the site (see Appendix 7). The interview thus does not follow a fixed set of questions but instead naturally flow from exploring themes together with the participants (Institute of Development Studies, n.d.). With our guidance, the participant can actively intervene, freely express their views, bring up new ideas upon elicitation with illustrations and given cues.
5. Case studies The analogous architectural attribute of the linear park under AMK MRT viaduct space is also captured and reinvented in other places. This section will showcase how such typology of space can be transformed and revitalized through different interventions. The focal criteria to choose the most relevant case study are cycling experience, culture connection and social interaction. Based on the analysis of case studies, we would like to draw out the supportive evidence for potential new vision of the linear park.
5.1 The Underline project in Miami, USA The Underline is a public-private project involving federal, state, local and private sectors’ contributions and funding. The aim of project is to transform the underutilised space underneath the Metrorail into a multifunctional signature linear park with urban trails targeted at improving quality of life. Along with this 10-mile corridor (see Figure 4 below), activities and pop-ups penetrate the surrounding at a socio-economic level, which includes revitalisation of businesses, and properties. Additionally, it is a connection spline for various access points.