Issue 51 2019 December 21 NG Times

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the north grenville


Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in Merrickville/Wolford and North Grenville

Vol. 4, No. 51

The Voice of North Grenville

Dec 21, 2016

Free Community Christmas Dinner

Complete Eye Exam Regular Line Frame All Prescription Lenses

Christmas is a season for family, friends and getting together. This year, in this amazing community of North Grenville, everyone is invited to a special free Christmas Day gathering at Leslie Hall to celebrate and join in a tasty turkey or ham dinner, a traditional holiday meal for all of us to share. There is no charge for this event. People and businesses from all parts of North Grenville are working together to make this event happen: supplying food, chefs, servers, in fact everything necessary to provide good cheer and

company on Christmas Day. Live entertainment will be provided by Ron Donnelly. So, as a way to mark the holiday together, this is an open invitation to one and all to roll up to Leslie Hall between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm, take a seat and tuck in, along with friends and neighbours. Let’s face it: this is a wonderful place to live, when you think about it. A generous people, a scenic and restful location, and a place where people want to keep that rural, small town atmosphere. If you know someone who can’t make it, but would like to be part of the day, call in and

a full dinner will be delivered to their door. Would you rather eat at home? No problem: drop by and get a meal to take away with you. The important thing is that everyone should know that they are part of a community at Christmas time, a community that cares about each other, and wants to say “Merry Christmas!” Right now, people all over the municipality are planning to gather together the meat, the veggies and the bread. Others are planning the preparation and the cooking, while still more are ready to serve the food, wash the dishes and

clean the Hall afterwards. No tickets required, no need to book a seat: just come by and tuck in! Community Christmas meals are a tradition going back to the earliest days of settlement in this area, and it is a tradition that will be kept alive this year. Leslie Hall has seen many communal gettogethers over the decades, and it seems a fitting venue for Christmas, 2016 and for the future. Thanks to every individual and business joining in to make this happen.



TAPAS LUNCH Mon. to Fri. Call for details. Limited time offer!

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

“100 Women Who Care” checks into the North Grenville area 100 Women Who Care is a group of women who meet every quarter to vote for a local charity/non-profit, who will in turn get a large group donation. The North Grenville area is now home to its very own 100 Women Who Care branch thanks to local resident and North Grenville chapter founder, Ashley Vincent. The rules are that the charity/non-profit have to serve the North Grenville community. With over 400 chapters throughout the world, 100 Women Who Care has seen rapid growth and success thanks to a simple fundraising concept. “I think what makes this charity so very appealing and successful is that, at its core, it’s something most women can commit to on a personal level and the results are tangible and can be felt right within your own backyard.” says Ashley. The concept is that 100 women each donate the amount of $100 and commit to a one-hour meeting, four times a year, thus potentially donating over $10,000 to local charities/nonprofits quarterly and thus contributing to the community’s overall wellbeing, vitality and people. “Upon membership, each member gets to submit a charity/

non-profit to which they wish to donate and then the entire organization votes in order to select the charity to which we will collectively be donating for that particular round,” says Ashley. The 100 Women Who Care North Grenville chapter will be holding its first members’ meeting at the Rideau Restaurant on Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Aspiring members are encouraged to contact Ashley Vincent at 613878-6450 or by email at “The community has already shown immense openness and generosity in our regard. Special thanks to North Grenville Times for providing us with the opportunity for this article, as well as to the Rideau Restaurant for donating their space for our very first chapter meeting. I’m a mom within the North Grenville community and I am truly excited about collaborating with other local women to make our home a better place,” says Ashley. More information about the 100 Women Who Care North Grenville chapter can be found online at and via Facebook at www.

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Habitat home nearing completion

Habitat for Humanity Thousand Islands is pleased to announce its newest Habitat family. Ashley Sloan and her family have been selected for HFHTI’s Oxford Mills build. Ashley Sloan and her two children, Khalan aged nine and Gryphon aged eight, currently rent in the Oxford Mills area and are pleased to be given the opportunity to own their own home. Ashley works in the Kemptville area. Habitat families undergo a rigorous application process and income guidelines apply. Habitat for Humanity Thousand Islands, using a combination of professional trades, volunteers and donated materials, builds homes for people who would not qualify for a traditional mortgage. Families buy their homes at fair market value and provide five hundred hours of sweat equity while Habitat carries a zero percent mortgage with geared to income monthly payments. The finishing touches are being put on the Oxford Mills build and occupancy will take place early in the new year. A home dedication ceremony will be held at this time to recognize volunteers and local contractors who contributed to the project. Meanwhile HFHTI is already working on its next project, a duplex to be built in Brockville. Family applications for this build are currently being accepted and interested families can contact Habitat for Humanity Thousand Islands at 613-342-3521 or email at

Hydro One to reconnect customers for the winter Hydro One announced today that it is launching a new Winter Relief Program to help customers in hardship get their electricity service reconnected for the winter. About 1,400 Hydro One residential customers are currently without electrical service due to unpaid balances. "This program is about doing the right thing for our customers who are experiencing hardship," said Ferio Pugliese, Executive Vice President, Customer Care and Corporate Affairs. "We are changing the way we do business and by doing so we are currently reviewing all of our customer-facing policies and practices, including how we care for our most vulnerable customers. The Winter Relief Program is one of many changes we will be undertaking." Hydro One is reaching out to customers without electrical service to arrange reconnection for the remainder of the winter and will work with customers interested in the program to determine what payment arrangements they can afford, waive all reconnection fees, as well as discuss the best plan to help them get back on track. In addition, Hydro One will also be highlighting the numerous assistance programs currently available to help any customer that may be in arrears or facing financial difficulties including the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, Ontario Electricity Support Program, Home Assistance Program and other services. The Winter Relief Program is designed to help customers facing extreme hardships get reconnected for the remainder of the winter. The program is currently underway. In a statement, Hydro One says it is changing the way it does business and reviewing all customer-facing policies, including the policy around disconnection and reconnection. The Winter Relief Program was identified as an immediate priority. Hydro One encourages any customer experiencing difficulties paying their bill to contact the customer communications centre at 1-888-664-9376. Dec. 21, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From everyone at the North Grenville Times This is our last issue of 2016 - we’re taking a Holiday break - and we’ll be back in 2017. Our first New Year’s issue should be in your mailbox on Thursday, January 5, with a review of the year past and the start of Canada’s 150th Anniversary year. Our offices will be closed until January 2, but you can always e-mail us throughout the holidays. Submissions and ads are due by December 30.

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

Ring in the New Year! A night of Fantastic Food, Delightful Drinks with Magnificent Live Music. Featuring The Dynamic Dantino Duo Dan Sullivan

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Email: Email: Suite #6, 2878 County Road 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Office: 613-258-4900


The North Grenville Times

Fill-a-Bag program a wonderful success

The North Grenville Community Church would like to thank the people of North Grenville for making this year’s Fill-a-Bag program a wonderful success. The Filla-Bag campaign is conducted to help fill the Salvation Army’s Christmas Hampers and to stock the shelves of its food bank located on the corner of Rideau and Oxford Streets in Kemptville. This year 110 Hampers were filled and by historical accounts, the quantity of food collected should stock the shelves for the next 9 - 10 months. A wonderful testimony to the compassion the community has to its neighbours who fall on difficult times. The program is a community event, the church coordinates and facilitates its execution, but the real work is done by the caring and compassionate citizens of the community. This year was special because it was a few of the door to door teams from previous year’s campaigns

who promoted this year’s planning. Charly Stewart, this year’s coordinator, agreed he was a bit tardy and knew he had to get busy after teams and sponsors started asking how to register and the dates of the Fill-a-Bag. There are recognitions the church would like to make; the first is to Mr. Leo Doucette, Senior Property Manager with Strathallen Properties Management Ltd who manages the Kemptville Mall and who agreed to allow the Salvation Army to use the empty store between Woofs and Wagg’s and Love your Pet as Christmas Central. That was the hub of the Filla-Bag campaign. Mr. Bill Bishop, a teacher at the North Grenville High School who organized students to staple the letters onto over 4800 empty paper bags deserves a special recognition. This is the fourth year the school has helped in this capacity and it is a very important part of the program.

their yearly syllabus also deserve recognition. Those groups include the Oxford Mills and Kemptville Cubs, The Kemptville Scouts, and the Ventures. The RCSCC Defiant Sea Cadets participated for the second time this year and their presence was appreciated. There were adult teams as well which came from the St James Anglican Church, The Kemptville Christian Reformed Church, The Kemptville Pentecostal Church and the Sequoia Church. There were other church teams who registered, but did not identify their church origin. We would like to give thanks to the sponsors who also had door to door teams. Cathy Sheppard of Sheppard and Associates, Samantha Rivet-Stevenson, Financial Planner with the Royal Bank, Linda and Bruce McKee of Royal LePage Realty, and Gerry Seguin of Remax Realty.

The intermediate high school students and teachers help with the sorting of food and the making of the hampers for which many hands made short the work of a very large chore. The Church would like to thank each of the many door to door teams who give of their time. They are all special and a list would include those grandparents who worked hand in hand with their grandchildren in a real demonstration of selfless giving. A nod to the many couples who have made it an annual event to do what they can to help those in need. Then there is the young woman and her friend who volunteered for the first time this year and then remained after the collection to help sort the food. There are the parents who each year lead their families, and in a few cases the neighbourhood youth to take on the door to door routes. The leaders of youth organizations who have included the Fill-a-Bag campaign in

The Voice of North Grenville Erick LePors

Catering for all occasions since 1992


A note of thanks goes to Mr. Jim Beveridge of B&H for the loan of the food handling equipment and the much needed advice. The North Grenville Community thanks and blesses all of you who took the time to participate in the campaign whether you stapled a letter, went door to door, or gave of your resources to Fill-aBag. All of you helped to give someone a little brighter Christmas and food on their plate this coming year. Wishing each and every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous 2017.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

LOCK IT OR LOSE IT CAMPAIGN 2016 KICK OFF able items from your vehicle

Keep your possessions where they belong this holiday season. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has started, but try not to let that be a distraction causing you to become a victim of theft. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is encouraging citizens to “Lock It OR Lose It” and to take precautions to protect their vehicle contents from theft. Under the “Lock It OR Lose It” program, parked vehicles are examined to Dec 21,2016

confirm they are locked and that no valuables have been left in plain view. A “Lock It OR Lose It” notice is placed on every vehicle checked which specifies what safety precautions were ignored and simple prevention tips are provided which drivers can use to protect their vehicles and valuables from theft. By taking simple preventative measures, such as confirming your vehicle is locked and by placing items of value out of sight or removing valu-

altogether, victimization can be avoided. You can help prevent theft by following some crime prevention tips: Always roll up your vehicle’s windows, lock the doors and pocket the key. If you have a garage, use it and lock the door as well as your vehicle. Keep your vehicle registration certificate/proof of insurance on you at all times. Always park your vehicle in a well-lit area. Never leave valuable objects or packages in full view. Put them in the trunk. Never leave your vehicle unattended while it is running. Please do your part in making this year’s holiday season a safe and memorable experience. Be sure to take precautions to protect your vehicle and vehicle contents from theft, particularly during the holiday season.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and many thanks to all our readers, advertisers, correspondents, and everyone who makes the NG Times possible. Welcome to our Christmas Greetings edition. The many drawings and designs were supplied by students at the schools of North Grenville and Merrickville-Wolford; our thanks to the children and the teachers who produced such lovely work. Thanks, too, to those who submitted the trivia and thoughts for this Christmas issue. Our advertisers are at the heart of our community, supporting every good initiative. Shop locally, and keep this a vibrant and healthy economy. The Times is a locally-owned and operated business too, so we appreciate how important it is to work together with our friends and neighbours. It has been an historic year in so many ways, and we have an even more historic one ahead as we celebrate Canada’s 150th. Read the Times every week, and let’s see what happens next!

Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from


Gary Durie* 613.720.5004

Anita Maloney* 613.816.1995


104 Maley St., Kemptville


& We would like to thank all of our customers for the past season, and wish everyone a joyful Christmas, and all the best for 2017!


Landscape Design

Dec 21,2016

Construction 613.258.6805


Property Maintenance Inc.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville





GEORGE BUYS Because they viewed Christmas as a decadent Catholic holiday, the Puritans in America banned all Christmas celebrations from 1659-1681 with a penalty of five shillings for each offense. Some Puritan leaders condemned those who favoured Christmas as enemies of the Christian religion. Puritan Oliver Cromwell outlawed Christmas celebrations and carols in England from 1649-1660. The only celebrations allowed were sermons and prayers.


Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year” Dr. Lynn Lambourne, Dr. Simone Wolter, Dr. Nancy DeJong

2643 County Road 43, Kempville Directly across from Jonsson’s Independent

Seasons Greetings From our staff to you!


Dec 21,2016


2970 County Road 43, Kemptville

The North Grenville Times


Ring them bells! by David Shanahan By the time you read this, the amazing series of events leading up to Christmas will be just about finished. No, not the last-minute shopping, or the mad rush to finish wrapping presents, buying food and drink supplies, etc. I mean the many projects, initiatives and events that are the work of so many volunteers in our North Grenville community, all designed to make sure that no individual or family is left out this Christmas. Food, toys and supplies of all kinds have been donated, collected, sorted and delivered in astonishing amounts this year - possibly more than in any year before. It is almost a cliché to say that this is a caring community: it is a fact that is proved again and again, and not just at Christmas. But, somehow, this season brings out the best in people, the generosity, the caring and the willingness to put oneself out for the sake of others. When you think about the Mountain of Toys, the Sally Ann Kettle Campaign volunteers, the mind-boggling $35,000 worth

of food collected through the Fill-a-Bag Campaign, initiatives by Rotary, Kinsmen, and just about every church congregation in North Grenville, and many more that can go unnoticed, it’s hard to see where people find time to do their regular work, shopping, and recreation! There is something about this time of year, the Christmas season, that is different. People act differently, they respond to the idea that we need to be caring and generous, that family and friends are important parts of life, and that people without those things need to be included somehow. Some call this “the true spirit of Christmas”, but what is that? There are two versions of the holiday in competition with each other, especially over the past couple of decades. One is the traditional, what may be called the “religious” view - CHRISTmas, complete with carols and hymns about the birth of Jesus, Wise Men, mangers and nativity scenes. This makes sense: after all, what is Christmas but the celebration of Jesus’ birth? It doesn’t really matter that December

Letter to the Editor Phoenix Pay System – Shades of Monty Python Phoenix, another major Crown systems' project off the rails. What a surprise. And, the news is that it will cost the government in the neighbourhood of $50M to fix it. Trust me I have seen previous estimates on other projects and this is not even close to the true cost. It's closer to $100M, and don't put away your calculators. (Low-ball, you can always come back say, the last person underestimated. And, all drop their heads and nod yes, yes, yes, it was the other guy. (Shades of Monty Python). How can they repeatedly screw up major systems projects in the federal government? It's easy to explain: there are far too many senior and middle manager public servants and private sector firms and consultants trying to serve their own self-interest, careers, money and

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 Dec. 21, 2016

yes, status. This project has been on the go since as far back as I can remember with the Regional Pay System replacement - that is close to 20 years ago. With all that time playing around and changing the names of the same project (bait and switch) to make it look like someone's brainchild; and they still manage to get it wrong. The other issue is the management of performance-based rewards system in the government. So what happened to last "the buck stops here" senior manager to supposedly manage this fiasco? Moved off to the government's gulag - most likely a "special project". That's where public servants are sent when they've been bad. Dollars to doughnuts he / she (in this case she - not that it matters) still received a nice little performance bonus along with the other

25 was just a handy pagan holiday lifted by the Catholic Church as a date to adopt for the occasion. The fact of the birth of Jesus, the way in which that event completely changed the world, for believers and non-believers alike, makes it one of the most significant events in history. We have even changed how we calculate time to mark it. Whether you call it 2017 A.D. (Anno Domini, “the year of the Lord”), or 2017 C.E. (Christian or Common Era), makes no difference either. He is at the centre of history. Christmas is a specifically Christian event, but open to all to enjoy. Over many years, it has been almost overwhelmed by secular additions: rather like a Christmas tree being almost hidden by lights, tinsel and various baubles. We have added Santa Claus, holly, reindeer, decorations, even Christmas trees, but the reason for the season is still the same. So, what is the true spirit of Christmas? It is celebration, joy to the world, gift-giving and a desire for peace for all. The competing tradition wants to remove all the “religious” elements from the

Holidays (as some like to call Christmas, forgetting that the world “holiday” comes from the words “holy day”, not much of an improvement for the non-religious). Those promoting this approach to Christmas want to replace Christ with an X, as in Xmas (again, forgetting that the “mas” part comes from the word “Mass”, as in “Christ’s Mass”, which comes from the Old English). That just seems silly, really. What sense does it make to try and pretend that this festive season has nothing to do with religion, Jesus, or the supernatural? I am often forced to wonder why people react so badly to the idea of Jesus, religion, and all of that kind of thing, especially at Christmas. Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is God, even if you reject any spiritual reality at all, what did he do to annoy people so much that they want to remove him from such a joyful celebration of peace, generosity and goodwill? At the very least, here was a man who told people they should love one another, even their enemies. That they should forgive hurts, do good, care for the sick, the hungry, the

poor managers to boot. Well, you have to give to managers for this boondoggle along with the other failures: when they screw up they screw up BIG. Adages: “Go big or stay home and Baffle with BS” are so true with these large scale projects. But, I have a solution: Go back to putting cash into the pay envelopes of old. You remember those tan coloured pouches and the feeling that came over you when you saw the money. Or trade work for beads and shiny trinkets. No wait - they'd manage to screw those up as well. Shame you PWGSC and lack of Service Canada and Treasury Board Secretariat - the employer. How many Auditors' General reports have to bash you over the head until you can get major initiatives right? It's just incredible. It's the few incompetents such as these that give the public

service such a bad name. It's a pity when you know that the majority are hard honest workers. I feel much better now. Your humble servant, Tony Marcantonio


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Building a Sustainable North Grenville

ISSN 2291-0301


The Voice of North Grenville

Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671

Create a Warm & Cozy Home this winter with a

• Exclusive Advanced Energy technology • Up to 53,300 BTU’s • 80 lb. hopper • Quietest operating stove on the market!

TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735

poor, the young and the old. Aside from a period when he was very young, he never left his homeland, held no political position, worked most of his life as a carpenter, and lived such a life that even his opponents could find no genuine charge to lay against him. And yet, they killed him. Strange world, isn’t it? Terrorism, wars, murders of schoolchildren, the destruction of the planet... Yes, given all that, let’s enjoy these few days of warmth, peace, genCLASSIFIEDS: erosity and caring in our comFirst 10 words free if munity. We have so much to submitted by email. be grateful for (to whomever Extra word 50 cents, you wish to be grateful), so much to value and appreciphoto $10, border $2, ate in our friends, family and shading $5. neighbours. Wouldn’t it be Submit to wonderful if we could carry that into 2017 and throughout Email must include the coming year? For now, name, address and let’s be thankful for the reason phone #. for the season, and remember Must be related that wise men still seek him. to From everyone at the North Grenville/ North Grenville Times: Hap16 bw py ChristmasStove to youStore and OC 12Merrickville yours.

Mt. Vernon AE Pellet Stove

the north grenville

Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850

The Voice of North Grenville

Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735


Reporter Hilary Thomson Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104

Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting, on Monday, January 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Road 44) to discuss expansion of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP). THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed Community Improvement Plan (CIP) expansion would be to add specific properties fronting onto Prescott Street, within the downtown core, into the Plan to be eligible for a range of incentives with the purpose of attracting private investment into the downtown core. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or oral submissions either in support of or in opposition to the above item. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments, please ensure that your comments are delivered to the Economic Development Division’s office (285 County Road 44) prior to the day of the meeting. IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED of the decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville on the proposed community improvement plan, you must make a written request to the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of North Grenville before the proposed Community Improvement Plan is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Municipality of North Grenville to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of North Grenville before the proposed Community Improvement Plan is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. THIS NOTICE should be posted by an owner of any land that contains seven or more residential units in a location that is visible to all of the residents. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, including a copy of the draft CIP, can be obtained in one of the following manners:

In writing:

By e-mail:

Municipality of North Grenville Attn: Teri Devine 285 County Road 44, PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

On the municipal website news

By phone: Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer 613-258-956 x 115

PLEASE SEE THE MAP Below, which outlines the current CIP area and the proposed expansion into Old Town Kemptville. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2016. EXPANDED COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) KEY MAP

UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, January 9 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, January 16 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE CHANGES Oxford Mills Waste Transfer Station Saturday, Dec. 24 9 am to noon Monday, Dec. 26 CLOSED Tuesday, Dec. 27 9 am to 4 pm Wednesday, Dec. 28 CLOSED Thursday, Dec. 29 CLOSED Friday, Dec. 30 9 am to 4 pm Saturday, Dec. 31 9 am to 4 pm Monday, Jan. 2 CLOSED Solid Waste & Recycling Pick-up There will be no pick-up on Monday, December 26. All solid waste and recycling pick-up for the week of December 26 to 30 will be delayed one day. There will be NO changes to the solid waste and recycling pick-up schedule for the week of January 2 to 6. Municipal Office Friday, Dec. 23 Monday, Dec. 26 Tuesday, Dec. 27 Friday, Dec. 30 Monday, Jan. 2

8:30 am to 5:00 pm CLOSED CLOSED 8:30 am to 5 pm CLOSED

North Grenville Public Libraries Kemptville Branch Saturday, Dec. 24 CLOSED Monday, Dec. 26 CLOSED Tuesday, Dec. 27 CLOSED Saturday, Dec. 31 CLOSED Monday, Jan. 2 CLOSED Burritts Rapids Branch Saturday, Dec. 24 CLOSED Tuesday, Dec. 27 CLOSED Saturday, Dec. 31 CLOSED


Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15 and last through April 15. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner’s expense. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002

Building a Sustainable North Grenville

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated Existing location of the Community Improvement Plan (CIP). Proposed expansion of the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to selected properties on Prescott Street.

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The first printed reference to a Christmas tree was in 1531 in Germany. Evergreens (from the Old English word aefie meaning “always” and gowan meaning “to grow”) have been symbols of eternal life and rebirth since ancient times. The pagan use and worship of evergreen boughs and trees has evolved into Christendom’s Christmas tree. The Christmas tree made its way to North America in the 1830s but wasn’t popular until 1846, after Germany’s Prince Albert brought it to England when he married Queen Victoria. The two were sketched in front of a Christmas tree and the tradition instantly became popular. According to the Guinness world records, the tallest Christmas tree ever cut was a 221-foot Douglas fir that was displayed in 1950 at the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, Washington.

The earliest known Christmas tree decorations were apples. At Christmastime, medieval actors would use apples to decorate paradise trees (usually fir trees) during “Paradise Plays,” which were plays depicting Adam and Eve’s creation and fall.

The first person to decorate a Christmas tree was reportedly the Protestant reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546). According to legend, he was so moved by the beauty of the stars shining between the branches of a fir tree, he brought home an evergreen tree and decorated it with candles to share the image with his children.

Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Twas the night before Christmas Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the town Every computer flickered and scrolled up and down Each navigating the NASA sight To follow where Santa travelled tonight The children had taken their Ipads to bed Checking Facebook and Twitter for everything said While Ma checked Pinterest, I tracked delivery Of on-line purchases for under the tree When all of a sudden, what was the matter? Everything froze on the computer chatter I grabbed my cell and punched in the number For the Geeks to come and fix that blunder The LED lights on the Christmas tree, glowed Outside, solar lights shone though it snowed But no lights on computer screens appeared The time passing swiftly as Christmas neared When out on the driveway I took a peek A miniature car arrived carrying a Geek Racing down the stairs, I threw open the door Blessed him as he dropped boots to the floor. "Whatever's the problem you must fix it quick We need to know just where is Saint Nick. My children are crazy, my wife is herself We know not where Santa is, not even one elf." Away to the modem he flew like a jerk, Turned with a grin and went right to his work But nothing appeared when he flicked the switches The network was useless so full of glitches He played with the router, he checked the hard drive Every effort failed. There was nothing alive He fiddled and fussed tapped this key and that He hmmed and he hawed, turned for a chat

"Your server is down now take my advice It isn't your computer, not any device Will work this night. It crashed it seems Trying to fulfill everyone's dreams." I watched as he left and drove out of sight The moon's silver beam shedding much light. When what to my wondering eyes should appear But a Fedex truck that stopped ever so near The back door opened, out tumbled an elf Dressed in Fedex colours, he stepped up to a shelf He gathered up gifts, put them onto a trolley And walked into the house ever so jolly Going right to the tree he off loaded the loot Turned with a wink of his eye and let out a hoot "You can rely that Fedex delivers Every item ordered by Christmas givers" With a cheeky smile, he handed me bags Of stocking stuffers all labelled with tags He danced out the door then giving a shout To the driver in the front cab leaning out "Away driver, away we must go Across this great nation all dressed up in snow. Away driver, away down the road We've many a stop to deliver this load." I stood in the doorway and watched the truck leave Its tracks in the snow made me believe. Then I heard from above, as he drove out of sight "The computers are working. All is alright." Molly O’Connor



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Sponsored by: B. Baird Water Conditioning, Business Strategies/Home and Beyond, D.R. Howell Electric Inc., First Stop Tool Rentals, G&S Automotive, 43 Autoworks, Jonssen's Independent, Coldwell Banker - Rilla Seward McShane, Natures Way Select Food Inc., Outer Creations Landscaping, Probase Web Design, TD Graham and Associates, The Ottawa Blues Society

Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Holiday Trivia Quiz Shared with you by the Management and Staff of The TIMES. 1. On what street did a Santa Claus miracle occur? 2. What colour was Elvis Presley’s Christmas? 3. How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol? 4. Which well-known forest is recognized for its pristine beauty? 5. Which Canadian actor played the Grinch in the movie? 6. Which Canadian Company says: “Give like Santa, save like Scrooge”? 7. In what country was the Salvation Army founded? Please do not let the kettles get lonely! 8. Name of Scrooge’s deceased business partner? 9. Which Christmas hymn’s second verse begins with “For Christ is born of Mary”? 10. After leaving Bethlehem, to which country did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus travel?

Spirit of Christmas submitted by Pam Owen I could fill the entire NG Times full of reasons why Christmas is so special! So I will share only a couple of items that keep Christmas special for me. I have found over the years that it is not so much in the receiving as it is in the giving that creates that special feeling for me. We always ask for peace at Christmas and peace on earth would be awesome! But I have learned to settle for Peace in my heart! I am a volunteer year round with various groups and organizations. Yet at Christmas, I always do something extra for those who may not be expecting anything. This year my plan is when Advent Calendars are checked daily, instead of eating what is inside, I will place a food item into a box destined for the local Food Bank. Another way of celebrating the Christmas Season is to put various charities, chosen by me, on a piece of paper, place the papers into a container and draw one out. That is the charity that I will make a monetary donation to for the year. I save up a certain amount each month, put it aside, so that at Christmas I have a nice fund to pass along. It also keeps Christmas in my heart all year long. For me the Spirit of Christmas remains vibrant and alive all year, I continue to search for different ideas to contribute to making someone’s Christmas a bit happier.

If perchance you attain a perfect score, you qualify for admittance in the Bayfield Trivia Society. Please contact Pat Babin, Trivia Master at Bayfield.

answers on page 27

Merry Christmas

Wishing you and your family safe and happy holidays!

197 Water St #405, Prescott, ON


613 925-4275

Send in your reservations EARLY for Canada’s th anniversary in 2017” God Bless you all!


Kemptville Mall 613.258.2700 Dec. 21, 2016


Merry Christmas

The North Grenville Times

73’s on steep slope with multiples losses

Under attack......Hodgins steals another one from Ottawa to keep Kemptville alive. by the sportsguy Sunday afternoon game started with Ottawa’s Jared Burke from Anderson and Simson putting first one on the board at 14:43. Second found Ottawa to team up with Mc Caw and Samson to Hubert Delisle at 18:02 for 2 to zip lead. Kemptville landed a man advantage at 9:02, as Tugnutt over to Row and Joe Mc Grath picks up the refuge to make 2 to 1, closing out the period. Final twenty: end-toend action for both clubs, as Kemptville called TO at 1:49

to settle the troops and finally pulled Hodgins for extra man at 1:46. Issac Anderson, with helpers from Simson and Burke, for a EN at :37 to give the Senators a 3 to 1 victory. Nicholas Hodgins faced 37 SOG to Nicholas Campbell’s (new kid on the block) 33. Both squads even ot the slab time at 12 PIM. Wednesday night’s contest on Nepean Raider territory was a quick launch from Groulx and Larabie for Reid Murphy’s ninth of the season at just 19 seconds in to end first. Peter Brooks would make an appearance for the

:42 to shut down the first and give Carleton Place a one stroke lead. Dodson from Leach to award Adam Donnelly with second of the night to give Canadians the insurance at 13:39 of second stanza. At 3:33, from Cullen and Kitt to Samuel Knoblauch PPG, for Canadians to leave the ice with a 4 - 1 score. Last twenty: Row and Tugnutt would find Nicholas Bissonette to beat Leach at 3:34 with the clock running down. At 2:20, Brooks pulled for extra man, and at 1:42, after Carleton Place received slab time, Kemptville requested TO to access situation. At :58 a EN from Merkley to Andrew Dodson for a 5-2 loss for Kemptville. Peter Brooks peppered with 54 SOG to Michael Leach 31. 73’s next home game Sunday, January 8 at 2pm when we meet the hungry Bears from Smith’s Falls. Come on out and experience Hockey with EDGE….great entertainment value.

start of the second session as Kirkby and Samanski combined with Joe McGrath at 9:27 for the only marker of the second and close with a tie. Final twenty, as Roik sprang Henry McKinney free for SHG and move ahead one at 17:13. At 15:20, Roy with Tugnutt finding Alex Row open for PPG to make it even again. Raiders bounced back at 9:29 when Ugo Roik, assisted from Heger and McKinney, to move ahead. Kari Belec from Heger and Brant for the insurance and win at 1:05. 73’s goalies combined for 43 SOG to Chapmans’s 36 to award the Raiders 4 - 2 win. Friday night road trip to face Carleton Place, Canadians would see new faces in the line-up for the 73’s and Peter Brooks receiving the start with Luke Cavallin as back-up. Kitt with Townend to open up a speedy William Cullen for SHG at 18:25 to draw first blood. Newcomers Yates and Cohen caught Neal Samanski off the half boards to even the affair at 1:53. Adam Donnelly, assisted by Warywoda, with Kennedy at

Gold for Kemptville Warriors U14

Congratulations to the Kemptville Warriors U14 boys basketball team who won gold on the weekend of December 2nd in Kanata, in the A division of the 23rd Annual Chris Paulin Memorial Tournament. They went 5-0 during tournament play, winning 54-29 in the finals on December 4th against the Goulbourn Hornets. Point Guard Nolan Dickman was named tournament MVP, scoring 19 points in the gold medal match. In only their second year as a competitive program, the Bantam team is starting off strong, with an overall 10-1 record in the 2016-17 season. After a summer of practicing together twice a week on the Dec 21,2016

outdoor courts, the team is competing in the Eastern Ontario Basketball Association (EOBA) league, with a record of 5-1 thus far in league play. “I am very proud of all the boys. Everyone is improving and I think the hard work they've been putting in at practice is really paying off. Their focus and spirit this weekend was great to see,” said Head Coach Ray Dickman, after the tournament win. The team is looking forward to more EOBA league games in the New Year and competing in the Cornwall Lions Invitational tournament in February 25-26. They also plan to enter the EOBA Championships in

April and travel to Muskoka in May for an Olympia tournament. Assistant coaches Robert Matheson, whose son Rory is a shooting guard, and Sean Smith, whose son Alex is a forward, are very proud of the success the team has had thus far. The grade 7 and 8 boys practice twice a week at North Grenville District High School. Kemptville Warriors Basketball Association President Dennis Brookson is also very excited by the progress of the U14 boys competitive program. You can find out more about Warriors boys and girls basketball programs and upcoming events/clinics here: http://


CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production@ngtimes. ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

The Voice of North Grenville

O’Heaphy’s Kemptville poker league players go “all in” to raise money for local charities

Every Wednesday night since the start of the Fall, the Kemptville Poker League, with players ages 18-72, have been gathering at O’Heaphy’s Pub in Kemptville to test their skill (or luck?) playing Texas Hold’em Poker. Now in its 10th season (continuing from being hosted at Hurleys previously), they have raised over $3,000 for local charities. Players chip in $2 per week to play. Points are awarded weekly, depending how players finish, and the total points are used to determine standings going into the final night’s tournament, where players compete for donated prizes. Players also voluntarily donate what they can weekly to help local charities. The money raised is donated in December and May of each year to local charities. Previously, funds were used to buy Christmas presents for less fortunate kids in our community, to sponsor local children to attend summer camp at Big Sky Ranch, to support the Jumpstart program to help kids participate in sports and recreation, and other community needs. This season, $611 was raised for the South Grenville food bank which services Edwardburg-Cardinal, Augusta and Prescott. Going into the final tournament night, $500 was raised throughout the season and that night players also generously donated an additional $100. One of the poker league organizers, Adam Inkpen, who works at the Ottawa food bank, became aware of the South Grenville food bank’s desperate need for support. We are fortunate in our community to have lots of support for our local food bank, but our neighbours to the south in Prescott and South Grenville are not so fortunate, said Adam. After hearing how demand was up in their community without many donations, especially monetary donations, Adam approached them offering that the Kemptville Poker League could help. Members of the league were all in favour of Adam's suggestion to support the South Grenville food bank this season. Bonnie Pidgeon, Executive Director of the South Grenville food bank was very appreciative of the donation. Monetary donations are vital for food banks to provide families in need with important basics such as bread, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables, etc., to go along with the many generous canned/boxed food donations. To support the food bank in South Grenville, visit their website at or call 613-925-2444, and to support the food bank in North Grenville, contact the Salvation Army at 613-258-3583, or the North Grenville Community Church at 613-258-4815. In this season of giving, it is nice to care and share. The next season of O’Heaphys Texas Hold’em Poker starts up again on January 11 and runs for a 12-week session. All are welcome - come join in the luck and laughter while helping those in need in our community. Any questions, email, or check out their FB page

The North Grenville Times

Dec. 21, 2016


The Voice of North Grenville

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Five tips to throw the greenest holiday bash (NC) The holiday season brings a houseful of food, gifts, and guests. This year, when making your to do list and checking it twice, be sure to include these quick tips from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation to make your party a green and affordable one. 1. DIY Décor: Spruce up your décor with nature-inspired do-it-yourself projects. Make festive decorations made from twigs, twine, and other natural materials, like pinecone garland. 2. Festive doggy bags: Send your guests home with leftover treats in decorated reusable containers, like mason jars. 3. Turn down the heat: Keep the thermostat turned down a few degrees and leave extra blankets on couches and chairs to help keep guests warm. Create extra cozy vibes with soy or bees wax candles. 4. Dim the lights: Turn down the chandeliers and lamps and string a few LED holiday lights across the dining room to save energy and create a soft glow reminiscent of your favourite fireside café. 5. Get out your fancy china: Clean up can be a daunting task, but consider using your reusable plates and cutlery and pass on wasteful plastic products. The holidays are the perfect time to dazzle your guests with the A-list treatment.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tel: (613) 860-0923 Fax: (613) 258-0475

210 Prescott St., Unit 1, Kemptville Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

Christmas tells us we matter by David Shanahan There has been a certain amount of tension about Christmas over the past couple of decades. The move away from “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays”, the refusal of certain businesses to allow their employees to even use the word “Christmas”, the outlawing of manger scenes in some public areas, all these have brought a nasty tone into what used to be a happy and joyful time of year. And what lies behind this change? It is the demand by certain groups that anything “religious” should be banned, in case it causes offense, or something. The thing is, without that “religious” aspect to it, Christmas doesn’t make sense. Rather than compromise its meaning, should nonChristians not simply give up “celebrating” it? (Do you notice how political correctness, secularism, etc. demands the use of quotation marks all the time?). I actually think that Christmas, specifically because of what it means, should be held on to as a vital reminder of who we are as human beings in this universe. Christmas, as we Christians believe, commemorates the birth of Jesus. This, however, is not the same as Buddhists celebrating the birth of Buddha, or Moslems celebrating the birth of Muhammad. This

was, rather, God himself becoming a human being in order to restore us to our lost relationship with himself. Now, whether you believe that or not, it is still something to cherish in this increasingly strange secular world. Have you heard about the court cases in New York where animal rights groups are trying to have chimpanzees recognised in law as “persons”? (There’s those quotation marks again). This is honestly happening, and, although the courts refused the request, there is a certain logic in the claim, given the prevalent philosophy of our day. You see, Christians believe God created everything in the universe, and that the human race is the high point of that creation on this planet. We are, we believe, made in the image of God. But we have fallen away from that, and that is why the world is the way it is. We have lost our way, our destiny, our real meaning. The alternative view of life, based on an evolutionary set of beliefs, is that the universe and everything in it is the result of random chance, bringing together proteins and cells to accidentally bring about all the amazing variations of organic and inorganic life in the cosmos. If that is true, then, logically, humans are no more important than chimpanzees,

or rats, or microbes, or trees. We are all alike the result of chance, with no purpose, no ultimate value, no destiny beyond this short lifespan on a miserable world of hunger, war, and disease. There is no basis for morality, no explanation for traits such as love, honour, self-sacrifice, or generosity because, again logically, there is nothing to give value to these things in a meaningless world. As we have seen over the past decades, it is harder and harder to define terms like “good”, “evil”, “right and wrong”, and that is why we need to use those quotation marks all the time. That is why we are destroying the planet, manipulating and contaminating our own food supply, accepting as normal the fact that governments, politicians, and others in authority lie and deceive. It is why we either have lower standards, or increasingly no logical reason for having standards at all. So, of course, if you believe this, then chimpanzees should have the same rights as people, because we have no natural reason to claim more than any other living creature as our right. And if it becomes unlawful to imprison other “persons” in zoos, or whatever, then it is equally unlawful for us to eat others, use others for labour (would that then be manual labour?), etc.

This is why Christmas is important, even to those who don’t altogether accept Jesus and Christianity and all that kind of thing. It is because Christmas is about more than a babe in a manger, shepherds, gifts, angels and Wise Men. It is about God becoming man and living here as a human being in order to remind us that we are made in the image of God, and are therefore of value, have meaning and purpose, and, ultimately, matter. The entire Christmas thing may just be a myth to some, but, at the very least, it is a celebration that reminds us that there is more to us than what some would have us believe. That love, joy, generosity, integrity, ethics, all of these are real and must be within us and valued by all human society for a reason. Because, behind all of cynicism, arrogance, selfishness and greed, there is also a glimpse of the eternal, the ultimate, against which we measure our lives, our beliefs, our existence. These things are not accidental byproducts of meaningless chance. They are gifts that remind us of who were are, and who we were made to be. And Christmas is all about gifts. There is, as they say, a reason for the season. And wise men still seek him.

Dec. 21, 2016

self be pressured by others, or feel the need to meet their requests and demands, if you don't want to. This is your grief, not theirs, and we all grieve in different ways. So, be true to yourself. With this in mind, take time for yourself, remember yourself. Whether this means watching a favourite movie, taking a bath, relaxing, meditating, or taking a day trip, engage in an activity that is solely for your enjoyment - and don't feel guilty about it! You can also use the holiday season as an opportunity to create annual Christmas rituals. Sometimes little things, like lighting a candle in memory of your loved one, is enough. Sometimes bigger actions, such as setting a place for your loved one at the table, can help you feel less alone. You may want to celebrate at someone else's house, or rearrange your own living space. Keep in mind, though, that rituals are supposed to bring comfort and peace, not further distress. It is also very important to continue to express your


Robert Walker, CPA, CA Dinah Boal T: 613.258.3282

Crystal Lang Brad Mehlman F: 613.258.4391

2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business park

Grieving through the Holidays by Kristin Albert, Grief Counsellor No matter what time of year we've lost a loved one, the holiday season can be just as difficult, if not more so, than the anniversary of our loved one's death. How do we get through this overwhelming, family-focused time, in a constructive and healing manner? First, realize that the days leading up to Christmas can often be more stressful than Christmas itself - from making all sorts of decisions pertaining to the adjustments of a Christmas without your loved one, to determining if you have the energy to decorate or celebrate, deciding which other family members you are now including, or even to which events you'll be attending. These are all normal questions and responses to grief during the holiday season. Here are some coping tips to help you through. First, listen to your body, mind, and soul, and do only what feels right or good for you to do. Do not let your-

The Voice of North Grenville

OPP weekly report

feelings freely and openly. Proper recognition and feeling expression is a large part of grieving and there is no reason to shut this down just because it's Christmas. You might be surprised by how this affects those around you. If you're anticipating adding a burden to their festive activities, you might find that they are grateful for your openness, as it allows them to express the same types of feelings, guilt-free. This can bring strength to a family and relieve tension during an otherwise stressful season. Most importantly, remember that this is a holiday season and not all your energies need to be directed specifically towards December 25. There are other times and events in which you can partake which can fulfill the holiday spirit you have if the actual day seems too overwhelming. Give yourself permission to engage when and how you feel comfortable, this too is completely acceptable.

UPDATE ON THE HIT AND RUN DRIVER HITS BABY STROLLER The Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has completed the investigation into a reported collision that involved a motor vehicle and a mother pushing her baby in a stroller. On December 6, 2016, at 1:49 p.m., police received a report that a mother and her 5 month old infant were walking east on the north side of Clothier Street when a motor vehicle described as a black sedan exited the parking lot beside Benson Automotive and struck the stroller as it turned onto Clothier Street East. Initial reports suggested that a male driver backed up, drove around the pedestrians and left the scene. As a result of the investigation that followed, the OPP have determined that there was no collision between a fail to remain motor vehicle, the baby stroller and the person pushing the stroller.


A 24 years old female of Kemptville, Ontario has been charged with Public Mischief. The accused is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice located in Kemptville on February 1, 2017. Between December 5 and December, the Kemptville Office of North Grenville Ontario Provincial Police investigated 100 general occurrences: 32 Kemptville, 49 Municipality of North Grenville, 7 Village of Merrickville – Wolford and 12 on Highway 416. Shortly after 7:30 p.m. on December 11th, Grenville County OPP was dispatched to a fail to remain collision on County Road 43, North Grenville. A Volkswagen Jetta was rear-ended by a Chevrolet Impala. The male Chevrolet driver did not remain at the scene. A second call to the OPP, advised that the same Chevrolet Impala had just struck a sign on County Road 43 at Colonnade Drive, in the roundabout. The

male got out of the vehicle and walked away from the scene. The driver was located and arrested for failing to remain at a collision and impaired driving. The 33year old male of Kemptville is charged with Driving while ability impaired- motor vehicle (alcohol), Driving with more than 80 mgs. of alcohol in blood, Driving while under suspension, and Fail to remain. The accused is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice on January 4, 2017. Anyone with information on the above occurrence is asked to call Grenville County O.P.P. Communication Centre at 1-888-310-1122, the Kemptville Detachment at 613258-3441 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-(TIPS) 8477 or submit your tip on-line at Crime Stoppers does not want your name, you don't go to court, and you could earn cash reward.

The North Grenville Times

Merry Christmas from Jim & Judy and the staff of B&H Have a safe and happy holiday

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

The Voice of North Grenville

Store hours Saturday Dec 24, 8:00 am-5:00 pm Christmas Closed Boxing Day Closed Dec 27, 8:00 am-8:00 pm

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6


Prices effective: Friday, Dec. 16 to Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements�

Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Entertaining made easy: 4 ways to wow your guests 1. Avoid the awkward arrivals. It can take time for people to feel at ease, mix and mingle with other guests, and let loose. Cut that time down by implementing an immediate icebreaker. As soon as they step in the front door, make them do something —wear a costume, put an ornament on the tree, make a toast. Whatever it is, the quicker people can feel silly together, the quicker the barriers break down. 2. Give them unique party favours. Instead of giving another unwanted gift to your guests, buy inspired gifts from a charity instead. UNICEF offers Survival Gifts — life-saving items like emergency food and vaccines that you can buy in someone's name and provide to children. Leave a card about the gift on your guests' plate and get them talking about how they just saved a life. Visit 3. Keep it going. A lot of parties fall into the trap of putting all the food out in the first 30 minutes, only to run out by 9:00 p.m. Plan ahead and ration out your food each half hour. This will keep the guests and party going longer. 4. Enjoy yourself. Nothing's worse than attending a party where you barely see your host. Guests feel bad enjoying themselves when they know the host is busy cooking. Make as much as you can ahead of time so that you can be the life of the party.

Just in time for Christmas.... • • •

New line of natural cosmetics from Pure Anada in Manitoba Fresh handmade chocolates from Rochef Chocolatiers in Gatineau, Just harvested organic nuts coming from Rancho Vignola in B.C.

215 Sanders Street, Unit #105, Kemptville ON


Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Magic of Christmas I could have easily been gazing into a snow globe As I sat inside peering at him through the window It's dark outside as night time descends A single lamp post the only gentle glow From the sky falls flakes of fluffy snow Enveloping the yard in white And in the midst of all this beauty Is the most entrancing sight A young boy in pyjamas and rubber boots Stands on his front stoop staring at the sky In his hand a bag of rolled oats mixed with sparkles "It's food for the reindeer" he cries Taking heaps of the food he's made He throws it into the air And as I watch this scene unfold Something happens to me I swear The dark, the faint light, the white fluffy snow The boy in his pyjamas in complete reverie This scene I have silently observed Becomes forever etched in my memory The night was December twenty-fourth My son on our porch, I was blessed to have witnessed The feelings it stirred, the memory it forged For me defines the magic of Christmas by Jennifer Hyland of Kemptville

Happy Holidays! 1-800-267-7131


Merry Christmas

from Robert Walker, Dinah Boal, Crystal Lang and Brad Mehlman P: 613.258.3282 F: 613.258.4391 2-4 Industrial Rd., Kemptville

Online student registration opens January 2016

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


15 Clothier Street East, Kemptville, ON

HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 9AM to 11 PM Sunday 9 AM - 9 PM

Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville



Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The first appearance of a modern Santa Claus, complete with what we consider to be the Santa suit was in drawings by Thomas Nast for Harper's Weekly magazine in the 1880's. His original drawings were of a small Santa who could slide down chimneys, but his later works made him full size. He was also the first to draw Santa wearing a red suit with fur lining, a nightcap, and a black belt with a large buckle. Prior to his work, Santa's outfit was tan in colour, and it was he that changed it to red

Christmas Church Services ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH All Are Welcome

December 18

St. John’s United Church Choir Cantata The Wonderous Story 10 am

December 24

Family Service 6 pm Traditional Service 9 pm

December 25, Christmas Day

Service at 10 am

January 1st, New Year’s Day

Service at 10 am The church is fully accessible

400 Prescott Street Kemptville 258-3259

You’re invited Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 6 – 7 p.m. Christmas Day Service 10 – 11 a.m.

The recent Christmas in the Village Celebration in Oxford Mills was a great success. Community members were able to participate in a house decorating contest, gather and sing carols, socialize at Maplewood Hall, chat with Santa, enjoy a free pancake breakfast and shop for Christmas gifts. The Oxford Mills Community Association would like to extend a warm "Thank You" to the following contributors that made this annual event such a success. Please watch for coming events in 2017 starting with a tree burning party on Sat. Jan 14. Watch the NG Times or our Facebook page for further details. Friday The Davidsons The Van Gurps Greg Beach for the tree lighting Diana Leeson Fisher Saturday Grahame's Bakery The Brigadoon Oxford Mills United Church Gerry Van Gurp North Grenville Fire Department The auction contributions and grab bags Greg Beach Debbie Clarke

Olde Porch Primitives Vincent Spa Garage Spa Jada JM automotive Nikki Dawe Linda Nash To Be Continued Alpaca Tracks Cruickshank Construction Irish Creek Honey The Habberjams Jaime Peca Kemptville Suites Stonehedge Farm Eco Honey Bee

Kemptville Pentecostal Church 1964 Hwy #43

The Spa Next Door ForkAndCleaverFarm Scentsy with Shannon Melanie Thompson with Mary Kay Jayne Htebazile The Pursuit of Happiness Andrea Goral School of Highland Dance

You’re invited to share Christmas Eve with Clem the Camel

The North Grenville Times The Kemptville Advance Cogeco Cable

December 24, 6:30 pm Kemptville Christian Reformed Chuch 2455 Clothier St. West

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Dec 21,2016

Sing the carols of Christmas in the glow of candle light. And wonder with us how a clumsy camel’s presence near baby Jesus might bring any hope to our lives.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Simple ideas to make your holiday party planning easier (NC) Planning a holiday party is hectic, between accommodating busy schedules, picking the right playlist to set the mood, and putting out the right spread to appease all appetites and dietary restrictions. Try these creative holiday hacks to keep your next party running smoothly from start to finish. 1. Make as much as you can ahead of time. Preparing beforehand is the key to actually enjoying your own party, saving you valuable time and energy. Be choosy about what you make from scratch. Look for appetizers that you can freeze and prep in advance to alleviate stress on the big day. 2. Choice is king. Options are guaranteed to please your guests. Trendy charcuterie platters with lots of variety are easy, look beautiful, and will satisfy everyone. Go beyond just cheeses, breads, and meats by putting out unique spreads and dips. Jams, honey, and flavoured butters can really spice up a holiday tray. Try Lactantia's new tomato basil butter for an unexpected and savory surprise. 3. Set up a self-serve cocktail station. Avoid playing bartender all night by setting out a station for your guests where they can mix their own cocktails using delicious spirits, liquors, juices, and tonics. Be sure to have garnishes and shot glasses, and choose cocktails that don't need ice to prevent running back and forth to the freezer. Don't forget to have some great non-alcoholic options as well. 4. Rent a coatrack. An affordable rental can make the in and out process much easier, and will help keep party-goers in the main party room and out of your bedroom. 5. Keep some extra gifts on hand. Don't get caught off guard when a guest turns up with a present by having a few pre-wrapped gifts stored in a closet. That way, you'll have a great book or candle on hand to gift back.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Registration is open for Evaluations for Travelling Development Teams and for Tryouts for Youth Competitive Teams - $25. Soccer programs for 3 years old and up

Visit for information about our programs and to register online. Dec. 21, 2016


The North Grenville Times

On Christmas Eve in 1822, Clement Clarke Moore, a professor who wrote poetry as a hobby, recited a poem to his four children which would forever change the vision of Santa Claus all over the world. "The Night Before Christmas" introduced us to the eight tiny reindeer that are still known today by the names Moore gave them in 1822.

The Voice of North Grenville

From Noon to 1:00 PM, buy 1 LP at full price; get up to 3 more LP’s at 50% off!* From 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, buy 1 LP at full price: get up to 3 more LP’s at 40% off!* From 2 PM to 3:00 PM, buy 1 LP at full price; get up to 3 more LP’s at 30% off!* From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, buy 1 LP at full price; get up to 3 more LP’s at 24% off!*

The last two reindeer names were translated from the Dutch words Donder and Bliksem. They mean Thunder and Lightning. According to the experts, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter— usually late November to mid December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them had to be a female. A member of the deer family, reindeer live in the northern parts of Europe, Asia and North America, surrounding the Arctic. The North American varieties of reindeer are called caribou. Reindeer means "running deer" in one northern European language. They stand about four feet tall at the shoulder.

Dec 21,2016


107 Brock Street West, Merrickville, ON 194 King St. W., Brockville phone: 647.225.8815 Email: * All discounted LP’s must be of equal or lower price than the full price purchased LP. New or special collector LP’s are not available for discount. Boxing Day only!!

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

JOE COMPUTER JoeComputer was founded in 1998, by Spencerville natives Joe and JoAnne Moulton. JoeComputer is not just a computer store. They also provide DSL and wireless high speed internet, business network installation and support, managed services, computer sales, computer tune-ups and repair services, office supplies, ink and more. JoeComputer can be found at two great locations. The original location is in historic Spencerville and a second location in The Kemptville Mall. Both locations are stocked with new and used computers, monitors & LCDs, printers, ink, computer accessories and well educated staff whose number one goal is customer satisfaction.  The JoeComputer team prides themselves on being the one that works. Computer systems are built right in store, using top quality components, which is also where they are serviced. Performance, reliability and quality are the main factors in our system design. With building new computers comes repairing broken ones. Whether your system just needs a minor fine tuning or major repairs, JoeComputer can handle it all. Along with being computer specialists, JoeComputer is also your local ISP providing dial up, DSL and wireless broadband for your home or business with no contracts. The JoeComputer wireless network has grown significantly over the last several years covering from Brockville to Morrisburg, Kemptville to Merrickville and everywhere in between. Employees of JoeComputer strive to satisfy your technological needs for your home or business. From reliable cost-effective internet solutions, to affordable computer sales and service, JoeComputer is the one that works. JoeComputer Inc Spencerville (613) 658-2314, Kemptville (613) 516-2314

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Dec. 21, 2016


Mills at 7 pm. Refreshments to follow in the Church Hall. All are welcome. Jan 13TimesThe New Horizon Club will begin the year pot luck The North Grenville Thenew Voice of with Northa Grenville



ACROSS 1. Lummox 5. Backside 9. Astrological transition point 13. Hubs 14. A dish of tomatoes and greens 16. Paris airport 17. Circle fragments 18. A loud sleeping sound 19. Close 20. Tranquility 22. Toward the front of the stage 24. Kind of bean 26. A keyboard instrument 27. Ancient Roman galley 30. Assembles 33. In a cheapjack manner 35. Free-for-all 37. Family 38. Be in trouble with 41. Prefix meaning "Modern"

42. Foul-up 45. Moves with slow, sinuous movements 48. Any unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon 51. Provide commentary 52. Outspoken 54. University administrator 55. Unwanted 59. Assistants 62. Not sweet 63. Anagram of "Sneer" 65. ___ du jour = Meal of the day 66. Feudal worker 67. Anagram of "Store" 68. Bristle 69. Not the original color 70. Be dressed in 71. At one time (archaic)

DOWN 1. Applaud 2. Old stories 3. Irregular 4. Strife 5. Donkey 6. South African monetary unit 7. A single-masted ship 8. A type of insect 9. Shape 10. Urine component 11. Smelting waste 12. Combustible pile 15. Macedonian monetary unit 21. Gave the once-over 23. Prig 25. Dogfish 27. Sounds of disapproval 28. Rhinoceros 29. Santa's helper 31. Beggar 32. Sugary 34. Ouch! 36. Fail to win 39. A large vase 40. Its symbol is Pb 43. Excited 44. Flying saucers 46. Region 47. Gallivant 49. Less friendly 50. Thin 53. Slowly, in music 55. Utilized 56. Prying 57. A ridge of sand 58. Caribou 60. Dines 61. Immediately 64. South southeast

Dec 22 Jan 27 Dec 25

Weekly and recurring events Tues





Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

luncheon to be held at the Burritt's Rapids Community Hall (bring your own dishes please). 12 noon. Lunch will be followed by a "guess who?" presentation of snapshots of members taken when they were children. New members welcome. Call Kim at 613-258-1780 for information about upcoming meeting programs, dates and times. Blood Donor Clinic at the North Grenville Municipal Centre in The New Horizon Club will cards and games, Kemptville from 12:30 -3:30enjoy pm an andafternoon from 5-8of pm. Sponsored by 2the pm. All adults 55 plus are welcome joinofthis active Please call Kemptville Masons. Christmas is thetotime giving, please someone Kim at 613-258-1780 for information about upcoming programs, dates by giving the gift of life. Book an appointment at and Freetimes. Christmas Day Community Dinner, Leslie Hall, 19 Clothier Street, noon to 2 pm. Turkey or Ham with all the trimmings.

BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Drive, 7- 8:30 am. Call 613-918-0430 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. "All levels of bridge players welcome. "Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wed. of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. Check our website for more information on outings and upcoming events. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 1:15 pm. St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome, $5.00. Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Klub 67 Euchre every second and fourth Wed. of the month, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome, $5.00. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Kemptville Concert Band.7 pm at North Grenville D.H.S. Come join us for a great evening of music. Wind instruments and percussionists of all levels welcome! Contact: The Kerith Debt Freedom Centre. Confidential coaches will help you get out of debt and stay out of debt. Free, open on the 2nd and 4th Sat. of the month from 9:30-11:30 at the NG Community Church. Appointments can be made at or by calling 613-258-4815 x103. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am third Saturday of every month. Adults $5.00. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.




Dec 21,2016


The North Grenville Times

Dec. 21, 2016


The Voice of North Grenville

Kemptville District Hospital decorated for the holidays

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Trivia The poinsettia is native to Mexico and was cultivated by the Aztecs, who called the plant Cuetlaxochitl (“flower which wilts”). For the Aztecs, the plant’s brilliant red color symbolized purity, and they often used it medicinally to reduce fever. Contrary to popular belief, the poinsettia is not poisonous, but holly berries are.

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes


Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public

215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville


The Kemptville District Hospital has been decorated for the holidays thanks to the hard work of the KDH Auxiliary and generous donations from other members of the community. This year there is an impressive poinsettia tree in the main lobby of the hospital donated by Colleen and Roger Gunthorpe of HMS Tropical Plants Inc. “It was a special privilege for us this year to do this in memory of Harry Pratt who did more for the community than many could ever have imagined,” Roger said. Two of the trees in the hospital (one in the front lobby and another in long-term care) were decorated by the local Gamma Lambda chapter of the sorority Beta Sigma Phi. Decorating trees in the hospital is a tradition for the chapter and they have been doing it for over 20 years. The KDH Auxiliary also worked hard to brighten up the hospital for the holiday season by putting Christmas swags on each of the patient doors and adding a couple of wreaths to the nurses’ station. There are also two impressive miniature Christmas village scenes made from figurines donated by a family member of one of the women in the Auxiliary.

Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for 2017 From all of us at CSE Consulting

Trivia answers: (1) 34th Street; (2) Blue; (3) Four; (4) Ferguson; (5) Jim Carrey; (6) Canadian Tire; (7) England; (8)Jacob Marley; (9) O little town of Bethlehem; (10) Egypt. Dec 21,2016 27

The North Grenville Times Merrickville/Wolford Times

The Voice of North Grenville

the Merrickville-Wolford

TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

A new volume by local poet

Happy Holidays From the staff and Council of Merrickville-Wolford. We look forward to serving you in 2017 our sesquicentennial year. Closed between Christmas and New Years (December 27,28,29 & 30). The office will reopen with regular hours on January 3rd.

Open air burn bylaw reviewed by David Shanahan The Merrickville-Wolford Council have been discussing the results of a public survey which was launched to consult with residents about a proposed change to the municipal by-law governing open air fires. A draft by-law contained provisions for issuing permits for open air fires, and would have banned or limited fires in the hamlet areas. As is the custom in Merrickville-Wolford, a public survey was held to glean the general response to the draft law, and 67 responses were received, of which 80% opposed the elimination of backyard open burning within the hydrant-serviced areas of Merrickville ward. The pro-

posed burn permits and fees for disposal of brush at the landfill site was considered by respondents to be only a cash-grab by the municipality. In response to the survey, municipal staff recommended to Council that the draft bylaw be amended to allow backyard campfires, etc., in the hydrant areas of the village, and to take out the sections that would involve permits. Staff noted that the “draft bylaw is not driven by a rash of fires caused by open air burning”, and that the original motivation of amending the bylaw was to have a law that laid out clearly the terms fo conditions of open air fires being carried on in the municipality. What was referred to as

the key areas that staff believed should be maintained in the new bylaw were the elimination of burn barrels in the hamlets, and placing the responsibility of knowing whether a burn ban was in effect on the resident. To this end, it is suggested that a dedicated phone line be installed where residents could call and hear messages giving the current status of bans. The amended bylaw will be presented to Council in the new year, and will, as staff noted, “try and strike a balance between public safety, the environment and the quality of life of residents throughout Merrickville-Wolford”.

by Hilary Thomson Local writer Michael Whittaker has published a compilation of poetry that he’s written over the past 30 years. Michael has been writing poetry since he was in his teens. He has always had a great love of the spoken word and some of the poems in his book date back to the mid 1980s. “My belief is that people are scared off poetry in school,” Michael says. “Poetry should be easy to read.” His book “Too Scattered to be Scanned” includes 55 poems of varied length, composition and subject matter. Nature and animals like foxes and birds wend their way into his poetry as well as more serious topics like his reflections on family life and war. “This is my view of the world,” he says. “I try to address things as succinctly and honestly as possible.” “Too Scattered to be Scanned” is available at the Merrickville Book Emporium, Canal Gallery and Cherry Picked in Merrickville.

R E T Canal Gallery & Frame Shop N I W MING FRAVINGS SA

We’re overstocked on great moldings, and want to clear out inventory. Bring your next frame job to us....your neighbours did! You’ll get the same great deal!

230 Saint Lawrence Street Merrickville

Dec. 21, 2016



The North Grenville Times

Célébration du 30e anniversaire de la Loi sur les services en français de l’Ontario

Deux organismes de santé de la région de Champlain sont ravis de souligner le 30e anniversaire de la Loi sur les services en français de l’Ontario. Au cours des trente dernières années, cette loi historique a permis d’améliorer les services pour les francophones partout en Ontario. La Loi sur les services en français fait en sorte que des organismes peuvent être officiellement désignés comme fournisseurs de soins offerts en français. Grâce aux dispositions que renferme cette loi, le Réseau local d’intégration des services de santé (RLISS) de Champlain et le Réseau des services de santé en français de l’Est de l’Ontario (Réseau) collaborent pour s’assurer qu’un plus grand nombre de francophones reçoivent des services de santé dans leur propre langue.

Services de santé en françaisCes travaux sont importants, car ils font la promotion de l’inclusion et de la diversité. Plus précisément, les gens préfèrent généralement parler leur langue maternelle lorsqu’ils se sentent vulnérables comme lorsqu’un problème de santé grave survient. L’objectif global est d’améliorer l’expérience du patient, entraînant ainsi des soins de plus haute qualité et un meilleur état de santé. Ces deux réseaux de la région ont également travaillé conjointement à de nombreux projets et programmes visant l’élargissement des services de santé pour les francophones. Voici les points saillants de ces efforts : Trois nouveaux fournisseurs de services de santé financés par le RLISS travaillent maintenant à l’obtention

de leur désignation pour offrir des services en français, ce qui porte le nombre de fournisseurs participant au processus de désignation à 50 dans la région de Champlain. Pour faciliter la désignation, le Réseau et le RLISS ont lancé un outil numérique à l’intention des fournisseurs de services de santé. Quatorze hôpitaux de la région de Champlain font maintenant la collecte de données sur la langue maternelle de leurs patients. Cette information aide le RLISS, le Réseau et les administrateurs des hôpitaux à mieux planifier leurs activités pour répondre aux besoins de la population. En début 2017, un programme de soins aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et de violence conjugale financé par le RLISS ouvrira ses portes à l’Hôpital Général de

Hawkesbury & District, qui dessert principalement des francophones. Le RLISS a été un partenaire important dans la planification de ce programme, qui aide les gens à obtenir ce service crucial plus près de chez eux au lieu de devoir se déplacer pour aller à Ottawa ou à Cornwall. Dans les mois à venir, un nouveau site satellite du Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie ouvrira à Limoges et donnera aux résidents de La Nation un meilleur accès aux services de santé en français. Les soins de santé offerts à ce centre seront axés sur la prévention de maladies, la promotion de la santé, les maladies chroniques, la santé mentale et les dépendances et l’éducation sur le diabète.

Dec 21,2016

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tion. Several special guests were on hand for the inaugural meeting. Leeds Grenville MPP Steve Clark, Brockville Mayor David Henderson, Gananoque Mayor Erika Demchuk and Prescott Mayor Brett Todd were present to express their congratulations. Warden Jones was first elected to office as Mayor of Westport during the 2014 municipal election. As a member of Counties Council, she is active on a number of committees.

input on things,” she said after thanking Mayor Haley for putting his name forward for the position of Warden. Outgoing Warden David Gordon said the position should be held in the highest esteem. “This is probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me,” he said of his 2015-16 term. John Simpson, Counties’ Solicitor, administered the Oath of Office to Warden Jones. Pastor Kimberley Heath delivered the invoca-

adding when she decided to seek the Warden’s chair she met with the Counties’ mayors to learn about their local community issues. “I’m not afraid to challenge the status quo. People expect change,” she said in her address. Taking Leeds Grenville concerns to Queen’s Park and to the upcoming Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) conference in January will be a priority. Some other areas of focus during her term will be long-term care and policing, she said. Warden Jones becomes the third woman to hold the Warden’s title in the history of the United Counties. Betty Weedmark, former Mayor of Merrickville, led the way in 1989 followed by Joan Williams Birch, Reeve of South Gower, in 1997. Once sworn in, Warden Jones said she respects the varying views of council members and will work toward common ground in the best interests of Leeds Grenville residents. “I deeply respect Roger’s

Professional Painter

Robin Jones elected United Counties Warden

Mayor of Westport Robin Jones has been elected Warden by Leeds and Grenville Counties Council for the 2017-2018 term. Warden Jones, first elected to municipal government in 2014, is currently in her first term on Counties Council. The retired police officer put her name forward for the warden’s chair along with Roger Haley, Mayor of Front of Yonge Township. The vote by the 10-member Council Wednesday was a tie, necessitating a tie-breaking draw with Mayor Jones’ name being chosen. “I’m very motivated to be Warden,” she said in her address to council and the gallery. “I’m an information seeker, an influencer and consensus builder,” she said, adding her policing career, serving as a tactical commander and later a tactical course instructor has shown her ability to work with others, listen and communicate. “I’m also a solid team player,” Warden Jones said,

The Voice of North Grenville


Introducing Phil Burger

THOMAS BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor

General Practice - Corporate/ Commercial - Family Law Residential Real Estate-Wills & Powers of Attorney 613.258.1277 222 Prescott St., Kemptville

Municipality appoints Board Chair and ViceNew Director of Chairs acclaimed by Planning and the Board of Trustees Trustees expressed continued confidence in the leadership Development of Chair Jeff McMillan, acclaiming him to the role at the recent The Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to announce that Phil Gerrard has been appointed as Director of Planning and Development effective January 1, 2017. Mr. Gerrard has been with the Municipality of North Grenville since amalgamation in the role of Senior Planner and was employed with the Township of Oxford-onRideau prior to that. “During his tenure with the Municipality, Mr. Gerrard has exhibited a superior level of understanding of planning principles and corporate business practices while demonstrating an unwavering approach to ensuring Council’s strategic direction pertaining to the modernization of corporate policies and procedures is implemented,” commented CAO Brian Carré. With the appointment of Mr. Gerrard to the Director position, additional changes will be made to the structure of the Department. Effective January 1, 2017, the Municipality will support a Planner I and Planner II positions with Phil Mosher accepting the role of Planner II. The Municipality will be advertising for the Planner I position early in 2017. Management responsibilities for the Economic Development division will revert back to the Director of Planning and Development from the CAO.


organizational meeting of the Board of Trustees. Mr. McMillan, who has served as chair since December 2014, said he was pleased by the acclamation and the trust Board members had expressed in his leadership. “I would like to thank each and every one of you,” Jeff said, after resuming the role at the December 7 Board meeting. “I want you to know that over the last two years I have worked very hard to represent you. I continue to do so with dignity and integrity.” The Board also acclaimed 1st Vice-Chair Caroll Carkner and 2nd Vice-Chair David McDonald to their respective positions. Jeff and Caroll have been in their current roles since December 2014. David has served in his current role as 2nd vice-chair since December 2010, and previously served in the position from December 2006 to December 2008. The short organizational meeting was held before the regular board meeting. The Board of Trustees governs the UCDSB and is the link between the community and the school board. Trustees’ responsibilities include: setting UCDSB policy; governing the curriculum and overseeing budget management; communication of policy with key UCDSB stakeholders, including parents and community members; and advocating for stakeholders.

The North Grenville Times

Anytime Fitness challenge benefits Knight of Columbus

The Voice of North Grenville During this Christmas season my wife Pamela and I want to take this opportunity to wish everybody in North Grenville a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am humbled to serve as Mayor of this great Municipality, it is the greatest honor of my life and it is a responsibility that I will never ignore. Christmas offers us a chance to reflect back on 2016 and also for us to look forward to the coming year. It is also a time for us to send good wishes to those we care about. During this time of year it is also important to remember those in our community who may need our assistance. This will help ensure that their day will be that much brighter. I would also like to thank all of the staff and volunteers of the Municipality, for all that they do for our community. All of there efforts are certainly very much appreciated. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Mayor David Gordon

Christmas celebration lifts spirits at KDH Anytime Fitness presented the Holy Cross parish of the Knights of Columbus with a cheque for $250 last Monday from their Row the Rideau Canal challenge. Over the month of November, personal trainer Catherine Swail-Simms challenged Anytime Fitness members to collectively row 202,200 meters – or the length of the Rideau Canal. The owners of Anytime Fitness, Nik and Jennifer Mehta, committed to donating one dollar for every 1000 meters rowed to the Knights of Colombus food bank. The members met and surpassed the goal. Catherine says they have had similar challenges in the past where the members have benefitted by receiving a gift card for their efforts. “There are so many people in need at this time of year,” she said. “I thought it might be nice to have it go back out into the community this time.” Anytime Fitness is also collecting non-perishable food items for the food bank throughout the holiday season.

Holiday survival tips for families living with Alzheimer’s disease submitted by Mary Campbell, Education and Support Coordinator, Alzheimer Society Lanark Leeds Grenville The holidays are approaching and families will be getting together to celebrate the festive season. But for families living with Alzheimer’s disease, the holidays can be filled with stress and frustration. Festivities can agitate, confuse, and over stimulate persons living with Alzheimer’s disease. Tip 1 - Planning can avoid holiday stress Caregivers can experience less difficulty if they consider ahead of time what may be expected of those

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Dec. 21, 2016

living with Alzheimer’s disease, both socially and emotionally. Discuss holiday celebrations with relatives and close friends in advance. Ask for assistance. Plan to maintain a regular routine while trying to provide a pleasant, meaningful and calm holiday event. Celebrate early in the day or have a noon meal rather than a late dinner. Tip 2 – Prepare the person living with Alzheimer’s disease Preparing the person living with Alzheimer’s disease for the upcoming holiday events can allow both the caregiver and the loved one a better holiday experience. Talk about and show photos of family members and friends who will be in attendance. Have a “quiet” room in case things get too hectic. Play familiar music and serve favourite traditional holiday foods. Schedule naps, especially if the person usually takes naps. Schedule family and friends visit times.

Volunteers and staff at Kemptville District Hospital threw a party last Tuesday afternoon for the patients in long-term and convalescent care, complete with a visit from Santa himself. Patients and their families enjoyed baked treats, tea and punch as they were entertained by local singer Marleen Fawcet. Volunteer Joyce Charter, who has been helping to organize the event for the past six years, dressed as an elf and helped their guest of honour, Santa Claus, hand out stockings filled with gifts to all the patients. “I love doing it,” Joyce says. “It lifts their spirits a bit and they really appreciate it.” Laurie LaPorte-Piticco, the Activation Coordinator for long-term care, says they have been holding the Christmas celebration in one form or another for the past 12 years. She says it really helps lift the spirits of those who have to be in the hospital over the holidays. “It gives them a sense of family and celebration,” she says. “It’s very nice.”

December at Big Sky Ranch Submitted by Pam Owen I offer my apologies to everyone who has been searching the NGTimes, looking for articles on Big Sky Ranch. I had the best intentions to write an article every month and, for many months, managed to do just that. Then, procrastination raised its head …and here I am, months have gone by and nothing again! I am hopefully back into the swing of things and will have something into the paper on a more regular basis. Despite my hiatus, Big Sky Ranch continues to do its remarkable miracles of offering second chances to neglected, abused or abandoned animals in need of stability, love and care. December usually brings mounds of the fluffy white stuff and as I write, we are green again! It is a mixed blessing at the Sanctuary, nice enough for the animals to be basking in the sun when it pops out, yet conversely

still cool enough so that the usual flow of visitors slows down. When folks don’t stop by, donations go down. Perhaps this year when we are all trying to get into the spirit of Christmas, we will remember to think of the animals that still need to be fed, housed and cared for at the Big Sky Ranch Sanctuary. The Sanctuary remains open, it just takes a hardy soul to venture out and visit. A good way to ensure that funds get to the Sanctuary is by monthly donation. On the website you can find out how to make continuing donations. One idea that I particularly enjoy is the concept of Sponsoring an animal. Perhaps an idea might be to sponsor an animal that your child picks out. The child can research the animal, learn all about it and maybe even meet that animal at the Sanctuary. It is a great way to teach the next generation about giving. On

the website, each animal up for Sponsoring, a dollar amount is shown to give you an idea of what the costs are for care. Another way to help is by volunteering at the Sanctuary. Not everyone needs to be hands on with the animals, some people have tremendous skills that can help out with their expertise. Check with Andy if you may be interested in volunteering. Maybe you have skills that would be of interest to the Board of Directors, maybe you are a veterinarian with time on your hands. Maybe, you have fundraising skills and are interested in working with the team. So many opportunities! Lastly, a way to help out would be to keep talking about Big Sky Ranch. Tell your family & friends, discuss possibilities to help out or fundraise. We have this incredible Animal Sanctuary that is in our own backyard.

Folks from the city hear about it and respond, mayors from across the country mention it in their speeches and some of our friends from south of the border are aware of the awesome work that goes on here. We, as residents of North Grenville can be ambassadors for Big Sky Ranch! Help pass the word along. “Help us help them” is the motto for Big Sky Ranch, and we can step up and be part of the solution. Andy and the volunteers at Big Sky Ranch would remind us that our pets not be left outdoors for long in this cold weather, their paws freeze faster than our feet! Finally, I would take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! The animal stories will be coming along in January on a regular basis intermixed with stories of interest that involve the Big Sky Ranch Sanctuary.

Tip 3 – Prepare family members and friends Preparing families and friends with an honest appraisal of the person’s condition can help avoid uncomfortable or harmful situations. Familiarize family members and friends with behaviours and condition changes. Recommend practical and useful gifts. Give advice on the best way to communicate with the loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Tip 4 – Ensure a safe environment Consider these tips to reduce the risk of injury and situations that could be unsafe for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease. Assign a “buddy” to watch out for the person to ensure their comfort. Arrange ample space for walking side-byside, for wheelchairs, and walkers. Keep walking areas clear. Consider seating options so the person living with Alzheimer’s disease can best focus on the conversa-

tion and be least distracted. Don’t serve alcohol, which may lead to inappropriate behavior or interactions with medications. Accommodate changes in vision. Place contrasting-color rugs in front of doors or steps. Limit access to places where injuries occur, such as a kitchen or stairwell. Check temperature of water and food. Create an even level of lighting; avoid blinking lights. Keep decorations simple; avoid using candies, artificial fruits/vegetables, or other edibles as

decorations. Remember, the holidays are opportunities to share time with family and friends. Pre-plan these celebrations so that all may enjoy their time together. Did you know? The Alzheimer Society books one-on-one appointments to discuss your personal situation with Alzheimer’s disease. Please call toll free 1-866-576-8556.


The Voice of North Grenville

Debt counselling offered at local church by Hilary Thomson Debt is something that no one likes to think about, especially at this time of year. Over the holidays, bills often pile up, leaving people buried in a mountain of debt come January. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre, run out of the North Grenville Community Church, is a volunteer organization that provides counsel and support to people who have found themselves crippled by debt. The word Kerith comes from the Bible and means ‘to cut’. The goal of Kerith Debt Freedom Centre is to help people cut themselves off from the debt that our society seems to cultivate. “Consumerism has become sort of an idol in our society,” says Kerith volunteer Jan Kupecz. “Banks really push debt. Once you take out your first loan, you’re hooked.” According to the CBC, Canada’s debt-to-income ratio hit an all-time high last year, with

the average household holding $1.65 in debt for every dollar of disposable income. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre offers a non-judgemental, safe and confidential environment that offers support and counselling towards repaying and staying out of debt. They have 14 people working at the centre as counsellors, greeters and administrative staff who are there to make their client’s experience as pleasant as possible. “We are there to walk shoulder to shoulder with you, as you change your mindset and habits around money,” Jan says. “It’s about telling your money what you want it to do for you.” Jan says the Centre does not offer a quick fix. They work with people anywhere from six months to two years, helping them to slowly pay down their debt and build savings so they don’t run in to the same issues again. While you may think that the Centre would be a depressing

KDH achieves a rare perfect score

place, Jan says it is actually extremely hope-filled and uplifting. Every time a client hits a milestone in debt repayment there is a celebration, and they jokingly say they perform “plastic surgery” in the form of cutting up credit cards. Over the four years that Kerith Debt Freedom Centre has been in existence, it has seen 63 clients and helped them pay off over $500,000 worth of debt. “It’s a privilege to have been invited into their lives,” Jan says. “The North Grenville Community Church believes that this is one of the ways we can show love to our community – offering real hope, help and freedom from the bondage of debt.” The Centre is open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 8 am-12:30 pm. Anyone who is interested in their services can visit their website at or call 613-258-4815.

Accreditation Canada has recognized Kemptville District Hospital (KDH)’s clinical and operational performance with its highest rating, Exemplary Standing, for the second time running. KDH achieved a rare perfect score in its recent onsite accreditation survey, conducted November 28 through December 1, 2016, meeting 100 percent of the 1,666 criteria that Accreditation Canada used to measure the quality of care and services that KDH provides. Accreditation Canada works with healthcare organizations to help them improve quality, reduce risk, and strengthen accountability so they can offer the best possible care and services. Accreditation with the independent, not-for-profit organization denotes a facility that is continually working to meet national standards of quality and provide safe care. “Our dedicated staff, physicians, and Board of Directors have been very busy for the last 18 months getting ready for accreditation,” said Lana LeClair, KDH’s VP Corporate Affairs, who led the accreditation preparation process. “Our starting point was evaluating our

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year North Grenville Municipal Council

Schedule for North Grenville 2017 Budget meetings

quality of care and service against best practices in healthcare,” she explained. “We gained a clear picture of our strengths, and areas where we could improve. This resulted in the development of a number of new processes and new and updated policies to improve the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of our hospital. Having completed our journey to accreditation, we are a better organization now!” Frank J. Vassallo, KDH’s Chief Executive Officer, expressed his gratitude toward each member of the KDH team for their hard work leading up to the accreditation survey: “This achievement was made possible by our hospital staff, physicians, patient and family advisors, KDH Auxiliary volunteers, our partners, and the Board of Directors,” he stated. “I can’t tell you how proud I am,” he added. “It really took the entire organization working together to make this happen. Our Exemplary Standing demonstrates credibility and a commitment to quality and accountability. Our achievement improves the organization’s reputation among our patients and

families, current and future health system partners, and the community as a whole.” KDH Board Chair Karen Cooper noted that Accreditation Canada adapted approximately 350 criteria in 2016 to measure the delivery of Patient and Family Centred Care, a methodology that sees healthcare providers partnering with patients, both in the care they receive and at the organization’s decision-making tables. “In light of these new criteria, KDH’s achievement of Accreditation with Exemplary Standing is a reflection of our commitment to Patient and Family Centred Care,” she said. “We believe this to be a vital component of the quality of care we provide, and will continue to integrate the patient voice in everything that we do.” Karen took the opportunity to congratulate KDH staff, physicians and volunteers. “I’d like to commend everybody who works, volunteers or provides services here on your commitment to providing the best care possible to our patients and families,” she said. Lana LeClair stressed that KDH’s focus on improving quality, efficiency, and effectiveness does not end with the award of Exemplary Standing. “Going forward,” she explained, “our focus on the Accreditation Canada standards will stimulate sustainable quality improvement efforts and will continuously raise the bar relative to quality improvement initiatives, policies, and processes, as well as promoting a quality, safe, and patient-centred culture.” KDH also achieved Exemplary Standing at its previous accreditation, which took place in 2012.

Building a Sustainable North Grenville

December 19: Committee of the Whole meeting – pre-budget survey results to be presented. January 23: Council meeting – First draft of the budget will be presented. January 25: Public consultation on the budget. February 1: Public consultation on the budget. February 2: Public consultation on the budget (if necessary). February 21: Committee of the Whole meeting – Presentation of the final draft budget. March 13: Council meeting – Adoption of the budget. All meetings will begin at 6:30 pm., except for the February 2 public consultation which will begin at 3:30 pm. All meetings will take place in Council Chambers at the North Grenville Municipal Centre and are open to the public. For more information on the budget process, please visit 31

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

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Reach for the stars

Canada Day – Call for performers Preparations for Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations are well under way and the Canada Day Committee has issued a call for local talent. Performers and performing arts groups living in or connected to North Grenville are invited to submit proposals to perform during the 2017 Canada Day Celebration in Riverside Park (Kemptville, Ontario) on July 1st, 2017. The Committee is looking for acts that will engage the community and celebrate the spirit and heritage of North Grenville. Criteria for performers include availability, suitability for audience, North Grenville connectivity and technical requirements. Honorariums will be paid to performers and will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. For more information or to respond to this call for interest, please visit www.northgrenville. ca or contact Tammy Hurlbert at 613-258-9569 ext. 123 or email thurlbert@northgrenville. The deadline for response is January 31st, 2017.

Susan Smith, Executive Director of Kemptville & District Home Support, points to the top of the ‘Celebrating 35 Years!’ Donor Wall just after installation by Andrew Warner of Classic Graphics. KDHSI is grateful for the community support for this project to raise $35,000 for the renovation of their Activity Room. The total raised is now $19,250 thanks to the $5,000 donation from Kemptville Retirement Living this past week. This special campaign of $35,000 is in addition to the $50,000 required each year to balance the budget beyond other funding. Well done everyone!

Supporting Your Well-Being



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Building a Sustainable North Grenville

Dec. 21, 2016



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