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The Voice of North Grenville
Vol. 6 No.2
January 10, 2018
KPIK's Winter Wonderland Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic
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Kemptville Mall 613.258.2700
photo by Caroline Marshall A new generation of talent is forming in our community! Kemptville Players Inc. Kids (KPIK) is excited to present for you their first play: WINTER WONDERLAND, Saturday, January 20 at 2:30 pm in the Urbandale Arts Centre in Kemptville. It is a locally written, unique story of hope, belief, snow days, kids being kids, and all sorts of fun adventures in the town of Snowy Hollow. A story by kids – for kids! Recognizing a need for theatre in Kemptville that is not a musical, Kemptville Players Inc.
started KPIK last year with workshops on acting and all things that go on behind the scenes, and are now ready to bring this talent to the stage in KPI's 50th anniversary year. Auditions, which were held in November and December, proved that the youth talent in our community was so great that the script had to be expanded from an original cast of 24 to 32, in order to include all who auditioned. The script was adapted to showcase all of the talent that was presented to the audition committee. In addition, some youth
wanted to help behind the scenes and will also be mentored by KPI members. Mary-Anne Leang, who co-wrote the original play with her daughter, Amanda, was impressed with the immediate interest in this community initiative. Laura Drover, co-director, says she is amazed at how far the kids have come since the first rehearsal, especially given that, for many of them, this is their first involvement with KPIK. As they grow to understand stage presence and character development, their enthusiasm
builds, and it is exciting for all who are present at the rehearsals to witness. KPI is grateful that the parents are as excited and involved as their children in this production. Tickets are $10 each and are available online at www.KemptvillePlayers. ca, or in person at B&H Your Community Grocer, or at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (2nd floor reception during business hours).
The North Grenville Times
Friends have an anniversary
Stephanie Boyce accepts the Star of the Library Award on behalf of Cheryl Mackie of the Brigadoon for her ardent support of Friends during the last fifteen years. Presentation was made by Jude Levere at the Friends of the Library AGM on November 16. Photo by George Gouthro
by Pat Babin In case you haven’t noticed, the Friends of the North Grenville Public Library have just completed their fifteenth year of service to the Library and the Community. The Friends group became an important vehicle for laying the ground work and rallying community support for our new central library. Through its various fundraising activities such as the book fair, BBQs, Literary Follies, the Children’s Holiday Funfest, and life memberships, it has annually contributed financially to library services for children, youth, and adults, especially seniors. Because North Grenville has always supported them, they decided to show their appreciation this past summer by sponsoring Puppets Up! on
bibliophiles volunteered to be on the Executive Committee, the group was on its way .... and what a ride it has been! In 2012, the Friends group was selected by the Friends of Canadian Libraries (FOCAL) to receive its national award in recognition of their accomplishments. In 2009, Friends also received the North Grenville Arts and Culture Award for contributions to the community. As they enter their sixteenth year, the present Chair of the Executive Committee, Helen Bunn, extends a warm welcome to local citizens who may be interested in supporting their Library by serving on the Executive Committee. “It is an exciting time to be involved with the LIBRARY!”
July 10. Noreen Young, world renown puppeteer, shared her expertise with the organizing committee. Thanks to the following for helping defray the $4,000 cost of this special sesquicentennial event: John Brauneisen, Tallman Truck Centre, Myers Motors, Hard Stone Restaurant, the Municipality of North Grenville, Sheila Pratt, RB Heating, Fran Thompson, and Kemptville Living. What a treat it was to welcome Queen Victoria and Sir John A. Special thanks are extended to our Library CEO, Sue Higgins, for providing the inspiration for the formation of Friends. Because of her encouragement, Pat Babin, who was a Library Board Trustee at the time, provided the impetus and the energy. Once a half dozen highly competent
Animal Hospital support the KoC Food Bank The staff at the Kemptville Animal Hospital have, once again, stepped forward to support the Knights of Columbus Food Bank in North Grenville. This is now the sixth year they have helped by giving pets a free nail clipping in return for a donation of non-perishable food items. Dr. Pia Gamberg and Dr. Tracy Godfrey, Client Service Representatives Shannon Greaves and Amber Couturier, VA Hospital Assistant Kylan Ferrin, Veterinary Technicians Michelle Blue and Fanny Bisson, Registered Veterinary Technician Stacy Cox and Practice Manager Andrea Coleman RVT all work very hard to replenish the Knights of Columbus Food Bank. Staff all volunteer their time to clip nails, and all pets were welcome during the month of December, when the collection took place. Kylan Ferrin and Amber Couturier watch over the donations to the Food Bank
Winchester RBC holds sock drive for HOL The Winchester branch of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) held a sock drive in support of the House of Lazarus (HOL) in Mountain prior to Christmas. Pictured, RBC staff members Lorrie Munro and Lindsay Schoeni holding a box full of socks destined for HOL Food Bank clients. Thanks go out to all those who contributed to the sock drive! Submitted photo
The Voice of North Grenville
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Lights Out! Last Call!
Where were you in January, 1998, during what is commonly called the Ice Storm of the Century? Join us January 14 at 2:30 pm at St. John’s United Church, 444 Prescott Street, Kemptville for an afternoon of reminiscing followed by a pot luck supper. Bring your favourite “ice storm” meal and your own dishes; coffee and tea will be provided. St. John's is a fully accessible facility. Please note, we can accommodate up to 120. A warm welcome to all. For details:, or call Barbara, 613-258-4526, or Roger, 613-258-7811.
Forming an archaeological association
Share your interest in local pre-historic and historic archaeology. There is a need to identify, record, and officially report actual and potential sites. Creating an archaeological association is key to preserving our history, and learning about our past. This is an opportunity to informally study archaeology, participate in digs, and an opportunity to acquire a Avocational Archaeologist License from the Province of Ontario. If you are interested in the archaeology between the Rideau River and the St. Lawrence River, join those who have already expressed an interest, contact Michael Whittaker at:
Gerry Seguin
John Gray
Sales Representative
Affiliates Realty LTD., Brokerage Independantly Owned and Operated
Cell: 613-868-6068
Cell: 613-852-4313
Email: Email: Suite #6, 2878 County Road 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Office: 613-258-4900
January 10, 2018
Municipality Matters
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Comfort Inn and Suites announced for Kemptville by Hilary Thomson Kemptville will welcome its first hotel chain to the area this year. Choice Hotels announced last week that it will be building a four-storey, 74room Comfort Inn and Suites at the intersection of Rideau River Road and County Road 43, right near the off ramp of Highway 416. “We are delighted to announce that a new Comfort Inn and Suites will be join-
ing the brand’s 147 hotels across Canada,” says Brian Leon, Managing Director of Choice Hotels Canada. “The new build Comfort format has been exceptionally well received by our guests, and the new hotel in Kemptville will be no exception.” The hotel will also include meeting and fitness facilities, as well as an indoor pool. You may remember a similar promise of a Holiday Inn coming to that same stretch of County Road 43,
group based outside the municipality, Graham says the hotel will be staffed by local people, bringing more jobs into the municipality. “We are very excited about it,” he says. “We see it as a huge benefit to the community as it grows.” The plan is to start construction in May, with an expected opening date in March, 2019. “We look forward to being there when it opens,” Graham says.
though that project eventually fell through. According to Choice Hotels Director of Development, Graham Marsh, the scenario for this hotel is quite different. He says that he would like to think the likelihood of the hotel being built is 100 per cent. “The application for site plan approval is in,” he says. “It’s just a matter of parcelling off a piece of land to build on.” Although the hotel franchise will be owned by a
Ferguson Forest Centre Saved
by David Shanahan The recent news that the Ferguson Forest Centre was threatened with closure reminded everyone how important an asset it is to this community. But this was not the first time the FFC nearly closed forever. As we mark the anniversary of amalgamations and the Common Sense Revolution of the Mike Harris Government, it’s timely also to remember the events of the 1990's and the FFC. The announcement, when it came, was like a bolt from the blue, bringing shock and dismay to the residents of North Grenville. Of course, North Grenville didn’t yet exist, for this was October, 1995, and the Ontario Government had released their first targets for closures and cuts under the Mike Harris “Common Sense Revolution”. The G. Howard Ferguson Forest Station, covering 1,100 acres in Oxford on Rideau Township, immediately north of the Town of Kemptville, was scheduled for closure by June of the next year. The Forest Centre had been opened in 1945, when the Province bought the old Moore farm to establish both a mixed forest for lumber and other specialist work, and, most centrally, a tree seedling nursery to produce stock for reforestation efforts in January 10 2018
Eastern Ontario. It had been found that much of the land in the region was susceptible to devastating loss of top soil once trees were removed by farmers. Areas such as the one now covered by Limerick Forest, soon became unable to sustain farms and settlement. Other places actually became sandy deserts, as the tree cover was removed. The role of the Forest Station in Kemptville was vital in reforestation, because, as one expert put it: “Indigenous species must be grown in the proper time zone and soil conditions. Seedlings from other areas are not satisfactory and do not grow well. The difference from one area to another is highly significant.” In addition, the closure of the Ferguson Station would mean loss of jobs and a precious asset to the Oxfordon-Rideau Township area. It all seemed so unnecessary to local residents, workers and staff at the Station, local politicians and the forestry industry. Why shut down such a valuable resource. The Ministry of Natural Resources [MNR], who operated the Station, pointed to the one million dollars they lost every year at the Station. There were serious questions in the community about the efficiency of MNR operations, however. The Government were charging ten cents per tree to buyers, when it was calculated that the market
turned up for the meeting. What was worse, of the nine guest speakers booked to appear, five dropped out and another one arrived but refused to speak to the meeting. It seemed that the commercial sector was losing interest in the issue. Fortunately, it was decided at the meeting that night that volunteers would be asked to come to the Station and weed and irrigate the three million seedlings in order to save the crop for at least another year. The Province now had to dispose of the property, and under Ontario law, the right of first refusal went to the Oxford Township. In July, MNR asked Oxford if they were interested. Oxford Reeve, Don Cameron and Councillor Owen Fitz’gerald argued in favour of Oxford expressing an interest in the purchase and Council agreed unanimously with this approach. Don Cameron informed MNR of Council’s decision and added a very significant statement. Oxford would not be changing the zoning on the land, no matter who bought it. It would remain agricultural land. This would obviously make the property harder to dispose of and limit MNR’s choices in the matter. This stand may well have saved the Station. Weeding and irrigation continued to be provided by volunteers, organised by the Consortium. Local people came to help, as did people from Ottawa and surrounding areas. Buses of Mohawks arrived from Akwesasne to help in the work, and the extent of the voluntary effort must have come as a great source of encouragement to those working to save the Station. Ontario now decided it only wanted to sell about 360 acres of the Station, the part that was cultivated. 1997 arrived without any resolution to the issue. Ontario was asking Oxford Township
would easily pay three times that amount. The community mobilised and a Community Consortium was formed, representing the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, Oxford Township politicians, forestry companies and the local residents, to draw up a business plan to present to the Province. But meetings with the Minister in charge, and correspondence with the Premier’s office seemed to produce no response. No matter how viable the Consortium’s business plan was, the Province seemed determined to push through with the closure of the Station. Only strong representations from MPP’s and Oxford Council delayed the removal of equipment from the Station. But the MNR’s plan was to sell off all the two and three-year old trees and plough the rest of the twelve million seedlings into the ground. As it takes three years for seedlings to become available for harvesting, this would leave any potential buyer of the Station with no crop for three years after purchase. Clearly, the Province was not interested in maintaining the Station as a tree nursery, regardless of the essential role it played in reforestation of eastern Ontario. Once again, the community mobilised. Urgent representations were being made to Oxford-on-Rideau politicians, and, in March, 1996, the Oxford Council wrote to the MNR about buying the Station at a minimal cost. The Station closed, as planned, in June, 1996, and the MNR started the process of selling the property. A public meeting was called at the North Grenville District High School to put pressure on the Government and inform the public. But, although more than seven hundred people had signed a petition supporting the Consortium’s efforts, only about seventy 3
UPDATE UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, January 29 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, January 15 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE MEETINGS Police Services Board – Tuesday, January 16 at 1:30 pm in the Municipal Centre
Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15 and last through April 15. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner’s expense.
In accordance with By-Law 33-12, a Burn Permit is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. The entire application and renewal process is available online at The online process also allows you to receive direct notification of special conditions such as fire bans and fire risk level. Burn permits are also still available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 and the fee is $15. Please check conditions prior to burning by calling 613-706-1770.
All dogs in North Grenville require an annual dog license. If purchased before March 31st, the license is $15 and if purchased after March 31st, the cost is $30. The license can now be purchased or renewed and paid for online by visiting the Municipal website at and clicking on Online Services. For more information on dog or kennel licenses, please contact By-Law Services.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
to pay $1.2 million for the 360 acre package (including equipment, buildings and crops). Oxford still wanted all 1,100 acres but by May, the Township had accepted that only the 360 acres were available. They made an offer of $525,000 for the land, buildings, equipment and crops, and repeated the veiled threat that the land would never be rezoned by the township. By August, 1997, an agreement was reached between Oxford Township and the MNR, and the Township set up an Advisory Board, a group of volunteers who would oversee the newlyacquired Station and try and build a solid economic foundation for future growth. Previous customers of the Forest
Station committed to buying trees from the new facility and by January, 1998, half a million trees had already been sold, about half of the available stock for that year. The Township of North Grenville, in one of its first acts, agreed to hire a Manager to take over the day-to-day operation of the facility, and with the arrival of Ed Patchell, still working there today, a new era had arrived for the Station and a tremendous asset had been acquired by the new municipality. It would take a long time to get things on a secure footing. But as the headline said in March, 1998: the “Forest Station was Back in Business Again”. We can only hope for a similar outcome this time.
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:
The North Grenville Times
The Future by David Shanahan Lots happening in North Grenville these days. The announcement of a new hotel coming to Kemptville is an exciting development for all sectors of the local economy. For quite a few years now, the need for more hotel accommodation in Kemptville has been clear, and there have been a few entrepreneurs interested in launching a project over those years. The problem has always been a chicken and egg kind of thing. On the one hand, if we had a large hotel, we could attract conventions, seminars and other gatherings to places like the Municipal Centre and Kemptville College. We could also have even more sporting events, as the North Grenville Curling Club and Little League Baseball have managed to put on. Imagine, it was felt, what more we could do with our facilities here, if more people could only stay the night, instead of having to commute back and forth
from Ottawa or Brockville. There is no doubt that the number of major events which could be held in the municipality would greatly increase with a corresponding increase in accommodation. But, on the other hand, those who researched the economics of opening another hotel here found that, as it stood, there would not be enough business to keep a hotel in profit until more events could be brought in. Weekends would be fine, but the midweek stays would not meet the minimum required to make a hotel commercially viable. You will remember that the Holiday Inn chain had announced that they were opening a hotel on the land where Starbucks is now operating, and their sign stood in that empty field for many, many months. But no hotel arrived. So, the news that the Comfort Inn were planning to open a location in Kemptville has been met with a somewhat ambivalent response. The news is great, and the possibilities opened up by the
hotel chain announcement are virtually unlimited for North Grenville. We certainly wish the parties involved all the best and would love to see them succeed. So, also, would those people in the community who have already jumped in with ideas about how the swimming pool in the new hotel could be opened to the public, if the Municipality would get involved in some kind of deal with Comfort Inn and Suites. That, I fear, is hoping beyond what is likely, or even possible, though it would be one way to get a swimming pool in the area - possibly the only way it could happen, given the economics. The other big news, of course, is the agreement which has, it seems, been finally signed between Ontario and North Grenville regarding the future of the Kemptville College campus. Perhaps now the taxpayers will find out precisely what the financial terms of the deal are, and will be hoping that they are as favourable as we have been led to believe.
been expressed, completely unprompted, by other non related Canadians, who were as equally unimpressed with what they saw and heard, as we were! When is there going to be something done by persons in authority, such as yourself, to address the sad state of affairs that is being perpetuated daily, on our National Radio and in The Press, in the name of freedom of speech, artistic licence and equal human rights!? When are we going to actually get some news, or programming on CBC, that does not have sexual, homophobic, racial, or non Christian religious innuendos in it!? i.e. actual world events and happenings of interest, such as history, nature, wildlife, science, travel, theatre, human achievement and good clean subtle humour; that doesn’t need to get laughs simply because the F word is used over and over again!! We all pay taxes to our Country’s Federal Government, the Provinces and the local Municipalities,
where we happen to reside. Shouldn’t we then be entitled to expect our so-called, National and Provincial Institutions and their Municipalities, to be representative of the interests of all of us, as a whole, in a moral, dignified and unbiased way and not by those dictated to us, or them, by our “political masters”, of whatever ilk, as being “politically correct”! Thank you very much for your attention to the correction of such future occurrences, I am, Yours in disgust, John Baldwin.
Whatever the agreement involves, it will be of genuine importance for the economic development of North Grenville in the coming decades. The College is a prime piece of real estate, and, as with the hotel news, it holds great potential for a wide variety of agricultural, commercial, educational and social initiatives. The deal has taken three years to reach, in which time a lot has changed. The entire campus property is not included in the agreement, and what the future of the excluded property will be is of concern. Will it be sold for development of other kinds? The farm and arena on the east side of County Road 44 is not part of the municipality’s share of the land, so that valuable asset remains outside municipal control. What the future holds for that parcel will be fascinating to see. In fact, what the Municipality does with the section they are assuming will also be a fascinating conundrum for whatever Board of Directors are appointed to run the notfor-profit body it is intended
Letter to the Editor Dear Gordon Brown, What on earth is happening to our Canadian values in this country of ours, where political “Left Wing” nonsense and hypocrisy has become so prevalent in both Federal and Provincial politics and encouraged to be pumped out daily by our National ( !!!??) Broadcasting Company, which is managed and directed by political appointees!!?? Seeking to enjoy and round off a lovely New Year’s party, amongst friends, the annual count-down to midnight, from Parliament Hill, televised by CBC, was eagerly anticipated. What did we witness, but a complete and utter disgrace and insult to all of us who consider themselves to be New and Old Canadians. To be regaled by a woman pop star singing about having her legs wide open and goodness knows what else, as a New Year’s greeting to this Country and the World made us all sick to our stomachs!! Similar sentiments have also The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 January 10, 2018
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850
Members of the public are invited to meet Official Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer when he visits Brockville Saturday, January 20. He will hold an informal “meet and greet” at the Brockville Convention Center from 11 am to 12:30 pm. “The event is free to the public,” explains LeedsGrenville – Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Conservative Association President Michael Barrett. “We just ask the people pre-register so we can make appropriate arrangements.” Pre-registration can be accomplished on Facebook at LGTIRLConservatives, or by email at ScheerEvent@ The Member of Parliament for the riding of Regina—Qu'Appelle in the House of Commons since 2004, Andrew Scheer was
Malala Women's Choir now accepting advance registrations. Wednesday evening rehearsals in Spencerville, March to early June. Call Sheila at 613-658 -5290 for information.
ISSN 2291-0301
Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
to establish to administer the property. Who will those Board members be, who will nominate and appoint them, and what role will the Municipality have in the process? What commitments have been made by the CAO and Mayor in reaching this deal with Ontario? What are the intentions of the two French language School Boards already using buildings and facilities on campus? It is rumoured, at least, that one of them has plans to buy their section of the land and building they occupy. Will the planned school at the corner of County Road 43 and Somerville Road go ahead, or will the College become the new educational centre for french language education in the area? Yes, there’s a lot happening in North Grenville theses days, as we enter an exciting year of elections and change. To steal and mangle a quote: Though Trump is angered and Putin is vexed, we’ll still stick around to see what happens next!
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer visits Brockville
the north grenville Editor David Shanahan 613-258-5083
The Voice of North Grenville
Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735
Speaker of the House of Commons from 2011-2015 and was elected Leader of the Official Opposition in the spring of 2017. Joining him will be LeedsGrenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Member of Parliament Gord Brown. “I am pleased that our
Leader is coming to Brockville so people can meet with him,” says Gord. “It is an opportunity to get to know Scheer in an informal setting,” he notes. “I encourage everyone to join us in welcoming him to the riding.”
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Call 613.276.4583 Mailing Address 10 Water Street Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0
Accounting 613-258-4671
Staff Reporter Deron Johnston Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson
The North Grenville Times
The Return of the Potluck! Our Second Annual Chef's Potluck Dinner & Growing Season Planning Event is coming up on Monday, January 29, 2018 at 6 pm in the Ballroom at the Gallipeau Centre in Smiths Falls. Hosted by Two Rivers Food Hub, this is a chance for you, our existing and interested buyers and sellers to meet, hang out, and enjoy some tasty goodness. The event will take place in Smiths Falls at the Gallipeau Centre Ballroom (361 Queen Street East) -- It's just down the hall from the food hub... (yes there will be a tour...) We are inviting ALL of our producers and buyers out for an evening of drinks and eats and to have a series of directed, round-table growing season planning conversations. Our buyers and sellers of all types will be present, giving everyone
a chance to meet and talk turkey... or duck... or puntarelle endive... or chilhuacle chilies. Essentially, it's your chance to ask our buyers what they'd like to see you grow, to meet them and to compare notes on things like pre-processing, packaging, and what sort of value added products they'd be most interested in purchasing this year. During a series of directed table conversations, we will be asking both what everyone is already planning to grow, when they are planning to grow it, as well as asking what our commercial buyers (including the food hub, through our Local Food Basket program) are looking for (and when). We will follow up within the week with an overview of the notes we gather, and within two weeks with our best recommendations for what else is needed. If there is any specific information you
and members of the staff and board of the Two Rivers Food Hub *A 'state of the hub' welcome address re-capping 2017 *A Chef's Potluck dinner *Directed Table Discussions about planning for this year's growing season (compiled notes to follow the event) *An overview of systems and processes for participating in the Online Marketplace and this year's Local Food Basket program. *A short question and answer session to wrap up the evening by 8:30pm. We expect this to be a fun, memorable thank you for 2017 and kickoff for 2018. PLEASE RSVP if you are interested-- we'd love to have as many of you out as possible and your RSVP will help us plan...
would like for us to gather, let us know and we will try to include it in our questions for the table conversations. Food will be 'pot-luck', provided by a Chef's Potluck Competition, If you'd like to be a part of that, contact David at for more details--the theme this year is TACOS, the winner will receive not only the accolades of the masses, but also THE GOLDEN PAN! Our custom trophy won last year by Andreas Baumann of Green Lake Maple. Anyone can bring a dish (let us know what you plan to bring...) but you must use local agricultural products (your own are fine) to compete for the prize... The evening will include: *A 'cocktail hour' featuring local craft breweries as an opportunity to network with other producers, processors, buyers, as well as volunteers
On December 1, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation announced they would be releasing a total of $30 million in new funding for community transportation initiatives over the next five years. This new funding expands the pilot program launched in 2015, which was created to fund the development of community transportation solutions that address local transportation needs, as well as finding ways to more efficiently use existing transportation resources. The maximum grant that municipalities would be eligible for would be up to $500,000 for the current local transportation needs component. Also announced is a new component that could result in up to a one-time maximum of $1.5 million for creating long distance, inter-community bus services that would link communities across counties and regions. For local community
transportation projects, applicants (incorporated municipalities) must partner with at least one community organization with transportation resources. The community organization involved must be incorporated, and in operation for at least one year. In addition, at least one of the community organizations must already provide transportation services, have transportation resources, or both. For long distance, inter-community bus service projects, applicants must show proof of support from municipalities that will be served by the service, in the form of official letters of support. Partnerships with other municipalities or community organizations aren’t necessary, but strongly encouraged. This inter-community funding can also be used to expand or improve an existing transportation service. If certain groups of residents, such as the elderly, disabled persons, youth, or low-income residents aren’t properly serviced by an
A new MS Support Group will be starting up in Kemptville in the New Year. All are welcome, regardless of where you are on your MS journey, or maybe you have a friend or relative living with MS. We will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10 at the Kemptville and District Home Support's Activity Room on the Basement level of 215 Sanders Street from 10-12 noon. The building is wheelchairaccessible, and has an elevator to go down to the lower level. For more information, please call Cheryl at (613) 894-9346 or by email at January 10 2018
Erick LePors
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Send in your letters to the editor to For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ or call 613 258 6402
New Energy Kreations
The Ticket for Rides by Deron Johnston
The Voice of North Grenville
with community partners, it would still rely heavily on municipal funding. What could be sustainable is a multiple-municipality partnership operated by a non-profit or charitable organization created by those municipalities. For example, one possibility is a Leeds and Grenville-wide transportation service that connects all municipalities within the two counties. There’s also the option of a Highway 43 corridor system that connects communities all along Highway 43, from Winchester to Smiths Falls, and would include Dundas, Grenville and Lanark Counties. There are resources and funding available for a municipality to step forward and create a transportation system. It certainly wouldn’t be easy to pull a project like this together; but, with the right partners, they wouldn’t have to go it alone. We’ll know soon if anyone has that political will and vision, because the application deadline is February 28 at 5:00 pm.
existing system, this money could be used to expand the system to properly service these groups. There’s also the potential to create transportation hubs and links to other transportation systems that would connect passengers safely and conveniently to all available services. Back in June of this past year, the North Grenville Times created a survey on the potential of creating a transit system for Leeds and Grenville Counties. In that survey, 76% of respondents said they would like to see a transit system developed for Leeds and Grenville. 61% of respondents said they’d be comfortable with money for a transit system being in their municipal budget, but there was a wide range of responses on how much people felt that amount should be. It’s safe to say that a transportation system for a lower-tier municipality like North Grenville is not sustainable. There’s probably not enough people who would use it to make it self-sustaining, so that, even
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North Grenville's
The North Grenville Times
Senior Times Let’s Connect…
by Susan Smith, Executive Director, Kemptville & District Home Support Hello 2018… I have such great hopes for you! It was a wonderful start to the year having lunch with Maggie Boyer, co-owner of The North Grenville Times, and MPP Steve Clark. This all started in November, when
I was looking at the items in United Way Leeds & Grenville’s online silent auction. MPP Steve Clark had donated a special bottle of wine, as well as a lunch for two anywhere in Leeds/Grenville. Immediately, I thought that it would be wonderful to go to lunch with Maggie and Steve, two very community-
Creative use of Times
minded people who give so generously of their time. I’m very pleased that I was the successful bidder. The lunch at Salamanders was delicious, with great conversation covering all sorts of topics. I am grateful to both Maggie and Steve for such an interesting few hours. You will be pleased to know
Nancy and Chris Morgan of the Workshop Dance Studio in Kemptville helped raise food donations for the House of Lazarus before Christmas. That was a great thing in itself, but Chris took it one step further when we published a photograph of Nancy and him in the Times. Chris decided to “sell” copies of the photograph, signed by him, to raise even more money for HOL, at $5 each. To his own surprise, perhaps, he raised $200. Then Daren Givoque, of O’Farrell Financial and the North Grenville Community Fund fame, matched Chris’ takings, and so the grand total of $400 was raised for the Food Bank. Creative use of the Times, indeed! Congratulations to Chris, Nancy and Daren for such an imaginative initiative.
January 10, 2018
that Maggie and I decided that we should be on our best behaviour, as we can carry on when we get together! In reflecting on our time together, I’m reminded of the quote from Albert Einstein: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” January is generally the time to stop and reflect on the year that just finished, and look toward the year ahead. There were certainly lots of great memories made over the past year here at KDHSI, from the more intimate person to person moments, to the larger activities and events. KDHSI was busy in June with seniors’ month activities, including the window sticker campaign and our Annual Seniors’ BBQ/Picnic at the beautiful Maplewood Hall in Oxford Mills. The Elder Abuse Awareness Seminar, in partnership with Grenville OPP and Victims Services, was well attended, with great information on how to keep ourselves protected and where to turn to for help. The ‘dunk tank’ event was a lot of fun; and yes, the water was cold. It was fun challenging Jim Beveridge; in fact, we were just chatting at the B&H
The Voice of North Grenville
Paul A. Jansen, BA, LLB.
Rachel S. Jansen, B.Comm., J.D.
215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville 613.258.7462
Real Estate - Wills & Estates - Family Law - Corporate this morning and commenting on how frosty the dunk tank would be in this weather! In November, we were treated to the amazing performance of ‘We’ll Meet Again’. Thank you to Louise Atchison, Helen MacGregor, the Cast, the Band, the Sing’n Seniors, and all of the amazing people behind the scenes. Your dedication and hundreds of volunteer hours is certainly noticed and appreciated! In looking ahead in 2018, we are really excited about our 2nd Annual Big Band Dance on Saturday, April 14. ‘The Jive Wires’, a lively 7-piece Big Band will be back and Erick Le Pors, Dial A Chef, will be providing a delicious cold buffet. Come and be transported back in
time to an era of live music and nights out on the town. This is Kemptville & District Home Support’s 37th year of providing service in the community. Thank you to all of our volunteers who give so freely of their time to help others; and thank you to Bev, Carol, Jennifer and Tina. It is wonderful being part of such a great Team. May we continue to learn, live, hope and continue questioning! Happy New Year, Susan Kemptville & District Home Support, 215 Sanders St. Suite 101 613-258-3203. susan. www.
Sens skills competition
Eleven-year-old Brooklyn McNeely chats with Ottawa Senators Centre Nate Thompson at the Sens skills competition at the Canadian Tire Centre on New Years Eve. She and her eight-year-old sister, Lily, were two of a handful of kids chosen to skate alongside the Sens at the competition. The girls got to meet the Sens and show off their skills, with over 9,000 people watching from the stands. 6
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
South Gower Business Park We ’r e H e r e To S e r v e Yo u
Devries Electrical introduces a new partner
Since 1986, Devries Electric has been building a positive name in our community. After many years of service, this family run business has introduced a new partnering company: Devries Power Utility Solutions. With the same dedication and service, Devries Power Utility Solutions will focus on powerline and utility construction. Devries Power and Utility Solutions specialize in pole line construction, underground powerline and utility construction, utility trenching and excavation services, as well as street lighting and parking lot lighting. The Devries team also provides directional drilling services, which are great for installing services throughout sensitive areas, under roads, sidewalks and driveways.
With Devries Power Utility Solutions off to a great start, we look forward to seeing them around the community, assisting those with their power and utility needs. SELECT SIRES GENERVATIONS INC. PO BOX 489 Kemptville, Ont K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-3800 Fax: 613-258-7257
Cargo Horse Utility Tow Dolly Truck Decks January 10 2018
Dump Flatbed Roll-o Livestock Toy/Car Hauler
Robert Walker, CPA, CA Dinah Boal T: 613.258.3282
Crystal Lang Brad Mehlman F: 613.258.4391
2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business park
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
The North Grenville Photography Club
Merrickville Personal Fitness Studio 205 Scotch Line Road West, Merrickville, ON
TIME TO GET INTO BETTER SHAPE! Indoor cycling is one of the best ways to lose weight and to improve cardiovascular fitness. Merrickville Personal Fitness Studio offers small classes Monday to Thursday evenings and Saturday & Sunday mornings on 13 commercial spin bikes. Time to get into better shape! Great music choreographed to each Indoor cycling is one of the best ways to lose weight and to improve cardiovascular fitness. workout. The first 2 sessions are free, so give it a try. Merrickville Personal Fitness Studio offers small classes Monday to Youevenings have&nothing toSunday losemornings but a few Thursday Saturday & on 11pounds! commercial spin bikes. Great music choreographed to each workout. The first 2 sessions are free, so fun, give it get a try.into You have nothing to lose but a few pounds! Have shape & meet new friends. Have fun, get into great shape & meet new friends.
For more information email: or call 613-258-2246 www.merrickvill
For more information or call 613 -258-2246 The Kemptville Photography club enjoyed photographing miniatures at their last photo club meeting. Here is an example of N scale sized figurines that were a challenge for their sheer size. Photo by Crystal Walt.
the north grenville
Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
January 10, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
CLASSIFIEDS First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.
SERVICES TOES IN NEED Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383
SNOW REMOVAL: walkways, stairs, deck, small driveways 613.295.0300 or 613 258.3847 DogWatch Hidden Fences. BigLeash remote trainers. Xmas gifts 613-290-5559 DRUM LESSONS - All ages/ levels. Free trial lesson! Visit: WWW.DRUMHEAD.CA 613-299-8830 Local Author Barbara Avon. Editing Services also available. Driveway Sealing Sprayed with quality asphalt oil plus Masonry Services call Keith - 613-2582135 P R O FE S S I O N A L PA I N T E R Commerc ial & Re sidential 613.276.4583 Kemptville area Complete Home Proper t y Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean u p s e r v ice s 613. 2 58. 38 47 613.295.0300
SEWING: Weddings to alterations, stonehousesewing. The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathcom. Call Sharon at 613-224- r o o m PLUS m o r e. M u r r ay 3182, Kemptville. 613.519.5274 nmmuir@gmail. com House cleaner available. Call or text for quote. 613- Rural Home Care services282-2397 Affordable, professional & experienced care for your loved SEW BE IT clothing repairs one. 613.868.0356 alterations zippers hems 258-0108 HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. Looking for Avon prod- We do it all CALL 613.294.2416 ucts, please call Joan at 613-258-7644 Goodnight Bed Company Supporting your well-being Small backhoe, bush hog and with genuine sleep soluyard work. Call Dan 229-4520. tions. 613 258 2902. CFSC & CRFSC Cours- You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call es & Exams Steve Hoy Rhonda at 258-5248 613258-6162 Rock My House music lessons Natural way to deal with Pain in fiddle, piano, drums and Call1-800-361-1351 more. 613 258 5656. Improve bloating, reflux and gut discomfort. NutriFOR RENT tion and gut healthwww. Who le sumap p r o ac Furnished room in a shared house Carol Pillar RHN 613 258 for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills. Call 613 294 7420 7133 Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone Sandy 613.219.7277 Firearms Safety courses. Non restricted and restricted. Kemptville area,
$150.00 for set. Please con- Looking to harvest cedar tact RJ at 613-282-4868 trees from 3 ft high and + off acreage. (613)799-0958 Firewood Hardwood $95/ 1 new Nordic & rim cord Joseph 343.262.1979 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom apartment on one floor, Kemptville Treadmill with adjustable 6254 613.258.0964 incline, built in fitness computer & manual.$230.00 613 25 yr old Napoleon fireplace and 27 ft of insulated chim- WANTED TO BUY Ducks-Mus269-3567 ney. Fireplace needs weld- covy also Massey Harris Tractor 2 rain barrels $100 andy ing. $500 obo 6132587425 613-301-1747 215-0665 kemptville Stack of newspapers 1826- Senior needs old car batteries 2006 Jetta TDI good condi- 1976, 1901 Eatons cata- for making weights. Call 613 tion and runs great. 613- logue $90.00 613-269-3384 258 6254. evenings mink stole $85.00 290-5559 613-269 -3384 evenings Looking to rent farmland for 2018 crop year. Call or text 96 Wine bottle storage rack $75, floor corker $30, 60 Indoor RV, boat storage. 613-262-1204 bottle drying tree $20. 613- Reasonable rates. Call Jon 613-227-3650. 769-4995 Highland ground beef for Explorer car top carrier sale. Locally raised 613 269- $145.00 square pedestal ta2439 ble $55.00M 613 269-3567 New Beautiful-tone drywall primer sealer 18.9 liters $50.00. 613 269-3386
2 rain barrels $100 2150665 Andy kemptville 4 winter tires, used one winter, 225/65R16 100T. $425.00 613-713-9374
For sale: Craftsman12hp snowblower $250.00. Phone 613-258-4005
BRAND NEW - Never used. Four 245/65R17 Tires Motor Master Total terain on Ford Explorer OEM Rims with sensors Balanced/ ready to install $700 firm 613-215-0385
Household furniture by appointment, dealers welcome, call 613 269 4759 2014 Yamaha ATV excellent condition $9,000 613.258.4867
FORD EXPLORER REAR LIFTGATE window Fits 2002 - 2006 Models Complete with parts & harness No rust/like new $110 (firm) 613-215-0385
Firewood: hardwood. $90 a face cord, delivered. 613-258-4416 or 613-913-8480(cell). Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.00
SNOWBLOWER Yardworks 10.5 hp 29” $700.00 Call Infant Car seat Used once $50 or best offer 613.258.8820 613-258-2119
Mixed hardwood f irewood. $100 per cord delivered. Charlie 989-2768.
SNOWBLOWER yardworks
Kenmore Fridge, clean,good condition, $150 firm, call FEB 1, 2 BEDROOM, 4 AP- 613-258-7707 Firewood: dry softwood(pine) PLIANCE, APARTMENT, 59/cord hardwood(ash) $95/cord DOWNTOWN, WATER- Dry and wrapped round pickup 613 269 3836 FRONT. $1150 + UTILI- bales of hay suitable for TIES. 613-258-0237. Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 cattle. Jon 613-227-3650 a cord delivered. Jon 227-3650
Nexen WinGuard SUV225/65R17 4 Winters $95/ tire. Joseph 343.262.1979
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:
MEDIA/SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED The North Grenville Times is looking for a Media/Sales Person Experience preferred Please contact Marguerite at or call 613.215.0735
FIrewood Hardwood $100/cord delivered. Softwood $75 Call Peter 613-913-0810.
Snowbirds I'll do home security checks while you're Young lady looking to share Antique Massey Harris 13 my home in Kemptville with row, grass and grain seeder away 613-294-0385. quiet, mature, clean work- for sale. Seeder is in workProperty clean-up, trees, ing professional female or ing order. Call 613-269brush, scrap metal anything student. References. 613 857- 4415. removed. Wayne Scott 613- 3381 or text. 1 yr old Good Year tires 286-9072. 185/60 R15 needing a good home for the winter. SEAMSTRESS - 30+ years of experience, in Merrickville. kimJanuary 10 2018
Email to
Dry seasoned firewood. Split and delivered. Call: Wayne Scott 613-286-9072
WANTED Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958 9
The North Grenville Times
ACROSS 1. Hemp cords 6. Stigma 10. Anagram of "Cabs" 14. Maguey 15. Vagabond 16. Jump up and down 17. Anagram of "Peril" 18. Burden 19. Shower 20. Hard unglazed brownishred earthenware 22. Small island 23. Provisions 24. Leased 26. Indian dress 30. Veto 31. Long-haired wild ox 32. Baking appliance 33. Savvy about 35. Smacks 39. Barbed wire is one
41. Lamentable 43. Fervor 44. Flower stalk 46. What a person is called 47. Hasten 49. Genus of macaws 50. Alumnus 51. Preoccupy 54. Pleads 56. Back 57. Mistress of a château 63. Grotto 64. A musical pause 65. Unpack 66. Soon 67. Killer whale 68. Clamor 69. Classify 70. Romances 71. Oxygen and helium, for example DOWN
1. Awestruck 2. Leer at 3. Twosome 4. Always 5. A pinnacle of ice 6. Acts of gun violence 7. Discourse 8. Border 9. Prayer beads 10. A light shower 11. Seashore 12. Fast 13. Studied intensely 21. Religious law 25. Where the sun rises 26. Couch 27. Affirm 28. Cleave 29. Unable to express yourself 34. Short amusing operas 36. Distant 37. Mountain lion 38. Toboggan 40. Colored part of an eye 42. Picture 45. Hot sauce 48. In the trust of a 3rd party 51. Killer whales 52. Keno 53. Enjoy 55. Catapulted 58. Protagonist 59. Dwarf buffalo 60. Nile bird 61. Schnozzola 62. X X X X
Jan 14 Memories of the 1998 Ice Storm/Storm of the Century, St John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street, 2:30-5 pm. Jan 15 Kemptville Wildcats AGM – 7 pm, NG Municipal Centre Jan 20 5th Annual Bride and Groom Show, 9 am to 3pm, eQuinelle Golf and Resident Club - FREE admission. Jan 20 Kemptville Players Inc. Kids (KPIK) is excited to present WINTER WONDERLAND, 2:30 pm in the UrbandaleArts Centre in Kemptville. Jan 27 Don Munz Art Exhibit Reception, 2-4 pm, Geronimo Coffee House, 146 Prescott Street. Feb 9-10 KYC Accessory Sale, 5 Oxford Street East, Kemptville.
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, NG Municipal Centre. Newcomer Bridge-St John's United Church 12:15pm. Cost $5.00. All levels welcome. No partner needed. Info 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495. Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Euchre at Kemptville Snowmobile Clubhouse, 1505 O'Neill Road. 7:30 pm start. $5.00 each. 3rd Tues/mth. Bridge St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Wed NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See for info. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. New Horizon Club, Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall.. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership, call Janet 613-269-2737. Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Thurs Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-896-4495. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7-9 pm in the program room at the Library. Fri Friendship Lunch held at St. John's United Church. Lunch is served at 11:30, donations accepted but not expected. Everyone welcome. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. Sat Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $6. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Euchre Tournament, 3rd Sat/mth. Registration 12-12:30 pm. Cost $10.00 Games start 12:30 pm at the Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Crescent, refreshments available. Everyone Welcome. Sun Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. Legion Bingo, last Sun/mth., 6 pm. Guaranteed Jackpot of $400.
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku
Solution to last week’s Crossword
January 10, 2018
The Voice of North Grenville
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
73's cage the Bears on Friday night contest for a win
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
Fresh Pork Shoulder Picnic Roasts Shank or Butt Portion 5.49/kg
Two on one.....Kemptville 73's McDonald with Holtrop neutralized Smiths Falls Bears Crump to keep them at bay with 1 - 0 win. by the sportsguy Kemptville 73's motored down County Road 43 Friday night to meet the Smiths Falls Bears and managed a tough 1 to zip win. First frame closed out scoreless, with Bears out shooting 73's by 13 to 9 and recorded 2 PIM in sin-bin, with Nick Bond standing tall for Kemptville. Smiths Falls Bears' Bradley Dobson was replaced with Kyle Renaud for the second goaround. Kemptville put the first marker on the board with man advantage as Frazee combined with Thousand across the line back to Jared Patterson on point for PPG at 4:26. Kemptville turned SOG around by 11 to 7 and put their special teams to work. Last twenty miles was tough sledding for both squads and it became a netminder’s clinic, as 73's Bond faced 27 SOG and Renaud 37 SOG for Bears. Next home game is Wednesday, January, 10 when we battle the Pembroke Lumber Kings ....Hockey with EDGE.
Jumbo Cantaloupes Product of Honduras
#9 Classico Pasta Sauce 218 - 650 mL
Kraft Salad Dressing 455ml
Ashton Fry H ometown : Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA Position: Forward Which person is more inspiring to you: My Dad Favourite TV Show: The Office Favourite Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell Favourite Musician: Lil Uzi Vert Favourite Food: Chicken taco's What is it like as a JR “A” Hockey Player: Cool
Maple Leaf Waxed Bologna
Schneiders Ham & Bacon Loaf
Prices effective:
Friday, Jan. 12 to Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018
“We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements” January 10 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
MARKET EVALUATION Find out how much your property is worth in today's market! *This is not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale
613-258-6299 Lisa Deschambault
304 Colonnade Dr., Kemptville
Sales Representative
Chris Drozda Broker
Local Agri-food Expo survey results SENSational raffle brings in over $1,600 for HOL The North Grenville keep them interested. grow food?: 41%; What are Times recently conducted a survey intended to seek input from residents on the types of topics that they would like to see discussed at the upcoming Local Agri-food Expo that is scheduled to happen on Saturday, April 7. The Expo is being organized to encourage people in the region to start an agri-food business of their own, or expand their existing small scale agri-food business. Agriculture and local food represent significant potential opportunities for economic growth in our area and the organizers want to encourage everyone to get involved. The first question asked about various formats for the Expo. The results were: Workshops: 31.4%; Moderated discussion panels: 22.09%; Keynote speakers: 33.7%; Breakout sessions (small group discussions): 24.4%; Watching a video as part of a large audience: 7%; and A mix of the above formats: 54.7%. In the comments section, most of the comments were based around ways to (and the importance of) engage people to get them interested and
When asked, “What topics would you like to know more about or like to see discussed at this event?”, the results were: How to start a home-based agricultural or local food business: 43%; Which funding options are available for starting or expanding an agricultural or local food business: 58%; Which health regulations do I need to know about for starting an agricultural or local food business?: 46.5%; Where can I get help for creating a marketing plan, business plan or feasibility study?: 36%; The same percentage chose How can working with a farmers’ market help to provide a secondary income, and “How to tell which soil type I have and which plants grow best in that soil type. Other options were: How do I get started in raising livestock (chickens, beef, pork etc.)?: 15%; How can I organize my garden to maximize my yield of the space?: 37%; How can I get access to space to grow food if I can’t afford to buy a piece of property?: 14%; What are the latest small scale farming methods that I could use to
the municipal zoning options available to allow me to start or expand an agricultural or local food business?: 35%; How to start a local co-operative to provide a service to the agricultural community: 23%; and What is involved in setting up an agricultural or local food social enterprise and what are the benefits and differences compared to a regular business model?: 28%. In the comments section, some alternate topics mentioned were “permaculture”, “engaging youth”, “creating edible gardens for schools and other institutions” and “connecting local food networks and finding ways to collaborate on different community projects and initiatives.” When asked: how much would you be willing to pay for a full day event like this (bring your own lunch)?, it was clear that people understood the value of an event like this, as most respondents chose the highest price, $25. The other questions provided options for post-Expo dinner, with or without wine. Naturally, people preferred
Mark Gauthier, of Winchester, was the lucky first prize winner and took home a hockey stick used by Ottawa Senators player Fredrik Claesson and signed by the whole team. Mark is pictured with HOL operations manager Jennifer Tenbult. The recent SENSational raffle run by the House of Lazarus (HOL) in Mountain has netted the organization over $1,600! All funds brought in through the raffle will benefit the HOL Food Bank, which serves over 100 local families each month, and outreach programs, such as starting over kits for fire victims. The SENSational raffle was launched on November 3 during the For the Love of the Game sports event hosted by the HOL. The winners of all three prizes were drawn on December 21. Thanks go out to all those who purchase tickets! the cheapest option in each case. Thank you to everyone that took part in the survey, it will be very helpful for the event organizing committee
so that they can have the type of information and discussion focused on what you want to learn about. There will be information released soon giving the details on
the event and the committee hopes that everyone will come to the event and be inspired to start or expand an agricultural or local food business.
Its Our 1st Anniversary SALE!! Come Help Us Celebrate! Sleep Your Solutions That Supporting Well-Being
Mattress Mania
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January 10, 2018