Schools and Colleges Learning Programme Planning a school visit To make the most of your visit to National Glass Centre, choose one Full Day workshop or combine two Half Day workshops to suit the needs and interests of your group. All workshops include a glass blowing demonstration and a space to use for lunch. Students will make:
Cost per pupil:
Gallery Glass Half Day
Explore the changing exhibitions of glass art in our galleries and participate in activities and discussions.
Fused glass mosaic tile
Stories of Glass in Sunderland Half Day
Act as trainee archaeologists to discover the history and heritage of glass making in Sunderland.
Pyrex-inspired painted plate
Changing States Full Day
Find out about the science of glass with exciting experiments, using a range of different materials.
Fused glass mosaic tile
Architecture: Buildings and Materials Full Day
Visit St. Peter’s Church and learn about materials, using your investigative skills to compare old and new buildings.
Glass painting
Screenprinting on Glass Full Day
Develop design skills and learn to transform your drawing into a glass screen print in our studio.
Glass screen printed panel
Glass Cutting and Fusing Full Day
Develop design skills and learn to cut glass in our studio, to make your own fused glass mosaic tiles.
2 fused glass mosaic tiles
Book both Gallery Glass and Stories of Glass in Sunderland as a Full Day visit for £10!
Workshop Age Description
It is free for groups to visit under their own steam. Self-led groups can book one of our learning spaces for lunch and storage of belongings for a fee of £25. Booking is still essential for self-led visits.
We are happy to tailor our workshops for students with Special Educational Needs. Please contact us to discuss how we can best meet the needs of your group.
arts award Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications open to all students. National Glass Centre is dedicated to providing access to Arts Award and our trained advisors can lead young people through the Arts Award at all levels.
CPD National Glass Centre specialises in delivering practical Continuing Professional Development sessions to teachers and education professionals. We offer a number of sessions delivered around changing themes throughout the year or, if you would like something specific, we can tailor sessions around a theme of your choice.
HOW TO BOOK Advanced booking is essential for all workshops and self-led visits. Workshops are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We require a minimum of 15 to run a session; smaller groups may incur an additional charge. Please contact a member of our Learning and Engagement team to learn more about school visits or to make a booking: Email: Call: 0191 515 5521 Visit: nationalglasscentresunderland ngc_glasscentre
UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND The University of Sunderland offers free taster sessions for year 12 and 13 students and individuals interested in pursuing a degree in Glass or Ceramics. Experience a hands on session and meet staff and students in one of the UK’s largest glass and ceramics education facilities at the National Glass Centre. To book a place please contact
RESOURCES Primary Teachers’ Information Pack Available to download from our website at Digital Introduce your students to National Glass Centre by playing our online glassmaking game and or exploring our virtual tour, both are available on our website. These resources are a useful introduction to the history of glass making in Sunderland and can be used to familiarise pupils with the topic and with National Glass Centre before your visit.
Bespoke Artist-led Sessions Do you have a particular project in mind? We offer bespoke half or full-day artistled sessions on request. Workshops can be based around one of the following techniques: fusing, slumping, sandblasting, stained glass, casting, lampworking and printing.