Nexus Issue 02, 2013

Page 1


04 MARCH 2013










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Editorial Team Editor Alix Higby

Deputy Editors Louise Hutt & Jess Edmonds-Saunders News Editor zanian steele Online Editor Alix Higby

Graphic Designer Haylie Gray

Managing Editor James Raffan

Advertising Advertising Manager Tony Arkel

Contributors C-Ball, Regan, Kathlene Cook, Daniel Petersen, Matt Hicks, Morgahna Godwin, Dr Richard Swainson, Dr Burton C Bogan, Jayde van Maanen, Jess Molina, Jess Tuakeu, Caitlin Ashworth, Te Wairere Ngaia, Kylie Zinsli, Gil Denny, Nick Sickelmore, Joel de Vries, Amber and Aaron Letcher Print Fusion Print

Nexus Nexus is a member of the Aotearoa Student Press Association (ASPA). The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of Nexus magazine, the WSU, Printers, the editor or any of our advertisers. Ground Floor, Student Union Building Gate One, University of Waikato Knighton Road, Hamilton

online @waikatostudents


issue TWO / VOLUME 45 / 04 MARCH / 2013 News

[3] News. [5] University news. [6] Sports thoughts. [7] Left vs Right: Closure of schools in Christchurch. [8] Not News.


[10] Third Degree [11] Random Profile - Huy Vu Top 10. [12] Lettuce to the Editor.

Entertainment and Reviews [14] Film, Gig & CafĂŠ review. Horoscopes [15] Book, Comic & Album review. Horoscopes [16] Local Artist Gig Guide. [17] Eight Ball. Cool vs Not Cool. [18] Feature - Have we gone to f**king far? [20] Netsky interview. [22] Puzzles


[23] Autuer. Mr Minty Fish. [24] NeXXXus Unsealed [26] Dark Tales of Flatting Carnage [27] Boganology 101 + Advice from my Folks + Constable Nick [28] Alice and Anne + Trend Spotting. [29] Arts - Joel de Vries


[30] President’s Column. Veeps. [31] Clubs Noticeboard [32] Ask Amber + Citizens Advice Bureau + YWRC [33] Was that you? [34] This was ORI2013 [36] Be a part of Nexus.




Highlight Reel

By alix higby

this week in nexus // Pg: 24

Hello first week of actually going to class. Pleased to see you have survived this year’s induction to intellectual betterment! Hopefully you stored your course outlines in a safe place last week, because now is the time to figure out when shit is due so you can get onto it pronto. And way before it is due. Ha. Anyway, before you contemplate hitting the books, and then go for a beer instead, we’d like to reflect on what a great week ORI2013 was. [pause] Moving on, this week we’ve got some interesting stuff for ya. When we told our

healthcare, and they fork out 28mil trying to discourage tobacco purchases. Will smoke free campuses do much more to curb the addiction, or is it totally a lost cause?

nexxxus unsealed Nexus is bringing sexy back. If by “sexy” you mean Lance Armstrong sex positions and tales from the Bar101 foam party. // Pg: 20

We also have a feature on political correctness and where NZ is at. The world is a complex place. There are always things we shouldn’t say, do, think, or believe. We will forever angle for some form of a utopian society that benefits everybody. Given that utopia is unachievable, it’s difficult to determine what laws we need, and what laws do little to discourage negative behaviours. Sometimes we

NETSKY INTERVIEW Jess Molina talks to Netsky about chocolate. Then he gave us a couple of tickets to give away. // Pg: 18

“ grab your ticket, brush up on his likes and dislikes, and consume enough Belgian beer and chocolate to make sure you have something in common.” music journo Miss Molina, that we had this interview set up with some guy called Netsky, she fangirled straight off the bat. We took that as a “sure, I’d love to chat with him.” Which was great because the interview was at 8am on a Friday, and that’s just not happening on the editorial front. You’ll find her write up in this issue so get reading, folks. He’s got a gig coming to Hamilton (believe it or not) on March 16th, so grab your ticket, brush up on his likes and dislikes, and consume enough Belgian beer and chocolate to make sure you have something in common. You’ve gotta support the international talent when they visit, especially when they put that colossal “investment”, Claudelands, to use. Good job, Netsky! In other news, the University has decided that a smoking ban on campus is for the best so read about it, and write in with your opinion on the matter. Do you agree that public areas like the university should be smoke free? Or is it unnecessary on our campus with all the space and outdoor areas? We want to know. Apparently smoking costs the government (and thus tax payers) about 250mil a year in 2

just need to take responsibility for ourselves, but do we leave it at that? For the rest of the issue you’ll find the usual reviews and our columnists continue to tackle their usual issues. It’s worth noting that you can still win free shit by sharing your stories and antics. I expect an inbox full of ridiculous stories relating to O’week. Go! We have Burgerfuel vouchers… Stay cool, Hamilton.

have we Gone to F@#King Far? This week Alix talks about Political correctness and we draw on Aarons face. // Pg: 08

nexus continues search for a pope David Bain, Danyell Summers and more in Nexus Not News.

Alix // Pg: 34

this was ori2013 Harlem Shakes, Pool Parties, Comedians, Grease and heaps more. This was ORI2013.



FREEDOM OF CHOICE GOES UP IN SMOKE Last week the University of Waikato announced their intention to be completely smokefree as of 2014 so we thought we would start an investigative series looking at who will be affected most by this decision and what their views on smoke free 2014 are. On the surface the decision to go Smokefree seems like a natural one. It’s inline with moves taken by other universities, it pairs well with the nations smokefree 2025 goal and to an extent it just makes the place look nicer. However this University isn’t like any other around the country. It has unique challenges and a location that may prove difficult to make smokefree.

The change and the enforcement The university’s smokefree announcement last week was paired with the caveat that they would look to enforce the existing smokefree policy more stringently this year and specified that this included all on campus eateries and that smoking near the consumption of food would not be tolerated.

This isn’t to say that it is impossible or even that we are trying dissuade anyone but over the next few weeks we are going to attempt have a realistic assessment of the opportunities and challenges that exist. Some of those challenges include enforcement of the policy, punishment for continued infringement and how to deal with members of the public visiting the campus. In this issue we speak to a local retailer that is going to be effected by the change and also attempt to track down a student on either side of the issue for an interview.

With that in mind Zanian Steele spoke to a couple of students to see what he could find out.

We asked one of the food vendors on campus what his thoughts were on the issue. “To be honest I don’t care too much. I think I cared more when I was a smoker but now if you’re asking from a business point of view, I don’t think it will make much of a difference. “When I was younger as a smoker I would have got quite wound up about it but I think people aren’t on campus enough for it to have an impact.” The retailer did concede that they favoured a segregated policy rather than a total ban on smoking however. “If it was a case of having a few smoking tables and then the majority of them in a different spot, then I would be fine with that.” “I mean even in airports they have places you can smoke these days.” While the retail stance seems to have an air of inevitability about it they won’t be the major test for the new policy. For the most part it will be about whether the students choose to adopt it and moreover how much they decide to care about it.

DO YOU CARE? Fabianne doesn’t like smoking. “I’ve always hated the smell and I don’t like it when people smoke around me.” While she thinks it’s pretty hard to enforce the policy change, she reckons a smoke free 2014 may encourage people to quit smoking and create a healthier atmosphere. Like an increasing number of girls on campus she doesn’t find it attractive and “wouldn’t date a smoker.” Most of the people I spoke to simply didn’t care about the new policy. “It doesn’t affect me, honestly I haven’t put much thought

into it,” says Hayden while sipping on his drink, “I don’t smoke and don’t like the taste or smell.” Like everyone I spoke to, Hayden thinks that the rule change “isn’t really enforceable,” but after a bit of thought agrees that it’s probably for the best. The only smoker of the group, Stevie, a psychology student in her second year on campus, was able to give an insight into the opinion of uni smokers. “It’s not that bad,” she says whilst rolling a cigarette, “I could stop during the day, but I will smoke at night”. Stevie said she would feel “pretty gutted” when the policy was enforced but said, “I could always just smoke in the bushes.” Stevie acknowledged that all the other campuses are towing the smoke free line and feels that Waikato is just following suit, not concerned about the rights of smokers, a group “that’s easy to target.” First year Dan said, “Smoking’s just not for me.” While he doesn’t care that much about the policy change he “would prefer a smoke free campus, where second hand smoke’s just not an issue.” Like most of the students I interviewed, Connor wasn’t keen on smoking: “I don’t like how it tastes, I don’t get why people like it.” Connor, who is living in the halls this year, reckons the policy change “won’t have any impact.” It seems both smokers and non smokers 3


alike will face this new set of changes with the same mute ambivalence, typical of much of the student body. While the changes bring up some questions like, ‘How can the policy be enforced if a person on campus is neither a student or staff member?’ or, ‘wont smokers just ignore the rule?’ it seems clear that there is not enough unity amongst our community of smokers on campus to oppose the smoke free 2014 agenda. Will the policy come into effect without as much as a squeak of protest? And who, if anyone, will stand up for our smokers?

International Student Study service Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse has launched, an exciting new website designed to provide advice and support for international students in New Zealand.

Social People In Hamilton? Never! Local authorities have launched a series of practical measures to tackle the issue of vagrancy and anti-social behaviour in the CBD. A series of complaints, especially from local business owners located near the Riff-Raff statue have flooded in, with many blaming intimidating vagrants for their recent lack of customers recently. The Mayor Julia Hardaker, acknowledged the shop owners concerns and accepted that there was a growing number of homeless in the area, “there seems to be a permanent group as well as others coming and going”. Locals have complained about increased incidence of begging, drinking, verbal abuse and public defecation in the area, despite being only meters from a set of public toilets. Many business owners are calling for the introduction of a trespass

“The new website provides international students with a ‘one-stop shop’ where they can get information about their employment rights and responsibilities, health and safety in the workplace, work conditions attached to student visas and settlement resources,” says Mr Woodhouse. “The export education sector contributes over $2 billion a year to the New Zealand economy and the government has set an ambitious target to double that contribution by 2025.”

“ ensure that New Zealand remains an attractive destination for international students, we need to constantly be looking to improve on the support...” “To meet this target, and to ensure that New Zealand remains an attractive destination for international students, we need to constantly be looking to improve on the support and service we offer those students.”


“The government has already implemented a number of practical measures to encourage students to come to New Zealand. Recent changes to health screening will cut costs and red tape for students, and work rights have been extended to English language students who attend quality education providers in Canterbury.” “These sorts of initiatives - combined with recent improvements in processing times for student visas - will make a huge difference in growing our export education industry,” says Mr Woodhouse.

bylaw to at least shift the homeless problem from Victoria Street but the Mayor has dismissed this idea at this stage, “it’s a last resort option”. Though not considering an anti-loitering bylaw, the council has been developing a comprehensive strategy. The proposed plan includes removing the seats from the Riff-Raff area, as well as increasing the number of Maori Wardens on patrol. Additionally a series of cameras are to be set up in the area, to allow for better surveillance. While Mrs Hardaker acknowledges the need for such preventative measures, she has also noted that a Government based social service approach is also needed: “[A number of homeless] have fallen through the cracks. It’s no use Band-Aiding this. It’s about getting the support right to help. And those agencies are responsible for that.” With the base sucking customers out of the CBD area, the council is under considerable pressure to deal with this issue, with both the best interests of both shop owners and vagrants alike. When in town take care to avoid those public toilets, you might just be intruding on someone’s home for the night.



changing paperS

The deadline to submit a Semester A or Y 2013 Change of Enrolment, to get a full refund of fees, is 5pm, Friday 8 March 2013. You can do this on iWaikato – go to the Common Tasks tab, select Re-Enrol/Change of Enrolment, then Apply to Change Enrolment, and follow the instructions. Drop by the Student Centre or call 0800 WAIKATO if you need help.

accounting expoS Volunteering + careerS fair Smokefree campuS The University of Waikato will be smokefree from 1 January 2014. In the lead up to the change, the University will be promoting and implementing its current policy more readily, meaning no smoking in areas designated for eating or drinking (like the cafes by the lakes) or in areas where people have gathered for sports or recreation. Find out more at www.waikato.

Interested in a career in accounting? Deloitte, the Reserve Bank and Ernst and Young are holding employer presentations this month, and the Accounting Careers Fair, 10am–2pm, Friday 15 March at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, is a great chance to talk to several big accounting firms about their graduate and intern opportunities. Get the full details on the Careers Office’s Facebook page

The Careers Office is looking for student volunteers for the Accounting Careers Expo at the Academy on Friday 15 March, and for the General Careers Festival on the Village Green on Wednesday 20 March. Volunteers would help set up tables, chairs, umbrellas and employer stands, and direct employers to their stalls – there will be lots of networking opportunities with potential employers. If you’re interested, email your details including name and phone number to Claire Duthie on

completed your enrolment? Student ViSaS International students – please check your passport to see when your Student Visa expires. You must not let your visa expire or you will not be able to continue with your studies. If your Student Visa expires in March or April 2013, you can renew it on campus during the following times: 10am – 4pm, Monday 18 February – Friday 22 March, Student Centre (Rooms M2.02 and M2.03 opposite main entrance, Level 2). No appointment is necessary. Email epermits@ for more information.

By now all students should have completed their enrolment process. New students, you should have received your ID card as confirmation. Returning students, you should have reregistered your existing ID card. Drop by the Student Centre or call 0800 WAIKATO if you’re not sure whether you’ve completed your enrolment or not.

attention all pacific StudentS Meet our new Pacific Student Support Coordinator, Junior Fuifui Te’evale. Fui is located in the Student Centre and is available to assist all Pacific students over your time at the University of Waikato. Come in to see him at the Student Centre (ask for him at the Student Admin desk) or email him on

A 5




Blade runner slices and dices opponents.

RAY LEWIS The Baltimore Ravens Superbowl winner and his friends got involved in a massive scuffle back in the year 2000. Two people were stabbed to death, and their blood found in Lewis’ limousine. Lewis only received an obstruction of justice charge, ratting out his mates who in turn were somehow acquitted of all charges. Lewis also gave heavy amounts of money to the families of those murdered. Weird.

LESLIE HYLTON Oscar Pistorius is allegedly numb with shock and grief, this time all over his body after the world famous track star was arrested recently as a main suspect in the murder of his minx of a girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius, the South African double amputee dubbed the Blade Runner, is now facing a possible murder charge and a public relations nightmare. The press do not take kindly to murderers, let alone

and shut case has meant law enforcement have refused to release Pistorius on bail, because he’s made a livelihood out of being extremely speedy one would presume. Details have emerged that the Paralympian athlete kept a number of guns at his residence, and police find it fishy that Pistorius was yet to move to New Zealand like every other South African. They have ruled out the possibil-

Don’t let the wimpy name confuse you. Leslie is the only Test Cricketer to have ever been executed, taking a long fall hanging from a short rope after murdering his wife. A part of the West Indies international team, Leslie discovered his wife was having an affair and lost the plot, shooting her seven times. He was hanged back in 1955, the days when that sort of shit was legit and you could go along and watch, cheer, or maybe buy a hot dog if you were hungry at the time.


Unfortunately for Pistorius, these recent events have left his efforts of the past defeeted. I mean, defeated. an athletic paraplegic who has spent his life campaigning for and inspiring others around the world who aren’t able bodied. Unfortunately for Pistorius, these recent events have left his efforts of the past defeeted. I mean, defeated. Steenkamp was shot four times and found dead in a pool of blood before dawn at Pistorius’ house, not really a surprising event considering the act did take place in South Africa. However, the former model was wealthy, famous, beautiful, and white - so naturally the police are investigating. What looks like an open


ity that one motive could be Steenkamp’s foot fetish. Also, a programme shot weeks ago aired on Saturday featuring Steenkamp, in which she says “the way you go out and the way you make your exit is so important.” Clairvoyants around the world believe she is communicating with us from below, and possibly has no coins to get Charon’s ass into gear. Harrison Ford was unavailable for comment. By C-Ball.

How OJ ever got away with allegedly killing his wife and the man she was cheating on him with, one will never know. Police incompetence played a big part, but that’s nothing new when those in charge of keeping you safe are being paid the same as those in charge of teaching you a proper education and pushing your life in the right direction. Far too little, meaning far too many idiots sign up for the job.




Closure of Christchurch Schools.


Knowledge (read: education) is power. But when we live in a culturally authoritarian society, where power ultimately rests with Parliament; it is paramount. To chuck in a sneaky political jibe: Minister of Education Hekia Parata (read: John Key) has been so damn slippery (read: slimy) with the rhetoric on this issue, that the only thing holding back a liquefaction joke is a lack of substance on her part.

Christchurch schools, it goes without saying, have endured the most over the last two years. Statistics and anomalies aside; consider the schools you’ve attended, their effect in shaping your identity. Pretend your schools were in Christchurch, with the fields of your childhood no longer green (liquefaction’s still not a joke). Your highschool sxt buddies can’t indicate poon possibilities; the networks have been unreliable. Water, power, toilets, food? Mere transitional luxuries. If there’s a role for schools here, over and above education, it is in preserving a state of normality and stability for our youth. Seven schools are set to close, twelve to merge. Other than each amalgamation of two schools implicitly leaving one less than

Parata promised on Tuesday that kids changing schools would have facilities, quote, “at least equivalent to their present schools” at the beginning of next year. Does that mean year 7 & 8 students, who have purpose built intermediate school facilities, can expect more than prefabs? Parata has also told us these schools will be brighter; I’ve started to wonder: does she mean they’ll be more intelligent, or that they’ll have more windows? The Minister and government have shown a lack of respect for the educational communities of Christchurch. This process was flawed from the start, the data inaccurate, and the community disempowered. If it were a tough decision only, that’s because it should have been too difficult to justify.


Teachers sure do like a good protest. Not long after the closure of six schools, three of which are intermediate, a number of parents, teachers and students have decided to throw up their arms and accuse the government of “dealing a cruel blow to the heart of [their] community”.

before, there are several issues around (a) the lack of consultation over potentially setting up Charter Schools (anyone asked Act about this?); and (b) some schools (such as Lyttleton West) being largely undamaged in spite of existing for the last 125 years. The education system seems to be run by self-serving accountants on a promise to private contracters and Parata is set to receive a massive bonus if she can weather the backlash.

After careful thought the Government has decided to proceed with what they believe to be the best plan to lift student achievement and though many disagree with the proposal it would be unfair to doubt the Government’s good intentions.

In addition to the closure of the seven schools a further twelve are going to merge to form six schools in an attempt to boost school performance and cut costs in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake.

Parata has also been accused of targeting intermediate schools with some claiming the closures herald the end of intermediate schooling. Such accusations are simply unfair and contrary to the Governments claims.

It’s a wonder anyone will accept the Ministry of Education as a portfolio after the consistent abuse previous ministers have been subject to. Teachers have been quick to oppose many changes to the established order making it difficult for Ministers (especially those under right of centre Governments) to implement new policy. The opposition to these closures is just another example of such resistance to change, based largely upon self-interest. I do not mean to say that the complaints from effected teachers are invalid but there is a proper process of consultation (on-going) that the Government has followed.

Teachers have a right to be upset; most would oppose the closure of their school because they feel they have a duty of care to those directly around them. Despite the validity of their feelings the Government has a responsibility to care for staff, students and the NZ Citizenry as a whole and in this case they have acted in the nation’s best interest’s, even if there are a few who feel personal victimized as a result. Effected Teachers have a duty to their locality but the Government has a duty to the nation and this is just a case of two factions fighting an old familiar war backing their own agendas. Regardless poor Parata does not

deserve the abuse she has been getting. Seriously criminals from the show ‘beyond the darklands’ have been treated with more care and kindness.




Christchurch Needs Its Wizard Back

later found to contain a geranium extract that made the kids sick. Three things: 1) Haven’t Christchurch schools suffered enough 2) It will be interesting to find out how the media blames this one on the Minister of education 3) little health warning only buy pills from doctors, registered herbal distributers and experienced drug dealers from Peachgrove and Nawton.

Twelve Christchurch pupils sent to hospital after taking mystery pills are being discharged after testing revealed the tablets were a herbal remedy. The herbal pills were

Nexus Finds A Pope Welcome back to another edition of everybody’s favourite play at home game Nexus Finds a Pope. Last week’s papal candidates Richard Prosser, Chris Brown and Brian Tamaki may have been no good but this week we are sure we have knocked it out of the park. Everyone on the list is a sure fire hit that would revitalise both the Catholic Church and their own image. Tell us what you think David Bain: The First Cosby Sweater Pope Ok. So you might be thinking there are some pretty obvious jokes to be made here on first, second and thirty eighth look. But look once more and you will see exactly what we have. David Bain could be a fantastic choice for Pope and let’s be honest, his employment prospects aren’t fantastic. Pros · Could be the only person in history to have his wardrobe improved by being Pope. · Voice of an Angel. · Not afraid to pull the trigger on change. Cons · There hasn’t been a (allegedly) murderous Pope since Pope Pius IV. · Too much of a family man he wouldn’t know what to do with all that isolation and solitude. Danyell Summers: A Pope For The Summer This papal candidate comes right out of our own backyard. We knew she was a good fit when we saw her walking on the fountain outside pita pit. The fact there hasn’t been water flowing there since they put it in probably helped but who cares Pope Danyell has a nice ring to it. Pros ·The altar boys would be queuing for miles. ·Her complexion would make the outfit pop. Cons (in this order) · She’s a woman. · She’s a woman. · She’s a woman. · She’s not catholic.

Sure it’s large but let’s not go crazy Auckland police last week busted what they believe to be one of the largest cannabis growing operations in New Zealand History. The execution of 14 warrants resulted in the arrest of 10 Vietnamese residents. Further arrests will be made in Canada where the importing of over 6kg of Methamphetamine was attempted. Police seized over 600 fully developed plants or as one policeman described it “The best police Christmas party planning ever.” It is interesting that what the New Zealand Police call a “major raid” the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences calls “a slow Tuesday.”

Unsubscribe Last week the lead with the story “Firemen rescue puppy stuck in wheel” and followed it up with the quote “These jobs are always the feel-good ones.” There is no joke to follow this piece we just want it on record to prove that you were alive the day journalism died in this country and fireman became lame pussies.



This week the Prime Minister said Act will survive the next election. This week the 3 independent polls plus editorials from most major newspapers said Act will not survive the next election. Sometime shortly after the next election one of these two groups are going to look really fucking stupid.



PM more confident than Nation

trivial facts

Quote of the week

The flower for the month of March is the daffodil which is also referred to as the jonquil. Since daffodils are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring, they are considered to be a symbol of rebirth.

“I think people are fascinated with breasts that bounce,” Lawrence told Heat. “They are so used to seeing [fake ones]. People are confused! My breasts have a life of their own.” – Jennifer Lawrence

During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building may sway several feet to either side. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing. March is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. It was the first month of the year in ancient Rome. Since March is the first month of spring, it was a logical point to begin the year. When the Gregorian calendar was adopted, it became the third month of the year.

And Now A Word From Our Censors... Your only source for University gossip after it has been redacted to University standards of decency * Security’s New Pet. So it turns out that they have been busy over at Biology, first they dsadsasdadsa that chicken which was just plain weird. Now they have cross bred fafasfas and that asfasfsa. Word is that Head of Security Ray Hayward has decided to keep it as a pet. * Money Maker In an effort to create a bit of breathing room in their budget notorious bean counter fsaasdfasd fasfasdg, of the Waikato Management School, came up with a brilliant money making scheme: 1. asdfsfeasdl smdpsd sdehgsda 2. asdfhasd sdhhsd sdagsde 3. ksdrsd tsdmsd hhsdahsd at cost 4. adfwasdfas wasdfsd hasdfhafsd 5. fafasfghs emdfwe But if it doesn’t work, how is she ever going to sell the Donkey.

Nexus Classified Ads Boy Seeks Girl Paint covered boy seeks paint covered girl. We shared a magical paint party that ended with us making out on the bus ride home and then I went away with some mates and you were gone. You looked a bit like the fit blue one from Avatar, if that helps. Signed James Cameron Fan Man seeks supply chain? Recently I visited some vietneimese friends in Auckland and they suggested I inhale some of your Marijuana cigarettes. If you can help me with this please contact “ Man seeking friend Have you seen the poll results?? John. Man Seeking Man’s Best Friend Have you seen my dog Benji ? Rare breed, cross breed of Labrador and Doc Martin. If you see him phone but keep your distance. Any exposure may result in Rabies or worse still Athletes foot. 9





01_ Clubbing. The events they

01_ What has been your favourite event of ORI2013? 02_ What do you think about the campus going smokefree in 2014?

03_ Are angry cat memes funny or not?











10:34 AM


I think it’s a good step towards the future.


Yea they are. Ellen Degeneres has some good ones.


18, Environmental Planning

18, Computer Science


Everything, all the people, everyone is so happy.

Burgerfuel Burger Eating Competition.

02_ It’s good. Very good 03_ Always funny. I’m a cat

02_ Yea, it’s good. 03_ No.



throw are awesome and they put so much effort into them.

Will 01_


18, Social Science



TOP TEN Top Ten things to expect from 2013 10_



Huy Vu.

Interview by Louise Hutt. What’s your role at the University of Waikato? International Student Advisor, Events and General Support. I help look after the international students here at Uni. Favourite breakfast cereal? (or if you don’t like cereal, what do you usually have for breakfast?) Yoghurt with raw muesli – keeps me regular and in good form.

Favourite childhood cartoon? Terrahawkes. Who do you think would win in an argument, Sheldon (from Big Bang Theory) or Sherlock (from Sherlock Holmes)? Sheldon Cooper – no doubt sir. If you had to only smell one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Fresh baked bread from Tommos Bakery.

Favourite YouTube animal video? (Cats? Sloths? Pandas on a slide?) Have never seen one I like.

What’s your plan for the zombie apocalypse? Do what everyone else does I guess.

Do you religiously watch any tv shows, and if so, what? Shortland Street cause the kids do, and Sons of Anarchy cause my wife is an old school bogan.

Would you rather be attacked by 100 ducksized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck? 1 horse sized duck, both are scary but if can calm the horse sized duck down, if may be with the words “we’re cousins, Im huey, you must be either Duey or Luey right?”

If you were going to organise the ultimate music festival (think RnV, Big Day Out, etc), who would be your three headliners? Bruno Mars, Carly Rae Jepsen, Gorillaz (are still around)

Coffee or Tea? Green Tea.

More viral videos. The Harlem Shake proves that at the very least, they’re getting shorter. High prices at Momento. It’s also expected that you will pay them. Continued over sharing via social media. As long as pro- crastination lives, so will unneces- sary information.


A decline in blogging – You can thank ‘thinspiration’ and the words “so perf.”




The iPhone 5S. Sell your 5 now, while it’s still worth something. The second and third readings of the Marriage Amendment Bill. Kate and Will’s kid. I know, no one cares. Don’t even know why I mentioned it.


Sitting next to a creepy guy in a tutorial.


No longer sitting in road work related traffic trying to get to Uni. No, I’m kidding. That shit will never end.


Winter. Sometime around June.

If you weren’t working for the University of Waikato, what would you like to be doing instead? Enjoying my lamborghini, boat and luxury holidays from BIG WEDNESDAY. What’s the first thing you read when you flick through Nexus? Editor’s ramble. iPhone or Android? iPhone EVERYTIME.



LETTUCE TO THE EDITOR. Nexus loves getting your letters. We also love it if they are funny, intelligent and well written. Mainly we will be happy if you keep them under 250 words, it saves us having to cut them down. Please remember to give us a real name when you send them in even if you want to write with an alias. Email us at or...

Yeah! We are. Hey Nexus!! This is great that you guys are organising blind date. You are potentially creating Love match or Like match, it will be a match no matter what because what really is a big mistake if you have done it before, right? Regardless, I think young people should be encouraged to meet new people and do something out of their comfort zone. It is just lack of the platform and encouragement. After all, YOLO and you never know when you will meet the one, if not the one at least this could be fun! Cheers! Cupid

Shameless Plug Disguised As Lettuce


disappointed. Tickets from Ticketek Yours faithfully A DyNamIte

So Immature Dear Nexus, I’m just going to come out and say it. What is it with mature students acting like petulant bratty children? One minute they are going on about how they are older and wiser than those of us who are still hungover from O-week, the next minute they’re trying to make the lecturer look stupid with their bullshit version of the answer. What’s more, you can never convince them they are wrong, they just whine and bitch about how we’ve got a thing or two to learn before we can start telling them how the world works.

Toga, Toga, Toga..... Dear Nexus Despite acting like a true fourth year and not turning up to any of my classes during o-week I have felt that over the last few days I have learnt a lot. Most mind-blowing piece of information I learnt was that the colour of togas actually mean something!! The Romans reckon guys who had a purple stripe on their togas weren’t real boys yet, but since then the colours have changed meaning all you who went out on Wednesday night in your bed sheets and thought that you would get lucky, you were one step behind those in green. Yip, a green toga meant you were single. I use the word were lightly, let’s face it with most of your dance moves you probably still are… To the not so lucky, there is always re-oweek. As for the white ones, white normally means you’re pure… The jury is still out on that one…! On the topic of learning I encourage many of you to learn the wonders of the safety pin and strapless bras, the Janet Jackson nip slip went out of fashion years ago. Yours Truly, ... I cant think of a sign off name haha

Lone Smoker On Campus

hey nexus Any chance you can extend O-Week shenanigans for another week or two? Some of us have been too busy performing our asses off for Hairspray the Broadway Musical every single night of O-Week and recooperating our energy levels throughout the day in bed that we haven’t had a chance to participate in anything else. It’s a damn shame... Throw us a bone here. OR come and watch us blow your freakin minds!! This weeks performances at Founders Theatre : Tues 5th: 7:30pm Wed 6th: 7:30pm Thurs 7th: 7:30pm Fri 8th: 7:30 Sat 9th: 2pm & 7:30pm CLOSING NIGHT IS SATURDAY 9th. Students can get a seat from $29.90 and up. If you’re not ready to give in to homework just yet- come and check out the massive amount of talent fit onto one stage; you will not be 12

Even the term ‘mature students’ is a total oxymoron (see, we can use big words too). And seriously, no one gives a shit about how you take your coffee. If you are standing in line at Stacey’s and start telling me about how much better his stuff is than Momento’s, despite you being right, it’s still annoying as hell. I. Just. Don’t. Care. About. Your. Opinion. I just want to get my cup of wake-up and get to class so I can catch up on the sleep I missed out on during O-week, while vaguely hearing the lecturer talk, not you. The TLDR version (that stands for too long didn’t read for the youth-deficient) is simple: Fuck you mature students.

Much love, Grant.

I miss the good old days, bet you bloody first years can’t even remember the days, of being able to have a good old simple fag when you pleased. And now I hear this fine (well ok) campus of ours, is going to be smokefree next year and this sucks, alot. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not wanting to light up, during a lecture, hell I would be more then happy with large parts of the campus being smokefree. But no where at all?

DISCLAIMER Letters published contain the opinion of the writer and the writer alone. Nexus publications take no responsibility for the content or opinions so expressed. By submitting your letter you give consent to its publication in Nexus and subsequent public scrutiny. Letters are the authors own work and Nexus will not edit to compensate for lack of intelligence or coherency. Nexus reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any letter which breaches any law, is defamatory to any person, or contains threats of violence or hate speech.


While this is a huge restriction on the civil liberties we all enjoy, in this quite nice country of ours, there is a more insidious side to the smokefree brigade. The utterly rough and disgraceful treatment of the addicts of our society, why are we telling them, they are not wanted at all on campus. That there habit is so bad, they must hide it. This is a highly dangerous stance for us to take. We most treat all people with dignity and respect, I call for an outside smokers lounge, a few areas around campus, where smokers can be free and wild, and not persecuted by you assholes. One jaded recreational smoker.

Fresh Ideas? Not In This Magazine. So it’s another round of O-week. It’s been good seeing the WSU and Nexus trying out different things through the years, but the bars really need to think of some fresh ideas. There’s only so many years of the exact same themes and events a person can take.

library was a really nice addition to what was happening on the green. It managed to move some congestion so the people were more spread out as well as just looking really good.

Sign Stealing Son of A Bitch

All around A+ effort this year by them, and maybe next year the bars can try something new for a change.

I was on the free bus that you get during O-Week and it was mental some chick through up in the back there was a lot of drunkenness and Togas but then a couple of you had to go and be dicks. I watched one guy push past the bus driver and someone rip the seat and laugh about it but and then a couple of you massive knobs steal a sign knock over a couple of people including the guys who were there getting people on and off the bus.

Yeah We do Know What Isn’t Cool. Hey guys You know what isn’t cool? Paint parties! I have been to a couple in my time and the idea of playing round in paint is just stupid. It isn’t even the paint that is the dumbest thing. I didn’t really mind it at all. What I have a real problem with is the dickheads who thought it was cool to come out of the paint party and hug everyone they see. If the group I was with wanted to be covered in paint then we would have gone to the party. So I guess I was wrong with my original question you know what isn’t cool? Dickheads

Dear fuckface

You might think stealing is cool and ordinarily it can be as long as it is limited to stealing things from mates and the occasional practical joke but not that time douchebags. “Hey these guys gave me a free ride home when I was pissed you know what I should do? Steal some shit so they never do it again.” Well done. GC

Paint Sucks Balls! On the Nexus / WSU side, the Level 0 of the





entertainment & reviews




HITCHCOCK Rating: If you were to hear the name “Alma Reville”, unfortunately, it would probably mean nothing to you - unless you’re a media student (and even then, I only had a vague idea). She not only was Alfred Hitchcock’s wife, but also his most influential collaborator. Hitchcock takes place in the lead up to his most successful movie, Psycho and explores his relationship with Alma. It’s very much the clichéd “behind every great man, stands an even greater woman” story but certainly has its moments. There are humorous moments (especially when Hitch tells Alma, while she wrestles a bowl of ice-cream away from him, that all men posses the capability to be murderers), it tends to swap suddenly into Hitchcock’s darker psyche without much notice.

Just when I thought I knew what to expect for Soundscape – street party, great music, overall good time – turns out I didn’t really. I had no idea it would be like that. By like that, I mean a raging street party with a good crowd, fantastic local line up, and killer zones. Having acts like Home Brew (Live), Jetski Safari, PDiggss (Peacekeeper), Optimus Gryme, State of Mind, MC Tiki, Redial (AUS), A-Sides (UK), PNC, P-Money, Trei, P-Money, PNC, King Kapisi, Raiza Biza, Trei, Diaz Grimm, Justin Sane, and CTFD play in the good ol’ Tron is no easy feat and where else can we see all these amazing talent in one venue but Soundscape? Another feature that made this Soundscape even more different is the addition of a silent disco. On the outside, it seemed as though everyone was going mad. Eerie silence with people in headphones going crazy? Nope, just raging with headphones on.

pay & cafÉ

MR MILTON’S CANTEEN Rating: Delicious cabinet options at standard café prices, Mr Milton’s on Alexandra Street gives you the feeling that you are on a break from the office and are a very important person (v.i.p whaat). The breezy and fresh feeling café provides newspapers and large working-desks for those who are working but still need to eat at some stage. This place would be perfect to take your assignment down and spread out on a big desk while you enjoy a sirloin steak sandwich or a pork and Japanese sauce roll.

Of course, Soundscape wouldn’t be complete without the ride! Round-up seemed like such a crazy ride that’s not for the faint-hearted (me) and I have mad respect for everyone who went on it.

The food is filling and full of flavour and the café is quite enough to concentrate on reading or chat to your friend but still maintains that cool café buzz.

Judging by the mass tagging and mentions all over Facebook following the event, I am sure that this Soundscape was one for the books.

The staff are friendly enough and you can help yourself to free water at the water station provided. Mr Milton, well done sir.




(21 mar - 20 apr)

(21 apr - 21 may)

(22 may - 21 june)

Now is a time for calm. What happens in O-week stays in O-Week and if you burn the DNA with your clothes then there is no proof.

Last week you went to Soundscape, a Beerfest, a Foam and a Paint Party. You don’t need the stars to tell you this week will be a giant fucking letdown.

This week you will meet a tall handsome stranger. Don’t trust him, he’s wearing a wire. Flush your stash.

Anthony Hopkins is believable enough as the man himself, but it is certainly a movie for film buffs or Hitchcock enthusiasts, as many of the stylistic choices reference his directorial style. Overall, it was enjoyable but lacked the cinematic excellence of an actual Hitchcock film.



entertainment & reviews




MARK ONE comic




Josh Lieb is a long time writer for the Daily Show with John Stewart so perhaps I brought this book with unreasonably high expectations. The book not only met those expectations but surpassed them. “I am a Genius...” is the story of Oliver Watson a kid who gets what he wants no matter what the cost. These days he has his sights set on being Class President and he will use every underhanded trick in the book to get it. Whether it is the school bully, his English teacher, or his arch nemesis “Daddy” he will destroy anyone who gets in his way.

By Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross

I felt the comedy worked because it was so hyperbolic in its creation of a good versus evil narrative that you weren’t sure who you were rooting for. Josh Lieb’s comedic writing ability seems effortless and at times the jokes were genuinely unexpected.

I read Marvels in a single sitting, one night, in the Uni library. From start to finish, I was captivated. Marvels is essentially a history lesson of all things Marvel: from the rise of the mutants to the death of Gwen Stacey. The thing that Marvels does so well is that it puts you in the shoes of an ‘Average Joe’ rather than the heroes themselves. This approach draws you into the story like nothing I have ever read and it is truly captivating (I’ve used that word twice now haven’t I?) To top it off, Alex Ross’ artwork is beautiful. He was the biggest talent to emerge from the 90s and this is some of his best work. Ultimately, this is a great read.

Rating: I’ve got the shakes; the Alabama Shakes. This American rock band from Alabama (ah no durr) brings black-woman soul into an indie sounding rock ensemble which cruses into your heart and basically makes you feel funky; the great kind of funky, not the nasty one. Kooky front woman, Brittany Howard, transmitts personality through her vocals and pushes every song to different levels through tempo and range. Some songs remind me of a ukulele on a beach, just relaxing with those you love, and then some can evoke emotions about your own life and make you quietly reflect on yourself and by the time the cd finishes you feel like you have a new perspective on life. Other than being a great councillor, this cd offers great music to have at any gathering of young and old and may prove to your friends that you are not the main stream fool you appear to be.

The only downside was that at times I felt the character strayed into being less of a unique creation and more of a Stewie Griffin aged 12 but Leib was good enough to rescue the character and even make him seem genuinely human with some real redeeming qualities.

It can be a bit clunky at times, and it has certainly aged a bit over the years, but it is undoubtedly a classic.




(22 june - 23 july)

(24 july - 23 aug)

(24 aug - 23 sep)

It’s time to switch up your story nobody is buying that the homeless couple found their way into your boot on the drive-through movie night. Why did they have to clean that damn lake.

Your belief that beauty is in the eye of the beholder will be severely tested this week. Also you will wake up in Bryant Hall.

It’s only been a week since the Jungle Party, how late is “late” anyway?

I want Alabama Shakes forever.


entertainment & reviews

local artist

gig guide Congratulations, you survived O-Week 2013! If you’re still recovering, but don’t want to be stuck doing nothing remotely fun all week, then this is for you.

Wednesday Skint House Bar, 6-9 pm Spent all your course related cost on O-Week? Starving to death? $5 pizzas and drink deals at House for students. We got your back. 2 for 1 Cocktails Grand Central Hotel, 5-10 pm Matt Hicks throws some questions the way of the ever opinionated, always entertaining Martyn ‘Bomber’ Bradbury. The Listener once described you as the “most opinionated man in New Zealand”. Do you agree? No. Matt Nippert wrote that interview and I think he was wrong, forget NZ, I’m the most opinionated man in Christendom. How does a typical day look for a fulltime blogger/tv producer/media professional like yourself? Hi, I’m Martyn Bradbury, and I’m a news junkie. I spend most of my time writing, reading and filming. I am about to launch a new media project involving 30 others on March 1st, I blog every day, script and film my show for Sky TV. I have 3 international news channels playing at all times and National Radio in the background. I live in Grey Lynn cafes most of my life. I really need a holiday.

They are all fun in very different ways. I consider myself pretty lucky to be able to bounce from one to the other. Blogging is my passion these days. When did you first start taking a keen interest in politics? I grew up in poverty. I remember listening to a politician saying no NZer should ever go hungry. Naively at the time I thought it was because those on the top had no idea how bad it was for us on the bottom. I decided to get to University so that I could articulate it to them. Of course, once I got to Uni, I realized those in power were well aware of how screwed it is for those on the bottom, they just didn’t give a fuck.

So you got your student allowance today? Stressed out by all the study you’re doing already? Enjoy a cocktail (or 2++)!

Saturday Ctrl Alt Delete (1st Birthday) Static, 11-3 am Come celebrate Ctrl Alt Delete’s (event) 1st birthday with Ctrl Alt Delete (DJ act)! Expect to rage hard. $2 before 12, $5 after Caburlesque Glamilton Altitude Bar, 7:30 pm A night of Glam and Burlesque? Consider us intrigued! Fun night out idea with the girls! $5 door sales Got a gig you want us to include here? Email us at

Martyn ‘Bomber’ Bradbury is the host of FACE TVs ‘Citizen A’ Thurs 7.30pm Sky 89

What’s your favourite medium? TV, Radio or print?

To read the epic full interview visit sounzgood.




(24 sep - 23 oct)

(24 oct - 22 nov)

(23 nov - 21 dec)

You could do worse than sleeping with one of the cool kids from the debating society. (This horoscope was paid for by the debating society)

Sure you could date athletic people but looks fade. (This horoscope was also paid for by the debating society)

Jealousy will overtake you but get some perspective it isn’t about which flatmate has the nicest stuff it’s about which flatmate puts you to bed when you’re lying outside the flat at 2am.


08 entertainment & reviews


eight ball

tHREE THINGS THAT ARE AWESOME RIGHT NOW AND THREE THINGS THAT AREN’T SO MUCH. COOL Chocolate Hot Crossed Buns It doesn’t matter if Easter isn’t till the end of March, those delicious treats will have me broke before then.

Welcome to the 8 ball. In the depths of my gooey black ass I will answer the secrets OF THE universe. You may not like MY answerS but lets be honest who else is going to tell you the truth, ugly.

Is there anyone left in the halls who hasn’t got with someone? All signs point to the people doing computer science degrees. Kidding. Are the Chiefs going to win super rugby again? No. The 8 ball does not care for rugby, fool.

Finally figuring out the latest time you can leave your flat without being late for class. You might not get graded on it, but it’s still important knowledge to have...

Is that prostitute still in the lake even after dredging? Idiot. When prostitutes die they evaporate into magical unicorn dust. How many people do I need to sleep with to be considered promiscuous? Sleep with anyone who parties at 101 = promiscuous. Naps Second week treating you badly? Nap time bitches.

Do blondes really have more fun? Yes. This requires no explanation, you depressed brunette. Lulz. I heard a rumor, is Jamie McDell really part shark? All signs point to Racoon. Last week you said Oscar Pistorious killed that girl. How did he get out on bail? You asked me if he was guilty not if the prosecutors were ritards.

NOT COOL Realising you spent all your course related costs in O Week. Those jager-bombs were definitely of importance to your management degree.

Lecturers now expecting you to do work. You’ll find a surprising amount of hatred for the phrase “It’s not O Week anymore so...”

No car parks, ever ‘Nuff said.




(22 dec - 20 jan)

(21 jan - 19 feb)

(20 feb - 20 mar)

You’ll be lucky if your best friend ever talks to you again after what you did on Thursday.

Trust your instincts. You’re a second year now and you are still looking to the stars for advice, weak.

Maybe you are wasting your life and coming here was a bad call but what will a few more weeks hurt while you figure it out.











Have we gone to F**king Far? Alix Higby examines if we’ve become to politically correct as a nation. Where does the line exists between political correctness and the name calling you see in the opposite photo?

If you’re ever thinking of making a joke about someone else, don’t dream of mentioning weight, race age, religion or gender. You wouldn’t want to offend anyone now, would you? Take that notion, wind the dial ten billion times, and you’ve got political correctness at a nationwide level. I’m talking complete nanny-state ideas that serve to undermine our own free will and right to think for ourselves. We’re told that it’s for our own good, having rules in place to discourage certain negative behaviours. Now, making drink-driving illegal, we can all agree that that’s justifiable. You’re talking about irresponsible actions that can directly affect, and end other people’s lives, right? That kind of stupidity calls for control and reasonable punishment. But throwing lolly scrambles at public events? Believe it or not, Auckland was not comfortable with that idea for their last Christmas parade. They even banned water guns; god forbid someone gets squirt in the eye. There’s always backlash from both sides of the fence, you have those of maternal make-up who like to stop you making stupid decisions, then there are those who enjoy the freedom to make stupid decisions, if they so choose. You have backlash at the “cheeky darkie” remark of the late Sir Paul Holmes, and on the other you have public support for banning smoking in bars, restaurants, and now, the university of Waikato. Where is the line that clearly divides the things we collectively decide are no good for society, and the things that we leave for individuals to figure out? The lolly scrambles that the Auckland council banned – were not

to prevent potential projectile injuries, but to stop children running in the path of the moving vehicles taking part in the Christmas parade. Ah, see that sounds like a reasonable ban now doesn’t it. Children aren’t as aware of their surroundings as we are, and this ban serves to protect them. So, on that note, why do we feel that banning smoking on campus is necessary to protect staff, students, and visitors? In an ideal society, smokers would realise that not everyone appreciates smoke in their face, and non-

pressing matters, like poverty and child abuse, the war on personal (albeit unhealthy and unattractive) choices like this can sometimes feel misdirected. So how do we know when we’ve gone too far with our political correctness? When teachers are not allowed to comfort a child when they cry? When not only official terms, but also unofficial terms are gender neutral? When we somehow figure out how to police the Internet? We’ll never be ‘1984’; our celebrity culture is too ingrained. But sometimes

“There needs to be a level of individual responsibility, where you actively consider others, rather than mindlessly following rules.” smokers would respect that some people do. Surely, the banning of smoking indoors has gone far enough already to ensure that nonsmokers will always have places where they can avoid second-hand smoke. If smokers are hovering near entrances and congested foot traffic then they need to work on their consideration. However, on our campus I’ve never had to deal with clouds of smoke as I exit lecture theatres, and I’m an asthmatic so I would know.

you’ve got to stop and think about why humans need so many strict rules and guidelines to co-exist happily and respectfully. We should target the root of this problem (perhaps, equal human rights for all?) rather than just the outer symptoms. Legislation shouldn’t have to be the starting point in developing socially acceptable behaviour and ideas, but then again, maybe we just have to start somewhere.

There needs to be a level of individual responsibility, where you actively consider others, rather than mindlessly following rules. And plain packaged cigarettes? For those hard-core fans that only smoke what Slash smokes, this may damage their buying habits, but probably won’t affect most users. When there are more 19


With the recent success of his set at RnV, he’s coming back and get this - playing a Hamilton show! When you start an interview talking about chocolate, you know it will be good. Boris Draeden aka Netsky was enjoying some relaxation time in Belgium, where he hails from originally, so the topic of Belgian chocolates went down a treat. At the end of it, I have come to realise that talking to Netsky was a lot like chocolate itself – simple, but jam packed with flavor.

Where did you get the name Netsky from? It’s a funny story. I’ve been making music for quite a while now and I think I was 16 when I came up with the name. That was the time when people were still downloading, like when we had Limewire, like all the sites where you can download music for free. Basically what happened was, I had this computer where I got this virus on and it got rid of all my music and completely destroyed my hard drive that I couldn’t use it anymore, and that virus was called Netsky. I understand Netsky LIVE started last year. What made your decide to add a band? I’ve always thought about my music in a very kind of live way and I’ve always thought about a drummer playing the drums, a keyboard plays the keyboard, and for me it’s a very organic prodigy of step to find a next level way that we can actually play live on stage and show people that drum & bass is real music. It adds a different element to your shows. Yeah, it’s so much fun for me after DJ-ing for so long it’s great to do something new on stage. It’s just really exciting for me to


try and learn this stuff, to be a performer instead of just a DJ. Without saying anything bad about DJ-ing because I still love Dj-ing as well. It’s very exciting for me. I love doing it. We’re all really excited to have you back in New Zealand for the Netsky LIVE tour especially doing a show in Hamilton! Great! Yeah, me too. I can’t wait! I’m really looking forward to that. You mentioned once that the New Zealand crowd is just different. What I find really interesting about the New Zealand crowd is all the energy. There’s so much dancing, jumping, and just having a good time without the aggression. I’m curious. Do you still get nervous before a show? Yeah, especially with the live show but that’s a healthy kind of stress I think. I like it.


So what’s the best part of a show for you? The best part of a gig? Yeah, that’s a good question. It’s definitely the show time. I think there’s a couple of tracks in our live set that are probably my most favourite parts. We do a tune called “Puppy” which is a House track where people really tend to just jump a lot and that’s really good to see. It’s really cool that people are reacting so much to the music. For your album “2”, there’s quite a good range of tracks. It sounds like every track is different. Great! I love hearing stuff like that because that’s definitely what I’ve tried to do. I think in my second album compared to my first one, I hope people can see that I got a bit more confident over the years and I find that I can try new stuff and experiment. Any favourites from the album? Ooh, I never think of it that way, but I think one of tracks I really enjoyed doing was “Puppy” and “We Can Only Live Today”.

“We Can Only Live Today” is a good phrase to replace “YOLO” with. Yeah, yeah (laughs). Let’s do that. Let’s get rid of YOLO.

Nexus is giving away a double pass to the Netsky gig! To enter write us a ‘lettuce to the editor’ about anything, best letter wins!

I’ll hashtag that. We’ll make it happen. Yeah, let’s make it worldwide (laughs). “Come Alive” is one of my favourites from the album and I noticed that when it gets played in clubs, it always gets the crowd going. I like making tunes that are just really happy and I think “Come Alive” is one of them. It worked out well, people are liking it a lot. Speaking of, what makes you “come alive” then? Like, what makes you feel alive the most? I think that just being on a stage and making people smile. Just that energy makes me feel alive. So what’s next for Netsky? What are your plans for 2013? I’m working on a lot of new music, working on a better live show, and I’m actually trying to find a flat! Netsky’s career is flying high and it’s easy to see why. Aside from producing great music, his penchant for trying new things and experimenting with sound keeps the crowd wanting more. By Jess Molina


entertainment & reviews

Puzzle Page Complete the puzzle page, be the first to bring it in and show us, and you’ll win stuff!

Crossword ~ Issue Two








8 9

Across Clues 2. campus based Hip Hop artist______Anthony. 4. Actor who plays titular character in Hitchcock? 6. Which Jamie McDell loved animal was responsible for the death of a man last week. 8. What event is every wednesday at house? 10. What is martin Bradbury’s nickname? 12. Alabama Shakes lead singer? 13. Netsky is from this chocolate loving country. 15. Winner of the Best Actress Oscar at the 85th annual Academy Awards.

10 11

Down Clues 1. Huy Vu is a big fan of this Canadian pop princess? 3. Basic sex position. 5. South African double amputee dubbed the Blade Runner. 7. Famed drug cheat and sex position muse 9. What flower extract was found in the herbal pills that made 12 Christchurch kids sick? 11. Musician performing this coming Saturday at Vector Arena, Auckland. 14. Psycho’s leading lady






Hub Words How many words can you make? Each word must contain the hub letter I. Can you find a 9-letter word and at least 20 other words of five letters or more avoiding proper nouns?

Sudoku ~ Medium 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Autuer Auteur talks being brave enough to handle Hitchcock’s particular brand of suspense.

Being impatient for the general release of the new film “Hitchcock”, Dr Ezy and I attended a preview screening at Te Awamutu’s Regent Cinema a few weeks ago. Alfred Hitchcock is undoubtedly cinema’s most famous director. “Psycho” is the film

for which he is best known. The story of “Psycho”’s production is told in “Hitchcock” along with more speculative scenes about the director’s marriage and fantasy life. One of the pleasures of watching a Hitchcock movie for the first time is looking for the director’s trademark cameo appearance, in trying to, as it were, “Spot the ‘Cock”. When it came to Psycho though it took me an extremely long time to work up the courage to watch it. You see, I am a wuss. A yellow bellied, chicken livered, sissy girl wuss. While I like the idea of horror movies, the actual watching of one is just too much for me to bear. I blame Aussie soap opera, Neighbours. Yup. I was traumatised at a young age by a scene from Neighbours. To this day I CANNOT look

out a window after dark. So, with all that I had heard about Psycho, I had my fears. And yes, those fears were fully realised when I finally plucked up the courage to watch it one afternoon, curtains wide open and sunlight blazing inside. I had what Dr Ezy called, “the most extreme reaction to a horror film he’d ever seen”. Despite this, I thought the film a masterpiece and despite my trauma, I really liked it! So after seeing Hitchcock, I was determined to revisit the Bates Motel. In the greatest display of courage the world has ever known, I invited a close friend over one night. Yes, night. To hold my hand as we watched. (I grasped it but once). Turns out, the key to Psycho’s creepiness is all in the suspense. I had mentally prepared myself for every fright and every jump, and therefore was perfectly able to control myself and not hide behind my fingers every few minutes! For the first time, I

really understood why “Hitch, hold the Cock” is known as the Master of Suspense. Although I have since watched Psycho twice more, I am not cured of my wussiness, nor do I have any desire to watch any more horrors, but I do recommend you check out the Hitchcock section at Auteur House. Janine Betts

Mr Minty Fish Mr Minty Fish and Getting’ Some.

Trying to get one of my friends laid is like trying to fill the WSU pool with Midori, Soda and Pineapple juice then getting a sanctioned orgy videoed as part of our university’s 2014 campaign. It’s wet, messy, and everyone’s confused. It’s not that she can’t get laid. Well I suppose it is, obviously, but more so it’s that she comes from a small hick town where 90% of the inhabitants are probably her cousins and whilst living in the wilderness, the rules just seem to have changed. Life of the typical uni student isn’t all Bucking Squads and Project X. In fact life in the halls; although loose; is basically a year of being sheparded out of Block 5 before 10, Fatty Fridays and being written up for open vessels in the hallway. I’m not saying that 1st years are pussies, but I am saying that you give far too many fucks and have far too many fucks placed upon you. 2nd years, this is when getting laid truly begins. Problem is, it’s usually with your flatmates’ weird brother or something like that. It’s gone from Resident officials ‘joking’ about no one screwing the crew, to everyone screwing everyone which is why 2nd year is usually the year where everyone starts to hate each other. But here’s the problem. When you start becoming an old bitch, you’ve gone through so many years of getting laid as a result of different protocols that sometimes, the rules are just fucking ridiculous. Guys can bang but birds can’t. Girls can stalk but guys can’t. You can’t get with someone you’re friends with, but all the new people are 12. Tbh it’s all just a shit pick of confusion and genitals all greeting each other with nasty infections. My recommendation for this situation is, Miss *****, just fuck everything. You’re a top lass, harlem shake all over some dick and your dilemma will be solved. Any buckers keen? 02136- Oh, sorry. Over my word limit. Love you little grubby bastards, Talk soon Mmf.x



Nexxxus unse The Morning After

Stick Figure Sex Positions

Some magazines would start with how to have sex columns but not us, we know you already have some game. We consulted a sex expert (a second year philosophy student) to help you make things a little less awkward in the morning.

Each week (or whenever we can be fucked(pun)) we will bring you for new sexual positions to try based on a theme, prominent news story or popular figure. This week we bring you the “Lance Armstrong Collection.” Sex positions inspired by the renowned drug cheat, liar, and part time cyclist. Quick disclaimer: no one who writes Nexus has ever tried any of these, some of which may at times defy laws of gravity, physics, morality and what common society would consider to be decency. If you try them and it all goes wrong we are not responsible. However, if they cause you a really embarrassing injury please write us a story and attach a photo.

• Preparation is key. Whether it is your place or theirs only ever take someone home who is within three points of you on the drunk decimal scale. If you are hammered then taking home a really sober person is a bad move because they are way more into it than you. If you haven’t drunk a thing then only take home someone that is a 3 on the drunk scale

then up on your toes and withdraw. This can be modified to the “upper deck bike rack” but should only be done with consent and on your birthday.

2. The Sponsor: This is a simple one. It involves absolutely no sex just the continued promise of sex, bragging about how much sex you have had and talking to potential partners about how much better the sex would be if they were having it with you.

• “I brought the condoms she can dispose of them” is a myth created by virgins and douchebags. Be a tidy kiwi. • Exchange numbers not plans. “I’ll see you in town at Skint tomorrow” is intense pressure. “Here’s my number if you want it” is not. • Take a hint. The moment an escape route is offered take it. If your “friend” wanted to make awkward conversation all day with creepy people leering at them then they would join the young nats.

1. The Bike Rack: Gently guide yourself in

3. The Drug Cheat: Hold your arm out straight and use your partner’s inner thigh to tie you off. The fact that their head dangles is purely coincidental but awesome. Beginners may wish to attempt this lying down the first time.

4. The Yellow Jumper: Get your partners permission. In fact get in writing because this is exactly as it looks.



ealed Nexus Sex Tips If you’re in need of motivation, just channel your inner Gareth Morgan – destroy the pussy. Have you tried the ‘Oscar Pistorius’? Lock your girl friend in the bathroom and blow your load at the door.

The Tale of the Foam Party and the girl who had my world in her hands.

that as I ground into her I couldn’t see her hand tighten around me. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure but it sure felt like I was going to have sex.

Some would say it is strange to find love in a nightclub filled with foam. I can tell you it’s absolutely strange and not what happened at all.

She grabbed me again and I thought she was guiding me into her. Her hand slipped, she gripped it again, and again her hand slipped. Or did it? It dawned on me that I might not be getting laid in the middle of a foam party but I was getting my third ever hand job and it was kind of excellent.

But there I was last week at the foam party, nineteen and a second year virigin when I saw her from across the room. I don’t know how it started, and I have never been overly smooth, but I found myself moving toward her in a way that she didn’t hate. I tried to be smooth and failed miserably as I stumbled over every second sentence, and yet miraculously I found myself making out with her. I should have stopped to figure out what the fuck was happening but I was invested in this girl from the beginning. I don’t know if it was her eyes or the way she tasted (a mix of smoke and cheap voldka) but I couldn’t stop myself. My hands flew around her, clumsily trying to figure out where the line was or how far things were going to progress, but when her hands took to my zipper I knew it was going to end well. She took me to a foam covered part that wasn’t overly private but covered enough

If American movies have ever taught me anything it was that I shouldn’t waste this opportunity I took my hand and placed it on her head with just a little bit of pressure before getting one of those “not going to happen” looks. I didn’t want to pull my hand away immediately so all of a sudden my hand was on her head and all I could do was pat her in a patronising “good job” way as she gave me a hand job. I tried to think of something distracting but in less time than it took and Britney to get to the third verse I was “adding to the foam” My potential dream girl smiled, kissed me goodbye and said “maybe I’ll see you again” I tucked myself back into my jeans and spent the rest of the night with a dumb grin.

Background artwork by Julius Lewandowski. 25


Carnage So it was Monday. I got drunk. If anyone asks it was “because it’s Oweek” but to be fair it was probably just because it was Monday. Beach party and foam party.

Dark Tales of Flatting Hi, I live in a small, two bedroom flat with my one flatmate, Cullen. We have been friends since we first came to uni and get along well. But one day when we were walking back from our lecture we saw a chair on the side of the road. It was obviously well used and was just thrown out for someone to collect. Been the type of person Cullen is, he decided it would go great with the flat. This is the time the issue began. About a month after Cullen got that chair, I came back after been at my parents place for a weekend. A second chair had appeared in the flat. Cullen had decided chairs are now the ‘thing’ to collect. At this point I thought it was kinda funny. Then came the summer break, which I spend working back in my home town. Cullen has a job here in Hamilton and stayed here the whole time. I came back to the flat about a week ago, for another year of uni, to find 14 chairs throughout the flat. Now this flat is quite small, so Cullen put most of them in his room and made a ‘Throne of chairs’. It’s essentially just a super chair made out of many smaller chairs. He told me that he had spent a whole week driving around, going to the rubbish dump and spent a lot of time on Trade Me just looking for more chairs. I think this has now progressed from a humors hobby to some deep child hood trauma. Please help, Cameron

The cool poeple at BurgerFuel five cross roads have decided to make both these students lives a little better by providing them with 5 free burgers each! Check the back page to see how you can win free stuff too.


As much as I enjoy equal parts crabs and equal parts Chlamydia I somehow resisted the 2 themes and found myself getting down with my bad self in The Hood. Just to clarify, at no stage was I masturbating in The Hood; the same can be said for the guy in this photo. I’m not saying he was, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he had’ve. Hide yo kids, hide yo wives. I would have several more interesting tales but the highlight of my night was outshone by the inside of an ambulance. I’m not going to say that I was swimming in the Museum pool but I will say that if I was, I probably then also fell asleep in it. I don’t remember that but I do remember waking up this morning to an empty 1ltr of Finlandia and a bed filled with underwear that wasn’t mine, a first year, and bad life choices. O week is not for the weak at heart. As soon as this one’s finished, I’m going into training for the next. O week. You good cunt.


Boganology 101 Our resident bogan insists that whether it’s boots, beer, or art appreciation - culture is culture.

What’s in a name? The Oxford English dictionary has defined us as “an uncouth or unsophisticated person, regarded as being of low social status”. But perhaps most insulting is the label that other definitions have pinned on us – “uncultured”. What is culture? From the very same book it means “the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society”. To be devoid of culture is not to be human. The difference really is that our culture is not the cup of tea, pinky in the air (except during a drinking game), appreciation of Cezanne’s bunch of fruit in a bowl. Our culture is beer, black, boots, beards, and booze (did I mention we like alcohol and alliteration?) What’s really going on here is a hierarchy, with the ‘finer things’ at the top, and the ‘sub-culture’ at the bottom. The reality is it’s just Diff’rent Strokes for different folks – only without the late Gary Coleman (too old a reference?). So hug a Bogan today, especially if you have the sixth Bogan ‘B’ that is boobs (male or female). Then the Bogan can then say their shoulder got some. Stay bogan. or

Constable Nick Serious Police stuff.

Advice from my Folks’ Jess learns that being different is okay. Sort of.

One fine spring day, I found myself sitting on the front porch of my parent’s house in a terrible mood; all due to an impending family dinner. While my Dad watered the garden, I explained to him my reasons for not wanting to go to the previously mentioned family dinner. Something along the lines of not fitting in, feeling drastically misunderstood and being sure that I was adopted and shouldn’t be at the family dinner, due to the sheer principle that my said adoption put the legitimacy of a ‘family’ dinner, to question. He thought I was being ridiculous. I kept on insisting that I was the black sheep and that maybe they should attend and just pretend that I never existed. He said no.

Welcome to Waikato University and your future studies. Hamilton Police are concerned about student flat burglaries, where offenders often target laptops, and external hard drives. Loss or damage to property resulting from a burglary is always distressing, particularly if hours of study and work contained on electronic devices are stolen. There are simple ways to prevent crime such as locking your doors and windows when you go out. Get to know your neighbours and ask them to assist with looking after your property if you are away. House alarms are another very effective tool to deter burglars. There are a variety of products now available that are relatively inexpensive and portable. You can take them with you if you move addresses and they are easy to install. Alarms, combined with warning notices do deter thieves. We strongly recommend that you install an alarm in your house or flat. Burglaries in your area are often committed during the day by offenders who are on foot. Please take note of anyone in the area you see that looks suspicious and call 111 immediately. If you have any questions, or need further advice on any crime prevention matters, please contact one of the Community Police Officers at the Hamilton East Police station on 8582792. If Police are unable to take your call at the time please leave a message with your contact details and your call will be returned. Sincerely, Constable Nick Sickelmore Hamilton East Police

“Pretend that I am conveniently out of town?” “No.” “Conveniently came down with the flu?” “No.” “Conveniently“No.” He’d had enough of my convenient suggestions, it appeared. “Not having anyone to agree with you, about the fact that you think ‘the 1953 animated adaptation of ‘Peter Pan’ is both racially insensitive and endlessly fantastic,’ does not make you tragically misunderstood. You’re different. Different isn’t bad. Just don’t expect everyone to be like you.” Essentially, it appeared, what my Dad was saying was that accepting and embracing the diverse can help make the world a lot more enjoyable to be in. Expecting to always be around like minded individuals seemingly only sets you up for disappointment. I still didn’t want to go. But I felt what he was saying. 27

ALICE & A Lifestyle

Alice & Anne By ANNE

Alice and Anne’s University Survival Guide.

The easiest way to view your time at university is like travelling through a jungle. Fuck knows where you’re going and sometimes there are snakes. However you might occasionally stumble across someone who knows where the quicksand pits are (note: avoid the library steps in winter) and can give you some sage advice. Clothes: Always bring a jumper. Even in the middle of summer, you’ll still freeze to death in a two hour lecture because the air conditioning is set to ‘Scott Base’. Be aware, if you wear a short skirt you may acquire new “friends” walking very close behind you up the library stairs. We said it last year, and we’ll say it again this year. Wearing tights and puffer jackets are contradictory and stupid. Let’s not go through it again this year... It might sound weird, but wearing the exactly the same outfit to every class will not do you any favours. Your classmates will know you as grey-jumper-baggy-jeans-man and your lecturer is more likely to pick on you because they’ll recognise you. Be adventurous!

Trend Spotting By ALICE AND ANNE

Webster Ndala aka Winston Anthony:

Hip Hop

Shoes: You know those Student Life jandals you begrudgingly accepted in the hope they’d leave you alone? They’ll actually be a godsend when you ruin your last good pair of shoes going for a drunk swim in the nuclear waste pit that is the university lake. If you’re buying boots for winter, check out the soles. If they have no grip, you are going to die in an embarrassing wet mess as you fall down the S Block stairs. Check that they’re at least a couple of centimetres thick and top stitching is a good sign – it means they’re sewed together not glued. Ugg boots are inside shoes and should not leave your house; besides the fact they’re ridiculous they’re also impractical in the rain. Bags: Don’t let your mates tell you that you’ve got a man bag. Satchels are legit – Indiana Jones has one. If you’re in the market for a new university bag, make sure it’ll fit at least an A4 notebook or a ring binder. Also make sure its waterproof and the dye won’t run. Rucksacks are pretty popular at the moment and actually have the added bonus of being practical!

SLIGHTLY STONED Sunglasses to disguise your hangover are an excellent idea; however this only works for the first half of Semester A. Apparently we’re supposed to know better after then...


Stay beautiful, Anne.

Had a few drinks DECIDED on a quiet night at home. Don’t drink and fry.

If you’re a rising hip-hop star, it’s fair to say you should probably have some sweet threads - especially if you’re signed to a label (Archon Records) and have toured Los Angeles. Webster is a Waikato law student and is performing as Winston Anthony at THVRSDAY, March 7th at the Old Hood. or the number on the Dominos Door gate 1


Arts Joel de Vries I have been painting and drawing for 2 years now and draw my inspiration from the wonderful country we live in. Most of my artwork is for sale so feel free to contact me if you are interested in purchasing a piece (or two). 0221327319 VriesArtandPhotography

Pizza sliders, spicy chicken kickers or mini dutch pancakes they are awesome..

Kill some time.

Pay the woman she looks a little angry. Relax and chill out. 29


President’s Column Veeps Welcome to the Presidents column – The hang over edition. Nau mai again to Waikato! I hope you all had a fantastic ORI2013 and are ready to knuckle down for a hard semester. I’m pleased to say we made it through the week. Although at times I didn’t think we would, here we are on the other side of the hump. If you are still semi-functional then you have survived a time-honoured rite of passage. You are now a real student. I hope all of your heads are as sore as mine is, The difference being that your heads are sore as a result of excessive alcohol consumption and slept deprivation, mine is sore from listening to hoards of first years screaming in my ears every night on the free bus to town. I would just like to reiterate that there is only so many times you can hear the “College on the piss” chant, and its only funny the first time. I’m extremely proud of the WSU team for getting you all too and from town safely for the week, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank House on Hood for sponsoring the service.

With ORI2013 in the rear view mirror, I should probably remind you that O’week is just a small part of what the Waikato Students’ Union does for students. Sure, it’s a great way to start the year off with a bang (interpret that as you wish) but we also offer other services such as advocacy, Nexus, clubs and societies, and representation day in and day. If you didn’t sign up, come see us up in the Student Union Building and we can sort that out. We need your membership to continue doing the good things we do, and if we shouted you a ride to town it’s the least you could do for us.

As VP maori, just wanting to kick-off with Te Matatini (last week’s national Ma ori kapa haka festival that Waikato is a strategic partner of...) and say well done to all our students and staff that performed and kicked butt, and I truly think that prize-giving was the weirdest I’ve ever been to. From a three-way 3rd overall place winner’s combo to the female announcer that was embarrassing herself in front of the entire Maori nation with her mispronunciation, it was an eventful one! Be sure to check out the Te Matatini hype on Maori Television.

Oh, and on a final note: Special shout out to the douche bag who stole our WSU sign on Wednesday night. You sir, are a prick. $20 voucher to whoever returns that sign and/or his head.

Now back to reality!! This year is going to be a big one, ESPECIALLY for Maori as we are hosting this year’s Te Huinga Tauira (Māori Student’s conference). So for all your student support needs in all aspects of Maori@ Waikato student life, make sure to join your faculty Maori student group, primarily our WSU club whanau Te Ranga Ngaku (Maori@ Management), Te Whakahiapo (Maori Law students), and Te Waiora (general Maori group for all schools and faculties). These whanau will ENSURE that Maori@Waikato life for you is fulfilling.


Final note, don’t hesitate to visit me at my office for direction! Wai.



Clubs Noticeboard The Mandarin Corner Learn Chinese, the most widely spoken language in the world. The Mandarin Corner is all about promoting culture and friendship. Facebook us @ Waikato Mandarin Corner.

Contact FM Radio doesn’t need to suck! Help make the world a better place, one song at a time! Contact FM-Hamilton’s finest indie/alt station, avoiding crap music since 1986! Get involved, become a DJ, event vollie or just help out. Contact us and we will contact you: contact@

Waikato Unicol

New clubs hoping to affiliate and get numbers to start a club go join up! Hamilton Youth Council Jason Sebastain 0210533680 Wai Taiko Japanese Drummers Lianne Stephenson 021029509450 info WUNA (Niuean Students Assoc) Jenasis Hannlitama 02102372627 Wado Kai karate Club Zac Lyon 021321397

Cooking Club Colin Pilbrow Waikato Mo Bros Rab Heath 0210555696 Hamilton Volleyball Club Shaunna Polley 0273143977 Waikato Badminton Assoc. Tj Weistra 021464229

Ultimate Frisbee Alex Keyte Beattie 0273046863

All Women’s Teams Muster Sat March 2nd 4pm-6pm and Sun March 10th 1pm-3pm Men’s 1st and 2nd Trials Sat March 2nd 1pm-3pm and Sun March 10th 10am-12noon Men’s 3rd to Social Teams Muster Sun March 3rd 10am-2pm and Sat March 9th 1pm-3pm

100% Possible Moving beyond fossil fuels is 100% Possible. We have the solutions today to get moving and build a thriving New Zealand for the 21st century.. Come to our meeting Level One of the Students Centre opposite Bennett’s from 6pm on Tuesday the 5th of March.

Waikato Debsoc Waikato Debsoc is the University’s Debating Society. Throughout the year, we give students the chance to develop skills which will help them achieve their goal. We do this by offering various opportunities for public speaking and social networking, with students, public figures and professionals. It is no coincidence therefore, that past members of Waikato Debsoc hold key positions in Parliament, consulting firms and law firms in New Zealand and abroad. Being part of Debsoc involves more than just debating though. Debsoc is an intimate and supportive group of people, and we would love to meet you. Come along and see what we’re all about, or check us out on Facebook, or at



Ask Amber HOW TO MANAGE A CRISIS. Kia Ora Hey guys, hope ORI2013 went well. I have been working a number of cases this year and the one thing that comes up all the time is issues management. I know it’s hard to manage uncertainty in an ever changing world. But this week I thought I would provide some tips on how to manage a crisis. 1.

Accept that there is a problem. By identifying the problem you can then work to solve it. Allowing it to linger will just let it grow.

2. Tell someone If you are having difficulty it is important to notify people early, for example if an assignment will be late conveying this to your lecturer. If you have an issues affecting your studies that you may need advocacy email me 3. Work out a plan Take some time to plan your response to the problem, and how you will fix it. Ask yourself will this plan solve my issue; if doubt ful come see us at the WSU building on campus (Ph.078569139) 4. Execute your plan When you execute your plan make sure to take notes, if it doesn’t work or you find you have obstacles (like having no money to solve your emergency situation) come ask us we may be able to help. Till next week, Cheers. Amber

Young Workers Resource Centre TRIAL PERIODS IN APPLICATION In January three people came to the YWRC about trial periods. The first case was from an employer, the employer asked how long he could hire someone on a trial period for? The answer is 90 calendar days (not days at work). Trial periods can be shorter than 90 days but it is up to the employer and employee to negotiate. The second case was from a young man (Robert) who had returned to New Zealand after a year abroad. Robert was able to get a job working 32

for the same company he worked for before he left New Zealand. The manager gave Robert his new employment agreement which was all good, apart from one clause. The trial period clause. Robert had worked for the company before and the owner had not changed, therefore Robert could not be hired on a trial period. Why is this? Well because the manager and company already know how Robert works and therefore there is no need to trial him. The third trial period case the YWRC dealt with in January was from a young woman, Wendy who came to the YWRC upset and angry about that fact that her employer had put her on a probationary period. Wendy came to the YWRC because her family said that her employer was not allowed to put her on a probationary period because she had worked for her employer for over three months. This is a common misunderstanding. A probationary period is different to a trial period. You can only be on a trial period for the first 90 days of your employment with an employer. During a trial period the employee cannot file a personal grievance (law suit) against their employer for unjustifiable dismissal. A probationary period is different from a trial period because an employer can put an employee on a probationary period throughout the employment relationship. During a probationary period an employer will monitor the employees performance, provide appropriate feedback and training where necessary. If performance does not improve an employer will follow a fair process to dismiss the employee. If the employee feels the employer has not followed a fair process, the employee has the right to raise a personal grievance. A probationary period can last for as long as the employee and employer agree. In summary a trial period of 90 days is available to employers who are employing someone for the first time. While working on a trial period you do not have the right to file a personal grievance due to unjustifiable dismissal. All other rights still apply when on a trial period. Any questions give me a call 07 834 7124, or email:

Citizens Advice Bureau Some DO’S and DON’TS DO: Do make sure you change or drop subjects by MARCH 8TH - otherwise you end up with IC (incomplete) on your transcript. Do make sure you know the difference between renting and flatting. Do make sure you know where to go to get help if you need it. DON’T: Don’t buy a car without checking whether there is money owing on it. Don’t fall for scams ~ if it sounds too good to be true then 9 times out of 10 it usually is ~be wary! Don’t sign up with income tax firms – you can do it yourself online. Don’t buy anything at the door or from vans. Don’t suffer alone with your problem – come and talk to someone about it at CAB (confidentiality guaranteed)


Was This You? House Beerfest. The House Beerfest was last Wednesday night. Vote for the photo you think should win a prize at











LETTUCE TO THE EDITOR Want your voice to be heard? Want to get your point across? Now you can! Facebook or tweet your lettuce and eight ball questions to us with #nexuslettuce or #eightball.






THE CARNAGE COLUMN Every week we will publish a column on your night out. If you provide us with pics and videos we will post them on our Facebook and if we publish your story that week, you get a prize. So if you have a town story to tell and the photos to back it up then send us 200 words and some pics to:


Nexus will organise dinner and drinks for two plus a chaperone and all we ask is that you write a few hundred words on whether we have made a Love match, a like match or a really big mistake. If this sounds like you email

PAY ‘N’ CAFÉ We are looking for 24 café reviewers. Every week we will give a different student a café voucher in exchange for a 200 word review. So if you don’t hate writing and do like the chance of getting free food send us your contact details to


DARK TALES OF FLATTING Maybe you had a bad party or there is a weird story about cooking or a flatmate who always smells like decomposing feet. Tell us your dark tales of flatting and if we like it we will publish it and see what we can do to help. Or at least get you a prize... Email your 200 words to:


ARTIST OR ILLUSTRATOR? Looking for a place to showcase your art or stories? Each week we will have a page devoted to a local artist. Email your work and a small description to




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