ND Times Issue 16 2022 August 11

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Progress continues on Hallville Community Park decisions

After many residents of the town of Hallville demanded answers following years of waiting for a new proposed park to be built, the decision-making process on the use of the parkland now appears to be moving quickly. Part of a regularly scheduled Council meeting on July 12 involved the discussion of some options for the Hallville park. One major point brought up at that meeting by Director of Recreation and Culture, Meaghan Meerburg, was the fact that the addition of a splash pad seems to be important for the community. However, since it was not

part of the original plan, a splash pad would not be covered by the expected grant money, and a new grant application could take as long as six months, though fundraising for a splash pad would also be an option. Mayor Tony Fraser pointed out at the meeting that whether or not the funding is available for a splash pad in the short term, the space for one should be allotted in the planning of the park, in case the funds for one become available in the future.

A public consultation session regarding the park was held by the Township on July 25. Those who attended were provided with a comment card, and extra

cards were also available for pick up at Loughlin’s Country Store as well as the Township office. Comment cards were due by July 29, and the Township posted on social media encouraging residents to check back for updates based on the comments received. However, no updates had been posted as of the time of writing.

Earlier this year, on June 21, Hallville resident Mary Cook acted as a representative of herself and fellow residents to bring her concerns to the Mayor and Council. In a document presented to members of Council at the meeting, Mary outlines the core concerns. “The residents of Hallville have been patiently awaiting

a promised new community park since 2008,” the document reads. “We have watched other communities in North Dundas receive funding for upgrades, new items, theme parks, and infrastructure over these many years. The [Township] took down our small local park (installed by residents in the early 90s) back in 2018 with no replacement. Our community outdoor rink has been left in disrepair. Our children have had nowhere to play.”

At the meeting, Mary pointed out that Council is aware of the significant population increases in Hallville in recent years. She

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The currently vacant parkland in Hallville.

expressed concern that no plans will go forward in 2022. A petition of 175 signatures, signed by members of households representing a combined total of 218 children, was presented to Council demanding answers. Mary’s report also expresses a safety concern about walking along County Road 1 within the town of Hallville, due to speeding vehicles, increased traffic, deep ditches, a lack of sidewalks, and poor lighting. Ultimately, Mary requested a committed plan of action from Council, including open communication, as well as a request to know how the Township and the United Counties can work together to address safety concerns.

In answering Mary, Mayor Fraser first pointed out that the issues with the outdoor rink can possibly be addressed within the plans for a new park. He also told Mary that he and Deputy Mayor Armstrong have walked County Road

1 in Hallville in past years, and they noticed that the area was in disrepair. He confirmed that the Township has been in touch with the Counties regarding the safety concerns on County Road 1.

Deputy Mayor Armstrong also addressed Mary, telling her that the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down the Hallville park project. Mayor Fraser added that the Township is excited about the park project, and that it will be the largest amount of money the Township has ever spent on a park. He also admitted that communication regarding the project could have been better. “There has been a failure on our end, and I will take ownership on that,” he said. The Mayor made a commitment toward improving communication as the project proceeds.

Get ready to Sip & Savour!

The WDMH Foundation is pleased to announce its next event – Sip, Savour & Support at Smokie Ridge Vineyard in Mountain on Saturday, September 10 beginning at 5 pm.

Join us for a wonderful night of live music, delicious wine and food, local vendors, and great company. The night’s headline entertainer is local band ‘Heirs of the Dog’. This local duo performs an eclectic mix of rock, folk and blues from the 60s, 70s, 80s to more traditional Irish and Celtic music. There will also be door prizes, a raffle, and a silent auction.

“We can’t wait to welcome everyone for this special evening in support of health care close to home!” says Managing Director Kristen Casselman.

Tickets are $35/person, which includes 8 tasting coupons; $55/person, which includes 16 tasting coupons; or a VIP option of $60, which includes 20 coupons and reserved table seating. Additional coupons are also available for purchase (10 coupons for $20). Proceeds from the event will go to the Foundation’s General Equipment Fund to purchase much-needed medical equipment for WDMH that is not funded by the government. Last year, the event raised more than $10,000!

To purchase your tickets or to make a donation, visit https://Sip-Savour-Support2022.eventbrite.ca or call Justine Plummer, Manager of Direct Mail & Events at 613.774.2422 ext. 6172.

Tickets are limited and guests must be 19 years of age or older. All COVID-19 protocols will be in place at the event.

The importance of events and tourism in North Dundas

North Dundas Chamber of Commerce President, Nanda Wubs Huizenga, has some bold ideas when it comes to aiding local commerce. One such idea is that community events help bring in the kind of tourism and people traffic that supports local businesses of all types.

“We’ve been talking a lot about tourism, because my belief is that it’s not retail that brings people to our community, it’s our events,” said Nanda. The Chamber will be starting a Tourism Committee in October to help facilitate even more community activities. “Any event or group that brings in people… I’m hoping to have a representative and meet twice a year so that we can better coordinate our events in the Township, and better promote and support each other.”

The Chamber will also be creating a tourism web page, appended to the local website ShopNorthDundas.ca, which the Chamber manages.

“Tourism is so key for our community,” said Nanda.

Nanda gave the example of a local event she attended last week – the Bee Amazed fundraising event at Smirlholm Farms in Morewood.

Nanda attended the event with her family, and she enjoyed herself. “He has

a good vision for it, and he had some key components there,” Nanda said of the event. “He had a display with live bees, so you can see how they’re building a hive, which was very cool. The atmosphere was very festive!”

The event also featured other things to explore on the farm, including a cabin, and drinks served by a mobile bar company, Thirst Responder. Nanda explained that Thirst Responder makes cocktails, and in the case of the Bee Amazed event, they had three cocktails which were infused with honey. “I tried all three,” Nanda said. “My favourite was Beeknees.” According to Nanda, Smirlholm Farms owner Glenn Smirle had some trouble with the Township when seeking approval for the event, but Thirst Responder stepped in and helped the event go forward.

Bee Amazed was a fundraiser for the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Cancer Care Fund. It wrapped up on August 7, but of course it is just one of dozens of important community events that take place locally yearround. Another prime example is the apple picking that takes place at Mountain Orchards. In talking with the owner of that business, Nanda learned that the event brings in about 200,000 people to the community each year. When such high volumes of people

come to North Dundas, it provides benefit to retail shops, restaurants, and other businesses because it allows people to learn what is available in the community.

To learn more about local community events, the websites of the Town-

ship of North Dundas and the North Dundas Chamber of Commerce are good places to start. News of upcoming local events is also published in the North Dundas Times.

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submitted by Jane Adams, WDMH Foundation
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I’m sorry, but I don’t work here

Have you ever had occasion to wonder why we don’t get paid to use selfcheckout machines? I mean, we’re doing a cashier’s job, right? This is a common argument that I hear about self-checkouts, but when you really think it through, this argument doesn’t hold much weight in the grand scope of human history.

Decades ago, I can only imagine how many people complained when elevators became self-serve. After all, that was an elevator operator’s job. And what about telephones? All of those hard-working operators who put calls through to the correct telephone exchanges, using switchboards with utter grace and skill. Surely when people began having to memorize longer numbers and complete calls themselves, phone bills went down to compensate them for doing the operator’s job. Right? Well I certainly wasn’t there, but my guess is “no”. The same can be said for advances in how we do

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

With monarch butterflies now on the global endangered species list and most of our pollinators declining by at least 48%, one has to question the roadside mowing that continues in our region. This cuts down wildflowers essential to pollinators and plants like the ever-morerare milkweed, which is essential for monarchs. I understand the trimming on highways so that wild animals cannot approach the road without being seen, but on secondary and back roads, it may be time for us to do a rethink. Our environment is in urgent need of our support, and this is one activity that could be stopped, save some money, and leave the plants intact.

our banking, how we fill up at the gas station, and any number of other common life tasks in which jobs were eliminated by automation to save money for businesses. Self-checkout machines are just the next phase, and decades from now, they will dominate retail stores without anyone giving them a second thought.

Personally, I prefer to interact with an actual human when making a purchase. For years, I refused to go near self-checkout machines in support of workers. Then came the point when selfcheckout machines started being installed in the dozens in big box stores, while often a single checkout line would be available for those wishing to use the services of a cashier. The strength of our moral convictions can apparently be measured by the degree to which we are willing to be inconvenienced by them, and in my case, that threshold was reached the day a self-checkout allowed me to leave a store in three minutes, rather than 30.

Being a social person, I will always prefer the ca-

shier experience, but I can adapt. The world changes every day, and sometimes it simply doesn’t pay to crusade against everything we dislike. At least this was my thinking before one particularly bad self-checkout experience a few months ago.

After forgetting to buy a few grocery items at one store, I happened to be passing by another large local grocery store that happened to have self-checkout terminals. I stopped in and picked up the few items I had forgotten, and was in one of those dreaded situations where the line up to visit a cashier seemed to be a mile long, while all of the selfcheckout machines were empty. Being in a hurry, I decided to be “that guy”, and check myself out.

This particular selfcheckout machine judged me before I even pressed any buttons. Presumably preprogrammed with the exact weight of every individual grocery item, it was fitted with a scale in the bagging area to weigh each item after scanning. The logic? This machine will be sure to

Tid-Bit Musings

With so many experiencing the passing of a loved one recently, Elizabeth Kubler Ross reminds us that (quote) "the reality is you will grieve forever." You will not [get over it] but you will learn to live with it by rebuilding yourself so that you are a new person inside."

The rebuilding of oneself takes time and a conscientious effort to move forward. It is easy to wallow in sorrow but there will be a time when you feel comfortable and motivated to start afresh. You tell yourself to strategize and live life to the fullest. This often involves new friendships. It can also center around not just the physical death of someone, but the loss of a relationship, a career, a home, or even an involvement within a church or charity. All losses shake one to the core. Sometimes when you see the decline of health or in capabilities, there can be a sigh of relief that the suffering has ended. It remains emotionally draining.

This certainly causes one to contemplate what is after death? Your faith may well support you through troubled times. All you can control is the here and now. Even control is the wrong word- all you can do is ride the valleys and hills. Your self- awareness, self-actualization is developing as you motor along this highway of life. There is no speed limit, so allow yourself to progress as you need to do. Accomplishment is in the eyes of yourself. Others may try to determine where and what you should do, but be true to yourself. You are special and worthwhile just because you are you!!!

catch you if you try to sneak an item into the bagging area without scanning it. Silly me for not placing the item in the exact right spot. I got yelled at by a robot. Machine 1, Brandon 0. It didn’t defeat me in some quest to steal groceries; it defeated me in keeping my dignity. I am not a thief. Next, my 11-yearold, who was with me and always likes to help, attempted to begin bagging the first couple of items while I was scanning the rest. Big mistake. This messed with the scale weight, and we needed to get a supervisor’s help clearing the error code. It would appear that she needed to check to be sure that we weren’t stealing the juice boxes that I had, in fact, scanned. Darn, and here I thought I had found the location for the perfect crime. Machine 2, Brandon 0. We accidentally displeased the scale two more times, and the supervisor had to come back each time. She attempted to explain to my 11-year-old that the sensor works just like the ones at traffic lights that switch the signal only when there is a

car. Fortunately for fellow road users, my 11-year-old doesn’t drive, so he had no idea what she was talking about. Machine 3, Brandon 0.

By the time we finally got out of that situation, I felt like an absolute crook. Forget the old mantra “the customer is always right”.

In the case of these judgmental, finicky self-checkout machines, the customer is wrong before they even arrive. A few stores I have been to with self-checkouts employ people to stand at the exit and check the receipts of those who have used them. It is hard not to simply blurt out, “I’m sorry, but I don’t work here, so either trust me, or hire cashiers!” In fact, readers may not realize that if you are sure you scanned and paid for every single

item in your cart, those items are your property, and no store employee has the authority to prevent you from exiting the store with your property. Life hack – skip the insulting thief-catching checkpoint, and leave with your stuff.

In a world where annoying, distrustful self-checkout machines are sure to soon dominate the retail industry, let us all hope that at the very least, store owners come to realize that the overwhelming majority of people are honest, and that any small thefts that do occur at selfcheckouts should be wellbalanced by the savings on cashier wages. Besides, with the way things are going, it is only a matter of time before we have to stock the shelves, too.


The North Dundas Times 3 August 11, 2022 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca Editorial www.ndtimes.ca ISSN 2291-0301 Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Accounting Pat Jessop cfo@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671 OFFICE 613-215-0735 Editor David Shanahan editor@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 Production production@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 Staff Reporter Brandon Mayer brandon@ndtimes.ca The North Dundas Times is published bi-weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing/Sales Melissa
MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca

Parkinson SuperWalk and the myths of Parkinson’s Disease

Think you know all there is to know about Parkinson’s Disease? Well it turns out you may know far less than you think. Parkinson’s Disease is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world, and Canada is one of the countries where it is growing the fastest. Portland resident Pat Evans was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 16 years ago, and now, part of her mission in life is to educate others on the largely unknown signs of the disease, as well as the importance of early diagnosis.

“Rural areas and people who use well water are more likely to get Parkinson’s,” Pat revealed in a

conversation with the Times which took place in Kemptville. “That means that this area should have a very high number of people with it.” Pat knows all too well that there are a myriad of supports and treatments available for people with Parkinson’s, but that early diagnosis plays a crucial factor. Many people simply don’t want to get diagnosed early because they believe Parkinson’s is an old person’s disease. However, it is possible to be diagnosed as young as 20-years-old.

When Pat moved to this area, she found that there seemed to be a lack of supports available for people with Parkinson’s. She got to work, forming both a boxing group and a support group in Smiths Falls, and organizing

the local chapter of the Parkinson SuperWalk. For over 30 years, the SuperWalk has raised money for Parkinson’s Disease supports and research, and has helped show those with the disease that they are not alone. Pat explained that the event isn’t just about money, it is also about raising awareness.

Over the years, the local chapter of the SuperWalk has raised over $300,000, an astounding number even when compared to larger urban centres year after year. “To me that says there must be Parkinson’s [locally], because why would we get that kind of support?” said Pat. She explained that there is a stigma attached to the disease which can often lead to people keeping their diagnosis a secret from all

except those closest to them. One important thing Pat wants to raise awareness of is the multitude of unknown symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease. Examples of lesserknown Parkinson’s Disease symptoms include loss of smell, loss of control of facial muscles leading to an “angry” expression, dry eyes, double vision, and comorbid mental health issues. About 40% of people with Parkinson’s Disease also experience anxiety, depression, or apathy. Having such mental health issues can be detrimental to a person’s desire to exercise, which is signifi cant because of the importance of exercise in treating Parkinson’s Disease. “People only know about tremor,” said Pat. “But

Long queues, competing emotions

My name is Vika, and I am from Ukraine. Ukraine – is my life. On February 24, the war began in my country. People woke up to the sound of rockets bombing our towns and villages. I woke up and clearly understood - war. Putin and his army are bombing Ukraine. At that moment I felt competing emotions. I prayed and felt calmed. I looked out the window, people running in a panic. I was frightened. Some got into their cars and drove away. Some loaded backpacks with essentials and fled. Others could not believe what was happening and held on to any moment of joy.

My sister called me and asked me to pack my things and go with her and her husband to a village near Vinnytsia, where friends live. Natasha called me three times, but I did not want to leave. We left Kyiv and headed to the village. The usual two-hour trip took eight hours. Roads were jammed with cars; long queues in shops and gas stations. People panicked and hurried to safety. The entire way, I called family and friends. We peppered each other with questions: how are you feeling? Do you have everything that you need? Food, water, money? Is there a safe shelter?

I tried to stay calm and steady. On the way to the village, we passed many military vehicles and young men between 18-19 years

old. My heart shuddered at the sight. We arrived in the village and spent a week there. It was safe in the village at that time, but in other villages, there was shelling and planes flying overhead. To be honest, I really wanted to return to Kyiv.

My apartment was comfortable and cosy. I wanted to walk with my friends, go to work, and stroll in my favourite park nearby. But my thoughts returned to reality, and I realized that the war had just begun, firmly convinced that Ukraine will win, and we will live and glorify God, who will lead us to victory.

During our stay in the village, my friend Rachinda wrote to me and offered me a haven in Canada, but I replied that it was fine. “You need to be safe,” she said.

“I'm safe here and everything is all right,” I replied.

“I'll pray and let you know.”

In time, I agreed and asked Rachinda, if my sister could come with me to Canada.

“Of course, bring your sister and her husband,” she said.

My sister, Natasha, could leave Ukraine but, her husband stayed in Ukraine because men between 18 and 60 were asked to remain.

Natasha could not decide whether to go or stay, but Dima urged her to go. “You have to be safe,” Dima said, and I'll be fine.”

Honestly, I thought it might be better for Natasha to stay with her husband.

Separation would be a heavy burden for both. But I too

wanted my sister to be safe, and we told Rachinda we were on our way. It was difficult to leave our homeland, and it was impossible to predict the future, and when we would be able to return to Ukraine. Endless questions swirled in my head. Dima took us to the train station. The train was packed to the brim with barely any room to spare, and we were bound for L’viv. We stood or sat on our backpacks for 10 hours. Volunteers brought apples and water for the passengers. It was a brief respite for us. We arrived in L’viv at night, and the station was crowded with humanity. For the next 7 or 8 hours, Natasha and I stood in a queue for the next train bound for Poland in an underground tunnel and it was very cold. Children, elderly, adults, and children with disabilities – refugees from Mariupol’, Kyiv, Kharkiv. Eventually, we boarded and again sat our backpacks. Children were crying, the train smelled like the toilet. We had to get up from our backpacks and let people pass. The journey was exhausting. It took ten hours to reach Przemyśl. Our train had to give way to other transport trains. Ordinarily, it would have been a three-hour trip from L’viv. When we arrived in Przemyśl and we were greeted by beautiful Poland, the Polish volunteers gave us hot coffee and food. From Przemyśl we continued onto Katowice, and from

they don’t know about all of these other issues that you just can’t see.” The problem remains that too many people are afraid to get the diagnosis. “People don’t want to know,” said Pat. “But if they do, then they could get the exercise they need, get the nutrition they need, get the physiotherapy that they need, get the medication that they need.”

Right from the time she was diagnosed, Pat has been committed to her health. She now understands the significant value of multidisciplinary care. Parkinson’s is not a disease that kills on its own, but complications such as balance problems and throat swelling can be dangerous, which is why it is so important to access the supports available. “These are all things you can do something about,” said Pat. A multidisciplinary team can include such varied sup-

ports as a physiotherapist, nurse or nurse practitioner, occupational therapist, nutritionist, counsellor, exercise coach, speech-language pathologist, pharmacist, ophthalmologist, and a neurologist. Pat provided an example of a man who had the services of only a prolific neurologist, but it was only a small part of the support he needed, and he ended up having to be placed in a nursing home. She is hopeful for a Hub in Smiths Falls which she is involved in, and which she believes can begin providing multidisciplinary services to those with Parkinson’s in the years ahead.

This year’s local SuperWalk will take place on September 10 in Perth. Those interested in attending should meet at Conlon Farm, 109 Smith Dr., for a 9:30am check in.

Katowice to Warsaw. We stayed with friends in Warsaw to prepare documents for our journey to Canada. Our stay in Poland lasted a month. I received my visa and flew to Canada. This is my first flight, and I was afraid, did not know what to expect, or what to do. I believed that with God's help and the prayers of the church and my friends, I would find a haven. I was met by wonderful people who care about me and my other Ukrainian friends. My sister Natasha received her visa for Canada a week later. I'm so glad she's here and that we live in Rachinda's house; we are very grateful for the help.

Every minute I miss Ukraine very much. I pray for and worry about Ukraine, my friends, and relatives, who are there. Now I am enveloped in different emotions, that are constantly changing. It's hard to explain, and how much I miss Ukraine. My sister sews Tshirts and hair ornaments in Ukrainian colours, blue and yellow. We sell them at the Farmer’s Market in Kemptville to support Ukraine and thank those who buy her wares.

Stop the war. Stop Putin. Stop the murder. Слава Богу. Шана Україні.

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Know and Love a Woman? Protect Her Heart

indicators of heart attack.

Students bring expertise and extra fun to Dundas Manor

How many people realize women’s coronary arteries are understudied, underdiagnosed, and undertreated? The Cleveland Clinic, a leading cardiology centre, says heart disease is seven times deadlier for women than breast cancer. Build up of plaque in the heart’s arteries contributes to the death of one in every three women, more than all cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and accidents combined.

But heart disease kills even more men. This fact and the historical focus on heart disease in men means most people are unaware of the risk factors for heart disease in women.

A report from the American Heart Association (AHA) says there have been stunning improvements in death rates of both sexes from coronary heart disease (CHD) since 1980. But women have not shared the benefits equally.

Maurice Chevalier, the French actor-singer, was not thinking about coronary arteries when

he remarked, “vive la différence”. But the difference makes heart attack the number one killer of women.

Heart attack has been considered a male disease as it occurs in men earlier in life. But after menopause the gender gap disappears. But many remain unaware that CHD is on the attack in women.

Can CHD risk be spotted in women by their loved ones? Chest pain is the most common symptom in both sexes. But at least one-third of women do not show this classic symptom during coronary attack. Rather, they complain of shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, palpitations, dizziness, intense anxiety or pain in the jaw, neck, upper back or arm. These problems may be mistaken for a panic attack with fatal delay in diagnosis.

Suppose a family member or friend is good diagnostician and immediately calls 911. Even then, studies show that an immediate electrocardiogram or stress test is less likely to reveal the typical

Even if a woman has an early diagnosis of coronary attack and survives, a bypass operation may be required. But she has twice the risk of dying during the surgery or shortly thereafter.

Heart surgeons can explain why. Coronary arteries are smaller in females. This makes the surgery technically more challenging when vessels the diameter of a piece of spaghetti are joined together.

What should we do to decrease the risk of CHD? First, a woman should see a psychiatrist if she smokes, as the risk of heart attack is seven times greater among women who smoke.

Know your family history. If your father or brother had a heart attack before age 55, or your mother or sister before age 65, this substantially increases your risk. It’s a red flag that warns “start taking preventive measures”.

If there is a history of cardiovascular disease, a daily 81 milligram dose of aspirin may help. But since aspirin can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, always discuss this medication with your doctor.

Remember that obesity leads to type 2 diabetes which in turn increases the risk of heart attack. Gaining weight alone is easy; losing weight alone is hard. But if obese, losing weight will improve health. Good strategies and support groups help. Sheer will is probably not enough. Family and friends need to work on weight reduction together.

Have your blood pressure checked. One-third of heart attacks in women could be prevented by controlling blood pressure.

If blood cholesterol is elevated, most cardiologists will recommend cholesterol-lowering drugs. But discuss this with your physician, as there are effective and safer natural options.

submitted by Jane Adams, Dundas Manor Communications Lead

It was the wild, wild west at Dundas Manor – thanks to two Algonquin College students who are completing three-month placements at the home. All through July, the western theme was everywhere, culminating with a big country party. It included everything from country crafts to wild west fun facts to toe-tapping entertainment.

“This was my first introduction to long-term care, and I love it,” says Arianna Johnstone, who is studying community justice services. Arianna says she never considered a career in long-term care but is now. She worked closely with the behavioural support specialist at Dundas Manor, tapping into her mental health knowledge.

“Placement as a first-year student can be scary, but everyone at Dundas Manor has gone out of their way to ensure that I got the most out of my learning experience,” adds Samantha Brown, who is studying social work.

Arianna and Samantha are just two of many students who come to Dundas Manor throughout the year. Affiliation agreements with educational institutions such as Algonquin College support students in their learning while bringing new ideas and skills into the home. “It’s wonderful to have young people join our team,” notes Jennifer Hill, Activity Programs and Services Director. “It’s not just about fun activities. They support our residents on their journey and bring expertise that we can all benefit from.”

“From planning birthday parties, going on outings, having bike rides, completing assessments, and participating in 1-1 visits, Dundas Manor is always trying to support their residents and has played a huge part in my learning of how to be a great social service worker,” sums up Samantha.

For Arianna, the student placement is turning into a part-time job as an activity assistant in the fall. “My Dad grew up in Winchester and I remember visiting people at Dundas Manor when I was little. I’m really excited about starting my career here.”

Enjoying the western country party

The North Dundas Times 5 August 11, 2022 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
AL'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Property - Home - Clean - Up (Interior - Exterior) Carpentry - Fencing - Roofs - Basements DUMP RUNS: everything goes FULLY INSURED C: 613.295.0300 MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca
Arianna (left) and Samantha (right) in front of their showcase display

August 18-21, 2022 2022

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 6 www.ndtimes.ca August 11, 2022
South Mountain Fair
FAIR SCHEDULE Thursday August 18, 2022 11:00 am – 2:00 p.m. Special Friends Feature 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Gates Closed 3:30 p.m. Gates Open to Public 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Midway Open 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Trackside Beer Garden 6:00 p.m. Truck Pull Registration 6:00 p.m. Opening Ceremonies (Agricultural Hall) 7:00 p.m. Truck Pull Friday August 19, 2022 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Exhibits Entered at Exhibit Hall (Lila Fawcett Building) 10:00 a.m. Poultry Judging Begins 3:30 p.m. Gates Open to Public 4:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Midway Open 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Lila Fawcett Building) 6:00 p.m.– 10:30 p.m. Rodeo Bar Open 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Beer Garden Open (Entertainment Tent) 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Classic Car Show (Derby Pit) 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Kubota Gold Buckle Series by Black Creek Rodeo (Western Horse Ring) 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. The Reklaws presented by Pure Country 94 (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 10:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Cory Coons (Entertainment Tent) (Age of Majority) Saturday August 20, 2022 6:00 a.m. Exhibitor Gate Open 8:00 a.m. Gates Open to Public 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Lila Fawcett Building) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Pet Show (Behind Agricultural Hall) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Fun Pony and Horse Show 9:30 a.m. Saddle and Harness Show 10:00 a.m. Baby Show (Agricultural Hall) 10:00 a.m. Pre 4-H Dairy and Showmanship Class 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Poultry Show Open 11:00 a.m. 4-H Dairy Achievement Day 11:00 a.m. Duke the Dinosaur 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Maple the Cow (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. North Dundas Library Interactive Children’s Workshop (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 11:30 a.m. Rockabilly Joe (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Balloon Twisters (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Beauty Princess 12:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Midway Open 12:30 p.m. Hand Milking Contest (Beside Entertainment Tent) 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Face Painting by Melissa (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 1:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 1:30 p.m. Rockabilly Joe (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 2:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Rodeo Bar Open 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Kubota Gold Buckle Series by Black Creek Rodeo (Western Horse Ring) 6:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Beer Garden Open (Entertainment Tent) 3:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 3:30 p.m. Rockabilly Joe (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 4:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. The Washboard Union (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 10:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Derringers with DW James (Entertainment Tent) (Age of Majority) Sunday August 21, 2022 6:00 a.m. Exhibitor Gate Open 8:00 a.m. Gates Open to Public 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Lila Fawcett Building) 9:00 a.m. Tractor Pull Registration 9:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Ecumenical Church Service (Agricultural Hall – Lough Road Entrance) 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Poultry Show Open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tractor Pull 10:00 a.m. Heavy Horse and Miniature Horse Shows 11:00 a.m. 4-H Beef Achievement Day 11:00 a.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Maple the Cow (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Face Painting by Melissa (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Balloon Twisters (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Midway Open 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Beer Garden Open (Entertainment Tent) 12:30 p.m. Yvette Locke Puppet Show Ventriloquist (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Princess Ariel 1:00 p.m. Simmental and Angus Beef Cattle Show 1:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Rick and Val Show (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 2:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 2:30 p.m. Yvette Locke Puppet Show Ventriloquist (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Naomi Bristow (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 3:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 3:30 p.m. Grand Prize Draw (Entertainment Tent) 4:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. The Wilkinsons (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 6:00 p.m. Fair Closes
The North Dundas Times 7 August 11, 2022 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca Loralee Carruthers loralee.carruthers@century21.ca O . 613.918.0321 Realtor, Independently owned and operated C. 613.407.8869 51 King St W, Brockville, On South Mountain Fair August 18 - 21, 2022 1:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 1:30 p.m. Rockabilly Joe (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 2:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Rodeo Bar Open 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Kubota Gold Buckle Series by Black Creek Rodeo (Western Horse Ring) 6:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Beer Garden Open (Entertainment Tent) 3:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 3:30 p.m. Rockabilly Joe (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 4:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. The Washboard Union (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 10:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Derringers with DW James (Entertainment Tent) (Age of Majority) Sunday August 21, 2022 6:00 a.m. Exhibitor Gate Open 8:00 a.m. Gates Open to Public 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (Lila Fawcett Building) 9:00 a.m. Tractor Pull Registration 9:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Ecumenical Church Service (Agricultural Hall – Lough Road Entrance) 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Poultry Show Open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tractor Pull 10:00 a.m. Heavy Horse and Miniature Horse Shows 11:00 a.m. 4-H Beef Achievement Day 11:00 a.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Maple the Cow (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Face Painting by Melissa (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Balloon Twisters (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Midway Open 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Beer Garden Open (Entertainment Tent) 12:30 p.m. Yvette Locke Puppet Show Ventriloquist (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Princess Ariel 1:00 p.m. Simmental and Angus Beef Cattle Show 1:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Rick and Val Show (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 2:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 2:30 p.m. Yvette Locke Puppet Show Ventriloquist (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Naomi Bristow (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 3:00 p.m. Meet the Keepers Rescue Animal Stage Presentation (Children’s Entertainment Tent) 3:30 p.m. Grand Prize Draw (Entertainment Tent) 4:00 p.m. Duke the Dinosaur 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. The Wilkinsons (Entertainment Tent) (All Ages Welcome) 6:00 p.m. Fair Closes

Exploring impacts of vet shortage in rural and remote ommunities across Ontario

Rural and remote communities in Ontario are experiencing a shortage of veterinary access. What does this look like? It looks like waiting four hours or more for a veterinarian to come out to your farm – if they can come at all. It looks like being forced to euthanize livestock to uphold animal welfare standards, even though the animal could be treated if timely service were available. It also looks like veterinarians are exhausted, overworked and doing their best to provide farmers and their livestock the quality service they require and deserve.

nimals and animalrelated agriculture are crucial to the economic stability of Ontario’s rural communities. Livestock farmers require reliable access to veterinary services to ensure strong health and welfare for their animals. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recognizes and acknowledges that veterinarians play a critical role in the stability and viability of the agri-food system. Vets are vital to ensuring farmers have access to the help and support they need for raising healthy livestock. Reliability and timeliness are key to the health and welfare of both the animal and the farmer.

On my dairy operation, our vet and dairy nutritionist are an integral part of our operation and necessary pillars to raising a healthy herd. Plain and simple, an operation is at an extreme disadvantage with a lack of access to veterinary services, which we see as a much larger issue in northern and remote communities. As farmers, we feel the pain that our animals feel, especially when we can-

not find a solution to the problem or cannot access the services we need to be able to treat the discomfort our livestock are feeling. My livestock work hard for me, and in return it’s my priority to make sure my herd is comfortable, content and healthy.

Farming yields many stressors, especially during the intense growing season, and having sick livestock is the last thing you want to add to this list. It takes a huge toll not only financially, but also mentally. It can result in significant mental and emotional stress for the farmer. I’m lucky enough to feel a great amount of support from my vet who understands the surmounting pressures of farming and how difficult it is to see one of your animals suffering. As farmers and caretakers of our livestock, we do our best, but we don’t know everything about animal health, which can lead to anguish and extreme frustration. Bringing in a specialist to find a solution to the issue can be tremendously rewarding during these difficult times. However, if you cannot get access to a vet and you’re left waiting and wondering, that frustration escalates.

Generally, there has been a challenge in both attracting and retaining new veterinarians to work out of large animal clinics. Among a variety of other factors, the rural lifestyle may not offer the same level of attraction or amenities to a young professional as an urban centre. Unfortunately, these service gaps have resulted in a higher demand being put on the vets currently working in rural, remote and northern communities. Specifically in northern Ontario, this problem continues to grow. Clinics

are spaced out across the region resulting in vets travelling long distances to visit farms, isolation and burnout trying to meet the demand needed to care for the animals. The shortage puts a strain on the entire agricultural community in these areas.

The Livestock Veterinary Innovation Initiative, which was announced by the Ontario government in 2021, was developed to help address the shortage issue and provide farmers with better access to veterinary services. The intent was to address the gap in veterinary care, particularly for large animal vets working in rural and remote communities across Ontario.

To help address the issue moving forward, it’s important that farmers, industry stakeholders, government, institutions and veterinarians work together to find a suitable solution. Identifying existing gaps, working on attraction and retention strategies for large animal clinics and exploring investment opportunities may be options to consider. A lack of veterinary care can be detrimental to rural communities and can leave farm animals, and ultimately the food system, at risk. The industry encourages and welcomes new veterinary professionals to fill a growing need and support farmers across Ontario.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 8 www.ndtimes.ca August 11, 2022 1738 County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario Homemade frozen meals Pizza & subs LCBO/Beer Store convenience outlet 613-989-1323 Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7pm Sat&Sun 7am-7pm Freshly baked goods County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario • Vehicle repairs • Class “A” Mechanic • Sale of Quality PreOwned Vehicles • Flat Bed Tow Truck • Brakes • Suspension • Tire Sales • Air Conditioning • Alignments 613-989-3839
A poem submitted by Bruce and Lorna Kerr. Unknown author.
NOW HIRING Full-time - Health & Safety training is provided. Must be familiar with power tools Not afraid of heights, capacity to lift, able to work independently or team setting Salary depends on experience and skill. We will consider all applicants. Contact us at 613-989-2367 or send your resume at: info@clearcutinstallations.com 10616 Main Street, South Mountain, ON, K0E 1W0 MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca Send in your letters, stories, events to editor@ ngtimes.ca Help Support Your Local Businesses SHOP LOCALLY


Wheelchair for sale, like new only six month old. Paid over 4000.00, asking 2,000.00 but willing to negotiate. Please call 613-296-8778

Brand New Wedding

Dresses, never been worn, Tags Still On, LULUS (XL) ordered online. $300 each (phone number: 613-203-2724

Two brand new wedding dresses, tags still attached, bought online LULUS (XL) $300 each

Floating dock on the Rideau. 60' (3 sections and walkout) Best o er 613-258-8000

Firewood for sale $110 a cord delivered, min 2 cord for delivery. Call Jon 613-227-3650

Hay and straw for sale

4x4 round bales, stored inside. Call Jon 613-2273650

Cedar posts and rails for sale, various sizes available. Call Jon 613-2273650


Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613-262-1204


Occasional muscle required part time for landscaping and waterfront maintenance on Boyd Landing , Merrickville. Heavy work. Pays $100 for five-hour day. Must have transportation. Phone 613 2847780.


Ron's Small Engine Repair



1 Jayland Drive, Kemptville

(across from old Bingo Hall)

The North Dundas Times 9 August 11, 2022 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca Send in your letters, stories, events to editor@ ngtimes.ca Classifieds Classifieds HANDYMAN SERVICES Call Bill 613 774 2922 SERVICES RETIRED CARPENTER Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, additions, decks, home repair. Call George at 613 462 7637 Hedge Trimming Small or Tall Call Rob 613-795-1845' Help Support Your Local Businesses SHOP LOCALLY CROSSWORD Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Solution to last week’s Crossword Easy Medium Hard AL'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Property - Home - Clean - Up (Interior - Exterior) Carpentry - Fencing - Roofs - Basements DUMP RUNS: everything goes FULLY INSURED C: 613.295.0300 ACROSS 1. Snakes 5. Engage in 9. Heap 13. Mend 14. Companionless 16. False god 17. Away from the wind 18. Bit of parsley 19. Not more 20. Direct (to) 22. Keep apart 24. Ages 26. Besmirch 27. Kind of gland 30. Area under roofs 33. IOU holder 35. Product of combustion 37. Female chicken 38. Geologic period 41. Grassland 42. Luxury boat 45. Biblical letters 48. Term of endearment 51. Repeat 52. Colorful parrot 54. Statistic (abbrev.) 55. Sweated 59. Go-between 62. French for "State" 63. Empower 65. A Great Lake 66. Entice 67. Royal 68. Minnow-like fish 69. Stratum 70. A small wooded hollow 71. Primordial matter DOWN 1. Jewish month 2. Period of discounted prices 3. Druthers 4. Smiled scornfully 5. Past tense of To be 6. European mountains 7. Impales 8. Conundrum 9. Wayfarer 10. Notion 11. Misplaced 12. Otherwise 15. Wading bird 21. Hindu princess 23. Consumes food 25. Fill to excess 27. Hurting 28. Great fear 29. Chop off 31. Incidental 32. Shooting game 34. Caviar 36. Lack of difficulty 39. Consumer Price Index 40. Strikes 43. Rodent pet 44. Snare 46. Bristle 47. Misfortune 49. More aloof 50. Deservedly acquired 53. Pie slice 55. Hide 56. Decorative case 57. Scarce 58. Twofold 60. Pleasant 61. Abound 64. Addition


This is just a personal opinion, but I think a Greek Salad is the best for showing off your garden’s harvest. In addition, it is healthy and doesn’t give you that stuffed feeling. Mind you, if you want to stuff yourself, you can use a Greek Salad to accompany BBQ, such as the ones you may have read about in the past few weeks. Here then is my take on a fairly traditional Greek Salad.

Greek Salad

Dressing Ingredients

¼ cup of extra-virgin olive oil

¼ cup of red wine or cider vinegar

2 minced garlic cloves

1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard

Freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoon lemon juice

2 tablespoons of sour cream

1 teaspoon granulated sugar

Salad Ingredients (straight from your garden)

2 medium sized cucumbers (straight from your garden) cut into ¼ to ½ inch cubes

1 green pepper, seeded and cut into 1 inch pieces

2 cups of cherry tomatoes, cut in half

1 6-8 oz. chunk of brined Feta cheese, cut into ½ inch cubes

½ cup of red onion, very thinly sliced

As many pitted Kalamata olives as you wish; you can substitute black olives for a lighter taste


2 tablespoons whole capers

1/3 cup of fresh mint leaves

1 tablespoon of Oregano flakes


1. In a bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the dressing and refrigerate

2. Arrange your salad ingredients on or in your favourite salad bowl

3. Drizzle your salad with the dressing

4. Top with the capers, mint leaves and Oregano flakes

5. Serve with triangles of pita or naan bread, briefly warmed in the microwave

I confess to liking Greek Retsina wine (however, it’s an acquired taste). You may want to try it, well chilled, to be truly authentic. Check with the nice people at the LCBO for advice.

Best, as always from: pcormier@ranaprocess.com.

Tips for Broaching the “Money Talk” with your Parents

Many of us worry about our parents and their wellbeing but are uncomfortable sitting down and discussing their finances and their plans about aging and end of life. This can be a difficult conversation to have, even if you have an open relationship with your parents. It may feel intrusive and insensitive, but the “money talk” is an important discussion to have. Here are some tips to on how to start the conversation.

Start by being open with your parents, perhaps discussing your own finances and the decisions you have made regarding your financial future. You can also bring up difficult financial situations that may have happened with other family friends. Be sure to start the conversation in a private place. Discussing something that may be uncomfortable to them at a family gathering may make your parents feel as though they are being cornered. If there are several children who are concerned, determine who might be the best one to approach your parents to have this conversation instead of doing it altogether. Stress the importance of knowing and understanding their wishes for their future. As an example, whether that

IPM Quilt Show News Brief

be staying in their home or entering a long-term care facility.

In addition to gaining an understanding on their wishes for the future, you should all discuss their financials and determine where their wealth is kept and the contact information for those institutions. This will include their banking, investments, insurances, accountant, and any other income sources. If a safety deposit box is used, have your parents add you on so that it can be accessed in case of incapacity. Otherwise, you may not be able to access important papers when you need to.

Original Wills and POAs should be kept at the lawyer and stocks certificates should be deposited into an investment account to avoid high costs and long delays when an owner passes away or becomes incapable of handling their own finances. Circling back to Wills and Power of Attorneys, all adults, especially those with dependents should have a will. Additionally, a Power of attorney for Personal Care and Property should both be drawn up in Ontario to avoid a court-appointed Guardian.

Don’t forget to reach out to experts for legal and financial advice. A lawyer can advise you on elder law and estate matters and a qualified financial professional can assist you with financial planning and critical decisions with respect to mak-

ing choices on investments, income, and planning. As hard of a conversation this may be, you and your parents will feel better knowing that these important issues have been addressed before they arise.

We welcome questions so please reach out! See our ad in this week’s North Dundas Times and follow us on Facebook @OFarrellWealth.

Cyndy Batchelor is a Financial Advisor with Assante Capital Management Ltd. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Assante Capital Management Ltd. Please contact her at 613.258.1997 or visit ofarrellwealth.com to discuss your circumstances prior to acting on the information above. Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

The Home on the Farm Quilt Show and Tea Room is set for August 19 and 20 at the W.B.George Centre in Kemptville. Hours are from 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, August 19 and from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, August 20. Admission to the show is $10 cash at the door.

Come out and see the over 170 quilts entered in the International Plowing Match Quilt Competition. There will be vendors of interest to quilters and sewers, and a chance to purchase tickets on the IPM Raffle Quilt. A British Tea, at an additional cost, will be available for visitors to the show.

For more information on the quilt show and the IPM, which runs from September 20 to 24 on the grounds of the Kemptville Campus in North Grenville, please visit the website at www.plowingmatch.org

Quebec’s Bill 96 solidifies French as the province’s official language

Ontario’s neighbour to the east has never been shy about promoting or legislating the use of the French language, but Quebec’s Bill 96 makes the province’s language laws even more strict. The introduction of the Bill makes a straightforward and unapologetic statement about the French language. “The purpose of this bill is to affirm that the only official language of Québec is French. It also affirms that French is the common language of the Québec nation,” the opening reads.

Simply put, Bill 96

legislates the fundamental right for Quebec residents to be served in French when visiting stores or seeking services, including from private businesses. Bill 96 also applies to professional bodies, such as Colleges that require membership to practice professions such as psychotherapy and teaching. The Bill requires those working in the fields to maintain a knowledge of French that is appropriate to the practice of their profession.

In some cases, Bill 96 also restricts the use of English. For example, certain Municipal bylaws in Quebec will now have to be adopted and

published exclusively in French – official English versions will not be permitted. However, people will still be permitted to use English in Quebec courts, and can still access healthcare in English. Some English-speaking Quebec residents have still expressed concerns when it comes to healthcare in the province, since the Bill discourages medical services being provided in any language other than French.

Not surprising is that Bill 96 includes provisions for business signage to be predominantly in French. This requirement has been included in other Quebec language legisla-

tion for many years. However, the new Bill tightens the rules even more, allowing branding exceptions only for businesses that have never registered a French trademark, such as Canadian Tire.

Bill 96 can be enforced with fines ranging from $700 to $7,000 for individuals, and $3,000 to $30,000 for businesses and professional bodies.

While it seems clear that Bill 96 will not be used to govern what people do in private (for example, two staff members at a business who want to have a private conversation in English), however, other seemingly innocent interactions could result

in fines if a complaint is lodged. For example, a professional who mistakenly begins an interaction with a client in English could be subject to a fine if the client complains. There is little doubt that these new measures are strict, but the question up for debate is whether they are necessary.

The overwhelming dominance of the French language still holds true in Quebec – one study suggests that about 79% of households in Quebec speak French as their primary language, with over 90% of residents able to hold a conversation in French. However, there has been a very slow

decline in the dominance of the French language in Quebec in past decades, leading to measures designed to preserve the French language and prevent overtaking by English-language speakers. Some believe these measures are necessary, while others do not. One hurdle to the new rules will be the enforcement of the rules in predominantly English-speaking towns in Quebec, such as Wakefield, which could cause conflicts as traditional ways of life are interrupted. Only time will tell how Bill 96 helps, and the ways in which it is enforced.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 10 www.ndtimes.ca August 11, 2022

A small town tech company with big ideas

like the guys you go to whenever you don’t know who to go to,” Patrick said.

A local IT services comp any is taking off with ideas that are likely to change the industry in the years ahead. Founder of Alltec Solutions, a mobile IT service and tech company that serves North Grenville, North Dundas, and the Cornwall area. What started as a simple idea has expanded to become a pillar of innovation.

Patrick has been in the professional tech field for over 15 years, and he also has sales and management experience. He moved to North Dundas last October, and immediately noticed a need for more “hands on” mobile

tech support. The owner of a local store, Kemptville Computers, agreed to refer clients to him as the store was closing at the time, which helped to get the business off the ground. “I’m trying to have a one-stop shop for every major tech need you can possibly need help with,” said Patrick.

“And the idea is to also outsource to local technicians to support this.”

True to its name, Alltec Solutions offers computer repair, home security setup, and smart home services, as well as affiliate sales of tech products, among other services. “It’s not labelled as just a regular computer repair shop, it’s kind of

One important aspect of Patrick’s business is the charitable side. He routinely works with the Beth Donovan Hospice in North Grenville and the House of Lazarus in North Dundas to provide needed services for free. In conjunction with the House of Lazarus, Patrick launched a program called Alltec Refresh, whereby people donate their unwanted tech, and Patrick refurbishes it free of charge to be given to a family in need. This helps increase access to much needed technology, and also helps to eliminate electronic waste. Through his company, Patrick is offering similar initiatives to aid autistic children in getting access to needed technology.

“I’m trying to create the Uber of tech companies,” said Patrick. “As I really build the brand and the structure, I’m going to start to expand to other cities across Ontario and, hopefully, across Canada at some point.”

Alltec Solutions is rooted in firm principles. These include making

sure everyone is treated fairly, fighting questionable dealings in the industry, and “making sure there is a new bar set when it comes to this type of work”. Patrick said that a lot of people who seek tech services end up feeling that their technician is incompetent, which tarnishes the image of the industry itself. His company aims to correct that.

Patrick confirmed that business has been great, which shows a real need for good quality tech services locally. He is able to help other local technicians with their marketing by providing the billing and customer relations, while the technicians get the jobs done. This helps to build up the reputations of these independent technicians as well. The company focuses on mobile services, which is an in-demand service for many.

To learn more about Patrick and Alltec Solutions, visit www.alltec. solutions.

The North Dundas Times 11 August 11, 2022 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca DO MEANINGFUL WORK WE’RE HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS At First Student, our School Bus Drivers are an integral part of the communities they serve. We are your friends, family, and neighbours! Apply: workatfirst.com Call: 613-861-2475 2751 County Road 18 RR #4, Prescott, Ontario K0E 1T0 We are proud to offer: • Competitive Wages • Flexible Hours • Free Training We are an equal opportunity employer that values a diverse workforce. GET SKILLED IN THE MOTIVE POWER TRADES Truck and Coach Technician Agricultural Equipment Technician Heavy Equipment Technician 1-877-875-3437 trleger@ucdsb.on.ca trleger.ucdsb.on.ca/skilledtrades CONTACT US FOR DETAILS TR Leger Apprenticeship Centre at Kemptville Campus PROGRAMS STARTING IN SEPTEMBER 2022
Alltec Solutions owner Patrick Hart.
On-Site & Remote Tech Support www.alltec.solutions Serving North Grenville, North Dundas and surrounding areas We come to you! • New PC Setup • Computer Repairs • Virus Removal • Data Recovery • WiFi Network Setup • Custom Solutions MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca North Dundas Local Financial Service Professionals 1-877-989-1997 | OFARRELLWEALTH.COM | OFARRELL@ASSANTE.COM BROCKVILLE CORNWA LL KEMPTVILLE RENFREW WINCHESTER Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada Contact us and start planning today! Cynthia Batchelor Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. Sarah Chisholm Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. Help Support Your Local Businesses SHOP LOCALLY
by Brandon Mayer

Photo contest

Every issue, the Times will feature the winner of the “ND Times Photo Contest”. Participants in the contest must post a photo in the comment section of the relevant post in the “What’s Up, Winchester?” Facebook group within the contest time frame. The three rules of the contest are: 1) the photo must be taken in North Dundas, 2) there can only be one entry per person, and 3) you must have taken the photo yourself. The ND Times Photo Contest was inspired by Carrie Paquin, a Winchester local who runs the Township’s largest social media page, “What’s Up, Winchester?” The contest rules are similar to those used in Carrie’s “cover photo contest”, a monthly tradition which has since been retired. The winner of the photo is chosen by Facebook “likes” – one like is equivalent to one vote, and the photo with the highest number of votes will be printed in the following issue of the North Dundas Times, with the honour of reaching over 5,500 North Dundas homes via direct mail. When available, the winner will be invited to some additional details about the winning photo. This week’s winner is Brennan Lynch. Beautiful photo, Brennan!

CO2 Down to Earth 19 Species Range and Habitat Reciprocity

root. Having come from far away, these species have settled in well, taking advantage of the transformation of the forest into the patchwork landscape we know today. But there are others…

A few days ago, Nick Weissflog, a young friend pursuing environmental studies, came to visit me.

Nick is currently doing research on a species of aquatic plant that has moved into our lakes and waterways from the southern United States.

As we were chatting, I asked him to explain what he hoped to achieve with his study. His answer was not quite what I expected. Instead of saying that he wanted to determine how bad the “invasion” was – which could lead to knee-jerk programs to eradicate it – he wanted to know more about how this stranger fit into his study lake’s environment. What was the lake giving to this plant species and what was the stranger giving back, if anything, to the lake? Nick’s study is more complex than I make it sound here, but the main point I retained from our conversation was his interest about reciprocity and collaboration of plants and

other living things in the lake habitat, not control.

Every species in our patchwork landscape has a history, and now each one is part of our story too. The lilacs that mark settler homesteads speak of an origin in Eastern Europe and the cherished place of their bloom and scent in the gardens of France. Now, in midsummer let us look at what flourishes along our roadside ditches and abandoned fields, and give them their names. The snow-white umbels of Queen Anne’s Lace, some with an evident black dot in the center, are said to have originated in Afghanistan and settled in Britain on their way here. They recall the legend about Queen Anne, who pricked her finger while lace-making, and a drop of blood put a dark spot on her work. The pale blue flowers of chicory are also widespread, but they have come from Mediterranean climes with settlers wishing to savour roasted chicory

Wild (Poison) Parsnip, native to Eastern Europe and Asia, was brought here by settlers as a garden plant because its root is edible, especially in the first year of its growth. It “escaped” from their gardens and, finding that the land laid bare by clearing was particularly suited to its growth habits, it “went wild” and spread throughout the “new” land. Its “poison” is in its sap which burns one’s skin, especially when exposed to sunlight. But that is not the only problem it brings: in such a welcoming habitat, it tends to displace other plants and thereby reduces the actual and potential biodiversity of the site. It also reduces the quality and quantity of forage in the area and contaminates hay, and is said to have an impact on the weight gain and fertility of ruminant species, including livestock. The story of European Buckthorn is much the same: brought here for medicinal purposes, it escaped cultivation and found semishaded places to particularly hospitable and widespread. It is now invading much of our township, spreading its deep green leaves over sharp, needle-like thorns.

What should we think about “imported” species, some which have settled in as collaborative neighbours, others which tend to dominate other species with their unfettered growth habits?

The first point, I think, is

that they are here to stay in our patchwork landscape. Although we must do all we can to conserve the sites that speak of our region’s forested past, we should also look to the future. The key is to adopt a circumspect, differentiated approach which puts the enhancement of biodiversity at the centre of our reflections.

The arrival of the Great Swallowtail Butterfly in our region is a good case in point. It arrived in our area from the most southern part of Ontario around 2010 (I observed them here in 2013). They now appear in mid-summer while the light mauve flowers of Bee-balm expand their clusters of tubelike flowers. The relationship between the butterfly and the plant is well-timed and reciprocal. The flower gives nectar, the butterfly distributes pollen.

If you would like to comment, please contact me at: wildflowerguy@gmail.com

Ring! Ring! WDMH Foundation Diamond Ring Raffle raises


Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket for the WDMH Foundation’s Diamond Ring Raffle. In all, $3,090 was raised for the Family Care Fund – ‘supporting families just like yours’.

A WDMH staff member pulled winning ticket number 0483. Congratulations to Jeremy Plummer who took home the beautiful ring. And thank you to Pommier Jewellers for this generous donation.

“Our local communities are so good to us,” notes Managing Director Kristen Casselman. “We are so grateful to the local businesses who donate goods and services for our events and to community members who join in the fun to support health care close to home!”

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 12 www.ndtimes.ca August 11, 2022
"The Nation" by Brennan Lynch The Giant Swallowtail, Papilio cresphontes and the flower is Bee-Balm, Monarda fistulos. Photo taken in 2013.

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