July 17th 2013 #33

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the north grenville



Vol. 1, No. 33

The Voice of North Grenville

July 17, 2013

Fatal collision at Colonnade

Joan Arnold, a 60 year-old woman from Richmond, was killed when she was struck by a pick-up truck outside the LCBO at Colonnade on Monday morning. Although the accident was initially reported as a hit and run, the driver of the pick-up, a 70 year-old man from the area of Edwardsburgh/

Cardinal, remained at the scene until he was taken away for medical treatment. His vehicle, a 1999 green Ford pickup truck was left on site for some time afterwards while the OPP investigators examined the scene. Joan was apparently crossing from the parking lot to the LCBO when she was struck. She

was carrying a black umbrella as a shade against the hot sun, and the open umbrella and her bag were lying on the ground beside her for some time after the accident. Her body was covered by police while they marked out tire tracks and other evidence of where the truck had travelled. The LCBO remained closed

off by barricades for the rest of the business day. The fatality is the first in the history of Colonnade, although the area has been pointed out as a dangerous place for pedestrians, given the almost complete lack of sidewalks, and the necessity of walking through parking lots to get from store to store.

However, in this case, the victim was struck directly outside the LCBO, possibly coming from her vehicle. OPP continue to investigate the accident. The name of the driver had not been released, nor was there any update on his condition or location at time of going to press.

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Carol Durie Memorial Golf Tournament

corporate sponsors jump- of the golf cart from last ing in to help it was a huge year donated it back to the success! We had a few event and it was again a great fundraising ideas. huge help in raising money The committee decided to the day of the event. Camreturn to their 80’s style eron had a partner in his and grow mullets to raise lemonade stand this year; funds and shaving our Tackaberry Construction heads the day of the event. agreed to match the funds Cameron Durie (Carol’s Cameron raised. He raised grandson) wanted to help $2,150 and with Tackaberso he sold lemonade at ry’s portion a grand total one of the par 3 holes the of $4,300! Final numbers day of the event. He raised are not in yet, but we hope $500! Our first year we to have raised $200,000 raised $63,000 with 152 over the 3 years we have golfers and 240 guest for organized the event. the dinner and auction. Carol Durie Year two saw a crazy amount of people want to join in. Cameron ran his lemonade stand again and raised $1,376! With the raffling of a golf cart and a ball drop, we were able to raise $ 73,000 with 160 photo courtesy of Mark Hyndman golfers and 245 guests for Standing Left to Right. Anthony Seymour, Patrick Poirier, Todd Durie, Steve Bourne, Dean Tatayrn Sitting Left to Right the dinner and auction. This year we were Mark Hyndman and Peter Johnston booked up full in Februand do something for the ary and we had 160 golfby Patrick Poirier family to honour Carol and ers from the day we told In August 2010 we all in essence, to thank her for everyone it was open for lost a close friend to a all she did for us. registration. The winner battle with Cancer, Carol Organizers Dean TaDurie. Carol was both taryn, Mark Hyndman, Creekside Centre a teacher and a coach in Peter Johnston, Steve 2878 County Road 43 the area and she impacted Bourne, Anthony Seymour Kemptville, ON 613-258-0222 the lives of many kids and I originally hoped to Your Community Baby, Kids, Toys & Party Planning Store growing up in and around have a day with friends Are you ready for summer North Grenville. Whether in memory of Carol and Melissa & Doug has an special offer for you through school, sports or raise maybe $10,000 for SAND & POOL TOYS just being a friend of the the Kemptville HospiBuy 2, get the third 1 free family, Carol was a big tal’s Mammography unit. **Bring in this add and receive 10% off regular priced merchandise** www.louiseandcompany.com part of many kids’ lives Well the event took off in the community. Af- from the beginning and we ter Carol passed away, a had 120 golfers confirmed photo courtesy of Betty Cooper group of us thought that by March and the event Cameron Durie with George Tackaberry we should somehow try wasn’t until July. With

The Eric Gutknecht Memorial Bursary recipients

Taylor Horne & Megan Misztal

Megan Wheatley

Robert Hicks

The Eric Gutknecht Memorial Bursary has been awarded to four North Grenville students this past month during graduating ceremonies. At St. Mikes Catholic School on June 25 award winners included Robert Hicks & Megan Wheatley . At North Grenville District High School on June 27 the award was shared between Taylor Horne & Megan Misztal. The yearly award carries the following criteria: challenges or barriers the applicant may have faced in life, sincere effort and commitment to the field of study, financial need and community involvement. Congratulations to the four winners and all graduating students within North Grenville. July 17, 2013



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

RCMP Pipes & Drums coming to Kemptville Erick Le Pors



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The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pipes and Drums (NCR) are coming to Kemptville on July 29. They will be an integral part of the Opening Ceremonies of the 2013 Little League Ontario Minor Division Championship. “We are absolutely thrilled to have the world famous RCMP Pipes and Drums opening the Championship”, said KDLL President Jim Wiggins. “They are a national treasure and to have them agree to participate in the opening of the provincial Championship is a reflection of how important this tournament is.” “The RCMP Pipes and Drums (NCR) is looking forward to be-

ing part of this important event,” remarked Drum Major, Graham Muir. “This is an important event, not just for young baseball players from across Ontario, but also the citizens of North Grenville and we are honoured to be asked to participate.” The 2013 Little League Ontario Minor Division Championship will be played from July 29 to August 23. The best nine and ten year old baseball players from across Ontario, including the Kemptville Wildcats Minor Division AllStars, will compete for the Championship. Based on prior Championships, it is anticipated that over 3000 spectators will take in the tournament.

Kemptville District Little League is a community-based, volunteerdriven, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing both House and Competitive level baseball and softball for young players ages 4 to 18, as well as coaching, umpiring and other volunteer opportunities for community members of all ages. In 2013 over 250 young men and women played baseball and softball in Kemptville. The RCMP Pipes and Drums (NCR) traces its roots back to 1998 and the RCMP’s 125th Anniversary. It is one of seven bands force-wide across the country formed under the National Program of Community Bands of

Pipes and Drums. Comprised of active members of the RCMP and community volunteers, it has performed at many prestigious events including a performance for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as part of her Silver Jubilee celebrations.

Fetherston Mobile Home Park Owner Receives Notice of Violation

The Municipality of North Grenville recently received and carefully reviewed a detailed Engineer’s Assessment Report regarding the failing septic systems and sewage drainage system at Fetherston Mobile Home Park located at 850 County Road 44. In addition, the Municipality has performed a thorough inspection of these systems. Both the Report and the inspection confirm the critical state that this important infrastructure is in. In order to protect the health and safety of Park residents, the Municipality has issued the owner of the July 17, 2013

Park a “Notice of Violation”. The owner has been given 30 days to determine the remedial action required and a further 60 days to complete all required remedial works. Given that the owner continues to be an undischarged bankrupt, compliance is unlikely. The Municipality has been advised that the septic systems and sewage drainage system are in a condition that could be hazardous to the health or safety of persons residing at the park. Failure to comply with the Notice of Violation and any subsequent orders to remedy will require Mu-

nicipal Officials to prevent residents from occupying the existing mobile home units within the Park. Council and Staff have been working hard to solve the ownership and ultimately the servicing problems of Fetherston Park. At this time it is felt that all options have been exhausted. The Municipality will sponsor an information session for Park residents to provide information, answer questions, and to introduce local resources who may be able to assist. See story page 16


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A bit of perspective Things have been happening in our world over the past week or two that should give us all a bit of perspective on life in North Grenville. The awful tragedy in Lac Megantic, or the threat hanging over the people at Fetherston Park, closer to home, puts the run of the mill issues that we face every day into a different light. They say travel broadens the mind. Well, this last week I did some travelling to an Indian reserve up on Lake Huron, and it certainly broadened my mind. I work with First Nations and I have ceased to be shocked at their history and current status. But walking around up there, I was reminded of what has happened to communities in the past. At Serpent River, back in the 1950's, Noranda Mines wanted to build a factory to make sulphuric acid to use at the uranium mines in Elliott Lake, just upstream from the reserve. The community were negotiating with Noranda, but the Indian Department stepped in and took over, saying that they were far better at such things than Indians would be. Of course, the government forgot to put into the lease with Noranda that they

should clean up the place after they were finished. So, in the end, Noranda just walked away, leaving a deserted factory full of the dangerous, polluting chemical left-overs of their sulphuric acid trip. Now, while the factory was operating, the local community were the first hired, and then equally at the front of the line when lay-offs came. People started noticing that their laundry came in off the line with little holes burned through it. The trees facing the plant lost their leaves and their colour on one side - the side facing away from the factory were fine. The community had no say in what was happening on and to their land. When the plant closed, it stayed standing there, desolate and useless, taking up their land and full of those chemicals. There were times, when the wind blew from the right direction, when a cloud of red dust fell on the highway running beside the plant. It was, said an old woman, like a red carpet on the road. I hate to think what it did to the tires of the passing vehicles. Finally, the local M. P., one Lester B. Pearson, got tired of seeing the eyesore of an empty factory and demanded that

the government remove it. There is a right way and a cheap way to do that kind of thing. Guess which way the government went? Some bright spark decided that the situation was a perfect learning opportunity for the military to practice blowing up things. So they set explosives and set them off. Not too much happened, so they added more power and tried again. The main result was that the bits of factory, plus all those dangerous chemicals, were blown clear across the reserve. When people started to get sick, the government agreed to “clean up” the site, even though they insisted nothing of it was their fault. So, they spent some money and declared the site cleaned up. How clean was it? If you walk around the area today, bits of concrete and re-bar sticks out of the ground, which is a strange purple colour. The traditional pow-wow grounds can no longer be used for any activity at all, ever again, forever. And when the First Nation tried to make a claim against the Crown for all of this, the Indian Department refused the claim, declaring that none of it was their fault: not the original lease, not the pollution, not the blow-

ing up of the factory, not the contamination of the land. None of it. That’s the great thing about Native land claims: the Government is the perpetrator, the judge and the final authority on everything. Who can you appeal to? The Government. Isn’t democracy a wonderful thing for the aboriginal people of Canada? But, walking around the Serpent River reserve, talking to the people and seeing their patience and dignity, I was impressed. In North Grenville we have a lot happening these days. We don’t have the most efficient style of government, and we often feel a little frustrated with how things are done here. But compared to Serpent River, and other places far worse off than they are there even, we have very little to get really upset about. Of course we are right to be angry about people in danger of losing their homes through no fault of their own at Fetherston Park. We should be outraged (but hardly surprised) when Wal-Mart shows its true colours and fires caring members of our community for doing the right thing. But in the context of Serpent River, and an entire ethnic group limited and confined by their own

Letter to the Editor: I am writing to you regarding an article in the July 10th edition of the North Grenville Times by David Shanahan. His article was written to report the results of a public meeting at the Municipal Center concerning the proposed revitalization of the triangle of properties between Sanders Street and Rideau Street. David’s comments did not name the intern who made the visual presentation at the behest of the Planning Department. The intern is a long time resident of Kemptville and has strong family ties to our community. Her name

i s R e b e c c a M c E v o y, daughter of the late Terry McAvoy. Mr. McAvoy is remembered as founder of the local Giving Garden, and co-founder of our North Grenville trail system. Rebecca’s interest in Kemptville’s civic development goes beyond the usual requirements of summer employment. The original purpose of proposing revitalization of the above named area was to organize and initiate a program of property improvement that would enhance the entrance to Old Town, and present an inviting entrance to our downtown businesses for would be

visitors coming to Old Town from Highway 43. The suggested plan of improvement was designed to enlist the efforts of property owners without requiring them to put forth a costly investment. The architectural drawings Ms. McEvoy used in her presentation were made to show how a low cost to owners, (no cost to taxpayers) rehabilitation project could be completed with a minimum of expenditures. Because these properties do not have any particular historical significance, they do not fall within the usual parameters that must be used to design redevelop-

ment of a historical area. It would seem that this is an excellent opportunity to create an attractive entry way to our main business district through a series of small improvements. I invite Mr. Shanahan to contribute additional ideas for accomplishing the improvements that Forbes Symon and Rebecca McEvoy introduced at the June 3rd meeting. Positive input is always invaluable, no matter from whence it originates. Concrete suggestions are always welcome when a new area of rehabilitation is introduced to the community. Don Munz

by David Shanahan

Letters to the Editor

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

Marketing Consultant Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 July 17, 2013

the north grenville

TIMES Editor

David Shanahan editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

ISSN 2291-0301

www.ngtimes.ca Production Manager

Copy Editor

Marguerite Boyer production@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083


Act of Parliament; in the context of Lac Megantic and fifty innocent dead, we can have some perspective. Let’s keep some balance in our thinking, talking and writing. We don’t have to be so defensive, petty and shrill when we’re criticised. And we don’t have to be personal, bitter or mean when we

criticise. And yes, I include myself in that too. I shall endeavour to keep to the dispassionate and coldly logical approach to politics and life in general that I have always shown in the past. If I don’t, who knows? Maybe they’ll pass an Irish Act and then me and the Indians will have even more in common.

Letter to the editor: I’ll start my ‘rant’ by admitting that knowing two sides to a story was an important principle I tried hard to abide by while teaching high school English. Having said that, I’ll also admit that my ‘rant’ is going to be based on reported events...hence, the dilemma of not knowing both sides to the story. Okay – background for the rant...I feel that Kemptville was given a black eye when , as reported on 1310 radio Ottawa and in the Ottawa Citizen this past Thursday July 11, the story of a ‘former’ employee of our Walmart surfaced. For those not familiar with the story – the former pharmacy technician claims to have been fired by Walmart for being rude to a customer – a customer she spoke to in the sweltering heat during the week of July 1st, in the parking lot, when he left his dog in his vehicle while he went into the store. The dog had apparently jumped out the open window; therefore, the gentleman closed it so the dog couldn’t escape. (I hope you’re thinking what I’m thinking – but wait for the rant...) On a previous occasion another employee had seen a dog left in a car, also on a hot day, and, according to protocol, had called on management to assist – apparently they didn’t. So what’s a girl to do? Anyone with a good heart and an ounce of commonsense would do as she did – I have in the past, under

similar circumstances – she spoke up. Hmm...but apparently got fired for it. So, finally, here’s my ‘rant’. Why do good people like this young lady even have to do deal with/worry about animals in cars? Because there are still idiots – sorry, but when there’s no commonsense, that’s what’s left- who insist on taking their animals to parking lots and malls while they go inside to shop! Why??? The trip to the store serves absolutely no use whatsoever to the animal. LEAVE THEM AT HOME – OWNING IS A PRIVILEGE! THEY COULD DIE! Which part do such owners not get? And there are many more – we all see them...and most of us, unlike this young lady, won’t get involved. Society has already proven its carelessness with the deaths of children this summer due to heat exposure – or should I simply say death by furnace! Why can’t pet owners learn from the tragedies that abound – if you wouldn’t sit in that vehicle with the windows up, even if you did lower it the ‘I did leave it down’ level of 2 inches (!), then don’t make children and animals sit in it! WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!? And, without casting aspersions, any business that puts protocols and profits ahead of the life and welfare of a child, senior or family pet should be ashamed of itself – simply ashamed. D Jones

Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0


Michael Pacitto mike@ngtimes.ca 613-710-7104


Rob Lunan cfo@ngtimes.ca 613-797-3800


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Concerned citizens in Kemptville by David Shanahan Residents of the Alma Street/Dumbrille Street area of Kemptville are worried about what the future holds for their neighbourhood, following recent experience of the United Counties procedures for severing and developing properties in the town. In June, the Municipality of North Grenville recommended to the Consent Granting Authority of the United Counties that approval be given for the severance of part of what is historically known as The Cottage Plot, which is located at Oxford and Dumbrille Streets, stretching back almost as far as George Street. The severance was to allow Habitat for Humanity to build a house facing on to Dumbrille Street.

Local residents have no problem with the Habitat project, and some have even offered to help build the home there. Rob Noseworthy, representing Habitat, met with neighbours and shared all the relevant information with them. But, in the course of the severance process, the residents realised that there was also another development in prospect on the Plot: a sub-division of about twelve lots in all. And that is where the concern began. As Marg Chartrand, one of the residents, put it: “Rob spoke about the project at length and supplied us with information he had about the development of the remainder of the property. The proposed development plan is a major concern. No one wants to see high rise buildings stuck in the middle of a middle class neighbour-

hood (such as the existing structures located off Van Buren Street”. There is no indication as yet precisely what kind of development is planned for the site, but the process by which land is severed in North Grenville leaves the residents uneasy. In the case of the Habitat house, not all were informed of the public meeting to discuss the severance, a meeting which was held in Brockville. The deadline for comment was June 29, but the consent hearing was scheduled for June 26. The residents only learned of the hearing date from Rob Noseworthy at the information meeting. There was no communication from the Municipality about the meeting, or planned severance. This, as Phil Gerrard, Head Planner in North Grenville, explained, was

because: “Severances are applied for and approved by the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville. Since the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville is the approval authority for severances, they must send out the Notices. This is not the same as other processes under the Planning Act, such as a zoning by-law amendment, which requires notification to all properties within 120 metres and for which the Municipality of North Grenville is the approval authority, and therefore we must send out the Notice for those types of applications”. Marg Chartrand and her neighbours have voiced a number of concerns about the process and the future of their neighbourhood. “The existing roads and infrastructure, most of us feel, will not support much

more use. Increased traffic is also a concern, as we now have several youngsters in our area. And of course, there are the trees, which continue to be cut down. Some are scrub, but there has been a whole row of mature maples cut from along Oxford Street, with no notification. Done by another developer”. There is also a question of the current right-of-way between Alma east and west, which runs through the property. Would it remain in the event of a subdivision being developed? But, she feels, there are wider issues which may affect all areas of the Municipality. Why, they ask, do residents have to learn about applications for changes from Leeds Grenville? It seems a fait accompli by the time it gets to that stage and decisions need to be ap-

pealed to the OMB then. Why is there no process at the town level prior? Why is it not a condition of development of such in fill properties to have the developer meet with the surrounding residents before all the expenditure of planning, drawings, approvals etc.? Marg Chartrand believes that it is vital that local residents have better representation. “We feel we have no one to turn to, no one to keep in touch with us, support us at Council or speak for us with town hall officials, many of whom don’t live in the town and work from theory on what is best”.

Adopt-a-Roundabout Program is a Success The Adopt-aRoundabout Program launched by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville has found quick success in North Grenville. The Colonnade Group of Companies, Westerra Homes, and the Kemptville Lions Club are all pleased to take part in the beautification, maintenance and upkeep of our three local roundabouts to create a cleaner, more attractive roadway through North Grenville. “From the Counties’ perspective, the opportunity to have the roundabouts maintained in an attractive state,

without the ongoing expense of hiring a maintenance firm or acquiring additional staff and equipment is welcome. With the help of the community partners, the roundabouts will be centrepieces that local residents can be proud of and visitors can enjoy. We are looking forward to a very successful program.” Les Shepherd, Director of Works, Planning Services and Asset Management for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. The Roundabout located at County Road 43 and Colonnade Drive will be landscaped and maintained by Colon-

nade Developments. Westerra Homes will design and maintain the County Road 43 and County Road 19 Roundabout, and the Kemptville Lions Club will sponsor the Pinehill Road location. These sponsors have agreed to maintain their la n d s ca p ed r o ad w ay creations until 2014, after which time renewals will be sought or new sponsors found, if needed. Sponsors are responsible for both landscaping and maintenance. “The Colonnade Group of Companies sees North Grenville and Kemptville as a vi-

Dear Editor Thanks for your article concerning the sharply contrasting visions of our municipality. The article is certainly an excellent point of departure for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of our community and the difficulties involved in including the whole of our community within the frame of positive and healthy development. It would indeed be a fine day when all of North Grenville was

able to fit within the category of "green and growing", but we're not there yet. At present, as you know, our website is up and just beginning to be equipped with its full range of tools to assist in our fight against the imposition of the Lafarge pit on a very unwilling sector of North Grenville’s citizens. We are also in the process of starting a "petition blitz" from July 22 to August 18. I am hoping people will respond favourably

to our presentation of the raison d'être for the petition and am confident that your support in the local media community will be useful in that regard. Once again, thanks for the leadership role you have assumed from a media standpoint. I believe your principled and balanced vision is in the best tradition of the notion of a free press within a democratic society . Sincerely Jim Bertram

July 17, 2013

brant and growing community. We believe in developing for both the present and future needs and services of the people of North Grenville and strongly believe in immersing ourselves as part of the local business community. We are pleased to participate in the Adopt-a-Roundabout program as a reflection of that belief.”

Steve Koens, Property Manager at Colonnade Management. Robert Noseworthy explains, “Every bit counts and Westerra Homes took on the Adopt-a-Roundabout Program to support and beautify the community. We hope that our giving back might encourage others to do the same on another project. Together the entire community

Mark your calendars

OPP Charity BBQs July 18: Sponsor - Friends of the Library Charity - Petra & Bill McElrea (In Memory of Hugh Stewart) July 25: Sponsor - Tallman Truck Centre Charity - Kemptville Youth Centre Aug 01: Sponsor - TBA Charity - North Grenville Easter Seals Aug 08: Sponsor - Tackaberry Construction Charity - Big Brothers & Big Sisters Aug 15: Sponsor -Dixon's Car & Truck Rental Charity - Ryan's Well Foundation Aug 22: Sponsor - Wayne's Auto Tek Charity - Kemptville District Hospital Aug 29: Sponsor - TBA


The North Grenville Times

Before North Grenville was North Grenville

by David Shanahan It is now fifteen years since the old Townships of Oxford-on-Rideau and South Gower were amalgamated with the Town of Kemptville to produce the current Municipality of North Grenville. Two hundred years of history was radically changed on January 1, 1998, and old loyalties, traditions and political boundaries were wiped away with the stroke of a government pen. Or were they? Even today, people from those three areas still hold on to different identities, still retain a certain suspicion of the others. Is Kemptville getting too much? Are the hamlets being left behind? These are not, in fact, new questions at all. Because, even though the old townships had existed since the 1790's, there had been many changes along the way. South Gower had been incorporated since 1834, but had different boundaries than today. When it was first surveyed in 1799, the northern section was originally part of North Gower, which was itself part of Grenville County until it was separated in 1845. In 1846, the part of North Gower that lay south of the Rideau River was incorporated into South Gower. This is why, north of Concession 8 in South Gower, there is a second Concession 2 and 3. These were originally part of North Gower.


The Township of Oxford-on-Rideau had been surveyed in 1791, but it took many years before large numbers of settlers arrived. The village of Kemptville grew up slowly around the mills set up by the Clothier family after 1819, and the opening of the Rideau Canal in 1832 made the area accessible to settlers. Kemptville itself was first officially laid out in a survey of 1830, the same year that the survey of South Gower was finally completed. In 1849, an Act was passed allowing municipalities greater control over their affairs, making incorporation an attractive proposition for the older townships. So, as the new Municipalities were incorporated during 1850, the new Township of Oxford-on-Rideau came into being on January 1 of that year, and held its first Council meeting in Kemptville on Monday, January 21, 1850. This new Council was to lead in remarkably quick fashion to the separation of Kemptville from Oxford-on-Rideau, just seven years later. There appears to have existed a clear distinction between the interests of the Kemptville people and those of the rural areas. Kemptville was growing and seemed to have a very promising future. In 1851, the Council voted to invest the very large sum of £6,000 in buying stock in the proposed Bytown and Prescott Railway. This enterprise

was the brainchild of a Kemptville resident, Robert Bell, and was a major economic initiative which proved pivotal in the development of Kemptville. The other major investors in the new company were Kemptville based businessmen, many of whom sat on Council. The railway reached Kemptville in 1854, and a year later had reached Ottawa. But the railway had also brought dissension: there are reports that the location of the railway station at Bedell was because the Kemptville citizens did not want to pay the extra subsidy to bring the line through their town. By 1855, petitions were being sent to the Government to allow Kemptville to separate from the Township. However, under the terms of the legislation, a population of at least 1,000 was required before a municipality could be established, and Kemptville fell short. Further petitions followed and, on July 1, 1856, An Act to incorporate the Village of Kemptville was passed, and it came into effect on January 1, 1857. The boundaries of the new village enclosed the east half of lot 24 and all of lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 in the 3rd Concession of Oxfordon-Rideau. In the rush to separate, the new Kemptville Council had failed to take the required oaths of office and a new act had to be passed in May, 1857 making them legal. But the changes didn’t stop there. In 1858, yet another act was passed by the Province of Canada to change the boundaries of the new village of Kemptville. Squire Bottum, as William Bottum liked to be called, was a major landowner in the west end of the village. The new boundary line ran, not along a lot line, but between the property owned by Henry Patton, Anglican minister, and Squire Bottum, excluding the Squire’s land from the new

village and its new taxes. The boundary was juggled to include the new Grammar School established by the village, and was reduced south of the South Branch to run along the line between lots 26 and 27. This meant that the land which was to become Riverside Park was actually in Oxford-on-Rideau and not Kemptville. This was to remain the official limits of Kemptville on the west until 1997. The independent status of Kemptville proved to be very important in 1897. Because of the decline in the lumber industry generally, there was a great deal of unemployment in the area by the mid-1890's. To try and encourage economic development, the Council voted to provide a grant of $5,000 to Alonzo Bowen to establish a mill and grain elevator, which they hoped would provide employment in the village. The grant was approved in a referendum, but it contravened Ontario law and was appealed to the Province. Given the special situation in Kemptville, the Assembly passed a special act in April, 1897 agreeing to the grant to Bowen, on condition it was again placed before the voters and approved by them by a twothirds majority. Bowen’s mill, opened in November 1897, did indeed become a major employer in Kemptville and developed into one of the biggest and most profitable industries in eastern Ontario. The Canadian Pacific Railway built a special branch just to service the mill. Bowen went on to provide electric lighting for the village from his plant, adding even further to the attractions of the village. In 1962, the Village of Kemptville applied to have their status changed to that of a Town. This was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on November 28, 1962, and Kemptville, in a legal sense at least, grew from a Village to a Town. The ruling by the OMB also provided that the new Town have a Council consisting of a Mayor, a Reeve and four Councillors. Following this change, the Township of Oxford-onRideau applied to have their boundaries and area confirmed so as to clearly








July 17, 2013


The Voice of North Grenville

establish the distinct areas of Kemptville and the Township. This was finally approved by the OMB in 1968. There was a great deal of confusion regarding the exact location of Kemptville’s western boundary, as the OMB were not sure where the dividing line between Patton and Bottum’s property was. Attempts were made to find a proper description of this boundary, but it was so irregular in nature that the original boundary description from 1858 was used in the final document in 1968. And so things stood until 1997, when the policies of the Harris Govern-

ment in Toronto led to the disappearance of the historic Townships of Oxford-on-Rideau and South Gower, as well as the newer Town of Kemptville and the rise of the new Municipality of North Grenville. Three Mayors, Reeves and at least twelve Councillors were replaced by just one Mayor and four Councillors elected to represent a much larger population. In an ironic twist, the municipalities created out of a desire to increase democratic representation ended in a system where there were fewer representatives for a larger population. History is strange.


The North Grenville Times

Meet local crime writer Michael J. McCann Local author Michael J. McCann will be at Brewed Awakenings on Saturday, August 17 from 10:30-1 p.m. He will be signing copies of his newest crime fiction novel in the Donaghue and Stainer series, The Fregoli Delusion. Born and raised in Peterborough, Mike earned a B.A. (Hons.) in English from Trent University and an M.A. in English from Queen's University, Kingston, ON. The former editor of Criminal Reports (Third Series) with Carswell Legal Publications, Mike spent fifteen years with Canada Customs as a training specialist, project officer, and program manager at national headquarters in Ottawa. He's married and has one son and now lives and writes in Oxford Station on seven acres in the Limerick Forest. Mike has published two previous crime fiction novels in this series, Blood Passage and Marcie's Murder. He is also the author of the supernatural thriller The Ghost Man, which is set in eastern Ontario. He will have all four of his books available for signing. Mark your calendar and drop in to have a cup of coffee and support another local author in our midst.

Investors Group Golf Classic Looking for a reason (or excuse) to spend a hot summer day out on the golf course with good friends? The Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC) has the perfect solution! On Saturday, August 17th the Rideau Glen Golf Club located at 111 County Road 44, will be home to the Investors Group Golf Classic.

July 17, 2013

The Investors Group Golf Classic is bound to be a day of fun and excitement for everyone. The day will kick off at 11:00 a.m. with registration and a light BBQ Lunch and will be followed by a 12:00 p.m. shotgun start. Golfers will have a chance to win$20,000 or a Chevrolet Cruze thanks to Finnegan Insurance and

of North Grenville youth. Individuals are needed on the day of the golf tournament to help coordinate the event and make the tournament as successful and enjoyable as possible for all those involved. Local organizations are also encouraged to help the Investors Group Golf Classic raise as much money as possible for KYC. If you have a product or service that would benefit golfers, friends and family, this is a great opportunity to create a deeper community awareness of your brand. Provide KYC with something valuable from your organization to be auctioned off throughout the event. The Kemptville Youth Centre is a non-

Myers Kemptville. After an eventful afternoon of 18 holes a dinner will be held in the clubhouse at 5:00 p.m. Register to golf before July 26th and receive an early bird special of $120 per golfer or $460 for a foursome. Later, pricing is $125 per golfer with a registration deadline of August 9th. All proceeds raised for the Investors Group Golf Classic will go to The Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC), so fill out your forms today, enjoy a beautiful day out on the green and support a great cause. Not a golfer but want to support a good cause? No problem. KYC is looking for volunteers to come spend the day outdoors and help make a difference in the lives


The Voice of North Grenville

PRIBBLES & NIBBLES Marc Meyer’s Food and Folklore Ramble On July 9, the Company of Fools, a travelling group of actors, presented Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor in Maplewood Park, Oxford Mills. Pribbles and Nibbles laid the groundwork for the performance over the past many months, introducing readers to the play and its world. Thank-you to all who came to the show. Thanks to NG Times for their steadfast support and to Justin Van Leeuwen, of JVL Photography for the awesome Company of Fools image that graced the NG Times cover and event posters. Magic happened in the park on Tuesday night and a hundred and sixty gathered to be a part of it. The Jaroli's from Bishop's Mills presided over the

profit organization with fund raising budget of $40,000 per year to support it’s mission to engage youth in making positive life choices in a socially accepting environment to reach their full potential as responsible productive c i t i z e n s . Wi t h t h e s e funds, KYC offers dropin recreational programming and works to assist youth in making positive lifestyle choices in a fun, safe and nonjudgmental environment. The Kemptville Youth Centre now welcomes over 400 youth per year, keeping them safe, engaged and off the street. Contact: Robin Heald, Executive Director 613-258-5212 robin@kemptvilleyc. com

event as royalty for the night, and with crown and scepter and sparkling Perrier, served cold, oversaw the night’s amusements. I myself laughed quite a lot. Falstaff did not disappoint: the scene at Herne's oak was magnificent and all the rest of the show, puppets included, was just as fantastic. Audience members were called upon to play Mistress Ford’s henchmen, and many children joined in as pinching fairies during Falstaff's final humiliation. Afterwards, crew and cast, specially invited members from the audience, and the odd stray retired for coffee and dessert to the Brigadoon, where the revels continued into the night. I staggered home at midnight, well satisfied and well entertained.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

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Prices effective: Friday, July 19 to Thursday, July 25, 2013 July 17, 2013



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

God Squad The truth about Jesus by David Shanahan One of the popular myths about “religion” these days is that it doesn’t matter which one you choose. They all pretty much say the same thing. Jesus is passed off as a great teacher and role model, but nothing more. It is claimed that all the fuss about him being God was a later addition by Christians; that Jesus never made any such claim. We have already shown that the New Testament is a reliable account of what was said and what happened, so what does it record about Jesus and his claims about himself? During his ministry on earth, Jesus was constantly running foul of the religious leaders of the Jews. The Pharisees and Teachers of the Law finally put him on trial, convicted him, and had him executed at the hands of the Roman authorities. Jesus lived a perfect life and taught with love and authority, so why did they find him so offensive? It is important to realize that the charge they brought against him at his trial was blasphemy. They accused him of claiming to be God himself! On a number of occasions during his ministry, the people had taken up stones to stone him for that very offense. In Luke 5.20, we read of the paralysed man who was brought to Jesus for healing. Jesus said to him: "Friend, your sins are forgiven". Immediately, the Pharisees were offended. They knew that only God could forgive sins, so this statement was blasphemy. To prove that he did have authority to forgive sins, Jesus healed the man. When he spoke of his Father, the Pharisees recognised that he was claiming a special relationship with God. Although they could claim that God was their Father [John 8.41], they knew Jesus was saying

something different. In John 5, it is recorded that they began to look for ways to kill him because: “...not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.” [Jn. 5.18] Jesus often referred to the fact that he and the Father were one. There are those who believe that this simply meant that they were "of one mind". The Pharisees knew better. In John 10, when Jesus said: "I and the Father are one", they took up stones to kill him. Why? "...for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God". [Jn. 10.30-33] Throughout the Gospel of John, there is an increasing tension between Jesus and the Pharisees on this point. In John 5, they object because he claims equality with God. The discussions they had with Jesus left them with no doubt at all what he was saying. In John 8, Jesus stated what was to them the supreme blasphemy. He had told them that Abraham had seen his day. The Pharisees laughed at him. "’You are not yet fifty years old’, the Jews said to him, ‘and you have seen Abraham!’ ‘I tell you the truth’, Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’ At this, they picked up stones to stone him.” [Jn. 8.57-59] What bothered them so much about this statement? It was that phrase, "I AM". In Exodus 3.14 God had revealed his name to Moses: “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you....This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.” This name, "I AM", expressed the unchanging, immortal nature of God, and was held in the highest reverence by the Israelites ever afterwards. No wonder the

Pharisees wanted to kill him, he was calling himself by God's own name. When the risen Jesus appeared to his disciples, Thomas was absent. The poor man declared that he would not believe in the Resurrection unless he examined the wounds of crucifixion. The next week, Jesus appeared again and invited Thomas to inspect the marks of the nails and spear. Thomas simply fell to his knees and said: "My Lord and my God!" [John 20.28] You might expect Jesus to rebuke Thomas for making such a statement; but instead, he accepted Thomas' words and announced: "Because you have seen me, you have believed". Jesus promised blessing to those who would believe what Thomas had come to believe, ie., that Jesus is our Lord and our God. Jesus, then, has taken to himself the names and titles of God. He is the Creator, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, the great I AM. There was another title he accepted and acknowledged during his ministry: Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah. The Samaritan woman said to him: "I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us". Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he". [Jn. 4.25-26] Whatever people may claim today, those who heard Jesus knew exactly what he was saying and understood what he meant. He claimed to be God, the only God, the eternal one. As C. S. Lewis said, someone who said such things, and believed them, was either a lunatic, deluded and deluding, or else he was who he claimed to be: God. Not a great teacher, not a role model, not someone to be revered and admired. Either God, or false. That is the choice.

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402 July 17, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The North Grenville Photography Club Titled ‘The Final Lap’ this image, shot by Mike Collier, took First Place in the photo club’s Sport Photography Contest. During this year’s Dandelion Festival, this rider suffered a crash several laps earlier in the race. She displayed her competitive spirit by continuing the race. Shot with a 12mm wide angle using fill flash.

Carol Durie Golf Tournament Golf cart convoy

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Kemptville Youth Centre Turns E-Waste into Fundraising for Operational Expenses It’s win win for the environment and the community as The Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC) uses an eco-friendly and profitable way to raise money, while addressing the issue of electronic waste piling up in landfills. KYC is one of Greentec’s E-Waste collection partners, which collects unwanted electronics – those desktop and laptop computers, cell phones, ink/toner cartridges, printers and stereo equipment cluttering up our offices, drawers, basements and garages – and recycles them in exchange for fundraising dollars. Greentec then processes and recycles the e-waste, diverting it from local landfill sites. Thanks to the support of local community members, in 2012, KYC diverted over 110,000 pounds of e-waste from landfill and in doing so, raised enough money


to heat their 5000+ square foot building to serve youth better. “Having the chance to involve our future leaders in our e-waste program here at KYC is a benefit to us and them,” stated Robin Heald, Executive Director of KYC. “We are having such a positive impact on our local environment and instilling great environmental awareness at the same time.” With North Grenville’s goal of reducing household waste and increasing recycling in the community, KYC’s partnership with Greentec could not come at a better time. You can play your part in reducing the impact of electronics on our landfills and help local youth at the same time. KYC invites parents, community members and local businesses to safely and responsibly dispose of their unwanted electronics. Stop by the KYC back

parking lot between 2 and 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and place your e-waste in the green bin out back. If needed, youth and volunteers are happy to help unload any e-waste products from your vehicle for recycling. For a full list of acceptable electronics, visit www. kemptvilleyc.com. Contact: Robin Heald, Executive Director 613258-5212 robin@kemptvilleyc.com

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402 www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Girls softball debuts in Kemptville

Meagan Thompson delivers a perfect strike in the Wildcat’s Quarter-Final win Saturday over Rideau-Osgoode

Wildcats on the bench preparing for the semi-final game Sunday Riverside Park was full of softball fans as the Kemptville District Little League (KDLL) hosted the mite girls year end tournament for the Rural Ottawa Softball Association. The 7-10 year old girls from Vars, Gloucester, Greely and Rideau-Osgoode teams came to battle for the championship and did not let the rain on Sunday dampen their spirits. Greely took 1st place in the tourna-

ment in their win over Gloucester, keeping up their undefeated record this season. T h i s w a s K D L L’s first year with girls’ softball teams and there is so much enthusiasm that next year, they are preparing to equip twice as many teams. For most of the girls, it was their first year playing softball and they have proven to be talented athletes. As their skills continue to develop, KDLL’s girls

softball teams will be the team beat in the future! KDLL also hosted games Friday night for t h e P e e We e ( 1 0 - 1 3 ) girls and Midget-Junior (16-21) girls. The determined girls PeeWee team played through the extreme downpour on Friday night and won their game in extra innings in a very exciting game. The excitement will continue at Riverside Park as KDLL host the

Ontario minor division championship July 29-August 4. The best 9 and 10 year old baseball players from across Ontario come to Kemptville to battle it out for the provincial championship! Don't miss the action as the Kemptville Wildcats Minor team will be giving their all to bring the Champion's banner to Kemptville. More details can be found at www.kemptvillelittleleague.com


The Kemptville Jun i o r Wi l d c a t s L i t t l e League team has won the Little League Ontario District 7 Championship and are off to play for the provincial champiJuly 17, 2013

onship in Kanata. This marks the first time that a

Kemptville Little League team has advanced to the provincials.

The Wildcats swept

Gananoque in three games (out of five), winning 120, 12-7 and 22-1. “We’re very proud of our Junior Wildcats,” remarked Jim Wiggins, Kemptville Little League President.

“They’ve shown extraordinary dedication to improving this season and now their hard work is paying off. They will be excellent representatives of our area at the provincials in Kanata.” The Head Coach of the Junior Wildcats, Jason Price, noted that: “Our players always show great discipline in games and in practices. They play to win but always show good sportsmanship. They’re very excited to be off to the provincial championship and I know that they will be exemplary representatives of North Grenville in Kanata.” The Little League Junior Division is a program for young men and women, 13 and 14 years of age. The 2013 Little League Ontario Junior Di-


vision Championship will be played from July 23 to July 27 in Kanata. The best thirteen and fourteen year old baseball players from across Ontario, including the Kemptville Wildcats Junior Division All-Stars, will compete for the Championship. The Champions will then go on to play for the Canadian Championship in Lethbridge, Alberta. Little League District 7 is one of eight districts in Ontario. It encompasses areas along the Seaway, including Cornwall, Brockville, Gananoque and Kemptville. Little League was first chartered in Canada in 1951 and was the first International Little League charter ever granted. Little League Baseball involves more than three million youth worldwide in over

100 countries. It is the largest amateur volunteer sport organization in the world. Kemptville District Little League is a community-based, volunteerdriven, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing both House and Competitive level baseball and softball for young players ages 4 to 18, as well as coaching, umpiring and other volunteer opportunities for community members of all ages. In 2013 over 250 young men and women played baseball and softball in Kemptville.

Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times


ACROSS 1. Leaf opening 6. Breaststroke 10. Requests 14. Continuation of the coat collar 15. You (archaic) 16. Scallion 17. Sporting venue 18. Horse feed 19. Tall woody plant 20. Significant 22. Leer at 23. Beasts of burden 24. Swallow 26. Fabricated 30. Pair 31. Born as 32. Wild goat 33. Rodents 35. Collection of maps


39. Laic 41. In absence of 43. Filched 44. Biblical garden 46. River of Spain 47. One more than nine 49. Poetic dusk 50. Harvest 51. Whim 54. Stair 56. Adjoin 57. Written material 63. 53 in Roman numerals 64. Norse god 65. Cover girl 66. Cocoyam 67. Not a single one 68. Delete 69. Adolescent 70. Sleigh 71. Way to go



DOWN 1. Close violently 2. Tropical tuber 3. Not closed 4. List of options 5. San Antonio fort 6. Ceramic ware 7. Knickknack 8. Greek letter 9. Plain-woven cotton fabric 10. To a complete degree 11. Twilled fabric 12. Staggers 13. Shooting sport 21. Spare 25. Tidy 26. A young lady 27. Assist in crime 28. A style of design 29. Jubilation 34. Sugared 36. Part of the outer ear 37. Emanation 38. Cease 40. Lascivious look 42. Not outer 45. Preordain 48. Women's stockings 51. Hotel employee 52. Put up with 53. Direct the course 55. An essay 58. False god 59. Novice 60. Two-toed sloth 61. Iron oxide 62. Type of sword


The Voice of North Grenville

COMMUNITY EVENTS Send in your community events to editor@ngtimes.ca July 18 July 21

July 21-22

Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm. Guest speaker -Stephanie Reid -Veterinarian Kemptville Snowmobile Klub Annual BBQ, live entertainment & silent auction 2:30 pm at the Kemptville Snowmobile Clubhouse, corner of Patterson & O’Neil Roads, Oxford Mills. Bring your lawn chairs. Rain or shine. For tickets or info call 613-258-3648. Jane’s Walk in Old Town Kemptville, Sunday, July 21, 2-3pm & Monday July 22, 6-7pm to assess the walkability of the area and learn more about the changes in our community over the years. Feedback on pedestrian accessibility with be collected during the walk and incorporated into the Rideau-Sanders Revitalization Plan. Meet in Rotary Park, dress for the weather. 613-258-9569 ext. 153.

Weekly and recurring events Wed

St Michael's Beach Volleyball League from 6-9 pm starting July 3. Cost is $50 per play for teams of 4 with 2 guys and 2

girls. Email angus.macdonald@cdsbeo.on.ca. The North Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first Wednesday of every month at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent. For more info see ngphotoclub.ca Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available Thurs Bridge - Every Thursday, St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting first and third Thursday of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. For more info, call 613-258-7665 UKE – (Ukuleles Kemptville Experience), first Thursday of each month at the Branch restaurant. Arrive early and enjoy a dinner at the Branch before the meeting. The jam starts at 7:30 pm. For more information or if you need to borrow a ukulele for t h e n e x t j a m , p l e a s e c o n t a c t To n y a t azzurrosolutions@gmail.com or phone: 613-989-4586 . Everyone welcome! Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information Bridge- St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 12:15pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 Mothers of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. Whether you’re a townie, rural, stay-athome, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979 Mon Wed Fri Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre Early birds: 8 am Others 8:30 am Contact: Eva - 258-4487


Solution to last week’s Crossword

Call The North Grenville Times 613-258-5083

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


gord@ngtimes.ca July 17, 2013



The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word

S E N D t o C LA S S I F I E D S @ N G T I M E S . C A SERVICES Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of sewing 613 258 5583 HOUSE CLEANING Every working mother and father needs a housewife. Each home is custom priced to ensure my cleaning will meet your needs and budget. Call Sandy 613 219 7277

Bowen Therapy Restore your health. PAIN, Respiratory, Digestive & more. 613-7993315. www.BowenKemptville.ca One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Hearts. Visit by appointment or chance www. HannaMacNaughtan.ca (613) 258-7297

2000 sq. ft., available immediately. 613-295-0552 Large one bedroom in Heckston700.00 plus utilitiescall 613-258-4741

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Piano and Music Theory Lessons: Elisa Lane www.kemptvillemusic.com 613-2150549

Jesrae Pottery 830 Law Road, Oxford Station. Please call 613-258-4671 for an appointment.

Oxford Mills Small 3 bedroom house on 2.5 acres $1200.00 a month plus utilities 613223-4571

Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and 100% guarantee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 baashunt@ sympatico.ca

I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybulskie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ICanSewIt.ca

For Sale

Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, Grass, Landscaping Kemptville Locksmith Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Sta558-8542*lockout*rekey* tion(613) 258-3847 installation*residential Chris House Cleaning - Kemptville area. For quote call 613-2940385 or dhlacombe@gmail. HUNTER com


Beginning Sept. 3rd, Evenings in Kemptville Pre-registration Required - Minimum Age 12 years - Tony Gundy

613-258-7816 Halden 558-8542 Show this ad - get 10% off

Chesterfield and chair $20. Maple table, extra leaf, six chairs, buffet and hutch $250. Call 613-258-1712

Swing set. Sturdy wood, 2 swings, rings, bar, slide. $100. Call 613-258-0335.

Retired senior needs old car batteries - making canon balls (weights used for deep sea fishing) 613-258-6254 L Help support our Snowcross team for the 2014 season! http://igg.me/at/ snox/x/3762262 613-3256584

“le gut truck” - mobile canyard sale teen truck w/established route in and around Kempt- Yard Sale 243 Heckston 9am ville. Great stops & custom- - 3pm Juy 20 ers - including construction sites, gravel pits, local businesses and more! Business CLASSIFIEDS: Property Clean up, yards, includes: 2003 GMC ½ ton, garages, basements, loads stainless steel box, route and First 15 words free to dump,anything removed. all equipment. Contact Jenn if submitted by 613-258-7955 & Brent for details @ 613258-0085. email. Homeopathic Practitioner Extra word 50 Discover safer, healthier FIREWOOD – don’t wait! Alcents, photo $10, natural healing alternatives ready seasoned, dry, clean, border $2, shading to address pain, fatigue, delivered hardwood. $100/ $5. anxiety & more. e-mail cord (call Billy) @ 258-4529 Submit to francesdynhealth@sympatico.ca613.258.7602 Solid Tri-fold Tonneau Cover, classifieds@ will fit a 2011 Ford Ranger ngtimes.ca. Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes Sport but may also fit other and Supplies www.sien- similar vehicles. Purchased Email must nafinearts.com 613-878- new with truck. Asking include name, ad9706 Price: $300.00 Call 613 989 3293. dress and phone #.

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Plants for sale: Hosta and Alliums. $3.00 to $5.00 each. All potted and hardy. (613) 258-0295YARD SALE

Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

OXFORD MILLS' MAPLEWOOD HALL RENTAL RATES: GENERAL PUBLIC (Any Day) Part Day (6 hours) -$60 Full day-$120 COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT (Weekdays Only) Part Day (6 hours) -$30 Full day-$60 SPECIAL WEDDING RATE Maplewood Hall & Maplewood Park Friday noon to Sunday noon $320 To book your event, log onto www.maplewoodhall.ca or call (613) 258-6485

A Special Invitation OPP BBQ In Celebration of the Life of

The Late Hugh Stewart 11:30 A.M. Thursday, July 18 Sponsored by Petra and Bill McElrea For the benefit of the Friends of the North Grenville Public Library We hope to see you at the OPP Detachment, HIGHWAY 44



The North Grenville Times

What do you want for Riverside Park?

by David Shanahan The Municipality recently announced plans to develop a new “Conceptual Plan” for Riverside Park and have hired a consultancy firm to draw up a design for the facility. As part of their contract, the firm have prepared a survey for the public to have their say in what they want to see happen to Riverside Park in fu-

ture. The firm wants to “gain additional insight into the community views and priorities, the history of North Grenville, and characteristics needed in the future re-development of the Park”. Riverside Park has a long history and has been the site of many significant events in North Grenville history. Originally part of Oxford-on-Rideau Township, it was bought by the Village of Kemptville in

1906 and has undergone numerous additions, improvements and renovations since then. In June, 1931, a new running track was laid out in the Park, where horse races were held regularly. Old stables and sheds were replaced by new stables and a kitchen, and a judge’s stand was built near the main grandstand. A softball park was laid out in the mid-1950's, The Rotary Club provided play structures, and the Swimming Pool was a great addition to the facilities provided for the community. The current contract to design a new vision for the Park is not the first one to be issued. In the late 1960's, the Kemptville Council hired the firm of Parkway Planning Associates of Ottawa, who drew

The Voice of North Grenville

Grammar Minute

up plans for a complete overhaul of Riverside Park. There was to be an open-air theatre beside the South Branch, tent and trailer parks, a new athletics track and Curling Rink, as well by Pat Babin as a large new Community Centre and Arena right in the centre of the Park. The What to do during old Armoury was to be- these lazy crazy days of come a Youth Centre and summer!?! there would be a beach area How about: eenie, for swimming in addition meenie, miney, mo? to a swimming pool and a wading pool beside where Which is which? (sethe current Pool is situated. lect spelling preferred in All in all, it was a dramatic Canada) and ambitious plan for Riv1. acomodate erside Park, but one which 2. accomodate failed to gain sufficient 3. acommodate support. The plan itself 4. accommodate remains as a vision of what Riverside Park might still 1. consensus be in the future, and may 2. concensus be of some use to the cur3. consencus rent design team. Citizens 4. consenssus can complete the online questionnaire at http:// 1. embarras www.northgrenville.ca/ 2. embaras news.cfm?nid=4221. The 3. embarass consultants will be at the 4. embarrass Farmers Market on Sunday, July 28 from 12-4pm 1. foreward to get your views on their 2. forword initial park plan concept. 3. forworde An overall Conceptual 4. foreword Plan for Riverside will be presented to Municipal Council in early autumn. For more information on the project and how to participate please contact Mark Guy, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture at 613-258-9569 ext. 107 or email mguy@ northgrenville.on.ca.

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Do not forget!!!! Next dropoff date for books is Saturday, August 3, 2013. North Grenville Book Fair Dates: October 18, October 19, 2013

On ice with the Kemptville 73’s

by the Sports Guy

July 17, 2013

This past weekend, the Kemptville 73’s featured their prospect invitation training camp for this year at the North Grenville Municipal Complex under the direction of a new core of management and operations. With Ron Tugnutt planting roots here and gaining full ownership of the team, and his past experiences as a seasoned NHL veteran, the 73s have the nucleus in place to bring an exciting sports entertainment package to our community. His keen knowledge of the game has solidified a strong supportive group of individuals to represent the team and move it forward in a positive direction on-ice and off-ice. To quote Ron.”We have just begun”. I’d say his operational team expresses where he is coming from: General Manager, Terry Nichols; Assistant General Manager, Doug Rigby; Head Coach, Peter Ambroziak; Assistant Coaches, Kenny Fleck, Andy Choquette & Mike Byrd; Trainer, Jo-Anne Hendry; and Equipment Manager, Hilly Leizert Seventy-seven young athletic gentlemen graced the ice with their presence from Friday to Sunday giving their all to show they deserve to wear the 73’s colours and represent your community with pride. As a friend of mine and “keeperof-the-time” said, “ I wouldn’t want to be the one that has to select the final roster because each squad was evenly matched, great group of players, very competitive”. The 73’s will be back on the ice on August 18 for their official training camp. Because many of the players are from out of town the team requires billets, if you are interested please contact Terry Nichols at kemptville73s@yahoo.ca or call 613-282-8310



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

O.P.P. and Tallman Truck Centre BBQ for KYC There’s nothing better than the smell and taste of a barbeque on a hot summer day! Throughout the months of July and August, Kemptville O.P.P. will be hosting a series of barbeques in order to help out local charities. Fundraising barbeques will be held every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Kemptville O.P.P. headquarters, located at 236 County Road 44. In order to help out the many valuable charities within the community, Kemptville O.P.P. is connecting local businesses to local charitable organizations on this project. Each time, a local business will cover the cost of everything that is needed to put on a successful BBQ, allowing the charity of choice to gain all proceeds that are raised on that day.

Thursday, July 11 kicked off the first day of this year’s fundraising barbeques. A number of community members came to the Kemptville O.P.P. station to support local North Grenville Accessible Transportation and The Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC). Thanks to Royal LePage Gale Real Estate’s kind-hearted sponsorship, beautiful weather and the generosity of community members, the first charity barbeque of the year was a huge success raising $400 for each charity. On Thursday, July 25, leave your lunch at home. Tallman Truck Centre has accepted Kemptville O.P.P.’s invitation to partner on this day’s fundraising barbeque. All proceeds from this day will be generously donated to KYC in order

to help them raise much needed funds. “Tallman Truck Centre has considered involvement in the community of North Grenville an integral part of its mandate since its inception 40 years ago this year. Ways in which we can support local youth initiatives are particularly important to us – as shown by our sponsorship of such events as the Kemptville Big Brothers/Big Sisters Ribfest or the 2012 KYC Breakfast or our direction involvement with area children in the annual Christmas parade and Halloween and Christmas parties co-hosted with BB/BS.” stated Tallman Truck Centre’s Art Soper. “We see the KYC as filling an equally important need in our community and are happy to support their efforts in providing

a positive environment for youth in our area and we look forward to a long-standing relationship with the Centre.” This is another chance for our supporters to support local youth programs in the area. I’d like to thank Constable Cathy Lindsay and her team as well as Tallman Truck Centre for making this happen for us again,” explained Robin Heald from Kemptville Youth Centre. Having third party fundraisers like BBQs allows Kemptville Youth Centre employees and volunteers to serve youth with more programming during the time they have to give. If you have time to hold an event for The Kemptville Youth Centre, contact Robin Heald 613258-5212 or at director@ kemptvilleyc.com.

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$800 was raised last week at the OPP BBQ - $400 for the Kemptville Youth Centre & $400 for North Grenville Accessible Transportation. This fundraiser was sponsored by Royal Lepage Gale Real Estate.


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Fetherston Park not a new problem

by David Shanahan The occupants of thirty-seven homes in the Fetherston Park Mobile Home Estates have been given notices by the Municipality which may result in their losing their homes within ninety days. The notices, which were attached to each door in the Park, noted that the situation with the sewage system has become so grave that the Municipality “see no viable options which would allow the residents to continue living on the property". The Ministry of the En-

vironment have estimated that the cost to repair, or replace, the current sewage system would be around $750,000, a sum neither the residents nor the Municipality seem to have. This is not by any means a recent development. The Park was established in the early 1970's, and by 1976 five sewage systems had been built to service the property, all without permits. The Ministry of Environment [MOE] began to report several sewage leaks after 1974, and the situation escalated until 2000, when the MOE issued its

ing and a third must be moved because it is under a home”. Other orders followed until 2008, when the owners declared bankruptcy. The MOE raised the level of their order to a Director ’s Order, which was appealed to the Environmental Review Tribunal by the owners. A residents' committee was formed in 2009 to collect a fee from residents which went to pay for essential services like water, sewage and road maintenance. This fee is $200 per residence per month. In the meantime, the Municipality began looking for a buyer for

first orders against the owners, J. Edwin Brown Holdings, due to sewage smell and high E. Coli counts. The Municipality of North Grenville had been ordered by the MOE in 2002 to monitor the septic systems because the owner was not complying with their orders. That same year, tenants were granted a hearing under the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, claiming that the owner was not doing anything to repair the defective sewage systems. The following year, MOE reported that “two septic systems are fail-

the Park, but without success. At that point, the Park was valued at around $500,000, but the cost of repairing the sewage systems was estimated at $750,000. No buyers were interested. According to the MOE: “On May 27, 2013, the ministry served a renewal to the Sections 61 and 62 Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) Director’s Report and Direction to The Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville to monitor and undertake repairs to the defective sewage systems at Fetherston Park”. The Municipality was issued with a Director’s Report and Direction which required the Municipality to monitor the defective systems and “to take all necessary and appropriate action to deal with any breakouts of sewage to the natural environment and any other malfunctioning of the sewage works that may impair the quality of the

surface water or groundwater or that may impact on human health”. The residents are desperately looking for help to avoid losing their homes and the investment which has been made in them since 2000. They have amassed a fund of about $50,000 over the years, and would be willing to make monthly payments if some source would provide a grant to cover the repairs. Local MPP, Steve Clark, has taken up the cause and he hopes to find funds that would allow the Municipality to make the repairs. But the residents have been waiting a long time since the Municipality first got involved, and there are fears that the most recent crisis will be used as an excuse to close the Park permanently so it can be developed into a new subdivision. Following a meeting last Sunday, residents plan to hold another open meeting at the Municipal Centre on Thursday night.

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