’s the gist:
The university was at a loss of $16.8 million dollars in 2022
It comes after a 4 percent drop in enrollments of students in the previous year.
The university is having to pay $748,500 to the Tertiary Education Commission for not spending enough of its funding on enrollments

The university said part of the overspending was due to:
• $4.6 million on software,
• $1.3 million on investment loss,
• $2 million on depreciation and,
• $3.3 million on restructuring fees.
The university said its goal was to break even.
Vice Chancellor, Neil Quigley, claimed "a key
challenge is that we don’t have changes in our funding, particularly our government funding to compensate for those sorts of things.”
Here’s my take: The university, and Neil Qugley, are talking about spending millions of dollars like they’re buying a lolly scramble at the dairy. “Spent a few mill’ on software changes, sorry guys!” It makes you think how necessary the million dollar ‘investment’ on Steven Joyce’s communications ‘help’ really was. When staff are being cut, and we have a financial guru as Vice-Chancellor, how can we treat spending like this as something that just happens. Some costs are necessary, some are not - especially when you're approaching a deficit. Not having “changes in our funding” seems to signal to me that spending should be cut back.
Now, from experience, Neil and his team don’t like me commenting on the Universities spending but I just have one more thing to spit out.
When this money is an investment in our education, our future, why are we not treating misspending like this as offensive? When the guidelines for how much funding they are to spend on enrollments isn’t met, are the students still the top priority?
$4.6m Software

We all know our political parties are good at giving each other press with their various social media accounts, but how can we encourage them to go for their own? Good or bad, all press is good press, so here’s Nexus suggestions on how they can get, well, out there! Because we totally want to see more of them in the media than we already do!

- Gen Z’s main issue with the party is that they can see the party's lack of inclusivity and issues. Ditch the homophobia and casual racism, and I'm sure you can get at least a few extra votes, National.

- Speaking about that tight reputation the party has, that needs to change! Maybe put women in power, and I'm sure things will be twice as good as they are now!
- Honestly, I would ditch the traditional red and swap it for a vintage washed-toned red! This is also more aesthetic, and getting people to wear political merch is a strategy no one’s gone for yet! I can picture oversized vintage red tees with embroidered logos on them. Or perhaps a dad cap. Maybe use the profits to support emergency housing or fund ambulances, you know, something the people need.

- A few more memes on the IG really would not hurt guys. It’s looking a bit too National at the moment for my liking.

- Hand out marijuana samples to promote the legislation of it. The people will be happy, that’s for sure!

- These guys already have the upper hand with Gen Z, so I say embrace it even more! Host carbon-neutral events, something instagrammable yet slightly good for society. Perhaps Cocktail nights with trees planted with every drink!

New Conservatives

- I don’t even know where to start with these guys. Maybe get some Land back, and then people might be open to listening to whatever you guys have to say!

- If you’re going to be anti-abortion I don’t particularly feel like providing you with any great PR moves so sorry guys!

Nz First

- Another party no one understands, so maybe make a Tiktok or something and at least become the funny party. I pick my guys based on a sense of humour, so maybe this ideology will get you a few votes!
- Winston Peters is such an icon within New Zealand’s political culture, and I’d love to see the man on Dancing with the stars or The Masked singer.


- You've already got a bright colour scheme, but there's something you're missing with that. Actually applying it to cool merch bro. Chuck it on stuff the kids actually want to wear. Miss me with those ugly ass soft-shell jackets. They do nothing for anyone.

Ah, a beautiful stereotype. Who does not love whoever’s bringing the green? Literally and politically. I’m sure they are also bringing a ton of ideas and stoned conversations to the table, which is everyone’s favourite thing at three am. These guys are getting more popular by the day, and I can see why.

Okay, so it’s your turn to sing is it? When is it not really? We’re not implying that you’re necessarily singing songs but just being the absolute life of the pāti can be a struggle sometimes. When you’re not fighting for the rights of your people, when are you taking the time for you? Are you okay bro? What’s going on? Did you maybe want to talk about it?

Ah, a beautiful stereotype. Who does not love whoever’s bringing the green? Literally and politically. I’m sure they are also bringing a ton of ideas and stoned conversations to the table, which is everyone’s favourite thing at three am. These guys are getting more popular by the day, and I can see why.

Everyone is getting angry at you for being sloppy drunk, but I admire your work. It’s not an easy job being the most wasted at the party, but someone’s gotta do it. You give the best compliments in the bathroom, but when you accidentally spill your drink on someone after tripping over yourself, the street credit is gone. But everyone can tell that you care, you try to clean up the mess best you can whilst in your absolute state.

You’re the annoying person no one wants to get stuck in a conversation with at a party. Trust me, nobody wants to sit there for hours while you play the devil’s advocate or

like “all gang members are terrorists'' or “go back to your own country'’ and then wonder why everyone is stepping you out and asking you to leave.

Your guide to Safe Seshing
University students are going to experiment with illicit substances. Nexus is aware of this and cares about students being safe.
We hit the streets and asked the biggest stoners and sesh feigns we know for tips on how to stay safe before, during and after the sesh. Our sources would like to remain anonymous.

Here’s what they reckon:
Tip #1 - Safety in numbers.
If you’re sussing from someone new that you’ve never sussed from before, it’s important to bring a friend along with you. Most drug dealers are nice people. But just in case, it’s always good to take a friend with you or let someone close to you know where you are.

Tip #2 - Cut the lights.
When pulling up to suss, turn your music volume down and cut your headlights. You want to be discreet, popping in and out. Leaving your engine running, head lights blaring and music bumping outside the tin-house is bad etiquette.
Tip #3 - Try not to cross fade.
You know what they say - weed before beer, you are in the clear. Beer before grass, and you’ll be on your ass.
Tip #4 - Stay hydrated.
Ice water + insulated water bottle = life. Thank me later.
People that say drinking water is cheating will be the first to go in natural selection.
Tip #5 - Please clean your bong regularly.
Using the same water for a long period of time is a health risk. A bong is the perfect environment for mould and bacteria to grow. Deep clean your bong with boiled water and salt.
Tip #6 - You’re not dying, it’s okay.
Weed increases the heart rate so don’t worry, you’re not dying. Everything is okay, you’re just stoned. Try to ground yourself in a safe space. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends if you’re not feeling okay. If you have good friends, they will help you out. If they DGAF, get better friends…
The Rise & Fall of the House Party

Did you get the joke about this issue? Naming it Nexus throws a party and then makes it completely political? Don’t think we can make it any more obvious right? Alexa, play Sk8tr Boi. But there’s something we’re missing, we’re avoiding the major issue. House parties have all but gone to shit. We’re no longer in our succession era but we’re facing an unprecedented recession for parties.
Nexus isn’t ready to accept that – so here’s your step by step guide to bring back the party vibe and appease the gods of the sesh.
Have the OKAY snacks
Food plays a big part of how successful your night goes. But we’re not suggesting that you blow your entire budget on some expensive chips that no one is really going to remember anyway. They’re drunk but not too drunk that gnawing on cardboard is a good option. Plan according to that, don’t be a dumb cunt and think about it last minute.
Play decent music
This is a subjective answer, I get it. We can’t say what’s good and what isn’t. This is one of those rare occasions where I need you to use your brain. Shock horror, I know, but it’s time to use better judgement and assess what’s around you before creating a playlist that’s only heavy death metal when it’s management kids. Chuck some top 40 girlies on and call it a night. Common sense right?
Clean-up duties are important
The sadboi aesthetic isn’t cutting it anymore. Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Empty bottles filling the only table
space and being used as candles? Povo-core (not shaming, just curious?) Let’s start using those dedicated bins for their purpose. Green bin the glass and yellow bin the cardboard. For my colour-blind kids, the small for glass and big for plastics and boxes. Simple.
Alert your neighbours
You can skip this step actually.
Have a buddy system
Skip this as well, expect for sex maybe. You sort of need a buddy for this one.
ALWAYS kiss the homies
A light kiss on the lips is always welcomed and you shouldn’t be afraid of cuddles. It’s cold at the moment, don’t count yourself out just out of fear.
As you can see, our fool-proof guide should help you be the beast of parties in the uni-ville. Take notes and let us know if your next pres goes off, we’ll always take credit for succession. If it fails, blame someone else hey.

...have I missed by opportunity?

5-Star by Stray Kids

I might be a little late for this review given that this album came out on June 2nd, but better late than never, right? Not that you lot care about this opinion anyways. But hey, maybe I can convince you to give this album a listen.
I only started listening to Stray Kids during their Maxident era (end of 2022), and I can say that I’m thoroughly impressed by the talent of these eight guys. 5-STAR was the first big comeback of theirs that I’ve witnessed, and I haven’t yet been able to go without listening to it. This twelve track project cemented Stray Kids as leaders of the 4th Gen, and it goes without saying that we (I lol) can expect many great things from them in the future.
I’ll start by saying that the album's lead single “S-Class” is a force to be reckoned with. It’s catchy and the music video is crafted spectacularly. I have to also say, in regards to the entire album, 3RACHA (Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han) have really outdone themselves. These three members have written and produced greatness in the past, and they clearly haven’t lost their touch.

To quite literally make your own music is talent in itself. And with other members co-writing lyrics, I sometimes ask myself how these people who are not much older than me are so successful; does that mean there is hope for me, or have I missed my opportunity? Whatever the case is, the album is definitely worthy of its name.
Anyways… My personal favourite songs f are “Topline”, “Hall of Fame”,”Collision”, and “Youtiful”. My only problem with this album? I wish it was longer! (I’m also very biassed with the rating hehe, but at least I took off one point).

- Hit these guys up if you’re having issues with uni or need extra support, they love helping students.

We wanted to expand on your press release. Specifically with the line ‘Underwater is a song about living with a perforated eardrum’, as a kid with shitty hearing I relate to this. But without spoiling the song itself, why was that such an important part of the new single? Why was that the focal point?
We believe a great story is in the subtlety and nuance – and a lot of music in Aotearoa talks about the random shit that no one thinks to write about. It’s always strong to write the songs you’d want to hear, and it’s even stronger to write the songs you have a connection to – our vocalist Jackson had a very deep connection about missing out on the summer fun. We loved the irony in having a summer song about not being able to go underwater –it’s nice to not take art too seriously and just create something that’s fun and unique.
Listen to this, “The group has an undeniable chill, cool persona—but they are incredibly skilled. Their musical skills are admirable and create a tight,clean sound.”Zoë Mills from Wellington's Salient Magazine – how can we take the place on your next release? Because as arch enemies of Salient, we’d like to try our best to win.
We’d love to hear how our music makes you feel – it’s cool to comment on us as a group and our persona, but we love to see how the music resonates with you! Where do you see our music being heard? Summer festivals? Summer playlists on the road trip to RNV? Playing on a UE boom speaker in a flat while everyone shares a beverage?
If you guys had to eat one of the others in the band (either in a deserted island or other sense), who would each of you eat first and why?
Because of the amount of time, effort, and feelings Tom put’s into cooking a piece of steak on the BBQ, and the fast-twitch muscle fibers
from drumming, we’ll go with Tom.
As Te Whanganui-a-Tara locals, is it hard to find a distinction between your sound and others? After listening to your track, I can hear it but I want to know what sets you apart from them.
Te Whanganui-a-Tara music scene is hot! There are a lot of bands and a lot of talent. What makes Floor Five different from the rest is our balance of simple & recognizable, with complex & unique. Our music is usually a mix of catchy riffs and rhythms, smooth vocals, and a driving beat. It’s easy to overcomplicate things and for the music to not sound recognizable –Floor Five finds the balance of easily loveable music and a unique sound.
If you could, who would you most likely want to collaborate with? Is there a dream collab?

A dream of ours would be to collaborate with Rage Against The Machine and do a Floor Five version of Killing In The Name.
Now, I need to know, where does the name Floor Five come from? I have suspicions.
The name Floor Five came from living on the fifth floor at a hall of residence in Te Whanganui-a-Tara – Te Puni Village to be exact. Floor Five was born from Friday night pre-drink jams of songs we liked, to then one day spontaneously recording a song in one of our bedrooms and releasing it on Spotify. From quick attraction around the hall and the students in the Capital, Floor Five grew from a duo to be the four-piece band that it is today.
Let’s end on a serious note, who’s gonna win the The National Rugby League this year?
Go the Warriors.
Naylor Something

George VILLA’s new single ‘Revolve’ is out now

George, mate, how the bloody hell are you doing?
I’m doing good! How ya going? :)
Coming off the high of playing Nivara Lounge, do you find that being a local helps you ease into playing shows here? Is there a level of expectation from close mates coming to the show?
Always love playing Hamilton! There’s a solid group of homies who come through so it was sick to finally get the Villa project on the hometown stage! Seems heaps of mates are out of Hamilton these days but it’s so cool when they can come along.
With tracks like Revolve, Addicted and Running Free, what can we look forward to in the upcoming EP? Is there a bit of a nexus exclusive for us?
Definitely a bunch of new sounds! Had heaps of fun experimenting and writing for this EP, there’s a little something for everyone and a good blend up of genres!.
Couple slow groovy tunes in the mix and a special one “Denim Jeans” that me and Rhys Rich cooked up a couple years back.
I usually like to ask for an elevator pitch. Try explaining yourself to me as if we’re about to exit the elevator on different floors?
Elevators have me a bit on edge haha but not much to me, I’m pretty chill. I just love spending time making music and chilling with mates :)
Where do you pull most of your inspiration from? Is
there a specific pool you enjoy dipping into for ideas?
My friends inspire me huge! Lucky to have heaps of cool mates on the same buzz and it’s inspiring watching them in action. I love driving round the country and where I’m at puts a lot into the mood of a song. But listening to heaps of old soul music which keeps me happy .

As you’ve come from a band background, what with Casper. How different are the two for you? Was there an adjustment period?
It’s been sick! Crazy taking different approaches to writing through to the performance side, and been cool having a go at recording some new instruments. Being such different feels it’s been fun working it all out and getting into the live shows, and stoked to have my bro Jett from Casper playing drums with VILLA too. But I love being able to dip into those two different fields and have those outlets for what I’m creating on my own or with the band.
Just something simple, what’s your current go-to post- gig snacc?
Probably a cheese toastie or some chips.
Finally my bro, what’s next for George VILLA? What should we be on the lookout for?
A bunch more shows and some cool music. Been writing some new stuff which I’m keen as to share! My new single ‘Revolve’ is out now and we dropped a music video for it too, but follow my IG to keep all up to date - @georgevillanz

Nothing screams awn like a brown jacket over the top of a colour-coordinated fit. We love how put togethe but comfy this is.

Trend Alert: Vintage Jacket Vibes

Andrew, 21, Business

1. Water, I don't party

2. I actually don't know
3. Probably, playboi carti
4. Kick ons
5. If I did drink, probably chocolate bars
Kate, 21, Comms

1. Aperol Spritz, I'm bougie.
2. I can shoot a bow and arrow with your feet.
3. Nickleback and stuff. Rockstar
4. Pres always
5. I just go for bread
20, Psych
1. Vodka Red Bull
Zhicheng, 23. Management

1. Long Whites
2. Not yet, but maybe soon
3.Baby by Justin Bieber
4. Kick ons.
5. Bluebird Chips
William, 21, Management

1. Billy Mavericks, by far.
4. Pres
1. Neat Whisky
20, Psych
2. Balance bottles on my head.
3. Mad City
4. Pres
5. A McMuffin probably
1. Drink of choice at a party?
2. What is your party trick? Show us.

3. Number one song on your party playlist
4. Kick ons or Pres
5. Best hangover snack?
2. I can push my knee cartilage around. 3. Free Bird by Lynrd Skynrd 4. Pres, by far 5. Zinger Box, for sure.NOT a Māori shed party.


1. What type of animal is Napoleon, in George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm?”

2. A "peck" is how many imperial quarts?
3. What Elvis Presley film is set in England?
4. Which Italian city was buried, along with Pompeii, when Vesuvius erupted in AD. 79?