It’s a new day, a deep breath, a sweaty face, a bootcamp, a catch-up, a challenge, a realisation, a conversation, a push and a pull, a moment of peace, a struggle and a win, a feeling, a superpower, a soundtrack and a stage, a weight plate, a new limit, a grind, a flex, a heavy set, a commitment, a culture, a community, a way of life, a second home, a place to discover your playground.


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Something, something hoop
Jak Rāta editor@nexusmag.co.nz

Stien Huizenga design@nexusmag.co.nz
Deputy Editors
Tehana De Klerk tehana@nexusmag.co.nz
Seamus Lohrey seamus@nexusmag.co.nz
Te Koretake Etita
Kae’sharn Hose maori@nexusmag.co.nz
Media Desginer
Jordan Fritz jordan@nexusmag.co.nz
Staff Writers
Joel Collins

Leilani Summer
Yashanshi Kala
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C enterfold Mighty Draught
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Sarah Blake
Nexus Interns

Aria Matthews
Filly Arias
Jasmine Gorman
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Nexus is a magazine made by students, for students. As such it’s sometimes controversial views don’t actually represent those of the Nexus Editor, the writers, or the sponsors.

The Nexus office is located down the hall at the WSU, usually with Alexa playing terribly dated music.
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent, not for profit, nongovernment organization established to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. FSC® vision is where the world’s forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations.

All of Nexus is the past Signature Hea

Street culture will NEVER die
You’re probably all holding this issue, waiting for some insightful commentary on the world of student media. Trust me, it’s coming. Here’s something to think about though. Street culture. What the fuck is it?

Listen, I’m a big man. You’ll not catch me grinding rails and skating like the next person–but I can skate. A lot of my time recently has been spent in Raglan, writing from the skate park and catching some rays while those confident enough, surf the waves. Tell me something mate, why do I feel so at home when I’m there. Sure there’s going to be the comments of “but Raglan isn’t new, you’re not special”. I’m not special but that feeling is.
Lots of my mates skate, they’re frequently at the half-pipes. Videos of their adventures on the streets and sunsets as they vibe with one another over some kai cooked on an open flame. Me? Not so much. I’m not a massive risk-taker, opting to take the pictures and sit behind the scenes and happily exist in my own little world. Here’s the thing, I don’t want to be that person anymore and you shouldn’t either. Well I mean you shouldn’t be afraid of becoming a different/heightened version of yourself.

This was meant to be my final issue of Nexus, call it quits on a high you know. But things change and plans differ. When you get to my advanced age it’s hard not to be jaded at the world and feeling like you can’t advance when everything is stacked against you. However, it’s not and that’s a selfish thought process. Recently I’ve been
guilty of a difficult attitude towards my workmates. A few instances of being called out, some hard conversations, and the odd argument has resulted in me having to pull my head clear from my ass. Not very punk rock of me–but admitting when you’re wrong definitely is.

Wait, what has this got to do with street culture? Everything mate. It’s a long-winded ruse to talk about how you can create these narratives based on shit you like. I happen to like street culture, Nexus reflects that in a subconscious way. Musicians, artists, and imagery alike. It’s all a reflection of the culture around us. Meaning that while I’m here, street culture (in turn, Nexus) will not be dying. It’s alive in the minds of those creating it week to week.
There’s a massive part of me that wants to be out there skating (let me lose some pounds first) and I want to be the person on camera, laughing at a fire and exploring the coastal side. I cannot tell you when my last issue of Nexus will be, or when I’ll be done here creating dumb videos and tell you all how things are shit and life is interesting. One thing I can say, I’m going to learn how to surf and sit on the beach to write my final issue of Nexus. Whenever that is, look for the Editorial and you can call me out if it’s not as predicted. Enjoy your break and I’ll catch you back here in a couple of weeks.
Chat later mates

Eat The Rich: From rental affordability to a

slow and considered breakdown in our Hauora

additional white middle-class cis mansplaining by James

We thought about writing a news story with the title “Severe Shortage of Rental Properties for Students'' and then we realised the obvious. Students know their lives are shit and their rent is going up. Sure we could throw in some cute anecdotal facts like the egg shortage and price gouging is creating more vegans but again, do you really need Nexus to tell you how shit your own situation is?
So instead we are going to devote some valuable news real estate to figuring out the key drivers for it, both economic and political, get some experts involved where we can, and finally throw out some solutions.Because here at Nexus we don’t just report the news, we change lives.
According to Jason Waugh, the General Manager of Lodge City Rentals “The company has operated at around a 99% occupancy rate.” Add to this the fact that the average weekly rent in March 2013 was $288 in Hamilton. In 2023, ten years later, the average weekly rent is $459. This $459 property still doesn’t guarantee a parking space. Which would be fine if Student Allowances, Minimum Wage, or a Living Wage had grown at the same rate. Spoiler alert, it fucking hasn’t.
If this wasn’t bad enough, a supermarket duopoly that is essentially ensuring that you can’t eat healthy and have a roof over your head without sacrificing study for a thirty hour week and a relatively low unemployment rate coupled with a significant ‘under-employment” rate and you have a doom scenario before you even uncontrollably spiral into the US not passing the debt ceiling, Scotland joining the EU, or David Seymour finally losing his virginity, all of which would surely be economic and moral indicators of the apocalypse.
There are, of course, some political factors too. Former Hamilton Mayor Andrew King and his Peacokes project that he came just short of calling “fuck the poor let them have Harowfield, we all want lifestyle blocks now”
Labour gave students a $50 a week boost in their student allowance and a few weeks later the average rental price in Waikato’s student neighbourhoods increased by $45!
Then there is the fact that whichever God you pray to hates Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and a combination of his boomer energy and ecological disaster has led to record relocation.
The consumer prices in Auckland are 15% higher than in Hamilton, this is without rent. With rent, the consumer price in Auckland is 25.8% higher than Hamilton. With a significant increase of rent in Auckland, which is 57.9% higher than Hamilton. From groceries, gas, restaurants, to local power, everything is expensive compared to Kirikiriroa. The source, Numbeo suggests “you would need around $8,680 in Auckland to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with $6,900 in Hamilton.” Fuck them all for improving the expressway and making it easy to live here and work there.
And this is where Nexus departs from the other student magazines like Critic and Salient or trusted institutions like Stuff and the Spinoff. Where they may report the news with facts, figures and correctly attributed quotes we don’t just tell you student life sucks we fix it.
The simplest solution is to either vote, or stop voting for those who don’t align with your interests. There are parties in this election that want to give you a Universal Basic Income, rent to own, place capital gains on second houses and investment properties, entrust housing care to Iwi, deliver free education and generally fix student issues… Then there is ACT.
Let's be real here though, whether it is the next government or local government you need to vote. In last year’s Hamilton East Ward the leading candidate got 2953 votes. Nobody cares about students because we haven’t made it necessary to care about students.
Housing, Cost of Living, public transport, free education and a fairer system are all on the ballot in every election but things only change when you want them to. Nexus isn’t telling you to vote. It is telling you to read. Read every policy, every statement, and then decide if you are happy with a lack of affordable rental properties. If you aren’t then vote.
"The simplest solution is to either vote, or stop voting for those who don’t align with your interests."
Colonel Mustard in the Library with the lead… pipe?
Nā Jak RātaStudents have caused a stir following a circulating video shared amongst social media message threads. The said video shows a student in the computer lab, pleasuring himself while watching pornography. The student has been suspended while the university looks into the act which has been labelled as "disgusting" by the perpetrators' peers.

The reactions to the video have varied from “sick and disgusting” to a call for a wellness check by the university health team. Stuff reported on the incident, speaking with a third year spokesperson–prompting the student to mention a police call being required, the student saying they need to be arrested for the act.
One of the more important takeaways from this incident is a potential investigation into the mental health services and how we can better support the students. There’s no details surrounding the identity, nor the circumstances around what’d happened–so we can only speculate on what’s happened. However the university has responded earlier last week to reiterate the available services to the students affected by
the incident–or just seeing the video.

We decided that reaching out to a mental health nurse on the situation would help us gauge how they usually handle these situations.
Nexus: What would be your next steps? Do you think the student should face legal ramifications? [Leading question, we know]

Nurse: I believe the student needs to be brought in for an evaluation. I don’t know them, nor do I know the circumstances around the incident but from what I can see I would say he needs support and would need a representative to help him understand the severity of the situation before evaluating next steps for him. Once assessed, then decide on how to best respond.
We won’t be following the story any further, as there won’t be anymore updates from us moving forward. The situation is being followed by the University, with a look into the internet security and monitoring that’s used in the public wifi network and shared computer spaces in the Library and common spaces.

Sophia Richie Grainge’s wedding dress went to auction on Tiktok, sold for 50 million dollars.
I’m not surprised, my whole FYP is about this wedding and who is not obsessed with it?
In Countdown’s latest collectable with purchase campaign, get a free assorted gift from Peaches and Cream with purchases over $40!
They thought–what’s more exciting than cutlery and tupperware for adults? Obvious answer.

Queen Charlotte lead actors India Ria Amarteifio and Corey Mylchreest are dating IRL!
Nope, but I fucking wish. They are two beautiful people.
Emily Ratajkowski is spotted with Bradley Cooper, In the Bahamas, on a Private Yacht, eating the worlds best Oysters. Probably with puppies.
Not surprised, quite fairly so, this woman can pull everyone and has done everything i’ve ever dreamed of.
Taylor Swift and Matty Healy are Dating
This is a genuine headline this week but I just can’t believe it’s real. What do they talk about?

Crush of the Week

— Jennifer Lawrence
I don’t know if Jen is cancelled because of all that old Miley and Liam drama or whatever the fuck, but I don’t care. She looked stunning at the Cannes film festival wearing a crimson Dior Haute Couture gown to the ‘Anatomy of a Fall’ premier. What’s even better? Apparently the festival has a “no-flats policy” and she wore black sandals. Lol. Legend.

I honestly forgot that she existed for a while, but that was a very welcome reminder.

Their words [No Cap I Swear]
“Euphoria DOOP.”
He had nothing else to say about ‘The Idol’.

“Broke bitches stay mad.”
— When asked about his rumoured relationship with Blackpink’s Jennie.
News in Number
years of service later, police dog handler Bruce Lamb has died while on a hunting trip with friends.
“I’ll have a bigger role in Dune: Part Two.”

— Sure bestie.
“Top six team my arse.”
— Move to United bro, we’ll support you.

Some kid has has used his company credit card to buy Labour to scrap the prescription cost, usually a whopping
litres of gas for his mates. Jalen Johnston’s eightmonth spending spree across the South Island in 2022 totalled more than $8400
Kurt CobainCheeky 10 [Characters Who Deserved Better]
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala

This really doesn’t need an explanation. I could cry just thinking about them.
Bonnie Bennett

The Vampire Diaries is so good but it makes me so mad. Bonnie gave these bitches so much, and what did she get in return? Ripper Stefan killing Enzo.
Finnick Odair

This man should never have died because he was the coolest character and if you think otherwise, go fuck yourself (respectfully).

Beth March
Beth might not have been the most fun and adventurous sister, but she sure did have a heart of gold. She deserved to live.

Megumi Fushiguro

I can’t really explain this one without spoiling the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, so if you watch the anime, just know you’re in for a wild fucking ride.

Regulus Black

This one is debatable, but after seeing all the sad TikTok edits with the fancast of him, I feel bad. He was only like 17 or 18 when he died, and it was because he was trying to weaken Voldemort.

Bob Newby
I will never forgive the Stranger Things writers for killing off Bob. He was so nice. Rest in peace bro.
Sasha Braus
Any AoT character could go on this list, but Sasha is taking the spot. I will never forgive Gabi for killing her, I don’t care that she’s a child. Up the potato gang.

Glenn Rhee

I stopped watching The Walking Dead after this. Glenn was someone you couldn’t hate, and then they did THAT. Sobbing
Sirius Black
I can’t say one brother and not the other. Sirius should never have been wrongly accused for selling out the Potters, like bro, how the fuck did that even happen. And then he meets his Godson, and DIES? Like what??

Ticket to Paradise
I'm an absolute sucker for Rom-Com, so when I saw 'Ticket to Paradise' featuring some of the romcom greats- George Clooney AND Julia Roberts, I had to give it watch it. Besides learning that Julia Roberts never ages, the movie takes place in Bali, so it's pretty interesting. Clooney and Roberts's character's daughter falls in love with a man she meets in Bali and announces she's getting married the next week, so they go over to stop it from happening. Not because they don't like the man, the seaweed farmer is super dreamy- the two just deeply regret getting married themselves. You can string together the rest of the story; it's a 10/10 on the cheesiness scale.
It's a straightforward watch and one that you could watch with your parents and not feel awkward at any given time (this is an excellent measure for a romcom). However, it is super duper Americanised. This is not a bad thing; however, it would do even better if it were more British humour based. Miss Roberts would have been cringing at a few lines she was given. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a 56% which is valid. The main comments were ‘A-list stars, beautiful scenery, and a lighthearted romcom story–what else could you want from Ticket to Paradise?’ I could not have said it any better myself. Additionally, because they have cast two of the most prominent actors in the world to
play sideline characters, they completely take over the film. Their dynamic and chemistry take the lead over the soppy plot we are given for the main characters. It's quite cute really and it did make me wonder if after so many films together Clooney and Roberts do have some real chemistry.

The videography within this movie is insane-the locations filmed are picturesque. However, a lot of it is not Bali, and although it gives the Island great publicity, it's not an accurate picture of what it is like. This may result in more Americans being in Bali than Australians. Who would have thought? The budget for this film is out the gate, so I would not be surprised if it were made to attract more tourism. If it is, it's my favourite tourism advert ever; I appreciate the effort big time. I was actually shocked to find it was not produced by Netflix as it really matched their style of, well, everything.
I'd give it a watch. It's no tear jerker, but it is super pleasant and uplifting for a cold winter's night in NZ.
KiriataQueen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
For my kids that aren’t trawling TikTok on their offhours, then I’m sure “Hide from the heavens with me” means shit to you. Lucky.
But if you’re able to decipher the hidden meaning behind that quote, then you’ll realise it’s from the final moments of Queen Charlotte: A bridgerton story. The sidequest storyline presented by the revered (apparently) Shonda Rhimes. The show follows Queen Charlotte in both a prequel and sequel to the current Bridgerton series. Following the account of her meeting King George and then her plight for lineage with those dastardly children of hers. 15 fucking kids. She deserves a purple heart for that commitment.
Now I’m not the biggest Bridgerton fan, and I did skip through a fair bit of the first season–less so with the second. But the story itself isn’t what fuels me daily, it’s just okay. But, and it’s a big butt ladies, going into Queen Charlotte I was pleasantly surprised by the immediate charisma from India Ria Amarteifio, young Queen Charlotte. Not just for her likeness for Golda but she’s just a fricking delight on screen, jabs thrown naturally at her on-screen brother and the Princess Royal.

Though it’s never enough for me to look past the flaws the show has. Some of the storylines are left unfinished,
and there seems to be no intent on changing that. While I don’t care, I’m not that caught up in the world of Bridgerton, it’s sort of a weird way of starting up a series if it’s intended to be a limited series with nowhere to go. I reckon it would benefit from another episode or two–but I digress. Visually, it’s as strong as the other series. I can’t take that from Shonda, she can shoot a damn show. The costuming is period-appropriate and I feel as though she’s taken some time to develop the change in time. The characters are well thought out though there’s a massive disconnect between the young and current Charlotte. I’m sure there’s been events occurring to create this jaded persona but the previous concern stands to reason–how are we meant to know that if we’re not shown it?
If you feel like trudging through a 6 episode melodrama that covers sex, hiding under beds or even the odd gay pipeline (shocking, I know) then this is perhaps the show for you. Some words of advice, a heeded warning. If you’re going into expecting something vastly different from the main series, reduce your expectations to zero. The show isn’t fresh, nor is it new. It just kind of exists in that same universe with the same characters at different times. Otherwise give it a go.
Pouaka WhakaataYou’ve picked up this mag, it’s probably hard to not notice how hefty this bad boy is. 48 pages of pure bliss, absolute gorgeousness, and just straight out massive shit-posting. We regularly have content ranging from pieces about race inequality, breaking stories about politicians doing shit they shouldn’t, and even the odd penis picture. All of these things have been reflective of what audiences want or what they don’t. Nexus, and student media, is a reaction to society in what can only be described as whinging nothingness. Nexus is a pillar but we’re not without our downfalls and controversies. We’re guilty as much as the next one for having our fair shit of things going wrong.
So today, I wanted to take a look into our past and compile a sort of comprehensive list of things that we’ve done wrong, done right, and just shit that’s interesting from the lifespan of Nexus. Last year we had our 55th anniversary, so that’s a more comprehensive look into the overall history of Nexus.

Before we were the hallowed halls of Nexus, we were once called ‘Kato. A weekly newspaper, which was honestly a glorified newsletter for the university. Countless hours of reading through found nothing but columns of sports complaints, students angry at teachers, and the odd homo-erotic statement about the footy. But, there was a sneaky hidden link in the rows. Paul Sanford and his column named, “Froth”.
The basic premise of this bad boy is a space to just openly speak about something that he was loving or something he was hating. In a Newspaper littered with standard pieces about the changing prices in the book shop, lack of birds on campus, or a strange odour coming from the field behind the Teaching College–we get our first glimpse into the world of Nexus’ future. Paul Sanford is our link and I feel connected. His final piece for ‘Kato saw a massive rant about an upcoming merger in unions. That’s not the best part, but rather his promise not to make promises about kicking up a stink. Kia kaha matua, hope you’re living it large out there.
Ask any writer before me, any editor, or any of the staff and they’ll bring up the same issue as the last. We’ve been sued for defamation a few times, opting to publish stories about lecturers being hōhā or the odd complaint re: a uni staff member photocopying their dick in the library. Who’d have thought the biggest story in 30 years was someone inappropriately showing their genitals in the library. The reason it's brought up so frequently is because it's integral for our history and recognising what students are capable of.

Was it necessary to spend 7 issues publicly slandering a lecturer for being a dick? Definitely. I say that as someone not privy to the conditions but only able to read back and reflect on what that world looked like from my perspective. Or rather from the perspective of a couple of angry Nexus writers. The actual reason it’s so interesting is because there’s a massive tonal shift in the world of media. We’re looking at one of the most proactive generations for social justice but we’re also staring down the barrel of a loaded gun–waiting for the trigger. More on this at 9. Or later in the piece.

Student media is a bottomless pit of satirical comments towards fascism (or National) with a massive emphasis on imagery that supports or pressures the reader to gain, or lose, processing power into the message. Images of ex Prime Ministers as pigs, the odd eating the rich art piece and a whole lot of dicks everywhere. We’re free to create and tell whatever commentary we have. Editorial independence is important, and pertinent to the survival of Student Media.
Nexus specifically has had its fair share of controversial images. Ranging anywhere from actual porn to images grotesque enough to be pulled by printing–we’re not afraid of putting what needs to be seen on the cover. Though if you go back through the past few years, there’s a stronger influence of art thrown on a cover, looking at what’s nicer on the eye rather than what’s politically driven. Well the irony doesn’t escape me, seeing as we put an art piece of Princess Diana beheading the King and Queen Consort on Issue 10. It’s all about balance and reading when it’s appropriate and when you need to pull back. We’re good at pulling it back…

Nexus is a LOT younger than most of the other studentled magazines. Some view it as immaturity or naivete. We see it as a chance to be openly ourselves without the pressure of having these years of standards built on the premise that we need to operate to a certain level. That’s not us mate, we’re just the younger sibling getting away with murder.
We’ve been subject to many comparisons through the years. But through recent iterations there’s been pressure on us. Pressure to create works worthy of competing for a piece of paper to say we’re the best of the available. ASPA (Aotearoa Student Press Association) is something we’re proud to be a part of, nabbing a few awards each year, but it’s starting to feel less like recognition and more like a rat race to figure out which of us is the best and who isn’t worth the read. We’re not comparable because we’re not even doing the same thing. There’s levels to this, and somehow we’re meant to come to the same level–able to be judged by those before us. Don’t twist my words, I love the camaraderie between myself and the other kids in the numerous chats but I worry that unhealthy competition is putting off writers from developing their craft. Possibly a yell into no void but it’s interesting discourse.
Let’s chat about what the current world feels like.

you’re all eagerly waiting to see what I was talking about. Recently we’ve been in conversations about fuelling the fire with our far out commentary and use of politically minded jokes. Now there’s certainly been a switch in correctness and what we should and shouldn’t say–this has been the major contribution to how Nexus is currently structured. I’m not going to lean into discourse about just sucking it up, telling people to harden up. It’s just simply not the world we live in anymore. But is the medium in trouble? While our mags are being picked up every week, we can’t say the same for other magazines.
We can look to social trends and how people respond to difficult conversations for answers. The library incident of the past week for example. The University has put out numerous statements regarding the circulating video and how it’s been received by students. Now I’m NOT going to comment on how some people may have perceived the content of the clip but it’s an interesting insight into the world of social media–commentary on the incessant need to fix a problem that doesn’t always exist. I’m going to say something potentially controversial. Shock horror. But I’d like someone to please explain how watching the video is harmful? I understand that the space feels tainted now, please know that, but watching the video? If you’d like to discuss and let me know what I’m missing and what you think, please do.
The world of media looks so different, with matters in place to protect those who can’t. Something I agree wholeheartedly with. It’s going too far though, when we start fighting battles for those who can already fight their own battles. Don’t use a magazine to yell on behalf of someone that is already yelling. Let them have the space and let them be loud. Student media, all media, and publications are your place to talk shit and yell. So do it. Be loud.

Which Disney's Cars character are you?

You've probably seen the filter going around, the telling you which Cars character you are. You haven't? You mean that you've got a life that isn't littered online and going over which trends are popping? Lucky. Anyway, here's a quiz
What's your favourite colour?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Yellow
d. Green
e. Purple
Where do you want to live post-grad?
a. On the beach
b. Somewhere rural
c. Big City Life
d. Hometown
e. Somewhere busy
What's your favourite drink?
a. Draught
b. Xports
c. VBS
d. Lion Red

e. Codys
What's your favourite type of animal?
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Rat
d. Bird
e. Cow
What's your favourite weather condition?
a. Sunny
b. Rainy
c. Cold
d. Cloudy
e. Thunderstorm
Pick a music genre
a. Pop
b. Indie
c. Garage Rock
d. Reggae
e. Rap
What’s your coffee order?
a. Iced Latte
b. Cappuccino
c. Tea
d. Long black
e. Flat White
Pick one of the other mags
a. Debate (AUT)
b. Critic Te Ārohi (Ōtakau)
c. Salient (VUW)
d. Canta (Canterbury)
e. Craccum (Auckland)
Mostly A’s — Lightning McQueen
Kachow baby. You're just the most amazing friend. Well not at first but you get there if they're willing to put in the mahi and learn more about you. You're a selfish star.
Mostly B’s — Mator
Okay I lie. YOU'RE the most amazing friend. Fuck lightning McQueen and his dumbass. He's a bit of a dick. You're always there for your mates aye. Guess that's why you're Mator.

Mostly C’s —Fillmore
Our stoner king. We love to see you and when you're here we can't get enough. Everything you say is important and everything you do is so amazing. Lots of love to you.
Mostly D’s — Luigi & Guido
A partnered pair, you're both versions here. On one hand, you have expensive tastes and no one can make you change your mind. On the other, you're helpful and always willing to do what it takes to win. Competitive and Bougie
Mostly E’s — Flo
You're spicy. We like that. Hard-headed but won't take shit from anyway. Keep girlbossing your way to the top. And don't let that crown slip.

Entitlement: Is it a good ting or a bad ting?
Now now now, I know that it can be obvious at first glance that it should be rejected and the principal is synonymous with Karenhood but I've had an epiphany. It came to me in my dreams and told me that there’s more to life than hating entitled people. Hates a strong word I know but I’m stronger (I bench 90 kgs so that makes me swole) but that’s besides the point, the point was that I subconsciously introduced questions to preconceived notions against entitlement.
Originally it was that they can shove their entitlement where the sun don’t shine, hopefully the sun doesn’t shine there but if it does then you should receive some medical attention, but the questions that echoed in my mind upon revisiting my initial invested hatred gave me a different perspective.
The Karen stigma placates this term as the most detestable thing which gives way to prejudice but my epiphany showed me the perspective that if it is not misused then entitlement is claiming your right. That you are entitled to something rightfully yet the connotation got screwed because the abuse of the principal made it as such.

Imagine if Karen’s actually understood the true meaning to this word and changed their behaviour in a befitting manner. It would be a boring as fuck world to be honest because the YouTube compilations titled “Karen Moments” and such are just too fascinating to depart with. Now how can we deprive each other of such entertainment, we simply can’t. Without the Karen stories reddit would be x amount less entertaining and would completely be unfaithful spouse stories.
After the life altering change in perspective where entitlement breeds such negative feelings I have come to the realisation that everybody is an asshole and that is just how the world spins. Now did I need an epiphany to realise that, no, not really but using excuses to talk shit is the ultimate time killing exercise.
In realisation of all this I strongly believe that I am now entitled to hate entitled people. Like Kevin Durant once said “If you can’t beat em, join em” and those are words to live by. I ask the question,is entitlement a good ting or a bad ting? The answer is find it within yourself just as I have and come to your own conclusion because that is what life is all about :).

Flatting Tips

If you are flatting, especially in your first year, you may be facing new challenges. You must share a space, sort out the bills and mainly just keep the place livable.
Then there is flatmate conflict. No matter how well you get along with your flat mates, disagreements are bound to happen. Who needs to do the dishes, empty the trash, do the vacuuming etc. Especially if you are a clean freak living with a slob or your flat mate thinks you’re the slob.

Either way, here are some tips for peaceful flatting.

The best thing to do is just be honest about your feelings. Communication is key for conflict resolution. Some tips for efficient communication include alcoholism. Nothing is better for opening up than getting drunk. You could even make it into a drinking game, say what they do that annoys you or take a drink.
Otherwise, being passive-aggressive never fails. Especially if you want them to tidy up the shared spaces. Moving their dirty dishes into their room could be a perfectly irritating way to tell them to clean. Even if it takes you as much effort to move them as to wash them yourself, it’s a great alternative to just talking to them first.
Denial is another tactic more suitable
for conflict avoidance. Simply lie when they confront you about an issue. Did you eat my lunch? No. Conflict over. Sure, they probably know you did take their food and they will be angry at you, but remember arguments are a two-way thing. If you don’t engage in it, no arguments happen.

Sure, there are a few other, perhaps less toxic, ways to deal with flat mate conflict. You could create a roster for a weekly clean so that everyone knows their household duties. Establishing ground rules early can help prevent conflict. These ground rules can include respecting each other’s spaces and doing chores on time. Flat meetings can be an effective way to talk about everyone’s issues and expectations and work out compromises.
If dealing with money conflicts, a flat bank account could be set up so that rent money and other flat costs are always paid on time and separated from personal expenses. This can also make it easier to keep track of flat money. Setting reminders for when bills are due is a good idea to make sure everything is paid on time.
As always, communication is key. Avoiding conflict altogether will only make the situation worse. Even if it is an unpleasant conversation, talking it out is the best way to sort out your flatting problems.
- Sarah Blake Warm Flatting to save costs

So, it’s come to this, hey? I don’t know if this will immediately be made redundant to you in your mind as you read this magazine, simultaneously supporting student media but the nationwide trends aren’t like you my friend. That’s right, you're different. You’re not like other students. Across the country we’ve seen a steady decline in support, both financial and moral, for media made by and for students. For years, Nexus has been proudly proclaiming that we’re like you, different (while simultaneously holding a middle finger up to other student bodies across the country). But, times are changing and we fear we are going to be forced to as well. Or else. It’s a matter of adapt or vanish. So let’s talk about this current, and future, climate, shall we?

Let’s set the scene with print media. Out of the eight universities, there are seven student media providers. Pretty simple stuff so far. They are: Craccum (University of Auckland), Debate (AUT), Nexus (yeah the lads), Massive (Massey)(dumb name), Salient (Wellington), Canta (Canterbury), and Critic Te Ārohi (Otago). Each university has their student body’s voice given a mouth by each of these sources of media. It’s an important part of vocalising the thoughts of the student body. But, among all of these student bodies, the majority have now neglected a weekly publication of a magazine. Some have even resorted to a monthly edition. When talking to a mate from Canterbury about why this may be, he simply said, without pause, hesitation, or stutter, “students don’t want to read anything else when they’re being forced to read bloody textbooks all day”. Dramatic? Yup. True? Quite possibly. But, this is a quote that I believe reflects a deeper trend. With media becoming more visual, young people are tending to want to read less and less. It's found that the average adult was reading for less than 10 minutes a day, a statistic that is believed to be brought down by Generation Z’s TikTok, Instagram fueled entertainment.
This is a problem being reflected in even younger generations today in Aotearoa. Only 60% of 15 year olds can read at the most basic level the national curriculum requires, another negative statistic that has been suggested to be partially caused by a growing lack of interest in good ol’ words on a page. So, with increasingly younger generations not only disliking reading but lacking the competency to read at a basic
standard, how well does the future of print media bode? Not very well at all and you don’t need to be some stats wizard or oracle to see that. What’s trendy is not what Nexus currently bases its existence on: print. While we produce digital content, our primary focus being on a weekly publication seems to have as secure a future as that Temu app. Please stop sending me your links for free money. Tangent, sorry. My point is, as you hold this magazine in your hands, you’re very much going against the flow. You’re a salmon. While Nexus loves our salmon, and while it feels like we have some of the last salmon left, we’re not hopeful we'll have an increase in salmon in the next few years. We’re afraid our salmon will become dead fish and just be caught up with the stream. Analogy over.
So what will the face of the media change to? A recent survey found 86% of adults consume their news online. This isn’t anything new to us; we’ve been producing an

online version of our magazine for a wee while now. However, the number of people who consume this type of media has declined by around 20% over the past decade. A trend that is only expected to continue with the increase in demand for visual content. These stats, I’m sure, aren’t a surprise. The way that we as a generation consume content is in short, sharp bursts. This fire, that has been ablaze since the dawn of Vine and the adaption of Instagram and Snapchat, has been made into a bonfire by the down-pouring of a jerry can of gas that came in the form of TikTok. TikTok has over 1 billion global users, with 15% of Generation Z saying that they get their news off the platform. It’s defining the way student media, including us here at Nexus, are approaching this issue of a decline in demand for student media, in order to cling to what students now want. We’ve pursued alternative ways of content that resembles this short, and sharp format to better engage with you guys. You may have seen Kae’sharn with mic in hand, supported by our media team, strolling around

campus terrorising those who dare walk past him. To let you in behind the scenes, and this is a secret that stays between you and me, this isn’t something that was coincidentally done. It’s a response. A deliberate one at that. We know what this generation responds to and we were aware what we were doing wasn’t the correct format any longer. It might have been but it’s not now. Generation Z was found to have an original attention span of 1.3 seconds; it’s within this 1.3 seconds that we decide where our interest lies. If we don’t like it we move on. So, if you’re still reading this, it’s likely that I was able to catch your interest in 1.3 seconds, something that isn’t as easy to do with text, especially as this is a form our target audience is already stepping away from altogether.
So, that’s our problem. Students don’t want print, students are almost entirely consuming content, including news, online, and we have to adapt. I’m not here to try and convince you to read print. We’ll have to overcome this and we are already looking at ways to do this. While we don't like following what other unis are doing here at Nexus, the truth is, this could quite possibly be the last year of print. Or at least weekly print. It could potentially be the last year of a weekly magazine altogether. No, don’t cry. I can hear you from here. Man you're an ugly crier. No need to hoard up all the magazines and sell them off as unique antiques in years to come. Nexus will still be here, we’ll just be different. Compared to when Nexus was first established in 1967, what you hold in your hands now is a far cry from our tabloid based (and overly whiny) past. So, it’s just the next step. Man, this sounds like a break up. I guess what I’m trying to say is, we’re not gonna fight it, so watch this space.


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Leave the music out of it aye
I’m going to start this off by saying that I don’t think musicals are completely terrible. There are many that I enjoy, and all throughout my playlists there are hints of their songs. Does this mean they are better than any other movie? Fuck no. This shouldn’t even be a debate. Let me put it to you this way: if musicals didn’t exist, would it really impact your life so terribly that society would collapse and the world would stop being worth living in? Absolutely not.

To say that musicals are the superior genre of film should be a crime against humanity. Without “normal” films, we would not experience such diverse storytelling, world building, and indepth character development. We would not witness the true art of cinema and the masterpieces that lie within it. I might not be your resident film geek (I sure as Hell pretend I am), but I’m educated enough to know that the true beauty of film does not lie within musicals.
It lies within the fantasy adventures of a boy, cursed as a

child, who lived on to become the saviour of the wizarding world. It lies within a young man with immense potential who became one of the greatest villains after turning to a darker side of power in order to save the love of his life. It lies within a bride who seeks revenge on a group of assassins she was formally associated with who betrayed her. From parks filled with dinosaurs to movie adaptations of novels about sisters and their journeys with love, friendship, and family, the film industry is host to a myriad of our favourite characters and their stories. There is just no way that musicals could ever compare.
I’m not suggesting that music has no place in movies; that would be stupid. Soundtracks make up more than half of the emotion behind scenes. However, the fact (yes, I said fact) is that what we consider to be normal movies have a much greater impact on people than musicals do. There is always a place for singing, and that is the case in some movies, but I’m sure many could live without it. And I say that as someone who watches High School Musical unironically.
I want to enjoy musicals

Let’s preface something. Tehana is going to talk about how musicals don’t add anything to the movie experience. I want to counter that immediately. They add everything to the movie experience. You cannot seriously sit there and tell me you watch a musical and don’t remember the songs, lyric for lyric. But then think back to that last Marvel film, can you recite the lines without missing a beat? You can? Jesus, that's a bit weird mate.

Mamma Mia, Sweeny Todd, Rent, and In the Heights. These are a select section of films I’d argue wouldn’t be good without the music. A film about an estranged daughter contacting her Mum’s ex roots so they can fly to a remote island in Greece and awkwardly fight for her. I’m not saying that movie would be problematic but it certainly wouldn’t be nominated for as many awards as it was. Rent is another fantastic argument. I’m not trying to be a dick but the premise is already depressing, now take away the beat you get from the music points and you have Philadelphia. No thanks.

You’re probably reading this thinking I’m the biggest musical fan, and guess what, you’d be right baby. My blood runs theatre. What colour is that? Probably all the rainbow colours. I can appreciate a non-musical movie though. They’re great for everyone and the prospect of watching a movie is rarely divisive. Sure the story-telling has to be complex and the characters have to have 100 pages of backstory so they’re relatable. Tell me why this sounds less like a positive and more like a chore. You know what musicals don’t need? Backstory. They’re standalone and you can tell what’s going on without thinking too much. Let them sing.

Musicals shouldn’t be the only movies in your library. But the absence of them tells me everything I need to know about you. Stop thinking it’s going to diminish who you are because you’re singing along to Breaking Free. It just marks you a dope person.

Wanna throw some hoops around? Do your thing. Some shiny pants, shiny top and striped hoop, that's the overall vibe we want aye.

Trend Alert: Shiny shiny boy

Katarina, 20, Law
1. Te Whakahiapo office

2. Yebba

3. No
4. 4 minutes but don't make me run
5. Probably neither aye but I don't have a significant other
Tatiana, 23, Law

1. The carpark

2. Lil Yacthy
3. I think so, yeah
4. Half an hour
5. No publically, ever. Privately if they were a really special person

Owen, 20, Computing

1. Library, in the back corner
2. Johnny Cash
3. Yeah
4. 5:30

5. I don't think I could
3. Yes
4. 5 and a half on a good day
5. Maybe

1. Best place to masturbate (favourite place on campus)

2. Who do you sing better than? (favourite singer)
3. Would you snitch on your mates to get out of Jail?

4. How long do you last in bed?
5. Would you call your significant other Mommy or Daddy?

Ngarangi, 20, Law

1. Kai store & Puutikitiki
2. Smino
3. No, for this moment
4. Knowing me, like 3 hours probably.
5. I call him brown sugar, yummy sweet.

Manipulative Meals
Joel CollinsThese are a bunch of different meals you can make for your friends to manipulate them. Don't have TOO much fun with these
If you notice one of your friends or family members acting lazier than usual, make them a lasagna. Not just any lasagna, though. The most decadent, ridiculous lasagna you can muster. Put all that you have into that lasagna, both emotionally and kitchenwise. This will send them into a shame spiral, as eating a lasagna that bodacious is an inherently sinful act against one's body. Said shame spiral will sufficiently motivate them to get back to work and stop being a slacker or YOU'RE FIRED
Does your friend or family member have an annoying girlfriend that reminds you that you don't have a girlfriend? Then boy, do I have the guac for you! First, make a guac. Second, find out what she's allergic to and put it in the guac. Then, when she eats it, she will be super embarrassed that she had an allergic reaction that she’ll flee in shame. HA! If she isn't allergic to anything, simply put poison in the guac and give everyone else the antidote. Maybe find out a drink that she doesn't like but everyone else likes, and serve that drink with the antidote in it. If you can't find a drink that she doesn't like, give up on the guac and gorilla mask her. Also, just in case you are very confused right now, it's short for guacamole

Got a stoner friend who’s cleaning up and going to a job interview? Do them a solid and give them a soup full of marijuana right before they leave. Then, when they show up to the interview high as fuck, the interviewers will assume that that is their normal state. This way, when they show up high in the future, it won’t be questioned. You’re welcome, stoner friend!
That’s a typo, it means burger. It was either that or Murger Burger and that’s just not as eye-catching, alright? ALRIGHT? Fuck, you piss me off. Anyway, do you have a friend or family member who maybe you don’t want around anymore? Buy them a burger from McDonalds, but not just any burger from McDonalds, right? Wrong, you fucking trash person, just a normal goddamn burger. Then, take them some place nice and remote, and murger them. Now that wasn't exactly EYE-CATCHING WAS IT?
I’m sorry for the previous paragraph, as an apology please accept this apple crumble recipe that you can make for your friends or family members when you need to say sorry for something. First cut up some apples and put them in a greased dish, then sprinkle over a mixture of brown sugar, flour, oats and a whack of cinnamon. Then bake it at 180 for half an hour or till it looks done. I’ve had to make this a LOT, most recently when I crashed my uncle’s car into his house and pets and him.
If people started referring to me as the Schemer, I wouldn't not like it
Joel CollinsScheme number something
This one is called 'Uber Eats is a SCAM, just eat grass'
Step one:
Get a fuckload of grass and blend it into smoothies. Use water or milk or spit or anything to make it that perfect smoothie texture (smooth).
Step two:
Set up a smoothie selling stand, preferably somewhere with a lot of foot traffic and a lot of free grass. Like the Gardens, just do it at the Gardens.
Step three:
Sell that shit. If the public doesn't want to buy, simply make them buy with all of the determination and fake tears required.
Step four:
Running low on that good green stuff? Mix up a lil more with all that free grass that's all around you. Infinite resources.
Step five:
Not infinite, actually. Once you've slain all the grass population, move onto the dirt. If it's good enough for a worm, it's good enough for me. I want to be a worm

Step six:
Once you've sold all the dirt, you will find the ancient Titan buried under the Gardens. Once the sunlight hits it, it will awaken, standing up to return to the mountains, as the truce with the Bush Elves has been broken. Do Not Disturb The Great One includes not letting other people disturb the Great One, goddamnit!
Step seven:
Continue into the hole left by the Great One. You will find a thick, near impenetrable layer of obsidian. You're gonna wanna take some chunks of that obsidian, polish them, and sell them to... y'know, THOSE people. And that's the scheme! That's it.
Step eight:
Just kidding. Throw the rocks at old people


HERES A NEW ONE FOR YA SMORT PEOPLE The sequence below follows a specific pattern. Study the sequence and determine the missing number(s) or the next number in the sequence. Write your answer(s) in the designated space provided.




Step down
Abandon Surrender
Give up
Hand in one's notice
Bow out
Walk away
Call it quits
Throw in the towel
Drop out
Vacate Cede
1. What is the capital city of France?

2. How many colors are there in a rainbow?
3. Which animal is often referred to as "man's best friend"?
4. Who is the main character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series?