Nexus Magazine No. 04 2014

Page 1

N.04 / V.46

nexus magazine










News from the University




Ridiculist & Vox Pops




Honest Matt


Horoscopes & Playlist




Arts and Stuff


Overseas Experience


Awesome Dead Person


The Panda is a Shitty Symbol for

Environmental Stuff


Vegans: They just taste better.


Winning: The Man who would be

Kingmaker... again.


While You Were Drinking II: The

Business of Tertiary Education




The Bank Blind Date


Waikato Students' Union




_40 Notices


_41 Recipe



_42 Puzzles

nexus magazine



have fond memories of the Oranga lake: the excitement of waiting

fishy if you ask me), but we have managed to keep one awesome aspect

to see what might be floating in it after a big weekend, the joy at the

of that work: while it was going on, suddenly a bunch of new car parks

tiny fluffy ducklings defying all odds to survive and the days before the

arrived in gate 2B. Finding a car park every day became just that little bit

PC police renamed the Chunder Mile the ‘Meat Pie Mile’ and the naked

less stressful. Except Wednesday.

guy with the tiny one who swam across the lake instead of running around

Some cowboy has decided that on Wednesday nearly half of the car

it bringing a dead fish out with him. Not sure what happened to that guy,

parks in 2B are on lockdown. Which wouldn’t bother me at 8am when I’m

he probably died from the radioactive waters or something.

looking for a park, except the recital that they’re closed for doesn’t start

Last year, much to the disappointment of the local Chinese guy who

until 1pm. I get that they want the people coming to the event to be able to

used to save the environment by ‘free-sourcing’ fish for his Chinese take-

park, but there has to be a better way of doing it than closing off so many

away, uni staff de-silted and removed the pests (koi & catfish) so that our

parks for the entire day. And if the APA try to tell me they get that many

native aquatic life could flourish. The lake didn’t have a smell, we scored an

people driving in on a Wednesday to come to a lunchtime recital (what are

awesome wetlands area and best of all- the water in the lake was CLEAR.

we 12 years old?) I’ll fall off my unicorn. Besides, what if I want to spend

It was glorious. I heard that several people who worked on this process

my cultural hour listening to some awesome Slovakian Cello tunes this

got really sick, so I salute you for wading through 50 years’ worth of who

week, but can’t, because I’m out on the side of the road moving my car

knows what. (There are rumours that they found shopping trolleys, cones,

for the third fucking time that day so I don’t get a ticket?

a horse’s head, the engine of an old VW and John Key’s soul. Those are just

Students are people too APA, stop hoarding parks! And can we have our

rumours of course, we can’t back that up.) But, like a flat after flat inspec-

clear lake back please? The algal bloom was just insult to injury as I walked

tion, it’s crept back to its usual scum covered, catfish filled, filthy state. It’s

up here this morning.

a shame (not for the Chinese guy who reappeared recently, which is a bit



nexus magazine

Only grammatically correct Raps impress this home girl

Cross Crossworder demands Compensation LOL

RAP TO THE EDITOR In my line of work if you cock up you owe the team a box. So you owe us a box for fucking up the crossword this My bodies worn but my mind is willing,

week Nexus. Where's my fucking beer?

I'm not killing at life but still lyrically killing. The pressure of the future keeps my body grilling, Failure after failure becomes the success I'm distilling.

Watermelons HUGH JANUS


Hey the clues for the crossword in issue 3, don't match the crossword. What am I supposed to do in my lecture?

there are some fucked up shit you can watch on the internet. watching a tutorial on how to fuck a watermelon. decide to do it because why not. ive already sunk low enough to watch this video, its not too much lower to actually do it. get watermelon and cut a hole in it. microwave it for 1 minute to warm it up. finish up and reevaluate my

And again... ANONYMOUS

life. bury the watermelon in a shallow grave in the garden. next year watermelon has gives fruit. The watermelon i fucked got pregnant and had my children. family eat the watermelon. i will never eat watermelons again.

Just to inform you of this weeks nexus' crossword. You have fucked up. The numbers aren't correct for up and down and the number of letters for words are wrong in some places (which I don't know where to fill in anyway).


DISCLAIMER: Letters published contain the opinion of the writer and the writer alone. Nexus publications take no responsibility for the

go to gym to get swole for the ladies. every day is upper

content or opinions so expressed. By sub-

body day. havent showered in two days. my nuts stink like

mitting your letter you give consent to its

really badly from sweat and exercise. about to leave. bro

publication in Nexus and subsequent pub-

asks for a spot on bench. tells me he is going for 8 reps.

lic scrutiny. Letters are the authors own

panic nervously because his head is right below my nut

work and Nexus will not edit to compen-

sack. unracks the bar and does two reps. cant push the

sate for lack of intelligence or coherency.

third because he cant breathe. racks it back up. leaves

Nexus reserves the right to edit or refuse

without finishing.

to publish any letter which breaches any

i now try to avoid the gym when he is there.

law, is defamatory to any person, or contains threats of violence or hate speech.


Just thought I should let you know. Thanks.

Got something to say? Email

nexus magazine




— University of Waikato alumnus Jon Allitt, alongside his Weta Workshop colleagues Martin Hill and Nick McKenzie, received an Academy Award recognizing their achievements in motion picture for the formation of the spherical harmonics-based efficient lighting system. The lighting system is a special technology

that was harnessed in the production of such blockbuster films as Iron Man 3 and the Hobbit Trilogy.

The contract to build the University of Waikato’s new ‘Law and Management’ building has been won by Fletcher Construction Company (who also built that hotty

“It was pretty surreal" Jon describes as the feeling when he strolled the stage to receive his Oscar.

we call the Library & Student Centre). The building which has a budget exceeding $20 million is scheduled to take 16-18 months to complete with work beginning mid-April and estimated to end by mid-2015. There will be a five-storey office tower with tukutuku reed-inspired sunshade


vanes, a “living lawn” roof and a moot courtroom among other expected amenities. There is also a design emphasis on ensuring the building is energy efficient. The building will be located beside the PWC building on Hillcrest Road.

“You’re in front of a thousand people, producers, directors and technicians - the pioneers - that worked on the greats like 2001: A Space Odyssey.” “When I was a kid watching TV shows like Thunderbirds, I just knew there was all of this amazing stuff happening in the background, this sort of magic that was


making it all come to life,” says Jon.


— Hamilton recently strengthened its bond with China’s fourth

Hamilton benefits from the large population of Chinese stu-

largest city and renowned home of giant pandas. Hamilton

dents at Waikato University and Wintec, while Chengdu reaps

has held close ties with the Chinese city of Chengdu since a

the rewards of our agricultural sector. The renewed agreement

Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 1996. Hamilton

focusses on a wider range of interests in trade, education

Mayor Julie Hardaker said the Chinese city asked for an update

and culture.

to the original agreement, and stressed the mutual benefits it

The agreement was signed earlier this month at a celebratory

has provided, “We’ve had a very important relationship with

dinner complete with kapa haka and traditional Chinese opera.

Chengdu over many years and by reaffirming our important

Unfortunately no pandas were present at the ceremony, nor is

city-to-city relationship it provides opportunities for busi-

it clear whether any of these cuddly giants will be coming our

nesses and our education sector to further pursue initiatives

way soon. Guts.

of mutual benefit.”


nexus magazine


— Iran, or part thereof, is celebrating the 35th consecutive spike in executions in recent years. Some feel it represents 35 years since Iranians were liberated from the corruption of the pro-western Monarchy, others feel it represents the beginning of a mass oppression with forced religious practices. Information released this month by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs regarding executions tends to emphasise the latter. “The Government continues to execute individuals at a staggering rate, despite serious questions about fair trial standards,” said Christof


Heyns, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. It has been reported that 176 people have been executed by hanging in 2014 thus far. The most recent case was of a young woman who, reportedly forced into a marriage at 15 years-old, was tried for murdering her husband. Farzaneh Moradi, 26 at the time of her death, confessed to the murder 6 years ago but later stated the alleged true murderer had convinced her to confess because a young mother wouldn’t be executed. A revision of her original confession was not allowed by the court. “In this case, the defendant was reportedly forced into mar-

riage as a teenager and claimed that she was coached into confessing to a crime she did not commit,” said Christof Heyns, “Yet the execution proceeded appar-

Iraqi girls as young as nine could be legally married and wives would need to

ently without due attention to these very disturbing circumstances and claims.”

submit to sex on their husband’s whim if a controversial draft law is passed.

The Iranian government has been urged by the international community to

The draft law, aimed at creating different laws for Iraq’s majority Shiite popula-

place a moratorium on executions; however, despite the surge, Iranian officials

tion, has sparked outrage from many Iraqis who consider it a step backward for

defended the executions claiming they are a “great service to humanity.”

women’s rights (no shit). Iraqi law sets the legal age for marriage at 18 without parental approval. Girls as young as 15 can be married with a guardian's approval. Also under the proposed measure, a husband can have sex with his wife regardless of her consent. The bill also prevents women from leaving the house without their husband's permission, would restrict women's rights in matters of parental custody after divorce and make it easier for men to take multiple wives. Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari, a Shiite, has brushed off the criticism of the bill. Al-Shimmari insists that the bill is designed to end injustices faced by Iraqi women in past decades, and that it could help prevent illicit child


marriage outside established legal systems. But Sunni female lawmaker Likaa Wardi and everyone with half a brain believes it violates women's and children's rights and creates divisions in society.



At least 62 children have died in Pakistan recently in what the coun-

In another national shame, a woman set herself on fire outside a police

try’s top judge has called ‘a national shame’. The deaths occurred in

station after her suspected rapist was released from jail. The man was

the Tharparkar desert, where thousands of people are suffering from

one of five who kidnapped her at gunpoint and gang raped her, her

malnutrition. Mumtaz Ali Shah, home secretary for the province, said

brother who witnessed the abduction reported.The police decision to

the deaths were due to “unusual cold weather leading to an outbreak

release the main suspect had been too much for her to handle, he said.

of pneumonia and poor medical facilities during the last three months”.

She died of her injuries in hospital the following day. "It seems the

The province’s advocate general, however, denied the situation was as

case had not been properly investigated," commented senior police

bad as the media presented it, claiming rather perversely that disasters

officer Chaudhry Asghar. The officer in charge of the investigation has

were the “norm” in the very poor region.

since been suspended and placed in detention.

nexus magazine


— A Waikato University music programme cellist has taken out


— Council is giving careful consideration to the future of the "Passing Red" sculpture, a $150, 000 public monstrosity sculptured by local artist Gaye Jurisich and funded by the Perry Foundation. It suffered considerable damage after a car ploughed into it in February 2013 and one solution offered is to move it from its present location. Prime consideration for its new home is being afforded to the Te Awa River Ride cycleway, which when completed will run between Ngaruawahia and Horahora south of Cambridge.

a shared first prize at the 2014 National Concerto finals. The competition is for musicians under 25, and is open to pianists and other instrumentalists in alternating years. Hillary Scholar Matthias Balzat has given Waikato its fourth consecutive win of top prize and the audience voted People’s Prize. At 14, Matthias has also taken out the award for making us all look underdeveloped and unaccomplished. If you don’t believe us, google him.



— University of Waikato Engineering and Design students have been commissioned by the Waikato Museum to debut in the Excite exhibition, providing insight into the development of the students’ avant-garde formula-style racecar.


“We are very excited to have the university students’ car here on display. It not only puts in perspective the fundamental physics in race car sports, but also celebrates the caliber of science happening at our local university." says Waikato Museum curator Salina Ghazally.

An Algerian national held in Guantanamo Bay for 12 years without charge has been released and sent back to his home country. Ahmed Belbacha, 44, was

“Visitors will be able to explore the challenges of weight, aerodynamics, steering, safety and

turned over to the Algerian government, and his lawyers from British human

down force in relation to achieving speed in a race car, as well as view the car itself,” said Ms

rights group Reprieve said it was expected he would be allowed to return to his

Ghazally. The student built car ranked sixth overall in the annual Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) race in Melbourne on December 10th 2013 and placed as the top New Zealand entrant

among more than 20 competitors from Australia, New Zealand, Japan and England.

family. Reprieve said he was subjected to violent interrogation, physical abuse and held incommunicado by US authorities. The Pentagon alleged that Belbacha, an Algerian army veteran, had weapons training in Afghanistan and twice met Osama bin Laden.


nexus magazine


BALLOONS OVER WAIKATO COMPETITION — The University is proud to be a strategic partner of the Balloons over Waikato festival, 26-30 March. To celebrate, we’re giving one lucky person a free hot air balloon ride. To enter, visit our Facebook page – winner announced 26 March. Don’t forget, the annual Nightglow is happening on the campus sports fields on Saturday 29 March from 4-9pm. The family-friendly event includes live music and entertainment, food, stalls and rides. Entry is free.

CAREERS FESTIVAL 2014 — The 2014 Careers Festival is happening on Wednesday from 10am-2pm on the Village Green and is a fantastic opportunity for students to talk to a range of industries about graduate opportunities and developing your career. Industries represented will include: public sector, banking and financial services, telecommunications, education, science and engineering, materials and processing, volunteering and work holiday programmes.

INTEGRATED DATA ROADSHOW — Postgrad students, Statistics New Zealand invites you to the Integrated Data Roadshow on Tuesday 2 April from 2.30-3.30pm in ELT. Finance Minister Hon Bill English will open the roadshow session on Integrated Data Infrastructure. Statistics New Zealand has revised how government data is grouped and accessed, and the new system will allow academic researchers to look across the data to identify patterns, connections and outcomes for New Zealanders. There will be time for questions following the presentation.



Want to experience student life overseas while studying for your Waikato degree? Come along

A reminder that the University’s Hamilton campus is now totally

to find out how to add a truly global dimension to your university life, what it all costs, how to

Smokefree; part of our commitment to provide a healthy envi-

apply and which countries are available to visit. Wednesday 26 March, 11am-2pm, Level 2 Foyer

ronment for everyone. If you smoke, please leave the campus

of the Student Centre.

grounds before lighting up. More information, including a map showing the campus boundaries, is available at www.waikato. - Please note St John’s College grounds are also Smokefree.


nexus magazine



There has been a lot of speculation around this

greatly strengthen the mediocre defence of their

topic in recent weeks. As we are coming down

current squad.

the home stretch on regular season play in the

Cons – Chicago already have an MVP can-

NBA, many have begun to think about what

didate in Derrick Rose when he’s healthy, and

might happen with a number those off contract

Bulls center Joakim Noah could also be put in

players at the end of the season – none more so

that class as he is thriving while Rose is out with

than 4x MVP LeBron James.

injury. Having LeBron slot in here could do more

James, who currently plays for the Miami

damage than good. This season more than any

Heat, has been named MVP four times in the

other, we’ve seen that James loves to run the

last five years, averages 27.5 points per game,

show which, should he play in Chicago, is simply

7.2 rebounds per game, 6.9 assists per game

something he would not be doing. Personally, I

This week we’re looking ahead to round 4 of the

throughout his 11 season career. He is some-

think this would be a bad move.

NRL. It’s early days so the potential for upsets is

what of a hot commodity in the NBA and can

The New York Knicks: The Knicks need to

still there and the majority of these games will be

opt out of his current contract with the Miami

worry about building a team around their current

very close encounters with not a lot of sure win-

Heat at the end of the season. So the question

MVP candidate SF/PF Carmelo Anthony rather

ners. Here are some tips I can offer though.

stands – where will LeBron James be playing his

than bringing in LBJ to play alongside Melo.

basketball next season?

Their backcourt is weak as is their 5 spot as


Rooster vs Manly: Monitor the injuries of the Manly team throughout the week. With a full

Lately the main teams I have been hearing

their current players here are constantly injured.

strength team, they are a hard team to beat. The

floated around are the Chicago Bulls, Miami

Before the Knicks even think of bringing LeBron

same can be said for the Roosters, however after

Heat and New York Knicks. A number of other

into the fold, they need to sign a point guard.

their performance in round 1 I could see them

teams are clearing out some of their big contract

The Miami Heat: Pros – He’s currently here

being knocked over again here. If Manly have a

players (such as Philadelphia who have traded

and still has one year on his contract should he

full strength side out, I’m tipping them by 1-6.

away two of their best three players), but for

choose to stay. The Heat are going for a three-

Storm vs Bulldogs: The Storm will be too strong for the Bulldogs, who lost some key players over

now, let’s just focus on the supposed front run-

peat and should they win, I don’t see LeBron

ners and why or why not LeBron would fit here.

leaving just yet. The team chemistry is good

the off season and have some out with injury. The

The Chicago Bulls: Pros – they lack consis-

here, as is the mix of talent. The game plan of

Storm have already proven they are up for any

tency in their SF/PF roles and are a somewhat

Miami allows for LBJ to be the head baller shot

challenge this season and should take the W in

injury prone team. LeBron is a versatile player

caller here.

this one.

who can shift and play any position throughout

Cons – I don’t know, maybe he’s bored or

the court and can take on a big scoring role in

something? I don’t see any problems or reasons for him not to want to stay other than that.

Warriors vs Wests Tigers: The Tigers look woeful this season and seem to be a little lost without

this team as well as haul in boards and dish

Benji Marshall there to call the shots. The Warriors

out dimes. This will add strength to the Bulls’

should be able to score a lot of points in this one if

offense, and James’ defensive prowess will

That’s my thoughts on it. So we’ll just have to wait until July to find out what happens.

they can control the tempo of the game. Warriors by 11+. Finally, if there is going to be an upset in this round, it’s going to be in the Knights vs Sharks game. In my opinion, the Knights will be favourites with this being played in Newcastle. The Sharks are one of those teams who just continue to grind away and find a way to score points. If the Sharks can shut down the play and speed of Tyrone Roberts, they shouldn’t have any trouble here with the Knights missing key players like Jarrod Mullen and Darius Boyd. Sharks head to head could be worth a look. As always, these are just my tips. I can’t see the future so if you are going to dabble, do so responsibly.


nexus magazine



Environmental Edition.

Vox populi is a Latin phrase that literally means voice of the people.

People not caring about the environment is ridiculist. This

Miah, B Comms.

week, Tee Ship of our beloved Give A Shit column takes

What is our biggest environmental issue right now? Overuse of resources.

over the Ridiculist to highlight some current environmental

How do you save the environment? I’m pro-recycling, pro-self-sourcing

issues- but one of these things is not like the others. Which

food, like finding your own veges and fish. What was the last argument

item is a figment in the mind of a conspiracy nut-job?

you had about? I had an argument with my boyfriend about whether there was equal choice in society for Maori and Pacific Island people. I won.

You choose!

1 Colony Collapse Disorder The bees are disappearing! No bees = No crops = No Flourishing economies… And don’t even get me started

Matija, Bio Chem. What is our biggest environmental issue right now? John Key. How do you save the environment? I recycle. What was the last argument you had about? Miscommunication. Communication is key.

on the honey, honey.

2 Deforestation If a tree falls in the wood would anybody think of the children?

3 Water Crisis

Sally, Computer Science. What is our biggest environmental issue right now? Bees. More bees please. Bees die, we die. How do you save the environment? I do heaps of things- I ride a bike, I recycle, I always shop for local organic products- I live in a flat full of hippies, so if I wasn’t doing it they’d guilt me into it. What was the last argument you had about? My flatmate thinks that WIFI fucks with your cells, so I had to have a conversation with him.

Pollution leading to the world running out of water is bad. Cause Poppa is thurrrrsty.

Kingsley, Bio Chem. What is our biggest environmental issue right now? Lack of education.

4 Fracking

How do you save the environment? I recycle and I grew a beard to reduce the number of consumable razors I use. What was the last argument you had about? People not making their message clear.

Contaminating our earth with yucky chemicals just for shale gas extraction? Get fracked, ain’t no body got time fo’ dat.



What is our biggest environmental issue right now? Beijing. And we’re


bottles. What was the last argument you had about? Matija got me a flat

Lay off the tuna buddy, there ain’t gonna be any left for

not using enough hemp. How do you save the environment? I re-use my white instead of a mocha. Bastard.

the rest of us.

6 Deep Sea Oil Can you say Gulf of Mexico? No. You can’t. Cause you’re drowning in sticky oil that’s why.

7 Global Warming I think it still exists? Or is it climate change now?

8 Fluoride in the water Allegedly can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, neurotoxicity and a bright smile.



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nexus magazine

Lone Survivor

Vampire Academy



Appreciation of Lone Survivor is likely to be in proportion to one's personal

Directed by Mark Waters (Mean Girls) and written by brother Daniel Waters

tolerance for American bullshit. Without irony, depth of characterisation

(Heathers), Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters (VA) is a book series adaption

or much insight into the conflict in Afghanistan it tells the true-ish tale of

based around three races of vampires: The good, the bad, and the half

a group of gung-ho Navy Seals whose mission behind Taliban lines goes

human/half vampires which are the bodyguards or ‘guardians’.

horribly wrong. Guess how many end up surviving? On the plus side Mark Wahlberg's one-note expression is well suited to playing the role of hero with a capital H. His trademark stares and hesita-

lives after being hauled ass back to Vampire Academy. The movie involves

tions get a good workout in the early, pre-mission scenes where writer/

magic (literally, elemental magic), high school bitchiness and drama, crush-

director Peter Berg seems to want to give his movie some Hurt Locker

ing on your quite older Russian Mentor, and protecting your ‘last of her

type street cred, showing the guys joshing with each other, singing songs

royal line’ best friend from anything and everything necessary.

and even camping it up in the best hard-man, military tradition. However, if

I loved the actual book series and although the Twilight movies were a

Kathryn Bigelow's Oscar winner was a study in masculinity under pressure

bit sissy to say the least, I thought VA could be the next Twilight. However,

this is a straight celebration. Perhaps you need to be a 'Soldier of Fortune'

VA is so fast-paced it chops in and out of scenes and moments in a wack

reader or George W. Bush supporter to get it. As officially recognised by the Academy, Lone Survivor's strength is its sound. When the shit goes down and the towelheads start fighting back the boys are forced into a steep gradient retreat and the foley work in these


The story follows Dhampir Rose Hathaway’s (Zoey Deutch) perspective of her and her best friend’s/Moroi princess’ (played by newcomer Lucy Fry)

way. It has jokes all the way through, but I probably only laughed at three out of the one hundred. For me, this book series was always a ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, however, you can probably feel free to judge this movie by its name.

sequences is truly excellent. Never before in the history of cinema has

Let’s be honest though – I’ll probably buy the DVD and put it next to

falling down a cliff face been so artfully rendered, the end-over-end slow

my Twilight collection, coz it wasn’t the worst movie in the world, but

motion shots complemented by all manner of grunts, groans and aural

when considering points for being well made? Well, none for Gretchen

evidence of displaced dirt. It brings tears to the eye.

Wieners, bye!

nexus magazine





Wellington four piece, So Laid Back Country China, have recently released

I’d heard a few of the new Arctic Monkey’s tracks, but it wasn’t until I

their EP, Winter on cassette tape, but thankfully for those who no longer

caught the end of R U Mine? the other night on the radio that I caved and

own a tape player, it is available to download for free/koha from bandcamp

got the album. With their last few records a bit patchy, I sat down to listen

too. The band’s stretched out, lethargic, country jams fit nicely on to each

a little apprehensively - wondering how much filler I was going to have to

side of a tape making it perfect for that sluggish Sunday afternoon drive.

wade through to get to the good stuff.

While the band use the word Country to describe their sound and influ-

But they’ve really turned it on for AM. It’s packed with tunes that make

ences, any fears of Garth Brooks should be immediately dispelled. This EP

you want to tap your foot. It would be hard to choose a favourite because

is warm and languid; closer to Fleet Foxes’ Meadowlark or Okkervil River’s

while they all have the distinctive Arctic Monkey’s flavour, each track has

slower numbers. Opening track, Sisters, builds delicate guitar and keys

something different going for it. I couldn’t find a song that didn’t do it for

lines and woozy base around sharp, shimmering vocals. The album reaches

me, and as several of their previous efforts have left me searching for one

its zenith on Dreamgirls, yet still keeps the pace at a gentle stroll. The shift-

that I really, really liked, I was impressed.

less bass and keys often provide murky waters for the sparkling guitar to

One lyric that stuck with me was from I Wanna be Yours: “I wanna be

fill and immerse the vocals in. The drumming adds an outer structure that

your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust, I wanna be your Ford Cortina,

further pushes the sound into fragile layers of sweetness.

I will never rust.” It’s not your regular love song, and that’s why I love it. It’s

Guitarist and vocalist Michael Keen is so laid back and wistful in his vocal

what this album is all about for me: it’s funky, it’s sexy, it’s a bit weird. From

delivery. The keyboards and bass add as much space around his vocals

the sick bass beat of Do I Wanna Know? to the funky riff of Why’d You Only

as they hem him in. Images of dusty travellers and dustier country roads

Call Me When You’re High? to the rolling cruise of Fireside, AM is all the

fill the gaps on this leisurely saunter. There is no rush here; everything is

best bits of the Arctic Monkeys packed into one album.

the journey not the destination. So amble alongside this music. Let it be your guide.


nexus magazine

Killing Time




I was told about Killing Time before I read it, and it sounded like it would be

People don't like change, and that is evident in the changes seen in the

a good read. It had elements I enjoy: sci-fi, dystopian future (because what

most recent installment of the franchise DMC. Gone is the iconic white

other kind is there?), some action, no love story. The premise is GREAT. I

hair: replaced with a more youthful Dante. Accompanied with his sword

love the idea of this future where everything is shitty, unemployment is so

Rebellion and his two sexy ladies, Ebony and Ivory, this character remake

bad that going into a virtual reality pod so people can watch you kill or be

upsets veteran fans of the series. The world has also changed but that

killed on pay TV is a legitimate option, no one can afford gas to drive. Life

has been widely accepted: the way Dante is taken from the real world

as we know it is still recognisable but SO different. This was my favourite

and pulled into a new one called Limbo really appeals to the fans. The

part of the book. The story isn’t bad. I kind of cared about the main character and his

level designs are among the best of the most recent games and gives Dante a huge playground to swing his swords or even shoot his bullets

miserable life and the people in it for the most part, and things flowed in

all over the place. This game transforms Rebellion into a shape-shifting

relatively logical ways. There were a few forgivable moments where New

menace capable of taking down enemies of all shapes and sizes. From

Zealand slang crept in to a story that was supposed to be set in what I

the heavy cleaver bestowed upon you by your demon father Sparda or the

imagine to be America. But really, in my honest opinion, this story would

nimble scythe given to you by your angel mother Eva, you'll smash your

have been amazing if the author had told it to someone who could write

way through enemies and even pull off sick combos doing it. You can also

over a lot of drinks, and then the guy who could write wrote the book. I

swing it old school with Rebellion’s original form if you want but- boring.

know it’s his first novel, and that he’s been brewing this story for ages but

Fans aren't adapting to the new Dante who is depressing and monotonal

for me the writing distracted from the story.

to listen to. He takes skipping cut scenes to a whole new necessity. But aside from that the game plays great and tries to maintain its originality while bringing its own creativity.


nexus magazine

advocacy week Budgeting Workshop Monday 24th March, 12:00pm, Level Zero Cooking on a Budget Workshop Monday 24th March, 1:00pm, Level Zero Social Media Workshop Tuesday 25th March, 12:00pm, Level Zero Business Entrepreneurship Tuesday 25th March, 1:00pm, Level Zero Careers and What To Wear Workshop Wednesday 26th March, 1:00pm, Level Zero Law Clinic Drop-in Thursday 27th March, 1:00pm, Level Zero BBQ Burger Feed Friday 28th March, 12:00pm, Level Zero Tauranga Campus Visit Monday 31st March, 12:00pm, Outside Ako Atea Building (Library), Windermere Drive

Monday 24th - Friday 28th March. #AdvocacyWeek2014


nexus magazine



So RDU has a new app. Tell us a bit about it? What’s unique about it

the Chosen Few and Associated Discounters. A couple of examples are

and why should we download it? The app lets you listen to our station

the “Boozehound” achievement, which is where you have to redeem all

wherever and whenever you want, which is the thing we’ve had the most

the liquor discounts. Another is “Fashionista”, which you achieve by using

feedback about already. Kiwis around the world and people who’ve lived in

all clothing discounts. There’s “Centurion” too, which you only get once

NZ and gone home again love the fact that it’s now possible to take RDU

you’ve used 100 discounts. Haven’t seen anyone get that one yet, but it’s

with them really easily by just installing the app. The app helps promote

early days! Are you guys the first radio station in New

musicians as well right? Explain how it does that. Every Wednesday

Zealand to have an app? Yeah I think so… I’m pretty sure, yes! What has

we broadcast our Te Ahi Top 10 show, which presents the top new Kiwi

the response to the app been like since its release? How many times

tracks as voted for by our listeners, and we’re really stoked to now be able

has it been downloaded? We broke the 4-figure barrier after just over 2

to have this in our app too. It’s a really simple way for people to check out

weeks and the number is still climbing steadily. It’s free, it works and it’s

the listing, and all the links are active, meaning clicking them will take the

awesome, so the sky’s the limit really! We understand that its been

user through to the artists’ Facebook or Soundcloud page. We think this is

downloaded in a few countries across the world. What countries are

something that both artists and users will like, as it makes it real easy for

getting some Christchurch radio action? We’ve seen downloads in China,

people to connect with the artists we champion. What are your personal

India, the UK, Canada, the US, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Bahrain to name

favourite features on the app? Personally, the achievements! Like any

but a few! Also ‘Straya mate. What’s the hardest thing about making an

good app or videogame, I was determined to have an achievement list

app? What did you learn from the whole experience? Test, test and test

on the RDU app – these are like trophies you get for doing certain things.

again. Repeat until crying/bleeding/both. Seriously. It never stops!

In our case, they’re gold records you collect for redeeming discounts at

More at

This week you will experience a sense of déjà vu. Whether this is something mystical or just a case of lazy people cutting and pasting the same homogenous anecdotes is something you may never really discover the answer to.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Millions of Syrians are dying each day, Russia is on the brink of entering the Crimean peninsula, Palestine and Israel have been in conflict for decades, all hope seems lost for a peaceful and civilised society…Also you will meet the woman of your dreams in S Block this week.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You should feel free to take some time to look back this week. Yearning for a simpler time is a fragment of post modernism and you should feel grown up that now, with time and age you can reflect. Either that or you’re stoned and having conversations about which cartoon character you would have slept with.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This week brings love, sexual fulfilment and wealth. Unfortunately this week brings all of those things to someone else. For you it is more of the same redundant shit that has shaped your 2014. These are horoscopes not lotto tickets - if you want change your life then kiss a random stranger.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


This week you will discover the virtue of charity. Someone once said it is better to give than to receive and with that in mind please send all your generous Easter egg donations to Nexus Magazine, C/O WSU, SUB Building Gate 1. Or just bring them in. Charity is awesome.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Slowly the walls are closing in and your web of deceit is beginning to unravel. Now is not the time for a clear conscience- stick to your guns and remember it’s lies told for the greater good. Then again so was scientology and the only reason that exists is to get Tom Cruise really young girlfriends.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

So it’s been a month and two of your flatmates want you to leave already. Persevere. Eventually they will realise that there are more important things in life than dishes or hair in the shower. Either that or they will suffer the same fate as the others when your freeze-ray is finished.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

This week you will experience a sense of déjà vu. Whether this is something mystical or just a case of lazy people cutting and pasting the same homogenous anecdotes is something you may never really discover the answer to.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

True genius isn’t found in the normal constructs of exams and tests. It exists outside of the boundaries of social and societal norms. Surely it isn’t the pursuit of money but of knowledge that drives us? No, it’s money. OK, then is it too late to swap out of your Arts programme?

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Just remember Shakespeare once said “Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments” Think about that next time you swipe away from someone on Tinder.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Confrontation is the key to enlightenment this week. Whether it is with that lecturer who is always bullying you, the horoscope writer who is always writing crappy horoscopes or your own reflection just remember no one ever achieved greatness by being a pacifist. Except Ghandi and Mother Theresa.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

It’s not you. It’s him. He was always a little too perfect, so you’re upset that he didn’t tell you he’s sleeping with that girl from Tuesday’s lecture. Of course if you had to pin the failure on one thing it was probably that you have never spoken to him, he has no idea you exist and you bugged his house. Wait... is that three things?

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

nexus magazine

Light Up Playlist BEATS BY J

Afroman / No Seeds, No Stems, Just Hits

Because I Got High

Side B [Dope Song] Danny Brown / Old

Hits from the Bong Cypress Hill

Peter Frampton / Frampton Comes Alive!

Do You Feel Like We Do

Snoop Dogg / No Seeds, No Stems, Just Hits

Let's Get Blown

Bone Thugs'n'Harmony / The Collection Volume Two


Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd

Roll Another Number - For the Road Neil Young / Tonight's the Night

The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Purple Haze

Burning Kora

Kush Coma feat. A$AP Rocky & Zelooperz Danny Brown / Old

Champagne & Reefer - Live

Muddy Waters

Sublime / Sublime Greatest Hits Smoke Two Joints

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers / Greatest Hits Mary Jane's Last Dance

Puff, The Magic Dragon

Peter Paul & Mary

Brand New Key

Melanie Safka

Follow nexusmagazine on Spotifiy.


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As I sit down to write this I've just noticed that it is Liza Minnelli's

in Sex and the City 2, strutting her stuff in a bizarre cover of Beyonce's

birthday. Judy Garland and Vincente Minnelli's little girl is 68 years old

contemporary classic "Single Ladies", you gotta love her.

today. I hope that she has recovered from the humiliation visited upon her at the Oscars. Being the butt of Ellen DeGeneres' lame, mean-spirited 'jokes' is a fate you would not wish on your worst enemies. Whilst I would

1. Cabaret (1972). The peak. Liza is of course far too gifted a singer and

confess to tittering when the Oscar host compared the divine Liza to a

dancer to play the part of Sally Bowles as written, but who's complaining?

female impersonator the sentiment could just as easily be applied to Ellen

This musical adaptation of Christopher Isherwood 1930s Berlin reminis-

herself. DeGeneres isn't exactly the embodiment of any feminine ideal;

cences is witty, sexy, moving and ultimately sad.

she's been working the butch dyke look for years. It is easy to poke fun at Liza. The ultimate show biz kid who literally grew up at MGM studios during the golden age of 1950s, Freed-Unit musi-

2. Liza with a 'Z' (1972). A live television special. Liza gives it her all and never sounded or looked so good. Cabaret director Bob Fosse and composers Kander & Ebb ably assist. It's fabulous.

cals, she is pure Hollywood royalty. When your mother is the most tragic

3. New York, New York (1977). This generated a theme song - later stolen

entertainment icon of the century and your father one of Tinseltown's

by Frank Sinatra - but as a film it's a stillborn work. Martin Scorsese's

great movie-making stylists, life is always going to be a bit of a trial.

idea was to dramatise realistic emotions within the context of a formulaic

Unsurprisingly blessed with talent she's also forever burdened by Garland

musical plot set in the 1940s and 1950s. It worked better on paper. Both

comparisons. Liza's career has enjoyed spectacular highlights but insuffi-

Liza and Robert De Niro tried hard.

cient variety. In later years she's become a living parody of herself, forever trading on the success of Cabaret and a handful of trademark songs.


Auteur House stocks the grand lady's best work. Here are four suggestions:

4. The Ultimate Event (1988). In the late 80s Frank Sinatra, sensing the clock was ticking, attempted to put together a Rat Pack reunion tour.

For all that and for all the hideous plastic surgery, disastrous marriages

Dean Martin lasted only two shows. Liza replaced him, pairing up with

(four to date), health and addiction challenges and questionable cameo

"Uncle" Frank and a still-got-it, 60-something Sammy Davis Jr. Minnelli's

appearances in movies that are beneath her, Liza persists. When she

energy nicely complements the more understated performance style of

pops up - or, as one character jokes, "manifests" - in the gay wedding scene

the Chairman of the Board.

nexus magazine

THE OH IN O WEEK Arts & Stuff Peter Dornauf

O Week. Is that O for awesome, as in, get a load of my engorged penis or O for orgasm, as in, OMG, I think my nail polish just flaked off?

of a somewhat sick society. Grow up already.

I always thought orientation associated with a University was finding

As for initiation and rite of passage: wrestling a lion with your bare hands

one’s way around the labyrinthine complex of campus. Silly me. It’s actu-

or surviving six months alone in the bush with nothing but a stick, I can

ally bushcraft, as in locating pussy if the sample of student response is

admire. But getting tanked and totalled as a statement about manliness is

anything to go by as delineated in the previous week’s Nexus.

little short of pathetic. It’s feeble and up there along with being an embar-

In tandem with going at it like rabbits is that other traditional Kiwi ado-

rassment to the human species. Macho it is not but infantile, yes, like

lescent pastime and rite of passage, getting pissed. During O Week a

the child who cries if it doesn’t get the bottle. There’s something slightly

man in a cowboy hat, microphone in hand, was reputed to have been

retarded and psychologically stunted about a culture that valorises the

encouraging students to do just that and sign up for “The Meat Pie Mile”.

drunk and performs ceremonies that carry symbolic resonance linked to

Make that Meat Pie “chunder” mile, a mix of drinking, eating, running and

drinking associated with admission to adulthood. “Scull it like a man” is the

vomiting. Somehow all of this recreational vulgarity is supposed to prove

ubiquitous cry heard among gatherings of young men engaged in drinking

that Waikato has a “student culture”. If you’re talking about stuff that’s

escapades up and down the country. One who did went on to kill his mate

gross, crude and boorish, then yes there’s evidence, as if we needed it.

in a subsequent car crash, then blubbered like a child when telling his story.

Sophistication? Well, not quite. But then in many ways this is merely a

He was not the man on either occasion.

sad reflection of who we are in this provincial town and in this provin-

Entrance to man/womanhood is not predicated on some singular or

cial country. Individuals who troll the streets shouting “Wasted, wasted,

multiple event of deflowering or episodes of drunken stupor. But such

let’s get fucking wasted!” (dressed in togas) becomes a metaphor for all

rituals will continue unabated on this island, a source of curiosity associ-

that’s crass, uncouth and knuckle-headed about this place and many of

ated with native behaviour to those observing from cultures outside us

its inhabitants. People to whom serious drunkenness becomes a badge

who think we resemble certain faeces-encrusted figures from Jonathan

of honour, where relating how you blacked out several nights in a row or

Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.

drove home pissed as a newt confers status, presents a disturbing picture



nexus magazine

RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA Overseas Experience Kelsey Scheurich

Where did you travel to? I traveled to Riverside, and also explored Los


Riverside, spending New Years eve at Disneyland (of course!), Venice

Angeles and Anaheim in California. What was the duration of your stay?

Beach, Hollywood, visiting the Griffith Observatory, Getty Museum and

I stayed for 3 months. How many people did you travel with or did

LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art). What are your 'must do'

you travel alone? My mum came with me for the first week, after that it

things while at this place? Definitely to go surfing at the beach in the

was on my own or with friends that I made along the way. Why did you

morning, and then snowboarding in the evening! Also Disneyland, and

choose this particular destination? I chose Riverside because I was part

go shopping at the markets at Venice Beach. Try some street food, and

of an exchange program, and the University I was sent to was located in

also try some In-N-Out, best burgers ever! What was something unex-

Riverside. Riverside is a few hours out from LA, so it was easy to travel

pected? Stereotypes. Stereotypes everywhere. Also there are definitely

around the surrounding areas. Was a program used i.e. IEP. If so, what

fewer McDonalds than you would think there would be in America. What

was your experience with them? I was part of the University of Waikato’s

was the biggest lesson you learnt while travelling or what would you

exchange program, I am glad that I took part because the experience over

have done differently in hindsight? In hindsight I would have definitely

there was worth it, but getting there was a bit of a battle. What were

tried to travel more, there were a lot of places that I wanted to go but

the highlights of your trip? Snowboarding in the mountains around

never found the time.

nexus magazine

PLATA O PLOMO Awesome Dead Person Mike Bilodeau

Senor Pablo Escobar; most famously portrayed by Uncle Bully in that one non-terrible movie featuring post-Edward Scissorhands Johnny Depp (But what about Pirates- NO, grow up).

Oh, and largely through the exercise of offering a reward to anyone who murdered a member of the police, over 1000 officers of the law. The USA, recognizing the obvious atrocities that Escobar was raining

It all started fun-loving enough with a teenage Escobar stealing grave-

down both directly and indirectly, were putting enormous pressure on the

stones to sand down and sell to Panamanian smugglers. If you ignore

Colombian government to extradite him to the United States for trial. With

the blatant sacrilege, this doesn’t even seem so bad. You could imagine a

this in mind, acting through his lawyers, he offered to surrender himself

young, mischievous, pre rape-y Uncle Bully doing this sort of thing.

to Colombian officials for a term of 5 years imprisonment on the grounds

These loveable little hijinks were relatively short-lived though and Escobar quickly moved into serious crime; the definitive rising point being in 1975

that he was not to be extradited and he was able to design and build his own prison.

where 26 year old Escobar met with drug kingpin Fabio Restrepo, only to

His “prison”, entitled La Catedral (The Cathedral), was furnished with

murder him and hijack his criminal empire (see: Breaking Bad - Season 4)

“guards” of Escobar’s selection and was stocked with a Jacuzzi, waterfall,

For all its danger and violence, the drug market is a fairly lucrative one.

full bar and a soccer field.

A business is doing extremely well if they can post an ROI of 100%. By

Upon discovering a year later (to the surprise of absolutely fucking no-

purchasing coca paste from Peru and Bolivia, refining this and selling into

one) that Senor Escobar was still running his entire operation via telephone

the United States market (and having a stranglehold of said market, provid-

from within his prison and also that he was involved in a string of killings

ing between 80-90% of all the cocaine to the USA), Escobar was able to

and kidnappings, police officers were sent to La Catedral to transport him

achieve an ROI of approximately 20,000%.

to a more secure prison (see: ‘Oz’).

One does not simply amass the biggest criminal empire in the world

Pablo escaped, but alas, after experiencing a year of freedom his good

without getting one’s hands a little dirty though and, during its rise and fall,

fortune ran out and, on the 2nd of December 1993, one day after his 44th

the Medellin cartel under the command of Pablo Escobar was responsible

birthday, Escobar was hunted down by a joint taskforce of Colombian and

for the deaths of over 200 judges, dozens of journalists, 3 Colombian presi-

American law enforcement, chased along rooftops and shot in the head.

dential candidates, a minister of justice and an attorney general.

Uncle Fucking Bully.


nexus magazine


nexus magazine

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve discovered the reason the panda bear is rapidly becoming extinct. Forget bamboo deforestation, forget poachers – the panda's biggest problem is one that hits a little closer to home.

Yup, those kinky black and white horn-dogs can't seem to get enough of inbreeding. Now I know that this isn't all the panda's fault. It’s primarily a consequence of habitat loss (caused by humans).

Pandas are simply too lazy to fuck their way out of extinction.

But the fact remains that panda-breeding is beset by the aforementioned issues. And these issues are further com-

They seem to be the only animal in the world that doesn't want to reproduce. The average female giant panda is

pounded by another. Cost.

capable of breeding for a period of about sixteen years.

Pandas are notoriously expensive to maintain in cap-

Now this seems like a long time until you factor in a few

tivity. Worldwide, panda conservation costs run into the

other facts:

hundreds of millions of dollars, despite the fact that there

Each female only ovulates once per year and then only for a period of a few days.

exist plenty of other animal species that are more critically endangered. People seem to prefer throwing money at pan-


Despite this narrow window of opportunity, panda couples usually won't take advantage of it anyway. Their libido

das though, because the panda has a trick that the Javan rhinoceros and Siamese crocodile lack:

is so low, in fact, that researchers have even tried showing

Being insufferably cute.

them panda-porn in order to spice things up a bit.

But the time has come for cuteness to make way for

If by some miracle they do decide to get frisky, the

practicality. For as long as people are able to gaze into the

resulting offspring is usually a set of twins. But mummy

panda's enchantingly splotched eyes, they will continue to

only loves the toughest twin – the other she abandons and

waste resources on the doomed creatures. So I call on YOU

leaves to die. Furthermore, the stress of raising a cub puts

to take action. Next time you're wandering the bamboo

the mother out of business for next year’s mating season. A popular counter-argument to the above points is to mention that the limp-dicked panda syndrome only applies

forests of Sichuan or visiting your local zoo and you happen upon a giant panda, do the right thing: Shoot it.

to those trying to be bred in captivity. And this is true – to

Shoot it in its adorable, fuzzy face.

an extent. Because pandas in the wild love having sex...

Carl Unternahrer

With their siblings.


nexus magazine


nexus magazine

Onyx Lily expounds on the relative merits of veganism and why she thinks you'll eat her first. Learn more at or read on for the juicy bits. I have a hypothesis I want to test out. If you put a group of antelope

meats and dairy products these days, so if I really want a pie, sausage roll

downwind from a lion they will run away, sensibly, because they can smell

or “chicken” nugget, I can easily find a meat-free substitute.

“predator”. But is it the lion smell, or is it a “meat-eater” smell? If you raised a lion vegan, and then put your vegan lion upwind from the antelope, would they still run? I ask this because since I’ve been vegan (over a 7 year period, with a 3

You can eat super-cheaply. As students, you should really all be checking out some vegan staples because they are cheap as, tasty and filling. Check out the bulk bins for dried beans, lentils etc, or the Asian supermarkets and you’ll see what I

year vegetarian hiatus in the middle) I’ve felt like I smell different. Vegan

mean. Take meat and dairy off the menu and you’ll have heaps more dosh

sweat is not as stinky, and other… uh… bodily excretions… are generally

to spend on beer.

less offensive. The lack of meaty stinkiness is just one of the many reasons being vegan is awesome. Vegan? What’s that again? For many people the word “vegan” conjures

You don’t have to make decisions about food when you go out. You might see this as a drawback but personally, faced with a menu full of choices, I get a little bit overwhelmed. These days most chefs are happy to make

up an image of either a brown-rice-and-lentil-eating aging hippy in a natur-

a vegan something, but there’s usually only one choice on the menu (if

ist colony, or a super-radical animal rights activist, throwing red paint over

that). I usually ask the chef to just make me something. That way I know

fur-wearing supermodels and freeing lab rats from their cages. However,

it’s vegan, and I get a surprise – it’s like my birthday every time I eat out.

the majority of vegans I know are, like me, a pretty normal bunch in terms of looks and day-to-day lives.

You feel better – physically and mentally. Not everyone will agree with this, but since going vegan, I’ve felt better in myself. I don’t get that heavy

So, what exactly is a vegan? The term was coined in England in 1944

stodgy feeling that often happens after a meat-heavy meal and I feel like

when a rift formed in the vegetarian movement as to whether mem-

it’s easier to listen to what my body wants and needs to eat. I also feel

bers should eat animal-derived products such as eggs and dairy. Vegan

lighter in my mind and - I want to say soul but I’m in danger of moving in

Society founder David Watson proclaimed vegan to be ‘the beginning and

to seriously new age spiritualist crap and I’m not like that at all so I’ll stop.

end of vegetarian’ and advocated a lifestyle free of any animal-derived

You learn heaps about nutrition. Vegans often face unprovoked interroga-

products. Vegans do not eat meat (of any kind, and yes, this includes

tion and/or attacks about their diets, so I’ve found myself becoming more

fish!), meat-derived products (like gelatine), dairy products or eggs, or any

of an expert on nutrition than I ever thought I would be. Family were

foods containing these ingredients. Most vegans also don’t wear leather,

concerned I would become sickly, friends have called me extreme, and I

fur, silk or wool or use any household products or toiletries with animal-

have vegan friends who have been told that ‘it’s impossible to live without

derived ingredients or that have been tested on animals. And BTW, it’s

meat/animal products’ despite them standing there, completely alive and

pronounced “vee-gan” not “vay-gan”.

healthy, after many years without.

People become vegan for many reasons, including environmental con-

Whittaker’s Dark Chocolate Peppermint Ghana. Need I say more?

cerns, personal health and religion. But the majority of vegans, including

You can look a cow in the eye. I’m a city girl, so I haven’t had a lot of

me, come to the decision for ethical reasons – a belief that harming and/

opportunity to get up close and personal with our bovine friends. Cows are

or killing animals is unnecessary and wrong. But you can look all of that up for yourselves. What I want to tell you is why being vegan is awesome.

big and a little bit scary, but their eyes are like big sorrowful pools of melty chocolate. As a vegan I am not eating their dead flesh, or participating in the cycle of forcible impregnation, removal of the calf and stealing their

You eat way more variety and discover all kinds of new foods. Most

milk. I can look that cow in the eye and say “I am sorry for what is being

people find this a little hard to believe as one of the most common ques-

done to you, but I’m not participating in it.” And that feels like a step in

tions a vegan is asked is “but what do you eat?” (closely followed by “how

the right direction.

do you get your protein?”). Actually, as a vegan, I have way more variety in

You’ll taste better. Meat eaters eat herbivores. One reason is that meat

my diet that I ever did before. I eat things like tofu (which is awesome if

eaters have a metallic gamey taste that most people find unpalatable. So

cooked properly), quinoa, chickpeas, pulses, grains, nuts and pretty much

if I were on a plane that crashed in the Andes and I died, the others could

every type of fruit and vegetable you can think of. I cook Indian, Mexican,

eat me and not be all “ew, this tastes awful.” I think that’s awesome. But

Japanese, Thai and weird combinations that I make up as I go along. And

then, I’m selfless like that.

I can still eat Momento curly fries. There is also a huge market in fake


nexus magazine


nexus magazine

Nexus talks to Winston Peters about whether he hates students, the art of saying I told you so and navigating the greasy waters of political barbequing. Editor Rachael Elliott was left impressed with Winston

March, we had great jobs paying high wages- enough to

Peter’s rhetoric but worrying about back room coalition

live on for the rest of the year. That’s just not available for

deals. He’s a very engaging man- but Winnie’s been at this

students today- they need support.

game so long that how can you be sure if everything is as

How is NZ First looking to improve the quality of liv-

it seems? Or is she just a cynical post-grad student? Read

ing for students struggling with the burden of large

on and decide for yourselves!

debt? There is a relativity to student support and the

How will NZ First change things for Students? Our

average/minimum wage and NZ First has long argued for

plans haven’t substantially changed from our 2011 mani-

increasing the minimum wage. We don’t believe $15 is

festo on Tertiary Education. This was written in concert

nearly enough.

with students and one of its main features is that NZ First

We’ll also seek to increase student funding and to sup-


will fund student representation from central government.

port all students with a living allowance. Right now people

There is no possibility of having a first world student envi-

are being arbitrarily told ‘well actually you’re under 25 so go

ronment without a student voice and those arguing narrow,

and see your parents’- it’s ridiculous. The Universal Student

free market right-wing views have to understand that

Allowance is our policy- we couldn’t get it through twice

Harvard, Yale- all of those universities have student voice.

now, but we’re still trying.

Where is the student voice in this country?

Are there any plans for the Super Gold card benefits

Does Winston Peters hate students? On the contrary,

to trickle our way? It’s funny you should say that because

if you have a look at our manifesto it’s pro-student. We

we’re doing some policy work on that the moment. It’s a

now have a student funding system in this country which

bit too early to discuss the components at this point. But

was absolutely inevitable. When it first happened I said ‘I

if you assemble the student body’s buying power you can

can see what’s coming, it will be bad debt or bad student

organise a much cheaper outcome for them- that’s what

loans, just like there was in America’. Nobody wants to say

we’re working on.

I told you so but I darn well will, I made three speeches about it back then. When I was at university I’d get a job every holiday and

How did you feel about David Cunliffe snaking in on your BBQ this afternoon? I think it’s the smartest thing he’s done all week.

for 4 months over Christmas. From November through to


nexus magazine


nexus magazine

Earlier this month the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (that fucker MoBIE again) released the new Tertiary Education Strategy for 2014-2019. Yes, apparently they do have one other than “Make things as difficult for students as possible! Mwah ha ha!” Here are the parts you need to know about. Ms. Y The Strategy applies to all tertiary education providers

the major players in research and tertiary education? Sadly

– universities, polytechnics, wananga and private training

that doesn’t seem to be the case. Rather than helping

institutes, so it’s hard to make it a one-size fits all. This

research institutions to “collaborate more with each other”,

Strategy consists of six strategic priorities (and a whole

good ol’ MoBIE has increased competition for already

lot of waffle and other crap – politicians can never just get

limited research funds, made the process more difficult,

to the point), of which only four really apply to universities.

and is now shutting down important Centres for Research

The first priority is the most telling, in my opinion –

Excellence like Nga Pae o te Maramatanga (NPM), a cen-

“Delivering skills for industry”.The Government keeps telling us that we need to produce more work-ready graduates

tre focusing on Maori research. Way to contradict Priority Three, MoBIE.

to improve the country’s economic outcomes – in other

Priority Six, growing international linkages, is again a bit

words, produce graduates who can make money for the

of a no-shit-Sherlock kind of goal. We know we need more

country (to dig us out of the hole the government got us

international students (coz they pay more and cost the

into). One of the problems of focusing on skills for industry

government nothing, natch) but everyone else in the world

is that it tends to steer more towards vocational training

wants more international students too. And New Zealand is

rather than recognising the wider benefits of a university

pretty, but it’s far away and with the current exchange rates,

education like critical thinking skills, creative problem solv-

kind of expensive. The lure of Hobbits can only go so far.

ing and digital literacy. And the ability to drink beer that

The Ed Insider said: “Overall, the TES 2014-19 reminds us

tastes like watered-down sewage without immediately

of the old story where the townie is lost and asks a farmer

spewing. Now that’s a transferable skill. Priority Three, boosting achievement of Maori and

for directions. The farmer then says “Well, you can’t get there from here”.The document explains where we are, and

Pasifika, is nothing new and has been a priority for a while.

sets out where we should go, but doesn’t have much in

It’s good to see it still in the strategy, but it’s not anything

the way of directions about how we should get there. That

universities aren’t already doing. One problem in measur-

is, presumably, because the Minister wants quite a bit of

ing success is that it relies on students self-identifying as

freedom of action over the details.”

Maori or Pasifika – the Uni hasn’t invested in DNA tests as part of the enrolment process. Yet. Priority Five is about strengthening research-based

MoBIE likes to do his own thing regardless of what common sense or evidence would suggest. This new strategy looks like he won’t be changing that any time soon.

institutions. Sounds good for Universities, right? Being


nexus magazine



Dear Aunty Slut, One of my friends uses the "c" word a lot. It's horrible and I find it really offensive - I can't even bring myself to write it - but she won't stop saying it. What can I do?" -Second Year Sarah Dear Sarah, I, like you, for many years had a problem with the word cunt. I thought it was offensive and horrible and tacky. Then I grew up. I still have a problem, but it’s changed. The problem I have with the word cunt is that people think it is horrible and offensive. In the first instance ‘cunt’ refers to a woman’s genitals, specifically the vulva or vagina. A vulva is a beautiful flower and a vagina is a warm, wet, gloriously pink squishy thing that you just want to climb inside. I love my cunt, it’s been with me through hard times, I take it with me everywhere

In between writing a final for my science fiction class and updating my Instagram with pictures of palm trees, I scour Spotify for bands playing Coachella. El laaaay, mate. It’s grand. I see squirrels every day. I used to be a cool kid in first year and listen to all the music… but sometimes it’s difficult to maintain that super sleek niche veneer and at present I find myself in need of an education. I’m about to wring out NZ$600 (most likely more by the time I get my shit together) to camp in my Austrian film major’s white Jeep Cherokee for three nights, and I expect it will backdrop against a damn nice soundtrack. I wanted Coachella before I wanted California… But I can’t keep up with what 2014 considers good music.

I go. It’s all round my favourite body part. One tiny part of my cunt has twice the number of sensory nerve endings than a penis and the clit is the only part of the body that exists purely for pleasure. I won the sexy bits lottery- I’ve got a cunt. Don’t try to tell me that my cunt is offensive or horrible- it’s the best thing ever. The second meaning of cunt, according to the OED is “a slut. Also as a


general term of abuse for a woman” followed by “a despised, unpleasant, or annoying place, thing, or task”. And that’s where I start getting angry. When you say that the word cunt offends you, you’re telling me that my

I have four outfits planned and paid for and a pair of flatform wooden

vagina, that vaginas in general, the things we all came from and the things

wedges eager for a scuffing– “Oh no honey, it’s Coachella. You’ll be wearing

which bring the most pleasure- are something unpleasant and despised,

boots,” the Austrian says. I nod, but the wedges and I conspire to pair a

something that makes me a slut- and you all know how I feel about that

black floppy hat with sunflower print and red lipstick anyway.


bands I’ve discovered over the last 3 years simply because I haven’t been

sive’ or ‘most taboo’ word you can use: society hates vaginas. Society

looking. I’m heading to Coachella and I recognise about five names. Don’t

wants everyone to think vaginas are dirty and gross so women don’t

get me wrong; I’ve done festivals before. I’ve sat on a grassy dry hill at

realise they have the BEST THING EVER in their knickers. Some people

Coro Gold and hid in a tent during a stormy Rhythm and Vines; but this is

are afraid that if women find out how awesome their cunts are, they’ll

the Aural Enlightenment and I’m still kicking it in the Renaissance with all

realise how awesome THEY are, and rise up against the system. Imagine

that is 2010. There it is, love me as I am; a cultural geriatric.

what would happen if people stopped using the best body part ever as an

However, this is Los Angeles and no one bats an eye when your hair

insult. Imagine what would happen if we could get rid of all the bullshit

and nails originated on a factory floor, so for the sake of one ridiculously

words we’re offered as alternatives- and got to use ‘cunt’ without shame.

expensive weekend in a desert, I shall fake it till I make it.

When you think about it, it’s a beautiful word- explosive (just like a good orgasm), and succinct. So honey- reclaim the word cunt. Use it to refer to your cunt with pride. Let the word turn you on as much as your cunt does. And if your friend continues to use it in its ‘coarse slang’ offensive manner, ask her if she thinks what she is describing is a warm, wet, gloriously pink squishy thing that she wants to climb inside of and see how fast she stops using it. Send your sexy sex questions to


See; I’m not at all about the music. I couldn’t tell you what cool new

There is a simple reason that the word cunt is the ‘worst’ or ‘most offen-

Just tell me the Arctic Monkeys are still cool.

nexus magazine

SWAP THIS FOR THAT Fashion Jessica Wilson

Simple changes in your daily dressing routine can have a profound

a lollipop.” This is because Lil Wayne does not smoke, especially not

effect on your general well-being. I have found through extensive

on campus.

research that these easy clothing swaps can boost both your self-esteem

Halter Tops for Anything Else

and your relevancy in trending social circles.

It’s not 2003 anymore.

Elastic Waistband Jeans for Non-Elastic Waistband Jeans

Ugg Boots for Anything Else

Unless you’re a child (or bearing child), jeans with elastic waistbands are

It’s not 2003 anymore.

the ultimate sign that you have given up on life. For many of us this may be

Chain Store Band T-Shirts for Authentic Band T-Shirts

true, however that is still no excuse to wear mom (or dad) jeans.

The Ramones, Guns N' Roses and The Rolling Stones were all great bands,

Regular Sweatpants for Slim or Tapered Sweatpants

but if you’re buying their t-shirts from said chain stores, you probably don’t

In my teenage endeavors I have learnt much about the sweating pant,

listen to them. Soz. Most bands have online stores where you can pur-

notably the notion of wearing it being a God-given right and the idea that

chase official merchandise. Shop there instead.

those who disagree are pretentious assholes. I may be a pretentious ass-

Kitten Heels for Taller or Chunkier Heels

hole, but I’m also a kind asshole, who loves you, and wants you to wear

The kitten heel’s extra inch or two in height is not worth you looking like a

tailored sweatpants that show off your cute bum.

12 year old attending her first formal dance. You are a beautiful and sexy

Jandals for Slides

woman and you deserve more than two inches.

Slides (preferably Nike or Adidas, or even Birkenstock) are the easiest way

Cultural Appropriation for Cultural Appreciation

to transform your look from “I am sloppy” to “IDGAF”. Everyone, from

To finish on a serious note, the amount of Native American headdresses

Celine, to Givenchy, to Amanda Bynes, has been sporting this totally hot

at O’Week was too damn high. Cultures are not silly trends or costumes

and sexy shoe.

for you to use carelessly. Instead of parodying a culture, take a little time

Cigarettes for Lollipops

to listen to and try to understand their diverse cultural heritage, as well as

In the great words of Lil Wayne “She wanna lick, lick, lick, lick me like

their past and present struggles in Western society.


nexus magazine


LOUISE VS RETAIL. Louise vs the World Louise Hutt

The Foreign Invasion Melody Wilkinson There are two kinds of people in this world: people who have worked in retail, and people who haven’t. You may scoff at this idea, and if you do, you’re definitely in the latter. Having applied for jobs recently, I realised I avoid going to the Doctor at all costs. But when a bout of coughing got so bad that there were times I couldn’t breathe, I relented in order to get the extremely coveted prescription for antibiotics. $60 paid (yes, because I was stubborn and only caved on the weekend) we waited until the nurse called my name. She was bored but managed to take a brief history and then my temperature with an ear thermometer. I feel the need to specify “ear” because she did not stick it in my ear. She stuck it in my pinna which is the anatomical name for the little floppy bit that everyone calls your ear. An ear thermometer measures the core temperature of your body by scanning the ear drum. This requires it to actually be able to scan the eardrum in the ear canal. I told the nurse that she did not stick it in my ear. She said, “Oh…” tried and missed again. I said, “Still not in my ear”. She

I’ve been working in retail for four years. Not long, in the grand scheme of things, but way too long to be paid too little to deal with awful customers. If there’s anything you gain from retail work, it's empathy and anger. I’ve been spat on, threatened and made physically sick by customers and while you might think it would make me angry, it’s actually the part that’s made me empathic. There’s a look of panic you can only see if you’ve worked in retail, which says “we’re understaffed, underpaid and overwhelmed right now, please don’t bite my head off” and far too often I have felt it spread across my own face. So when I go into a store, I am an angel of a customer. The eftpos machine isn’t working? I will go get cash out. You don’t have that item in stock? I can come back in another day. You’re busy serving another customer? I can wait. There’s a sense of camaraderie, when shit’s hitting

said “It doesn’t matter.” I didn’t tell her I am a nurse and know for damn sure it definitely matters. Because skin temp (which is what she was measuring) is at least two degrees below core temp… which is how you tell if someone has



the fan and a customer says “It’s fine, I work in retail”. A sigh of relief; it’s okay, they know. It’s almost as if they have extra common sense which says “don’t come in to browse at five to five”, “harassing the salesperson about prices won’t make anything cheaper” and the line “there’s no price so it must be free” will one day get you stabbed.

a fever… which is a key bit of information to discover how sick a person

Actually, the part of retail which makes me angry is rude salespeople.

is… which is also why a sick person may come to the doctor. I was then

If I can still greet a new customer like I haven’t been browbeaten by the

taken back to the doctor who listened to my tale of woe and then pulled

hundred other customers I’ve served that day, why should I get the short

out his handy stethoscope to “listen” to my fluid-filled lungs. Another tip

end of the stick when I go into another store? I know how it works. I’m

we learned in nursing school is that you can’t hear anything when you put

not going to be unreasonable. It’s worse when you’re in your uniform, with

your stethoscope over bone. He placed the stethoscope directly over my

your name badge that screams “Hi ,yes we’re in the same boat here”. It’s

scapula (shoulder blade) and sent me on my way with a prescription “just

not the shitty customers who make me angry, I at least get paid to deal

in case” because of my immune compromised status. On the way out I

with them. It’s the cranky salesperson who will take their shitty customers

yelled at my husband “Pointless! $60 to find out that skin and surrounding

out on you, because you can’t complain. You know what it’s like.

air temperature is normal and my shoulder blade does not have an infection. Never mind that I went in to make sure I wasn’t dying of a lung infection!” Just a thought New Zealanders….if you don’t want to see if people are sick, DON’T BE A DOCTOR OR A NURSE as that’s kind of in their job description…


Perhaps the solution to this is online shopping, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish.

nexus magazine

HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY. Carnage Jules Craft

“Would ya like ta come back to me house for a pint of Guinness?” Now I must confess I’m not Irish, however, offer any 19 year old student the

purchase yourself a box , “and the beverage you choose better be as green as a leprechaun’s nut sack.”

chance to dress up in green and drink on a Monday and I think you’ll find

This year was my first taste of this occasion and to be honest it was

you’ve got yourself a pleasant and enthusiastic drinking buddy for the day.

such a hell time. There’s something magical about being in theme, you

I understand that someone whose blood does run green may take offense

feel sort of justified in enjoying the night. I mean Jesus, I went down to

to the fact that there were hundreds of students shamelessly celebrat-

the 2 dollar shop and bought myself a green hat with a four leaf clover, a

ing an occasion when they have no basic knowledge about it’s origins;

green necklace, and two strands of tinsel so there’s no way that I’m not

but those guys who take offense are cruel and heartless creatures. What

going to lose my mind singing along to Wagon Wheel in Shenanigans. So

kind of twisted son-of-a-cocker spaniel would want to put a dampener on

what if I look like a muppet- every other human at this pub does too, shit

perhaps the most awesome of spontaneous drinking days?

we could even start our own show for young children, franchise it and run

Obviously St Paddys is a planned date so perhaps spontaneous might

Sesame Street out of business. I never did like Elmo much. The only thing

not seem the right word but you’re forgetting the fact that students don’t

I’d change about this St Paddy’s day is that I wish we were more organised

even know what day it is, so every year St Paddys sneaks up on us and

as a student unit. There were hundreds of cats in town enjoying the night

leads us down a dark lane of debauchery. The best part about St Paddys is

but the pre-parties were low key drinks at everyone’s respective flats. Next

that you wake up normally, you plan your day out as usual, happy as Larry

year I want a parade with a giant leprechaun float that drives down Hogan,

you walk off to class then all of a sudden some drunk fucker wearing green

Snead, Greens Borough, May, Tralee, and everywhere else. We should all

blindsides you out of nowhere telling you you’re a terrible human being for

follow it like it’s the new messiah and to top it all off go dye the mighty

not getting amongst the occasion, that if you ever want to have a shred

Waikato River Green. Chea Crafty Out.

of self-respect you’d better make your way down to thirsty this instant to


nexus magazine


SURPRISES Maori Musings Whaea Gayle

Road to Fitness Lauren Heginbotham

‘Kia ora,’ I say to Bruce Lee behind the counter. Upon arrival to my first group ex class at UniRec I quickly discovered I was in foreign territory… I was surrounded by equipment (and people) that fit the description of the fitness adventure I was embarking on for 2014; robust, strong, athletic and vigorous. Armed with fitness gear that would leave me chafe-free, I kicked off the week with my first lunchtime Body Blast class… in brief, a cross training circuit mix… and the best part? It’s all over in 45 minutes and gave me a boost of energy for the rest of the day’s activities! Lining two walls, I spied an assortment of weight machines, inflated balls, mini trampolines, stationary bikes, a sailing grinder (hello Rob Waddell) and even an assisted chin-up… But what really caught my eye was the centre of the room, where half the class was working their way up, down and across a formation of brightly coloured hula hoops. One apiece. Surrounding them was the other half of the class, looking on from various pieces of gym equipment, all waiting for the call to ‘switch’. James, the instructor, found me with my mouth agape and nervously

‘Ae, kia ora,’ he says. Alright then smartarse, try this one. ‘Kei te pehea koe?’ ‘Kei te pai ahau. Me koe?’ Hang on a minute Chinatown, what goes on here? ‘I’m yeah…kei te pai ahau.’ ‘He aha to pirangi i tenei ra?’ W.T.F. And I’m not talking the days of the week here. There’s Chairman Mao asking me, in my language, what I want to eat today? And he’s smiling. Cheeky hua. I select my kai, 3 choices for $10:00, rice or noodles. Rice, that. That. And that. ‘Kia ora.’ I give him the money, he hands me the serviette wrapped plastic cutlery. ‘Kia ora koe whaea. Pai to kai.’ The kai is good. It tastes like boil-up. Chinesey flavoured. And I do enjoy it as he’d told me to. Okay, so you’ve taken a beginner’s course in basic te reo. You had to, to become a citizen here. ‘Do you have citizenship?’


‘Ae.’ Smiling, nodding and holding hands with himself. Self-congratulatory gesture. Don’t be coming at me all Treaty-like now Bruce. So you know a few words. So what? Soon you’ll be telling me that your 5 year old can count from 1 to 10 in Te Reo. And? And then you’re gonna tell me that some of your best

standing by the door. I was swiftly introduced to Robin, a 6”6 ex-rower,

here. F.O.B. And I’m not talking about a nurses’ watch.

use gear correctly. Robin quickly became my bestie for the next 45 minutes,

I stand to leave. But I’m curious.

patiently replying to multiple questions as I moved around the class.

‘How long you been here?’

Meanwhile James had shot off, rallying the troops, enthusiastically giving orders via his headset mic. Game on. In a flurry of adrenalin I was off!

‘Twenty years.’ ‘Where did you learn the reo?’

First up, the bike for a warm-up, then onto the floor for these ‘new age’

‘Ka whakarongo au. Right here, from behind the counter. I listen. I learn. I

activities. I hadn’t done this kind of press up before. Hands in hoop, out and

want to learn more, I ask questions. The people tell me and I learn and I

back again, pressing all the while. The combo then merged into squats and

practise with people like you. Tu meke ne?’

what many would call ‘dynamic floor movements’. A whistle blew and I fol-

I agree. That is too much.

lowed the others as they converged into the middle of the room for some

Nga mihi nui ki a koe Ali. My greetings, my salutations. All good things to

army-like moves involving a floor ladder, mini hurdles and sidestepping. I

you. You listened and you learnt. And you practised with people like me.

really got my sweat on here, working through all of the zones.

But it is me who has learnt. And before I leave, you give me another. Lezat

After many ‘switches’ later, including shuttle runs (where I experienced a

means tasty. I hear you Ali, I hear you.

touch of light-headedness), leg presses and the plank position, I’m pleased

‘Ki a pai to wa whakata.’

to say I made it through the session in one piece.

You too Ali. You have a good weekend.

According to the instructors the last decade of yoga has paid off in helping me to move into the correct position for weight machinery and the mat work. Robin was raving about the precision of my lat-pulldown and commented on my ability to stretch afterwards. Next week’s goal: get more praise for the exercise itself, rather than the cool down.


friends…or…no, you can’t tell me that you grew up with…you just got

another instructor who roams the class offering advice and ensuring people

Does Maori matter? Yes it does. To me, to the people Ali practises with and most of all to the Indonesian man behind the counter named Ali.

nexus magazine


We come from a culture where our view of the outside world is gov-

she describes the squalid conditions that the patients live in. They navigate

erned by what we see on television. While this is slowly changing due to

hallways soiled with human feces as a result of having only 2 working

the internet, a great many of us still harbour preloaded stereotypes of much

toilets for 300 patients and a burst sewage pipe that leaks directly into the

of the world: The USA is full of fat people and movie stars, the Middle-East

some of the building’s bedrooms. Robbie goes on to explain that patients

is nothing but sand and religious extremists, Europe is all sex and pizza…

are stripped of all basic human rights: “Once admitted, he is put under

(that last one might just be me). And then there is Central America: som-

the sole guardianship of a government-appointed director who makes all

breros, tacos, tequila and drug cartels. Our collective consciousness seems

the decisions for every patient. From there on out, the patient loses every

to gloss over the fact that these countries, regions, people are not simply

human right he has, including the right to medical care, justice, protection

defined by the few characteristics that we see through mass media, but

from physical or sexual abuse, legal capacity, employment….”

these are countries full of real people with real problems. So yes there are

But perhaps the most tragic depiction in Robbie’s account is of the

tacos, yes there is tequila, but more importantly there are issues such as

patients themselves. Men who have been mentally restrained through

the human rights abuses inflicted upon people with disabilities… yeah…

the use of psychotropic medications in an attempt to curb violence and

not quite the Old El Paso ad you were all picturing…

enforce compliance, appeal to Robbie as she inspects the prison. Many of

The issue was brought to my attention through a blog post by Attitudelive. com’s Robbie Francis. In a firsthand account, Robbie paints a picture of a

the patients do so in order to explain cases of abuse, others simply as an opportunity to make a human connection with an outsider.

neglected psychiatric facility in Mexico City. She describes in heartbreaking

Robbie’s post, to me, highlights a blind spot in our culture’s social aware-

detail the suffering of people with disabilities who have been abandoned

ness. I for one had not given any thought to the plight of people with

to a broken system in one of the world’s worst infrastructures for the ‘sup-

disabilities living in impoverished countries before having met Robbie and

port’ of people living with mental and/or physical disabilities. The article is a

learned about her passion for social justice in this area.

sensory play-by-play of Robbie’s experience monitoring the facility, in which

Guilt is pointless, awareness is not.


nexus magazine


— Last week we left the WSU Board on the island of Waikato facing

rowboats to pick-up any weary, toga-clad first years or any other student

their biggest challenge yet, the tropical cyclone that is ORI2014. It was

who need a safe way to get to town and back. Tuning into the grapevine

hard to miss the transformation of the Village Green/Level Zero area three

one night, I heard that Roy even stopped for a one hour sleep during his

weeks ago. The festivities would have been impossible if it weren’t for the


dedication of our Directors and the hard work of the WSU staff working

If you have been counting the Board Members mentioned so far, you’ll

behind the scenes. Now that the excitement has given way to grind, it’s

have noticed that one name is yet to be mentioned. Gabriel Paikea was

time to analyse the Director’s performances.

the only member to severely let the team down, not to mention the 290

The week on the island kicked off with a pool party that several WSU Board

students who elected him, during one of the busiest weeks of the year.

Members turned up to help run. Namely, ORI veterans Daniel and Roy,

While he did turn up to some events, his presence was sorely missed for

Johnny, Shaun, VP Shannon, and President Aaron. Daniel, as expected

much of the week and his impact was minimal. His excuse, having one

from a returning Director, along with Johnny and Shaun provided a much

last week of work, would be fair enough if he hadn’t known what date

needed backbone remaining consistent throughout the week. Their perfor-

ORI2014 was taking place at least four months in advance. If this was an

mances set the limbo bar height to beat, which proved a challenge for the

actual game show, “Gabriel” would be the name on my piece of paper.

rest of the Directors. The exception to this was Aaron who led from the


front through tough times during the week in a way that few, if any, other

1. Johnny - 10

Presidential candidates could have.

2. Aaron - 9

As the wind picked up, rain began to fall and ever intensifying waves bat-

3. Shaun - 8

tered the metaphorical coast. ORI2014 halts for no one. Zanian and Sam

4. Daniel - 8

tried hard to keep up with the pace but their inexperience was evident.

5. Sam - 7

Vice-President Shannon did well delegating work and generally helping

6. Zanian - 6

out when she was around, but she wasn’t there enough to lift her per-

7. Shannon - 5

formance above “average.” I expected more from returning Director Roy

8. Roy - 5

and VP-Maori Simba, especially considering their respective experience

9. Simba - 4

and pay-grade difference. Over the week the WSU ran a number of free

10. Gabriel - 1

nexus magazine


Blind Dat�






I rocked up to a restaurant in shorts and jandals because I wanted to be

As Eminem once said: “His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.

myself as much as possible, but I was nervous. When I mentioned to the

There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti.”

bar staff that I was there for the Nexus Blind Date, I was immediately taken to the garden bar where the guy was sitting there. When I saw who he

That quite accurately sums up my entrance to The Bank last night. Maybe minus the vomit, just.

was I was immediately relieved! I had seen him around before because

As I sat there in the unknown, thoughts raced through my head. Imagine

he was mutual friends with a few of mine which made it easier to talk him.

being stood up on a blind date? Maybe even the blind could foresee the

I was also glad that I knew of him because I was terrified that I was going

small talk about to unfold. However, luckily enough she arrived – and with

to end up on a date with some guy who would think we were automati-

full vision! It was just my luck that the girl I just so happened to be paired

cally together once the date was over. He and I immediately got along and

with I had already met. Although I still didn’t know her name, we met one

started talking as if we had been friends for ages. We were able to chat

night at a party. Needless to say, I never saw her again – until now. So by

about anything, which was cool. I learnt that he wants to study down in

this time I had already finished the first of many alcoholic drinks, trying to

Christchurch, he has a really cool job and he’s almost as short as I am!

drown myself before we both die from my horrible inevitable small talk. We

At The Bank, we had a really cool waitress who was serving us. As

were introduced by the waitress, who announced it was “her job to make

part of the date she was asked to make it as awkward as possible, which

this as awkward as possible.” Great. The date started with awkward small

actually made it fun! He and I spent an entire 3 hours at the bank just

talk, with stereotypical topics like the weather and what we do for a living.

chatting about anything and everything. I had a really cool time and we

Our ever so kind waitress decided to give us conversation starters, which

both answered all of the waitresses "awkward questions" which actually

ironically ended up working in our favour. I felt myself digging a conversa-

weren't too awkward for us (sorry).

tional grave that I couldn’t get myself out of – this is where the tequila got

Thanks to The Edge Waikato, The Bank restaurant and Nexus Magazine

involved. It was all up from there, it seemed as though we were fighting

for doing these blind dates. It was a really good night and I had an awe-

to get our words in. We ended up chatting about anything, and everything.

some time. For all you know this could be one of those stories that end up

And it turned out we had a lot in common, including our height. After

online where a couple goes on a blind date, forget about each other, meet

copious amounts of vodka, I think it’s safe to say we both left a little tiddly.

up 60 years later and fall in love. So I say give it a shot!

Overall I had an awesome time and I will keep in touch with her this time.



nexus magazine


— "This week I want to talk about the environment” are probably the

yet every day when I speak to students they talk about the ‘lack of culture’

words that are least likely to come out of my mouth, ever. But here I

that we have on campus. Everyone has their two cents worth to give, but

am, not because I want to discuss the environment but because our Editor

unfortunately that two cents doesn’t buy any answers – in fact, it often

Rachael wants me to and has threatened to turn my office environment

fails to point to problems.

into a very hostile place if I don’t. For those of you who know me, I’m not exactly an environmentalist. I don’t have a great deal of passion or time for trees, fish, birds or any of that

parties on University fields or flat parties that close down entire streets.

new-age hippy shit. I know a lot of you do, but I unapologetically don’t. So

We don’t have unlimited free wifi on campus, we don’t have a real student

in lieu of discussing those things let’s talk about our campus environment

pub and we certainly don’t have a student radio station. But do we even

because, whether we are ready to admit it or not, we spend a lot of time in

care? Yes, we are different, but does different mean lesser? I’m not trying

this place. That time may be spent checking our Facebook in class, check-

to give you answers; I’m just giving you questions. At the end of the day

ing our Facebook in the library or checking our Facebook at Momento with

the answers can only come from you - the students.

Studylink picking up the tab, but at the end of the day we are all checking our Facebook on campus for a significant portion of each day. Fact. Waikato’s campus environment is unique. We have sprawling green


I’m not going to sit here and pretend that we have the same campus environment as Otago or Canterbury, because we don’t. We don’t have keg

If you have ideas on how the Waikato Students’ Union could improve your campus environment, campus culture or want to make suggestions to the University, then I want to hear from you. Don’t be scared to spin me a yarn

spaces that are unrivalled in New Zealand’s tertiary sector, strong Maori

any time. I’m in this office to deliver for students and that job is a lot easier

heritage, lakes, ducks, and a plethora of overpriced coffee shops scattered

when students are telling me what they want. Seriously...

with cool hipsters smoking where they shouldn’t be. We should be content,


nexus magazine



— Job interviews suck. They epitomize that lovely saying ‘a necessary evil’. It’s an experience we all have to go through multiple times


in our lives so here’s a few tips to give you an edge in your next interview.


Treat the interview like a really important

exam. What’s the secret to performing well in an exam? Some of you might say dumb blind luck but preparation is the answer I’m looking for – even if you do have to cram it in three hours before it starts. Do your homework on the company or organisation beforehand, think of some questions they are likely to ask you – better yet, if you have an inside source ask them what to expect. Practice a mock interview with a flatmate or dear old mummy. Identify your weaknesses and think about how you would turn them into strengths. The more prepared you are the less likely you will be to get ambushed by a tricky question. It just so happens that the Young Workers Resource Centre has an opening for a part-time educator starting in May – how convenient. If you think you are brave enough to stand up in front of classrooms full of unruly youth (there not that bad) and educate them on their working rights then give us a bell.

This is the time of year you can decipher whether you are living beyond your means and whether your incomings are exceeding your outgoings. The clue is the red OD next to your negative bank balance. Here are a couple of things to consider when looking at overcoming this financial matter. Look for a job. Try websites like Student Job Search, Trade Me and Seek for available positions. Sell unwanted items. Need cash fast? Sell some items online, this may help get you out of a pickle fast. Only sell your own stuff though. Write up a budget. Sit down and work out how much you get paid per week, then list what outgoings are essential. You may be surprised how much you spend on unnecessary leisure items / activities. Look for cheaper accommodation. If you aren’t bound by a fixed-term tenancy then finding cheaper accommodation may be your answer. Make sure you are on a student bank account. Don’t have a student bank account? Go ask the banks on campus how you can set one up. No need to pay unnecessary fees when you don’t have to. Cancel unnecessary services. Is there a cheaper mobile plan available? Do you really need Sky Television? Can you just use the internet at university? Make automatic payments. If you’re a bit forgetful around paying bills then make automatic payments through your internet banking. It’s free to set up and no stress- winning. Don’t sign up to things you don’t need to. It may seem like a good idea or ‘such a good deal’ but do you really need it?

Contact: 0800 AT YWRC,

Contact: or 027 2065 011.


nexus magazine


Budgeting Workshop

Social Media Workshop



Clothes Swap WED - THUR, 10:00AM - 2:00PM, LEVEL ZERO

Get rid of some old clothes, and collect some new (pre-loved) treasures! A free, casual and informative workshop on

Always wanted to make a successful Facebook

how to survive living on a Loan Living Cost and

fan page for a business, organisation or just for

Student Allowance. The workshop will also look

the hell of it but didn't know where to start?...

at ways students can cut down costs and provide

We have Two Kids At University creators Jules

tools to do a budget.

and Louis coming to talk to us about how

Free food and drink provided.

they came up with the concept of Two Kids at

Workshop hosted by WSU Advocacy Service and

University, how they promoted their fan page,

UoW Budget Adviser.

how they got over 21,000 likes and what they have learnt from their experiences using social

Leave an item, take an item. Its easy as that! Everybody participating must donate some items in order to collect some items. Garments must be of good quality and clean. No selling, everything is free! Any higher value items may be negotiated for more items, at your attendance please! For any enquiries please contact Khayt at clubs@ All unwanted clothes will be donated to charity.

media as a promotional tool. This workshop is

Cooking on a Budget MONDAY 24TH MARCH, 1:00PM, LEVEL ZERO

Can't cook? Been living on noodles and baked beans? Resorted at takeaway too often already

free, informal and contains free food and drink for participants.

Business Entrepreneurs TUESDAY 25TH MARCH, 1:00PM, LEVEL ZERO

this year? As current/past students here at the

University Challenge COMING SOON

Are you a fan of old TV from the 70s? Have you seen the movie “Starter for ten” and thought

WSU we understand what a students lifestyle

I want to join a Uni quiz team. Well boy do we

is like and how money flow can be tight when

We have current University of Waikato student

you're studying and have children to feed. This

Louise Hutt from Alice and Anne running a work-

workshop looks at ways to cook a quick, mean,

shop on business entrepreneurship. Louise will

tasty feed on a budget.

talk about her achievements so far, the struggles

This workshop is free, and taste-testing is

and the hardship of starting a business as a



This workshop is brought to you by the WSU

This workshop is free, educational, informal, inter-

Advocacy Service and Pak n Save Clarence Street.

active, with a free feed.

have good news for you…. University Challenge is starting up again soon. Stay tuned for your chance to be on a televised quiz show.

Send any notices to


nexus magazine

MACARONI CHEESE Cooking for Students Zac Lyon

I present the humble macaroni cheese. If a classic Mac’n’cheese recipe and puzzle time doesn’t gear you up for some high octane learning then you’re a lost soul, destined to float around the uni forever or be commonly mistaken for a tree.

Ingredients 500 g macaroni pasta (macaroni elbows, or any other tubular pasta) 1 large onion (diced) sprig of thyme (the herb not the actual time) 300 g shoulder bacon (diced) 1 Tbs butter 2 Tbs cornflour 600 ml milk 2 large handfuls of cheese (less or more) 2 tsp wholegrain mustard (optional) Breadcrumbs (coarse work better) Parmesan (optional)

Directions 01_  Boil some water in a large pot, then throw in your pasta. Cook as per instructions on the packet. 02_  Dice up the onion (challenge is not to cry. Wearing goggles is not allowed and closing your eyes with a knife is also frowned upon). Heat a large pan, chuck in a splash of oil, onion, thyme, salt and pepper. 03_  Remove from pan once onion is translucent and cook the bacon, again remove from heat once cooked. 04_  Melt butter in saucepan and add corn flour to make a paste. Then whisk in your milk. (Lumps are not awesome.) Once the sauce thickens (about 10 mins on medium heat) add in cheese, onions, bacon and mustard. Give it a thorough mix. 05_  Once pasta is cooked drain and throw into a large cooking pot of cooking dish. Pour thick cheese/bacon sauce over the pasta and mix until coated evenly. 06_  Sprinkle some breadcrumbs over the top and finish with a small sprinkle of cheese. 07_  Bake for 15-20 mins or until golden brown. Allow to cool and serve with a salad for the healthy people.

It is not too hard to get it perfect, so give it a whirl. Again if you fullas still are scratching your heads, head over to Cooking4Students facebook page or youtube channel to see how it is done!


nexus magazine


Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number 1-26. Crack the code to solve the crossword.



The bolded groups of squares are called “cages.” In the

What shape comes next?

upper-left corner of each cage, there is a “target number” and a math operation. Fill in each square of a cage with a number between 1-9. The numbers in a cage must combine—in any order, using only that cage’s math operation—to form that cage’s target number. You may not repeat a number in any row or column but you can repeat a number within a cage. Example: Your target number is 5, your operation is addition, you’re using the numbers 1–9, and the cage is made up of two squares. You could fill in 2 and 3 (because 2 + 3 = 5) or 1 and 4 (1 + 4 = 5)


1. Chewy candy: 2. Lunch meat:

From the following syllables and clues, form ten words of a least two syllables.

3. Betrayer: 4. Student’s goal:

a - al - an - bo - bor - car - con - del - di - e -

5. Brothel:

gan - gar - gna - ize - lo - lo - ma - ma - mel - nac - nade - pla - plo - pul - ser - tem - tion - tor - trai - tu - ver

6. Sing to: 7. Thoughtful observation: 8. Calendar: 9. Enormous: 10. Ruduce to dust:

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row,




column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1-9.



Draw your answer here.

nexus magazine

Target How many four (or more) letter words can you make from the letters in the square without using proper nouns? Each word must contain the centre letter.

4. 9 letter words areometer 7 letter words remoter 6 letter words emoter meeter meteor mortar reamer remora remote roamer tearer termor tremor 5 letter words ameer armet eater mater merer meter metre metro orate rater rearm retro tamer terra 4 letter words aero mare mart mere mora more mort omer rare rate ream rear rete roam roar rota rote tare taro tear term tora tore torr tram tree


Solve the clues and fill in the words. So, so, so sorry about last week's crossword! Answers for this crossword are in the online magazine at


41. Akin (7)

79. Free time (7)

21. Fowl (7)

49. Self-satisfied (4)

1. Liberty (7)

42. Taut or rigid (5)

80. Enfolds (9)

22. Precise (5)

51. Relish (5)

5. Infers (7)

43. Assail (6)

81. Inaccurate (9)

24. Stringed instrument (5)

53. View (5)

9. Haggled (9)

45. Dissertation (6)

82. Timidity (7)

25. Golf accessory (3)

54. Fires (5)

14. Villainous (9)

47. Topic (5)

83. Betrayal (7)

27. Inactive (5)

56. Peak (4)

15. Requiring (7)

50. Inhabited (7)

28. Small island (4)

58. Sprocket (3)

16. Paragon (5)

52. Parts of a sonata (9)


29. Informal meal outside(6)

60. Tropical fruit (9)

17. Obviate (9)

55. Unit of weight (5)

1. Secure (6)

30. Set of bones (8)

61. Prelude (8)

18. Perfumed (7)

57. Spoil (4)

2. Boredom (5)

32. Clumsy (7)

64. Foes (7)

19. Biggest (7)

58. Harvests (5)

3. Not easy (9)

33. Engrave (4)

65. Theft (7)

20. Rogue (9)

59. Looked at briefly (7)

4. Half woman, half fish (7)

35. Expenses (5)

67. Pamphlet (7)

23. Intricate (9)

60. Stage (5)

5. Stingless male bee (5)

37. Rim (4)

68. Bird (6)

26. Level (4)

62. Swerve (4)

6. Refrain (6)

39. Conceding (8)

69. Stick (6)

31. Fleet (5)

63. Congenial (9)

7. Hide (7)

41. Answer (7)

70. Evidenced (6)

32. Greed (7)

66. Promenade by the

8. Slumbered (5)

42. Ripped (4)

72. Become liable to (5)

34. Mother-of-pearl (5)

sea (9)

9. Constructor (7)

44. Speed at which music

73. Fusillade (5)

36. Sharp (4)

71. Dried grapes (7)

10. Majestic (5)

is played (5)

75. Percussion instru-

38. Canoe (5)

74. Lasted (7)

11. Bird sanctuary (6)

46. Building where aircraft

ments (5)

40. Stubbornly unyield-

76. Graphic symbol (9)

12. Female relative (5)

are maintained (6)

76. Inlets (5)

ing (9)

78. Male relation (5)

13. Wasting time (8)

48. Gem (7)

77. Chores (5)


nexus magazine


nexus magazine


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