April 28th, 2014 #17

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the north grenville


TIMES Vol. 2, No. 16

The Voice of North Grenville

April 23, 2014

Mystery at the North Grenville Library

Sustainability Fair April 27

by David Shanahan An incident took place at the NG Public Library on Easter Sunday that has the OPP investigating a mystery. At some point in the midafternoon, possibly around 4 pm, someone, or something, broke the main window beside the front door. The outer of the double panes was broken and bulged outwards, quite dangerously, while the inner pane was damaged, but did not break. It was a very quiet afternoon in downtown Kemptville and nothing was seen or heard, even by the staff at Mr. Mozarella’s right across the street. The broken window seemed to have been impacted from the inside, with the broken shards and re-

maining section of the glass pane bulging outward and looking very fragile. OPP officers arrived on the scene shortly afterwards, and were careful to warn people away from approaching the window, in case the glass shattered further. Within an hour, the broken window had been replaced by a temporary pane, and police tape kept people at a safe distance. The Library was closed for the long weekend, and there are no CCTV cameras in the area, so there was nothing to tell who, or what, had been responsible for the breakage. It should be noted that there was no-one hanging around the scene earlier, aside from one or two passers-by. But no-one witnessed

anything suspicious, although one woman reported a young man sitting outside the Library some time before. There were some who assumed that young people must have done something, but that is unlikely, given the absence of people in the area. But there has been a problem at the Library in recent months. Groups of young people have tended to hang around outside that door, causing some concern among staff and library users. They have insisted on smoking in the non-smoking area, and have been abusive to people going in and out of the library. The situation has been so intimidating at times, that Head Librarian, Sue Higgins, has had meetings with the Library Board,

the municipal staff and the OPP to see what can be done about the issue. Library staff are continuing to monitor the problems and have requested that random visits from the OPP be continued. Ironically, the OPP had a satellite office in the library building when it first opened, but it closed some time ago. The office was immediately beside where the window was broken. At the time of going to press, there is still no clue as to what caused the breakage, either through a deliberate act of vandalism, or through some inherent fault in the window itself. It is, at least, fortunate that the library was closed at the time, with no passers-by or library users hurt by the glass.

April is Cancer Awareness Month

The North Grenville Times

North Grenville Civic Awards Presentations

Jim and Judy Beveridge of B & H also received an Exemplary Work in the Community award for their longstanding contributions to our community.

The Voice of North Grenville

The Kemptville Snowmobile Club was given the Exemplary Work in the Community award in the Group category. by Beth Nicol The Annual North Grenville Civic Awards were presented at the Council Meeting on Monday, April 14. It is an opportunity for the municipality to officially recognize the contributions of its many dedicated volunteers. This year, nine remarkable volunteers were recognized. The Health and Wellness award in the youth category was presented to Melissa LaHaise, a grade 4 student at South Branch Public School. She initiated a fundraising program called, “Bracelets of Hope.” Through sponsorships, she was able to raise $1,000 and also sent bracelets to the students in a small Kenyan village. The funds raised were used to purchase a walking tractor for the village. Three awards were presented in the Youth category. Sid Boettger is the vice president of the Youth Council at the Kemptville Youth Centre. She volunteers at all community events and leads by example. Sid is well respected by volunteers, young people and staff. Kristen and Kelsey Black have been reliable volunteers for “Ryan’s Well” for several years. No matter what the task, it is completed with care and

Robert Noseworthy received the Mayor’s Commendation award for outstanding commitment to our community

An Exemplary Work in the Community award was presented to Charles Stewart in the Senior category. He has been in charge of the logistics for the Fill a Bag campaign.

April 23, 2014


enthusiasm. They demonstrate excellent leadership skills and participate actively in community events. Vanessa Young received the Youth award in the Adult category. As a Guide Leader, she has been involved in a wide variety of community events and activities. The Soccer Club has also benefited from her time and skills for the past eight years. The award for Recreation, Sport and Leisure in the Senior category was presented to Robert Fnukal. He has volunteered in the Kemptville Soccer Club for years, holding the Discipline Chair. Not the easiest of positions to hold, he is known for his fairness and impartiality. He is also a Scout leader. Graydon Abbott has been a member of the Masonic Lodge for 50 years. He considers his time well spent when he is serving others. Many Seniors at Bayfield enjoy a Social Hour on Friday afternoons. It is thanks to Graydon’s efforts that this has been possible for the past eight years. He received the award for volunteers in the Seniors category. Three Exemplary Work in the Community Awards were presented. Charles Stewart received the award in the Seniors category. He has been in charge of the logistics for the Fill a Bag campaign, a community outreach program of the North Grenville Community Church. This is a huge responsibility. The campaign provides food for the Salvation Army Christmas Baskets and the Food Bank for much of the winter.

The Kemptville Snowmobile Club was awarded the Exemplary Work in the Community award in the group category for its fundraising efforts on behalf of the Easter Seals Campaign for the past 30 years. This year’s Poker Run raised $6,000. As noted in last week’s edition, Jim and Judy Beveridge of B & H also received an Exemplary Work in the Community award for their longstanding contributions to our community. The Mayor ’s Commendation was selected by David Gordon in recognition of “outstanding commitment to our community, exceptional voluntary service and outstanding social, personal or lifetime achievements.” The recipient this year was local builder, Robert Noseworthy. He was vital to the Habitat for Humanity project, holding positions on the Board, the Steering Committee and chairing the Build Committee. As Project Manager, he coordinated, updated and organized. He was a major player in a number of community projects such as the new gazebo in Anniversary Park, the Skateboard Park, and the South Gower Fitness Trail. Robert is a board member for the Kemptville District Hospital and is on the North Grenville Economic Development Committee. This is not a complete list of his dedicated service to our community. He is well deserving of this special recognition. To all of the recipients, may we, at the North Grenville Times, offer our thanks for your many efforts on our behalf. www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

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Youth category award was presented to Melissa LaHaise for her fundraising initiative called Bracelets of Hope.

Vanessa Young received a Youth award in the Adult category for her many years of volunteering with Girl Guides and the Soccer Club.

For Advertising rates please contact Peter at peter@ngtimes.ca or call 613 - 989- 2850 The award for Recreation, Sport and Leisure in the Senior category was presented to Robert Fnukal.

Kristen and Kelsey Black were recipients of Youth awards. They have been reliable volunteers for “Ryan’s Well” for several years.


Health and Wellness: The Youth award recipient was Sid Boettger. April 23, 2014




The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

We live in a Political World tion, or business, authority clearly comes from the top. The joke about the Golden Rule (“He who has the gold makes the Rules”) makes the point clearly. The owners have the authority to set policy, to hire and fire, and to carry on business as they see fit. If they choose to close a plant in Canada and move to India or Bangladesh in order to make bigger profits, that is their right. They, obviously, have a different kind of authority than King - definitely not based on morality. Democracy has a very different form of authority, or at least it is supposed to. The idea behind a political democracy, such as we enjoy in Canada and most western countries, is that authority comes from below, not above. The idea is simple. In order to organise the society in which we live, the people choose a few to represent them in making decisions for the whole. Using the authority given to them by their

by David Shanahan I have a problem with authority. Maybe it’s because of where I grew up, or when I grew up, or even because I never grew up; but I have an instinctive distrust of people in authority. The issue is not a natural rebelliousness on my part, actually, but rather a question about where authority gets its authority. Sometimes, the authority comes from wearing a uniform others from the title they have, or the position they hold in society. Authority is a strange thing. There are those who have what we call “moral authority,” even though they may not have any of the usual trappings that go with the exercise of power. Martin Luther King jr. had that kind of authority. What he said mattered and had an influence, even though he held no elective office. But his life and his words carried a force that was unmistakable. In a private corpora-

neighbours, they, in turn, choose from among themselves some few to come up with policies that they can all vote on and choose to follow for the common good. Sounds simple, and in many ways it should be. According to this theory of authority, leaders exercise the authority given to them by those who elected them. Stephen Harper, Kathleen Wynne and David Gordon are all leaders exercising authority given to them by the people they represent. Now, of course, none of us, no matter what our political allegiance, elected Harper or Wynne. But the people we chose to represent us did elect them, and so they ultimately derive their authority from us. It is, we know, more complicated than that. We may not even have voted for the ones who voted for Harper or Wynne. Some may not have voted at all. But part of the system, the thinking, is that we all recognise the authority of those elected,

even if we did not vote for them ourselves, because we recognise, in a democracy, that the majority opinion has authority. The theory has gone off the tracks somewhat, because, too often, the nation, or province, or even the local municipality, takes on the private business model of authority. Politicians feel that authority comes from the top, not the people, and so the political party becomes the basis of everything, and the will of the people, no matter how clearly expressed, becomes secondary to party. The other major flaw in the system is found at the base: in order to choose representatives, the individuals and communities need to know what they’re doing. If authority rests on the consent of the governed, then the governed need to give informed consent. Informed. That means doing some work, some thinking, to decide what it is you want from your representatives,

what it is you are electing them to do in your name. People don’t like to work like that, to think, that is a sad fact of life and politicians take advantage. When Stephen Harper cuts funding to the CBC (again), or makes 60% cuts to research units for First Nations, he is deliberately targeting those bodies which inform the people. He does not, it is well known, like dissent from his will. People who know the facts seem to often dissent from his will; therefore, cut off access to facts and information. If the courts rebuke you for ignoring the facts with respect to First Nations claims and history, cut off funding to those who are revealing the facts, and so disarm your opponents. Opponents? Or sources of your authority? The fact is that the political system has strayed a very long way from that fundamental theory of representation and delegated authority by the people. Political repre-

sentatives have largely lost sight of the nature of their authority, and have adopted the business model that sees authority coming from the top down, not the bottom up. Running a nation, or a province, or a municipality is too often treated the same as running a business: all bottom line, revenues, balancing books and “rationalisation”. No longer is it seen as representing the needs and wishes of the people who gave you authority to act in their name. So, I have a problem with authority. When you think about the long history of struggle that lies behind the democratic freedoms that we enjoy, especially when compared to what happens in other countries even today, then we must be aware of what is being lost when we lose sight of the nature of authority. This is an election year in Ontario and North Grenville. Time to think and to prepare for the responsibility. More next week.

NG Fire Service appoints new Acting Chiefs by David Shanahan The NG Fire Service is growing and that is putting extraordinary pressure on the volunteer force to maintain the levels of service that have been required by the growth of the wider North Grenville society. The Service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the practice of having one full-time Fire Chief has become inadequate for the job. Fire Chief Paul Hutt certainly cannot be expected to work every hour of every day, and so it has been decided, on his recommendation, to appoint three Acting

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 April 23, 2014

Chiefs from among the volunteer personnel to stand in for him when necessary. Not only will these appointments mean that full coverage is maintained in the case of illness, absence for training, or vacation time for the Chief, it also begins the process of establishing a succession procedure for the future. Not only will there be fully trained personnel available to replace Chief Hutt whenever that may b e n e c e s s a r y, i t a l s o prepares the way for the expansion of the Fire Service as full-time staff

are added to the roster over the coming years. Up to now, a Chief O ff i c e r h a s f i l l e d i n when the Fire Chief was absent. The new arrangement means that the burden and time constraints on the volunteer service will be eased considerably, as three officers are trained and in place to provide cover as needed. Council have altered the By-Law covering the appointment of Municipal Officials to name Captains Mark McFalls, Richard Aldham and Hal Thompson as Acting Fire Chiefs.

the north grenville

ISSN 2291-0301


Marketing Peter Peers peter@ngtimes.ca 613 989- 2850

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www.ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

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Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Municipality rejects arguments of Council back new model on pit opponents Insurance Liability by David Shanahan The Municipality of North Grenville has decided that the arguments put forward by opponents of the proposed Lafarge pit in South Gower are not valid and have decided to allow the approval process to go ahead. Although Council expressed some qualms about the eventual plan that may be approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources, they are hoping that their input and concerns will be taken into account by the MNR process. There are doubts about just how much influence Council’s concerns will have on the final content of the approved plan by Lafarge, based on the attitude of Ministry officials in previous meetings. According to Municipal staff: “Unfortunately, Municipal staff were left with the impression that there is very little the MNR is prepared to do to provide the Municipality with assurances that the site plan presented to Council will be the site plan approved by the MNR...There was a general reluctance by MNR staff to play a constructive role to assist the Municipality and an overall disregard for the position of the Municipality in attempting to resolve land use conflict issues and concerns. Municipal staff were not satisfied with the outcome of this meeting.” This should cause concern to North Grenville residents. Apparently, our elected representatives have very little input or control over how the provincial government allow large corporations to use our land and natural resources. To add insult to injury, the Municipality of North Grenville makes exactly $30,000 per year from the exploitation of our resources in the nineteen pits in the community by such companies. Considering what companies like Lafarge make from those resources, it seems an unbalanced arrangement, to say the least. In spite of their misgivings regarding MNR attitudes and policies, the NG Council have rejected arguments made by pit opponents in the area of effects on property values and dangers to the water supply. They have decided that commitments by Lafarge, in terms of protecting April 23, 2014

and monitoring the aquifers, are an acceptable guarantee of future water safety. In relation to the protection of property values for residents located in the vicinity of the proposed pit, Council had received a number of studies on such effects through the residents’ lobbying group in South Gower, but have decided to ignore them. Staff comments on this issue are both vague and poorly expressed: “The information provided was an American reference . . . Staff’s position on property concerns has not changed. Such concerns should not be concerned in the context of Ontario land use planning decisions. This position is supported by case law and leads to the conclusion that such an argument has no planning merit. No further action is recommended on this matter.” The South Gower group’s spokesperson, Jim Bertram, sees no merit in staff’s conclusions. “The American research is of a very high standard and uses analytical tools which solidly establish the role of quarries and pits in destroying the savings of homeowners represented by home equity. The uneducated opinion of some planners, who seem very interested in this project, does not change the results of those studies. If Council wants to establish an objectively dependable basis on which to make its decision concerning impacts on local home values, it may commission its own study. Failing that, if they actually care at all about the issue of potential for destruction of home values, they have no choice but to refer to the research already done on this topic. In no case should they depend on their planning department for such advice. That department may be well versed in some of the nuts and bolts of plan-

ning, but I assure you, they don't know much about the economic impacts.” In re-zoning the land for aggregate extraction, the Municipality notes the location and surrounding residential development of the property: there are “agricultural lands to the west and east of the subject lands and roughly 35 severed lots being used for residential purposes within less than 1,000 metres (3,280 feet) . . . All development in the area is serviced by private well and septic systems. The lands directly to the north of the subject property are characterized as being provincially significant wetlands.” It is estimated that twelve trucks will be entering and leaving the pit every hour, but a maximum of 26 trucks an hour can be expected “for no more than 10 days per year.” The pit will have a life span of about 10 to 15 years. Given the relative impotence of Council to have any influence on the final decision regarding the Lafarge application, Jim Bertram accepts that there may be little more to be done. However, he still believes Council has a moral obligation to at least make a stand in support of residents. “Making a hard decision and surrendering to a powerful enemy is not shameful in my book. I understand that. What I will not accept is a surrender which is accompanied by a denial of the reality of this situation. It is here where I believe a Council can and should show leadership — leadership in explaining how their decision to allow the pit is being made under duress, and leadership in admitting the damage the decision, made under such duress, will cause. That would take courage and would earn my respect, though I would be opposed to the decision made to allow the project.”

The North Grenville Council is preparing a resolution in support of a new model for insurance coverage for Ontario’s municipalities. The issue of what is called Joint & Several Liability has been a major source of concern for all of the province’s municipalities over the past years, after a number of court decisions made judgments against some townships in cases involving road accidents. The problem has been that the so-called “deep pockets” of municipalities were forced to pay the majority of costs even where their liability was minimal. A resolution was passed by the Council in January in support of a Private Members Bill for reform of joint and several liability insurance that was introduced by Randy Pettapiece MPP. His initiative received all-party

support in the Ontario legislature, and the Ministry of the Attorney General then requested input from municipalities and associations, to be received before April 16. Several models have been proposed for consideration, and the one known as the Combined model has received general support. It has been endorsed by the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the NG Council has now decided that it is the best model “to mitigate the impact for municipalities.” The proposed preferred Combines model would place some reasonable limits on the damages that may be recovered from a municipality under limited circumstances. The model would be applied, if needed, to ensure that the municipality would not liable for more than twice its proportion

of damages. In the past, municipalities have had to pay more than 90% of damages in cases where their liability has been assessed by the courts at less than 10%. But where the individuals involved in the case were unable to pay their share of the liability, the municipalities were forced to cover the shortfall. The Combined model would end that inequitable situation and may free municipalities from the fear of litigation that has put a limit on many public events, or else put insurance premiums out of reach for associations and service groups. It is hoped that the resolution in support of the Combined model will encourage the Attorney General’s Office to move quickly to change the insurance liability situation in Ontario.

New Code of Conduct for Council The question of a formal Code of Conduct to govern members of the North Grenville Council has been raised by Municipal Clerk, Cahl Pominville, after several inquiries by members of the current Council. Cahl, who is currently President of AMCTO (The Association of Municipal Managers,

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Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario), noted that many neighbouring municipalities have such Codes of Conduct. Given the fact that the present Council have been in office for many years now, and that there is a great deal of experience that has been gathered over those years by members, it would be a useful exercise to draw up a Code of Conduct before the coming municipal election in October.


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The North Grenville Times

Run, walk or bike for Children’s Foundation

New Assisted Living Services for High-Risk Seniors in Kemptville With funding from the Champlain LHIN (Local Health Integration Network), Williamsburg NonProfit Housing Corporation (also known as the J.W. MacIntosh Seniors’ Support Centre) is providing Assisted Living Services for seniors in Kemptville. This service, which began in February 2014, is funded to support 20 seniors at one time. The aim of the program is to increase support services for seniors in their homes to maintain their independence. This relieves pressures on hospital emergency rooms. It also prevents premature admissions to long-term care homes. The Assisted Living Service is a community based care program that supports seniors to maintain their independence and remain in their own homes,

for as long as possible. The service is non-medical, and support is delivered by a team of Personal Support Workers. Services include such items as: Medication prompting, homemaking, personal hygiene, care coordination, security checks and a 24/7 on-call service. Since 2010, this service has been offered successfully through Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation in Iroquois – Morrisburg. Janet Levere, Executive Director of Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation says the service works because it is flexible enough to meet the unique needs of each client. Cathy Bailey, Assisted Living Supervisor, coordinates the care for each individual, completing assessments and responding to urgent calls off hours. “Seniors wish to live

UCDSB to Host 6th Annual Champions for Kids Foundation Fun Run, Walk and Family Bike Ride on Father’s Day

independently for as long as possible,” said Chantale LeClerc, CEO of the Champlain LHIN. “One of the LHIN’s aims is to ensure more seniors are cared for in their communities. By expanding Assisted Living Services for High-Risk Seniors to Kemptville, we are putting in place the kind of care that families need, want and deserve.” We are pleased to bring this new program to seniors in Kemptville. To learn more about this program and other services offered in Kemptville join us at our Open House: 215 Sanders Street, Suite 106 Friday April 25, 2014 1:30 – 3:30 pm To determine eligibility for Assisted Living Services, you must meet the criteria as determined by an assessment.

The Upper Canada District School Board Champions for Kids Foundation is gearing up to host the 6th Annual Fun Run, Walk and Family Bike Ride at the Ferguson Forest Centre. The event is a major fundraiser for the children’s foundation, and will take place on Father’s Day – Sunday, June 15. Event organizers have set a goal of raising $6,000 for the Foundation, which supports families of children who cannot afford to play sports or enjoy the arts outside of school hours. It also helps these families cover associated costs of obtaining medical care for their children – such as gas and meal expenses. “While in the past the event has been for runners and walkers, the organizing committee has expanded it this year, with the addition of a cycling category to offer greater opportunities for people to participate. “We know that there are many people who may not want to run, but love to get out on a spring day to ride a bike with their children. This gives them the opportunity to have some fun, get some exercise, and benefit a great cause,” said Sarah Crawford, event Chairperson. The event offers one and five-kilometre courses for runners, walkers and cyclists.

It’s all happening at the North Grenville Sustainability Fair! Submitted by Clare Weissflog

Don’t forget to come out to the 7th Annual Sustainability Fair this Sunday at the North Grenville Municipal Centre starting at 11 am. Here are some of the features you can look forward to: 11:15 am -Local musician Lisa Poushinsky leads an all-age sing-along for Spring 12:00 pm -Jam with the local Ukelele group (Ukes provided) 12:45 pm -Learn a 16th century “Dargason”dance with folk group Fiddlehead Soup 1:15 pm -Learn why we need to BEE kind to bees, and discover how you can get started in backyard beekeeping with experienced beekeeper Paul Lacelle 3:00 pm -The Celtic Rathskallions wrap up the day with their energetic interactive show in the Theatre Great Kid’s Activities Lego Dave…buckets of building fun! Button Machine…make your own button for Spring, for the Earth or for Mom! Face painting….everyone loves this! Seed-planting …plant some Spring seeds to take home and care for. Hands on nature and science activities with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Plus don’t forget to check out the Electric Cars near the entrance, and then enjoy the creativity of some of our local students who will have a display of their “Upcycled Inventions” in the lobby. There are door prizes to be won too; come and fill out a ballot! The 2014 North Grenville Sustainability Fair on Sunday, April 27th from 11am3pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre, 285 County Rd 44, Kemptville. Bring the family for community information, delicious food, great hands-on activities and lively entertainment; there’s something for everyone at the North Grenville Sustainability Fair! IT’S FREE! Organised by Sustainable North Grenville (www.sustainablenorthgrenville.ca)

April 23, 2014

The Voice of North Grenville

Cycling has been incorporated on a trial basis to gauge interest, so cyclists will be asked to share the course with other participants with safety in mind. Runners and walkers can participate on their own or as members of centipede teams. Centipede teams are groups of five to eight people who walk or run in costume and stay tethered together in unique ways. Each participant this year will be presented with their own medal, created by students at Commonwealth Public School. The medals will serve as keepsakes of the day, and will also include a QR code that links with the Champions for Kids website to allow people easy access to information on the charity. Sarah is also excited that the event has once again partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville, which will be hosting Ribfest at the same time. Both events are designed to support children, so it is a good fit. Registration begins at 9 am, with a 10 am start for the one-kilometre event, and a 10:15 am start for the five-kilometre event. The minimum pledge is $20 for families and individual participants, and $100 for centipede teams. “Since we began six years ago, we have raised more than $14,000 to help

kids enjoy their childhood,” she said. “That is so rewarding.” Sarah would like to thank TD Canada Trust locations in Brockville, Kemptville, Perth, Prescott and Smiths Falls for their ongoing support of this event. These branches are sponsoring the participation of student teams in their area, and have been involved in the fundraiser for the past five years. Area residents are already looking forward to the event. Christopher Hannah is vice-principal at Westminster Public School. Westminster, under the leadership of Grade 2 teachers Janet Gartley and Jeremy O'Connor, has fielded a centipede team each year for the past four years. Hannah says participation demonstrates some great life lessons for Westminster students. “It teaches them the importance of giving to others and offers lessons about the value of fitness and teamwork,” said Hannah. “Plus, it’s a lot of fun.” For more information, please call: Sarah Crawford Event Chair Champions for Kids Fun Run, Walk and Family Bike Ride, 613-342-0371 ext. 1327.

OMCA's Annual General Meeting Everyone with an interest in the community of Oxford Mills is encouraged to attend the OMCA's Annual General Meeting on May 8 at 7 pm in Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills. At this meeting, the Financial Statements for 2013 will be presented for approval, and a YearEnd Report will be given. Also an expression of Interest to purchase Maplewood Hall will be reviewed. The meeting will conclude with nominations and an election for the vacant seats on the Board (Directors currently hold their position for two years). For updates on community events, please join the OMCA's Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/OxfordMills/



The North Grenville Times

Change of Command at Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 338 Defiant (Kemptville)

In the Moment Event Planning & Design now able to provide services to the Deaf, Deafened, Oral Deaf and Hard of Hearing community In the Moment Event Planning & Design proudly announced today that it is now able to provide event planning and design services for the Deaf, Deafened, Oral Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. “With our newest team member, Karina Geleynse, who is fluent in ASL and who is also d/Deaf, we are now able to provide exceptional service to a community of individuals who struggle with communicating with a company who may be not sensitive to the event needs of d/Deaf/HoH,” says Julia O’Grady, President and owner of ITM. “It makes me so proud to be able to provide services that will make event planning and attendance at events so much more enjoyable for the community. Our

services will include full consultation, event planning and design services with the assistance of our Communications Specialist for our clients who are d/Deaf/HoH and also sensitivity consultations for those clients whose guest lists include guests who may be d/Deaf/HoH.” In the Moment Event Planning & Design was started in October 2010 by Julia O’Grady. Julia is the heart and soul behind ITM and has dedicated her career to creating extraordinary moments for her clients. Julia prides herself on her company’s tag line, “Big City Ideas, Small Town Charm”. Julia is always dreaming big. Every event is the most important event her and her team have ever planned; no detail is missed,

The Voice of North Grenville

no vision is ignored or left unexplored. Although she dreams big, she never forgets where she comes from, and she uses her small town values and morals to guide her through her dealings with her clients, suppliers and vendors. The reputation ITM has worked hard to attain is described as creative, honest and over the top. The ITM team includes event coordinators, designers and staff that are second to none and never fail to exceed their client’s expectations. Providing exceptional and specialized services to their clients continues to make ITM the best choice for corporate and personal event planning and design services.

submitted by Mike McIntosh

Lt(N) Pierre Lefebvre will assume command of Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 338 Defiant (Kemptville) from Lt(N) Sean Casey. Lt(N) Casey assumed command in December 2011. The change of Command will take place at the Kemptville Armoury at 6:30 pm, April 28. Members of the public are welcome. For further information, contact Mike McIntosh – President, Navy League Kemptville, 613-222-0100.

Departing Commanding Officer, Sean Casey.

North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame Legacy Bursaries support local athletes

New Commanding Officer, Pierre Levebvre

Lyndsay Fumerton Receives Legacy Bursary On Monday April 14, local archer Lyndsay Fumerton was awarded a North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame Legacy Bursary for $5 000. The presentation took place at the Toronto Dominion Bank in Kemptville; the TD Bank is a platinum level sponsor of the Sports Hall of Fame. Pictured above (left to right) are: Bill Forbes and Heather Burns representing the NG Sports Hall of Fame, Lyndsay Fumerton, Kim Bologna and Trista Lynch-Black representing the TD Bank.

by Beth Nicol Since 2010, the North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame has been recognizing the contributions of individuals and organizations of competitive sports at local, national and international levels. While it recognizes the accomplishments of past athletes and teams, it also has a mandate, “to continue the tradition of quality sports,” in our community. To do so, it has established a program of providing an annual bursary to a deserving athlete, team or organization. On Monday April 14, Lyndsay Fumerton was the recipient of a bursary for $5 000. Lyndsay, a grade 11 April 23, 2014

student at North Grenville District High School, is a competitive archer who came first in her class in the 2013 Canadian National Archery Championships. It is her intention to take part in at least five major competitions this year in both Canada and the United States. Lyndsay has been slowly rebuilding her necessary equipment after losing everything in a devastating house fire in March of last year. The bursary will be used for equipment replacement and competition expenses, including entry fees and travel expenses. The Toronto Dominion Bank, a platinum sponsor of the North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame, also has a mandate to support children.

It has worked alongside organizers to provide funding for the bursary program. Past recipients are the Adam Harlow Fellowship Fund and the Kemptville Hardball Association. Thanks to the success of Sports Hall of Fame fundraising golf tournaments, four bursaries

will be awarded this year, one in each quarter. Applications for the second quarter bursary can be found on the website: www.ngsportlegacy.ca and should be completed before June 1, 2014. The NG Times is a sponsor of the North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame.



The North Grenville Times

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The Voice of North Grenville


Prices effective: Friday, April 25 to Thursday, May 1, 2014 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements� April 23, 2014



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


Myths about Christianity 2: by David Shanahan One of the great myths about Christians and their beliefs is that we are all fundamentally daft: believing in things that no intelligent or educated person would. There is an assumption that Christianity started in some primitive and ignorant time, when people didn’t understand the basic laws of Nature, and believed everything unexplained was miraculous. It is sometimes hard to understand why this myth exists, given the long record of highly intelligent men and women who became Christians over the centuries. Can we really think of these people as ignorant and unintelligent? People like Martin Luther King Jnr., C. S. Lewis, Jimmy Carter, J. R. R. Tolkien, or so many Nobel prize-winning scientists? Universities began as Christian centres of learning. In the West, hospitals were established by Christians; social services were provided by Christians. Modern sciences would not exist if Christians had not believed that this was a world created by design, with governing laws that could be identified and observed. If the modern idea that the universe is a random place without meaning had been widespread in the past, no-one would have bothered with science, because it would not be logical or rational to look for pattern and design in a random universe. Science is based on the fact that the universe is not random. But let’s go back to the beginning of Christianity and see if those people were ignorant and primitive. Did they believe in miracles because they didn’t know the basic laws of nature? Was it credulity on their part, reflecting a

April 23, 2014


A Satisfied Mind

society in the dark intellectually? Think of the great civilisations of the ancient world: Egypt, Greece, or Rome. Given their learning, their accomplishments in mathematics, astronomy, architecture, legal systems, building, or infrastructure, can we really believe that they were “primitive”? The first Christians were part of that world. When they considered something as being miraculous, it was precisely because they did know the laws of nature. If they did not understand that people are heavier than water, they would not have been surprised when Jesus walked on it. They knew how wine, or babies, were made, so they recognised miracles when they saw them. Consider Luke, the writer of one of the Gospels and of the Acts of the Apostles. As a modern professional historian, I am deeply impressed by his methodology and his accuracy. He explained how he researched the books he wrote, who he interviewed, what sources he used. He himself was an eye-witness to some of the events he records, and his accuracy in using terminology is convincing. He used the right technical terms for officials, cities, bureaucrats, rulers, and even got the geography right. Where the titles of various bureaucrats changed from place to place, or from time to time, he always gets them right. Some of the apparent errors that were pointed out in his history in the past have been shown by subsequent archaeology to have been right all along. Ultimately, people are Christians because they have found it to be the most complete, and most completely satisfying, explanation for the existence of the universe, why it is

the way it is, and why the human race is as it is. More so even than this: Christians have experienced the reality of God through Jesus Christ throughout history, regardless of ethnicity, age, education, social class, or any other factor. Of course, there are the fantasy Christians, the gullible and deliberately uninformed, who think they have to blindly believe without question. That is not what the Bible says we should be like. The great command is to love the Lord your God...with all your mind. There is a common starting point for all of us: read the Book. I can hardly be taken seriously if I criticise and reject a book, or an idea, that I have not read or heard about, or studied. Yet there are so many people who will reject and ridicule the New Testament without ever even reading it. Don’t confuse the structures with the reality: there are so many who call themselves Christians, but are really, as I call them, meat-eating vegetarians. They can call themselves by any name they wish, but if they are not living it, they don’t know who they’re talking about. They just give the real thing a bad name. If you are a Christian, or want to be, remember what Peter said: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Christ may be ashamed of their slander” [1 Peter 3.15-16]. Not a bad idea. “But one thing for certain, when it comes my time, I’ll leave this old world with a satisfied mind” - Bob Dylan.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Acquisition of memories: The Schools Book Project by Doug MacDonald

After asking about this photograph last week - here it is! This was taken at the sod-turning for the new Public School in Oxford Mills on October 4, 1963. One student from each of the older schools was chosen to take part. They were, left to right: Sharon McNeilly, SS16, Oxford Station; Deborah Hurlbert, SS3, Red Brick, Kemptville; Norman Bennet, SS10, Mills; Stephen Orton, SS7, Todd’s; Paul Bertrand, SS12, Brown’s; Neil McKenny, SS13, Patterson’s Corners; Richard Morreau, SS2, River Road; Morley Thomson, SS6, Acton’s Corners; Thomas Humphreys, SS17, Millar’s Corners; Brenda Hamilton, SS8, Oxford Mills; Billy Heaphy, SS1&5, Burritt’s Rapids. If you are in this picture, please contact the Times, or the NG Historical Society.

The Death and Afterlife of the North American Martyrs by Ann Newton On Wednesday April 9, 2014, Dr. Emma Anderson, Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Ottawa, took members of the North Grenville Historical Society on a journey from the 17th century to the present while outlining the principle arguments and eras of her latest book The Death and Afterlife of the North American Martyrs. In Professor Anderson’s own words, this book “explores the history of

devotion to eight Jesuit missionaries slain by native people during the 1640s, a decade of unprecedented disease, dislocation and warfare across the colonial northeast”. It “explores how these violent encounters were understood by all participants: plumbing the perspectives and motivations of the missionaries, their native slayers, and those native Catholics who, although they died alongside the ‘Jesuit martyrs’, have yet to receive comparable

recognition as martyrs by the Catholic Church.” The Death and Afterlife of the North American Martyrs also “traces the evolution of the martyrs’ saintly “afterlife”: their continual remembering and reinvention in the Catholic collective imagination”. Dr. Anderson’s lecture, enhanced by a PowerPoint presentation of carefully selected paintings and photographs, was received with great interest and enthusiasm by the audience. Fol-

lowing a lively question and answer period, Professor Anderson signed copies of her book. Refreshments and desserts provided by Jill Dolan and Ann Newton were available throughout the evening.

The work on the Pioneer Schools of North Grenville continues at the NGHS. The dates covered by the book have been extended to 1808 - 1964, after more material discovered at the Ontario Archives revealed a school in Hecks Corners (Heckston) in Gower South in 1808. The 1964 date marks the year, exactly fifty years ago, that the last remaining pioneer-era schools closed, and with the consolidation, the modern era of education began. Between 1808 and 1964, thousands of children were educated in the one-room schools of South Gower, Oxford-on-Rideau and the Village of Kemptville; and between 1873 and 1936 in the brick buildings of Kemptville’s Public and High Schools. All of these children made a contribution to the history of North Grenville. Many of them, as adults, made a significant difference locally, provincially, nationally, and even internationally. The achievements of some of

these are well known, others less so, and yet others are remembered only by their families. To ensure that as many of them as possible are included in the book, the NG Archives is asking for help. We are looking for recommendations for who to cover in writing brief biographies, or in providing information only family members would have. Volunteer biographers are already working on a number of stories of individuals: the one common link is that they were all educated in local schools. As the list of those who made a difference grows - as it does, daily - more volunteers will be needed to research and write these bios. Perhaps today’s students from the schools of North Grenville will embrace the project and bring a youthful enthusiasm and 21st Century dynamism to the book. If you wish to help, contact the NG Archives at 613-258-4401, or e-mail David at david@ historynorthgrenville.com.

The NGHS has a new website and Facebook page. Visit regularly and make the NGHS a friend on Facebook. Our newly designed and updated web site is at:


The North Grenville Photography Club

Club photographer Sylvia Vezina snapped this picture of the recent flood waters in the area. April 23, 2014



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Kemptville College: The Early Days

The College campus in 1925. Purvis Hall on left; Administration, right centre; and the Student Residences, right. by David Shanahan As it approaches its centenary over the next few years, Kemptville College can look back on a long and fruitful history of training, research and achievement of which North Grenville can be proud. The problem will be to decide precisely when to celebrate the milestone 100th birthday. On September 21, 1916, the Kemptville Agricultural Society were holding their Annual Fair. The guest of honour was the Honourable G. Howard Ferguson, Ontario’s Minister of Lands, Forest and Mines and local boy made good. The country was in the middle of World War 1, and the area needed some good news, which Ferguson was happy to provide. Stealing the thunder of the Minister for Agriculture, whose announcement it should have been, Ferguson revealed that the Ontario Government would be establishing “a two-year course in

Agriculture and Domestic Science in the Village of Kemptville”. As an exReeve of the Village, and coming from a family with deep roots in the community, it is, perhaps, only fair that Ferguson got to break the good news. But it would take some time to get the courses operating. First of all, land had to be found, and two farms were bought in 1916 from Thomas Murphy and Alex Armstrong, one on either side of the OttawaPrescott Highway (now CR 44) in Concession 4 of Oxford-on-Rideau Township. Over the years, the College would purchase other parcels of land. The house on the Murphy farm had been built by an earlier owner, Thomas McCargar, in the 1840's and was completely renovated in 1918 to house the new President of the Kemptville College, W. J. Bell, and his family. Over the years, various alterations were made to the building, and it still survives today as the home of the North

held, students showing their cattle would walk them across the highway from the farm buildings and into the Judging Pavilion. The building was used for the Royal down to very recent times. In 1920, the two-year course program started, as well as short courses in Domestic Science. The students had a curriculum that contained

Grenville Co-operative Preschool and Learning Centre. It was not until 1919 that classes officially began at the College, then known as the Kemptville Agricultural School, when short courses were offered in Farm Power, Agriculture and Domestic Science. The old barns on the Murphy farm were torn down and a new Judging Pavilion and Gymnasium were built in their place. This building is today known as Purvis Hall, and contains the Library upstairs. This floor was used as a Hall and Gym, where sports like indoor softball and basketball were played. Regular dances were held there over the years, as well as dancing classes. The downstairs space has seen many events in its time, but was originally used for livestock demonstrations and classes. In 1919, there were 444 students using the building. From 1927, when the first College “Royal” was

twenty-two subjects, including Public Speaking and English Literature, as well as the expected courses in various agricultural subjects and economics. This was the year of real progress in construction. The Administration Building was erected that year, and included student accommodation, a kitchen, dining room, assembly room as well as classrooms and offices. In the 1920's, summer courses were offered to public school teachers through the Ontario Department of Education, when as many as 300 teachers would spend the summer months preparing gardens and growing and maintaining what they had developed. Staff from the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa also came to the KAS to help teach classes and do research. The grounds of the College are still impressive and the landscaping owes a great deal to the work

of A. J. Logsdail, who arrived at the campus in 1920 and spent the next thirty years laying out the grounds, the walkways, choosing native species of trees and shrubs, and maintaining the orchard, while carrying on his responsibilities as teacher of Horticulture, Botany and Entomology. The paths were particularly welcome: before they were paved, they consisted of a line of planks, laid two by two, which had the unfortunate habit of tilting up when you stepped on one end, often resulting in skinned knees and shins. This was the beginning. By 1929, the Kemptville Agricultural School was just starting on a long and exciting history. The coming decades were to see unbelievable change and major strides in research and education, traditions which we hope will continue for many more decades to come.

McCargar Farm, 1916. This house was built by Thomas McCargar around 1840 and is one of the oldest stone buildings in North Grenville. In 1918, it was renovated and became the President’s House. The farm buildings that can be seen in the 1916 photograph were demolished and the building housing the Library and Purvis Hall was built on the site.

Exciting news for the Historical Society Following the announcement recently of the new partnership that has been established between the North Grenville Historical Society [NGHS] and the Canadian Museum of History, the Board of the NGHS are very pleased to announce another major step forward in their development. The Board has been joined by Amanda Gould, who will be taking on the job of Director of Archives. Amanda is a professional Conservator at the Museum of History, and was the key link between the Museum and the NGHS in developing the new relaApril 23, 2014

tionship. Amanda began as a regular volunteer with the NG Archives, which is owned and operated by the NGHS, and, following the changes in the mandate of the Museum, saw the possibilities in such a partnership for the NGHS. Amanda brings a wonderful depth of experience and expertise to the position. The Canadian Museum of History is beginning to establish a network of local museums and archives across the country, providing expertise and guidance by their highly qualified staff. The NGHS

was chosen as the first archive to be brought into this program, and it is seen as a magnificent opportunity to develop a local archives/ museum of the highest quality over the coming years. A revised Archives Committee is being set up, with Amanda bringing in two other qualified friends and colleagues, Sarah Chisholm and Amanda Dunn, to join in the new venture. “Each possess a wealth of relevant education and experience in addition to enthusiasm. With this, I hope and intend that the Archives Committee of the


North Grenville Historical Society will effect positive change in the organization and preservation of the present and future collection”, according to Amanda. Also on the new Archives Committee is Dr. David Shanahan, who has been overseeing the Archives, as well as handling research and inquiries from the public. He welcomes the new arrangement with enthusiasm. “This is incredibly exciting. We have the perfect people to bring the Archives to a whole new level. And it will be wonderful to be able to focus on the

history side of things now, and leave the archival side to the people who know the field so well”. The next step for the NGHS will involve hiring two summer students this year. Funding has been granted by the Ontario Government for the summer project. It is hoped one student will work with Amanda and her team, while the other assists Doug MacDonald and David in preparing the forthcoming book on Pioneer Schools in North Grenville. These are exciting times for the North Grenville Historical Society.

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The North Grenville Times



First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals. 1 Month free rent! Brand new 2 & 3 bedroom ter613 258 5656 race home condos. With stainSpinning lessons, 2 & 3 Sun. less steel appliances, washer each month, on spindle or Kemptville - Shop AVON at home & dryer, ceramic tile, ceramic wheel, free spindel and wool. Personal service and 100% guarbacksplash, and much more 613 269 4238 antee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 in desirable neighbourhood across from the hospital. baashunt@sympatico.ca Braided mat lessons, $ 1250 To $1400 a month. Wa2nd & 3rd Sunday, each ter, condo fees and 1 parking month at “Beginning Again Bowen Therapy. Restore your spot included. Heat & hydro health. Pain, Respiratory, DiSchool” . 613 269 4238 gestive & more. 613-799-3315. extra. Move in today. For more information call Mike www.BowenKemptville.ca Weaving lessons, (613) 325-0754 or (613)366April 27 269 4238 2007. One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly FOR SALE Nutritional Counselling to Hearts. Visit by appointment customize a wellness plan or chance www.HannaMac- Window air conditioner h12” for all your health concerns. Naughtan.ca (613) 258-7297 wd16” dp15”, 6000 BTU, rewholesumapproach.com mote; used 3 mths, cost $189, I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybul- sell $95. Call 613-215-0816. 613-258-7133 skie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ Q u a l i f i e d E n g l i s h t u t o r ICanSewIt.ca Dining table, 6-1/2 ft long w/ reading,writing, grammar, etc.. I leaf, $300; photocopier, $60; make it fun 613 269 2367 Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, privacy screen, $40; sofa table Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R $300. Call 613-240-5622. Are you looking for Avon #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847 Products. Call Joan at 258Full size Connelly Pool table House Cleaning - Kemptville with accessories. Excellent 7644. area. For quote call 613-294- condition, $2000; buyer must Osgoode Mini Storage avail- 0385 or dhlacombe@gmail.com move. Call 613-258-7049. able. Short and long term units available in various Property Clean up, yards, ga- Firewood, cut, split and delivsizes. Clean and secure, rages, basements, loads to ered $100/cord. Call Peter at comparative rates. Call 613- dump,anything removed. 613- 258-5504 258-7955 826-2511 For sale: large white moffatt Yoga for everyone. Wednes- Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and refridgerator, $200 firm. Call days 5:30 - 6:30 and Thurs- Supplies www.siennafinearts. 613-269-2367 days 12:00 - 1:00 at Your com 613-878-9706 Independent Grocer. Call Inglis Heavy Duty washer & dryer. Commercial/Residential clean- Good working condition. Asking Maureen 258-9902. ing- Kemptville area. For quote $150.00. 613-258-5190 House Cleaning-Every work- email Mrandmrsclean613@ ing Mother and Father needs gmail.com or call 613-867-2184 w a House Wife. Each home is custom priced to ensure Faced with a drinking my cleaning will meet your problem? Perhaps AlcoholMels Farm All Animal needs & budget. Sandi 613- ics Anonymous can help. Rescue needs 219-7277 Contact 613-316-6329 or onFoster Homes line: District 48 aa 258-7488 Grade 9-11 MATH TUTORING: (Melanie) Local math teacher, 4 years Foster experience. Old Town KempFOR RENT co-ordinator tville, $30/hr 613-863-5639 for 215 Barnes St., 2 bdrm North Grenville/ beautiful Stonehouse Studio Sewing house/garage, Merrickville areas. - new in Kemptville! Altera- backyard. Avail. June 1, w/ tions or new; formal or ca- appliances, ideal 1 bdrm/office. Call 613-794-1031. sual. Sharon 224-3182 SERVICES

HANDYMAN, no job too big or too small. I can do it all. Free estimates and references available. Paul 613791-8597 DRUM LESSONS - Professional drummer/teacher accepting students. All levels welcome! Bryan Valeriani 613 298 5913 www.drumhead.ca Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of sewing 613 258 5584

Available June 1st. 2 bedroom + large office / bedroom space.775.00 + utilities. Dave 613-258-4741 “New Basement Unit, Bedroom, Kitchenette, Bathroom, Living Room, fully furnished w/Internet. Near College & Hospital.” Call 613258-7703 or e-mail: 2_tim215@ cogeco.ca

3 bedroom apartment with appliances, 2 storey duplex, Kemptville. May 1, all incluRock My House Music Centre sive $1,350. Call 613-794offers lessons in Piano, Violin, 3551. April 23, 2014

The Voice of North Grenville

Apr 24

Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm. Guest speaker: Edie Batstone, Author of children’s books. Apr 24 Blood Donor Clinic at the North Grenville Municipal Centre from 12:30-3:30 pm and 5-8 pm. Sponsored by the Kemptville Players Inc. To book an appointment call 1-888-2 DONATE Apr 24 Beth Donovan DAY HOSPICE OPEN HOUSE 1-3 pm at St. John's United Church, 400 Prescott St. The Day Program opens May 1 and is offered every Thursday for clients with life limiting illness. Free and lunch and activities are provided. Call 613 258-9611, or visit www.bethdonovanhospice.ca. Apr 25-26 Kemptville Campus Eco-Home Show, 6-9 pm (Apr 25) and 9-3pm (Apr. 26), W B George Centre. Free Admission, free seminars, green initiatives and sustainable services. Opportunity to win several prizes. Apr 26 Oxford On Rideau Bird Auction, 9 am, South Mountain Fairgrounds, info call: 613-258-2080 Apr 27 7 th Annual North Grenville Sustainability Fair, 11-3 pm, North Grenville Municipal Centre. Celebrate Earth Day, A FREE family fun day out with a friendly community atmosphere. Booths, presentations, kid’s activities, food, door prizes AND local entertainers the “Celtic Rathskallions” perform at 3pm! www.SustainableNorthGrenville.ca for more information. M ay 1-4 Kemptville Players Inc. presents The Cemetery Club at the Municipal Centre Matinee on 4th at 2 pm. All other start times 7:30 pm. Doors open 1/2 hour earlier. Tickets $15 at Municipal Center, B&H Grocers and Business Strategies or 613.258.2051. M ay 2-3 Requiem by John Rutter & Sym phony No. 5 by Schubert. The North Grenville Concert Choir and members of Ottawa's Divertimento Orchestra are proud to present this beautiful evening of music! at 8 pm at St. James Anglican Church, Kemptville. Tickets $20 in advance at Brewed Awakenings in Kemptville or $25 at the door. Info at 613-258-9978. M ay 3 A birding walk will be held with Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre and led by The Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club. Participation is limited. Please call Bill W allace at 613 258 6544 or wwallace5@cogeco.ca for details. M ay 4 The North Grenville Photography club is pleased to welcome guest and wild life photographer Nancie J. W ight from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. Everyone welcome for a small donation. More info at ngphotoclub.ca. M ay 9 Lasagna Fundraiser Dinner at Oxford-on-Rideau PS, 50 W ater St, Oxford Mills from 5-7 pm. Come out and enjoy a delicious lasagna dinner with salad, dessert and drinks! Adults – $10, Children – $5, Children under 3 Free. All proceeds go to school programs and activities. M ay 8-10 M ultiple Sclerosis M others Day Carnation Campaign in support of M S. Bouquets of Carnations for sale at eight locations in Kemptville, one in Merrickville. M ay 10 Burritt’s in Bloom Plant Sale 8:30 to 10:30 am at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall. Historic perennials, specially selected hostas and heucheras, enthusiastic fellow gardeners.

Weekly and recurring events W ed


For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402




M on

Retired senior needs old car batteries - making canon balls (weights used for deep sea fishing) 613-258-6254 12

M ,W ,F

The North Grenville Photography Club - M eeting first W ednesday of every month at the Auditorium at the Municipal Centre on Hwy 44. For more info see ngphotoclub.ca. Bingo- First and third W ednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Klub 67 Euchre every 2 nd & 4 th W ednesday of the month starting at 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome - $5. Vivian Howe 613-258-2540. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church,, 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Probus Club of North G renville meet third W ednesday of every month, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church---9:30 am gathering Time, 10 am meeting. Come and enjoy great speakers and fellowship. New members welcome. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - M eeting 1 st & 3 rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. BNI Netw orking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. M others of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. W hether you’re a townie, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, specialneeds, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979. Kemptville Legion Breakfast the third Saturday of the month. Adults $5.00, Children under 12 $3.00. All welcome M odern Square Dancing in Kemptville. Every Monday at NGDH- 7 to 7:45 is free to all beginners. Casual attire. Singles W elcome! Info kemptvillesquaredance@gmail.com or Shelley (613) 258-0016. Cancer Support Group, 3 rd Monday of every month, ,St. John's United Church at 2 pm. W elcome to anyone requiring support and encouragement. Kemptville and Area W alking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.


The North Grenville Times



ACROSS 1. Hack 5. Stairs 10. Corrosive 14. Relating to aircraft 15. Floral leaf 16. Diminish 17. Dregs 18. Sensible 20. Floating wreckage 22. Celebrated 23. Church bench 24. Leases 25. Similarity 32. Agitated 33. Anagram of "Smite" 34. Glass container 37. Neuter

38. Donates 39. A ridge of sand 40. French for "Summer" 41. Clan emblem 42. Last 43. Compulsively 45. Not before 49. Letter after sigma 50. Bit-by-bit 53. Not devious 57. Opposition 59. Delight 60. Where the sun rises 61. Roasters 62. Feudal worker 63. Anagram of "Seek" 64. Anagram of "Paste" 65. Collections

DOWN 1. Young cow 2. Part of a foot 3. Chocolate cookie 4. Mail that is paid in advance 5. Stretch out 6. Abound 7. Estimated time of arrival 8. Overtake 9. Notch 10. Cognizant 11. Log home 12. Arm of the sea 13. Accomplishments 19. Standards 21. Peddle 25. Use a beeper 26. Assist in crime 27. Part in a play 28. Gives forth 29. Embankment 30. List components 31. Female sib 34. The month after May 35. A Freudian stage 36. Depend 38. Mouth (British slang) 39. Discloses 41. A ring-shaped surface 42. Decree 44. Pressure 45. Concur 46. Sideshow attraction 47. Thigh armor 48. Makes changes to 51. At the peak of 52. Magma 53. Skin disease 54. If not 55. Dispatched 56. Views 58. Mesh


The Voice of North Grenville


by Pat Babin

Take My Word for It The aforementioned is the title of one of William Safire’s many books on language. Who is (or was) William Safire? He is perhaps best known as columnist for the New York Times. From 1979 through the month of his death in 2009, he wrote “On Language” for the New York Times Magazine. His Political Dictionary is one of the best books on word, phrase and quote origins ever written. In his broad and varied career, Safire was a journalist, a political consultant and speech writer (for both Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew), and the author of a long list of nonfiction and fiction books. Safire’s best known lines were in a speech he wrote for the feisty, ill-fated Vice President, Spiro Agnew, which the latter delivered in 1970: “In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism. They have formed their own 4-H Club -- the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history. In 1959, Safire maneuvered Richard Nixon and Nikita Krushchev into the famous “kitchen debate” in an American-style kitchen in the middle of Moscow. His life-long crusade focused on honest, evocative language. He skillfully tracked down the etymologies of common and uncommon words alike and addressed questions of proper usage and pronunciation--quite often within irresistible wit. He grappled with the pronunciation of junta, the subjunctive mood,, the use and misuse of commas, the languages of advertising and license plates. Is it Illi NOY or Illi NOISE? Is he from St. Louis or St. Louiee? He spoke about middle initials. In the United States Army, if you do not have a middle initial, they will give you three: NMI--No Middle Initial. For two years of my life, I was Patrick NMI Babin. Sounds like enema! Winston Churchill dropped his MI; Albert Einstein was too smart to have a middle initial. Another well known example of NMI was Harry S Truman. The name of the 33rd President should be written with an S instead of the S. The S was added to avoid using either of the grandfathers’ names. No period was required because it was not an abbreviation. Safire was also noted for his quotations: “Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care.” “Took me a while to get to the point today, but that is because I did not know what the point was when I started.” “I think we all have a need to know what we do not need to know!” “Better to be a jerk that knees than a knee that jerks.”



First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ngtimes. ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

Solution to last week’s Crossword


Kim and Denis are happy to announce the safe arrival of their son on March 31,2014. Kaydence is thrilled to have a baby brother. Jackson is the first boy for Namma and Grandpa Moodie (Pat & Ron) and Nana & Papa Parent (Sandra & Gerald) and Grandpa Jack Gagné. They celebrate along with Aunts Mandy and Betty and Uncles Pat and Josh Thanks to God and the staff at the Civic Hospital

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

April 23, 2014




The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Cancer awareness month April is Daffodil Month. Join the fight! To some, the daffodil is just a flower. For us, it is a symbol of strength and courage. It says we will not give up. It says we will fight against cancer and we will win. Buy a daffodil pin and show your support for people living with cancer. Throughout April, compassionate volunteers across Canada work together to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. There are many ways to join the fight against cancer this April: • Show your support, buy a pin. • Make a donation online or in-person when a volunteer knocks on your door. • Buy a bunch of fresh cut daffodils. • Volunteer as little as 2 hours of your time. • Spread the word through social media. • Get involved in local events happening across your province. • Show support and make a difference in your own way – no matter how big or small. Who are you fighting for? Read more: www.cancer.ca

www.natureswayselect.ca County Road 43, Kemptville


World Ovarian Cancer Day May 8 May 8 is recognized around the world as a day to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Every year, 2600 women develop this disease in Canada. It is crucial that all women learn the symptoms, especially as they are vague and common to other medical conditions. It is a very difficult disease to diagnose and there is NO screening test. Since 2010, three Kemptville women, Joyce Blackburn, Sandra Sloan, and Patty Paterson, each survivors of ovarian cancer, have made it their mission to inform as many people as possible of this disease through their Ovarian Cancer: Knowledge is Power presentations. Included in these sessions is a power point slide show and a DVD, each of which were developed by Ovarian Cancer Canada. The women also relate their personal experiences with the illness. In particular they would like women to be aware of the following symptoms and to see their doctor if any or all of them persist for more than 3 weeks: Bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symptoms such as urgency or frequency, nausea, fatigue, change in bowel habits, menstrual irregularities, unexplained weight loss or gain. More details are available at the Ovarian Cancer Canada website www.ovariancanada.org If your group or organization would like to have these women give the ovarian cancer presentation, please contact ottawakip@gmail.com . There is no charge for this service. It is offered exclusively as an opportunity to convey information.

Locally Roasted Coffee, Tea & Specialty Drinks Regular Store Hours Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville 613.258.3014

April 23, 2014

• Fair trade beans • Baked goods • Soups • Snacks • Cookies Creekside Mall 2868, County Road 43, Kemptville • 613-258-6251



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A conversation on healthy living - Not all proteins are created equal

by Craig Pollard, A Fitter Me Hello team! I hope the last month has gone well for you. When last I wrote, our first goal was to change our eating habits and to start eating more often throughout the day – about 5 to 6 meals a day – starting from when you first get up in the morning. Of course, we have to make sure that the size of meal is based on how much activity we will be doing over the next 3 to 4 hours. Second, we want to drink lots of water – between 1 and 2 litres every

day (throughout the day, not gulped all at once). Finally, we discussed the need for the proper mix of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats in the foods we eat. For all of you who started to make some of these changes over the last 30 days, way to go! Next, we get to the fun part… finding food! As I mentioned above, we all need the proper mix of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats in the foods we eat. This month, we are going to take a closer look at proteins. As you go through your day, at work, at home or at the gym, the activities we do all result in muscle and other body tissues being broken down, and these tissues need to be repaired. That’s where proteins come into play. Now some science stuff… proteins are large, complex molecules that play a major role in the function, structure and regeneration of our body’s muscles, tis-

sues, and organs. Proteins are made up of smaller things called amino acids, and it’s these guys who do the real work. Unlike carbohydrates or fat, the body does not have any way to store proteins. The body is brilliantly designed to process them on the spot, and whatever proteins are not needed will be broken down by our bodies and discarded. I’m sure you’ve all heard of fad diets that say they are “no carb” or “low fat”… well the problem with such diets is that proteins are most effective when combined with carbs or fats, because these act like a taxi and help get the proteins to where they are needed most! Now that we know that the body doesn’t store proteins, and we understand that your body needs protein throughout the day to help keep our muscles, tissues and organs healthy, it makes perfect sense that we need to consume proteins all day long. The amount of protein

you need will depend on your total daily intake and how active a life you lead. Protein intake amounts is a widely contested topic and range from 0.36 grams/lb of body weight, for people leading relatively inactive lifestyles, to 1.4-1.6 grams/ lb of body weight for weight training athletes who are trying to gain muscle mass. So now we know what proteins do for your body and how they do it. Now you need to know where to find them. Some great sources of protein are: fish, white poultry meat, eggs, pork tenderloin, soy, beans, and dairy products (sparingly as fat can be high). Protein is also found in many vegetables but in smaller amounts compared to other sources. Of course, proteins are rarely found in food all by themselves. Typically, the foods we eat include a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat, so you need to see the whole picture before deciding what

Calories: Steak 227 Chicken Total Fat: 20g Saturated Fat: 9g Carbohydrates: 0g Protein: 25g the best choice is for you. For example, here, we compare 100 grams (about 3.5 oz.) of steak versus chicken: As you can see, for the same amount of protein, you get a significantly larger quantity of fat, and nearly 3 times the amount of saturate fat, the kind that we don’t want (but we’ll talk more about fats in a future article). My point, however, isn’t that you shouldn’t eat red meat; rather understand that you can get two totally different levels of fats for the same amount of proteins. Of course, our goal is for you to gain the knowledge you need to choose an overall healthy eating plan that provides the protein you need, as well as other nutrients. So here’s what we’ve

219 13g 3.5g 0g 25g

learned so far: eat 5-6 times a day (your meal sizes should be based on the amount of activity you’ll be undertaking); drink 1-2 litres of water throughout day; and make sure you’re getting good protein with each meal. Okay team, get outside and enjoy the spring weather… it took long enough to get here! Remember: Your body is a perfect representation of how you treat it. If you don't like how you feel and look — something has to change. Next time we’ll discuss carbohydrates. Craig is a Certified Personal Trainer and is certified in Nutrition for Sport and Performance. Craig operates AFitter.Me, a small, independent gym in Kemptville.

Kemptville Little League scores big 26th annual M&M Meat Shops After last year’s very suc- Department in a partnership course of the Championship. cessful hosting of the Ontario to apply for a Trillium Grant And, naturally, it will also be Charity BBQ Day

Minor Division Championship, the Kemptville and District Little League Association [KDLL] are set to hold another major event this coming summer, and they have joined with the Municipality in winning a Trillium Grant that will make the whole event possible. The big event is the Provincial Junior Championship and it will take place in August, bringing more teams, parents and friends to North Grenville, and adding to the economic and social life of our community. But, in order to win this prestigious event, the KDLL had to be able to provide a suitably equipped venue. That meant that Diamond Three in South Gower Park had to be brought up to the proper standards, and that, in turn, meant serious spending on the facility. The KDLL brought their situation to the Municipality’s Parks, Recreation & Culture

April 23, 2014

to cover the costs involved. The Municipality were qualified to apply as the main applicant for the grant, and, after a great deal of paperwork and anxious waiting, the announcement was made that a grant of $45,200 had been awarded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. This money will be put towards a proper outfield fence, dugouts, bullpens, and a general upgrade in the standard of the diamond. One of the conditions of the grant application was that the Municipality would contribute another $20,000 to the project, while the KDLL also agreed to contribute $12,340 in cash from their own funds and another $10,000 of in-kind services towards the project. This is a serious commitment by all the partners, and is certainly considered worth the expense and effort, considering the amount of investment that will be forthcoming over the

great fun. The awarding of the Provincial Championship, and the vital support of the Municipality, not to mention the Trillium Grant itself, are clear signs of how much the KDLL have succeeded in raising the profile of Little League in North Grenville. Over the past few years, they have increased the number of programs they supply by 25%, adding a girls program, as well as development and training courses. The news of the Championship event and the Trillium Grant mark another step forward in the development of the KDLL as a major player in Ontario Little League, and in the provision of great sporting opportunities for the young people of North Grenville. The KDLL, as well as the Parks, Recreation and Culture department deserve great credit for this successful initiative. Roll on August!


May 10, 2014 marks the 26th annual M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day, held in support of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (formerly known as the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada). This community event raises public awareness and invests in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis medical research. This year’s fundraising goal is $1million. Over the past 25 years, M&M Meat Shops Franchisees, Product Consultants, customers and volunteers have raised more than $24 million for Crohn’s and colitis research through various charitable initiatives. M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day is Crohn’s and Colitis Canada’s largest fundraising event by a single supporter. In addition, anyone can participate in the Penguin, Blossom or Coupon Book programs at M&M Meat Shop in Kemptville from March 28 until May 11. For every $2 Penguin, $3 Blossom, or $5 Coupon Book purchased at the stores, proceeds raised will go directly to Crohn’s and Colitis Canada to invest in Crohn’s and colitis research.

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (formerly known as the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada) is a volunteer-based charity dedicated to finding the cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and to improving the lives of children and adults affected by these chronic diseases. As Canada’s leading non-governmental funder of Crohn’s and colitis research, we have invested

over $82 million to foster advances in research, education, awareness and advocacytodate. By working together we can help advance the understanding of these diseases and fund the programs that result in more treatment options and, ultimately, cures. Please visit www. crohnsandcolitis.ca, join us on https://www.facebook. com/crohnsandcolitis.ca or call 1-800-387-1479.

Nestle Down B&B

Ellen & Allison Miller 613-258-7778 ellen.allison_miller@xplornet.ca www.bbcanada.com/nestledown

4101 Highway 43 E Kemptville, Ont.K0G 1J0


The North Grenville Times

Walk of the Cross

A challenge for the competitive golfer by G. Manale Execution & observation without evaluation of the quality of the shot. Rationale: “If you focus your attention fully on the execution of a shot, you cannot fail.” Fear is a result of a lack of trust. Fear is a result of the lack of attention or focus on the upcoming shot. Fear causes anxiety. Anxiety causes poor shots. Since success and failure in golf are relative, what you consider a good shot may be deemed a poor shot by a more accomplished player. Under greater analysis, what is a good shot? You can hit a tree behind, or beside, the green and have the ball carom into the hole. Is that a good shot? The point of this article is to cause you to stay totally objective about your performance. Anxiety, disappointment and despair will be feelings of the past, and your enjoyment, and, subsequently your performance, will improve. This will be borne out by the lowered scores you achieve ultimately. PROCEDURE: a) In your practice sessions, focus completely on the important aspects of the shot which will allow you to

be in your comfort zone. This includes such things as grip, setup, posture, alignment, ball position, distance to the target, club used, swing thoughts, etc. You are now ready to execute your swing motion. b) Execute your swing motion, i.e. swing the club down the intended target line, striking the ball with the motion of the club through the impact zone. c) Observe the flight characteristics of the ball without evaluating the quality of the shot. Feel free to pay attention to your body positions, (e.g. follow through). In this way you will learn to accept the consequences of your swing motion and remain in a neutral mental state. You will never again deem a shot “good” or “bad.” The result of this exercise is that you will be freed from recriminations related to your performance. Your mind will be freed up to focus totally on the execution of your upcoming (next) shot without expending futile energy on the result of your last shot. With this procedure, you are not allowed to either rejoice or to become despondent at your efforts. Stay well grounded emotionally! Think of Ben Hogan, Retief Goosen, and Ernie Els as examples of this

The Voice of North Grenville

state of emotional balance and well being as it relates to golf. The only elements which will exist in the future will be execution and observation, and not evaluation of the quality of your shots. Once you have gained familiarity with this procedure, you will be able to take it to the course to test it out under game conditions. Since you have been experiencing the highs and lows that golf has provided for many years, you will have difficulty initially to incorporate this philosophy and system into your game. Can you, as an experienced golfer, achieve this? This is your challenge. Feel free to use this concept in your practice sessions and friendly games. It will be interesting to see how effective this system can be in lowering your scores. Is it possible to make a highly efficient swing and get a negative result? Absolutely! There are many times when the ball is well struck and, because of improper club selection, wind conditions, hard greens, etc., it winds up in the water in front the green or over the back of the green and into the woods. We spend too much time berating ourselves rather than enjoying this great game. In time, when you have

by Beth Nicol They came in strollers and wheelchairs, walking dogs and holding hands, all with one intent: the acknowledgement of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth on this, Good Friday. An ecumenical gathering of the faithful met at the Kemptville Christian Reformed Church and followed the cross through town to the North Grenville Community Church. The selected route passed by and stopped at each of the participating churches where scripture was read, and hymns and prayers were offered. The procession also stopped at the cenotaph out of respect for and in remembrance of those whose lives were lost while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. mastered this procedure, you will be able to totally relax playing the game all the time, knowing that your efforts are being appreciated by the only person who really counts, you!! The formula for this process becomes: EXECUTION + OBSERVATION – EVALUATION = PROGRESS + PEACE OF MIND

Join the Fun!

SAM’s GRAND OPENING EVENT! Make a donation to the KDH Foundation Equipment Fund and enjoy great food, wine and music at SAM’S RESTAURANT

• Sam’s will be offering samples of: pizza, pasta, sandwiches, subs, wings, soup and salads. • Grahame’s Bakery will also be providing treats for the occasion. • Wine tasting from Smokey Mountain Winery. • Star FM will be on site with great music.

Sunday April 27th between 2pm and 5pm

April 23, 2014



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