the north grenville
TIMES The Voice of North Grenville
Vol. 2, No. 11
March 19, 2014
Making sense of it all
The threatened closure of the Kemptville Campus is certainly one of the most important issues to arise in North Grenville in many years. It affects so many sectors of our community, economically, socially, educationally and in terms of future development and support of the agricultural sector, that we have thought it worth giving some space to it in this issue. There have been some confusing and conflicting facts and statistics thrown around over the past week, and very little background context provided, that we know the people of North Grenville will understand why so much attention needs to be given to this story. It is a story which is on-going and every day brings new developments. If you would like to comment, complain or encourage those involved in the issue, here are some e-mail addresses that may be useful: Steve Clark, M.P.P.:; Mayor David Gordon:; Premier Kathleen Wynne: by Beth Nicol When I was six years old, I got my mouth washed out with Palmolive Soap for calling my older sister a “liar.” It is a lesson that I have never forgotten. Therefore rather than rant and lay blame, let me lay out the facts as I know them. It began in December with an email warning of a Program Prioritization Process initiated by University of Guelph and the possibility of
the closure of the Kemptville Campus. In early January, at the recommendation of Dr. Naud, the Director of the Kemptville Campus, I called Charles Cunningham, Assistant-Vice President (Communications and Public Affairs) University of Guelph. He explained that the PPP was one of many tools used when an organization is preparing to restructure. It would be used to identify and rank all academic and non-academic programs and services.
He then went on to explain the financial situation at the University of Guelph as follows: -over the past four years, the University of Guelph reallocated $46 000 000 from within operating budgets to balance the books, swallowing the loss internally. –over the next three years, there is a projected shortage in funding totalling $32.4 million. I asked him three questions: 1. What % of the cutbacks
would be passed on the Kemptville Campus? 2. What areas specifically would see funding changes? 3. Is there a chance that these cuts would result in closure for the Kemptville Campus? Mr. Cunningham replied as follows: 1. The Colleges would be responsible for $24.6 million and the balance would come from non-academic units in Guelph. Specifically, continued on page 2
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Women’s Institute monthly meeting PRO Bishop‘s Mills Women’s Institute by Jeanne Lambert Heritage was the focus of the February meeting of the Bishop’s Mills Women's Institute. Susan Jenkins and Jillian Wainwright, the Tweedsmuir Curators, hosted the meeting in Susan’s home. Ten members attended to hear a presentation from North Grenville Historical Society member Doug MacDonald. Doug shared some of the information that has been collected for a research proj-
ect on the one-room school houses in the township. As part of the evening Roll Call, WI Members shared stories about where they attended school and a few had attended rural schools in the area. In addition to showing some of what was already displayed about local schools, Doug described the book that was being compiled with stories from students who attended the local schools. He also put out a plea for names and contacts of oth-
ers who might have more stories to tell. Following the presentation, Susan shared some family heirloom artifacts including a Chatauqua Industrial Arts Desk complete with scroll of maps, measures, and other useful information for students from primary to high school. In other business, the donations for the Beth Donovan Hospice and Lazarus House have been arranged. These donations were the result of the successful auction held
in December. The new sandwich board sign was used for the auction and the new panel sign for the front of the community hall will be installed as soon as the snow disappears. T h e B i s h o p ’s M i l l s Women’s Institute has been involved in the community since 1985, including documenting the history of the village and encouraging positive change. The Bishop’s Mills Women’s Institute holds monthly meetings and welcomes new members interested in meeting their neighbours and getting involved in their community. The next meeting is Thursday, March 20 at the home of member Patricia Habberjam and will include learning to play the game Mah Jong. If you are interested in finding out more about WI, see the Provincial organization’s website: www.fwio. . For information about attending local meetings, please contact President Sheryl McKim 613-926-2472 or Jeanne Lambert at and Check out the Facebook page.
Beth Donovan Hospice accepts a generous donation from the Bishop’s Mills Women's Institute. Funds donated will be used to support the new Day Hospice Program. This program will enhance quality of life for hospice clients while providing much needed respite for families. The Day Hospice Program Open House will take place April 24 from 1-3 pm. Shown here, left to right, are Laura Smith, Volunteer/Client Services Coordinator, Jeanne Lambert, PRO for Bishop’s Mills WI, and Dawn Rodger, Executive Director. continued from front page Kemptville would be cut $2.7 million over three years beginning September 2014. 2. Areas affected by budget cuts would be determined by the staff and administration of each College working together. 3. No, there would be no impending closure of the Kemptville Campus. After the article in the January 8, 2014 edition in the NG Times, Dr. Naud called to request a meeting. He was concerned that the article I had written regarding funding cuts would discourage students from applying for entrance in the fall. The result was an explanation on how
March 19, 2014
the OAC is structured and a different interpretation of the figures. The second scenario saw the $2.7 million in funding cuts being spread over all of the member colleges. It also resulted in a tour. Which brings me to another issue. The Kemptville Campus needs upgrading? Perhaps some of the buildings: these, however, are not the responsibility of U of G. The upgrades which the College has undertaken over the past few years are many and varied. Rather than list them, I would suggest that you ask for a tour on your own. In the meantime, take my word that it is far, far from outdated. Another contradiction
is the statistics regarding student enrolment which are being tossed about. For some reason, only associate diploma and undergrad students enrolled in joint U of G programs are being counted. The remaining 300 plus full and part-time students in the Trades programs apparently don’t count. (Lest you think I am making numbers up, I refer you to a recent addition to the University of Guelph website which is supposed to answer any questions you may have about the “consolidation” of its programming.) The entire process leaves me feeling betrayed and somewhat foolish. Either something major occurred in February which resulted in a drastic decision regarding the future of the Kemptville Campus. Or … well, you decide. Meanwhile, don’t you just sit on the sidelines. Call, write, email, fax, twitter and tweet. Express your opinions. www.
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
PREMIER REFUSES CLARK’S REQUEST TO PUT CAMPUS CLOSURES ON HOLD Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark expressed shock and disappointment on behalf of Eastern Ontario residents at Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food Kathleen Wynne’s refusal to act on his request for a two-year moratorium on the closure of Kemptville and Alfred Colleges. T h e P r e m i e r ’s r efusal to grant his request prompted Clark to make a direct appeal for her to join him in an urgent meeting with stakeholders in Kemptville. During Question Period Monday morning, Clark asked Premier Wynne to agree to the moratorium, which would prevent the dismantling of
the campuses’ programs and facilities as the two communities develop a business plan for their future. “I’ve got 5,000 people that have signed the online petition standing up for these agricultural colleges. We need a viable, strong agricultural sector and we need to be able to teach innovation at an agricultural college close to home,” said Clark in his question to the Premier. “Minister, are you going to stand up … put a moratorium on it and support the college? Don’t dismantle Kemptville and Alfred.” Clark’s proposal for a moratorium to give the communities time to de-
Gord Brown supports move to retain Kemptville campus of University of Guelph Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for Leeds-Grenville, supported the efforts to keep the Kemptville campus of the University of Guelph open in North Grenville. “Farmers in eastern Ontario have relied on this facility for support and knowledge for close to 100 years,” he says. Besides education for the area’s future farmers, the facility hosts information weeks and seminars for the area’s agricultural community. As well, it is a major employer and economic driver in the community of Kemptville, he adds, supporting 75 full
time and about 25 part-time employees who instruct close to 500 students. “That the province would announce the closure without discussing it with the community and looking at other options is a slap in the face to everyone involved in agriculture in eastern Ontario,” says Brown. “I support the efforts of MPP Steve Clark and join him in calling of Premier Kathleen Wynne, who is also the province’s agriculture minister, to answer to the community of Kemptville and to the farm community,” explains Brown.
velop a plan for the future of the two campuses has received widespread support – including from the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. But instead of siding with those supporting the continuation of agricultural education in Eastern Ontario, the Premier told Clark not to worry because the programs aren’t being cancelled, but moved to Guelph and Ridgetown. “That’s a completely unacceptable answer from the Minister of Agriculture to tell us to just accept that these programs will be ripped from our community and shipped hundreds of kilometres away,” said Clark. “We heard loud and clear from over 400 people attending Saturday’s emergency Ontario Federation of Agriculture meeting in Kemptville that maintaining those programs in Eastern Ontario is critical to the future of the farming and agri-food sectors in our region.” Following the Premier’s disappointing response in Question Period, Clark used a Member’s Statement this afternoon to extend an invitation for her to attend a meeting with the agricultural com-
munity, municipal officials and other stakeholders in Kemptville at her earliest opportunity. “I’m taking the Premier at her word to work co-operatively by calling on her now to come to Kemptville with me,” said Clark in his statement. “Let’s meet the committee formed at Saturday’s emergency OFA meeting and you can hear for yourself why there is such widespread support for a moratorium.” Clark has pointed out the current Liberal government granted a two-year moratorium on the closure of the New Liskeard Agricultural Research Station in 2012 to give that community an opportunity to develop a business case for its continuation. “The precedent has been set and we deserve the same treatment in Eastern Ontario. A moratorium would ensure the programs and infrastructure to deliver them to stay in place and, most importantly, that we have a new class of students showing up in September for the 201415 academic year,” said Clark. A video of Clark’s Member’s Statement is available on his YouTube site here: http:// TyfRXu641qI&list=UU7z4tk jJhaY7q6Dg2fDG1xA
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Are we paying for U of Guelph pensions? by David Shanahan In closing the Kemptville campus, the University of Guelph is taking around seventy-five full-time as well as some part-time and seasonal jobs away from local North Grenville residents. The economic hit we as a community will take from this is quite severe, and the personal damage in the lives of these workers cannot be overestimated. The University claims that “it costs about $4.6 million annually to support teaching, research, operations and maintenance at Kemptville” and notes that the University is facing $32.4-million funding gap over the next four years”. Oddly enough, they then claim that “this decision is not about saving money” [U. of Guelph website]. The President of the University, Alastair Summerlee, has been trying to make the case that keeping the Kemptville campus open does not make busi-
ness sense. “We are operating in an era of scarce resources,” he said. “We must make difficult decisions.” [U. of Guelph press release March 12]. But if the University is in straitened financial circumstances, whose fault is it, and who should be paying? Taking a look at Summerlee himself, it is worth pointing out that, when he was first appointed President of Guelph in 2003, his salary was $220,597. Today, it is $490,857. Quite an increase. The Prevost of the University’s salary in the same ten years has risen from $16,000 a year to an astonishing $320,000 [Fair Pensions blog, September 13, 2013]. An online article in Maclean’s last month discussed the effects of these large salaries on the operating budgets of the University. A threatened strike by teachers at U of G in 2008 led to administrators (including Summerlee) agreeing to raises of about
“Unabated, this scale of annual payment would require elimination of any reserves, the liquidation of unrestricted assets and increased borrowing. All of these fiscal necessities would lead to the significant erosion in both capacity and quality of our core teaching and research programs.” Now we know why the Kemptville campus is being closed: fat pensions for University administrators. In 2010, then, the University of Guelph knew there was a problem, but nothing had been done until now. Now we, in North Grenville, are paying to keep Summerlee’s pension intact. Another article in Maclean’s once prophesied this very scenario in discussing the issue of salaries and pensions at Guelph. It is an apt context in which to judge recent events: “Management, with their fat compensation, will continue negotiating fat compensation with fac-
19 per cent over four years on top of other increases. “It turned out Guelph couldn’t afford the raises. The school ended up with a huge structural deficit that led to hiring freezes and deteriorating buildings jammed with ever more students paying ever more tuition.” [Josh Dehaas, February 4, 2014]. But it is not just the administrative salaries that is costing the University. Contracts there guarantee that when people like Summerlee retire, he will get 70% of his leaving salary, which means an annual pension for the President of $360,000. There are so many retired and soon-to retire staff and administrators in the University, that there is not enough money to pay them all. In fact, the pension deficit amounts to $34,000 per student! University revenues are actually up by 18% since 2008, but the pension deficit eats up the money. The University itself reported in 2010 that:
ulty, while politicians hold their tongues so that taxpayers don’t go after their fat compensation next. … But if nothing changes, it’s students who will suf-
fer. Tuition will continue to rise, student debt will continue to climb, and one day there will be no money left for things like lectures and labs.”
“We want the College to celebrate its 100th birthday,” Steve Clark group would be formed by the meeting’s end. It would operate under the auspices of the K.C.F. which already has “charitable status.” The Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and MPP for Prescott-Russell, Grant Crack, addressed the room briefly. The reprieve which Alfred Campus has received by entering into two new partnerships was mentioned. He offered his support in the effort to keep the Kemptville Campus open, saying, “Education is not a money making venture, it is a plan for future generations.” Leeds and Grenville M.P.P. Steve Clark spoke with passion and determination. He will seek a two year moratorium from the University of Guelph to allow time for a plan to be developed. He also emphasized the need for an immediate lifting of the freeze on student intake. Jack McLaren, MPP for Mississippi-Mills, commented that the future of Canada’s ability to play a role in the international agricultural market depends on the continuing education of her farmers. The microphone was then turned over to individuals wanting to either comment or make suggestions. There was no mistaking the pas-
photo courtesy of Ruth Vogel by Beth Nicol In spite of strong feelings, the meeting hosted by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture at the W.B. George Centre on Saturday, March 15 was well organized, orderly and productive. Working under the assumption that those in attendance would agree that the decision to close the Kemptville Campus of the University of Guelph was ill-conceived, the intent of the gathering was to hold meaningful dialogue and to establish a way forward. The speakers addressed an audience composed of present day and former March 19, 2014
College students and staff, agricultural organization representatives, mayors, wardens, farmers from all over eastern Ontario and concerned citizens of North Grenville. After the guest speakers had finished, an opportunity was given for individuals to comment or make suggestions. The chair of the meeting was Mr. Bill Smerle. Mayor Dave Gordon, who first alerted the community to the University of Guelph’s intention to shut down the Kemptville Campus, welcomed an estimated 400 attendees and stated his support for and commitment to keeping the Kemptville
Campus open. Mark Wales, President of the O.F.A., stated that the relationship that the College had with the University of Guelph was an experiment which had failed. He spoke to the need for an immediate response for, “If the lights go out, it will be tough to get them back on.” For this reason, there needs to be an intake class for September 2014. The President of the Kemptville College Foundation, Mac Johnston, decried the University of Guelph’s lack of vision, direction and purpose, leaving the College in an orphaned state. He said that he hoped an umbrella
sion felt by those sharing their opinions. The result was a line-up at the desk where contact information was gathered from those interested in becoming a volunteer. Tony Straathof, President of the Renfrew County/ Ontario National Farmers Union , spoke with visible emotion as did Marty Derks, a former Kemptville College grad and present day farmer from Chesterville. Mr. Stratoff stated he would help work to keep the doors open but he wanted to “work with people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.” Mr. Derks said of the College, “It is the very fabric that binds us. Kemptville College is the original social network for agriculture. The contacts that are made here stick with you for life. The graduates of this institution have so much
more in common than education. It creates a network that rivals no other.” By the meeting’s end, an umbrella group operating under the auspices of the Kemptville College Foundation was formed. K.C.F. President, Mac Johnston, will chair the group. A new vision, embracing the College’s multifaceted character, will be established; formal agricultural organizations and farmers are represented, as are former professors and other agricultural stakeholders. They gathered to organize themselves at the meeting’s end. Letters of support, written comments or suggestions may be sent to: OFA/Eastern Federations C/O Hamilton 2832 Barr Line Road Cobden ON K0J 1K0 or
Municipality Matters
The North Grenville Times Letter to Kathleen Wynne, Premier Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1
North Grenville deserved better by Mayor David Gordon There is a lot to be disappointed about when it comes to the closing of the Kemptville Campus by the University of Guelph. It’s not just the closing itself, but the way it was done. The decision was made in Guelph behind closed doors without any consultation or input from the community stakeholders. This decision affects so many others in North Grenville and on our local economy. The way the decision was taken is a slap in the face to not only the agricultural community, but also this rural small-town community. In addition to the educational programs offered here, the Kemptville Campus offered a number of other services, such as hosting conferences and other events which were important resources for the region’s agri-food trades industry. The economic benefits that came to the wider business community have been a major part of our local economy, especially in the Kemptville area. It will, in fact, create a tremendous void for our farmers in Eastern Ontario, who will have to rely on an institution that is 700 kilometres away
for advice and support in growing their operations in the most sustainable way and using the most up-todate technology. This is not efficient, and it removes that resource from our local farmers, who will not be travelling to Guelph for advice in the future. It is also upsetting that this comes with the approval of the Premier, who, as Minister for Agriculture, recently committed the government to providing reasonable access to post-secondary education for the young people of Ontario. The young people of Eastern Ontario who will now have to travel those 700 kms to attend the University of Guelph won’t find that “reasonable”, will they? Kemptville College has been operating for close to one hundred years and represents the very fabric of what this community stands for. Generation upon generation have walked the grounds of this reputable institution and today we are told that this means nothing. My own father graduated from the College back in the late 1940's, and he was one of the working farmers who built this country from coast to coast. Kemptville College has
The Voice of North Grenville
Dear Honourable Premier,
been a significant contributor to our history and, as such, this decision and its impact on North Grenville cannot be ignored by the Province of Ontario and its Minister of Agriculture, Kathleen Wynne. Over one hundred employees and more than five hundred students of all courses will be impacted by the decision. Forcing those students to travel to Guelph represents a risk of seeing our neighbours in North Grenville having to relocate to find employment. As Mayor, I have done everything I could to make people aware of what has been happening, and I promise that, as Mayor and in the name of Council and municipal staff, we will do everything in our power to counter this attack on the agricultural community and on rural and small-town families in Eastern Ontario. We will be working closely with provincial and federal political representatives, as well as those community members who are organising in this cause, to find workable and long-term alternatives to this unfair closure of our treasured College.
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My name is Dwight Thompson, and I am Registered Social Worker in the Province of Ontario, and the Clinical Director of Research, Programs and Services for the Grenville Center for Social Studies. I am writing to you and your Cabinet, about the recent developments surrounding the closure of the Kemptville College for Agricultural Studies in Kemtpville, Ontario. For the past three years, I have called Kemptville, Ontario my second home. Born in North Gower, Ontario (a close neighbour to Kemptville), I have always admired Kemptville for its College, and as an academic find it impressive that a small town has coordinated a sincere effort to keep rural and agricultural studies alive within this small community. As the province's Student Director in the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW), and a member of the largest branch of the OASW, the Eastern Branch, comprised of over 400 professional Social Workers in Eastern Ontario, Kemptville and its constituents are an enormous part of our concerns. The challenges and issues faced in this community are no less important than those that comprise the larger urban status-quo. The closure of the College will cost our community of Kemptville, jobs, dreams and a passion for the rural and agricultural sector in this region. Our College has been in place since 1917, approximately three years after the official opening of The School of Philanthropy (now the Inwentash-Factor Faculty of Social Work), at the Uni-
versity of Toronto, where I graduated with a Master's in Social work focusing on health and mental health. Primarily I have used my studies, now at the doctoral level, to address the challenges and knowledge deficits regarding relationships and the issues in the formation of Identity. Our College in Kemptville comprises many relationships, and has contributed to a long standing Identity of education and development in the rural sector. If we lose our most valuable asset, you will see our community lose its beacon of knowledge transfer to the individuals, families and residents of all farming communities in Ontario. Solving the financial burdens of post secondary education does not need to involve the erasure of community partnership in responding to these challenges. While the University of Guelph will no doubt save its financial status from uncertain pressure in these times of change, it will leave a huge gash in our community by contributing to the loss of jobs, wages and further opportunities for rural and agricultural development. I can only begin to advise your Cabinet from a Social Work perspective, that systemically, these types of losses have far reaching consequences and negative effects into the economy and social lives of our rural residents. To close this college without providing the chance for residents in our local community to respond with a plan for a sustainable course of action would be a grave mistake. I am advising your Cabinet to consider allowing other
define my business success. This made it possible to start my own business in Kemptville and hire local employees. I do not want to see this opportunity lost to the youth in our community who deserve the hope and confidence that comes with the presence of a Guelph campus. The future will always present challenges, and with these challenges come opportunities. I strongly believe that Kemptville Campus has a role to play in shaping the future both locally and globally. Gilles Brisebois President, CEO and Founder LA Group
Dear David, During my weekly visit to the library, I was approached and informed that my name had been in the paper in the 'letter to the editor' section and that a series of articles had been published on the subject of God and Christianity belonging in the news paper. I won't go on about the topic any further but to say that YES, God does belong in the paper. Fortunately, God is celebrated in many forms other than Christianity.... perhaps you'll start publishing articles on the subjects of Self Realization or other non denominational worships of the omnipresent
alternatives, options and discussions to take place before the closure of our educational asset in Kemptville, Ontario becomes final. Further to this, I am encouraging the provincial Social Workers in Ontario and abroad to respond and request the same directions to your cabinet. As the representative for other students in the social sectors that support and serve rural residents in Ontario, we are reminding you of your due commitment to the betterment and well being of all persons living and residing in Ontario, which includes rural residents. Our communities wonder what your response will be to our dilemma, and we urge you to respond with an affirmation to help us protect our valuable resource. I urge all residents in every rural sector to respond with an affirmative voice as well in due consideration for the seriousness of this matter. We patiently await your reply, and remind you that our Kemptville, Grenville County, community has the talent, vision and resources to provide an equitable response that does not see the closure of this campus as the only alternative to the fmancial burdens of post secondary institutions in Ontario. Mr. Dwight Thompson, FD, BA, BSW, MSW, RSW, CBT. Individual, Couple & Family Counsellor/Psychotherapist PhD (D), Social Work (Advanced. Practice), Memorial University, Nfld. Ontario Association Student Director Registered Social Worker & Certified Specialist in Bereavement Trauma
Letters to the editor Dear Sir, As a business leader in our proud community and graduate of Kemptville Campus, I find the announcement by the University of Guelph to close this campus to be short-sighted and worthy of reconsideration. Kemptville Campus’ century-old tradition of research and innovation has contributed to significant advancements in food safety, farming practices, food manufacturing productivity and distribution—all the steps necessary for food for our families and a thriving, competitive food industry to drive jobs and investment. This spirit of innovation should be applied to continuing Kemptville Campus’ acaMarch 19, 2014
demic operations rather than simply throwing in the towel. I urge the organizations that directly benefit from the campus’ presence and the commercialization of its valuable research and inventions to step forward to assist at this critical juncture. Our municipality, our province and our federal government all have a stake, as well as the farmers, producers, manufacturers and dairy and egg marketing boards who have profited from the research and outputs fuelled by the minds at Kemptville Campus. The potential for innovative partnerships, joint ventures with government, industry and international programs must be
explored. The impacts on future manufacturing investments in our community and the loss of a heritage landmark make this decision unacceptable. And in this age of plant closures, workforce reductions in the food industry and economic downturn, the work by Kemptville Campus is more vital than ever—it attracts the food industry and related manufacturing by generating a skilled workforce. When I was a young student, my education at the Kemptville Campus equipped me to not only learn about agriculture—I learned the accounting and business practices that
universal energy rather than basing worship on outside beings and widely misinterpreted books (ie The Bible)? I may go so far as to suggest that when you follow up with publishing response letters from the community you actually include at least one that doesn't support your past publishing? Surely I am not the only person in NG who doesn't subscribe to the Christian faith? Best regards, Jessica Nightingale See page 11 for reply
The North Grenville Times Editorial Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics by David Shanahan Mark Twain popularised this phrase: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” University of Guelph official spokesperson, Charles Cunningham, Communications and Public Affairs, University of Guelph, was quoted in the NG Times on January 15, just two months ago, refuting rumours: “In spite of rumors to the contrary, Mr. Cunningham stated that the University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus is not in danger of closure. It will have to face the challenges of the next three years with courage, innovation, and determination”. When the NG Times was unofficially informed in December that the Kemptville Campus was going to be closed down, we immediately approached the Kemptville administration for comment. They knew
nothing about it, but we were granted an interview with Charles Cunningham in Guelph. Two months later, we all know how accurate his statement has proven to be. See Beth Nicol’s article, front page. How could it be that someone could tell us two months ago that the College was going to be closed? Why did the University of Guelph officially deny that at the time? It seems clear now that the decision to close Kemptville had been made at the same time they were officially denying the fact. Misleading. Dishonest. It has since been learned that the approval of the Ontario Premier (and Minister of Agriculture) Kathleen Wynne for the closure had been received some time ago. But Dr. Naud and his staff in Kemptville were apparently not informed, but were instead encouraged to spend their time and energy in trying to balance the budget in Kemptville,
agonising over possible lay-offs, cutbacks in courses and research projects, and all for nothing. The decision to close must already have been made in Guelph. How long did it take for the Province to find alternate arrangements for the Alfred Campus, announced just a couple of days after the closure was announced? Everything about this process has demonstrated a disgraceful lack of ethics and integrity on the part of the University of Guelph and, by extension, the Premier. Elsewhere in this issue we publish an article showing the fragile state of the University’s financial position and how it has been caused by bad management and greed on the part of administrators. It seems that North Grenville is paying the price for the University’s failures. See article, page 4. It is right that the only Francophone college in the province be saved, and it no
doubt helped that it is situated in a Liberal riding. We know already from power plants that this provincial government play party politics with tax money and the future of taxpayers. Premier Wynne came to Eastern Ontario on Monday before the closure was announced, to give $1 million to keep a cheese factory open. The day after the closure was announced, she revealed that her government would not be levying an extra 10¢ a litre on gas to finance the Toronto Transit system. Perhaps there was a hope the bad news would be lost in the middle of the good. Having bypassed Kemptville, she now hopes we as a community will do something to save the College from her actions. Very classy. The manner in which the announcement of the closure was made seems quite underhanded too. It would appear that the University
were discussed in relation to home/property and taxes, the column did not orchestrate any material related to the psycho-social and health impacts that ought to be considered in planning a quarry. Beyond the value of property, the health and mental and social lives of individuals who live on these properties also need to be considered. There is ample evidence to suggest, at the very least, a consideration that toxic fumes, excessive noise and other factors surrounding the work that takes place in quarries DOES impact the health and social lives of those individuals, that beyond tax considerations, also place a burden on the health and social costs of our region as well. I would draw attention to a document by Gravel Watch, Ontario (Aggregate Pits and Quarries, Adverse Effects and Negative Impacts on Human Health & The Environment, January 2009). Although I cannot comment on the documents entire veracity, the document does remind us to be mindful of human health and
economic concerns regarding the development of quarries. Community residents, along with Municipal officials, should be encouraged to become fully aware of the health and social risks of any project development that affects our locality. These developments do not just stop exclusively at the "property buck!" Dwight Thompson
the region, descended upon the Maine Legislature, 300 miles away. Professionals of every stripe, the Chamber of Commerce, service clubs, municipal politicians, school officials, parents, alumni, and students participated. Not only were these brave souls able to save the college; their arduous involvement led to an expanded program along with degree-granting status. This did not happen overnight. The haggling lasted at least three years, with incremental progress noted over that period. The power of the people! What appeared to be the death knell of our beloved “normal school” became an antidote stronger than anyone ever imagined. Today, the University of Maine at Fort Kent is a thriving institution with a multifarious curriculum, a vibrant student body, an exceptional sports program, a proactive alumni, and strong support from the powers that be in Augusta. Patrick Babin, PhD
The Voice of North Grenville
had intended to simply slip into Kemptville, announce the closure, and leave before anyone could ask questions. But the decision was leaked in advance, and Mayor David Gordon and Steve Clark, MPP made sure the word got out before the Wednesday noon announcement. As a result, the statements made by various university officers were conflicting and confused. It was stated that a staff meeting had been held on the Tuesday to inform Kemptville staff of the coming closure. This was untrue. Until an hour before the official announcement, staff at the campus were not aware an announcement would be made here, and many thought that the decision from Guelph would involve amalgamation of Kemptville and some other campus, not a complete closure. Hardly a proper way to treat your staff and faculty. People who attended the Wednesday announcement
Letters to the editor Dear Editor I write to add my 2 cents worth to the illegal dumping issue. It saddens and sickens me to see the take-out coffee cups, chocolate bar wrappers, etc in the ditches and along the sides of the road as I travel my daily walking route south on Townline Road. I have gotten in the habit of taking along a bag in order to pick up this debris and as I do, I wonder how anyone, at anytime, can justify opening their vehicle window and tossing the empty onto the side of the road. As a matter of fact, I have been told by a neighbour that they pick up the empty beer cans and bottles and take them back to the store for the refund, netting about $50 last year alone. Pretty Sad!!!!!!!!!! Shaking My Head, Josephine Herman Dear Editor With respect to the article written by Mr. Bertram in the column that addressed the details deferring the Lafarge decision, I found it interesting that although equity and value
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 March 19, 2014
Death Knell? No Way! Umpteen years ago, when I resided in Fort Kent, Maine, the State Legislature in Augusta announced quite arbitrarily that the teachers’ college in the community was closing. Northern Maine was inhabited by Acadians who were mostly francophone. That population commanded very little respect in angloMaine. What was considered by the legislators to be a fait accompli did the opposite. Overnight, the community along with other nearby towns became one. A delegation of approximately two hundred, consisting of representatives from most organizations in
ISSN 2291-0301
the north grenville
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989- 2850
Editor David Shanahan 613-258-5083 613-258-5083
Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-5083
Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-258-5083
Dear Mayor & Council It was encouraging to hear on the CBC that Mayor Gordon is resolved to fight the closure of Kemptville College. I'd like to suggest that the model of having these colleges just be satellites of Guelph was never a good idea, and that the College will need to be reconstituted under local direction, perhaps with a more balanced academic approach to its offerings, if it is to be revived, along the lines taken with the Forest Station. If such an enterprise is undertaken, be assured that our family will be entirely supportive: we have extensive local experience, university level instructors in natural history, graphic arts and literature, and the equipment & collections of a natural history museum to contribute to a remaking of the College. Sincerely, Fred Schueler, Ph.D.
say that the Vice-President of the University, Rich Moccia, was more concerned about how the decision leaked to the public and media than about the effects on the local community and the College workers, seventy-five of whom will lose their jobs as a result of the closure. “We regret that valued employees will be affected by this decision,” the University’s President, Alaister Summerlee said. “This action is in no way a reflection on the importance of their past contributions. These are difficult decisions but ones that are necessary and unavoidable.” But apparently these same people didn’t deserve to be informed in advanced of the closure. The carefully planned public relations campaign that the university had prepared to follow the bad news went into overdrive, but only led to further confusion, as more and more information emerged that contradicted them. University President Summerlee was joined by one or two others to claim that the Kemptville campus was “outdated” and in need of millions of dollars in investment to bring it up to the proper standard. Compare that to the statements made to this paper over the past three months pointing out the world class facilities that exist in Kemptville, and the important research and development work being done there. The North Grenville community have rallied around the Kemptville campus and have shown real anger at the treatment we have received from the U. of Guelph. The meeting last Saturday was well attended and demonstrated a deep determination to fight this injustice and to find ways to maintain the old Kemptville College as part of North Grenville. We will fight to keep this historic institution operating and growing, teaching and learning, and it is quite clear that we do not need, or want, the University of Guelph as a partner in this effort. We have higher standards than that.
Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104
Accounting Staff Reporter Beth Nicol 613-258-4671 613-258-0033
The North Grenville Times The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville The Voice of North Grenville
Planning a wedding yourself is a lot of work! There is a seemingly never-ending list of choices and decisions to make, so what’s a bride (or groom!) to do? Here within these pages is a list of tips, tricks, and solid advice that I wish I would have known before my own wedding in North Grenville. Living in a small community like North Grenville, it may often seem that you have to go to the city to shop or to have the wedding ceremony just the way you want it, but to our surprise, there is a plethora of local shops, venues, resources and businesses that make planning the perfect wedding easy. Not having a wedding? Make sure you pass this along to someone who is because wedding couples need all the help they can get! - Micheal Pacitto, married August 17, 2013, in Oxford Mills
March 19, 2014 March 19, 2014
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The TheNorth NorthGrenville GrenvilleTimes Times
Understand the logistics How many guest will you have? What season of the year? What time of day? Will your guest need special accommodations? These are all things you need to consider when choosing your venue. Visiting the venue It is important to visit the venue at the time of day of your wedding. Lighting, view and atmosphere are different morning, noon and evening. Full service? Will the venue provide everything from tables and chairs, linens and catering supplies or will you be responsible for booking all the vendors for the wedding day. Your wedding style & feel Take into account what style of wedding you want. This will help you choose the venues you need to visit. A romantic vineyard, an elegant barn, a backyard garden or large hall all have their own appeal but does it work into your plans. Ask and verify Make a list and ask all the questions you have about the venue. Be sure to speak to all the people associated with the venue-from the catering manager, to the business manager, to the day-of coordinator.
Avoid freezer burn! Even if you take the most painstaking packaging measures, eating the top tier of your cake on your first anniversary sounds far better than it tastes. Think about indulging on your two-week or one-month anniversary, and treat yourself to a fresh cake in the same flavour when you've survived the first year. If you must adhere to tradition, wrap the cake in plastic wrap, then bag it in an airtight baggie. Stay away from aluminum foil -- it might not protect against freezer burn as well as plastic wrap because it's not an airtight material.
The photographer. The cake. The dress. There are so many things newly engaged brides have to worry about. Create a check list – Go to your local bookstore or online to look up wedding checklists for ideas. Stay on budget – Every wedding needs a budget. Whether it is an elaborate or a low-key wedding, you want to plan for all your expenses, as small as they may be. Everything adds up. Follow up with suppliers – Be sure to confirm details and arrival time at least a week before the wedding, including transportation reservations such as the limo.
March March19, 19,2014 2014
The TheVoice VoiceofofNorth NorthGrenville Grenville
Make a timeline package – If you don't have the luxury of a wedding planner, perhaps a trusted friend can keep everyone on schedule. Take the time to create a timeline of your wedding day events. Make sure it includes contact information, location addresses, where the photos will be taken and cell phone numbers of the bridal party. Don't forget to include maps and highlight key times of when and where people should be: the photographers, MC or the DJ.
The North North Grenville Grenville Times Times The
The Voice Voice of of North North Grenville Grenville The
(NC) Most brides have a vision of a beautifully decorated and themed wedding reception. Luckily, it is easy to achieve the wedding dĂŠcor you see in your mind's eye with a few easy and inexpensive do-ityourself projects. Tables They'll Talk About You don't have to settle for the same old table settings and centrepieces when it comes to putting your mark on your reception. Find knick-knacks or trinkets that mean something special to you and then use spray paint to turn them into a coordinated collection perfect for sparking dinner conversation. For example, turn little lovebird figures into one-of-a kind table place card holders with Krylon ColorMaster spray paint in your wedding colours. By attaching a memo pin to the top, you can guide your guests to their seats in style. And, when the reception is over, these can even double as photo holders and be given away as wedding favours.
Home made thank you party favours, filled with candy.
Novel Napkin Rings Napkins are a necessary dinner table accessory, so what do you do to make them stylish and add another personalized touch? Custom-made napkin rings are just the right detail. Wood or metal rings are often available at your local craft store. Then make them your own by gluing on personalized tokens, such as small decorations ornaments or initials, and spray painting to coordinate with your other table decorations for a completely classy look. Table Numbers Numbering the tables at your reception is an easy way to direct guests to their seats. It's simple to add an elegant touch by creating your own table numbers using inexpensive photo frames. Whether you purchase frames from a store, garage sale or by collecting them from around your own home, you can create a cohesive and classy collection in no time.
Local maple syrup in individual bottles.
Once you have your frames, purchase house numbers (like those used to show an address) that will fit within the glass area of your picture frames. Remove the glass and wipe all surfaces with alcohol to achieve a clean surface. Spray paint the frame and numbers the colour of your choice. Metallic paints create a classy look that complements your main wedding colours. Once all the pieces are dry, reassemble the frames and use an adhesive to bond the number to the front of the glass. When setting up for your reception, nest these numbers among your other table decorations for an exquisite presentation. With a bit of inspiration and spray paint, you'll have a wedding table to wow you guests. For information on these and other Krylon products and projects visit Disposable cameras, home made table numbers double as guest books.
March 19, 2014 March 19, 2014
The The North North Grenville Grenville Times Times
The The Voice Voice of of North North Grenville Grenville
Ideas to cut corners on your wedding budget Think about food miles. Ask your caterers to use only local ingredients from local suppliers when creating your menu. You will find that sourcing food locally cuts down on the food miles and ultimately cuts down the cost. Only invest in favours if you really love them. Guests will only remember the truly great ideas. Decorate your venue with hundreds of paper lanterns. They're cheap and cheerful, and you can always sell them after your wedding. If you tie in tiny LED lights, they'll even glow after dark. As an alternative to favours {which can become costly as the guest list rises}, donate to a charity which is close to your heart. Charities will often send pin badges and cards for each guest explaining that money has been donated in replacement of a favour. Using unusual containers for flowers, such as old fashioned bottles, jugs and glass jars, can add a lovely kitsch look and can be picked up for a bargain at charity shops or garage sales.
When you first start planning a wedding, your #1 resource to spend is time. You have lots of it! DIY projects are easy to organize with no looming deadlines. As you get closer to the big day, you will quickly run out of this precious resource, and you will be left with sanity, and money. Which one do you want to spend on your supposed “happiest day of your life (thus far)� Budget early on so you will be able to justify spending money when you need to most. Pictured below are IKEA paper decorations, we fitted with cheap lights. 14 of them for $120!
Use your friends' talents. Think about any skills your friends might have, from being creative and crafty, having beautiful handwriting, florist skills, or handy with make-up. This also adds a unique and personal touch to your day.
March March 19, 19, 2014 2014
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The North North Grenville Grenville Times Times The
The Voice Voice of of North North Grenville Grenville The
Arrange family wedding photos, going back as far as you can, in vintage frames and display them at your ceremony or reception - it will provide a talking point for guests and create a lovely decorative feature. Rather than getting your guests to sign a traditional guest book, you could get them all to sign some pottery such as a large platter. This will give you a lovely and unusual keepsake of your day which you can display in your home afterwards.
If you need a performer or an artist, why not call upon your local drama academy or art school. They will be much cheaper and they will so appreciate the opportunity
Tuck handwritten notes into the napkins for your guests - write about your favourite memory together or simply tell them what they mean to you. Instead of a traditional guest book, you could leave a card and pen at everyone’s place setting, with each one having a different sentence to complete such as, love is…, top tips for a happy marriage, or asking them to jot down a favourite memory of you both. Write your own vows, keeping it relevant to your life together.
March 19, 19, 2014 2014 March
To help break the ice at dinner, why not have your Best Man host a quiz about you both? Each table would work together as a team, and you could offer a prize for the winner. Make the arrival of the wedding cake an event, by asking your caterers to turn down the lights and bring it in decorated with indoor fireworks. Have you considered getting married at night? You could say your vows by candlelight, and then lead your guests in for an evening reception
If you’re getting married on a farm or in the countryside, use straw bales as seats. If you cover them with old tablecloths, it’ll fit in with a vintage-themed wedding.
Use ribbon or lace to decorate your ceremony and reception. Wrap ribbon around candles and napkins, or use it to decorate the aisle and canapés trays, etc
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The North Grenville Times
March 19, 2014
The Voice of North Grenville
The North Grenville Times
...and they’re OFF!
The first year students of Bio-Resource management with Equine Major preparing for the event. From bottom right to left: Meredith Farlette, Darci Anderson and Lynne McClure. From top left to right: Taylor Laroche and Emily Maas.
submitted by Taylor Laroche All horses’ noses are at the gates, with their drivers determined to win the race! This is how the first year Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management with Equine major of the University of Guelph at Kemptville Campus students' felt
when hosting their seventh annual “Night at The Races”. Rideau Carleton Raceway was thrilled about the students hosting another successful night on Sunday, March 2. This evening was again another success from the Kemptville Campus students. The evening was a fun filled night with an ir-
resistible delicious buffet meal, great entertainment with the live standard bred racing, casino slot machines, and socialization galore. Pace car rides were available for sponsors and a group picture of all attendees that came to the event through Kemptville Campus was taken. This was truly a memorable event. Guests were ravished with the student’s kindness and preparedness. Attendees enjoyed themselves greatly at this event. What an all around pleasant night! The Rideau Carleton Night at The Races is the 7th consecutive annual event organised by first year students enrolled in the Bachelor of BioResource Management – Equine major. All aspects of the organization and running of this race were led by these students.
The Voice of North Grenville
The North Grenville Photography Club
Meet the Challenge of cooking for one or two:
Back to the kitchen with cooking basics, Marie Traynor, MSc, RD, Registered Dietitian/Public Health Nutritionist, Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit Some nights, it’s not easy getting dinner to the table when you are cooking for one or two. No matter what your age, if you are on your own, getting used to an empty nest, away from home for the first time, or working a lot of hours, making meals for one or two can be a challenge. Quick and easy meal choices are two ways to meet the challenge and, from a Registered Dietitian’s point of view, tasty and nutritious count as well! Use Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide to help you decide if you have all the food groups covered. Here are some Nutrition Month 2014 tips and ideas from Dietitians of Canada that may make meals for one or two more enjoyable for you.
One pot meals - less mess, less fuss! Stir fries are a one pot, or rather one wok or fry pan, meal idea. Serve with brown rice or whole grain pasta. Cook larger batches of rice or pasta then freeze extra in single servings for another day. Let a slow cooker work for you. Make stews and so much more. Freeze leftovers in single serving containers for lunches or dinners. Go to for more information on stir fries or slow cookers. Breakfast for dinner! Did you have eggs this morning? If not, why not eggs for supper? The possibilities are endless. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Photographer David vanGilst found this Snowy Owl sitting on a telephone pole along Eagleson Rd, north of Richmond.
A Greek omelette filled with diced tomatoes, red onion, olives and feta cheese . Soft poached eggs, sautéed spinach and mushrooms, on top of toast or a baked potato. Burrito with scrambled egg or soft tofu, sautéed red pepper slices, avocado and salsa wrapped in a warm tortilla. French toast topped with a spoonful of yogurt and apple slices. When is a salad just a salad? Never, if you let your imagination work for you. Use baby spinach, mixed greens or arugula as the basis. Wash only what you need and dry in a clean dish towel. Top with a little olive oil, half as much lemon juice, a little black pepper and add ingredients such as:
Sliced fresh or drained canned pear, dried cranberries, toasted almonds and crumbled blue cheese, served with a side of crusty whole grain bread Grilled salmon, green onion, grapefruit or orange pieces and celery tossed with some cooked rice Go to and check out their salad recipes. Variety is the spice of life! Give a whole new meaning to the idea of a kitchen party. Instead of preparing food on your own, invite some friends or neighbours over for a cooking party. Keep it small to start off. Ask two guests to bring the ingredients for their
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ March 19, 2014
favourite, trusted recipe, especially those that freeze well. You do the same. Cook together, tidy up together, eat together and end up with some different meals to freeze for another day. If you decide to keep it going, experiment with a new ingredient. Invite someone who may benefit from learning food skills or socializing with the group. Go with a theme like “Canadiana Cuisine” or “Mexican Fiesta.” Find the Food Guide and more in the Food and Nutrition section of the Healthy Canadians website http:// . For free resources or to speak to a Registered Dietitian
at no cost call EatRight Ontario toll free at 1-877510-5102. You can also contact the Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit’s Health Action Line at 1-800-660-5853 (613-345-5685) or visit our website at www.healthunit. org/nutrition.
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613-258-7787 Kemptville
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
The relationship between the Eric Gutknecht Memorial body & the arms in the golf swing Novice Hockey Tournament
by Gerald Manale When discussing this topic there are 4 options to consider: 1. Body – Body: In this system, the body (mainly the turning of the shoulders), pulls on the arms at the start of the back swing, and the action of the body on the down swing pulls the arms into striking position. 2. Arms – Arms: In this system, the arms pull the shoulders into position at the start of the back swing, and the action of the arms swinging on the down swing causes the body to turn into striking position. 3. Body – Arms: In this system, the body (the turning of the shoulders) pulls on the arms at the start of the back swing, and the action of the arms swinging on the downswing causes the body to turn into striking position. 4. Arms – Body: In this system, the arms pull the shoulders into position at the start of the back swing, and the action of the body turning causes the arms to swing through the striking position. Which system do you use? Do you employ more than one system, willingly or unwillingly? Which system is most efficient for you? Try all 4 options before deciding. It is imperative for consistency and improvement that you discover which of the above systems is most compatible with your body and, at the same time, is the most efficient!
Kemptville Panther B – B Champs defeating Stittsville in overtime for bragging rights!
Everyone needs a laugh Drop by the Community Connections Centre, 113 Prescott Street, for 20 minutes of laughter exercise at the modest price of a loonie-toonie donation. Bev Illauq, a certified Laughter Leader, leads any and all comers in quick laughter exercises that are guaranteed to spike endorphin levels! Every Weekday - 12:05- 12:25 pm
Results from the Eric Gutknecht Memorial Novice Hockey Tournament held March 14-16 included on the Novice B side – A Champs South Grenville 2, B Champs Kemptville 1, C Champs Cumberland Dukes, Novice C – A Champs Casselman 1, B Champs Rockland Nats, C Champs North Dundas Demons.
Carleton Place defeats Kemptville in four games @rinkrat Playoffs are the most exciting time of the year. The 73’s opened their second appearance in the post season this year against the first place Carleton Place Canadians. The Canadians are also ranked third overall nationally. Game one opened in Carleton Place on Tuesday. The first ten minutes of the opening period featured skill, speed and hardnosed play but remained scoreless. The Canadians opened things up with a pair of quick goals before the 73’s got one back. Olivier Chabot won a battle in the corner and the puck was picked up by Ben St Marseille, who took the shot. Justin Haasbeek was able to bury the rebound to make it a 2-1 game. The Canadians regained their two goal lead less than a minute later. In the dying minutes of the first, with the 73’s on a power play, the puck ended up in the back of the Carleton Place net with one second on the clock. Cody Hendsbee took a shot from the blue line and with Jesse Blais and Daniele Disipio crashing the net, Alex Row knocked it in. The period ended with the Canadians leading 3-2. In an evenly played second period, Kemptville out shot Carleton Place but the Canadians scored March 19, 2014
the only goal. Leading 4-2 going into the third, the intensity of the play continued. The Canadians added another goal on a two man advantage after a questionable call by the official. Carleton Place went on to win the first game of the series 5-2. Jonathon Masters was named third star of the game. Game two opened in Kemptville on Thursday. Carleton Place came to play and they played hard. They were able to score twice in the first period and added one in the second, badly out shooting the 73’s by a count of 23-10. After two periods of letting them play, the referees decided to become the stars of the game. They had called six penalties in the first two periods and went on to assess thirteen penalties in the third, the majority against Kemptville. With less than two minutes remaining in the game, Dean Galasso broke the shutout bid. Daniel Disipio brought the puck in deep to the Canadians end and sent it back to the left
point where Matt Martin sent a blast at the net. Galasso got a stick on the puck and tipped it past the Canadians goalie to make it 3-1. Kemptville’s Matt Couvrette was named second star of the game after facing 43 shots. It was back to Carleton Place for game three on Friday night. Again, we were witness to two great periods of hockey. Carleton Place scored twice in the first period to take a 2-0 lead into the intermission. In the second, the only goal went to Kemptville. On the power play, the puck rimmed around the boards to the left side of the blue line where Cody Hendsbee picked it up and sent it to Dean Galasso at the edge of the left circle. He came out to the slot and took a shot that the Canadians goalie stopped but he could not control the rebound. Jesse Blais recovered it and banged it home to make it 2-1. The third period saw the intensity overflow as the referees called eighty four minutes in penalties. Carleton Place scored four times, twice on the power
play to take game three by a margin of 6-1. Jake Tugnutt faced 52 Canadians’ shots in this game. Jesse Blais was named third star. Game four moved back to Kemptville on Sunday. Kemptville had a dreadful opening as Carleton Place scored just 17 seconds into the game. The 73’s bounced back and played well for the balance of the period. On the power play, Hayden Hanson and Jonathon Masters moved the puck back and forth across the blue line, looking for an opening. Each in turn tried the big shot but didn’t get it through. The 73’s were able to keep possession and try again. Masters sent a pass down the wall to Matt Tugnutt and got the return feed. He then let a rocket shot fly which the Canadians’ goalie stopped but Alex Row was in position to drive the rebound home for the tying goal. The first period ended in a 1-1 tie. The second saw a lot of end to end rushes with some period of sustained pressure by both teams. The teams were relatively
Battling on the Boards: Kemptville's Doug Harvey (7) battles with Carleton Place's Devin Campbell (7) as Elias Ghantous (4) looks on well behaved during this game and did not wear a path to the penalty box. The Canadians got the only goal of the second to bring a 2-1 lead into the third. In a span of a minute and fifteen seconds, Carleton Place scored twice and then added another four minutes later to take a 5-1 lead halfway through the third. They were able to hold the lead for the rest of the game for the victory. The win gave the Canadians a four game sweep of the 73’s and they move on to the second round in their pursuit of
a league championship. Dylan Giberson was selected as the third star of the game. G e n e r a l M a n a g e r, Terry Nichols, said that “Coming out of training camp, the goal for the team was to make the playoffs. As with any young team, the experience will prove to be invaluable next season.” The 73’s thank their fans for their support throughout the year. Can’t wait for next season! Catch the Junior A fever! Hockey with edge!
The North Grenville Times
Grammar Minute
ACROSS 1. Was a passenger 5. Plenty 9. Cain's brother 13. Holly 14. A cook might wear one 16. Schnozzola 17. City in Peru 18. Bird poop 19. Anagram of "Note" 20. Weaving machines 22. Syllogisms 24. Untruths 26. Small finch 27. An artist using watercolors 30. Wimbledon sport 33. Aardvark 35. Curses 37. 52 in Roman numerals 38. Top of the head
41. Liveliness 42. Dirty fogs 45. Journeyer 48. Hard glossy coating 51. Graft 52. Governs 54. Hearing organs 55. Car parties 59. Tall East Indian timber trees 62. Dwarf buffalo 63. Half of six 65. Operatic solo 66. A field of grass 67. Roof overhangs 68. Seats oneself 69. Attired 70. In order to prevent 71. Foot digits
DOWN 1. Small brook 2. Hodgepodge 3. Destruction 4. Analyze 5. Delay 6. Creative work 7. Meal carriers 8. Shakespearean verse 9. Aerial 10. Razzes 11. Feudal worker 12. Dregs 15. French for "Our" 21. Bristle 23. Posterior 25. Collections 27. Friends 28. Japanese cartoon art 29. Record (abbrev.) 31. Showman 32. Contemptuous look 34. Uncooked 36. Agile 39. Chemist's workplace 40. Combustible pile 43. Wreath 44. Self-satisfied 46. Decree 47. Side by side 49. Gladden 50. Deadly 53. Wait on 55. After-bath powder 56. A Freudian stage 57. Hawkeye State 58. Views 60. Go fly a ____! 61. Back talk 64. Eastern Standard Time
Patrick Babin Additional info re: length of paragraphs Many would say that a paragraph needs to be as long as it needs to be. It needs a beginning, a middle and an end---so three sentences. If you change thoughts, you change paragraphs. Can a paragraph be one sentence? No, then you have just that---a sentence. Paragraph is a group of sentences that all coalesce around a particular topic. I break the rules by using one sentence paragraphs all the time in writing. (Author unknown) What your teachers have told you about paragraphs is not sacred; rules are routinely ignored. For examples, check the writing of your favourite authors. Basic rule at Purdue: keep one idea to one paragraph. Trinity College: As a general rule, avoid single-sentence paragraphs. University of Bristol: Paragraphs are the building blocks of writing. The one-sentence paragraph is perfectly acceptable. Why wouldn’t it be? Better Editor of New England. Common uses of one-sentence paragraphs in writing? Dialogue and emphasis. Journalists are frequent users of one-sentence paragraphs. U.of Toronto: Without paragraphs, a piece of writing doesn’t provide pauses for the reader to take in the points being made. An effective paragraph should contain each of the following: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and adequate development. Topic sentence? Oh, yes, we remember it well! A sentence that indicates in a general (sometime specific) way, the main idea of the paragraph. A paragraph could well be one sentence or be twenty sentences. Enough said about paragraphs!!
About Braids and Beads
Last week, in a piece about Susie McIntosh donating to the KYC Jailbird campaign, it was perhaps understood that Susie was selling off her braids for the cause. Having repeatedly woken in panic imagining herself quite bald, Susie would like to clarify that it is the beads at the end of her braids that are being sold, not her actual hair! Susie still has some beads available for sale (but she is keeping her hair). Contact her at
The Voice of North Grenville
Bishop’s Mills Annual Fundraising concert Mark your calendar George Buys, Bella for the annual Bish- Borealis, Tom Graham
op's Mills fund-raising concert on Saturday, March 29 at 7:30 pm at the Bishop's Mills Community Hall. This year’s concert will offer a unique blend of music by some exceptionally talented musicians including
Solution to last week’s Crossword
and Jeanne Lambert! Then enjoy some of the best homemade refreshments following the concert! Tickets are $12 each and are available from Catherine Johnson at 613-866-1961 or Linda Desroches at 613-258-
2115. Bring along your friends for a great evening of entertainment! Tickets are limited so get yours quickly! All proceeds go toward the maintenance of the Community Hall. Sponsored by the Bishop’s Mills Community Association
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
Fred McGoey Oct. 12, 1945, March 14, 2014 In hospital with his wife Margaret at his side. Retired from North Grenville Municipality, Roads Dept. Graveside Service and celebration of life to be held in June.
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku
March 19, 2014
The North Grenville Times
CLASSIFIEDS First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word
SERVICES Snow plowing, Kemptville and Surrounding area. Call Mike @ 613-223-1455 or 613 258-6407 Yoga for everyone. Wednesday starting Oct. 23, 5:306:30 pm: Thursday, Oct. 24, 12 - 1 at Independent Grocer. Call Maureen 258-9902 Nutritional Counselling to customize a wellness plan for all your health concerns. w h o l e s u m a p p r o a c h .c o m 613-258-7133
Kemptville fairly new basement offers lessons in Piano, Violin, apartment, new large 2br. apt. Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals. $850.00 + Hydro 613 258-7931 April 1 613 258 5656 Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and 100% guarantee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 Bowen Therapy Restore your health. Pain, Respiratory, Digestive & more. 613-799-3315. www.
One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Hearts. Visit by appointment Spinning lessons, 2 & 3 Sun. or chance www.HannaMaceach month, on spindel or (613) 258-7297 wheel, free spindel and wool. 613 269 4238 I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybulskie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ Braided mat lessons, 2nd & 3rd Sunday, each month at “Beginning Again School” . 613 269 4238
M ar 21 M ar 27
Kemptville 2bdr. apt. adult, Appliances $850.00 + Hydro 613 315 2241 available April 1
M ar 27
1 Month free rent!
Brand new 2 & 3 bedroom terrace home condos. With stainless steel appliances, washer & dryer, ceramic tile, ceramic backsplash And much more in desirable neighbourhood across from the hospital. $ 1250 To $1400 a month. Water, condo fees and 1 parking spot included. Heat & hydro extra. Move in today. For more information call mike (613) 325-0754 or (613)3662007.
FOR SALE Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847 Firewood, cut, split and delivered $100/cord. Call Peter at Qualified english tutor 258-5504 House Cleaning Kemptville area. reading,writing, grammar, etc.. I For quote call 613-294-0385 or make it fun 613 269 2367 w Are you looking for Avon Wanted: Retired senior Products. Call Joan at 258- Property Clean up, yards, ga- needs old car batteries 7644. rages, basements, loads to making canon balls (weights dump,anything removed. 613- used for deep sea fishing) Osgoode Mini Storage avail- 258-7955 613-258-6254 able. Short and long term units available in various Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and Weaving teacher wanted to teach sizes. Clean and secure, com- Supplies www.siennafinearts. very easy 1st level, 613 269 4238 parative rates. Call 613-826- com 613-878-9706 2511 Commercial/Residential cleaning- Weaving loom: Leclerc 45" floor House Cleaning-Every work- Kemptville area. For quote email model.Good working order. $300 ing Mother and Father needs or best offer. 258-0261. a House Wife. Each home or call 613-867-2184 For Sale: large white moffatt is custom priced to ensure refridgerator $200 firm 613 269 my cleaning will meet your 2367 needs & budget. Sandi 613FOR RENT 219-7277 One bedroom apartment, Grade 9-11 MATH TUTORING: single person, private enLocal math teacher, 4 years trace, non smoker, no pets. Mels Farm experience. Old Town Kemp- $500/m. Call 613 258 4055 All Animal tville, $30/hr 613-863-5639 Rescue needs Old Town Kemptville, 10 Foster Homes . Stonehouse Studio Sewing Prescott St, commercial retail 258-7488 (Melanie) - new in Kemptville! Altera- space, 893 sq.ft., available Foster tions or new; formal or ca- February 2014. 613-295-0552 co-ordinator sual. Sharon 224-3182 for Home away from home, all required North Grenville/ HANDYMAN, no job too big or supplied, Rental Fee $500.00/ Merrickville areas. too small. I can do it all.Free month. Females preferred. . No estimates and references drugs/alcohol permitted. Call 613available. Paul 613-791-8597 258-7703 or e-mail 2_tim215@ for details. DRUM LESSONS - Professional drummer/teacher accepting students. All levels welcome! Bryan Valeriani 613 298 5913
The Voice of North Grenville
M ar 29
M ar 29
M ar 29
Family Fitness Friday at Oxford-on-Rideau PS, from 6:30-8 pm. FREE evening for the whole family! MOVE, GROOVE, DANCE, PLAY, HAVE FUN with Luv2Groove followed by nutritious snacks. Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm -Guest speaker: Harold Hellam--Opera The French Connexion: le quatrième jeudi du mois, le groupe communautaire francophone se rencontre pour partager un repas d'amitié. Nous vous invitons à nous joindre à 18h30 au Comfort by AJs. Veuillez noter le changement d'adresse courriel lorsque vous co nfirm ere z v o tre p rése nce: The Kinsmen are proud to present An Evening with Elvis, with classic rock favourites Age of W isdom at Leslie Hall, doors open at 7pm. Advance tickets $15 from Chris Drozda 613-223-6625. Come on out and enjoy a Las Vegas style show with all the trimmings! It will be a licensed event Spaghetti Supper: The First Oxford Mills Girl Guides invite you to a fundraiser in support for upcoming trip to Rally 2014 in Toronto, at Bishop Mills United Church Hall from 5 to 7:30 pm. Children 2 and under eat free, children 3 and over $5.00 and adults $10.00 each. A Silent Auction, Craft Sale, Quilt Raffle and Girl Guide Cookies will also be available. Bishop's M ills Annual Fundraising Concert, 7:30 pm at the Bishop's Mills Community Hall. Enjoy some exceptionally talented musicians as well as the best homemade refreshments following the concert! Tickets are $12 each and are available from Catherine Johnson at 613-866-1961 or Linda Desroches at 613-258-2115.
Weekly and recurring events W ed
Sat M on
M ,W ,F
The North Grenville Photography Club - M eeting first W ednesday of every month at the Auditorium at the Municipal Centre on Hwy 44. For more info see Bingo- First and third W ednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Klub 67 Euchre every 2 nd & 4 th W ednesday of the month starting at 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome - $5. Vivian Howe 613-258-2540. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church,, 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Probus Club of North Grenville meet third W ednesday of every month, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church---9:30 am gathering Time, 10 am meeting. Come and enjoy great speakers and fellowship. New members welcome. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1 st & 3 rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. BNI Netw orking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. M others of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. W hether you’re a townie, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, specialneeds, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979. Kemptville Legion Breakfast the third Saturday of the month. Adults $5.00, Children under 12 $3.00. All welcome M odern Square Dancing in Kemptville. Every Monday at NGDH- 7 to 7:45 is free to all beginners. Casual attire. Singles W elcome! Info or Shelley (613) 258-0016. Cancer Support Group, 3 rd Monday of every month, ,St. John's United Church at 2 pm. W elcome to anyone requiring support and encouragement. Kemptville and Area W alking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.
For Advertising rates please contact Gord at or call 613 258 6402
Modern Kemptville 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhouse. $1500+utilities. 613-8524246
Room for rent, own bathroom, laundry, 2 min. to college/hospital $500/mth. Female, no pets/smoking. Rock My House Music Centre 613-215-0816 Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of sewing 613 258 5584
March 19, 2014
The North Grenville Times
HISTORY PAGE The Rise and Fall of Rickey Waugh
by David Shanahan He had an unusual name for the time, and for more than a decade he seemed to have a charmed life. An Irish immigrant made good, respected, wealthy, politically powerful and a leader in his community, Rickey Waugh knew the best and the worst of life in nineteenth century Grenville County. The virtual founder, if not owner of Oxford Mills, Waugh ended his days in much reduced circumstances far from the scenes of his triumphs, dying in Winnipeg in 1882, at the age of just 60. He came to Canada in the early 1830's with his parents and siblings, and made an advantageous marriage to the
grand-daughter of William Merrick, founder of Merrickville and one of the most respectable families in the region. When his wife died in 1855, after giving him five sons, Waugh remarried the following year: his new wife was the adopted sister of his first wife. Together, they had another eleven children. In collaboration with his relative by marriage, Aaron Merrick, Waugh bought 80 acres of lot 17, concession 5 in Oxford Township for £1,700 in 1850. That property included the new village site of Oxford Mills, where Asa Clothier, whose father had founded Kemptville in 1817, had tried to repeat his father’s achievement by starting a community of his own. He had built a timber dam, built a saw mill and started a grist mill on the South Branch. He had a surveyor lay out the village site, dividing it into small lots of one-quarter and one-fifth acres. But Waugh and Merrick were able to take advantage of bad times for the Clothier family. In 1850, their Kemptville properties were
foreclosed on, and they were forced to sell the Oxford Mills lands to meet their debts. It was a strange foretelling of Waugh’s own destiny. At first, things went very well indeed for Waugh. The year after he bought the property, Waugh was elected Councillor for Oxford Township, and owned houses, mills and other property worth the enormous sum of £1,700 (what he and Merrick had paid for the entire property). He employed fourteen people in his mills, and the store he had opened. In 1852, he built the impressive stone building that today houses the Brigadoon Restaurant in Oxford Mills. He was the Post Master, store-keeper, miller, main employer and political power in the new village at the age of 30. In 1857, when the Town of Kemptville separated from the Township, Waugh was elected Reeve of Oxford, a position he was to hold for seven years in all. In the same year, he bought out his partner, Aaron Merrick, for £2,000. This included, not just the 80 acres bought
from Clothier, but most of the east half of lot 17 too. And all through the 1850's he sold the village lots to newcomers who were attracted to the new community: tailors, millers, blacksmiths, labourers, all looking to build new homes in the thriving hamlet. The store operated in conjunction with the mills. The sale of flour from the mill paid for the goods that stocked the store shelves. The local farmers and labourers brought their grain to the mill, for which they bartered their other produce and part of the resulting flour supply. Then they traded further for the goods in the store. The flour was shipped by rail to Montreal, where a wholesaler sold it on for a commission. Waugh used Joseph Leeming’s company in Montreal. Leeming was a man who had started his business in Kemptville, and had so prospered in his premises on Clothier Street east that he had transferred it to Montreal where he continued to grow. Waugh’s timing had been excellent: starting the mill and store in the 1850's, he was perfectly positioned to exploit the arriv-
by Doug MacDonald It has been an eventful few weeks for the North Grenville Historical Society Schools Book Project. In response to the article in the Times (February 12), Winston Kinnaird submitted a stellar piece, “Memories of Todd School S.S. #7, 195859". Jean Earle (Mrs. Don Knapp), a student at S. S. # 3, Oxford-on-Rideau School in the 1930's, recalls the day she wrote the Entrance Examination for High School. Anna Hurlburt (Mrs. Joe Como) is gathering photographs of classmates at S.S. #3, South Gower. On the subject of challenges, pleasures and finds in repurposed pioneer school houses, Jean Kilfoyle is writing about her c.1847 home in Kemptville which was one of the first schools in the village. And Mavis Elstone is writing about the Elstone’s c.1869 S. S. #11 in Bishop’s Mills. Eleanor O’Neill is working on biographies of two of the personalities from S. S. #15, Irishtown School. The first person to step up and write memories of school days past was Dan Thompson. Dan wrote about the early 1950's at S. S. #4, March 19, 2014
this new historic material still remains with the families of North Grenville. Look for journals, diaries, scrapbooks, autograph books, exam papers, essays, work books, trophies, invitations, dance cards and drawings. All of these items provide a glimpse into times past. Photographs will be an important part of the book. From the late 1860's, Samuel Martin had a photography studio in Kemptville, and by 1895, D. Edson Pelton, and in 1901 Charles C. Pelton, were celebrated local photographers. The sons and daughters of prominent citizens would have sat for portraits by Martin or the Pelton Brothers. Increasingly in the early 20th Century, as cameras became more common, parents and children were capturing images of everyday activities. Photos of children at school fairs, tree plantings, at ball games, at outdoor hockey rinks, concerts (especially at Christmas), school picnics, etc. A lot happened before 1965, and much of it was photographed. Archival photographs of local schools are not complete, some schools are represented in the NGHS collection, but by no means all.
Of special interest would be photographs of schools being demolished , on fire or the aftermath, or being loved. Share your own or your family’s memories of school days in North Grenville between 1823 and the present. Photographs and documents can be scanned, objects and artifacts photographed, so that original items can then be returned to the contributors, or donated to the NGHS Archives for preservation. Contact the Archives at 613258-4401, or e-mail david@
al of the railway in 1854. This had allowed him to expand beyond the local Oxford market. His business records indicate that he shipped almost nothing north to Kemptville, and all his banking was done through Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Waugh saw the big picture. The 1860's started well for Waugh and his various enterprises. By 1861, he had a new, but junior, partner. Murdoch Gair, an immigrant from Scotland, was working as a buyer for the store, and had a share in the goods there as part of R. Waugh & Co.. In October of that year, Waugh renewed his insurance policies on the store, mills and other buildings. (His insurance agent was another of his Merrick relatives). The saw mill was valued at $500, the store and store sheds at $1,600 and its contents at $2,400. The grist mill was valued at $1,000 and the machinery inside was worth the large sum of $3,000. A sketch he drew accompanying his letter to the Insurance company shows the area around the bridge in Oxford Mills as it was in October, 1861. The
Brigadoon building is shown and, next door, along Water Street, where the General Store is today, is the property of John Christie. This building, as Waugh notes on the sketch, was built as a store, but was then being used as a Temperance Hall. Another dwelling house stood where the cheese factory was about to be built, on the east bank of the South Branch. Facing it, across on the west bank, was another dwelling house, possibly the Waugh family’s original frame home. The dam, which Waugh had rebuilt in stone, was 100 feet across, with the grist mill and saw mill standing on either side of the river. Some time in the following couple of years, Waugh moved his family out of the top floors of the store, where they had lived, into a new and very fine residence directly across the road. The building, which later served as the Anglican Rectory, is still there today. Up to very recently, it was the Mill House. It seemed to be the best of times. Then everything changed. Next week: The Long Way Down
Rural Success in Heritage Conservation
The Acquisition of memories: Update South Gower, Sabourins Crossing School. We are playing catch-up on the emails and phone calls that came in after the February article. Don’t despair! We will make contact. Due to research by the NGHS Archivist, Dr. David Shanahan, fascinating archival documents are being added to the collection, such as “Reports of the Board of School Trustees for the Village of Kemptville” from 1857-1869, and “Reports of the Local Superintendent of School Trustees” for both South Gower and Oxfordon-Rideau, from the period 1852 through 1870. These Reports often reveal mysteries: of the twentythree School Sections of Oxford-on-Rideau in 1854, five disappeared in later years. Does anyone know the location of these lost Oxford schools - S.S. #9, 14, 19, 22 and 23? Do any of these forgotten school houses still exist? The Archives of the North Grenville Historical Society has a fine collection of photographs, maps and documents. To make the planned book unique and complete, additional memories, mementoes and memorabilia are needed. Much of
The Voice of North Grenville
The Heritage Advisory Committee of the Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to announce the date for its first Heritage Symposium. Rural Success in Heritage Conservation will be taking place on Friday, May 9, 2014 at the North Grenville Municipal Centre from 10 am to 3 pm. This is an exciting opportunity to enjoy expert presentations from accomplished professionals. A note to all historical societies, municipal heritage committees, companies or private individuals that specialize in heritage restoration or heritage reproduction - display space can be made available for you to advertise your events and skills. Other than the registration fee, there is no fee for display space. Please contact Phil Mosher to book your display space by April 15, 2014. The cost to attend the event is $15 per person and reservations can be made by contacting Phil Mosher. Invoices can be prepared for your organization if more than five individuals are planning to attend. If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact me at
We’re having a party to celebrate...
Rhufus’ 10th Birthday!
Saturday March 29th 10am - 6pm
• Free snacks and refreshments • Birthday cake and loot bags for Rhufus’ doggie friends • Raffle for a basket of Rhufus’ “favourite things” • In-store specials on Rhufus’ favourites
309 Colonnade Drive, Kemptville
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
Regular Store Hours Mon. - Fri. 8 to 8 Sat. - 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6
Prices effective: Friday, March 21 to Thursday, March 27, 2014 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements�
March 19, 2014
The Voice of North Grenville
Fundamentals: What is Truth? Two weeks ago, I asked if God has a place in the newspaper. You have seen the e-mails that came in, and today we publish one from Jessica who asks some serious questions. So, let’s use that as a jumping-off point for some discussion. First of all, Jessica’s point about publishing letters: “when you follow up with publishing response letters from the community you actually include at least one that doesn't support your past publishing? Surely I am not the only person in NG who doesn't subscribe to the Christian faith?” The fact is, there were no other letters. No-one wrote in opposing the articles. Now, I am not naive: the fact is that many, if not most people, either don’t read “religious” articles, or simply don’t care whether they get published or not. The only letters that don’t get printed are ones we feel are unnecessarily insulting, hurtful or libelous in what they say about third parties. You can say anything you like about Times staff: they generally get published. There were no letters of any kind opposing these articles, so that wasn’t an issue. Jessica’s other main point is genuinely important and deserves serious thought: “Fortunately God is celebrated in many forms other than Christianity....perhaps you'll start publishing articles on the subjects of Self Realization or other non denominational worships of the omnipresent universal energy rather than basing worship on outside beings and widely misinterpreted books (ie The Bible)?” It is important to point
out that these articles have been written to establish the historicity and dependability of the Bible, especially the New Testament, and to underline the fundamental logic and rationality of Christian teaching. They were not about “preaching”, if by that is meant simply telling people where they’re wrong. They laid out rational argument, with evidence, for why Christianity is true. In that context, Jessica’s claim that Christianity is based on “outside beings and widely misinterpreted books (ie The Bible)” cannot be accepted. What are “outside beings”, and who misinterprets the Bible widely? Where are the misinterpretations? Who judges what is a true or a false representation? My articles were, and are, based on historical research, documentation, as well as personal experience over forty years; not to mention the experience and understanding of many generations of clear thinkers, intelligent scientists and millions of everyday people, all of whom agree and are consistent in their descriptions concerning their relationship with Jesus. Most importantly, perhaps, the aim and conclusion of the articles (and they shall continue to analyse and discuss) is that, if Christianity is true, then Jesus is God, is alive and active in people’s lives, and can be known because he has made himself known. He is there, and he is not silent. This brings me on to Jessica’s first statement: “God is celebrated in many forms other than Christianity.... perhaps you'll start publishing articles on the subjects of Self Realization or other non
denominational worships of the omnipresent universal energy.” This goes to the heart of things, doesn’t it? Is God really celebrated in many forms other than Christianity? Perhaps in some ways. We all have a desire in us, a calling to know him and to find our destiny in him. But can the God of Christianity be the same as the one held out by Self Realization? No, it can’t. God cannot be both a separate and sovereign entity, with personality and presence, and at the same time be an amorphous “omnipresent universal energy”, can he/she/it? Human beings in this age have a remarkable ability to hold quite contradictory ideas in their minds, and consider both equally true. That is neither rational, nor healthy. God is either as Jesus revealed him to be, or God could be an impersonal universal energy, but not both. Therefore, if Christianity is true, then that other idea is not. Should that false idea be promulgated if it is known to be false, or even honestly believed to be false? I would be happy to discuss or debate with anyone on these things; not because one can win or lose, because that is not how these things usually end up. But, for me, there is nothing on Earth (or in Heaven, or the Cosmos, or anywhere else that is) which is more important, more enjoyable, or more worthwhile to discuss. I hope no-one simply dismisses ideas they find challenging out of hand. I don’t. Let’s talk, let’s respect each other’s integrity. But let’s also accept that A is not non-A, that black is not white, and that if something is truly true, then its opposite cannot be. Is that fair?
A TB Skin Test is sometimes required for work/school
TB stands for Tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease that usually attacks the lungs. Although the incidence of TB is low in our area, it is important to prevent the spread of Tuberculosis and protect vulnerable people. As a way to protect vulnerable populations, a TB skin test may be required by employers, agencies, colleges and universities. Tuberculosis is spread from person to person through the air, when people with TB cough, laugh, sneeze, sing, or even talk. However, to be infected with TB, a person usually has to have repeated contact with someone who has TB disease. Signs and symptoms of TB disease include: · Cough lasting 3 or more weeks · Fatigue · Night sweats · Loss of appetite · Fever · Weight loss · Positive TB Skin Test There is a difference between being infected with TB and having TB disease. Someone who is infected with TB has the TB germs, or bacteria, in their body. The body’s defences are protecting them and they are not sick. Someone with TB disease is sick and can spread the disease to other people. A person with TB disease needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. World TB Day, March 24th, is designed to raise awareness that tuberculosis today remains an epidemic in much of the world, causing the deaths of several million people each year, mostly in developing countries. Testing for TB can be done at the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit and at many doctors’ offices. It will require two trips - one to have the test done and one to have the test read and interpreted two to three days later. For more information about TB, visit or call 1-800-660-5853. For important public health updates, you can like our Facebook page. 19
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
How important is our future? by Heather Sansom I have been really encouraged to read columns by Woody Armour in the NG Times recently, making a case for supporting local business and local community, and against unthinking development which seeks to replicate Ottawa’s well-known suburbs. I am a resident of Kemptville who owns a small local business which was thriving until we started to see franchises migrate out here. I am also working on my doctorate in Rural Studies with the University of Guelph. Issues related to economic sustainability for rural communities like ours are very close to my heart, both because of my entrepreneurial and community experience, and my research.
Many hamlets and communities have become economic ghost-towns as trends through the 80’s and 90’s turned these neighbourhoods into not much more than ‘bedroom’ communities: supplying a cheaper piece of the ‘rural idyll’ for middle-class families commuting to Ottawa, who wanted to raise their kids on larger lots than they could afford in the city. The gradual use of good farmland for building of houses for people with urban jobs, combined with industrial agriculture practices reducing the percentage of the rural population needed to farm, combined to erode the agricultural base of the local rural economies. Luckily, in North Grenville, that base is still present. Kemptville is still a ‘full service’ town, with a vibrant
locally-based and entrepreneurial business core. Many owners of these businesses have been long time residents, contributing to the community in tangible and meaningful ways. North Grenville has a tradition of openess to newcomers, as well as strong values for compassion and community. When a family’s house burns down, the community comes together to help them out. Community members made things possible like the hospital, the library, parks and other initiatives that build community, promote inclusiveness and take care of the poorer or marginalized among us. The Kemptville Youth Centre, and initiatives like the Salvation Army Food Bank are examples of broad community participation and support, and active involvement of our local
business community and faith communities in community wellbeing. Studies show that the most vibrant rural economies are not based on outside owned businesses, or dependence on commuting to a nearby city, but on a breadth and depth of entrepreneurial knowledge and community connection. Such characteristics produce both social and economic resilience in changing times. We have only to look at some of the towns along the St-Lawrence which depended heavily on industry that is no longer there, to see how important our local entrepreneurial culture is. I get disturbed when I read and hear some of our leadership talking about ‘urbanization’ or suburbanization of Kemptville, because this type of language shows
that the persons using it are not aware of the bigger picture trends. The language also shows where the people using it think the answers are. If you misguidedly think that people are coming to North Grenville just because it is close to Ottawa and less expensive, and that what is wanted is a replication of the amenities and conveniences you are used to in Ottawa, then that will lead to a particular view of development. It is misguided. The trend that we are seeing in movement of people from cities to country areas like North Grenville is not ‘urbanization’. It is known in Europe and North America as counter-urbanization. There is a big difference. It is a movement of people out from the cities, not to replicate what they had there, but to
find things that are less and less available in the cities. Things like an opportunity to be known by your name when you shop at local businesses, or join boards, associations, or other community initiatives; an opportunity to belong and to know your neighbours, and to contribute meaningfully to well-being around you and to the decisions that affect your own quality of life. Counterurbanization is also about access to other things the city can’t offer: wide greenspaces, recreational paths, a change from the cookie cutter subdivisions of the suburban concrete wastelands. We want a place to raise kids that is clean and gives the kids what we had growing up: outdoor places to play that are safe and close to nature. Next week: Part 2: Plannning the Future
she told me it was because she was ‘worth it’. Those words have remained in my head. So when I sat down with Craig to review his annual ads, what I got from him was not what I thought I was meeting him for. Over an hour and a half later, he had me revealing things I would never have admitted to anyone. I think about my eating habits but only in passing. I give no real thought to cooking or what goes through my body. I say it’s because I really don’t care. But by the end of that meeting, I realised that I really do care, but I don’t know where to start. Yes, there’s lots on the in-
ternet and in papers, but I get overwhelmed by it all. Where to start! Craig made it sound so simple and so exciting at the same time. I can change my habits and, yes,
I need someone like him to keep me on the straight and narrow. He tells it like it is. No nonsense and so very passionate. I need to start somewhere, and I need to start now!
So Craig has agreed to write monthly columns for us, to begin at the beginning and take us through the year with sound advice about nutrition and health issues.
Because I am worth it! by Marguerite Boyer The NG Times has been here for over a year now. There are some days that are a zoo, especially Mondays - our production day. We’ve been known to work into the wee hours of the morning. However, that’s changing as we become more experienced at putting it all together. One of the perks of this job is that occasionally I get invited to events or meet with a client. This week I met Craig Pollard, from A Fitter Me, at Brewed Awakenings. We were reviewing his ads for the upcoming year. I don’t normally do this but Craig has been with us since the birth of the paper, he had faith in us from the beginning.
The first time Craig came under my radar was at a North Grenville Business Builders meeting. Craig was full of energy and so very passionate about what he does for a living. Perhaps a year later I heard of the work he did with a woman I knew who had struggled with a weight problem for years. I would see the two of them either walking or jogging down the road. Within a year, that same woman had lost at least 100 pounds, was cycling, sky diving, doing things she had never dreamed of. We actually featured her in the NG Times. When I asked her how she could afford a personal trainer,
CSE Consulting is proud to be the Grenville County’s Service Provider for the Employment Ontario program “Summer Job Service”.
Providing eligible employers with a $2/hour hiring incentive to create summer jobs for students, ages 15 to 30, who are returning to school in the fall
On-line job posting services
Recruitment and screening of potential Summer Jobs Service employees
For Employer applications for the Summer Job Service Program visit or call
Prescott: (613) 925-0222 Kemptville: (613) 258-6576
This Employment Ontario program is funded by the governments of Canada and Ontario. Ce programme d’Emploi Ontario est financé par les gouvernements du Canada et de l’Ontario. March 19, 2014