FORM mag
Editor in Chief W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
Paula Michelle Design Editor Trice Lamb Chief Technical Editor Bryant Lamb Writers Devin Taylor Shebra Jones Mari Rosheba Moss Cheryl Fisher Portrice Lamb Paula Michelle Bryant Lamb
F R E E B I E S :
Columnists CJ T. Demetrice Bailey Nform Sound Advice Kim B the Glama-zon
Photographer Bryant Lamb Kenneth Lamb HOW TO REACH US
P.O. Box 190 Montclair, NJ 07042 Phone( 973)559-6077 Online
On the cover: Aptwamea Lucas, Faces of Nfinite model courtesy of Nfinite Form LLC Editor: Paula Michelle Production Coordinator: Bryant Lamb Designers Team: Kinu Sloss KIKERA Image Group, Bentley Taylo,r Trice Lamb, Bryant Lamb Information is correct at press time. Check for updates. Nfinite Form(ISSN-1234-5678-9087) is published bimonthly. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. © 2010 NfiniteForm. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: P.O. Box190 Montclair, N.J. 07042
Elegance and Class transcends size, race, and ethnicity
Fi l l Fu
Member on the move
d e r gu
ss a l C
1 1 0 2
Food For Thought Health Warning T-Time “Reciprocity” Glaucoma in Teens
Beauty N’ Style
The Hair Spot - Hair Treatment Treating Everyday People Like Celebrities Style Guide Stores That Cater Do’s and Don’ts Beauty Tips
Bringing Vintage Back With Class Celebrating and Paying Tribute to Past Trend Setters Kinu Sloss- KiKeara Image Group
P.H.D(Petite, Height & Dimensions)MAGAZINE
Nfinite Height Model Brieanna Simmons Go Figure Sound Advice Love Critics- Nfinite Couples’ Key to Marriage
H .I .M (Handsome Infinite Males)
Designer Ilz Nae Cappio Nform Men that Rock Christopher McCray What’s Cookin Men’s Ancient Chinese Secrets Sound Byte with Brothers of Peace Producer Paul Scott
Events ...Spotlights...Exclusives.... Art Class Nfinite Platform Sassy Sista G.L. Douglas Exclusive “Club 4sixty6” Car Care Step Up Legacy Poetry Pause Fade To Black
e Worthy
Nfinite Form Founders of New Jersey Full Figured Fashion Week
his issue of Nfinite Form touches on classy. Some ask, “Where is it?” Classy is not some thing that comes automatically to an individual, it’s not inherent, but develops over time. It’s cultivated into an individual to the point that it exudes from them. It embodies who they are and what they are. It’s not about clothing, although that speaks volumes as well. It’s about being “The best of your kind,” regardless of what that is. How can one be the best? Does it mean testing higher or winning each race or challenge over someone else? No, hardly not. It is being defined by putting forth the very best effort you can in whatever you do, whatever you aspire, whatever you set your mind to. Keeping in mind that God blesses efforts not intentions. Classy is having or reflecting high standards of a personal nature and last but not least it’s admirably skillful and graceful, all according to Merriam Webster. I’m excited to announce our new online radio show, Desires of Nfinite, Friday evenings 7-9PM EST on I hope you all will ons eros duisciliqui tune and call in toblandre talk to us. We have DJ Mpure spinning volut incilit, alismod tincil for us velis so listen in for real talk and have a good time with ipsum good nim vibes. vendipsum iriustis dolorperat laor sequi bla facilisit ex etueratin henim dolorpero dolortis doluptat nulla feuguerci blaore volum quiscilla at.Nfinite Form ................... Am voloborper ipisciduis eugiatisi. Ed tat. Dip el utto velese faccum wants bring eu vintage classy back and for the Nfinite size quat am in henis adwe doluptatin et lanthat we are the epitome of just that woman want to show heniat. Aliqui tie magna alit you to marvel at the phenomenal C Lbla A Sad S Y……. We want lor senisl photography iniamet prat.ofIriliscidunt Kinu Sloss of Kikeara Image Group from alis eugait augait ipsusci liquisisl ea the “C” in classy for our Faces of South Carolina, she put faccumm odolobortio dignaShe con is hent Nfinite Models. one of a kind and bar none when it coduissenibh mes etumtoat, volobore capturing thedolortrue essence of class. We had to have tio consecte facin henibh et you will enjoy her feature article herdolore for this shoot! I know wisi bla feum velexpresses ullan henibh exmotivates euthat what her creations and gives her guer sis nosto odiamet vullut niscil the drive to continue to do what she does. When you need ex esed tesomewhere commodolenit nulla feu look no further than Club 466 with classy to go, feuisit nullaits corer nosto odiamet. newsiupcoming restaurants, Food Director Sam Mikhail Velit am chats volor inci withet,usquatue aboutcorthe new renovations and direction. Full Size females, we have answered your inquires about finding where to go to get that pero stincipit ulputat lobore utatie classy product foretyour beautiful hairdo’s and we have found conum velitit ercipsusto conufor you andexero are truly in awe, “The Hair Spot,” in Woodbridllan hendrem ip eu do feum ge,quismolent NJ. No longer you have to trek to New York to get iusciduisse 100% consent nullan et, Correct veliRemy Cuticle hair, please pay close attention quam quatem quisthey nonum to what haveiureriure to say in this issue, it will change how you feu faccumcare venit lorem forlut your hair nonseproduct, they are a classy company that quatem iuscilit nit prat, irius- We also speak with House Music produces a quatum classy look. to nosto odiamet. singer Christopher McCray about his new music project and long time friend Brothers of Peace Producer Paul Scott talks about his views on the full size community. Our Member of Ladillo (unathe sola línea). month Monica Lane is all the way from Houston, Texas, Esse delit you ullut will lanbe esendreet vulla you hear her speak about the full uplifted when size woman and how she is treated there. Kim B The Gla 6 NFINITEFORMmazon 2011 now features her beauty column tips for all to learn
Paula Michelle
There is so much to gleam from this issue. Classy men and women are definitely needed in society today, especially from the full size community. People everywhere are losing themselves and their demeanor is one that can use a little encouragement in the classy area, men and women alike. So, we hope that this issue will shed some light on what is classy and hope many will try to work hard and obtain it if they don’t already possess it.
New Jersey/ International-National Full Figured Fashion Week We are getting closer to International/National New Jersey Full Figured Fashion Week™ and have so much to look forward to, it’s going to be an exciting time in New Jersey and hope you all will attend the various programs, shows and events. So while we await this wonderful week to happen, with this issue I leave you with the words of the Poet Nform, “Style uninhibited classy free ...... that woman has style that woman is free.” Nfinite Forms motto: “Giving Back, Giving Love and Being Real,” because we cannot be any other way so please do the same, and my personal mantra: “Put God first in all that you do (Psalms 83:18) and you will truly be fulfilled and blessed. In peace……. Paula Michelle, Editor-in-Chief
Paula Michelle
MOVE Monica Lane
here are more than big bright stars deep in the heart
of Texas!! Nfinite Form’s member of the month is Monica Lane from Houston, Texas. This 32 year old mother of three is beautiful as the day is long with a wonderful spirit to boot, exactly the type of member that Nfinite Form is proud to call one of its own. We caught up with Monica as she was coming in from an exhausting day but took time out to speak with us about the full size community. How are full size women regarded in Texas? Personally, I feel Texas is where they should be! They love us out here. They love a thick woman with hips, thighs and butt, oh my God!
OK, so the opposite sex, they like the full size women out in Texas? Yes! , I mean not just African American men; we have a lot of Mexicans out here being so close to Mexico and even other ethnicities. It’s funny because when I go out, I get asked where I’m from and I’ve been in Houston since I was in the 7th grade, although I’m originally from Louisiana, but I let people know, Houston has a lot of thick women. It seems like you love Houston but with the economy being so difficult right now, how is it out in Texas and would you go anywhere else?
but for something like that I would but it would be hard to leave my father. However, there is no one place I could say I want to be, I have some people out in Atlanta and they are trying to get me to come out there now. So I’m kind of thinking about going to Atlanta but I’m really hesitant. I have my dad out here, I don’t have my mom, she passed, but I have my dad out here and it would be hard to leave him.
So how do you feel society views the full size woman, do you feel there needs to be changes since Texas views them well? If there were changes in the media I believe it would help society a lot. Everything is run off the media. I think if it was more full size women seen, I mean there are more than it was. Kimora Lee just had something on that featured full size women but there needs to be more. I’ve had friends who saw the movie Just Right and said, he wouldn’t talk to her, that don’t look right. I’ve even had female friends of mine who go out with say to me, “Oh, you have too much junk in the trunk.” Depending on the crowd, they will want me to get out on the floor and dance but then there are other times that they will, say, “No,” because they don’t want me to. So it makes me feel like, sometimes you think I’m fat and sometimes you make me think I’m fine. So it’s good in some instances but then again no it’s almost embarrassing. Most times it is the females that have issues with the size of full size women but the men nowadays, quiet as it’s kept do like full size women, do you find that? Yes, I have a guy friend like that now. He doesn’t want anything small. He likes them thick. I’m glad that this is a magazine because most times when you do see a thick size woman who has a nice shape, it’s going to be on some type of butt magazine, you know, like an urban black man’s magazine or something sexual. So it’s good that you have a magazine out because there’s nothing out there that I can think of right now that has that.
If I was granted the opportunity to go somewhere else, like for a job or something like that I would go because of the way everything is out here. It’s so hard to find a job, NFINITEFORM 2011 7
Food For Thought Metabolism and Weight Loss
The mission of Nfinite Form is to “change” the thinking of various media, and to applaud the various sizes, shapes, bodies and styles of women as well as men in this modern world in which we call “home.” And personally, I feel this magazine is achieving that. However, weight loss and metabolism is still a subject which should be of concern to all, not purely for aesthetic purposes but because weight and metabolism greatly impact our overall health and wellbeing.
Overweight and obesity
are caused by many factors: Genes, metabolism, behavioral, cultural, and socioeconomic as well as illnesses and conditions, i.e., high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory issues, to name a few. As weight increases, so does the possibility of serious health risks. We can improve our odds against these health issues by improving our diets.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, considers overweight and obesity among the 10 leading health indicators in Healthy People 2010, Metabolism requires food. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It has been said, that we should ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.’ In this country, things in reverse. We eat little or no breakfast at all, lunch is generally burgers and fries…don’t forget the soda, and dinner usually entails very large portions of meat, the veggies consists of something starchy and tons of carbs to boot! in a 2007 article entitled “The World’s Fattest Countries,” America tips the scale and comes in 9th place at 74.1% overweight. Nearly 237 million Americans are currently overweight with estimated medical costs connected to obesity accounting for 9.1% of all health expenditures.. So, now take action Metabolism Fixes Our basal metabolic rate includes the energy we need for body processes, including digestion. About 10 percent of our calories are used to process the food we eat. As the calories are burned, our bodies generate heat, this is known as the thermic effect of food, which is influenced by how much we eat, how often and also what we eat., to know the correct amount of each food group you need to ingest daily? Go to: Eat at least 1,000 calories per day Eating a low-calorie diet will help you take off weight, but if you eat too few calories, your metabolism will become slower as it tries to conserve energy. Therefore, the weight you take off will probably come back on over time . Eat every four to five hours Eating at regular intervals helps to keep your body working to digest and absorb foods. Try to eat between 4-5 meals and/or snacks per day. Making sure you choose healthy choices. Try to eat breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up. People who regularly eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to control their weight. If you wait to eat until you’re starving, you’ll probably eat way more than you need to. Eat protein at every meal Proteins are the building blocks of life and have the greatest thermic effect of all. In addition, protein can increase metabolism by helping to maintain and build muscle mass.
Probiotics Probiotics are organism’s that are “‘healthy’ bacteria. Probiotics helps to balance the intestinal tract by killing unhealthy bacteria in the gut. Taking probiotic supplements, for weight loss maintains a healthy intestine tract, which can also prevent illness and disease. In addition, Probiotics for weight loss also helps the thyroid gland, The Greek word for Metabolism is “Metabellein.” implies…“Change,” without which in turn helps the digestive system. a functioning metabolism, the body would be unable to heal itself, maintain its organs or rid itself of toxins in the body. How can one boost their metabolism? Other Options Hot peppers, organic salsa, organic apple cider vinegar, orMetabolism is not one of those things you can exactly dictate. Have you ever ganic virgin coconut oil, and Yerba Mate Tea, have shown to noticed, two good friends, who eat the exact same thing, workout the exact rev up an under-active metabolism. Remember, to check with same way, but their weight is different? Do you think it’s by accident? Think your doctor, before beginning your new regimen, also rememagain! Some people have the so-called “skinny” gene, which prevents them ber our bodies did not get out of shape overnight, and will not from wearing the “skinny” jeans…no pun intended (smile). Now to add insult ‘change’ overnight. Be committed to your decision to improve to injury…men generally have a metabolism that is 10 -15 percent higher than your health, which in turn, will truly make your ‘form’ infinite indeed! women’s, mainly because of their larger size and muscle mass. Go figure For questions about supplements or health concerns, contact me Another factor which we all have no control of, because each and every day at I’m CJ and that’s Real Food For Thought! we’re spiraling closer towards our destiny is the age factor. Regardless of you’re being male or female, metabolism naturally decreases with age. It has been estimated that metabolism slows about 5 percent per decade, beginning at the age of 40, which translates, we lose muscle mass and we increase body fat as we age. . 8 NFINITEFORM 2011
Alcohol The Newest Health Risk
Wiping away more than Bacteria
You scrape your arm, your little boy falls and cuts his knee, you’re prepped for surgery or you disinfect your skin before an injection, all of these situations call for the use of alcohol prep pads, alcohol swabs and alcohol swab sticks. Recently there has been a recall on these most common items in our medicine cabinets because of potential bacterial contamination. All lots which include sterile and non-sterile pads, swabs and swab sticks are voluntarily being recalled by a manufacturer of over the counter products. It is said that these products may not claim many injuries or lawsuits, however there was already one death and numerous illnesses. On December 1, 2010, little two year old Harrison Kothari of Houston, Texas died from a rare infection which is said to have come from the alcohol pads. It is alleged that the Food and Drug Administration may have been aware of the contaminated alcohol pads by the Triad Group out of Wisconsin back in 2009. However, MSNBC said, “There were no records of the FDA warning companies about the risk or forcing Triad to improve its manufacturing process.” It’s further stated by an FDA inspectors report on Triad, “Procedures designed to prevent microbiological contamination of drug products purporting to be sterile are not followed.” It appears that nothing was suggested or done by the FDA. Armed with this evidence of poor practice, questions have been raised over why the FDA did not act. Devastated: Shanoop and Sandra Kothari with a photo of their two children Hanna and Harrison. Harrison died last year of bacterial meningitis caused by bacillus cereus, a bacterium which forced a recall of alcohol prep wipes. Triad has recalled tens of millions of pads and swabs as a result. The bacteria emanating from the pads is called Bacillus cereus or meningoseptica and is most often connected with food borne illnesses that can cause meningitis in infants, pneumonia in patients on ventilators and necrotizing fascititis. It also causes serious and unremitting skin infections that are life threatening. This is especially true of individuals who suffer with compromised immune systems like cancer patients, HIV patients, and surgical patients. This would also include the elderly and infants whose immune systems are usually fragile. Consumers need to be aware as Triad Group manufactures the pretentious products, although labels them for third party retailers that include Cardinal Health, PSS Select, VersaPro, Boca/Ultilet, Moore Medical, Conzellin, Walgreens and CVS. These alcohol pads are individually packeted in boxes of 100 and sold in retail pharmacies nationwide. Under the microscope: This is a colour-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of bacillus cereus, which Mr. Postich claims led to his heart condition Another case is that of a 55-year-old Tennessee man Donovan Postich. He filed a $30 million lawsuit against Triad. He claims an infection he contracted from the wipes led to him having to undergo open-heart surgery which left him permanently disabled. Mr. Postich told MSNBC: ‘That was the most scared I’ve been in my life.’ He said, ‘They told me about the tainted pads and you just kind of put two and two together.’ These alcohol pads, swabs and swab sticks are totaling perhaps hundreds of millions of products sold in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Donovan Postich, with a photo of himself before he fell ill, is suing Triad Group for $30million Postitch used wipes to clean his skin before his weekly injections to treat hepatitis C. He developed this after a blood transfusion in 1979 following a car crash. He was using a product called Pegasys, or peginterferon alfa-2a, an injection medication. In
September he started using Triad-produced wipes and almost at once began feeling ill. His diagnoses, endomyocarditis, a heart condition which at times is associated with the bacteria in the wipes. “That makes me want to cry,” is what Postitch said after learning the FDA knew of problems at Triad two years ago. One can never be too careful with the medical products they use, even those that are supposed to prepare the body for medicine or medical surgeries. So if consumers come in contact with these types of alcohol pads, swabs or swab sticks they should return the recalled products back to the retailer for a total refund or call Triad Group Customer Service at 262-538-2900. Nfinite Form wants its readers to be informed and remain healthy, so please be careful in the medical products you choose to use. Do your research and be sure there are no recalls or issues with them. Be Well….. Sources Read more: Consumers and physicians should report all adverse events from these pro ducts to the FDA’s MedWatch Program at or by calling call 1-800-332-1088. , alcohol prep pads,
Paula Michelle NFINITEFORM 2011 9
Treating Everday People Like Celebrities
Luxury is a state of mind
Luxury doesn’t have to come with astronomical prices, plane tickets to a remote island, or circling the crowd elite. Luxury is a state of mind that with simple steps can be easily accomplished. Luxury should be for the sole purpose of pampering oneself to something special, not ones lifestyle that will eventually leads to selfishness. Wanting the finer things in life is no sin but remember that the best things in life are free.. 1. Luxury requires time, so set aside time that is not promised to anyone else, it shouldn’t be at anyone’s expense 2. Luxury loves company so it’s encouraged to share it with those you love but it can definitely be enjoyed solo 3. Assess the mood in which you are inspiring to achieve and stream line luxury with simplicity
Trice Lamb
4. Start small with such ideas as: a picnic on the shore, wine tasting, art galleries, museum exhibits,a nightcap in a cascading bubble bath, or an over night stay at a five star hotel
As the winter days come to an end and the enchanted spring breeze fills
ot n s a l rel b m u Strawberry Kiss * r top u o o y t t ou but g The Strawberry Kiss consists of 1/2 oz. brandy, 1 oz. rum, 1 oz. straw- Take n i ied r n p a s p r m o cco berry schnapps, 2 oz. of orange juice and 1/2 oz. of cranberry juice. The ust f a j s k n i r d drink is served over ice and can be garnished with a strawberry or an ne u your t d an l orange slice. Like many strawberry flavored drinks, the Strawberry Kiss s i h t i w is a sweet drink ideal for people who prefer drinks that taste more like the air.....Luxury can be quenched with this easy to make beverage:
juice than alcohol.
Read more: Rum Strawberry Drinks 10 NFINITEFORM 2011
T- Time Reci
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions “I John 3:18 To put it in layman’s terms, reciprocity is reciprocal advantages, obligations, or rights; reciprocation. It is a mutual action and reaction; give and Basically what you put out there is what you should also expect to receive. It affects every relationship you have whether it’s with loved ones, friends, strangers, or in business. Some call it “The Law of Cause and Effect.” I’m sure that as a whole, the majority of us have either seen or heard about the movie “Pay It Forward”. This was a beautiful adaptation of what reciprocity is all about. You do something for someone without any expectations (confident that it won’t be lost), other than for them to do something beneficial for someone else; pay it forward.
Two types of people in the world
Question is…which one are you? There are a few sayings, “You are what you eat.”, “You get what you pay for.”, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” I say, “You are what you do.” All are examples of reciprocity When you use your gifts to bless others, you will be blessed abundantly. When you’re cold hearted – expect coldness in return. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”~Mahatma Gandhi.
Givers and Takers Those who give, they usually give freely with everything in their being (without any thought or recourse): “Give and it shall be given to you; good measure, and pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete with it shall be measured to you again.”~Luke 6:38.
Takers are usually only looking out for self – the users. “Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.”~Job 4:8. NFINITEFORM 2011 11
Caring Causes
Trice Lamb
What is Childhood Glaucoma
ChildhoodLore glaucoma is referred to as congevel dolorpe rcinciduisi nital glaucoma, pediatric, or infantile bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am glaucoma whichzzril mostly babies and young chilet nosoccurs augiamindolore delismodren diat and doluptat. can be Diametue diagnosed in the first year of min henim a child’s life. This condition effects iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes that slowly rises nosto odiamet. because of the fluiddioaqueous - which Sumsandrem ea facin humor ulla flows conum in anddion outet of the eye normally but now luptate feugiat iriuscinot being able to drain properly. duis et aut la feu feugue consequat
Causes This is a rare condition that is easily linked to hereditary or be associated with other eye disorders. If this condition cannot be attributed to any other cause, it is termed primary. If glaucoma is a result of another eye disorder, injury, inflammation, blood in the eye or other disease, it is termed as secondary.
nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odia-
Narrow angle glaucoma is an ocular emergency. In such cases there is an obstruction in the drainage of the aqueous fluid due to a narrowing of the angle between the base of the iris and the cornea. The symptoms can be a sudden, painful red eye, nausea, vomiting, headache, and visual halos with these symptoms, go directly to the emergency room and contact your ophthalmologist.
diat utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud
Low Tension Glaucoma is usually a sign of poor circulation. Heart problems, high levels of Stress, brain tumors, or toxic drugs can all produce optic nerve damage that may present.
Themet. fluid as a result of this collects and causes pressure and damage tote the Ut volortie tat praesequisi eros-optic nerve that connects the retina with the tio nullutem ilisl enis alissectem inimbrain which causes loss of vision. quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit Glaucoma is classified according tatet nummy nostrud eugiam, se- to age, if it begins before the child is 3 years old, it is quamet, con ver incincinci bla adipcalledsum infantile, if present at birth it’s congenizzrilisi. tal , and If it occurs in a rperostrud child over 3 years Equamco mmodolo of age, it’s called childhood glaucoma. (Boston dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er Children’s Hosptial) sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat
wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et,
Medication and surgery are
Glaucoma symptoms can affect one eye or both where they give the apperance of being enlarged , cloudiness of the cornea, and photosensitivity (sensitivity to light) * excessive tearing * light sensitivity (photophobia) * closure of one or both eyes in the light * cloudy, enlarged cornea * one eye may be larger than the other * vision loss If the eye pressure increases too quickly, there may be pain and discomfort where the child becomes irritable, fussy, and develops a poor appetite. Early detection and diagnosis is very important to prevent vision loss. The symptoms of glaucoma may resemble other eye problems or medical conditions.
Manage Stress in your child by helping them to meditate, take a walk in nature,story reading or prayer on a daily basis for relaxation.
Treatment Required at times with the use of topical eye drops and oral medications. These treatments help to increase the exit of fluid from the eye or decrease the production of fluid inside the eye the end result in lower eye pressure. Surgicial treatments consists of two types: filtering surgery and laser surgery. Filtering surgery (or micro surgery) involves the use of small surgical tools to create a drainage canal in the eye. Laser surgery uses a small powerful beam of light to make a tiny opening in the eye tissue. But there is also Diet & Nutrition tips * Vegetable Studies show patients can reduce their eye pressure by five to seven millimeters with an improved diet and supplement program. In general, a diet high in betacarotene, vitamins C and E, and sulfur-bearing amino acids are recommended. Foods containing those nutrients include garlic, onions, beans, spinach, celery, turnips, yellow and orange vegetables, green leafy vegetables, seaweed, apples, oranges, and tomatoes. * Daily juicing of vegetables and fruits (preferably organic). Our glaucoma recipe is combining the following: celery, carrots, cucumber, radish, turnip, pars-
ley, beets, cabbage, raspberries, plums, apple (not too much fruit). * Water Drink 8-10 glasses of purified water daily. Avoid carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages. They can actually dehydrate your eyes. * Food allergens Avoid foods to which you are allergic: * Vitamins & minerals Supplement of organic green drink such as Nanogreens Lifestyle * Manage your Stress Meditate, take a walk in nature, practice yoga, visualization techniques, or prayer on a daily basis. * Exercise Do at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. Walking and swimming are two excellent forms of exercise. * Eye exercise can help to bring energy and blood to the eyes, thereby helping to drain away toxins or congestion to the eyes.
Show your support
Thousands of children with glaucoma can live full lives, with independence and participation in his or her own self-care.•
Beauty: Hair Treatment lle
la By Pau
e Mich
The Bible says, “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering,” 1Corinthians 11:15. There is so much to be said about that subject and it is also commonly known amongst women that it doesn’t matter what you wear, if your hair is not done, you certainly do not look good. Hair means a lot to a woman, it shows her personality, style and class. In today’s ever changing society, hair has become a phenomenon all of its own and hair extensions have contributed to this. Hair extensions are a dominant product in the lives of women all 14 NFINITEFORM 2011
Hair extentions, wigs, lace fronts, and weaves need more than just an occassional brush. The Hair Spot untangles the myths that surronds womens’ heads.
over the United States Caring for hair extensions does not have to be tedious and elsewhere. Nfi- if you have the correct hair nite Form’s readers in the first place. The Hair have asked when we Spot not only sells 100% were going to do an cuticle correct hair, but explains how you should care article on hair, hair for it; here are some tips for care and hair salons. treatment of the hair that Well once again, we you purchase: have listened and ▲First be sure to get the are prepared to anaccurate color hair. Most manufacturers try to stock swer. This article the standard industry ranwill focus primarily on ges of color, #1, #1B, #2, hair extension care #4. Always remember to as we learned it from allow for some variation in the Hair Spot a brand color and texture when purchasing human hair. At the new classy hair supply Hair Spot you can order the store that truly caters color closest to your natural to women who want to color if it is not in stock. look their best at all ▲Always prepare your times. Our next issue hair product to extend the will have an in depth life and wear. Wash the hair before application. This feature on their store will remove any possible as well as one of the leftover residue from protop salons in New Jer- cessing. Wash hair in the sey, “Ultimate Vision shower to keep hair hanging loose versus the sink. Hair Studios.” Examine the weft to locate any gaps or slippage. You may receive some shedding, do not panic it is normal. However, your
shedding should be minimal. ▲Refrain from using cheap shampoos, they usually contain more detergent than conditioners. This will dry out the hair. Use a quality salon shampoo like Sebastian, Redken, Biolage or Nexxus. ▲Refrain from cheap conditioners they tend to be watered down, use a good crème based conditioner. Again, ask before purchasing if the conditioner works well on hair extensions. ▲When washing refrain from rubbing, scrubbing or bunching the hair together. ▲After washing your hair product do not use conditioners if you plan to use a hair bonding product when applying your extensions. Wait until application is done then condition the hair. ▲After washing, pat hair dry, preferable to air dry hair and never sleep while hair is wet, make sure it is completely dry before sleeping.
▲Use a mild stringent on the scalp in between washings. Witch hazel works well. ▲If using a blow dryer begin at the weft then go to the ends. Refrain from pulling on wet hair. ▲ Loosen hair every morning and before going to bed. Tightly curled styles should never be combed. Shake out curly styles, comb through straight styles and use a wide tooth comb or fingers for wavy hair. The Hair Spot, the only place in New Jersey where you can purchase 100% Remy cuticle correct human hair. Located at 201-205 New Brunswick Avenue, Woodbridge, New Jersey. Please go and get educated with class and look out for their in depth interview in our next issue.
Spring is here! The beauty of it is centered around the flowers as the buds on the trees eventually start to bloom. However, that’s not the only thing that blooms. Right now Spring fashion is in full bloom! Ladies put away the heavy winter gear and get ready for the lighter, softer fabrics of frolic.
s i h t m o o l B n i s ' t a Wh
g n i Spr
Mos a b she o y R B
e’re in for a treat, one of the biggest trends for spring 2011 is high waist flair pants. These look good on the full size woman and can be worn with silk blouses accessorised with a tie. Sheer dresses, long and short. Bohemian styles, Rompers and floor length Maxi dresses are all the thing for Spring. I don’t know if this sounds familiar to you or not but I just described the 70’s look revamped! We can have lots of fun with this look in 2011,
You are going to need a jacket for a breezy spring day, this season Jackets with buckles on the sleeves, and metallic motorcycle jackets are in for sun shiny Spring as well as quilted Biker Jackets. Trench coats are always a hit. These jackets are mostly available in neutral colors like ivory,camel, brown, black and olive green. But have no fear, there are also vivid colored pleather jackets too. To go with that a pair of leather pants which can be worn with biker boots. This style is said to be the hottest trend this spring season, light weight leathers, soft slick leather and suede are now the perfect items.
The colors for this season are neutral colors along with candy colors like orange, yellow, green and fuchsia. Animal prints are always a go. The most popular for spring is python snake skin. Whether it’s clothing or accessories like a handbag, belt or sheer scarf. If you’re thinking about what shoes will go well with this you can choose from wedge sandals or shooties which are ankle boot/shoes.
Animal Prints are roaring through
Well, I think this will hold you over for now. So, go out and shop, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed in this bloom season. Time to peel back a couple of those layers and enjoy this beautiful season of spring! While your stocking up on these fashions I will be taking inventory of whats to come this summer season for 2011!
Mixed Tr opical Co
lors Give
Spring a
ow b in a R e th er d n u n io sh a F Every Plus Size
os M a heb s o y B R
n our last issue I shared with you where you could find the best winter styles. They were very hot and stylish and they definitely helped us get through the rough winter season. This time around I would like to tell you where you can get the latest trends for spring at an affordable price. There is a store that has been around since 1935 and needs to be recognized more in the full size community. This store is none other than the Rainbow Shop. Did you know the-
re are almost 1100 stores in 38 states and operating stores in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands? I bet you didn’t. 740+ Rainbow stores have plus size Departments. I bet you didn’t know that either. There are also 11 plus size stores.
So now that we know the stores are everywhere, let me tell you what the Rainbow Shop has to offer you this spring season. They have the new maxi dresses, the rompers and chic little summer dresses that can also be worn as blouses over leggings. UNDER All of the$20 se fashions you can get at affor-
NOTE Rainbow is the place for you to try. You may wonder why you’ve waited so long!
dable prices ranging from 14.99 to 19.99. With the recession we are having and high gas prices, this is a God-send. The Rainbow Shop also has accessories to go with these fashionable steals. The latest belts start at $7.99 and sandals at the smart price of $19.99 Nice pleather jackets that is a must have if you don’t have one already reasonably priced at $24.99, with mid length sleeves. I definitely have to get one this spring season myself, preferably
in camel or bone. Jewelry, jewelry, jewelry, beautiful necklaces, earrings, bracelets all starting at $5, can you believe it? So, yes, if you’re on a budget, Rainbow is the place for you to try. You may wonder why you’ve waited so long! Announcing: Ladies they have layaway! This is something that you don’t see much of anymore. So there is no excuse to not be ready for stepping out in high Spring fashion this season. You can pick up some items you want but might not be able to pay for all at once, put 20% or more down on your layaway and you have a month to pay off your balance. It’s really that simple. However, make sure you really want these items and don’t forget to
go back and pick them up. You absolutely will want to have your new Spring wardrobe waiting for you. Oh yeah, one more important detail for you, their plus size section ranges from 1x to 3x, so there is something there for everyone. I hope this information helps you decide where you want to go for your Spring season wardrobe without it breaking your bank. Check out Rainbow Shop and enjoy your shopping and savings! Hurry spring into the new you, it is well deserved! NFINITEFORM 2011 19
Do Have Girl Talk Don’t Gossip in front of
Do Wear your seat belt Don’t Text and Drive Do .Women, be independent Don’t
your mate Do Take chances Don’t Take so many, that they cause your overall failure
Forget how & when to be delicate
ne o J a ebr h y S B
DO’S AND DON’TS Do Be Strong Don’t Forget to cry, it helps with dealing with stress and
delisi. Lore vel Do dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am Believe you’re beautiful zzril et nosthat augiam dolore delismodiat doluptat. Diametue min henim Don’t iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si Think it’sodiamet. all about you and no-one nosto Sumsandrem dio ea facin ulla conum dion else et luptate feugiat iriuscimatters duis et aut la feu feugue consequat nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odiaDo met. Ut volortie tat praesequisi Eat well te erostio nullutem ilisl enis alissectem inim Don’t quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit diat utatum iuscip duisit nostrud Overeteat tatet nummy nostrud eugiam, sequamet, con ver Do incincinci bla adipsum zzrilisi. Take care of your feet all Equamco mmodolo rperostrud year long dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er sequatuer in eummolor Don’t iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum getet, auteWait tatumuntil quat.summer Utat ating to enim vel inci them blamet,together quat wisis esecte dolent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. Do Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, comCry, itlum helps with dealing moluptat veraesed tat adipismolore volor autet nim quat withtin stress and velis unplaced eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio emotions. dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, conulla ectet, cons alit Don’t facil holdipsum emotions inside dipsummy nonsed tet iusto odolort incipit alis dolestrud dolobor sequat. Et at lor alit nosto er sequi eugue
unplaced emotions. Do Ask for advice Don’t Base all your actions/reactions on someone’s opinion(s)
Texto del sumario a Work on your own identity cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída Don’t del texto, comoSteal un someone else’s segundo titular. Debe DO
Have high confidence Don’t Be overly aggressive
By Kim B. “The Glama-Zon”
Kim B. “The Glama-Zon”
Lights, camera, action!!! Neon lips are in this spring! Makeup Expert Kim B “The Glama-Zon” layered MAC PRO Chromagraphic Pencil and Quarta pink shadow by Iman cosmetics to achieve a bright shocking effect. To achieve the Glama-Zon Look keep the eyes bare and apply a soft highlighter on the cheek with a touch of bronzer to contour.
Purple was everywhere this runway season from Victoria Beckham to Jason Wu’s hint of shimmery purple eyes. Purple is a shade that can look great on any skin tone from the fairest of porcelain to the darkest of ebony, purple is the shade that has a shade for everyone! ColorBlushforEveryone I love a pop of coral on cheeks and I highly recom-
mend this blush Sade for anyone a pop of color can wakeup a face and bright your complexion as well! Kims Favorite Color Forecast Suggestions for blush Nars Orgasm Blush Fair Skin/Medium Skin tone Raisin Blush by MAC Dark Complexions
ing and PayTribute
Winnie Johnson
Trice Lamb
Dora Dean
Cultivate your curves - They may be dangerous but they won’t be avoided. -Mae West
elebrating and paying tribute to trends is to acknowledge the women who graced the stage of life with class. The women of the 1900’s possesed not only beauty but inner class and undeniable charisma. Etiquette was the must have accessory of true ladies of demure. Women of today need to bring class and self respect back into their attire. To showcase their talent and not their assets, the trend setters of the past were distinct and versitile in their trade, brand of beauty, fashion, and entertainment. The ladylike trendsetters array of attributes cross many spectrums from class, color, and size for style and trends THERE WAS NO DISCRIMINATION OUTSIDE OF COST.
Jayne Russell
The breath taking beauty of these trensetters where remarkably one of a kind, thus making them trail blazers. Dora Dean was the first voluptuous form to grace the stage with her beauty. Dora Dean and with her partner Charles Johnson were “the King and Queen of Colored Aristocracy” Vaudeville entertainers, who appeared in Broadway plays and nightclubs, and later moved to a few Motion Pictures. They were one of the main components to the popularity of the Cakewalk and were one of the first “colored acts” to bring class to their field . Although of an infinite form, Dora captivatied the kings and queens of Europe to such an extent that she had them at her feet. Songs were written about her titled “(Have You Met Miss Dora Dean, Prettiest Girl You’ve ever Seen.”) Dora with her husband was the first to start the “Class Act” with their fancy wearing custom made, thousand dollar costumes featured on stage. Dora and Charles the “Originators of the Cakewalk,” .
The History
To Past Trend Setters Trends come and go, but their beauty remains priceless. This is a history lesson well deserved to encourage flair in this ladyless era.............
Ethel Moses Winnie Johnson was a captivating Cotton Club Chorus line member and protegee of Bojangles. Her class and grace landed her as one of the first African Americans to perform in the first Broadway show choreographed by Agnes DeMillie to feature both Black and white women in a chorus lineup. She appeared with such greats as Lena Horne in The Cotton Club Parade. Ethel Moses showcased her fabulous persona as a popular Harlem dancer and black movie star. She was also accalimed as the most beautiful woman in the world in the 1930’s. She became the most popular, most recognizable, most beloved actress of Black cinema because of her beauty, shapely body, loveliness, gracious-
Of Trend
da Carter
ness and mysterious personality. She was known as the Bronze Venus and billed as “The Black Jean Harlow” because of her resemblance to the white star. Ethel Moses was a likable movie star because she brought warmth, sincerity, naturalness, charisma, and mysteriy to the screen. Most actresses as curvaceous and gorgeous as Ethel usually played seductresses and Femme Fatales but not Ethel she portrayed the innocent stand-by-herman type. Ethel dispelled the myths that black women were hard, cold, and fast. Ethel always had class and a heart of gold that anyone would love and enjoy. Jayne Russell was be-
yond classy she was pure glamour as Hollywood’s leading sex symbols in the 1940s and 1950s. Jayne’s voluptuous figure caused problems in the film The Outlaw (1943), which couldn’t contain her nfinite frame, and there was a censorship on the production over the way her ample cleavage was displayed. With her measurements of 38D-24-36 and standing 5’7” Russell was considered more statuesque than most of her slender contemporaries. She recieved countless jokes from radio comedians, including Bob Hope, who introduced her as “the two and only Jane Russell” instead of the one and only. However the public at large disagreed with Hollywood’s sterotype and the photo’s taken of Ms. Russell on a haystack became a popular pin-up with servicemen during World War II. Russell continued her career with even more drama in The French Line (1954), which showcased what hollywood considered voluptuos with Russell in a form-fitting one-piece
bathing suit with strategic cut outs, she claims however that it was a very racy choice for a movie costume in 1954. Jayne said, “Because she is a lady of class she initially wore the bikini in front of her “horrified” movie crew while “feeling very naked.” Russell continued to razzle and dazzle audiences in her life time. Lavada Carter”was exceptionally beautiful and charismatic which was noted in her music. She became a popular singer and dancer in the 1930’s and was undoubtible not just another pretty face. Jean Harlow’s Career as an actress was short lived due to her passing of uremic poisioning at the age of 26. However, her grace was undeniable in her appearance in Platinum Blonde (1931) which cemented her as America’s new sex symbol. It was her films with Gable that created her lasting legacy in the film world. The legacy of classy trendsetters with stands the test of time.
Jean Harlow
Briniging Vintage Back With
Class is room for improvement and the knowledge to use it with grace and style. Class was best schooled in the early 20’s- to the Hair extentions, wigs, lace late 80’s and then fronts, and weaves need more became a DROP-brush. than just an occassional OUT the last two decades. Women of the “old school” had a selflessness Texto del sumario a and gorgeous spirit that cinco líneas: consiste was an everyday principle. en una idea extraída del texto, como un The Vintage styles of yessegundo titular. Debe
ter year were daring, elegant, and created their own trend statements without retention.
Images: Kinu Sloss, Marly Savage and Bryant Lamb
Nfinite Form wants to bring vintage back with class, where ones personality is enhanced through fashion, not created or altered but respected. The times of the stock market crash leading to the Great Depression had no bearing on the essence of being classy, thus reflecting the adventurous yet high standards of the Flapper Girl’s roaring and bubbling enthusiasm 1920/30’s.
delisi. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am zzril et nos augiam dolore delismodiat doluptat. Diametue min henim iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si nosto odiamet. Sumsandrem dio ea facin ulla conum dion et luptate feugiat iriusciduis et aut la feu feugue consequat nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odiaNmet. JFUt volortie tat praesequisi te erosFF W tio nullutem ee ilisl enis alissectem inim k Msim zzril eu faccum zzrit quisit amet, od et duisit nostrud diat utatum iuscip el: tatet nummy nostrud La eugiam, seura bla adipquamet, con ver incincinci M sum zzrilisi. erc Equamco mmodolo rperostrud ad a dip ea facin velenim alit la facinteer sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et,
The sacrifice of fashion due to World War II , women leaving the homes to help support the family but with the determination to remainBriniging Lady Like despite the times of the 1940’s Vintage
Back With
delisi. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am zzril et nos augiam dolore delismodiatPie doluptat. de foto. Diametue min henim iril En uteste la caso, feugue un vel ex enibh exer si nosto pie deodiamet. foto común Sumsandrem para todas las fotos, dio ea facin ulla conum dion etuna luptate feugiat iriuscidescribiéndolas duis et de aut la feu a una izquierda a feugue consequat nimderecha zzril ydolobortie de arriba feuisi nosto odiamet. a abajo. Los pies Ut volortie tat praesequisi te erosde foto verticales tio ocuparán nullutem ilisl 9 u 10 enis alissectem inim quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit líneas como mínimo. diat utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud Si se llena todo el tatet nummy nostrud eugiam, sequamet, con ver incincinci bla adipsum zzrilisi. Equamco mmodolo rperostrud dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et, vel inci blamet, quat wisis esecte dolent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, commoluptat lum veraesed tat adipismolore tin volor autet velis nim quat eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, conulla facil ipsum ectet, cons alit dipsummy nonsed tet iusto odolort incipit alis dolestrud dolobor sequat. Et at lor alit nosto er sequi eugue con ullaorer ipsusciduip etue do
eek FW
: del
Hair extentions, wigs, lace fronts, and weaves need more than just an occassional brush. The Hair Spot untangles the myhts that surronds womens’ heads.
diamcon sequamet wissed et, sumsandre min ero od te deliquis enibh eugiat, vercilit, cortis nostis at. Ut lorpera esequat lum irit ut landiatummy nonullut wismod dunt praestrud magna consequisi. Im alis num ing exero ex et augia-
met, suscil iure modolortio odignim velesequat nos eui ercilluptat ing ectetum do conullan esectet adio delissed te faccum veros alit augiat. Si. Ut vulla feu feugiatem veliquamet nulpute tat. San exeros nim dolore del essim duipsum velit pratet num
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
The glee of better times to come with women being a little conserative but accentuating the positive with pinched waist French Designer gowns of Marylin Monroe...where there was nothing but Respect for the Classy Dames of the 1950’s nibh ex eniat velit vel ea feu facip
ming enisi tisl et acin volortie minim
velit wis acilisi tat alisl ipiscipis ali-
Ladillo (una sola línea).
Idunt adiam, sisi. Iduisl exeros ad
Gait wisi tis num irit aliquisi.
molestrud mod etummodolor alis-
Ut dunt enibh ea cor sustincilla
si elit, quatiss equipis nostin vero
aliqui blaoreet nulla feugue cons
odigna cons alit adipisit alisi nosto
dolum quiscin cincipit lorper augue
min venim quam, quat, quam, quis
Enibh eugue dolorem dolorercilit
deliscipit vel etummy nullum iurem
wis alit atie do et, qui bla feummy
zzrillutpat. It nullaore vel exer incin-
num dolute do dolorpe riliquam au-
ci eliquipis nos nosto commodigna
giam vero odolenim aliquam consed
commod do et exeros eugiam ve-
Faces of Nfinite Model: Aptwanea Lucas
quisl inci blaore molummy nim irilis
lit, sismolessed modipit, susto con
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
elisl in henim ectetue cortin el diamconulput veratum exeraessent lutat illuptat luptat ute faciliquisl dolor sent at. Sit laore cor aut nullaor tionullam, con hent alis nullandion ut adiamconsed ting elisi nosto odiaNFINITEFORM 2011 29
The decade that rocked the nation, The Teen-age Baby Boomers, who demanded change which was the signature of the times with the vibrant fashions that stamped out history and focused on modern and futuristic exploration. The women of that time were Just Plain Groovie 1960’s.
Briniging Vintage Back With
delisi. Hair extentions, wigs, lace fronts, and weaves need more Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am than just an occassional brush. The Hair Spot untangles the zzril et nos augiam dolore delismomyhts that surronds womens’ heads. diat doluptat. Diametue min henim Pie de foto. iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si sequamet wissed et, sumsandre En este caso, un nosto odiamet. pie de foto común dio ea facin ulla min ero od te deliquis enibh eugiat, Sumsandrem conum dionlaset luptate feugiat iriuscipara todas fotos, duis et aut la una feu feugue consequat vercilit, cortis nostis at. Ut lorpera describiéndolas nima zzril una dedolobortie izquierda a feuisi nosto odiamet. esequat lum irit ut landiatummy noderecha y de arriba Ut volortie a abajo. Los piestat praesequisi te erostio de nullutem ilisl enis alissectem inim nullut wismod dunt praestrud magna foto verticales quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit ocuparán 9 u 10 diatlíneas utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud consequisi. como mínimo. tatet Si senummy llena todo elnostrud eugiam, sequamet, con ver incincinci bla adipIm alis num ing exero ex et augiasum zzrilisi. Equamco mmodolo rperostrud met, suscil iure modolortio odignim dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat velesequat nos eui ercilluptat ing wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et, ectetum do conullan esectet adio vel inci blamet, quat wisis esecte dolent alit accum iniat. delissed te faccum veros alit augiat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, commo- Si. Ut vulla feu feugiatem veliquamet luptat lum veraesed tatNfinite adipismolore Faces of Model: Crystle Smith tin volor autet velis nim quat eugait nulpute tat. San exeros nim dolore iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, conulla facil ipsum ectet, cons alit dipsummy nonsed tet iusto odolort incipit alis dolestrud dolobor sequat. Et at lor alit nosto er sequi eugue con ullaorer ipsusciduip etue do diamcon
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
This is an era of mulitple social trends and movements of peace and love (Right On). Life became drama filled with the first soap opera, to the Disco Beats of Hollywood. The uninhibited women of the 1970’s brought Retro with Dare.
Faces of Nfinite Model: Rosheba Moss del essim duipsum velit pratet num nibh ex eniat velit vel ea feu facip erciduisi.
Ladillo (una sola línea). Idunt adiam, sisi. Iduisl exeros ad molestrud mod etummodolor alissi elit, quatiss equipis nostin vero odigna cons alit adipisit alisi nosto odiamet. Enibh eugue dolorem dolorercilit wis alit atie do et, qui bla feummy num dolute do dolorpe riliquam au-
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
giam vero odolenim aliquam consed ming enisi tisl et acin volortie minim velit wis acilisi tat alisl ipiscipis aliquisl inci blaore molummy nim irilis elenisi. Gait wisi tis num irit aliquisi. Ut dunt enibh ea cor sustincilla aliqui blaoreet nulla feugue cons dolum quiscin cincipit lorper augue min venim quam, quat, quam, quis deliscipit vel etummy nullum iurem zzrillutpat. It nullaore vel exer incinci eliquipis nos nosto commodigna commod do et exeros eugiam velit, sismolessed modipit, susto con elisl in henim ectetue cortin el diamconulput veratum exeraessent lutat illuptat luptat ute faciliquisl dolor sent at. Sit laore cor aut nullaor tionullam, con hent alis nullandion ut adiamconsed ting elisi nosto odiamet. Lenis euis acipit lortisis autpate delis auguer sim esto endrer iliquis nulla feugiat lore dolorpe rcidunt am velent am zzriurem exero od et, venibh eniscil iquat nosto odiamet. Am zzrit prations nos doluptat adit, quat, volobore feum ing enisisim ea aciduis aute faccummolore min vulluptat. Cum venibh et eum dolobore cons atie velestie do eugiat, con etum velestrud dolorpero cons dolobore diam nibh erci tisit, vel ing ex erilis ercin heniam do euip euis nostism oleniat. Tueros dolor iustin vullaor aliqui te dit wis dit NFINITEFORM 2011 31
Briniging Vintage Back With
delisi. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am zzril et nos augiam dolore delismodiatPie doluptat. de foto. Diametue min henim iril En uteste la caso, feugue un vel ex enibh exer si nosto pie deodiamet. foto común Sumsandrem para todas las fotos, dio ea facin ulla conum dion etuna luptate feugiat iriuscidescribiéndolas duis et de aut la feu a una izquierda a feugue consequat nimderecha zzril ydolobortie de arriba feuisi nosto odiamet. a abajo. Los pies Ut volortie tat praesequisi te erosde foto verticales tio ocuparán nullutem ilisl 9 u 10 enis alissectem inim quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit líneas como mínimo. diat utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud Si se llena todo el tatet nummy nostrud eugiam, sequamet, con ver incincinci bla adipsum zzrilisi. Equamco mmodolo rperostrud dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et, vel inci blamet, quat wisis esecte dolent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, commoluptat lum veraesed tat adipismolore tin volor autet velis nim quat eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, conulla facil ipsum ectet, cons alit dipsummy nonsed tet iusto odolort incipit alis dolestrud dolobor sequat. Et at lor alit nosto er sequi eugue con ullaorer ipsusciduip etue do
Hair extentions, wigs, lace fronts, and weaves need more than just an occassional brush. The Hair Spot untangles the myhts that surronds womens’ heads.
diamcon sequamet wissed et, sumsandre min ero od te deliquis enibh eugiat, vercilit, cortis nostis at. Ut lorpera esequat lum irit ut landia-
wismod dunt praesFreedom of Selftummy andnonullut Fashtrud magna consequisi. ion from the previous Im alis num ing exero ex et augiadecades were intermintent met, suscil iure modolortio odignim from Hippie Flower child velesequat nos eui ercilluptat ing to boheminan ectetum do conullan esectet adio rhapsody 1970'sdelissed te faccum veros alit augiat.
Si. Ut vulla feu feugiatem veliquamet nulpute tat. San exeros nim dolore del essim duipsum velit pratet num
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
Faces of Nfinite Model: Rachel Warren
The era of If you Got It flaunt it, you can have it all...The status quo and must have’s of dynasty and the empire of splurge. Fashion was overstated in the1980’s thus causing a Fashion Break down for the decades to follow.. The last of Vintage with Class....
nibh ex eniat velit vel ea feu facip
ming enisi tisl et acin volortie minim
velit wis acilisi tat alisl ipiscipis aliquisl inci blaore molummy nim irilis
Ladillo (una sola línea).
Idunt adiam, sisi. Iduisl exeros ad
Gait wisi tis num irit aliquisi.
molestrud mod etummodolor alis-
Ut dunt enibh ea cor sustincilla
si elit, quatiss equipis nostin vero
aliqui blaoreet nulla feugue cons
odigna cons alit adipisit alisi nosto
dolum quiscin cincipit lorper augue
min venim quam, quat, quam, quis
Enibh eugue dolorem dolorercilit
deliscipit vel etummy nullum iurem
wis alit atie do et, qui bla feummy
zzrillutpat. It nullaore vel exer incin-
hu num dolute sse Cdo dolorpe riliquam au-
ci eliquipis nos nosto commodigna
y Char : l e od giam vero odolenim aliquam consed commod do et exeros eugiam veite M n fi N s of lit, sismolessed modipit, susto con Face
Texto del sumario a cinco líneas: consiste en una idea extraída del texto, como un segundo titular. Debe
elisl in henim ectetue cortin el diamconulput veratum exeraessent lutat illuptat luptat ute faciliquisl dolor sent at. Sit laore cor aut nullaor tionullam, con hent alis nullandion ut adiamconsed ting elisi nosto odiaNFINITEFORM 2011 33
kinu SLOSS kikeara image group
Who is Kinu Sloss?
Nfinte Form MAG sits down with Kinu Sloss , CEO of KIKEARA Image Group
Kinu Sloss is the Founder and CEO of Kikeara Image Group in South Carolina. Kinu Sloss is an artist who is out here for the everyday woman and man. She is a simple person who likes to capture and create images that can tell a story thru fashion. Kinu Sloss knows how to put images together thru patterns, colors, scenery, and makeup. She does this by traveling with her team scheduling photo shoots at various sites throughout the United States. Thus giving the everyday person and aspiring models a unique photo session to add or begin their portfolio.
When asked how she got started in the
photography business, she stated, I have years of experience in the retail business which gave me the experience to coach and train women in the fashion industry.” Kinu has been a make up artist since 1991. Kinu said, “I have a gift where I can capture the models style and look.”
Kinu attributes her work ethic and success to her Grandmother who passed away in 2005, “She thought the best about me and wanted me to be extremely successful. She gave me the push that inspired me to step out on faith.” It was a
”Nfinite Form is much needed in the community and the models are easy to workwith,they are friendly.”
time in Kinu’s life she felt that she needed a stamp of approval to pursue her dreams. She didn’t hesitate as she said, “I realized what God has approved is the only stamp of approval that ‘required.” This gives way to her motto after every message she sends out, GGT, which stands for God Got This.
Kinu attributes her work ethic and success to her Grandmother who passed away in 2005, “She thought the best about me and wanted me to be extremely successful. She gave me the push that inspired me to step out on faith.” It was a daily struggle but the passion and desire that was inside of Kinu would not allow her to quit or give up showing her gift to the world. At one
In the beginning it was tough in the photography business, Kinu stated, “People thought my vision and ideas were crazy. I didn’t care, I stepped out on faith in spite of all the non supporters and negative comments. This visionary woman is an artist who was self taught. She naturally has a gift that captures the individual’s true essence of beauty on the outside and peers into the inside and makes it shine forth. Kinu knows how to bring out a person’s features, she has an uncanny way of looking at things differently and exposes it to the world.
After working for Corporate America Kinu left her job to take on Kikeara Image Group on a full time basis. In doing this she was able to helps the everyday person find what they can’t see in themselves. Using her camera she is able to pierce through her subjects being and bring out the missing component to complete the missing picture to the audience as if having x-ray vision.
Where will photography take this visionary, Kinu said, “My future goal and dream is to have my own studio where I can assist women with self esteem issue and work with them by giving them a complete make over.” This will definitely remind them of how beautiful a person they truly are. She further stated, “Changing and inspiring people is like nothing else in the world.” Kinu truly aims to bring out the best in people she photographs with her candid eye and quick flash.
When asked what’s next on her agenda, Kinu exclaimed, “My magazine Elixir, which is likened to sweetened medication a prescription for the eyes so they are able to capture all the beautiful images I and others create. I also would like to launch a clothing label.”
When launching the style and site of a photo shoot Kinu said, “I go by the clients personality, I like be able catch a person’s eye.” Kinu enjoys working alone for total art direction and she prefers working on closed sets to cut down on distractions and interruptions that can zap you of your creative juices.
Kinu believes that the industry still has adjustments that have to be addressed regarding the treatment of full size models and said, “There is a thin line between thinner size women versus larger size women. However, Kinu in this issue of Nfinite Form shows that she supports the full size woman with her photographic genius in their vintage classy spread.
To remain healthy, Kinu emphasized, “Full figured models should eat healthy and exercise because designers want their clothing to be featured properly and they represent someone’s name or label. She further added, “The full size community needs proper representation, the models need self control. Models should take proper care of themselves.
Kinu’s stunning visuals are breathtaking to say the least IMAGES BY KINU SLOSS
“Nfinite Form is much needed in the community and the models are easy to work with, they are friendly.” Kinu emphatically stated.
No man is an island and Kinu has a great team that works underneath her. Her staff is dedicated to expanding her horizons as far as they can spread. Kinu is not an agency. She is a coach who uses her camera to offer others the help they need to manifest whatever they want to become and what ever they need to be and Nfinite Form supports that wholeheartedly and it shows in this issue. To book a photo shoot with Kikeara Image Group Contact:: Email Address:
Go Figure SPOTLIGHT: Face of Nfinite Model Breiana THAT CATER
Breiana is a full figured model who is a stunning six feet tall beauty and therefore is part of our Ph.D. Division (Petite, Height and Dimensions). As a teenager she was very insecure with her height. In high school, she was taller than the girls and guys in her school. People use to make fun of her height and that made her hide from her inner feelings. It made her feel less beautiful than her peers.
But that changed during her senior year of high school. She began to accept who she was, and embrace her height and stature for what is was tall, sexy, and beautiful.
Nfinite Form is a sister hood connection, and she can count on her girls when ever she needs advice or that sisterly support. Breiana in her heart knows that Nfinite Form sincerely caters to the entire Full Size Community
Breiana has been modeling for four years. She was inspired because of her passion for fashion. She like different trends, loves the flashing lights and the attention that she gets while rocking the run way. Breiana loves the adrenaline rush it gives her the confidence she needs to wear the garments and represent the designer well.
Breiana loves modeling for Nfinite Form. She believes what Nfinite Form represents. Nfinite Form is a sister hood connection and knows she could count on her girls when ever she needs advice or that sisterly support. Breiana in her heart knows that Nfinite Form sincerely caters to the entire Full Size Community and for the first time, she is connected to an Organization that truly cares for the every day person.
Breiana’s future goal is to rock the run way in Paris and Spain and wants that full figured woman needs to be put on the map. She feels that full figure models don’t get the same recognition as the smaller size model. Breiana believes that Nfinite Form is here to change that and the way society views the full figured woman and man. 40 NFINITEFORM 2011
Breiana eats right and works out everyday to maintain her figure. Just because you’re full figured doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want and not exercise. She wants people to understand that it is extremely important for future up and coming full figured fashion models to know that their look means everything. She wants them to know that as a plus size model, you have to bring it harder than the smaller size model because they are not judged and viewed the same. In the future Breiana hopes to see more full size women on the cover of magazines.
Breiana loves the adrenaline rush it gives her the confidence she needs to wear the garments and represent the designer well.
A SIMMONS NFINITE FORM MODEL P.h.D. Model (petite, height, dimensions)
What is More Classy, Modern Dare or Yesteryear Flair?
Pie de foto. En este caso, un pie de foto común para todas las fotos, describiéndolas una a una de izquia a derecha y de arriba a abajo. Los pies de foto verticales ocuparán 9 u 10 líneas como mínimo. Si se llena
Cheryl Fisher
or yesterday y a d to f o n e m Wo
ere the Women of Yesterday classier than
the women of today?
Men of today o Women knew their role in the marriage. Women of today are r yester day more classier than women of yesterday because women have
Yes. Women carried themselves with respect. Women
careers just like men. They pay bills and take care of their
of today are materialist. It’s about where you live and
children. Lamarr, East Orange, NJ
Yes. Total make of men of today. Men of today have no respect for themselves and others. They don’t value life. Lucy, Paterson,
what car do you drive. Women of yesterday were happy if their man had a regular job. Women didn’t mind
Yes. Women of yesterday made sure that her family was
catching a bus with their man. Kenneth, Linden, NJ.
well taken care of. The women of yesterday made food from
scratch. They believed in home made foods for their families.
Yes. Men of yesterday were concerned with grooming. They took
They did not have microwaves so therefore she had to cook.
better care of themselves. They were sharp dressers. Dawn, Ma-
Anthony, Piscatay NJ.
plewood, NJ
sexy look. The media pressures women to stay overly
Yes. Women had more respect for themselves. Women of
Yes. The times were different back then. You could take a woman
sexy in this culture. Nadir, Montclair, NJ
today are gold diggers and not willing to deal with the average
to the park on a date. Today, women are into material things ver-
man. Calvin, West Paterson, NJWhen it comes to class many
sus taking care of the man. Tina, Trenton, NJ
Women of yesterday had more class because
back in the day men did not pressure women about their looks. Today women feel like they have to maintain a
Yes. Women of yesterday were more conservative than
have much to say about it regarding men and women, so we
women of today. Men wore the pants and made the
had to ask who was classier? The answers give credibility to
Yes. Men back in the day had more respect for women. They
money back in those days. Men paid the cost to be
age old values, morals and the days of thank you, please and
knew how to talk to women. The culture has changed, such as
the boss and women respected their position. Marty,
you’re welcome. What has happened, have we gone bac-
the style of music. Our music of today has no respect for women.
Bloomfield, NJ
kwards, take a look at the answers…… You be the judge!
Tasha, East Orange, NJ
Yes. Women of yesterday, much more classier than wo-
Were the Men of Yesterday Classier than the Men of Today?
Yes. Men were happy with women staying home and taking care
men of today. They took care of home by taking care
of the children. Men were providers for their families. Sharmaine,
of the kids, cooking, and keeping a clean house. They
Yes. Because men of yesterday, were responsible, when it
took good care of their man. Kayo, East Orange, NJ
came to raising their
Linden, NJ
families. Men worked harder than the
men of today. Nina, Jersey City, NJ
Yes. Men of yesterday would get dressed up to take a woman out on a date. Today, you will see that the men would only wear jeans
Yes. The women of today they don’t know how to dress. Nobody covers up. Women of today show everything.
Yes. Men of today lack in how to be Classy. Men don’t know
to take a woman out of a date. But the woman will get dressed up
They are not conservative and have no respect. Sam,
how to treat a lady. Men of today don’t have respect for our
to go on a date with them. Sherise, East Orange, NJ
Roselle, NJ
women and children. Delores, Queens, NY
Women of yesterday carried themselves with
Yes. Men back in the day had morals and values that were
because the men of yesterday had men to teach them how to be
pride. They were big on dressing. Women were very
highly respected. The problem is that kids are raising kids.
men. Men of today are not around to teach one another on how
conservative. Women made sure that they would cover
Also people are not working together. Michelle, Newark, NJ.
to be classier because they are either in jail or dead. Shante,
Yes. The men in the past were classier than the men of today
Elizaberth, NJ
up their bodies. Women felt that only their husbands should be privileged to see their bodies. Jay Orange,
Yes. The respect that men had for women is lost. People
are not family oriented. Kia, South Orange, NJ Yes. Men of
Yes. Men of yesterday had more pride in themselves. They knew
yesterday did not walk out on their families. Men of yesterday
and understood the value of the dollar. Men of today don’t respect
were providers. Michelle, Newark, NJ
hard honest work. They want fast money. Susan, Cedar Grove,
Yes. Women of yesterday took better care of the man. Women made sure he had a home cooked meal to eat.
ces “Sound Advice!” Who is Sound Advice? The answer: She is a
If you have a question for Sound Advice, email them to and the answer will be in the next issue of the magazine, it may not be what you want to hear, but the truth always helps......
woman who delivers logical, reasonable thinking with open honest answers straight to the point with firmness and of course right from the heart.
Stella from New Jersey asks:
As a woman in my thirties I want to be able to attract somone, what can I do to be noticed without showing so much skin? The question is what type of person are you looking to attract? Oh, skin will bring them out of the woodwork but what impression are you tryng to make? A real man always likes a real lady. So dress with style but also with class not only will you gain the respect that’s needed but you will get the man that you deserve. Whatever you put out is what you normally get back.
Many claim to be the love guru
or the love expert....But Nfinite believes that the best advice comes from those who are living in the now. What better critics of love than couples who share the bond of marriage. Nfinite Welcomes delisi. Trevor Carr of New Mr. and Mrs. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi Jersey who have been bla aut aliquis eratmarried exer illut am for four help those couzzril years et nos to augiam dolore delismoDiametue min to henim ples diat whodoluptat. have lost their keys iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si marriage and provide them with a nosto odiamet. spare. Sumsandrem The Carr couple shares dio ea facin in ulla conum dion that et luptate iriusciour antecdote therefeugiat is three et aut lastory feu feugue consequat sidesduis to every her side, his nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odiaside,met. and the plain flat out truth. Many take for granted that people Ut volortie tat praesequisi te erosnullutem ilisl both enis alissectem inim wanttioadvice from sides of the quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit coin diat andutatum this couple just iuscip provides et duisit nostrud that tatet with honesty and commitment. nummy nostrud eugiam, se-
quamet, con ver incincinci bla adipsum zzrilisi. Equamco mmodolo rperostrud dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et, vel inci blamet, quat wisis esecte dolent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, commoluptat lum veraesed tat adipismolore tin volor autet velis nim quat eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, conulla
facil ipsum ectet, cons ali
HER SIDE Mrs. Amanda Carr believes that the concept of marriage is lost in today’s society, because many couples haven’t discovered the key which is having a strong foundation. Mrs. Carr finds that many of today’s couples marry for the wrong reason and need to utilize the key by searching for things in common besides sex... which is not enough to hold the marriage. Since discussing the key of Foundation she lists what are some possible foundations that couples should start with. The most important foundations that need to be formed are friendship and well balanced communication.Ms.Carr elaborates on the development of these two keys if they are not already present in the marriage. She believes that couples have to understand the love cycle and that its not constant. She believes this is so important because many partners don’t understand how you can say “ I love you...then I hate you.... oh I love you so” and its easy explained that each other in cycles. and not to be alarmed because all couples go through this....and is apart of the I DO’Ss of the vows. Mrs. Carr likens communication to a bout in the boxing ring. She believes both parties must be willing to go the rounds. Couples can’t enter the ring of
communication and fight themselves... the other fighter must be present in the ring prepared for the fight...and take the punches and blows and don’t easily give up if it seems your not winning in the communication ring.. Marriage is not about the (WIN) don’t throw in the towel thats just cowardice that both individuals in the marriage are no longer willing to fight and that’s just a T.K.O . So she urges couples to talk but with a willingness. If there is no drive to do so then the marriage is just done. She wants couples to take courage and she’s not going to is hard...especially if children are involved She believes the best environment for communication is during date night. Yes, Yes, couples whether married for one year or hundred years date night is a must have. She reinterated that couples must keep the courtship, if not, the flame dies out. So, couples, if you aren’t doing so already hurry as Ms. Carr states put the spark back into the marriage and bring back the giddiness you both had in the inception of the union...and don’t let the serious side of marriage consume you both and the worries of the piles of bills pinch your enthusiasim for love.
Mrs. Carr’s FOUR NO NO’S For Married Women on Dealing With Their Husbands 1. Don’t think you know everything there is to know about your husband.......even in her marriage she still is finding things out about her husband she never knew... it’s a learning process and that a wife has to know that the man she married is not the same man that sits before her today, and that both of them are still learning about each other. Women have to know that men change in the relationship, and not neccesarily for the bad but in the roles they play. Wives need to understand the different phases as boyfriend...fiance... and as husband....and make sure that they are dealing with their husband or fiance or boyfriend in the appropriate phase. 2. .NAGGING....This must stop because it shows a lack of respect. The husband works just as hard to provide for his family, he doesn’t need to hear nagging from us before the door even closes behind him, let him settle down and unwind if there is a situation or concern simply wait. Nagging from wives seem to be constant and doesn’t stay in the realm of the home which is Mrs. Carr’s biggest pive in listening to other married women. Please don’t call your husband while he is working to give him an earfull or upset his performance at work, or the crem dela crem showing up at his place of employment with no discretion and fowl language this goes beyond nagging to just plain disgusting and embarrisng. 3.No Rolling over in Bed....Keep the sex life constant. Give it to him when he wants it, this doesn’t sound harsh because it makes perfect sense, if you won’t give it to him when he wants it there is somebody who will. This way you know where he is at all times, because you already handled your business. 4.Keep Friends and Family out your business, which Mrs.Carr feels is self explanatory.
His Side Mr. Trevor Carr doesn’t believe that the marriage concept is lost but is a rare one
especially from the values and norms the bible stipulates it to be. He feels we live in a narcissistic society where faith and respect no longer exist unless it is to benefit oneself. Mr. Carr believes there are some successful marriages its just not a high percentage rate. The importance of marriage to a man differs based upon his reasoning. Marriage for men has no clear answer because it takes on a individual identity. Men have their own motives for marriage such as to have a trophy wife that looks good to show off to others, wanting a companion to be with or take care of him. The reasons for marriage for a man are numerous and you also have the worse case scenario of jumping on the band wagon to a well established woman . However, his personal favorite is marrying for Love which was the case for him. Mr. Carr is a firm believer that a perfect marriage mate is one that has common interests so the marriage stays interesting and you don’t end up boring each other. He believes that love is understated but is vital and having similar value systems are essential so their is no clashing of heads. The master key to establishing a firm Foundation in marriage from his viewpoint is Honesty. Men have to be honest with themselves and their motives and with the person they are in the relationship with this is a good start to opening the door. Honesty has to be sincere but should never be sugarcoated....The Whole truth Nothing But the Truth So Help you God. If mates start only telling half truths, laying it on thick, and honey coating they will have to continue this through the marriage. He feels there is alot of hiding of ones true self in relationships...he stress the importance of being “you” because you are the person your significant other married, so being “you” is being Honest. Mr. Carr’s suggestions for rekindling friendships in marriage is finding the root. Both husband and wife have to dig for the seed that made their love bloom. They have to find that root of commonality before it eventulity dies. He believes that this is easily watered by being humble enough to listen to each other and undestand
the other partners perspective to find out why they feel the way they do.
Mr. Carr’s Three No No’s For married Men on dealing with thier Wives Mr. Carr says hubands do make alot of mistakes and hopes these three tips will help... 1. All husbands must not think for thier wives because men are logical and women are emotional. It could be the same story but it never has the same ending because they don’t use the same logic..... and the only way to find out the women logic ....You guessed it, it’s to, sometimes to listen ,even though you don’t want to. 2.Keep the change. Mr. Carr stressed the warning of husbands being careful with change..He feels men should kind of keep the same routine before doing something drastic with no safety net whatever it was that you did in the beginning of the marriage that made her sparkle should be continued. He believes that this is tough to do because even though you shouldn’t do drastic measures husbands can’t get to comfortable with the same old routine as a fail safe....because women like exictemnt and spontenaity....Guys don’t let it go stale. 3. TIT FOR TAT....Don’t throw the past in thier faces, or try to get even start fresh. The Plain Truth In closing both sides leads to one inevitable truth from the Carr couple which is found in their closing statements ...Make sure both parties are mature in mind, body and spirit and taking the relationship seriously. Know who you are and what you desire, for who you are and what you desire at twenty may not be what you desire at thrirty. Make sure you can make each other laugh, be yourself and be natural. Be compatible in more ways than one such as similar habits, hygiene, interest, sexuality.....Be happy with
your mate as he or she is now...not trying to change them to be the way you want them to be. ........ Always continue to work at mariage....and exercise a little patience before making a trip to divorce court...try try and try again and fight for it.
All our Best, :Mr.& Mrs. Trevor Carr
Avant Garde Full Figured Fashion Designer HEADLINER IN FASHION
Chris Valentine His Designs Are The Best Thing Since
ILZ NAE CAPPIO THE BEST THING SINCE CLOTHES. esigner on the rise Ilze Nae Cappio gives to crochet what electricity gives to light bulbs, visibility to the world. He is utterly fantastic with a crocheting needle. The Faces of Nfinite Models had the pleasure of featuring his first Full Size Women’s Line at the 16th Annual Fashion Show for Continental Airlines in February. It’s only right that the world is aware of his unmistakable talent for full size fashion.
When did you first begin to crochet clothing? It was probably as a snotty nose. I would always have long laces in my shoes and I never learned how to tie my shoes, so I would always just loop until the laces would be tight enough not to come loose. After a while, I would start seeing shapes and patterns apistolomology Why did you want to become a designer? Pretty women, parTIES and PAH-PAH, seriously it’s just something that chose me. One day I just threw down all plans, picked up three spools of yarn and with the snap of a finger I had an outfit. What do you have in store for the full size woman? STYLE with options to choose from! You have always designed for the smaller sizes, why do you want to design for full size women now? The audience goes crazy for full figured models. The last show had men going ape, climbing the stage yelling OOOOOOOOOH. Then the next model came out and you hear it again OOOOOOOOOOH. I never saw a man kick it to a model while she’s on the runway posing. They did look curvaceous OOOH OOOH. The fact is the average a woman is full figured, only right to open the market up. Where do you see your designs being in terms of distribution? I would love to see my outfits being sold on the streets, either
to vendors or street walkers who need a buck. You know if you see it being sold on the street there’s a demand for it. People want people to like what you have. If they buy more then one or more then once that’s saying something, really, I just want to design for big events. I worked with a few actresses doing appearances on the red carpet. Actually, I’m waiting for JOAN RIVERS opinion HAHAA, maybe hang a few in the fashion hall of fame, sell some at an auction, going once-going twice, SHOMAY! I plan on getting more room then I need a mansion. I mean “OFFICE SPACE,” where I can just have clients come see me and maybe start an all exclusive annual FASHIONWEEKend SHOMAY! Do you feel the full size woman is treated fairly in the modeling industry? Better then fair most times. Its allot of things that go on people don’t know. Depending on the modeling affair most models you will see are full figured. WHAT UP TOCCARA, lets get up…… How do you feel about Nfinite Form in regards to fashion and the full size community? KUDOS first I have to thank the whole NFINITE family for all the love shown. Its been a pleasure meeting everyone. Besides being full figured everyone is full of life. It’s always a good thing to do something positive. With NFINITE FORM focused on fashion and full figured women times will change. Now every woman can find the how’s and why’s of fashion, the earth is going to be a runway Tell me about what you have planned for the future? I know I’m not perfect but that won’t stop me from being the best. The long term goal is to leave a legacy with every show, every design. You never know, might be in history books years from now the Leonardo of fashion. What is your favorite type of yarn to work with? I do like softer cottons for the smoothness, the sturdier yarns for the hold. But, I feel like I haven’t found one I would call favorite. There are varieties to choose from. I know what I’m looking for but just haven’t seen the material yet. Is it a challenge to crochet designs? It’s like anything else, once you get the gist, give it time. The next thing you know you got something.
Who would be your ideal person do design for? I wish I could design for every girl in the world but as almost every other man would say HALLE BERRY OMGoodness. Who is Sho May? (lol) SHOMAY is fashion third person. SHOMAY is the name of the clothing line, SAY you have a female friend you hook up with to go hang out and you go to her house. Before she gets dressed she says you gotta see what I got to wear. What would you say? Most likely you’re going to say, “SHOW ME,” with the same enthusiasm. That’s how you would say, SHOMAY. Trust and believe SHOMAY is something you want to see. Why the name Ilze Nae Cappio and where did it come from? Everywhere I would go everybody had a name for me. But, most people said, CAPPIO NAE or ILZ. It’s actually three different names tied into a whole. ILZ I got not too long ago, meaning, just staying strong when most would crumble. In between, ILZ stands for IRON LION ZION. NAE is just my everyday, all day, growing up, and working towards perfection. People would just come up to me saying, “You nice, you nice.” Then one day, one of my dudes came to me and said you Nice At Everything. From there NAE existed and CAPPIO was the first name given. Are you looking forward to International/National New Jersey Full Figured Fashion Week’s Designer Competition? Like playtime in pre-school!
Everywhere we turn there's bad news, in the newspapers, internet, tv, etc, seems there's more than enough to go around and then some.News media at times puts a slant on what they portray to you the viewer,
delisi. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am zzril et nos augiam dolore just delismoenough to serve up a biased dish of propaganda all set diat doluptat. Diametue min henim andexer ready to go! In reality the brain actually processes or iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh si nosto odiamet. Sumsandrem dio eainterprets facin ulla what our natural eyes see, thus if over time we conum dion et luptate feugiat iriusciconstantly exposed to that which is negative or bad duis et aut la feu feugueare consequat nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odiasooner or later we are bound to be affected.How can we met. Ut volortie tat praesequisi te erosstay positive and motivated when we are bombarded with tio nullutem ilisl enis alissectem inim quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit negative diat utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud images and a steady diet of bad news? While i do tatet nummy nostrud eugiam, senotblaprofess to have all the answers , there does appear to quamet, con ver incincinci adipsum zzrilisi. some practical things we can do , for example their is the Equamco mmodolo be rperostrud dip ea facin velenim alit la faci er to familiar adage ... YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Studies sequatuer in eummolor all iril dolutpat wisit praestrud digna feuguer sum have that our health is directly affected by what we aute tatum quat. Utat ating enimshown et, vel inci blamet, quat wisis esecte dotake in our bodies, if we have a steady diet of junk food lent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit la feugiat. then comour health is bound to be affected for the worse,by Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, moluptat lum veraesed tat adipisthenimsame molore tin volor autet velis quat token ...WE ARE WHAT WE FEED OUR MINDS! eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit adio Just as dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet,we can ‘’choose conulla facil ipsum ectet, cons alit d
News media at times puts a slant on what they por 50 NFINITEFORM 2011
to make good choices when it comes to what we eat, we can also be selective when making decisions about what we take into our minds.In ancient times soldiers in addition to havings large shields and swords also were required to have protective head gear, was this to prevent the hostile enviroment that surrounded them? Hardley! for they where in the heat of the battle, but the helmets were a protection to a most vital part of there armor. Honestly we will never stop the flood of bad news and negative images were constantly fed today, but we can and should protect our minds by conversly feeding it positive things.Surrounding ourselves with positive friends and family, learning new skills , taking up a new hobby, setting realistic goals to strive for, reading a good book of such with redeeming value that will help us build character, starting an exercise program, taking quiet time for self , meditation , changing the way we think one day at a time little by little all with the goal of staying positive & motivated! NFINITEFORM 2011 51
ula a y P B
e Mich
M E N Christopher McCray be singing his solos and stuff like that. I picked up a lot of stuff from him. I would actually mock my Grandfather.
he Man with the robust voice that bellows in the wind is none other than Mad House Recording Artist Christopher McCray. His hearty tone demands that you take notice and he’s not bad on the eyes either. Christopher has been in the music game for a while now and has a new release on Mad House Records entitled, “Heaven.” A genius at his craft, he knows exactly what he wants and what it takes to deliver a perfect performance to the crowd, He plans to do so at the Coffee Cave in Newark on April 16th, make sure you’re there to see a stellar act on stage. We were able to have a one-on-one with Christopher about his career, new single and beginnings, listen in on our conversation: Chris, when did you begin singing? In the uterus (laughing), no seriously I started singing in the church choir at seven years old. My mother took me to the anniversary of the Celestial Choir at Ebenezer Baptist Church on William and Park Street. It was my Grandmother’s church. We went to the anniversary and I looked up at the choir and saw what they were doing and I always sang since I was a kid, three and four years old, well I told my mother while they were singing that I wanted to sing. I want to sing with the choir. My mother knew the Director of the Choir and he said bring him next Saturday morning and that’s where it all started. It started in church, the usual, a lot of singers, most singers that’s where we come from. My first solo was with the church I was about nine years old and my Grandfather was a singer too and that kind of pushed me. My Grandfather and I would sing together in the kitchen. He was in the choir too in the church, the Senior Choir and we would be sitting in the kitchen and he would 52 NFINITEFORM 2011
So what voice part are you, a baritone? A baritone now but when I was younger I was more like a tenor. My voice has changed over the years, I sang in church but I’ve been in choirs all my life, in Orange high school, in elementary and middle school. My mother put me in private school in Philadelphia and I was back in forth with that in high school so I was in that choir and then the Orange Valley Boys Chorus. I’ve literally been singing pretty much my whole life. I was also into the arts and dance, I did that too when I was younger.
Since you sing so well, who is your favorite singer and how did they influence you? Luther Vandross, when he was with the group, “Change,” I said I can sing like that. At 16 or 17 I heard the song, “Super Star,” and I performed the song at a talent show and I got such a great review behind it, I said ok, there’s something to this. So, now, why House Music, why did you go that route? Well basically, I always liked dance music, you know, being a young kid at the time and going to the clubs. The people that I was listening to like Marvin Tucker, Carol Harding, Jomanda, these people were blowing up in my late teens, House Music was a big thing in New Jersey. That’s what I was surrounded by. You had Zanzibar, Club 88 and others. I had a singing group called Mystique and I was one of the lead singers and we sang at the local clubs. I wrote a song and shopped it but it wasn’t successful in getting picked up and the group eventually disbanded. How did you meet up with Producer Kerri Chandler of Mad House Records? After the group disbanded my Step Mother had someone work on her house. His name was Kurt McKnight and
she told him about me. So he heard one of my songs and we started working on a little production team. But before we disbanded, that’s when I met Kerri; he was one of Kurt’s friends. He would always talk about Kerri and I had listened to Kerri’s house tracks for years at the clubs but forgot the name. So one day he said, let’s go by Kerri’s house. He was doing a fashion show at Sir Richards, so we went to the show, he finished that and came back to his studio and was talking not about music just talking and then he brought up the fact that he was looking for this male artist, a male singer. So Kurt looks at me and tells Kerri that I sing. So he tells me to go into the booth and sing something. I went into the booth and started singing and pretty much that was it. That’s what started everything, we had a track and right after that we did the track, “Shelter.” He was looking for a male artist, and I sang, I did some ad libs over top of the track that he had and he called me back in the room and said, “That’s the voice, that’s the voice, I’m looking for.” I was like wow, so it’s basically being in the right place at the right time. I sit back and I think about all the projects I‘ve done over the years. I just never in a million years thought, you know, out of all the stuff that I’ve done singing with choirs, having the groups, have not crazy success, you know because I never really went full blown artist and I never wanted to be that starving artist. But I can actually say that if I wanted to, I could because I have all the resources. That mainly is because I didn’t want it to take me away from my faith. So tell me about your new project, “Heaven?” It’s on Mad House Champion and it’s the first single on the label, its revitalization, Kerri hasn’t done anything on the label in seven years. I know everyone is going to be looking forward to hearing that, I know I loved it and I’m sure they will too. Speaking about loving, you’re an nfinite size individual yourself, who definitely loves himself and the skin that he is in, have you always been a confident person despite your full stature? Yes, I’m a big guy. I’ve always been a confident person and I’ve always had a high self-esteem. My mother and my family always instilled that in me. I’ve never had a problem with size. I wasn’t always as big as I am now but I was always kind of a chunky kid. I’m very fortunate that I’ve always hade this confidence about me. I’ve always been able to take a negative and come back with something positive or witty to say. I think it also comes from performance. When you’re performing in front of a large group, grant it
you always want to look good, have on a nice suit, look nice, but, that’s not the focus. The focus is to get out and how my talent. When it comes to full size women, we ask this of all men, regardless if they are married or not and I know that you are married, however, in the past before you were married, would you or did you date a full size woman? Yes I have and I don’t have a problem with that. It goes back to me, if a woman is full size and confident that’s attractive. Now if she’s always worried about how she looks or if her butt is too big, then that’s a turn off. Who you are has nothing to do with the outer exterior. She has to have that IT factor, like Monique. If I wasn’t married and Monique came into the room, I would date Monique because she has that IT factor. The only thing I would say is your health because when you’re full figured your health is affected but there are some who are full figured and there is nothing wrong with them. There are a lot of full figured people who are healthy! Not everybody has High Blood Pressure some just come from families that, that’s their make up. I hate being called “Big Guy.” When I walk in a room they always say, “Hey, Big Guy. I say, “My name is Chris.” When a smaller person walks in the room I don’t hear anyone say, “Hey little size person. They shouldn’t put labels on people; I don’t agree with labels, I don’t like them. Do you think it’s futile for Nfinite Form to try to change the mindset of the norms that’s in society, should we just sit back and do nothing and just let it perpetuate itself? You can always try, but if you’re going to try to change the stigma or whatever you want to call it, you have to have a backing. You got a whole industry out there that’s geared at weight loss and all kinds of stuff and if you try to take those stigmas away, that’s messing with people’s money. It’s about a gradual improvement on yourself; we are always cautioned to try to improve who we are. But I’m saying you have to be happy with you, if you’re not happy with you then that’s an issue. You have to be happy or in love with the skin that you’re in. But if you are really overweight, if you don’t change, you won’t be here. It’s funny that we are having this discussion because I was looking at the television show, “Unsung,” and it was featuring The Fat Boys, and I remember back in the day people always use to tell me that I looked like Kool Rock Ski, people use to tell me that, I always got that and the thing was, I started looking at the Fat Boys and I’m looking at the story and all through the thing this guy kept popping up on the screen. He was buff; he had Pecs, everything going on, like you know, he’s thin. I’m looking through this but I’m not paying attention to the little caption at the bottom
that says, this is Kool Rock Ski of the Fat Boys. I’m sitting there thinking this cat lost I think over 150/60 pounds. He looks totally different and then they started talking about the beat box guy he actually died because of his weight. So, I’m sitting there looking at this thing and I’m saying wow, the weight thing, every time I see stuff like that it puts stuff in my head kind of, you know being a bigger person. Some people are just a big person, but, you can stay healthy by eating the right things, exercise, your diet, what you eat and what you put into your system. Diets don’t work, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle it’s all going to affect what you’re going to embrace. As a side effect of being a healthy eater in that aspect and you lose weight, that’s wonderful. But, to sit there and to just be preoccupied with diets and oh, I can’t eat this, I can’t do this and always worrying about your weight is a whole different story. But it’s the result of being a healthy eater and being conscious of what you’re eating, now that’s one of the nice side effects of losing weight. Nicely put, now, Chris I ask this of all that I interview, if you had the power to change one thing in society regarding the full size community what would it be? If I had the power I would change the perception of how people of the full size community view themselves. Chris thanks so much for taking the time out to speak your mind and tell us about your new project, we will definitely be in the house at the Coffee Cave on April 16th and for all our New Jersey members, if you know like I know, you will be there too. (Hear Christopher on our new online radio show, Desires of Nfinite, Friday, April 8th, www.993TheJoynt. com 7PM EST)
What’s Cookin The Recipes of a Man
delisi. Lore vel dolorpe rcinciduisi bla aut aliquis erat exer illut am zzril et nos augiam dolore delismodiat Tdoluptat. his recipe Diametue is for the minhistory henim books. Men please take careful notes and follow the directions exactly, do iril ut la feugue vel ex enibh exer si nosto not deviate odiamet. and add your own personal spin, as the saying goes if it’s not broke don’t try to fix it. Sumsandrem dio ea facin ulla conum dion et luptate feugiat iriusciduis Bryant et aut Lamb la feu feugue consequat nim zzril dolobortie feuisi nosto odiamet. Ut volortie tat praesequisi te erostio nullutem ilisl enis alissectem inim quisit amet, sim zzril eu faccum zzrit diat utatum iuscip et duisit nostrud tatet nummy nostrud se- is a no brainer that the significant other is not a happy camper. There will be an 1. The firsteugiam, appetizer quamet, con ver incincinci bla adipapplaud not of commencement but of frustration with bangs, huffs, and puffs. sum zzrilisi. Equamco mmodolo rperostrud 2. Upon dip ea facin velenimentering alit la facithe er establishment (room )there is much movement of uneasy tension, pacing back sequatuer in eummolor iril dolutpat and forth, the waving wisit praestrud digna feuguer sumof the crossed leg, and the folding and unfolding of the arms. aute tatum quat. Utat ating enim et, vel inci blamet, quathouse wisis esecte do3. The is spotless with your personables put in its proper know, the place you have lent alit accum iniat. Ad eraesequis acipit laitsfeugiat. no idea where located.. Ut veliquat. Ud tat aliquipit, comhoneytatI’m Home syndrome and there is nothing but echos with no note or explaination. moluptat 4. lumThe veraesed adipismolore tin volor autet velis nim quat 5. The worst dishadio served....Silence or the One liner, now at first this seems like a man’s best wish eugait iriuscilisl euisl dolorperit dit, vercilit velis nim at, sendit lutet, true,ectet, but with its never quite that simple and it has a way of turning tables. Example, the conulla come facil ipsum cons women alit dipsummy nonsed tet iusto odolort wife been quite all day and you have enjoyed the 2 to 3 hrs, now its time to eat...don’t even bother 1. Notice thathas in the Asian culture the men have little to say, while the because you already know the answer. bangs to andask clancks are occuring.
Recipe #2 Ancient Chinese Secret
Signs that an Argument is on the MENU
h s i D l a n i The F t n e m u g r A the n i W o t w o H Take note to their number #1 dessert as I like to call it “The cookie of truth” These cookies are really for the men that have to cook for themselves because they failed to read this recipe number 2. These Men win argument always because its evident in their cookies. They have learned in order to crack the shell of a woman just keep the message short and aweet. 2. Much respect must be given to these men for you never see arguments occuring in their homes, why? because they are the number in accupuncture and massage therapy. So when you see these signs immediately go and for just one mintue(that’s all it takes) massage their shoulders and back and before you know it they forgot what they were upset about. 3. This the number one secret to winning the ensuing aargument find a secret spot to throw your things when the house is clean, You know out of sight out of mind. 4. This is a sure sign that chinese take-out is on the menu. If the wife isnot home and you haven’t been notified immediately turn around and find the lnext ancient chinese secret flowers. Notice that they are number one in flower shops....They really know the secret to a woman’s heart. Return Home with this bundle of joy and dinner just might be gormet. 5. This secret must be done with have to be very observant to pull this off. iAll it takes is three ome liners and three silent responses to know that an Argument is about to be served. To combat this, after the third one liner or silent treatment...YOU MUST Do it in return but with a deeper tone, this makes the woman break her silence to ask you what are you upset about.....and simple say I’m upset because you are upset/ and the rest well is history.
e t y dB
n u o S
by: Paula Michelle
even spoke on yet? don’t know where the bass came from when I played with Four Plus Two. The first time I was on the bass was at West Kinney
I’m still doing dance music, you know dance music, peo-
Brothers of Peace a/k/a B.O.P is the production team
School, that’s when the song Skin Tight was out. I understood
ple that involve themselves in dance music today are doing
of Paul Scott AND Bryan Shank Thompson , two talented
music and knew how to play so they asked me to test the bass
it more from an I do it to love it more so than making money
artists from New Jersey. Brothers Of Peace have defini-
out and I played the bass line to Skin Tight and I heard like 300
because of the direction the scene has become. But, yes, I
tely made their mark in dance music with several hits
people screaming. From that day, that was a pinnacle day for
still do it. I have a little record label up on Traxsource and
in the early ‘90s including, Just Us, “You Are My Friend”,
me to really plant my feet in music. That particular day, I will
there’s a couple of titles that I have put out over the past three
Feel Like Singing, “Reachin’”, Got A Love For You, You
never forget that. From then on it’s been music ever since then.
years. I’m still doing it but you know it’s generally more from
Bring Me Joy, and many others . Paul Scott’s interest in
From there I went on to play with other bands in the neighbor-
a hobby standpoint because the money is not like it use to be.
music developed at a very early age. By the time he was
hood, one wasn’t really that good, the singers couldn’t sing but
a teenager, he was already a successful musician and
I could play. Then I was moving into a teenager and I joined
So now, why is that, how is the industry and how has it
DJ. Dance music penetrated his mind in the days of the
a pretty nice band and we played all the local clubs and high
changed from yesteryear till now in that its not as profitable
literal “house parties”. Shortly after, he hooked up with
schools in the area.
as it once was?
Ace Beat Records and recorded his first solo project a few years later while working at Club Sensation and Studios.
What made you want to go from playing music to now getting
Well, it’s a couple of things that come into play. You have
As the Writer and Producer of Shades of Rhapsody’s first
artists to perform the music that you write, how did that come
the ins and outs of the Artist, you know music identifies and
single, “Keep On Dancin,” on the Jelly Bean Label, my for-
about, when did you think you had a talent for writing music?
always has been identified by the artist, you had Michael Jackson, Teddy Pendergrass and Aretha Franklin, when you
mer singing group, it was only fitting for Nfinite Form to catch up with Paul to talk about dance music, what he’s doing now and the full size community at large. It’s been a long time, how’s everything, I haven’t seen you since 96?
As I was going on playing with the bands I didn’t really have
heard those people sing, you know who they were so it’s easy
the outlet to record. I remember one of the first early recordings
to identify. Well in house music as far as its concerned they
I did pre-studio was with two tape decks and I started out on the
took the ar-
drums and then we over dubbed onto another tape deck with me
tists out so
playing bass and then we overdubbed again onto the tape deck
with me playing guitar.
Yes it has been a long time and everything’s good. So now was it a goal of yours did you have it in your head There’s so much I want to talk about and so many questions to ask you, so let’s get right to it, when did
that one day I’m going to have a recording studio and this is
more dum-
what I’m going to do?
mied so a part of the
you fall in love with hip hop? No I’m only kidding don’t answer that. When did you first develop an interest in
The dream was there when I was a kid I saw myself in the
identity of
music because I am sure that is where you got your start?
studio, pretty much like the one you recorded at. I saw myself
being able
there you know with the bass in my hand playing. I saw myself
to identify
in the studio, never knowing that dream would materialize one
I started out as a kid, my parents noticed I had a love for music at a very young age. I would say between three
music The
and four years old. Each Christmas always involved mu-
piece of that is technology. Techno- Photo.
sic, so one year about four I got a little record player, one
When you had the opportunity to bring about BOP (Brothers
of those little tiny things. You just put the record on there
of Peace) exactly how did that come about and how did you
logy really changed music all the way New
and you close it up. My sister was jumping on the bed
connect with Shank?
across the board, not only with House owns
music but your popular music as well.
one day and my record player was sitting at the edge and it fell off and I was heart broken. So then the year after
I had about I’ll say seven to ten records before Shank. I first
that I got a toy organ and I played that and I beat it up,
recorded with ACE Records, I did a song called, “Off The Wall,”
beat it down. Then somewhere between that I got a drum
and I classified it actually as the original, the first House song
set and beat it down. I didn’t have discipline when I was
ever. I think if the research was done it would be shown that
House Music and Brothers of paying for it. Back in the day you had to go through more changes to obtain Peace Producer the music. Today with computers it’s Paul Scott.
a kid so then after that I got a guitar for Christmas, I beat
I actually did the first House song. The flip side of that record
so easy to transfer music. You can get
that up. Somewhere around eight or nine when I lear-
was a vocal on a song of a group that I put together in college
from sharing partners and sharing sites you can get anything
ned how to take care of my instruments I started playing
called, “Everess.” The name of that tune was called, Don’t You
you want out there free. So that really hurt House music.
with a local group, “The Four Clifton’s.” It was a singing
Take Your Love. Everess was around in ’84, ’85 and BOP didn’t
Whereas you had to get in your car or take a bus or train to
group, they were kind of like a replica of the Jacksons.
start until ’90 when I met up with Shank.
get to a record store now it comes right into your living room
It’s easy to duplicate the music without
or your computer room and it comes in by the bucket loads.
I played bass, I didn’t have a bass but everyone in my community that was musically inclined knew that I had a
You had a string of good hits, “You Are My Friend,” with Ken-
So being able to go out and obtain the music is nothing like
gift, so my parents couldn’t afford to buy the proper equi-
ny Bobien and a host of others, are you still doing House/Dance
it was even 20 years ago, it’s totally different today and those
pment so I would get donations. I was donated a bass. I
music or are you strictly Gospel now, that’s an area we haven’t
are the crushing blows that devalued the music. Even popular
artists don’t receive the same type of upfront payments and
ott c S l u a P ott Paul Sc ott Paul Sc tt o u a P ott Pau ott c S l u a P ott c S l u a P ott Paul Sc royalties that they did back then because of file share. Now, where are you right now, I know you’re DJing, how did you get to that because saw you on Axiom and I was loving it, how did you get to that?
Camp Project Time (Teach, Inform, Mission and Em-
room and explain to him how he had to get over that
power) I teach the young ones how to go through the
and apply himself. If you apply yourself and you try
recording process. This past year I wrote the two songs,
there’s nothing you can’t do. I don’t care if you are
but the years prior, all the songs we wrote together. So
500 pounds or 105 pounds there is nothing you can’t
I teach them how to write the song and record it as a
do if you don’t try.
workshop. I recorded for the past three years. We record
the community, there’s a club in Philadelphia called
Now getting to another part of
Well, we have to go back to my teenage years again because all these
two songs for each year and then we present them at the
North by Northeast, these people are a little older.
different styles were developing at the same time. As a kid I had the record
end of the summer camp. We recently finished shooting
T way that they dress is very inappropriate for their
player, so right there I was into selecting music and understanding the mood
a video, with one of my buddies Rick Nelson. He and his
weight. In dealing with fashion, there’s a certain
of music and what type of music was appropriate for whatever modes. But
crew came down to South Jersey. We’ll be having our
way to dress when you have that weight and there’s
I really honed in on the DJing craft as a teenager we knew that you could
video release party on April 29th with one of the songs.
a wrong way to dress. You just can’t dress any old
blend records together so a couple of buddies of mine we pushed the two
Some of the kids have expressed interest in pursing re-
kind of way. So it depends on what walk of life this
components ends together and without pitch control started playing records.
cording, there is one named Robert who sounds like a
person is coming from that will determine how they
Actually we played at the West Side Boys Club and another band in New York
young Michael Jackson who has expressed interest. I
feel about their self esteem and their weight.
with two components, guitar amplifier and guitar speakers and we tried to
find being around young people keeps you young and I
blend the two records together. I moved on to a disco outfit called Gentlemen
do get joy from it. I basically see myself still continuing
I always ask this question of everyone and I’m
of Leisure Disco. We were over on Woodland and 12th Avenue at the Inter-
to strive to make a mark in the music industry and de-
not sure if you ever had any issues with weight your-
national Youth Organization. I was taught the technical aspect of DJing by
finitely recording Gospel or Pop, whichever opportunity
self but if you had one thing that you could change
my mentor Herb Harris of Gentlemen’s Leisure Disco but also known as DJ Mr.
comes my way. I’m totally going to take advantage of it
in society what would it be?
Magic. Dealing with music as a child up till that part was pretty much a piece
so I’m going to take my shot at Gospel. House is not rea-
a cake for me up to that point. I would gig with the band on the weekend and
lly promising but I still dibble and dabble with it because
If it was one thing I could change I would have
then the circuit in Newark and then at
of the love of it than the financial end of it. I definitely
a sled and get some love dust. Fill my sled up with
3 O’clock I would leave there and go
see myself taking a shot in the Gospel world and trying
the love dust and slip over the world once, I would
down to the New Experience or Zan-
to come up with a hit song and if someone has talent I
sprinkle the love dust starting in America, then
zibar so they all kind of went hand in
would be willing to take a shot in the Pop world too I’m
Hawaii and Alaska and the Middle East, Russia and I
hand together.
pretty versatile when it comes to that. I’m just trying to
would sprinkle that love dust all over the way around
utilize my time to make BOP a trademark name in the
the world and help people to understand that love
conquers all. There’s too much hate in the world,
What is your DJ name?
hate is the reason why we are in the predicament My name when I started out was DJ
Dealing with children being at the camps with the
we are in now. If we love to hate one another es-
Pierre but as I went along and got into
kids and the recording, do you see a difference in how
pecially creed to creed, I think Martin Luther King
the music industry there was another
the larger sized kid is treated differently than the smaller
said in his speech all blacks and whites, Jews and
Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics we will all come
DJ Pierre out of ChiSo I didn’t
In some cases yes in today’s society with the young
together and sing. I would want the same thing he
use that too much
people though, there’s some effectors depending on
would want. It’s all in the way we revere each other
anymore after that.
where you come from and a lot of confidence. Some
we can look at Egypt, we can look at Kadhafi right
So I just said that
kids know how to walk with their head high with their
now, people are so full of hate. The high gas prices
I would go with my
weight and then there’s another kid from another walk
are because of hate and the root of the matter is be-
regular name DJ
that may have a strong inferiority complex. Case and
cause of hate. Certain people’s its hate for America,
Paul Scott and in
point, I was teaching a gym class and he really wasn’t
and certain people’s hate for their own people, they
the DJ circuit that’s
what I would call obese but he was a little overweight.
kill their own people then we say we aren’t going to
what I’m known by
He was sitting off to the side and I asked him why wasn’t
provide you sanction and then they say ok we are
he playing and he said he didn’t understand sports, he
going to raise the gas prices. Now when you and I
didn’t like it. I kind of convinced him to get up and get
go to the pump it’s because of hate that we are in
Where do you
in the game because we were playing volleyball. I guess
this predicament. So if I can change something it
want to see your-
he was not as agile he probably didn’t have anyone at
would be for us to have more love for one another
self go musically?
home to work with him and push him to be all that he
from nation to nation and creed to creed. As the
can be. When the ball was coming his way and he didn’t
song goes, Love is in need of love today, don’t delay
Right now I’m
back up and someone was backing up in front of him and
send yours in right away. Hate going round brea-
doing my Gospel
the guy stepped on his foot and went down and sprained
king many hearts stop it please before its gone to
music, I have a
his ankle. The guys had to carry him off to the nurse and
far. That’s why a lot of my songs are about love and
kid’s choir, me and
that really made the kid go into saying, “See, I told you I
that’s why I never stop talking or singing about love
my church summer
wasn’t good at this.” So I had to take him in the locker
and peace.
Art Class
Trice Lamb
opular belief of classy is equated with style and fashion. Class is also a reflection of a personal standard of elegance and knowledge or as Beyonce would say” Upgrade You” to an admirable prestigious platform. Class or being classy can only be achieved with grace and skill and the willingness to be cultured. Many in today’s society have lost the concept of this mannerable quality by demeaning it with gaud and trash. Nfinite Form had the pleasure to attend the Renaissance of Class with Art. Art has taken on forms of passion within frames and those that elude boundaries. Art class is the first step to reviving the authenticity of this genuine interest. Nfinite Form members and readers need to broaden their horizons and break the shackles of the everyday. Art Class has its presentation on center stage at the New York Times Building as it Introduced the Harlem Fine Art Show. The room was filled with independent artists who cultivated class in the realm of their art productions. Artist Sterling captured not only the essence of class but that of what defines the attractiveness of the woman of nfinite curves. The class of art in the room was equally measured by the intellectuals that shared the similar lifestyle. The appreciation of art is the appreciation of life and the guidance it has to offer. The artists depicted their work in various abstract concepts and sophistications of individuality and extravagance. Certainly the expressions of individualism, style, and good taste sought great exposure that only the New York Times could offer. Please take the time for refinement and experience classy in various art forms such as Broadway Plays, Classical Music, Art , and Literature, even though we will all walk away with our own interpretation It shares one universal language of self respect, confidence, education, poise, culture and graciousness, while enhancing the quality of life.”
In other words, in order to be classy, we continue to grow towards Refinement in every sense of the word.
Artist Sterling and CEO Paula Michelle at the New York Times Building’s hosting of the HFAS
Various artists in black culture from around the world combined to bring an appetite quenching deliverance of artistic tastes
finite Form LLC has been putting the full size consumer on the map. We have been working day and night on several projects and featured in several different events. We continue to strive to bring you the best of what the full size community has to offer and shine. This past month we had the opportunity of having our models requested to walk for Continental Airlines. On February 23rd The Faces of Nfinite and New Jersey Full Figured Fashion
Faces of Nfiinite & NJFFFWeek Models stole the runway Fashions by Eyanec
Week models were featured at the Newark Liberty International Airport, for Continental Airlines 16th Annual Fashion Show. I have to say they truly took the show! Some of the hottest Full Size Designers in the Tri State Area were there, Eyani Couture featured her spring collects that captured the full size woman’s glamorous eye. Ilze Nae Cappio came out with the sexiest crochet outfits that had everyone jumping out of their seats. Aisani C’s spring collection has a style of a little sneaky sexy, mixed with a casual twist that is flattering to the full size woman’s shape.
On Saturday, February 26th Nfinite Form had its first College Campus Model call at Rutgers University on the Newark’s Campus. Thick N Thicker (TNT) The Officially Rated Thick Show, inthemixx radio came out to film the Model Call. We all had a great time, DJ Money Makin and Trixie definitely showed their support and promised to come back soon. Look out for an exclusive on TNT in our next issue, its going to be exciting!!
62 magazine September 2008
The Faces of Nfinite, Ph.D. and New Jersey Full Figured Fashion Week Models are definitely doing their thing on the runway. They show that as long as you have two legs, confidence and proper self esteem, you don’t have to be a size two to rock the runway…. What a positive image to display to the world.
ver since I can remember, my parents told me that getting my college degree would guarantee a high paying job. This has not been the case since African Americans have been faced with the Great Recession. Today many African Americans are facing unemployment. African Americans have always suffered the highest unemployment rate than any other ethnic group. The statistics reported by The US Bureau of Labor stated that, “The unemployment rate for African Americans in January was 15.7%. The national unemployment rate will increase 25% for this year.”
STEP College Degree: What is todays value of a Higher Education
the names of the candidates, potential employers will go with the name that sounds the most European -- or the least ethnic.” So what does all of this mean, well if you are in college stick with it at least with the degree you have a fighting chance, even if it is slim. Don’t get disheartened, with determination and fervor you will land the job that you went to college for, you have to believe it then go achieve it.
At the end of 2010, black Americans, 25 years old and older, with a college education had an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent, while the rate for white college graduates was 4.2 percent, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Other minority groups, such as Asian college graduates and Hispanics, are at 5.5 percent, while the rate for blacks was expected to continue to climb. African-American professionals have been largely located in the older cities. Except for maybe places like Atlanta, you will find that there is a higher concentration of the black professional population in the bigger cities. African American unemployment may end up causing a long-term shift in the country’s demographics. There are many schools in the South that are in desperate need of good teachers. We start to see young black college grads leave the Northeast to teach in the South. African Americans have always been the last hired and the first fired. “Countless studies have shown that when all other things are equal, if two résumés have equal qualifications and the only difference is the ethnicity of NFINITEFORM 2011 63
. L. Douglas – Comedienne Extraordinaire
G.L. is one of the funniest comediennes to grace a stage. If you get a chance to check her doing her thang on stage then you are guaranteed to laugh out loud until it hurts. Usually full size individuals are at the brunt when it comes to jokes, but this sista takes it all in stride and stays positive to deliver clean humor that we all in the full size community can be proud. She is definitely one we should feel privileged to call our very own! Listen to what light she sheds on the subject: As a comedienne have you had any issues when it comes to being a full size woman in that industry?
Well, when I first came out it was entirely difficult for me because you know when you’re new you’re trying to find your voice, you’re trying to find who you are and you’re trying to figure out you know, who you want to be. When I first came out I had so many comparisons to Monique like oh you’re like the cool version of Monique and although I did talk about weight issues in my set, I did not want that to be all I talked about because I’m so much more than my size and so many other things that goes on in this 64 NFINITEFORM 2011
world and in my world to talk about. So, I never just wrote based on being plus size. I was definitely proud of it. I always got compliments on my style, my dress and my stage presence. That was never an issue. I’m just more than my weight. What made you want to get into comedy? Oh my goodness, it’s so crazy. My story isn’t like I always wanted to be a comedienne. It was literally something that just fell into my lap. I always had a personality, ever since high school, ever since middle school. I was always voted Miss Personality. I always knew I didn’t want to live a life of mediocracy, just being a mediocre person, working a 9to5 and that’s it. I tried a lot of things. I wanted to do full size modeling but I was too short, you know, I tried to sing with a singing group and that didn’t work out. One night I just got up enough nerve and I went on stage and I just did some stuff that I thought was funny. It was funny in my head and I said it and the audience found it to be funny too. That night it was Hamburger the Comedian, Regina King from 227 she was there and Bob Sumner, it was actually his show. I had no clue who Bob Sumner was, which turns out he is the major part of Def-Jam. I just kind of walked into it. I heard about an open-mic and just did it and that night I booked four shows for that week. It was definitely God ordering my steps. Even now when I think about it, eight years later it’s still amazing to me. Who were some of your influences? I do give Monique a lot of credit for what she does, but I also like people like Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller, like Carol Burnett. Those are the people that I watched growing up. Don’t get me wrong because I love Steve Harvey and loved Bernie Mac he was definitely one of my all time favorites. Then I remember one night going to a comedy show. I had kind of just started comedy and I went to a show and there was this guy there by the name of J.B. Smoove and I’ve never laughed so hard till I cried and I’m talking about almost falling out of my seat. It’s the only experience that I’ve had since and he definitely has to be one of my favorites. I mean now he is getting more recognition but he was definitely not as know, but J.B. Smoove is definitely one of my top five. He’s from New York and he had a recurring role on Curb Your Enthusiasm. I know you were on a reality show, tell me more about that how was it?
I did a reality show for VH1 entitled, “Money Hungry.” It was actually a weight loss show but the premise of the show was you had a partner and you and your partner believed in yourself so much that you were willing to put up $10 Million as a bet that who would lose the most according to your team. It was definitely an experience that I will never forget. It was different from the biggest loser, they didn’t have trainers there forcing you to get up and do it and motivate you. You had to be your own motivation and the money had to be your motivation. So it was a thing of they had good food in the mansion and they had bad food in the mansion. You got to choose whatever you wanted to do. You could lie in bed all day and not get up and do anything or you could be in the gym for hours at a time working out. So my partner and I stayed on for seven weeks and it was seven weeks real time. Seven weeks TV time is about three feet. I lost on the show 22 pounds. Do they vote you off or do people call in and vote you off? No what happens is we do challenges and its depended on a load of challenges, you’re on the chopping block and then the house votes and another team can go against you and the person that loses the less inches of their body weight, their team goes home. So me and my partner were the only female Black team that we represented very, very well. We had a good time and learned a lot. Was there anybody that people would know who was on there with you? Well we were all kind of regular people. What are you doing now? I’m still traveling, performing; I just completed a production in Brooklyn. I’m currently working on one in Jersey and I just completed a short film and I’m just working and trying to get to the next level. Do you fraternize with other female comediennes locally or otherwise for inspiration?
You know I do, like, I try to show respect amongst everybody I work with. There’s a comedienne her name is Denise and we are really good friends and she’s more of just a Christian comic whereas I’m a clean comic so I do clubs, I do churches, I do corporate events. But, yeah, Queen Aisha out of Maryland she’s originally from Newark, New Jersey, we’re really good friends. She’s a plus size woman, definitely representing. What are your aspirations, where do you want comedy to take you? Definitely movies and television, I would love to do my own sitcom. I am a clean comic which has definitely been a blessing for me because it has allowed me to go to places that other people can’t go. You definitely have to work harder. You have to be cleverer and put more of an effort into it but in the end I have been to auditions where they say you have to go clean and then that just knocks so many people out of the running. Whereas, I work clean anyway, no matter where I am, be it anywhere, that’s all I do. God is opening up a lane for that and people are going to appreciate it. As far as society is concerned dealing with full size women, do you feel we have made strides or does society have a long way to go, what is your feeling on that? You know I definitely think strides have been made, I do. I definitely see the change, because society for the most part is full size, the majority is full size anyway, it’s no longer a thing where we are such a minority and we stand out like a sore thumb. If you really look around, look at 80% of the people we come
in contact with you know are overweight. Some people are more extreme than others but the fact still remains there is just a little more cushion to America then it was a few years ago. I do think that we still have a ways to go because I do think sometimes society, well people still think that all you have to do is just eat right dada-da but people should recognize that when you are plus size or if you do have issues with food or whatever its still an issue. You don’t just tell a drug attack well all you gotta do is just stop taking drugs like that’s it. You know, it’s a reason why some people are where they are but I believe that it’s important that we as full size women love ourselves, love who we are. There was a point in my life when I was 290 pounds. If you go to my website, I think there are still some pictures on there that was my heaviest weight ever. Let me tell you, I was a fabulous 290 pounds but I knew certain things in my life I was going to have issues with. So I needed to change some things in my life but I’m still plus size, I’m 207. Even the clothing has become a little more fashion sense. People are starting to step up their designers and create things that are more flattering because there was a time when all you could do was find flower print, big sequin things that were just hideous. The plus size section was pushed all the way to the back of the store and you even had to pass all these wonderful designs and flattering clothes and then you get to your section and it looks like are you serious? I wanted to talk to you a little about love interests as full size women we don’t have as many issues getting someone but society makes it seem like we do and it’s reflected in what we see, what do you have to say about that? I don’t have a problem, that’s part of the statement of I still strive and need to be me because a lot of times when they put a plus size woman in a movie it’s like she is the funny fat girl in the movie, the sidekick. Probably, I will say the most that I’ve seen plus size actually leading besides Queen Latifah, Monique but I would say Queen Latifah has had the most exposure I would say. They’re still not fully ready. People tend to like listen to rappers, so I would tell Kanye West to date me for two months and I bet you everybody and their mother would be like the new thing that’s in is the plus size woman. You only need one and it will spread like wild fire.
Airplane seats, like I told you at one point I was 290 pounds and I was traveling a lot, I was in Miami, I was doing things for the Super Bowl, I was on the road a lot, so I was on a plane. There’s nothing more humiliating, thank God I never had to buy the extra seat. I was like a chicken under the way from having to do that but I did one time have to get the extensions, but realizing that everybody is not a size two, so we need to be a little more accommodating and respect the fact that we all come in different sizes. Even if they decided to make a section of the plane with a bigger seat for that person, with technology changing and we are always building and always creating, you mean to tell me nobody has ever thought about this? So for a 747, how about we designate 45 seats of bigger sizes to accommodate our bigger clientele. I think it’s horrible when you are forced and we are all struggling financially in this recession and I have to buy two seats on a plane that costs $300, you know it’s a form of discrimination. Do you think an organizational enterprise like Nfinite Form is needed in today’s society? Oh for sure, I definitely think so, especially not just for entertainment purposes but for inspirational purposes. It’s nothing like getting feedback on information from somebody who is where you are or has been. If you have never had a weight issue, you can’t tell me, I’m not going to be as receptive to what you have to say. But somebody who is going through the process or has been though the process on this end then I will be more inclined to listen. I think Nfinite Form is definitely very much so needed, so that people will know you don’t have to be a hermit crab staying in the house hiding who you are, you create your world and Nfinite Form helps them to see that.
la By Pau
e Mich
As always, I ask this question to everyone I interview, G.L. if there is one thing in society that you had the power to change in the full size community what would it be? NFINITEFORM 2011 65
Night Sam Mickail
Night Club Report Night Club Report 66 NFINITEFORM 2011
SIXTY6 is the hottest club/Restaurant right now in North Jersey and if you don’t mind standing in line, the wait is truly worth it, truth be told. Hailing from Nancy, France, is the premier and dedicated Chef Sam Mickail. There is none better than Sam, not only is he sure to accommodate those that attend he establishment, his charismatic personality makes you want to come back every chance you get. He makes sure the Club is accessible to various ethnicities for enjoyment. Club 4Sixty6 is definitely the go to spot for the full size community. Sam understands the plight of the full size individual and often expresses that the Club is for everyone who wants to come out and have a great time in great taste. Sam definitely has a passion for cooking; he began at a very early age. This passion developed from the enjoyment he received from his mother’s cooking. This innate passion for food motivated Sam to explore the world of culinary arts which he mastered from some of the worlds best up and coming Chefs in Switzerland. Once his formal training was completed Sam returned home to France to convey his cuisine to the world. He set his sights on Paris and worked at multiple 3 Star Michelin-Rated restaurants, such as TV personality and master chef Georges Blanc’s Vonase and Alain Senderens’ L’Archestrate. With a new vision in his heart Sam ventured to New York City where he worked in various top restaurants, including the famed Terrace in the Sky. The following year Sam took residence in New Jersey thus sharing his talents and putting his stamp on the culinary framework in the State. His talented culinary skills allowed him to produce culinary creations at the highly regarded Highlawn Pavilion , The Manor both in West Orange and the esteemed Il Tulipano in Cedar Grove. Sam then embarked on opening his own restaurant Frank’s Waterside in North Bergen, there he served as the Executive Chef. Now all can embrace Sam at the newest ultramodern and elaborate 4SIXTY6. Sam explained that the venue is now undergoing construction making way for three new restaurants. Yes, people, this Classy Club soon to be restaurant three times over featuring Cut, Logan and Raw is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Cut will be the steakhouse that will prepare the most savory steaks in New Jersey, Raw will encompass the raw bar. Lastly, the Sushi Lounge is Logan. Sam also plans to produce French fare for those who may want to utilize the facilities in way of banqueting and giving an event. Yes, individuals will now have the option to rent out the entire facility. Sam spoke briefly about the owner Ralph, a long time resident of West Orange. He knows the area well, he was born and raised here, they are West Orange people, so Ralph knows exactly what the residents of the town are looking for when it comes to entertainment and good, delectable food. So Ralph took over the entire thing and made it into what it is today and that is a spectacular scene for those who want a great night out on the town. It has the best sound systems, one of the best in the world and the best lighting. It is the go to Club in New Jersey, you won’t find anything like it even in New York City. You may in South Beach or Vegas but not New Jersey. Everyday we sit and say how can we improve and make it excellent until we reach our goal of perfection. There is something for everyone at 4SIXTY6, Friday is Fu-
sion, Saturday is House and the last Sunday of every month is R&B, they may do it twice a month. So, with the onset of three new fabulous restaurants in which Sam will be the renowned Chef of Cut, the steakhouse, I am surely confident that this Club isn’t going anywhere any time soon, in fact I strongly feel it will become a household name for those who like to go out and have a good time. Sam’s guiding beliefs and ideals are “A sophisticated American Steak House featuring hand-cut aged steaks, prime rib, and chops alongside wild caught seafood and freshly shucked shellfish, all brought together with a Mediterranean flair. Everyone can look forward to good old-fashioned tableside service in a modern and elegant, yet relaxed setting. I can attest to that as well as their Sushi, it’s absolutely the best! Sam supports Nfinite Form in it’s endeavors in bringing attention and acceptance to the full size person and Nfinite Form most definitely suports him in all that he does in making 4Sixty6 the best that it can be in evening entertainment, dancing and world class eating. Bon apetitie!
la By Pau
e Mich
Nfinite Car Care: Auto
CAR CARE Devin Taylor
tep 1: What to Buy –
Towels; polishers; wax (spray/gel/sealant); car cleaning solution; clay bar; wheel and chrome polishers; swirl removal products; tire gels/foams/sprays; tire brushes/sponge
The auto section of many stores would have all the products listed above, with many different varieties to choose from. Your first item of choosing should be the tools for cleaning (example – sponge; terry cloth towels; brushes; micro fiber towels). We suggest a soft micro fiber sponge for the body and an ultra-soft bristled brush for the rims. Our choice for tires is a protective gel and sponge kit. You should always refer to manufacturer’s recommendations when choosing any of these products and tools. Testing on a small inconspicuous area is also recommended, as the condition of car’s paint varies with age and neglect.
tep 2: Prepping and Washing Your Vehicle –
Start by hosing your car down with water to rinse off extra dirt. Use a spray nozzle with increased pressure for best results. Fill a bucket with warm water and your choice of car washing solution (follow manufacturer’s directions). Using a soft sponge or towel, wipe your car’s body vigorously, using circular motions. Take time and complete each section individually for ultimate clean. Rinse with hose and towel dry (we suggest
soft ma dou der alw the to w extr you and har
Detailing Made Easy
t terry cloth or shammy aterial); make sure to uble and triple spray unr wheel wells – there’s ways more dirt down ere. Giving extra detail washing will encourage ra care in maintaining ur vehicle’s appearance d preventing any further rm.
tep 3: Wax on…wax off…LOL –
You can choose from gel to compound base to spray-on waxes. They all will provide extra protection and ultimate shine to your vehicle. Why so many? Because vehicles vary in age and type of paint, for example – your girlfriend just got a 2009 Honda Civic and she buys spray wax, which worked great on her car – but you decide to try this spray wax on your 1997 Acura CL (the one with all the faded paint spots). This particular wax started to strip your paint. Over time your car’s protective clear coat is put under damaging circumstances, so it is always best to try these waxes on small portions of the vehicle to be sure. Spray and gel waxes are best for a quick shine but will not last very long. Use these products at your discretion. When applying these various waxes, use one tool (towel or sponge) to apply product in a circular pattern;
use another to buff the wax out, also in a circular motion. You should apply waxes in small portions at a time, paying close attention to detail. Buffing tools are sold to make this job easier.
In the end, not all paints are the same in condition. Learn your cars needs through trial and error. With the right combination of products and techniques – you will be pleased with your results every time. Next issue we are going to take it inside for a great cleaning job!
Poetry Pause THAT WOMAN HAS CLASS BY Minds i
There she goes social butterfly busy bee, moving with grace style uninhibited classy free... Beautiful smile shine from afar, strength of lioness presence of queen, style, style unseen. Her beauty is within. The way she moves and speaks defines her style. Class? Head of her class, class of her own, that woman has class. That woman has style. Beauiful brown eyes, beautiful brown eyes, runway of my heart winner of my soul, above all others truth be told, and off she goes social butterfly, busy bee moving with grace. Style uninhibited classy free ...... that woman has style that woman is free.
We Are Women Who Are© By R. Lee Simmons We are women, who are, We move with the elegance of style With class, its acceptance, its discipline Its maturity, compassion worthwhile. Classy, a standard, a lifestyle The moral fiber of our being. Sophistication, elegance, maturity, Confidence, caring and agreeing.
Classy is a high compliment Not given freely or inherited. No money, social standing, elegant clothes.Classy is earned and merited. Value yourself, you will be valued Believe in yourself, you will be believed Love yourself, you will be loved The unspoken honor will be received. Lena knew, her smooth style, melodic tone. She spread her wings of graceful elegance. That calmed the raging stormy weather. With class, touched by all, perchance. We are women, who are Strong, empowered, a hint of sassiness. Memorable as those who came before us Secured in our own enduring classiness. .
My Life, My Love, My
Aptwanea S. Lucas Breathed into me, Sewn into my heart, Essence of my being, Away from you I shall never part Giver of my desires, Governor of my needs, Granted after a simple gesture, Obliged by the falling of knees, Rising to give praise, For the multitude of blessings, Bestowed in many ways
The first one I knew, The last I’ll return to, Our bodies, our sacred temBeseeching your presence, ples Until my days are through, Clean, healthy, spiritually lifted, When that moment arrives, Tranquility and peace are second nature And my head dives at your feet, Self-assured, confidently gifted. My life…I owe NJFFFWeek Model: Delores Phillips My love…I give Refined, all knowing, exuding wisdom My all…forever be! The epitome of class, a sound foundation Sojourned here on earth, expelling truth. “Ain’t I a Woman” of infinite affirmation. 70 magazine September 2008
Fade to Black
Special thanks to Makeup Artist Bentley Taylor Hair Stylist Trice Lamb Photographers Kinu Sloss Marly Savage
74 magazine September 2008