April 9th, 2014, #14

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the north grenville


TIMES The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 2, No. 14

April 9, 2014

Making a mess of Church

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Easter Egg Hunt April 20 see page 2

by Marguerite Boyer

When I heard about the Messy Church event, I decided I had to check it out. It happened this past weekend at the United Church in Kempville. As so often in North Grenville, it is, once again, a group of dedicated volunteers

putting on an event. This one is to entertain children from the area. It’s open to everyone, and is a place where parents can bring their children, let them create havoc, run off some excess energy, allow them to be creative and also use their singing voices. Mary MacDonald led them all in

sing-a-longs, and, from there, the children were allowed to pick their own craft project to work on, choosing from the many tables that were laid out with craft material. Once all that energy was spent, they were served sandwiches and hot soup by the United Church’s Social Commission, and

afterwards got to decorate their own cupcakes. The theme this time was Easter, and tables were laid out with sugar bunnies and egg toppings. Organizers of this event are Wendy MacKay and Sherri Welch. And yes, the place was messy by the time the day was over.

The North Grenville Times

Alzheimer Society Fundraising Event by Marguerite Boyer A fundraising dance featuring Country Seven took place on Sunday afternoon in support of the Alzheimer Society. This year’s event was once again held at the Municipal Centre, with a full crowd, great music and food. Roger Stark, known to many of us through Cubs, Scouts and Ventures, was the MC for the day. He did an excellent job and also sang for the crowd on a dare of $35.00 for the cause. Feel free to check out his singing voice, along with his wife Janet and Annie Blaine of Royal Lepage Gale Real Estate at the NG Times Facebook page. www. facebook.com/NGTimes Roger also thanked the businesses and people of North Grenville for their support. He spoke about how

generous North Grenville has been in the past to events such as this, and how it continues to do so. This is so true; as someone who covers many of these functions, I think it is important that we all take note of this. It is one of the reasons I so strongly encourage everyone to buy from locally owned businesses. They are the ones that help make such events happen over and over again. Erick Le Pors, from Dial a Chef, donated the food and his time, as did the Country Seven musical group. The totals from Sunday’s event were not available as we went to press, but I know the organisers either met their goal, or surpassed it from last year’s fundraiser. Marlyn Scarf, the person who made all this happen, deserves a huge Thank You!

photo courtesy of Roger Stark

The Voice of North Grenville

Easter Egg Hunt April 20

The Oxford Mills Community Association invites you to join us on the grounds of Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills at 1pm (Sharp) for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Free for all ages. For more info contact Jim at 613-258-6485

Louis Noble, Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Society for Lanark and Leeds Grenville, Steve Clark , Marlyn Scharf

Erick Le Pors serving Wendy Deugo


From Kemptville, B & H Grocer, Graham’s Bakery, Dial-A-Chef, Nature’s Way, 416 Tire Service, Tim Horton’s, Benson Auto Parts, Tanda Shoes, Louise and Company, Moose Mart Inc., Canadian Tire, Annie Blaine, Royal Lepage, Rona, Just For You, Myers Motors, Jonson’s Grocer, Hudson Auto Body, Canadian Paint and Wallpaper, Kemptville Florist, Brigadoon Restaurant, Brewing Oasis, Array Hair Studio, Fast Eddy’s Diner, Hurley’s Grill, The New Rideau Restaurant, Howard Wilson Motors Inc, T S C, The Heat Source, Fat Les’s Chip Stand, Gerald Tallman, Paul McMahey Insurance, TLC Medical Supply, Hoffman Materials, Turffer Eastern Memorials, Merrickville: The Baldachin, Wayne and Janet Pelton, Portside Boutique, Knock Knock Shoppe, Vinyl Destination, Spa Sans Souci, Downtown Ice Cream Shoppe, Manotick: Robinson’s Grocer, Splash Pools, Rexall Drugs, Kit ‘N Kaboodles, Rooney’s Repairs, Manotick Subway, Manotick Chiropractic Centre, Co-operators Insurance North Gower: Wayne Seabrook, Carleton Farm and Seed, Dwight Foster, Allan Acres, Rita Foster, Graig tratton, Lloyd Steven, Bev Williams, Ruth Shurtiff, Ivor Williams, Helen Hartin, Gerald Bungay, Perkins Hardware, The Glass Case, oodlawn, Power of 3 Mallorytown: Farm boy , Barhaven, Wine Garden Kanata: Ottawa Chrysler Ottawa: Kathy WatsonLeBlanc, Brian Lewis, Delta, Wendy and Dale Deugo

Mildred Adams 94 Years Young

Resource Development Coordinator by Beth Nicol Sunday was just that. It was not the weather however, that had villagers smiling in Bishop’s Mills. St. Andrew’s United Church Hall was full of well-wishers, gathered to help Mildred Adams celebrate her 94th birthday. Villagers, family, old friends and new, sharing stories and memories. There were birthday cakes; the refreshments were provided by the United Church Women. The Adams name is synonymous with music in Bishop’s Mills. It wasn’t too far into the afternoon when Mildred headed to the piano to jam with her sons, Ray and Glenn, and a few of their musical friends. Reels, songs – traditional, country April 9, 2014

and gospel: the hall rocked with music. Mildred has played forever; at her new home at Bayfield she heads to the piano daily. She has lost neither her passion, nor her touch. Mildred’s home for 93 years is at the village’s hub. Directly across the street is the building in which the General Store was housed. First opened in the 1860’s by Moses Waldron, it was run by Mildred and her husband, Norman, for thirty years. It was sold in 1975. Prior to that Mildred’s parents, the Nottell’s, owned the store. Mildred’s extensive knowledge of village history was a valuable source for the “Village Walking Tour” published by the Municipality of North Grenville.

FULL TIME - One year contract If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of youth and are energetic, then you need to read our job description. KYC is looking for a full-time Resource Development Coordinator to help us to move our organization into perennial and sustainable funding. The successful applicant will need to be outgoing and ready to establish perennial funding partnerships with community partners. They will be experienced at creating presentations and materials for potential funders. This devoted team player will have a diploma or degree in Business, Fundraising, Marketing or in a related field and have the natural desire to grow and contribute to the community. KYC has been serving Kemptville youth for almost 20 years and provides a safe place for youth to have the opportunity to grow and develop valuable skills that they will need in their lives. If this sounds like you, then give Robin a call at 613-2585212 or email her at director@kemptvilleyc.com. To view our job description and more details go to kemptvilleyc. com. Wage: $17.50 per hour for 37.5 hours a week for 52 weeks.



The North Grenville Times

The Cemetery Club – by Ivan Menchell

This picture shows from left, seated: Cathie Raina (Doris), Florence Moore (Lucille), Ellen Fawcett (Mildred). Standing in back: Jim Lamb (Sam), all characters in “The Cemetery Club” Absent: Arlene Watson (Ida). by Monica Cleland As you can see by the picture, Kemptville Players Inc. is having the time of their lives in rehearsal for their spring play. Mark May 1-4 on your calendars, for this is a play that you will want to see more than once. Why? Because you will be laughing so hard you will miss a lot of the comedy! Try and put yourself in the mindset of one of our three leading ladies... Ida, played by Arlene Watson, is the peacemaker of the three friends.

She really does not like conflict very much – but when she is pushed too far.... Then there is Lucille, played by Florence Moore. Lucille sees a man behind every bush, and they all fall in love with her at first glance! At least, that is what she believes... And then there is Doris – played by our own Cathie Raina. Doris sees the world through very sharp eyes, and lets everyone in on what her view of the world is. That would be a very harsh place!

All three ladies are widows at this point in their lives. They have been friends for many years – even taking trips together when their husbands were alive. Now, their main social event is getting together once a month to go visit their husband’s graves. This has become a bone of contention – do they continue to do this or not? Hence the term “Cemetery Club” comes into the conversation. Add into this mix a romantic problem. We meet up with Sam in the cemetery, played by newcomer to KPI, Jim Lamb. Lucille spies him, and tries to pick him up. Much to her surprise, he knows Ida and Doris, for he is the local butcher. He gets along far too well with Ida for Doris and Lucille. They begin to feel left out, and so they begin plotting. Enter Mildred – played by another KPI newcomer, Ellen Fawcett. What makes this play so special is the fact that the playwright, Ivan Menchell, has actually succeeded in following the lives of these three ladies over several months. Over that period of time, we actually get a feel for

their small joys, sorrows, and their friendship with one another, and how that ebbs and flows. He also showcases adult romance, and the fact that angst is not just a teenage emotion. “His comedic timing is brilliant, but I would hesitate to call this play just a comedy. I would call this play a life-lesson, or a comedy-drama,” says director, Monica Cleland. “Ivan Menchell uses comedy to show us all aspects of life, but mostly, the aspect of loss. For loyal KPI followers, they will remember the play Over The River that was done a few years ago. This play is in that genre, and definitely that good! The only difference, in my opinion, is that this play is funnier.”

The Voice of North Grenville Erick Le Pors



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or call 613 - 989- 2850

You can catch “The Cemetery Club” at the North Grenville Municipal Centre Theatre May 1-3 at 7:30 pm and Sunday May 4 at 2 pm. Doors will open ½ hour earlier. All tickets are $15 and are available at the Municipal Centre, B&H Grocer and Business Strategies, or by calling 613-258-2051.

Kemptville Public School to host health, wellness and recreation night Kemptville Public School (KPS) is hosting a Health, Wellness and Recreation Night on Thursday, April 10 to publicize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and to encourage people to get active. “The night is being offered as part of the school’s Sport and Wellness focus, and is part of Kemptville Public School’s commitment to the health and well-being of its students and to creating strong community partnerships,” said Robert Matheson, a teacher at Kemptville

Public School. Several local sports organizations and businesses with a health, wellness or recreation focus will have displays at the event. The information night will run at the Kemptville Public School annex (the old North Grenville District High School) from 6 to 7:30 pm. The objective is for families to learn about all of the recreational activities that are available to their children in the North Grenville community. Although this event is being held at

displays on the importance of children’s physical activity and nutrition. The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit will provide a display on active participation. The North Grenville Parks, Recreation, and Culture Department will be there to share information about summer programs, camps, and the municipal pool. “This will be an excellent opportunity for families to find out how to be active within the community,” said Matheson. “Think of it as a one-stop “wellness” shop for the North Grenville community. “

KPS, it is open to families from all of the surrounding schools. The organizers already have confirmation of attendance from local baseball, football, soccer, tennis, swimming, and basketball organizations. Local Martial Arts, dance, yoga, and equestrian instructors have also confirmed they will be there. Parents of children in kindergarten to Grade 2 will be able to register their children for the Small Ball basketball program. As well, a group from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute will be at the event. They will have

The Kemptville Good Friday walk with the Cross

Mary MacDonald playing and singing with children at the Messy Church event April 9, 2014

Local North Grenville churches are getting together on Good Friday, April 18, for the annual Walk with the Cross through the streets of Kemptville. Beginning at the Christian Reformed Church, 2455 County Rd 18, at 10 am, the walk will welcome everyone who wishes to join in the singing and praying as we celebrate the events of Good Friday and prepare for the Easter Sunday ceremonies. The annual Walk is an ecumenical event, with all of the local churches participating and inviting everyone out to walk the streets of Kemptville and sing and pray. It runs from 10 until noon. Those wanting further details can contact Robert Porter at robert.porter@utoronto.ca.




The North Grenville Times

Talking about a revolution fortunes through ingenuity, imagination and a great deal of co-operation and hard work. Anyone visiting their weekly community meetings, held outdoors for lack of space, could not help but be impressed by the quiet determination to survive the threat to their homes and investments. It was also hard not to be deeply angry at the manner in which they had been treated by the Municipality up to that point. While full credit should go to David Gordon and Brian Carré for taking the matter in hand and committing themselves to settling this issue, it should not be forgotten that others on Council and on staff had let this drag on for years without, apparently, even trying to find a solution. One Councillor even remarked, without irony, that he had the Fetherston file on his desk for years. Being aware of a problem and doing nothing about it for years is hardly something to be proud of, is it? Then there was the fa-

by David Shanahan Elsewhere in this issue you’ll find a press release from the Municipality regarding the interim agreement that has been reached with the Fetherston Park Residents’ Association. It is really good news for everyone in North Grenville, after the very real threat of eviction which had faced the residents last summer. It may have seemed that we at the NG Times had forgotten about Fetherston Park over the past few months, but we wanted to make sure that nothing would appear in print that might in any way jeopardise the talks that were taking place behind closed doors between the two parties. It is a genuine pleasure to report on the interim agreement which places the future of the Park in the hands of the owners at last. Compared to the situation they found themselves in last year, the residents have completely transformed their

The Voice of North Grenville

mous (infamous) comment by Councillor Tobin when the residents contacted her to plead for support after being given thirty days notice of eviction. She would, she said, keep their concerns on file. The residents, and others in North Grenville, will not forget the coldness of that dismissal. Not one of them visited the Park, attended the community meetings, or gave any sign of support. It is true that CAO Carré had been appointed spokesperson for the Municipality, and was the only one authorised to speak on behalf of the Municipality, but surely that wouldn’t stop Councillors listening to the residents, at the very least? Of course, one member of the Municipal staff broke that silence to release a statement to the press on his own, somewhat self-serving, account. Forbes Symon’s remarks were neither helpful, nor, as things turned out, particularly accurate. There may be those who believe that these things should be left in the past and forgot-

ten. But when it comes to our elected representatives, and those paid by taxpayers to work on our behalf, then they should be held accountable, especially in an election year. Because we need to learn from these events. We need representatives who remember that they are elected by us and are answerable to us, not to business alone, not to any other party. I think you will find this year that people will run for election because of how much they have been - disappointed, let’s say? with how the current Council has behaved. They will be, in part, people who have run up against this Council, or certain members of staff, and have been insulted, unimpressed, or angered, by what they have experienced. This has a very positive aspect too, of course. It means that people who have been involved in their community for some reason are now willing to take the step further and put their energy and experience at the service of their neighbours.

I have said many times (many, many times) before that we need changes at the Council level. We need a larger Council to handle the extra work that comes before them these days. We need new blood with new ideas and some imagination. We need a Council that will command the respect of the community and the wider media. COGECO, for example, televise full Council meetings, but not Committee of the Whole. But it is at the latter meetings that the real discussions and decisions take place. In addition, when Council were introducing the annual budget this year, and also announcing North Grenville’s withdrawal from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, COGECO were not there to record one of the most important

3. The McDonaldisation of the Ontario economy owing to the loss of high end jobs (outside government ), which pay good wages and offer benefits and pensions; 4. The exploitation of Ontario citizens by various laws such as the Aggregate Act which allow pits, quarries, windmill farms, etc. to locate near rural homes and wreck home equity values, health, water resources, the tourist industry and so on. The list goes on. And then, hypocrisy of hypocrisy, the Premier and her talking mannequin, the Finance Minister of Ontario, prattle on about offering a pension program for Ontarians which would - bad news folks - BE RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO! And then they make idle promises to create jobs. Have we not yet had enough of this nightmare? Do any citizens of this province really believe that the Wynne government, proud inheritor of the McGuinty mantle, has an interest in creating jobs for anyone but themselves and their cronies? Does anyone believe that continuing the corrupt subsidies to companies run by Liberal clients, companies which will die as soon as they

have to compete in a non-subsidized environment, will help build Ontario? The reverse is true, of course, and every day of Liberal government is another day of corporate contributions to the Liberal Party in order to ensure that the status quo, ruinous to Ontario citizens, will continue. Ms. Wynne has promised to use the courts as a club to silence your criticism. This tool is used by large companies to shut up those who voice criticism of their rapacious practices (Ex: Aggregate industry). It is used by Vladimir Putin in Russia to silence his democratic critics. And now Ms. Wynne seeks to use the same crude gavel to extirpate your opposition. Keep up your attack on this corrupt and dangerous government. Call in the RCMP to thoroughly investigate the Samsung deal, the gas plant scandal, corporate kickbacks to the Liberal Party of Ontario. Go full speed ahead on this. At the same time, be aware of your own party's vulnerabilities, especially in terms of your party's sources of donations to party coffers (aggregate companies?) . Be aware that those of us who are aware of matters like the aggregate industry's destructive-

ness of the property values of their neighbours, amongst other things, are looking for policy leadership from your party on such issues and others which have an impact on the incomes of taxpaying citizens. Where do you stand on such matters? I have voted Conservative in the past. And I will again if I see the right signs of an Ontario whose government establishes fair laws for all. Show us! A Conservative win in the next election requires strong, direct and honest leadership. Where do you stand in terms of establishing fair and accessible treatment of all Ontario property owners?

Council meetings of the year. Where were they? Covering a curling bonspiel in Smith’s Falls, or somewhere. How much respect does that show? Where does that leave us? We have an opportunity in October to elect a new Council. This is really one of the last elements we need to put in place before facing the challenges of the next four years. We have a reorganised municipal staff, with good leadership and direction, and now we need a Council that will work together on behalf of the people of North Grenville. Think about running. Think about voting for the people you have investigated, people whose policies you know and like. Then stand back, and watch us take on the future, just like the people of Fetherson Park.

Letters to the editor Dear Editor:

thing. Carry on being good... and good luck! D. Jones

Goodbye to retail 'friends' It should be with great regret and despair that our community bids goodbye to yet another of our unique independent businesses, 'Going Global', bravely operated by a young couple who ventured into fair trade and fair prices with home decor and gifts that meant something. This, however, is the day of the big box store, with cheap and predictable merchandise, coupled with the unforgiving rising costs of rent and utilities (beware homeowners - our turn is next!). So, I personally bid farewell to two fine young people, whom my mother and I visited as often as we could - whether to purchase, browse or just chat. These were young people, not just business people, who cared that you had taken the time to come into their store. Know that you will be missed. I look forward to the next time I see either of you around town - so I can tell you in person - you meant some-

Dear Mr. Hudak:

I noted with interest the press conference held by Ontario's Liberal Minister of Finance, concerning the current state of the Ontario economy. The attempt by the Ontario Minister of Finance to deal with even the soft questions posed by the press was an inadequate and shameful act of cynicism and mistruth behind a weak shield of banal statistics. Really, how can such people be allowed to govern this province? The current economic status of Ontario, once a "have" province, is bad and getting worse. Here are some of the reasons for that, all directly due to Liberal corruption: 1. The Green Energy Act, which has not only wrecked the Ontario energy market, but has also driven business (and jobs) from Ontario. Needless to say that the states of New York and Pennsylvania are applauding Ontario's green energy policy; 2. High energy prices, which plague the poor and senior citizens and drive people from homes they have paid for during their working lives;

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 April 9, 2014

the north grenville

ISSN 2291-0301


Marketing Peter Peers peter@ngtimes.ca 613 989- 2850

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Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

A tar sands pipeline in North Grenville?

Municipality and Fetherston proceed with interim agreement The Municipality of North Grenville and the Fetherston Park Residents’ Association have entered into an interim agreement which will initiate the transition of water and wastewater system management and monitoring from the Municipality to the Association and their contractors. “We are looking at a win-win situation for Park residents and all North Grenville taxpayers” remarked Mayor David Gordon. “With this agreement, Park residents now become the owners of the park and have their own destiny in their hands. I would like to thank all parties involved in these negotiations; the Park residents, who have truly pulled together to find a solution, and Municipal staff members Brian Carré, Forbes Symon and Karen

Dunlop for their dedication and expertise which has guided us throughout this process.” Maurice Dumoulin, President of the Fetherston Resident Association, is eager to take the next step in the process. “The Association has worked very hard these past months to position itself in a professional and cooperative manner. The Park is our home, and our intention is to take full responsibility of our property, as any homeowners would. We have lived in a state of limbo since the former owner declared bankruptcy years ago, and this process has motivated us to find a long-term solution.” “The Municipality recognizes the goodwill and hard work that Mr. Dumoulin and the Park Residents’ Association have put forth these past few

months. We are pleased to have come so far, working together in the pursuit of a solution that will best serve residents of the Park and all North Grenville taxpayers” stated Brian Carré, North Grenville’s Chief Administrative Officer. “This continues to be our focus as we proceed in the development of a final agreement between all parties.” In the coming weeks, North Grenville staff and the Park Residents’ Association will continue to collaborate until a final agreement is executed.

For Advertising rates please contact Peter at peter@ngtimes.ca

or call 613 989-2850

By Maude Barlow and Ian Angus Maude Barlow is National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, and former Senior Advisor on Water to the President of the United Nations General Assembly. Ian Angus is a member of Sustainable North Grenville. Both will be speaking at a community meeting at the North Grenville Municipal Centre on Tuesday April 15, at 7 pm. Every day in North Grenville, 1.1 million barrels of oil will flow past our homes, farms, under and over our drinking water supplies. It will be piped through a converted 40-year-old existing natural gas pipeline. That will be our new reality if TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline is approved. It would be the largest oil pipeline in North America, carrying diluted bitumen from Alberta’s tar sands. Diluted bitumen is not your grandfather’s oil. It’s created by diluting the thick bitumen with various toxic chemicals to make it just thin enough to squeeze through a pipeline. Shipping diluted bitumen is a relatively new process, with new risks that are only starting to be understood. The most obvious is the risk of a massive pipeline rupture, like the ones in Mayflower, Arkansas in 2012 and Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2010. Both spills confirm what a recent Canadian federal report found – diluted bitumen sinks in water. Sinking oil makes it harder to clean up spills. After five years and a billion dollars, the Kalamazoo River is still polluted.

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402

Heather’s Healthy Harvest Heather’s Healthy Harvest is thrilled to be the exclusive retailer for Marie Louise Soapery’s entire line of products. Her soaps are hand made in small batches from pure oils of the finest quality. They do not contain any artificial colour or dyes and no animal fats are used. The soaps and packaging are biodegradable for a greener tomorrow. She has an organic garden and grows many herbs, including the organic lavender used in her products. She has a selection of creams, soaps and sprays for many skin problems such as Eczema, Psoriasis, and allergic or dry/irritated skin. She also has an Organic Insect Repellent spray which not only works very well, it smells great and is good for the skin. Once you try her soaps, you may never want the synthetic ones from other stores. Heather believes it’s important to know where your food comes from and how it is raised or grown, to ensure you are purchasing quality and safe products. Her store offers meats that are free from antibiotics and growth hormones. Free-range meats come from animals that have been pasture-raised in cruelty-free, ethical farms, allowed to graze on grass and hay in open air, and have not been force-fed or forced to live their entire lives in over-crowded, dirty environments. By choosing to sell local products, in season, they are supporting nearby farmers and our local economy. Heather always takes customer requests into consideration when placing her orders. She tries to find any products that customers have said they would like to see in the store. Generally, when one customer would like to see specific products, other customers are happy with the new items too. Heather’s Healthy Harvest strives to give customers a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which to shop. The store has many products that do not have any of the major food allergens, for those customers who have a variety of allergic responses to food. The major food allergens are: wheat, gluten, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, mustard, sulfites, egg, soy, fish, crustaceans, shellfish, and sesame. There are also several sweets that contain little or no sugar, or low glycemic sugars, for diabetic customers. For the products that are made in the store, they are constantly searching for new and exciting gluten free recipes that taste as though they are not gluten free. This requires a lot of taste-testing and asking for customer feedback in order to perfect the recipes. The idea is to come up with recipes that everybody would like, not only those customers who are gluten intolerant. With customer requests for products baked here, they ask the customer which food sensitivities are present and we use recipes that address their concerns.

In North Grenville, more than 70 per cent of homes draw their drinking water from the Oxford aquifer, which has been rated “highly vulnerable” because the soil and rock above it is very porous. The pipeline would pass directly though an area where rainwater enters the aquifer – a spill there could poison wells throughout our community and beyond. The pipeline would also carry diluted bitumen through the Baxter Conservation Area and under the Rideau River. A spill in either would have catastrophic effects on our natural environment and our tourism industry. Energy East is all risk with little reward for communities like North Grenville. Our health is also in jeopardy. In the case of the Michigan spill, the toxic diluents separated from the bitumen and began off-gassing fumes. Close to 60 per cent of the local population reported headaches, nausea and respiratory symptoms.

Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ ngtimes.ca


Diana Scanlan (not Sealan) is the pre-sale captain for the Kemptville area Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign. If you are part of a work group in a place of business, consider getting a pre-order to assist Diana. She can be reached at 2585728.

15 Reuben Cres. Kemptville, HeathersHealthyHarvest.com 613-215-0353 April 9, 2014

The Voice of North Grenville



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Give your furry friend the best health possible (NC) To pet owners, our furry friends are people too. We go through the joys of raising them much like we do our children—and in return, they bring us endless happiness and unconditional love. We learn our pets' individual characters and adore them for their quirks and unique personalities. In short, pet parents consider these little ones to be important members of the family, and treat them accordingly. When it comes to optimizing their health, did you know there are a couple of extra things you can do, in addition to getting them the best food? Similar to our human diet, we often find nutritional deficiencies which can cause a variety of problems if they are not addressed. Even the best pet food will have similar disadvantages because, like humans, our pets are not all the same. Many of the natural health products that you and your family use (like safe and effective vitamin and mineral supplements) can also be found specially-formulated to fit your pet's unique needs. Natural remedies are becoming more widely available. These range from anxiety remedies, allergy products, natural flea solutions and even lawn care, to the more familiar vitamins and minerals like multivitamins, probiotics and Omega-3s – all specially-formulated for your pet. As we become more conscious of age-related pet problems, as well as common daily health issues like allergies or digestive problems, natural alternatives are good solutions to your pet's ailments, potentially saving you expensive trips to the vet and making them feel healthy and energized. The Canadian Health Food Association recommends speaking to your veterinarian for recommendations, to your natural health retailer, and visiting chfa.ca for additional information.

April 9, 2014



The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

Panthers Pee Wee Rep team finish season with a strong showing

by Peter Johnston The Kemptville Panthers Pee Wee Rep team finished up the 2013-14 season with a strong showing in their home tournament on March 9, 2014. After shutting out both North Dundas and Metcalfe, the Panthers lost a hard fought battle 1-0 to Smiths Falls in the A final.The first two months of the season were up and down, through October and the first half of November. After starting the season with a 5-2-1 record in league play, The Panthers travelled to Pembroke early November to compete in the Pee Wee Major Rep B Silver Stick Regional tournament. Kemptville put in a very strong effort in Pembroke, winning against Arnprior 4-0, Alexandria 3-1 and tying Newcastle 1-1 before losing to the eventual tournament champions Bancroft 3-1. “It was a very strong effort by our boys, we got solid goal tending and solid team defence – after Pembroke we felt the team was capable of more than

our original expectations,” explained Coach Todd Durie. After a return home from Pembroke, Kemptville went into a dry spell in league play going 1-5-1 through the rest of November and December. This set the team back to fifth place in the division heading into the New Year. The team felt that they could overcome the slide through better team defence and focusing for the entire game. “In a lot of those games, we would have five to six minute lapses where we would give up 2 or 3 goals, but we were playing well the rest of the game,” Coach Pete Johnston stated. However, there were some bright spots during that 6-week span! Kemptville won the B side of the South Grenville tournament with a very strong final game, defeating Jefferson Jaguars convincingly in the final of the tournament. The coaching staff and the boys were very proud of how they played in the SG tournament and they were hopeful that they could build on

how good they really are, they learned a lot about what not to do out there, and that made a huge impact on our season the rest of the way”. Special thanks goes to referee Thom “I have a bad shoulder and back” Costea for a fine display of officiating. Unable to attend this special event, the teams assistant coach, Todd “To (no D)” Durie. After the Xmas break, the coaching staff felt they needed to win 8 of their last 9 games to secure 2nd place in the division and they almost did it. The team went 7 and 2 down the stretch and played hard in every game, which left them 2 points out of 2nd and 1 point out of 3rd. “We played extremely hard in every game from January 1st on. Every player on the team was focussed on their jobs and we fought hard for every victory.

that heading into the New Year. The boys also had a really fun extended practice where the fathers all came on the ice to help coach in a “controlled scrimmage” atmosphere. The boys got to see the talents of some of their fathers; Mike “I’m really tall” Grue, Don “Sniper” Harris, Scott “Crazy Legs” Jeffery, Jeff “I’m Open” Manderson, John “Someone else go ahead” Lindsay, Dan “Shut up Thom” Dulmage, Rob “The Silent Assassin” Gagnon, Gary “I’m smaller than some of these guys” Lawlor, Steve “Smooth Skatin’” Johnston, Pat “I want to score on my son” Eves, Tom “I want on against Devon” Ramsden, Pete “Why are they all trying to hit me” Johnston, Travis “Smiling” Vanden Tillaart, all showed the boys a thing or two and for the coaches this was the turning point of the season. Coach Vanden Tillaart explained: “For these boys to be able to get on the ice with this group of men was extremely valuable. This showed the boys

The 2 losses during that stretch were very close games and our coaches couldn’t have asked for anymore. We were doing things very well and the early morning practices were starting to pay off.” The first playoff round set the Panthers up against rival South Grenville. Kemptville finished 7 points ahead of South Grenville in the regular season but had a hard time with South Grenville’s collapsing defense all year. The first 3 games ended in ties, which set up the fourth and final game in Prescott. Unfortunately, the Panthers lost 3-1 in a hard fought battle. The Pee Wee Rep team ended the season with a record of 26 wins, 18 losses and 7 ties. From October through December in 25 games, they gave up over 80 goals. In 26 games from January through the end of the season they gave up 49 goals. This improvement is a result of the boys’ commitment to working hard and focussing on doing the little things better. Congrats to all of you!! Coaches Pete, Todd and Travis would like to thank Dan Dulmage, Steve Johnston for filling in on many occasions over the course of the year. Thanks as well to Thom Costea for working with the goalies all year. They would also like to thank Tony Luberto for an excellent job as Trainer and Sarah Ramsden and Gary Lawlor for filling

in when needed. Also to Cyndi Nippard for managing the team and keeping everything organized all year. A big Thank You to our Sponsors T.D.L. Spring & Suspension Specialists, Lafarge Canada Inc., Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited, Fast Eddie’s Recycling, Outer Creations Landscaping, Gary Durie-Royal Lepage, Wayne’s Auto-Tek, Ottawa Plumbing & Heating, Satellite Truss Ltd., and Scott’s Automotive Transmissions. A huge Thank You to our affiliates Ryan Norenburg, Dakota Drew and Drew Normand for helping us out through injuries and vacations this year. Good Luck to the majors moving on to Bantam next year: Jack ``Mr. Versatile`` Johnston, Justin ``The Cannon`` Jeffery, Taylor ``I can play anywhere`` Lindsay, Marcus ``Lightning`` Luberto, Bram ``Yes Coach`` Hazelton, Connor ``Buttercup`` Manderson, Danny ``Ice`` Costea, Max ``Big Glove Save`` Eves. Also Good Luck to the minors who are back in Pee Wee next year: Ashton ``Speed Kills`` Durie, Nathaniel ``Shifty`` Lawlor, Max ``Dirty Goals`` Johnston, Devon ``Hard Workin` Ramsden, Thom ``The Heckston Hammer `` Dulmage, Nik `` I’ll be out of the box on Monday” Grue, Jonah ``Quality Dump In`` Harris, Rowan ``The Forechecker`` Gagnon .

Hurley’s Neighbourhood Grill steps up to the plate in support of Kemptville Little League by Mary-Anne Leang As the snow thankfully continues to melt, Kemptville and District Little League (KDLL) is busy finalizing plans for its 2014 season. Spring is definitely in the air. The youngest of baseball players in Kemptville will be very well looked after this season as Hurley’s Neighbourhood Grill sponsors all teams in KDLL’s T-Ball, Coach Pitch and new BlastBall Division for 3 year olds. KDLL’s T-Ball program is for boys and girls 4-6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. The Coach Pitch program is the next step for ages 7-9. In Coach Pitch, the coaches of each team will pitch to the opposing team with the intent of putting the ball in play to further develop players’ hitting and fielding skills. Eight year old Blair Martin (pictured), has been playing in Kemptville Little April 9, 2014

League since she was 4 years old and says “It’s awesome, I’ve learned how to hit the ball way farther.” When asked about her favourite part of playing ball, Amanda Leang’s (pictured) eyes light up as she answers “When I catch the ball and they’re out – it’s the best!” Hurley’s sponsorship will cover the cost of shirts and hats for all the players, and contribute to a very exciting end of the year Fun Day for all of the children. Showing their commitment to the community is nothing new for Hurley’s as they have continually supported the community’s different sports groups and charities through their Team Incentive Programs. “We feel it is very important for children to be a part of an organized sport and to experience all that it entails,” says one of Hurley’s partners, Christine MacKay, who grew up and continues to live in North Grenville. “We wanted to do this to give back to our community for all of their support over the years,”

adds Tammy Lilly, another of Hurley’s partners who is also a local resident. Kemptville Little League President, Tim Hamilton, noted that “we’re very fortunate to live in a community where local business understands the value of programs like Little League and want to be an active partner. Every year KDLL grows by twenty-five percent and much of this is because support from business helps us keep the registration costs low.” In addition to the programs mentioned above, KDLL also offers programs for baseball players 9-18 and a girls’ softball program for ages 8-17. Registration closes at the end of April, so anyone interested in playing baseball or softball should visit KemptvilleLittleLeague. com for more details or to enroll online. KDLL executives will also be in the foyer of the Kemptville Walmart on April 12 (from 1 pm to 3 pm) and April 19 (from 10 am to 12 pm) to answer questions or help with registration.



The North Grenville Times

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6

The Voice of North Grenville


Prices effective: Friday, April 11 to Thursday, April 20, 2014 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements� April 9, 2014



The North Grenville Times

April 9, 2014


The Voice of North Grenville


The North Grenville Times

April 9, 2014


The Voice of North Grenville


The North Grenville Times

Bully is a Smash Hit!

Kemptville District Hospital commended for good stewardship of Ontario’s blood supply

The incredible, original play by Elizabeth Friend inspires and leaves the audience wanting more. by Nathalie Morais Bully was shown for two consecutive nights at St. Michael’s Catholic High School and each night audience members came out completely blown away! Both nights the audience also gave a standing ovation to the actors and the talented writer, Elizabeth Friend. “The play was so much more than I expected it was going to be!” said Caitlin Patrick, a grade 12 student, after seeing the show. “I can’t believe someone [in Grade 12] wrote that!” After the show, Elizabeth Friend was all smiles while audience members came up and congratulated her on her piece come to life. “Thank you,” she said after being congratulated again, “It was a chance of

a lifetime! And it was especially nice to be able to do it with the company of my friends.” The cast consisted of 27 students all from grades 9 to 12. And all of them showcased incredible talent. It could be seen through the portrayal of the characters that each actor was enjoying themselves and that it was sure to be something that will stick in their memories. The play itself was incredible. It followed the story of multiple teens dealing with their issues with bullying. It easily captivated the audience by having them on the edge of their seats, with tears one moment and then holding their sides in laughter the next. The play took a new perspective on what truly goes on in a student

or teen’s mind when they are being bullied and how it could have been stopped or seen before it went too far. There were some understanding nods from the audience as they left, and it was even apparent that the subject and performances deeply impacted many. It was a play that taught you something but also made you think about who could just be keeping quiet when something truly terrible is happening to them, and they just have no one to go to. It has been said that this is not your average high school play and that is very apparent from the overwhelming audience reaction. One thing for sure is that with the possibility of more show dates in the works in the next coming weeks, the hall will not be empty!

KDH CEO Colin Goodfellow thanks two members of the lab team, Joanna Melesky and Jesse Trousdale, for their efforts. by Jenny Read In a recent review of Ontario hospitals’ management of the province’s donated blood supply, Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) was cited for delivering excellent results. The annual review was led by the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN), a Ministry of Health and Long-Term care funded organization that coordinates blood management in Ontario. ORBCoN conducted the review in collaboration with Canadian Blood Services (CBS), the supplier of blood and blood products to Canadian hospitals. ORBCoN recognized KDH for its work with two of the blood products derived from blood donations. The first was intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), which is administered intravenously to patients with immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases and acute infections. Through careful management, including the use of a verification process for accurate dosing, the KDH lab team was able to reduce its usage of IVIG over the past three years, ensuring

Fuelling Fitness on a Budget Dianne Oickle, MSc, RD, Registered Dietitian/Public Health Nutritionist, Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit Many people believe that if they start to become more active, they need to have a special type of diet and take nutritional supplements. Did you know that you can use Canada’s Food Guide and low cost healthy foods to fuel your physical activity? No special diets needed Eating a variety of foods from Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide allows you to get the nutrients needed to be active, build strong bones and muscles, and feel good about yourself. Vegetables and Fruit, and Grain Products provide carbohydrates that are needed to fuel an active person. Milk and Alternatives, and Meat and Alternatives provide protein to build and repair muscles. By using food from the four food groups, you do not need to rely on expensive bars, drinks or supplements to be active. Stay energized with food The best way to fuel up before a workout is to have a snack or meal two or more hours before you exercise. Try a snack that is mostly carbohydrate (i.e. grain products or vegetables and fruit), low in fat and includes a small amount of protein (i.e. chicken, eggs, beans, peanut butter or hummus). This will help to boost energy levels and prevent hunger during activity. A good example of a pre-exercise snack could be a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread with a banana and a glass of milk. No need for protein powders Some people may think that pricey protein powder is needed to build muscle. In fact, pricey protein powders are just another form of protein, no better than protein rich foods. Your money can be better spent elsewhere. The truth is, if you are moderately active (jogging, swimming, cycling for exercise most days of the week), you do not need extra protein. If you are highly active (marathon runners, tri-atheletes, body builders), you might need more protein in your diet. You can get the extra amount of protein by following Canada’s Food Guide. Pick protein rich foods like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese and a combination of legumes and grains. Try a turkey sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk. You can also try adding skim milk powder to your drinks or food to increase your protein intake. Stay hydrated You do not need to spend money on sports drinks to help you stay hydrated. Sports drinks are just water plus some form of sugar, salt, potassium and flavoring. You can stay hydrated with water, milk, soy beverages, 100% juice and some foods. People who exercise at high intensity for more than an hour might find sports drinks helpful. However, you can easily make your own “sports drink” by diluting orange juice by half and adding a pinch of salt. Drinking enough fluids during exercise can help replace water lost in sweat, so always bring water with you and sip it throughout your workout. Do not rehydrate with “energy drinks”, these types of drinks contain a large amount of caffeine which can actually lead to dehydration. Fuel your active lifestyle with food! Products like stimulants, muscle building powders or weight loss supplements are not needed to get the most out of your activity, to gain muscle, or lose weight. In fact, too many supplements can be toxic to your body. Healthy eating, regular physical activity, and enough sleep are safe ways to achieve an active and healthy lifestyle. For free resources and more information on eating on a budget, contact the Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit’s Health Action Line at 1-800-660-5853 (613-345-5685) or visit our website at www.healthunit.org/nutrition April 9, 2014

The Voice of North Grenville


that the life-saving blood product is available for patients when they need it most. The second blood product was the red blood cells used in transfusions to replace blood lost during surgery, a serious injury, or when a patient’s body can’t make blood properly because of an illness. ORBCoN commended the KDH lab team for closely monitoring their utilization of red blood cells to optimize usage. ORBCoN also applauded KDH for working collaboratively with Ottawa Valley hospitals to redistribute the red cell units before they become outdated and therefore unusable. With a staff of six, the KDH lab manages the use of blood products and provides round the clock service, analyzing blood, urine and tissue samples for patients in every unit of the hospital. “We are proud to work with ORBCoN and CBS to help fulfill Ontario’s blood utilization strategy – we know that our efforts to optimize our usage of donated blood products ensure better patient outcomes, appropriate use of blood and blood products, and decreased wastage,”

said Anna Schlieper, who oversees the operation of the KDH lab on behalf of the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA). EORLA is the laboratory operator for its 16 member hospitals in the Champlain LHIN, including KDH. KDH CEO Colin Goodfellow thanked the lab team for their efforts. “In the fall of 2013,” he noted, “our lab was recognized for achieving a nearperfect score in its Ontario Laboratory Accreditation audit. To be acknowledged now for its excellent work in helping to manage the province’s blood supply demonstrates each lab team member’s commitment to quality.” In congratulating KDH on its success in the annual review, Craig Ivany, the CEO of EORLA, explained why it’s so important that hospitals manage the blood supply well: “Excellence in managing this precious supply is important not solely because of cost constraints, but as important, at the end of the day, is the fact that those blood products were donated by a small number of altruistic Canadians who believe in giving of themselves to help others.”


The North Grenville Times


First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word offers lessons in Piano, Violin, & dryer, ceramic tile, ceramic Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals. backsplash And much more in desirable Spinning lessons, 2 & 3 Sun. 613 258 5656 neighbourhood across from each month, on spindel or the hospital. wheel, free spindel and wool. Kemptville Shop AVON at home $ 1250 To $1400 a month. Wa613 269 4238 Personal service and 100% guar- ter, condo fees and 1 parking antee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 spot included. Braided mat lessons, Heat & hydro extra. Move in 2nd & 3rd Sunday, each baashunt@sympatico.ca today. month at “Beginning Again Bowen Therapy Restore your For more information call mike School” . 613 269 4238 health. Pain, Respiratory, Di- (613) 325-0754 or (613)366gestive & more. 613-799-3315. 2007. W e a v i n g l e s s o n s , www.BowenKemptville.ca April 27 269 4238 FOR SALE One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Nutritional Counselling to Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Firewood, cut, split and delivcustomize a wellness plan Hearts. Visit by appointment ered $100/cord. Call Peter at for all your health concerns. or chance www.HannaMac- 258-5504 wholesumapproach.com Naughtan.ca (613) 258-7297 613-258-7133 For sale: large white moffatt I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybul- refridgerator, $200 firm. Call Q u a l i f i e d e n g l i s h t u t o r skie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ 613-269-2367 reading,writing, grammar, etc.. I ICanSewIt.ca make it fun 613 269 2367 Inglis Heavy Duty washer & dryer. Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, Good working condition. Asking Are you looking for Avon Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R $150.00. 613-258-5190 Products. Call Joan at 258- #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847 7644. Solid wood twwin/single bed House Cleaning - Kemptville with two large drawers. InOsgoode Mini Storage avail- area. For quote call 613-294- cludes mattress. Excellent able. Short and long term 0385 or dhlacombe@gmail.com condition. $125. Call 613-258units available in various 5457. sizes. Clean and secure, Property Clean up, yards, gacomparative rates. Call 613- rages, basements, loads to w Portable air conditioner, 600BTU, dump,anything removed. 613- h12"wd16"dp15" remote used 826-2511 258-7955 3months cost $189 sell $95 613Yoga for everyone. Wednes215-0816 days 5:30 - 6:30 and Thurs- Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and days 12:00 - 1:00 at Your Supplies www.siennafinearts. Independent Grocer. Call com 613-878-9706 Maureen 258-9902. Mels Farm All Animal Commercial/Residential cleanRescue needs House Cleaning-Every work- ing- Kemptville area. For quote Foster Homes ing Mother and Father needs email Mrandmrsclean613@ 258-7488 a House Wife. Each home gmail.com or call 613-867-2184 (Melanie) is custom priced to ensure Foster my cleaning will meet your Faced with a drinking co-ordinator needs & budget. Sandi 613- problem? Perhaps Alcoholfor 219-7277 ics Anonymous can help. North Grenville/ Contact 613-316-6329 or onMerrickville areas. Grade 9-11 MATH TUTORING: line: District 48 aa Local math teacher, 4 years experience. Old Town KempFOR RENT tville, $30/hr 613-863-5639 SERVICES

Stonehouse Studio Sewing - new in Kemptville! Alterations or new; formal or casual. Sharon 224-3182

Available June 1st. 2 bedroom + large office / bedroom space.775.00 + utilities. Dave 613-258-4741

HANDYMAN, no job too big or too small. I can do it all. Free estimates and references available. Paul 613791-8597

“New Basement Unit, Bedroom, Kitchenette, Bathroom, Living Room, fully furnished w/Internet. Near College & Hospital.” Call 613258-7703 or e-mail: 2_tim215@ cogeco.ca

DRUM LESSONS - Professional drummer/teacher accepting students. All levels welcome! Bryan Valeriani 613 298 5913 www.drumhead.ca Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of sewing 613 258 5584 Rock My House Music Centre April 9, 2014

The Voice of North Grenville


Apr 16 Apr 20

Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm. Guest speaker: Isobel Eastman, Author. Kemptville W omen in Business (K W IB) Open House , 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Community Church on Concession Road. KW IB is now welcoming all business women including direct sellers, heads of charities and women who work but don’t necessarily run their own business. Kemptville Horticultural Society, 7:30 pm, Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road #43. Guest Speaker: Shelly Lyall of Mountain Orchards: Caring for Fruit Trees. For more information call Arline at 613-258-4645. Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The Oxford Mills Community Association invites you to join us on the grounds of Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills at 1pm

(Sharp). Free for all ages. For more info contact Jim at 613-258-6485 . Blood Donor Clinic at the North Grenville Municipal Centre from 12:30-3:30 pm and 5-8 pm. Sponsored by the Kemptville Players Inc. To book an appointment call 1-888-2 DONATE Apr 24 Beth Donovan DAY HOSPICE OPEN HOUSE 1-3 pm at St. John's United Church, 400 Prescott St. The Day Program opens May 1 and is offered every Thursday for clients with life limiting illness. Free and lunch and activities are provided. Call 613 258-9611, or visit www.bethdonovanhospice.ca. Apr 25-26 Kemptville Campus Eco-Home Show, 6-9 pm (Apr 25) and 9-3pm (Apr. 26), W B George Centre. Free Admission, free seminars, green initiatives and sustainable services. Opportunity to win several prizes. Apr 26 O xford On Rideau Bird Auction, 9 am, South Mountain Fairgrounds, info call: 613-258-2080 Apr 27 7 th Annual North Grenville Sustainability Fair, 11-3 pm, North Grenville M unicipal Centre. Celebrate Earth Day, A FREE family fun day out with a friendly community atmosphere. Booths, presentations, kid’s activities, food, door prizes AND local entertainers the “Celtic Rathskallions” perform at 3pm! www.SustainableNorthGrenville.ca for more information. M ay 1-4 Kemptville Players Inc. presents The Cemetery Club at the Municipal Centre Matinee on 4th at 2 pm. All other start times 7:30 pm. Doors open 1/2 hour earlier. Tickets $15 at Municipal Center, B&H Grocers and Business Strategies or 613.258.2051. M ay 3 A birding walk will be held with Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre and led by The Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club. Participation is limited. Please call Bill W allace at 613 258 6544 or wwallace5@cogeco.ca for details.

Apr 24

Weekly and recurring events W ed



For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402

Sat M on

M ,W ,F

3 bedroom apartment with appliances, 2 storey duplex, Kemptville. May 1, all incluWANTED sive $1,350. Call 613-7943551. Retired senior needs old car batteries - making canon 1 Month free rent! balls (weights used for deep Brand new 2 & 3 bedroom ter- sea fishing) 613-258-6254 race home condos. With stainless steel appliances, washer 12

The North Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first W ednesday of every month at the Auditorium at the Municipal Centre on Hwy 44. For more info see ngphotoclub.ca. Bingo- First and third W ednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Klub 67 Euchre every 2 nd & 4 th W ednesday of the month starting at 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome - $5. Vivian Howe 613-258-2540. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church,, 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Probus Club of North Grenville meet third W ednesday of every month, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church---9:30 am gathering Time, 10 am meeting. Come and enjoy great speakers and fellowship. New members welcome. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - M eeting 1 st & 3 rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. BNI Netw orking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. M others of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. W hether you’re a townie, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, specialneeds, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979. Kemptville Legion Breakfast the third Saturday of the month. Adults $5.00, Children under 12 $3.00. All welcome M odern Square Dancing in Kemptville. Every Monday at NGDH- 7 to 7:45 is free to all beginners. Casual attire. Singles W elcome! Info kemptvillesquaredance@gmail.com or Shelley (613) 258-0016. Cancer Support Group, 3 rd Monday of every month, ,St. John's United Church at 2 pm. W elcome to anyone requiring support and encouragement. Kemptville and Area W alking Group, M unicipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.


The North Grenville Times

Murdoch Gair and Charles Jones: A Cursed Business


ACROSS 1. Rectum 5. Arab chieftain 9. Plateau 13. Gave temporarily 14. Elector 16. Winglike 17. Fabricated 18. Lacquer ingredient 19. After-bath powder 20. Mixes 22. Anagram of "Streaming" 24. Essence 26. Hair net 27. A painkiller 30. Sags 33. Pupils 35. Worries 37. Paraphernalia

38. Stealer 41. Type of whiskey 42. Talk 45. Less wavering 48. Trim 51. Oval 52. French farewell 54. Whip 55. Standing firm 59. Hex 62. Atop 63. Banana oil, e.g. 65. Chocolate cookie 66. Recent events 67. Rhinoceros 68. Warbled 69. Dispatched 70. Away from the wind 71. If not

DOWN 1. Charity 2. Tidy 3. Unchallenged 4. A type of hormone 5. Night before 6. Infiltrator 7. List components 8. Prompt 9. Bullfighter 10. Dash 11. Sodium chloride 12. Circle fragments 15. Severity 21. Certain 23. Top of a house 25. Fluff 27. Requests 28. Anagram of "Spite" 29. Greatest possible 31. The outer area 32. Infections of the eye 34. Female sib 36. Arid 39. French for "Summer" 40. Tumbled 43. Opposed 44. Children 46. "What a shame!" 47. Discard 49. Fertilizer ingredient 50. Japanese hostess 53. Up to 55. Flows 56. Type of sword 57. Scattered 58. Heredity unit 60. Focusing glass 61. Balcony section 64. Caviar



Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

April 9, 2014


Solution to last week’s Crossword

The Voice of North Grenville

by David Shanahan Over the past two weeks, we’ve been finding out about the ups and downs of early life in Oxford Mills, and in one life in particular. Rickey Waugh had risen to the heights in commerce and politics, but had a spectacular fall into ruin, departing the area and dying in obscurity. But the story really doesn’t end with Waugh. The business he began continued after his departure, but it seemed cursed, as the cycle of boom and bust continued to afflict the local economy. By 1861, Rickey Waugh had a new, but junior, partner. Murdoch Gair, an immigrant from Scotland, was working as a buyer for the store, and had a share in the goods there as part of R. Waugh & Co. Murdoch was born in Scotland in 1830. He appears in the 1861 Census, and it seems he was unmarried at that point. In the correspondence book for the Oxford Mills Mill and Store, he is referred to as “our Mr. Gair” from September, 1861, when he was travelling to Montreal for the firm. He bought a lot in the village of Oxford Mills from John Davison in 1864. By the following year, Murdoch is listed as a merchant, and is married to Elisabeth, then aged 36, born in Ontario. The two men ran the store from 1865 until the mid-1880's, and it was very successful at first. Murdoch began to amass some wealth, and, by the 1880’s, he was the owner of a number of village lots in Oxford Mills, as well as a 50-acre parcel close by. In 1884, he was elected Treasurer of the Township of Oxford-onRideau, a prestigious position. By 1887, his property was worth $3,100, quite a bit in those days. However, this part of Ontario was hit with some very bad harvests and weather for a number of years after 1880, and, whether it had anything to do with this or not, Murdoch was declared bankrupt in April, 1887. In May of that year, the solicitors for the Township informed another local resident, John Lamrock, that Gair had been dismissed as Treasurer and was in debt to the Township. He seems to have been misappropri-


ating funds to cover his debts. Lamrock had acted as guarantor for Gair when he was appointed Treasurer, and so was asked to pay his bond to help cover Gair’s debts, “to save the costs and unpleasantness of legal proceedings”. In 1888, Elisabeth, still listed as “married”, rather than “widowed”, was listed as owner of the 50-acre parcel, worth $1,100. The following year, she transferred the property to John Murphy, and the Gairs disappear from the records after that. In the 1891 Census of Canada, neither Murdoch nor Elisabeth appear at all. On 27th April 1887, Murdoch signed naturalization papers as an intended US citizen in St. Paul's, Minnesota, having entered the USA earlier that month in Detroit. This must have been immediately after he was declared bankrupt (or even beforehand?) - and looks very much like an attempt to evade his creditors. He and Lizzie are listed in the 1895 Minnesota State census, residing at Hampton House, St. Paul's, Murdoch's occupation being given as hotelier. Interestingly, while Murdoch's length of residence is given as 7 years 2 months, Lizzie's is given as 6 years, which seems to confirm that Lizzie stayed behind for a time in Oxford Mills following Murdoch's disappearance from the scene. Murdoch and Lizzie also appear in the 1900 US Federal census in St. Paul's, this time at another address, where Murdoch's occupation is given as "merchant, general store" (he's listed as a renter, not an owner). They're at the same address in the 1905 Minnesota State census. Beyond 1905, their whereabouts are something of a mystery. They must have returned to Canada at some point: both died near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Murdoch on 22 May 1915 and Lizzie on 26 February 1916. However, their date of return is unclear. They don't appear in the US Federal census of 1910 (for anywhere in USA, not just Minnesota) but on the other hand there's no sign of them in the Canadian census of 1911 either. Were they back in Canada but somehow evaded the census enumerators? Charles Jones was

Gair’s business partner in the general store. Another Irish immigrant, Jones had been born around 1813, and farmed a large tract of land outside Oxford Mills. In the twenty years he worked with Gair, he never gave up his farm, and left the running of the store to Gair. It is still unknown why he decided to move into the retail business, or how much he knew of Gair’s increasingly serious financial problems in the 1880's. He had placed his son, Francis, in charge of the store by the early 1880's, so it is possible that he wanted an eye kept on Gair. The difficulties of those years for businesses in Oxford Township can be seen most pathetically in some of Francis Jones’ entries in the store letterbook. In August of 1882, for example, Jones write to “Mr. Somebody” to ask him to “send me one hundred bags flour”. Charles Jones sold the business to Thomas Weir in 1885, before Gair’s flight revealed the extent of the debts owing. By 1888, Weir had sold out in his turn. The story of the Oxford Mills General Store provides a glimpse into the insecure nature of the retail business in the hamlets of Oxford Township in the mid to late nineteenth century. Although these stores were essential to the daily life of the residents, they were not the gold-mine one might assume, given their central role in the local economy. Until a cash system came into use, and that did not happen until the most recent decades, store owners were reliant on good harvests, good weather, stable prices and markets, and a host of other intangibles. Men like Waugh and Gair gambled and lost.

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The North Grenville Times

Art Scene Gallery re-opens with fresh newly renovated look

The Voice of North Grenville

The North Grenville Photography Club

Colleen Morris-Wislon, Bill Sloan (Edwardsburg Councilor, Helen Mott and Gord Brown presenting the Arts Award to the guild. by Marguerite Boyer The grand re-opening of the Art Scene Gallery in Spencerville saw many familiar artist along with new ones. From paintings to pottery on display, it was a visual pleasure to behold. On display were North Grenville resident Colleen Wilson’s fabric art; Corinne Cote of Alpaca

Tracks , also from NG, was showcasing her felt paintings and Kathy Enright’s amazing scarfs, as well as many other products all made from the wool of their Alpacas. Leeds and Grenville MP Gord Brown was there to present an award to the Guild for maintaining a gallery of such high calibre. Spencerville Friends of the Li-

brary’s Annalee Ladouceur presented them with an Art award. If you did not make it to their grand re-opening, please visit their facebook site and become a friend of the arts. You can also contact Colleen Morris -Wilson at 613-258-4400 or email colleenmorriswilson2@gmail. com for their opening hours.

Towering Hemlock in Ferguson Forestry. Photographs taken by Jancy Watkins using a GoPro camera.

Ann Emily Stabler, Acrylics Member of Art Scene

CSE Consulting is proud to be the Grenville County’s Service Provider for the Employment Ontario program “Summer Job Service”.

Corinne Cote, Alpaca Tracks

Providing eligible employers with a $2/hour hiring incentive to create summer jobs for students, ages 15 to 30, who are returning to school in the fall

On-line job posting services

Recruitment and screening of potential Summer Jobs Service employees

For Employer applications for the Summer Job Service Program visit

www.cseconsulting.com or call

Prescott: (613) 925-0222 Kemptville: (613) 258-6576

This Employment Ontario program is funded by the governments of Canada and Ontario. Ce programme d’Emploi Ontario est financé par les gouvernements du Canada et de l’Ontario.

Colleen Morris-Wislon, Fabric Art April 9, 2014


Dwight Saunders, sculptor



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Kemptville Windows and Kitchens Our Philosophy: Quality products, Quality Service, Fair prices We are a locally owned and operated business established in 1989, celebrating our 25 th year in business, here at South Gower Business Park. We supply, or supply and install, kitchen cabinets, countertops, bathroom vanities, windows, doors and much more, for renovations or new construction in North Grenville and surrounding area. We work with our clients from start to finish, providing them with more than just quality products and workmanship but with a helpful in-depth knowledge of industry codes, standards and current trends. Windows Our wide variety of colours and window styles, such as casement, double hung, single hung, sliders or awnings can help improve energy efficiency, make your home more comfortable, quiet and attractive. We have many models on display in our showroom. Doors Exterior doors need to be strong, yet tasteful and play an important role as the portal to your home. We offer many styles from steel to fiberglass, plain to decorative, front doors, side doors or patio doors. Come visit our showroom to see examples. Kitchens The heart of many homes is considered the kitchen, the place for family meals, entertaining or just having coffee with friends. We have a wide variety of cabinet/cupboard styles, colours and species of wood: maple, alder, cherry, walnut, oak and many more. Counter tops can bring new life to an older kitchen. Why not come in and see some of the many products available from laminate to granite, cultured marble or quartz. Bathrooms You can liven up the bathroom with a new bathroom vanity. We offer many styles and models of vanities with or without sinks. Whether building new or renovating, many choices are available to meet everyone's pocketbook. Our Services Our sales and design personal are experienced professionals that pride themselves on delivering high quality and fare priced products to you. We do onsite visits to measure and work with you from start to finish, that way you get what you want

KW&K is known for: The best quality products in the area; excellent workmanship for all installations; friendly and knowledgeable staff. Come visit our showroom, open Monday to Friday, 9 am — 5 pm and Saturdays 9 am — 1 pm. You can also visit us at http:// www.kwandk.ca or Like us on Facebook, just look for Kemptville Windows and Kitchens or call 258-7464. James Hossie, Manager/Sale and Service Terry Vandemheen, Sales / Office Admin. Robert Hossie, Sales/Service


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

I’m A Believer by David Shanahan There are a lot of misconceptions about what exactly faith is. There are those who think that you pick your “faith” like you pick a political party, or a hockey team. Basically, they are all the same and your choice is a matter of preference, personality, background, or whatever. And there is no doubt that “religion” is just that for some. But, rationally, that cannot be the case if you take the whole idea of faith seriously, and certainly not for Christians. Faith is not an ideology, not a matter of personal preference, but something that relates to the real world, and what is true. At its very basic level, faith is about believing in something. It makes sense: as Scripture says: ...without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” [Hebrews 11.6]. But, in a religious

sense, faith is much more than this. You can believe something exists, without the fact having any impact on your life. I know that Bob Dylan exists, but that doesn’t mean I base my life on the fact. I believe New York exists, but I wouldn’t say I have faith in New York. As James pointed out: “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder” [James 2.19]. So, faith means more than just believing something to be true. There is a definition in the Letter to the Hebrews: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. [Hebrews 11.1] It is, then, not just about having faith, it is about what you put your faith in. We all put our faith in so many things, and in so many people. We put our faith in technology and expertise when we get on a plane, or even a fairground ride. We put our faith in friends and family, and by that mean we

trust them to support us, not to betray or hurt us. For Christians, that is more the kind of faith that is involved. First, you need to believe in the existence of God; then you need to put your trust in him and what he says, just as you would a wife, or husband, or partner. Faith then means trusting that they are faithful, worthy of your faith and trust. Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. It is faith in someone; someone you know and trust and rely on to be faithful to you in return. For Christians, that is Jesus. This is why it is so important to know the historical basis for Christianity, to know the reality and the teaching. You need to know for sure that what you believe, and who you believe in, is so true, so real, that you can afford to ask any honest question, knowing that there is an answer that will rationally and logically satisfy. You can also know the freedom that comes when

you are really yourself, no need for masks, pretense, acting a part. If God really loves you, the true you, then why should you pretend to be someone else to impress other people? But to have that confidence and assurance, you need your faith to be founded on truth and reality. You need to know what Jesus taught, as well as who he was. The fundamental doctrines are the foundation: the deity of Jesus, his atoning death and Resurrection, the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in your mind and life. Of course, there are counterfeits, attractive teachers and teachings that can seduce you away. But the best way to spot a fake is to be so intimately familiar with the real thing, that it is difficult for a false version to fool you. So study the Truth, “then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. [John 8.32] This is vital, because there are so many misconceptions, misrepresentations and

simple falsehoods out there concerning Christianity that you can be easily thrown into doubt or confusion. People will point to things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, clerical abuse of children, or the materialism of many churches, and what can you say in return? The fact is that many people and institutions call themselves Christian. But if they do not follow the way of Jesus, if their actions, behaviour, or teachings contradict the very life and person of Jesus, then they are simply like the man who says he’s a vegetarian, but eats meat. No one can stop him calling himself a vegetarian, but no one who knows what

that word means takes him seriously. Let’s be sure what Christianity actually means before we accept people’s appropriation of the word and the identification. Remember what Jesus himself warned us about: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ [Matthew 7.21-23]

Ke m p t ville D istric t S o ccer Club


U3 to U10 Mini Soccer U11 to U18 Youth House League Adult House League VISIT WWW.KEMPTVILLESOCCER.COM

OR REGISTER IN PERSON - Wednesday, April 9, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. - Friday, April 11, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. - Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. At the office in the Ferguson Forest Centre

Sav$2e5 la$te2fe5 e—

Avoid y register b 14! April 14, 20

New Players — bring proof of age!

Coaches and other volunteers needed Registration may also be done by mail, PO Box 1322, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 --- OR --By drop off in the drop box at the office. The KDSC office is located in the Ferguson Forest Centre building

April 9, 2014

Child and Youth House Players Adult House and Competitive

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