Nfinite Form Magazine

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Editor in Chief Paula Michelle Design Portrice Phillips Bryant Lamb Writers Devin Taylor Rachelle Warren Shervon Norfleet Shebra Jones Mari Rosheba Moss Cheryl Fisher Portrice Lamb Paula Michelle Bryant Lamb Columnists CJ T. Demetrice Bailey Nform HOW TO REACH US P.O. Box 190 Montclair, NJ 07042 Phone( 973)559-6077 Online Article Submissions email proposal to Magazine is published Bi-monthly,





F R E E B I E S :


W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G


VOLUME 1 ISSUE 2 On the cover: Korey Smith and Rachel Warren courtesy of Nfinite Form LLC Editor: Paula Michelle Production Coordinator: Bryant Lamb Designers: Portrice Phillips, Bryant Lamb Information is correct at press time. Check for updates. DesignFreebies (ISSN-1234-5678-9087) is published bi-monthly. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. © 2010 NfiniteForm. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: 2 P.O. Box190 Montclair, N.J. 07042





F R E E B I E S :


W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G


Contents “Nothing But Nfinite Possibilities ..... Editors Message


Member On The Move


True Form


4 5 6

Food For Thought Nail Care T Time


7 8 10

Male Plastic Surgery/Implants Treating Everyday People Like Celebrities History of “Why Do Full Figured Women Get So Much Attention”


What’s Cool This Winter Stores That Cater Do’s and Dont’s

14 16 17

Picture Worthy


Love is more Rewarding than Selfishness”

Relationships Women That Sizzle

Go Figure- What’s Sexy

Exclusive Interview Tony Gaskins Love Under New Management HIM Men That Rock N Form What’s Cookin

Movin & Grovin Events Nfinite Form on The Move Car Candy Hot Spots Sassy Sista

Issuses That Count Caring Causes Step Up Youth Legacy Poetry Pause Fade To Black

18 20 21 24 27 30 32 34

36 37 38 40 41

44 46 48 50 54



e know that celebrities always take time out for self with pampering and extravagant spa days, especially to start off the New Year. This New Year instead of resolutions that range from the typical weight loss of those pounds we put on during the holidays, the purchase of a new home or car, all the way to more personalized resolutions such as being fearless in our personal and professional relationships, the nfinite size woman is going to take time out for pampering and indulgence. We Nfinite size women need to love ourselves more? Women these days lead such busy lives that they often will forget to take a day off to unwind. Naturally, we are inclined to take the familiar trip to the salon or spa for manicures, pedicures, threading, and even waxing to keep our outside aesthetics pleasing to the many on-lookers, including ourselves. On average, these beauty rituals we indulge in can cost as much

1. Pour

the granulated white sugar into the jar. 2. Pour the olive oil into sugar and mix thoroughly until the ingredients are well blended. 3. Label the jar as desired.

as $50 to $175, including tax and tip, per trip. With that said, imagine how much one could save annually just by curbing back the extra expense during this recession. Now, here’s the reality; most spas offer skin exfoliating treatments that includes sea salt or sugar, an invigorating fragrance and essential oils. More than likely,

these can be found in our very own pantry at home and for less than $35, you can create your signature scrub by using affordable ingredients. It’s important to exfoliating year round for trouble spots such as, the elbows, knees, ankles and feet, this can keep our skin soft and smooth during the cold winter months and especially in the summer because our skin may become drier and can toughen due to overexposure to sunlight.From one curvy diva to another, below you’ll find a basic sugar scrub recipe that will start you on your way to creating your celebrity pampering at home. Ingredients * An empty jar with a lid (a small jelly or condiment jar works great for this project) * 1 cup granulated white sugar * 1/2 cup olive oil * Label (if desired)


Make It

While this is just a basic recipe, you can get as creative as you want with various scents and essential oils like lavender, vanilla, mint and coconut. You might want to try sea salt, for a more intensified scrub, lemon works well with this type. With scrubs the possibilities are truly endless and you can create amazing scents while you’re able to indulge yourself and relax with luscious exfoliation. Lastly, this is a perfect chance to get your spouse/significant other to participate and get

involved with your exfoliating process. After all, romance, love and exfoliating scrubs go hand in hand. Enjoy!

For further information Condo Blues Online Blog





do’s and dont’s


Do wear make-up to enhance your features

Don’t overload your face with too much

Do get tested for sexually transmitted diseases

Don’t think it can’t happen to you

Do wear nice, fashionable shoes

Don’t wear sandals during winter

Do tell the truth

Don’t tell lies; lies represent fear

Do listen to your heart

Don’t ignore what your conscience says, more than likely its right

Do learn to forgive

Don’t hold on to things for too long, you wil be the only one suffering

Do let your loved ones know how much you care

Don’t wait until it’s too late and when you’re ordering flowers, it’s to accommodate their funeral Don’t expose yourself so much that a stranger can tell you more about yourself th

Do enjoy social websites (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc.) Do buy yourself nice purses/wallets

Don’t spend more on the purse/wallet than you have in your savings account



Nfinite Form is proud to announce along with its new components PhD (Petite, Height & Dimensions) ™, and Full Figured Fashion Friday’s ™, its newest component H.I.M – Handsome Infinite Males. The full size male has always taken a back seat to others and we are now putting him in the forefront.

Where can the full size man pick up a magazine and find a like minded individual to relate to? Where can he go and find his reflection in fashion, opinions and thoughts. Can he go to the pages of GQ-Gentlemen’s Quarterly and feel at home? Can he go to the pages of Muscle and Fitness Magazine and feel connected to who is featured? The answers to these questions are all no.

To our Handsome Infinite Male members, we hope you enjoy the section created just for you and want you to look forward to more articles that cater to the male persuasion that focuses on your wants and needs.

Our members have spoken, in this issue Member on the Move, John Anderson expresses his concerns ans aspirations. Men want to see and read about issues that concern them and feel comfortable picking up a magazine they can call their own, even though women are included in it. Nfinite Form Magazine has taken their pleas to heart in this issue with new columnist “Nform” who plans to raise awareness to social topics. Under H.I.M. you will also find article What’s Cooking, which speaks about the things that men think about, and how they handle various situations in life with humor, especially when it comes to women. Men that Rock features interviews on an actor, musician, singer, poet, or regular individual who has done positive things .This issue features the dynamic talents of Kenny Bobien who speaks with us about his new project, his involvement with music, being full size and a positive friend to all.

HOT SPOTS HOT SPOT Shervon Norfleet

as tho not deserving, my heart is whole, my heart sings, that iv’e finally found what true joy means... they’re really no words to decribe the love i feel love is you simply you! This i know my heart beats because of you, my hearts healed because of you, i love you... HeartMindEyes By Aptwanea Lucas Do eyes see what they want to see or what’s real? Does the heart feel what it wants to feel or is feeling uncontrollable? Does the mind think what it wants to think or are thoughts instructed? Sometimes the heart feels what is beyond comprehension, Just as the eyes view illusions… The mind doesn’t always think with precise cognition… Heart, mind and eyes are not mere parts of the body, They are tools of the soul! The eyes see illusions because a soul has no form! The heart feels what is not there because the feeling isn’t of this world… It is of the spirit! The mind knows the truth but allows itself to be clouded by logic, In order to avoid the persecution of man’s reality! Heart, Mind, and Eyes…three entities that will never work together in this life For this isn’t the life they were designed for! AGING BEAUTY By Michee’ I look into the mirror and I see a face I knew a time so long ago. Reflection of someone who is not me The woman staring back I do not know I gaze at lines of wonder timeless the brow line heavy, eyes so blank and deep Tradition is dark skin will never crack but years of trials and obstacles I keep. His admirations go beyond my face; he sees from me what lies so deep within He views my inner beauty and my grace, not where I’ am going but where i’ve been. The mirror is cracked, fading old and through, yet in his eyes the reflection’s still new.


FADE TO BLACK NFINITE FORM MAKE-UP ARTIST Candace Batts “Don’t be afraid of vivid colors explore a little, you might be pleasantly surprised,”


Special Thanks: Wilshire Grand Models: Rachelle Kory

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