Five tips to create the perfect potted garden By Mike Donsen, Bombora Pots and Grow Better Pots have grown in popularity with gardeners and designers taking advantage of unique designs, colours and modern trends to transform even the smallest of gardens. Potted plants and flowers can add appeal to any garden, but they can also serve a practical purpose too. Potted gardens are ideal for small spaces like patios and decks, or they can be used to add versatility and interest to larger gardens. And of course, you can move your pots to make the most of the seasonal weather. A picture-perfect potted garden can be yours when you follow these simple tips.
2. Choosing your pots Matching colours of pots when grouping creates consistency, alternatively create interest and contrast by using lighter pots against darker backgrounds and vice versa. Keep in mind that the larger the pot, the less you will need to water and always make sure it has holes in the bottom to allow extra water to drain out.
1. Choosing your plants The choice is yours; herbs, vegetables, perennials and annuals, will all thrive in pots. Check out how your plants look in the pot prior to purchase. Be careful not to overfill your pot with plants, if it’s overcrowded growth can be stunted above and below the soil. A variety of plants can add height, colour and textural interest. Choose plants that have the same climactic needs and be sure to choose plants that are suited to the location of the pot.
3. Use a top-quality potting mix Fill your plant pots with a quality commercial potting mix. Your plant may be in this pot for between 1–3 years so the quality of the mix will determine its success and vigour. Do not compress the potting mix, this will remove necessary air pockets. And don’t overpot your plant, this will mean it holds more water than the plant can take and will create problems with root rot.