NFDC Demolition and Dismantling Issue 1 2013

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Issue 1 - 2013


Demolition and Dismantling

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In House Engineering

Safety 24:7

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For F or mor more e inf info, o, call us on 0870 950 8800 or visit www Outstanding Commitment Aw Award ar ard d ¡ 2012/10 World World Demolition Contractor Contractor of the Year Year Award Awar ard d¡ 2011/12 World World Demolition Collaboration Collaboration Aw Award ard ¡ 2011 World World Demolition Urban Confined Space Contract Contract Aw Award ard ar d¡ 2010 World World Demolition Training Training Award Award ¡10 British British Safety Council Awards Awar ards ds (7 consecuti consecutive ve y years) ears) ear s) ¡ Construction Construction Ne News ws T Training raining Award Awar ard d¡ City of London Gold Aw Award ard ar d ¡ 2012 RoSP RoSPA A Occupational Safety Aw Award ard ar d ¡ London Bor Borough ough of Be Bexley xley T Training raining & De Development velopment 2013 Aw Award ard


- Welcome to the new look D&D!

The Incoming President 5 Message from William Sinclair Safedem


Keltbray 10

AR Demolition 12

A Day in the Life - NEW! 14

The Environment Agency - NEW! 18 Page 5 - William Sinclair NFDC President

MGL Group 24

Special Feature - NFDC AGM - NEW! 26 Gilpin Demolition 30 Walters 36

National Demolition Training Group 38 Atlas Copco 44

Page 14 - A day in the Life - Liebherr

Meet the Team - NEW! 51

Classifieds - NEW! 52

Promoting the Demolition Industry

We are sure you will be impressed with the changes we have made to this issue of the D&D Magazine. As a Federation we are growing stronger and as an industry we are developing faster than ever. It is now time to SHOUT about it! To help us carry this rapid growth and ensure that both industry and the wider industry are as up to date as we are, we have bought the magazine completely in house. Louise Calam, PR & Marketing Executive for the NFDC has turned the magazine around and has increased members stories, interesting articles and carried out an entire revamp! It goes without saying that the foundations laid by Louise’s predecessor Mark Anthony have ensured the continued success of the magazine and we would like to personally thank Mark for his commitment to both the NFDC & the industry. We wish him every success for the future.

Executive Editors National Federation of Demolition Contractors

Resurgam House, Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4TF

Tel: 01442 217144 Fax: 01442 218268

Consultant Editors

David Keane FIDE Editor-in-Chief William Sinclair MIDE Sub-Editor Martin Wilson Sub-Editor

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our members whose advertisements appear throughout this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication and statements it contains, neither to the promoter involved or the publisher can accept responsibility for any inaccuracies for the products or services advertised. The opinions expressed in Demolition and Dismantling do not necessarily represent those of The National Federation of Demolition Contractors including its officers and members.


Gary Bishop - The Departing President As my term of office as President comes to a close I would like to highlight a few of the achievements made during my all too short a term as custodian of our Federation. The Federation reached its 70th Anniversary and produced an excellent publication detailing the history of the Federation starting back at our roots in 1941. I am also proud to have been a big part in production of the NFDC corporate DVD - ‘The Voice of the Global Demolition Industry’. NFDC Corporate Members have set themselves apart from other demolition contractors and in doing so have improved standards and set a high benchmark for the future of the global demolition industry. The DVD & History Book was an opportunity to demonstrate the professionalism & enthusiasm amongst what I would consider to be the best demolition contractors in the world. We should all reflect on the standards and ambitions of the Federation to ensure that it remains strong for another 70 plus years.

Throughout my term as President I have striven to improve unity across the regions. As such I supported the call from National Council to hold an EGM to debate various issues raised by National Council that affect us all as members.

With record attendance several key matters were discussed at the EGM, the most significant of which being the vote for a National Secretary. Delegated authority to make the appointment was given to the Executive committee and after much head scratching we have appointed the best person for the job. Sophie Cox will fulfil the role of Group Manager for the NFDC & NDTG. Over my term I have also seen the NFDC Site Audit Scheme partner with CHAS, taking standards to the next level. A move much applauded by members and clients alike and reinforcing the high industry standards expected of our Federation members.

As the Federation continues to grow we are already stretching the space at Resurgam House and have extended the boardroom to release additional desk space. Who knows how long before we need to look at further extensions but with the dedicated team behind the Federation I don’t think this will be too far off.

Finally, Howard told me that the day I had to hand over the Presidency of the Federation would be one of the hardest things I would have to do. However what has made this transition easier is the trust and confidence I have in William Sinclair. His support as Vice President was second to none and I am happy to be handing over to a very competent and worthy suitor. I can now look forward to the continued development of the Federation objectives and I will support William as long as he needs me.

Gary Bishop Outgoing President NFDC 4

William Sinclair - The Incoming President It is with great honour that I write my first ‘Presidents Column’ in the Federations official journal – Demolition and Dismantling magazine.

As a fourth generation member of a family who has been active in the Federation for all of its 72 years, I am very aware of the history and traditions of this great Federation, and I am truly proud to be the Federations 32nd President. I follow in the footsteps of many great Presidents, including my Great Great Uncle, Sam B Allison (the 6th President), and my father, David P Sinclair who was the 19th President, 26 years ago. Thanks to the hard work and direction of my predecessor, Gary Bishop, and as a result of the tireless efforts of our Chief Executive, Howard Button, the start of my Presidency coincides with a lot of exciting new developments within the Federation.

Regular readers of D&D will note it has a whole new look thanks to the NFDC’s own in house Marketing and PR Executive, Louise Calam. The website has also undergone a revamp, with a fresh look with easier navigation around the varied and detailed content.

At our recent Annual General Meeting, the Federation hosted the inaugural NFDC Awards, recognising excellence in our industry. The AGM also saw the launch of our DRIDS (Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets). The brainchild of our Chief Executive, these data sheets will undoubtedly prove a valuable tool for members as recycling and categorisation and handling of materials encountered on demolition sites becomes an important part of every member’s environmental management procedures. The concept has also attracted considerable interest from other associated industry parties, such as the waste management sector. Undoubtedly the most significant announcement made at the AGM was the promotion of Sophie Cox to our new NFDC/NDTG Group Manager. Sophie’s role will now provide the Federations five regions a direct link with operational staff at Resurgam House. Sophie will assist the Regional Chairmen, acting as a conduit for the regular and detailed flow of information throughout the Federation. The appointment of an NFDC/NDTG Group Manager is a landmark in the Federation’s history - one that I am positive will bring benefit to the working of the Federation and to our members.

Now that the foundations are in place the Federation is in a strong position to promote the specialism and professionalism of our Members to prospective clients. There is no doubt our Members lead the way in the demolition industry – its time that clients get the message.

William Sinclair Incoming President NFDC 5

Hitachi - The new Zaxis-5 Range The new Hitachi Zaxis-5 range of medium excavators is proving extremely popular among NFDC members in the south of England. The official Hitachi dealer, HM Plant (a Hitachi group company), observed the significant demand for the machines, which range from the ZX250LC-5 to the ZX470LCH-5, among its customers in 2012. Operations Director David Hearne commented:


A high proportion of the Zaxis-5 machines we have supplied so far have gone to NFDC members, including: three ZX350LC-5s to Balicrest Ltd and Gilpin Demolition Ltd respectively; two ZX290LC-5s to Syd Bishop & Sons (Demolition) Ltd; and a further ZX290LC-5 to Bromley Demolition Co Ltd. Another HM Plant customer, Hughes & Salvidge Ltd, was the first to take delivery of a ZX470LCH-5, equipped with a pulveriser attachment, and two ZX250LC-5 excavators in October. Two were used on a job site in Havant, Hampshire, shortly after delivery. The larger model was used to crush reinforced concrete, and a ZX250LC-5 handled and processed materials, and loaded them into skips.

The benefits of the Hitachi Zaxis-5 range for demolition customers include high levels of productivity, thanks to the new three-pump TRIAS hydraulic system (ZX250LC-5 to ZX350LC-5) and the HIOS IIIB hydraulic system for the ZX470LCH-5. They are all equipped with a powerful, yet fuel-efficient engine, which complies with Stage IIIB emission regulations and helps customers to reduce running costs. Operator comfort and safety has also been enhanced with more space, user-friendly controls and a colour LCD monitor in the ROPS-compliant cab.


Managing Director Martyn Burnett Hughes & Salvidge explains the reasons behind his decision to invest in the new Hitachi Zaxis-5 models: “I bought my first Hitachi excavator in 2002 and it was extremely reliable. That’s the number one reason why I buy Hitachi. The most important advantage of the new Zaxis-5 models for my business is the reduced running costs. The new Stage IIIB engine of the ZX470LCH-5 uses less fuel and results in a saving of tens of thousands of pounds.”

The engine was also an important consideration when tendering for work, Martyn continued: “It will allow us to work on projects in central London and to comply with emission regulations that come into effect in the near future. By investing now, we will be ahead of the competition.” He plans to invest in a further four ZX470LCH-5 models in 2013.

Another Hitachi enthusiast is operator Philip Marsh, who prefers working with the smaller ZX250LC-5 to the ZX470LCH-5. “It’s versatile, I can work on smaller jobs for houses and bungalows, as well as larger projects like this one,” he explains. “It’s a good, all-round machine and easier to use than other brands. The new three-pump TRIAS hydraulic system is really good. I like the fact that Hitachi excavators are easy to control and comfortable.”


For more information on the Hitachi Zaxis-5 range, please visit: or contact HM Plant for further details.


The new ZAXIS-5 range

The power of advanced technology has developed a new high-quality range of Hitachi construction machinery. ZAXIS-5 excavators are tough on any terrain, reinforcing their market-leading reputation for reliability and durability. Designed for the most challenging conditions – from demanding earthmoving projects to busy construction sites – the new ZAXIS-5 range delivers increased productivity and excellent fuel efficiency, resulting in a lower cost of ownership. HM Plant Limited Monkton Business Park North Hebburn Tyne & Wear NE31 2JZ T: 0191 430 8400 F: 0191 430 8500 Distributor of Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV

Safedem - Rosyth Dock Situated on the North shore of the Firth of Forth is the Rosyth dock and harbour complex. Once a major Naval base the docks are now home to heavy industry and are the final assembly point for the Royal Navy's future Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.

Completed in 1919 the site was home to a huge concrete structure built to store fuel oil for the visiting naval warships and with the threat of war the government decided to increase the capacity and to increase the protection of the tanks. Work commenced on the tank to fortify and protect it from possible German aircraft attack and the contractor, thought to be Wimpey Construction, was instructed to build a substantial tank with a reinforced structure which was to be camouflaged from any enemy planes approaching from the North. With an area of over 9 acres, the hugely reinforced structure was built to withstand bomb attacks by being constructed of multiple layers of concrete and sand to form a roof structure almost 7m thick. The roof structure needed to be supported and a forest of 3000 concrete columns were constructed each one 1.2m in diameter with a height of 12m and fully reinforced with 16, 32mm diameter reinforcing bars. Capable of holding 250,000 tonnes of fuel oil, the tank affectionately known as “The Bunker”, also has super reinforced walls almost 8m deep! Dundee based demolition contractor Safedem won the project via a competitive tender process and work commenced on site in 2005 with the demolition of 32 large steel storage tanks. Once these structures were gone the contaminated land around them was decontaminated ready for future occupation. With the tanks gone attention turned to “The Bunker” and the method of demolition needed to complete the task in both the allotted time, within budget and more importantly, with total safety.

Safedem's Operations Manager, Andy Smillie comments that the only choice for the demolition for the roof structure would be explosives as the use of hydraulic hammers, no matter what size, would take too long. Concrete processors again would be time consuming and coping with the large sections of concrete would require a significantly larger excavator than the company are currently using. Initial forays into test drilling in the conventional manner, top down, led the company to rethink as the amount of rebar encountered led to the drill being unable to penetrate to a sufficient depth.


Drilling into the concrete roof from the side enabled the drill to penetrate between the horizontal layers of mesh and although in the resulting blast there is more material thrown out, the results led to a reasonable breaking of the lower layers of concrete leaving the upper layers fractured.

Once the roof had been completely cleared attention was turned to the removal of the supporting columns. Again, drilling and blasting would have been the preferred method but with the amount of columns and being in such close proximity to each other led Safedem to employ a different method of removal. Using a heavy duty Liebherr R974C excavator fitted with an MST 1800mm Hi-Spec bucket, Safedem pulled each one down separately and once on the ground transferred the column to an Hitachi Zaxis 470 equipped with hydraulic breaker for processing. None of the concrete produced from the demolition stage of the project will be sent to landfill with nearly 1 million tonnes crushed and screened on site. The sand reclaimed from between the concrete roof layers has also been used to screen residential properties to the north of the site whilst almost approximately 2200km of steel rebar will also be processed and recycled.

We are Demolition Insurance specialists, and: Are the longest serving NFDC Associate member Insurance Broker Have been dealing with the same Underwriters for the last 25 years, using our own policy wordings If you are here for the long term, please check us out. John Norbury Mark Clements

Rainbird House, Warescot Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 9HD - t: 01277 217400 - f: 01277 217500 -

Keltbray KELTBRAY HELPS MUSEUM OF LONDON ARCHAEOLOGY UNCOVER HISTORY AT MOORGATE Esher 28 January 2013: Keltbray is working with MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) at Moorgate in the City of London, to help facilitate their fieldwork, which has uncovered several buildings from the medieval and Roman periods.

A number of finds have been made at 8-10 Moorgate, where Keltbray has been working since 2010 to support Stanhope and Mitsui Fudosan on the development of a £47 million 125,000 square feet office scheme, which is due to be completed in 2014. Keltbray’s work, which is due to finish this spring, includes demolition, groundworks and temporary works design in contracts totalling more than £6 million.

As part of this work Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) has uncovered several buildings from the medieval and Roman periods and timber structures. David Divers is Contract Manager for MOLA and explains: “We have been working closely with Keltbray on site to ensure we could safely investigate the archaeological finds which are remarkably well preserved. We have found evidence for Roman industry and manufacturing, and buildings constructed from clay and timber which appear to have been used as both workshops and houses; it was common for craftsmen and their families to work and live on the same premises” Keltbray’s Site Manager at Moorgate, Bobby Ellis, said: “We are very much honoured to be able to work for this prestigious and iconic site iiiwith such rich cultural and historic assets.”

Demolition Expo 2013 Welcome to the most exciting Demolition Weekend this Year!

On Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June from 9.00am we will be holding our annual Demolition Expo at Arden Brickworks, Solihull. Delegates are welcomed to attend workshops* and seminars* on Friday for which you will receive IDE Core CPD Points. An Industry related exhibition hall and outdoor zone will showcase all the latest Demolition Plant & Equipment and specialist services available to the industry. Saturday will be a family day where everyone is invited to come along and join the fun. There will be lots of activities and exhibitions for the whole family. With a variety of refreshments and entertainment on hand there will be something for everyone to enjoy.

Friday 28th June

Workshops* Seminars* Free Courses Networking Opportunities Indoor Exhibition Stands Outdoor Plant Machinery Displays Refreshments Competitions

Saturday 29th June Outdoor Plant Machinery Displays Family Friendly Activities Childrens Entertainment Refreshments Bouncy Castle Face Painting Goody bags and much more!

For more information and to book please contact us today: Phone: 01442 217144 E-mail: Download booking forms at:

We look forward to seeing you all at Demolition Expo 2013! *Tickets cost £50 to attend

Arden Brickworks • Coventry Road • Bickenhill • Solihull • B92 0DY

AR Demolition - Kings Cross Station Space is always a premium at any city centre demolition project and AR Demolition from Leicestershire can certainly vouch for this. Main contractor J Murphy & Sons have been tasked to undertake the complex deconstruction of the huge canopy roof situated outside King's Cross station and create a new public open space in the centre of London.

Constructed of space deck design in the early 1970s the concourse structure with its projecting canopy has been a particular eyesore and point of derogatory comment for many years. Masking the elegant arched facade to the front of the station, Network Rail has embarked on an ambitious project to bring the architectural splendour of this building, which opened in 1852, back to the public eye.

Although won under competitive tender, AR Demolition’s past experience with space deck de-construction and in particular Director Richard Dolman’s address to the IDE on the subject along with a video posted on YouTube, put them in a favoured position with all parties concerned. The unstable nature of a space deck construction when being demolished meant that AR Demolition needed to both prop the roof to prevent unforeseen collapse and also ballast the roof to prevent it from buckling upwards. The initial dictate from the client was to remove the canopy in two phases, but maintaining access to the station which has over 45 million people passing through both Underground and Main Line facilities per year, meant this method was to be revisited many times during the course of the project. Whilst the client, Network Rail, has given strict time limits for the project, the specialist demolition elements have been planned in conjunction with AR Demolition to ensure the safe removal of the canopy. The structural element of the project has been huge with portions of the canopy having to remain in place while other sections are removed. Allied to this is the variance in structural floor slab thickness ranging from 1m down to 150mm meaning that demolition of some sections is having to be undertaken by hand with operatives working from access platforms. MD Richard Dolman explains that the process of getting approval is very rigorous with their own structural team producing detailed methods of work, passing them onto Murphy for approval who in turn then pass them onto an independent structural engineer and finally onto Network Rail (and sometimes on again to London Underground). Once all parties have approved the plans, which can take up to four weeks, AR Demolition’s team of operatives spring into action. "Although the approval process is a complicated one, everyone in the chain realises that we need to move at a quick pace to ensure continuity of work," explains Richard Dolman


"With this in mind it is very rare that any decisions take more than a week to approve. The working relationship we have built up with both the main contractor and their client is testament to how the project has progressed, as we are all looking to progress the job to a successful conclusion.

The brief from the client is one that many contractors are well aware of. "We are expected to complete our work without any disruption to the station’s clients and neighbours." explains Mr Dolman "Essentially the public have to be led to believe that we are not here!" During the 2012 Christmas day closure of the station, AR Demolition were tasked with removing a portion of the canopy that extended over the resident newspaper stand to the kerb line of Euston Road. Expert planning with all parties led to the works being successfully carried out with 12 hours to spare. As with works involved with the timed closure of a specific area, AR Demolition were required to supply two items of each piece of plant should any particular item break down. Operating on such a tight site meant the deployment of one of the fleets Hitachi Zaxis 225USRLC reduced tail-swing excavators. Fitted with Oil-Quick coupler the Hitachi has been brought to site because of its compact dimensions yet it still retains an impressive performance and reach enabling it to perform every task required on site. "The Hitachi / Oil-Quick combination is as good as having two machines on site" comments Mr Dolman "The speed and safety of changeover between Shear, sorting grab, bucket and pulveriser is invaluable."

The complexity of the structure surrounding the canopy has led AR Demolition to undertake a large amount of the final demolition work by hand.

Operatives working from access platforms using cutting gear and hand tools has been forced on the team due to the thickness, or lack of it, of the concrete slab covering the Underground station. Such is the lack of weight bearing structure covering sections of the Underground station, AR Demolition have been tasked with designing, supplying and installing a small forest of heavy duty supports to ensure there is no collapse of the roof structure.

This project has been our most high profile to date" explains Mr Dolman "Although we have only had a handful of men and machinery on site, the structural challenges involved have made it a very interesting project to work on!



A very cold, snowy, Tuesday morning saw me travelling to visit my first NFDC Associate member of the year. Driving up through the grey sky and snow covered ground, a shiny yellow beacon ascends in the horizon (just off the A1 at Biggleswade). It is definitely not the glow of sun. It is Liebherr HQ! Arriving at the end of the industrial estate you can see from the road the impressive size and scale of the head office. Following the signs to reception, I park as closely as possible to the front door, bracing myself for the freezing cold as I shuffle in wearing my new and rather heavy safety boots.

The entrance itself to the administration building is welcoming and informative with a full size Liebherr constructed engine and a variety of Liebherr brochures and scale models of all proudly created machinery.

Of course my morning wasn’t to just admire my surroundings. I was here to meet Darren Bennett (National Accounts Manager) and David Croft (Marketing Manager) who had kindly invited me to take a look around their headquarters to help me learn about demolition machinery. Being a newbie to the industry, I was looking forward to an education and insight to a section of demolition I know little about. Darren and David first began to tell me about Liebherr – exuding enthusiasm as they described the proud history of the company and where it was heading.

Established in 1949 Liebherr today is a leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, but also supplies innovative user-oriented products and services in many other fields - including demolition. It may not be obvious from the outset but Liebherr is a family-owned and run enterprise. Its non-privatized roots employs more than 35,000 people in over 130 companies worldwide. In the building, hangs pictures of the Liebherr family and pictures from various decades since the beginning. This very personal photo album like gallery makes it feel more like you have been welcomed into the family home rather than corporate offices. The relaxed atmosphere is easily felt when walking past and meeting other employees, and not just the fact that the finance department is on the opposite side of the building! Making our way over to the ‘other side’ or more affectionately called the workshop, I was eager to see exactly what Liebherr is all about.


As I walked into the huge warehouse I was greeted with boom lifts, high reaches, grabbers and machinery parts it felt more like a hospital for machinery. With some newly born machines having their last checks before they are released into the big wide world, to slightly more mature machines that just needed a little bit of TLC before they are ready again to go and do some hard work. One half of the warehouse space is dedicated to machinery and the other is for Liebherrs famous mobile cranes. Darren was proud to inform me of the apprenticeship schemes they run for the team in the warehouse and the administration department These schemes are fantastic for young people today to get solid training and qualifications and a taste of what working in this industry is really like. More often than not, apprentices are kept on after their stay with Liebherr as they have been trained and developed into a well informed and educated Liebherr employee. It was great to see that Liebherr is not a 1 item production line. All machines down to their cabs and undercarriage are fully customisable. This flexible approach to constructing plant allows the customer to have full control over the specification of their machine. The final result being a perfect tool to complete their demolition project. Crawler excavators and Wheeled excavators alone can be adapted for various environments, for example, hard surfaces, soft/uneven surfaces and even use for working on railways. These environments have such an impact on the performance of the machines that the undercarriage can be adapted by size, length, position and shape to provide optimum productivity. The cabs themselves are kitted out with state of the art equipment from bluetooth - 360 degree cameras right down to the comforts of air conditioning and AUX points for mp3 players! The dedicated paint shop also welcomes customisation for corporate colours and supplies the fitting of logos and company details on the machines.

Liebherr have also recently celebrated their 50th anniversary and in doing so, not only looks back with pride at a steady and rational growth over the past five decades but is also planning and investing for the future.

My day at Liebherr sadly came to an end. I have learnt so much today and I can only thank my hosts for the experience, Darren Bennet and David Croft. I look forward to going back next time and driving away in my agreed purple and swarovski crystal excavator :)

Now I am home I am starting to experience some strange withdrawal symptoms. Normally, my love for metal has always been soothed through the music genre but now, I have now found myself in an almost hippy-like, euphoric ‘metal hugging’ existence. Whilst dressing the dog up in safety boots and PPE, squeezing myself into a cardboard box and using the ironing board along with laundry basket to simulate an excavator isn’t quite cutting it, I know there is only one thing for it!..




" !




" " " Willow Hire - Dusting Down Demolition

Dust Control is becoming an increasingly talked about issue in the world of construction, not least in the 0

" " ! - $ $ of Demolition. are receiving more and more complaints from neighbouring residents affected field Projects # . $ # 1 % " approaches by Dust raised when work on site is taking place. There are a few contractors take to help keep $ # " " $ ## $ ! dust down, more contractors are turning to specially built dust suppression units in order to satisfy the $ - - " , # standards. These turn on site ready - units -

up $ $ " to work without the need to run multiple hose pipes across the site. By dispersing fine mist ! $ out a $ #! $ $ of water it keeps the site damp enough to prevent dust rising while at the same time giving a workable condition that isn’t saturated. Automatic and , $! -

$ remote oscillation eliminate the need extra the machine. for '! $ personnel to operate

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$ " % $ " " % " us with - $ 2 $ $ Willow Plant Hire have provided varying sizes ,

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3 9 of dust suppression units and each has been excellent. : $ # The units arrive as scheduled, in good condition and ready ' $ 3 #

to go. Whenever there has been a problem they have been $ 4

" # # : $ - # quick to send out an engineer and ensure we can # . - $ # " $ " ##

$ $ continue work with ## $ % 5 - $ % ! $ " 5 ! 5 the minimum of disruption. $ $

Cantillon Limited $ 6 % % $ $ % ! " 7 $ $ # $

& , % $ $ of Hiring a Dust Suppression unit: " " $ $ The benefits " $ $ $ $! " %

! the amount of dust on site •Reduces ! %

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$ ; ! $ $! •Reduces - # $ 8 the risk of air bourne diseases - •Reduce complaints about dust from neighbouring residents •Easy to set up and ready to work

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Environment Agency - Graham Winter KEEP RECYCLING RATES REAL AND REDUCE CRIME When I was first invited to speak at the NFDC Demolition Day in October, I had no idea what I was going to talk about. The NFDC and its members are proud of their record on recycling and recovery of materials. Boasts of 95% or more recovery are common place and so there is every reason to celebrate. Serious pollution incidents seem to be a thing of the past. Success should be applauded, but we need to ensure that complacency does not creep in.

Targets to reduce construction and demolition waste to landfill appear to be being met. At the same time excavation waste disposal is rising. Though there are beneficial uses for inert soils and stones for use on landfill sites, it would appear that what is often described as soils and stones is not what it seems. Inappropriate wastes (in type and quantity) are also being used at exempt sites.

In 2011 we carried out a study waste trommel fines, looking at their uses, classification and make-up. We also took an in depth look at the flow of waste plasterboards/gypsum through the waste management chain. Waste trommel fines were regularly described as ‘inert’ and often described as soils and stones, yet our analysis showed that batches frequently contained asbestos and high levels of gypsum, as well as organic matter. Our findings confirmed that trommel fines were normally not inert, and were a long way from being ‘soil or stones’. Not being inert limits the usefulness of the material to a landfill site (for daily cover for example) and also means that the standard landfill tax rate must be applied.

Our plasterboard investigation highlighted the problem from another angle. Based on industry estimates of waste plasterboard/gypsum arisings, it would appear that only around 2% of waste plasterboard is properly recycled or recovered, or disposed of legally. In spite of advice to farmers and it not being a legal use for the material, it is still being used in animal bedding, but most, estimated at between 500,000 and 700,000 tonnes per year ends up in landfill through waste fines or mixed with aggregates. Demand for recovered gypsum is low, so it is no surprise that it ends up in landfill, but it needs to be in the right landfill site where it won’t cause any harm.


Rising landfill costs should be used as an incentive to recycle and recover more materials not as an excuse to find illegal disposal routes to undercut legitimate businesses.

Our first annual waste crime report, published last September highlighted the role of construction and demolition waste in illegal waste activity. The report showed that 32% of illegal waste sites know to the Environment Agency were managing construction and demolition waste. Also 24% of illegal dumping incidents that we dealt with in 2011 were of CD&E waste. We all know that it shouldn’t happen, but how often are we tempted by the half price deal without finding out exactly what the offer entails? Every month we prosecute someone for illegally disposing of, storing or treating C&D waste.

Quality recycling is possible. It is happening. There are Quality Protocols that we have developed with WRAP for aggregates and for plasterboard. Working to Publicly Available Standards (PAS) and to Quality Protocols, not only turns waste into a product, removing waste regulations, it gives waste a market value. Ensuring good quality materials will sustain confidence in these materials, maintain market prices and increase recycling. Unfortunately, we continue to come across those that undermine the industry by making false claims about meeting standards and protocols. In 2013 CD&E waste will be focusing of our efforts on tackling waste crime to protect legitimate businesses. We will be auditing waste transfer and treatment sites (with a particular focus of gypsum processes), advising them on how to improve waste classification and segregation and taking enforcement action where required. We will be looking at how waste permitting exemptions can be monitored better. We will be checking the legitimacy of waste carriers and brokers. We will be carrying out compliance checks of those producing quality protocol materials, especially aggregates. But it is not just up to the regulators to act, it is for all responsible companies to play their part.

We want the construction and demolition sector to step up to the plate. We need to work together. We have the same objectives. Graham Winter’s top 10 asks:

• Segregate your waste where possible. • Make sure your waste is properly described with the correct EWC code. • When offered a half price deal, ask how it can be done? • Check your waste carrier is registered and where they take your waste. • Audit the site where your waste has been taken to (exemption, treatment, recovery site). • Find out what happens to your waste plasterboard. • Make sure you are happy with QP material you produce? Is it what you would like to purchase? • Make sure imported, exported or insitu use of excavation waste is properly managed under p the relevant permit, exemption or by using the CL:AIRE Code of Practice. • If in doubt seek advice, either from NFDC (new guide on waste permitting now available) or p from the Environment Agency. • Report any illegal activity to us 0800 80 70 60 or to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. 19

DEMOLITION AWARDS 2009 Winner - Demolition Company Of The Year Winner - Explosives Demolition Award DEMOLITION AWARDS 2011 Winner - Contractor of the Year Award DEMOLITION AWARDS 2012 Winner - Explosives Demolition Award

The only company to have won the world explosive demolition award twice! Arthurstone House, Liff Road, Dundee DD2 4TD Tel: 01382 811444 路 Fax: 01382 610372 路

Demolition and Refurbishment Information Datasheet The Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets (DRIDS) are a multi-platform system comprising of hard copies for site files along with a fully interactive, web based application accessed either directly through the internet or via a dedicated app suitable for mobile devices.

Obtaining the correct information on specific materials is the key to a successful project. Savings of time and money are possible but just as important is the need to recycle or re-use waste materials. This has led to the NFDC releasing an Industry first with a series of information sheets which not only aid demolition experts but also help architects, designers and refurbishment contractors to identify the possibility of further re-use and recycling of materials.

The DRIDS offer a complete, user friendly, information flow for materials. Twenty six have been produced initially with one hundred due by the end of this year. Unlike COSHH data sheet the DRIDS, in hard copy, give the user a brief description of the material, possible uses and locations, advice on PPE and advice on removal and storage. The main feature of the hard copy is the environmental traffic light system showing standard, good, very good and best practice for the recycling of the specified material. When accessed via the internet the traffic light system will give users drop down menus featuring the contact details of companies registered to deal with the recycling or re-use of the specific materials in a given radius of the project.

Offered free of charge to contractors and professionals the DRIDS are a culmination of fifteen years of work by NFDC CEO Howard Button and ex BRE Executive James Hurley. "We wanted to produce what is almost an End of Life Building Directive." explains Mr Button "Ease of use and access to recycling information for all was another key issue for us to implement with the DRIDS." AND DEMOLITIONMENT REFURBISH ION INFORMAT T DATA SHEE


Chipboard 17 02 01


Supported and promoted by CITB- Construction Skills Growth Fund the NFDC's aim is to encourage more professionals and contractors to look at alternative ways of dealing with "waste" materials generated during refurbishment and small scale demolition works other than the usual "throw it in a skip" mentality.

"The construction industry needs to increase its recycling figures to bring it in line with the demolition industry." explains Mr Button "Approximately 95% of waste generated in demolition is recycled and we feel we need to help the construction industry lift their figures to achieve a more sustainable industry." As part of the package, contractors are able to generate QR coded stickers enabling Supervisors & Managers to correctly identify materials and their requirement for disposal whilst out on site with their mobile phones. Furthermore, the App will enable operatives to identify correct PPE/RPE & training requirements prior to carrying out the work.

With many contractors needing to show their commitment to sustainable construction methods, the NFDC are looking to incorporate an online carbon calculator to the system later this year. Mr Button also said, "We are hoping the Construction Products Association will also incorporate DRIDS as best practice for their members business'." DEMOLITION AND REFURBISHMENT INFORMATION DATA SHEET Inert Glass 17 02 02


Structural Insu lated Panels (SIPS) 17 06 04



Bricks 17 01 07

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Uses and Probable Locations:

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Demolition - Asbestos Removal - Waste Management Remedial Decontamination - Temporary Works Recycling - Decommissioning of Petro-Chemical Plants Central

Head Office

Vale Lane, Bedminster

2nd Floor, 36-38 Wigmore Street

Tel: 0117 923 1320 | Fax: 0117 966 7308

Tel: 0207 6314646 | Fax: 0207 4367878

Bristol BS3 5RU

London W1U 2RU


Unit 5, Heron Works, Heron Road

Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter EX2 7LL Tel: 01392 363 777 | Fax: 01392 363 778


MGL Demolition - Working with Liebherr North East based federation member, MGL Demolition, have recently completed another successful project on behalf of their client, social housing provider Gentoo with the aid of a new factory built Liebherr R954C high-reach demolition excavator. The contract on which the Liebherr was making its debut was to demolish four adjoining blocks of seven storey flats in Sunderland. The construction of the flats was typical of the late '60's construction, precast concrete panels fixed together to form the outer skins of the blocks with a concrete floor. During the 1980's the plant rooms situated at roof level had been weatherproofed with a steel portal frame clad in insulated panels. Soft strip of the insides of the flats was undertaken by Gentoo's own construction arm with the remainder of the asbestos strip being done by MGL's dedicated asbestos removal teams. The first job for the MGL team was to remove the covered walkway situated between blocks 1 and 2. Whilst this would usually be a routine job this task was made more awkward by the positioning of a 30 thousand volt sub-station less than 4m away from the structure. To protect the sub-station from potential damage a substantial timber clad scaffold was constructed around the building.

Once the link had been removed the 34m reach Liebherr, equipped with a 2.5t Furukawa VC22 combi-cutter was able to start removing the cladding and steel structure from the roof top before commencing the demolition of the concrete frame.

MGL have a long established relationship with Liebherr in the UK and have taken the factory built 954C VH-HD in their company colour scheme. As the first of its kind in Europe the R954C delivered to MGL is a 34m reach machine and is fitted with a host of features making it one of the most productive and versatile machines in its class. Based, in principle, around a standard 50t R954C superstructure the Liebherr sits on an extendible undercarriage which, at the push of a button extends the track width from 3596mm to 4596mm. The track frame is also longer than the standard 954 and measures in at 6.12m. The extra track length means more weight closer to the ground and the undercarriage accounts for a third of the machines total 85.5 tonnes. The extending undercarriage not only offers a stable base from which to operate the machine but significantly reduces the amount of time taken when preparing the machine to be transported between jobs.

A tilting operators cabin fitted with almost every conceivable extra has been specified along with an uprated slew ring capable of withstanding the increased torsional forces associated with high reach machines. Both boom lift cylinders are protected against accidental damage being fitted with heavy duty guarding as is the dipper cylinder both on the digging and long reach equipment. 24

The 14.5m main boom is matched to a 2.5m intermediate boom and an 11m dipper fitted with a Miller twin lock quick hitch. The digging equipment is also a special build for this particular machine as it is designed to take a short 2.6m stick enabling the use of a 600t capacity shear. Along with the Litronic engine and hydraulic management system the R954C, as with other C range demolition excavators, is fitted with LDC (Liebherr Demolition Control) LDC ensures optimum operational safety through 360º. This is accomplished by the automatic control, monitoring and limitation of tool movements and machine tilt, so that the stability of the excavator and safe working conditions can be ensured during the working cycle. Also standard on the C range of demolition excavators is Liebherr Tool Control (LTC). Different attachments require different oil flows and pressures and this operation is made possible with the automated electro-hydraulic function of the LTC. The Liebherr's auxiliary hydraulic system can be adjusted at the push of a button to match the particular characteristics of the appropriate tool. The hydraulic pressure data and oil quantities can be stored for up to 10 different tools making it unnecessary to reprogram the hydraulic parameters for different attachments, with the selected tool displayed in text format on the screen in the cab. The system eliminates the risk of carrying out incorrect settings, a reduction in productivity or, worse case scenario, damaging the carrier or attachment.

All the associated pipework for the spray suppression and auxiliary hydraulic systems was fitted on the production line at Colmar and it is this attention to detail that impressed the management at MGL.

“Everything about the Liebherr is right for what we need” said Derek Watt, Contracts Director for MGL. “It is a superbly built machine, well designed and can undertake everything we want it to do. The ease of transport is another plus for us.” comments Mr Watt.

“There are not that many contracts in the UK that would warrant the purchase of such a machine. More often than not they do a job and then are left standing for weeks on end. With the 954 we are better placed to get in and out of contracts quickly.” said Mr Watt. When asked why they bought the Liebherr, Mark Davison quite confidently says:

Why not join the ranks of the telescopic high reach users?

Why not? We wouldn't want anything else!


Annual General Meeting & Demolition Luncheon Awards 2013

It was all change at the NFDC AGM and Awards Luncheon this year. A change of venue to the luxurious Dorchester Hotel ballroom to go along with a change of Presidency at the top table. As ever, the event was well attended by both Corporate and Associate members with over 200 delegates being treated to pastries and drinks upon arrival in the plush surroundings of the Dorchester before the commencement of the days proceedings.

This years AGM saw William Sinclair of Safedem taking the Chains of Office from retiring President and incoming Honorary Life VicePresident, Gary Bishop. Martin Wilson of Lawson Demolition took over the reigns of Vice-President with Andrew Forshaw of Forshaw Demolition being nominated as Second Vice-President.

First on the Agenda was Gary Bishop, presenting his Annual Report of Federation Business. Informing members of some big changes during his Chain of Office, Bishop’s primary focus was on the enhanced promotional activity which had taken place through his term. “The NFDC has held various meetings with UKCG members; revamped the NFDC website to attract clients; produced a Federation History book for the 70th Anniversary and filmed an informative NFDC DVD. To ensure that promotional activity remains at the top of the Federations agenda, Louise Calam has been taken on in-house as the NFDC’s very own PR & Marketing Executive.”

Bishop further reported that the Federation is attracting new members with 13 companies obtaining either Corporate or Associate membership over the last year.

Qualification for membership is still set at a high standard to ensure that only the suitably qualified and competent companies can obtain membership.

Following on from the success of last years Demolition Days, Howard Button (CEO, NFDC) announced that Demo Expo will be the event of 2013 which will be jointly held between the NFDC & IDE. The event will take place at Arden Brickworks on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June. With the assistance of Associate members and Guest speakers, Friday’s event will provide industry members, principle contractors and clients with the opportunity to see the latest innovations in demolition technology and plant whilst also enhancing collaborative working amongst the supply chain. Furthermore, the event will encourage apprentices into the industry through a dedicated training zone. IDE President Steve Jack confirmed that Friday’s event will attract CPD points. Saturday will be a Family Fun Day where visitors are invited along to receive an insight into the world of demolition.

Button also announced a significant step forward for the training of Demolition Plant operators. Working with Volvo, the NFDC has commissioned the development of a Demolition Plant Simulator with state-of-the-art software enabling trainees to undertake complicated tasks once only possible using the real machine.

This investment will provide the ultimate demolition plant simulator experience to the workforce and will have the capacity to carry out foundation training whilst also upskilling current operators on topics such as fuel consumption and damage costs if used incorrectly. Howard Button CEO


"We are hoping to have one available for the Demo Expo in June and although it won't take over from conventional training it will be a huge step forward for our industry." Also on the Button agenda was the launch of the DRIDS (Demolition, Refurbishment Information Data Sheets). The DRIDS are a simple, interactive, online information guide to aid contractors in the recycling or re-use of materials arising from demolition or refurbishment works. Turn to page 21 for further information.

Convention Chairman, Patrick Williamson briefly took the stage to announce details of the 2013 convention back to the ancestral NFDC Convention home at The Gleneagles Hotel between the 13th and 16th of September. Members were advised to book early as places are limited. Visit to book today.

Group Manager, Sophie Cox was next to take centre stage reporting on the achievements of the NDTG over the past 12 months. The NDTG has supplied over 5300 man days of training in 2012 with NDTG Scotland supplying almost 700 man days of training. The NDTG have also developed an E-learning Tool for demolition company directors and are still piloting the software. Cox further reported on the substantial funding that had been secured through CITB which will be used to offer members free training on some courses throughout the year. The team went on to thank Martin Morrell for his help with securing the funding which goes towards keeping the demolition industry ahead of the pack. With the 2013 AGM concluded the attention turned to the Demolition Luncheon Awards Ceremony.

As expected the food and service provided by the staff at the Dorchester was exemplary and with tension rising for the nominated parties the awards ceremony got under way. Guest of honour at this years event was BBC's Ground Force master builder, Tommy Walsh. After regaling the crowd with tales of Titchmarsh, Mandela and, of course, Charlie Dimmock it was time for the awards to be presented. Categories for this years event included Demolition Operative of the year sponsored by Brown and Mason, Demolition Plant Operative sponsored by Rammer, The Innovation award sponsored by the NFDC, Demolition Manager award sponsored by Erith Group and the Demolition Training award sponsored by CITB-ConstructionSkills.

eWinners List f Demolition Operative Award

Demolition Manager Award

Josh Johnson – AR Demolition – Winner

Matthew Sprayson – DSM Demolition - Winner

Ryan Oakley – Comley Demolition – Highly Commended

Andy Dyson – Erith Contractors – Highly Commended

Demolition Plant Operative Award

Demolition Training Award

Mark Grindell – Erith Contractors - Winner

AR Demolition – Winners

Innovation Award

Achievement Award

Liebherr and Tilley & Barrett - Winners

Gary Bishop – Bromley Demolition

The Demolition Operative award and cheque for £1000 was picked up this year by Josh Johnson of AR Demolition with Comley Demolition's Ryan Oakley being highly commended, although the cheque was nearly snaffled by Mr Walsh! The Plant Operative award and cheque was taken home by Erith's Mark Grindell whilst there was a pair of winners for the Innovation award with Tilley and Barrett and Liebherr GB walking away with an award each.

The Demolition Manager award was a highly contested affair with Matthew Sprayson of DSM just pipping Andy Dyson of Erith to take home the stylish glass award. With four companies vying for the coveted Demolition Training award it was AR Demolition and their MD Richard Dolman to take their second award of the day. The final award of the day was the previously the "Man of the Year" award but after being won by the NDTG's Sophie Cox last year the award has been re-branded as the Demolition Achievement award.

With the award giving completed it was time for all winners and nominees to let their hair down and enjoy the rest of the evening. Tommy Walsh, proving the gent that he is, also stayed for the last few hours taking the time to pose for photographs and chat with anyone and everyone!

Experience the Progress. Experience the Progress with Liebherr: Liebherr demolition excavators guarantee the best profitability due to a safe and diverse machine application. Advance Technologies are our Business.

Liebherr-Great Britain Ltd. Normandy Lane, Stratton Business Park Biggleswade, SG18 8QB Phone: (01767) 60 21 00 Fax: (01767) 60 21 10

The Group

Gilpin Demolition - Christmas works at Network Rail Gilpin Demolitions’ skilled bridge teams rose to the challenge this Christmas due to works awarded for completion on the Network Rail Infrastructure over the festive period. Five bridges, 36 hours possession time per bridge, snow, ice and the usual seasonal chaos gave Gilpins strategic planners plenty to think about! Traditionally a peaceful and subdued date in the calendar Christmas Eve is a time to relax. Not in this case. Network Rail initiated the Crossrail works to electrify the Great Western main line and generate a high-performance line that will travel through Slough and Hillingdon. As a result this meant 3 bridges; Middle Green, Trenches and Old Stockley had to be demolished to allow clearance for the over-head electrification equipment to be installed, enabling the line in 2018. Additionally the electrification programme will be travelling though Newport, Wales, resulting in another two bridges to be demolished. Ensuring Gilpin Demolition had a less than relaxed Christmas.

Confronted with 3500 tonnes of concrete plus tarmac and steel to demolish and dispose of in 5 different locations across England and Wales, it was evident that the Devon based company would need a regimental approach to the works. Although completing over 100 bridges to-date the difficult task was to systematically coordinate all the works to go down without a glitch. To accomplish this, planning began in April 2012 and Gilpin’s were awarded the contracts in July 2012. Intricate design, work package plans and task briefings were drawn up for each worksite which was collectively authorized by the main contractors, designers and Network Rail. The critical path was extensively analysed by Gilpin Demolition’s rail design team to ensure contingency for every aspect had been considered. In addition 3D CAD drawings for each bridge were created to examine the progressive demolition of the structures in full detail as per example. With 12 qualified demolition operatives on site at a time for 2 shifts and a contingency of another 3rd shift totalling some 110 men, Gilpin’s workforce supported the projects with total commitment. Gilpin Demolition are Link-up Achilles accredited to work on Network Rails Infrastructure with all operatives holding person track safety cards. In addition, a total of 71 machines were utilized ranging from 60t, 40t and 20t 360 demolition spec excavators plus 25t dumpers, booms, telehandlers and mini diggers operating on each bridge. At 0000 hours Monday 24th December, when Gilpins were handed the line from Network Rail. The preliminary, labour-intensive, task of laying the bespoke track protection system was instigated. Designed by Gilpin Demolition and Network Rail approved, the engineer grade polystyrene and timber matting was laid.

30 1

Machine holds back main girder. (Grab attachment)




im Min



NOTE: This is an idealised demolition sequence, based on the available information. Provided the contractor complies with the key requirements (highlighted thus & ), and complies with the outline sequence (as shown below) then they may change methods to suit site conditions as required.


Outline Sequence: 1. Install track protection; 2. Remove Surfacing and any fill; 3. Burn Holes in Plate girders; 4. Break out jack arches; 5. Carry out structural demolition of bridge; 6. Tidy up and remove track protection.


Red shaded cross beams to be removed

Machine fitted with shear attachment

STAGE 8: Cut and remove cross beams in center of span.

Shear and remove cross beams in sequence shown

STAGE 11: Cut and remove cross beams at west end.

STAGE 14: Rotate and remove final section at east end

Shear and drop cross beams Clean up back of girder, shear girder bottom chord from openings

Rotate and drop cross beam and girder section.

Notes 1. 2.

Access ports cut in center of outer girders, use to access and cut girder

STAGE 9: Commence removal of center section

STAGE 12: Complete removal at west end

Repeat for other section.

STAGE 15: Clean up face of girder and pre-weaken

Fold girder down, cut up and dispose

Rotate on weaken cross beams















If In Doubt, Ask; Do Not Scale;


All Dimensions To Be Confirmed Onsite


Dimensions In mm Unless Noted Otherwise;


This Drawing Is To Be Read In Conjunction With All Other Relevant Drawings;


Should There Be Any Conflict Between The Details Indicated On This Drawing And Those Indicated On Other Drawings, The Engineer Should Be Informed Prior To Construction;


Until Technical Approval Has Been Obtained From The Relevant Authority, It Should Be Understood That All Drawings Issued Are Preliminary And NOT For Construction;


Should The Contractor Commence Site Work Prior To Approval Being Given, It Is Entirely At His Own Risk;


Remaining/Unusual Hazards Identified Thus:

10. Items Of Importance Highlighted Thus:

This Scheme only covers demolition to padstone level. Saw cutting phase is to be carried out by others

Pheasants Over Bridge

Project Title


Shear and drop centre section of front girder

STAGE 10: Complete removal of center section

Claythorn, Domsey Lane, Little Waltham, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3PS

Designed By

STAGE 13: Cut and remove cross beams at East end. To be read in conjunction with sheet 1

STAGE 16: Fold in cut and remove girder






Pheasants Over Bridge Demolition Works Drawing Title

GIL-POB-DS-01 Drawing Number

Tel: 01245 360 194


Checked By


Plot Date






As Shown



On completion the various bridges were demolished by remote means using demolition spec excavators down to required level. The works required extreme precision and demolition spec tools including 9t shears, 6t hammers and hydraulic rotating grabs. The fleet of excavators dominated the track with force to demolish the 3,500 tonnes of concrete and steel structures down to the ground. All hands were on deck, even the Gilpin family were on site serving the workforce Turkey roast baps throughout the works. Working over 4 rail lines, Gilpin’s had to demolish three complex steel and brick arch bridges in Slough and Hillingdon. With the raw firepower of machinery, all bridge structures were demolished within the 2nd shift leaving only rubble and track protection removal for the 3rd shift. Whilst in Newport, the bridges were over 2 lines and comprised of a steel frame with brick/concrete jack arches. The works were completed in less than 24 hours, ahead of schedule.

Working on five separate bridges for two of the largest contractors in the UK, on the same night, definitely put some pressure on us. I am happy to report that all bridges went with great success and without delays from Gilpin’s. I have an excellent team of men and am proud of what they achieved. Sam Gilpin, MD of Gilpin Demolition 31

AR Demolition Ltd Specialists in demolition and site clearance ethod Statements and ri risk sk assessments carried out for each individual contract l work orkss carried out under CDM regulations SCS Oper Opera atives CDO Oper Opera atives CPS Oper Opera atives gh reach excavators ow Loader Hire ant Hire cavations AR Demolition Ltd 36 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, CV13 0EZ Please contact us on: 01455 291221

hod Statemen and assessmen carried out for each individual contract w carried out under CDM regulations Oper tives DO Oper tives Oper tives h reach excavators Loader Hire nt Hire cavations AR Demolition Ltd 36 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, CV13 0EZ Please contact us on: 291221

LDH Attachments - Tackling Dust Issues MPT TO TACKLE ALL YOUR DUST ISSUES

Dehaco BV, based in the Netherlands is a company that has grown up in an era that recognises the importance of Dust Suppression to both site workers and the general public. The need to offer a comprehensive range of both large and small portable machines to tackle the growing requirement for dust suppression units on internal strip out and external demolition sites as well as at recycling operations. LDH Attachments Ltd are the sole distributor for Dehaco in the Uk are able to offer a wide range of mobile dust suppression units to address all potential dust problems and stock a range of machines with a throw of between 5– 60 metres for internal and external applications.

The most popular external unit sold last year was the Dehaco 75MPT self-contained Dust Suppression unit complete with Generator and 2,000 litre integral Water Tank. With this machine neither power or water sources can pose a problem on site and the unit can be positioned anywhere without the need for a separate generator. The four wheeled trailer base enables the unit to be moved around the site without the potential hazard of water hoses and power cables trailing across the ground in the path of plant and falling debris. Standard features also include 300 degree oscillation, twin water nozzle ring design for a finer water coverage and a hand held remote control for use by a plant operator in typically, a Hydraulic Excavator or Wheeled Loader Willow Hire based near St Albans, Hertfordshire are running a fleet of Dehaco 75MPT units for national hire, and believe them to be a most efficient and least complicated answer to offer their customers when faced with the problem of dust on sites.

Our customers are looking for a one stop solution on site and the 75 MPT ticks all the boxes. Dan O’Brien M.D. of Willow Hire

If you need advice on how to deal with any dust related issues on site or you need advice about future jobs where you believe dust may be an issue then please contact the Sales team at LDH Attachments Ltd and they will be happy to advise you as to the correct unit for your application.

DE-DUST 75MPT Dust Suppression Unit

• The De-Dust 75MPT is a unique machine that is equipped with both a 2,000 litre water tank and a

diesel powered generator. (MGTP 22 SSP - 22Kva 400V - Perkins Engine 404C-22G Diesel) 3 Phase 32A inlet. • Remote to control the 75 MPT on & off switch, pump on & off and electrical oscillation control • Without hoses and leads to worry about there are no restrictions when positioning the unit.

• Automatic oscillation system managed from the control panel; mist spray can cover from 0-300° • Integrated booster pumps to correct water pressure

• Structure assembled on four wheeled trailer • It has a throw of 30-40 metres

• 4 x height adjustable stabilisers • 0-40 degree angle of throw


Square Mile Broking - Plant Theft and Security How Big is the Plant Theft Problem?

Home Office statistics suggest that the incidence rate of theft is significantly higher than that of motor vehicles combine this with a recovery rate of approximately 10%* and it is clear that the construction industry faces a major problem. The annual cost of plant theft is thought to be upwards of £400M.**

Why is Plant and Equipment Targeted?

While constructional and other types of plant will always be attractive to opportunistic thieves due to its high value, it is now a target for organised criminals. Plant is a particular target as there is a huge demand for used plant but it is difficult to check the actual ownership and finance status of the item. Despite the significant value of items there is often little inbuilt security such as immobilisers and tracking systems. The need for ease of use by a number of employees leads to difficulties in introducing any further security once in use such as boom or leg locks. Lastly, there is no compulsory register of ownership, such as the DVLA for motor vehicles, making identification of ownership more difficult.

What is the CESAR Scheme?

The Construction Equipment Security and Registration (CESAR) scheme is a voluntary construction plant and equipment registration and security scheme, which allows plant manufacturers, owners and users to register equipment on a central database and increase plant security with a system of security marking and identification technologies. These features should not only deter theft, but provide enforcing authorities with an easily accessible point of contact to establish plant ownership and aid recovery of stolen plant.

How Can Plant Security be Improved?

There are various security measures that can be employed to reduce the risk of theft. These measures can be categorised as plant depot security, site security and item security.

Depot Security: Intruder Alarms •Security Guards •Plant Depot Security •Security Fencing •Flood Lighting CCTV Site Security: Secure Perimeter Fencing •Temporary Flood Lighting •Secure Containers Item Security: Physical Security Devices •Tracking Devices

What are the Benefits?

Premium discounts of up to 20% are available for plant registered under the CESAR scheme and insured under a Contractors Plant insurance policy taken out or renewed with our preferred insurers


*Home Office Security Guidance Document for Agricultural and Construction Plant. Publication no 64/09

**IMIA – “Theft of Construction Plant and Equipment” Working Group

The scheme includes:

A registration service – construction plant and equipment will be registered on a central database with a secure 24/7 call centre administered by solution providers Datatag.

Registration documentation – the issue of registration certificates detailing equipment details, which includes change of keeper forms for subsequent owners. Registration will include automatic inclusion onto the DVLA off road register (ORR) for appropriate plant.

Plant Identification – a system of tamper proof triangular identification plates, together with embedded state of the art chips and tags will enable instant verification of plant details and ownership.

Security Marking – advanced data-dots and a data DNA solution applied to equipment enables identification of machine details and the authorised owner. Datatag scanners are programmed to read and identify plant details. Large numbers have been supplied to enforcing authorities to enable quick identification of the rightful owners. The CESAR scheme is subject to a fee, please contact Datatag for details:

CESAR Scheme The Construction Equipment Security and Registration scheme (CESAR) is a new construction plant and equipment scheme aimed at reducing all plant theft. The scheme has wide support and is:

• Sponsored by the Construction Equipment Association (CEA) – details are available at • Endorsed by the Plant Theft Action Group (PTAG) an advisory group to the Home Office • Recommended by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)

Jamie Coyne Cert Cll, Dip loD on Achieving Chartered Status

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has awarded the highly prestigious 'Chartered Insurance Brokers' title to NFDC Associate Member,Square Mile Braking Ltd (SMB). Chartered Status is an exclusive title only awarded to insurance brokers which meet rigorous criteria relating to service,professionalism and capability and who also commit to the Cll's Code of Ethics, reinforcing the highest standards of professional practice in their business dealings. Jamie Coyne- Cert Cll, Dip loD and Director of SMB says that securing Chartered Insurance Broker status is a landmark for the company: Chartered Status demonstrates our professional commitment to raising standards of knowledge, capability and ethical practice. It tells our customers that they can expect the highest quality of service from us. We recognise that clients are more demanding than ever and need their Broker to demonstrate professional capabilities and provide first-class service, advice and support. Genuine professionalism has never been so valued- or so necessary. The Chartered titles awarded by the Cll are steeped in history, but they remain today's "gold standard" of excellence and integrity. Most people wouldn't deal with a non Chartered Accountant so why should your choice of Insurance Broker be any different?

To date, less than 100 firms have achieved Chartered status, indicating that this is a highly exclusive award reserved for the leading firms of the broking industry. 35

Walters - Blast Furnace at Tata Steel UK NFDC Corporate Member, Walters Group, were recently engaged by Andrew Scott Limited (part of the Rowecord Group) to undertake the demolition of numerous structures forming part of the Number 4 Blast Furnace at Tata Steel (UK) Limited's Port Talbot Works in South Wales. Tata are rebuilding Blast Furnace 4 at a cost of ÂŁ185m with a view to boosting steel making capacity at the Port Talbot plant by an additional 400,000 tonnes each year taking the total capacity of the plant to 4.6million tonnes. With Tata targeting the safe and timely decommissioning, deconstruction, rebuild and commissioning of the furnace, Walters knew that the challenge was on! Andrew Scott Limited contacted Walters Group early in the pre-contract planning stage to advise on demolition sequence, duration and issues surrounding the interface of the demolition works with other concurrent works on the fast track scheme. Numerous advance meetings were held to ensure that the works were meticulously planned

and each of the 25+ Walters Group site team were put through an intensive programme consisting of approximately 40 hours of project specific training for each man.

The detailed pre-contract planning culminated in Walters being able to commence works on site in early July, 2 weeks ahead of their scheduled commencement date in late July, when a window of opportunity arose.

Works commenced with the deconstruction of the Number 4 Engine House, a 75m long reinforced concrete and steel frame structure ranging in height up to 15m. Access to this area was severely restricted and Walters worked in shifts 24 hours a day around numerous live services, access gantries and scaffold systems to deconstruct this programme critical structure in a safe and timely manner.


Inevitably, progress was interrupted by crane lifts and access requirements for other critical trades, but the Engine House works were completed on time and to the pre-agreed number or shifts and the area was cleared for follow on construction works to commence.

Walters involvement in the prestigious project grew to eventually include the demolition of in excess of 100m of 8m high steel frame sheet pile slag pool walls, deconstruction of the 25m high Granulation Plant Tower, deconstruction of the 20m high dust-catcher heavy steelwork, water cooling tank, transition pot and the reinforced concrete 15m level and associated structures. Walters mobilised a range of demolition plant and equipment from its vast and modern plant fleet to complete the Works including: •Volvo EC 460 26m high reach •Caterpillar 350 demolition specification rig •Caterpillar 325 17m high reach •3 x Komatsu 240 demo spec machines •Komatsu 210

all of this was accompanied by a range of specialist demolition attachments and ancillary support plant. In all, Walters highly skilled and professional demolition team worked over 8,000 man hours in shifts spanning 24 hrs per day without any injuries, lost time accidents or RIDDORS.

We are proud to have been involved in such an exciting and high profile scheme such as this. Credit for a job well done goes to our demolition and plant teams who performed magnificently to complete our work on time and to budget in the most challenging of environments Jim Webb - Walters Group Demolition Manager


NDTG - Qualifying the Workforce Training the Demolition Industry has taken off with an explosive bang this year. With record numbers of training days through the National Demolition Training Group and exciting developments in the pipeline, the 2013 AGM was certainly an event to shout about! It is great to see the positive attitude change towards training & competency over the years, with figures now reflecting that commitment towards the workforce is continually on the rise. Without doubt the National Demolition Training Group (NDTG) is at the forefront of this positive growth. The industry Forum Group was set up in 1978 with the sole objective of providing specific & relevant training opportunities to demolition workers. It is promising to see this objective still remains at the heart of the NDTG and being taken a step further to include fully robust pathways for demolition workers at all levels through the CCDO/CSCS Scheme.

At this year’s AGM, Iain Kirk, Lead Trainer/Assessor of the NDTG reported on record numbers of demolition workers undergoing training & qualifications in line with the CCDO/CSCS Card Scheme. A number of factors have been instrumental towards this drive for competency. Firstly there has been increased awareness for industry specific training and qualifications amongst clients & principle contractors due to recognition in the UKCG Training Standard and promotional activity around a new simplified structure of the Scheme.

Martin Morrell, Specialist Account Co-ordinator updated members of the grant scheme. The industry has benefited from considerable CITB-ConstructionSkills funding allocation over the last 12 months which has enabled the Training Group to pass on savings and grants to its members. Maximising these Grants allowed the Group to offer a variety of free training courses to over 142 candidates during 2012.

With a fully developed Demolition Plant Category within the CPCS Scheme, CPCS (D) category figures are also on the rise. The enhanced suite of Demolition (D) tests now includes: Demolition Plant- Below 10 Tonne; Skid Steer & Pedestrian Operated. This is on top of the existing Demolition Plant- Materials Processing; Demolish up to 15m; Demolish up to 30m & Demolition all Heights. All of which are carried out on an Excavator 360 (above 10 tonne) on a live demolition site. Kirk further reported a rise in training for Non-Licensed Asbestos Removal. With regulative changes to notification & medical requirements for Non-Licensed Asbestos


Removal, the demolition industry has lead the path in developing training standards for this work activity. To embrace this requirement, the NDTG is looking to offer a number of free Non-Licensed courses & Competent Fit Test Operator Training courses to NFDC members over the coming year.

The AGM also saw Jim Caldwell of NDTG Scotland speak passionately of developments in Asbestos training and competency. He introduced members to a new Institute called ARMI which will be available in the not too distant future. ARMI (Asbestos Removal Management Institute) will be vehicle to promote and encourage leadership and management skills within the licensed asbestos removal industry and has been set up as a joint venture between ARCA, ACAD & the NFDC.

The HSE have identified that where deficiencies exist within the licensed asbestos removal industry, a lack of leadership and management within the company is the single biggest cause. ARMI will recognize individual managers for their leadership and management skills, which will be evidenced by qualifications and through professional interview.

One of the most exciting, yet controversial revelations of the day came from Howard Button, NFDC/NDTG CEO. He announced the imminent development of a Demolition Plant Simulator. The NFDC & NDTG see this innovative ‘first of a kind’ technology as a great platform to carry out foundation training and up-skilling on demolition adapted 360 machines. Furthermore, the simulator will be used to promote the industry as an exciting and professional career path to trainees and apprentices. Controversy at the meeting centered upon the ongoing burden of wider industry restrictions when training on-site. The industry has for years prided itself on carrying out on-site training and in a specialist trade like ours when ‘Demolishing a 15 storey building at a training centre’ using a High Reach machine is hard (impossible) to come by, on-site is certainly still the best and most effective way of developing our skills. Members were reassured that the simulator would not replace on-site training, nor would the industry stop looking for ways to encourage on-site training amongst the wider industry. instead it will be an alternative approach to develop foundation skills when sites do not have the resources or structure to carry out this training in-house. It is worth mentioning that the NDTG developments over the last 12 months could not have been achieved without our head office administration support. Kaila Francis (Centre Coordinator), Sarah Cooke & Suzanne Johnson (Training Administrators) and Shona Farrell (Training Administrator for NDTG Scotland) are the best at what they do and can deal with all of your demolition training and qualification enquiries. Overall, the AGM was an eye opener to both new and existing members within the NDTG. It was encouraging to see a new and proactive attitude towards competency where employers are now beginning to recognize the shortand long-term benefits of a fully trained and qualified workforce.

The industry is now at a time in our life where we are open to new technologies. Sophie Cox, Training Group Manager updated members on E-Learning Training for Demolition Company Directors. She reported that the final product is still under development with the piloting phase now in full swing. The development to date has been fully supported CITB M&SDP Fund which has been the life savior of this very expensive and timely project. Cox feels that there is a strong market place for E-Learning amongst Directors where currently training is scarce and time constraints are hitting those at the top of the organisations. The programme will be made up in modules and will consist of pertinent Industry Related Matters, Health & Safety Issues & Human Resource Factors. New modules will be developed over-time and will be heavily focused on industry demands and feedback.


ECY Haulmark - Increasing productivity for AR Demolition AR Demolition fits further Oilquick systems to their expanding fleet. It’s almost two years since AR Demolition embraced the OilQuick system with the purchase of seven new units for their 20-25 Ton class machines. Having quickly reaped the cost savings and health & safety benefits,they felt now was the right time to fit OilQuick to the rest of the fleet. Owner and Managing Director Richard Dolman explained:

With more contracts coming in we recently decided to add to our fleet of 20-25 ton machines and purchased four new Hitachi ZX 225usr models and one smaller Hitachi ZX 85us, two of these machines were replacements and the other three to expand our current fleet. We continued to fit the OilQuick to the new machines as we firmly believe the OilQuick offers us increased productivity with better attachment utilisation, obviously the health and safety benefits are also very important to us too. Along with the Oilquick systems, AR Demolition purchased a selection of new attachments to compliment the new OilQuick units from Warrington based dealer ECY Haulmark, these included Furukawa breakers, Bulldog selector grab, Dynaset magnet, VTN MT multiprocessor and a VTN FP hydraulic pulveriser.

For more information please contact Karen Hawtin/ECY Haulmark 01925 269900/07710 391861


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Forth Demolition - Foundations & Philanthropy Founded back in 2001, Forth Demolition is an Edinburgh based family run company with the ability to provide a comprehensive professional service. This ideology has remained an integral part of the company’s ethical core as it strides forward onto the next decade. Forth Demolition on the latest demolition contract for J. Smart & Co (Contractors) Plc:

The site, West Bowling Green Street was initially a 3-phase demolition programme with each of the 3 structures located in the bustling commercial area of Leith, Edinburgh, being carried out sequentially but due to local authority planning application problems causing delays it was decided that the works would be carried out concurrently. While the structures had very little in the form of technical challenges to overcome it did have a fair amount of issues arising from the closure of the dead end street as it was used as a pedestrian thoroughfare and the associated works. The works where straightforward and completed ahead of schedule but required extensive archaeological digs which may continue into 2013.


Forth Demolition as a local company, supported many different local based charities such as:

Grandparents Parenting Again & Kinship Carers (Midlothian) The group is for the benefit of disadvantaged children that are through misfortune raised by their grandparents or other family members. A fantastic and energetic group of individuals.

Wester Hailes Shuko-kai Karate Club has received additional funding and support from Forth Demolition for a number of years as the club, based in the Wester Hailes the area of Edinburgh made famous by the movie Trainspotting was under funded yet offered the youth of the area a vehicle to gain discipline, focus and integrity.

Considering the sacrifice made by our brave members of the British Armed Forces Forth Demolition feels that the donations given to Royal Regiment of Scotland is one of the best investments the Company could make. Formed on the 28th of March 2006, the Royal Regiment is a merger of the former Scottish Infantry Regiments of the Line. The Regimental HQ is responsible for providing welfare and benevolence to serving and retired soldiers.

Forth Demolition for many years has been a benefactor to many worthwhile causes such as Circus Starr where tickets are given to children’s charities and community groups enabling underprivileged children and children with disabilities to enjoy a memorable day at the circus.


Atlas Copco - Recognised in the Global 100 List WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM IN DAVOS RECOGNISES ATLAS COPCO ON SUSTAINABILITY LIST Atlas Copco, one of the world’s leading manufacturers in construction and mining equipment, has once again been recognised as one of the most sustainable companies in the world in the annual Global 100 list. The list, presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, ranks companies that show they are increasing productivity while using less resources.

Atlas Copco with a global reach spanning 170 countries, ranked 18th most sustainable company in the world has been leading the way within the industry in promoting sustainability among customers. All construction and mining equipment made by Atlas Copco promotes efficiency, reliability and is ergonomically designed with the user and environment in mind.

Being socially and environmentally responsible is not only the right thing to do but is how we develop and grow our business in a profitable way Ronnie Leten, President and CEO at Atlas Copco

In the current economic environment Atlas Copco recognises the need for customers to get the most from their plant and machinery. One of the company’s sustainably initiatives is to boost customer energy efficiency by at least 20% between 2010 and 2020 by continuously making products more efficient.

The Global 100 list is presented annually at the World Economic Forum. It is based on a selection of 4,000 developed and emerging market companies, which are measured against key performance indicators such as revenues in relation to consumption of energy and water. It’s the seventh time that Atlas Copco is included on the list. To read more, visit: 44

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Patrick Williamson - Meeting the Irish Prime Minister Patrick Williamson convention chairman (right) and Bob Brolly BBC West Midlands who hosts a popular radio show (left) pictured with An Taoiseach, (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny, and Senator Paul Coghlan on a recent visit to governments buildings Dublin.

Patrick was rescued by the Achill Coast Guard in 2009 and nominated them for the National Courage Award which they won.

He has regularly lobbied with Bob on their behalf ever since and invited the Achill Coast Guard to participate in the Birmingham St Patrick's Day Parade in 2011.

Both men had a wonderful day in both the upper and lower houses of the Dail with breakfast, Lunch and tea and would like to Thank Senator Paul Coghlan and Minister for Tourism Michael Ring for the invite.

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Bond Demolition - Changing Dynamics Four years after it became the first UK demolition company to recognise the time and cost-saving potential of the OilQuick coupler, Wales-based Bond Demolition is reaping the rewards on the demolition of the Ystrad Mynach hospital in Caerphilly. Demolition is traditionally a conservative industry; one that greets innovation and change with a mix of scepticism and suspicion. So when Bond Demolition took the decision to upgrade its entire Komatsu hydraulic excavator fleet with OilQuick couplers from ECY Haulmark, it was a bold step. Four years on, however, and that decision is paying rich rewards in the shape of time and cost savings, greater attachment utilisation, and a reduced environmental impact.

Changing Dynamics

In truth, Bond Demolition co-director Paul Wells had his own reservations about the OilQuick prior to purchase. “I could see the time and safety benefits of faster attachment changes without the need for the operator to leave the cab, but I did seriously question whether the system was man enough for the harsh environment of a demolition site,” he recalls. “But I went to Norway with ECY to see it in action in a variety of equally hostile applications and I was convinced. On my return, the order was placed and our entire excavator fleet has been fitted with OilQuick ever since.”Wells reports that the primary attraction of the system was the potential cost savings. “Before we bought our first OilQuick, we looked at the amount we were spending on replacement hydraulic hoses and the resulting loss of hydraulic oil. And the figures were scary,” he recalls. “Because the OIlQuick system routes the hoses through the coupler and pulls external hoses nice and tight, the ability to save money and to eliminate this constant threat of downtime was obvious.” But, having bitten the investment bullet, Wells says that this proved to be just one of numerous benefits his company has enjoyed. “The OilQuick system has literally changed the dynamics of how we run a demolition site,” he continues. “In the past, we would keep all the attachments in a compound away from the actual demolition. Every attachment change required the operator to track across the site to the compound and then spend 20 minutes or more switching tools. Today, we operate a ‘Swiss army knife’ approach, keeping all the attachments readily to hand for faster transitions and to ensure that the right attachment is used for the right task.

A case in point is the company’s work on the Ystrad Mynach hospital site in Caerphilly where more than 15 former single and two-storey hospital buildings are being demolished to make way for a £6 million centre for sports excellence. During the initial stages of the contract, the company had stationed four excavators on site to handle the multitude of demolition tasks. For the demolition of the last remaining structures, however, Bond Demolition had scaled back to just two machines: one loading the crusher; the other tackling all remaining demolition duties. “In the past, even the final stages of works would have required three or even four machines. But by using OilQuick together with bucket, grab, pulveriser and shear attachments, a single excavator is able to cope with every task and eventuality.”

Deeper Savings

Bond Demolition’s Dean Williams says it is not unusual for an excavator to switch attachments ten or more times during the day. On the face of it, this equates to a potential saving of more than three man hours each day. But Williams says the savings run much deeper than that. “The OilQuick system allows one operator to do in seconds what used to take an operator and a fitter 20 minutes. But that is only half the story,” Williams asserts. “The truth is that operators would actually only switch attachments if it wasn’t cold, raining or snowing and even then they had to be in the right mood. As a result, they often attempted to ‘make do’ with an inappropriate attachment, potentially causing lasting damage to the attachment and even the carrier.” Both Wells and Williams cite the environmental advantages of the OilQuick system as another key benefit, particularly among Bond Demolition’s greener customers. “Even if we were quick to react to a hydraulic hose failure on a Komatsu PC240 excavator, there was always the danger that such an event could spill a gallon or more of oil onto the ground, contaminating the site,” Dean Williams says. “But the OilQuick system has virtually eliminated catastrophic hose failures. That goes down very well during the pre-qualification process, particularly among clients keen to safeguard their own green credentials.”

Man Enough...?

It is more than four years since Bond Demolition took delivery of its first OilQuick coupler from ECY Haulmark. In that time, the company’s couplers have clocked up thousands of hours and thousands of attachment changes. So has the system proven its ability to cope with a demolition environment? “They just don’t go wrong. We have experienced no mechanical failures in all the time we have been using the OilQuick system. In fact, the only downtime we have ever experienced is the occasional change of an ‘O’ ring seal, which can be changed by the operator in minutes but even that is probably more down to the operator than it is to the OilQuick,” Paul Wells concludes. “OilQuick has totally changed the way that we set about a demolition contract. I certainly cannot imagine working without them now.”


TIP-ex 13 Awards

NFDC SAFE TRANSPORT AWARD Sponsored by Commerical Motors Magazine

The NFDC are delighted to announce the Safe Transport Award at this years TIP-ex 13 Awards and Gala Dinner sponsored by Scania. This award is very important to the Federation and compliments our ethos for safety and competence. Using transport is absolute key in the demolition industry, members of the NFDC use various forms of transport every day to remove materials for recycling or disposal. The NFDC wish to use this award to give recognition to those members that use transport safely, and in doing so reducing risk of harm to employees and other personnel. If you would like to be in with a chance to win this award you can download the nomination form at our website: Deadline for entries will be Monday 22nd April 2013

The Tip-ex 13 Awards and Gala Dinner will be held on the evening of Friday 31 May at The Majestic Hotel, Harrogate. The hotel is situated at the heart of Harrogate, adjacent to the Harrogate International Centre. The evening will run as follows: Evening begins: 7.30pm Champagne reception 3 course meal (menu to follow)

Awards: Tipper Haulier of the year sponsored by MAN Volvo Tipper Truck of the year sponsored by Volvo Show innovation of the year sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres Personality of the year sponsored by Hyva Carriages: 12.30am Dress code: Lounge suits / Cocktail dress Ticket price: ÂŁ65 per head ÂŁ600 table of 10

Meet The Team

Welcome to Resurgam House! We invite you to take a look and see what is happening in the NFDC and NDTG offices. This new section of the magazine will enable you to put a face to the name and see what we are working on and how we are improving. We have had some fantastic new changes in house and, at the end of last year we have welcomed 2 new members of staff. Louise Calam - Marketing and PR Executive - NFDC “Working in the demolition industry is going to be a new challenge for me, and so far I have found it extremely enjoyable. I look forward to having the opportunity to meet and speak to everyone within the federation”

Barbara Wilson - Financial Administrator - NDTG “I am so pleased to become a member of the friendly team here at the NDTG. My new role will enable me to streamline the NDTG accounts efficiently and interact closely with the members financial departments.”

As the Federation moves into the new year we have embraced several changes with new members of staff joining the dedicated team at Resurgam House. Louise Calam has joined as our new Marketing & PR Executive, bringing all promotional activity and marketing opportunities in house. This will enable us to report on current industry news and push industry initiatives more efficiently moving forward. The NDTG team has welcomed Barbara Wilson on board. Barbara will be taking on the challenging role as a full time Accounts Administrator in an ever expanding department. With a full diary of events ahead of us including Demolition Expo around the corner in June, the Federation and Training Group teams are certainly busy. It goes without saying that the team at Resurgam House play a big role in the successes and standards of the Federation & Training Group and on behalf of the Executive and Management Committees we would like to thank them for all of their efforts. For Christmas 2012, The NFDC and NDTG wanted to get together and all donate generously to a charity. We thought long and hard and, at Christmas it was a time for giving. So, we decided to donate food for our local foodbank.

Howard Button - CEO

DENS deliver a set of services, ranging from initiatives for the prevention of homelessness, through to temporary accommodation, to resettlement into independent living, for single homeless people (18-65 yrs) in the Dacorum area. 51

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