the north grenville
Vol. 1, No.11
The Voice of North Grenville
Audrey McClenaghan Celebrates 80th
February 13 , 2013
A 1-0 WIN for the Community The Kemptville Panthers 1-0 victory over the South Grenville Rangers raised awareness and $3000 (and rising) for the Heart Institute. They brought a community together to support one of our own, and is a continuing reason why we are proud to call North Grenville Home. Around 400 people came out in a show for support of Steve McDougall and the Kemptville Panthers.
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By Mike Pacitto Patrick Babin On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, Audrey turned 80 years young in grand style! Fifty-five friends joined her on this special occasion held at Purvis Hall, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus. A surprise visit from a Nova Scotia friend, Leslie Wade, made the birthday party all the more memorable. Audrey has spent her entire 80 years on Asa Sreet, Kemptville, where she entertains her many friends. Prior to retirement, she was a secretary at Kemptville College for thirty-six years (19521989). Never too involved in athletics or cards, she
did enjoy an occasional visit to the Rideau Carleton Slots with her friend, Lori Reason. Master-of-ceremonies for the event was Hilda Scott who orchestrated the program with panache. Former colleagues, Basil Wren and Terry Meagher, peppered their remarks with anecdotes of their years at the College. It became very clear that Audrey "almost ran the ship" during her tenure in the English and Social Sciences Department. Everyone enjoyed socializing and reminiscing over scrumptious treats from the campus kitchen. A mammoth birthday cake provided a
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wonderful climax to the afternoon's festivities. Reverend Matt Kydd said Grace. Audrey was exhilarated with the demonstration of love, encouraging words, good wishes and sentiments from her faithful friends. According to Audrey, FRIEND is the finest word in any language. A faithful parishioner at St. James Anglican Church, she is also an avid supporter of the Beth Donovan Hospice; she has been a life member of the Friends of the North Grenville Library since the organization was formed ten years ago.
Coaches. They are the unsung heroes of sport. When the team is doing well, the players scoring the goals get the praise and glory. When times of trouble are afoot, often the coach is the first to take the blame; but there is much more to being a coach than just wins and losses. To be called a coach means to take on much more responsibility than is in your job description. A coach’s impact on the individual players and by association the community from which the players come from, can last a lifetime. A good coach builds social skills, confidence, discipline, teamwork, motivation to overcome obstacles... skills that will stay with
the players for the rest of their lives. This kind of dedication takes much more than the scheduled practices and games to accomplish. It takes years of experience, a passion for the players and the game, extra hours planning team building events, BBQ’s, fundraisers, putting the health of your team first. As most of you know by now, one such coach who lives up to the calling suffered a heart attack on January 26. Stephen McDougall (alias: Stevo), coach of the Kemptville Panthers novice B team, was admitted to the KDH and underwent surgery while his team, including his son Gavin McDougall (8), played against the South Grenville Rangers Wednesday, February 7. Over 400 people came Continued on page 2
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The North Grenville Times
Leeds County Draft Horse Club by Dina Snippe (with much appreciated help from Valerie Kirkwood)
Club President Brent Christie plowing with Belgians Sunny and Trigger at the club's Field Day 2012 Photo taken and provided by Valerie Kirkwood
Founded in 1986, Leeds County Draft Horse Club (LCDHC) aims to advance correct care for, and use of, draft horses, in both recreational and agricultural pursuits. As club member Valerie Kirkwood emphasizes: “The term ‘draft horse’ doesn't mean just the heavy draft breeds such as Belgians, Clydesdales and Percherons. It means any horse of any size which is trained to use in harness, generally for farm work, pulling wagons or carriages, etc. Our club has members with heavy draft horses, mid-sized horses such as Canadians, paints and mixed breeds, miniature horses, and, on occasion, mules.” Although club membership reached approximately ninety families in 2012, membership was only around a dozen families back in 1986. Current membership fees of $20 per family cover production of a monthly newsletter, along with participation in club meetings and events. LCDHC members
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.
Michael Pacitto 613-710-7104 February 13, 2013
range from experienced teamsters to those just starting out in the world of driving with their first team. People who don’t have their own horses, but recognize the beauty of the draft breeds, are also present at club meetings and activities. One of the club’s goals is to teach the public how to work safely with draft horses and their harness and equipment. LCDHC does this by holding club field days, where club members perform displays of activities like plowing, disking, harrowing, and other farming duties. The club also offers hands-on workshops on proper harness fitting, preparing a plow for use and then plowing, training young horses and more. Club meetings take place on the third Wednesday of every month, except December. During the school year, meetings are held at Toledo United Church Hall. In the summer, club members host potluck dinners and meetings. “We also have in-club
continued from front page
events such as a sleigh ride and pot luck lunch in February, a dinner and dance in November, and pleasure drives, sometimes in conjunction with the Eastern Ontario Horses of Course Club,” says Valerie. “We have guest speakers at the meetings several times a year, addressing such topics as colic, nutrition, the value of Rare Breeds, options available for land improvements on farms, and so on.” Another fun part of LCDHC’s yearly activities are the educational events. The club has given harnessing, fieldwork, and farming presentations at different venues such as the Central Experimental Farm. The Old Log Farm, and local fairs. A few club members have even served as coaches in the Eastern Ontario Workhorse Workshop. LCDHC members are frequently attendees of meetings and events put on by other area horse clubs and are often participants in local plowing matches as well as the International Plowing Match. Anyone interested in learning more about modern and antique horsedrawn equipment, farm management, horse logging, as well as handling horses in general is encouraged to take advantage of the wealth of experience offered by LCDHC members. Interested parties can access the Leeds County Draft Horse Club website at http://www. for membership forms or to find contact information for membership steward Jean Shane.
out to support Gavin and the Panthers, while local businesses contributed gift baskets to raise funds for the Ottawa Heart Institute and Kemptville District Hospital. So far, almost $3,000 dollars has been raised and email money transfers from inside and outside North Grenville have been coming in even after the game. Jennifer Ferrie, a mother of one of the Panthers, had suggested having a gift basket raffle and the community took it from there, with twenty-one local businesses contributing. Prizes included a jersey, Sens and Maple Leaf tickets, all of which were signed by Alfie! Steve’s surgery went well and he has been transferred out of ICU and is in his own room now. The story even received major media attention after Dan Mellon, a parent of a Panther and Radio Broadcasting teacher at Algonquin, got CKDJ FM to cover the story. The TV broadcasting students, CTV and even Alan Neale, host of CBC Radio’s “All In A Day”, caught on and covered the event. Reports are coming in that CTV will cover the next few games while Steve recovers. The team, including #8 Gavin McDougall, with all the media attention and hype on them “felt like rock stars”, as Nick Ferrie put it on Facebook. But when they got on the ice, all that was on their minds was the task at hand. It was an exciting match, with shots being fired on both ends of the ice. The Panthers’ Kyle Ferrie scored an early goal in the first period. With some excellent defence including a close save in the last minute of play by Jaden Coles, they held the lead till the very end with a 1-0 victory over the South Grenville Rangers. The energy was high on and off the ice, with the crowd starting many Panthers’ chants and ending with a chorus of “get well Steve”. There were balloons being bounced around, fans holding signs:
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TIMES Sales Representative Gord Logan 613-258-6402
The Voice of North Grenville
ISSN 2291-0301
Production Manager
Marguerite Boyer 613-258-5083
David Shanahan 613-402-5083 2
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for a moment, it was just like being at the Scotiabank Place for a game. Though this was a large event, North Grenville is no stranger to large gatherings like these. We consistently get hundreds of people coming out to various events, festivals, fundraisers and breakfasts, like the Sweetheart Brunch that raises thousands of dollars every year. But what is really telling of the strength of our community is the amount of TIME in which this was all thrown together. In two days, $3,000 was raised, 4-500 people got word of what happened and cleared their schedules, twentyone locally-owned businesses opened their wallets to provide prizes. Time and time again, North Grenville shows that we are one of the friendliest, tightly knit communities in Ontario and this was a great reminder of the potential that we harbour in this Municipality. “To all in attendance: thank you so much for coming. The outpouring of love and support has been incredible and I won’t try to thank everyone as I am sure to miss people. I do think it is important to thank the person who got the ball rolling, Dan Mellon!! As Dan and I chatted, one clear message we spoke of was if ONE person benefits by getting their heart checked or recognizes the early warning signs, then what a great thing that the kids from Kemptville Novice B1 can say ‘Hey it was our game that rallied everyone’. Thanks to KDMHA, for their support. KDH for their medical care. All the people of this great town of Kemptville, my wife Tara, our families
and last but certainly not least one family in particular, Coach Nick, Jen, Carson and Kyle FERRIE. Love always, Stephen McDougall
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Editorial Page Time to Be Strategic David Shanahan For quite some time now, we’ve been calling for a new Strategic Plan for North Grenville: a plan that would once again include the people of the municipality in deciding the direction of their own future development. We now have the process in place and we can all have our say. This may not be as comprehensive a consultation as we were hoping for, but let’s be positive about it. Why is this important? Well, there are several reasons why we want this plan to be representative of the entire community. One is that we will all have to live with the new plan for the next five years or so, so let’s make it a good one. Another reason is that, unless we participate in sufficient numbers, the plan will simply represent the opinion of the very few who do participate. If we want to be consulted on matters like this in the future, it is essential that we use this opportunity to show that we care, that we are interested, and that we appreciate being asked for our opinion. Otherwise, it will be hard to justify spending tax dollars in the future in printing questionnaires, hiring consultants, and having open houses. This is not, as I said, as comprehensive a consultation process as the last time. There is only one open house scheduled, and that took place at the Municipal Centre on January 31. The last time, we had similar events taking place in the hamlets, and this brought in a large number of suggestions to be included in the plan. Those who attended the open house expressed interest in a number of areas; but housing development was high on the priority list of many. "What really brought us here was the style of housing in the community and the greenspaces said one participant. "I live here now. I want to make sure that things continue to develop in a positive direction" . One new wrinkle this time is that there was a special questionnaire on the Municipality’s web site directed solely at young people between 14 February 13, 2013
and 25 years of age. At the time of writing, this option has disappeared for some reason. The consultation process is quite simple. There are just a few questions involved, and they require some thought and imagination. They are: 1. In your opinion, what makes North Grenville a great place to: a. live? b. work or operate a business? 2. What could be done to make North Grenville a better place to: a. live? b. work or operate a business? 3. What do you value most about North Grenville? 4. Describe the ideal North Grenville 10 years from now (live, work, play). 5. What are the top 3 issues that need to be addressed in North Grenville? Take time to think about these questions before you fill in the questionnaire. There is room for ranting, of course, but let’s take this opportunity to give some carefully reasoned suggestions for inclusion in the new plan. You can find the on-line copy of the questionnaire at: NGStratPlan@northgrenville. Mayor Gordon has issued the following statement regarding the new Strategic Plan: “Our last Community Strategy brought the residents of North Grenville closer together and we were able to tackle some very important community issues. We wish to continue building on our success and urge everyone to provide their input into this project.” The Municipality claims that something like 80% of the contents of the last Plan has been implemented. I find this very hard to believe. In general, the last plan developed into more of an economic plan, and much of the cultural and environmental content has been somewhat neglected. Downtown Kemptville had millions of dollars spent on cosmetic improvements, but that has not helped the revitilisation process very much. There are two main phases in any Plan: creation and implementation. This plan should be created in a way that reflects
The North Grenville Times
the real wishes and hopes of the people. It must not be simply a wish list that can then be put on a shelf and ignored until the time plan is needed. The second phase becomes vital, therefore. To implement the plan, as it will be formulated, demands continued public involvement. This means that a future Implementation Committee needs to be composed of representatives of all segments of the community. The last Implementation Committee started off quite well, but the more “liberal” members were soon dropped, or impelled to resign, because of the direction it was taking. This time, the committee needs to be dominated by the public and not staff or Council. It must represent business, as well as community groups and service clubs. There has been a growing problem in North Grenville of people needing social services, food banks, and affordable housing. These issues, too, need to be incorporated into the Strategic Plan. Growth is leading to serious problems in our community, and this needs to be addressed in a balanced manner, so that no-one is left behind. It has been said over and over again that there is tremendous energy and expertise available in North Grenville, as shown in the great work done in events like the Sweetheart Brunch and any number of fund raising events throughout the year. The new Plan needs somehow to tap into that resource and draw on the dynamism and vision that exists in our community. As long as the Strategic Plan is broad enough to do this, and the Implementation Committee wise enough to carry it through, then we will have a Plan that we can all get behind and be part of. It is a cliche that we should “take ownership” of such a plan. But in this case, the cliche is only too true. We must take ownership, because we are the owners of our community. The Plan must be ours, so that the future will be too.
The North Grenville Times mails out 6,207 copies of the paper every week. We have recently found out that the actual amount that should be mailed, in order to reach everyone is 6,300. A shortfall of 94 homes or businesses. This being said, with the mail-out we are doing now, we reach over 14,000 adults, and who knows how many teenagers, etc.? We would like to ensure it is making it into your mailbox every week. If you hear of a neighbour or friend who hasn’t received a copy, and lives in North Grenville, please email me at production@ It should be in your mailbox every Wednesday afternoon. We work hard over the weekend to ensure it gets out before all the flyers that come out on Thursday. If you have any questions regarding the paper, please feel free to contact me or the editor. We also invite you to send in your letters to the editor to This is our 11th issue since we began, and we are so grateful for the response we have received, either through phone calls, emails, or just when we are out and about in the community. Remember this is your community paper, so feel free to send in your comments. They are always welcomed, whether positive or negative we will post them. Sincerely Marguerite Boyer Production Manager North Grenville Times
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Join in: fill in the questionnaire and add your vision to the future of North Grenville. 3
The Voice of North Grenville
Kemptville Kinsmen Family Day!! The annual Kemptville Kinsmen Family Day takes place at the Municipal Centre on Monday, February 18, with doors opening at 10:00 a.m. This is a wonderful event in the North Grenville calendar, allowing all of us to enjoy free skating, free movies, hot dogs and hot chocolate at our community home. The entire event is organised by the Kemptville Kinsmen, who provide the day as a community service. This is a wonderful day out for everyone, especially the families of North Grenville, and a great use of the Municipal Centre for the enjoyment of residents. Families know that their children are going to have a safe and fun day out, either skating, eating, or watching a movie in the theatre in comfort. Aside from the direct contribution of the Kemptville Kinsmen, the day owes so much to local businesses. Thanks to Jim Beverage of B&H grocery store for provid-
ing the free hot dogs and hot chocolate for all the kids. The free skating and movie are provided free of charge thanks to: Rob Thompson Realty; Westerra Homes; The BIA; Jim Perry Automotive; GK Finnie and Sons Insurance. Free skating goes from noon until 1:50, and a free movie, “Wreck it Ralph”, will be shown at 10:30 a.m. and again at 2:00 p.m. Come out and bring the kids for a great way to spend Ontario’s Family Day on Monday.
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North Grenville Fire Service
The North Grenville Times Municipality Matters
Municipality Matters is a regular feature in which local politicians and officials talk about their work and what’s happening in their world.
government should be focusing on creating jobs and fixing the economy. Instead of doing the right thing and scrapping an ineffective program that costs Ontario motorists $30 million every year, the Liberals have doubled-down on Drive Clean. They’ve brought in stringent new regulations that do nothing for the environment, but will cost drivers more.
Paul Hutt Fire Chief, North Grenville Fire Service On the morning of February 6, at 05:50 am, the North Grenville Fire Service was called to a reported structure fire at 513 Prescott Street. Fire crews arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the attached garage. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, containing it to the garage. Adjacent buildings were not affected by the fire, and there were no civilian or firefighter injuries. Thirty (30) firefighters responded to the emergency. Mutual Aid from Edwardsburg/Cardinal was activated. The fire remains under investigation but is not deemed suspicious. The occupants were alerted of the fire as a result of a working smoke alarm. Smoke alarms save lives. Roughly two-thirds of home fire deaths happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or no smoke alarms that work. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast – smoke alarms give you time to get out. At 3:15 pm on February 9, the Fire Service responded to a house fire at 715 McFarlane Road. A 14 year old girl ran to a neighbour’s house advising that her house was on fire. Pumper Tanker 2 out of Oxford Mills arrived first on location. Firefighters found the house fully charged with smoke. Firefighters advanced hose lines and quickly extinguished the fire. As a result of the quick actions, damage was minimal. Smoke and fire damage is estimated at $25,000. The fire was deemed accidental - human error. Five people have been displaced as a result of the fire. On the afternoon of February 10, the North Grenville Firefighters responded to the Rideau February 13, 2013
River (approx) 1010 River Road, for an unconscious male that had fallen and hit his head on the ice while playing a game of hockey with family and friends. Firefighters and EMS using a “stokes basket” packaged the patient for transportation to an awaiting Ambulance. The man was air lifted to the Civic Hospital with critical head injuries. Automatic Aid Agreement: Merrickville – Wolford On November 26th, 2012 the Municipality of North Grenville and the Municipality of Merrickville-Wolford entered into an Automatic Aid Agreement that would see Merrickville Fire Department respond into the most westerly boundaries of North Grenville on a first response basis. In exchange, the North Grenville Fire Service would coordinate an annual recruit training program that would jointly serve both municipalities. The intention of the agreement is to maintain or potentially reduce, personal lines of fire insurance rates for those North Grenville residents that live an excessive distance from the fire station in Kemptville. North Grenville residents that live west of Leeds and Grenville CR 23, west of Donaghue Road, and west of Bolton Road, should inquire with their insurance companies to ensure they are being appropriately rated using the distance from the fire hall in Merrickville.
Statistics The North Grenville Fire Service responded to 345 emergencies in 2012 – an increase of 92 requests for service from the previous year.
The Voice of North Grenville
NEW DRIVE CLEAN TEST GETS A FAILING GRADE: NEW PREMIER SHOULD PUT PROGRAM IN PARK have indicated as many as 7 in 10 vehicles tested since January 1 are failing. What’s upsetting motorists is that the failures are often the result of on-board diagnostics systems that aren’t “ready” to be tested due to recent repairs, a low battery, infrequent driving or even cold weather. The folly of the new testing regime is revealed in the Ministry’s advisory to motorists that they should spend a couple of days driving on highways and in “city” traffic to get their vehicle “ready” for the test. How foolish is it that people have to waste time and gas while putting emissions into the air to take a test that’s supposed to reduce emissions? It’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard of and it’s yet another reason why Ontarians feel this Liberal government has its priorities wrong. The Ontario PCs have been clear in their position that the Drive Clean program should be phased out. The Auditor General stated last year that the program is not a factor in reducing emissions. Vehicle technology has improved to the point where Drive Clean has become redundant. The
Steve Clark, M.P.P. Ontario drivers are getting a bumpy ride from the onerous new Drive Clean emissions testing regulations introduced last month by the province’s Liberal government. And local motorists are joining a chorus of voices from across Ontario calling on the government to put the program in park for good. I’m hearing from people almost on a daily basis about just how ridiculous these new Drive Clean testing rules are. Vehicles are failing the test for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the vehicle’s emissions system. As of January 1st, the Drive Clean program tests a vehicle’s on-board diagnostic computer system rather than measuring what comes out of the tailpipe in the exhaust. Statistics from the Ministry of Environment’s Drive Clean website show how the new regulations have seen the failure rate sky-rocket. From 1999 to 2010, Drive Clean’s failure rate plummeted from 16% to 5% as vehicle emission technology improved rapidly. However, in little over a month under the new rules, that failure rate has soared to 10.5%. In fact, published reports 4
For more information: Michael Jiggins, Executive Assistant Steve Clark, MPP, Leeds-Grenville (613) 342-9522 (613) 213-8461 (cell)
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The North Grenville Times
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I just finished reading an article regarding the proposal for a retirement home on Cty Rd. 43, which upset me quite a bit! So this is how it works? A developer, this case Lapointe Homes, comes to staff, say they want to build this thing, staff says ok but we need to rezone, so then we have a meeting to discuss a ZONING CHANGE? Where, in this process, were the public consultations? Why, as citizens of this community, do we have to fight a proposal that we don't want? Why did staff think it was ok, even if it IS zoned for such a building, to just go ahead with a zoning meeting without any form of public consultation on what should be on this property? It would be a breath of fresh air if this process changed: that before any major development happens, we are consulted first. Is that too much to ask? As a long term resident of this community, I would like to see more openness, where residents get to see a proposal BEFORE hand, that we have a voice in what happens and the way the community is developed! The process needs fixing. As for a retirement home to be built on a major thoroughfare with no easy access to any amenities, does that really make sense? Sincerely, Michel Morin
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if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!
February 13, 2013
Dear Editor, I have been reading the Articles and Letters to the Editor with much interest. As a community I believe we have great respect and support for our farmers. It is a hard, honest life and one to which not everyone is suited. We are a farming community, surrounded by other farming communities. Would it not be in the best interest of the farmers and other growers to have a local place they can sell their fresh goods? Montreal has a fabulous farmers market (Atwater) and Toronto has the St. Lawrence market, not to mention the various markets in Ottawa, Vancouver and other metropolitan areas. Many of the smaller communities also have great markets. How about St. Jacob's or St. Catharines? Yes, the vendors need to rise early and prepare their wares for sale. Imagine how early the vendors in the metropolitan areas need to rise and get to the markets and prepare for the customers! Yes, it takes a lot of work and volunteers are always needed. Yet, for all the negatives, doesn't everyone - including the vendors, farmers and growers, profit? They sell their wares and the customers purchase locally and the community, as a whole, benefits. The economic viability of a market that is open on Saturday and Sunday, with the possibility of an alternate weekday, would benefit the vendors and the customers. I, for one, would be willing to pay a little more for fresh, local produce if it would save me from driving to Ottawa or from purchasing produce from the larger stores that isn't local or as fresh. Imagine the other communities that could be invited and welcomed to join our market? So, yes, please let's see the future growth of North Grenville positively demonstrate that growth does not mean only the building of condominiums, the arrival of big box stores and the death of a community type of lifestyle. I, personally, do not want us to be another Barrhaven! I would love us to lead the way in demonstrating that we can grow our community and still
The Voice of North Grenville
Youth Section maintain the basis of how this community started. Farming is the underpinning of this community's lifestyle. Let's welcome an enhanced farmers market. Cheers! Judith Taylor
do not attempt to block the new market. This town cannot afford this: it needs something, a symbol that is visual, and positive and dynamic. You may not like my analysis, but “don’t criticize what you can’t understand, for the times they are a-changing” What then, is the solution? Well, I am not sure. We have now come to a fork in the road. One way leads to a vibrant marketcentric town; I’m not sure where the other road leads, but Mr. Butler and Mr. Sutton are there to guide you. As for the other council members: where do you stand? Market, or no market, at least let growers have some notice so they can plant accordingly, and go elsewhere. Woody Armour
Dear Editor, During the last few issues of The North Grenville Times, I have proposed a new farmers market to operate on Saturdays. We are ready to go. However, we have a problem. One councilor is objecting, and attempting to discredit our efforts. If this councilor has objections, have the fortitude to speak your mind, because what you are doing is signaling that this is the way Kemptville council conducts business. Mr. Butler and Mr. Sutton may not be fans of me personally, however I would ask you both to stand together in the doorway of Victoria’s Pantry, hold hands if you must. Now, the two of you, look across the street, to your left, the Kemptville Advance has boarded up their windows and left town. Look to your right: the Bank of Nova Scotia building is empty, after 100 years the bank has left, and no one wants the building. Now turn to your left, and look down the street. Near the bridge, the bead store is gone, the book store is gone, Family World is gone. Up in the Kemptville Mall 50% of the stores have left. Giant Tiger is leaving the area. The flower store is gone, the Cheryl Brown center has moved. Now, just to your right, beside you, the electronic store is gone too. In addition, the development of the central part of town has been ignored in favor of other parts of town. All this has occurred since the Strategic plans began. Mr. Butler, Mr. Sutton, we cannot afford another of your “Strategic Plans”. Kemptville’s centre is not “green and growing”, it is brown and dying. Kemptville is being hollowed - out. A proposal has been advanced to remedy this situation, a proposal that has great public support. And you object to it, and the jobs it will create. Just because you dislike me
Dear Editor, When reading the North Grenville Times I came across an article making a plea for the Kemptville market to expand to a longer day on Saturday and to include many more booths and interests. I have been going to the market since it began with a few booths. It has now grown to a market to be very proud of. I look forward to going every Sunday. The two hours is limiting and I sometimes miss it due to the timing. Also, Sunday is a day too late for nice fresh vegetables for the weekend, or if you are having a Saturday dinner party, but I changed my habits and waited, not liking to do so. Changing it to Saturday might also help the downtown stores. I rarely get downtown and would linger and wander if I was already there for the market. Maybe parking would be an issue, since the lot is used for the vendors. The article asked for people to send in their opinions, so I wanted to send you mine. Thank you, Lisa Hetherington, Kemptville resident
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ 5
KEMPTVILLE YOUTH CENTRE 5 Oxford Street., Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0, 613-258-5212, Helping the youth of North Grenville make positive lifestyle choices in a safe, non-judgmental environment —since 1994! Our programs are FREE to the youth of our community. PROGRAMMING: Daily Programs Monday to Friday RBC After School Program 2:15-6:00pm Homework in THE LAB 2:15-6:00pm Electronic Waste Drop-offs Accepted 2:15-6:00pm Weekly Programs Movie Monday’s Monday Night 2:00-6:00pm February 4 | Taken 2 [PG-13] February 11 | Valentine’s Day [PG-13] February 25 | Hotel Transylvania [PG] Classic Gaming Night Monday Night 2:00-6:00pm Pathfinders Meeting Monday Night 7:00-9:00pm Youth Council Meetings Monday Night 4:00-6:00pm Big Screen Gaming Night Tuesday Night 2:00-6:00pm Sports Night @ KPS Tuesday Night 6:00-7:30pm Leaders in Training (L.I.T.) Wednesday Night 3:30-4:30pm Butler’s Tea Lounge and Open Stage Wednesday Night 4:00-6:00pm Guy’s/Girls Night Wednesday Night 6:00-8:00pm Ross McNeil Cook Night Thursday Night 4:00-8:00pm February 7 | Breakfast for Dinner February 14 | Fajita Dinner February 21 | Saucy Chicken Dinner February 28 | Beef Stir-fry with Vermicelli Leaders in Training (L.I.T.) Friday Night 3:00-5:00pm Industrial Underground Teen Dance Friday Night 6:00-9:00pm Monthly/Special Programs Winterlude Trip February 2 9:00am-5:00pm Don`t forget that you can check us out on the web: for all our programs, permission forms and information
Kemptville Computers IN-HOME SERVICE 613-218-5322
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
PRIBBLES & NIBBLES Pribbles & Nibbles is a word-play on a term coined by Shakespeare. His use of “pribble’s and prabble’s” meant “vain chatter”, and he used it in a longer speech in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” listing the vices of one of his characters : “And given to fornications, and to taverns, and sack, and wine, and metheglins, and to drinkings, swearings and starings, pribbles and prabbles.”
Oxford Mills
There’s always something interesting going on at Maplewood Hall John Barclay, Oxford Mills Community Association
By Marc Meyer It's July. You and your loved one are walking beneath the maples at Maplewood Park, reminiscing about Valentines past, and looking forward to an evening of outdoor theater. You walk hand in hand, serene in the knowledge that today is a good day and that, whatever the evening brings, you (having faithfully followed the idle chatter and rant that is Pribbles and Nibbles), are prepared. Really, though, it is early February: snow blankets the maples and love is in the air. Twenty-one weeks and twenty-one Pribbles separate you from your July rendezvous.
Great poets and playwrights often concern themselves with roses ... their imagery and symbolism is irresistible. Robbie Burns, the Scottish poet from Ayrshire, repeatedly wrote of red roses, even titling one of his poems My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. Robbie Burns lived a hundred and fifty years after Shakespeare and Milton. Burns would have been well-versed in the works of these great men, and also those of John Dryden, a literary critic who re-wrote Shakespeare's The Tempest into his own version, The Enchanted Island, and Milton's Paradise Lost into his own version, The State of Innocence and the Fall of Man. Dryden weighs in on Valentine blooms with “Love thou the rose, yet leave it on its stem.” S h akespeare's best known rose quote is likely: “What's in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name would February 13, 2013
smell as sweet” ( from Romeo and Juliet, of course ). Milton, in Paradise Lost, offers: “but not to me returns ... vernal bloom, or summer's rose, ... but cloud instead and ever-during dark ...”. In Shakespeare and Milton's age, cultivated roses would have been pink. Wild roses (of which they also write) were more likely white. In Comus, a Masque, Milton, refers to Thrysis, a singing shepherd of mythology. He writes: “Thrysis, Whose artful strains have oft delayed the huddling brook to hear his madrigal, and sweeten'd every musk-rose of the dale.” In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare, describing the faery queen's bower wreathed in wildflowers and sweetbriar, writes: "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, where ox-lips and the nodding violet grows, quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, with sweet musk-roses and with eglantine: There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight" The English Musk-rose is also known as an Ayrshire Rose, bringing us full circle to Robbie Burns, his roses, and his home in Ayrshire.
Fragrant roses are an essential ingredient of rose-water, which in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, it is a devoted wife's duty to present to her husband. "Let one attend him with a silver basin full of rosewater and bestrew'd with flowers". It was prepared by beating rose petals to a
There's been a lot of discussion about Farmers' Markets in this paper over the past few weeks. I wanted to take this opportunity to announce that this May will mark the third year for "Market Day in Oxford Mills", our Farmers' Market and Community Yard Sale held on the grounds of Maplewood Hall, Saturday morning from 8am to noon. We're hoping to run it every Saturday this year, if we can attract a coordinator to work for a percentage of vendor sales. (Barb, Brian, Dave, Woody - I'm talking to you). This past Thursday, the OMCA set its calendar of community events for 2013. Please take note of the following: Friday nights until March: - by the dam Mudpuppy Nights In Oxford Mills (free) Saturday mornings from May: Market Day in Oxford Mills (bring cash) Second and Last Fridays of the month, 7pm: Game Night (free) First Thursday of the month, 7pm: OMCA meetings, all welcome (free) March 24. 8am: April OMCA meeting and Equinox Pancake Breakfast (free) March 31, 1:05 pm 1:10 pm: Easter Egg Hunt (free) May 4: May Day Celebration at the Community Garden (free) July 1, Noon to 3:30pm: Canada Day in Maplewood Park (free) July 9, 7pm: Theatre in the Park (by donation) October 3, 6 pm: All Hallow's Hall (free) Wanted: Volunteers for our Canada Day Celebration in Oxford Mills. The OMCA is looking for a few new members to join our planning committee and/or to volunteer on the day (from 11 am to 4pm approx.). We're also interested in showcasing local musicians and vendors to an average crowd of +300
paste in a mortar, infusing the paste (together with fresh, unbeaten petals) in clear, spring water, then distilling the result. Imagery in Robbie Burns, On a Bank of Flowers, will help us understand the uses of rose-water: “Her closed eyes ... were sealed in soft repose; Her lips, still as she fragrant breath'd.” Fragrant breath is an essential asset when trying to woo a loved one, and the confectioners of Queen Elizabeth's England rose to the challenge. They prepared lozengeshaped, sugar paste treats, made with orris (a fragrant iris root), rose-water, and musk mallow seeds (also fragrant). Called kissingcomfits, they were the breath mint of their age. Confectioners were highly regarded, as their craft required costly ingredients from exotic lands, expertise, and long preparation times. Shakespeare writes of kissing-comfits in The Merry Wives of Windsor, and even suggests the proper musical accompaniment: “let it thunder to the tune of Green Sleeves, hail kissing-comfits and snow eringoes." Eryngos are the candied root of the sea-holly plant, and there was a thriving trade in them out of Colchester (alongside oysters). It is just outside Colchester that we find Layer Marney Tower, infamous love-nest of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Perhaps they received secret deliveries of smoked oysters and candied sea-holly roots during their stay there. Both were expert harp players, and it is believed that Henry VIII composed Greensleeves, or at least adopted its tune, when wooing his fair love and future queen. 6
people. Help us make this year's celebration the best ever by contacting Marc Meyer at 613.258.0713 (barefootmarc@gmail. com) Attention: Local Carpenters, Handymen/ women and construction companies: The OMCA is requesting proposals. Our goal is to make Maplewood Hall the premiere musical performance space in North Grenville. Give us your best price on the installation of curtains, sound insulation panels, bass traps and ceiling baffles in Maplewood Hall. We have a detailed plan from our sound engineer (Norie Kingsbury) who is contracted to supervise the installation and work with you. Interested parties should contact John Barclay at 613.258.2426 ( to receive a copy of the plan and to discuss details. This is your chance to create something of lasting value to the community. Everyone is welcome to come to our OMCA monthly meetings on the first Thursday of every month (the next is at 7:00pm on March 7th). You don't have to be an active member to attend. If
there is an event you'd like to see happen, or if there's an issue in the community you'd like to address, these meetings are a great place to begin. Unfortunately, until our website is updated, the best way to get up-to-date information on events and community issues is to find the Oxford Mills Community Association on Facebook. Maplewood Hall, the historic 1875 schoolhouse that serves as Oxford Mills' community centre, is run entirely by community volunteers (OMCA's Maplewood Management Committee). It's made available at very affordable prices for a variety of events from business meetings, birthday parties, and coffeehouses, to wedding receptions. For example, we have a Wedding Special rate of $320 that covers the use of both the Hall and the Park from Friday noon to Sunday noon - try to beat that anywhere in Eastern Ontario! To register an event please go to and complete a simple rental request form, call 613-258-6485 or send an email to info@
GENERAL PUBLIC (Any Day) Part Day (6 hours) -$60 Full day-$120 COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT (Weekdays Only) Part Day (6 hours) -$30 Full day-$60 SPECIAL WEDDING RATE Maplewood Hall & Maplewood Park Friday noon to Sunday noon $320 To book your event, log onto or call (613) 258-6485
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
15th Annual North Grenville Community Sweetheart Brunch
Grand Knight John Falsetto, Dermid O’Farrell, Steve Clark, Mary Boucher, Jim MacManaman and Hugh O’Neill The Sweetheart Brunch, one of the biggest events of the year in North Grenville, once again pulled in a crowd of over 900 people. This year’s event raised over $15,000, all proceeds going back into the community through groups such as the Beth Donovan Hospice, Canadian Arthritis Campaign, Harvest House, Kemptville and District Home Support, Kemptville District Hospital Foundation, North Grenville Accessible Transportation, North Grenville Community Service Council, North Grenville Scout Group and the Ryan’s Well Foundation. One hundred volunteers came out to help, including the Knights of Columbus members, their spouses and families, the North Grenville Scout Group and the community at large. Dermid O’Farrell, Chair of the KDH Foundation, Hugh O’Neill, Vice-Chair and Mary Boucher, Development Officer accepted a cheque for $11,000 on behalf of KDH. Cheryl Brown was presented with a cheque for $1,000 for the Cheryl Brown Centre and another cheque for $525.00 to Harvest House Ministries.
Grand Knight John Falsetto presenting cheque to Cheryl Brown
THERE WERE 54 COMMUNITY CORPORATE SPONSORS WHO SUPPORTED THE SWEETHEART BRUNCH GOLD SPONSOR: Scotiabank SILVER SPONSORS: Kemptville Transportation Services Royal LePage Gale Real Estate BRONZE SPONSORS: Classic Graphics Signs & Designs Kemptville Building Centre Rona O’Farrell Financial Services Inc. Tallman Truck Centre Limited There were 54 community Corporate Sponsors who supported the Sweetheart Brunch, including: Albert’s Meat Shop Allen MacEachern, Home 2 Home Connection B & H Your Community Grocer Beking Poultry Farm Brewed Awakenings Bohdi Tree Yoga Business Strategies Butler’s Victorian Pantry Canadian Tire Corporation
February 13, 2013
Clear Cut Installations Crain and Schooley Insurance Brokers Ltd. D & C Masonry D.R. Howell Electric Inc. D’s Collision Centre - Winchester Dave Marcil Architectural Consultant Eastern Ontario Cemetery Memorials EMC Record News/The Kemptville Advance First Stop Tool & Equipment Rentals G. Tackaberry & Sons Construction Ltd. Giant Tiger Grenville Guardian Real Estate Ltd. Hygiene Now Inspec-Sol Engineering Solutions Jim Perry Motor Sales Jonsson’s Independent Grocer Kemptville Animal Hospital Kemptville Windows and Kitchens L’il John the Clown
Lockwood Brothers Construction m5digital Products MacEwen Petroleum Inc. Matt Felker, FSA, O’Farrell Financial Mountain Path Foods Inc. Myers Kemptville Chevrolet Nationview Golf Course Nature’s Way Select Foods Outer Creations Landscaping North Grenville Times Patterson Hadden Brown Insurance Brokers Paul McGahey Insurance Brokers Ltd. Randy’s Automotive Ray Finley Rideau Auctions Inc. Ron Lewis, Walker and Associates Royal Bank – Kemptville Select Sires Sherry’s Kitchen Inc. Solution One Financial Star FM 97.5 Kemptville TD Canada Trust TD Graham & Associates Terry’s Automotive Services Tibbs Transport Inc. Walker & Associates
Kaden and brother Gabriel Lamont with L’il John Below: Kimberly with daughter Chloe smile for the camera at the Sweetheart Brunch on Sunday
The North Grenville Times
Kemptville in Neil Young’s New Video
Neil Young has always sprung surprises in his music. He has been a traditional rock n’ roller, folkie, sixties politico, mellow singer-songwriter, country music afficionado and charity fund raiser through the Bridge concerts and Farm Aid. Ian Tyson says that, when Neil recorded Ian’s song, “Four Strong Winds”, it was so successful that Tyson could buy himself a ranch! He has recorded duets with Willy Nelson. He was part of the sixties seminal band, Buffalo Springfield, and then formed Crosby, Still, Nash and Young, adding his very distinctive harmonies to that quartet. His voice has always been the subject of debate, like Dylan or Leonard Cohen. One of his most famous comments on that subject came when re-
cording the charity single, “Tears Are Not Enough”. Producer, David Foster, commented that he thought one of Neil’s lines had been a little flat. Neil’s response? “That’s my sound, man!”. Then there’s the “Godfather of Grunge” title that has been applied to him. Bands like Soundgarden, Nirvana and Pearl Jam have always acknowledged the influence of Neil Young on their music. With Crazy Horse, Neil has made albums of distorted, feedback noise that would easily impress musicians like John Cage and other composers of musique concrete. “Weld” is the best example of this. There has been another side to his music, however; a thread that runs through his career from the very beginning. In the 1970 CSN&Y album, “Deja Vu”, appeared a song called
I was born in Ontario Where the black fly bites And the green grass grows That's where I learned most of what I know Cause you don't learn much When you start to get old © Neil Young, 2012 What is intriguing for residents of North Grenville in general, and Kemptville in particular, is the official video that accompanies the song. It consists of old footage of various locations in Ontario, mostly from the 1950's and ‘60's from the look of it. There are scenes from Blind River, Toronto, along Highway 16, Niagara Falls, a one-room schoolhouse, lake swimmers at a summer cottage, as well as family movies of Neil Young and his family. The last seconds of the video are taken from a car driving down Highway 16 (now county road 44), passing the corner of Reuben and into Prescott street in Kemptville. It is a tree-lined road, with cars parked here and there, a few kids on bicycles, and the occasional pedestrian. The video ends just as the car passes the old Advance Building and reached Anderson’s Store, with the old Johnson’s Garage across the road at the corner of Asa street. There is nothing to identify the place as Kemptville, but that didn’t stop a few Neil Young fans in NG to spot it, and wonder who the people were in the film, and when it was made. There are no credits on the video as posted, and more research will be done to try and identify the source of the film. The North Grenville Archives has a film from 1955 that seems to have been made around the same time. The National Film Board made a documentary around the Heckston area. It includes footage of Kemptville that overlaps a little with the Neil Young video. The two pieces of film are so alike, though not identical, that they must have been filmed around the same time, possibly even as part of the same documentary. A still from the 1955 film can be compared to the video. If anyone can identify the people in the video, please contact the Times and let us know. It can be found on YouTube at: watch?v=1woTG_DaTuw
“Helpless”, about his youth growing up in Ontario. Although born in Toronto, he spent part of his childhood in Omemee west of Peterborough: “All my changes were there”. Neil Young has always been very proud of being Canadian, in a nicely non-nationalist way. With seven Juno Awards to his name, entry into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, an Honourary Doctorate from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay (another town in north Ontario that played a big part in his life), as well as an Order of Canada, he retains strong ties to his native land. And now those ties include Kemptville. Neil Young and Crazy Horse have released a new album, Young’s thirty-fifth studio album, called “Psychedelic Pill”, and on it is a song called “Born In Ontario”.
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February 13, 2013
Hear what you’ve been missing
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The Voice of North Grenville
Grammar Minute Patrick Babin
Gobbledygook and Dear John I thought university administrators were notorious in the art of saying nothing in only 45 words. Apparently not. In this week’s Citizen, Roger Collier, an Ottawa writer, spoke about the “gobbledygook flowing naturally” in the public service. “Several years back,” according to Mr.Collier, “when I worked for the federal government, the thing I noticed most about documents was the redundancy. Words were repeated many times within sentences. Sentences repeated content from previous paragraphs. So much redundancy. So. Much. Redundancy.” Get to the point! Cut out the clutter! Yes, we do repeat at times for the sake of emphasis, which is acceptable. I guess we are guilty, at one time or another, of sentence inefficiency. With the advent of email, we are gradually creating our own language—mostly abbreviations. Detrimental to correct spelling!
Letter Writing When was the last time you sat down and wrote a letter to someone? A good old-fashioned handwritten letter using pen and paper? Sent in a stamped envelope? Probably not in quite a while. “Letters take time; I’m too busy.” “Letter writing is ancient history.” “That’s not the way we do it anymore.” “Let the computer do it.” “I sometimes enclose a message with my Christmas cards.” “We have become so addicted to instant communication that the very idea of writing someone a letter seems as ancient as 8-track tapes.” (Bruno Somerset) Email is the way to go! Instant gratification! A plethora of abbreviations and fonts which provide instantaneous transmission. Yes, that’s the way to go! Are you pleased when you receive a handwritten letter? What!!! You have not received one in five years! If you did receive one, were you irritated that you had to open the envelope and spend valuable time reading the message? Letters can be kept for future generations. We know much more about famous politicians and other personalities as a result of the letters and journals they kept. Of the letters I have always cherished is one sent to me by Leonie, my secretary in Madawaska, Maine. A week after I received that beautiful correspondence, Leonie passed away. Is it possible that we are going to leave next to no written records of ourselves? What a pity for those who follow. How can we rediscover the lost art of letter writing? Is it solely by writing letters to the editor?
I ask you to share your thoughts with our readers.
The North Grenville Times
What Is the Bible? David Shanahan The Bible has been a tremendous influence on Western culture, literature and religion. It regularly sells more than twentyfive million copies every year. For generations, it was the text that people, young and old, learned to read from in school and Sunday School. Over the past century and a half, it has become a source of deep controversy and the object of a sustained attack by those eager to “debunk” traditional religion and has been portrayed as a book of “fairy tales”, a mythology out of line with modern scientific thought. People who have never opened the Bible are confident in their assertions that it is unreliable, full of contradictions, exposed by science and not worth taking seriously. The claims that Jesus never existed, that the New Testament was written long after the events it claimed to record, are trotted out without any regard for research or personal investigation. One might say that these attacks are acts of faith. It may be interesting, therefore, to take a closer look at the Bible in general, and the New Testament in particular, to get some clear idea of what exactly it is and says. The Bible is, in fact, a collection of books, and not one single work. Divided into the Old and New Testaments, there are a minimum of sixtysix books. There is some choice about how many books should be included in the Old Testament, and how they are arranged. From a Christian point of view, the Old Testament contains the history of God’s dealings with the human race from the beginning of all things, to the period just before the Roman occupation of Israel. It contains history, poetry, prophecy, songs and proverbs, detailing the history of the people of Israel. The New Testament is at the centre of Christian teaching. It consists of twenty-seven books in all. There are twenty-one letters, written between about 50 and 65 A. D., which are the earliest books in the New Testament. These were written to teach, encourage and correct the February 13, 2013
early Christian groups who had gathered throughout the Middle-east, Asia and Europe. Over a short period of time, the various sayings of Jesus, and the stories about his life, death and resurrection, were gathered in both oral and written forms, and were eventually written down in four books which we know as the Gospels: Mark about 65 A. D., Matthew and Luke about 70 A. D.,and John about 90 A. D. Luke’s Gospel was originally part of a longer work. He deliberately approached the work as an historian, and the second part of his research became The Acts of the Apostles, which carried on the story from the Resurrection of Jesus and ends about 65 A. D. The final book of the New Testament is the Book of Revelation, a strange and even surreal work that follows in a traditional Jewish literary form called Apocalyptic literature. It describes the end of times and the return of Jesus in power and glory to bring judgment and to introduce a new order of life. It is the most difficult book of the New Testament for many reasons. What is clear, however, is that the New Testament is not a collection of stories written long after the event. The letters and the gospels were all written within the lifetime of the people who saw and heard Jesus during his ministry. And these written records on based on even earlier collections of sayings of Jesus, or oral records of his life and actions. This brings us back to the very days of Jesus. In places, the writers refer readers to living witnesses who can confirm the truth and accuracy of what they are writing. More significant, from a critic’s perspective, there were plenty of opponents of the Christians who would have been very glad to pounce on any lies, exaggerations or “fairy tales”. There is no basis whatever for the claims of some that these books date from hundreds of years after the events, or that they are complete fabrications, without any historical validity. There is a great sense of confidence in the writings which comes through every book. This is remarkable given what it is they are writing about, and what
The Voice of North Grenville
LCBO Fundraiser for Salvation Army
Doug Baker, Simon Downey, Monika Bollerscheff and Lynne Davidson Twice a year, the LCBO store in Kemptville run a monthly campaign for a charity group in North Grenville. Last month the charity chosen was the Salvation Army. Mike Stanton, the general manager, stated that the staff put a lot of effort into the campaign, on a daily basis asking clients if they would like to donate their small change to the Sally Ann. He is very proud of his staff. The LCBO for the month of January raised over $700 in loose change, including a large jar of pennies donated by an anonymous customer. Simon Downey of the Salvation Army wishes to thank the people of North Grenville for their generosity. Should you wish to drop off your pennies to Sally Ann, they would be more than willing to relieve you of them.
125 memories of The Salvation Army in Kemptville
they are asking people to believe. The entire New Testament records facts and claims upon which Christianity is, and has always been based. They are entirely centred on the life and person of a young man from Palestine, Jesus of Nazareth, who had a brief, three-year career as an itinerant teacher before being executed by the Roman occupation forces at the urging of his own leaders. The claim they record, and the claim made by Jesus himself, was that he was God, come as a man to reveal himself and bring to an end the alienation of the human race from God. The facts recorded are that he died in brutal and excruciating manner, but later rose from the dead. This Resurrection was not some zombie-like return, but a change in nature, a conquest of death itself. This event proved that he was who he claimed to be, and it is the single event which underpins Christianity. That sums up the New Testament: what it is and what it says. The question now is: how reliable is it? How sure can we be that the books are still as they were written, and not altered in the cause of religion? Did Jesus even exist as an historical person, and what happened to him? These are questions for future articles.
Milfred and I became Soldiers of The Salvation Army in 1983 at the Kemptville Corps. I can’t believe it’s been 30 years. Captains Joanne Ratke and Charlene Forcey were the Officers back then. I remember Joanne’s mom and dad were there that day and made it special for me. I was doubtful at first about joining The Salvation Army at the same time as Milfred. I prayed about it and gave it a lot of thought as we were taking the preparation classes. And then I did it. Becoming a Soldier gave me a sense of belonging and I felt more grounded in the denomination when we joined. Being a born again Christian all my life, it wasn’t really new to me, as far as being set apart from the world, “in the world but not of the world.” It was pretty much a part of my upbringing, to abstain from alcohol, because of the way I was raised we never did that. I wasn’t a uniform person. The day I became a Soldier I didn’t wear the full uniform. I felt I wasn’t ready to wear it. It took me a while to 9
adjust, to be centred out for the Lord. I did eventually wear the full uniform. Captain Hazel Townsend (Retired Officer) was a huge influence on me, she was like a mother figure in
my life. She showed me how to wear the uniform properly and was helpful in a lot of ways as I learned about The Salvation Army. Joan Harper February 7, 2013
ELEGANCE Webster’s Dictionary describes the word “bask” as “To expose oneself to pleasant warmth” and “To thrive or take pleasure.” Well that certainly describes a creatively designed frame less shower. Take pleasure in the elegance it brings to your designed bathroom. Enjoy the pleasant warmth of the showering waters in an enclosure that is the focal point of a room that most of us spend a lot of time in. Notice the reaction you get when others see the investment you have made in your home.
Nice isn’t it?
216 Van Buren St.
The North Grenville Times
Focus on Nutrition Diabetes 2
by Heather Westendorp SELF COMPASSION: Self-compassion is learning to provide yourself with the same love and support that you would offer a family member or close friend. Most people are overly self-critical, doubtful of their capabilities and desires. Negative comparisons lead to seeing mistakes as permanent failings and setbacks as huge obstacles. Learning greater self-compassion will change all that. It is an alternative way of thinking about yourself and your perceived faults. It will allow you to bestow upon yourself the same love and support you give those around you. Diabetes is a complex disease that requires constant evaluation of your behavior. Self-compassion is essential to successful self-management. This enhances the steps to your daily self-care activities, such as food choices and preparation, exercise and blood glucose monitoring. Making peace with your diabetes takes a huge amount of self-compassion. Evaluate your feelings: 1. Consider your feel-
ings and reaction about having diabetes. 2. Keep a compassion journal. 3. Learn to take Care of yourself. Life has a way of molding you into behaviors and reactions. Look at the span of your life and your experiences. Begin a process to see what motivates and drives your actions. Who are you? Remember, how you see yourself is seldom the way others see you. Often people are “pushed” around by their life circumstances. You can be angry about it or you can make change. You did not develop diabetes overnight. You are not going to cure it in one week. Self-compassion is allowing yourself the time and patience needed to learn who you are and what is right for you. You can be your worst enemy or your best friend. The choice is yours. When life deals you lemons, you can make sugarless lemonade! FOOTCARE: Foot care is very important no matter what your age or health condition! Daily self-examination is very important. People with diabetes need to look at the tops and bottoms of their feet and
between their toes. Once you know what is normal for you, then you will be able to pick up on changes and take care of them right away. If you can’t see your feet, have a friend or caregiver check your feet. You can also use a large mirror on a stick. Every single day your feet need to be checked to avoid big problems. Keep your feet moisturized. Dry feet crack and allow bacteria and damage. Use anything at first. Most people have some kind of lotion or cream. If you are a man living with a woman, she’s got some, use hers. Creams hold moisture in. Put the product on after you have washed your feet, but don’t dry them out completely before applying cream. Do not apply lotion between toes. Any product that contains urea tends to work better for diabetes. You can gently use a pumice stone, but be careful not to rub too hard for too long. Do not use a metal rasp or shaver. Clean and moisturize your feet before bed with a thicker moisturizer and wear diabetic socks to bed to hold the cream in. Athlete’s foot is a very common fungal infection of the feet. People with diabetes are up to three times more likely to develop athlete’s foot. Fungus needs three things to be happy: moisture, heat and darkness. A doctor will prescribe a medicine to put on your feet twice a day. Use an antifungal powder for your shoes. Apply the powder in your shoes, let them air out for 24 hours in the sun before wearing them again. It takes a certain amount of fungus before you feel the itch. Therefore, just because the itch is gone away, does not mean the infection is gone. Ask your doctor how long the treatment should be used and continue to use it until your doctor says the infection is gone. The fungus spores can live in your socks, shoes, bathroom floor and carpets. Change
your socks often, clean the bathroom floor with bleach after each shower and alternate between shoes every day. Foot ulcers are a common complication of diabetes because blood circulation is impaired, which slows healing, and nerve damage dampens foot pain, delaying recognition and treatment of cuts and bruises. I cannot stress enough the importance of foot care. Your feet are so very important to your ability to exercise and remain independent. A simple cut or scratch can develop into a severe problem when you have diabetes. Kemptville District Hospital has a wonderful Diabetes Program and Foot Program. People have a tendency to put themselves second. Learn to put yourself first to better your own health and quality of life. If it was your husband or friend who had diabetes, you would attend the program with them to ensure they go! Self-compassion is like a key, once you begin to take care of your own needs first, positive change will flow. Heather Westendorp is a graduate of the University of Guelph: Food, Nutrition and Risk Management Diploma. She has also lost over 50 lbs. and is now a healthy weight, improving her health status!
The Voice of North Grenville
Chicken Nuggets
By Heather Westendorp 4 Servings Serving size: 5 nuggets (about 4 ounces) 1 lb. Boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 cup low-fat buttermilk 1 ½ cups panko bread crumbs 2 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp. garlic powder Freshly ground black pepper 1. Add the chicken to a large plastic bag. With a rolling pin or meat mallet, pound each chicken breast, one at a time, until thin. Remove the chicken from the bag and cut into a total of 20 pieces. Add the chicken to another plastic bag, and add the buttermilk. Seal the bag, and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator overnight. 2. The next day, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. On a plate combine the panko bread crumbs with cayenne pepper, garlic powder and pepper. Shake the excess buttermilk off each piece of chicken, and roll the chicken in the bread-crumb mixture, coating it well. You will not use all the bread
Humidification Installation of Duct work HRV cleaning Air Filtration Dryer Vent Cleaning Sanitization (our own specially formulated eco-friendly product!)
crumbs. 3. Place the chicken nuggets in a single layer on the baking sheet. 4. Bake the nuggets for about 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve with your own favourite dipping sauce. Sweet and Sour Dipping Sauce 1 cup Leftover fruit salad 1 tbsp no sugar jam (apricot or marmalade) ½ cup cold water ½ tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. vinegar (apple cider or regular) Put Leftover fruit salad in blender and liquefy. Add no sugar jam (apricot or marmalade). Add vinegar Cook it in small saucepan on medium. Bring to bubble. Wisk cold water with cornstarch until cornstarch is completely dissolved in separate bowl. Add cornstarch mix slowly into saucepan to thicken for dip. If tooDUCT thick,CLEANING add extra water. Before Serve in small dipping dish. Serve your chicken nuggets and dip with fresh salad.
Joe Plunkett 613-258-0663 Toll Free: 1-866-880-5397 After
Quotable Quotes “You can't change
the wind but you can set your sails.” Billie Joe Armstrong
Grahame’s Bakery “The Family Choice”
Hours of Operation Tuesday to Friday 5:30 am to 5:30 pm Saturday 5:30 am to 3:00 pm
Heritage wood-fired brick oven operating commercially
115 Clothier St. E Kemptville February 13, 2013
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Sponsored by Louise & Company
First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal! FOR RENT Roomy, bright, renovated 1 bedroom central Kemptville. Coin laundry. $725 + heat and hydro. 613-656-5626 Storage Units for Rent 413 James Street 10 x 10 $80/month 613-258-9374 Kemptville - 2 bdrm - $900 + utilities, hardwood floors, gas heat, a/c, no smoking and pets, available immediately. 613- 295-0552 Kemptville – 1 bdrm - $800 + utilities, hardwood floors, gas heat, a/c, no smoking or pets, available immediately. 613-295-0552
SERVICES One Tear Studio, Paintings/Soapstone Sculptures/ Butterfly Hearts. Visit by appointment or chance
(613) 258-7297
Jesrae Pottery 830 Law Road, Oxford Station. Please call 613-258-4671 for an appointment.
I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybulskie-613-258-5248
Literary Follies March 3 Leslie Hall
For Advertising rates please contact Gord at
or call
613 258 6402
If you have a story of interest please email Anne Walsh at
Creekside Centre 2878 County Rd. 43 Kemptville, On 613-258-0222
SERVICES Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and
100% guarantee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 baashunt@
Louise Arsenault
Free Computer Training for Adults Free Computer Training on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons at the North Grenville Public Library. For your one-on-one training session contact or call 613-258-4711.
Mixed adult pickup basketball game
Every Tuesday night at Holy Cross School gym from 7-9 PM. Cost is $5 per night, or $50 for the season. All skill ranges welcome. For more information, please contact Jeff or Samantha at 613-258-1847 or samantha.rivet-stevenson@
Looking For a Better Job? Free training in essential skills, certificate courses, computer use. 613-2588336 ext.61643
Every Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Leslie Hall, Kemptville Everyone Welcome
Saturday, Feb. 16 Breakfast 8:00-10:00 at Clubhouse Poker Rally 8:0010:00 at Clubhouse (registration) (Leeder AgriServices is sponsoring $800 cash) Fish Fry 5:00-7:00 at Kemptville Legion (advance tickets preferred) Contact Liz for info/ tickets (613)258-3648.
Bedtime Story Hour at the Library
Come to our bedtime story hour - the whole family is welcome! Children may come in their pyjamas and bring a snuggly toy. Juice and Cookies are served. Tuesday, February 19 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Tuesday March 19 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Tuesday April 16 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Kemptville Horticultural Society:
Please note our new meeting location: Kemptville Pentecostal Church 1964 County Road 43 Kemptville Wednesday, Feb. 20 Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Rd 43 7:30pm Program: Guest Speaker: William Langenberg on Horticulture Therapy New Members & Guests Welcome Contact Arline: 613-258-4645 February 13, 2013
NORTH GRENVILLE TOASTMASTERS First and third Thursday of month, 7 pm at O'Farrell's Financial Services CR 44 (613) 258-7665
YOUNGSTERS OF YORE Every Thursday afternoon Program Room, Library High Tea with refreshments erved Anyone over 50 welcome
Every Thursday - 6:30 pm and 6:45 pm St. John’s United Church Kemptville Cost $5.00 Partner preferred but not necessary For more information contact Elaine Pratt at 613-258-3783
Every Tuesday - 12:15 St. John’s United Church Kemptville Cost $3.00 Partner Preferred but not necessary For more information contact Ellen at 613 258-7778
Feb. 16
Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills, sponsored by the Oxford Mills United Church.
Mar 16th,
Kemptville Legion
St. Patricks Day
Dinner/Dance. Dinner @ 6 pm, dance to follow. Music by DJ-Dynamix. Cost $15.00 per person. For tickets call Lorena @ 613-258-9065.
REMINDER: The next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the North Grenville Public Library is scheduled for this Friday, February 15, 2013, in the Program Room, Norenberg Building. NOON
PRINTING & COPY CENTRE Call The North Grenville Times
Business Section Rob's Money Rant By Rob Lunan A Frugal Wedding About a day after our wedding, Mrs. Rant and I looked at each other and said: “What was that all about?” What we meant was: what was all that fuss and expense all about, when we could have made it simpler and cheaper, and still have had just as much fun. After all, we had just spent almost every spare moment in the previous six months planning and paying for this wedding. In the ensuing years, we have noticed a number of things that could be done differently to save a considerable amount of money but still have a nice wedding for everyone. The Invitations Printed invitations cost a lot of money. Consider hand-written invitations on decorative stationary. It really doesn’t take long and, to the recipient, it is much more personal. You could add a photograph of the couple-to-be to make it even more colourful. Or, if you have a computer and a colour printer, you can print your own invitations. Total Time Don’t expect your guests to stay too long.
Guests will give you an hour at the wedding ceremony and a few more hours for the meal and reception. Any more than that and they will be getting antsy. You can use this to your advantage by giving a scaled-down meal and reception. If you expect them to sit for any length of time, make sure you keep them entertained. A noon or afternoon reception will usually cost less than an evening one. The Place If you are getting married in a church, you can often also get a reception hall for free. So why rent? Another option is an outdoor wedding and reception – just make sure you plan this in the dry season and make sure you have alternate plans for bad weather. My sister got married in my parent’s back garden and had the reception on the front lawn. They had two acres of land so this was possible. The Reception One of our friends had a potluck reception in the church hall after their wedding. The guests brought all the food and drinks. I
The North Grenville Times really liked this reception, because, first, it didn’t take forever to finish, and, second, I had the choice from dozens of the best home cooked meals I had ever eaten (church ladies are the best cooks!). All of these dishes were donated as a gift by the guests and no doubt saved the bride and groom thousands of dollars on catering. Another idea is to have a theme reception, such as a traditional English high tea. Again, ask some guests to bring the sandwiches, scones and cookies, jams, tea and Devonshire cream. Add a few traditional decorations, and something like this can become an outstanding and memorable event. The Cake Somebody in your realm of friends and relatives is no doubt a good baker. They can make a cake for you as a wedding gift. Just ask them. Baking supply stores have wedding cake decorations at reasonable costs. For convenience, you should ask for a smaller display cake and a larger sheet cake to feed the hungry masses. Music Do you have musical friends? Ask them if they will give their talents as a gift. Music is often used at both the wedding ceremony and the reception.
Photography Someone else in your circle of friends must be a good amateur photographer. Ask them to take lots of pictures so you have enough to choose from. Ask someone else to make a video for you. A professional will rarely get better pictures for you, and it’s often not worth the price, unless you get a really good one and go to their studio for the pictures. But then again, how often do you think you will refer back to those pictures? Be realistic. Flowers If you get married during the blooming season, and you know someone with extensive gardens, then you can save a bundle on flowers. Otherwise, ask a budding amateur florist to donate it as a wedding gift. (Hey, you don’t ask, you don’t get.) Attire May I make a shocking suggestion? Rent your dress, don’t buy. Even better, borrow it. Ladies you
The Voice of North Grenville will never wear that dress again. Yes, you could pass it on to your daughter. But even this is fraught with problems: you may not have a daughter, she may not get married, she may not fit in it (despite extensive alterations), and she may not like it. However if your mother or grandmother has a dress that you like…go for it. Men, rent a suit, or buy a good new one that you can use over and over again. Attendants Bridesmaids and a Best Man and ushers should be kept to a minimum. The more you have, the more you have to coordinate and pay for. But whatever you do, have a good time. The objective of the wedding and reception is a very special (and sacred) ceremony. But if you can keep the day within a reasonable budget, then you will have all the more money for your other living expenses.
PRINTING & COPY CENTRE Call The North Grenville Times 613-258-5083 SALES/ ADVERTISING
Gord Logan at gord@
M UNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC M EETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AM ENDM ENT TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting on MONDAY, March 18, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Road 44) to consider the following item: A proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment, File # ZBA-7-13, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended will be considered at that time. The purpose of this application is to make a series of changes to the new Comprehensive Zoning By-Law #50-12, correcting oversights and errors, clarifying the intent of certain wording and incorporating previously approved zoning amendments which were not included in Zoning By-Law #50-12. There are a total of 15 changes being proposed to the text of By-Law #50-12 and 13 changes to the land use Schedules. This amendment is deemed to be a general amendment which applies to lands throughout the Municipality.
Sweetheart volunteers Gord Robins, Al Brown, Richard Savoy and Cliff Dagg, proud members of the Knights of Columbus. Below: Nathan Kiar accepts a cheque for $525 from the Sweetheart Brunch on behalf of Harvest House Ministries
TAKE NOTE that Municipality of North Grenville initiated this application and deemed it complete February 4, 2013. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or oral submissions either in support of or in opposition to the above item. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments, please ensure that your comments are delivered to the Planning and Building Department's office (285 County Road #44) prior to the day of the meeting. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of North Grenville before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of Municipality of North Grenville to the Ontario Municipal Board or may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. COPIES OF THE AMENDMENT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to this item is available through the Planning and Building Department’s office during regular business hours from Monday to Friday telephone (613) 258-9569. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013. Forbes Symon Director of Planning and Development PO Box 130, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 Phone (613) 258-9569 Fax (613) 258-1441
February 13, 2013
The North Grenville Times
A Pair of Shoes Can Change a Life Anne Walsh The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville Outreach Branch offer a variety of programs for approximately one hundred and twenty children aged 6-16 in the area. BBBS offer five main programs. They have a mentoring program where volunteers spend an hour each week with a child at school doing homework. The Go Girls (for girls) and Game On (for boys) programs are also offered in schools. It covers seven weeks of workshops on Healthy Living. They also match children (Littles) with adults (Bigs) who have been through a screening process. A fifth program is "Big For A Day". They take children to really fun places as a group. In order to provide these life enriching programs, BBBS depends on fundraisers and grants. On February 14 and 15, 2013, the CIBC Kemptville Branch will be having a bake sale. Buy yourself a treat and support a good cause. On February 23, the
BBBS Bowl for Kids' Sake fundraiser will be at the Kemptville Bowling Lanes from 3:30-9:30pm. They currently have twenty teams signed up, and are hoping to get another ten. Each team consists of 5-6 players and pledges a minimum of $150/ team. They bowl for an hour. Among the teams are companies such as CIBC, Tim Hortons, and RBC, families, and Steve Clark will be joining a group of "littles" to compete as well. Lane Sponsorships are also available for $200, which guarantees the company's logo on the lane, as well as advertising throughout the day. BBBS is celebrating its 100th birthday, and so a birthday theme will permeate the event. There will be door prizes, as well as incentives for teams who raise the most money. All proceeds will go toward helping the children and youth of North Grenville. If you wish to sponsor a lane, donate funds or register your team, contact Lindsay Butcher-Dodds at (613) 258-4440 or lindsay.
Sale of Land for Tax A rrears By Public Tender MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE TA KE N O TI CE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, March 21, 2013 at Box 130, 285 County Road 44, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. D escript ion of Lands:
M inimum Tender A mount
Roll No. 07.19.716.015.0 9303 -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $66,671.54 Part of Lot 15, Concession 3, being Part 3 on 15R-465, Geographic Township of Oxford, Municipality of North Grenville, County of Grenville PIN 68112-0153 (LT) Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporatio n payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under t hat Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Tender to be submitted on prescribed form in an envelope clearly marked “Tender - Sale of Land for Tax Arrears”. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of t he prescribed form of tender contact: Judy Carroll, Deputy Treasurer The Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44, P.O. Box 130 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 613-258-9569 x 105
Quotable Quotes “...God was like the best musician in the world, because he put together all the sounds of nature and gave people like Jimi Hendrix his fingers and John Lennon his brain.” John Corey Whaley, Where Things Come Back
Intelligent Accounting February 13, 2013
The Voice of North Grenville
Convivium Fellowship Convivium Fellowship is a discussion group that meets at the NGPL once a month. Convivium is the name of a magazine started in 2011. This latin name means faith in our common life. The magazine is full of articles that explore the value of faith for all areas of society and the community. What can we learn from two thousand years of Christian thought for society and the community today? Take out a subscription to the magazine ( and add your name to the Fellowship email list with harmenboersma@ Then join us at the Public Library on Prescott street in Kemptville on Feb 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Walk ins welcome, too.
History Section
The Annual Heritage Awards Night Returns
Every year, the North Grenville Historical Society join with the Municipal Heritage Committee to recognise individuals and organisations that have contributed to the preservation and promotion of history and built heritage in the Municipality. This year, the event takes place on Monday, February 18, at the Branch Restaurant in Kemptville. There are five recipients this year. The 1812 Bicentennial Award goes to Harold Tompkins, who has been heavily involved in historical societies himself for many years, and whose family came to Canada from Ireland as part of the post-War of 1812 Settlement Program in 1817. Harold’s family still live on the original lot granted back then, possibly the only surviving family that came over under that program. Awards are also going to the Holy Cross Historical Committee and St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Kemptville. During the past year, these two churches have researched and published books on the history of their congregations add-
ing a great deal to our knowledge of the history of Kemptville and district. Churches played a vital role in society, and were a bedrock of the community for generations. In addition, the family records kept by the churches (birth, marriage and death records in particular) are essential sources for all historical research conducted in the Municipality. Owen Fitz’Gerald is having a good year, if only his health would co-operate. In addition to receiving a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, he has now been awarded a Heritage Award for the work he has done in establishing and maintaining Veteran’s Way, at the Ferguson Forest Centre. This memorial to North Grenville residents who died in foreign wars has become a wonderful monument to our past. It would be a wonderful, and natural, step forward to see the Cenotaph move to Veteran’s Way, now that the High School is closed at the Prescott street site. The Heritage Committee’s Award this year is going to Phil Gerrard, who has been a member of the Municipal staff for many
The North Grenville Times years, and has spent those twenty-eight years working to record and preserve the many heritage buildings in North Grenville. During his time on the Heritage Committee, which ended in 2010, he was always helpful, knowledgeable and supportive of the work of the Committee and its members. It will be nice to show him our appreciation in a tangible way. These recipients all deserve our thanks and appreciation. The Awards were designed by Marguerite Boyer, and framed by Canal Galleries. Everyone is welcome to come and join the party at the Branch next Monday night. Snacks are provided, and there will be a cash bar. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the ceremonies begin at 7.30 p.m. Admission is, of course, completely free to all.
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting on MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Road 44) to consider the following item: The Municipality of North Grenville intends to amend the existing Building By-Law, being ByLaw No. 14-98, as amended, in order to: 1. Change Section 6, Fees by adding a policy which states that permit fees paid at the issuance of a building permit are to cover the cost of inspection carried out by the Chief Building Official, or his designate, for a period of two (2) years. 2. Require that all inspections to be carried out after two (2) years from the date of the issuance of the permit be subject to a new administrative fee of $250, unless in the opinion of the Chief Building Official the work has been progressing in a normal fashion and/or the additional administrative fee is not warranted. 3. Repeal By-Law No 28-98, being the By-Law which requires Performance Deposits for building permits. These changes are being made in order to reflect the additional administrative work associated with managing open building permits which are two (2) years old or older and to recover the costs associated with this additional work. The repeal of By-Law No. 28-98 is intended to reduce “red tape” and streamline the completion of building permits by eliminating the need for performance deposits for all building permits. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or oral submissions either in support of or in opposition to the above item. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments, please ensure that your comments are delivered to the Planning and Building Department's office (285 County Road #44) prior to the day of the meeting. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the specific details of the amendments are available, free of charge, through the Planning and Building Department’s office during regular business hours from Monday to Friday telephone (613) 258-9569. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013. Forbes Symon, Director of Planning & Development PO Box 130, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 Fax (613) 258-1441
February 13, 2013
New Rental Accommodation Raises Issues
In spite of the quite spectacular number of new residential developments already approved or existing in North Grenville, there remains a serious lack of good quality rental accommodation, especially in Kemptville. This effects, not just those arriving in the area and looking for a place to live, but also seniors looking to downsize and unwilling, or unable, to buy a new home for themselves. In her work as the Executive Director of the North Grenville Community Service Council, Claire Larabie meets many families, singles and older adults who wish to live in North Grenville, but can't afford to stay here. The options for people who wish to rent are limited. "There are good landlords out there, but others only want to make money on a rental unit and they put very little back into it". Claire recalls a tenant she met when her neighbour called the N.G.C.S.C., concerned about the woman's health. There was a heat wave and this woman's windows were painted shut. She had no air conditioning and had been on her couch for three days. She could barely move. Claire had just purchased a new home and happened to have a spare air conditioner. She took the lady to the hospital, where she was treated for severe dehydration. By the time she took her home, the a/c unit was installed and her space was significantly cooler. In contrast, Claire describes a lady who purchased some units on Queen Street and Maley. She and her husband gutted the Queen Street property, put in new flooring, cupboards and energy efficient appliances. They gave the Maley property a fresh coat of paint. Her new tenants are provided with a binder filled with local contact information, munchies in the fridge, a basket of coupons, a toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic utensils and toilet paper. This woman cares about her tenants. Energy efficient units like these attract good tenants (not all tenants are), and they are great for seniors who want to sell their family home, but remain in North
The Voice of North Grenville
Grenville. When builders advertised Scholar Heights, there were older adults calling and requesting rentals. Cory Lockwood, of Lockwood Brothers construction, saw the need and entertained the idea of investing in some rental properties. He gave it a great deal of thought. Rentals are expensive for builders: their investment money is tied in for the long haul and, says Claire, "you need to be brave in this day and age to build rental units". That is just what Cory did. His rental property on Clothier street west will have seven units. There is already a list of people lined up. These units will be high efficiency, high end properties available at reasonable rates to singles, families or older adults looking for options. Others are not as happy about the new buildings. The section of Clothier west between Pine Hill Road and Somerville has become a main focal point for new developments. This has raised serious concerns in the neighbourhood about increased traffic, the doubling of the population of that street in just a few years, and the lack of infrastructure. While building goes on, there are no sidewalks, other than on the short north side between Pine Hill and Holy Cross church. The impact on Holy Cross School is also a worry. The final effects, once these new developments are completed, has raised questions in the minds of local residents. A local residents group has already been to the Ontario Municipal Board appealing against the Municipal Council’s approval of these new projects. The residents were upset, both by the size and density of these developments, and also by what they see as failures in the planning process. Local homeowner, Cynthia Langlois, pointed out that the signage informing the public of the planning hearings was not in keeping with provincial requirements, and that the information provided to the public and the OMB was incomplete at best. Cynthia and her neighbours do not feel
that there is enough public consultation before the planning stage has reached an advance stage, and that the overall supervision of planning of such developments in North Grenville is inadequate. There seems to be agreement about the urgent need for more rental accommodation in Kemptville, but locating those resources is a matter of debate. Claire Larabie witnesses older adults moving away from their home and community, because they are not ready to go into a nursing home, but they can't afford to stay here. She wishes there was more "government-assisted affordable housing in the area". Where do families, singles and older adults go, if they can't afford to buy a home? Should the Municipality insist on all new developments containing a certain number of rental units, or affordable housing units? A number of years ago, Claire was part of a group applying for available funding for an affordable housing project in Kemptville. Everything was in place, and the group’s application had the highest rating of all applicants for the funding. Unfortunately, there was a letter sent to the funding agency implying that the community was divided on the project, which was inaccurate, and the application was refused. In the event, the funding went unspent, as all the other applicants dropped out as well. Claire believes a great opportunity was missed then, and has only made the current lack of rental housing worse than it need have been. Claire and Cynthia agree that there needs to be a greater awareness of planning problems and the long-term requirement for well-planned residential development that meets the needs of renters and buyers alike. This is an issue that will not go away soon.
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
Sports Section Recreational Soccer League in our Community… Not too long ago, we all raised a glass to a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year; they had just rolled in and now it is February already. Wow!! Where did the time go? Before you know it, it is another year gone by. Worry not! It is all GOOD!!! It is all good because it is that time of year where preparations for summer soccer in our community comes to life. The local community soccer clubs bursts into action, preparing players (your children) for in-house and competitive soccer leagues to play and enjoy the Beautiful Game of Soccer through recreational, developmental and competitive soccer training and games. There are ample playing opportunities provided by the soccer clubs around us. In Kemptville, for example, we have three soccer fields at Riverside Park, four or five fields behind the baseball diamond at South Gower Park, and the great state of the art fields at South Gower Park, the Home of the KUGARS. These fields are where all the recreational house league and competitive games are played. It is FUN and refreshing when you go out to watch your children play on these fields; you can see them glide through the air on the fields, like ice cubes on a hot plate.
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Kemptville Legion Donates free Rental Space
To further support the enhancement of soccer, our community soccer club in Kemptville has re-configured some of the soccer fields to accommodate, support and encourage more participation by providing more mini sized fields that play: 4vs4 +2 for younger players 5-8 years of age, 6vs6 +2, 8vs8 +2 and 10vs10 +2 field sizes for older players and adult, encouraging more touches on the ball during the games, which in turn allows flow play, enjoyment of the game, learning and developing in the sport. As shown above, it is clear that based on the reconfiguration of these playing fields, more opportunity for developmental and local recreational house league games is possible, as well as the ability to accommodate more participants. So my challenge to us all is to step up and step forward, to enrol our children into recreational and developmental soccer league games offered by our own community soccer club, and enjoy having FUN learning and playing the Beautiful Game
Lindsey Renwick with Ralph Pulfer, President of the Kemptville Legion House of Lazarus Bridal and Prom Show had over 50 people attend. Lindsey Renwick won the door prize of a free rental of the Legion hall in Kemptville
Les Chevaliers de Colomb remercient l’école SainteMarguerite-Bourgeoys
Contact: Lou George Club Registrar, Kemptville District Soccer Club
Kemptville - Shop AVON at Home -
Personal service 100% guarantee Delivered or pick up - your choice Open your own account - get discount Start your own business - only $10.00
AVON - beauty that delivers!
Anne Hunt - 613.258.3806
Quotable Quotes “ The day you become old is the day you're not looking for new experiences anymore.” ― Billie Joe Armstrong I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation. - George Bernard Shaw February 13, 2013
Les Chevaliers de Colomb ont présenté une plaque de générosité à l’école Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys le lundi 4 février 2014. Grâce à leur dévouement, ils ont amassé plus de 500 articles pour la collecte des Chevaliers de Colomb. Plusieurs familles de notre communauté ont pu passer un plus beau Noël cette année grâce à ce beau partage! 215 de ces articles non périssables ont été amassé par la classe de 5e année. Bravo! Photo (gauche à la droite) : Jack Dillon, Johanne Bégin, Richard McGovern Par : Tracy Daoust Secrétaire/Agente de liaison
Activité francophone pour les adultes : Have you been thinking of brushing up on your French? Come and meet members of your community that can help you practice your French in a non-stressful environment. Venez-vous joindre à nous pour une soirée amusante avec des conversations en français. Date : jeudi, le 28 février 2013 Heure : 18h30 Lieu : The Branch Restaurant and texas grill, Kemptville SVP réservez par internet à l’adresse suivante :
The North Grenville Times
Help Your Child Look Ahead! Grade 10 to 12 Parents and Students Ah, the future. Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what will be a good job in a couple of years; let alone five? The question has not really changed since we left high school, but the economy and work environment facing our children today are constantly changing with events happening half way around the world. How can we help them make the necessary decisions to be ready for this climate? Come to the St. Michael School Council’s Parent/Child Career Night on Tuesday, February 26th from 7 8:30 p. m. We will be going over current job trends in our area, province, and country in a general group session, with smaller sessions afterwards with individuals from different walks of life. These people have volunteered to talk about the path that got them where they are today. Looking back at our lives we often see that it wasn’t a straight path to where we now find ourselves. We have all made decisions, some good and some bad, and learned that having options is important. Course selections and life decisions made now might not seem to impact on things for the future; but as we see from the people speaking on Tuesday, the path to life is not without its turns: forward, backward, left and right. Let’s start the conversation on the 26th and help your child look ahead Evening Program - School courses and where they could lead in life - Job trends and types in our area, Province, and across Canada - Individual career presentations Looking forward to seeing you on the 26th! St. Michael’s School Council February 13, 2013
The Voice of North Grenville
Cathy Sheppard Charged Up for a Good Cause
Creekside Centre 2878 County Rd. 43 Kemptville, On 613-258-0222
On Family Day, Monday February 18th, Mayor David Gordon and Fire Chief Paul Hutt will be leading a group of local celebrities in the Kemptville Youth Centre’s Jail and Bail event. Gordon will be charged with driving around town with the roof down on his convertible in January. When contacted for a comment on his charge, Gordon responded that he once lived in the north and stated, “Compared to the Yukon, this is summer!” Hutt has been charged with a noise bylaw by excessive use of his siren while going through the Tim Hortons drive through. When Hutt was contacted for a comment on the alleged noise violation, he stated, “It is really fun to drive a shiny red truck with flashing lights and a cool siren.” Interested parties will be watching to see if Hutt drives a shiny red truck with flashing lights to his Kemptville Youth Centre Court appearance at 10 am on Family Day. Joining Gordon and Hutt on family day will be a host of other celebrity jailbirds. Jim Brazeau has been charged with hitting too many deer. Robin Heald has been charged with fraternizing with the enemy. Cathy Sheppard has been charged with going the wrong way around a traffic circle in her smart car. Kris Van De Ven has been charged with playing with a Rubik’s cube while on the job. John Bennett has been charged with excessive collection of Dr. Who memorabilia. Charges are pending for
Joshua Brazeau, Paula Brazeau, Wayne Reddick, Dr. Raja Sandhu, Gerty Tenbult, Cathy Sheppard and George Fisher. Concerned citizens and all around good sports are invited to log on to kyc. to see updates on these and other local jailbirds, sponsor them so their time in jail is limited or to sign up themselves or another good sport. Those who are interested in watching the proceedings are invited to join the jailbirds at the Kemptville Youth Centre from 10 am to 3 on February 18th to show their support for their celebrity of choice. A schedule of the proceedings will be available on When contacted for a comment on the fundraiser, Robin Heald, Executive Director for Kemptville Youth Centre stated, “Jailbirds who raise money in advance and have fun while doing it will be given leniency in the eyes of the court.” Donations to support any of these good sports can be brought to them, dropped off at Kemptville Youth Centre in their name or made online at www. All funds raised with this event will be used to serve local Kemptville and area youth with quality programs. Kemptville Youth Centre operates Monday through Friday after school providing services to youth aged 1218. The programs KYC provides every week include Sports Night held at Kemptville Public School, Cook Night, Leaders in
Training, Movie Mondays, Games Nights, and dances. For more information on this event or Kemptville Youth Centre’s programs or opportunities to volunteer or donate, please contact Robin Heald at 613-258-5212 or robin@
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Quotable Quotes
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
There is a misleading, unwritten rule that states if a quote giving advice comes from someone famous, very old, or Greek, then it must be good advice. - Bo Bennett
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