February 13th 2013

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the north grenville



Vol. 1, No.11

The Voice of North Grenville

Audrey McClenaghan Celebrates 80th

February 13 , 2013

A 1-0 WIN for the Community The Kemptville Panthers 1-0 victory over the South Grenville Rangers raised awareness and $3000 (and rising) for the Heart Institute. They brought a community together to support one of our own, and is a continuing reason why we are proud to call North Grenville Home. Around 400 people came out in a show for support of Steve McDougall and the Kemptville Panthers.

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By Mike Pacitto Patrick Babin On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, Audrey turned 80 years young in grand style! Fifty-five friends joined her on this special occasion held at Purvis Hall, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus. A surprise visit from a Nova Scotia friend, Leslie Wade, made the birthday party all the more memorable. Audrey has spent her entire 80 years on Asa Sreet, Kemptville, where she entertains her many friends. Prior to retirement, she was a secretary at Kemptville College for thirty-six years (19521989). Never too involved in athletics or cards, she

did enjoy an occasional visit to the Rideau Carleton Slots with her friend, Lori Reason. Master-of-ceremonies for the event was Hilda Scott who orchestrated the program with panache. Former colleagues, Basil Wren and Terry Meagher, peppered their remarks with anecdotes of their years at the College. It became very clear that Audrey "almost ran the ship" during her tenure in the English and Social Sciences Department. Everyone enjoyed socializing and reminiscing over scrumptious treats from the campus kitchen. A mammoth birthday cake provided a

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wonderful climax to the afternoon's festivities. Reverend Matt Kydd said Grace. Audrey was exhilarated with the demonstration of love, encouraging words, good wishes and sentiments from her faithful friends. According to Audrey, FRIEND is the finest word in any language. A faithful parishioner at St. James Anglican Church, she is also an avid supporter of the Beth Donovan Hospice; she has been a life member of the Friends of the North Grenville Library since the organization was formed ten years ago.

Coaches. They are the unsung heroes of sport. When the team is doing well, the players scoring the goals get the praise and glory. When times of trouble are afoot, often the coach is the first to take the blame; but there is much more to being a coach than just wins and losses. To be called a coach means to take on much more responsibility than is in your job description. A coach’s impact on the individual players and by association the community from which the players come from, can last a lifetime. A good coach builds social skills, confidence, discipline, teamwork, motivation to overcome obstacles... skills that will stay with

the players for the rest of their lives. This kind of dedication takes much more than the scheduled practices and games to accomplish. It takes years of experience, a passion for the players and the game, extra hours planning team building events, BBQ’s, fundraisers, putting the health of your team first. As most of you know by now, one such coach who lives up to the calling suffered a heart attack on January 26. Stephen McDougall (alias: Stevo), coach of the Kemptville Panthers novice B team, was admitted to the KDH and underwent surgery while his team, including his son Gavin McDougall (8), played against the South Grenville Rangers Wednesday, February 7. Over 400 people came Continued on page 2

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