5 minute read
Quilter’s Guild receives municipal donation
submitted by Teresa Harrison and Nancy Grundy

submitted by Kemptville Live Music Festival
We are pleased to announce that Blue Rodeo will join us on Friday, July 21, 2023 as we celebrate the 7th edition of Kemptville Live Music Festival. In the 35 years since forming, Blue Rodeo has sold over 4 million albums, received dozens of JUNO Award nominations and wins, played over 2000 shows, been inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, received a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame, been named to the Order of Canada, and been honoured with the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award. The definition of a rebel is someone who goes against the grain. For over thirty years now, Blue Rodeo has taken the road less travelled – and succeeded far beyond anyone’s expectations. The band emerged in the early 80’s as a countrified rock band in the era of hair metal and glossy pop. Despite sticking out like a sore thumb (or maybe because of it), their single “Try” became omni-present on radio across Canada and set in motion a three-decade long career of headlining every club, theatre and arena in Canada. In 1993, when grunge rock was squeezing commercial rock off the radio, they recorded their most acoustic album, Five Days in July, and scored their biggest hit selling over a half million copies of the one record alone. Now, with their 16th Warner Music Canada studio album – Many A Mile – Blue Rodeo’s successes are measured in terms that include induction into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame (2012), receiving a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award (2014) and acknowledgement that the band has steadfastly defined itself by its own terms. In the years that ensued, they sold in excess of four million records. Reflecting back on three decades of successes and those early Blue Rodeo days, both Jim and Greg are able to fully appreciate where the band sits in the pantheon of music. “Success seemed really real when we were entertaining people at The Horseshoe. That was the top of the heap for us,” Cuddy says. “When you look back, you realize that it has just been this beautiful dream.”
Please note! We are an intimate venue and tickets will sell out. We encourage you not to pass on your opportunity to enjoy a great weekend of Award Winning Classic Rock, Blues and Country with a few twists! Tickets are on sale now.
La Bonne Chanson
Paul Cormier et son petit-fils Ayden œuvrent depuis quelques années sur le folklore contenu dans les recueils de La Bonne Chanson, parmi d’autres sources. Nous voulons recruter une dame dotée d’une belle voix, d’un instrument quelconque (par exemple d’une guitare), d’un intérêt quant au folklore canadien-français et acadien et d’un gros besoin de chanter fort!
Si vous avez quelques trous dans votre horaire. quelques heures à nous dévouer et êtes intéressée, veuillez nous contacter à l’adresse courriel qui suit : pcormier@ranaprocess.com. Grand merci!
The Kemptville Quilters’ Guild has received a grant from North Grenville Municipality for Eastern Ontario Quilt Documentation. Quilt historian, Bethany Garner, of Kingston will be facilitating volunteers to document the rich history and the quilters and quilt owners in North Grenville and area. Historically, quilters understood and practiced the concept of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ in order to create quilts for their families. They used all manner of textiles, such as sugar and flour sacks, leftover scraps of fabric from clothing projects, as well as repurposing well-worn clothing and bedding to make warm quilts for their families.
If you are the proud owner of an old or antique quilt or have a significant quilt that you would like to have documented in the Eastern Ontario Quilt Documentation Project, please contact Nancy Grundy / Teresa Harrison to make an appointment to have your quilts photographed and documented on May 30 and May 31. To register: documentation.ngquilts@gmail.com or call Nancy Grundy 613-791-7505 for questions. The event will be held at Grenville Mutual Insurance, located at 380 Colonnade Dr, Kemptville and is being sponsored by Kemptville Quilters’ Guild and the North Grenville Historical Society.
Bethany Garner, who is a quilt historian and restoration consultant, specializes in the conservation of heritage textiles and is the curator for the Eastern Ontario Quilt Documentation Project (EOQDP). This project is rejuvenated following a COVID-19 shutdown. During Richmond’s 200th Anniversary in 2018, several quilts were documented and logged in the database.
Bethany will lead a training session for local volunteers to learn the process of documenting quilts in preparation for documentation days which will be May 30 and May 31. Bethany will explain the importance of preserving and documenting family quilts as they tell important stories of the lives of the people who lived here. There is much to learn from dating fabrics and pattern designs which help approximate when a quilt was made and where the fabric might have been sourced.
It is important to collect information about the owners and the quilters who created the quilts. Forms will be used to collect the details about the quiltmaker, quilt description and quilt history. It is the intention of the group to create a book for the library and historical society that will celebrate the quilts and their history for future generations. Look in your closetmaybe you have a quilt that was made for milestone events and special celebrations that could be part of our project. The Eastern Ontario Quilt Documentation Project is interested in all quilts and learning the stories behind the quilts. We are especially interested in quilts made or brought to North Grenville in the early days of settlement and/or quilts made by local groups such as signature quilts.
Land Titles Act
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ABSOLUTE TITLE (Subsection 46(2) of the Act) RE: PIN 68117-0102
To: Anyone with an interest in the lands known as PIN 68117-0102 on County Road No. 18, Oxford Mills
Re: PIN 68117-0102, being Part of Lot 17, Concession 4 Oxford, in the Municipality of North Grenville, Geographic Township of Oxford, being designated as Parts 1 and 2 on the draft Reference Plan attached signed by Emmett Ketchum, O.L.S and dated 7th day of March, 2023. Subject to an easement over Part 2 on the draft Reference Plan, as in OF10069
The said plan is available for inspection at the office of the Solicitor for the Applicant:
Attn: Christopher Spiteri
1010 – 141 Laurier Avenue W., Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5J3
TAKE NOTICE THAT ARCHSTONE CONSTRUCTION INC., herein called the applicant(s), intends to apply to be registered as the owner(s) with an absolute title to the above described land. And take notice that any person claiming to have any title to or interest in the said land or any part of it is required on or before the 1st day of May, 2023 to file a statement of objection, which sets out the nature and extent of the interest claimed in the objection, together with all evidence, documents or legal provisions and precedents relied upon in support of the objection, directed to the land registrar at the address of the solicitor for the Applicant set out above.
If no such statement of objection is filed by May 1, 2023, I will proceed with the application and any interest you may claim in the subject property will be thereby extinguished and you will not be entitled to receive any further notice with respect to the proceedings.
DATED at Ottawa this 30th day of March, 2023
Christopher Spiteri Solicitor for
the Applicant