NFDC Yearbook 2015

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3 3 3 3 3 3 3

CONTENTS Organisation and the Regions 31

Waste Not Want Not 34

Training the Demolition Industry 42

History in the Making 68

Demolition Year Overview 5

Demolition a Most Modern Industry 52

Expert Project Round-Up 10

NFDC Convention 65

Survey of the Sector 8

Inner City Projects 56

Demolition Award Winners 20

The Generation Game 71

ARMI One Year On 38

Industry Service Providers 92

Demolition Marketing 37

NFDC Site Audit Scheme 46

Designed, Produced and Edited Louise Calam - NFDC Marketing and PR Executive

National Federation of Demolition Contractors @nfdcglobal National Federation of Demolition Contractors

Consultant Editors David Keane, FIDE Martin Wilson, MIDE Andrew Forshaw, BA Hons (Dunelm) AMIDE

Contributors Emma Crates David Taylor Paul Argent David Barnes Stephen McCann Dr Terry Quarmby

NFDC Members 74

NFDC Officers 98

The NFDC Yearbook is copyrighted to the National Federation of Demolition Contractors, Resurgam House, Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4TF Tel: 01442 217144 We gratefully acknowledge the support of our members whose advertisements appear throughout this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication and statements it contains, neither to the promoter involved or the publisher can accept responsibility for any inaccuracies for the products or services advertised. The opinions expressed in this Yearbook do not necessarily represent those of The National Federation of Demolition Contractors including its officers and members.



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DEMOLITION YEAR OVERVIEW The introduction of unannounced site visits brings added credibility to our scheme. As always the NFDC is unstinting in its promotion of skills and training within the industry, and our Site Audit Scheme also now expects our members to equip their site staff engaged in demolition activities with demolition specific CSCS and CPCS cards. On this we continue to work closely with our colleagues at the NDTG. Again, in line with our founding principles, and the pursuit of continually improving safety within our industry, the NFDC in 2014 has published three new Guidance Notes – Demolition Scaffolding, Disconnection of Services for Demolition & Refurbishment Works, and, Demolition Exclusion Zones. These Guidance Notes add to our ever expanding library of documents and publications, setting the NFDC as the trailblazer and benchmark for the publication of industry standards – many of which are adopted around the world. Like most businesses, much of what we do in demolition is built on personal relationships. Nowhere is this more evident than with our Industry Service Provider (ISP) Members, whose continued support of our Corporate Members through development and provision of specialist equipment and services to our industry are greatly appreciated.

I look back at 2014 as a period of hope, change and progress in the UK demolition industry.

If 2013 was the year the UK economy limped out of recession, 2014 was the year that the UK’s construction industry eagerly anticipated as a time for growth. Certainly London and the South-East is a hive of activity, with many NFDC members prospering as a result, but as National President I often talk to members up and down the country, and there is no doubt that the recovery is patchy. Looking closer within the individual Regions some members are enjoying an upturn, whilst others struggle – it would seem we are not all out of the woods yet.

Within the NFDC we have made a number of changes in recent times, all of which are designed to prove beneficial to the membership and industry in general. Our move to unify the Regions under the central management of our Group Manager has seen its first full calendar year pass with great success and acclaim across all our Regions. As a result we have a stronger, more coherent structure across the UK. We have remained faithful to our founding principles, (to continually improve the standard and safety within our industry), with further progressive measures to our Site Audit Scheme.

Our 2014 Annual Convention at the fabulous Interalpen Hotel in Austria, brought to a close the Federations first ever two-year convention sponsorship deal with ISP Members, Liebherr. On behalf of the entire NFDC membership, I would like to again thank Liebherr for their generous support over the period. Looking forward we continue to work ever closer with our ISP Members to mutual benefit and we are looking forward to showcasing our industry at its very best at Demolition Expo 2015. In 2014 we reached some significant landmarks within our Federations history. We held our 600th National Council meeting at which we formally retired the original Presidents medal after 73 years service. From our proud and long tradition of teamwork and shared sense of duty to our industry, the Federation can look forward with our common goal – to continually drive innovation, raise standards and promote best practice.

“NFDC membership is something to be proud of. Our members carry out the vast majority of demolition work in the UK and they are the professional elite, delivering the most technically advanced solutions to the most challenging projects” William Sinclair MA, MFB, MIDE, MSExpE, MAPS

NFDC President




The second annual NFDC members’ survey, conducted late summer 2014, set out to discover what NFDC members are thinking, how optimistic they are about the coming months and what keeps them awake at night.

The results show a growing confidence as the UK moves out of recession: members are investing in new equipment and staff training, even though late payment and low tender prices continue to cause serious problems for their businesses. There were calls for clients to be better educated on the technical complexity of demolition jobs, and to show more understanding about the time it takes to carry out work safely. Finally, we asked members what music would make a good anthem for the sector. Some of the answers may surprise you!

How has business been in the past year? Britain is supposed to be coming out of recession. Construction work is accelerating, particularly in the South East, London and some major cities. So had NFDC members seen a pick-up in activity? The responses were encouraging. Nearly half of the members who answered the survey said that they had been very busy, with 34% saying that they had taken on extra members of staff. This was an improvement on 2012 - 13, where only 16% had expanded due to increased workload.

How optimistic are you about next year? Optimism for 2015 was also strong with 56% of respondents anticipating that they would be busy or very busy and expanding to meet demand . Only 9% were worried about the future. This was an improvement on the 2013 survey where 50% were optimistic about the coming year.

New equipment NFDC members continue to invest in new technology and kit, with a third saying that they had increased spending in 2014 compared to the previous year. This was an increase on the 2012-13 survey where only 22 % had increased spending. Half of all respondents said they had spent the same amount as the previous year on new equipment. Forecasts for 2015 also demonstrated rising confidence with 71% of respondents saying that their spend would be the same as this year or would be higher.

Staff training NFDC members are also showing that they understand the importance of investing in their staff. Every single respondent had spent money on training in year 2013 - 14. Nearly half had spent the same as the previous year, but an incredible 45% had increased their investment in this area.

Services Members continue to offer a wide range of services. Many already have well established recycling, asbestos removal or enabling works operations, but several were expanding into new areas, including refurbishment.

Biggest business problem: low tender prices Low tender prices still cause the most aggravation for members. Nearly half ranked it as the biggest problem for their business, followed by late payment and contractual issues. Several complained that, despite achieving accreditations and certifications, they were being undercut by competitors with minimal qualifications who were winning bids based on price alone. Only 8% of contractors who answered the survey said that they were usually judged on quality rather than price for the work they did. By contrast, nearly 40% of respondents complained that negotiations with clients focussed solely on price. One member voiced frustrations of many: “A number of clients have introduced the evaluation of tenders on both a financial and qualitative basis. However, unless the leading contenders are very close on price the weightings normally mean the cheapest tender will also be the winning tender,”


However, there was one small ray of hope, with one member saying that he had noticed a positive change over the past twelve months. “In previous years it was almost always lowest price wins.This year we have had it on a couple of occasions where we have been successful, following the dismissal of rogue bids.” What would you change? Members were asked what they would choose if they had the power to change one thing about their industry. Low tender prices aside, answers fell into several categories including perception, client attitude and contracts.

Perception Several members wanted to change the way the industry is viewed by the outside world, which does not properly recognise the rising professional standards within the sector. One summed it up for many: “I’d like to change the general consensus that the demolition and recycling industry is the "poor man's relation" [to the construction sector]. For too long, the industry has had to justify its specialist techniques to other sectors that do not necessarily understand the importance of the work carried out.” Another wished that demolition could be removed from the construction industry and classed within the waste management sector.


Clients Several members called for clients to be better educated, so that they would be able to see beyond price when appointing contractors. “Clients need to appreciate how technical [our work] can be,” said one. “They also need to understand the length of time that we need to carry out the works in a safe manner,” said another. One contractor summed it up for many: “Let’s educate quantity surveyors and clients that the cheapest price is not always the correct option,”

Contracts and retentions Some members called for a simplification of the pre-qualification criteria adding “make being a member of NFDC pre-qualification enough”, while others complained about the amount of duplicate information that had to be supplied during the process. Another called for work to be carried out under demolitionspecific contracts, because other contracts for builders or civil engineers are often inappropriate for the type of work that demolition contractors carry out. There were also requests for the abolition of retentions for demolition contractors where no installation had been required. “What are they retaining against?” asked one member, “project completion is easily identifiable when we leave site.”

Other requests Some members asked for “less intervention from Government and trade bodies,”. Others asked for an increase in the numbers of trainers and assessors as well as new ways of attracting more young people into the industry. Removing cowboy contractors from the sector was also on one member’s wish list: “They breach H&S legislation and get work at a very cheap rate on the back of a fag packet,” he added.


When asked which songs would be most fitting for a demolition sector anthem, members gave wildly contrasting answers, ranging from light pop to heavy rock. It’s a music buff’s dream, or a karaoke nightmare, depending on your point of view, but it just goes to demonstrate the eclectic tastes of the UK demolition sector. Some of the more inspired suggestions here include: Boom, bang a bang –Lulu, 1969 Smash it up - The Damned, 1979 Always look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python, 1979 Another One Bites the Dust – Queen, 1980 When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going - Billy Ocean 1986 Thunderstruck –AC/DC, 1990 Things can Only Get Better - D:Ream, 1993 Demolition Man - Def Leppard, 1999 Crazy – Gnarls Barkely, 2006 Wrecking ball – Miley Cyrus, 2013 SURVEY OF THE SECTOR | NFDC YEARBOOK 2015



Long standing NFDC member Squibb Group is currently fulfilling one of the largest demolition contracts to be undertaken in London this year. The project centres on dispatching London Dock, the sprawling complex of buildings in Wapping that once housed Rupert Murdoch’s News International Headquarters.

The facility became a flash point for industrial relations during the 1980s when News International moved production of The Times, Sun and News of the World out of Fleet Street, to smash the powerful print unions. The resulting dispute between News International and the Unions lasted over a year during which London Dock earned the nick name ‘Fortress Wapping’, thanks to its high surrounding walls which were adorned with barbed wire. Printing and editorial functions continued at London Dock until 2005 when printing operations were moved to regional bases in Hertfordshire, Liverpool and Glasgow. During 2010 Wapping-based editorial staff were relocated to nearby Thomas Moore Square leaving the facility vacant. The 15 acre site was sold to developer St George in 2010 by News International. The site itself is a mixture of both old and relatively new buildings with the main 1980s behemoth of a building rubbing shoulders against the victorian-era dock site and the original dockside warehouses. As part of St George’s redevelopment plans, a majority of the structures on the site need to be demolished, a contract which Squibb Group commenced at the beginning of 2014.

The company is expected to continue operations well into 2015 with functions such as asbestos removal and soft stripping of the various buildings’ internals as well as conventional demolition of the facility’s main building.The later undertaking has seen Squibb Group deploy its Hitachi 870 ultra high reach demolition rig to bring the highest sections of six storey structure down safely and expeditiously.

Working in conjunction with Hitachi, is one of the company’s Volvo EC360 excavators which is being used to demolish the structure’s lower levels. Secondary demolition duties which include processing the steel and concrete arisings are being undertaken by a handful of newly delivered machines which include a dedicated CAT material re-handler and several demolition-spec LiuGong excavators equipped with pulveriser, breaker and selector grab attachments. The resultant demolition arisings are being separated with scrap metal loaded in to hook bins, and transported via Squibb Group’s own fleet of road going lorries to its nearby metal recycling facility. Other material such as wood and plastic is also being separated and recycled nearby. Commenting on the project, Squibb Group’s director Wesley Squibb said, “We have built an enviable reputation fulfilling large scale, challenging projects such as the one we are currently undertaking at Wapping. The shear scale and variety of structures that require demolition, coupled with an ambitious time frame are requirements we, as a business can fulfil without issue”. Once flattened, the site is set to house a new civic square and water gardens as well as a 275 metre long promenade. Up to 20,000m2 of commercial space will be made available, some of which will be as result of converting the Grade-II listed Pennington Street Warehouse into cafés, restaurants and small offices. A total of 1800 new homes will be built, which include 486 low-cost affordable units. The entire development is expected to take up to 15 years.


Demolition work is carried out 24/7 throughout the UK and during 2014 there have been many noteable projects, here is a round-up of some completed works. For more projects, please visit ‘members in action’ on the NFDC website.


Specialist Contractor, Birmingham based Coleman & Company are now well into their three year project to demolish the redundant Didcot A 2000 megawatt power station in Oxfordshire.


Northbank Demolition have recently secured a large contract to demolish a former garment storage facility in Altrincham Cheshire. Once demolished and the site cleared, the land will become the latest site to house a new superstore from Asda. Once the initial soft strip had commenced, the company were able to bring in their fleet of excavators to start the demolition of the large warehouses. The company operate a fleet of Doosan excavators ranging from 5 tonnes up to a 60 tonne high reach machine and are all equipped with OilQuick hydraulic couplers enabling rapid changeover of attachments. The company have brought in machines from 25 to 60 tonne for this contract and have very quickly brought down the buildings before moving back and grubbing up the concrete slab and foundations. Northbank’s Mark Mates claims that the use of the OilQuick has benefitted the company and that the speed that which the contract has been progressing can be attributed to this attachment. All metalwork arising from the project is being initially processed on site before being taken less than a mille away for final processing. “The short journey time and distance not only reduces our carbon footprint but also means we are able to keep the site clear of material build up” explains Mr Mates.

Demolition works commenced earlier this year with the first major milestone being the explosive demolition of the three large cooling towers. The blowdown had created a huge amount of interest both locally and nationally with many of the major news channels sending crews to cover the event. At 5am, the three towers were imploded leaving a huge pile of concrete and reinforcing mesh waiting to be processed over the coming weeks. Moving on from the cooling tower demolition, the company have made massive inroads into the main turbine house demolition with their asbestos removal subcontractor working flat out to remove the large amounts of pipe lagging found around the plant. Once an area has been cleaned the cutting crews can move in removing large sections of the plant with the aid of their fleet of demolition specification Liebherr excavators. One of the latest recruits to the fleet is the new Liebherr R956 equipped with a LaBounty MSD2500 rotating shear. The 6.5 tonne shear is capable of biting through the steelwork with a pressure of over 1300 tonnes and is capable of taking almost 600mm of material into its jaws. To facilitate the safe and efficient operation at Didcot, Coleman have invested massively in upgrading their excavator fleet with a further five new machines to be delivered from Liebherr before the end of the year along with new hydraulic attachments from ECY Haulmark. The recycling yards on site have also benefitted form new equipment in the form of a pair of Terex Fuchs MHL350 material handlers.

Concrete from the slab and foundations is being processed on site using the company’s own crushing equipment before being stockpiled ready for use by the construction company building the supermarket. The speed of which Northbank have progressed through this project has been phenomenal, with the company over five weeks ahead of schedule, incident and accident free, the company with order books full, are now looking to their next project. EXPERT PROJECT ROUND-UP | NFDC YEARBOOK 2015


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Brown and Mason had the challenge of dispatching two redundant power stations in Kent. Both Kingsnorth power station and Grain Oil power station were decommissioned as a result of the EU’s Large Combustion Plant Directive which targeted fossil fuel power stations that breached specific emission limits. Under the terms of the Directive, affected power stations are either being forced to close immediately or allowed to continue production for 20,000 hours prior to decommissioning. Originally built on the site of a World War 1 airship base, Kingsnorth reached its limit of 20,000 hours in 2013 and was subsequently closed down whilst Grain Oil was shut 33 years after coming on line in 2012 as its continued operation was not considered ‘economically viable’. The gargantuan task of removing the asbestos and dismantling these two industrial facilities was awarded to NFDC member Brown and Mason at the beginning of 2014 with contracts for Grain Oil and Kingsnorth expected to last over two and three years respectively. Nick Brown, managing director of the business explains further, “Winning both contracts for these redundant power stations has given us a great opportunity to demonstrate one of our key disciplines, namely the large scale dismantling of complex industrial facilities safely and expeditiously”. With both sites housing a vast array of industrial machinery including turbines, boilers, pumps, generators, ducting, pipework and storage tanks, one of the first tasks has been draining residual lubricants and fuels prior to the dismantling work. Alongside this, a substantial amount of asbestos material removal is also being carried out. Both facilities include giant storage tanks and sprawling apparatus to handle and store fuel, which for Grain was oil and Kingsnorth a combination of coal and oil.


These storage and handling facilities are being methodically dismantled in parallel with the internal workings of the power stations. Both tasks are generating large volumes of scrap material all of which requires re-sizing, sorting, stockpiling and ultimately transported off site for recycling. “The methodology behind clearing the various buildings of their internal industrial apparatus is a complex one which requires careful planning and execution and whilst processing the resultant scrap arising from these contracts is no different than most dismantling projects, the sheer volume of material involved is enormous” Only once the power stations’ internals are cleared and peripheral structures levelled will the main structures come down leaving just a solitary chimney remaining at each site. Whilst the milestone of seeing the two chimneys felled by controlled explosion is still a long way off, Brown and Mason are working relentlessly at both facilities in order to ensure the projects are completed without undue delay. “We have deployed a sizeable labour force working at both sites along with massive fleet of machinery ranging from powered access platforms and tele handlers up to telescopic high reach demolition rigs and one hundred and fifty tonne crawler cranes. Additionally we have also invested in six new demolition spec Komatsu excavators, two of which are heavy weight PC700 machines. A handful of new Kinshofer and Veractor-sourced shears have also been purchased to bolster the dismantling process”, says Nick. This investment in both labour and machines is clear to see on both sites with dozens of machines busy dismantling structures, resizing scrap, sorting and stockpiling material as well as loading road going bulkers. With the demise of the power plants marking the end of coal and oil-fired electricity production in the Medway area, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the two sites. However, with Brown and Mason making steady inroads into removing the two obsolete facilities, there is little doubt that both sites will be ready for a new use in the near future.

A BEAST IN THE NORTH EAST Thompsons of Prudhoe won yet another new client in the chemical industry in 2014 following extensive pre-qualifying considerations, when it was appointed as Principal Contractor by Bluestar Fibres to carry out the second phase of its site rationalisation programme at Moody Lane, Grimsby.

As part of the contract to dismantle the redundant plant, which used to manufacture speciality fibres and polymers, Thompsons were responsible for undertaking extensive background and ongoing environmental monitoring, removing all asbestos and other hazardous waste, decontaminating and removing non-recyclable wastes to landfill, carefully dismantling the redundant structure and recycling all brick, concrete and scrap arisings. To ensure Bluestar’s ongoing operations were not impeded, parts of the live plant areas had to be structurally strengthened prior to commencement of the dismantling work which required the separation of the redundant plant from the remaining live area. The site supervisor was former NFDC Demolition Operative of the Year Barry Brewis who oversaw a ten man team on the six month project. Thompsons deployed their Komatsu 750 high reach with shear attachment to safely dismantle the


Derbyshire based Cawarden demolition have been racing ahead with the demolition of the former home of UK rallying specialists Prodrive. Situated off junction 11 of the M40, Prodrive are famous the world over for running and managing some of the biggest names in the racing and rallying world and are currently undertaking a reorganisation which will see the company move their facilities to larger newer premises. The fast track contract has seen a team from Cawarden removing a variety of modern industrial buildings in readiness for a new retail park to be constructed. The steel framed buildings had been simply constructed with half height block work walls and lightweight tin sheet cladding. The existing estate was made up of a number of single storey units each with a mezzanine floor constructed from Bison beams while the larger units were a full two storey construction.

10,000 tonne structure, supported by a Liebherr 906 with swivel grab and Hitachi 670 with shear to process the scrap and other materials. Following the completion of the Phase works, Thompsons secured the work for Phase 3.

selector grab mounted on a 21 tonne excavator meaning the resulting materials could be recycled easier. Once the buildings were demolished the slabs and footings were grubbed up, crushed to an F2 material before being stockpiled in readiness for the construction phase of the site. While the Komatsu PC290 was able to remove them from the ground, the McCloskey J44 jaw crusher was unable to process such a large size resulting in some of the footings needing to be broken into smaller pieces with the aid of a new Furukawa hydraulic breaker. The short program time for the project has meant a conceited effort from the Cawarden team to hand sections of the site over to the main contractor in readiness for the construction phase to commence. While not an ideal solution, Contracts Manager Malcolm Lowes explained that the company are more than happy to look at any reasonable request from the client in order for the job to progress smoothly.

The modern construction methods used meant there was no asbestos present so the soft strip works were able to commence immediately. Carpet tiles, ceilings and stud partition walls were removed before the demolition of the structure could commence. While the roofing sheets on some of the smaller buildings were made up of a two-ply tin sheet sandwiching fibreglass insulation, the larger structures were topped off with a Kingspan style sheet. Wanting to make every effort to segregate materials as much as possible and to reduce the amount of skips used to remove materials, the company endeavoured to peel the steel sheeting away from the polyurethane foam. This was effectively undertaken using a



Balicrest Ltd has levelled a former dairy in the heart of Richmond, south west London. The building, which had more recently served as a bathroom showroom and distribution warehouse, was demolished over a 6 week period in order to prepare the site for a new residential development. Balicrest Ltd’s director, David McGee explains further about the project, “Because of the site’s close proximity to residential dwellings and a dearth of space around the building itself, the demolition project required careful planning and implementation”. During the contract a range of demolition and recycling equipment was used including a 35 tonne excavator equipped with rotating shear and grapple attachments and a 20 tonne excavator complete with crusher bucket.

Following a soft strip of the building’s interior, one of the company’s Hitachi Zaxis 350 excavators was deployed on site to initially demolish the steel frame warehouse at the rear of the site. By utilising a Mantovanibenne rotating shear attachment, the Hitachi was able to strip the warehouse of its steel cladding and dismantle the remaining iron frame structure. Following on from this, the two storey office block and showroom at the front of the site was demolished. The 35 tonne Hitachi was again utilised, although this time the machine hosted a Mantovanibene rotating grab attachment to delicately deconstruct the building, separating-out various materials such as wood, concrete, brick, plastic and scrap metal. With both buildings felled, the task of recycling the concrete and brick arisings on site was allocated to a second Hitachi excavator. The Zaxis 210 was deployed with a Dig A Crusher 900 series crusher bucket. This attachment proved adept at


processing the waste rubble, turning it into crushed concrete suitable for use as pilling mats on the site. David explains further about the use of the crusher bucket on site, “Because the sub base of the building was being retained there was only a relatively small amount of crushing to be done. By deploying our crusher bucket we were able to keep costs down and meant material did not have to be hauled off site.This in turn reduced lorry movements and the associated emission and congestion issues associated with them”. Thanks to a modern plant fleet and a high level of expertise based on 25 years of experience, Balicrest was able to fulfil the project promptly and safely, preparing this inner-city site for much needed housing in the Capital.

BREAKING, CUTTING, CRUSHING AND PULVERISING Our comprehensive range does more than just knock down buildings. Our range of equipment is competitively priced and economical to run, with exceptional service support. The high levels of build quality and reliability ensure good resale values. Email call 01442 222 416, or visit


Oriana 2 is located to the East end of Oxford Street adjacent to Tottenham Court Road Station to the East and Soho Square to the South, and is an extension of the original Oriana 1 which was developed around 2 years ago and where Primark have their flagship store. The redevelopment comprises of part retained facades, part new build, and part remodelling of a grade 2 listed building to create retail space at the basement, ground and 1st floor and apartments from the 2nd – 6th floor levels. Oriana 2 was a complex project which involves the demolition of 26 – 48 Oxford Street and 55 Hanway Street with the façade retention of a number of buildings. The existing buildings are a mixture of architectural styles varying in age from a 19th Century bay window four-storey building with an original butterfly roof to the ‘newest’ building built in the 1960’s, although 26-32 Oxford Street, although redeveloped in 1955 with a green panelled curtain walled building was previously the famous Frascati restaurant and before that an 18th century brewery site, many of the original

Frascati features are still visible as the soft stripping removes the more recent refurbishments. This building was demolished adjacent to and over the live Primark Building, therefore temporary works to retain party wall would have to be installed to ensure Primark is not disturbed and both the vertical and horizontal party walls kept water-tight throughout the works and for the follow-on contractor to take over. The buildings with the Façade retentions are 40- 42 Oxford Street, which was built in 1923 with a tripartite stone façade in Portland Stone, 48 Oxford Street which was a four storey mansard attic with red stone and a projecting central bay and a secondary façade along Hanway Street, rendered and painted and with round beaded windows, it was built in the late 19th Century. The buildings along Hanway Street have also had the façades retained, the façade retentions along Hanway street are partly constructed by a steel retention structure and part retained by sections of the existing structure that have in place these will be removed at a later date during the reconstruction works. Weekly monitoring has been carried out on noise, dust and vibration in addition to Tower Crane base and façade monitoring on a weekly basis.


Dem-Master Demolition was contracted by Vion Food Group Ltd early 2013 to demolish the well-known Halls of Broxburn factory complex. The site comprised of an extensive 18.7 acres with a series of interconnecting large industrial steel framed buildings. The original factory started in 1960, with extensions formed in 1974, 2000 and 2003. This culminated in a factory with extensions and extensive outbuildings of an approximate gross volume of 220,000 m3.

Successfully completed in May 2014 Dem-Master exceeded recycling targets of 98% excluding extensive asbestos materials disposal, with over 60,000 tonne of 6F2 produced.

Having been constructed over such a long period the materials in the demolition are varied, with the high specification needed for food production there is a high services content in the demolition for decommissioning, dismantling and removal. In addition the asbestos survey and removal, demolition works and site clearance, Dem-Master were also required to obtain the demolition warrant and carry out all necessary management of environmental issues and liaison with the local community attached to the high profile demolition. EXPERT PROJECT ROUND-UP | NFDC YEARBOOK 2015 17

DEMOLITION AWARD Manchester based multi-disciplined contractors PP O’Connor are involved in a wide variety of activities ranging from demolition through to quarrying and civil engineering works. This variety of activities has given NFDC Demolition Operative of the Year, Bogdan Landowski, the opportunity to understand a great deal about the wider construction industry. We caught up with Bogdan at the new Mersey Crossing in Widnes where he was looking after the installation of haul roads, pile mats and the backfilling of part of the Manchester Ship Canal.

How long have you been working for PP O’Connor? I’ve been working with PP O’Connor for the past eight years and came to the company through a local employment agency. I have recently completed my CCDO Supervisors card through the NDTG and I’m now looking to further my education with an NVQ. O’Connor’s are very proactive with their training schemes and will look at furthering the knowledge of anyone in their organisation should they want to. What does a typical day involve for you? It all depends on what type of project I’m on! For this job I look after the plant and men and make sure they are all undertaking the work they are supposed to be doing and are fully occupied all of the time. I also have to look after a specific amount of paperwork for the project, looking after the daily vehicle checks and ensuring the records for the incoming materials are up to date. We currently have around 100 trucks loads of stone per

day entering the site from 7 in the morning through to 6 in the evening from the quarries in North Wales and part of my remit is to make sure they are supplying the correct size material to the right part of the site.

With you now having experience of both civils and demolition work, which do you prefer? I enjoy both to be honest. They both have their differences and I really appreciate the chance given to me to expand my skill set but if I had to choose, it would be demolition, especially top down work. Tower block demolition is my favourite either floor by floor or with a high reach machine. It is so rewarding to see a tall block gradually disappear to nothing.

What does this award mean to you? It was very humbling to be put forward for the award and I have had a lot of my colleagues congratulating me on it. It has given me a sense of pride and achievement that the hard work I have put in with O’Connor has been acknowledged with the company putting me forward for the accolade.

Where do you see yourself progressing to in the next few years? I wish to carry on in the demolition industry with O’Connor with perhaps more complex projects. They are a very good company to work with and are always winning some interesting work. I enjoy being out on site and at the sharp end of a project and watching it from start to finish.




There are many inspirational people in the industry, we speak to the winners of the NFDC Demolition Awards that were held in March 2014 to find out more about their story.

Neil Herbert, the 2014 NFDC Plant Operator of the Year award winner, has been working for Birmingham based DSM since he left school at the age of 16 and, at the age of 31, is still loving the variety of work the company gives him as he did when he first started. While undertaking a CITB apprenticeship in civil engineering, Neil was working in the company’s yard servicing and cleaning the mobile plant before commencing his driving career at the age of 18 and now regularly operates the largest machine in the DSM fleet, the Hitachi EX1200 high reach excavator.

Have you always had an interest in plant and machinery? Ever since I was a young boy I’ve been fascinated by large machines and when to opportunity arose for me to start working with them at DSM, I jumped at the chance. I was lucky enough to be offered a job with the company with the promise of when I turned 18 I would start my operator training and in all fairness to the bosses here, they kept to their word. When I started with the company cleaning and assisting the fitters, I gained some basic experience of operating some of the smaller pieces of kit around the yard. Were you self taught or did you undertake any formal training? I learnt the basic operations around the yard but the company have generously put me through all my plant certificates with the NDTG and CITB allowing me to operate any machines in their fleet and some that aren’t. The company have also put me through my CCDO supervisors ticket which means I am now able to run jobs.

What machines do you regularly operate? I usually operate the Hitachi 670 or 1200 high reach machines but will quite happily operate anything I’m asked to do, I’m currently on a Hyundai 290 on a small job in the centre of Birmingham, so don’t mind the smaller stuff but much prefer to be on the high reach machines. My company van is also the wide load escort vehicle so I quite often escort our big machines between jobs.

Did you have any inkling you were up for the award? I knew I had been nominated as last years Demolition Manager of the Year winner, Matt Sprayson, had put my name forward. That was the last I heard of it until I was told at the beginning of the week that, as a nominee, I was invited to the AGM. It came as a total shock to me to win the award because of the other lads I was up against as they are all very good operators. I’ve had a bit of friendly stick from some of the lads after winning the award but most of the comments have been very positive.

Are there any downsides to your job? Not really. It’s nice to work close to home as I am at the moment but I really do enjoy moving around the country with the high reach machines.You get to see a lot of the country doing this job, sometimes not the nicest of places, but it’s certainly not boring, I really enjoy going to work in the mornings!

What do you do if you have time away from work? Water sports, I love wake boarding, surfing and I have recently refurbished my own speedboat!




Demolition Manager of the Year was presented by Steve Jack the IDE Past President to Michael Kelly of Keltbray. We speak to Michael about how he started his career in demolition.

How did you get into demolition? I replied to a job advertisement for a tower crane banksman job in the Evening Standard. I was looking for a stopgap job for a couple of weeks at the time. I didn’t even know it was for a demolition site and ended up on a 26 storey demolition job in the City of London. It was an eye opener, interesting works and working with good people.

What do you enjoy most about your job? I enjoy working out on site rather than in the office, I like the challenges each day has in store as every site and every project is different, there will always be something that will need managing.

How long have you worked for Keltbray? I have worked for Keltbray for nearly 18 years now.

What are your plans for the future? To continue to do challenging and exciting projects at Keltbray and to help promote the demolition industry in doing so. We are just about to start a very large and unusual job at Earls Court in London that will keep me busy for the foreseeable. 04/11/2014 12:05 Page 1

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Central Demolition Ltd was the proud winner of the Demolition Training Award back in March. In 2014 they have been maintaining their companies training profile to its maximum. Neil Melloy HSQE Manager for Central Demolition talks to us about the company’s approach and attitude towards training its workforce.

How do you carry out your training? Since the end of 2013, we [Central Demolition] have been pressing forward with demolition-specific sector training with enthusiasm. This training has all been carried out via the National Demolition Training Group (Scotland). This commitment to improving standards includes running site supervisor and Topman National Vocational Qualifications assessments, as well as training newly promoted demolition supervisors. Our efforts paid dividends, when the company emerged victorious in the demolition training category at the 2013 National Federation of Demolition Contractors Demolition Awards, held in London. Why is training so important to you? It’s simple really, a well-trained workforce is efficient, competent and above all, safe. We identified a core set of skills for our demolition employees, i.e: PASMA, IPAF, Banksman, and Confined Spaces (to name but a few). Having these skilled operatives allows us the flexibility to utilise multi-skilled teams who can tackle pretty much any scenario the modern demolition industry throws at them.

How do you keep up the good health & safety culture on site? “Safety is Central to everything we do.” This ultimately describes how important training is for improving employee knowledge, and for the employer/employee relationship. The key points for this are:

Communication I talk with all members on site regularly to see if they are happy with how things are, if they need anything or if they have any concerns. This is crucial, as it forms part of the involvement.

Identification of training needs We seek to identify if lack of training is an issue, and which courses the site staff want to do.

Involvement We have monthly meetings with all supervisors and managers to ensure that all health and safety issues are aired.

Praise Often it’s the little things that make the difference. A “thank you” and a pat on the back often goes a long way, it’s something that is generally overlooked by employers.

How do you keep track of employees’ training? The training files are all handled by myself using the standard training matrix model. I use this, and the supervisor feedback, to identify any training gaps so that upskilling can be put into place.

What are your plans for future training? Central Demolition were shortlisted for the Safety and Training Award at the 2014 World Demolition Awards in Amsterdam. Using this as a springboard, we will continue to pursue our training strategy, as well as seeking to identify knowledge gaps such as temporary works, which will require training courses and upskilling. This will contribute towards our goal of having the best trained workforce in the demolition industry.



The industry has taken great leaps forward with the introduction of demolition specific machinery. Liebherr have created a solution for the modern demolition contractor to offer their clients a remote control system, we spoke to Liebherr to find out a bit more about this award-winning piece of equipment.


Where did the idea come from? 2011 saw Liebherr produce a fully remote control R944 excavator for French demolition contractor Cardem. Liebherr engineers at Colmar designed a hand held system allowing the operator to control the excavator functions at a safe distance from the machine.

Was this difficult to develop? Using technology already incorporated in their range of cranes, the Liebherr engineers designed the system to allow only the remote use of the machine, leaving the controls in the cab isolated. We had the most skilled engineers working on this product.

How does it work? LDC consists of a control unit, in-cab indicator, an acoustical warning device, three angle transmitters for monitoring attachment position and an inclination for overseeing the carrier machines stability and level. From all these points the system calculates any safety relevant information and will only limit attachment movement should there be a decrease in the machines stability. The system will not “freeze” the machine operations but will allow only movements that ultimately bring the machine back into a safe working envelope. Total Moment Indicators (TMI) are incorporated into other manufacturers machines which give the operator a visual and audible warning when the machine is about to reach its maximum safe working load.

Why is this equipment important? Some accidents can be caused by poor ground conditions or unknown voids. Operator error also accounts for its share of accidents. Liebherr Demolition Control allows the operator to only work within the machines safe working area and restricts any movements beyond that zone.

The system guarantees safe working conditions at all times in a working area of 360 degrees around the machine. This is accomplished through permanent, fully automatic monitoring of tool movements and angle of the machine.


McGee submitted the ‘360° Mobile Visual Noise Indicator’ for the new category - Corporate Innovation Award. This category allowed NFDC Corporate members to highlight their developments for safety on site. We spoke to McGee about their winning product.

Where did this development come from? We have continued to pioneer innovations and techniques that are designed to improve safety, drive efficiency, maximise cost effectiveness and help ensure we are a good neighbour. As part of our ongoing innovation strategy, we have developed a unique way in which to more effectively monitor noise on our sites.

Where did this idea come from? As an employer operating within the demolition industry, noisy power tools, hammering and pneumatic impact tools are a daily feature on our sites. As a result of such activities, we know that we have a duty of care to employees to prevent, or reduce, risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work - and this is reinforced by the fact that the industries in which we operate are included as industries with the largest number of new cases of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the UK; as reported by the HSE. How much research was involved? As part of the comprehensive research process, we talked to clients and set up a number of focus groups with our site teams. We wanted to ensure we fully explored and discussed all possible solutions, and to validate that our wish list would indeed bridge the gap between the existing equipment. This process resulted in the conception of the McGee 360° Mobile Visual Noise Indicator.

What is the future for the 360° Mobile Visual Noise Indicator? Following the success of the trial at 1 New Street Square, we have rolled-out further trials during 2014. The sites selected for further trials include Grosvenor Square and the Shell Centre. We’re so confident about the invention of the 360° Mobile Visual Noise Indicator and the benefits it brings, we really do believe that it has the potential to be a huge success throughout the demolition industry.


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INVESTING IN SKILLS FOR A NEW GENERATION This is a brand new category for the NFDC Demolition Awards to recognise companies within the industry who are making extra effort to take on apprentices and new starters, helping to bridge the skills gap and increase the talent pool.We speak to James Howard at Coleman & Co on winning this award. Why did you put yourself forward for this award? We wanted the individual achievement of our apprentices, and those people within the business who have helped to support their development, to be recognised as something special. Whilst not being complacent, we felt we had a strong possibility of being shortlisted and even winning and we saw an opportunity to promote what we do as a way of attracting new talent into the industry and our business. Let’s be honest, whilst we have opportunities at all levels and for all abilities, the competition for the best talent is fierce. What opportunities do you offer to those interested in demolition? We offer multiple points of access into the business, for people of all ages, gender and abilities ranging from graduates undertaking placements on gap years, to school children in year 10 undertaking work experience.

As an example, our schools programme has been operating now for five years and in 2014 we actually provided six people with two weeks work experience. Three of our current apprentices have come through this route.

When did you start your apprenticeship program? When I joined Coleman & Co in 2006, we actually had two apprentices at that time, both were attending the CITB college in plant related courses. In fairness, there was gap then of about 5 years after that before we started to look again at structured apprenticeships for demolition operatives.

What is your proposed commitment for the future? As part of our ‘People Plan’ we are committed to providing opportunities for our people to fulfill their career aspirations, so a strong focus continues to be on investing in our existing workforce. Especially in terms of new entrants to the industry:

• As our apprentices graduate, we are already planning to replace them with a fresh in-take of people. We are in discussion with the NDTG about securing places on intake 5, which is due to commence early in 2015.

• Our work experience programme for 2015 is already 50% booked-up, which is testament to the positive experience people who have worked with us are taking back into their schools and colleges.

• We have developed, as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, links with Rectory Boxing Club to identify young people who have personal qualities we are looking for, such as commitment to regular training, grit and determination to win etc but who are finding it difficult to get employment or apprenticeships. We’ve already taken on one young lad who is now working in our workshops training to become a plant fitter.

Whilst it wasn’t a conscious decision, in part the prevailing economic conditions at the time no doubt were an influencing factor. More recently, funding arrangements and the structured programmes put in place by NDTG have made it easier to get on-board and when NDTG launched their apprentices here in the Midlands in November 2012, we had 6 colleagues participating. That increased to 11 in June 2013.

What does winning this award mean to you? Our Managing Director – Mark Coleman really summed it up when we said that he thought “we came away with the most important award”


DEMOLITION MAN OF THE YEAR The John Bergin Man of the Year Award was presented by David P. Sinclair NFDC Hon. Life Vice President to Adrian McLean of Armac Group for all his hard work, commitment and dedication throughout Demolition Expo 2013.

Since Adrian won his award back in March, he has been made a co-opted member of the NFDC’s National Council so he can work closely with the expo team for Demolition Expo 2015. We spoke to Adrian to find out what this achievement has meant to him and what future there is for Demolition Expo.

How long have you been involved in demolition? I have been involved in the industry for roughly 30 years. I started working at Armac just over 20 years ago. During my career I have gained many qualifications including becoming a Fellow of the Institute of Demolition Engineers, Member of the Institute of Quarry Management, NEBOSH qualified and a Member of the Institute of Construction Management.

How successful was Demolition Expo 2013? Demolition Expo 2013 was a great success considering the time we had to deliver the whole event was less than 6 months! This was the first major event I have ever been involved in, the footfall of visitors and attendance from both the IDE and NFDC proved how prosperous this inaugural event was.

Are you pleased to be involved again for 2015? Yes, as we are slowly recovering out of recession and companies are starting to replace and buy additional equipment, the demand from manufactures for stands is at a phenomenal level already. I am proud to be a part of this industry and have full involvement again for Demolition Expo 2015.

NFDC AGM LUNCHEON AND DEMOLITION AWARDS 2015 The Dorchester, Park Lane Friday 13th March

The Demolition Awards 2015 will be held once again at the Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane on Friday 13th March 2015. The awards will be held after our Annual General Meeting with a guest speaker to be announced! We have updated the awards categories with the introduction of an Asbestos Removal Operative accolade. Nomination papers are now available to download from our website:


Do you think there is a future for Demolition Expo? I am sure there is a great future for Demolition Expo as long as we have the full support from NFDC & IDE members. We need to make sure we all get behind the Expo and attend in good numbers, the manufacturers have already shown their commitment for 2015. With this being said, Demolition Expo could evolve into something similar to the NDA in the USA where it becomes a convention weekend.



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organisation and the regions Since its inception, the NFDC has served as a mouthpiece for the demolition industry and a unified voice for contractors across the UK. But while the contractors who first came together to create the NFDC were essentially local firms banding together, most of the Federation’s members today offer their services on a national basis.

We speak to Sophie Cox NFDC/NDTG Group Manager to find out where the Federation is today and the future for it’s members. The old pattern of strong regional groups linked into a loose national network no longer makes sense in today’s joined-up industry. In 2013, the decision was taken to organise Federation business centrally – a move designed to make more efficient use of resources and improve cohesion within the organisation.

“We still have regional committees and a programme of regional events so the sense of belonging to a local group still exists,” says NFDC Group Manager Sophie Cox. “But things are now organised centrally and there is far more interaction between the regions than ever before,” she adds. The five regions (London & Southern, Midlands and Welsh, North East, North West and Scotland & Northern Ireland) each hold four meetings a year, as they have always done, and every member is affiliated to its local regional group. Now though, these meetings are organised from head office.

Summer events, social function and charity events that used to be handled regionally are also organised centrally, between the strong team at head office and the regional Chairpersons. Last year, the Federation’s regions raised a staggering £50,000 for charity. As well as centralising some regional activities, NFDC has also brought in-house some major tasks that were previously out-sourced. Most importantly, this includes the annual three-day Convention – the highlight of the year for most NFDC members.“This was a massive milestone for us, we have much more control now”

The Convention provides invaluable networking opportunities, as well as a forum for discussion, the exchange of ideas and the all-important half-year business meeting – all in a relaxed setting. Last year’s Convention was held in the opulent surroundings of Gleneagles; this year’s event, sponsored by Liebherr GB, took place at the Liebherr Group’s Interalpen Hotel in the Austrian Tyrol. The Convention was a huge success, with a packed programme of activities and the largest delegation of members for some time. Led by NFDC President William Sinclair, Sophie and the team at head office, it was a triumph for all those involved. Perhaps the most important function now undertaken centrally is the recruitment of new members. “The regional committees have always managed applications in their area,” says Sophie, “but that has its advantages and its disadvantages”. Put bluntly, the old system of local enrolment was vulnerable to accusations of deals done “behind closed doors” - though Sophie is quick to scotch any suggestion of corruption in the ranks. “It’s more about being objective and transparent” she explains. “New members are still recruited and admitted through regional committees but we have streamlined the membership application process and tightened up selection criteria.”

“It’s more about being objective and transparent” Sophie Cox NFDC/NDTG Group Manager


The regional committees still play a vital role in Federation affairs – in fact, each committee now has more say on a national scale. This is because the regional committee meetings are planned to take place in sequence. Sophie attends every meeting, co-ordinates the agenda and reports back information to the NFDC Boards

The decision to tighten membership criteria is certainly not intended to discourage them. In fact, 2015 will see a renewed campaign to recruit new members to the Federation. “Sadly we lost several members during the recession and these haven’t been replaced,” says Sophie

Returning to the topic of membership, Sophie also explains why the traditional category of ‘Associate Members’ has been replaced by ‘Industry Service Providers’. “Not everybody was happy about it initially,” admits Sophie. Some of the existing associates questioned the reasoning behind it.”

Admission to the Federation certainly isn’t a shoo-in and in terms of sheer numbers, the NFDC represents a minority of companies describing themselves as ‘demolition contractors’. “There are literally thousands of them,” says Sophie. But figures suggest that approximately 80% of all demolition work carried out in the UK is done by NFDC members, which currently total 150.

But the new term more clearly acknowledges the role of these companies within the industry and their relationship with the core membership. “It has helped them and it has been a success: we’ve had a lot more interest from new Industry Service Providers as a result of this” says Sophie.

This has resulted in a more joined-up approach nationwide: “There’s a brilliant flow of information now,” says Sophie. This new arrangement also allows for value-added features, such as guest speakers. “For example this year I was accompanied by the CITB’s Levy Manager who gave a presentation to each regional group on changes to the levy process and how it would affect our members,” explains Sophie. Some of the charities that NFDC members have supported this year are below. All of these charities work tirelessly to raise much needed funds to support their cause and the NFDC are pleased to be able to be part of this.

London & Southern Region Strongbones- £6000 Emily Ash Trust- £5000 Lily Foundation- £12000 + Snowdon Trust- £5000 +

Midlands & Welsh Region Alex’s Wish- £1000 MacMillan Cancer Support- £1000

North West Region Good Life Orphanage- £8000 – international charity Salford Loaves & Fishes- £500


With their role more clearly defined, the Industry Service Providers have lost none of their influence nor has their contribution been curtailed. In fact, they play an increasingly valuable role in major Federation events, most notably the biennial Demolition Expo. “This year we held two meetings with Industry Service Providers to identify sponsorship opportunities at the Demolition Expo where they can showcase their kit and help create a successful event.” North East Region Cystic Fibrosis Trust- £9000 North East Education Charity- £5000 North East Autism Society- £5000 Paul Cunningham Nurses- £2000 Scotland & Northern Ireland NHS Forth Valley- £400 Roybroyston Boys Brigade- £500

Stan Bowley Trust- £6000 - donated from several regions

TOTAL £60,400

The Demolition Expo is set to become a significant event in the NFDC calendar as a dedicated showcase specifically for demolition and recycling technology. The last one, held in June 2012, was hosted by Armac Group at its Arden Brickworks site in Birmingham. Next year’s event will take place at J Mould’s Urban Quarry, near Reading, on Friday 26th and 27th June. Another exciting development planned for next year is the launch of NFDC’s Demolition Academy under the aegis of the National Demolition Training Group – a forum operated jointly by the NFDC and CITB. This is designed to forge direct links between NFDC members and local schools and colleges. Sophie believes that promoting demolition and recycling – rather than ‘construction’ generically - as a career option is a pro-active and potentially game-changing initiative for an industry facing growing workloads with a reduced workforce. “A lot of our members engage with schools and colleges already, but we need to co-ordinate the effort and I hope that, by offering free training and day release opportunities to school students, we will ensure that we have the skills we need moving forward”.

From: "Richard Ya rwood" To: Sophie Cox <S ophie@demolition> Subject: Thank yo u!

Hi Sophie

I owe you a massiv e thanks to you fo r all your co-opera allowing me to pr tion esent to all the re gions during this feel ECY Haulmar year. I k have gained a lo t of positive resp from members an onses d an increase in NF DC business for us . You becoming grou p manager and co ordinating the ev in house has mad ents e a notable differe nce to the regiona meetings, implem l enting dates and structure way in has enabled mys advance elf and my staff to achieve 100% att to all meetings du endance ring 2014. Long m ay it continue! You deserve a lot of credit for this, well done on a go od job. Kind Regards

Richard Yarwood Managing Direct or ECY  Haulmark



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WANT NOT "Every demolition project is unique, but they all have one feature in common: we have to clear everything away. It’s virtually impossible to reduce waste from a demolition site. The challenge is how to deal with it cleverly.” NFDC Chief Executive Officer, Howard Button

The phrase "circular economy" has become a buzzword in the built environment sector, but Howard is concerned that contractors, manufacturers and architects are not thinking deeply enough about the whole life cycle of structures. "Buildings that are going up are rarely designed for demolition. Nobody wants to think about their demise at that stage,” he says, “So every time our members go on site, they are expected to clear it completely before construction work can begin." Representing the NFDC at various meetings with UKCG contractors, he admits that his views have caused ripples within the group. "They didn't realise the seriousness of the situation. They were happy creating a building and saying that it was sustainable. While many buildings might be sustainable, they are not ultimately recoverable at the end of life.” He would like to see more support for an End of Life building directive. This proposal has been floated in the EU in previous decades, but has never fully taken off for construction. However the principle is working in other sectors: "There is an EU directive covering the automotive sector. All the components that go into a new car, have to be recyclable. There's no reason why that principle could be reworked for buildings." But Howard is a realist.

NFDC members continue to achieve high recycling and recovery rates, but even better results could be achieved if buildings were designed with demolition in mind from the outset. Howard Button and James Hurley talk directives, DRIDS and hazardous substances.

While he believes that the legal force of an EU Directive would be the most effective way of tackling deep flaws within the built environment life cycle, he would also welcome a voluntary sign up system from industry. "Even if we just identified the materials that were in a building, that would help. The more information we can gather, the better. " He is hoping that the increasing uptake of building information modelling (BIM) - set to become standard on Government construction projects from 2016 - will be a useful source of information for demolition contractors over the longer term. However, the value of BIM at the end of a building’s life will depend on how rigorously the data is updated, and whether it takes into account maintenance and retrofitting. NFDC is also encouraging clients to use their influence on manufacturers and suppliers. "We've been involved with meetings with some of the major retailers. They are looking very carefully at their own estates. We're helping steer people in the right direction wherever we can." Howard believes that architects and designers should have to consider how a building could be dismantled as part of their design brief. “We need better information on fixings. Designers should ensure that they are accessible. Standardisation of products would also help." He is particularly concerned about structural elements that contain composite materials. In earlier decades, many materials could be recovered intact for future use. Floor joists could be cut down and turned into floorboards. Steel sections could be taken back to the mill and be re-rolled into smaller and longer girders, to agreed specifications. But today, many building elements are so highly engineered that they cannot be recovered, but must be recycled instead, which is a far more energy intensive process, leading to lower grade materials. Howard gives the example of lattice beams he saw recently: two pieces of wood joined by thin metal steel struts. "Even though this may be considered to be a sustainable material, it will have no value and be unusable after this building is demolished," he comments. "You could recycle the wood and chip it but you would have to separate the steel out first which is time consuming." He adds "Some of the big retailers are talking about using more glulam. They're convinced that it's a sustainable product, but it could be problematic to recycle because of the glue content. “Glulam is just one example of our sector not taking the long-term view. The entire supply chain needs to think much more deeply about the life cycle of buildings and materials if we are to meet our recycling and recovery challenges.”




NFDC members continue to report high recycling rates, with many members typically achieving figures higher than 95%. Two such members are Keltbray and Erith Group. On the Mitre Square project in the City of London, which involved the demolition of two eight storey structures and removal and strip out of asbestos, Keltbray recycled or reused 97% of materials. The remaining 3% of materials consisted of neon tube lighting and asbestos-containing materials. Non-recyclable flooring was sent to a specialist treatment facility. Erith Group’s work for the London Development Project at 70 Farringdon Street, London, consists of the demolition of two reinforced concrete buildings of nine and seven stories to the top of basement slab level. On this project, which will complete in 2015, Erith is scoring a recycling rate of 99.9% “We expect this rate to continue in projection with our site waste management plan,” says a spokesman for the company.


NFDC has been participating in an industry-wide working group to examine the challenges of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), a fire retardant that is used in some foam insulation products. HBCDD is a persistent organic pollutant (POP) that accumulates in the food chain, posing risks both to humans and environment. Its use has been banned in many countries, including the UK, under the Stockholm Convention on POPs in 2001. But HBCDD-containing products are scattered throughout existing UK building stock, and it is virtually impossible to differentiate them from foam products that are free from the hazardous substance. NFDC estimates that the amount of insulation products from demolition containing HBCDD will increase from roughly 2,756 tonnes per year to 5,936 tonnes by 2050. “In volumetric tonnes, this is the equivalent of 37 to 79 Olympic-sized swimming pools a year,” says NFDC advisor James Hurley. “The annual costs of disposal could be between £415 million and £1.5 billion.” Howard adds: “HBCDD is clearly a growing problem. Having submitted a paper on the challenges HBCDD poses for demolition sector earlier this year, we are working with industry and Government to determine the best routes for disposal.” He is also concerned at the deluge of smart products flooding into the market that could cause new and unforeseen problems in a few decades’ time. “Take products containing nanoparticles, such as self cleaning paint, and self levelling concrete. Little is known about how the nanoparticles will react when an item is crushed or broken down,” Howard says, “NFDC is working with the Institute of Demolition Engineers and Loughborough University to carry out studies on nanoparticles. We hope to publish an information sheet on this area by early 2015.”


DRIDS Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets The NFDC’s innovative DRIDS (Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets) system, continues to be expanded. The data sheets help demolition contractors identify the most effective and sustainable ways of dealing with waste materials.

Launched in 2013, the web-based system has since been rebuilt to make it more user-friendly and fully responsive for use on mobile devices. A growing number of recycling partners are adding their details to the website.

The original DRIDS website had 36 individual data sheets. Since then, NFDC advisor and independent waste management specialist James Hurley has been steadily adding to the collection. “We have developed 70 DRIDS" says James, who runs the sustainability consultancy Built4Life. "We aim to cover almost anything that will be found on most demolition jobs." Having covered simple items, James is now tackling more complex challenges such as asbestos-containing materials, gas cylinders and even beer kegs. Recent additions include a DRIDS on copper chromate arsenate (CCA), treated timber and a DRIDS for oils, for example engine oil, gear oil fuel and insulation oil. To outsiders, these might not seem typical materials for demolition contractors to worry about, but they are of course common in heating and ventilation systems, and also in factories and maintenance workshops. James has also compiled a DRIDS on tyres, not typical construction product, but something that is frequently fly tipped on abandoned premises. "Despite what many people believe, tyres are nonhazardous. Sometimes it's just a case of helping people realise how little is actually toxic, but is perfectly reusable or recyclable " James says.

He is even compiling a DRIDS on bird droppings, a common annoyance on site, which can carry up to 60 diseases. "The droppings can be toxic in concentrated amounts, so training and awareness is really important," he adds. Howard is delighted at the new look of the redesigned website. "It's a much smarter and slicker system that can be viewed on any device from smart phone to tablet to laptop,” he adds.

The site is now interactive. Users can nominate a material and read about recycling options. Once they have selected the most suitable action, the site will suggest registered recycling outlets and their locations.

While DRIDS can be used by anyone, NFDC members have exclusive access to additional benefits, such as the automatic generation of site waste management plans (SWMPs), which can typically be time-consuming and laborious to create. Howard says that although the legal requirement for SWMPs has been dropped, many clients are still requesting them. "It's a mark of quality and an added service that our members can provide,” he says. “And we’re making it easier. All they have to do is enter the site name and postcode and the website does the rest.”

NFDC is adding a carbon calculator to the DRIDS site which will be exclusively for members’ use. James has been helping develop the carbon calculator, which calculates the greenhouse gas emissions for generic types of material such as metal, plasterboard or wood. The calculator will measure emissions in relation to site processing and haulage operations.

"We are using DEFRA's material-specific waste management type conversion factors introduced in 2013," James Hurley Built4Life

• More information on DRIDS can be found at

• Recycling outlets who wish to sign up to the DRIDS website should contact Howard Button t: 01442 217144 e:


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DEMOLITION MARKETING THE NFDC’S ONLINE PROFILE CONTINUES TO GROW, THANKS TO A RANGE OF STRATEGIES INTRODUCED THIS YEAR. JUST HOW DO YOU CONTINUE TO MARKET THE FEDERATION? LOUISE CALAM, PR & MARKETING EXECUTIVE EXPLAINS The internet is drastically reshaping the way businesses communicate. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn enable organisations to reach their target audiences faster than ever with readers and customers responding to news and information in real time. New technology requires new strategies: Louise Calam, who heads up NFDC’s marketing and PR operations, has been ensuring that the Federation reaches an ever widening audience through a range of online initiatives. “At the beginning of 2014 I set myself a target for increasing visits to the NFDC website by 58%, and we’re well on track to meet this. So far we’ve had a total of 50,000 visitors to the site and 300,000 page views,” she says. The NFDC’s weekly email news alert, introduced in early 2014, has been important in driving web traffic. This has a wealth of information on news, upcoming events, regional meetings and publications. The DRIDS pages, launched in 2013 to help members manage their recycling process, are also proving popular, having undergone a further redesign. But Louise, who joined NFDC at the beginning of 2013, is delighted that the most clicked upon page is for corporate searches. The user-friendly tool enables visitors to search for a company by region or by company name. “This is fantastic, because it demonstrates that people are using the website to seek out members, which is our top priority,” she says. has become a one-stop shop, useful both for members and non-members. The marketing and media pack can now be sourced online, as can three new guidance notes which recently underwent a six-month consultation by members.



“This lunchtime event will, as usual, be held after our AGM, but it will be more glitzy than previous years. The event will feature a three-course silver service lunch, and we’ll be having music as we welcome winners onto the stage,” Louise says. Details can be found on


Demolition Expo 2015 will take place at J Mould’s Urban Quarry in Reading, Berkshire.“This event is going to be even bigger than last time with more equipment and exhibition space. It offers a good opportunity for members to gain their CPD points. And, of course, there will be lots of entertainment at our family fun day on 27th June.”

The topics are: Exclusion Zones; Disconnection of Services and Demolition Scaffolding. Members and industry stakeholders are welcome to send any comments during the consultation period for new guidance. NFDC has also been building up activities on social media. There are now company pages on LinkedIn and Facebook which contain links on a variety of subjects including company news, tax issues, CITB funding and alerts about stolen equipment. Some of the most popular alerts are about upcoming training courses from the National Demolition Training Group. “People often contact us saying that they first heard about NDTG courses on Twitter or Facebook. Social media is proving a very effective means of getting the news out to members,” Louise adds. Another success story is the NFDC’s in-house publication, Demolition & Dismantling which is both published in paper and online. Current and back issues of D&D can now be viewed on the NFDC website. Since Louise started editing and designing Demolition & Dismantling in 2013, the publication has undergone a couple of redesigns and mushroomed in size, typically weighing in at 85 pages. “We’ve had some great feedback. Members increasingly want to get their stories in, so it keeps growing,” says Louise. “The magazine has been making a profit ever since we brought it in house.” She adds that D&D is now being distributed more widely, being sent to universities, councils, contractors, consultancies and industry bodies as well as member companies. “And we’re attracting new subscribers all the time through Facebook.” Louise is also producing and editing the NFDC Yearbook which has also been brought in house for the first time, following the success of D&D. “It makes sense for us to produce the Yearbook, because we’re already working closely with members,” Louise says.

“All members are welcome to send their news to me through email or any social media channels. My mission is to showcase their achievements to the widest possible audience.” Louise Calam, Marketing Executive

NFDC WEBSITE IN NUMBERS • Page views 25,000/month on average compared to 24,660/month in 2013

• Popular stories – average 2100 views a month

• 60% of visits to the website are by new visitors • The top three visiting countries to the website are: UK, US, and Germany


ARMI ONE YEAR ON Just over a year on from when the Asbestos Removal Management Institute (ARMI) was formed, interest in membership of the institute is starting to catch on.

Like with any new institute, professional body or association, it can take time for interest to generate. So, it is positive to see that after 14 months, seven asbestos professionals qualified for ARMI membership. A joint venture between the three main trade associations representing the HSE licensed asbestos removal contractors, NFDC, ARCA and ACAD, the Asbestos Removal Management Institute has been established as the professional body to recognise and promote effective leadership and management within the asbestos removal sector. Members of ARMI are encouraged to develop a culture of continuous improvement and to demonstrate competency through their own skills and knowledge and that of their workforce.

‘As a key stakeholder the NFDC believes that all those working in the asbestos sector, in a management capacity, deserve to be recognised as professionals and ARMI is the means to achieve this’. Sophie Cox, NFDC/NDTG Group Manager

One thing is for sure, ARMI has the opportunity to help shape the future of the asbestos industry, by encouraging like-minded individuals to interact in the pursuit of exemplary standards of leadership and management for the sector. Sophie Cox NFDC/NDTG Group Manager catches up with Toby Comley of Comley Demolition, Gareth Sharvin of Connell Brothers and Tim Clifford of Clifford Devlin who have achieved ARMI membership and hope to help raise the standards for the UK asbestos industry.

Toby Comley

Comley Demolition

Why did you apply to become a member of ARMI? I decided to become a member of ARMI for a few reasons. Firstly because it was the next step in displaying competence following passing the ARCA level 4 Certificate in Asbestos Removal for Contracts Managers in May 2013 and achieving a Level 6 NVQ in construction site management - (Demolition) in August 2014. Secondly, I embrace the idea of professionals within the asbestos industry having the opportunity to join an institute which recognises exemplary management and expertise.

How do you think ARMI fits into today’s demolition industry? I feel that ARMI has a place alongside other professional organisations and institutes within the demolition industry such as the NFDC, IDE and the NDTG, all of which require the highest of standards and commitments to be a part of. Its simply natural progression for the Asbestos industry to reward its best with a professional institute to demonstrate the fact.

How did you find the professional interview? I have been though the interview process for The Institute of Demolition Engineers and a number of license interviews with the Health and Safety Executive and I can say that the ARMI interview was very similar. However, the ARMI interview did not focus on my knowledge or competence to work with asbestos, I already demonstrated this with the qualifications submitted to be invited for an interview, but it was instead based on the 5 key principles that the H&SE detailed at their recent Leadership and management seminars; Commitment, Worker Engagement, Compliance, Measurement and Learning. The Interview lasted for approximately an hour and it felt like a conversation with another competent individual about things I do day in day out.

In your opinion, what is the future of ARMI? I would hope that the institute will offer as an opportunity to meet with like-minded individuals that have a common approach and attitude towards asbestos management in the UK.


Tim Clifford

Clifford Devlin

Why did you apply to become a member of ARMI? Membership of ARMI is a demonstrable benchmark of personal development. HSE have identified strong leadership and management as key factor in the success of a business. I consider membership in any category of ARMI as a significant development, both for me personally and for my business.

How do you think ARMI fits into today’s demolition industry? Asbestos management is invariably a factor in almost every demolition project undertaken in today’s market. I believe that it is incumbent upon the management of demolition businesses who are likely to either carry out removal in their own right, or to manage a licenced removal contractor, to be able to demonstrate a strong knowledge of the work involved and to be able to communicate authoritatively with their own client or professional team, as well as with a removal team. Membership of ARMI will go a long way to providing clients and professional teams with confidence that the asbestos remediation task is being managed with a proven level of competence. How did you find the professional interview? The interview was held at Resurgam House and whilst it was professionally managed, it was in a relaxed atmosphere. The content and programme was clearly explained before getting underway and the whole interview was timed exactly as predicted. I think the recording of the interview is an excellent idea and allows for independent, re-assessment in the event of a challenge to whether membership is achieved or to the category the board ultimately decide to allocate. In your opinion, what is the future of ARMI? I think the asbestos industry in particular has for some time sought to have a professional standing for senior management. The necessity to achieve increasing levels of NVQ required to obtain membership, in my opinion, means that ARMI can only improve standards in both the asbestos removal and demolition industries. I believe that the future will see demand for membership of ARMI increasing as ‘managers’ from supervisors to managing directors, seek to improve their personal skill set.

Gareth Sharvin

Connell Bros

Why did you apply to become a member of ARMI? I applied to join ARMI as I felt it would benefit me as part of my continual professional development. My employers Connell Brothers Limited who are full members of NFDC and ARCA, actively encouraged my application as part of the company’s progressive training policy.

How do you think ARMI fits into today’s demolition industry? To date I am 1 of 4 ARMI members, and the only one who works for a demolition contactor. To me Asbestos Removal and Demolition go hand in hand. The demolition industry has long since had Certificate of Competence of Demolition Operatives scheme (CCDO), with the professional body being the Institute of Demolition Engineers. The CCDO scheme does help recognise Managers and Operatives ability and competency. The creation of a professional body such as ARMI is hopefully a step towards encouraging the Asbestos Industry to adopt a similar approach. The Asbestos industry is highly regulated and requires, ever increasingly, a large degree of management control. It can only be a good thing that this is now recognised through a Professional Body. In my opinion this raises the profile of and recognises the high level of professionalism that already exists within the Industry.

How did you find the professional interview? Very nerve racking!

In your opinion, what is the future of ARMI? ARMI will hopefully develop into a widely recognised professional body accrediting individuals who work towards promoting industry best practice and applying effective management controls.



TRAINING THE j The rise in professional standards within the UK demolition sector – and among NFDC members in particular - is generating unprecedented demand for specialised training, Kaila Francis and Iain Kirk talk to Emma Crates

With course participation at an all-time high, important funding secured from CITB and a rising international profile, it is no exaggeration to say that the National Demolition Training Group (NDTG) has had a spectacular year. “We’ve trained nearly 10,000 operatives,” says NTDG centre coordinator Kaila Francis. As well as introducing new specialised courses - including for temporary works coordinators and supervisors, NDTG has been embarking on a mammoth programme to meet NFDC's ambitious target: by March 2015 all site supervisors working on members' sites, must hold CCDO cards. Iain Kirk, lead NDTG trainer assessor, says that this has involved a relentless programme of sometimes overlapping courses. Within just one year, more than 200 new people will have gained formal recognition as demolition site supervisors from NDTG. The course format has also undergone a major overhaul. For the last 10 years site supervisor training has been run as a 12-week correspondence course, interspersed with three face to face meetings and "a lot of homework". Now the correspondence course will be totally phased out by early 2015, having been condensed into a punchier format: five days of focused classroom learning. Trainees typically attend one day a week for five consecutive weeks. Iain says that this new course format, which holds a maximum of 10 people, enables more interactive learning. "We get to know each other a lot better," he says, "trainees from lots of different companies are mixed together and learn from each other. That's as important as the curriculum. We try to translate the theory into their day-to-day site work, as much as we can. He says that people of all ages have attended the course. Some have been working in the industry for decades. While they may be nervous at the beginning, by the end of five weeks their confidence receives a real boost.

But then, two weeks after completing the course, Iain got a phone call. The newly qualified site supervisor had had a visit from two HSE officers who had congratulated him on having such a well-managed site. "He had absorbed everything that we had thrown at him, and this proves to me that what we've been delivering in these five days really works," Iain says. He adds that the pass rate has been consistently high: anyone not quite ready to take the final assessment is offered alternative training or given extra help. "People are given constant care from day one. Within two hours of starting, all trainees are given my company for mobile phone number. They know they can call can give me a ring any time to ask about their homework. And when we meet each week we apply all the theoretical learning to situations that they are facing on site.” The course is proving beneficial even for qualified site supervisors. "People who already have SMSTS cards and have been working as site managers for many years tell us that we are teaching them stuff that they didn't know," Iain adds.“These cards are part of the CSCS scheme, but their focus on specialist demolition skills is what really adds value.

“There is growing demand for demolition-specific

training. The message is getting out there that to be a recognised NFDC demolition contractor all the staff have to be trained.”


“We’re planning to launch a series of videos to help with training,” says Iain. “Details are yet to be finalised, but we’re hoping that they will be internet-based and downloadable. As you can’t always take people to site, this should help us provide a more interactive experience in the classroom.” So far two subjects have been earmarked for filming: manual handling and safely assembling oxy-fuel cutting equipment. “We introduced a one day oxy-fuel cutting course in early 2014 and it has proved very popular.”

"We've had some brilliant feedback. One of the guys took me to one side on the first day and said 'I don't think this is for me. It's all too complicated and theoretical.’ Even though he'd been in the industry as a machine driver for nearly 18 years, he felt he didn't have the same level of experience as the other guys in the group.”



Course Asbestos Awareness Demolition Awareness Non Licensed Asbestos Removal Oxy fuel Cutting 5 Day Supervisor 5 Day Managers Supervisor Refresher Temporary Works Coordinator Foundation Demo Plant Simulator

NVQ Demolition Level 2 Demolition Plant Level; 2 Demolition Supervisor Level 3/4 Demolition Managers Level 6

CPCS Demolition Plant (D90 & D92) Specialist Apprenticeship Programme (ongoing)

Number of Operatives (approx) 2820 3608 1260 285 160 96 145 60 21

Number of Achievements 40 30 40 30

81 17



NDTG’s good relationship with the Construction Industry Training Board continues. Group Manager, Sophie Cox and the Team secured funding for 17 courses in 2014 through the Short Term Financial Support Fund offered by CITB. The courses were free to members and 145 individuals took part.

Courses include: Non-licensed asbestos removal; temporary works coordinator; temporary works supervisor; qualitative face fit (for fitting asbestos masks), emergency first aid and oxy-fuel cutting. The courses advertised on the website and through email alerts and were offered on a first come, first served basis. Spaces are usually restricted to one person per company, to allow as many member companies as possible to benefit. Sophie and the Team have also managed to secure CITB Employers Ownership of Skills (EOS) Funding which enables member companies to claim back half their training costs, after an employee

has successfully completed a course. So far this year, the EOS pot has part funded two demolition apprenticeships and three simulator foundation courses.

“We’re continuing to work with CITB and hope to secure further funding in 2015, so watch this space,” says Sophie, adding, “If you want to get free training, get your forms in quickly because places get snapped up very fast.”

Celebrating g


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Recognising Specialist Training

The CCDO suite of training courses is recognised by the UKCG in their Training Standard document. We are listed in the Industry Recognised Courses appendix noting that they have been endorsed as comparable courses by the relevant Sector Skills Council or Trade Association, for the work typically associated with the trade.


Temporary Works Initiative

Managers at the Top

All CCDO Demolition Managers undergo an intense 5 day training course encompassing Simulation Training at the ACT-UK Centre in Coventry University. Furthermore, they achieve an NVQ Level 6 in Construction Site Management- Demolition within a space of 3 years. The higher level NVQ is of course level six, the equivalent to an undergraduate certificate or an Honours Degree. This is a much higher level of qualification than the others currently available via different courses (such as the SMSTS which had previously been considered superior by the Main Contractors.) The CCDO Demolition Manager Course, like the supervisor equivalent, is currently undergoing a revamp. Again, this is with both industry requirements and the NVQ qualification in mind.

The CCDO Demolition Supervisor Course covers a module in Temporary Works Supervision, furthermore, the NDTG worked closely with Swanton Consulting to deliver a Temporary Works Coordinator Course.

Higher Education in the Sector

The Construction Site Supervisor- Demolition NVQ is the final step in demonstrating demolition supervisor competency, and the qualification has recently been upgraded from a level three to a level four qualification. Accordingly it is the equivalent of a Higher National Diploma (HND) or a City & Guilds Full Technological Diploma. This qualification subsists for life, and does not need to be renewed unless someone wishes to upgrade the qualification to a higher level. However, the course does still require refreshment for Continual Professional Development (CPD): this ensures that the supervisor remains up-to-date.

Working Together

NDTG work closely with specialist training providers throughout the UK. These include: DCS Training, C&D Consultancy, Circa Consultants, Prime Safety Group, Northern Safety Ltd and Global Environmental. All approved providers have been vetted by the NDTG and have demonstrated the appropriate skills and knowledge to deliver training on behalf of the industry. All trainers and assessors linked to the NDTG have extensive demolition experience and our courses are designed and delivered by industry for industry.



REVOLUTIONISING TRAINING The proportion of UK based companies shortlisted for the awards in the 2014 World Demolition Awards makes it entirely self-evident that the National Demolition Training Group (NDTG), are world leaders in demolition and specialist sector training, having created a gulf between itself and other training providers. This gulf is now approaching insurmountable proportions.

Skill-gaps One of the strengths of the NDTG and its partner NDTG (Scotland) is their ability to identify patterns and training trends: this means that it can offer its members the latest courses, and updates to existing ones: this ensures that its members' knowledge remains fresh and up-to-date. To provide a specific example, working together, the Training Groups recently rewrote the CCDO Demolition supervisor course, making it more robust, engaging and detailed. This course was not just an update of tired old material, but an entirely new approach. In doing so, the NDTG has provided a bespoke course for the industry that truly meets its needs.

Begin with the end in mind Once this course was tabled at the NDTG (Scotland) offices in Glasgow, NDTG advisor and past National Chairman Jim Caldwell set out to rebuild the equivalent Scottish course from scratch. This was done by first examining the requirements of the industry, and cross-matching this information to the National Vocational Qualification credit framework. The completion of this huge undertaking means that when candidates finish this course, their work on the same can be reviewed as part of an NVQ assessment (this can be carried out upon completion of the course) and is supported by CITB upskilling grant.

Round peg, square hole It has been observed that the classroom-based teaching method of previous courses was difficult for some supervisors to adapt to: it contrasted starkly with what they were familiar with on site. With this in mind, the historic method of training has always been, and remains, a process of mentoring; first by identifying the correct attributes and aptitudes for demolition and management.

Asbestos Apprentices NDTG Scotland’s passion and drive for competency extends to all disciplines carried out by demolition contractors throughout the UK. A pioneer in the development of the demolition specialist apprenticeship programme, they have recently lead the path in the development of a specialist apprenticeship programme for the licensed asbestos industry. Working closely with key stakeholders, ACAD, ARCA and the NFDC, NDTG Scotland have commenced a pilot programme of 6 candidates from the demolition industry whose work involves the removal of asbestos containing materials,. These candidates will now embark on a 24 month apprenticeship programme of formal training, on-site training, mentoring and NVQ Assessment. The NDTG (Scotland) is proud to have reached this milestone in development and looks forward to the programme being available nationwide. The Demolition Industry through NFDC/NDTG provides a career path at all levels of CCDO (certificate of competence demolition operative) supported for quality by a national standard i.e. NVQ. Our industry’s strategy in the past and for the future is upskilling and to give our employers and their workforce the opportunities to challenge their capacities to reach the limits of competency required in a continuing and fast moving specialist demolition sector linked to the construction industry.

Of course the sceptics in our industry, the anti-educationalists and the Luddites will certainly be resistant to modern training methods … at least until a PQQ requests it. However, the new courses replace the lecture-based courses of old with a more modern approach consisting of workshops, discussion, interactive case studies and experience-led analysis sessions. The supervisor course, recently piloted in Scotland (where it received fantastic feedback), is far removed from traditional types of learning: it stays as close to the learning comfort zone of supervisor candidates as possible, but also encourages involvement and interaction, as well as placing value on the experience of the candidates: this training no longer requires candidates to simply sit and listen.


SCOTLAND STATS Training Days – 857.5

Training Certs – 1063 Total NVQs – 31

SAPS for 2014 – 22 enrolments SUPS for 2014 – 15 enrolments Managers – 8 (over one course in 2014)



NDTG received further international recognition this year when it successfully delivered two training days for demolition managers working for the Government of Gibraltar’s technical training department.

John Woodward of C&D Consultancy flew out to The Rock last February to deliver the training to 12 managers. The course was based on an amended version of NDTG’s Demolition for Clients course.

“The training was very well received, particularly the group work sessions and feedback was excellent,” says Centre Coordinator Kaila Francis “We are now in discussions with the Gibraltar Government to provide demolition supervisor and demolition plant simulator courses over the next twelve months.”


The NFDC and NDTG chalked up a major achievement during summer 2013 with the launch of two innovative machines, the world’s first demolition plant simulators.

The simulators are set out like fully functioning cabs, complete with Volvo driver’s seat and virtual reality screens. They tilt and rock as a real cab would do, giving trainee operators realistic feedback as they learn to carry out tasks of increasing complexity. The simulators record the accuracy of each movement, enabling trainers and trainees to track their progress without the added dangers and complications of being on site.

So far, the simulators have been used for three demolition foundation courses, with 21 trainees benefitting from the virtual reality technology. One simulator is now based in Scotland. But they have also travelled widely, wowing audiences both in the UK and abroad. As well as demonstrating NDTG’s training principles to occupational safety managers at an IOSH event, the simulators have stolen the show at a range of trade shows and meetings including Hillhead, the National Demolition Association convention in Las Vegas and a conference in Berlin. Iain and his colleague Duncan Rudall also wrapped the simulators in bubble wrap and took them on a road trip to the World Demolition Awards in Amsterdam at the end of 2013. Kaila and Duncan have once again returned to Amsterdam in November with the popular simulator to do it all over again! The simulators proved wildly popular at a skills show at the NEC in Birmingham in 2013, and made a return appearance in November 2014. “We saw around 60,000 young people through the course of the show, ranging from six years to about 18 years old. The machines were so popular we had to enforce breaks and get fans under them to cool them down,” Iain says. “The great thing is that these simulators have planted seeds in the mind of thousands of young people. It was fantastic publicity for the NFDC.” says Group Manager sophie Cox


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THE NFDC SITE AUDIT SCHEME Working in association with CHAS, The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment scheme, the NFDC has been undertaking site audits for a number of years.

Designed primarily to assess the contractors safe methods of operation and contract paperwork trails, the site audit is an annual undertaking for all NFDC registered companies. While CHAS themselves charge an annual fee for this service, the audit undertaken by the NFDC is included in membership costs and is designed to encompass the works undertaken by a demolition contractor rather than a general contractor thereby enhancing the value of NFDC membership. While the original CHAS scheme is on a web based platform paper only system, the version operated by the NFDC is far more in-depth and relative to the demolition industry and includes a site visit to a contractor nominated demolition project. Until recently the site visit was arranged with the contractor at a mutually agreeable date, this has recently been revised and the contractor is now expected to volunteer the details of up to three operational sites undertaking the company’s core work of demolition with the NFDC giving a five day window for the visit to take place. Prior arrangement with the contractor and the site to be audited meant that any discrepancies were able to be remedied prior to the visit. With some companies using this to their advantage, the whole auditing process was flawed. The site audit scheme is now undertaken within a five day window with the site chosen being visited unannounced. “The audit is not designed to catch companies out and is seen as an aide to improve both the companies health and safety on site as well as ensuring the projector paperwork is compliant” explains Mr Button. The aim result of the site audit is not to punish companies but to ensure the rigorous standards set by the NFDC are maintained at the workplace and point them in the right direction. “Unless the company are blatantly flouting health and safety rules, we will not fail them. Button reviews every audit personally with the specific aim of improving standards and picking up any minor faults that may have been missed between management and site levels.


“This gives the audit more credibility and means we get more accurate results than when the visit was arranged.”

NFDC CEO Howard Button

“I would normally give a contractor the benefit of the doubt if something is picked up such as missing paperwork, we will give them fourteen days provide all necessary paperwork for cross checking against the auditors written report. The site audit contains seventeen sections for the contractor to complete successfully with each visit taking approximately half a day. Any issues arising from the site audits are kept on file with Mr Button checking them as the next years audits arrive on his desk. “On average I get three audits per week to go through and will get the information back to the relevant company within a week.” commented Mr Button, “Unless there is a serious issue where I need to go to the Executive Council, I will issue the results with any advice necessary.” The NFDC have a large portfolio of highly trained personnel to call on the length and breadth of the UK to undertake the audits including THSP, Northern Safety, Prime Safety and DCS Training. “As an auditor we get to see the company H&S policy insurance documents before we proceed to site and apart from that, we only know the company and their site location.” explains Mr Rudall from DCS Training “I will go to site and park away from the site if possible just to take a look at the site hoarding and the operations beyond, from there, I will introduce myself and be expected to be treated as any site visitor would be.” All the auditors go to site with an open mind as to what they are to come across and while the majority of sites pass with very little

issue, there is a minority that need some encouragement and advice to bring themselves up to the required standards. “Sometimes we find that the site can be let down by the head office not supplying them with relevant information.” explains Mr Rudall “All in all the sites are very good with very few requiring any serious attention. It is good to see the standard of companies improving as it can only make the demolition industry a much safer place to work in.”




DEMOLITION - to the layman, or if you prefer the general public, words to describe the term may include dirty, dangerous and demanding. The same words could also be applied to working as a scaffolder, steeplejack, miner and even wild animal trainer. When in reality they may be none of those things given that each is performed by highly motivated, trained, knowledgeable and experienced practitioners.

The demolition industry, more than any other sector of British industry, has made enormous strides in occupational health, safety, the environment and methodology over the last twenty or so years. This is in no short measure to the effort given of the practitioners themselves who have picked up the pace of improvement in both practical and academic achievements meeting the challenges that modern day demolition projects demand. If this sounds as though we are offering a huge thumbs up for the sector, consider what the average demolition contractor has to deal with on a daily basis. The removal and disposal of all or any type of hazardous substance or material. The reduction and clearance of buildings and structures ranging from simple single storey to complex multi-storey structures of steel, concrete, timber and or composite materials. These include working in any environment right across the board of industry, commerce, education, shipping, off shore, nuclear, oil and gas etc.


In addition there is the requirement for segregation, identification, processing, disposal and or reclamation, recycling or re-use of waste materials and the supply of secondary aggregates to the construction and agricultural industries. In fact you name it and a demolition contractor has been there and done it and got the proverbial tee shirt. If we might be starting to think that that's impressive, what will the layman make of taking down the modern iconic buildings of today and those of the future that will inevitably be jammed in between others and reaching up 60 or more storeys?

To accomplish many of the activities a demolition contractor and his operatives undertake requires a dedication that is not common with other types of industry. Those who work and live the business are generally in it for the long term with some company's having 3 or more generations of the same family involved. The two main organisations representing the sector are the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) and the Institute of Demolition Engineers (IDE). The former being the industry trade and corporate body and the latter providing competence and information levels to the individual practitioners. The NFDC has 150 corporate members who undertake approximately 80% of the demolition work carried out in the UK today. The IDE has 350 individual members who's occupations encompass the whole range of activities associated with the industry sector. In addition to these bodies, the National Demolition Training Group (NDTG) administered by industry practitioners and based alongside the NFDC at their Hemel Hempstead offices provides the main thrust for operative and manager training with bespoke training and assessment schemes unique to the sector. The NDTG is recognised for its efficiency and expertise by the enforcing authorities and the larger construction industry who award much of the work carried out by contractors. This is an industry that owes much to the expertise of its workforce as the necessity to adapt and change to such diverse working environments unlike any other traditional workplace. Over those twenty or so years the mode of working has swung from manual to machine operations employing an equally diverse range of equipment. Such equipment in use today is invariably bespoke and manufactured by the worlds leading manufacturers.

Visitors to a modern demolition site will be witness to robotic, high reach and traditional rigged machines as well as a full range of mini, micro and materials handling plant.

Gone are the days when a demolition contractors plant and equipment left much to be desired, it now stands on an equal footing and or betters that of the constructors.

A relatively new initiative for NFDC, in particular, is the production of industry guidance that is targeted to address many of the issues relevant only to the demolition sector. The importance of this process cannot be marginalised if one considers that all previous types of guidance have been produced for the greater construction or building industry and have had to be adapted to fit the needs of this sector. Whether legislation can also be produced as bespoke to the demolition industry is a matter of conjecture but major changes could be on the way to re-position demolition as part of the waste industry rather than construction. With the legal definition of waste describing that which has been discarded or intended to be discarded as waste, there can be little doubt that demolition contractors are waste handlers not constructors.


What can practitioners and the public expect of this sector that has shown how adaptable and innovative it can be? Well for starters contractors will continue to demand the best that manufacturers can produce and that the plant and equipment of the future will almost certainly be electronically and robotically controlled and even wearable by operatives for finger tip control having little or none of the vibration or ergonomic problems associated with manual handling of materials and tools. New processes for the actual demolition and processing of structures will come on stream with microwave technology a front runner, having been proved in controlled tests to be extremely effective in breaking concrete, brick, stone and mortars. Laser demolition has also be trialled on concrete and proved to be equally effective and if both types of technology can be properly harnessed and made safe it would revolutionise the way we manage materials handling.


However, addressing the practicalities of the operational processes can only truly be efficient if all other aspects have been reviewed and adjusted to maximise performance. The demolition industry has proved how adaptable it can be in terms of recycling of arisings but it continues to struggle to maximise a once flourishing salvage and re-use market that has diminished year on year. This malady is as a result of poor quality building materials currently removed during demolition in which many are manmade composites with no resale or re-use value and are invariably costly to dispose of. Recognising that recycling opportunities are waning for what were traditional building materials such as stone and brick with the increasing use of composites, foams, laminates and other potentially hazardous mixtures the NFDC have developed an interactive materials identification and recycling tool DRIDS. The DRIDS system uses cutting edge internet technology to ensure that all possible demolition materials are not only effectively identified but outlets are also efficiently sourced geographically to reduce transportations costs. In the respect of salvage and reclaim, the future will continue to look bleak unless end of life cycle philosophy is engaged to ensure that these issues are addressed at the inception of a new development. Life cycle costing should be evaluated not only for energy efficiency and a reduction of carbon usage during the build, use and maintenance periods but right through to end of life and the demolition or dismantling of the structure. DRIDS will at least, for the foreseeable future, provide the demolition contractor an industry tool box and opportunity to ensure recycling levels are maintained. Developers, architects and product designers may wish to use the Governments built environment initiative, Building Information Modelling (BIM) to address end of life cycle assessments and to develop a greater understanding of the value of ‘design for deconstruction’. This should also help to galvanise change and focus perceptions of waste as being a commodity and not a cost.

inner city


Not all tenders are straightforward, often for built up areas there are many restrictions on contractors from what time of day they can work to machinery restrictions.

NFDC members prove so-called ‘restrictions’ are nothing more than challenges.

Company Director James Caldwell explains that because of the proximity of the railway, only a couple of metres from the site boundary, they didn’t want to risk damage by placing a concentrated load on or near the vulnerable road surface.

With the services eventually disconnected the company were able to make inroads into the buildings creating enough room to get plant and equipment safely into the site. Basement areas below the old department store meant that excavators had to create a ramp into the area before filling the voids with rubble to provide a stable platform from which to demolish the remainder of the buildings.

A recently purchased Komatsu PC450LC 28m high reach excavator is providing the muscle to reduce the building down to a level where the company’s Liebherr R944C can remove the lower levels. Although the site is in a predominately business area there are various apartment blocks in the vicinity of the site. JCJ have shown particular due diligence when it comes to the environmental impact on their neighbours and even though it was raining at the time of our visit, dust suppression was in operation as the high reach Komatsu was working. Truck movements in and out of the site were limited to between the hours of 8am and 4.30pm although the demolition operations continued until 6pm. The completed works from JCJ arrived in time to allow the Commonwealth Games to go ahead successfully.


The Commonwealth Games that were held in Glasgow towards the end of July heralded an increase in work around the city within the building, civil engineering and demolition sectors. JCJ Group benefited from this increase in work and went on to take care of the demolition of a series of unsafe buildings in the city centre.

One such redevelopment is the former Goldbergs department store. Once one of the most famous of Glasgow’s stores, Goldbergs ceased trading in 1990 and was subsequently taken over by Weisfelds but closed for the final time in 1999. With the site lying empty for over 14 years the decision was made to remove the now unsafe structures.

Bounded on all four sides by public highway and within very close proximity to bars, restaurants, apartments and also the Glasgow subway it was necessary for the JCJ team to remove a portion of the structure on the corner of Trongate and Candleriggs by hand due to the proximity of various basements underneath some of the buildings.


NEW BEGINNINGS FOR THE KING’S CHAPEL The ornate 1841 Grade II listed Chapel located at 459A, Fulham Road is set for new beginnings as McGee is appointed Principal Contractor to carry out a range of services to help convert it into residential accommodation, complete with a swimming pool in the basement. Project managed by Troy Robertson, McGee has been employed by Spire Property Development to undertake the soft strip, piling, underpinning, bulk excavation, waterproofing and structural concrete in readiness for the next phase of works. Troy said: “This project is being undertaken with limited space within the constraints of a Grade II listed building and requires careful planning and co-ordination. The end result will see two houses contained within the retained King’s Chapel structure and a standalone residence adjacent.” There are many things that provide this project with its uniqueness, but the site’s hoarding has been given some extra special attention. Often hoardings are used for client or contractor advertising, but the feature hoarding installed at The King’s Chapel is quite possibly like no other. It has been especially designed so it is in-keeping with the overall look and feel of the King’s Chapel. Pedestrians of Fulham Road can stop to look at the graphic inlays which are set into the hoarding – they even light up as it gets dark!

Due to the site being located in a busy area, within close proximity of residential, retail and office buildings, great emphasis is being put on neighbourhood liaison to keep the local community fully informed of the works. As is the case with all McGee demolition sites, the daily monitoring of vibration, dust and noise is being undertaken by the site team. McGee’s work on site started in July 2014, with completion of this one-of-a-kind project expected in July 2015.


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Complete Demolition Ltd is currently working on a five storey demolition project right on the A6 in Lancaster. The Greaves Hotel is being redeveloped to create 54 one and two bedroom assisted living apartments.

The Greaves Hotel is situated roughly 800 metres from Lancaster city centre on the busy A6 main road. The hotel featured 16 bedrooms, a traditional lounge bar and additional sports bar. The hotel’s area also covered a spacious function room, external seating areas and a large car park. Part of the planning conditions for the new build contract is to retain the historical facade of the building to ensure continuity with the surrounding area. Complete Demolition had designed and installed a façade retention scheme to retain the existing listed stone front and side elevations. Prior to the demolition phase of the works all the hazardous asbestos containing materials were removed under fully licensed and controlled conditions and the building was soft-stripped of materials including carpets and furniture. The demolition works will be carried out on a top down basis by hand, aided by two 30 tonne excavators fitted with specialist demolition attachments. The concrete basement slab will also be removed ready for the construction phase and a piling matt formed ready for the new construction process. Noise and dust monitoring will be carried out throughout the project to ensure environmental standards are met. In line with company policy Complete Demolition will be aiming to recycle 100% of the demolition waste from the project.



Armac recently completed a contract in Coventry that saw them undertake the removal of the junction six bridge. Friargate is the name given to the office-based development planned on approximately 37 acres of land around Coventry Railway Station. The scheme will provide a new business district for the city of up to 300,000m of new development, of which 185,000m will comprise high quality office accommodation. A total of 25 new buildings are planned for the site, including 14 Grade A offices, two hotels, homes, retail and leisure facilities. It will be a sustainable development that fundamentally changes the face of Coventry and the welcome the city gives when arriving by train. It will attract new businesses to the city, creating 13,400 permanent jobs and 7,800 temporary jobs during construction. Planning permission has already been given for the scheme. To enable this development to proceed and maximise inward investment and job creation potential, significant infrastructure works are required. The Ring Road physically and visually isolates the station and surrounding area from the city centre at present. It is proposed to redesign the ring road junction adjacent to the station area (Junction 6) to remove the roundabout and to build a Bridge Deck across the ring road itself to allow the creation of a new and attractive public boulevard to link into the city centre and extend the Greyfriars Green parkland setting to Friargate. This will bring the Friargate development and station much closer to the heart of the City Centre and to the site (in and around the Bull Yard) where the City Centre South development is planned. It will make Friargate much more attractive to potential tenants and provide an added stimulus for City Centre South.


Utilising a trio of 50 tonne Caterpillar 345C excavators, an Hitachi Zaxis 470 and a pair of Volvo EC380Ds all equipped with hydraulic hammers, the team quickly and effectively removed the raised parapets from either side of the bridge before moving on to the deck itself. The Caterpillar 345CL machines are all equipped with Caterpillar’s own two piece demolition boom system while the 50 tonne Hitachi and the 38 tonne Volvo have been converted by Ipswich based ISP Kocurek to carry the company’s ABC modular system. Within three hours of starting the demolition, the bridge deck had succumbed to the relentless pounding from the six Krupp hammers and was lying in pieces upon the carriageway protection. The speed and efficiency of this project is testament to both the experience of the Armac management team and the highly skilled workforce on site. All the operators were in constant radio contact with each other and the Armac site management team meaning that attachment changeovers and the like could be orchestrated with as little fuss as possible. Within 12 hours the bridge had been removed and all evidence of a large demolition project had been removed from the Coventry ring road.

Experience the Progress. The perfect solution for every application: Liebherr Demolition Excavators offer versatility for ultimate performance Flexibility: a wide range of equipment from one source Safety thanks to top ergonomic standards and the Liebherr Demolition Control System LDC

Liebherr-Great Britain Ltd. Normandy Lane, Stratton Business Park Biggleswade, SG18 8QB Phone: +44 1767 60 21 00 E-mail:

The Group


Westhoughton based members Forshaw Demolition have recently been undertaking the removal of Apple, Peach and Pear Tree courts in Salford, Greater Manchester. Known as the Orchards, they were built during the 1960s as part of the Hanky Park Slum clearance project. The Salford tower blocks with the idyllic names were branded ‘horrible’ by Joy Division and New Order bassist Peter Hook.

Now they will soon vanish from the skyline as demolition gangs have moved in. But an infamous part of them will be saved. Hooky famously described the area in his book Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division as ‘rotten and horrible, like a concrete wasteland’ as part of his recollections of growing up in the area. In tribute to the musician, social housing provider Salix Homes, which manages the tower blocks, had Hooky’s famous words immortalised on the side of Peach Tree Court after the blocks were emptied and the concrete panel containing his famous quote will be salvaged when the block comes down. Forshaw are using a Kocurek modified 100-tonne Komatsu PC800 high reach excavator – one of the largest in the country to bring the tower blocks to the ground once the internals had all been stripped out.The 14-storey blocks were taken down one at a time and each took around six weeks to demolish.

Mark Foster, head of property services at Salix Homes, said: “The Orchard tower blocks represent an iconic place in Salford’s history, having been home to thousands of families over the years and dominating the city’s skyline. Salford is rightly proud of its heritage, but we must now look to the future and the demolition of these three blocks marks the next stage in the creation of a bright new era for Pendleton, which will make the area a much more attractive place to live and work. The area is undergoing a major £650m transformation with Salix Homes playing a pivotal part in Salford’s history with the construction of 1600 much needed homes, a new shopping parade a community farm and sports facilities.

AN INTERNATIONAL DEMOLITION CONVENTION From the 22nd to the 25th of August, over 240 NFDC delegates visited the spectacular Interaplen Hotel in Tyrol for the 2014 Annual Convention

With comments from delegates such as ‘the best convention ever’ the weekend was made extra special, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. ECY Haulmark, NDTG, Sandvik and Main Convention Sponsor Liebherr, all contributed to a truly memorable event. Saturday’s proceedings started with the half-yearly business meeting...

NFDC President William Sinclair opened the meeting welcoming guests from the NDA and friends and colleagues from the NFDC and IDE. The President acknowledged the presence of Honorary Life Vice Presidents, Button, Wring and Bishop recognising their considerable contribution to the Federation. Reporting on the success of the past six months, Mr Sinclair then went on to praise the staff at Resurgam House for their efforts over the past half year. In particular the President recognised the Convention Team for all their efforts in delivering an excellent Convention. Mr Sinclair also highlighted the continued excellent relationship with the NDTG and NDTG (Scotland).

President, Andrew Forshaw. He noted, that following a recent ISP meeting, the overwhelming support from members for a second Demolition Expo event. The President confirmed his invitation to Adrian McLean of Armac to be co-opted onto National Council to assist in the organising of the 2015 event, such was his success in the setting up of the inaugural 2013 Demolition Expo.

The President then reported on the next significant steps with the NFDC Site Audit Scheme. In keeping with the schemes existing criteria for all Demolition Operatives to hold CCDO cards, National Council unanimously approved that all machine operators carrying out demolition works should have demolition specific Plant Operator Cards. The introduction of unannounced site audit visits was also explained and recognised as a key step in cementing the credibility of the Site Audit Scheme in the eyes of clients.

Mr Sinclair also touched on the appointment of the ISP members liaison representative, currently being undertaken by Second Vice


The President was pleased to confirm that the Federation is in a financial position of strength, and informed the delegates of National Council’s approval to purchase the building adjacent to the Head Office. This added facility will allow the NDTG to expand its training provision to members and provide valuable space for future progression. NDA President, Jeff Kroeker, addressed the meeting with an update of events in the USA, and noted his Association’s gratitude to their very own CEO Mike Taylor, who had announced his retirement, for his outstanding service to the NDA and its predecessor the NADC. Next to take to the podium was Sophie Cox, Group Manager of the NFDC and NDTG who explained how the past six months have seen the Federation brand grow stronger with more applications for Corporate and ISP memberships being processed. Regional meetings have seen a huge increase in popularity with growing ISP members involvement through presentations. Praise was also given to the regions for raising in excess of £30,000 for various charitable organisations. All social events are now being coordinated between regional chairmen and head office, removing the need and cost for any outside companies.

IDE Past President, Steve Jack was next to speak to the attendees. Commenting on the new found stability of the Institute and the joining of the Construction Industry Council. Before boarding the coaches to the factory the delegates took the opportunity to view a demolition spec Liebherr 936 fitted with factory fitted protection to rams and cab. The 936, embodied the NFDC mantra of members working together, as it was fitted with a rotating MT25 attachment supplied by ECY Haulmark. The tour included a walk round the production halls of the factory where crawler loader, pipe layers and dozers are manufactured. Experiencing the tour, one delegate stated ‘you can see the quality’ Outside, the company had made available a PR736 dozer, L566 wheeled loader and the star attraction an R954 high reach demolition machine. The adventurous operators amongst the attendees were very quickly queuing up to have an impromptu test drive of the 28m reach machine.



THE NFDC HISTORY When it was created in the 1940s, the National Federation of Demolition Contractors was not expected to survive more than a few years. The organisation was in fact the manifestation of an idea emanating from the War Office – an emergency measure designed to tackle the daunting task of clearing the devastation left by the Luftwaffe’s bombing raids. “It [the Federation] was launched after the Blitz of 1941 - and, in a way, we started out as a Government task-force,” says NFDC chief executive and former chairman Howard Button. “It wasn’t intended to be permanent.” The government needed a central point from which to rally contractors from all corners of the country and organise them into effective regional groups with a remit to clear bomb-damaged buildings ready for reconstruction work. Today we talk of “the spirit of the Blitz” to describe the can-do attitude that unifies a community during an emergency and galvanises it into action. It’s not something we expect to persist for 70 years or more. But today the NFDC is the living embodiment of that spirit, as well as an influential and professional industry body. Sadly, none of the founding companies of the NFDC survives in its original guise; decades of consolidation and rationalisation (to say nothing of several industry recessions) have seen the old names gradually disappear. “We still have several long-serving members, though; the oldest name is probably Syd Bishop,” with the famous saying of “Watch it come down” says Howard. Membership figures certainly fluctuate with the economic climate - “They go up and down like a yo-yo,” according to Howard. “Sadly six members went down during the past recession, two of them as recently as this year. Like so many in construction, they had eaten through their reserves and had nothing left to build on,” he says. But demolition companies are


generally resilient. They are helped by the fact that the business of demolition is seldom a long-term operation. “Two months is a long time on one site; four to six weeks is typical,” says Howard. Traditionally, demolition contractors have also benefitted form the ability to trade scrap as it is generated during the demolition process, says Howard: “Scrap certainly helps with cash flow in these hard times with extended payment terms more the norm the scrap return is a fundamental part of the contract payment plan”. Recycling has always been an important second string to the demolition contractors’ bow, but the nature of this aspect has changed significantly over the years. Timber was traditionally salvaged and re-used in building; bricks, bonded with soft lime mortar, were easily cleaned for re-use. Today, timber is more likely to be chipped and recycled as biofuel or as feedstock for chipboard and MDF production. Bricks laid with cement mortar cannot be cleaned and are crushed for aggregate. “We’re better than ever at recycling these days,” says Howard. “As an industry, we recycle 96% of demolition material by weight and some contractors have quoted recycling rates as high as 99.6%! “But we don’t re-use material as often as we used to” he says. One of the main drivers for this high recycling rate is the Landfill Tax – a factor that has really focused people’s minds and encouraged many to invest in new equipment for processing. Developments in plant and equipment have themselves shaped the industry considerably. “It’s changed beyond recognition,” says Howard. Demolition is a more about precision dismantling these days and less about smashing it up and knocking it down. Long-reach excavators have had a huge impact, says Howard, with some machines now capable of reaching almost 70m. Coupled with modern hydraulic attachments these machines bring speed and efficiency to the demolition process. “The first time I ever saw an impact breaker used it was a revelation,” says Howard. “We’d been drop-balling a concrete slab for hours and getting nowhere. Then in comes this excavator with the breaker attachment and in five minutes – donk, donk, donk – it was all over!” More recently, the use of rotator-selector grabs has had a transformative effect. “They are amazing bits of kit and allow very, very precise work. They’ve transformed the industry over the past 15 – 20 years,” he adds. Howard is now impatient for the next quantum leap in machines and/or methods. “Innovation seems to have stalled a bit,” he says. “The existing machines continue to evolve and improve, but we haven’t seen anything altogether new for many years. There was some excitement about microwave demolition a while ago, but it got nowhere.”


IN THE MAKING Techniques have changed partly because of the type of work now undertaken. “Some of the buildings we’re taking down are less than 50 years old. We’re basically demolishing a sound building to make space for the next generation of building that is undoubtedly more technically advanced and a better utilisation of the available space. Selective and high reach demolition methods are now the norm for all Federation contractors long gone are the days of the Demolition ball. “Despite Syd Bishop’s famous slogan, we don’t really like our work to be a spectacle these days,” says Howard. Professionalism is now the watchword in the industry and NFDC sites are expected to be run professionally, which means the highest standards of health, safety, environmental protection and organisation.

practices. In November 2014, the Federation held its 600th Council Meeting – “quite a milestone especially for me as I was President at the 500th meeting” according to Howard. Held six times a year, the Council Meetings bring the five regions together to discuss policy and commission technical guidance for members. The meeting was also an opportune moment to retire the President’s medal, which has seen some thirty two Presidents serve the Federation since 1941, thus paving the way for future Presidents to hold the reigns in the years to come.

This was formalised with the introduction in 2007 of the NFDC Site Audit Scheme, inspired by the existing ARCA (Asbestos Removal Contractors’ Association) audit scheme. “Several of our members were already carrying out asbestos removal work and were familiar with the audit process verifying the very stringent control of site operations,” says Howard. NFDC correctly concluded that, since they all work in a health and safety critical sector, demolition contractors could seriously raise their game with a site audit scheme tailored to their industry. “The scheme is designed to benchmark and monitor member companies’ performance in a critical and objective way,” explains Howard. Three years ago, NFDC started partnering with CHAS (the Contractors Health And Safety assessment scheme) to provide an independent audit process. The process requires NFDC members to submit dates and site details, including health and safety policy information, after which they receive a visit from one of the NEBOSH-certified auditors. The auditor typically spends 4 – 6 hours on site carrying out the audit.

“MEN WHILE WORKING IN CONDITIONS INVOLVING THEIR CLOSE CONTACT WITH DIRT OR FILTH OF AN EXTENT AND DEGREE SUBSTANTIALLY GREATER THAN IS INHERENT OR USUAL IN THE DEMOLITION INDUSTRY OCCUPATION CONCERNED 1D. PER HOUR” DEMOLITION INDUSTRY WAGES BOARD 7TH FEBRUARY 1944 From its original purpose - rolling up its sleeves to clear bomb-sites – the Federation has evolved into an influential professional body that has shaped the industry we see today. No longer preoccupied with emergency disaster-relief, NFDC’s main ethos now is to drive constant improvement in industry

It is at these meetings that the major decisions concerning NFDC business – and by extension, the development of the UK demolition industry – are decided. Milestone have included the CCDO Card - first mooted in 1972 as a new cornerstone for training and competency and finally introduced in 1974 and the DICB wage settlement agreement with the unions. Over the past seven decades, the NFDC has transformed the business of demolition from a haphazard, un-regulated and dangerous activity into a highly professional, productive and technically sophisticated industry in its own right. Its members can be justly proud of their heritage.


THE GENERATION GAME As the sole surviving family member in the business, David felt he could not abandon the family firm and also felt driven to tackle the perennial problem of site safety; so he stayed, and became more and more involved with the Federation. This he did with single-minded dedication: David seems to have been present at nearly every significant event of the past 40 years. A National Council Member from 1976, serving as Scottish Regional Chairman and continuing as Scottish Region representative, David became NFDC Vice President and eventually President. He has remained an NFDC Council Member as Hon Life Vice President. In the mid-70s he was, along with Harold Swinerton and Claude Brown (also an NFDC Hon Life Vice President), active on the committee that formed the Institute of Explosive Engineers.

The name Sinclair resonates within the UK demolition industry, as well it might. Not only is William Sinclair currently President of the NFDC but he follows in the footsteps of three generations of Sinclairs who helped found the NFDC and influence the development of the industry.

Now resident in the US, William’s father David is an Honorary Life Vice President of the NFDC, something of which he is inordinately proud. Furthermore, he says the UK demolition industry he helped to shape compares very well with that in his adopted country. “The US is more relaxed regarding health and safety.You never really see OSHA [the Occupational Safety and Health Organisation] unless there’s already been an accident. Our HSE is more on the ball.”

David is a third-generation demolition man (his great uncle Sam was one of the founding members of the NFDC) and he has seen many changes in the industry during his long career. “I was initiated at a time when the HSE was not pro-active. But then came the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974 and that changed everything.” In a tragic irony, 1974 was also the year David’s older brother James was killed on site – a freak accident, he says, and not the result of any failing in health and safety management. “After that, I had to try and make the industry safer. So I got stuck in with the NFDC.” David was born in Glasgow where his father ran the firm of WJD Demolition. But in the late 1960s, after qualifying as an engineer, he left the family firm to pursue his own career in Australia. In 1971 he returned after hearing that his father had fallen ill and, with his brother James, took over the running of the business. Three years later came the hammer blow: first his father died. “I considered going back to Australia at that point; but six months later, James died too,” he says.

Also with Claude Brown and others, he sat on the committee that founded the Institute of Demolition Engineers during the 1970s and he played a pivotal role in the foundation of the European Demolition Association towards the end of the decade. Later in his career, David became increasingly involved in demolition on the world stage. He is a past president and honorary life vice president of the EDA and has served as a demolition engineer to the United Nations. As recently as 2011 was seconded by the UN Office for Project Services and sent to help draw up masterplan for rebuilding Haiti following the earthquake. After so many years, David has some interesting observations to make on how the industry has evolved. Take recycling: “It has always been of central importance,” he says. “In fact, many years ago, people would tear a building down just to get at the scrap in it.” Indeed this is how his own uncle Sam first started out in business. “There was an old woman in Glasgow who had a business selling firewood and when Sam was young she took him on to help. Eventually she died and Sam inherited the business. It was shortly after that he started his own demolition business – mainly to get at the wood!” David’s Uncle Sam went on to help found the NFDC and run a thriving business. He retired a rich man. Now in his 70th year, David is more concerned with a different Uncle Sam, having retired to live with his American wife in the US. And for purely geographical reasons, he has reluctantly decided that his ability to contribute meaningfully to NFDC activities is minimal. “I can no longer attend Council Meetings – though I’m still entitled to attend – so I felt it was time to hang up my boots,” he says. Of course, his son William now occupies the President’s role, a great source of satisfaction to Sinclair senior as he reflects upon his own personal legacy. “It’s time to let younger minds take control,” says David. “The industry has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. I was President in 1986-1988 and while we thought we were doing a great job, there was still much to do and still is”. HISTORY IN THE MAKING | NFDC YEARBOOK 2015 71

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES Now a year and a half in to my term of office as regional chairman it’s good to see that so many of our members are experiencing an increase in work load, however there are still some concerns about cheap prices giving low margins. During my term of office there have been many changes in the way the region is managed and holds its finance and I am pleased to say this has all come together without any hitches thanks to the team at Resurgam House. Our corporate membership levels have remained fairly stable over the past twelve months losing two corporate members and welcoming one new member. During this period we have welcomed ten new ISP members.

At both the NFDC annual demolition awards and KHL’s world demolition awards it was pleasing to see how many of our regions members were successful and this again proves that NFDC members are at the pinnacle of the industry. We have had a full social calendar over the year with a regional meeting being held at Newbury racecourse with an afternoons racing and lunch. We have also held a successful regional golf day and entered two teams into the inter-regional golf championship were we were able to win back the trophy. Our regional ball in December was a great success raising in lots of cash for my chosen charity The Lily Foundation. Now nearing the end of my term in office I would like to thank all the members of the region for their support during the past year.

Paul J Brown - London & Southern Counties Chairman 777 Demolition & Haulage Co Ltd

Michael Pearce 158 Beddington Lane Croydon Surrey CR0 4TE M: 07836 215556 T: 02086 896861 F: 02086 897176

Advanced Demolition Ltd Paul Jackson The Geddings Pindar Road Hoddesdon Hertfordshire EN11 0BZ T: 01992 443100 F: 01992 443113

Balicrest Ltd

David McGee 71 Dukes Wood Drive Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7LQ T: 01753 880505 F: 01753 880889

Bath Demolition Ltd

Paul Ealey Unit 2 Willcock House Southway Drive Bristol BS30 5LW T: 01179 600000 F: 01179 600011

Best Demolition Ltd

Mark Hodgson Harcourt Lodge Buildings Burwash Road Heathfield East Sussex TN21 8RA M: 07889 069841 T: 01435 862381

Bromley Demolition Co Ltd

Gary Bishop 75 Siward Road Bromley Kent BR2 9JY M: 07889 361841 T: 0208 464 3610 F: 0208 313 3623


Brown and Mason Ltd

Nick Brown Anson House, Schooner Court Crossways Business Park Dartford Kent DA2 6QQ T: 01322 277731 F: 01322 284152


Roy Gibbons BL House Pix Farm Lane Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP1 2RY M: 07973 894768 T: 01442 879440 F: 01442 879442

C Jackson & Sons (Bedford) Ltd

Bob Jackson Keysoe Road, Thurleigh Bedfordshire MK44 2EA M: 07768 258808 T: 01234 771311 F: 01234 771128

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES Callaghan Demolition Ltd

Stuart Galbraith The Estate Office Waterhouse Lane Kingswood Surrey KT20 6HT M: 07770 810958 T: 01737 832273 F: 01737 832826

David Dyett Ltd

Downwell Demolition Ltd

David Dyett Cedar House, Cedar Lane Frimley Surrey GU16 7HZ M: 07973 860224 T: 01276 24215

Matt Phillips Suite 33, Building 50 Churchill Square West Malling Kent ME19 4YU T: 0845 0262064

Michael Cantillon 4 Salmon Street London NW9 8PN T: 01923 255256 F: 01923 254986

Kevin Wood Billet Lane Berkhamsted Hertfordshire HP4 1DP M: 07703 129629 T: 01442 878800 F: 01442 878801

Nick Southall Domellick Manor St Dennis St Austell Cornwall PL26 8BY M: 07773 367462 T: 01726 824642 F: 01726 824710

David Clarke Chapel Works Newbourne Road Waldringfield, Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 4PT T: 01473 736791 F: 01473 736370

David Buck 54 Singer Way Woburn Road Industrial Estate Kempston Bedfordshire MK42 7AF T: 01234 290080 F: 01234 290081

Tim Clifford Clifford House Towcester Road, Bow London E3 3ND T: 0207 538 8721 F: 0207 987 1857

Wesley Ray Charles Anthony House Manston Road, Margate Kent CT9 4JW T: 01843 821555 F: 01843 821666

Toby Comley Southern Way Rye Common Odiham Hook Hampshire RG29 1HU T: 01256 702178 F: 01256 704047

Les Parker McGrath House Hepscott Road Hackney London E9 5HH T: 0208 985 4000 F: 0208 533 3433

Cantillon Ltd

Clarke Demolition Co Ltd

Clifford Devlin Ltd

Comley Demolition

D R Cole Demolition Ltd

Matthew Cole Howe Pits, Norwich Road Brooke, Norwich Norfolk NR15 1HJ M: 07860 101494 T: 01508 558020 F: 01508 550000

Davis & Samson Contractors Ltd

DBS Demolition Services Ltd

DDS Demolition Ltd

Demo One Ltd

Dorton Demolition & Excavation Ltd Terry Quarmby Station Goods Yard Station Road, Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9DG M: 07766 448833 T: 01444 253333 F: 01444 253344

DRS Demolition National Ltd

Econ Construction Ltd

David Cheriton Econ House Old Maidstone Road Ruxley Kent DA14 5AZ T: 0208 300 2916 F: 0208 308 0483

Embassy Demolition Contractors Ltd

P J Connolly 29 Nobel Road Eley Industrial Estate Edmonton London N18 3BH M: 07767 205105 T: 0208 887 7007 F: 0208 887 7008

Erith Contractors Ltd

David Darsey Erith House Queen Street Erith Kent DA8 1RP M: 07802 531154 T: 0870 950 8800 F: 0870 950 8808


LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES Essex Demolition Contractors Ltd

Steve Baker 1 Navigation Road Chelmsford Essex CM2 6ND M: 07831 486657 T: 01245 258333 F: 01245 266911

Goody Demolition Ltd

Gary Venner Ovenden House Wilcox Close Aylesham Industrial Estate Aylesham, Canterbury Kent CT3 3EP M: 07802 433773 T: 01304 840126 F: 01304 841343

Gregory Demolition Ltd

Dean Gregory 78 River Road Barking Essex IG11 0DS T: 0208 594 1002 F: 0208 594 7035

H Smith (Engineers) Ltd

Keith Roshier 1st Floor Offices The Manor Gatehouse Priory Road South Dartford Kent DA1 2BJ T: 01689 833581 F: 01689 820218

Hill Demolition

Terry Hill 1-3 Edinburgh Place Edinburgh Way Harlow Essex CM20 2DJ M: 07958 934147 T: 01279 451987 F: 01279 435580

Hughes & Salvidge Ltd

Ian Martin 11 Flathouse Road Portsmouth Hants PO1 4QS M: 07768 350877 T: 0239 275 3733 F: 0239 275 5189

J Mould (Reading) Ltd

John F Hunt Demolition Ltd

John Stacey & Sons Ltd

Stuart Fitchett Stacey Industrial Park Silchester Road Tadley Hampshire RG26 3PZ M: 07768 353705 T: 01189 813531 F: 01189 813458

KCP Demolition Ltd

Fred Regan Fairmeadow Crays Hill Road Crays Hill Billericay Essex CM11 2YR T: 01268 533877 F: 01268 533877

David Keane 45 Iverson Road London NW6 2QT M: 07836 695945 T: 0207 625 5555 F: 0207 624 8444

Keltbray Ltd

Holly Price St Andrews House Portsmouth Road Esher Surrey KT10 9TA M: 07966 070320 T: 02076 431000 F: 0207 6431001

John Mould Hydecrete Pit Pingewood Road North Burghfield Bridge Reading Berkshire RG30 3XN M: 07721 996699 T: 01189 575555 F: 01189 575552 Zoe Corcoran London Road Grays Essex RM20 4DB T: 01375 366700 F: 01375 366800

Keanes Ltd

L A Moore Ltd

Trish Schroeder Old Railway Yard Haybridge Wells Somerset BA5 1AH M: 07810 716289 T: 01749 672870 F: 01749 672072

Lancebox Ltd

Neil Mitchell Office Block F Manor Way Business Park Manor Way Swanscombe Kent DA10 0PP M: 07833 090154 T: 01322 427482 F: 01322 427397

Lawson Demolition Ltd

Martin Wilson Station Yard Station Road Shrivenham Swindon Wiltshire SN6 8JL M: 07860 742929 T: 01793 782000 F: 01793 782666


LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES London Reclaim Demolition Services Ltd

Jason Squibb Unit 2 Lullingstone Park Farm Eynsford Kent DA4 0JA T: 01322 867774 F: 01322 867775

Lowery Demolition Ltd

Kevin Beavan Heathrow House Park Lane Horton, Slough Berkshire SL3 9PR M: 07939 576007 T: 01753 689198 F: 01753 689891

M & M Demolition Co Ltd

John Rufford Anchor Bay Wharf Manor Road Erith Kent DA8 2AW T: 01322 558422

Maldon Demolition Ltd

Mark Wiseman Station Road Maldon Essex CM9 4LQ T: 01621 859217

Maylarch Environmental Ltd

Florian Damien Unit D, Oakfield Industrial Estate Stanton Harcourt Road Eynsham Oxfordshire OX29 4TH T: 01865 883829 F: 01865 881376

McFletch Ltd

Jerome Greenbank Lury House, Lury Court Falconer Road, Haverhill Suffolk CB9 7GB M: 07788 711700 T: 01440 707073 F: 01440 768870

McGee Group Ltd

John Hennessy 340-342 Athlon Road Wembley Middlesex HA0 1BX T: 0208 998 1101 F: 0208 997 7689

Micor Ltd

Michael Corridan Unit 3 Temple Wood Stock Road West Hanningfield Chelmsford Essex CM2 8LA T: 01277 841288 F: 01277 841882

Northeast Demolition UK Ltd

Shaun Harvey Newlands Drakes Lane Little Waltham Chelmsford Essex CM3 3ND T: 01245 363884 F: 01245 363882

Oakwood Demolition Ltd

Mark Lennon Oakwood House Nobel Road Edmonton London N18 3BH M: 07956 492610 T: 0208 803 2222 F: 0208 807 3292

Parnell Bros Demolition Ltd

Ken Parnell 1 Anson Road Airport Industrial Estate Norwich Norfolk NR6 6ED T: 01603 482921 F: 01603 401024


R Collard Ltd

Robert Collard Eversley Haulage Park Brickhouse Hill Eversley, Hook Hampshire RG27 0PZ M: 07831 828248 T: 01252 844688 F: 01252 844668

Randal Contracting Ltd

Alan Knight Unit 12, Dagenham Business Centre 123 Rainham Road North Dagenham Essex IG11 0DS M: 07787 558204 T: 0203 780 3943

Redbridge Demolition Co Ltd

Paul Brown 64 River Road Barking Essex IG11 0DS M: 07970 989011 T: 0208 507 7977 F: 01279 874301

Redhead Demolition Co Ltd

John Redhead 2 Butterfield Cottage Aldenham Road Elstree Hertfordshire WD6 3BA M: 07768 858380 T: 0208 207 1278 F: 0208 905 1243

Sam Gilpin Demolition Ltd

Sam Gilpin The Sidings Station Park, Heathfield Devon TQ12 6RQ M: 01364 644611 T: 01364 642721


Southern Demolition Co Ltd

Paul Hunt 90 High Road Byfleet Surrey KT14 7QT M: 07881 780352 T: 01932 351738 F: 01932 352153


Parsonage Farm Office, Parsonage Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 4ZF

Squibb Group Ltd

Katie Swift Squibb House 62 River Road Barking Essex IG11 0DS T: 0208 594 7143 F: 0208 594 5617

Syd Bishop & Sons (Demolition) Ltd

S M Bishop Waldens Road, Orpington Kent BR5 4EU M: 07860 577305 T: 01689 820315 F: 01689 873784

• 25-40T Dumptrucks

24 HOUR SERVICE 01403 262033

• Quarrying

• Excavators 14T-46T

• Contracting / Earthworks

• Motorscrapers (CAT 637)

• Heavy Haulage

• Dozers 10T-50T • Graders

• Towed Rollers

• 8 Wheel Tippers

• Low Loaders - 150T Gross • Extending rear power steered trailers

• Sports Grounds • Polo Fields

• Lakes / Lagoons

• Welding - Fabrication • Secure Storage

• Repairs Undertaken


T E Scudder Ltd

Gary Whyton Carey House Great Central Way Wembley Middlesex HA9 0HR T: 0208 903 9722 F: 0208 903 6311

T R Demolition (UK-International) Ltd

Sharon Haskell Davron Court, Whitehouse Place Bedminster Bristol BS3 4BL T: 01179 665577 F: 01179 665588

Tilley & Barrett Ltd

Kevin O'Malley 25 Cecil Road Wealdstone, Harrow Middlesex HA3 5QY M: 07867 474651 T: 0208 242 7333


Weaver Demolition Ltd

Mike Weaver Farrington Fields Farrington Gurney Bristol BS39 6UU M: 07768 238223 T: 01761 452391 F: 01761 453644

Wessex Demolition & Salvage Ltd

Richard Grant Unit 5, Bury Farm Curbridge Southampton S030 2HB T: 01489 788083 F: 01489 780162


Wooldridge Group Ltd

Nick Anderson Unit 17 Hallgrove Farm Industrial Estate London Road Bagshot Surrey GU19 5HP M: 07836 653814 T: 01276 470333 F: 01276 470301

Wring Group Ltd

John Wring Vale Lane Bedminister Bristol BS3 5RU M: 07850 251303 T: 01179 231320 F: 01179 667308


midlands & welsh region After taking the chair of the Midlands and Welsh region at what was a very successful London AGM in March 2014 it appears I have become Chairman at a time when at long last the contract enquiries in our region have begun to increase. As ever margins are still very tight and competition is always strong, but as the workload increases the problems of skill shortages will only get worse. Finding fully trained and CCDO carded operatives is difficult, with encouraging operatives from rivals to "jump ship" sometimes being the only option. This is not the best long term strategy, now is the time to encourage a younger generation into the demolition industry to continue the modernisation and innovation of the last ten years.

The NFDC with the National Demolition Training Group has expanded and offers the training required.The NFDC is marketing our members within the construction sector to show younger people that demolition is a good place to work and it has a strong future.I encourage all our members to take that extra time to train young operatives who after all are our future. Finally I would like to thank Melvyn Cross for his leadership over the last two years and I hope to continue his good work.

William Crooks - Midlands & Welsh Chairman

A R Demolition Ltd

Richard Dolman 36 Main Street Carlton, Nuneaton Warwickshire CV13 0EZ T: 01455 291221 F: 01455 292353

Armac Demolition Ltd

Noel McLean Arden Brickworks Coventry Road Bickenhill Solihull West Midlands B92 0DY T; 01675 443788 F: 01675 443799

Bond Demolition Ltd

Robert Bailey Unit 15E, Bedwas House Industrial Estate, Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8DW M: 07973 890835 T: 02920 888788 F: 02920 888886

Cardiff Demolition Co Ltd

CLS Demolition Ltd

Phil Farnham Ty-To Maen Farm Newton Road, Rumney Cardiff CF3 2EJ M: 07773 338829 T: 02920 369977 F: 02920 369988

Charles Salmon Atherton Way Brigg North Lincolnshire DN20 8AR M: 07889 034941 T: 01652 658017 F: 01652 658183

William Crooks Scotland Farm Ockbrook Derby DE72 3RX M: 07973 328012 T: 01332 820488 F: 01332 544664

Antony Hopkinson William Isaac Building Gibbons Street Dunkirk Nottingham NG7 2SB T: 01159 420600 F: 01159 420500

Cawarden Company Ltd

City Demolition Contractors (Birmingham) Ltd

Mr. M A Doyle Blews Street Aston, Birmingham B6 4EP M: 07788 442230 T: 01213 337999 F: 01213 333777


CMEC Demolition Ltd

Coleman & Company Ltd

Mark Coleman Shady Lane Great Barr Birmingham B44 9ER T: 01213 252424 F: 01213 252425

midlands & welsh region Cuddy Group

John Cuddy Tank Farm Road Llandarcy Glamorgan SA10 6EN M: 07767 277077 T: 01792 321110 F: 01792 321411

Dismantling & Engineering Services Ltd

Stewart Harper Noose Lane Willenhall West Midlands WV13 3AE M: 07768 048300 T: 01902 366336 F: 01902 633399

Down to Earth Demolition Ltd

Brett Cross Unit 76, Crompton Road Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4BG M: 07939 133195 T: 01159 751155

DSM Demolition Ltd

Jim Kelly Arden House Arden Road Heartlands West Midlands B8 1DE T: 01213 222225 F: 01213 222227

East Midlands Demolition Ltd

Winn Jones The Sidings Duffield Road Industrial Estate Little Eaton Derbyshire DE21 5EG M: 07776 134299 T: 01332 229405 F: 01332 833416

Garvey Demolition Ltd

James Garvey The Green, Church Street Wellington, Telford Shropshire TF1 1DG T: 01952 641200 F: 01952 641250

GBM Demolition Ltd

Monksview Demolition Ltd

Charles Britton West Drove Gedney Hill Spalding Lincolnshire PE12 0NT M: 07710 031264 T: 01406 330514 F: 01406 330323

Newline Midlands Ltd

PBM Contractors Ltd

Brian McGarry 15-17 Green Lane Small Heath Birmingham B9 5BU M: 07970 856644 T: 01217 720858 F: 01217 720050

Martin Cross 638 Western Boulevard Aspley Nottingham NG8 5GN M: 07971 850260 T: 01159 642777

Total Reclaims Demolition Ltd

Simon Grantham Warwick Road Fairfield Industrial Estate Lincolnshire LN11 0YB M: 07778 665168 T: 01507 607289 F: 01507 605772

John Lynch 633 Melton Road Thurmaston Leicester Leicestershire LE4 8EB M: 07714 674820 T: 01162 600600 F: 01162 600006

Prodem Demolition & Asbestos Ltd

Melvyn Cross Melvyn Robert House Bakerbrook Industrial Estate Wigwam Lane Hucknall Nottingham NG15 7SZ M: 07764 778319 T: 01159 632009 F: 01159 638971

Walters Environmental Ltd

Jim Webb Hirwaun House Hirwaun Industrial Estate Hirwaun Aberdare CF44 9UL M: 07977 197113 T: 01685 815100 F: 01685 815101

Wrexham Demolition & Dismantling Ltd

F4 Wheatsheaf Workshops Rhos-y-medre Wrexham LL14 3YE T: 01978 262666 F: 01978 261666

Wye Valley Demolition Ltd

Gavin Pettigrew Lloyd George House Fordshill Road Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6NS T: 01432 361690 F: 01432 361689


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north west region It was a great honour to be elected as Chairman of the North West Region this year, I would like to thank the region’s members for their support in electing me for the role. I would like to thank Peter O’Connor for the support and guidance he gave me during my two years as Vice Chairman and I know Peter will continue to serve the region well in his role as Regional Representative.

I would also like to welcome Adrian Kelly to his role as Vice Chairman and I am sure Adrian will be an asset as a future officer of the region. I would like to compliment the Federation and the NDTG for their continued efforts in ensuring that NFDC members are striving for excellence within the Demolition Industry, Safety and the wellbeing of our employee’s is always the most important aspect of our job and with the bar recently being raised to ensure all NFDC member employees have a demolition industry trained and accredited workforce from senior managers to site based labourers, this is a step in the right direction to bolster the fact that NFDC member companies should be the clients choice for demolition experience, skills and technical expertise. We held our regional Summer Ball at The Carden Park Hotel in June this year, the night was a great success with £11,332.34 being raise for charity. I would like to thank the corporate members and the ISP members who supported the function as without their support and generosity, nights like this would not be possible.

Finally, during the past year, one of our regional members and a former NFDC regional Chairman, Ken Palmer of Palmer Demolition Ltd, has decided to close the gates of business and enter into retirement, as a former NFDC officer and a very active regional member and representative, I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of the North west Region in thanking Ken for all his hard work throughout the years and wish him a long and healthy retirement.

Martin O’Donnell - North West Chairman

Bagnall (UK) Ltd

Lorraine Paterson Lexia House West Yard Lyncastle Way Barleycastle Trading Estate Appleton, Warrington WA4 4ST T: 01925 214110 F: 01925 264192

Bradley Demolition Ltd Jamie Laffan The Yard Kent Street Preston PR1 1PE M: 07799 646444 T: 01942 833666

Complete Demolition Ltd Sinead Robinson Stafford House Unit 4 Westbury Ind Estate Westbury Street, Hyde SK14 4QP T: 01612 733130

Connell Brothers Ltd

Steve Balyski Orchard House, Orchard Street Salford Manchester M6 6FL M: 07867 978054 T: 01619 250606 F: 01619 250808

Forshaw Ltd, Walter

Andrew Forshaw King House, Stotts Park James Street Westhoughton Bolton BL5 3QR T: 01942 813188 F: 01942 814039

Frank O’Gara & Sons Ltd Sandra Connaughton Sorby Road Northbank Industrial Park Irlam Manchester M44 5BA T: 01617 754587 F: 01617 753500


GTB Demolition Co Ltd

Brian Treble 25 Cotton Street, Merseyside Liverpool L3 7DY T: 01512 363108 F: 01512 311568

Howard Stott Demolition Ltd

Howard Stott Castle Clough Farm Hapton Burnley Lancashire BB12 7LN T: 01282 680120 F: 01282 680130

J Bryan (Victoria) Ltd

Keith Martin Pickerings Road Halebank Industrial Estate Widnes Cheshire WA8 8XW M: 07504 313768 T: 01514 243229 F: 01514 951927

north west region J Doyle & Co (Demolition) Ltd T/A Sloyan Doyle Demolition

Oldham Bros Ltd

Stephen Sloyan 19/21 Lightbody Street Liverpool L5 9UU T: 01512 072057 F: 01512 981648

Paul Roberts Kirkby Bank Road Knowlsey Industrial Estate Liverpool L33 7SY T: 01515 461616 F: 01515 461258

John Freeley Rammon House 1 Portugal Street East Manchester M1 2WX T: 01612 734189 F: 01612 734176

Pat McGuinness Rondin House Rondin Road Ardwick Manchester M12 6BF T: 01612 735272 F: 01612 743884

J Freeley Ltd

J P Tisdale (Demolition) Ltd

James Tisdale The Port Office Dock Road Garston Merseyside Liverpool L19 2JN T: 01514 277906 F: 01514 949640

John Beech Ltd

Chris Wainwright Dock Road North Bromborough Wirral CH62 4TQ T: 01516 457571 F: 01516 431470

KDC Contractors Ltd

Martin O'Donnell Sharston Green Business Park 1 Robeson Way Manchester M22 4SW T: 01619 472150 F: 01619 472160

Northbank Demolition Co Ltd Paul Richards Hayes Road Cadishead Manchester M44 5BU M: 07836 602645 T: 01617 778542 F: 01617 759954

P McGuinness & Co Ltd

P P O'Connor Ltd

Charmaine O’Connor Woodrow Way Thames Trading Estate Irlam Manchester M44 6NN T: 01617 760333 F: 01617 760303

Reddish Demolition Ltd

Jess Tindall Albion House Under Lane Chadderton Oldham OL9 7PP T: 01616 826660 F: 01616 825252

S Evans & Sons Ltd

Neil Evans Ditton Road Widnes Cheshire WA8 0PJ T: 01514 243944 F: 01514 951571

Windmill Group (UK) Ltd

Adrian Kelly Industrial Estate Windmill Lane Denton Manchester M34 2JF T: 01613 209119 F: 01613 204747




north east region As the newly appointed Regional Chairman for the North East Region it is my principal objective to help raise the profile of the NFDC and standards within our industry. Continual improvement in our demolition standards is of paramount importance and this is obtained by increased health and safety awareness, better and continued training and use of best practise when undertaking demolition activities.

The number of corporate members in the region remains unchanged and we will be looking to increase the membership wherever possible without reducing the high standards required for a successful application. The number of ISP members associated with our region continues to increase and we would welcome any new applicants.

Our Region’s commitment to fundraising for charities continues, last year we raised £11000.00 from our Spring ball and summer golf competition. This year we hope to better that total and start with the 2015 Spring Ball held at the prestigious Hilton Hotel Gateshead on the 7th March and our Golf Day at the beginning of July.

Mark Davidson - North East Chairman A Buckler (Haulage) Ltd

Mark Love 24-28 Marsh Road Middlesbrough Cleveland TS1 5LB T: 01642 243399 F: 01642 249144

Albion Jones Ltd

Andrew Horton Clarence House Armer Street Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 1AF T: 01709 740043 F: 01709 562316

B & B Industrial Dismantling Ltd

Jenny Blount 4 Queen Street Worksop Nottinghamshire S80 2AN M: 07730 648166 T: 01909 477799 F: 01909 487725

BDB Dismantling Ltd

Gill Demolitions Ltd

Carl Payne Valley Road Station Road Industrial Estate Wombwell Barnsley S73 0BS T: 01226 273860 F: 01226 754180

Paul Gill Progress Works Hall Lane Bradford West Yorkshire BD4 7DT T: 01274 733011 F: 01274 735343

Lee Rowbotham Bernera Works Psalters Lane Holmes, Rotherham South Yorkshire S61 1DQ M: 07500 977676 T: 01709 562200 F: 01709 562705

Mark Davison Davison House Rennys Lane Dragonville Industrial Estate Durham DH1 2RS M: 07970 777787 T: 01913 839900 F: 01913 839911

John Lee The Station Station Road Patrington, Hull East Yorkshire HU12 0NE T: 01964 630849 F: 01964 631118

Ken Moorhead Westfield Court Lower Wortley Road Leeds LS12 4PX T: 01132 796556 F: 01132 310096

Demex Ltd

Expotrak Ltd


MGL Demolition Ltd

Moorhead Demolition Ltd

north east region PTS Demolition & Dismantling Ltd

Dave Gauja Barrier Works Hackworth Industrial Park Shildon Co. Durham DL4 1HF M: 07778 129266 T: 01325 308080 F: 01325 304006

R A Howard Contactors Ltd

Richard Cawthray Holly Hall Works 258 Huddersfield Road Low Moor Bradford West Yorkshire BD12 0TJ T: 01274 602536 F: 01274 693682

Robinson & Birdsell Ltd

David Catchpole Audby House Audby Lane Wetherby LS22 7FD T: 01937 548800 F: 01937 548801

Ron Hull Demolition Ltd

Nigel Hull Mangham Road Parkgate Rotherham S62 6EF T: 01709 524115 F: 01709 521702

Sam Allon (Contracts) Ltd

John Allon Lincoln Street Hull East Riding Yorkshire HU2 0PE T: 01482 320051 F: 01482 216610

Thompsons of Prudhoe Ltd

Tom Koerner Princess way Low Prudhoe Northumberland NE42 6PL M: 07789 170613 T: 01661 832422 F: 01661 833687

scotland & Northern ireland region I return to the chair of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Region having served my first term 2006-2008. At the start of my first term as chair I reflected upon the changes that I had seen in the industry since my father was chair of the Scotland Region 20 years before me. As I serve the first year of my second term I am aware of the huge changes and improvements that I have noticed within our Federation. I have seen the growth of the team at our head office, led by Howard Button, our federations first Chief Executive Officer with the management of Sophie Cox our first Group Manager. The last few years have seen the introduction of the Accredited Site Audit Scheme which incorporates CHAS assessment, the production of guidance notes such as – Deconstruction of Tower Blocks, High Reach Demolition, the Safe Use of Mobile Crusher, Demolition Attachments and regular email alerts advising us of day to day developments. The Federation has purchased facilities in Hemel Hempstead which serves well for our council meetings and provides for the National Demolition Training Group. The NFDC along with the NDTG certainly is worth a lot more than a logo on our letterhead. My hope for the years ahead is that our clients will recognise the standard of our members’ works above that of non-members.

Craig MacWilliam - Scotland & Northern Ireland Chairman

Burnfield Builders & Demolishers Ltd

Barry McCormick 10 Sannox Gardens Glasgow G31 3HY T: 01415 548046 F: 01415 548047

Central Demolition Ltd

Ross Craig Central House Chattan Industrial Estate Bonnyside Road Bonnybridge Stirlingshire FK4 2AG T: 01324 815700 F: 01324 815922

C.E.P. Demolitions Ltd

Mr. A Harkess Yard E, Barclay Curle Complex 739 South Street Whiteinch Glasgow G14 0BX M: 07850 161671 T: 01415 691577

D Geddes (Contractors) Ltd

Scott Gormley Swirlburn Colliston Arbroath DD11 3SH M: 07956 338295 T: 01241 890266 F: 01241 890793

Daltons Demolitions Ltd

Tony Mill-Irving Station Road Gogarbank Edinburgh EH12 9BU T: 01313 395355 F: 01313 177168

David Morton (Larbert) Ltd

John D McArthur Glen Works Glen Village Falkirk FK1 2BQ M: 07766 148130 T: 01324 612876 F: 01324 612297


Dem-Master Demolition Ltd

Claire Bryce Pottishaw Place Whitehill Industrial Estate Bathgate EH48 2EN T: 01506 654845 F: 01506 653505

E Nicholson & Sons (Metals) Ltd

Steven A Nicholson 445 Balmore Road Glasgow G22 6NX T: 0141 336 6065 24 hrs T: 0141 336 6065 F: 0141 336 5229

Forth Demolition Ltd

Stephen McCann Seafield Mill Seafield Moor Road Bilston Edinburgh EH25 9RQ T: 0131 445 2788 F: 0131 445 5828

scotland & Northern ireland region George Beattie & Sons Ltd

Alan G Beattie Auchinvole Castle Kilsyth Glasgow G65 0SA M: 07879 401844 T: 01236 823160 F: 01236 823201

George Hunter (Demolishers) Ltd T/A Hunter Demolition

Kate Ennis Balmuildy Road Glasgow G23 5HE T: 0141 762 0800 F: 0141 762 0810

JCJ Demolition & Construction Ltd

James Caldwell Jnr Nisbet Business Centre 30 Nisbet Street Glasgow G31 5ES M: 07703 567696 T: 01415 542758 F: 01415 543020

John Tinnelly & Sons Ltd

Patrick Tinnelly Cloughoge House 46 Forkhill Road Newry Co. Down BT35 8LZ T: 02830 265331 F: 02830 268491

Lawrie Demolition Ltd

Graeme McInnes Rigifa, Cove Aberdeen AB12 3LR M: 07730 000349 T: 01224 876333 F: 01224 876332

MacWilliam Demolition Ltd

Craig MacWilliam Hollandhurst Road Coatbridge Lanarkshire ML5 2EG M: 07831 207983 T: 01236 421222 F: 01236 422025

Masterton Ltd

Robert Barker Bo'ness Road Grangemouth Stirlingshire Scotland FK3 9XF T: 01324 635553 F: 01324 614647

William Goodfellow (Contractors) Ltd

McCormack Demolition Ltd

David McColl 150 Drumcavel Road Muirhead Glasgow Scotland G69 9ES T: 01417 799977 F: 01417 791137

Reigart Contracts Ltd

Rod Munro 5 River Drive Alness Industrial Estate Alness Ross-shire IV17 0PG M: 07515 333805 T: 01349 882852 F: 01349 884005

Una McCormack Park House 56 Trench Road Mallusk Newtownabbey Antrim BT36 4TY M: 07811 385515 T: 02890 848381 F: 02890 848341 Shaun Copeland 16 Hornock Road Coatbridge North Lanarkshire Scotland ML5 2QJ T: 01236 431290 F: 01236 428663

Safedem Ltd

William Sinclair Arthurstone House Liff Road Dundee DD2 4TD T: 01382 811444 F: 01382 610372

Technodem Ltd

Shaun Copeland 16 Hornock Road Coatbridge Lanarkshire Scotland ML5 2QJ T: 01236 431290 F: 01236 428663

William Munro Construction (Highland) Ltd



INDUSTRY SERVICE PROVIDERS A1 Wokingham Car Spares & Metal Recycling

Sally Pike Silver Birches, Highland Avenue Wokingham Berkshire RG41 4SP T: 01189 894652 F: 01189 794328

Adler and Allan Ltd

Steve Davies 80 Station Parade Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 1HQ T: 0208 555 7111 F: 01423 850361

Arden Equipment UK Ltd

Martyn Needs Wilberforce House Station Road London NW4 4QE M: 07804 058336 T: 01159 752276

Armstrong York Asbestos Environmental Ltd

Kelly Hadley Head Office 64 River Road Barking Essex IG11 0DS M: 07766 076232 T: 0870 350 0375 F: 0870 350 0376

Arthur J Gallagher Ltd

Mike Mitchell Osborn House 80 Middlesex Street London E1 7EZ M: 07920 597767 F: 0207 422 5604

Asbestos Waste Solutions Ltd

Samantha Morris 27a Oliver Close West Thurrock Essex RM20 3EE M: 07908 702420 T: 01708 866060

Atlas Copco Ltd

Buckingham House (London) Ltd

Keith Lambourne Swallowdale Lane Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7EA M: 07971 650455 T: 01442 222100 F: 01442 234467

John Norbury Rainbird House, Warescot Road Brentwood Essex CM15 9HD M: 07836 322827 T: 01277 217400 F: 01277 217500

Alan Matchett Manor Farm The Street Bridgham Norfolk NR16 2RX T: 0800 015 8482 F: 01953 714897

John Woodward 20 Foxlands Avenue Penn, Wolverhampton West Midlands WV4 5LX M: 07870 404906 T: 01902 686363 F: 01902 686363

Avant Tecno UK Ltd

BFA Recycling Ltd

Danny Holder New Years Green Lane Harefield Uxbridge Middlesex UB9 6LX M: 07958 520229 T: 01895 821755 F: 01895 824397

Blue Group Ltd

Allan Kane Appleton Thorn Trading Estate Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4SN T: 08452 178755

Britannia Cutting Services Ltd

Patrick Southin Unit 1 Millside Industrial Estate Lawson Road Dartford Kent DA1 5BW M: 07791 629005 T: 01322 221533 F: 01322 220790

BTMK Solicitors LLP

Nitin Khandhia 19 Clifftown Road Southend On Sea Essex SS1 1AB M: 07971 581710 T: 01702 238542 F: 01702 331563


C & D Consultancy Ltd

Capital Financial (UK) Ltd Lee Brenard 1 Milkhouse Gate Guildford GU1 3EZ

M: 07920 728385 T: 0800 999 6962 F: 0844 774 4871


Earl Adams Mansell Court 69 Mansell Street London E1 8AN M: 07710 268820 T: 0207 265 5616 F: 0207 702 4784

Circa Consultants Ltd

Steven Bossley 30 Nisbet Street Parkhead Glasgow G31 5ES T: 01415 562290 F: 01415 543020

Colin Hale ADR Ltd

Colin Hale Unit 9 Inspire Bradford Business Park Newlands Way, Bradford Yorkshire BD10 0JE M: 07970 823052 T: 01274 292230


Terry Lloyd The Beehive Beehive Ring Road, Gatwick Airport West Sussex RH6 0PA M: 07970 566528 T: 01293 804570 F: 01293 804571

Day Group Ltd

Adam Day Transport Avenue Brentford Middlesex TW8 9HF M: 07721 892720 T: 0208 380 9600 F: 0208 380 9700

DCS Training Ltd

Duncan Rudall 35 Hamilton Drive Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2TL M: 07798 798557 T: 01626 377376

Demolition Insurance Services c/o Genesis GmbH Ltd

Paul Clark 82 West Drive Highfields Caldecote Cambridgeshire CB23 7NY M: 07984 532523 T: 01954 214590

Ebrit Services Ltd

Stewart Powell Enterprise House, Kings Road Canvey Island Essex SS8 0QY M: 07920 025560 T: 01268 685886 F: 01268 685886

ECY Haulmark Ltd

Richard Yarwood Barley Castle Lane Appleton Thorn, Warrington Cheshire WA4 4RB T: 01925 269900 F: 01925 269901

Enablelink Ltd

Greenshields JCB Ltd

Charlie Penn The Pitch, Budden Road Coseley West Midlands WV14 8JN M: 07730 956644 T: 01215 572479 F: 01215 578465

European Metal Recycling Ltd (EMR)

Bob Garwood Manor Road, Erith Kent DA8 2AD T: 01322 344300 F: 01322 331581

Finning (UK) Ltd

Genesis Risk Solutions Ltd

Mark Kemp Second Floor Suite The Maltings Locks Hill, Rochford Essex SS4 1BB M: 07827 343677 T: 01702 209520 F: 01702 543728

Nick Turnbull 5 Jackson Court Olympic Way Gallowfields, Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 4FD M: 07738 622264 T: 01748 826046 F: 01748 826056

Pam Durey Whitewall Road Strood Kent ME2 4DZ T: 08712 270707 F: 09012 010300

David Hearne 964 Weston Road Slough Berkshire SL1 4HR M: 07771 555432 T: 01753 213900 F: 01753 213901

Husqvarna Construction Products Ltd

Jason Rickards Glazewing House, Station Road West Dereham Norfolk PE33 9RR M: 07881 012657 T: 01366 500162 F: 01366 501058


H E Services (Plant Hire) Ltd

Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK) Ltd

Watling Street Cannock Staffordshire WS11 8LL T: 0800 028 7778 F: 01543 461700

Glazewing Ltd

James Pengilley Gravel Hill Road Alice Holt Farnham Surrey GU10 4LG M: 07717 880921 T: 01420 525900 F: 01420 525925

Peter Worsley Unit 4, Pearce Way Bristol Road Gloucester Gloucestershire GL2 5YD M: 07860 921224 T: 0844 844 4570 F: 0844 844 4568

Hydraram B.V. Ltd

Peter Wassenaar Meander 7 Surhuisterveen NL 9231 DB The Netherlands M: +31 653 163 477 T: +31 512 365 981 F: +31 512 365 761



Tony Richardson Suit 36 50 Churchill Square Kings Hill West Malling Kent ME19 4YU M: 07585 967412 T: 0845 026 2065

International Marketers (London) Ltd

John Polak The Workshops Lower Norton Farm Norton Sutton Scotney Winchester Hampshire SO21 3NE M: 07774 294980 T: 01962 760055 F: 01962 761956

James Hallam Ltd Andrew Baker

Saxon House Duke Street Chelmsford Essex CM1 1HT M: 07765 404464 T: 01245 204572 F: 0871 277 2855

JCB Sales Ltd

Fred Bell JCB World Headquarters Rocester Staffordshire ST14 5JP M: 07760 190527 T: 01889 594440

Joint Taxation Committee of Construction Liz Bridge 13 Fawe Park Road, Putney London SW15 2EB T: 0208 874 4335

Kerry London Ltd

LDH Attachments Ltd

N Mavromatis Clare House, Worton Court Worton Road, Isleworth Middlesex TW7 6ER M: 07876 200055 T: 0208 225 1025 F: 01923 233474

Lesley Hearne Rectory Lane Bentley Farnham Surrey GU10 5JS M: 07776 205448 T: 01420 484509

Ray Rhind Unit 4, Milton Industrial Court Horsfield Way Bredbury Stockport Cheshire SK6 2TA T: 01614 067046 F: 01614 067014

Dee Searle Parsonage Farm Parsonage Way Horsham West Sussex RH12 4ZF M: 07843 021222 T: 01403 262033 F: 01403 217060

Brian Carroll 24 Arkwright Road Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate Ipswich Suffolk IP2 0UB M: 07738 997939 T: 01473 217477 F: 01473 236440

Darren Bennet Normandy Lane Stratton Business Park Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 8QB M: 07831 555488 T: 01767 602100 F: 01767 602110

Simon Saunders Durham Road Birtley County Durham DH3 2QX M: 07730 922447 T: 0191 492 5310

Edward Prosser Padgets Lane Redditch Worcestershire B98 0RT T: 01527 512512 F: 01527 502310

Paul Hester Lynch House Parr Road, Stanmore Middlesex HA7 1LE M: 07805 860142 T: 0208 900 0000 F: 0208 733 2020

Ian Hutchins St Albans Farm Staines Road Feltham Middlesex TW14 0HH T: 0208 814 2582 F: 0208 570 8469

Kinshofer UK Ltd

Kocurek Excavators Ltd

Komatsu UK Ltd

L Lynch Plant Hire & Haulage Ltd


Les Searle Plant Hire & Sales Ltd

Liebherr Great Britain Ltd

Marubeni-Komatsu Ltd

Material Recovery Solutions Ltd

McCloskey Equipment Ltd

Karolina Rajca Upper Farm Road Chilton Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0PJ T: 01235 832407 F: 01235 821595

INDUSTRY SERVICE PROVIDERS Metal and Waste Recycling Ltd

Northerntrack Ltd

Promac Solutions Ltd

Lee Simmons Albert Works Kenninghall Road Edmonton London N18 2PD T: 0208 807 4268 F: 0208 884 0381

Andy Hair Climax Works Garnet Road Leeds LS11 5JD T: 01132 762300 F: 01132 762400

Paul Johnston One America Square 17 Crosswall London EC3N 2LB M: 07889 168201 T: 0207 977 4876 F: 0207 692 4651

Trevor Mills 2nd Floor 107 Power Road Chiswick London W4 5PY M: 07889 708103 T: 0208 747 2161 F: 0208 747 2166

Miles Smith Insurance Group Ltd

Miller UK Ltd

Brendan Quill Bassington Lane Cramlington Northumberland NE23 8AD T: 01670 707272 F: 01670 707474

Molson Equipment Services Ltd

Rick Grove Smoke Lane Avonmouth, Bristol Avon BS11 0YA T: 01179 820123 F: 0845 017 9516

MTK (Breaker Hire & Sales) Ltd

Mike Leech Nelstrop Road Off Longford Road West Levenshulme Manchester M19 3JL M: 07901 528 802 T: 01612 259740 F: 08723 315170

Northern Safety Ltd

Trevor Symonds 109B Allison Avenue Teesside Industrial Estate Thornaby Stockton-on-Tees TS17 9LY M: 07730 945574 T: 01642 754880 F: 01642 308804

Number 8 Construction Services Ltd

One Stop Recycling Ltd Steven Bird 251 Bordesley Green Road Bordesley Green Birmingham B8 1BY T: 01217 535771

P Flannery Plant Hire (Oval) Ltd

Nick Earl Flannery House Third Way Wembley Middlesex HA9 0RZ T: 0208 900 9290 F: 0208 902 7357

Prime Safety Europe Ltd Tony Tynan Kingsley Place 46 Mote Road Maidstone Kent ME15 6ES M: 07900 300083 T: 01622 768400 F: 01622 768500

QEB Hollis Whiteman

Chris Emmings 1-2 Laurence Pountney Hill London EC4R 0EU M: 07989 429147 T: 0207 933 8855


Adrian Fletcher Hearthcote Road Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9DU T: 01283 818400 F: 01283 818360

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Ltd

Rupert Craven Donington Park Castle Donington Derby DE74 2RP T: 01332 819700 F: 01332 850467

Riverside Environmental Services Ltd

PR Plant Hire Ltd Paul Richards Hayes Road Cadishead Manchester M44 5BU M: 07836 602645 T: 0161 776 1934

Pete Sayers Unit 6,Youngs Industrial Estate, Paices Hill Aldermaston Reading RG7 4PW T; 01189 817337 F: 01189 811213

Chris Hansen Unit 12 Whiffens Farm Clement Street Hextable Kent BR8 7PQ T: 0870 950 0161 F: 0870 950 0162

Robore Cuts Ltd

David Rickus Unit 16 Mitcham Industrial Estate Streatham Road Mitcham Surrey CR4 2AP T: 0208 646 4466 F: 0208 646 4046



S Norton & Co Ltd

Kenny McKeen Bankfield House Bankfield Mill Regent Road Liverpool L20 8RQ M: 07867 456833 T: 01519 553300 F: 01519 553399

Sandhurst Equipment Rental Ltd

Steven Sutch Whitewall Road Medway City Estate Rochester Kent ME2 4DZ T: 01634 739999 F: 01634 739595

Sandvik Construction Ltd

Kimberley Page Hearthcote Road Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9DU 01283 818400 01283 818360

SIMS Metal Management Ltd

Kathryn de Groot Harrimans Lane, Nottingham Notts NG27 2SD M: 07879 430417 T: 01159 784676 F: 01159 539067

Skilled Careers Ltd

Gavin McBride Unit H, Zetland House 109-123 Clifton Street London EC2A 4LD T: 0207 033 8866 F: 0207 681 1333

SMH Products Ltd

Dean Rowe SMH House Maxwell Street South Shields Tyne & Wear NE33 4PU T: 0191 456 6000 F: 0191 456 7777

Square Mile Broking Ltd

Jamie Coyne Lloyd's of London Gallery 4, 12 Leadenhall Street London EC3V 1LP M 07525 000 533 T: 0844 561 6075 F: 0844 561 6840

SRC Aggregates Ltd

Clint Layzell Highwood Quarry B-Lodge, Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1SL M: 07896 250199 T: 01371 874212

Swanton Consulting Ltd

Glenn Wicken Anchor Bay Wharf Manor Way, Dartford Kent DA8 2AW M: 07788 317631 T: 0870 950 8800 F: 0870 950 8808

THSP The Health & Safety People Ltd

Adrienne Massey 16A Market Square Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1HU T: 0845 612 2144 F: 0845 612 2166

Tyne Tees Crushing & Screening Ltd

Andrew Verity Unit 6 Evans Business Park Lingfield Way, Darlington Co. Durham DL1 4QZ M: 07974 943071 T: 01325 746555 F: 01325 746556

Versatile Equipment Ltd

Lee Chater Units 1 – 3, Hornet Business Estate Quarry Hill Road, Borough Green Kent TN15 8QW M: 07739 137396 T: 0845 2622280 F: 0845 2622281


Volvo Construction Equipment Ltd

Phil Jones Moorfield Road Duxford Cambridgeshire CB22 4QX M: 07792 638062 F: 01223 832357

Ward Recycling Ltd

David Ward Griffon Road Quarry Hill Industrial Estate Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4RF M: 07971 962295 T: 01159 305899 F: 01159 304788

Willow Plant Hire Ltd

Daniel O'Brien Hill & Coles Farm London Road Flamstead St Albans Herts AL13 8HA T: 01582 840045 F: 01582 842980

Windsor Waste Management Ltd

Jeff Letch 29 Childerditch Hall Drive Childerditch Industrial Estate Little Warley Brentwood CM13 3HD M: 07970 446447 T: 01708 559966 F: 01708 559987

Wirtgen Ltd

Phil Higginson Reinhard House Paving Way Whisby Road Lincoln Lincolnshire LN6 3QW M: 07836 362818 T: 01522 889200 F: 01522 889222

Workstream Construction Services Ltd

Martyn Fletcher The Old Stables Newton Morrell Oxfordshire OX27 8AG M: 07515 993873 T: 02076 222165 F: 01280 849031

Worsley Plant Ltd

Sean Heron Road Beta Brooks Lane Industrial Estate Middlewich Cheshire CW10 0QF T: 01606 835544 F: 01606 835522

WW Group

Dave Wisbey Unit 2, Oakberry Industrial Estate Oakberry Road Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4PP M: 07765 240195 T: 01455 551784 F: 01455 203388






William Sinclair, MA, MFB, MIDE, MIOD, MSExpE, MFExpE, MAPS Safedem Ltd Martin Wilson MIDE Lawson Demolition Ltd

Paul Brown, MIDE - Redbridge Demolition Ltd Holly Price - Keltbray Ltd





Andrew Forshaw BA Hons (Dunelm) AMIDE Forshaw Demolition Ltd

David Darsey, FIDE, FRSA - Erith Contractors David Keane, FIDE - Keanes Ltd David Sinclair, EFFE, FIDE, FFB, MFExpE - Safedem Ltd David Clarke, MIDE, MOID - Clarke Demolition Company Ltd Gary Bishop, MIDE - Bromley Demolition Ltd John Wring, MIDE - Wring Group Ltd


Howard Button, FIDE, MCIWM, CEnv

Syd Bishop - Syd Bishop & Sons Ltd Les Squibb - Squibb Group Ltd

William Crooks, MIDE - Carwarden Company Ltd


John Lynch, MIDE - Newline Midlands Ltd


Melvyn Cross - Total Reclaims Demolition Ltd

Gary Bishop, MIDE - Bromley Demolition Ltd


John D McArthur - David Morton (Larbert) Ltd


Jim Caldwell




Sophie Cox


Louise Calam

Mark Davison - MGL Demolition Ltd Jonathan Gill - Gill Demolitions Ltd

John Thompson - Thompsons of Prudhoe


Martin O'Donnell - KDC Contractors Ltd


Adrian Kelly - Windmill Group (UK) Ltd


SCOTTISH & NORTHERN IRELAND REGION CHAIRMAN Craig MacWilliam - MacWilliam Demolition Ltd


Resurgam House Paradise Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 4TF Tel: 01442 217144 Email: 98 NFDC YEARBOOK 2015 | WWW.DEMOLITION-NFDC.COM


Richard Hay - Dem-Master Demolition Ltd


John D McArthur - David Morton (Larbert) Ltd

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