Star of the Sea Ensure Gardening Shines Brightly for Students By Matt Ross In December’s Groundswell we announced the winners of the Victorian Schools Garden Program’s (VSGP) 43rd annual Victorian Schools Garden Awards ceremony. The virtual event was brought to life by VSGP advocates Costa Georgiadis and Jane Edmanson, for the many children and teachers in attendance. Minister for Education, James Merlino, also made a guest appearance to talk about the importance of gardening, outdoor learning environments and the Victorian Schools Garden Awards. “Sharing the importance of sustainable living and fostering a love of gardening is vital to ensuring that the next generation takes a hands-on approach to caring for the environment,” said Minister Merlino. We caught up with Kerryn Sells, Principal, and Sue Constable. Sustainability Leader, at the grand prize and Perpetual Shield winners, Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School, Ocean Grove, to understand the importance outdoor learning, gardening and the VSGP, and what they plan to achieve with their prize money.
sustainability and caring for our planet. A sense of achievement and belonging is a wonderful effect of learning outdoors. The gardens provide the perfect learning environment to aid in the understanding of sustainability principles such as biodiversity, waste, water and energy systems. The benefits of growing our own food, identifying plants, knowing how to grow, harvest and utilise the plants, and using the gardens as a micro representation of the entire world relating to interconnected systems and communities. To be in awe, wonder about and question our natural world and the intricacies of its systems are all important for the u future of society and our planet.
Why are you passionate about exposing your pupils to gardening and outdoor learning? Sue – The many benefits of outdoor learning and gardening have been identified and widely promoted in recent years. Here at Star for the Sea we incorporate outdoor learning into many aspects of our curriculum and see the positive results across all year levels.
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