Issue 29 2018 Jul 18 NG Times

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The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 6 No 29

July 18, 2018

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845 Prescott St., Kemptville

by David Shanahan

Dean McIntosh Sales & Leasing

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104 Elvira St. E., Kemptville

Last Sunday, a cheque for $400 was presented by Don Munz, Jim Beveridge and Maggie Boyer to the Oxford Mills Community Association [OMCA] to help defray the costs of the new gazebo in Maplewood Park, sponsored by the Association. Don Munz and John Barclay had worked on a number of heritage themed drawings of downtown Kemptville, which were mounted in storefront windows in Kemptville as part of a BIA initiative. Maggie Boyer, of the Times, suggested that prints of the pictures could

be sold in collections of 10 to raise money for OMCA, and Don graciously agreed to the plan. Funds for the printing of the drawings was supplied in part by the Municipality’s Heritage Advisory Committee, supplemented by Don himself, and Classic Graphics produced the packages of prints at a favourable rate. A display of ten drawings was then framed by Canal Galleries in Merrickville, paid for by the NG Times, and put on display in the B&H store in Kemptville, thanks to Jim Beveridge, owner of the grocery store. This amazing example of community co-operation

resulted in the cheque for $400 being presented to Marc Nadeau, President of OMCA, last Sunday in the B&H store. The funds will be a welcome contribution to the cost of installing the new gazebo in Maplewood Park, after the previous structure was demolished by the Municipality, which then left it to OMCA and the Oxford Mills community to replace the iconic gazebo at their own expense. Thanks and congratulations must go out to everyone involved in the project, all of whom offered their time and services without charge, and to Classic Graphics and Canal Galleries, who provided their


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services at a sharply reduced rate, which made the entire project feasible. Thanks, also, to those residents who bought the collections of prints which Don Munz had so skillfully created and donated to the project. The Kemptville BIA made great use of the drawings to brighten up otherwise empty storefronts, as well as adding to other windows in the BIA footprint. The photograph shows the cheque presentation: left to right: John Barclay, BIA; Marc Nadeau, OMCA; Maggie Boyer, NG Times; Don Munz, artist; and Jim Beveridge, B&H store.

2540 cnty rd 43, Kemptville ON


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Introducing the North Grenville Public Library’s new CEO “How are your investments? Let’s talk!”

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school, she got a job there. “I loved the atmosphere. I loved card catalogues. I loved everything about it,” she says. “I pretty much knew from the time I went to university that I wanted to be a librarian.” Rachel went to Carleton University for her undergrad, and then went on to get her Master’s in Library Science from the University of Western Ontario. The program was fairly cutting edge at the time, and there was a lot of emphasis on the use of technology in libraries, even in the mid-90s.

by Hilary Thomson 613.258.1277 222 Prescott St., Kemptville

THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor

There is a new face at the North Grenville Public Library (NGPL). The library’s new CEO, Rachel Brown, started her position in June and has been busy since then getting up to speed on everything that goes on at the library. From Ottawa, Rachel has always loved libraries. As a young girl, her father would take her on weekly visits to the local library in Nepean and, when she reached high

“I did a project on the Internet,” Rachel remembers. Since becoming a librarian, Rachel has worked in both traditional and nontraditional settings. She has worked in university libraries, the Library of Parliament, other government libraries, and even held a position in a federal agency for a while. For the past several years she has been working in the non-profit healthcare sector at several different organizations. “I wore so many hats,” Rachel says. “I got to work with a variety of audiences, doing traditional information gathering, but also creating and implementing new systems.” Although she says her career, thus far, has been both rewarding and interesting, Rachel always knew she wanted to get back into public libraries. When the position came up in North Grenville, she jumped at the opportunity. “I wanted to get back to the community,” she says. Rachel has felt nothing but welcome in her first month at the NGPL. “The staff here are amazing,” she

says. “They are so customer service oriented, and they really know how to run the library.” She also gives credit to her predecessor, Sue Higgins, who was with the library for 27 years. “I walked into a very well-run library,” she says. “I feel very fortunate.” Rachel is looking forward to getting to know the people of North Grenville even more, and fostering the position of the library as a community hub. She hopes to continue with the partnerships the library already has with various community groups, and to pinpoint other ways that the NGPL can be a valuable resource to its patrons. “We want to serve all the groups in the community,” she says. Even after only a month on the job, it is clear that Rachel is in her element. She smiles from ear to ear when she talks about the library and the people she has met who truly value the community space. “I always want to work in a place where people believe in what they are doing,” she says. “The community loves its library.”

Ottawa and Jock Rivers, and the invasive Rock Crayfish from the United States. Aleta says they crossed in the Ottawa River and then made their way up the Kemptville Creek. “Last year we saw hoards of them coming up the creek and climbing the dam,” she says, explaining that she put a video of them on YouTube called Attack of the Hybrids. “It was almost scary.” Aleta says that, if any of the crayfish were successful in getting over the dam, they will be the parents of a very pioneering kind of offspring. With the specimens that Aleta and Fred have been collecting, they will be able to pinpoint how much of a hybrid these crayfish are by observing how much they are like their parent species. “It will be interesting to see which of the characteristics of the native species persist,” Fred says. Fred and Aleta haven’t seen as many of the hybrids climbing the dam this year, and they have been seeing an accumulation of crayfish shells at its base. Fred thinks that they are being picked off by predators, most likely racoons, who wait at the base

of the dam for them to start climbing the wall. This will probably cause the number of crayfish venturing up towards the dam to dwindle. “This population is not going to have an advantage of coming this far upstream because they are being picked off,” Aleta says. Aleta and Fred first saw the hybrid crayfish at the dam in Oxford Mills back in 2012. Since then, they have only risen in numbers, pushing the native species, the Blueclaw Crayfish out of the area. Fred says he hadn’t seen any Blue-claw Crayfish at the dam until recently, when he found one, which he took home to document. The next time he and Aleta went out, they saw three of the native species out of around 300 crayfish at the dam. The pair have become so fascinated by the crayfish that they are joking about turning their Mudpuppy Night into Crayfish Night in Oxford Mills.

Neil Williams

Y Sales & Leasing Consultant Attack of the Hybrids Truckour Tel: 613.258.3403 man Cell: 613.978.4071

104 Elvira St. E., Kemptville

the north grenville

TIMES Gord Logan

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

by Hilary Thomson A new species of crayfish is taking over the Kemptville Creek. Naturalists Fred Schuler and Aleta Karstad have been noticing this new type of crayfish at the site where they do their Mudpuppy Nights, below the dam in Oxford Mills. The crayfish are a cross between the native Clearwater Crayfish of the

? s n i a P g n i Kemptville Grow Physiotherapy

613-258-7661 July 18, 2018


Send in your letters to the editor to editor@

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Sudden loss for Spencerville and Ontario

The region was shocked last week with the news of the sudden death of Brenda Ball at the Civic Hospital in Ottawa on July 11. Brenda had played an important role in her community and the wider township over many years, and was best known as the proprietor of Hubbard and Company Heritage Restoration in Spencerville. The company, founded by her late husband, Brad Hubbard, had a well-earned reputation for

excellence and dedication to heritage restoration around the province. Brenda had also served as a councillor for Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, and had 30 years experience in business management, finance and human resources for a wide variety of clients, including major banks, provincial and federal governments, large corporations, and hospitals. After she retired, Brenda threw herself into community

credible list, that Brenda will be sorely missed by so many in the municipality, county and wider community. Condolences to her family and friends, and to all those who knew and admired Brenda over many years. To continue Brenda's dedication to her community, as well as preserving Brad's memory, expressions of sympathy donations made to the Bradford M. Hubbard Memorial Fund (please, make cheques payable to the Brockville Community Foundation) will be gratefully acknowledged. Send condolences, place a donation, light a memory candle or share a special thought of Brenda online at

activities, which included • Director of Roebuck Education Recreation Association, serving as Chair, 2002-2005 • Member of the Spencerville Community Choir, 2002-2004 • Treasurer for A Country Christmas Remembered, 2007-2010 • Director of Spencerville Mill Foundation, serving a term as Chair, 20082011 • Citizen Member of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal Economic Development Committee, 2010 • Treasurer and Co-Chair of the Spencerville Heritage Fair, 2011-2013 • Councillor Ward 3, Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, 2010 - 2014 • Chair of the Community Development Committee, 2010-2012 • Policy Advisor, South Grenville Bluegrass Festival • Vice-Chair of Spencerville Business and Community Connections It is clear from that in-

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Annual KYC golf tournament pays the bills




Golf Tournament winners John Lothian, Kelly McMahan, Mark Roberts and Dane Brenner with KYC Board President Jennifer Franssen On Friday, July 6, golfers, young and old, gathered at Equinelle for the 7th annual Kemptville Youth Centre Golf Tournament. It was a beautiful day for golf and everyone enjoyed the sunshine, nice breeze, and raising money for a great community organization. This year’s putting contest was won by Nolan Dulmage; and Oldie but Goodie Gals, Nella Lepore, Beverly Dryden, Suzanne Crammond and Jean Hamilton were recognized as the most honest golfers. The grand prize of a round of golf and dinner at Equinelle went to John Lothian, Kelly McMahan, Mark Roberts and Dane Brenner for the best score. The event raised almost $7,000 to be put towards paying the taxes and hydro at KYC for another year. “KYC Youth are blessed to have the support of numerous golf sponsors and volunteers, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year,” said Jennifer Franssen, president of KYC’s Board of Directors. July 18, 2018


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Climes they are a-changin’ by David Shanahan Not too long ago, people were arguing passionately about whether Global Warming was real or not. Now that we’ve switched to calling it Climate Change, the discussion has moved on somewhat. Given the radical changes in the climate areas around the world, it is very hard for anyone to deny that change is happening. Look at some of the facts: there has been an increase in the number and severity of major weather events, such as hurricanes, volcanic activity, floods, wildfires, and droughts around the world. In Ireland, for example, last November and December were considered to be the coldest on record, while this June and July set record highs as the country imposed restrictions on water

use by residents across the country. A newspaper headline last week stated that “The drought conditions are set to get worse, and the country is now on high alert for wildfires”. This is unprecedented. In the United Kingdom, likewise, Scotland recorded its highest-ever temperatures in early July, and it was the driest June on record in parts of England. It was also the warmest month on record in Wales and Northern Ireland. So, it is not just in North America where weather patterns have been disrupted and extremes of temperatures have swung us from drought to flood conditions. The big question has been: is this a natural change in climate, as we’ve seen throughout recorded history, or is it the result of human activity? We know that Europe experienced what is called a “Little Ice Age” between

to be a general acceptance that it is too late to completely reverse these changes, especially if they are a natural phenomenon; but, at the same time, we should certainly be looking for ways in which we can minimise the damage and the effects. The biggest obstacle to achieving any kind of amelioration of the effects of climate change, whatever its cause(s), seems to be our unwillingness to put ourselves out in any way. In other words, while we may know on one level that things have to change, on an everyday level, we don’t want to. We prefer convenience to saving our future, it’s as simple as that. There are, of course, economic reasons why the necessary changes are difficult for many of us. Shopping locally, and living a more ecologically-sustaining lifestyle, can be expensive, more expensive

around 1550 and 1850, during which time rivers like the Thames in England froze over in winter. Crops failed and new types of farming had to be introduced, while significant population loss was experienced throughout the continent. But we also know that these changes were experienced in other parts of the world also, including New Zealand and South America. New York harbour froze over in 1780, and glaciers extended their reach in many areas. So, is this experience of climate change simply a natural, albeit nasty, cyclical event? Or is it also caused, at least in part, by our use of fossil fuels, etc.? In many ways, I suppose, it may not really matter. The facts are clear: things are changing and those changes will have a serious effect on how we and future generations live on this planet. There seems

than some of us can afford. We may want to buy locallysourced products, but things in WalMart (or across the US border) are cheaper. Electric, or even hybrid cars may be good for the environment, but they are still beyond the average customer’s means. The Ontario Government may be making changes to Hydro One and promising to lower hydro costs by 12%, but the fact remains that cheaper electricity alone will not replace “dirty” generating plants with renewable energy sources. Inter-provincial trade barriers in Canada are a nonsensical aspect of the Canadian economy, preventing the best use of our natural and manufactured products, but ending them is politically fraught. On the one hand, governments need to co-ordinate matters to ensure the most efficient response to chang-

ing conditions. On the other hand, government regulations can be just as damaging and more of an obstruction than anything else. So, is there an answer, a solution,an effective response to climate change and its inevitable impact on our world and local community? Not so far. Before that can happen, we, as a society, will have to address the issue more seriously, constructively, and realistically. It would be easy for those of us of a certain age to be complacent and declare that it’s our children’s problem. Easy, but really immoral. But we need to ask questions: what is really happening, and why? What can we do locally to deal with it, or live with it? How much are we prepared to adapt, before we die from our own resistance to inconvenient truth?

College Alumni taking the Municipality to court by David Shanahan Since the Municipality of North Grenville took ownership of the old Kemptville College, an on-going dispute has ensnared the municipality in a court case being brought by the Kemptville College Alumni Association against the Province of Ontario. The Kemptville College Alumni Association represents graduates of the College, and, over the many decades, the Association has gathered a large collection of memorabilia: photographs, correspondence, and other material detailing the history of the College and those who went to school there. The collection was stored at the College and, after the University of Guelph with-

drew from operating the institution, the memorabilia remained stored in the College under contract with the Alumni Association. A new building is being erected at the Lombardy Fairgrounds to house the collection, and to be the location of future Alumni gatherings. The Association would like to regain possession of their memorabilia in order to complete plans for the new building. However, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs [OMAFRA], who have possession of the collection, have not yet returned the material to the Association. Recently, North Grenville CAO, Brian Carré, issued a press release about the matter, claiming that: “When the sale of the property was

being negotiated, ARIO’s position regarding ownership was that any campus artifacts and memorabilia which were produced, gifted, printed or in use as part of the operations and programming of the College were owned by the province (ARIO) and therefore considered to be chattel assets that were transferred to the Municipality as part of the sale”. In effect, Mr. Carré’s position is that possession is nine-tenths of the law, or, in other words, we have possession, therefore the collection is ours. Anything the Alumni own, he says, they already have in their possession, so they have no claim to everything else. He has announced that the municipality will engage to have an Archive Conservationist prepare the

artifacts for display, as they will “remain on-site and be displayed for the benefit of the greater community, as they represent a significant contribution to North Grenville’s history”. The Alumni Association disputes all of this. They continue to maintain that the Ontario Government has ignored a legal agreement signed with the Association under which the province was to maintain the collection until the Association took it back. Ron Burgess, Past President of the Association, is adamant that the position as put forward by the Municipality is based on inaccurate information, and leaves them no choice but to include North Grenville in the court action being taken to recover the collection. Mr. Burgess told the Times last weekend: “Our position remains unchanged. The province of Ontario, without consultation, and despite our efforts to advise they were in possession of private property, transferred such private property to a third party. The province is now being taken to court on those grounds. The Municipality of North Grenville, being the

Excellence in service dedicated to your success


24 Prescott St., Kemptville


The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 July 18, 2018

Marketing Peter Peers 613-989-2850

the north grenville

ISSN 2291-0301

TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735

Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671


Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735


third party, are, until proven otherwise, in possession of private property and have no authority to make any decision or announcement with regards to their plans for this property. Mr Carré and Ms Remillard [hired by the Municipality to supervise future arrangements for the College lands] are to be held responsible for the safety of and safe keeping until such time as we go to court.” In spite of the soothing reassurances of Mr. Carré in his public statements, this issue is not yet resolved, and will find the Municipality in the Ontario courts to answer for their role in the dispute.

Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, On K0G 1J0

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

Send in your letters to the editor to editor@

Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson

Accounts payable/receivable Pat Jessop 613-258-4671

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Get your nature dose at Ontario Parks on July 20 Enjoy the health benefits of nature with free day-use at all provincial parks on July 20! Ontario’s provincial parks play a vital role in the protection of our natural environment, but did you know spending time in nature is good for your health too? Ontario Parks supports Healthy Parks Healthy People, a worldwide movement that showcases the very important role that healthy green space plays in human health. At Ontario Parks, we want to see more people outdoors, experiencing the unbelievable health benefits of time in nature. The research is clear: spending time in nature im-

proves our physical, mental, and social well-being. There’s lots to do! On July 20, visitors can enjoy the many outdoor activities Ontario Parks has to offer. Whether it’s hiking, cycling, swimming, or paddling, there’s lots to do to stay active in the outdoors. Explore a new park, sample our facilities and services, or enjoy a fun event in a great natural setting. There are events happening around the province to celebrate Healthy Parks Healthy People: Do yoga at Balsam Lake Provincial Park! Namaste in nature with sunset yoga on

Municipal Election update

With just over a week before nominations close, the following candidates had declared to run for election. Running for Mayor are, in alphabetical order: Jim Bertram, David Gordon, and Nancy Peckford. Running for a seat on Council are: Deron Johnston, Doreen O’Sullivan, Frank Onasanya, and Kristin Strackerjan. It is widely expected that other names will be added to this list, and may well have been by the time you read this. One or two are expected to declare for the mayoral race, and they have stated that they have lined up candidates for Council as part of loose, mutually-supportive slates. There are now four candidates running for the position of School Trustee. Rachel Laforest is in the race for the French Public School Board; Lisa Swan and Andrew Shanks are vying for the English Public School Board, and Brent Laton has declared for the English Catholic School Board. The municipal election takes place on October 22 next, and will be conducted using internet and telephone voting as well as paper ballots. Eligible electors will be mailed a Voter Information Letter during the month of October that will provide voters with a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which will allow voters to vote 24 hours a day for 8 consecutive days (October 15-22) from any telephone or device connected to the internet. On Voting Day, October 22, electors who choose to, will be able to vote by paper ballot at the Municipal Centre between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Fewer e-test centres in North Grenville by David Shanahan It has been a dreaded part of licence sticker renewals for a long time now: that requirement to have an e-test done on your vehicle before a new sticker for your licence plate can be issued. The Drive Clean test determines if your vehicle meets Ontario emissions standards, and it usually takes a fairly quick visit to a licenced testing centre to find out if your vehicle passes the test. But things changed here in North Grenville without anyone being warned in advance. In fact, it was only when a car had been connected to the testing machine at a local garage in Kemptville that the July 18, 2018

garage owner discovered that his contract with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks had not been renewed. The owner at first thought that he had forgotten to fill in a form, or pay a fee; but the fact was that the Ontario Government, the old one under Premier Kathleen Wynne, had decided to cut back the number of e-test centres, but did not think it necessary to tell those centres being cut out of the program. As a result, there is only one e-test centre still operating in North Grenville, and that is at the Canadian Tire store at Colonnade. There are two problems with this initiative by the authorities. First, of course, is the un-

the beautiful beach of Balsam Lake. You’ll leave feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Enjoy a meditative hike at Awenda Provincial Park. Take a moment to unplug and celebrate Healthy Parks Healthy People on a hike through the veritable living cathedral of Awenda’s old growth forest. Try forest bathing at Quetico Provincial Park. Join staff in reconnecting with nature and engaging all of the senses. Originating in Japanese culture, Shinrin Yoku or “forest bathing” is a great way to feel calm in the mind, body, and spirit, and is recognized as a form of therapy.

30x30 Nature Challenge Make nature a habit with the 30x30 Challenge. The challenge is simple: spend 30 minutes outdoors for 30 days in August. Participants are encouraged to document their journey online with #30x30Challenge. Find more information on Healthy Parks Healthy People here: hphp. Keep up with Ontario Parks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Visit the Parks Blog at www.ontarioparks. com/parksblog for up -to-date content.

Let’s talk about our physical environment…

UPDATE UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, July 23 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tuesday, August 7 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.


The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting resumes from interested and qualified candidates for the position of Director of Finance. The closing date to receive applications is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Further information is available at


The 2018 Municipal election taking place on Monday, October 22, will be to elect a Mayor and 4 Councillors for the North Grenville Municipal Council for a term of office running from December 1, 2018 through November 15, 2022 (4 years). The deadline to submit Nomination Papers is Friday, July 27, 2018 at 2:00 pm. Further information is available at www.northgrenville. ca/election or email


In accordance with By-Law 33-12, a Burn Permit is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. The entire application and renewal process is available online at The online process also allows you to receive direct notification of special conditions such as fire bans and fire risk level. Burn permits are also still available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 and the fee is $15. Please check conditions prior to burning by calling 613-706-1770.

by the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit Our physical environment is comprised of the buildings, transportation (roads, public/ private transit, bike lanes and sidewalks), energy systems (hydro, heat/cool & water), open space (parks and recreation) and farm lands that make up and support our communities. Our physical environment is a social determinant of health and plays an important role in our health and well-being. “A healthy built physical environment is an outcome of our local commitment to evidenceinformed community planning practices”, states Tanis Brown, Registered Nurse and Health Equity Coordinator. What makes up a healthy physical environment? A healthy physical environment considers: • Neighbourhood Design – complete, compact and connected communities • Housing – design, quality and affordability • Food Systems – all

steps from seed to waste should ensure the accessibility of safe, nutritious and tasty food • Natural Environments – preserves and connects the natural environments • Transportation Networks – safe, affordable, accessible to all levels of mobility, and prioritizes active transportation options like walking, cycling and public transit • Community Consultation – the opportunities and capacity for community to speak and act on those issues that concern them Why is our physical environment important? The environment that we live in has an impact on our educational options, our jobs and our social support. A healthy built environment can contribute to increasing our physical activity; improving our mental well-being and promoting access to safe and nutritious food. It also contributes to decreasing heart

& lung disease and our risk of injuries. Who in our community is talking about healthy physical environments? • Healthy Community Partnership of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville • FoodcoreLGL • Active School Travel Planning

Rural Recreation Association • Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Network • Youth Friendly Designation For more information on physical environment, visit or call 1-800-660-5853.

professional and disgraceful manner in which the new arrangements were made. Not bothering to even inform a business that their contract was not being renewed, after twenty years of service, was appalling. Basic decency would demand that some respect and explanation be granted; an opportunity for the business to inform their clients and to prepare for the change. The other problem has to do with the impact this decision is having on drivers. For example, 416 Auto, in Kemptville, is still getting 6 to 10

calls every day from drivers needing an e-test on their vehicle. The staff at Canadian Tire is now having to handle every single e-test required by drivers in the area, resulting in a two week waiting list at the time of going to print. This can be a serious problem for some drivers, as, should their vehicle fail the e-test, when it is finally done, it can mean another few weeks before a re-test can be done. This leaves the driver without a legal means of transport for as much as a month, or even more. Keith Lindsay, at 416

Auto, notes that people needing an e-test in a hurry could always be catered to under the old system. He had three employees qualified to conduct the test, so someone was usually available. There was a flexibility in his service that made the system work smoothly and with minimum delay to the client. This is not the first time the Ontario Government has been so disrespectful of North Grenville residents. The attempt to close the Service Ontario centre a few years ago was only foiled through public protest and a

widely-supported petition to the Legislature at Queen’s Park, presented by Steve Clark, MPP. Now that the same representative is a member of the Ford Cabinet, as Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing, perhaps something could be done to reverse this latest thoughtless move by Queen’s Park bureaucrats who seem to be completely ignorant of the rapidly-increasing population here in the municipality. We need more services, not fewer, and we need to look for redress from this “Peoples’ Government”.



Garage sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 10-03. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you must follow. Signage is NOT permitted in traffic circles or attached to traffic signs. Please ensure signage is removed after your sale. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of the by-law from

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002 •

The North Grenville Times

Merrickville/Wolford Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

Enbridge donation aids in fire and carbon monoxide poisoning prevention

Merrickville-Wolford hosts Communities judges

The Village of Merrickville-Wolford is participating in the 2018 Edition of Communities in Bloom in the 1,501 - 5,000 Population category, along with Hanna, Alberta; Madawaska Valley, Ontario, and Prescott, Ontario. The Communities in Bloom judges, Lorna McIlroy from Grande Prairie, Alberta, and Gaétan Deschênes from SaintBasile-le-Grand, Québec, will be evaluating the Village of Merrickville-Wolford on July 17-18-19. Merrickville-Wolford would like to remind all businesses and residents to tidy up their property before the judges arrive. Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility, beautification, and to improving quality of life through community participation and a national challenge. The National and International results will be announced in Strathcona County, Alberta, from September 26 to 29, 2018, during the Symposium and Awards Ceremonies, with the theme of “Seeds for the Future”. To support the educational aspect of its activities, the organization established the Communities in Bloom Foundation, a registered charity dedicated to funding, developing, and disseminating education and awareness on the value, improvement, importance and sustainable development of green spaces and natural environment in Canada. Within the context of climate change and environmental concerns, all those involved in the Communities in Bloom program can be proud of their efforts which provide real and meaningful environmental solutions and benefit all of society.

Municipal Election update

Nominations to run for the Merrickville-Wolford Council close on July 27, just over a week away. While it is expected that others will add their names to the list of candidates, and may have already done so by the time you read this, as of MonOn hand for the presentation were the following (starting from the left) Firefighter Steve Templeton, Deputy Fire Chief day morning, July 16, Anne Barr remains the only declared Brad Cole, Councillor Chuck MacInnis, Fire Chief Mark Urquhart, Enbridge Director of Customer Connections and candidate for the position of Mayor of Merrickville-Wolford, Construction, Jamie LeBlanc, CAO Doug Robertson, Mayor David Nash, OFMEM Specialist Joe Casey, Captain Don and there are now six people running for Council. These are, Driscoll. in alphabetical order: vention saves lives,” says monoxide poisoning,” says ment. “As a community and by Hilary Thomson For Merrickville Ward: Bob Foster, Tony Iannazzo, TimoJamie LeBlanc of Enbridge, Ross Nichols, Ontario Fire system partner, Enbridge is thy Malloy, and Victor Suthren. Enbridge Gas Distribu- who was on hand to make the Marshal and Chair of the committed to the improveFor Wolford Ward: Yves Grandmaitre and Don Halpenny. tion donated 102 combination donation last week. “Know- Fire Marshal’s Public Safe- ment of our local capacity in The Council of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford will smoke and carbon monoxide ing this, we remain commit- ty Council. “Project Zero awareness and understanding now consist of 5 members: 1 Mayor - elected by all voters; 2 alarms to the Merrickville ted to educating our custom- is an invaluable program of the hazards of fire and Councillors from Merrickville Ward; and 2 Councillors from Fire Department last week ers about the importance that helps fire departments carbon monoxide poisoning Wolford Ward. to help improve home safety of installing a combination educate residents in their facing our residents,” he The voting period, being the advance vote and including and bring fire and carbon smoke and carbon monoxide community about carbon says. “Enbridge’s deep com- voting day, will be for a term of 8 (eight) full days commencBusiness card 2col. wide = 3.375" x 2" monoxide deaths down to alarm, as well as properly monoxide alarms.” mitment to safety, and utmost ing Monday, October 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. (EST) and will zero. maintaining fuel-burning Merrickville-Wolford respect for our community, is terminate on Monday, October 22, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. (EST). Check the municipal web site - www.merrickville-wolford. The donation is part of equipment.” Fire Chief Mark Urquhart to be commended.” ca/election-2018 - for information on Telephone and Internet Project Zero, a public educaCarbon monoxide is a is very appreciative of the In Business Since 2002 voting options. Paper Ballots will be available on Monday, tion campaign that is provid- toxic, odourless gas that is large donation of alarms to October 22, 2018, 10:00 a.m. and 8 p.m only. ing more than 6,600 alarms a by-product of incomplete the Merrickville Fire DepartConfirm you’re on the list to vote in the 2018 municipal to residents in 30 Ontario combustion of many types of and school board elections this fall. municipalities. It is a part- common fuels. It is important Call 1-866-296-6722 to learn more or check online through nership between Enbridge that all fuel burning Gas, the Fire Marshall Public ment be properly maintained We cater to All groups up to 200 Safety Council, and local to prevent carbon monoxide fire departments. This year buildup. Carbon monoxide Courtyard Garden ~ Romantic Getaways alone, Enbridge has invested alarms are recommended as Local Organic Entrées ~ Free Parking $200,000 in Project Zero. a second line of defense, to Since 2009, 34,384 alarms protect against the dangers of 111 St. Lawrence Street, have been given to Ontario carbon monoxide poisoning. Merrickville fire departments as part of “It is essential that Ontar343-925-0229 this campaign. ians protect themselves and “We have proof that pre- their families from carbon

The Baldachin Inn

July 18, 2018


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merrickville-Wolford welcomes new CAO

by Hilary Thomson Merrickville-Wolford welcomed their new Interim CAO to the municipality just over a week ago. Doug Robertson has taken up the position on a one-year contract. Originally from Toronto, Doug has a lot of municipal experience under his belt. He began his career in the City of Etobicoke in the early 1990's as a by-law officer. “It gave me a nice broad understanding of how municipalities work,” he says. “It sunk its teeth into me.” He made his way up through the ranks and was eventually hired to administer the budget for the Public Works Department for the City. During amalgamation, he played an integral role in coordinating and streamlin-

ing the bylaws, policies and procedures for the new City of Toronto. Doug got his MBA from Wilfred Laurier University and spent several years in Southwestern Ontario, where his two sons were born, and worked as the project management and policy advisor for the CAO of Waterloo. “It was a great learning experience,” he says. “I learned how to work with a council and have a strategic mindset.” It was family that drew Doug to Eastern Ontario. His wife is originally from Kanata, and they wanted to raise their children closer to their grandparents. They chose Stittsville, because it was still part of Ottawa, but had the sense of community they were looking for. “It was also within an hour of great places like Merrickville,” he says, explaining that he has a real appreciation for the rich history that Merrickville has to offer. “There is so much history and heritage that has left fingerprints on this Village.” Doug worked for a while for the City of Ottawa, implementing a new parking management system. His role allowed him to create a park-

ing management strategy and align policies and practices with community values. “We used a parking strategy to encourage people to use alternative transportation,” he says. Doug also led a team of people in the creation of an innovative form of parking garage in the Glebe, complete with two electric car charging stations, accessible parking, and motorcycle and bicycle parking spots. “We had a strong community consultation process,” Doug says. “We wanted it to be a gateway to the community.” When budget cuts forced the City of Ottawa to eliminate his position, Doug began looking for opportunities in smaller communities. “It allowed me to look for what I wanted to do in my career,” he says. Doug spent a brief time at the township of Madawaska Valley as their CAO, which forced him to live away from home. “I wanted to be with my family,” he says. “The fit is also critical between council, CAO and community vision.” When the position of CAO opened up in Merrickville-Wolford, Doug says he immediately saw that fit. As mentioned, he loves the

historic aspect of the Village, as well as the civic pride that residents have in their municipality. “When I see a community like this, where people really care, that is a really good sign,” he says. “There is a tremendous amount of community engagement [in Merrickville-Wolford].” Doug is really looking forward to the service and community-building aspect of his job, as well as economic development opportunities. He is currently pursuing the Municipal Administration program and hopes to gain a Certificate of Economic Development. He intends to work hand in hand with both the business and agricultural community to grow the economy and foster the tourism sector. “I see it as people with hearts in the community,” he says. “If you have a healthy heart, it spins out to the rest of the body.” Doug is clearly enthused about his new position and is ready and willing to take it on, with all of its challenges. “I believe in servant leadership,” he says, “It’s not all about me, it’s about knitting people together and engaging and serving the community.”

Thinking of Listing? Call us today! 613-258-1990


Robert Walker, CPA, CA Bradley Mehlman CPA Crystal Lang Dinah Boal Courtney Watson T: 613.258.3282 F: 613.258.4391 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park


& v A o i do n Va c a tbi l e s Tr o u

Local Legions support local Health Care

At the Winchester Legion presentation are (l-r): Jason Reed (Sergeant at Arms / Honours & Awards Chair), Don Swerdfeger (Zone G3 Commander & Past President, Branch 108), Tina Asselin (Public Relations Officer), Cindy Peters (Manager of Direct Mail & Events, WDMH Foundation), Lorrie Munro (2nd Vice President / Lottery Chair), Janet Morris (President), Janine Fawcett (1st Vice President / Membership Chair), Cindy MacIsaac (Poppy Chair). The Royal Canadian Legions in Greely and Winchester want to ensure that Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) has the tools needed to provide the very best care for local communities. Both Legions have recently made donations to the WDMH Foundation’s General Equipment Fund. Funds will be used to buy muchneeded medical equipment such as three new anesthetic July 18, 2018

machines for WDMH’s Operating Rooms. The Greely and District Branch 627 of the Royal Canadian Legion donated $2,000 which was matched through the spring matching gift program. The donation was made from their Poppy Fund and the WDMH Foundation was one of seven charities who benefited from these fundraising efforts. This Branch has been supporting WDMH since 2002 and has

donated almost $40,000. The Winchester Branch 108 of the Royal Canadian Legion donated $1,500 for the General Equipment Fund. The money was raised through their 50/50 sales at dart and euchre tournaments. Since 2003, the Winchester branch has donated $27,042 to WDMH. Foundation Managing Director Kristen Casselman thanked both legions: “Many people are surprised to learn

that the provincial government does not fund medical equipment purchases for Ontario hospitals. So, please know how important these gifts are. Just like you can’t change a tire without a jack, nurses and doctors cannot care for patients without medical equipment. Thank you for all of your hard work in raising these funds and for the difference you make in our local communities.” 7

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Kemptville is Live! Enjoy the afternoon of Music!

Have Fun!

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Anita Maloney

Sales Representative


304-Colonnade Dr., Kemptville


Enjoy the Festivities! BOB'S CARPENTRY SERVICE

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Enjoy the Free Festivities!

Treat yourselves to delicious pizza & more

215 Prescott Street, Kemptville

Up! Up! And away we Go! Come check out the National Capital Balloon Club at Riverside Park July 18th as they join us for our Music in the Park Warm Up for Kemptville Live Music Festival. If the day is calm, we will have them going up, up and away for rides over North Grenville!

Wishing all the participants and performers a wonderful LIVE time in Kemptville July 18, 2018

Science Show - 3 PM to 4:15PM Doctor 4-Face is > Patrick Attwell Children's show specialist and performer, Dr. 4 Face as seen on TV has returned to the stage with a variety show designed for children of all ages.

The right people The right products The right services

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Kemptville is Live! Kiefer Ray James - 4:30 to 5:20 PM Born and raised in your town. Country boy with all the stylings of a 2012 YouTube Star. Come see him play July 18th at Music in the Park, Kemptville Live Warm-Up at Riverside Park in Kemptville.

Mention this ad and get

10% off Friday, July 20 to Sunday, July 22

Dylan Watts -5:30 to 6:20 PM Dylan Watts is a finger-style guitar artist from the Ottawa Valley. Influenced by guitar ledgends like Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel, known for his complex finger-style technique, and his steady Travis-Picking style !

207 Sanders St., Kemptville

Steph La Rochelle - 7 to 7:50 PM With a burgeoning online presence and a number of acting credits to her name [Heartland (CBC); Backstage (Disney), Steph La Rochelle is making her mark. She was a finalist in Bluesfest's Emerging Artist Showcase as well as the CCMA Discovery Program.




Kemptville Rocks!


Enjoy all the Festivities everyone

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Music in the Park!

Enjoy Kemptville's local talent!

Kiefer Layne - 8 to 8:50 PM Kemptville's own Kiefer Layne. Kiefer is a Country Singer-Songwriter from Kemptville, Ontario. His music is largely influenced by Roots, Blues, Southern Rock, and Country/Western.


2540 cnty rd. 43, Kemptville ON

Amanda Jordan 9 to 9:50 PM Amanda Jordan is a singer songwriter from Smiths Falls, Ontario and she studies Music at Carleton University. Amanda was selected to open for Brett Kissel in Sudbury earlier this year. She will be releasing her next single to radio in September.

Best Wishes for a Great Festival! Food ca and S goore that'skin d of ufsor all !

Tues - Fri- 9 am to 6 pm Sat 9 am to 5 pm


215 Sanders Street, Unit #105, Kemptville ON


July 18, 2018


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A day for the whole Family to enjoy!

Canada’s #1 Rust Protection.

The Kemptville Live Music Festival returns to the grounds of the Kemptville College July 19-22, 2018 with another great weekend of live country, blues, rock, folk, roots and more. THE BEACH BOYS~LOVERBOY~JANN ARDEN~THE LEGENDARY DOWNCHILD BLUES BAND~TROOPER~KIM MITCHELL~THE COOPER BROTHERS~AND SO MUCH MORE! In this fourth edition of the festival, the volunteers will present four days of live music with camping, food trucks and food and artisan vendors. Enjoy the best of the region's craft brew and other tastes to suit the palate! The outdoor venue provides a comfortable setting for patrons of all ages and accessibility needs with tent coverage for shade and a dedicated accessibility team.

639 Van Buren St. 343.998.3603 Celebra

ting all t GREAT hings in Nort h Grenv ille

Canada’s #1 Rust Protection.

Grahame's Bakery 115 Clothier St. E., Kemptville KVADVW18


Resta ura & Pat nt io

Festival Schedule - CHEZ 106 Stage THURSDAY 5:00pm Rod Baird & The Agency 6:20pm Emily Burgess 7:50pm Dawn Tyler Watson 9:30pm DOWNCHILD BLUES BAND FRIDAY 5:00pm Southbound 6:15pm Trooper 7:50pm Kim Mitchell 9:30pm LOVERBOY

SATURDAY 2:00pm Firebelly 3:05pm Wicked Grin 4:20pm JW-Jones 5:40pm The Commotions 7:15pm The Cooper Brothers 9:30pm THE BEACH BOYS SUNDAY 12:00pm Red Fox 1:15pm Terry Tufts 2:30pm Keith Glass 4:00pm JANN ARDEN

Targets &


28 Clothier St E, Kemptville


Robert Walker, CPA, CA Bradley Mehlman CPA Crystal Lang Dinah Boal Courtney Watson T: 613.258.3282 F: 613.258.4391 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park

Enjoy the Festival!

Summer time at its best! Enjoy the day!




2540 Hwy 43, W. Kemptville


Best wishes for another successful Festival. A great community event with lots of fun and entertainment for everyone.

In the Heart of North Grenville Fine dining amidst Historic Ambience 613.258.4433 9 Bridge St, Oxford Mills July 18, 2018

“All persons live in a state of dignity, share in all elements of living in the community and have the opportunity to participate effectively.”

Phone: 613-258-7177 Fax: 613-258-7469 2830 County Road 43, P.O. Box 1430, Kemptville, ON




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103 Prescott St., Kemptville



The North Grenville Times

Bekings Farm expanding their cage-free operation

by David Shanahan One of the most successful and environmentally friendly businesses in North Grenville is expanding their operations with the building of a new barn that will house hens that will be free range, raised on pasture and will produce eggs that are certified organic. This popular brand has been at the forefront of natural, local foods for many years. The new barn, the result of three years of planning and research, is just the latest move in Bekings' Poultry Farm a model for other poultry opera-

tions, and a credit to North Grenville and the importance placed by residents on good, sustainably-produced local foods. The Beking family are now in their third generation of poultry farming on the property on Smith Road. In 2005, they converted the entire farm into what is called “lose housing”, which means that there are no cages on the farm. All the birds have free access to nests, perches, scratch areas to dust bathe, water and feed. As they say: “We feed our hens a healthy, all-natural vegetable and grain feed with-

The Voice of North Grenville

Osgoode Foodland support Lions

out any added antibiotics, steroids or animal by-products. With a well-balanced natural diet our birds are very healthy and that translates to your eggs being the most delicious and nutritious product on the shelf.” The farm is local, which means that less time and energy is spent on transporting their eggs to local stores, and so have less of an impact on the environment. The egg grading station on the farm is certified with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Bekings Poultry Farm is a member of the Start Clean Stay Clean program that promotes the highest standards of farming in the industry. It is a wonderful thing for the municipality and surrounding communities that we have such an impressive farming operation in our locality. It fits so well with the efforts being made by local store owners to provide locally-sourced meats and dairy products, food which we can rely on to be safe, and of a very high quality. When we support Shop Locally campaigns, families like the Bekings make it not only possible to do so, but a genuine pleasure too.

Osgoode and District Lions Club President Bob Cooper and Lions Liz Kauffman and Ken Pettigrew happily receive a cheque for $500.00 from Osgoode Foodland owners Rick Hovencamp and his wife Susan. Osgoode Foodland has been wonderfully supportive of the local Lions’ fundraising initiatives to provide valuable services to its community. A big Thank You to Osgoode Foodland!

Thrift Shoppe rocks for KYC

Tallman Truck Centre night at the BOS

Local band British Invasion entertain at Oxford Thrift Shoppe’s music fest and donation drive on Saturday afternoon. Bands Age of Wisdom, Roxy’s Proxy and The Miserable Cooks were also part of the show on Saturday, and free hot dogs, cake, and water were on hand for hungry shoppers. All donations of gently used clothing and housewares were in support of the Kemptville Youth Centre.

Tackaberry & Sons Construction hosts OPP BBQ for KYC Saturday, July 7, was Tallman Truck Centre night at the Brockville Ontario Speedway. Gerald Tallman with Ella Chisholm and Norma Warren posed with a 358 Modified and driver Danny O'Brian, winner of the feature race, after charging up from the back of the pack to post the victory. Fantastic day for last Thursday’s OPP BBQ, as Tackaberry & Sons raised $800 for the cause. George Tackaberry was on hand to oversee quality control, with son Kevin, Rose Coville, and Ian Laing (Tackaberry) flipping the burgers and rolling the dogs, as OPP Constable Cathy Lindsay (Community Safety & Media Relations Officer) was responsible for collection duties. This Thursday, from 11:30 until 1 pm, Lockwood Brothers Construction in support of North Grenville Accessible Transportation will host. See you there.... July 18, 2018


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


COMMUNITY EVENTS Weekly and recurring events Mon


Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, NG Municipal Centre. Newcomer Bridge-St John's United Church 12:15pm. Cost $5.00. All levels welcome. No partner needed. Info 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495. Darts, Kemptville Legion, May 15- Aug 28, 7 pm. All are welcome, come any Tuesday

ACROSS 1. 12 in a foot 5. French for "State" 9. Use a beeper 13. Small salmon 14. Exploded stars 16. Keen 17. Historical periods 18. It delivers babies? 19. Egghead 20. Fungal diseases of plants 22. Likewise 24. Quash 26. A gold coin of ancient Persia 27. A part of a broadcast serial 30. Sneaks 33. Dark spots on the sun 35. Sir, in India 37. French for "Friend"

night. $5 per player, all monies paid back out as prizes.

BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Wed NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See for info. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. New Horizon Club, Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall.. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership, call Janet 613-269-2737. Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Thurs Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-896-4495. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7-9 pm in the program room at the Library. Fri Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. Sat Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $. 6, Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Sun Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. Bingo, Kemptville Legion – Last Sun/mth, Doors open 6 pm, guaranteed $400 jackpot. Refreshments available. M,W,F Kemptville and Area Walking Group meet at Municipal Centre at 8 am. All welcome.

38. Harvests 41. Half of a pair 42. Disturb 45. Found 48. Stoppage 51. Hanging platform 52. Praises 54. On-line journal 55. Supporters of agriculture 59. An elongated leather strip 62. Nonclerical 63. Muse of love poetry 65. Rabbit 66. "Gee!" 67. Faked out an opponent 68. Sweeping story 69. Away from the wind 70. Greek territorial unit 71. East Indian tree

DOWN 1. Frosts 2. Standard 3. Bigot 4. Stewardess 5. N N N N 6. Infants 7. Steer clear of 8. A paved surface 9. Goddess of healing 10. Affirm 11. Lass 12. Countercurrent 15. To scour 21. Cease 23. Untruths 25. Smell 27. Brother of Jacob 28. Low-cut shoes 29. French for "Summer" 31. Picture 32. Tendon 34. Unhappy 36. What we sleep on 39. Dowel 40. Knife 43. Otalgia 44. Russian emperor 46. L L L L 47. Dressed 49. Overgrown with ivy 50. Charred 53. Serpent 55. Seaweed 56. Jail (British) 57. Ascend 58. Flower stalk 60. Diva's solo 61. Kiss lightly 64. Lyric poem

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku



the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Email: 613.989.2850


Solution to last week’s Crossword

Puzzled over Real Estate.....Give us a call ** Broker

July 18, 2018


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.

SERVICES TOES IN NEED Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383 Rotor tilling, bush hog, small backhoe, lane grading. Call 613.229.4520. GARDENING - Artistic Flower Gardening, Create or Establish - construct maintain. Small Lawn Services. 613-258-3847 Housecleaning Every mother/father needs a houswife. Phone Sandy 613.219.7277 CLEAN UP TIME -PAINTING INTERIOR-EXTERIORDUMP RUNS- LAWNSBRUSH -TREE REMOVAL 613.295.0300 The Sudsy Bucket Mature, Responsible, Dedicated Residential Cleaning. Stephanie 613-799-1150 CFSC & CRFSC & HEP Steve 613-258-6162 1894steve@ John’s Home Renovations call and leave name and number. 613-269-3113 Retired carpenter. I am an honest trustworthy and very good at what I do. Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, home repair. Call George at 613-462-7637

Small boutique hotel looking for energetic part-time housekeeper 10-12 hrs/week. Please email your resume to SEWING: Weddings to alterations, stonehousesewing. com. Call Sharon at 613-2243182, Kemptville. Property clean-up, trees, brush, scrap metal anything removed. Wayne Scott 613286-9072. Wood staining/varnishing/ painting specialist. Stairs, mantels, kitchens & more. Damon 613-262-1290 P R O F E S S I O N A L PA I N T E R Commercial & Residential 613.276.4583 Kemptville area Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services July 18, 2018

613.258.3847 613.295.0300 HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. We do it all CALL 613.294.2416 Goodnight Bed Company Supporting your well-being with genuine sleep solutions. 613 258 2902. Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656.

FOR RENT Furnished room in a shared house for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills. Call 613 294 7420 OLD TOWN KEMPTVILLE, SEPTEMBER 1.$750 PLUS UTILITIES 613-220-5014

Kemptville, One bedroom apt. ground floor, $800 + utilities, 613-325-9540 3 bedroom house available. Rent Supplement Program for families with income under $43,500.. Call 613-342-3840 x2450.

FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER: MAYTAG 8500 BTU/h - for double-hung windows.$150.00 CALL 613-258-2119 4 X Michelin Winter tires X ICE 235/55R /17 Mounted on Sport Rims 613-258-8000 TABLE + 4 CHAIRS, SOLID MAPLE, 102 cm ROUND, DROP LEAF. $140.00 CALL 613-258-2119 SAILBOAT, 34 feet, 7 sails, universal m35 Motor 613.269.2889 4 Sumitomo touring LST summer tires 185/65R14 $200.00 613-552-1728. Pig pens $400; truck racks $100; heat bulbs $5. Call Dave @ 343-542-8177 2005 Chev Uplander Van a/c p/w roof racks Asking $1600.00 613 258-2753 10 gal S.Steel dispensing tank with gate. Unused, suitable Honey/Maple syrup.$195 .613 269-3567 Polaris 2008 -750 Touring, 1,445 miles, asking $5,500 like new....613 302-9463

Wanted: Standing mixed hardwood bush to clear cut or select harvest, Jon 613-227-3650

Treadmill with adjustable incline, manual and 4 workout modes. $225.00 613-2692432

Looking to harvest cedar trees from 3 ft high and + off acreage. (613)799-0958

Generator 6000/6950 Watt. Meter time 41hours. $600.00 Tel 613 258 8000

Ride to Brockville anytime on 15th from Oxford Mills. 258-3008

Hay for sale, $5.00/bale, Anne Marie 613-213-0970

Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom apartment on one floor, Kemptville 613.258.0964

Mixed seasoned firewood for sale, all hardwood, $100/ cord delivered, Jon 613-2273650

In need of a qualified caregiver for a private home in Kemptville mrccl_falcone@

Dry and wrapped round bales of hay suitable for cattle. Jon 613-227-3650 1 new Nordic & rim 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 6254

WANTED TO BUY DucksMuscovy also Massey Harris Tractor 613-301-1747

2014 Yamaha ATV excellent condition $9,000 613.258.4867

WANTED :Looking to harvest cedar trees off acreage. (613)799-0958

Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.0 0


Garage Sale, 812 Maley Street, July 28th 8am to 2pm. We have everything you just might need! Bakeware, Games, Prints. Come and see!

WANTED Small boutique hotel looking for energetic part-time housekeeper 10-12 hrs/ week. Please email your resume to


Labourers needed for concrete forming work.Above minimum wage salary. Send resume to or call 613-258-4959

First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

750 Suzuki and 250 Suzuki ATVs for sale. Call Roger after 7pm for details, 613258-3152 Attention: Contractors Retired bookkeeper looking for small business clients. 25 years experience. Call Shirley 613 921 5774

Send in your letters to the editor to editor@

Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958

The Eric Gutknecht Memorial Bursary-Jams & Jellies require 250ml canning jars for charity sales. Call 258-4529 or drop off at 529 George St. E.

Email to

COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE 513 Prescott St. Kemptville Suggested Use: Salon (nail, hair, Barber, Esthetician, Massage) Service Shop, Professional Office Car Rentals/ Detailing Office with 2-Bay garages and parking @ back Available September 1.613-7943551

Windows – Roofing – Kitchen - Bathroom

NOW HIRING Experienced Roofers &Window Installers FOR INTERVIEW CALL STEVE: 613-989-2367 or email:

Weigh Scale Clerk

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the north grenville


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Gord Logan

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The North Grenville Times

Council asked to clarify the name of Maplewood Park


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by David Shanahan It was reported in this newspaper in the May 9 issue that the Municipality of North Grenville had erected a new sign at Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills which incorrectly gave it the name “Oxford Mills Park”. Although a previous sign had also given the wrong name to the park, it had been hoped that the new sign would correct the error. Unfortunately, it did not, in spite of the fact that the municipality’s own web site listed the area as Maplewood Park. The Oxford Mills Community Association wrote a letter to Council on June 12, which was officially received the same day, asking them to officially name the park "Maplewood Park", and to encourage municipal staff to actively consult with local community groups in future and “to more actively promote staff to work cooperatively with community groups and residents”. The letter was finally brought before Council last week, at the July 9 meeting and was “Received for Council consideration”. The Community Association had asked in their letter that Council inform them how to proceed in getting the name on the sign changed. After waiting a month to have their letter “received”, they now look forward to receiving a positive response in the near future.

Shake-up at Hydro One by David Shanahan The challenges posed to North Grenville residents by high hydro prices over the last decade have caused hardship and hard choices to be made: heat or food, in some cases. Following the Throne Speech last week, the new Ontario Government of Doug Ford has begun to shake-up the Hydro One Board as a preliminary to shaking up the entire corporation. The government promises that this will soon lead to significant drops in the cost of hydro for the average user. First to go under the new regime was Hydro One’s Chief Executive Officer, Mayo Schmidt, who retired with immediate effect from his $6.2-million job. On his departure, CEO Schmidt is to receive his base salary, and a bonus for 2018 prorated to the day of his resignation.

If you or someone you know could benefit from the surround sound clarity of our latest hearing aids, join us for one of our Demo Days. Call a nearby clinic below or visit: Brockville 68 William Street Call Heather at 1-855-344-6004

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The Voice of North Grenville


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In addition, he will also get a one-time lump sum cash payment of $400,000, “in lieu of all post-retirement benefits and allowances as provided in his contract or otherwise.” The rest of the Hydro One Board of Directors will also leave their positions between now and August 15, and a new Board will be appointed by a nominating committee made up of representatives of the major shareholding partners. The agreement between the Province and the corporation states that the committee will be made up of “one representative of each of the five largest beneficial owners of Voting Securities of Hydro One, excluding the Province”, which still owns around 47% of Hydro One. The new Board will choose a new CEO, who will be the eleventh member of the Board. The province will be consulted on Hydro

the north grenville



Gord Logan

NIHB, VAC and Worker’s Compensation Provider Hearing tests are provided free of charge for adults ages 18 and older. Some conditions may apply. Please see clinic for details. Offer not valid in Quebec. [1] Reward mile value is non-transferable. Please allow up to 45 days for the reward miles to appear in your collector account. ®†™†Trademark of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc. and HearingLife Canada Ltd. New customers only, limited to one-time use. Expires 08/03/18 ±https://www.

July 18, 2018


Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:


One’s future pay of the new Board. In a press conference called to announce the changes, Premier Ford seemed very satisfied with the rearrangement: “I said over and over and over again on the campaign trail the CEO of Hydro One and the board will be gone. I’m happy to say today the CEO and the board of Hydro One, they’re gone. They’re done. They’re done. We’re going to turn a new corner.” Although unable, or unwilling to explain how it would be accomplished, the Premier promised that the new system would result in a drop in hydro rates of 12%. The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, Greg Rickford, issued a statement in which he said that the government would “ensure the stability of the system is preserved and consumers are protected...After years of rising electricity bills, this is a step towards our main goal—bringing down electricity rates for all Ontarians. Help is here."

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

RC airplane Float Fun Fly


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Rideau Valley Modellers, a Club organised within the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC), is hosting its annual RC airplane Float Fun Fly on Saturday July 14, running from 0900 to 1600, and would like to welcome all who are interested to come out and watch, as we take to the air from the water with all sorts of wonderful RC flying machines! Our pond is located on HWY 43 just east of Kemptville, next to the old mini putt/driving range; look for the signs

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Renewable Energy Association to host speaker at AGM

by Drew Avis The Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association (BRREA) is very pleased to announce that Bill Touzel will give a talk on “The Future of Small Hydro Projects in Ontario” at our Annual General Meeting on July 25. Bill is the Vice Chair of the Ontario Waterpower Association, and has worked in the Renewable Energy and Environmental Science field for over 30 years. He is involved in waterpower development projects in Canada and internationally, and is a co-owner/ operator of a Hydro Low Generating Station. BRREA is excited to have someone with such a wealth of knowledge come to speak to us on this topic. The talk and AGM is free and open to all BRREA members as well as the general public. The event will be held at the Burritts Rapids Community Hall, doors open at 7:30. Following the talk, BRREA will hold its Annual General Meeting, which will July 18, 2018

provide members an overview of the Association’s activities over the past year, our strategic intent for this year, and a financial report. There will be a motion to change our year end (for grant application and HST reasons). We will also hold elections for open board positions. New members to the Association

and the Board are always welcome. For more information about Bill Touzel and the Ontario Waterpower Association, visit For more information about BRREA, including how to become a member, visit www.


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

How to Build a Gazebo - part one by John Barclay In my 33-year career of producing video with, and for, non-profits, foundations, and many levels of government, I never created anything worthwhile without patience, persistence, and a great team of collaborators. Whether it’s a 30-second Public Service Announcement, or an hourlong TV arts special, the challenge was always the same - how to overcome the myriad obstacles and complications invariably placed in your way. Replacing the gazebo in Maplewood Park last year was no different, at times it just seemed impossible to do. Faithful readers will dimly recall the two-year struggle by the Oxford Mills Community Association (OMCA) to 1) get Council to re-instate the budget that was set aside to replace what was an iconic focal point of the park; 2) get Council to contribute part of the replacement costs; 3) get staff to provide specifications for gazebos on Municipal property; 4) get Council to conditionally grant permission to the OMCA to construct a gazebo using their own funds; and 5) get the Building Department to approve the project design and construction drawings. Then there was the task of raising the $11,000 it took to design, build and install the structure. I'd like to write about the lessons that I hope have been learned. That a beautiful, well built, accessible gazebo is now situated in Maplewood Park is a testament to the kind of collaboration that is possible between the citizens

July 18, 2018

of North Grenville and the Municipality. Hopefully, we'll see much more of it in the future, but only if a culture of cooperation and collaboration can be fostered. Too often, in a fast growing community like ours, residents, Municipal staff, and Council are at loggerheads. Expectations outstrip resources available. Public service positions demand more and more skills and capabilities. The situation creates the perfect storm for frustration, suspicion and mistrust. Staff and Council develop a siege mentality, while the general public becomes cynical and all too often, apathetic. It doesn't have to be that way, and I believe it has to start with a change of attitude, led first by the residents of this community. They have to recognize that there will be obstacles in the way of getting what they want from Municipal government; but they should not let it deter them. They should be persistent and, here's the hard part, patient. Staff and Council are far from perfect; most of them are trying to do their best, and some of them, unfortunately, are over-whelmed by the growing demands of their job. There is a general lack of understanding by residents about how the Municipality works. Managing a Municipality is very complicated, and people are too busy living their lives to pay much attention. When they do have a reason to interact with the Municipality, they often feel crushed by the rules and regulations; wrapped up in

the dreaded "red tape". It's incumbent, therefore, for both Municipality Council and staff to raise awareness of the regulatory environment they have to operate in and to clearly explain the process involved in doing almost anything in North Grenville. It's a difficult, but necessary, task for staff to put themselves in the public's shoes and imagine what it's like "not to know what you know". They have to be everdiligent to find ways to simplify, clarify and effectively communicate to the public the process that leads to accomplishing whatever task is at hand. For the general public, it's also important to remember to be assertive, but not aggressive, when obstacles appear, as they always will. Again, persistence and patience is the way to achieve your goals, no

matter how complicated and outrageous they may appear at first glance. Don't underestimate the power of public support either. Mobilize your neighbours. It's amazing what can happen when a diverse group of people unite behind a common goal, things really start to move. A "can do" attitude and a willingness to martial often untapped resources: this is the power of community. This is how the gazebo in Maplewood Park was built.

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