NFDC Demolition & Dismantling Issue 3 2013

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Issue 3 - 2013


Demolition and Dismantling

The Enab Enabling ling Specialists



Walmar House W1

In House Engineering

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For F or mor more e inf info, o, call us on 0870 950 8800 or visit www Outstanding Commitment Aw Award ar ard d ¡ 2012/10 World World Demolition Contractor Contractor of the Year Year Award Awar ard d¡ 2011/12 World World Demolition Collaboration Collaboration Aw Award ard ¡ 2011 World World Demolition Urban Confined Space Contract Contract Aw Award ard ar d¡ 2010 World World Demolition Training Training Award Award ¡10 British British Safety Council Awards Awar ards ds (7 consecuti consecutive ve y years) ears) ear s) ¡ Construction Construction Ne News ws T Training raining Award Awar ard d¡ City of London Gold Aw Award ard ar d ¡ 2012 RoSP RoSPA A Occupational Safety Aw Award ard ar d ¡ London Bor Borough ough of Be Bexley xley T Training raining & De Development velopment 2013 Aw Award ard

Contents - Welcome Issue 3 of D&D!

President’s Page 5

Message from William Sinclair Dem-Master & Liebherr


Wessex Demolition 10

Howard Stott & Northerntrack 14 Page 12 - Wessex Demolition

Forshaw Demolition 22

ECY Haulmark & H.E Services 32 CONVENTION 34

George Beattie and Sons 44 Erith 48

Rising Stars in the Demolition Industry 54 Maldon Demolition 58 Officers in Action 60 Meet the Team 64

Page 30 - NFDC Annual Convention

Classifieds 66

The Convention Issue

So much has happened these last few months since issue 2, including our very well attended and enjoyable “best-ever” Convention at Gleneagles in mid September. The sense of togetherness has never felt so strong within our Federation.

In this issue, not only will you see the highlights from the convention, but you will notice the theme of togetherness with many of articles featuring NFDC members working together. Not only Corporate and ISP but also ISP and ISP! This is fantastic news heading towards the end of what seems to be an extremely busy year for us all!

We hope you enjoy Issue. The last issue of this year will be out mid- December.

Executive Editors National Federation of Demolition Contractors

Resurgam House, Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4TF

Tel: 01442 217144 Fax: 01442 218268

Consultant Editors

David Keane FIDE Editor-in-Chief Martin Wilson MIDE Sub-Editor Andrew Forshaw AMIDE - Sub Editor

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our members whose advertisements appear throughout this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication and statements it contains, neither to the promoter involved or the publisher can accept responsibility for any inaccuracies for the products or services advertised. The opinions expressed in Demolition and Dismantling do not necessarily represent those of The National Federation of Demolition Contractors including its officers and members.


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William Sinclair - President of the NFDC What a summer!

If this issue of Demolition and Dismantling is anything to go by, NFDC Members have had a busy summer. In this edition we have reports from members in action across all regions of the Federation. As President, I take great pride in the quality demolition service that NFDC members deliver to clients across the UK and beyond. Not every project has to be a technical challenge to make it into the pages of Demolition and Dismantling, but I must confess that I am always impressed when reading how an NFDC member has overcome, often numerous challenges, to deliver another safe and successful project.

Following the theme of our previous issue , this edition also highlights how our Corporate members are working closely with our Industry Service Providers (ISP’s) to develop and deliver very specialist demolition solutions.

I am also delighted to see articles from all five regions. We are a National Federation, with national objectives and goals, but very much reliant on strong regional representation to ensure our voice remains truly representative of the industry.

As I write this , the process of handover from the Regional Secretaries to our National Group Manager is nearing completion. I would like to publicly take this opportunity to thank all the Regional Secretaries for all their hard work in the regions over the years. Many of our Regional Secretaries have become friends, and I am pleased that many will stay in touch at a regional level – to you all, and on behalf of the Federation – Thank You.

I could not possibly end my Presidents Page, without making special note of a very successful and enjoyable Convention at Gleneagles.

For those that attended the Convention, you will know that the last time we visited Gleneagles was 30 years ago. As a Scotsman, I was delighted to host the Convention on home soil although I was always a bit concerned about the weather! To each and every one that attended, thank you for making this a very special event.

I have been very touched with the many messages of thanks and congratulations for the Convention, but must say that the true thanks should go to our Convention Team who organised every detail, and to Gleneagles whose staff and service was simply outstanding. I would like to again thank all our sponsors, and in particular our main sponsor for two years, Liebherr, for their generous support.

At the Gleneagles Convention, Darren Bennet of Liebherr announced next years Convention is to be held at the Interalpen Hotel in Austria. The dates will be 22nd to 25th August, 2014 – and I for one am already looking forward to it.

William Sinclair, President - NFDC 5

Dem-Master Demolition - The Liebherr High Reach Dem-Master took the brave step of ordering what is the second tallest demolition excavator to work in the UK, a 64m reach Liebherr R984C. Here is a full report from Iona Court in Glasgow. Have you heard the saying; bigger is not always better? Look at BMW's reincarnation of the Mini. Yes, it is a good car and a massive step forward from the Issigonis designed, sixties revolution. But, with some models looking like the size of a terraced house, yet still cheekily carrying the Mini moniker, the true meaning of the Mini name has somewhat been lost. You then come to the world of demolition. In particular the demolition of high rise buildings. Ask some of the UK and worlds most respected names and they will say that explosive demolition is the quickest and therefore most cost effective way of toppling such structures as 1960's tower blocks. Others will say that top down demolition is better and others remain loyal to the high reach excavator. While most contractors have at their disposal machines with a reach of 34-40m there are a few that will look to greater heights to reduce buildings from. No stranger to the Liebherr brand having operated many different models from the manufacturer, Dem-Master took the brave step of ordering what is the second tallest demolition excavator to work in the UK, a Liebherr R984C modified by Kocurek Excavators to reach 64 m. With a contract under their belt to demolish a number of high rise flats at Iona Court in the Ibrox area of Glasgow, the decision to purchase a machine suited to the total removal of the structure from the plant room to the ground was made. While Liebherr offer a 43m reach machine based on a 100t R974C, the flexibility afforded by the Liebherr/Kocurek combination was seen as a much better proposition than the shorter, Liebherr only combination.


Discussions with Liebherr's demolition product specialist, Darren Bennet and Kocurek led to a detailed specification being drawn up for the machine. With a price agreed, work commenced at Liebherr's Colmar facility to produce the base excavator before its shipment across the water to Kocurek's premises in Ipswich where a massive amount of work to build the three stage telescopic boom and extend the track length along with a variable width undercarriage.

Working from the ground up the standard Liebherr track frames were lengthened from 6.9m up to 7.9m and were incorporated into an extending undercarriage which takes the overall footprint of the machine from 3.54m in transport mode up to 5.4m when extended for high reach work. The heavy-duty undercarriage assembly not only increases the height of the standard Liebherr slew ring but significantly increases the weight of the lower part of the machine and aids in keeping it firmly planted to the ground at all times during operation. Bottom rollers now number 14, up from the standard 9, with a third, heavy duty top roller installed to support the extra track length. Both the original Liebherr idlers and track motors are used in the elongated frames. The main frame of the upper structure also came in for the Kocurek treatment with an extra 600mm added to the rear to throw the hydraulically removable counterweight further back, further enhancing the machines stability. The space left by the counterweight is now filled with the dust suppression system namely a compressor, pump and water tank.

Sitting forward of the counterweight and dust suppression system is the R984C's power plant. A large opening door gives access to a wide walkway to the front of the big 19 litre, 675 hp Cummins QSK19C engine. Access for maintenance is made even easier with the addition of a hydraulically operated canopy. With the canopy open service personnel are able to rand to the front of the engine compartment and have almost full, unrestricted access to all of the major components from one position. While the Cummins engine provides ample power for the R984 in its more standard mass excavation form, the high reach version only draws on the available 675hp when raising the boom from the floor. Hydraulic flow is the big necessity for a high reach machine, especially one this tall. Three Liebherr variable flow, swash plate pumps each provide 472 litres per minute flow which is enough to provide a good supply to the end of the dipper 60 plus metres away. The super structure is also home to the central greasing system. The 30 litre system services the boom, dipper and attachment as well as the slew ring.

The cab is a relatively standard affair, apart from its ability to tilt 30 degrees, with access made simple by the large walkways running the full length of the upper-structure. Standard air conditioning, bullet proof glass and a 6-way adjustable seat make for a safe and comfortable environment to work in. Vision through the front armoured screen is very good despite the fitting of a full FOPs guard. The sections provide plenty of protection from falling objects yet are slender enough not to become obtrusive during everyday operations. A cool box and storage container behind the drivers seat adds to the practicality of the cab. The rearview and superstructure cameras are viewed on the integrated touch screen and will show as separate views enabling the operator to see to both his blind sides. Mounted on the side window to the operators right hand is the control panel for the telescopic boom.


The front end equipment designed and built by Kocurek at their factory in Ipswich has been seen in similar, yet shorter guises on smaller machines. The boom is manufactured from high quality, lightweight steel and incorporates three telescoping sections. Similar to crane technology, the three boom sections extend simultaneously and lock into predetermined positions. Stopping at a maximum 50m, check valves on all of the boom cylinders will prevent from the boom from retracting should there be a failure in the hydraulic system. Hydraulic pipework to the attachment and intermediate dipper is carried on top of the boom on a plastic track which extends simultaneously with the boom. The 5m intermediate boom connects the boom and dipper together and has been engineered with a modular joint that splits the boom allowing the transport height to be reduced.

The 10m dipper stick has, strangely, not been fitted with any type of quick hitch thus increasing slightly the tool carrying capacity. The R984C has been equipped with a new MT20 multi processor supplied by ECY Haulmark from Warrington. With a jaw opening width of 685mm the two tonne MT20 would normally be fitted to a 20-25 tonne excavator and is capable of producing a maximum cutting force of up to 250 tonnes. Dem-Master have also purchased a 6m dipper for the R984C which, when the need arises, allow it to carry a near 3 tonne attachment.

Delivered in four loads, the R984C was built up by Liebherr and Kocurek technicians over a four day period. Once built and commissioned, the Liebherr awaited the construction of a suitable pad from which to attack the first of the Iona Court tower blocks. Formed from crushed, reclaimed materials, the pad was built to specific engineers details to take the imposed near 240t weight of the machine. With gas pipes and drains running beneath the site, Dem-Master were very careful in the preparation of the pad.

Site supervisor Gary Smith explains that although the weight of the machine is spread out over a longer than usual track frame the increased weight puts a great strain on the ground beneath the machine. Once on the pad the Liebherr is expected to track to and from the building with as little spragging of the tracks as possible as this will cause damage to the pad.


Demolition of the first of the 19 storey tower blocks was underway at the time of our visit with the Liebherr working at a height of 60m. While the working height may be a big selling point for this type of machine, the reach afforded by this particular set up is also a major plus point. Being capable of reaching the far side of the building from one point means that the Liebherr needs only to be set up from one position saving on time and the cost of construction of numerous pads. Regular operator Chris McKinnon is very happy with his new mount, especially the cab and the precision from the controls. "The machine is very stable, even at full reach and full height." explains Chris. With the machine running we noticed there was a lack of picture on the monitor from the dipper mounted camera. When asked about this Chris explained that he prefers to see the tool naturally rather than on a screen. "It's only 60 or so metres away, if you can't see that then you need your eyes testing! Plus, moisture and dust are not a great combination when it comes to keeping camera lenses clean."

While the TDS machine may just have the edge over this newcomer in terms of operational height, should the need arise, the R984 could be configured with a lighter weight and longer intermediate dipper, a longer dipper and a 1.5t tool to give a reach of almost 70m.

Once the three towers at Iona Court are removed from the Glasgow skyline, Dem-Master intend to move the machine onto a further set of towers nearby. Although nearing 240t the Liebherr will be stripped into three loads with the base machine, minus its counterweight, making one load, counterweight and tool the second load and the boom and dipper the third. Although not a simple task, separating the base machine from the boom has been made slightly easier with a pair of hydraulically operated pin pullers fitted to the boom tower. Once the boom has been lowered into its specially designed transport cradles and locked into position the hydraulic connections between base machine and boom are disconnected and a hand pump supplies the power to remove three pins. The two transport cradles are fitted with floating supports allowing any discrepancies in ground conditions to be catered for when connecting or disconnecting the boom.

Unlike the two other Liebherr R984 demolition machines to enter service in the UK, the Dem-Master machine has been supplied in the corporate white livery of Liebherr mining from where the R984 now resides. Looking resplendent in the Scottish sunshine, the big Liebherr is certainly an eye-catching machine. 9

Wessex Demolition - Remote Access Inner city demolition can be a challenging affair at the best of times. Poor access, congested streets and working in close confines with your neighbours means there are many factors putting pressure on demolition companies to successfully complete projects within all time and monetary constraints. Wessex Demolition and Salvage Ltd has recently been undertaking a very tight project in the centre of London. The project they have been involved in has been underway since 2010 with the initial phase being the demolition of the top two floors of the building. When D&D caught up with Contracts Manager, Pip Hoare, Wessex were performing the internal strip out, removal of partition walls and the removal of four sets of staircases and lift enclosures from the 6 storey building on Euston Road.

While many demolition companies would look at removing the brick, block and concrete structures with hand-held breakers, Wessex looked into the alternative methods of demolition on the congested project. While hand-held equipment would provide enough punch to perform the tasks, the company would have to increase their work force significantly to undertake the tasks and keep ahead of the construction program. Allied to this would be prolonged spells of noise and vibration and with stringent hours allocated for the demolition work, Wessex's management looked to invest in a compact excavator to undertake the demolition phase of the project.

Many companies would look at the possibility of utilising a standard mini or micro machine, not so Wessex. Opting for a dedicated demolition specified machine, Wessex purchased a Brokk 100 remote controlled demolition excavator from the UK dealer in Cumbria.

Manufactured in Sweden for over 30 years, the Brokk range is seen as the market leader in the field of remotely controlled demolition machinery. With a wide variety of models spanning the 500kg to 11 tonne weight range, the 10 different models are all mounted on crawler undercarriages enabling them to traverse the roughest of demolition sites. Capable of handling a variety of hydraulically powered demolition attachments the Brokk range are designed to access the tightest of sites enabling the end user to reduce the amount of hand demolition required to be undertaken.

Breakers, concrete crushers and shears are amongst the most popular of attachments enabling the majority of demolition tasks to be undertaken quickly and safely.

While the investment in a Brokk is considerable compared to a standard excavator, the Brokk 100 purchased by Wessex for the Euston Road contract has already been utilised on other contracts.

Once we had purchased the machine it was easy to quantify the benefits. Pip Hoare, Contracts Manager Capable of fitting through a 780mm doorway the Brokk is currently working its way down one of the buildings concrete stairways. With limited working hours available the Brokk needs to be 100% reliable and has performed superbly. Fitted with an Atlas Copco SB152 vibro silenced breaker the three piece boom on the machine is capable of reaching to a height of almost 4.5m with very little deterioration in stability or operating accuracy.

All boom and dipper cylinders are protected from potential damage by substantial metal guards as are the hydraulic cylinders on the four outriggers. Being remotely controlled allows the operator to stand away from any potentially dangerous structures during the demolition process.

Although the majority of the range is electrically powered, the Brokk 100 is capable of operating on either a 16 or 32 amp three phase supply, two models in the range can now be specified as diesel engined alternatives. The use of an electrically powered machine with its dramatically reduced noise emissions and zero air pollution make the Brokk 100 an ideal tool for working in and around occupied buildings such as this.


Armac and ECY Haulmark - Working Together Armac’s purchase of the OilQuick system from ISP member ECY Haulmark was not only a smooth sale, but also a logical decision to use a fellow Federation member to get the job done. Getting people to change their thought process about how they work can give manufacturers serious headaches. Salesmen often come across the "We've done it like this for years" brigade and will struggle to get even a flicker of interest from end users. The demolition industry is slightly different. Companies will look at ways of making their jobs easier and safer, such is the professionalism amongst many of the demolition firms in the UK.

ECY Haulmark, based in Warrington, took the brave step of introducing the Swedish OilQuick system to the UK a few years ago and although initial take up was slow with the usual scepticism, sales have steadily risen with many companies in the demolition and recycling industries quickly seeing the benefits of taking the system. One such company to see these benefits are Solihull based contractors, Armac Group. Initial worries about the system were quickly forgotten with both the management and machine operators seeing the positives of installing the OilQuick hitch.

A recent project for Costain to remove two steel framed, concrete decked bridges across the River Thames saw the company deploy a pair of 25 tonne Hitachi Zaxis 225USR LC excavators, both OilQuick equipped, to undertake the processing of the steel frame, concrete deck beams, breaking out of the bridge approaches and the demolition of the bridge pier supports. Originally the project called for up to four excavators to be on site undertaking the operations, but with OilQuick equipped machines the decision to just have the two Hitachi excavators with a range of attachments. Armac Site Manager Ian Wray is a big supporter of the system:

The site is quite tight when it comes to the processing of the materials and although the reduced tail-swing excavators help, having just the two, gives us just a little bit more room in which to operate. Ian Wray - Armac Site Manager

The first bridge is being de-constructed with the aid of a pair of crawler cranes hired in to lift various sections to the bank as the Armac crew cut them up. Once on the bank the Hitachi excavators need to move quickly to first reduce the steel into manageable sections and then load the material into skips for transport to a local recycling facility. "Both of the Hitachis can be used to quickly cut up the steel sections, one can then quickly change to a grapple and start loading the material away. The OilQuick has saved us so much time on this project!" explains Mr Wray. The OilQuick is also accepted as a double locking hitch thus making it compliant on all sites.


Although there is a cost implication in fitting an excavator with the OilQuick system, the cost for a typical demolition company is said to be recouped in under two years. Hitachi operator Phil Pugh has been operating plant for over 40 years and has seen the latest trends come and go but he is also of the opinion that the system is invaluable for the demolition industry.

The installation is just so neat, there are no trailing hoses to catch and get damaged. Phil Pugh - Plant Operator With damaged hoses comes the possibility of leaking hydraulic oil, something that would not be tolerated on site these days. "There is also the time aspect of changing attachments too. There is no straining to remove hoses nowadays, the whole process can be done in under 30 seconds." comments Pugh. Along with the time saving aspect and environmental benefits there is also the obvious health and safety benefit. With the operator not having to leave his cab or the need for a banksman to be standing near the machine, changing fully hydraulic attachments is as simple as flicking a switch.


Howard Stott and Northerntrack - Working Together The partial demolition and reconstruction of a former warehouse in Gorton, Manchester to provide a new drama studio and teaching block was to be an ideal proving ground for Howard Stott demolition and their recent purchases from Leeds based ISP member, Northerntrack. The complex consisted of a large two storey warehouse and office block and a smaller, single storey unit. While the single story unit was of traditional construction, brick, block with a rubber roof on a Metsec steel beam roof, the larger unit consisted of a steel and reinforced concrete frame with a similar roof construction.

With a short timescale for the demolition and construction phase, Stott deployed five units from their fleet of excavators to ensure the deadlines were met along with a wide variety of work tools from magnets through selector grabs, shears and concrete munchers.

Howard Stott is a firm believer in listening to his workforce and purchasing what they rate as a good product. This has been proved with his latest attachment purchases from Northerntrack. Debuting on the company's stand at the recent Plantworx exhibition, the Trevi Benne attachments are seen by Stott's Contracts Manager, Ryan Noon as amongst the best he has worked with, well built and powerful. The smallest unit in Trevi Benne's twelve model range of shears, the CS03RS was mounted on Stott's Caterpillar 304 excavator. Boasting a jaw opening of 265mm, the new shear was deftly slicing through the single story buildings Metsec beams, pulling them down to ground level before cutting them swiftly into more manageable sized pieces. Not generally seen as a volume production tool, the Caterpillar/Trevi Benne combination is proving to be invaluable on this contract. With its near zero tail-swing the excavator is able to work easily in the relatively tight space afforded to bring the building down to the ground. Mounted on steel tracks, the Caterpillar handled the 300kg tool with ease even at full stretch. Working alongside the 304 is another machine not usually used as a frontline demolition excavator, another Caterpillar, but this time a slightly larger 312D. Fully specified for demolition work with full auxiliary pipework


and a full cab guard the 312D was using a selector grab to remove and sort the materials processed by the 304, the 312 and was also being used with another recent purchase, a CS12RS. Ideally suited to a 12 to 18 tonne carrier the CS12RS was more than suited to the demolition of the slightly taller workshop area. With a similar construction to the lower part of the building the Metsec beams offered little in the way of resistance to the shear. Boasting a jaw opening width of 475mm the 1100KG shear offers up to 95 tonnes of cutting force through the jaws.

While the smaller building was being attended to by the smaller machines in the Stott fleet, the main office and warehouse demolition was the domain of the company's larger excavators from Caterpillar and Liebherr. Although both machines are in immaculate condition for there age, seven and nine years respectively, they are not ones to be kept away from a hard day’s work. While their Caterpillar 330C can be equipped with high reach equipment, the Manchester project called for a more modest straight boom arrangement. Equipped with a selector grab the Caterpillar was peeling the building apart, removing concrete and steel beams for processing while removing sections of the timber roof covering with its rubber overcoat still attached!

With the steel and concrete beams removed the largest machine currently operating on the fleet was being used with yet more Northerntrack attachments. The 54 tonne Liebherr R954 is the regular mount of Ryan Noon and comes in for particular praise for its strength and power. Fitted with a 5.6 tonne CS55RS rotating shear the Liebherr was making light work of the steel being removed by the Caterpillar. With a 780mm opening width and a cutting force in excess of 700 tonnes at the throat, the combination was quickly producing a manageable pile of steel for the second of Stott's Caterpillar 312D excavators to load into Stotts bulk skips for transportation to a nearby recycling centre. The Liebherr was also tasked with the on site processing of the large reinforced concrete beams with an FR50 rotary concrete processor. Capable of handling concrete up to 1120mm thick the FR50 can produce a powerful bite of up to 380 tonnes.

Stott has been a long time purchaser from Andy Hair, Managing Director at Northerntrack taking a wide variety of equipment from both the Italian constructed Trev Benne range and the UK designed and built Northerntrack range of equipment. Quality of construction and the associated longevity of the equipment is an area that the Stott team believe makes Northerntrack their preferred supplier for their front line demolition equipment. 15

A winning combination

Our comprehensive silent demolition range does more than just knock down buildings. From Combi cutters to breakers and multi grapples, all our equipment is competitively priced and economical to run, with exceptional service support. So whichever attachment meets your needs you can be sure you’re on to a winner. For more information, email or call 01442 222 416.

Download a QR reader, then scan the code to find out more about our attachments

Number 8 - The new face of recruitment Normally, the term ‘Recruitment Agency’ sends shudders down the spines of those thinking about ways to source staff. Thankfully, Number 8 Group isn’t your average recruitment agency and is making staffing solution promises in demolition that I can only urge you to listen to.

The Number 8 Group started 5 years ago in the construction trade, as troubling times hit during 2008’s UK recession. Since then the group have made a slight pivot in their focus, which seems to have paid off. On the back of their experience and after spotting a gap in the market, they decided to target demolition recruitment. Now, before you take that eye-rolling sigh, there is something you should know. Number 8 have started from scratch and have built their reputation in the same way.

Peter Hart Operations Group Director explained that Number 8 had started out with just one good regular client whom, they still work with today and from there things have grown organically for them these past few years expanding their client base comfortably. One thing I did notice when in their offices was the distinct lack of suited and booted young oiks speaking aggressively loudly down a receiver to a perhaps an unwilling recipient. It was in fact a very relaxed and welcoming environment with a small team clearly all working very hard. Speaking to Trevor Mills, Managing Director with over 20 years in the recruitment sector, knows only too well the infuriation agencies and their sales calls can bring.

There are a lot of agencies doing demolition recruitment, but when speaking to demolition contractors, there were no agencies they could depend who knew the industry and could supply the right staff for the job. Trevor Mills, Managing Director Labour is the biggest cost and headache of any demolition contractor, and when staffing a job the usual questions need to be asked, Will they be able to do the work? How much are they going to cost? Are they going to be reliable? Usually, in desperate situations contractors are left forced to call agencies who may not fully understand their needs or can accurately trace a suitable applicant for the work tendered. This can often result in, someone turning up to site having little experience or even any demolition training, often they would be lucky for anyone to turn up at all! Left to Right

Peter Hart Operations Group Director

Zinzan Brooke Group Chief Executive Officer

Trevor Mills Managing Director


Number 8 have managed to fill this void, especially in the past 4 years in experience in dealing with demolition company’s needs, they have built a strong database of CCDO operatives, supervisors and managers. “We believe there is room for a firm who really understands operatives, machine drivers and managers in the demolition industry. Feedback from our clients has proved this time and again when they request our services.”

Building the trust of their client’s has been vital in Number 8s’ success. Knowing that when the client calls their office, they will be able to speak to someone who understands their needs and be able to deliver the right person for that job is priceless. Thankfully, Number 8 don’t have consultants on the phone all day ringing contractors and wasting their time trying to sell their services, this is something everyone at Number 8 Group detests. They divert this manner of business anyway they can, they are totally focused on the client and building relationships and understanding their needs.

Future of Number 8

Having received NFDC ISP accreditation one of their main objectives is to gain recognition from NFDC Corporate members and help supply them with competent operatives. Currently, Number 8 work with round 20 NFDC members, which is impressive enough but for a good reason. This is because Number 8 are also members of the National Demolition Training Group and always sends their labour to get trained for their clients if they haven’t done so already. Number 8 never sends an untrained worker out to clients. With regular training opportunities for workers, their goal is to ensure they have a workforce ready to send to a client which in turn will help complete the job in hand. As Number 8 are currently based in west London, future plans for expansion would mean an office in Birmingham to become a contact point the north and midlands region, as currently a high percentage of calls come from these regions asking for labour. This will of course take time, and will be a slow progression as Number 8 would want to build a good stock of labour before moving up so that clients aren’t ever let down.

Number 8 is striving to change how recruiting labour is perceived. Eliminating everything we all hate, including cold calls, incompetent staff and lack of labour choice. Becoming an NFDC Industry Service Provider proves they are making a change to their industry and their proficiency shows no end.

The company name ‘Number 8’ was brought about from the Group Chief Executive Officers past, Zinzan Brooke is a former New Zealand rugby union player and his position in the field was of course…

Number 8.


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Forshaw Demolition - Cross Country Working with RW Clarke Structural Engineers, Forshaw Demolition headed south to Dagenham to work on two 12 storey blocks of flats and a block of 3 storey maisonettes.

Following a rigorous pre-tender qualification process, Forshaw Demolition Limited were selected to tender for the demolition of two large panel system tower blocks in May 2012 on behalf of London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

Following the submission of competitive tenders including details of proposed methodologies and then subsequent evaluation by the client’s projects team, Forshaw’s was awarded the contract in October 2012. As is currently prevalent on most demolition projects, the diversion of statutory services proved a difficult and protracted process and as a result, coupled with final decants of the blocks and ultimately procurement of Demolition and Refurbishment surveys for the site, works didn’t commence until the middle of May 2013. This was a milestone for Forshaw’s as it was to be the first project to be successful and on site following the opening of their first regional office away from their traditional Lancashire base, in Canterbury, Kent.

Furthermore, the nature of the project necessitated that the company called on the vast experience of dismantling and demolishing over 40 multi storey tower blocks over 10 storeys since the first one undertaken by the company in Salford in 1984. It also required their considerable experience and understanding of demolishing and dismantling large panel system buildings typical of the housing construction boom of the late 1960s and 1970s.

With this in mind, following the removal of the asbestos and soft strip of the fixtures and fittings, a considerable amount of structural investigation was required to ascertain the precise structural form and the type of connections between panels to design the demolition process.


Forshaw’s utilised the services of RW Clarke Structural Engineers to oversee this engineering process and following consultation with both the high reach operator, Andrew Forshaw a member of the Institute of Demolition Engineers and RW Clarke an agreed method of temporary bracings to wall panels and props to floor slabs was designed and implemented prior to the structural demolition.

This process also required a detailed sequence of operations to be designed to ensure that floor slabs were demolished in line with their spans whilst at the same time only being able to access the buildings from two elevations due to the location of surrounding roads and footpaths. Particular areas of concern were the location of surrounding properties and a live electric sub station in close proximity to the structure. As a result, in addition to the temporary works internally, external debris protection was erected to the sub station and a rubber demolition curtain suspended from a mobile crane to provide additional protection to the closest residential property. By installing all of these measures, Forshaw’s were able to demonstrate that the high reach remote demolition of the structure was feasible, hence precluding the requirement for working at height and thus making the demolition process safer for all stakeholders. Following consultation with the residents and other stakeholders, high reach demolition of the first tower finally commenced mid August 2013. Forshaw’s have employed their own Hitachi Zaxis 670 excavator fitted with a 36m high reach telescopic demolition rig supplied by NFDC Industry Service Providers (ISP) HM Plant and Kocurek.

The first block is due for completion mid September whilst the second block will be demolished some time in late 2013 as a result of tenant decants and service diversions again slowing the process.

Forshaw’s have also recently secured a further three, 17 storey large panel system blocks for the City of Salford and two, 15 storey framed blocks for Manchester City Council that will keep their fleet of high reach excavators and a new addition to that fleet busy into 2014.

Project: Demolition of two 12 storey blocks of flats and a block of 3 storey maisonettes.

Client: London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

Location: Grange and Cobham Houses, Gascoigne Estate, Barking

Contract Value: £1.1m 23

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For more information, please visit our website: T: 01442 217144 E:

Bloom Plant - Training in action The story of how a heroic Hallcroft demolition worker saved a man’s life will be told on national television. Sean Hewitt, 45, performed CPR on a contractor who had a massive heart attack as they were working on a power station demolition in South Yorkshire in April. His selfless and swift actions were credited with pulling the man back from the brink of death before he was airlifted to hospital. And now Sean, a supervisor with Bloom Demolition and Excavation Ltd, has been filmed by a BBC camera crew during an emotional reunion with the man he saved before his story is told on hit show ‘Helicopter Heroes’.

“I only knew the guy as Eric and I heard one of the other lads saying there ’s something up with him. I went to the cabin and he was blue, sat in a chair - he’d had a massive heart attack,” recalled Sean. “I pulled him out of the chair, laid him on the floor and performed CPR for 10 to 15 minutes until the ambulance arrived - they had to use electric paddles to restart his heart. “I was shouting his name, saying ‘come on, Eric, don’t do this to us’.

I went back to the cabin and was quite emotional. But then we heard he was having another heart attack so they had to get the paddles out again. “I saw him leave on a stretcher towards the air ambulance and I thought ‘I’ve done my best’.” The BBC reunited Sean and Eric - to both men’s surprise - last week as part of filming for Helicopter Heroes, which follows the fortunes of Yorkshire’s air ambulance. “It was very emotional to see him again - his family were with him and kept thanking me but it really was the staff at the Royal Hallamshire who saved him - I didn’t know what to say, really,” said modest Sean, who lives in Hallcroft with partner Karen. During conversations between the two men, Sean discovered that Eric had another six heart attacks while in hospital and had technically died nine times. “The thing that really got to me was that I found out that two days after the heart attack he became a granddad - I couldn’t stop thinking about it and how lucky he was,” said Sean, a grandfather himself. Sean said it is crucial that everyone knows how to perform CPR. “It’s vital, really,” he said. “If it wasn’t for the company I work for training me up then Eric could have died - it’s literally the difference between life and death. “I’d do it for anyone and I’d like to think people would do the same for me. ”

Sean’s boss, Kelly Bloom, emphasized the importance the firm places on first aid. We’re really proud of Sean, we’ve got about seven first aiders and one on every job and we spend quite a bit on training people up - this sort of incident proves that it pays off. 25

MGL Demolition - Working with Sandvik MGL Demolition’s competitive advantage has always been ensuring that the right piece of kit is used on the right project, with the very latest addition being the QJ341 tracked jaw crusher from NFDC member Sandvik Construction.

MGL Demolition base success on professionalism, and through use of the right piece of kit for the right project MGL Demolition, part of the MGL Group, is a privately owned business with a 40 year proven track record of success. Specialising in demolition, dismantling, licensed asbestos removal, land remediation and recycling, they now have operations across the UK in a multitude of business sectors. The company has grown organically through the provision of a professional customer focused service, delivering best value, whilst endeavouring to always use the right pieces of equipment, on the right type of project. Drawing on, and through a combination of industry leading experience, technical expertise and an understanding of customer’s real requirements, MGL Demolition now successfully operates throughout the UK from its North Eastern centre of operations. A cornerstone of this success has been the many years having been taken to assemble the dedicated MGL team. This now comprises of demolition, asbestos removal and l and remediation professionals, and through this the business is able to offer a service based on a team, who through their unique combination of experience, technical skill and expertise, ensure that customers receive the very highest standards of service. The levels of professionalism and expertise of the company have been recognised by MGL Demolition’s membership of both the National Federation of Demolition Contractors and the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association. The exceptional service provided by MGL Demolition, and hence the very nature of the business, means that the company is able to transcend the usual supplier – customer dynamic due to the great efforts made in establishing close working relationships with clients. Simon Martin, Group Business Development Director, states: “We work in partnership with our clients as part of a team to reduce risk, build trust and overcome uncertainties. Accordingly we deliver projects safely, on-time, on-budget and to a quality standard that exceeds client expectations.” Simon expands on these points stating; “We work to the highest operating standards in relation to safety, health, environment and quality, in accordance with our accredited management systems.”


Through utilising the unique expertise and technical skill of management and staff, MGL Demolition has developed its service portfolio to such an extent that the company is now considered to be at the forefront of demolition service provision. However, it is not just the human element of the company that provides such high levels of service, as the business is supported by one of the most impressive fleets of modern demolition equipment in operation today. In fact, a key area of competitive advantage for the company has been ensuring that the right piece of kit is used on the right project, with the very latest addition being the QJ341 tracked jaw crusher from Sandvik Construction.

A principal reason for the purchase of the QJ341 is due to MGL Demolition’s materials recycling philosophy and commitment to sustainability. MGL Demolition adopts the fundamental waste hierarchy of: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. However, should it not be possible to process materials on site then MGL Demolition is able to send it to its licensed recycling facility located in the North East of England.

The new QJ341 is currently being used to crush -75mm demolition material on a variety of projects, wherever, and whenever it is needed. The flexibility and productivity of the machine is ensured due to its a 1200 x 750mm (48 x 30 inch) feed opening, hydraulically adjustable CSS, high reduction ratios, crushing speed and efficiency. Additionally the crusher possesses a reverse crushing action to relieve blockages, plus an automatic central lubrication system.

One of the distinct advantages of the QJ341 is that due to its inherent transportability from site to site, and manoeuvrability around the site, it is literally able to go direct to the material, and reduce it for reuse on-site. This not only provides material for use straight away, but reduces haulage costs, as well as being environmentally sustainable. Mark Davison, Managing Director



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The QJ341 is the latest in a long line of state of the art tracked jaw crushers from Sandvik Construction, with the QJ341 being an upgrade of the leading QJ340. This upgrade and development, follows the enforcement of the combustion engine exhaust gas legislation in Europe and the USA in January 2011. This legislation has led to the introduction of the new Stage 3B/Tier 4i engines, and with the dimensions of the resulting engine combined after treatment unit led to the need for design changes to the power pack. Faced with this enormous design challenge Sandvik used this as an opportunity to enhance the customer focused features of the crusher.

In addition to the above the MGL Demolition’s QJ341 comes with new features that ensure continuous, uninterrupted crushing and greater operator safety. These include a load control system for the feeder drive, level sensor fitted to the jaw, and speed wheel fitted to the main conveyor. One of the key design changes now sees the main conveyor being fitted with a raise and lower facility for increased magnet clearance together with ease of transportation. Of the new features available on the QJ341 Mark Davison comments, “The focus of the Sandvik design changes has enabled us enjoy lower running costs, a lower carbon footprint and increased productivity; which vitally means we are operating a more environmentally friendly and efficient machine.�

Modern demolition contractors have increasingly developed operational processes and systems that have become increasingly focused on both customers and the environment. MGL Demolition is certainly at the forefront of these changes, with human resources, customer focus and environmental concern being combined to present customers with as highly a professional contractor as possible. What has also made MGL stand apart is the emphasis that has been placed on use of the best, and most appropriate, equipment; in effect the right piece of kit, for the right project as the acquisition of the QJ341 from Sandvik Construction clearly demonstrates.


Square Mile Broking - Mesothelioma Claims The Ministry of Justice has launched its long–awaited consultation: Reforming Mesothelioma Claims Victims of asbestos-related disease would be offered a process for out-of-court compensation along the lines of the RTA portal, under proposals to support mesothelioma sufferers. The proposals would be backed by an online case management system funded by the insurance industry.

Under Ministry Of Justice plans, victims will be able to settle uncontested claims with the insurers of the employers responsible for exposing them to asbestos.

This looks a positive step by the industry to enable asbestos claims to be settled quicker and with less cost to all concerned. Jamie Coyne, Director of Square Mile Broking The prospect of faster settlements and a scheme, funded by the insurance industry, for tracing historic insurers, should be welcomed by campaigners for victims of mesothelioma. They hope the consultation will result in a ‘fairer’ system and will put the needs of terminally ill people first. But the government has also said in its impact assessment that the benefit will also be felt by insurers, who would gain from a reduction in claimant solicitor costs and their own reduced costs. For claimant lawyers, ‘no particular benefits’ are identified. The impact assessment added: ‘In aggregate claimant lawyers would devote less resource to settling mesothelioma claims, i.e. would undertake less mesothelioma business. This would free up claimant lawyer resource to be devoted to other profitable activities.’ The consultation closes on 2 October 2013


The new ZAXIS-5 range

The power of advanced technology has developed a new high-quality range of Hitachi construction machinery. ZAXIS-5 excavators are tough on any terrain, reinforcing their market-leading reputation for reliability and durability. Designed for the most challenging conditions – from demanding earthmoving projects to busy construction sites – the new ZAXIS-5 range delivers increased productivity and excellent fuel efficiency, resulting in a lower cost of ownership. HM Plant Limited Monkton Business Park North Hebburn Tyne & Wear NE31 2JZ T: 0191 430 8400 F: 0191 430 8500 Distributor of Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV

ECY Haulmark & H.E Services - Working Together NFDC ISPs ECY Haulmark and recently appointed H.E Services announce their successful collaboration and sealing a deal with the purchase of thirty new hydraulic breakers. ECY Haulmark, specialising in hydraulic breaker and attachment supply announce another successful collaboration with H.E. Services, specialising in excavator and plant hire. H.E. Services (Plant Hire) Ltd’s recent acquisition of thirty new FRD Furukawa Breakers from Warrington based ECY Haulmark means they are well placed to offer a full range of excavators ready to work fitted with the hydraulic breaker with the lowest lifetime cost. These new breakers join H.E. Services’ existing fleet of 160 breakers. H.E. Services purchased the FRD Furukawa Breaker models:

• FX25s • FX35s • FX45s

• F6FL • F6FT • F12XP

These will complement their excavator range of 1.5 ton up to 45 ton offering a premium machine and breaker suitable for hire into construction and demolition sites for both primary and secondary breaking.


L to R: Rick Yarwood ECY Haulmark Director and Peter Durey H.E Services Managing Director

H.E. Services’ Managing Director Peter Durey explained his decision to purchase FRD Furukawa was largely down to the breaker being the best in the market, both performance wise and value for money. He added he can always rely on ECY Haulmark to offer the best possible after sales, response time and back up, giving piece of mind in a breakdown where machine downtime is kept to an absolute minimum. H.E. Services and ECY Haulmark have so far enjoyed a business partnership spanning the last decade with ECY supplying the VTN MD range of selector grabs and VTN MT range of multiprocessors as well as hydraulic breakers to H.E. Services. Both companies can also boast longevity within the industry, last year saw H.E. Services celebrating 40 years of trading, whilst the ECY Group celebrated their half century. With H.E. Services having also recently being welcomed into the National Federation of Demolition Contractors as an Industry Service Provider (ISP) member alongside ECY Haulmark, already a member of five years standing, make the two companies a perfect example of UK businesses working together to supply premium quality products and services into the UK Construction and demolition markets.

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CONVENTION 2013 Gleneagles Hotel



NFDC President, William Sinclair, and the Officers of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors welcomed nearly 300 delegates to Gleneagles for the Federations Annual Convention in mid September. It had been 30 years since the Federation held the Convention at Gleneagles, but this years visit actually made Gleneagles the Federations most visited Convention Venue to date. With a Scottish President in office and in keeping with traditions of Conventions past held in the UK, this convention conjured feelings of a true homecoming.

Gleneagles is renowned as a major Gleaneagles and Fountain centre of golf, and fitting with event tradition the Convention weekend commenced with the Golf competition over the Kings Course. At every convention golfers play for the Claude Brown Trophy and the Kings proved a worthy challenge for the golfer that was to lift this coveted trophy.

Stirling Castle provided the grand and historic venue for the opening dinner. Delegates arrived to the skirl of the pipes before entering the Royal Chapel for pre dinner drinks. In the courtyard there was a brutal display of Highland swordsmanship - complete with audience participation!

Following a brief welcome from the NFDC President, dinner was served in the castles Great Hall. Home to Kings and Queens of Scotland, a medieval style banquet of the regions finest produce was royally served, accompanied by the Clarsach (Scottish Harp).

The grounds around Gleneagles

The bus journeys back to Gleneagles saw snoring, sing songs and banter in good measure with many returning to Gleneagles' bar for a wee nightcap.

Mrs Taylor & Piper

Stirling Castle Chapel for pre-dinner drinks

On Saturday, the Half Yearly Business Meeting was held in the Gleneagles Suite. The meeting heard the report from the President, the Chief Executive and Group Manager, which were followed by informative and interesting presentations from sponsors. Always in touch with members, Chief Executive, Howard Button, stimulated the room into debate, before inviting delegates to join the NDTG for a buffet lunch in the Strathearn Restaurant.

Half Yearly Business Meeting

William Sinclair Address

NDA’s Mike Taylor at business meeting

IDE Past President - John Woodward

Whilst the Gentlemen attended the Business Meeting, many ladies took advantage of the trip to the House of Bruar, a highland shopping destination, where many a credit card was put to test.

Cocktail Reception in Ballroom

Cocktail Reception in Ballroom

Darren Bennet and partner Pam with Richard and Lisa Higgot

William Sinclair with Convention Gatecrasher John Barrowman

The Gala Dinner was held on Saturday night. Following a cocktail reception held in the Ballroom, delegates were piped into dinner by NFDC Presidents son, David. The meal was distinctively Scottish, with salmon, Angus beef, and of course Haggis! In true Scottish tradition, the Address to the Haggis was delivered by Hon Life Vice President, David P Sinclair. In the words of Scotland's poet, Rabbie Burns, he described the haggis as 'great chieftain o' the puddin race' and 'warm, rich an' reekin' - delicious!

Hon Life Vice President, David Sinclair and NDA Executive Director, Mike Taylor

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The Group

Despite the need for translation, the audience roared with appreciation as Sinclair raised his quaich and toasted the haggis, which was then piped back to the kitchen by his grandson David.

Top Table at the Gala Dinner

Darren Bennet and William Sinclair

The evening was rounded off by entertainment from the Red Hot Chilli Pipers, who were joined on stage by the Presidents son, David, to play 'Scotland the Brave'. On Sunday delegates were free to enjoy the fantastic facilities of the Gleneagles resort. Many chose to explore the sights, smells and tastes of the surrounding locale, but all came together again for the final farewell dinner.

At the dinner the golf prizes were duly awarded to those who succeeded in taming the heather and gorse of the Kings. Alan Matchett of Sandvik and Rammer awarded the various prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive, as well as the team prize that was won by Robert Marshall, Elaine Marshall, Greg Thomas and Monty Williamson.

The Claude Brown Trophy was awarded by Paul Brown, to David Darsey, for the second year running - a well deserved win with a stableford score of 36 points.

Howard Button giving the loyal toast

Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Throughout the weekend a collection and draw was made for an original photograph signed by The Federations Patron, Lord Snowdon. On Sunday evening the draw was made by NFDC Presidents daughter, Samantha , who announced the winner was Anthony Hopkinson. The photograph raised over ÂŁ3000 which was donated to the Snowdon Trust.

Following dinner, the delegates moved through to the Glendevon Room and many braved the cold, wrapped in Gleneagles tartan shawls, to witness the closing fireworks display and the Beating the Retreat performed by the Gleneagles Pipe Band.

With the skies alight with fireworks, and liqueurs in hand - the toast was to The NFDC!

Winning Golf Team collecting the prize from Alan Matchett

Dave Darsey collects Claude Brown Trophy from Paul Brown

Samantha Sinclair draws the winner of the Snowdon Photograph

Sunday Night pre-dinner drinks

Sunday Night pre-dinner drinks

Fireworks Display outside Gleneagles

Kocurek - Partnerships bring new initiatives When you visited Demolition Expo 2013 back in June, it was difficult to miss the Kocurek modular rig that dominated the skyline. Find out more about this and the ‘Step Safe Cab’ developed in conjunction with Volvo. This year has seen the culmination of two innovative projects that will a) potentially improve health and safety on working sites and b) enable contractors to save money on the high cost of equipment. In both cases Kocurek Excavators was selected as the partner of choice to bring these concepts to reality. The first project; the ‘Step Safe Cab’ was developed in conjunction with Volvo Construction Equipment Ltd and is set to revolutionise the issue of safe access and egress in to machines at height. Now, instead of clambering over a machine superstructure, operators are able to step into their cab at ground level and hydraulically raise themselves to the desired working position.

Using technology from existing Hydraulic Raised Cabs (HRC) Kocurek developed a system to allow downward movement of the cab structure; incorporating an anchor point and supporting linkage behind the standard cab position on the superstructure. Additional safety features were incorporated to allow remote control of the cab in the event of hydraulic or engine failure or, indeed, should the operator require assistance. They also cleverly included a separate electric power pack to enable the cab to be raised to its elevated position when left unattended to prevent accidental site damage or machine abuse. A further major benefit of this innovative new cab is its appeal to skilled operators who would otherwise be precluded from operating machines with HRC’s. Less mobile, wheelchair bound and larger operators, who could not tackle the physical challenge of reaching a permanently fixed high cab, now have the opportunity to use their driving skills once again thanks to the simplification of cab access. All Volvo GPE excavators can be specified with Step Safe and existing machines can be modified by Kocurek. A tilting cab option is currently in development.


A further collaboration with Armac Demolition has finally made the much-discussed modular rig for demolition machines a reality. The ABC modular rig consists of: a) Demolition Arm

b) 4m extension c) 2m extension

These can be configured with various tool weights and shared around 35t or 45t base machines; potentially saving the contractor the cost of purchasing new high reach equipment with every new machine. The base machine requires some modification to incorporate modular joints and bigger hoist cylinders but will be supplied complete with infill counterweight, boxing ring safety rails and boom mounted walkways and new locking cylinders will be included as part of the standard conversion spec. A huge choice of configurations will be available following modification providing a complete demolition package from 28m down. 45t base machine

1. 28m – 2.5t attachment 2. 26m – 3t attachment 3. 24m – 4t attachment 4. 18m – to follow 5. 16m – to follow 6. 14m – to follow 7. Standard digging option

35t base machine

f attachment 1. 24m – 2.5t 2. 15m – to follow 3. 13m – to follow 4. Standard digging option

This exciting development opens up a world of opportunity for contractors. By specifying just two or three converted base machines with the ABC arm they can configure the machine to the job in hand. It offers more versatility, flexibility and a cost-effective option for day to day demolition work. With the modular joint in place the machines can also have other arms fitted such as long reach river rigs and teledippers. They could even offer for hire – or hire in the arms to ensure maximum utilisation. We believe this will radically change the way machines are specified in the future.

Brian Carroll, Director and General Manager of Kocurek Excavators


Wooldridge Group - That’s a wrap! Wooldridge Group wraps-up Reading packaging factory

Multi-disciplined contractor Wooldridge has recently completed the demolition of a giant storage facility on the outskirts of Reading. The site was originally developed to house aircraft development and was instrumental in producing the Spitfire aircraft’s aluminium wings during World War Two and the delta wing design for supersonic flight during the Cold War. During the late 1960s the research facility was closed down and the sprawling complex of warehouses and offices subsequently taken over by Valpak’s packaging operations and a number of private engineering firms.

Flanked on four sides by a mixture of residential and commercial properties, the 6 acre site included five co-joined warehouses and a small number of attached office buildings. A live electricity sub-station was also located in the middle of the complex. Although Valpak stopped using the facility several years ago, squatters and a temporary tenant who used it as a paintball gaming centre left the interior in a bad shape.

A majority of the warehouses had been left full of detritus relating to paintball activities including large numbers of tyres, wooden boxes, broken chairs and tables. The first thing we had to do was clear the warehouses of this rubbish then separate it into different waste streams and forward it on to be recycled. We achieved this by using qualified demolition labourers and mechanical plant including skid steers and loading shovels. Nick Anderson, Director

With the warehouses clear, Wooldridge set about removing asbestos panels located in the roofs of the various warehouses. An estimated 300 tonnes of asbestos was taken-down and disposed of prior to structural demolition commencing. Dismantling the sprawling complex of warehouses fell to one of the company’s high-reach machines, a Volvo EC480 complete with multi-processor attachment. Three further 360 machines were deployed to support the warehousing dismantling operation and also demolish single storey office buildings.


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Throughout the demolition and dismantling phase waste material was separated in order to maximise the amount of wood, concrete, plastic 0

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George Beattie & Sons - Forth Road Bridge Following on from the interview in the previous issue of Demolition & Dismantling, Director Alan Beattie of Beattie & Sons discussed with Stephen McCann of Forth Demolition about their recent contract working on the Forth Road Bridge. The Forth Road Bridge works undertaken by George Beattie & Sons Ltd were initially considered as a dismantling contract as the client thought the steel work may be reusable. However, due to the introduction of a new two part chemical paint system (with high aluminium content boasting a 25 year life span) it was decided that the steel work would be disposed of for recycling.

Changing the specification of the works meant changing the methodology, as the original method of straight forward unbolting and dismantling was no longer required. This however did not mean that traditional hot-works could be used to cut the steel down. After a period of deliberation with the client and the principal contractor it was agreed that a combination of methods including unbolting, cold cutting and small amount of hot works which where to be kept to a minimum due to the traffic below would be used to complete the contract. Before the works could get underway additional risks over and above the standard risks associated with demolition had to be considered and assessed such as; working over water, working in close proximity to the public and a live road, working on a moving surface and weather considerations for the time of year (February to early April) that in Scotland can bring wind, rain, sleet, ice and snow.

With the environmental conditions being a major factor in all aspects of works on the bridge, it became very clear early on that additional PPE such a chin straps for hard hats and thermal underwear and clothing would be required as the air temperature on the ground at 5o centigrade could drop to -5o centigrade on the platform due to the wind and with rain added to the equation, conditions rapidly become extremely unpleasant. Once the risks where assessed and the methodology was agreed the detailed, planned programme sequence was prepared.

Before the works could commence a full day of bridge inductions were required for every man involved in the contract, first the client; FETA (Forth Estuary Transport Authority), Raynesway (the principle contractor) and George Beattie & Son’s own induction to cover the contract specific procedures, risks and methodology. The induction day ended with a visit to the carriageway and the work site so that everyone could familiarise themselves with the working area in advance.


With everything in place and the works ready to go a contra flow was put into place and a three hour working window allocated for each night. The small working window left no room for error since there was a stipulation that all plant and equipment was to be removed off the bridge every night. This exercise took 25 minutes to track the equipment to the work area and the same back so this left approximately two hours per night to work.

Planning [within the working window] was difficult, but we could stretch it a little as the contra flow came on at 9 o’clock, so we could set the crane up and get the machines in place during that period to maximise the three hours per night. Mr. Alan Beattie - Director

FETA manage their own regular, daily maintenance of the bridge and this made life much easier as they understood the constraints imposed on the demolition processes and as such were able to clearly understand the requirements of the team. Their detailed knowledge of working conditions enabled them to communicate directly the sway and bounce of the bridge, loadings and other essential information so that the team had a comprehensive knowledge of the conditions and requirements they would face each night.

While the contra flow was being activated the demolition team busied themselves with setting up the crane. The crane loadings on the bridge are crucial as there is a very low ground pressure permitted on the bridge with no access to the foot path section whatever allowed for any vehicle heavier than 3 tonnes gross. All access for craneage and haulage was to be gained via the carriage ways.

Other general considerations which had to be considered while programming the works included; all plant required to be fully fuelled and ready prior to that as refuelling was not feasible, spill kits and plant nappies for all item including the crane and vehicles were requires as were people based on the ground monitoring and storage. All dismantled items had to be moved off the bridge immediately. No piece of the structure, once lowered to ground level could be stored on the bridge deck; it all had to go directly away. Smaller sections were placed into the back of a box with the larger sections being loaded and moved right out. Some nights when the demolition team where just cutting down mesh, the arising material could be immediately cleared by the company’s 7-tonne gross weight dumper truck but the structural steel was cleared by either a high sided tipper, arctic lorry or flatbed for the longer beams some of which were measuring up to 13 metres in length.

Alan stated when talking about the planning of these works and in particular how important good channels of communication where “It was meticulous in the fact that you had to relay to the P.C and he had to relay to the client exactly, everything that was going on.”The contract, completed a little behind schedule due to severe weather issues hindering the progress for a few weeks during which it was only possible to do some minor preparation works. The high winds meant that the team was unable to work as any wind over 24 mph prevents the crane form operating safely, with winds exceeding 30 mph FETA wont install the contra flow in as the cones blow away.



" !





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Erith - Goresbrook Village The Goresbrook Village Regeneration, also referred to as the landmark ‘Lego Land’ tower blocks, is one of the largest Regeneration schemes in the UK. The 1960’s constructed high rise tower blocks was situated in Barking and Dagenham, north of the A13 trunk road.

The project consisted of the demolition of three tower blocks spanning 50m in height and 31m in length. The existing structures comprised of pre-cast and reinforced concrete blocks with 282 existing dwellings. Erith were employed to carry out the non structural strip out, asbestos removal, temporary works and demolition down to ground slab level to help pave way for construction of 149 new low rise homes. Demolition was executed by means of controlled top-down deconstruction methods.

A fully encapsulated re retardant monaex scaffold was erected around each tower to act as protective perimeter to both the public highway, surrounding properties while simultaneously acting as access for operatives carrying out demolition works. Each tower was systematically taken down - Slab-Wall-Slab-Wall, construction in reverse order, utilising a series of excavators. In order to ensure the excavators situated on the slabs could accommodate the plants load, Erith’s design team, Swanton Consulting designed a temporary works scheme that incorporated the use of acrow props. To ensure the project was delivered in a safe and seamless manner Erith formed demolition exclusion zones around each tower block with appropriate signage displaying activities in progress and contact details.


Timber hoarding was erected around the perimeter of the site. Erith ensured regular liaison with all stakeholders, including the local Authority, surrounding residents and various other parties to allow complete transparency and help facilitate the protection and safeguard of all surrounding parties.

To help minimise dust, noise and vibration of the works delivered, Erith implemented an Environmental monitoring programme to review the impact of the demolition activity with subsequent reports available should any parties require copies.

As part of Erith’s sustainability commitments Erith utilised fine jet sprays from an existing water source to help suppress dust from the demolition works. Erith managed to salvage 98% of all demolition arisings, crushing and processing hardcore materials while infilling voids where appropriate.

The project was delivered within the desired programme and on budget, recording no reportable Health and Safety incidents.

We are Demolition Insurance specialists, and: Are the longest serving NFDC Associate member Insurance Broker Have been dealing with the same Underwriters for the last 25 years, using our own policy wordings If you are here for the long term, please check us out. John Norbury Mark Clements

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Northeast Demolition - Flying Success Northeast Demolition ensures smooth landing for former parachute factory. Specialist demolition and dismantling contractor Northeast Demolition has recently completed the demolition of a former parachute factory in the east end of London. Constructed during the 1890s, the industrial unit originally housed a silk factory which was pressed into service during World War Two to provide parachutes for Royal Air Force aircrew. After the war production ceased and the building was used for other purposes which included a cash and carry outlet. The site was recently sold to a property developer and the Nineteenth Century structure subsequently earmarked for demolition. Northeast Demolition was awarded the contract to demolish the site at the start of 2013 and work began shortly afterwards. Although not a large or unusual structure, the task of demolishing the former parachute factory presented several key challenges according to Northeast Demolition's director Shaun Harvey, "The factory was flanked by a busy railway line on one side and residential properties on the two other sides. Site access was off a narrow residential street with limited space for vehicle movements. There was also very little open space within the site itself. These factors meant the demolition process had to be carefully planned and safely executed whilst at the same time completing the project within the time allocated by the client".

After securing the site and receiving the relevant approvals from Network Rail, Northeast Demolition erected scaffold retention systems to support the building's walls immediately adjacent to the railway and residential properties. Following this the company deployed its latest acquisition, a JCB JS360 XD HRD high reach excavator. Operating with a customised three piece arm and multiprocessor attachment, the JCB was able to demolish the brick and steel beam structure in a safe and controlled manner.


A conventional excavator was also utilised on the site to collect and sort the resultant demolition arisings. With a majority of the structure removed, the remaining, scaffold enveloped walls were then demolished by the company's own team of qualified labourers. Dust suppression measures were deployed during the project with the high-reach JCB utilising its built-in water cannon to douse any dust created during the demolition.

All material arising from the demolition process was segregated on-site with concrete, bricks and rubble crushed in situ and stockpiled for use on the site's forthcoming redevelopment. Wood, metal and plastic were also segregated and forwarded to nearby recycling facilities. The process ensured recycling levels exceeded 90%.

By closely liaising with local residents, businesses and Network Rail we managed to carry out the work without causing major inconvenience to those living and working nearby. Deploying experienced operatives and modern machinery also ensured the structure was removed safely and expeditiously despite restricted access to the site and its limited size. Wayne Harris - Director of Northeast Demolition

Thanks to the company's new high-reach JCB and an ethos that promotes high levels of safety and training, Northeast Demolition looks set to continue its success in the years to come.




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Inmalo Ltd - Working with Embassy Demolition Embassy Demolition based in Edmonton, North London have recently updated one of their frontline demolition attachments and returned to the attachment specialists INMALO who are based in Hampshire. Embassy have purchased the Mantovanibenne CR20R concrete cracker, to add to their existing MBI demolition Shears and Grapples.

Purchased specifically for the company's new Volvo EC480DLC high reach excavator, the first job for the CR20R was the partial demolition of an industrial and office complex near Watford.

Constructed from a variety of materials including brick, breeze block and steel frame, the building has proved no match for the CR20R. Weighing in at 2100kg and boasting an opening jaw width of 1,050mm, the cracker can exert a maximum pressure of 84 tonnes at the tip of the jaws, increasing to a maximum of 329 tonnes in the throat.

Capable of full 360 degree hydraulic rotation the CR20R has a double slew bearing for extra strength very large cylinders offering huge cracking power.

Volvo operator Andy Shaw has been with Embassy for a number of years and rates the CR20R highly. "It's a very powerful tool and very quick to operate." explained Shaw. "It looks extremely well built and should be able to stand up to the work we use it for."

Mr Shaw is very positive about the company's purchasing decision saying that they will only invest in quality pieces of kit that will stand up to the sometimes punishing work on a demolition site and they are sure that INMALO can provide the solution!

The latest technology for dust suppression is the diesel powered Motofog unit launched at Demolition Expo 2013 by Inmalo. The MotoFog eliminates the need for a generator and is extremely compact at 205 Kgs.

MotoFog - Just add water

Specifications • Robust Hatz Diesel Engine • Wheeled trolley at 205 Kgs • 35 metre throw • Pencil or spray nozzles as standard • Full radio control option available 53

Rising Stars in the Demolition Industry Chelsea Gilpin, Estimator for Gilpin Demolition gives us an insight into her day-to-day tasks and taking inspiration from her father Sam Gilpin who has worked in the industry for over 30 years.

At the age of 17 having finished my college education A-level Business Studies, Media, Event Management and Photography, I was indecisive about the next step to take. I joined the family business and started to learn about the demolition industry I feel like I can continuously advance and do something diverse. Now aged 20, I have worked my way through various roles from reception, accounts and now to junior quantity surveyor in the estimating department.

Although primarily working in the finance department I aspired to gain a broad understanding of all business practices. I have begun to spend time working alongside the Health and Safety department to gain knowledge of method statements, risk assessments and procedures.

Though work is largely office based and while there are many learning advantages to be taken in this environment, I also take any opportunity to get out on site. It’s good to learn from our experienced team on site, see how demolition really happens not just how it’s written in a method statement and get greater knowledge. I was most recently working at Loughor Viaduct, Swansea where Gilpin demolished the 220m long viaduct. I was on the night shifts and assisted in the control of the site documents such as lifting plans, task briefing and appropriate certification.

Prior to this, months of planning were carried out in preparation for the possession to demolish the structure. I worked alongside my father, Sam Gilpin, Director of Gilpin Demolition who has 30 years experience to pass onto me. I organised specialist demolition machines and marine equipment plus compiling all information, documents and attending contract meetings. It was a great opportunity to see what our company is capable of and a really successful job under stressful conditions.

Now settling into my new position in the estimating department I have began to undertake my own contracts from tender stage to completion. Working in all areas of the business on site and in the office has benefited my ability to look at a project from different aspects. Being part of the younger generation, I have a more computerised approach when carrying out my work. As a result I have helped introduce new software to the company for improved project analysis that works alongside current methods.

I intend to progress in my Continuing Professional Development, as a student member of the Institute of Demolition Engineers to become an associate member. I recently successfully completed a qualification to become a Junior QS, I now plan to further my education into CDM and health & safety as this is an imperative factor in the industry. Our industry offers many opportunities for a diverse and interesting career and I am really glad that I joined the family firm.


Demolition and complex deconstruction experts. large ge dir directly With a lar ectly employed workforce workfor ce supported by our owned and operated fleet of machinery,, high tech plant and machinery P.P. O’Connor can deliver emoval your demolition and rremoval rrequirements. equir equirements ements. To T o discuss any size of pr project oject contact:

t: +44 (0)161 776 0333 e:

AR Demolition Ltd Specialists in demolition and site clearance ethod Statements and ri risk sk assessments carried out for each individual contract l work orkss carried out under CDM regulations SCS Oper Opera atives CDO Oper Opera atives CPS Oper Opera atives gh reach excavators ow Loader Hire ant Hire cavations AR Demolition Ltd 36 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, CV13 0EZ Please contact us on: 01455 291221

HIT THE DUST hod Statemen and assessmen carried out for each individual contract w carried out under CDM regulations Oper tives DO Oper tives Oper tives h reach excavators Loader Hire nt Hire cavations AR Demolition Ltd 36 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, CV13 0EZ Please contact us on: 0&1U4SED 55 291221 NEW PRESSION DUST SUP in foT @ MEN EQUIP IRE H R O LE A S

Tel: 01908 562191


Maldon Demolition - A Concrete Marriage NFDC member Maldon Demolition is coming to the end of an arduous project involving the removal of foundations which originally formed part of a sprawling cement production facility in Halling, Kent. When the manufacture of cement klinker ceased at the site in 2002, it heralded the end of cement production in the Medway region, a process that had been carried out in the area for over 200 years. Although the facility still continued to process clinker brought in from road after its own production ceased, the entire site was closed-down in 2009 with operations moving to a new state-of–the-art cement binding and blending facility in Tilbury, Essex.

In March 2010 demolition of the cement works began with the site’s numerous structures including kilns, silos, mixing units and conveyor systems felled one by one. The last significant feature on site was a 300 foot-high chimney which was blown down by controlled explosions on 19 September 2010.

With the site flattened, Maldon Demolition began the second phase of the regeneration process, which centred on breaking-out the facility’s sprawling network of subterranean foundations, processing the resultant arisings and stockpiling them for use at a later stage of the redevelopment.

The company started on site in the summer of 2012. As initial work began it became clear just how challenging the project was going to be, as Damian Adcock, Maldon Demolition’s site supervisor explains, “Straight away it became apparent the cement works‘ foundations were deep-rooted and incredibly robust. Almost every segment was made from reinforced concrete made with a thick lattice-work of steel rebar. Elsewhere underground pits housed heaps of clinker and gypsum that had mixed subsequently set. The strength and volume of the material meant in order to complete the contract to the clients’ requirements we had to deploy a sizeable fleet of heavy duty demolition and crushing machinery”.

The largest piece of machinery utilised at the Halling site was a Hitachi EX1200 excavator complete with a 10t hydraulic breaker attachment. “Marrying the giant Hitachi with an equally large breaker was the only viable way to get the worst of the concrete foundations out. Smaller-sized breakers just chipped at the edges of the foundations and we would have been there forever”, says Damian. With the hammer’s 24’-long pin and attachment bracket weighing an extra 2 tonnes, the total weight of the demolition machine exceeded 145 tonnes.


In order to transport the shattered concrete to the crushing area a fleet of ADTs were kept busy running to and fro on several miles of haul roads that traversed across the site. The second largest machine deployed, a 50 tonne Zaxis 500 excavator was utilised to good effort, loading the broken-out concrete into the company’s fleet of Volvo dump trucks.

Prior to being crushed, excavated material was tipped immediately adjacent to the company’s crusher and pre-screened by a pair of 20 tonne Zaxis excavators. One Hitachi equipped with a breaker was dedicated to reduce oversize lumps of concrete before the second machine, sporting a dedicated pulveriser attachment removed any rebar lurking amongst the material.

From there, the concrete was fed in Maldon Demolition’s Brown Lennox crusher. Weighing 80 tonnes, the crusher was proving invaluable according to Damian, “The crusher was originally purchased for a large project breaking out and recycling the runway at West Moreland Aerodrome so we were confident it could handle the high volumes that require processing on this project. Since starting on site 30 weeks ago, we have already replaced one set of wear plates and are mindful that any material spilt within the machine’s workings could mix together and set as concrete. As a result we have to be very careful when loading the crusher”. Once crushed to type 1 specification the concrete was transported, again by ADT to the far side of the site and stockpiled in readiness for use as pilling mats for the site’s forthcoming housing development.

Because of the high levels of concrete breaking, handling and transporting being undertaken on site, Maldon Demolition deployed several dust suppression vehicles including a Bedford water tanker complete with 1000 gallon water tank and water cannon. “The dust suppression vehicles really made a difference to those working on site and local residents”, explains Damian.

With an estimated 300,000m3 of concrete already broken-out, crushed and stockpiled, the project at Halling Cement Works is in its final stages, although with parts of the cement work’s foundations still entombed throughout the site, the company’s heavy duty excavators, breakers and giant crusher look set to remain busy until the very end of this demanding project.


Officers in Action - Whats been happening? Since the last issue of Demolition & Dismantling in July, The Federation Officers’ have been incredibly busy. These past few months have seen some key engagements to their calender. Below, you can see just a snippet of their schedules and what they are doing to promote and improve the demolition industry.

Promoting the Brand

•Howard Button (NFDC CEO) met a number of key industry figures during these past few months, from this we have taken two main meetings in which promoting the NFDC brand was vital. The NFDC CEO met with the Carillion procurement team, Galliford Try procurement team and senior site managers procurement team to promote the benefits of using federation members with in depth representation.

Working with Key Industry Stakeholders

•ARMI (Asbestos Removal Management Institute) Board meeting - NFDC CEO meet with other board members to finalise the establishment of ARMI as an equal third party and the NFDC was well placed to ensure members interests are best represented to HSE. •UKCG Fair Payment Meeting - Gary Bishop (Hon. Life Vice- President), Andrew Forshaw (NFDC 2nd Vice- President) & NFDC CEO meet with UKCG CEO Stephen Ratcliffe to express members concern over late sub-contractor payment terms being implemented by UKCG member companies. The working group reported all matters to the National Council on 3rd September.


Working with Key Industry Stakeholders

•DRIDS (Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets) presentation at CITB Chairman’s dinner - The NFDC CEO launches the DRIDS application at CITB chairman’s dinner to thank CITB for the generous support of this flagship recycling and recovery information system. •Asbestos Liaison Group meeting - This was a sub-group meeting attended by Sophie Cox (Group Manager) to review company competency framework matrix development.

•DRIDS Presentation Edinburgh - The NFDC CEO attended the IDE regional meeting to demonstrate and promote the DRIDS and their application for the industry.

Meetings with Members

•Midlands & Welsh Regional Meeting followed by NDTG asbestos competency meeting: William Sinclair (NFDC President), Group Manager and the NFDC CEO attended this regional meeting to discuss federation development work and the proposed increased fees structure.

•The National Council meeting at Hemel Hempstead where regional officers of the Federation held an exhaustive meeting to discuss the affairs of the federation including regional, ISP and other various reports.

•ISP meeting at HQ: NFDC 2nd Vice-President, NFDC President, NFDC CEO & Group Manager host ISP meeting to consider concerns and develop an action plan to ensure better involvement of ISP members with federation events and business.

•NFDC President and Group Manager attend Scotland & Northern Ireland regional meeting.

•The NFDC hold their 59th Annual Convention at the Gleneagles Hotel. 61

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Meet the Team - At the NFDC and NTDG

Welcome to Resurgam House! - Following on From Demolition Expo 2013, we have recently

held our annual Convention in September at the glorious Gleneagles Hotel. As you can see from this issue of Demolition & Dismantling the Federation, Training Group and our members have all been extremely busy, forming new partnerships and strengthening bonds. Here at Resurgam House, we have had a new member of staff join the Training Group to support its ever expanding workload. The dedicated team behind the NFDC & NDTG work tirelessly to ensure the needs of the industry are met at all times. With the Federation and Training departments now working hand in hand, our head office infrastructure is at the top of its game to ensure we offer NFDC members the highest level of customer service at all times. With on average 3,000 minutes worth of telephone calls incoming to the Group on a monthly basis, the team have their work cut out to ensure that their knowledge is up to date with latest industry initiatives and developments. Furthermore, the heightened interest in membership of the NFDC requires the team to send out more membership enquiry packs than ever before.

As most members are aware, the NFDC recently underwent a management structure review with myself being promoted to Group Manager in March for the NFDC & NDTG. I have to express my sincere thanks to the whole team at HQ. The support and commitment to theirs roles is truly noted.

Sophie Cox - Group Manager

Dave Betts - NDTG Training Administrator I have just joined the NDTG and it is proving to be an enjoyable challenge. There is a lot to learn, but I’m glad I’ve joined such a great group of people in such an interesting industry.

Julie Baker - NFDC Since joining the NFDC 4 years ago, I have witnessed many changes and watched both the NFDC and NDTG continue to expand and develop. This is reflected in my workload which is both interesting and varied, with many new projects in the pipeline. Newcomers to the office has enhanced the Federation workforce and together we make a great team.


Demolition Awards 2014 The Dorchester, Park Lane Friday 21st March The Demolition Awards 2014 will be held once again at The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane on Friday 21st March.The awards will be held after our Annual General Meeting with guest speaker Martin Bayfield - a former England Rugby Union player. We have updated the awards categories with the introduction of a Corporate and ISP Innovation Award. Nominations are now open, if you would like to submit your entry, you can find all the forms and more information about each award at our website:

Award Categories Demolition Operative Demolition Plant Operative Demolition Manager Demolition Innovation - Corporate Demolition Innovation - ISP Demolition Training Commitment Demolition Achievement

Classifieds - Industry Service Providers ECY Haulmark

01925 860000

01162 620065

01536 483085

A.E Burgess & Sons

Genesis Gmbh

Cooke & Mason Plc

Armstrong York Asbestos

Hargreaves Services Plc

Fenwick Elliott

Beaver Metals

Husqvarna Construction Products - 0844 8444570

0870 3500 375 0121 776 7099

BFA Recycling Limited

01777 869900

01325 328311

0207 421 1986

01702 209520

01962 760055

01268 745000

Day Group

European Metal Recycling

01420 484509

01366 500162

01376 511868


0121 7535771

0113 276 2300

One Stop Recycling

Riverside Environmental Services - 0870 9500 161

S Norton & Co

Northerntrack Rammer

01283 818400

WW Group



Stanley La Bounty

0115 9305899

0800 522 5059

01442 222100

01282 860888

0845 2304460

Doosan International

01443 842273

0845 2622280

Worsley Plant

01606 835544

01522 889200

01455 551784

Finning (UK)

0800 0287778

Greenshields JCB

01420 525900

H.E Services

08712 270707

H M Plant

01753 213900

Machine Distribution


Blue Machinery Central


+33 324598190

Trojan Plant Services Versatile Equipment

Wirtgen Limited

0844 561 6075

01283 818400

Arden Equipment UK Ltd

0116 286 3621

Square Mile Broking

0115 9784676

Atlas Copco

Watling JCB

Safeguard Insurance Services 01322 337557

0151 955 3300

Ward Recycling

01223 836636

020 8900 9290

Sandhurst Equipment Rental 01634 739997

SIMS Metal Management

Volvo Construction Equipment

P Flannery Plant Hire


0161 2259740

01179 820123

0207 283 0040


0208 8074268

Molson Equipment Services

Miles Smith

Magnet Services

Metal & Waste Recycling

01527 512512

01923 211290

LDH Attachments

01925 715400

JCB Sales

01889 590312

Kocurek Excavators 01473 217477

Komatsu UK

0191 4925460

L Lynch Plant Hire 0208 900 0000


Kerry London

0161 406 7046

01767 602 100

01235 832407

Inspire Risk Management

Kinshofer UK

0208 3809600


McCloskey Equipment

Genesis Risk Solutions


01895 821755


Buckingham House 01277 217400

Machine Distribution

0208 555 7111

Beere Electrical Services 0845 1301815

BTMK Solicitors 01702 238542

C&D Consultancy

01902 686363

Dash Commercial Finance

01293 804570

Northern Safety

01642 754880

Number 8

0208 747 2161

Prime Safety Europe 01622 768400

Specialist Consultant

Adler and Allan

QEB Hollis Whitman

0207 9338855

SMH Products

0191 456 6000

The Health & Safety People

08456 122144

At Square Mile Broking we have a fresh approach to your insurances, however we also have twenty years experience in looking after NFDC members. Therefore, you’ll enjoy the significant cost benefits our innovative approach brings whilst having the peace of mind that we also have genuine expertise in your industry. As Chartered Insurance Brokers, who specialise in your industry, our tailor-made policies can keep your premiums low while ensuring that you’re fully covered in every area you need to be and none that you’re not. We have the practical experience and expertise to do just that. We understand Demolition cover. We know you demand: t NFDC Discounts t Fees For Intervention (FFI) Cover t Financially secure ‘A’ rated UK based insurers t Best value premiums including options with extremely low deposit premiums t Extended period policies t Full cover including asbestos


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