FOUND Magazine

Page 1

=)!#.0>, Note Feature: The Modular Issue The spirit of cutting-edge creativity and innovation comes to life in Found. We aspire to showcase international, !"#$%%!&$"#'(")'!"*+$"#!(%')$,!&",'(")' styles. Our aim is always to ensure that -.+'/'.+0',+1,20!1$0,'/'(0$'#3$'40,#'#.' see the latest and greatest in modern design from around the globe. 5"'.+0'40,#'!,,+$6'7$'3(8$'23.,$"'#.' look at all things modular that is found in graphic design, product design, architecture, and fashion. Modular units are employed in the basis of design (")'2.",#0+2#!."9'5#')$4"$,'#3$')$,!&"' :0.2$,,'(")'(;;$2#,'#3$'4"(%'.+#2.<$6' just like how this issue acts as the fundamental basis for Found.

Contents pg 4-6 TAKASHI MURAKAMI Graphic Design

pg 7-9 MUGLER

Fashion Design

pg 10-12 GRAVEL PLANT Product Design

pg 13-15 NESTLÉ CHOCOLATE MUSEUM Architecture

/ GRAPHIC DESIGN / Takashi Murakami

An astute manipulator of visual “languages, artistic mediums and business models ”



/ GRAPHIC DESIGN / Takashi Murakami


Japanese Andy Warhol Takashi Murakami has been shaking up the art world since the early 1990s with his unconventional approach to both subject matter and artistic production

Takashi Murakami attended the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, initially studying more traditional Japanese art. He pursued a doctorate in Nihonga, a traditional style of Japanese painting. However, due to the popularity of anime and manga, Japanese styles of animation and comic graphic stories, Murakami became disillusioned with Nihonga. He became passionate about otaku culture, which he felt was more representative of modern-day Japanese life. Murakami's style, called Superflat, is characterized by flat planes of color and graphic images involving a character style derived from anime and manga.

Superflat is an artistic style that comments on otaku lifestyle and subculture, as well as consumerism and sexual fetishism. Like Andy Warhol, Takashi Murakami takes low culture and repackages it, and sells it to the highest bidder in the "highart" market. What makes Murakami different is his methods of production, and his work is not in one store front but many, ranging from toy stores, candy aisles, comic book stores, and the French design house of Louis Vuitton. Murakami's style is an amalgam of his Western predecessors, Warhol, Oldenberg and Roy Lichtenstein, as well as Japanese predecessors and contemporaries of anime and manga. He has successfully marketed himself to Western culture and to Japan in the form of Kaikai Kiki and GEISAI.


/ GRAPHIC DESIGN / Takashi Murakami

Never content to play the traditional role of the solitary artist, Murakami has moved into even broader areas of the art world, seeking out new talent among young Japanese artists and becoming a curator for shows at the Museum of Contemporary Art-Los Angeles and the Japan Society in New York.



For creating his own art, he has developed a unique factory-style production line in studios in Tokyo and in New York—that involves dozens of artists and assistants and runs like a well-oiled machine.

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/ FASHION DESIGN / Thierry Mugler



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/ FASHION DESIGN / Thierry Mugler

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/ FASHION DESIGN / Thierry Mugler


/ PRODUCT DESIGN / Mieke Meijer

Gravel Plant 01



/ PRODUCT DESIGN / Mieke Meijer

Gravel Plant 01

Gravel Plant 02

G avel Plant Restoring disused industrial shapes and placing them into a new context is the concept behind Mieke Meijers latest project, based on industrial archaeology. By reducing scale and playing with volume, Mieke creates autonomous interior objects. Made up of recycled oak wood, steel and glass,Gravel Plant comprise of a jumble of wooden geometric frames. The shelves and desk can be maneuvered and rearranged #.'73!23$8$0'2."4&+0(#!."'#3$'+,$0'!,'2.<;.0#(1%$'7!#39' Like many of her previous works, Meijer never fails to inject a sense of playfulness in her creations.

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/ PRODUCT DESIGN / Mieke Meijer

12 Gravel Plant (01+02), 2010 SIZE: 140 CM X 100 CM X 190 CM MATERIALS: RECYCLED OAK WOOD, STEEL AND GLASS

Gravel Plant 02

According to Meijer, sustainability, utility and beauty (0$'#3$'&+!)!"&':0!"2!:%$,'#3(#')$4"$'3$0')$,!&",9' They match the long term needs of the consumers and 4#'7$%%'!"#.'#3$!0'$"8!0."<$"#9'?3$'.1@$2#,'#3$0$;.0$' keep their value. Their timeless design, their subtly light-hearted character and their distinct functionality create a bond between people and the objects. ?.'A$!@$06'*$B!1!%!#-'!,'#3$'C$-'#.'#3$'23.!2$'.;'1(,!2' principles: whether it is materials, everyday situations .0'2$0#(!"',:$2!42'#$23"!D+$,9'E-')$8$%.:!"&'('7$%%F conceived idea and sticking to it, the designs of Mieke Meijer have a distinctive and very recognizable signature. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT: HTTP://WWW.MIEKEDINGEN.NL/EN/HOME/


/ ARCHITECTURE / Nestlé Chocolate Museum

Writer Faizah Omar Credits


Chocolate Museum

If Charlie ever imagined what a modern chocolate factory would look %!C$6'3$>)':0.1(1%-' never have thought it would look like this. Then again, 3$>,':0.1(1%-'"$8$0' visited Mexico. Cre(#!"&'1.#3'(':%(-;+%' -$#',#0!C!"&':%(2$' for a chocolate <+,$+<':0.8$)'(' ,!<:%$'23(%%$"&$';.0' the team – Rojkind G0D+!#$2#.,'/'%$)'1-' Michel Rojkind.

/ ARCHITECTURE / Nestlé Chocolate Museum

The Nestlé Chocolate factory in Mexico H!#->,'I(,$.'?.%%.2("'"$(0'?.%+2('3(,' never been a site anyone went to see for its beauty. It is what is inside that has always interested chocolate-lovers but this perception changed when the 300-meter-wide scarlet building was built. Situated along the main highway, the entire, horizontal sculptural structure has become an instant landmark for tourists arriving to tour the Nestle ;(2#.0-9'?3$'$"#!0$#-'.;'J.@C!")>,',#0+2ture is rested on concrete pillars, raising the structure entirely off the ground. ?3$'<+,$+<'0$D+!0$)'('KLM<2 space that was put into realization in a recordbreaking time of two and a half months, putting even the fastest-track building projects in China to shame. It is prob(1%-'#3$'40,#'23.2.%(#$'<+,$+<'$8$0'#.' be called both a piece of origami and a shipping container. The multi-faceted ,#0+2#+0$'20$(#$,'$D+(%%-'2.<:$%%!"&' abstract spaces inside, housing a 23!%)F;0!$")%-'8!,!#.0>,'0$2$:#!."'(0$(6'(' museum shop, and a theater.

From the outside, the museum, with its subtly zigzagging volumes, begins to look like a large abstract caterpillar, clad in red corrugated steel panels. The corrugated metal look gives it an air of impermanence and industrial clunk while the bright color and crazy shape evoke play and fun. The initial concept was a playful folding shape that is evocative for kids, of an origami shaped bird, or maybe a spaceship, or could it be an “aljebrije”? What might seem like a capricious form is the fruit of diligent design explorations and an intuition about what the place should express. The spectacular 0$,+%#'!,'(,'40<'(,'#3$';(2$#$)',3(:$,' which sustain it.


/ ARCHITECTURE / NestlĂŠ Chocolate Museum


J.@C!"&'G0D+!#$2#.,'7(,'0$2$"#%-';$(#+0$)'(,'."$'.;'A$B!2.>,' 50 names of the Global Creative Scene in the August issue of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the intimacies of small objects to the intricacies of large buildings and <(,#$0':%(",9

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X(,(%%$'H.%%(&$,'.;'#3$' G0#, 1 McNally Street Blk E

U(#$"!"$ Esplanade Mall #01-10/12

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5").23!"$'J$,#(+0("# 49 Club Street ?3$'E..C'H(;$ 20 Martin Road #01-02

O("-("&'?$23".%.&!2(%' Y"!8$0,!#School of Art, Design and Media


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?$<(,$C'I.%-#$23"!2 Temasek Design School

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