NFit Man September/October 2012

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NFIT MAN september / october 2012

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NFIT MAN september / october 2012


september / october

2012 contents 07 greenway trails 08 lose it & love it

- Made in Texas - Boost your metabolism

12 a new you

- Got double chin?

14 a better you

- The healthy side of life heroes - Communication is key

22 indoor fitness

- Championship boxing - A soldier. A S.W.A.T. officer. Crossfit.

26 senior men’s fitness

- It’s never too late to begin

28 preventive measures

- Testosterone: Botox for men - Foundation failure - Sunscreen Simplified

34 mind, body & soul

- Falling off the exercise wagon

36 Q&A


No gym? No problem. Jason Zamora talks health, wealth and keeping it simple.

- Answers to our readers most popular fitness questions

40 financially fit

- Covering your assets

42 fit for style

- Kory Steen

46 foodies

- Eat better - Carpaccio of yellow fin tuna with a tapenade

50 events

- SA fitness events - NFit Magazine fitness fair

NFIT MAN september / october 2012



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NFitMan september / october 2012

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executive assistant Ashley Gray

photographers alfonso aguirre alexander aleman erin clarkson

contributing writers guy r. banta, Ph.d tracey d. bauer sean burton melissa cady, d.o. claudia conley carlos correa jonas crafts jennifer fritzsching-rulon erik guerra kelly hamilton rita hernandez ryan newberry suzanne parker aaron seaman dr. alan k. silverman



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to reach us: 18402 U.S. Highway 281 N, Ste. 201 San Antonio, Texas 78259 Phone: 210.298.1761 Fax: 210.568.6630 Copyright © by NFit Man Magazine Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the expressed written permission of the publisher is prohibited.

Greenway trails

offer new paths to fitness

San Antonio’s greenway trail system offers residents new and challenging ways to step up their physical fitness routines. Since November of 2008, the City of San Antonio has completed 38 miles of trails along Leon Creek, Salado Creek and the Medina River. For those living in the central city, the Museum and Mission Reaches of the San Antonio River trail system also offer more than 15 miles of outdoor fitness opportunities. These trail systems, or “greenways” are free to use and are located on all sides of the city, making for convenient access to most San Antonio residents.

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 lose it and love it

made in


Edd Perkins' Success Story

The wake up call that shocked one family back to fit by sean burton


Edd “Wiley” Perkins is the kind of man you would think only existed in a movie. He has the life that we all strive for. A wonderful family, a beautiful wife, an amazing career and still has more stories than the bible to tell everyone. Perkins graduated from Texas Tech in 1978 with a degree in biology and soon set off to begin a career in education. The former teacher at Taft High School (retired May 2011) had a health and fitness lifestyle for the majority of his life. He regularly ran 10 miles a day and biked long distance over the weekends. During


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

his days as a Red Raider, he routinely worked out with a former Houston Oilers linebacker as a training partner and while weighing 185 pounds could bench press an amazing 425 pounds! This came in handy when he had a job as a bouncer to help make ends meet. After college was over and Perkins’ life progressed to the “9 to 5” daily routine, he found his weight reflecting a busy schedule. He didn’t have time to do his college style workouts and he wasn’t weight training regularly. Soon after, he found something that would stop the best of us dead in our tracks. It was Halloween in 1999; Perkins discovered he had a brain tumor. The news devastated him as well as his wife, Cindy. The doctor was very clear to his wife on what to expect and he relayed this to him as well. Though things seemed to be over, they didn’t seem so to Perkins. With help from his wife Cindy, he made a full recovery and was back on his feet. This situation, as it would for any of us, put a lot of things into perspective and showed him what was important. Perkins soon began to get his health back in check and made a decision to regain his once healthy body. At this point, Perkins was at his heaviest at 300lbs and didn’t know where to begin. He and Cindy made a decision to tackle this weight issue together and soon began to seek professional help. They tried many different ways to lose weight. They were regular clients at Jenny Craig and were members of Spectrum Gym (currently Gold’s). After a few months of trial and error, he soon discovered what worked well for him and what didn’t. His physical ailments began to pile up with age. Both knees started to give him trouble as well as a bad shoulder spur. Running was a major part of life and soon after his knee surgery, his doctor made it very clear that his running days were over. Perkins was referred by a friend to SeanBFit training and decided to give it a try. His workouts went from a lot of cardio to a healthier and more

practical diet and weight training. Perkins is now a lean 220 pounds and regularly weight trains at Olympic Gym two to three times a week. Basics and foundational exercises with a good intensity have been the key to his success. “To me, it wasn’t enough to just lose the weight. It was about strength. Strength is the key to a better life. I don’t think I would even be here right now if it wasn’t for the strength I had and the strength of my family and my wife.” Edd “Wiley” Perkins is the kind of man that sets the standard and raises the bar in the lives of everyone he reaches. During his time as a teacher, he prided himself in touching the lives of every student he had the pleasure of teaching and sending them in the right direction. Now, he prides himself in being an example of good health and the epitome of the mindset that says, “Never Give Up.” ■ For more information, call 325.650.7538 or email seanbfitpro@

To me, it wasn’t enough to just lose the weight. It was about strength. Strength is the key to a better life.“

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ď Ż lose it and love it

boost your metabolism Tips from a professional on how to sneak up on your metabolism by Suzanne Parker


we all want that secret bullet that will promise a six-pack of rock solid abs while allowing us the freedom to eat the foods we love. We want to enjoy great energy levels and not have to workout for hours in the gym while following low calorie diets. The bad news is there is no such thing as a secret bullet. The good news is we can get take advantage of many factors that influence how our bodies store calories, build muscle and recover from a workout. Here are some guidelines for you to optimize your metabolic muscle. How our bodies store energy When we eat a meal, our digestive track breaks down the protein, carbohydrates and fats so the smallest particles can be absorbed into our blood stream. From there, these sources

Research is mounting that the most effective exercise pattern for maximizing calorie burn, muscle building-known anabolism, is cross training. of fuel are repackaged by our liver and then go to one of two locations: The working muscle to be used for fuel and rebuilding; or to the fat cells, to be stored away for that rainy day when our refrigerator is empty. Now the first route is of course the ideal: fueling working muscles is no doubt better than storage in the fat cells! The hot question is how can we divert more of our meal’s calories into fuel for working muscles instead of going under “lock and key” in the fat cells? The answer is in three areas: 1] Meal Size 2] Macronutrient ratio 3] Hormonal influence The larger the meal, the greater percentage of those calories will make it to the fat cells. This is why you often hear fitness experts tout the value of small mini meals. Eat just enough to fuel your muscles and support your basal metabolic rate so your fat cells get left out of the equation. So your next question is, how do you know how much in a meal is just enough? There are myriad calculations out there to determine the number of calories you need based on

age, gender, height and weight – all excellent as a guideline. However, let your intuition also play a role in this, eat at the first sign of hunger, and stop before you ever get full. The macronutrient ratio refers to the percentage of protein, carbohydrate and fat that comprise your meal. Insulin is the key factor here. This hormone prepares your cells to store nutrients. It functions like a key that unlocks both the muscle cells and fat cells so the blood sugar can enter the cell for usage. The problem arises when there is an excessive amount of this hormone that can lead to potential insulin resistance. What to do? Avoid simple sugars. Sugary drinks, alcohol and refined carbohydrates (yep, anything white or processed) can lead to chronically elevated insulin. Build your meals around complex carbohydrates – those that provide fiber and protein and are as close to the way nature made them as possible – i.e. vegetables, fruits and some grains. Protein and fats elicit very little insulin response so these macronutrients help promote low insulin response. Plus, protein and fats are incredibly valuable in repairing and building new muscle tissue, tendons and ligaments. Is there a preferred ratio of protein to carbs and fat? That is a nebulous question! Hormonal influence can vary with age and of course gender but sleep, stress levels and exercise patterns, along with current body composition, also play a big role. Less than seven hours of sleep will likely decrease growth hormone while poor stress management and inadequate rest between intense exercise will increase cortisol. Exercise timing may have an impact on hormonal levels; and it is clear that at six calories per pound, the more muscle mass you have on board, the greater calorie demand you have. Recovery plus cross training with purpose Research is mounting that the most effective exercise pattern for maximizing calorie burn, muscle building- known anabolism, is cross training. Use intervals of high intensity followed by brief periods of recovery. Be sure to include rest days so your muscles can adequately rebuild and respond to the positive demands your routine has introduced. The best thing you can do if you don’t want to burn fat efficiently is to do the same cardio workout every time you go to the gym and run out of time for any weight training! The human body, in all its cleverness, has a profound ability to acclimate to what we ask of it; So getting good at a workout means it’s no longer good enough. If we hope to trick our metabolism to burn-baby-burn – we must outsmart our fat cells with sound nutrition choices and keep challenging our muscles with strength, flexibility and endurance. ■

For more information contact Suzanne Parker via e-mail at Visit local H-E-B stores the second Saturday of every month for health screenings, great recipes and wellness tips. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ď Ż a new you

Your lifestyle is not based on a quick fix; it is an accumulation of choices.


double chin? Choices to minimize the double chin.

by Melissa Cady, D.O.


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

have you ever seen a lean person with a double chin? Highly unlikely! Now, you may see a double chin on someone that is not obese, but pay close attention to their body fat percentage. We all deposit fat in certain places in certain orders. Some of us are more prone to depositing fat under the chin. The last place fat went on is usually the first place it will come off with dietary and fitness efforts. Granted, we do know that decreasing your carbohydrate and salt intake can decrease the fluid retention in your face. However, the focus should be on decreasing your overall body fat. As a man at any age, your body fat percentage should not be above about 24%. There are a lot of recommended ranges for body fat percentages; however, you should get a baseline assessment of your body fat, especially if you are complaining of chin fat. There are various ways to assess your body fat: skin fold measurements, underwater weighing and bioelectrical impedance analyses. Each test has different reliability, but pick one that you can repeat to evaluate trends. Most gyms will provide testing. Once you know where your body fat stands, how do you go about making changes? Whether you are obese or fit, the mental is the first hurdle before the physical. There will be times that you do not feel like going for that walk, going to the gym or other physical activity. You must find a way to get started: (1) find an activity you love to do, (2) tell yourself you will do just ten minutes and you will find you will do more once you start, (3) take your favorite music with you, (4) go to a gym that has a TV to distract you. Also, exercising with friends can be more fun and hold you more accountable. However, if you always rely on others to do things with you, then you are more likely to skip a workout if you are on your own. Remember, our bodies are adaptable nervous systems. Start low and go slow with any activity and your body will adapt and you will minimize risk of injury. The human body is a miraculous machine that works well when treated well. No one will do more for your body than you! So, if you want that extra chin fat to disappear then work on creating better habits. Once you get started with your nutrition and fitness changes, you must have faith in your efforts. Initially, you may not be able to “see” results. However, there are physiologic changes occurring in your body. Those little changes over days, weeks, and months are what accumulate into the visible results. Focus on how you feel. Reassess your weight, measurements and/or body fat no more than once a week. Once your small changes become habitual over a couple of months, then it becomes more of a lifestyle. Your lifestyle correlates with how you look and feel. More importantly, you must pull your head out of the sand and admit that you want to change your life and put that information into action by making better choices repeatedly! The “2 millimeters” repeated by Anthony Robbins and “The Slight Edge” written by Jeff Olson are the epitome of what it takes to step outside your comfort zone and be successful in fitness or any other area of your life. Most people do not do the “little” things that would

tips for reducing body fat  Eat lean meats, if you eat meat  Consume meal-replacement drinks  Eat many vegetables (especially leafy, green)  Eat a modest amount of fruit  Include fiber in your diet  Minimize sugar  Drink plenty of water  Avoid excessive fats and alcohol  Exercise five to seven days a week  Practice portion control: Split meals with others or, if eating alone, take half of the meal home. By doing this, you get your meal at half-price and you get to enjoy it again!  Minimize medications that contribute to weight gain (after discussion with your primary doctor)  Get adequate sleep  Avoid unnecessary stress in life  Have an annual physical to screen for metabolic disorders, etc.

truly make them a success. You do not need to be perfect, but you must be honest with yourself. Your body is most efficient when it is in motion and when the fuel is cleaner. Make choices accordingly. There are many opinions of what you should or shouldn’t do for a double chin. Surgical techniques are available to remove fat under the chin, but surgery should be a last resort. Surgery and anesthesia carry risk, even if it is minimal in most cases. Despite technological advances and amazing discoveries, we have yet to receive a how-to-manual for each human as they are born. Thus, you must pay attention to your body and take care of it. A physician is there to be your advocate and help you, but they cannot make you take responsibility for your life. Your lifestyle is not based on a quick fix; it is an accumulation of choices. When you make smarter choices consistently and don’t succumb to temptations ALL the time, then you will start leaning out in all areas of your body, including your chin. Melissa Cady, D.O., is a board-certified anesthesiologist and board-certified and fellowship-trained pain medicine physician. She is currently an anesthesiologist with Westlake Anesthesia Group in Austin, Texas. As a fitness enthusiast, she is also passionate about helping others start 90-Day Health Challenges as a Visalus/Body By Vi promoter. If you are interested in taking on a 90-Day Challenge, go to ■

For more information, email Melissa at drbodybyvi@ You can also find her at DrBodyByVi. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ď Ż a better you


Life Heroes The Diaz Brothers of ReShape to Live by Rita Hernandez


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

as founder of Inspiration 4 Life, one of my duties is to find inspiring people in our Communities of San Antonio and share their stories. There are too many people who have accomplished so many good deeds, given back or simply just have the heart of gold and never expect anything in return. Whether it’s for Inspiration 4 Life Radio, TV, Web and now for NFit Magazine, it wasn’t hard to find our Inspiration 4 Life “The Healthy Side of Life” Heroes. It’s an honor to be able to share the stories and testimonies of others because our Mission is to save and change lives. As I was checking my Facebook one day back in late 2009, I had a friend request from Fit for the King. I typically check the profile before accepting any friend requests but something in my heart was already impressed with the name. When I clicked over to the profile, I started reading about who, what, where and so on and right away I knew exactly who they were. I spoke out loud and said, “Its Jason and Jacob Diaz!” I didn’t know them personally but I knew of them because we just so happened to be attending the same church at the time back in 2005. It also turned out Jason and I worked for the same Fitness Company in 2007. My next thought was to contact them and find out more about what they were doing. Lo and behold, I was blown away and knew it was a Divine Connection because we had the same passions and goals in the health, fitness and wellness industry. We both were providing Health, Fitness and Wellness at no cost in different parts of San Antonio. It wasn’t even the fact, there were free classes; it was how they engaged with the families who attended the workouts, twice a week, all year long, was the impact. Now that’s hardcore! This is where we decided to join together and make a bigger impact as the ReShape to Live Team. From our 1st meeting in early 2010 to this day, the rest is History! If you haven’t heard of ReShape to Live, you will now. I introduce to you, the Diaz Brothers. Jason and Jacob Diaz are the Founders of ReShape to Live and they began their Mission and Purpose in 2009. They started off as Fit for the King, a Faith Based

Ministry, and expanded their abilities to reach so many more people, not only through Faith but also through inspiration to those who were simply just getting started in fitness. ReShape to Live was born to reach everyone ReShaping Lives from the Inside Out. There is so much I know about Jason and Jacob Diaz, but as I was doing the interview I was yet again in awe of why they do what they do. Their inspiration began when they were 5 years old when their Dad would get them to be active and do healthy fun type competition between the brothers. Fun stuff such as who did the most push-ups, sit-ups, etc. “This was not something that was

about it, we decided to take care of it and help with these issues.” This is where the City of San Antonio started to take notice of the great things they were doing and were asked to be part of the Mayor’s Fitness Council. They have also participated with the yearly program, Fitness in the Park. Academy Sports and Outdoors was also impressed with what ReShape to Live did for our Communities leading them to sponsor fitness equipment for them on a yearly basis. They are also working with YMCA Y Living Center on the Southside of San Antonio. Jason and Jacob Diaz are Co-Hosts of Inspiration 4 Life Radio and you can also catch ReShape to Live workout

“These are two of the

hardest working men

in the Health, Fitness and Wellness Industry... “

forced upon us, just simply having fun.” (Jacob Diaz) “It taught us how to lose and not be the end of the world and it also taught us, as winners, how to treat others with respect.” (Jacob Diaz) There was no internet or Wii, so they participated in many fun physical activities such running, tag, and other games that kept them active. With 30 years total of experience in the Health, Fitness and Wellness Industry between the Diaz Brothers, there is much more that comes with what they offer aside from Personal Training. Jason and Jacob have a Ministering heart and they really go out of their way to meet the needs of others. Since ReShape to Live is one of the programs of Dream Center San Antonio, they follow the Dream Center’s Mission Statement, “Hurts Healed, Needs Filled” Jacob Diaz is the COO and one of the Pastors of the Dream Center San Antonio. Jason Diaz is a big part of the Vision and decision making of ReShape to Live. When I asked Jacob, what truly inspired them to begin ReShape to Live, he stated, “The awareness of obesity is on the rise and we know so many people who are battling this disease. Instead of assuming or waiting on others to do something

videos on YouTube. I asked Jacob what he would like to see for the Future of ReShape to Live and I was simply humbled by his answer. “Everything we do and provide, we want to make it contagious and effective in the communities and pass it on to the next generation.” (Jacob Diaz) Jacob and Jason Diaz were surprised to know so many people wanted them to continue what they do for as long as they can. This is what inspires them to continue to do what they do. They use their gifts and choose not to bury them. They take their talents and sow the seeds to benefit the City of San Antonio and not themselves. This is why I have chosen the Diaz Brother of ReShape to Live as Inspiration 4 Life “Healthy Side of Life” Heroes. ■

For more information on ReShape to Live, you can visit their website at For more information on Rita Hernandez, NFit Magazine Writer, or Inspiration 4 Life “Healthy Side of Life” Heroes, you can visit her website at

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 a better you

communication is key When it comes to communicating with your partner, avoid John Gottman’s “four horsemen of the apocalypse,” four unhealthy communication patterns that can ruin your relationship. by Tracey D. Bauer

As a marriage and relationship counselor, one complaint I hear from almost every couple I work with is, “We just can’t seem to communicate.” According to John Gottman, renowned author, marriage and relationship researcher, there are four unhealthy patterns of communication that will most certainly lead to doom and destruction in your relationship: criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling – what Gottman calls the “four horsemen of the apocalypse.” Gottman spent more than 20 years researching over 2,000 couples and discovered that these four major emotional reactions – the four horsemen – were predictive of whether a relationship would succeed or fail. These are ways of interacting that sabotage your efforts to communicate with your partner. The first step in eliminating the horsemen is for you and your partner to identify when these patterns are happening. Then you can learn to change them. So let’s talk about the horsemen so you can learn to recognize them. Horseman No. 1: Criticism (over-generalized complaints that attack your partner’s character). Unlike complaints, criticism tends to over-generalize and entails attacking your partner’s personality or character rather than focusing on specific behaviors you don’t like. We will always have some legitimate complaints, but criticism feels like a personal attack. For example, “I am disappointed that you didn’t build that shelf like you promised” is a complaint. “Well, I see that shelf didn’t get built. I guess you obviously don’t care anything about my feelings or me. Your precious time at the gym is much more important than me” is a criticism. Since the criticized person feels attacked, the next horseman is invited right on in defensiveness. Horseman No. 2: Defensiveness (shielding oneself from a perceived attack and seeing oneself as the victim). Of course, it is only natural for people to feel defensive when they are being insulted, called names or accused. Defensiveness involves blocking a verbal attack and seeing yourself as the victim. When you get defensive, you experience anxiety or a flooding of emotions, which makes it difficult for you to tune into what your partner is saying. Defensiveness also leads to escalation. It includes matching anger with anger or blame with blame, hardening your stance, making excuses or denying responsibly. For example, one partner says, “You never feed the dog,” and the other partner says, “You never feed the cat.” Instead of listening to what is being said, you toss it back to your partner, saying,


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

“It’s your problem,” denying responsibility or playing the victim role. Verbal examples include “Yes – but,” “So,” “It’s not my fault” and “It wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t …” Defensiveness prevents you from solving the problem at hand and further impedes communication. Horseman No. 3: Contempt (hostile words and body language aimed at psychologically abusing your partner). Holding onto resentment inevitably leads to contempt, which is even more destructive than criticism. Contempt involves directing hostile words and body language at your partner on purpose. These hostile words and body language are meant to psychologically harm your partner and attack your partner’s sense of self. Contempt includes openly insulting your partner, disrespecting them and tearing down their self-esteem. Verbal examples of contempt include putdowns, insults and name-calling, yelling and screaming, mocking, sarcasm, ridiculing and hurtful teasing. Phrases like “You are such a piece of work,” “There’s something wrong with you” and “You are so selfish,” are examples of contempt. Names like “lazy,” “fat” and “stupid” are also examples. Contempt hurts a person’s sense of self and is extremely detrimental,

The first step in eliminating the horsemen is for you and your partner to identify when these patterns are happening. leaving partners feeling hurt and extremely negative toward each other. Horseman No. 4: Stonewalling (withdrawing from the relationship in order to avoid conflict). Stonewalling happens when one person withdraws from the other partner to avoid a fight. This can happen in the middle of a discussion, when one partner just shuts down and stops responding to the other. Stonewalling can also happen when you remove yourself physically without communicating with your partner. When people stonewall, they exit the relationship and avoid solving the problem at hand. They are also not listening, the conflicts become silent and withdrawing becomes a hostile act.

So, now that you know what NOT to do, what are healthy ways to communicate? Instead of criticizing, make an impersonal complaint without blame. Instead of being defensive, take responsibility. Instead of having contempt, foster an environment of fondness and admiration. Instead of stonewalling, learn psychological self-soothing. Until next time, keep on growing! ■

Tracey D. Bauer, M.A., LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the founder of The Center for Personal & Relationship Growth. For more information about the four horsemen and other topics for creating your best relationship, visit my blog at our website:

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NFIT MAN september / october 2012



 cover story

Buff, balanced and gym free Financial Advisor Jason Zamora on keeping fitness balanced, simple and effective. by kelly hamilton photography alexander aleman


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

Gear and wardrobe provided by

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


W hat is your definition of fitness? For many people it is an uncompromisable physical workout schedule around which their life revolves; for others it is a part time commitment. Most humans are not blessed with the genes to exercise infrequently or eat as they please and maintain a trim physique. Fitness of all variety exists from hardcore training to seated meditation.

A few weeks ago I had the delightful pleasure of sitting down with financial advisor Jason Zamora. He is quite the conundrum. Fabulously fit, I figured Zamora would have a lengthy tale of daily workouts and a life entrenched in fitness; not so. Zamora is a reformed gym rat. He no longer frequents, or even belongs to, a gym and admittedly does not workout every day. His life does not revolve around knocking back daily cardio or weight sessions and for the most part he eats as he is inclined. Why is this man on the cover of a fitness magazine? Logical question. Zamora embodies wellness. He is a living, breathing example of a beautiful man who is calm, cool and collected. He has a unique outlook on fitness and how it should work for him. Growing up the only child of a working mom in Corpus Christi, Zamora was active in


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

school sports. He was an independent kid who lived clean and studied hard. He figured out early on that exercise was a form of relaxation for him. “ I would ride my bike along the seawall and take in the sounds and smells. It was relaxing yet active at the same time.” Zamora grew up playing basketball and baseball through school and walked on at St. Mary’s basketball. Through college and into his late twenties he was a regular at the gym and endorsed the ‘bulk up’ theory of fitness. With the goal of growing his muscle mass, he was in the gym every morning at 5:30 to hit the weights then shower and go to work. Ultimately, a 15-pound muscle gain and a “no pain no gain” mentality quickly led to irritating knee and back issues. Once detected, Zamora began training for a triathlon, he lost a portion of the muscle mass and immediately he looked and felt better. Now, he trains by running, mountain biking and living a healthy diet and lifestyle. Everything he does strength training wise is with his natural body weight; Push ups, pull ups, core work all happen three times a week. Zamora took it back to basics. “My fitness is important but I don’t let it dictate and run my life. I admire those who people who do though because they are the true athletes.” Over the last few years the image of men’s fitness has transitioned from being big and bulky to lean and cut; more of a natural look. “I don’t believe you have to be in the gym five days a week. I’m not a trendy fitness person. Time is a limited resource so I have to prioritize with fitness and right now what I’m doing is working for me and making me feel good. “


amora enjoys mountain biking and tries to incorporate fun with fitness to keep himself engaged. As far as crosstraining goes he is focused on flexibility and staying safe. “If it hurts you don’t want to do it. There’s pain associated with a lot of things in life but

if something physically hurts you won’t want to continually do it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the hurt associated with fitness but the rehabilitation associated with blowing out a knee is something I can do without. ” Even at the relatively young age of 37, in December, he is conservative with his fitness in that he is not going to do something that’s going to cause damage or stress to his body. Because of such, the preventive focus physically is on hamstring and back stretches as well as core exercises to keep his back healthy.


is fitness approach is traditional and carries a large emphasis on a basic diet incorporating frequent small meals consisting of chicken, fish, vegetables and salads as well as a nightly indulgence in Neopolitan ice cream. With Football season quickly approaching, Zamora confesses Sunday as his cheat day and smiles broadly as he runs through a typical tailgate menu of football fare. “If someone asked me how to get really in shape the first thing I’d tell them to do is evaluate their diet. “ Constantly working to refine himself mentally and physically, mental fitness is very important to Zamora. As an advisor he is responsible for other people’s wellbeing so strives to stay on top of his game and he credits relaxing as the most efficient way to do so. Typically he relaxes by listening to music, watching his aquarium or cooking. One thing Zamora carefully plans and makes a priority is his free time. “When I do have time to myself I am present. I don’t allow myself to worry about work or issues. Free time is a commodity.” The finance industry promotes a stressful mindset so Zamora says that when he has free time he takes advantage of it by relaxing at home and then heading out for a ride on his bike on the trails at Mcallister or OP Schnabel Park. “I really admire people in the finance industry who have families. It is a stressful environ-

Fitness to me is far more than pushing your body. To me it is about staying balanced and well rounded.“

ment and I know a family is my next phase in life so right now, when I have free time to relax, I take advantage of it and appreciate what I’ve been given. “ Through his career, Zamora has been afforded the opportunity to meet people that he truly cares about. He works to integrate those people regularly into his life by finding fun activities such as hunting, fishing and of course Spurs games. “Make sure you are around positive people who are active and are a good influence on you. You are the company you keep. “ In fostering positive relationships Zamora enables balance in his personal and professional life. He works toward this balance and encourages others to spend quality time with people who lift them up and encourage positive behavior patterns. “Fitness to me is far more than pushing your body. To me it is about staying balanced and well rounded. “ Balance is a part of life with which Zamora is well acquainted. Personally and professionally he is on top of the mountain right now with a beautiful girlfriend, successful career and quality lifestyle. He is rewriting the perception of fitness one day at a time. ■

For more information visit http:// or call 210-267-2515. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 indoor fitness

San Antonio native Jesse James Leija taps into boxing talent local and abroad. championship boxing comes to san antonio special to nfit

Jesse James Leija, 45, recently joined with a local businessman to form a boxing promotional company. The first endeavor for Jesse James Leija and Mike Battah Promotions was Saturday when Top Rank Kelly Pavlik headlined a seven-bout card at the Alamodome's Illusions Theater. “It's exciting to finally get this going,” Leija said. “We've been talking about this for a long time.” For six years, to be exact, ever since Leija opened his own gym and Battah began taking private boxing lessons. “We both have a passion for boxing,” Mike Battah, 42, said. But Leija and Battah insist they want to start using more local fighters on future shows. They hope to eventually sign fighters to exclusive, promotional contracts and begin building the fighters' careers. “I think people are hungry for boxing right now,” Leija said. “We want to give people what they want.” And not just every now and then. Leija and Battah Leija and Battah said they are committed to building a grassroots support system — through sponsorships and a loyal fan base — by promoting regular shows. For starters, Battah plans to personally visit the city's boxing gyms to spread the word. “We want to put San Antonio boxing back on the map,” Leija said “I have two boxing fitness gyms here in San Antonio and we have about 100 clients at each


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

one and we’re doing really well with it,” said Leija, 45, who has been retired since a 2005 defeat to Arturo Gatti. “I train a lot of people and train some amateur boxers, but there are no pro fights going on in San Antonio. When I was fighting, we had fights here quite a bit. But since I retired, there hasn’t really been much. The only thing that happens is (Julio Cesar) Chavez (Jr.) comes here once a year or every other year and a half, but there are no other major fights. So my partner (Battah) said we should promote more televised fights, and I said ‘we should.’ And for Leija, the key is to make their shows memorable for not just the fights, but for the entire event. That includes music, giveaways and a feeling that you’re showing

up for something that you’ll be talking about long after the final bell has rung. “We want to make events,” said Leija. “When people leave we want them to think ‘oh my God, we can’t wait for the next one,’ and that’s what happened with the last one, so we’re on the right track.” When it comes to knowing what fans want, there is no better expert than Leija, who has seen it all, both good and bad, over the years. So while one of his goals is to give local fighters the opportunity to stay active and learn their craft, he also wants them brought up the old school way. “I think what we’re offering a fighter is an opportunity to make money, and the opportunity to take them to the higher level where he wants to be at,” said Leija. “And I’m willing to work hard for that fighter, but he has to be willing to work hard for himself as well. I understand that the only guys that are gonna make it are the guys that really work hard in the gym and sacrifice on a daily basis and not just expect the promoter to give them easy fights every time. A good promoter and a good manager are gonna teach their fighter that you have to learn from every fight and build yourself up, and not just take easy opponents.” Now he’s back. He could have done anything, but Jesse James Leija wants to give back to the sport and open doors for fighters who, just like himself, want to wave the Texas flag proudly, not just at home, but around the world. And he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. “If you’re gonna make something work, you better go out there and do it yourself,” he said. “And you have to have a great staff, which we do. We have a great team, and I have a partner, and if they see both leaders going out there hustling, they’re going to hustle as well. We’re gonna try to stay busy with this and get fighters from San Antonio an opportunity to make something out of themselves or maybe win a world title. We want them to have more opportunities to fight and make money.” ■

It's exciting to finally get this going,” Leija said. “We've been talking about this for a long time.”




"The Comeback of Jesse James Leija--No, not that kind." Thomas Gerbasi. 2012. "Leija and partner hoping to resurrect local boxing." John Whisler. 2012. For more information visit NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ď Ż indoor fitness

A Soldier. A S.W.A.T. Officer.

CrossFit. Men and CrossFit by Jennifer Fritzsching-Rulon, M.S.


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

A Fallen Solider. A Fallen Law Enforcement Officer. A Dad, a brother, a son, a grandson, a friend…a man. One mile run. 100 pull-ups. 200 push-ups. 300 air squats. One mile run. This workout is called “Murph.” Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, was killed in Afghanistan. This was his favorite workout. Murph called it “Body Armor,” because if you want to add “body armor” or a twenty pound vest, you wear it. Seventy-five pound Power Snatch Lifted 75 times. This workout is called “Randy.” Randy Simmons, 51, was a 27-year LAPD and SWAT team member who was killed in the line of duty in 2008. Not only did these men sacrifice their life in Afghanistan and the US, but these men also took care of their family and friends, became stronger to do what they needed to do to fight the battle, through something called CrossFit. The HERO WOD’s (Workout of the Day) that are named specifically for CrossFit are for fallen soldiers, fire fighters and police officers that have died during their service. In 2000, Greg Glassman put together a new concept called CrossFit. CrossFit is defined as constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement. It is considered the principal strength and conditioning program not only for many police academies, military special operation units and professional athletes but also for the Moms, Dads and Grandparents who want to get in shape so they can stay around for their kids and their grandkids. CrossFit WOD’s can come in all different types of styles; a coach can add endurance, such as running, rowing, cycling and jump rope then add some body weight exercises, like, push-ups, pull ups, sit ups or air squats. Maybe the next day, the coach will add some Olympic Lifts in the mix, which would consist of either Clean and Jerks or Snatch Lifting but don’t forget about the other types of lifting: deadlift, push press, front squats, overhead squats and strict press. The coach can add some gymnastics in the WOD as well…handstand push-ups, muscle ups and ring dips. There are a million possibilities of WOD’s for a police officer, firefighter, an Elite athlete, a Mom and of course, a Dad or a son. CrossFit has become increasingly popular over the last 5 years, since the CrossFit Games started in 2007, but became even more popular when ESPN filmed and

showed the 2011 CrossFit Games. The Games consist of individual men and female, teams of six (three men and three women) and Master Athletes (Men and Women, 45 to 54 and 55+). The CrossFit Games are already sponsored by Reebok, Rogue Fitness, and GNC. In the San Antonio and Austin area there are over 20 CrossFit “boxes” in each city and in Corpus Christi area there are over five “boxes” and growing strong. Men have always played a big role in all types of sports but this “sport” is different. It is a combination of endurance, strength,


the encouragement you get from the other athletes just like a big family.” Ricky states, “That’s like asking a lion why he eats the gazelle. It's not what I do, it's just who I am. It's more than just a workout to me, it's about being with like-minded individuals on a journey for excellence, whether that's the competing at the (CrossFit) Games, getting a six pack or getting a muscle-up, that doesn't matter. Even when we compete, we are all in it together and I love that.” Whether you are a Dad, a police officer, a Son, an Officer in the Armed Forces, a

”You can get a great workout in an hour, and leave the box with a cardio and weight training workout.”

speed, agility, balance, flexibility, power, accuracy, stamina and coordination. The positive aspects that men have shown through CrossFit are phenomenal. Harold Rainey, who is part of the SAPD, states in general how “CrossFit is good for men. “You can get a great workout in an hour, and leave the box with a cardio and weight training workout.” The benefits of CrossFit are that it will keep you healthy and fit. For example, if you know you have to go to CrossFit the next day, you tend to eat a good meal the night before and not want to be out on the streets drinking and eating poorly.” Ricky Cassone, who is an ex-Marine and a Trinity student states “In such a hands-off technology-run world men can be men here the way we are supposed to be. It is a primal escape in a modern society and it's beautiful. The physical and social benefits are literally endless.” With CrossFit becoming so popular, CrossFit athletes are being asked everyday… why should I do CrossFit? Harold states, “I do CrossFit because it's a great workout…it's a different workout every day. I use to go to Gold's Gym, workout for two and a half hours and never get a great workout like I do at CrossFit. I also enjoy

Husband, a fire fighter or a Grandpa, ANYONE can join CrossFit. All you have to do is to challenge what is offered to you as a man and as an athlete. As Ricky states about CrossFit, “Embrace it, all of it. It's not going to be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.” So, when are you signing up for your first CrossFit class? ■

CrossFit information on the website, www. Jennifer Fritzsching-Rulon, who recently received her Master Degree in Kinesiology, has been a CrossFit coach for over 2 years. She competed in the 2010 CrossFit Regional Competition in Fort Worth, TX and placed 4th as a Master’s athlete at The Fittest Games in Austin in 2012. Coach Jen is also a USA Triathlon Level I Coach, done numerous triathlons and a 4x Ironman Triathlete. She has implemented CrossFit with her triathletes and seen many successful athletes grow. If you are interested in Jen and her coaching philosophies, go to www.tribalancecoaching. com or her blog at http://tribalancecoaching. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 senior men’s fitness

senior men's fitness It’s never too late to begin by Guy R. Banta, Ph.D., MPH

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM); “by the year 2030 (when all baby boomers will have reached at least age 65), the number of individuals in the United States 65 years and older will reach 70 million.” At age 65 an average life expectancy of a man according to the U.S. Census Bureau is an additional 17.3 years (82.3 years of age). A frequent quote taken from the famous comedian/actor George Burns (who lived to be 100) was; “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” Many of us may not live to be 100


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

years old like George, but quality of life for the years we do have is paramount! As men age we gradually deteriorate; muscle mass, aerobic capacity, bone mass, balance flexibility, strength and stamina. In addition, older men frequently begin to face health crisis such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, obesity, diabetes, colon/prostate cancer, digestive disturbances, falls and fractures and stress (just to name a few). How does a man retard the rate of age advancement? Getting older may slow you down, but the deteriorating effects are largely the

results of inactivity, especially weakness and frailty. ACSM recommends aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, flexibility exercise and balance exercise. Regular workouts help speed up metabolism (burns fat), boost energy levels and dramatically increase strength, flexibility, stamina and balance. There are a number of additional and important healthy activities for older males such as proper nutrition, but exercise is absolutely key! A little activity and moderate exercise for older men, reduces cholesterol and the impact of osteoarthritis and low back pain (LBP). It improves sexual activity,

enhances resistance to infection and lowers blood pressure. Reaching the age of 50-6070+ was hard work; really! We earned it! Let’s enjoy the journey. However, can we enjoy it as much as we did at age 20-30-40? To a point, yes we can. It just takes a plan and dedication, maybe for some “a change of lifestyle.” Don’t allow your pride or ego to be a barrier to your attention to these details. Don’t hesitate because you may be fearful of injury or embarrassment. In fact, if you have those fears use them as reinforcement. The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) states that research has demonstrated that many of the structural deficits responsible for decreased functional capacity in older men (loss of muscle strength and proprioception (balance and coordination) can be slowed and even reversed with fitness programs. Be active three to five days a week (preferably, five days) for at least an hour each of those days. Include a form of aerobic exercise at least 30 minutes minimum of that hour every other day. When planning to begin any kind of formal structured or self-paced increase in physical exercise, see your physician first. They can best advise you on any health or physical precaution prior to beginning. The following table identifies a basic fitness plan for the senior male that you might consider starting with. ■ For more information contact Dr. Guy Banta at or gbanta@ Dr. Banta is President & CEO of Eagle Applied Sciences; a San Antonio medical/life sciences company and owner of Integrated Martial Arts & Wellness a communitybased martial arts school focused on varied fitness programs including senior programs.

TRAINING CONSIDERATIONS FOR for SENIOR Nutrition senior men MEN aerobics ■ Cardiovascular - calorie burn ■ Minimum of 30 minutes/day, 3 days/week ■ Activity you enjoy ■ Intensity equal to 40-85% predicted max heart rate (HRmax=220-age) ■ Workload should be low and progress gradually - Walking / 3.0-3.5 mph - Jogging / 4.0-4.5 mph - Swimming - Dancing - Tennis - Golf Flexibility / Balance ■ 3 times/week - Tai Chi / QiGong - Yoga - Pilates Strength ■ 2 days/week (as conditioning increases-increase days and reps) ■ 8-12 reps of 8-10 exercises at moderate intensity (free weights and/or machine) ■ Recommended with lower initial weights and slow progression ■ Avoid holding breath as in a valsalva maneuver breathing normally

Eat a well-balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean animal proteins, fish, low-fat dairy products. Avoid fried foods. Older men generally need more calcium and vitamin D, fiber, potassium and “healthy” fats. Depending on a senior’s activity (which I have stressed above needs to be maintained), if “moderate activity probably between 2,200 to 2,400 calories a day. If a senior is very active, then his calorie intake can be around 2,400 to 2,800 without worry of weight gain.

mental stimulation Senior men should exercise their brains. Dementia, commonly associated with age, is shown to be substantially reduced, slowed or prevented by proper frequent mental stimulation (brain exercise). Activities which exercise reasoning, memory, attention and information processing will help cognitive ability: math exercise (get rid of the calculator once in a while and calculate mentally), chess, learning new coordination activities (dance, fly fishing, martial arts, musical instruments, bowling), painting, cross-word puzzles, card games, computers, learn a foreign language and other similar activities are all examples of beneficial mental stimulation activities. The more we think, the better our brains function.

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 preventive measures

Testosterone: botox for men Feeling run down or not in the mood? Blame it on your hormones. by Jonas Crafts

we have heard this a few times now and it is gaining major popularity, testosterone is the main hormone for men, and we start losing it after the approximate age of 30 yrs old. Coming from a Professional Football background, Tight End Philadelphia Eagles 200507, we were used to hearing things like Performance enhancement drugs (PED’s) which are illegal to use while playing competitive sports. As long as you are not in any competition you can take testosterone therapy. But men be honest – do you think you can enhance your performance? Do you feel like you did when you were 21 yrs old? Are you gaining weight year after year? I did not realize how many men had low levels making them gain weight, feel tired and sluggish, lowering sexual libido and mental clarity. With so many options for supplements on the market today, where do you go and with whom do you talk? Do not try and buy pills or supplements from unknown sources. If it is in pill form it is not a real test. The guys with the lowest levels all have one major issue in common. They are taking pre-workout supplements and drinking energy drinks that are over stimulating their


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

gonad and completely depleting their adrenal glands. They are the guys that are tired during the day and cant sleep at night, and can't workout unless they have that jolt of energy from a dangerous pre-workout concoction and because of the over the counter synthetic stimulants, they have extremely low levels at a rather young age. Make sure you get your testosterone levels measured, after all measurement is the essence of science and medicine. I recommend finding a doctor that has a passion for hormones and is forward thinking in the industry. Too many physicians have little knowledge about the subject and they tell you that you are fine, but you can personally notice the differences in the mirror and in everyday life. This is anti-aging at its finest for the male form, and along with a customized nutrition and supplement program you will be feeling like you should have done this a long time ago. There are two types of testosterone on the market: Synthetic made and Bio-identical. Synthetics are made from the major drug companies and come with many more side effects because it is a third party substance that your body will not recognize. Bio-identical hormones are made at local

compound pharmacies and they allow your body to think that it is its own testosterone. The vehicles for getting test into the body have changed. There is still the old fashion intramuscular injections, but now there is also sublingual candy you just let dissolve under the tongue and creams that you can rub on. One of the major questions is, “If I start taking testosterone can I ever get off of it?” the answer is yes you can. There are several different cycles depending on your reasoning for getting on the hormone. If the process of test hormone therapy is done under physician guidance and counseling for your goal and measured properly, fantastic results can take place making you feel like young again. Here at Blue Diamond Med Spa we take great pride in helping our patients, with Dr. Sam Michaels MD, we focus heavily on Testosterone therapy, nutrition and weight loss, and we make sure we craft a plan to fit your specific desired goals. ■

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NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 preventive measures

Foundation Failure

Prevention is the Key

by Carlos Correa, Vice President of Growth & Business Development, Sole Support Medical

Sharing a personal experience, Kelli Correa says, “I was excited to join a group of my friends who were getting ready to train for a marathon. I had never been an avid runner, but tried to get out and exercise whenever possible. Wearing the cutest workout clothes, and what I thought were the best running shoes, I began my training. A few days into the program, I started to feel pain on the balls of my feet. I decided to change into a new pair of high performance running shoes, but the pain only progressed. Thinking rest would solve the problem, I decided to take it easy for a week. The week led to months and I finally decided to hang up my running shoes for good. I realized I set myself up for failure. As I drive down the street and see others running with such confidence and determination, I wish every moment it was me pounding that pavement. My feet truly needed help.” Many runners forget that their foundations start with their feet. If their gait is not properly aligned, they may start experiencing pain in their feet. Evaluating the soles of shoes and checking for uneven wear is also very important. If evidence of uneven wear is found, one should consult a team of professionals to help find a solution. Education and a proper foot evaluation by a pedorthist and a podiatrist is an important part of managing the athlete’s training regiment and avoiding future complications. Prior to doing any exercise, it is important to visit your local pedorthist and podiatrist to determine the level of activity one should undertake. A pedorthist is a medical professional who specializes in the use of footwear and supportive devices such as orthotics to address conditions which affect the feet and lower limbs. A podiatrist is a doctor with medical experience in diagnosing and treating foot, ankle and


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

lower leg problems. A collaboration of these two health care professionals will help prepare your feet for success. A podiatrist can also be a surgeon that surgically repairs or prevents foot and or knee problems. According to Dr. Anna Sanchez, DPM, it is important to have your feet examined by a specialist to help identify a potential foot problem. “Problems should be identified prior to pairing the foot type with the shoe type to save on cost and time” said Dr. Sanchez. A prevention strategy is a preferable measure to save cost and avoid future complications. Individuals increasing their activities should select the proper footwear and understand the surface on which they are training. Knowledge of how foot infections, callusing, ulcerations and injuries occur is an essential part of the prevention strategy. “It’s not the shoe that will be the miracle, but a combination of medical care and technology that will address the problem(s). If a runner’s foot is feeling pain, a professional should address the root cause of the area of pain,” explained Dr. Sanchez. The foot is made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, 112 ligaments and a vast number of tendons

and blood vessels. They work in harmony with each other enabling the individual to walk, run and jump normally and without pain. Many injuries are caused by training errors

It’s important to truly prepare both mentally and physically to be able to achieve their objective. Handling all the challenges of a true rigorous workout can lead to happiness and a



and equipment failures, but some are due to biomechanics. “By obtaining diagnostics of the inflamed area(s), one can assess the joints, ligaments, bones and tendons to determine pathology,” said Dr. Sanchez. “If there are any fractures, joint or soft tissue swelling, appropriate therapy will be provided. Sometimes a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) will be ordered to look further into the possible cause of the problem. In order to prevent failure, one must address damages caused by the inflammation in order to fix a runner’s foundation.”

sense of euphoria and accomplishment. Not completing a certain challenge can cause tension, anxiety and ultimately failure. ■

Sole Support Medical is a Podiatry and Pedorthic Center committed to enhancing the quality of life of its patients by providing the finest, most responsive healthcare available. For more information contact Sole Support Medical at (888) 303-7463 or visit

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ď Ż preventive measures

Âť 32

New FDA testing requirements will determine whether the sunscreen product helps

prevent skin cancer and sunburn, or whether it only prevents sunburn.

NFIT MAN september / october 2012

sunscreen Simplified The bottom line on what you need to stay safe in the sun by Dr. Alan K. Silverman

Everyone knows that you should wear sunscreen, but do we do it? And more importantly, do we wear the right one! All the labels and claims of manufacturers can be confusing, and to add to the confusion, the FDA will be implementing new guidelines starting in December 2012. Here’s some sunscreen facts to help you choose a proper sunscreen:

Why should I wear Sunscreen?

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun,which takes about eight minutes to reach the surface of the earth (and your skin), is 95% UVA and 5% UVB. Most UVB is absorbed by the upper layer of skin (the epidermis). UVA penetrates more deeply and about 50% reaches the middle layer of the skin (the dermis). Both UVA and UVB can cause skin cancer. Too much UVB at the beach will disrupt your life temporarily with a biologic warning event called a sunburn. There is no biologic early warning sign for photoaging or skin cancer due to cumulative exposure to UVA over a lifetime. An easy way to remember the difference: The “A” in UVA causes “A”ging, the “B” in UV”B” causes “B”urns. To summarize, ultraviolet radiation from the sun that reaches the skin causes acute (sunburn, damage to DNA) and chronic skin problems (mutations, cancer, and photoaging). UVA and UVB are carcinogenic. There are no “safe” ultraviolet wavelengths. “safe suntan” is an oxymoron (a seeming contradiction, like Los Angeles Expressway or kosher ham). Your only protection is sunscreens.

What does SPF on sunscreen mean?

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, but it should stand for “sunburn” protection factor because it only provides information relating to UVB exposure. It is basically measuring how much longer a person can stay out in the sun without burning. So if a sunscreen carries an SPF of 30, that means a person can stay out in the sun 30 times longer without getting a burn with this product. So, if your skin would burn in 3 minutes without the sunscreen, an SPF30 sunscreen would allow you to stay in the sun for 90 without burning. A SPF30 sunscreen will screen 97% of UVB.

How should sunscreen be applied?

You should use approximately 2mg (one ounce or the size of a full shot glass) and apply 15-30 minutes before exposure. Always remember to reapply every two hours or after swimming or heavy sweating.

What do I need to know about the new labeling regulations from the FDA beginning in 2012? Here are the main changes you will see: 1 / Limitations on sunscreen claims: Manufacturers must scrap misleading terminology such as “waterproof,” “sweatproof,” and “sunblock.” 2 / Clarification of “broad spectrum” designation: skin cancer protection vs sunburn

protection: New FDA testing requirements will determine whether the sunscreen product helps prevent skin cancer and sunburn, or whether it only prevents sunburn. A broadspectrum test shows whether a sunscreen can protect you from UVA and UVB rays (both can cause skin cancer). The second test is the sun protection factor (SPF) test. This test shows how well a sunscreen protects you from sunburn, expressed as an SPF number. In order to claim that a product prevents skin cancer and sunburn, it must have broad spectrum coverage and an SPF of 15 or higher. If a sunscreen passes the broad-spectrum test, the label must include the statement “Broad Spectrum SPF (#)” without making any reference to UVA. Broad spectrum designation allows claims that the product reduces risk of skin cancer and early aging if used as directed with other sun protection measures. 3 / Water resistance claims can be made only for time limited periods. No sunscreen is waterproof or sweat proof. Sunscreen products must now be tested to determine how long the sunscreen keeps its SPF when a person goes in the water or sweats, and the label must state how long the water resistance lasts (either 40 or 80 minutes).

So, Which sunscreen should I buy?

The sunscreen you purchase should have an SPF rating of 30 or greater broad spectrum designation, protects against both UVA and UVB. New regulations require broad spectrum sunscreens to be labeled as “Broad Spectrum SPF [value]” on front label. ■

For more information visit NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 mind, body & soul

falling off the exercise wagon

How to Avoid Burnout by Claudia Conley we all know him because he is in every gym. He's that guy who walks through the door with his gallon jug of water and goes immediately to the free weight area of the gym. He draws attention to himself because he lifts heavy, grunts loud and boasts about which muscle group he's working today, how he's getting ready for some event or vacation to the beach and how low his carb intake is. He looks the part so he's in decent shape because he's been working out off and on for the last fifteen years, and this time his goal is to get even bigger and leaner than he's ever been. You can't help but watch him because he's there every day of the week for his two hour workout that consists mostly of heavy weight training and maybe a little cardio at the end, but not too much because he “doesn't want to lose any muscle,” he says. Then, one day, you walk into the gym, and he's no where to be found. In fact, you don't see him for the next three months and can't help to wonder if he's coming at another time or maybe even found a new gym. After all, he was so disciplined and diligent and talked often about the gains he was making. And, sure enough, just when you had convinced yourself that he surely has just gone on to bigger and better things, he walks through those gym doors. He's back. You overhear him mention something about his rotator cuff and that he's not allowing it to stop him from hitting his goals, and you can't help but notice that he's more out of shape now than he was even before. What happened? Does this story sound familiar? As a trainer and fitness coach, I have seen this all too often and must admit that, at one time or another, it has or can happen to us all. It is called BURNOUT. The technical term for burnout is over training and, simply put, is a physical behavior and emotional condition that happens when the intensity and quantity of an individual's exercise exceeds the recovery capacity, and can lead to lack of progress, loss of strength, and fitness level. There is more than one way to ensure that over training will occur after starting


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

an exercise regimen, and it is most often seen with weight training but can happen to runners and athletes as well. One of the best ways to burn out is to jump full force into an exercise program and not allow yourself the proper rest it takes for the muscles to recover and repair. In my initial consultation with a potential client, one of my first questions for them involves how many days a week is realistic for them to work out. Often, the person is excited to start the process or to get to a desired goal and will state that they want to train 5-6 days a week. My suggestion to them most often is to start out with maybe 3 days a week initially and then build up to more. It is better to start with small obtain-


we want to build more muscle and lose more body fat, right? WRONG! The key is eating enough calories to give you energy and help with muscle recovery but that will also lead to a reduction in body fat. A recent study done by the Journal of American Medical Association suggests that for very active men, .55 grams per pound of weight a day is recommended and that, depending on the type of sport or training regimen, can be as high as .9 grams per pound. For a 180 lb man, that is anywhere from 100160 grams per day and 400-600 calories just from protein. That doesn't include carbohydrate and essential fat that are absolutely necessary for energy and endurance. Severe restriction in calories, along with exercising too much

when you enjoy the process, you have a better chance of enjoying the result.”

able goals than to set high expectations that lead to disappointment and failure. Even with a person who can pull off working out 6 days a week, the key for success is finding an exercise program that has a good balance and will allow proper recovery between workouts. Another behavior I often see that can lead to demotivation and over training is improper nutrition. A mentality of “eat less, workout more “usually accompanies a new workout regimen. Let's face it, it just makes sense if

can eventually lead to a suppressed immune system and extreme fatigue. Finally, monotony, i.e.doing the same routine over and over and especially involving heavy resistance, can lead a person to fall off the exercise wagon. It is beneficial to vary the intensity levels in a workout plan, consisting of endurance reps, strength reps, intervals, circuit training, super sets, etc. PX90 is a great example, in my opinion, of keeping the routine changed up as to prevent boredom and injury as well. Cross

training is another great way to keep exercise interesting by incorporating different types of activities during the week. Yoga and swimming can be added into the days between weight training workouts in order to get the cardiovascular and flexibility components of a well rounded fitness program. I have been in the fitness industry and working out myself now for over twenty years and have seen people come and go in the various health clubs and gyms I've worked for. One day, I approached a member I had seen in a particular health club every day, seven days a week, with maybe a few missed days out of the four years I had worked there. I wanted to know what kept him motivated and coming every day as I always saw him with a smile on his face and ready to exercise. I watched his routine day after day of stretching, then weights, then 30-45 minutes of cardio intertwined with conversations with other members as he rested between sets. He was in great shape, fairly lean and muscular. I asked him the question and I will never forget what he said because it really had an impact on my view of working out. He smiled and simply replied, “ It's a lifestyle. I enjoy it and it's fun.” Hmm. What a concept, if exercising is something that we know we should do because of the health benefits, physically as well as mentally, then why do we get caught up thinking it's a means to an end? I believe that a quote by David Hoptman, says it perfectly. “When you enjoy the process, you have a better chance of enjoying the result.” ■ For more information visit conleywellfit NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 q&a

you asked! Answers to Our Readers most popular Fitness questions by Erik Guerra

How important are the warm up and cool down portions of a workout? Warming up before an exercise routine and cooling down are fundamental for any exercise program. The main benefit of warming up is injury prevention. Warming up prepares the body for the workout. This increases the flow of blood to the muscles to allow them to loosen up. It raises the body’s temperature and reduces muscle stiffness. Cooling down is just as important as warming up since it lets the heart rate go back to its state of rest, in a gradual way. This enables the body to dispel lactic acid and other waste products that were generated during exercise. It also decreases the amount of adrenaline in the body reduces the chances of cramps, weariness, light-headedness and shortness of breath.

What Is the importance of varying up your workout routine? More importantly you need a workout routine that works and is highly effective in burning fat and building muscle.


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

Exercise selection is crucial; it can make or break a workout program. If your goal is to tone up, lose weight and build lean muscle your workout routine should primarily focus on compound movements rather than isolation exercises. I see so many people in the gym doing isolation exercise such as curls and focusing on their upper body rather than doing total body exercise such as squats or dead lifts and they wonder why they hit a plateau or haven’t lost any inches around their belly. Unless you’re a bodybuilder, getting ready for a competition, or are trying to increase muscle size in a targeted area; limit the isolation exercises. Once you have a solid workout routine it’s important to vary the weight, reps, sets, tempo, intensity and equipment used so we don’t plateau. For example, one day I may be doing heavy back squats with a barbell, another day I may be doing 100 Front squats with kettlebells. You also can vary your workout routine by adding some type of highintensity cardio exercise such as burpees, sprints or boxing. Combining weights with highintense cardio is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism, burn fat, and lose weight! Usually, most of the body’s physiological systems adapt to any exercise program. If this is not modified, your performance will reach a plateau because of the repetitive workouts. Men can try cross training or circuit training which is mainly a strength a conditioning program combining different styles of training, different tempos and loads, different types of equipment so that you become physically challenged and mentally stimulated. Cross training or circuit training is really fun, challenging and highly effective. One minute you’re doing power cleans or squats, another minute you may be flipping a heavy tire, or pushing a sled!

What's the best workout to target every muscle group in 45 minutes? Exercises do not have to take long in order to be effective. Men who are looking for a workout that can target each of their muscle group in less than an hour should consider circuit training or cross training. This is an intense workout that enables you to go through different stations with varying exercises for a given amount of time or reps, with a short rest time between stations. Choose one explosive exercise, two leg exercises, one push exercise, one pull exercise, one cardio, one plank or core exercise. Either do 45 to 60 seconds or 15 repetitions for each exercise before going on to the next, rest 15 to 30 sec between stations, do three to four sets or rounds, rest three to five minutes between rounds. Intensity is everything, you need to go as heavy as you can, as fast as you can, with proper form. This will not only be a great strength workout but also cardiovascular too.

You can enjoy the advantages of exercise the moment you start doing it, no matter what age you are. Those who have never exercised can always begin now. It is never too late to start.

Warm-up: Each exercise 45 seconds three rounds - Jump rope - Light kettlebell swings - Squat and press with light weight Workout: Each exercise 45 to 60 Seconds or 15 repetitions, repeat three to four rounds - Power clean (explosive powerlift) - Stiff-leg deadlift (legs) - Back squat or front squat (legs) - Push press/shoulder press (push) - Pull-ups or bent over rows (pull) - Punching bag or cardio exercise (cardio) - Plank or (core)

Will I lose body fat more efficiently by performing my aerobic workouts at a low, rather than a high, intensity? Intensity is everything! While both low intensity and high intensity exercises are effective in burning body fat, men can definitely do more with the latter. High intensity aerobic workouts can boost the heart rate up to 75% of its maximum, increasing metabolism and burning more calories. These enable you to reduce the amount of fat in your body.

Since low intensity cardio exercises burn less calories, you would have to exercise for a longer period of time to attain the same benefits of a high intensity workout. If they want to achieve more results in a shorter time, they can do so by increasing the intensity of their workouts. It always helps to workout harder to achieve a new level of fitness. This way you can burn more calories and optimize your workout.

I sweat profusely during my aerobic workout. Is this an indication that I'm out of shape? During an aerobics workout, you may notice some perspiring profusely while others barely shed a drop and even maintain a fresh look. Others think that too much sweat during exercise in unhealthy. However, studies prove that the fitter you become the more you sweat when working out. This way, you prevent the risk of overheating.

What steps can an individual take to avoid heat injury when exercising in a hot environment such as Strong Man or Crossfit? Men, who exercise in a hot environment such as a strong man or crossfit, are prone to experiencing heat injury. This is a normal occurrence during summer when it is extremely hot and humid. This may also affect those who just run or jog outdoors. There are some important tips that these men can keep in mind: • They should keep themselves hydrated at all times with water. When activities go beyond an hour, energy drinks can be more beneficial to replace fluids that have been lost.


• They should gradually adapt to the environment to reduce the risk for heat injury. This takes about 10 to 14 days of heat exposure with exercise. • They should lower the intensity of exercise if needed.

• They should use breathable clothing.

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


Can you offer some basic guidelines for avoiding overuse injuries associated with running? Running is great way to improve your fitness. However, like any exercise you may also acquire injuries due to overuse. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to prevent these like the following: • Try to increase mileage slowly and make sure you a have rest day where you just walk or jog. • To cut down on running mileage without compromising on fitness levels, do cycling or swimming. • Allow some rest and recovery time between exercises for a better performance. • Avoid running on hard surfaces that increase the stress on muscles and soft surfaces that may let the heel sink and cause overuse of the Achilles tendon. • If you have Achilles tendonitis and tight calves, avoid running uphill. • If you are experiencing knee stress, avoid running downhill. • Use the appropriate shoe for your foot type. • Lose excess weight to avoid stress during running. • Try running sprints instead of running long distance • Implement cross training or circuit training

Should I exercise when I have aches and pains/What causes muscle soreness and how is it best relieved? It is normal to experience aches and pains one to two days after a workout. This happens when you begin a weight lifting program, you are not used to the type of routine, you increase the intensity of your workout, or when you lift a heavier load. This effect is more commonly known as delayed onset muscle soreness. Taking the proper rest and doing moderate exercises plus stretching can address this. If you are just beginning a new workout routine start off slow with light weight or even just your


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

body weight for the first week so you are not excessively sore to the point that you only get one workout for that week. When you allow your muscles to rest and recover you will feel relieved. Then, when you do this kind of activity on a regular basis, there is a greater probability that you won’t feel sore again. In this “repeated –bout effect”, muscles can easily adapt to be able to handle new activities. This way, further damage can be prevented later on.

If I miss a meal or two because of a busy day am I screwing up my hormones and metabolism? I’m afraid to miss out on burning fat and building muscle. Some may think that you can burn fat and lose weight by skipping meals. But in fact, this is unhealthy. When you skip a meal, you tend to eat more on the next one. As this happens your body’s metabolism slows down and instead of using fat to burn fuel, it uses muscles. Once this happens, it is hard to get your metabolism back to the way it was. This can lead to yo-yo dieting. When you start to eat regularly, you will most likely gain weight or gain back the weight you lost. The best way to burn fat and build muscle is to eat a nutritious balanced meal and combine this with strength and conditioning program. This enables you to take charge of your metabolism.

Is there really a better time in the day to do cardio? How about on an empty stomach vs. with food? Will there be a difference? Cardiovascular exercises are effective in burning calories that are needed in shedding off the extra pounds but unless you are about to be on a cover of a fitness magazine or need to get to a really low body fat percentage for competition, I wouldn’t worry about the time of day to get your cardio in, just get it done and eat clean! It is best not do cardio on an empty stomach unless you want to feel nauseous during your workout. You need food to fuel your body during exercise, especially high intensity ones. In addition to this, it can help you recover from the activity and regain strength.

Does any proof exist that exercise can help a person live longer? Exercise has several benefits. It improves a person’s quality of life. Since it boosts metabolism to let you burn more calories and lose excess weight, it helps prevent against cardiovascular diseases. It also builds a greater resistance to illnesses and delays age-related ailments. There is enough proof, which shows that regular exercise can enable you to live a longer life. As a matter of fact, even as you start to exercise in your mid-years, you can lower your risk of death by 23% in the next 20 years or so. You can enjoy the advantages of exercise the moment you start doing it, no matter what age you are. Those who have never exercised can always begin now. In this respect, it can be said that it is never too late to start exercise. ■

For more information on Erik Guerra and Trans4mations Gym visit Trans4mationsGym or call 210.490.4447






















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NPRINTsolutions 18402 U.S. Highway 281 N, Ste. 201 / San Antonio, TX 78259 / 210.298.1761 NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 financially fit

You’ll find out one of two ways if you’re

properly insured.

Either your agent will tell you or you will have a claim.“

Covering your Assets A consumer’s guide to Better Safe Than Sorry by Aaron Seaman


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

welcome to financially fit, where we will examine a number of ways to make sure that your assets bulge as much as your biceps. You know, rock hard financials along with your rock hard abs. However, as opposed to giving you traditional financial advice, we are going to look at new or overlooked ways to protect your most important investments, whether it be your home, health or business. So, sit back, relax and (hopefully) enjoy! A couple of years ago, while watching the Masters Golf Tournament on television, I was suddenly inspired to grab my new clubs and head to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls. I raced home, changed out of my suit, put on my favorite golf shirt, pressed shorts, new shoes and applied enough sunscreen to last a few hours outdoors. Feeling my heart swell with the anticipation of hitting my first ball, prepared to exercise my inner Phil or Tiger, I drove to the driving range and headed to my trunk to grab my clubs. I was even more excited as these clubs were brand new and had only been used maybe three times at best. A Christmas gift from my wife, I was able to select the irons (Callaway), driver (Titleist), putter (Odyssey) and bag (Callaway) I wanted, resulting in a hefty price tag (and generous present) of $1,200. As my trunk opened, there was no brand new bag or brand new clubs to be found inside. I quickly retraced my steps and recalled the last time I used the clubs, about three weeks earlier. What I couldn’t recall was ever taking the clubs out of my trunk, although I quickly raced home and searched everywhere. Garage? No. Bedroom? Nope. Kitchen? Negative. Slowly, that horrible feeling sunk in as I realized my clubs had been stolen. Now, here comes the kicker: had I properly covered these clubs in our Schedule of Valuables when we renewed our homeowner’s insurance policy, I could have had them replaced, at cost and with no deductible. To rub more salt in this particular wound, I should have known better as I work in the insurance industry. Like the doctor who fails to get their own physical each year, sometimes the worst offenders are the ones who know the most. We have a saying, “You’ll find out one of two ways if you’re properly insured. Either your agent will tell you or you will have a claim.” A colleague recently lost a nice gold ring on vacation. After looking around and calling the hotel, he met with his personal lines agent. He learned that although he had coverage on his scheduled jewelry for himself and his wife, he did not have coverage for lost or misplaced jewelry items. My friend decided that with a 1% deductible, it just wasn’t worth pursuing. Then he went to store where he purchased the ring and found out that the ring he purchased 9 or 10 years ago at $500 could have been replaced for $1800. Why? Look at the price of gold then and now. Another difficult lesson learned: make

sure you’re visiting with your agent at renewal to discuss newly acquired items and value of existing scheduled items. Things change, new pieces are acquired, but most fail to update on a regular basis. Here is another relevant example: When you purchase a car it has an insurable value based on year, make, model and equipment at that specific time. In the event of a total loss, either through accident or theft, the value will have depreciated over a period of time. You can request specified value with certain carriers like antique auto insurance. The premium will increase but provide broader coverage. Make sure you communicate with your agent your needs and if you add accessories or equipment that increases the value of the vehicle. The carrier will only insure what is communicated to them. If they don’t know, you will suffer. One final example and even more important: When insuring your home, you should base the home’s value not on what you paid for the home, nor on the market value, nor on the assessed value as determined by your friendly neighborhood tax assessor. The value of your home should be determined by using a building cost estimator, which is a helpful tool your insurance agent will use that will let you know how much reconstruction of your home will cost. Historically speaking, the cost of reconstruction is always more expensive than the initial construction, and can vary based on a number of economic factors driving the cost of material and labor at any given time. Remember, you are not insuring the land, just the structure, which is also important regarding rental properties. The best way to ensure financial fitness is to exercise your understanding of your risks and exposures, and ensure you are making an educated decision as to your insurance needs. Take additional time to visit with your insurance agent and make sure you fully understand your coverages. If they aren’t explaining well enough for you to understand, ask them to explain it again. If you still don’t understand, you may need to find someone to who can do a better job of explaining. When working out with a trainer, you want someone who is knowledgeable and capable of helping you understand what to do and what not to do; same goes for your insurance agent. With the right tools, mindset and team you will be on your way to being financially fit. ■

Aaron J. Seaman is the Director of Business Development for SWBC, a diversified financial services company providing a wide range of insurance and financial services. For questions or information regarding insurance, employee benefits, or PEO services, feel free to call Aaron at 210-525-1241. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


location JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa photography alfonso aguirre NFIT MAN september / october 2012 42

fit for style Kory Steen

Vice President of Alamo 1 Oil Recycling NFIT MAN september / october 2012


Balancing Family, Work and Fitness is very important to me. I make it a priority to get in the gym three to four times a week. Spending time with my family is my number one priority in life. Consistency with training and a healthy diet is my second priority and is a big key to staying Fit and balanced everyday. 44

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


I don’t Find the time to exercise, I Make the time to Exercise!"

NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 foodies

Eat better but don't diet trying

You don’t need gimmicky fads or frozen dinners to eat healthy. You just need a simple system. by Ryan Newberry

dieting stinks. Eating healthy doesn’t. I should know – I lost 25 pounds in about six months, without the help of Charles Barkley and the embarrassing Weight Watchers for Men shtick he shoved down our throats during last spring’s Spurs playoff games. In fact, the secret to my success has nothing to do with crummy frozen dinners, à la Sir Charles, or fads designed to trick our bodies into digesting themselves, à la Dr. Atkins. Not only are diets gimmicky at best and dangerous at worst, but they also take a ton of self-discipline – not exactly my strong suit. There was only one health food regimen I knew I’d be able to stick to: one that included things I actually enjoy eating. It helped that I love to cook. When you cook for yourself, you can keep your portions in check and stay in control of the calorie content of your meals. What didn’t help though was that my best dishes were things like fettuccini alfredo, macaroni and cheese and Campbell’s Chunky Soup. So I did a little research, and a lot of experimentation. I started getting things at the grocery store that I never would have dreamed


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

of buying like apples, oranges, spinach and asparagus. Counting calories is important when it comes to eating right and losing weight. But just as important is making sure you get enough to eat. If you’re full, you’re a lot less likely to chase dinner with a pint of rocky road. Eventually I came up with a system for keeping me full and happy without filling me with fat and calories. If none of it strikes you as particularly earth shattering, that’s because it’s not. It doesn’t take test tubes or mad scientists or Oprah to come up with a system for eating healthy and losing weight. All it takes is common sense. For example: Breakfast: The key to a speedy metabolism. Cereal, yogurt, fruit, whatever. Save the pancakes and bacon for Saturday and stay healthy the rest of the week. Pro tip: Clementine oranges are the perfect food. Snacks: You won’t overeat during meals if you’re never starving. Keep a can of almonds on your desk at work, or pita chips and hummus in the fridge. My personal favorite is carrot sticks and peanut butter. Pro tip: Eating just because you’re bored is perfectly fine if you’re eating an apple or a 100-calorie bag of popcorn. Fat-free cooking spray: Stop buying butter. Stop buying margarine. Pro tip: Seriously. Just stop. Tortillas: A slice of bread and a flour tortilla have roughly the same calorie count. The difference is that it takes two slices of bread to make a sandwich, while a wrap only requires one tortilla. Pro tip: Get creative – sauté onions, mushrooms and

bell peppers (using fat-free cooking spray, of course) with some roast beef from the deli counter, then add low-fat mozzarella and ketchup for a cheese steak wrap. Or, grab some 96 percent lean ground beef (or even better: ground turkey) and low-fat cheddar for a healthy take on tacos. Frozen veggies: Fresh vegetables spoil quickly. Frozen veggies, on the other hand, are like Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused: You keep getting older, but your veggies stay the same age. Pro tip: Boil frozen veggies until they’ve just thawed, then season and sauté them the rest of the way. Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning: Makes vegetables taste delicious. It even makes tofu edible. Hell, the label says it’s great on everything, and it’s not false advertisement. Nutrition-wise, this stuff is pretty neutral. Doesn’t add much aside from flavor. Pro tip: Pick up the “lite” version for half the sodium. See how simple this is? Forget reinventing the wheel. Forget getting in on the next diet “revolution.” Just eat lowcalorie stuff that tastes good. And even if you can tell a bit of a difference between a healthy recipe and the greasy version you’re used to, isn’t it worth it if that certain someone can tell the difference between your old beer gut and the new, slimmer you? Lots more where this came from: These are some of the basics of improving your diet without dieting. There’s plenty more to the art of eating healthy food that still tastes good. It takes a little experience and a lot of creativity to keep from getting bored. Stay tuned to upcoming issues of NFit Man for some more advanced curriculum. ■ For more information contact ryan.newberry@ or on twitter @ENnewberry


NFIT MAN september / october 2012



ď Ż foodies Ingredients:

1 small fennel bulb 8 oz of tuna sushi grade A+ 2 teaspoons of olive oil 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar 3 teaspoons of tapenade (see below) 6 quail eggs (hard-boiled for 2 minutes and peeled) 1 teaspoon of paprika 1/3 cup of ginger mayonnaise (mayonnaise added w/ juice extracted from fresh ginger) 2 cups of Frisee salad 1 teaspoon of basil 1 teaspoon of chervil 1 teaspoon of chives 1 teaspoon of chopped shallots


6 anchovy fillets Soaked into milk for one hour Rinse and soak again 1/2 cup of Nicoise olives – pitted Rinse with water and put in small container with olive oil, rosemary, and thyme. 1/4 cup of Dijon mustard 1/4 cup olive oil 5 tomatoes Poached for 10 seconds and skin removed Drain the anchovies and roast the tomatoes. Place both in a blender with olives and mustard. Add olive oil slowly until it has a consistency of puree. Refrigerate for an hour.

Carpaccio of Yellow Fin Tuna with A Tapenade

photography erin clarkson


1/ Thinly slice the tuna. 2/ Take 6 pieces of slightly oiled plastic wrap and wrap the tuna. Gently pound the slices flat. (This procedure should be done carefully as to not smash the texture of the tuna.) 3/ Toss the frisee with basil, chives, chervil, shallots, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar, adding salt and pepper to taste. Add the thinly shaved fennel. 4/ Begin plating with a teaspoon of ginger mayonnaise. Remove the tuna from the plastic wrap and place the slice of tuna on the mayonnaise. Scoop a quenelle of tapenade directly on top of the tuna. Place a handful of frisee salad to the side of the quenelle. Place the quail egg (halved) on top with a dash of mayonnaise and paprika.

Contributed by The Grill at Leon Springs. For more information visit or call 210-698-8797


NFIT MAN september / october 2012


ise c r e x E te o V r u Yo




Visit to learn more about why Eliot is the best candidate for City Council District 8. Paid for by Eliot Garza for City Council District 8, Dr. Joseph D. Diaz, Treasurer. NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 events

sa fitness

events until

november 2012 september » Sept. 1 / 9:00 a.m. First Saturday Nature Walk in Crownridge Canyon Tree Muses Walk Master Naturalist, Ron Tullius, will again lead this leafy hike in Crownridge Canyon. Our focus will be the largest members of the plant kingdom. There's such a diversity of tree bark, leaves and growth habit that you can't be bored on this walk. It's still warm around here; don't forget a full water bottle for each person! Price: $2 7222 Luskey Blvd. San Antonio Texas 210-207-7275 » Sept. 4 Extended Swim Season at Four Regionals Pools The extended swim season will then continue Sept. 4 through Oct. 27 with open swim and lap swimming at offered at four pools: Heritage, Lady Bird Johnson, South Side Lions, and Woodlawn. Lap Swimming is offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the four regional pools. Open Swim is offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 1 to 7 p.m. Admission is Free. Call 207-3299. » Sept. 8 / 6:30 a.m. Tour For Children Ride through some of the most scenic routes in the Texas Hill Country and then join us for a relaxing post-tour afternoon of leisure on the gorgeous venue of the historical grounds of El Chaparral. Enjoy the exquisite cuisine to live 50

NFIT MAN september / october 2012

» Sept. 16 / 8:00 a.m. Holistic Chamber of Commerce Wellness Fest Various members of the San Antonio chapter of the HCC will have displays and will speak on holistic health and wellness topics. This will be a change-your-life event. Don't miss it! There will be plenty of munchies and refreshments, too. McAllister Park, San Antonio Texas » Sept. 22 / 7:30 a.m. San Antonio Walk for PKD 1K/5K The annual Walk for PKD is the only nationally-run fundraising event aimed at finding treatments and cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) – one of the most life-threatening genetic diseases affecting millions worldwide. Registration: Free; $100 “earns” a tee shirt Brackenridge Park, Joske Pavilion 3700 N Saint Mary's St San Antonio, Texas 78212, 210-207-7275

entertainment and peruse our Athlete Village. A refreshing shower trailer will await any who desire to freshen up between cycling and enjoying these events. Contact Staci at 210-949-1212 or staci@, Julie Graham at 210-878-5271 or

» Sept. 29 / 8:30 a.m. 4th Annual Weston Wright Lighting the Way- 5K/10K Race and Fall Festival The 4th Annual Weston Wright "Lighting the Way" Benefiting the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind 5K/10K Roosevelt Park, 331 Roosevelt, San Antonio, TX 78210, 210-207-7275

» Sept. 8 / 8:00 a.m. 4th Annual "Faith Runs Deep" Women's 5kCommunity Bible Church Faith Runs Deep is a fun run/walk for women of all ages and their kids. Proceeds of the race benefit a local women’s organization adult/women/events.php. 210-496-4096

» Sept. 29 / TBD NFit Fitness Fair Contact: Liz Whittaker,

» Sept. 9 / 8:00 a.m.

Alamo City Beer Challenge Race 3 Mission Possible 10K and 20K Conception Park 600 Theo, San Antonio Texas 210-849-8275 Contact:

» Sept. 15 / 10:00 a.m. Holistic Chamber of Commerce Wellness Fest Various members of the San Antonio chapter of the HCC will have displays and will speak on holistic health and wellness topics. This will be a change-your-life event. Don't miss it! There will be plenty of munchies and refreshments, too. Alamo Heights Chiropractic , 4501 McCullough Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212

october » Oct. 6 / 10:00 a.m. First Saturday Nature Walk in Friedrich Park When people come to walk with us, they always ask, "Where are the animals?" Well, they are hiding and they are nocturnal and they can be almost unnoticeably small, but we can see 'signs' of their presence even if we don't see them. We'll look for those signs as we enjoy all that is going on in nature this fall. It may still be warm enough that each person needs a full water bottle! Reservations are recommended, as the hike will not be conducted if there are no pre-registered participants. Participants are limited to 15 per hike. For groups of 8 or more please call to schedule a separate hike. Meet at the restrooms near the parking lot in each park. Be sure to bring water to drink! A donation of $2 per

person is suggested. Animal Signs Walk Call 210-564-6400 Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa

» Oct. 11 / 6:00-9:00 p.m. Girls Night Out North Central Baptist Hospital Village at Stone Oak Shopping Center Promoting Women's health and breast awareness in a fun relaxing environment.Flu Shots and free health screenings. Live and Silent Auction, Fashion Show, Free Food and Cocktails. 210-297-7005 » Oct. 13 / 8:00 a.m. Tri-umph - Triathlon Mud Run Tri-Umph was born out of the idea that traditional triathlons need to be shaken up. TriUmph is the first of its kind to combine the challenge of the off-road triathlon and the excitement of a mud run. The entire race is laced with obstacles that you might see at a mud run... except Tri-Umph has obstacles in the swimming and biking portions as well. Tri-Umph is a sprint distance (750me swim, 20km mountain bike ride, 5km run) triathlon where each leg will test and thrill you. So whether you're a triathlon pro or just a mud run freak we guarantee you've never seen anything like this before. Reveille Peak Ranch, TX, 801-798-5464 » Oct. 13 / 8:00 a.m. St. PJ's Great Pumpkin Fun Run - 5K/1M St PJ's Campus, 919 Mission Rd, San Antonio, TX. https://stpjhome.ejoinme. org/?tabid=368043. 210-531-8554 » Oct. 13 / 8:30 a.m. Tutus and Brews 5k/10K Tower of Americas, San Antonio TX 940-5944010. » Oct. 13-14 Bike MS Valero 2012 Alamo Ride to the River You can make a difference in the lives of more than 400,000 Americans living with multiple sclerosis. Support the National MS Society today by registering yourself or your team for Bike MS: Valero 2012 Alamo Ride to the River, presented by H E B, on October 13 and 14. Registration is $40. Bike to create a world free of MS; register today at bike AT&T Center, San Antonio, TX, 3217 E Houston Street, San Antonio, TX 78202, 210-224-9600 » Oct. 20 / 9:00 a.m. Paint the Parkway Pink to benefit Women in Medicine in Law 5k Fun Run and Fitness Fair North Central Baptist Atrium 210-219-5324

» Oct. 20 / 7:30 p.m. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will host the annual Light the Night event at the HemisFair Park on Oct. 20 to fund lifesaving research and support people battling cancer. The Walk, which commemorates lives touched by blood cancer, is a celebration with music, refreshments and activities, where friends, families, and co-workers form fundraising teams and walk together in twilight holding illuminated balloons – white for survivors, red for supporters and gold to remember those who have died. Hemisphere Park 210-998-5134 For more information about Light the Night, and how to form a team or make a donation, please visit » Oct. 21 / 9:15 a.m. San Antonio 2012 Walk to Cure Diabetes & 5K Alamodome 100 Montana Street, San Antoino TX 210-822-5336 » Oct. 21 / 8:00 a.m. Alamo City Beer Challenge Race 4 Battle of Leon Creek 15K & 20M Drury Inn at 1604 and IH10 West, 210-8498275

november » Nov. 3 American Diabetes Step Out & Walk A6STX-SouthTexasArea?fr_id=8408&pg=entry » Nov. 3 San Antonio Heart Walk asp?ievent=997888 » Nov. 11 Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio Marathon » Nov. 11 Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio Bike Tour For the second year, the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon & 1/2 Marathon benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure® will offer a bike tour as part of event weekend. The non-timed Rock ‘n’ Roll Bike Tour will cover nearly 22 miles of the marathon course and take place prior to the full and half marathon race

» Oct. 27 Walk Like MADD San Antonio 2012 Event Schedule: Registration 8:00am, Opening Ceremony 9:00am, Walk 9:30am Event Location: Brackenridge Park - Joske Pavillion id=2969&pg=entry » Oct. 28 1:00 p.m. Walk n Stroll for Kidneys Walk 'N Stroll for Kidneys is a free, community-wide, familyfriendly event to highlight education and prevention of kidney disease as well as awareness of the need for organ donation. The event is presented by the State of Texas Kidney Foundation. 100% of all donations stay in Texas. Pearl Brewery Amphitheater NFIT MAN september / october 2012


 events

NFit magazine Fitness Fair at The Pearl Stable photography erin clarkson Saturday, June 30, 2012, NFit magazine hosted its inaugural NFit Woman’s Fitness Fair at The Pearl Stables to celebrate the premiere issue of NFit Woman magazine. The toast to woman’s health was emceed by WOAI’s Alanna Sarabia and the event consisted of over 50 vendors and fitness professionals all gathered together to promote health and wellness. Fitness class demos and presentations consisted of Zumba, Crossfit and Yoga with the


NFIT MAN september / october 2012

morning winding down with a Fitness fashion show. With over 400 people in attendance the Fitness Fair was a resounding success. ■ Like our Facebook page to receive updates on the next NFit magazine fitness event.

NFIT MAN september / october 2012



NFIT MAN september / october 2012

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