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The Voice of North Grenville
Vol. 6 No 30
July 25 2018
The Windows of St. James
July 31/18
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by Doug Macdonald On July 25, 1880, St. James the Archdeacon Patton Memorial Church, designed by distinguished Canadian Architect William Tutin Thomas, was officially opened. On that Sunday, one
hundred and thirty-eight years ago, the nave and sanctuary were flooded with sunlight from 28 windows of clear glass set in deep window wells. (Two of those original windows are stored in the church basement.)
Gradually, over the next century, the clear glass windows were replaced by memorial windows of stained glass. Glass of the highest quality created, in the ateliers of Luxfer Studio, Toronto; N.T. Lyon Co., Ottawa and
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Colonial Art Glass Co., Toronto. Glass of luminosity and intensity of colour: ruby red, sapphire blue, emerald green, turquoise and amber. Glass translucent, opalescent, sand blasted and painted, depicting scenes and themes from the Bible. Each window a testament to the love of those remembered: paper hanger, Rector, carriage maker, merchant, innkeeper, miller, school teacher, distiller - their names part of the story of the community - Lewis, Guy, Barnes, Harris, Poole, Perry, Bower, Anderson, Stephenson. People like Squire William H. Bottum, heir to Crown Land Grants, Kemptville’s first Post Master and the man who donated land for the 1827 St. James Church and cemetery. Elizabeth (Bell) Ferguson, mother of G. Howard Ferguson, a Premier of Ontario, and her husband, Dr. Charles Frederick Ferguson, Member of Parliament. Andrew John Kerr, a Captain of the Kemptville Fire Brigade, and James Raymond Eager, farmer and choir member. Both died from Spanish Influenza in the epidemic of 1918/1919. All memorial stained glass windows, no matter how beautiful, are infused with sadness; none more so than the small window to the north of the altar, which remembers the heartbreak and tragedy of the deaths of high school student Freda Jones to typhoid in 1909 and of her brother, McGill medical continued on page 2
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The North Grenville Times continued from page 1 student Norman Jones, who drowned in 1910. The largest window, the magnificent Stannage Triptych, three windows above the Altar, depicts the birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It is a memorial to John Stannage the sixth Rector of St. James, the man credited with the building of his “little cathedral”, the current St. James. High on the west wall, the glorious circular “rose” window, with the white dove - symbol of the Holy Spirit, and Man, Lion, Bull and Eagle - symbols of the four evangelists, a gift in 1882 from the teachers and scholars of Robert Leslie’s St. James Sunday School. As most of the stained glass windows are nearly 100
years old, and some more than 130 years, they were in serious need of conservation work. Led by Associate Priest Robert Porter, a team of volunteers: Tim Aubin, David Brent, Jim Chapman, David Finney, Kate McLean, Dan Spring and John Tilbury, are doing the majority of the work. On scaffold and ladder, the team began restoration of the window frames; first removing protective grills, scraping layers of old paint, repairing damaged wood, sanding, priming, painting and caulking. Weakened areas of stained glass will be stabilized. The exterior surface of the glass delicately cleaned to removed decades of grime. Finally, precisely cut 1/4 inch clear plexiglass covers are fixed to the wood frame. In
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all, a daunting and, despite the labour of the volunteers, an expensive project. It is estimated the final cost could exceed $7,000.00. Parishioners are being asked to contribute to a Windows Project. All money raised to be used exclusively for the window project. At $12.00 per square foot, parishioners and friends of St. James are invited to cover the cost of as many square feet as they wish. Charitable donation tax receipts for CRA will be issued to donations of $20.00 or more. St. James will mark three historical milestones in the next dozen years. 2026 will be the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Pioneer Mission Parish of St. James. 2027, the 200th anniversary
of the building of the original St. James in Clothier’s Mill/ Kemptville; and, in 2030, the heritage building that is St. James will celebrate 150 years since its official opening on July 25, 1880. Maintenance deferred puts heritage at risk, for time and the elements are not friends of architectural masterworks. The completed windows now glow as they did decades ago. Let the success of this initiative be the inspiration for work required on roof and limestone walls of St. James.
The Voice of North Grenville
Bekings eggs update
by David Shanahan A number of readers have been asking where they can find Bekings eggs, following our report on the expansion to the Bekings Poultry Fram operations last week. The farm, now being run by David Beking, the third generation to oversee the business, is adding to their facilities with the building of a new barn that will house hens that will be free range, raised on pasture and will produce eggs that are certified organic. Their excellent eggs can be found at the B&H Your Community Grocer in Kemptville, as well as in other locations in Ottawa, Kingston and surrounding area. The article gave some the impression that Bekings Poultry Farm is in North Grenville. It is, in fact, located at 2405 Jochem Rd, Oxford Station, which is in Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, despite the postal address. I am sorry if the Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Council did not get the credit they deserve for granting the expansion licence to Bekings; it showed great vision and commitment to local foods and organic farming on their part.
BIA draws for Kemptville Live tickets
The Kemptville BIA sponsored some Weekend VIP tickets for Kemptville Live, and the lucky winner was Cathy Lindsey. The draw took place at Geronimo Coffee House, and the photo shows John Barclay (BIA), Deron Johnston, and Rebecca Cronk of Get Cronk’d. Photo by David Shanahan.
Burritts Rapids Swing Bridge Update
Parks Canada is pleased to provide an update on the project to repair the historic Burritts Rapids Swing Bridge. Work has advanced to the point where the bridge should be reopened to vehicular and pedestrian traffic by Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Once opened to traffic, the work will enter into the commissioning phase, where the contractor will be closely monitoring the performance of the bridge, conducting test swings, and making minor adjustments as required. Throughout the commissioning phase, which could take up to two weeks, residents should anticipate intermittent closures during the day. Once the bridge is re-opened to traffic, the temporary pedestrian crossing will be removed. Over the last two weeks the contractor has completed repairs to the bridge’s protective coating, installed the wood decking, re-installed mechanical components, and completed additional repairs on the historic stone masonry. Parks Canada would like to thank the Burritts Rapids community for their patience and understanding as these important repairs were completed. Through investments in infrastructure, Parks Canada is protecting and preserving our treasured places, while supporting local economies, contributing to growth in the tourism sector, and enhancing the charm and attractiveness of Canada’s heritage sites.
the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan
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Blood Donor Clinic
Blood Donor Clinic at the North Grenville Municipal Centre on August 2, from 1:30-400pm and from 5:00-7:30pm. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. With the long Civic Holiday Weekend approaching, there will be a greater need for blood. To book an appointment go to blood.ca or call 1-888-236-6283
www.kemptvillephysio.com July 25, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Steve Clark welcomes E-test issue continues review of Ontario to stir anger about the change either, and it by David Shanahan Seed Plant closure seems that the smaller shops Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes MPP Steve Clark today released the following statement regarding an announcement the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) will review the decision to close the Ontario Tree Seed Plant in Angus: “I’m pleased the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry will review the previous government’s decision to close the Ontario Tree Seed Plant in Angus. I have had an opportunity to discuss with the minister the negative impact the closure would have on operations at the Ferguson Forest Centre, including putting 13 full-time jobs and over $1 million in annual economic activity in jeopardy. “During the recent campaign, I pledged to work with whatever government was elected on June 7 to revisit the closure decision. I want to thank Minister Yurek for quickly recognizing the need to take a closer look at the situation by consulting widely with all stakeholders affected, including those in Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes.” MNRF Minister Jeff Yurek announced the review earlier this week. The following is a statement from Minister Yurek regarding the decision: “After hearing concerns related to the closure of the Ontario Tree Seed Plant and consulting with my colleagues, I have directed my ministry to review the closure decision. “We will be taking the time to hear from stakeholders, including sitting down with the tree nursery industry and other interested parties as part of this review. “I am committed to taking a closer look at the details of the situation and making sure decisions are made in the best interests of the people of Ontario.”
The report in last week’s Times that only Canadian Tire in Kemptville is now licenced to perform e-tests on Vehicles in North Grenville has been met with angry comments on our Facebook page. Support for 416 Auto, and the way in which their contract was cancelled without notice after twenty years of excellent service, has been condemned as unfair to both that business and the entire driving community. The sole authorised testing centre, Canadian Tire at Colonnade, has geared up to handle the increased demand for e-tests, and there is no longer the waiting time that was expected originally, according to Sam LeGoueff, Service Manager at CT. “We have five certified Drive Clean inspectors and three more techs will be certified next week. We are opened 7 days a week for Drive Clean.” Sam told me that she had not been informed in advance
in Prescott, Carleton Place, Brockville and surrounding area have had the same issue, with being locked out and not told anything. The policy at Drive Clean seems to be to restrict licences to the larger franchise operations, like CT, and end the service at the independent operators, like 416 Auto. Sam has great sympathy for those who have had their contracts cancelled so abruptly, especially given the high cost of the equipment needed to provide e-test services. “I know from the costs here with our Drive Clean equipment it takes a lot of up keep and training, at the owners cost. We feel for 416 Tire and all the small shops effected by this. There was enough of a demand for everyone.” As this appears to have been a policy of the Wynne Liberal Government, perhaps our local Minister for Municipal Affairs, Steve Clark, could look into this?
Summer fire prevention tips by John R. Okum, Director of Emergency & Protective Services / Fire Chief, Municipality of North Grenville The North Grenville fire service has been monitoring outdoor conditions throughout the municipality, especially with the persistent sunny and hot temperatures, and scarce accumulation of rainfall. On July 3, the North Grenville fire service elevated the fire condition level to “high”. On July 9, fire officials issued a total burn ban for the municipality, which will remain in effect until conditions improve enough to lift the ban. These conditions contribute to the increase of fire risk, particularly with the drying vegetation. Our rural areas have thousands of hectares of treed and grass lands that are susceptible to producing fast moving fires that may be difficult to access and gain control. A brush fire not only destroys valued woodland, it also threatens rural homes, barns and farming operations. There is even an increased fire risk to our urban sector of the municipality. Fires can spread very quickly from one property to another. An exterior fire may easily spread along the ground and ignite combustibles such as fences, July 25, 2018
sheds, decks and buildings. On July 10, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority issued a watershed condition statement advising that conditions in the Rideau River watershed met the threshold for “minor low water” status. The statement is an advisory of watershed conditions and does not impose any mandatory reductions at this stage. Conservation of water use is encouraged. Potting Soil Fire Risk: A summer-time fire risk many people may be unaware of is how easily a planter or flower bed containing potting soil mixtures can cause a serious fire. Potting soil mixtures do not contain natural earth, but rather mixtures containing products such as fertilizers, peat moss, vermiculite and polystyrene. These soil mixtures may be great for producing beautiful plants, but if not regularly watered can become the source of ignition, especially when there is considerable hot-dry weather. A simple discarded cigarette in dried potting soil may result in a slow burn that often goes unnoticed. As the soil heats, a slow burn may occur beneath the surface. When the burning soil comes into contact with something combustible such as dried plants or the container, a fire may
cord, walk or drive over an electrical cord; if a cord is damaged, discontinue using it and replace. Other: Use caution when using outdoor candles, torches or burning insect repellents; Always allow engines to cool before refueling or storing away in a shed or garage; When refuelling, do so in a well ventilated area and avoid ignition sources; Be sure flammable or combustible liquids are properly stored and containers are properly closed to prevent vapours from escaping; If using outdoor gas appliances, be sure all connections are properly secured and leak free; If you are a smoker, properly dispose of your smoking materials. Do not throw out the window of a vehicle or toss onto the ground; If filling a portable gasoline container, do not leave in the trunk of your car or the box of your pick-up. Place the container onto the ground and prevent overfilling; If you have a RV/camper, remember to install a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm near the sleeping areas.
occur and quickly spread. Some tips to prevent potting soil fires are: keep potting soils well watered; use a clay pot if possible; do not dispose smoking materials in potting soil mixtures; do not place planter containers on or next to combustibles. The following safety hints are ways to prevent accidental fires from occurring: BBQ Safety: Keep your BBQ a safe distance from your house and any other combustibles; Always follow the manufacturer recommendations for use; Open the lid before turning the gas on to ignite; never leave your cooking unattended; do not place a BBQ on a deck or balcony. Pool Chemicals: store chemicals in their original container; store chemicals in accordance with manufacturer recommendations; follow chemical supplier instructions for mixing chemicals. Extension Cords: extension cords are for temporary use only and should not be used as a permanent electrical connection; always use an extension cord in accordance with its listed rating; if using an extension cord outside, be sure you have purchased a cord that is rated for the outdoors; do not place items on top of an electrical 3
UPDATE UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, August 13 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tuesday, August 7 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.
In accordance with By-Law 33-12, a Burn Permit is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. The entire application and renewal process is available online at www.northgrenville.ca. The online process also allows you to receive direct notification of special conditions such as fire bans and fire risk level. Burn permits are also still available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 and the fee is $15. Please check conditions prior to burning by calling 613-706-1770.
Garage sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 10-03. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you must follow. Signage is NOT permitted in traffic circles or attached to traffic signs. Please ensure signage is removed after your sale. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of the by-law from www.northgrenville. ca/document-library.
Swimming pool enclosures in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 32-98, as amended. This includes all above-ground and in-ground pools. Copies of this by-law are available from the Building Department or the Municipal website.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 general@northgrenville.on.ca Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
Between 8 July and 15 July, the Kemptville Office of Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police investigated 122 general occurrences: 35 Kemptville, 55 Municipality of North Grenville, 12 Village of Merrickville - Wolford and 20 on Highway 416. On 13 July, police were dispatched to a residential break and enter on Tradewinds Crescent, North Grenville. The investigation revealed that sometime between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. culprit(s) broke into the home and stole jewelry and money. The Ontario Provincial Police Forensic Identification Unit attended the scene and the investigation is ongoing. The first OPP Charity BBQ of the season was a great success! Special thanks to our sponsor Tackaberry G & Sons Construction. A total of $800.00 was raised for Kemptville Youth Centre. Last week's barbeque was sponsored by Lockwood Brothers Construction, with proceeds going to the North Grenville Accessible Transportation. The 18th Annual OPP Charity barbeques are held every Thursday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Kemptville OPP detachment. Hope to see you there!
The North Grenville Times
A hard rain’s gonna fall by David Shanahan The official start of campaigning for the 2018 Municipal Election finally gets underway this weekend. As of this Friday at 2 p.m., nominations close and the final list of candidates will be revealed. In many ways, this election will be just like previous ones, with candidates going door-to-door to plead their case, and election signs and brochures proliferating and using up unknown numbers of trees. For a full three months, all the way to the vote counting on October 22, we will be assailed by men and women trying to convince us that they have the plans, the vision and the energy to Make North Grenville Great Again (catchy title, I must copyright it...). But this election is already quite different from what has been in the past. There seems to be more coordination of effort on the part of groups of candidates: people working together, canvassing together too, in a
loose form of coalition. The last time this was seen was in 2010, when the Council of the day swallowed their differences with the mayor and campaigned as a Team. The suspicion persists that some inter-team backstabbing resulted in the team being elected without the mayor, but that’s politics for you. Roaming around the community over the past number of months, I get the impression that there exists an attitude of “throw the rascals out” about this campaign. With the exception of Jim Bertram, the rest of the current council seem to have failed to excite anything positive in the hearts of the electorate. The sense is that, if they try to run on their record, they’ll have very little to say to voters. Of course, I may be wrong in this assessment, and even saying it may encourage some residents to run out and vote for the current team. A fascinating article, recently reprinted in Municipal World Magazine, asked the vital question: “when is enough enough?” How many
The Voice of North Grenville
of an invitation to depart. You should come to terms with that reality … before your colleagues or the public do”. To how many sitting on council now does that apply? How many are “warming the seat”, without having anything positive to add, who are simply voting for things without really understanding them, following along, devoid of any new idea, initiative or vision? I think there are one or two like that, possibly more. When is enough enough? After one term, or more? But those entering the race to take their place need to think carefully also. Are you running to warm a seat, to enjoy the status of being on council? Do you really have anything significant and vital to add to the party? If you think current councillors should be replaced, why should it be you who replaces them? Do you think you have more to contribute than they do, or is it a matter of ego, plain and simple? This paper has been critical of the current council at times, possibly often. But
terms should a member of council serve before they run out of energy, ideas, something worthwhile to contribute? The writer, George Cuff, realised after time on council that staying for another term would be selfish, as “the rationale to do so would have been a lot more about me and a lot less about serving the public. This is not what we should reflect as elected officials”. He points out the stress being on council can place on family, marriage, and other close relationships. But one of his main criteria involves what one contributes to their community: “Each council member ought to be adding value. Warming the seat might feel comfortable, but it does little for the progress of the community. Council members ought to be enthusiastic, “ideas-rich” people who strive to make the community better (i.e., not the same as it was when they started). Objecting to change or never having and expressing a new idea should be clear symptoms
the real point of it all is to find a group of individuals who will work together on behalf of the people of North Grenville. Their job is not to defend staff, but to represent residents. Disappearing into the political bubble of the Municipal Centre may make you feel like an insider, someone who knows what’s really going on, but it will not help the people who put you there if you start to think of them as people who don’t know what’s good for them, who don’t deserve to be kept informed about what’s going on. Whoever gets elected in October will find that bubble closing in on them, it is inevitable. But we need to find people who can resist the lure of the insider status, who will keep their feet on the ground and remember why they were elected. Who will see the people of North Grenville as an asset, a resource to be consulted and included, and not as an inferior species who have no right to know what their “betters” are doing. This council, remember,
have told us that it is “unacceptable for anyone to subject Councillors and/or staff to insults, derision or other derogatory comments”. This is the council which thinks that the media “threatens the democratic rights of the residents of North Grenville”. It is not enough for us to reject that kind of authoritarian thinking. We must also, during the coming three months, and especially on October 22, find people who will also reject those attitudes and commit to seeing the people of North Grenville as the source of their authority and power. Here’s a slogan to voters and candidates to embrace: “And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it; and reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it. Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin', but I'll know my song well before I start singin'. It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall”.
dozen volunteers who, with the notable exception of one, were all sympathetic and as helpful as they could be. The
music was great, we had a lot of fun during the event - just not arriving or leaving”.
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ ngtimes.ca
Accessibility issues at Kemptville Live by David Shanahan A lot of people had a lot of fun at Kemptville Live over the weekend; but there were some among the crowd who were not only left feeling disrespected - they were simply left behind. On Saturday, accessible parking spaces were taken up by people with no right to park there. People in wheelchairs were required to park quite a distance from the site entrance, and then found only one accessible portapotty in sight. William Young was there with others who think that the Festival should have provided more accessible parking places, more visible facilities for those with accessibility issues, and, perhaps, a more sensitive and responsible attitude. Organisers assured complainants that there were other accessible porta potties around the site, and informed William and friends, as he commented on Twitter, that: "We have accessible port a
potty in other locations, not our fault that only one is visible and so people were not using the bathroom thinking there was only one". Things got worse after the concert ended, as the accessibility parking lot emptied of its illegally-parked vehicles, William was left waiting for the wheelchair van to arrive. He tweeted: “And here we are waiting for a wheelchair van to leave while the accessible parking lot is mostly empty because the people in accessible spots don't have disabilities/permits”. He asked a volunteer to get on the radio and find out when the van would be arriving, but she responded that no-one was answering her radio calls. Three-quarters of an hour after the music ended, a staff member finally turned up and assured William that “"We've done over and above what we should do, the accessible parking signs were put up by mistake, that's VIP parking". The staff members insisted that "We are over and above
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 July 25, 2018
Marketing Peter Peers peter@ngtimes.ca 613-989-2850
the law", a small comfort to those left waiting to get home. Then, to add insult to insult, the security staff at the Festival started to leave for the night, with William and friends still waiting to be brought back to their vehicles. Finally, an hour after the concert ended, transportation arrived and William and friends got home. It seems that the problem is not that accessibility facilities, such as parking spots, are not available; but that parking is not being monitored. Drivers without permits are being allowed use accessibility places, leaving those who need them to park much further away from the entrance, and then being dependant on being transported back to their vehicles after the show ends. Kemptville Live is well organised and these problems may be inevitable at times. But more care needs to be taken that the arrangements made are not screwed up by a failure to enforce the rules. Let’s hope William
and friends are not put off a return visit. His overall comment on the day was positive: “we interacted with about a
Municipal Election Update By the end of the week we’ll know who is running for Council and for School Board Trustee in next October’s election. Nominations close this Friday at 2 p.m., and so any last-minute entries will need to get their paperwork in quickly. Candidates need to have a prescribed declaration by at least 25 persons endorsing the nomination who are eligible to vote; a Declaration of Qualifications; a completed Consent to Release Personal Information; and the prescribed nomination filing fee of $200 for the office of Mayor and $100 for the office of Councillor. As of last weekend, only four people had filed papers to run for Council and three for Mayor. This is unlikely
the north grenville
ISSN 2291-0301 www.ngtimes.ca
TIMES Editor David Shanahan david@ngtimes.ca 613-215-0735
Copy Editor Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671
Production Manager Marguerite Boyer production@ngtimes.ca 613-215-0735
to remain the state of affairs, and by the time you read this, it is expected that a number of others will have joined the race. In the contest for School Board Trustee, no-one had yet filed to run for the French Catholic School Board, and Rachel Forest, the current Trustee, remained the only candidate for Area 2 of the French Public Board, which covers Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington, Frontenac, Leeds and Grenville. There are two candidates for the English Catholic Board for Grenville County and ElizabethtownKitley Township: Brent Laton, the current Trustee, and Jean LeClair. The English Public Board also has two candidates looking for a vote Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, On K0G 1J0
in WARD 6, which covers Edwardsburg-Cardinal, North Grenville, and Prescott: Lisa Swan, the current Trustee, and Andrew Shanks. A full list of candidates will be posted on the Times Facebook page on Friday as soon as the final list is posted by the municipality CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson hilary@ngtimes.ca
Accounts payable/receivable Pat Jessop cfo@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Donation provides new play structures in Riverside Park
project to choose, because they had to take two older pieces of equipment out last year for safety reasons. The municipality was successful in receiving the full grant, which paid for both new structures. Installation costs were covered by the municipality. “This is exactly the type of project we like to support with our funding,” Debra says. Mark says the pieces of equipment, which were installed mid-May, have been very well received. The municipality consulted with the Ontario Parenting Connection to choose the type of play structures and to ensure that there is something in the park for kids of all ages. “We are very thankful to be able to work with the Frank Cowan Company [on this project].” Mark says.
From left, Debra Murphy of the Frank Cowan Company, Parks and Recreation Director Mark Guy, and Megan Schooley, Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Ltd. Insurance representative. [Photo by Hilary Thomson] by Hilary Thomson A generous donation from an Ontario-based insurance company has made it possible to install two new play structures in Riverside Park. The donation is part of the Frank Cowan Com-
pany’s Hometown Program, which the company created to celebrate its 90th birthday in 2017. “It’s a grassroots initiative to enhance safety and community improvement,” says Debra Murphy of the Frank Cowan Company. “We wanted to give back to
Erick LePors
our clients who have given us success.” North Grenville Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Mark Guy, heard about the program last year and applied to receive $5,000 for the new park equipment. He says it was an obvious
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For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402
Family time in the sky into the early evening air. The North Grenville Times sponsored two tickets for the balloon rides, and one of the winners was Tanya Deans. She gave her ticket to her son Michael, so he could have this wonderful experience. But, being at the right place at the right time, there was an extra spot available and Tanya was able to join Michael on the flight. Thanks to Kemptville Live for providing the Music in the Park as a gift to the community, and to organiser, Herb Cloutier, and all his volunteers, for a wonderful event. Science show, music, stalls, and the hot air balloons made for a successful first version of the event, and proved a great lead-in to the Kemptville Live Festival.
Photo provided by Mike & Ness Photography by David Shanahan One of the highlights (pun definitely intended!) of the Music in the Park event last week was the sight of
four enormous hot air balloons being launched from Riverside Park. Standing beside the balloons as they were being inflated and their
baskets filled by excited travellers, it was quite intimidating to feel the heat from the propane jets, and watch the balloon rising high above us
Downtown business part of Starter Company Plus program Bennett. Bennett is also a previous participant of the Starter Company program, with her business Wellington Kids Therapy Services. The pair joined forces about six months ago and participated in the Old Town Kemptville BIA’s Pop Up Shop program to open Kemptville Kids on Prescott Street. The Starter Company Plus program assists businesses in existence for one to five years,
by Hilary Thomson
L-R: Kim Bennett and Kim Smalridge at their booth at Music in the Park last Wednesday. July 25, 2018
A business in downtown Kemptville has been accepted into the Leeds Grenville Small Enterprise Centre’s Starter Company Plus program. Kim Smalridge runs Stepping Stone Pediatric Physical Therapy out of Kemptville Kids Pedratric Therapy Services, which she started with her partner, Kim 5
a business looking to expand, or an entrepreneur looking to purchase an existing business. The six-month program is funded through the government of Ontario and includes one-on-one guidance from a Small Business Enterprise Centre advisor, a business plan workshop, coaching and mentorship, and up to $5,000 in grant money. “It gave me the confidence to start my own com-
pany,” Kim Smalridge says. “I now have a network of people to lean on, and I got to know a lot of the business community.” Stepping Stone Pediatric Physical Therapy provides private, local physical therapy services for infants and school-aged children in North Grenville and the surrounding areas.
Merrickville/Wolford Times The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford
Communities in Bloom judges tour Merrickville-Wolford
Harry McLean: From Water Boy to Philanthropist
Municipal Election Update
As expected, more people have signed on to run for the job of Mayor of Merrickville-Wolford. In addition to Deputy Mayor Anne Barr, Councillor Chuck MacInnis and former long-time Mayor, Doug Struthers, have filed their papers to by Michael Whittaker join the race. If there is one name known in Merrickville, By the end of this week, after nominations close on Friday, Harry McLean comes to the fore as the wealthy we’ll know the full slate of candidates running for a place on eccentric who made the village his home through Council in October. There will be a full report in next week’s the mid-20th century. Times. Local resident, Wayne Poapst, who knew McLean, will regale the audience with tales the north grenville about the generous industrialist Sun., July 29 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Merrickville. McLean was on a first name basis with Prime Peter Peers Minister MacKenzie King, and certainly knew Marketing Consultant President Roosevelt. He cared for the common Email: peter@ngtimes.ca person, too. 613.989.2850 In the years before social safety nets, he provided for the widows and children of any man killed on one of his construction sites. At those places, he had erected plaques with Rudyard Kiplings’s poem ‘The Sons of Martha’, which celebrates workers’ dedication to the safety of others. One of these plaques was attached to a cairn in Deek’s Quarry in North Grenville. The presentation on Harry McLean is one of Licensed 15 Merrickville-Wolford 225 events sponsored by the Merrickville and District Historical Society.
Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom tour guides Chris Scullino, Hope Grey and Sean O'Meara by Hilary Thomson The Communities in Bloom judges toured Merrickville-Wolford last week to evaluate the Village for the national competition. The judges, Lorna McIlroy of Grand Prairie, Alberta and Géatan Deschênes of Montreal, Quebec, arrived on Tuesday afternoon and were welcomed with a meet and greet at the Baldachin Inn on Tuesday evening, organized by the Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom committee. The evening served as an excellent introduction to the community, with a beautifully produced video about the municipality, created by local videographer, Clayton McKinnon. The tour on Wednesday started bright and early, with breakfast at the Sidecar Café with Mayor David Nash and Deputy Mayor Anne Barr, who gave a brief overview of the municipal structure of the Village to the judges. The morning consisted of a tour of Merrickville, which included the locks, blockhouse, ruins, Merrickville United Arts Centre, St Lawrence Street and the businesses along it, the community garden and part of the trails system. In the afternoon, the judges toured Wolford, checking out Eastons Corners, Maitland Dairy Farm, Chatterfield Farm July 25, 2018
and Jasper. The group then boarded a Le Boat for a trip down the canal back to the locks. They also took in the migratory bird sanctuary, the municipal office, fire department, health centre and, finally, the Merrickville Midweek Market. It was a jam-packed day, full of small town hospitality, showing the judges what makes Merrickville-Wolford an incredible place to live. “The tour went amazingly,” says MerrickvilleWolford in Bloom Chair Chris Scullino. “[The judges] didn’t want to leave Merrickville.” The Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom Committee are very excited to see the judges’ results, which will be announced in Strathcona County, Alberta, at the Symposium and Awards Ceremonies from September 26 to 29, 2018. Both Chris and his Vice-Chair Sean O’Meara plan on attending the symposium and are very hopeful that they will claim the top prize and be eligible to enter the international competition next year. “I’m very proud of the team we have,” Chris says. “The community really came together and had a blast.”
The North Grenville Times
Never too old to learn
The Voice of North Grenville
Proving the addage that you are never too old to learn, Josephine Herman went for her first every trip in a Kayak. Seen here between her friend Barbara Vander Meer and Dianne Grant who jointly gave instruction. Josephine will be 68 in a couple weeks and is living with Vascular Dementia proving that living with dementia does not necessarily mean sitting in a chair in a LTC facility. Some people can continue live life to the fullest if they maintain a good attitude, eat a good diet, exercise and keep active physically and socially and receive good medical attention.
photo by David Herman
Thinking of Listing? Call us today! 613-258-1990
Veterans Annual
Charity Golf
OPP BBQ Saturday, August 18, 2018 Post Tournament Nationview Golf Course 6pm Roast Beef Dinner 112 Hyndman Rd. at the Legion South Mountain with Silent Auction REGISTRATION 11 AM SHOTGUN START 12PM Team of 4 Players: $300 - Individual Player: $50 Includes Golf Cart
Lockwood Brothers Construction supports North Grenville AccessibleTransportation Fantastic weather at last Thursday’s OPP BBQ as Don Gilchrist (NGAT), Corey Lockwood with Bruce McNulty (Lockwood Brothers) and Roger Shantz (NGAT took time out for a photo op). Our wonderful municipality came out to support the worthwhile cause to the tune of $835.00. See you next week, when Jansen Law will be flipping the burgers and rolling the dogs on behalf of North Grenville Community Living.
Purchase Tickets at the Legion See Bartender - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6pm to 10pm Thursday & Friday 2pm to 10pm - Saturdays 1pm to 6pm
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Every year, the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada raises funds through the Wash for a Wish event, put on in partnership with Krown, the major rust proofing company. This year, Krown Kemptville raised $1,000.00 for the cause. Customers had their vehicles washed by hand for a small donation to the Wash for a Wish campaign, and community volunteers, like those in our picture, managed to wash more than 45 vehicles by hand in four hours! The event happened across the country on June 16, and a total of over $75,000.00 was raised for the Children’s Wish Foundation Photo: Mya Jackson, Meela Nentchev, Cassandra Healey, and Ava Taylor helping other kids get their wish for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada July 25, 2018
Business profile The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, NG Municipal Centre. Newcomer Bridge-St John's United Church 12:15pm. Cost $5.00. All levels welcome. No partner needed. Info . 613-915-1464 to 613-795-7155. Darts, Kemptville Legion, May 15- Aug 28, 7 pm. All are welcome, come any Tuesday
night. $5 per player, all monies paid back out as prizes.
BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, call. 613-915-1464 to 613-795-7155. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Wed NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See ngphotoclub.ca for info. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. New Horizon Club, Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall.. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership, call Janet 613-269-2737. Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Thurs Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, call 613-915-1464 to 613-795-7155. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7-9 pm in the program room at the Library. Fri Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. Sat Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $. 6, Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Euchre Tournament, 3rd Sat/mth. Registration 12-12:30 pm. Cost $10.00 Games start 12:30 pm at the Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Crescent, Refreshments available. Everyone Welcome. Sun Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. Bingo, Kemptville Legion – Last Sun/mth, Doors open 6 pm, guaranteed $400 jackpot. Refreshments available. M,W,F Kemptville and Area Walking Group meet at Municipal Centre at 8 am. All welcome.
ACROSS 1. Cages 6. Vipers 10. Unusual 14. Not rented 15. Cooking fat 16. Nile bird 17. Drive 18. Box 19. Blow off steam 20. Australian kingfisher 22. Leisure 23. Minute opening 24. Agriculturalist 26. If not 30. Skirt's edge 31. Santa's helper 32. Any day now 33. Biblical garden
35. A kind of macaw 39. Ancient timepiece 41. Atomizer 43. Nosed (out) 44. Tale 46. Agreeable 47. Alien Life Form 49. A large vase 50. Give and ____ 51. Listener 54. Paint 56. Astringent 57. "Get up and go" 63. Attraction 64. Mongolian desert 65. Point of greatest despair 66. Norse god 67. Angel's headwear 68. Amount of hair
69. Religious offshoot 70. Not now 71. Not fulfilled DOWN 1. Burbot 2. Savvy about 3. Margarine 4. Glance 5. An elongated leather strip 6. Without a doubt 7. Ultimate 8. Sweet gritty-textured fruit 9. Attack by plane 10. Streamside 11. Beside 12. Washing machine cycle 13. Fruity-smelling compound 21. An inferior black tea 25. Winglike 26. Anagram of "Sees" 27. Blaring 28. A short musical composition 29. Act of showing affection 34. Story telling 36. Largest continent 37. Stone 38. Away from the wind 40. Doing nothing 42. Boredom 45. Hearable 48. Fearfulness 51. Angelic headgear 52. Avoid 53. Golden 55. African language 58. Ark builder 59. Mountain pool 60. As just mentioned 61. Workbench attachment 62. At one time (archaic)
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku
IMS – A Canadian Pain Reliever! by Carrie Smith IMS (intra-muscular stimulation), also known as “dry needling”, is a truly Canadian way to treat chronic muscle and joint pain. IMS is a physiotherapy technique using acupuncture needles that was discovered in the late 80’s by Dr. Chan Gunn, a physician in Vancouver. Dr. Gunn was the head of a chronic pain clinic for workplace injuries. The patients that attended his clinic were people who were not getting pain relief from any other traditional methods (exercise, modalities, traction, mobilization, manipulation, etc.). Patients were sent to his clinic in order to learn how to live with their pain, which usually means high doses of medication, learning meditation and practicing relaxation types of exercise. Dr. Gunn thought there might be a better way to deal with chronic pain. He conducted a research study where patients were injected with cortisone (a strong antiJuly 25, 2018
inflammatory drug) in all of the tight muscles around their injury. Most of these patients were complaining of low back pain and radiating leg pain. After several cortisone injections, the majority of the patients were significantly better and able to return to their normal work and sport activity. This was a great result in a population of people with chronic pain! He then conducted a second study, where the patients were injected with a saline solution. This solution had no medication or anti-inflammatory effect and guess what happened…they got the same result! Well, this was rather confusing to Dr. Gunn and his team. It started to change their minds about what was causing the pain. Instead of inflammation causing pain, they started to believe that the tight muscles were in fact the cause of the pain. They concluded that the mechanical effect of the needle piercing the muscle was actually the
cause of the improvement, not the actual medication itself. If you pierce a balloon with a needle, it doesn’t make any difference if the needle has medication in it! In the next study they conducted, they used acupuncture needles instead. These needles are much smaller and finer than a needle used for medication, and it was a much easier treatment for the patients. And guess what? They got the same results! Since that time, Dr. Gunn has continued to research IMS and has created the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain (iSTOP), which now teaches the IMS technique world wide. At Kemptville Physiotherapy Centre, we have been using this technique for the last 15 years, with great success. If you suffer from any type of chronic pain, take a lesson from Dr. Gunn and give needles a try! Contact us at (613) 2587661 to see if IMS will work for you.
Solution to last week’s Crossword
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.
SERVICES TOES IN NEED Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383 toesinneed@bell.net www.toesinneed.ca Rotor tilling, bush hog, small backhoe, lane grading. Call 613.229.4520. GARDENING - Artistic Flower Gardening, Create or Establish - construct maintain. Small Lawn Services. 613-258-3847 French, Spanish, Inuktitut and Sign Language courses www.LearningNG.ca 613-853-8308 anne@alkeventmanagement.ca
Horse mini-camps for children/youth all summer 2587488 J.R Tunings Affordable and Reliable Piano Tuning $100/ Tuning JRTuningsinfo@ gmail.com The Sudsy Bucket Mature, Responsible, Dedicated Residential Cleaning. Stephanie 613-799-1150 CFSC & CRFSC & HEP Steve 613-258-6162 1894steve@ gmail.com John’s Home Renovations call and leave name and number. 613-269-3113 Retired carpenter. I am an honest trustworthy and very good at what I do. Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, home repair. Call George at 613-462-7637 SEWING: Weddings to alterations, stonehousesewing. com. Call Sharon at 613-2243182, Kemptville. Property clean-up, trees, brush, scrap metal anything removed. Wayne Scott 613286-9072. P R O F E S S I O N A L PA I N T E R Commercial & Residential 613.276.4583 Kemptville area Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. We do it all CALL 613.294.2416 Goodnight Bed Company Supporting your well-being July 25, 2018
with genuine sleep solutions. 613 258 2902. Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656.
FOR RENT Furnished room in a shared house for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills. Call 613 294 7420 OLD TOWN KEMPTVILLE, SEPTEMBER 1.$750 PLUS UTILITIES 613-220-5014
Kemptville, One bedroom apt. ground floor, $800 + utilities, 613-325-9540 3 bedroom house available. Rent Supplement Program for families with income under $43,500.. Call 613-342-3840 x2450.
FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER: MAYTAG 8500 BTU/h - for double-hung windows.$150.00 CALL 613-258-2119
Mixed seasoned firewood for sale, all hardwood, $100/ cord delivered, Jon 613-2273650
750 Suzuki and 250 Suzuki ATVs for sale. Call Roger after 7pm for details, 613258-3152
Dry and wrapped round bales of hay suitable for cattle. Jon 613-227-3650
Attention: Contractors Retired bookkeeper looking for small business clients. 25 years experience. Call Shirley 613 921 5774
1 new Nordic & rim 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 6254
Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958
2014 Yamaha ATV excellent condition $9,000 613.258.4867 Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.0 0 ve3mhm@sympatico.ca
The Eric Gutknecht Memorial Bursary-Jams & Jellies require 250ml canning jars for charity sales. Call 258-4529 or drop off at 529 George St. E.
WANTED Small boutique hotel looking for energetic part-time housekeeper 10-12 hrs/ week. Please email your resume to jennifer@kemptvillesuites.ca
Sell your coin collection. Try Dave - Kemptville 613-9151464. Looking for Avon products, please call Joan at 613-2587644
Labourers needed for concrete forming work.Above minimum wage salary. Send resume to bobscarpentry@bellnet.ca or call 613-258-4959
Wanted: Standing mixed hardwood bush to clear cut or select harvest, Jon 613-227-3650
Email to production@ngtimes.ca
Weigh Scale Clerk
Are you a self-motivated individual who enjoys working in a fast paced environment? We are a local Construction Company looking for a Weigh Scale Clerk. This is a part time, seasonal position. Primary Responsibilities: • Weighing inbound and outbound trucks on scale • Enter appropriate data into computer to print customer tickets • Radio communication with truck drivers and loader operators to ensure proper material and weights are loaded on customer trucks • Answer phones and assist with walk in customers • Additional tasks and responsibilities as assigned Qualifications: • High school diploma or equivalent • Excellent customer service and communication skills, both oral and written • Highly motivated and able to work with minimal supervision • Safety oriented • Basic computer skills • Ability to multi task and prioritize work load • Superior accuracy and analytical skills • Experience with Wintik software preferred but not required • Valid driver’s license Please submit your resume to: careers@tackaberryconstruction.com Or mail to: G. Tackaberry & Sons Construction Company Limited P.O. Box 70 Athens, ON K0E 1B0 G. Tackaberry & Sons is an equal opportunity employer. We wish to thank all who apply for this position, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
4 X Michelin Winter tires X ICE 235/55R /17 Mounted on Sport Rims 613-258-8000 TABLE + 4 CHAIRS, SOLID MAPLE, 102 cm ROUND, DROP LEAF. $140.00 CALL 613-258-2119
Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Temporary/Contract Position Temporary/Contract Position
Insurance is looking someone who detailGrenville7MutualGrenville InsuranceMutual is looking for someone who isfor detail-oriented andiswho has strong SAILBOAT, 34 feet, oriented andand who has strong interpersonal, andposition interpersonal, organizational time management skills to fill a organizational temporary full-time sails, universal m35 Motor time management to fill a temporary full-time position during during a maternity/parental leave ofskills absence. 613.269.2889 a maternity/parental leave of absence.
In this role, your primary responsibility will be to provide clerical and administrative services to ensure efficient,In timely paymentresponsibility of customer and The core job this and role,accurate your primary willbroker be to accounts. provide cleri4 Sumitomo touring LST tasks: cal and administrative services to ensure efficient, timely and summer tires 185/65R14 • Maintain up-to-date billing information within operating system accurate payment of customer and broker accounts. The core and distribute invoices $200.00 613-552-1728.• Generatejob tasks: • Process adjustments to policyholder accounts Maintain billing information within operating system • Research• and resolveup-to-date payment discrepancies
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Pig pens $400; truck racks Looking to harvest cedar • Generate and distribute invoices A post-secondary educationadjustments in accountingto will be an asset for this role however considerationtrees will from 3 ft high and + off • Process policyholder accounts $100; heat bulbs $5. Call be given to equivalent work experience in apayment related field. • Research and resolve discrepancies Dave @ 343-542-8177 acreage. (613)799-0958 Salary commensurate with education and experience. A 35-hour per week work week from
A post-secondary education in accounting will be an asset for
Monday to Friday is expected. Tentative contract timeline is October 1, 2018 to December 31,Ride to Brockville anytime 10 gal S.Steel dispensing this role however consideration will be given to equivalent work 2019. tank with gate. Unused, on 15th from Oxford Mills. experience in a related field. Grenville –a suitable Honey/Maple syr-Mutual Insurance is located in the heart of Eastern Ontario in the town of Kemptville258-3008 experience. A 35-hour community just Salary south ofcommensurate Canada’s capitalwith city education of Ottawa. and Incorporated in 1892, we are one of the up.$195 .613 269-3567 oldest and strongest mutual companies in Canada. Ourto history hasisaexpected. resilient agricultural per week work week from Monday Friday Tenta- base and a proud rural heritage, which speaks strongly to the1, community-based values that ground theWanted 2 or 3 bedroom aparttive contract timeline is October 2018 to December 31, 2019. company’s actions and decisions to this day. Polaris 2008 -750 Touring, ment on one floor, Kemptville Grenville Mutual Insurance is located in the heart of Eastern 1,445 miles, asking $5,500 613.258.0964 Ontario in the town of Kemptville – a community just south of like new....613 302-9463 Application deadline is August 13, 2018 Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. Incorporated in 1892, we are In need of a qualified careone of the oldest strongest mutual companies in Canada. Applyand by email in strict confidence to: Treadmill with adjustable ingiver for a private home in Our history has a resilient agricultural base and a proud rural Diane Carriere, cline, manual and 4 workout Kemptville mrccl_falcone@ heritage, which speaksCorporate stronglyAdministrator/Secretary to the community-based values dianec@grenvillemutual.com that ground the company’s actions and decisions to this day. modes. $225.00 613-269yahoo.com Grenville Mutual Insurance 2432 Application deadline is Drive August 13, 2018 380 Colonnade WANTED TO BUY DucksKemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Solid Pine Door 1,3/4 x Muscovy also Massey Harris Apply by email in strict confidence to: 30 x 76" , hardware. $100 Tractor 613-301-1747 Diane Carriere, Corporate Administrator/Secretary V-$400+ Tel 613 258 8000 dianec@grenvillemutual.com WANTED :Looking to harHay for sale, $5.00/bale, vest cedar trees off acreage. Grenville Mutual Insurance 380 Colonnade Drive Anne Marie 613-213-0970 (613)799-0958 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0
Garage Sale, 812 Maley Street, July 28th 8am to 2pm. We have everything you just might need! Bakeware, Games, Prints. Come and see! Saturday July 28, 8-2, 110 Alfred St., Kemptville, ALL MUST GO Multi-Family Yard Sale Victoria Park Village 12 Albert Street & Salisbury Court Saturday, July 28 8 AM - 12 PM
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
OCPA Plowing Fore A Cure supports Winchester and Kemptville Hospitals
The tournament is being dedicated to Lloyd Cowan (1924 – 2017). by Theresa Whalen The Ottawa Carleton Plowmen’s Association (OCPA) and two area hospitals have teamed-up to host the 15th Annual Plowing Fore A Cure Golf Tournament on Tuesday, August 14, at Emerald Links Golf and Country Club. This year's tournament is being held in memory of Lloyd Cowan, 1922 – 2017. Lloyd was born into a farm family in Metcalfe Corners where he spent his youth
working on his family and neighbour's farms. Lloyd later worked driving a truck for the City of Ottawa, delivered milk, waited tables and drove a taxi. He subsequently started his own Surge milking machine dealership in North Gower and later moved to Manotick where he built his home and shop. Lloyd was heavily involved with the Ottawa Carleton Plowmen's Association and the International Plowing Match held in Richmond in 1983. Highly regarded in the farming community, Lloyd will always be remembered as a senior stateman of agriculture in Ottawa-Carleton. Proceeds from this tournament will be divided equally between the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation and the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation. Kemptville plans to use the funds to purchase much needed equipment for use in cancer patient care. The $125 per person early
registration (prior to August 7) fee includes 9 holes, a cart, dinner, awards presentation and silent and live auctions. To attend the dinner and auction only is $50. Registration deadline is Thursday, August 9 and can be done online at www.emeraldlinks.com In September 2001, the Ottawa-Carleton Plowmen's Association and the Ontario Plowmen's Association hosted Rural Expo 2001, The International Plowing Match in Navan. This event had two goals; to promote the agricultural community and to provide a lasting legacy to the community. As part of this legacy, supporters of the IPM2001 continue to raise funds towards patient care for Ottawa area hospital through this tournament. For more information: Don Brennan, Chair, 613-2582218, plowingforeacure@ gmail.com; or Sharen Armstrong, 613-913-0721, sharenarm@hotmail.com.
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
Value Pack
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Shroomfest does it Again
Red and Green Seedless Grapes Product of USA 4.39/kg
Romaine Hearts
Green Beans
Product of Ontario 4.39/kg
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ea Al Graham presents a cheque for $5,000 to Cindy Peters, Manager, Direct Mail & Events. (Photo courtesy of Winchester Press) Each year, Shroomfest raises money for local charities in a big way. On May 4, over 500 men came together for dinner catered by AJs Catering, a comedy show and live and silent auctions. The result was $62,950 for more than 30 worthy causes. At a subsequent presentation event, the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation received $5,000 from the event. The donation will be directed to the Family Care Fund. Since 2007, Shroomfest has donated $33,000 to the Foundation. In total, Shroomfest has raised over $415,000 for the community. Their donations support small local charities July 25, 2018
for youth, seniors’ programs and supports, and rural recreation in Osgoode. Committee members include Al Graham, Brian Johnston, Kevin Cavan, Daryn Hicks, Doug Anderson, Brendan Cavan, Steve Corlyon, Bruce Buckland, Fernando Medeiros, and Seth Curtis. “From what I hear, this is always a fun night. Evenings out like this are important for those of us living in ru-
ral communities and even more important for charities and non-profits that rely on funding from the public,” notes Kristen Casselman, the Foundation’s Managing Director. “I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the Shroomfest Committee for thinking of WDMH and its patients again this year. We are so appreciative of this gift and your ongoing support over the years.”
the north grenville
Mott's Clamato
lb Cardinal Roadhouse Lean Chicken Burger, Omega 3 Veggie Burger
1.89 L
852 - 907 g
Kraft Salad Dressing
250 mL
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Prices effective: Friday, July 27 to Thursday, August 2, 2018
Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email: gord@ngtimes.ca
“We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”
The North Grenville Times
Twelfth Night - A Torchlight Delight
by Marc Meyer, Oxford Mills Community Association A Company of Fools is back in Maplewood Park to bring you another play by William Shakespeare in an informal and fun setting. Two years ago the Fools brought As You Like It to Maplewood Park, and this year they are bringing the similarly light hearted What You Will ( more popularly known as Twelfth Night). At Twelfth Night revels, people would dress as things they were not, assuming guises and personas not their own. It is in just such a landscape of confusion that this story plays out its narrative of mismatched and somewhat jumbled love. All you need to know is this: Under the direction of Bronwyn Steinberg, Mary, Tamara, Garrett, Catherine, Kate the First, and Kate the
Other are going to put on a great show that the entire family will love. With characters named Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, you know the standard of fun is set high. With lines like "Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better", it is a play you can bring your romantic partner to. The play is set in Illyria, which the Romans conquered in 168 BC in order to keep sea trade flowing across the Adriatic. Shipping was threatened by Illyrian pirates and a queen's poor grasp of diplomacy (she ordered a Roman envoy 'dispatched'). The play has been described as a “vibrant gender-bending comedy of love, music and mistaken identity�, and the Fools bring their own unique take on it, as they do with all of their productions. If you saw this performed at the
The Voice of North Grenville
Kemptville Live
NAC in 2016, you will find this version exactly the same but completely different. What You Will goes very well with cakes and ale, but there will likely be neither at hand. On the up side, if you are expecting mirth and happy endings, both are here in abundance. Twelfth Night, August 9 at Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills. 90 minutes long, starting at 7 pm. There is no charge to attend, but a donation of $15 is suggested, and the Fools accept credit card donations (not such fools, then!).
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ ngtimes.ca photos courtesy of Mike Martin Photography
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teamrealty.ca 613-258-1990
Broker **
Heather Gagnon** 613-558-7289
Brian Hill* 613-853-6998
Gerry Van Gurp* 613-371-7871
Liz Wardhaugh* 613-884-6652
Sales Representative*
The Undisputed #1* Real Estate Firm In Kemptville
304 Colonnade Dr. Kemptville ON K0G1J0 kemptville@royallepage.ca
* B a s e d o n t h e O t t a w a R e a l E s t a t e B o a r d , R o y a l L e P a g e Te a m R e a l t y, B r o k e r a g e h a s b e e n n u m b e r o n e f o r b o t h d o l l a r v o l u m e g e n e r a t e d a n d t h e h i g h e s t number of unit sales for each consecutive year from 2005 to present.
July 25, 2018