1 minute read

Fail to remain resulting in two vehicles damaged

submitted by Grenville County OPP

Police are looking for a silver car with front end damage after a fail to remain collision on Jasper Road, Wolford Township.


On March 31, at around 9:00 pm., an unknown driver is believed to have lost control resulting in two vehicles, parked on a private driveway, suffering damage. The driver did not remain on scene or report to police.

If you have any information on the above investigations or any others, please contact Grenville OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-(TIPS) 8477. You can also submit your tip on-line at www.ontariocrimestoppers.ca. Crime Stoppers does not want your name, you don't go to court, and you could earn cash reward.

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